#Wolffe had growled at someone when they try to take Ahsoka from him
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I see your “Ahsoka Tano gets de-aged and Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Plo enter dad mode” and I raise you:
Ahsoka Tano gets de-aged and battle tested, top strategist and captain of the 501st Rex, melts and enters ultimate ori’vod mode as soon as he sees his commander tiny. The 501st as a whole fights over who gets to carry her around the ship and Anakin watches his extremely competent and experienced battalion fall to pieces as soon as they see baby Ahsoka.
Marshall Commander Cody aka the ori’vod of half the GAR let’s baby Ahsoka sit in his lap as he does reports and carries her to meetings. The 212th take turns escorting the tiny commander to the med bay to be checked up on (because god knows how many diseases they come into contact with as they travel around the galaxy). Obi-Wan watches one of the best legions in the GAR fall prey again and again to his grandpadawan’s tooka eyes.
All of this only happens if they can pry Ahsoka from the 104th. Wolffe refuses to let Ahsoka out if his sight when she is with them, usually resorting to carrying her everywhere. Rarely has anybody seen Ahsoka not being carried, either on the shoulders or in the arms, of Commander Wolffe. Those in the 104th that had known Ahsoka before she became Anakin’s student and the commander of the 501st don’t trust her well-being with their other brothers. It’s not that they doubt their brothers’ with Ahsoka, it’s just that they feel much better when she is safe with them. Completely normal. Plo watches his serious and battle hardened battalion soften as soon as they get their hands on baby Ahsoka.
I raise you, the clone troopers born from Jango Fett’s DNA, a mandalorian through and through, see a child and immediately adopt it.
#the clone wars#ahsoka tano#clone troopers#captain rex#commander cody#commander wolffe#ahsoka and the 501st#Ahsoka and the 212th#Ahsoka and the 104th#ahsoka and rex#Ahsoka and Cody#Ahsoka and Wolffe#ahsoka is a little sister to the clones#like Anakin carries newly de-aged Ahsoka onto the resolute and every clone in a 1mile radius goes#çHįłD#Wolffe had growled at someone when they try to take Ahsoka from him#sag’s stuff#age regression#clone wars age regression#Ahsoka Tano age regression
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(ONE SHOT) you’ve got to run far from all you’ve ever known STAR WARS
Febuwhump no.3 - Imprisonment
As he’s carried through the oppressive halls of the Star Destroyer, Rex’s entire body aches and his stomach rolls. His head is fuzzy, the result of the stunner that had taken him down, and his chest aches where the Purge Trooper had tackled him.
He had been on Felucia, following a potential lead on Bly’s location, when he’d run into the trooper in black. He’s only heard rumours of Purge Troopers, of Stormtroopers so elite that they’d earned their own classification and higher quality weapons. Made to specifically hunt Jedi survivors, Purge Troopers were well known for never leaving survivors, and for fighting until they couldn’t fight anymore. They were rarely ever seen among the rank and file, only given the most dangerous of missions, and they were rumoured to be among the best of the clones.
Rex had been tracking any leads he could, to rescue any vode possible, but even after five years, it seemed like an impossible task. He’d gotten both Gregor and Wolffe out, but neither had had an activated chip, too damaged by the head trauma they’d received during the Clone Wars, but neither were in a good place to run missions. He had gone to Cut, had helped him remove his own and take his family deeper into hiding so that the Empire couldn’t find them. He knows that Clone Force 99 is free, he exchanges encrypted comms with Echo on a regular basis, but they never meet up, unwilling to lead possible tails to each other. Rex’s strength had been his anonymity; the Empire thought him dead, that he’d died with the rest of his men when the ship went down, and his face was simply that of another clone if he kept his hair disguised. It allowed him to sneak behind lines and collect intelligence to pass on to the fledgling Rebellion, because no one was looking for him. He had heard a passing rumour of Bly possibly being on Felucia, being on the planet where his Jedi had been killed, and Rex had acted as quickly as he could; he’d known what was going on between Bly and his General during the War, knew that the Commander didn’t just think of her as a General, and he knew that if he didn’t find him fast enough, there likely wouldn’t be anything to save.
He had been right. He’d found Bly, found him where he knew Bly would have wanted to be, and he’d kneeled in front of those two graves and begged for forgiveness. For not being fast enough, for not listening to Fives, for not being there. The rumours had been right; Bly had been on Felucia, but he was already gone.
Someone had gone through the trouble of burying both the Jedi and the Commander, had known Bly well enough to know that he’d want to be buried with his Jedi, and Rex had wondered how long it could have possibly been - how the rumours could have been sparked.
Then he’d picked up Bly’s bucket, intent on giving his ori’vod one final kov’nyn while he said his Remembrances, and he’d seen the blinking light of an activated signal.
Someone had staged it. Someone had known that a free clone would come looking if a signal was picked up, and had planted a trap at the same time as they buried Rex’s brother.
He hadn’t even had time to pull out his blasters before the Purge Trooper had been bearing down on him.
Rex doesn’t know how long he’s been unconscious since the trooper stunned him, he doesn’t know why he was taken alive, all he knows is that there are stun cuffs humming around his wrists and the Purge Trooper has him slung effortlessly over his shoulder like he were nothing more than a sack of tubers. Rex is almost a little offended; he knows he’s lost weight since starting his hunt, knows that he hasn’t had the chance to eat the way that his metabolism demands when he’s not on Seelos where Gregor can fuss over him and shove food that tastes like ash down his throat - he has no doubt that his brother can cook, and cook well, but Rex just doesn’t have the energy to taste what he makes, just goes through the motions of chewing and swallowing to make Gregor happy and reduce Wolffe’s stress - but he hadn’t thought he’d lost enough mass to make it easy on the clone carrying him. He’s slung over a surprisingly soft pauldron, staring foggily down at the Purge Trooper’s swaying kama, and he wonders if he knows this trooper, wonders if he could knock the bucket off and place their face.
Maybe he could sway them away from the chip’s programming.
“Commander.” A voice Rex doesn’t recognize, can’t see, says, and the Purge Trooper pauses, gait skipping slightly. “What are you doing?”
“I’ve captured a traitor to the Empire, Sir.” The Purge Trooper says drolly, like they were annoyed at the interruption. “I’m taking the clone to the brig, so that it can be transferred to Kamino for repairs and reconditioning.”
Rex’s stomach drops, heart fluttering in fear. If he was taken back to Kamino, the Longnecks would put the chip back in his head, and everything that made him Rex would be gone again. Panic flares in his mind like a heavy fog, threatening to drown him with the memories of staring down his blaster at Ahsoka’s scared face and not recognizing her as his vod’ika and Commander. He hadn’t seen her as anything but a target, someone to execute - a traitor, not even a person, and if he hadn’t warned her before being dragged under in that split second of horrified realization that Fives had been right, then she’d likely be dead.
“Trooper,” The Purge Trooper’s superior sounds annoyed, like they were dealing with a child that kept bringing feral animals into their bed. It’s almost the exact tone of voice Rex had to use when Tup had tried to slip a ‘therapy animal’ onto the Resolute. “You know your orders. Any rogue clone is to be executed, not detained. If you continue to ignore regulations, I’ll have no choice but to have you returned for retraining.” The Imperial sighs, sounding tired. “I’ve already been far too lenient with your… defectiveness … because of your skills.”
“CT-7567 is an exemplary soldier, sir, and can be put to use once repairs are complete.” The Purge Trooper argues, and Rex lets out a punchy little breath of shock where he’s still playing dead on the trooper’s shoulder. “He’s one of the best, General.”
They know who he is.
“And that’s what you claimed the last time.” The Imp growls, “Right before CT-9021 destroyed itself and the transport it was on. That wasn’t even the first time either. Execute the clone and dispose of it, it’s my position on the line if I allow your defect to cause any more damage to the Empire.”
The Purge Trooper’s entire body shudders at the order, and Rex’s hands clench against the other clone’s thigh. There’s a stun baton hanging off of the trooper’s hip, if he could reach it, Rex could possibly try to fight his way out of the situation he’s found himself in. But there’s an entire cruiser between him and escape, a cruiser he doesn’t know how to navigate with an unknown amount of Stormtrooper, of which is an unknown percentage of chipped vode, and there’s active stuff cuffs around his wrists.
“Sir, the Empire would lose a powerful asset-”
“CC-2224, execute the traitor.”
Rex jolts, and it’s not just because he’s been dropped unceremoniously onto the floor. His head is ringing, his chest aches from the harsh landing so soon after taking on a fully armoured Purge Trooper, but all he can think is that it’s Cody .
Codycodycody - he’s here, he was just holding Rex. He had Cody within his grasp, after five years of desperately searching for him, looking for any sign that his ori’vod had survived Order 66. Cody had been collecting unchipped clones, bringing them back to the Empire despite his orders to kill them. The big brother that had found Rex hidden away from the eyes of the Kaminoans all those years ago is still there, still thinking underneath the thrall of the chip, still trying to protect any vod he could, just like how he had once promised to protect Rex from decommissioning.
Cody is staring down at him from behind the glowing red visor of a Purge Trooper, Rex can see the reflection of his wide eyes in the glossy black of his armour. He barely notices the blaster being leveled at him, too caught up with desperately trying to see his brother underneath the unfamiliar helmet.
“Cody.” His voice breaks - gods, it must have been Cody who buried Bly, Cody who was probably one of the few people who truly understood the position Bly had found himself in when he’d fallen in love with someone he could never have. Clad in armour so different from those that Cody had chosen, had so lovingly painted to represent a part of him that the Longnecks would have never allowed, Cody just stares back. “Cody - it’s you.” He’s almost too relieved to see him to feel the fear of his imminent execution. “You’re alive.” Rex’s voice is bordering on reverent, but he can’t bring himself to care. It had been five years since he had last seen his brother. “Force - I’ve been looking everywhere for you -” he lets out a faint laugh, “- of course you would be the one to find me instead.” His eyes flicker down momentarily, to look at the blaster aimed for his chest, shaking faintly, and a bitterly sad smile lifts his lips. “Well. I doubt this is the meeting either of us had in mind.” Rex raises his gaze once more to the expressionless helmet his brother was wearing, face illuminated in crimson.
If he were going to die, he’d rather it be looking into Cody’s eyes.
“It’s okay, Cody.” He soothes, “It’s okay. It’s not you - I don’t blame you.” Cody’s body shivers, “I love you, ori’vod.”
Cody’s entire body jerks, twists, and Rex’s acceptance falls away to shock as his brother swings around to face the Imperial in white. The blaster fires, and the General drops, a smoking hole in their chest, their expression a dying mask of stunned confusion.
“-execute the traitor.” Cody’s mumble is barely audible through his bucket, as his shaking hands fumble to throw his blaster as far away as possible. “Execute the traitor to the Empire. CT-7567 is an asset the Empire can’t lose.” He jerks again, movement punchy, as he moves towards Rex now and wordlessly lifts him to his feet. “How many - how many - how many are traitors?”
“Cody?” Rex repeats, stunned, as his brother hauls him through the halls, “What the kriff was that?”
“General Medenhall was a traitor to the Empire.” Cody mutters, voice frantic. “Putting his own needs above those of the Empire. CT-7567 is an asset the Empire can’t lose. He had too much control on the ship. The others are traitors too.” Rex doesn’t even think that Cody is talking to him, wonders if Cody had ever been talking to him. It sounds like he’s trying to convince himself of his words - or trying to convince the chip.
“Cody you mad genius.” Rex says in numb shock, joy blooming in his chest.
Cody was fighting the chip.
“Good soldiers follow orders.” Cody hisses, grip tightening on Rex’s elbow to the point that it was almost painful, giving him a faint shake, and Rex gets the message to shut up and let his brother concentrate on the chip in his head. He shuts his mouth and lets his older brother drag him through the halls. “My orders were to execute the traitor. General Medenhall was the traitor. The asset needs to be secured.”
No Stormtrooper they pass looks twice at them, none of them seem to pick up that their General had just been killed and that the Purge Trooper that they all carefully don’t look at is muttering to himself. None of them seem to notice that he’s imprisoned in his own mind, fighting desperately against the chains. None of them seem to care that he’s dragging a prisoner behind him to Force knows where.
None of them stop them from reaching the shuttle bay, none of them stop them as Cody leads him onto a ship and closes the ramp behind them.
“Holy kriff Cody.” Rex whispers in awe, “You always were too competent for anyone’s good.”
Cody shakes his head, releasing his arm, but he doesn’t step away. Quivering hands grip at a black helmet, and Cody sways momentarily before he’s ripping off the Purge Trooper bucket and throwing it against the floor with enough force to make it bounce away from them with the sound of cracking plastoid.
For the first time in five years, Rex gets to see his brother’s face.
He looks younger than Rex now, his face is less lined by age, somehow, like he had actually aged only the five years a natborn would have, but his temples have started to gray. It’s still his brother’s face, still the face that had haunted Rex’s nightmares for the last five years, when he hadn’t known if his brother was alive or dead. His scar is even more faded than it had been the last time he had seen him, had been given the chance to heal, the stress lines still etched into his forehead from scowling at datapads too often.
It really is Cody.
Dark wetness drips from his brother’s nose, tracing across the pained scowl twisting his lips, and his eyes look bloodshot, and Rex wonders how much pain his ori’vod is in from fighting against his chip and its programming.
Fuck, he doesn’t know if Cody can fly in this state.
His gaze slides to the shock baton at his brother’s waist once more.
Slowly, making sure not to alert him, Rex reaches, curls his fingers around the hilt, and before Cody can react, he’s sliding it free. He activates it quickly, and, with an apologetic wince, the former Captain presses the sparking weapon against the unprotected patch of his brother’s side. Cody is seizing up immediately. He instinctively tries to pull away, but Rex follows. He blocks out the garbled noises of agony his brother releases, ignores the tears tracing through the grime on both of their faces, and he holds it there until Cody slumps, twitching, but blissfully unconscious.
“Sorry, brother.” Rex whispers, fumbling through his brother’s belt until he finds the key to his cuffs, and he’s barely aware of swapping them onto Cody’s wrists instead, as a last resort if he woke up while they were flying. “Sorry.”
Dead to the world, but no longer under the fist of the Empire, Cody doesn’t answer.
Taglist: @a-mediocre-succulent @yellowisharo @spoofymcgee @roseofalderaan @everything-or-anything @bellablue42 @tumceteri-fratres
#cole writes#febuwhump2021#febuwhumpday3#captain rex#commander cody#imprisonment#purge trooper cody#Post Order 66#alternate universe#where's cody filoni?#star wars fanfiction#fanfiction#minor character death
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Commander Wolffe x Reader: Sometimes, Good Soldiers Don’t Follow Orders
[Author’s Note:
*slaps roof of fanfiction* This bad boy can fit so much feelz in it!
For real though, I’m not used to writing angsty stuff. We ALL know that Order 66 didn’t REALLY happen...this is just an AU where it does happen, HA) Do not worry, this DOES have a good ending, but wow. Hope you enjoy!]
You had been trained for years to overcome it. That tight feeling in your chest was your enemy, among other forbidden things. You faced countless battle droids over the course of the war. You fought many battles and dueled against some of the most dangerous baddies in the galaxy.
None of that could have prepared you for this moment.
You gazed into his eyes, and for the first time the fear hit you. His cybernetic eye looked just the same, but when your gaze focused on his golden brown eye: its usual passion and familiarity was replaced with an empty stare that made your blood run cold.
“Wolffe,” you spoke up, eyes flickering to the blaster in his hand that was slowly being aimed at you. He had returned from a victorious battle alone, and he was acting strange. Hands that once held you reached for the blaster in its holster. “Commander Wolffe,” you tried again.
You knew there would be no reaching him- not after the transmission you received from former padawan Ahsoka Tano. She had an experience with her good friend, Captain Rex, and she had contacted you as soon as she could to warn you. It did not take much convincing on her part... You had shared Plo Koon’s suspicions for some time, especially after hearing rumors floating around.
Still, a part of you could not believe that Wolffe would really turn on you, inhibitor chip or not. That was until he arrived back at base and pointed a blaster at you without a word. He hesitated, though, and you wondered if the real Wolffe was in there fighting this.
“Ah, ________,” Plo Koon, your old friend and previous mentor, greeted. “It has been too long since our last meeting.”
Since the beginning of the war, you had graduated to become a full jedi and spent some time traveling and dealing with the enemy around the galaxy. Sometimes this meant assisting jedi generals in battle and plots to take down separatist forces, while other times it meant lone missions. It wasn’t until recently that you received orders to join your old mentor on the front lines.
“Plo Koon, it is an honor to fight by your side again,” you said with a respectful nod.
“As it is for me,” he replied. Then, you broke out in a smile, quickly approaching and giving him a hug. It wasn’t exactly the most jedi-thing to do, but all those missions alone made you realize how much you missed your mentor. He had been more than a mentor to you, a sort of uncle. You were glad to be reassigned.
Plo didn’t protest or scold you. He simply returned the hug, and you enjoyed the warmth in his mind and heart. “I missed you too, young one.”
You pulled away and ran a hand over your eyes to rid them of the tears that threatened to fall. Even though Plo was more relaxed about attachments than most jedi, there was no need to push the boundaries of the rule too much. There was a certain professionality you needed to show, at least to some degree.
“How’s the Wolfpack?” you asked, changing the subject. It had been a long time since you had served with them. “I noticed they changed their armor color to gray.”
Plo lowered his head sadly. “Yes, that is to honor our fallen troops. We lost many at the hands of the Separatists during our conflict with the Malevolence.”
“I heard,” you said. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
“It is alright,” he reassured you. “Your duty brought you elsewhere. You may remember a few troopers, but we have many fresh faces with us now. Come, meet the men.” You followed him outside the tent and into camp. Just as it had been when you entered the premises, troopers moved around completing tasks. Some were carrying equipment while others took inventory of supplies. Plo introduced you to a small group that were chatting in a circle, and they saluted you respectfully.
“Gentlemen,” you said, “I look forward to serving alongside such brave soldiers.”
“My young _______,” Plo Koon spoke up behind you. “There is someone in particular you should see.”
Something tugged at you in your feelings. An odd sensation. You turned around and came face-to-face with who was probably the toughest-looking trooper in the Republic army. He stared down at you with one golden eye and one cybernetic, brows furrowed over both of them seriously. His gruff expression didn’t falter for a second even as you grew flustered at the close proximity.
“Oh, um, my apologies.” Your quick step backward put an acceptable distance between the two of you.
“Commander Wolffe,” he stated flatly.
Your eyes widened. “Commander? It’s...you?” You remembered Wolffe from your padawan days. Back then, he was so fresh-faced and optimistic. Now… not so much. He seemed dark and brooding.
“It has been some time since we last saw each other,” Wolffe said finally. You composed yourself, recovering from the surprise, and nodded.
“Yes, it has been some time. It’s great to see you again.”
He merely nodded once before looking to Plo Koon. “Well, Sir, if I may be dismissed, there are preparations to be made.”
“Indeed, we have quite the mission ahead of us. Thank you.”
That reunion felt like a lifetime ago.
Before Wolffe could make another move, you bolted for the door. You heard his pounding footsteps behind you.
“Stop! By order of Emperor Palpatine.”
“Emperor Palpatine?” you echoed in disbelief, not pausing for even a moment to process this information. “I knew something was wrong with that guy...” You slid around a corner, pushing a stack of crates in your pursuer’s path. The more he was delayed, the better. Wolffe glared at you from behind the crates- an expression that took you back…
“I mean no disrespect, Commander,” you argued. “But I think we’ll be better off taking another route through the Seppy base.”
“There’s nothing wrong with this route,” Wolffe growled back.
Plo Koon watched the exchange in silence, though you could tell he was unhappy that two of his closest comrades were having such a heated disagreement. Commander Wolffe was used to doing things his way, and all those missions you went on alone as a new knight meant you were used to doing things your way. It was difficult for the both of you to adjust to your return.
Even so, you found yourself in a peculiar predicament.
Wolffe annoyed you at times with his gruff ways and stubbornness, but as he stood there glaring at you and firing back retorts in front of the rest of the Wolfpack, you felt something that had been growing steadily over time flare up suddenly. Attraction. You wondered if he felt it too, noticing how he seemed to puff up his chest and meet your eyes so directly. You mentally scolded yourself for such wonderings. It did not matter what he felt, and it didn’t matter what you felt. It could never be.
Finally, Plo Koon interjected calmly. “Perhaps we will revisit the plan after you both have some time to think it over. Wolfpack, you are dismissed.”
You and Wolffe sighed as the others left, both guilty for having taken up so much time on the matter, and the fact that Plo Koon was so calm and patient about it made you feel even worse.
“For now,” Plo continued. “_________, you and Commander Wolffe are very skilled and intelligent. Both of you may benefit from some bonding time off the battlefield in order to collaborate on the battlefield.”
“Bonding time?” Wolffe scoffed, but quieted down when he realized Plo Koon was serious.
“Yes.” There was a hint of amusement in Plo’s voice as he added, “and that’s an order.” With that, he exited the room and left the two of you awkwardly standing there.
Wolffe glanced at you, giving you the famous eye-roll that secretly made your heart skip a beat.
You folded your arms, pulse still racing, as you reigned in your feelings. “So, what do you propose we do? Hit the mess?”
He grunted, and you weren’t entirely sure whether it was a grunt of agreement or not. It was only when he started walking in the direction of the mess hall that you understood. It was a start, at least.
Even with this blooming attraction, you wondered how you’d ever find a way to bond with the difficult Commander.
You reached the medbay, relieved that there was still time to make preparations. Ahsoka’s instructions echoed in your mind over and over as the door slid closed with a hiss and you set to work. You couldn’t afford to leave even one detail out.
Not long after, there was a bang at the door followed by a few blaster shots. Wolffe had most likely reached the door by now and was trying to blast it open from the outside. You felt your heart quicken as you put the final touches on your plan. You shut off the lights just in time.
The door slid open, and light poured in around his silhouette. You skillfully flipped underneath a medbay table, holding your breath as you waited for him to walk straight into the trap.
You watched Wolffe as he delegated tasks to his men, his back turned to you. His voice was deep and gruff, and his shoulders were broad. You were enjoying this view a little too much.
You had encountered an issue. The bonding time Plo had assigned you ended up working too well. You formed an attachment, a romantic attachment
To Wolffe. To the Commander Wolffe.
Not to mention your attachment to Plo and the rest of the Wolfpack as a sort of family was borderline forbidden, but that was something you knew Plo Koon experienced as well. It really was like a family. As grateful as you were to be a part of this family, you also disliked how the soldiers were not given choices or options on how they wanted to live their lives. It was something both you and Plo had discussed…
Your gaze went to the ground as Wolffe’s eyes rested on you. He must have caught you looking. Oh great, he was walking over.
“Looks like we’re all set for the strike,” he said.
You nodded, meeting his eyes again. “I’m glad. The men seem confident.”
“Oh yeah, I think this plan is a solid one. We’ll be in and out, and the hostages will be free in no time.”
He stared at you, his golden brown eye almost looked like it reflected concern for a moment.
“Is everything...okay?” The question came out as if he were speaking a foreign language. He wasn’t used to inquiring about your personal well-being. He and Plo Koon had a rather close friendship, but you and him had not reached that point yet. At least, not until now.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.”
He grew quiet for a minute. “It’ll be a quick battle, really.”
Was he actually trying to reassure you? Your nervousness gave way to tenderness as the Commander did something else unexpected- gave you a pat on the shoulder. The contact was minimal, but made your heart melt.
“Um, thank you,” you said.
He nodded stiffly before walking away, leaving you confused as ever.
. . . .
“Why would you do that?” he asked, pulling you out of the heat of battle and into a place behind a fallen walker where you would not get hit by crossfire. “What were you thinking?”
This was so not the conversation you wanted to have, especially at a time like this. You deactivated your lightsaber and looked at Wolffe, clutching your wounded arm. “I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you. Now, can I get back out there?” You started to crawl out, but he pulled you back in.
“Not while you’re injured,” he shot back, removing his bucket to speak to you directly. “You need to get that taken care of before you get hurt even more.”
“No, I’m not leaving the battle over a scrape!”
“It’s not a scrape, ________! You took a blaster shot to the arm when it should’ve hit me. I’m the one wearing armor, you know!”
“So what, I’m supposed to just stand and watch you get shot?” You rolled your eyes. “I don’t understand you.”
“Understand this,” he growled, cupping your face and leaning in to plant a passionate kiss on your lips. Despite the situation and your wound, you responded immediately and returned the kiss, feeling the irritation vanish at his touch.
When he pulled away, you looked at him with wide eyes for a moment. “As much as I want to do that again, we have a battle to get back to.”
“Right,” he agreed. “But you’re seeing a medic as soon as we’re out there.”
“Alright, a quick patch-up, and then I’m back in the fight,” you conceded. “You’re lucky you’re a good kisser.”
You inhaled and exhaled silently, watching as the silhouette grew larger. Wolffe entered the medbay, his cybernetic eye glowing in the darkness. You readied yourself, as this was the difficult part…
As you threw yourself out from your hiding spot in the dark, Wolffe moved to retaliate, but you were too fast. Before long he was strapped to a gurney as you ordered the med-droid that was standing by to continue with the procedure.
Wolffe fought and struggled, and you resisted the urge to reach for his hand. You hated seeing him like this, but soon it would all be better.
. . . .
“__________,” he breathed, sitting up and running a hand over his head. “What just happened? Did I...did I hurt you?”
You wrapped your arms around his armored form, burying your face in his neck and relishing the fact that the Wolffe you knew was back. “Let’s not talk about it right now.”
“_________,” he returned the embrace, “I almost hurt you.”
“It wasn’t you. It was that-that creature, Palpatine.” You managed a smile. “It’s going to be okay.”
“But the Republic…”
“The Republic is no more, from what I hear. We need to find any others we can and regroup.”
Wolffe glanced towards the door, pulling you closer. “Right now, my mission is to get you off this base undetected. There are a lot of soldiers out there with orders to take you and any of your allies down.” He stood up from the stretcher and reclaimed his blaster from the floor. “I think I have a plan.”
You chuckled, prompting him to give you a curious look.
“Remember how we used to say we’d run away from the war together? And leave all this behind?” You pulled him in for an emotional kiss. “It’s not exactly what we imagined, but it looks like we’re getting around to it.”
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A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Six
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader.
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: Hey, this is a collaborative fic between myself and @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Warnings: Hurt, hatred of self.
Rex sees everyone around him shuffle as best they can towards him a bit more, but not too close as to make him feel uncomfortable. A small dessert fork hop over towards him. "Rex! I'm glad you're okay." The little fork smiles with relief that his Vod'ika is okay. It takes Rex a second to know who this is, but then he sees patterns along the handle. "Bly?" The small fork nods.
"Yeah, I'm glad you're okay Rex. We were all so worried as soon as you ran away from us." Rex feels guilty that he had run away from everyone, but he was also so scared and hated that everyone transformed because of him.
"I'm sorry this happened. To all of you. I should've just controlled my actions more, then…" Rex's ears press back against his head harshly, trying to avoid eye contact from everyone as much as he possibly can. "Then this wouldn't have happened to you all."
Everyone disagrees, shaking their heads as much as they can, seeming as they are now objects. "It's okay, Rex. This was never your fault." Bly hops over to Rex and leans against him, giving him as much of a hug as he can. Rex feels slightly better with a hug and his ears perk up slightly. His tail starts to wag from the happy feeling. Rex grabs his tail, feeling embarrassed that it's wagging in front of everyone.
“It’s okay Rex, you don’t have to be embarrassed.” Rex nods, hugging his fifteen year old brother with one hand carefully. He acts so much older than he is sometimes. “Everyone's right young one, this isn’t your fault.” Rex looks up to see another suit of armor, this one has a helmet that looks like a Kel Dor’s, Rex realizes that it’s Knight Plo. He’s followed by four little tea cups, one with a scratch through its eye. “Uncle Plo.” Rex whispers, the thirty-five year old Knight walks up to him.
He pets his head, not like he’s a dog but like he’s trying to comfort him. “It’s going to be okay, we’ll all figure this out. Together.” the little teacup with the scratch through his eye hops up. “Yeah Rex, we’ll all figure it out together, like Buir said.” Rex nods, recognizing the little teacup to be Wolffe.
“Thanks Wolffe, what happened to your eye?” Rex asks, and Wolffe flinches a little at the memory. “The witch threw a glass at me, it cut my eye, I can’t see out of it now.” Rex carefully picks Wolffe up, taking a closer look at his eye.
“WHAT!!!” Kix comes flying over to them, getting in between the two, he takes a close look at Wolffe's eye while Rex, Plo, and Wolffe’s brothers watch. Kix sighs. “I can’t fix it, even if we were human. You’re blind in that eye now, Vod’ika.” Rex whines, feeling bad for his Vod’ika. He pulls the teacup up to his face, nuzzling him.
“Thanks Rex, it’s okay. It’s just one eye.” Rex pulls him away, resisting the urge to lick him to comfort the kid, he has no idea why the urge came up and he’d rather not. “I hate that she hurt you, she already transformed us but she had to take your eye too.” A deep growl emanates from Rex’s chest, startling everyone, including himself. "Sorry…"
"It's alright, we have all changed so we are all bound to be different in some way." 99 shuffles over, the bad batch follows close behind him. 99 wishes that the young prince could see his smile, but being an old-looking broom means that he doesn't have a face. Rex nods, he understands that everyone has changed, but he feels bad because some of them don't have faces anymore and most of them don't even have anything that resembles that they were once people.
Ahsoka strokes the fur on Rex's finger, still hugging it. "Yeah, you're just a giant puppy now!" Her little face is too adorable and Rex just chuckles at her. "I guess I am, little Soka." Her smile beams brightly as she nuzzles Rex.
"I love how soft it is." She adds, making some of the others make little aw sounds at the young Togruta, because of how adorable she is.
Rex smiles shyly "It is?" Ahsoka giggles a little, nodding her head. "Yup!" A moment later, Rex's stomach growls loudly, making the little music box jump. He feels embarrassed and his cheeks heat up. 99 chuckles at Rex. “Looks like you're going to have to get the boy some food, Cody. We’ll all talk more tomorrow, it's starting to get late anyway.” Cody nods at the broom as best he can, shuffling over to Rex.
“Yeah, we’re going to bed once we get him something to eat, does anyone want to come to the kitchen with us?” Obi Wan, Kix, Jesse, Anakin, Bly, Fives, Ahsoka and Echo walk up to them. “Kiara and Padme offered to put Stutter to bed for us. He's tired, but Ahsoka isn’t yet, or so she says.” Fives explains, but Cody shakes his head.
“You four should be going to bed too, it's late. You too Anakin.” Obi Wan nods, agreeing with Cody. Fives and Echo have pleading looks on their faces, so does Bly, Anakin would too if he could, but Cody stands firm. “Can they… can they please come Cody. I need you guys around me, even if it isn’t everyone.” Rex pleads, making Cody sigh. He can’t say no with how much his Rex’ika is hurting right now.
Cody turns to Obi Wan, who nods in permission for Anakin to come. “Fine, you can all come, but as soon as Rex is done, everyone is going to bed. Understood!?” they all nod, including Rex, and start heading to the kitchen while everyone who can move head to their rooms, the ones who can’t are camping out in the ballroom for the night.
Rex and the little group make it to the kitchen, Rex is once again walking behind the others. “Rex! Cody! Somebody!” they both turn to see a talking Oven mitt with eyes and a mouth. Rex knows only one cousin that would be turned into an oven mitt. “Gregor?” Rex asks, but the Oven mitt looks at them, more precisely at Rex, with wide eyes.
“What the kriff is that monster!” Rex whimpers, dashing through the kitchen and out of the door, Cody feels absolute anger at his cousin. They just got Rex to feel better about himself, and Gregor might have completely destroyed it.
Obi Wan strokes Cody’s desktop, trying to calm him down, even though Obi Wan is just as angry. “Why the kriff did you say that to Rex, Gregor?!” Gregor raises an eyebrow at them. “What are you talking about? That's not Rex, Rex isn’t a beast! Wait, Cody?!”
Cody feels confusion fill him, then the realization occurs to him. He couldn't see who, but someone leaves the kitchen and the door shuts behind them, but his attention turns back to the situation at hand “Gregor? Where were you when everything happened?” The oven mitt floats over to the desk, not believing what his cousin has become.
“I came to the kitchen shortly after you invited Miss Ventress in because we got a shipment of supplies for waffles and strawberries. I wanted to surprise Rex. Not long after we brought the supplies in, I felt pain as I started to change. Then this happened.” Cody sighs, Gregor wasn’t in the room when the curse happened so he had no way to know that Rex was a werewolf, and no one checked the kitchen, they forgot about it at the time.
“Ventress was a witch, Gregor. She spilled a drink on Rex on purpose, Rex had a stressful and just plain bad day, so he snapped at her. She cursed us to be objects but Rex… His curse was much worse.” Gregor can’t believe it, they invited Ventress in out of the goodness of their hearts, how could she do this! Then Gregor’s heart sinks when he realizes what Cody means.
“You mean… That was Rex!!!” Everyone nods sadly, Gregor can’t believe that he said that. “I… I didn’t… I’m so sorry.” Gregor tears up, thinking about how what he said must have affected Rex.
“It's okay, Gregor. You didn’t know that it was Rex.” Gregor nods, he has to fix this.
Rex bursts through the kitchen door running away from everyone as fast as he could, but he doesn’t run all the way away this time, he runs down the hall a little ways. Tears run down his face as he still thinks about what Gregor said, this was the first time someone in his family actually called him a monster, and it made his heart ache. Rex sits against the wall, tail wrapped around his legs with tears streaming down his face and into his fur.
He sits like this for a few moments before he hears the kitchen door swing open. He flinches with fear, but then he sees Ahsoka. Seeing her big brother cry makes her feel sad. She hops over to him and presses herself against his leg. Rex puts his face in his knees as the memory of Gregor calling him a monster clouds his thoughts. "Don't cry, Ori'Vod. It's okay, he probably didn't know that it was you." She hears Rex sobbing into his knees.
Ahsoka doesn't know what to do, but then she walks in front of Rex and turns round the little key in the back of the box. Once it stops turning, it goes the other way and starts to play a relaxing song. Rex's sobs soon turn into sniffles and hiccups as he looks up a little bit to see Ahsoka twirling around on the spot and dancing to the tune. Ahsoka's older appearance makes the dance much more elegant and beautiful, allowing Rex's mind to relax and take his mind off of what happened earlier, so he sits contently watching his little sister dance.
Rex wipes the tears away as they start to dry and he smiles. His tail wrapped around his legs wags gently, letting Ahsoka know that she is cheering up her Ori'Vod. She smiles and giggles a little, but the song and dance soon comes to the end as the key has stopped moving. Rex smiles at her. "Thank you, Soka. I feel better now." Rex pats her head gently with one finger.
Ahsoka giggles again and then hugs his finger. "I'm glad, Ori'Vod." A moment later, the kitchen door swings open again, but this time it's Gregor who steps out and floats over to the two of them.
Rex whimpers, looking down at the ground. His ears press tightly against his head and his tail stops wagging, tears filling his eyes again. Gregor's heart breaks, he can't believe that he called his cousin a monster.
"Can you go back into the kitchen, Ahsoka. I need to talk to Rex alone." Ahsoka looks at Gregor nervously, she doesn't want to leave Rex with him after what he said last time.
"Come along Ahsoka, leave these two to talk." Obi Wan walks out of the kitchen, gently picking up the little music box. He carries her into the kitchen, allowing Cody to explain to her what had happened.
Rex stays sitting, looking down at his feet. He doesn't want to see the look of disgust that Gregor must have.
Gregor feels his heart break when he sees the tears in Rex's eyes, The oven mitt floats over to his cousin, landing beside him. "I… Rex, I am so sorry." Rex doesn't look up, and Gregor feels his heart break even more.
"Rex? Can you please look at me?" Rex obliges reluctantly, looking up at his cousin. He has tears in his eyes, and Gregor can see the damp fur under Rex's eyes. He knew that he had messed up. Badly.
"Rex, I'm so sorry. You aren't a monster." Rex just shakes his head. "No. You're right, I am a monster now." Gregor's heart shatters, he absolutely hates hearing Rex talk about himself like that. And knowing he caused this hurts even more.
"Rex, no! I was wrong! You aren't a monster. I shouldn't have said what I said earlier, I regret it so much." Rex doesn't say anything, but his eyes just fall to the ground again. "I…I understand if you hate me now and don't forgive me for what I called you." Gregor floats a little bit down to the ground and the guilt really sinks in for making his cousin, the Prince, feel this way.
Rex looks up a little to see Gregor turning around and slowly floating back towards the kitchen. Seeing the sad oven mitt made Rex's heart feel so somber, that Gregor thinks that he hates him now. Before he could float away any further, Rex gently cups his hands in front of Gregor and carefully pulls him into his fluffy chest. "I don't hate you, Gregor. You didn't know that it was me, but it just hurt me to be called a monster." A wave of regret washes over Gregor again.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking." Rex holds his cousin closer into him, being careful not to hurt him.
"It's alright, I know now that you didn't mean it towards me so we can put this behind us, yeah?" Gregor pulls away and looks up to see Rex smiling kindly at him. "Yeah." Gregor nods, he's happy that Rex could forgive him. Rex's stomach growls loudly, making the heat rise to his face. Gregor chuckles.
"That reminds me, the reason I came into the kitchen before was because I had a surprise for you, Rex." Rex's ears perk up, he smiles and his tail starts wagging. Rex groans, grabbing his tail. "That's really starting to get annoying." Gregor chuckles. Rex turns back to him, his look of annoyance turning to a smile.
"What's the surprise, Vod?" Gregor smiles at Rex. "Well I left the ballroom because we got a shipment in for Waffles and strawberries." Rex's whole body perks up, and his tail starts wagging faster. But Rex doesn't notice this time.
"Can you maybe make me some, Gregor? Please…?" Gregor smiles, outright laughing. "Of course, I can't let my baby cousin go hungry, now can I?"
"I'm not a baby." Rex grumbles, ears pressing back in anger. Gregor laughs at him happily, this is a normal conversation for them. "You will always be a baby to me!"
"You're only two years older than me!" Rex tells him angrily, but he secretly likes the normalcy of this conversation. "Well come on, let's get you some food." Rex nods, following the floating oven mitt back into the kitchen. Everyone turns to see Rex, they are all happy to see a smile on his face.
"Is everything good now?" Cody asks, shuffling over and pressing himself into Rex. "Yes, it's all good." He says, smiling towards Gregor who collects the ingredients for the waffles and strawberries, including some flour, eggs, butter, milk, baking powder and some sugar because he knows that Rex has a big sweet tooth.
He sets all of the ingredients down on the counter and then turns around to Rex. "Would you like to watch me make the waffles, Rex?"
"Yes please, that would be great to see how they are made." Being a prince meant that Rex didn't go in the kitchen a lot when the chefs were cooking because he would be sat down and ready for the food to be served.
"Great, would you mind grabbing a bowl for me please? It's a bit heavy for me to carry." Rex obliges and gets a large mixing bowl off of the shelf while Gregor grabs a spoon from the utensil pot. Rex places the bowl on the counter, stepping back to watch as Gregor puts all of the ingredients into the bowl and picks up the spoon, mixing everything together into a smooth batter. Rex is very intrigued, it all looks complicated but also very fun.
Gregor grabs a waffle mould placing it next to the bowl and then collects a ladle to make it easier to transfer the batter into the mould. He puts a ladle of mixture into each mould to make sure that they are equal in size. After the mould is full, Gregor heads over to an oven and places the waffles on a shelf. He grabs a sand timer for 15 minutes that'll let him know when they will be ready.
After the 15 minutes are up, Gregor grabs the waffles out of the oven. He takes them out, pulling the finished products out of the mould. "Can you grab a plate for me, Rex?" The boy nods, walking over and grabbing a plate out, he carries it over to Gregor. Rex is using the counter for support, practicing on two legs. He struggles a bit, but he manages.
Cody stays close by to catch him, just in case. So does Anakin and Obi Wan, Fives, Ahsoka and Echo are all watching along the side. Rex sets the plate beside Gregor, sitting down tiredly. "Great job, Rex'ika!" Cody tells him, making Rex smile. "Yeah, great job, Rex." Anakin walks over, patting Rex's shoulder. Rex smiles at his friend, thankful that both him and his big brother are proud of him.
Everyone who can give Rex a little applause, embarrassing him. Everyone who can't, which is Cody, Bly and Gregor, give him lots of encouragement. They tell him how good he did.
"Okay, enough embarrassing Rex. Are the waffles ready, Gregor?" The oven mitt looks up. "Oh, yeah, I just have to put the syrup on top of the strawberries and waffle." Gregor grabs the syrup, putting a good amount on the large stack. He made more since he figured that Rex is bigger, it makes sense that he'd eat more.
Rex sits down as he licks his lips, seeing one of his favorite meals. Gregor pushes it towards him, letting him eat it. Rex grabs a fork and a knife, fumbling to use them with his larger hands.
"It's fine, Rex. You can just eat off the plate." Rex looks down at Cody, ears drooping in embarrassment. He does not want to eat like an animal, at all. "It's fine little one, no one will judge you. We promise." Obi Wan tells him. "Yeah, Rex, it's okay, Ori'Vod." Fives tells him, trying to comfort his older brother.
Everyone nods in agreement. "Fives is right, we're your family. We aren't going to judge." Rex sighs, nodding at Anakin, he puts the knife and fork down. He leans in and starts taking bites out of the pile of waffles, using nothing but his mouth.
The others say nothing about it, they just talk amongst themselves. Bly, Gregor and Anakin strike up a conversation about what happened. While Echo and Fives have a nice conversation with Rex as he eats, keeping his mind off of how he's eating. They talk about everything from some prank the twins had pulled last week to a new book Rex had read. It was nice, it felt almost normal.
"How's the waffles, Rex?" Rex turns to Gregor, swallowing the bite that was in his mouth. "They are delicious Gregor, I absolutely love them." Gregor laughs. "I'm glad that you like them, I'll be sure to make you more in the morning." Rex nods quickly. "Yes please!" No one notices the way Kix is keeping an eye on Rex as he eats.
Rex finishes eating, but he realizes that he isn't full. He blinks in confusion, wondering why he wouldn't be full after so many waffles and strawberries. "I'm... I'm not full." He feels so nervous, he doesn't want to seem like he is being greedy after eating a lot already. His stomach growls ever so slightly and everyone just feels bad for him.
Kix thinks that he might know why Rex isn't full yet. "You might still be hungry because you are now physically like a wolf, so you can still eat some foods that you used to eat, but it won't be as nutritional as eating lots of meat. Which is the base of a wolf's diet."
Rex understands, but he feels bad that Gregor made all of those waffles but they didn't fill him up. "Sorry, Gregor. I loved them, but I feel like you've wasted your time making them for me and I'm not full." Gregor looks at Rex and shakes his head the best he can "No, it's alright Rex. I enjoyed making them for you and I'm glad you enjoyed eating them too. Would you like some meat now?" Rex feels weird about his mouth watering more than it was. It's almost as if his wolf-like instincts have kicked in. He feels shy but Gregor smiles and heads into the kitchen.
Sometime later, the sweet aroma of meat trails over to Rex as Gregor exits the kitchen carrying a plate of beef. "Here you go. I cooked it for you as well, the way you usually like it." Rex nods as he dives straight into it, feeling his hunger slowly go away as he finishes the plate of meat.
Rex smiles "Thank you, I'm glad you aren't mad at me that the waffles weren't enough." Gregor's expression turns into confusion. "I'm not mad at you in the slightest, Rex. You didn't know that you wouldn't be filled up with only these waffles, so it's not your fault." He smiles promisingly at Rex. "In the morning, I'll make you some more waffles and strawberries, along with some meat?"
"Yes please, that would be great thank you." Gregor nods. Smiling at Rex, who smiles back, Rex feels so lucky to have such a kind family. A moment later, Rex lets out a big yawn.
Cody chuckles "C'mon, Rex'ika. You must be exhausted. And I think we all are too." He looks around and sees everyone nod in agreement. "Let's get you to bed, Little one." Obi Wan places a hand on Rex's back. Rex stands up when Cody shuffles closer to him, so he steadies himself with Cody's help.
He tries to walk but he’s still wobbly, Rex does notice that he’s not as wobbly as before. Rex gets on all fours, he’s too tired to try to walk on two legs anyway. Cody carries Fives, Echo, Ahsoka and Bly.
Ahsoka has fallen asleep already, the three year old being exhausted. Fives and Echo are almost falling asleep to, leaning against each other, Bly is the only one out of them still fully awake. They walk up the stairs, Anakin and Rex are walking slow and sluggish. Rex stops when they get to his room, whimpering, he really doesn’t want to go in and see his destroyed clothes, another reminder of what happened. “It’s fine Rex’ika, we aren’t going to force you. You can sleep in my room.” Cody offers, and Rex sighs in relief.
“Thanks, Bubby.” Cody would have smiled if he could, They arrive at his room. Anakin followed because he wanted to tell Rex goodnight. “Would you all like to sleep together, tonight?” Cody asks, he's pretty sure that none of them want to sleep alone after what happened today. They all nod, especially Rex, everyone shuffles in to see Padmé, Kiara and Stutter already there sleeping, they wake up as soon as everyone walks in.
“Prince Cody, we’re so sorry. We must have fallen asleep with Stutter.” Both girls go to leave but Cody stops them. “It's okay, everyone’s having a sleepover here, would the two of you like to join?” They both nod.” I’m going to go and ask my parents.” Padmé tells them, flying off.
“Would you like to go and ask your parents Kiara?” The little feather duster tears up. “ I… I can’t find them. They went to grab something from town, but never came back.” “Well, don’t worry. We’ll find them, like I said you can stay here tonight.” She nods, wiping some tears out of her eyes, she flies over and presses against the desk. “Thank you, Prince Cody.” Cody does his best to nod.”you're welcome, but just call me Cody, okay?”
Kiara nods before flying over to Fives, who hugs her comfortingly. Rex grabs some extra pillows out of the cupboard, carrying them over and throwing them onto the floor. He lays down. “You guys can have the bed.” Rex suggests, but Kix shakes his head. “No, you are sleeping in the bed, you'll hurt your back otherwise.” Rex sighs, nodding. He lays down in the bed before Stutter, Bly, Fives, Kiara, Echo, and Jesse jump in, cuddling into Rex’s fur. Fives makes sure that he extinguishes his candles this time.
It brings Rex a lot of comfort, they all get comfortable, Obi Wan carries Ahsoka over while Anakin gathers up the blankets that Rex had, he bunches them up. Sitting against the bed near Rex’s face. Rex lays on his side while Stutter and Bly lay against his arm, Fives, Echo and Kiara lay against his stomach while Jesse lays on his shoulder.
Ahsoka sits on the desk beside him while Padme sleeps on Anakin’s shoulder once she returns. Kix sighs, but joins in next to his twin. They all fall asleep, while Obi Wan and Cody leave them be, it warms Cody’s heart that everyone would cuddle with Rex. He’s also thankful that Rex isn’t one to move in his sleep.
Obi Wan and Cody walk down the corridor to a different room to spend some alone time together. They've all had a busy and tiring day, so they are ready for some well needed rest. They find an empty spare room and share a look at each other before they go in. There's a bed, a wardrobe and a desk with a chair, so Obi Wan grabs the chair and sets it by the wall. He sits down in it and Cody shuffles closer in front of him. "How are you feeling, Cyare?" Obi Wan places his hand on Cody's table top.
"I'm alright, just tired is all Sweetheart. Today has been rough." Cody feels sad, playing the events from today over and over in his head. Obi Wan senses Cody's struggling emotionally, so he runs his finger over his scar that's in the form of a scratch on the table top.
Cody sighs, falling into a more relaxed state as Obi Wan continues to stroke his scar. "Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?" Cody wants to cry, feeling stupid about what is upsetting him, but maybe telling someone, especially his lover Obi Wan, will help him get it off of his mind. "I just...I find it so difficult now to get around to places. Now I can't walk anymore. I feel vulnerable and..." Cody begins to sob, unable to cry any tears.
"Oh Cody, it's going to be alright. We'll get through this together." Obi Wan continues to rub Cody's scar. "It's really difficult to feel anything physically, but I still feel things inside, like sensations. It's just strange. I don't feel like myself anymore." Obi Wan’s heart breaks, hearing what Cody is saying. He understands exactly what he means, Obi Wan feels the same way. He leans down, pressing his face against the top of Cody.
“Umm, what are you doing Sweetheart?” Cody asks, confused. Obi Wan pulls away, feeling embarrassed. “I… I was trying to kiss you, Cyare'' Obi Wan whispers, Cody can hear the embarrassment in his voice, but there's also sadness. Cody presses against Obi Wan’s leg. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I don’t mind, can you maybe kiss me again, please?” Obi Wan looks down at Cody, nodding. He leans down, pressing his face against Cody again. It’s the only way he can kiss Cody, he has no mouth. Cody finds the gesture comforting, even if it's not like the kisses they had shared before, it’s still better than nothing. Any kiss from his Obi Wan is amazing.
“I’m sorry, I can’t kiss you back Sweetheart.” Obi Wan strokes Cody’s scar, trying to comfort his boyfriend. “It’s fine, Cody.” The desk feels so bad, he can’t do anything for Obi Wan. He can’t even kriffing hug him!
“Do you still want to be with me, because you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. I’d understand.” Obi Wan’s heart breaks. “No!! Why would I ever leave you?” Cody starts to shake a little. “Because I can’t do anything for you, I’m unable to do anything couples do. I can’t even hug you let alone kiss you.” Cody would be crying if he could, but all that comes out are sniffles and a few sobs, he’s trying to hold them back. Obi Wan stands up out of his chair, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around Cody the best we can.
“You aren’t the only one who’s changed in this relationship, Cody. I can’t kiss you either, I know it’s hard. I… I’m scared too, darling. I am so scared, I don’t even know what’s underneath my armor, is it just emptiness. Would I disappear if it was taken apart, would it even come apart or is this all me. Is there some disgusting mix of organs and metal in there?” Obi Wan shudders slightly at the thought, but Cody is there with him so he feels safe.
Cody presses into Obi Wan the best he can, trying to deepen the hug. "I still love you, Sweetheart. Nothing will ever change that, not even this. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Obi Wan. I...I really and truly do, Sweetheart. I'm just glad you don't mind me looking like this." Cody can't gesture at his new form, but Obi Wan presses his helmet onto the edge of Cody's table top.
"Of course I don't mind you looking like this now. I've changed too, so you aren't alone in this, I'll be right here with you. Always." Obi Wan traces Cody's scar again, making Cody sigh with contemptment. "Mm, that still feels nice."
Obi Wan chuckles. "I'm glad that you still love it." Cody nods as much as he can, but he just enjoys the moment. "Very much."
Briefly, Obi Wan's yawn travels around the room as his vision goes a little bit bleary. He tries to hide it, but he doesn't want to stop giving Cody love and affection. "You can get some sleep if you'd like, Sweetheart." Hearing Cody's voice makes Obi Wan jump a little as he fights to stay awake. "Yeah, that might be best."
He leans on Cody for support as he stands up and sits back down into the chair. Cody shuffles himself closed to Obi Wan again. Obi Wan yawns again as he tries to figure out what position would be best to sleep now he's sat up. He usually lies in bed with Cody when he sleeps, so it's different not laying down like he's used to. But then he has an idea. "Cody?" He places his hand on Cody's table top. "Yes, Sweetheart?"
"Could… could I rest on you while I sleep, please?" Obi Wan asks shyly, making Cody confused as to why he has to ask. "Of course you can, Sweetheart. There's no need to ask."
"Thank you, Cyare." Obi Wan smiles as he leans down gently as to not make a loud clattering noise of his armour, he folds his arms and rests his head on them. He looks to see Cody's scar, so he traces it with a single finger again. "You're welcome, Sweetheart. I love you."
"I love you too, Cyare. I'll always love you, now and forever." And with that, Obi Wan struggles to stay awake much longer, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
Rex wakes up with a startled gasp, tears threatening to fall, he almost sits up before remembering that his cousin’s, brother’s and friends are on him. He looks around, sighing in relief when he finds everyone still asleep. They are all in the same positions as before, Stutter and Bly by his arm, Fives, Echo and Kiara near his stomach, Ahsoka on the desk and both Jesse and Kix on his shoulder.
Rex feels something on his shoulder move before Jesse and Kix hop down in front of his face, Kix is sporting a worried expression. “Are you okay, Rex?” Kix asks, and Rex can’t hold back the tears. “No.” He whimpers, his nightmare had been about the curse, except nobody else transformed. They were all disgusted by him, his whole family hated him. Even his Bubby. Jesse jumps into action, moving up to Rex’s forehead and wrapping his arms around him the best he could. Kix presses himself against where Rex’s cheek is.
“Hey, it’s okay Rex. we’re here, do you want to talk about it?” Rex shakes his head no, and the twins look at eachother. “Do you want us to get Cody?” Kix asks this time, but Rex shakes his head again. “No, I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am.” The twins look at eachother again. “You aren’t a burden Rex, we love you.”
“I love you too, but that doesn’t make me any less of a burden, I’m going back to sleep now.” Rex closes his eyes, but Jesse and Kix already know that they need to tell Cody about this tomorrow.
taglist: @captainrexisboo @ellie1366 @pinkiemme @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe
#beauty and the beast au#beauty and the beast#star wars clone wars#star wars rebels#captain rex#captain rex x reader#wererex#wererex x reader#werewolf clone wars au#werewolf rex au#werewolf rex#my writing#codywan#cody#obi wan kenobi#fives#echo#stutter#kiara#my oc#our oc
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Mendax and the Wolffe: One-shot Fic
A/N: Yes, I made this a while ago, yes it’s dirty, and yes I did it for my enjoyment. I am sorry for making this.
WARNING: It’s a dirty fic, man. You know what you gotta watch for. Stay safe bois. Also, the clones are being nasty lil boys, especially Wolffe being feral
Word Count: 5k-ish
Pairing: Darth Mendax x Commander Wolffe, OC x Wolffe
Ahsoka, Maul and his new, previously Jedi love Eli, weren’t resting on the random forest planet when evening was approaching. Eli had decided to try and save a few new clones from the wrath of this new Empire born from Sidious. Cody was their first target, and were going to supposedly deliver him to Kenobi. I felt it wasn’t wise to bring Maul on that adventure, but Eli argued against my opinion. Wherever Eli went, Maul followed. Now, I was stuck sitting near a growing campfire and surrounded by a couple clones and their downed ships acting more as shelter. I’d only learned their names when we first got here a few days ago.
The clones were relatively easy to tell apart, thank the Maker. The only blonde there was Rex, formerly Captain of the 501st. He had a blonde buzzcut, a clean shave but stubble was close to growing in, and his legs looked like they could kick her head clean off.
Next was a brash clone of the 501st named Fives, easy to pick out from the tattoo of the number five on his temple. He had short hair like Rex, only he had black hair, as well and a goatee like beard. He’d been injured badly, but he was healing relatively fast.
Jesse was next, almost like a child of the 501st group (based on personality). He was playfully flirty to me at times, but overall, was like sunshine after rain. He had a large tattoo of the previous Galactic Republic on his bald head, and a 5 o'clock shadow. Like Fives, he was injured badly but was healing.
Gregor, one of the few who survived relatively unscathed and a republic commando, was a bit shorter than his brothers. He had longer black hair that was neatly styled, and stubble growing in like Jesse. Rumor had it that his hair was much longer once. He was built like a boulder though, with large shoulders and seeming a bit thicker in build than his other brothers. His gentle nature contrasted his look greatly.
Kix was probably the most average looking of all the clones, and their medic. Once in cryo after some mystery mission, got rescued by pirates a good while ago, now helping the injured that survived the Order. He had a short sort of haircut with black hair, and friendly brown eyes like the rest of his brothers. Only, his eyes seemed to be able to comfort anyone and managed to speak in the calmest voices possible.
Echo had a messy sort of story, and his appearance made that possible. His skin was slightly lighter than the deep tan of his brothers, and he had darkened eye sockets, like he was constantly sick (though he was perfectly healthy). Multiple scars could be seen on his head in a particular pattern, and black hair was coming in like the crew cuts of Rex and Fives. He had a handprint on his armor, which made him stand out. He was also practically stuck by Fives’ side at all times, including around the campfire.
The last one was Wolffe, the one clone I knew before the mess Order 66 had caused. He was very different from his brothers. He had a pink scar going over right eye, and in the eye socket was a white cybernetic eye (it made him almost seem like he was blind on that side). He had short black hair like many of his brothers there, but it looked most similar to Kix. He was probably the tallest, even if it was by little over an inch. He had a stubble shadow, like Jesse and Gregor. Like the wolves on Lothal, he was built to fight and it showed. His biceps were certainly the second largest, outranked by Gregor, and thighs able to crush skulls (if he wanted). Without his top half of armor on and relaxing in his blacks, there was the clear outline of abs on his waist. I wasn’t sure I picked that detail up. He nearly killed me when I first arrived with Maul, Eli, and Ahsoka. My eyes remained focused on the fire in front of me, memories flooding my brain.
It was done, the Order initiated and finished in only what seemed like an hour. My clothes were dirtied by dust and almost ratty. Maul was in his usual sith robe attire, minus the usual cloak that hid away his features. We were sitting at a small table in what was like a casual living room. Eli and Ahsoka were whispering to each other nearby, wiping away a few stray tears. This Order had killed many of their friends, and clones alike. Families were shattered and Sidious was to blame, me and Maul knew that for sure. Ahsoka nodded to Eli, and then walked up to the bridge of the ship. Eli fixed her neutral colored Jedi robes and turned to Maul.
“Lucky for us, our ship is arriving at the safety rendezvous soon. I’d be wary of a few clones, they may think you’re against them so. . . don’t act too aggressive.” Maul leaned on the heel of his hand and gave an expression similar to someone raising an eyebrow. “Eli my dear, I’m constantly fueled by anger, driven by spite and revenge for years. Being aggressive is my personality.” I didn’t care to speak or include themselves in conversation. I simply hid in the hood of my Sith robe and remained silent. Eli turned to me, “Hey Mendax, there’s one guy who you’ll know once we arrive. Though I’m not sure he’d be the most happy to see you. Not the biggest fan of Sith still.”
“Don’t humor me. I’m not looking to make friends.”
Eli scoffed, then rolled their eyes. “Alright, fine, sit and brood. But you better not say anything that will make you end up with blaster holes.” I chuckled, then looked Eli in the eye, “If that were to happen, I’d consider it a mercy.” The Jedi turned away and went to join Ahsoka Tano on the bridge. Maul sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“I know you’re still hurting, I can sense it. . .”
“I just don’t understand. . . It feels cruel to live. To live in such darkness as overpowering as this. All the death he brought, to us, to the Jedi-”
“I know that’s not the real reason you’re upset, Mendax. . . Savage would want you to live on. He loved you, so dearly.” I was silent, then leaned on Maul’s shoulder. Maul slowly placed a gloved hand on my head. He wasn’t one to regularly give comforting touch, but this. . . this was nice.
“Things will change now, and we’ll move past Sidious’ plans.”
When we were introduced, almost all the clones had aimed their guns at us. Wolffe seemed a bit hesitant to aim at me though, instead aiming at Maul. A few good sassy remarks were thrown, but we all agreed no more killing was needed. Wolffe still kept a close eye on me as days went on, however.
Jesse’s laughter tore me from my thoughts and into his conversation. All of the clones seemed happy, or amused. I glared at them and asked, “What’s so funny, boys?”
“Oh, nothing Mendax. We’re comparing body count and the comments made about us.” Body count? Was this a sick count of all the enemies killed? Fives made an impression of what sounded like a moan, then said, “Oh Fives, you know just how to please me!”
“No way! There’s no way you can please a woman with as rough as a hand like yours!” Nope, definitely not an enemy body count.
My face felt a little hot once I’d realized. I guess I should’ve known that soldiers like clones had needs. They weren’t Jedi so sexual acts were more. . . allowed? Wolffe was the only one who wasn’t talking about who fucked the best or how many men or women they spent a night of pleasure with. Feeling a little bothered plus warmed by the fire, I removed the cloak from around my body.
Fives was the first to try and get Wolffe to join in. “Hey, Wolffe! What’s your body count, hmm? I bet it’s a high one, what with the ‘rugged charm’ I’ve heard some women say about you.”
Wolffe grunted, taking a drink from a small cup he held in one of his hands. Fives went on, “Grunting is not usually an acceptable answer to a question, Wolffe.”
“It is now,” Wolffe replied, eyes landing on me as I sat across from him by the firepit. His gaze seemed to soften, and then he went back to staring at the contents in his cup. Fives decided not to push further, but rather turn to me. “And what about you, Mendax? Did the great Sith lord ever get any love?~”
“As much as I admire the Sith and their passions, we never really see many who use passion in a sense that they fight for someone. Most use passion more as ambition, seeking power and their way.”
“I asked if you had a boyfriend once, not your philosophies,” Fives said, rolling his eyes. I scoffed, and glared at him, “No, does that satisfy your curiosity? I had no one. All I had was Maul to oversee my progress and Savage to. . . to make me feel less lonely.”
“Define less lonely. . .”
Jesse shoved Fives, “Shut up. She’s obviously never had a boyfriend.” Wolffe turned his gaze to me again; I couldn’t tell what emotion was behind his eyes. A few of the brothers muttered to each other, then turned to Wolffe. He caught on to the staring and sneered, “What?”
“So are you going to tell her, or. . .?” Wolffe gave a low growl at Kix. He practically barked at him, “Know your place, soldier. And stop your insane claims.” Kix held his arms up in surrender, and smiled, “Just saying, Commander.” Rex rolled his eyes, then lightly shook his head. Clearly, the captain was getting just as annoyed as Wolffe was at his men. I couldn’t really blame him. Darkness was swallowing the forest around us; Rex added more logs to keep the fire burning.
“So, what’s the sleeping situation, boys? Since the generals and Maul are gone?” Gregor had asked, his meek voice coming through with the brief silence. Echo wrapped an arm around his shoulders, “I already figured it out for you.” He pointed at one of the ships, the largest one of them all. “That one will hold me, Fives, and Rex,” he said. Echo then pointed to the smaller ship next to it, saying, “That one there will be for you, Jesse, and Kix.” The smallest ship there was a simple cruiser, but good enough for a few people to live on, and it was the one Echo pointed to next. “That ship there is where Wolffe and Mendax will be,” he concluded. Rex started to snicker to himself, and tried to cover it with one of his gloved hands. “Something funny, Captain?” Wolffe asked. Rex replied, “No no, it’s nothing. Just laughing at the arrangements.”
“And why is that?”
“You’ll have a ship alone with Mendax. And I don’t want to ruin the moment for the two virgins.”
Wolffe growled loudly at Rex’s comment, clenching the cup tightly in his hand. His voice lowered dangerously low, “How about you shut it, Captain? I’m sure you men would hate to see their leader suddenly get a black eye and busted lip.” Rex squinted at Wolffe, “You think your strength could save you there? You believe that you can take on the Captain of the 501st in a fist fight?”
“Oh, I know it would. My squadron regularly fights in the dirt, so what makes you think this will end with you winning against me.” The two brothers got up and stood in front of each other, Wolffe glaring slightly down at Rex and teeth bared. Rex seemed relatively calm, but a sneer was forming on his features. “How about you prove it, Commander?” Rex challenged. Wolffe stiffened and clenched his fists tight. The two of them raised their fits, ready to fight then and there. Hearing enough banter, I got up and decided to stop the impending fight.
“SILENCE! If you keep bickering, I’ll give you all a good reason to shut up!” The flames of the fire flared, and burned bright for a few moments. Silence followed my shout, besides the cracking of the firewood.
All the clones looked at me in shock, Jesse’s, Kix’s and Fives’ faces all slowly turned to smiles as they looked at Wolffe. He was staring at me, eyes wide and blinking as if he was processing what had happened. I could only imagine that my eyes changed, a little side effect of being Sith. If I was angry enough, they looked just like Maul’s. Rex sat down next to his men, “Sorry Sir.” I huffed, calming down and rubbing the back of my neck. Wolffe made a rumbly noise in the back of his throat, before stomping off. Gregor called out to him, “Where are you going, Wolffe?!”
“To relax! And hit the refresher!” The rest of the clones made attempts to bring Wolffe back, but it was in vain. He’d already entered the ship, and disappeared from view. I sat back down by the fire, hearing the clones burst into some sort of shanty, and had their arms around each other’s shoulders. It was touching, to see them still act like family even after everything. It was almost like Order 66 didn’t happen. But it did.
The moons of the planet were well in the sky, and it’d been nearly an hour since Wolffe went into the ship he and I would supposedly share. The fire was dying, as was the nightly commotion. There was less energy, less blood flowing through the clones’ veins. Growing restless of being quiet while the clones talked amongst themselves, I got up and put my cloak on. I mumbled, “Heading in for the night. . .” before trudging over to the shared ship. I stretched my limbs and back, beginning my walk towards the beds. There were at least five rooms, each one with a decently sized space and bed. Making my way down the hall, I passed by the way leading to the refresher. I paused, hearing that it was still on. “Wolffe must like long hot showers,” I thought to myself. I was about to walk on, when I heard quiet grunting, then what sounded like mumbling.
“Mendax-” I heard, barely heard over the water running in the refresher. A few curses followed, and I felt a bit of panic. Did he hurt himself? Did he know I was here? I slowly walked through the small locker room, seeing Wolffe’s armor and blacks resting on a bench. Moving past them, I peeked into the refresher room.
It was a line of refreshers in glass stalls on the opposite wall from the entrance. The floor was tile, leading into the locker room. Only one of the refreshers had their door closed, somewhat clouded up with steam. The amount of steam in the room made the air humid, and I was sure that my hair was starting to puff up with it. There was a towel on a hook nearby said refresher. Moving closer, but out of view, my face heated up as I looked at what was in front of me.
Wolffe was still in the refresher, but certainly not injured. His eyes were screwed shut, brow furrowed and biting his bottom lip. He was naked of course, water washing over him and moving down his body. Leaning against one of the tile walls of the refresher, one of his arms rested against the wall he leaned against, and his other was in front of him. He had hair on his chest, leading down to a nice trimmed happy trail leading down to his cock, where his hand was a bit. . . busy. He groaned again, his hand wrapped around his cock and moving faster. Wolffe’s head leaned back against the tile, his mouth slightly open now as a soft moan past his lips. He was close, very close.
“Fuck- Mendax~, I want you so bad~. . . Make me feel so good.” Wolffe’s voice was lower by an octave or two, rumbling and lustful.
I’d be lying if that didn’t cause some sort of feeling between my legs. He was so vulnerable, and definitely not bad to look at. We had had our differences before and were becoming something of friends, but this? It was a little unexpected.
Scrambling to get away, I made the mistake of kicking his helmet. It made a clatter that echoed through the whole of the locker room. Ashamed that I’d be caught. I hid behind the small wall of lockers in the middle of the changing room. The noise of the refresher being on stopped, and there was silence. Very tense silence. I heard the sound of bare feet walking on the tile, moving to where Wolffe’s armor was. They stopped, and the silence returned. He was behind the lockers, where I was hiding. Suddenly the footsteps sounded like they moved away and out to the hallway. I quietly breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed. Slowly, I moved around closer to the refresher room and towards the edge of the locker wall. I peeked around, and looked for Wolffe. He wasn’t there, but his armor was still on the bench. That was odd. . . I turned back and collided with something solid and damp.
I pulled away and found myself staring into a pair of eyes, one an amber like brown, and the other a pale cybernetic white. I froze, and felt immensely flustered. Wolffe had a towel wrapped low around his hips, the happy trail disappearing under the soft white cloth. A few droplets were still moving down Wolffe’s body, and he felt very warm, even just by being so close to him. His cheeks were reddened, and a blank expression on his face. I gulped, swallowing down my nervousness and composing myself.
“What are you doing in here?” Wolffe asked, his voice low and rumbly like he was in the refresher. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms, “Was wondering why you were taking so long in the refresher.” Wolffe didn’t seem to buy my reasoning. He leaned down, trapping me with his hands on either side of my head.
“Really? And you didn’t hear anything?” I shook my head, not bearing to look Wolffe in the eyes. “Liar,” he growled out. He knew, of course he knew. One of his hands grabbed my jaw and forced me to face him.
“Look at me in the eye.” My eyes moved back to lock on Wolffe’s. His human eye was blown with lust, brown being swallowed by inky, hungry black. I found myself looking at his lips, and the feeling between my legs returned. Wolffe tilted my chin up, “I’ll be honest with you. When you said you’d give us a reason to shut up, my mind went to. .. less than innocent ideas. And I couldn’t sit with them all when you were right there and looking so . . . delicious.” I let out an exhale through my nose, and dared to ask, “Like what? Hmm?”
Wolffe let out a guttural growl, and the hand holding my chin moved down to my neck. He gave a light squeeze as his lips moved to whisper in my ear. “I want you to shut me up and kiss me until I forget my fucking name. . . I want to swallow all of your moans into my mouth, know the taste of your lips. I want to feel your tongue, and maybe stop your snark for once.” My thighs were twitching with his words; he didn’t even stutter. My hands found their way on his back, and I raked my nails down the muscle. “Would you like that? Would you like to have me?” he asked. I quietly replied, “I’ve never wanted anything more than that right now. . . but I don’t know what to do. . .”
“Then I’ll show you. . .” Wolffe’s hands found their way to my thighs and he picked me up with ease. He carried me down into the hallway and opened one of the doors leading to a bedroom. I was carried right to the bed, and the door closed behind him. It was doubtful that anyone would come barging in, so there was not much reason to lock it. He was already trying to take off my robes as he carried me, rushed kisses being pressed to my jawline. Wolffe was desperate, and the desire coursing through him was infectious.
His lips crashed against mine once my back hit the bed, and my legs were wrapped around his hips. They were softer than I anticipated, and much more intoxicating than I believed kisses should be. I felt drunk, limp as Wolffe pushed his tongue into my mouth and hands explored under my now messy robes. He made quick work of the top half of my clothing, almost ripped them in the process. Wolffe’s lips moved down to my neck; my head moved to the side so he had better access. A rumbling noise went through his chest like a building growl and he bit down into the flesh of my neck. He bit hard enough that I whined at the pinching pain. My feeble attempts of squirming were stopped by the weight of Wolffe moving on top of me: one of his thighs between mine, and hands pinning my wrists down. The gesture of biting and leaving dark bruises on my neck was repeated until my neck and collarbones were littered with the marks like a night sky, varying in size and color. Taking his time and kissing back up to my mouth, Wolffe gave me a tender, sweet kiss.
When he pulled away, I felt cold and my lips felt like they were buzzing. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while, in honesty. . .” Wolffe muttered, eyes looking over my face and his handiwork. His hands cradled my face lightly, like a feather caressing my skin. The innocence and purity of the gesture was lost when his thumb brushed over my lips and lightly tugged my bottom lip down. I opened my mouth and he pushed his thumb in, groaning as it was coated in my saliva. “Such a pretty little mouth,” he mumbled.
Wolffe pulled his hand away, then moved to pull off my pants. He started breathing heavily once he had a glance at the mess between my legs. “Fuck, you’re soaking,” was what he said. Without another word, he pulled me to the edge of the bed and knelt between my legs. Moving them so they rested on his shoulders, Wolffe began to mark up my thighs just like my neck. The feeling between my legs was starting to become unbearable, and I was aching to be touched. “You know, you could stop teasing and get to the point,” I grumbled. Wolffe responded by a smack on my thigh, looking up at me. The scene in front of me was sinful, and I thought it was all a dream since it seemed too good to be true.
“You want me to get to the point?” I nodded.
“Then I won’t stop til you’re begging,” he replied before moving his head down.
The feeling was heavenly, Wolffe’s tongue working through my folds and up to my clit. My hands found their way into his thick hair, tugging on his short black locks. He groaned at the action, then focused on working my clit. My body was twitching, and my back began to arch off of the bed. “Fuck- Oh Maker- Wolffe~!” were just a few of the words that spilled from my mouth out of pleasure. I tried to push him even closer, digging my heels into his muscular back and my thighs squeezing his head. It was almost embarrassingly fast how close I got in a matter of seconds, and my orgasm came with little warning. The pleasure was white hot, I felt like I was floating and my moans filled the room. Wolffe worked through it, and even a moment after I’d come down from the blissful high. My legs were twitching, and in the pale dim lights that were on in the room, I saw Wolffe look up at me with a smug look and my wetness on his chin. He wiped his face with the back of his hand, and hummed, “My assumption was correct, you do taste delicious.” I sighed and flopped back against the bed to catch my breath.
“Maker above, that was nice. . .” Wolffe chuckled at my comment.
“It’ll get better.”
“Hm?” I looked down to see Wolffe taking off his towel and his cock ready for attention. He was big, as far as I could tell. Moving himself closer, Wolffe held onto my legs and I felt him nudge my core. “I’ll go slow, ok?” His voice was quiet and gentle again. I pulled him down into a quick kiss, and gave a soft smile. “I know you won’t hurt me,” I said. Wolffe gave a short nod and held onto my waist. He pushed himself in slowly, and his jaw clenched tightly as he did. A struggling groan came from his mouth, and was joined by a weak moan of mine. Once fully in, he was panting and practically laying on top of me. Wolffe was cursing under his breath, resting his forehead against mine. “This feels- mm fuck- way better than I imagined. . . Fuck me, you’re killing me over here,” he managed to rasp out. As if I wasn’t aroused enough, his praise pushed me even further.
I held his face in my hands, watching as he looked at me with a half-lidded, dazed gaze. “You can move now,” I said. He didn’t move at first, and I was about to tell him again until he interrupted me.
With a voice lowering a good few octaves, he asked, “You want me to move, pretty girl?”
“Y-yes.” My impatience was getting to me.
Wolffe gave a grin, “Then beg.”
I could only assume I made a somewhat amusing shocked expression, because Wolffe chuckled. “You heard me, beg for me to move,” he said. I didn’t want to, at first. After all, I was a Sith and he was just a clone. I could’ve overpowered him and take control easily, yet I didn’t. My desire was getting the best of me, and I could barely move from underneath him. So I begged for Wolffe.
“Please- Please move, I need you.”
“Please who? What do you call me, sweetheart?” This was near torture at this point, but I went along.
“Please Sir. . . Please move~.” He smiled again, and pressed a quick kiss to my cheek.
“There’s my good girl~.”
Wolffe moved slowly, but Maker did it feel great. The slow drag of him against my walls was enough to make me start digging my nails into his shoulders. He wasn’t patient though; soon he was sitting up and setting a brutal pace. I was moaning, loud enough to probably end up being heard from the hallway. Wolffe’s brow was furrowed, but the smug grin on his face told me that he was enjoying having power over me. “Moaning like a bitch for me, and I’m the only one who can do that, right?~ Only I can make you moan and desperately beg~.” I tried to growl at him, to try and show that I didn’t like the degradation. My body betrayed me, and I could only moan and try to move in response instead. He was growling and panting, keeping his pace and his gaze staying on me. “Look at you, covered in my marks and bites. Kriffing beautiful and all mine to look at~. All fucking mine~.” Given that biting seemed to be the way he showed his affection, it was no surprise that it came with possessiveness as well. When one of his hands came down to rub my clit, I was already close again.
“Maker- Wolffe, Sir- I’m so fucking close-”
“You close? You wanna make a mess all over my cock? You wanna beg for me to make you finish?”
All of the pride and dignity I had was long gone by then, and of course I begged. Of course I said, “Yes, please! Please, Sir!” I was glad he was so merciful. He replied, “Now, you can finish.” And I did, shaking and grabbing at the sheets. I heard myself almost yelling, and I’m pretty sure I screamed out Wolffe’s name too. Wolffe’s pace stuttered, and began to get sloppy. Not a few moments later, he finished as well, spilling himself inside of me and throwing his head back in bliss. He made what sounded like a groan, or maybe he was biting back a moan. Either way, we were both very satisfied by the end.
In a dazed and half awake state, we managed to fix ourselves under the sheets and get comfortable. I found myself clinging to Wolffe’s side, resting my head on his chest as his arm was wrapped around me. His thumb traced small circles into my back. A realization came to me that night; I’d fallen for him. Badly. I didn’t have the heart to tell him then, but I knew I would when the time was right. With fatigue pulling at my eyelids, I curled up next to Wolffe and slept soundly for the first time in a good while.
The clones were heading to their ships for the night, but they made a decision to just crowd the ship farthest away from Mendax and Wolffe. In a crowded and simple room with bunks, the clones whispered to each other. “I told you it would happen, now pay up!” Fives whisper-yelled to Echo. Echo begrudgingly handed him a few credits, and huffed. Jesse was also passing credits in the dimness. Rex sat up slightly and rubbed his eyes, “Men, what are you doing?” Fives gave a half-hearted laugh, “I’m surprised you slept through it. Wolffe and Mendax just did the deed. I made a bet that they would do it tonight, so now the boys owe me. Well, except you and Gregor.” Fives looked over to Gregor, who was busy hiding his head under his pillow. “I think he’s scarred for life,” Jesse added. Kix interrupted, “Yeah yeah, you won. Now can we sleep?” “They should be done now,” Fives replied. Rex rolled his eyes and went back to sleep.
“Go to bed, boys.”
“. . . Yes Sir.”
There was a brief silence, and a moment of peace.
“. . . Should we tell them we heard?”
“No way, Jesse. They’d kill us.”
“. . . What if we told Maul and Eli when they get back, Fives?”
“They’d kill them, well, Maul would.”
Another silence.
“. . . Who do you think started it?”
“Sorry, Rex. . .”
#commander wolffe#commander wolffe x reader#commander wolffe x you#commander wolffe x oc#oc x wolffe#the clone wars#star wars#star wars prequels#star wars the clone wars#darth mendax#pls don't judge me#i'm just a writer#the cloons#clone bois#clone troopers#commander wolffe smut
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x Senator! Reader
A/N: This was requested by @yana-versio, I hope you enjoy it.
Words : 2810
The halls of the Senate building were quiet as the small group moved it's way through the surprisingly empty corridor. You had to admit to yourself, it was almost an odd group to be seen together. Two Jedi masters, a Jedi Knight and his Padawan, three Senators, and a handful of both Clone Troopers and Coruscant guards. Not to mention the two droids that trailed behind. The Coruscant guards didn't bother to knock, just marched the group into the Chancellors office. Chancellor Palpatine stood at the large window, overlooking the city. The sky was as dark as it could be in a planet wide city. Taxi's, transports, and speeders could be seen in the distance, crisscrossing in their normal patterns. Only a few bright stars could be seen in the distance. The night life reminded you just how late it happened to be. The Chancellor turned from the window as everyone filed into the room, motioning to the seats. "I'm sorry to bring everyone here at such a short notice, but it is of great importance." He sat himself behind his desk and pressed a button. A hologram blinked to life and the Chancellor launched into an explanation of how the planet of Rodia was under a Separatist blockade. "The people are starting to starve and the new Senator is begging us to help them. I'm requesting that you all be sent on an emergency relief mission. I fear that is we do not help them, the people of Rodia might turn to the Separatists of aid. Much like the last time." "The Separatist seem pretty desperate to have Rodia join their side." While you were a new Senator and had never met any of the Jedi Generals in person, you knew who these men and woman were. Like most people on Coruscant, you regularly followed the HoloNews, and these Jedi were renowned for their clever battle tactics that often lead to Republic victories. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his young Padawan, Ahsoka Tano were well known for their aggressive assaults while Jedi Master Plo Koon was revered as on of the best pilots in the GAR. It was Obi-Wan Kenobi that surprised you the most. He was famed for being more of a strategist than the other two but claimed just as many wins. No, what surprised you the most was just how handsome the man was. 'The HoloNews did not due him justice.' You thought to yourself as fellow Senator Padme Amidala stepped forward to offer any support she could to the Rodia. Padme had taken you under her wing after the untimely death of your predecessor, helping to get you situated with all of your new duties. Bail Organa, the other Senator to be called upon, agreed also. Both Senators turned to give you an expectant look. With a flush, you stepped forward to address the Chancellor. "Forgive me Chancellor, while I also wish to help the people of Rodia, I don't have any experience with relief missions. I feel I would only hinder the efforts of those who do have the experience." You held your head high but your voice came out soft. "And that is why I'm asking you to go, Senator (L/N). Both Senators Organa and Amidala are experienced in relief missions; they will guild you." The Chancellor wasn't going to change his mind, so you reluctantly agreed. You saw Padme give you a small smile from the corner of your eye. "So long as you're with us, I can promise that no harm will come to any of you." You couldn't stop the heat from rising to your cheeks as Obi-Wan addressed you. "Thank you, General." You gave him a small bow, if only to try and hide your face. The next hour went by in a blur as the plans of the mission were prepared. Since Anakin's flagship, The Resolute, was waiting in orbit, it would carry the dropshit with the supplies. Select clones from the 501st, 212th and 104th battalions would accompany the Senators along with the dropship to the planets surface. "We'll take a transport up to the flagship in the morning." Anakin said and gave everyone a time to meet at the Senate's landing platform in the morning. Not long after, the Chancellor dismissed the group to get their affairs in order before leaving. "I hope you're not to nervous." Obi-Wan's voice startled you as you turned to head to your office. There was a small smile on his face as he observed you try to avoid eye contact. Thankfully, the large headdress you wore helped. "We will keep you as safe as we can." "I appreciate your concern." You spoke slowly hoping to keep the wavering out of your voice. "Just do me a favor?" He had taken a few steps towards you and he was so close that you had to tilt your head back to look at his face. "Stay close." ~*~ The sun was on your face as you stepped out of the taxi and onto the Senate platform. For the first time in month, you felt free and relaxed. You knew that is was probably from the fact that this is the first time you haven't been forced into thick robes or gowns and heavy headdress'. Padme had informed you last night to wear light clothes you would be comfortable moving in but pack Senate attire to meet with the dignitaries at the Rodian capital. You smiled as you stretched, happy to remember just how comfortable simple pants, long sleeve shirt, vest and boots were. The platform was busy with clones and servants loading a transport. You observed for a moment, trying to locate a familiar face. Grabbing your bag from the ground, you started to take a step forward when a voice called from behind you. "I'm sorry miss, but this is a private platform." You turned to see Obi-Wan walking briskly towards you. "You'll have to go to the public loading platforms. If you need, I can have someone take you." You could only stare at him open mouthed and in utter confusion. Did he not remember meeting you briefly last night? He gave you an expectant look as he watched you try to start a sentence and fail a couple times. You were saved from further embarrassment by Padme calling your name. You turned from Obi-Wan to smile at Padme as she approached and pulled you into a small hug. Now it was Obi-Wans turn to gaze open mouthed. Out of the numerous times he had seen you during his visits to the Senate building, it occurred to him that he had never once seen you outside of elaborate garbs. What shocked him the most was just home small you were. Standing in front of Padme Amidala, he could see that she was almost a head taller than you. "If you'll excuse us, Master Kenobi. We're going to board now." Padme held her hand for you to walk with her and you nodded. Before turning though, you gave Obi-Wan a small bow with a soft 'excuse me.' Obi-Wan watched as you both walked up the ships ramp, your laughter floating through the air. ~*~ "So does anyone have any questions?" Anakin asked the room, closing the hologram he had been using with his briefing. The young Jedi Knight has just spent close to two hours going over three different plans. Each of the Senators had been assigned to a clone to stay close too. Padme had requested Rex since they had past experiences together and Bail had chosen Wolffe, which left you with Obi-Wan's Commander Cody. "We should be dropping out of hyperspace in a couple hours so get some food and maybe some rest if you can." And with, the room started to clear as everyone went their own separate ways. "Do you want to go get some food (Y/N)?" Padme made her way over to you and you left the room together. "Sure, but I need to run to my quarters quickly to grab my holopad." You pointed down the hall to where you thought your room was. Padme laughed an told you that your room was the opposite way. You flushed and laughed. "Do you want me to come with you?" She asked but caught the eye of someone behind you. You turned to see Anakin not so subtly staring at your friend, a look you couldn't quite make out on his face. You told her to head to the mess without you and once you had your holopad, you would come grab some food with her. "Will you be able to find the mess hall?" You had already started to walk away and assured her over your should that it wouldn't be hard to find. ~*~ You hadn't lied to Padme when you told her that it wouldn't be hard to find the mess hall; it was damned near impossible. All the hallways in the Resolute looked the same and you somehow managed to get yourself turned around. You hadn't even seen another person or even a droid in the past hour. At this point you were close to panic as you passed another empty hall. Tears started to well in your eyes but before they split over a voice called your name. You whirled around to see two clones walking up behind you. "Commander Cody, Captain Rex!" You gave them a grateful smile and all but ran to them. "I'm really glad I found somebody." You rubbed your eyes, hoping to hide any trace of tears. If they saw any, they thankfully said nothing. "Ma'am... What are you doing down here?" Rex asked, looking around. "Oh..." You flushed and looked down at your feet. "I managed to get myself lost looking for the mess. I told Padme I would meet her there almost an hour ago." You admitted. "Have you been wondering this whole time?" Cody raised an eyebrow and gave his brother a look. You refused to meet their gaze and nodded. "Would you like us to escort you?" Rex offered and you sighed in relief. "Please?" It turns out that you were only one floor down from the mess hall, and when Cody and Rex opened the panel, you saw the room was scattered with groups of clones. After a quick glance around the room, you saw no sign of Padme. Cody and Rex walked a few feet into the room before turning after it was noticed that you didn't follow. "Padme isn't in here, I should go find her. Thank you for assisting me. I'm not that hungry-" Your sentence was cut short when your stomach growled, loud. You couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up and both of the clones smirked. "Rex, find some seats, I'll get the food." Cody started to walk away before he turned back to you. "Unless you don't want to eat with us." "You've been so kind to me, I couldn't refuse." You bowed you head slightly and followed as Rex lead you to a middle table where five clones were seated, talking. Three in blue armor and two orange. Rex offered you a seat in between him an clone in blue with the Republic cog on his head, and across from the other four clones. "Captain?" A clone across from you with a goatee and the number five on the right side of his head looked at you curiously. "This is Senator (Y/N) (L/N). Senator, this is Jesse, Fives, Hardcase, Waxer, and Boil." He pointed at each clone in turn and to your relief, said nothing about how you had gotten lost. You all exchanged hellos just as Cody returned and tossed two containers of rations to Rex, who caught them effortlessly. "So we heard this is your first relief mission." Hardcase leaned forward and wiggled his eyebrows and you couldn't help but laugh. ~*~ "I'm worried about (Y/N)." Padme paced in front of Anakin as he was working under a star fighter. "She never showed at the mess hall and I haven't been able to find her." "I'm sure your friend is fine." Anakin rolled his eyes. "I'm serious Ani!" "Serious about what?" They both turned as Obi-Wan made his way over. Padme explained her concern. Obi-Wan ran his hand through his beard and thought for a moment. "I'll see if I can find her for you Senator. After all, it would be unfortunate if Senator (L/N) has gotten herself lost." Twenty minutes later, after searching most of the level, Obi-Wan checked the last place he thought you would be. The mess hall. As he got closer to the mess, he heard some kind of commotion. When the door slide open, he was expecting to see some of the clones in an argument. But what he saw was even more shocking. Hardcase was standing on a table, arms failing dramatically as he told a story. He was in the middle of miming firing a gun before pretending to be shot and falling. There was laughter and jeers from his brother around him. Sat in the middle of the clones was you, watching Hardcase with rapt attention. You laughed with the clones as Hardcase fell. His performance lasted a bit longer but when he was done, you clapped and smiled brightly. "I see you’re being kept entertained." Obi-Wan's voiced caused all the clone to quite down. "Harcase was just tell me about the 501st latest victory on Geonosis. It was really quite enthralling." Hardcase gave an exuberant bow. "Senator Amidala feared you had gotten lost." Obi-Wan watched as your eyes darted to Cody and Rex and your face start to flush. "You got lost?" "I may have taken a wrong turn." Your voice was measured but Obi-Wan could see the embarrassment beneath the surface. "Well as entertaining as Hardcase's retelling are, I thought you might like to know, we'll be dropping out of hyperspace soon. If you would like, I could escort you to the dropship?" He offered his hand to help you up and you took it shyly. He didn't let go of your hand once you were standing, but instead offered you his arm. "So you don't get lost again." He grinned as your face flushed again. You heard some of the clones snicker and glared at the Jedi beside you. As the two of you were about to step out the door, you turned back to wave a goodbye to the clones. "I hope to hear more of your 'retellings' on our way back to Coruscant." A large grin broke out across Hardcase's face and he gave you a wave. It was quiet for a moment as Obi-Wan and you walked. You dared to peak at him through the corner of your eye. He seemed to lost in his own thoughts. "Yes?" So he wasn't that lost in thought. “I was just curious about something, but I'm afraid that asking would... Overstep." Obi-Wan pulled you both to a stop. The hallway was quiet as the both of you regarded each other. He gave you nod and you took a deep breath. "Who is Satine?" Whatever he thought you were going to say, it definitely wasn't that. "Cody mentioned her. At that you two had a relationship." "Why would you want to know about Satine and I?" You really didn't have the answer yourself. It wasn't like you could tell Obi-Wan that Cody talking about Satine had made your stomach in jealousy. Which was ridiculous considering that fact that Jedi were forbidden to have attachments, something everyone in the galaxy knew. Plus there was the fact that you didn't even know him. But you wanted to. More than you had ever wanted anything. "Satine and I have a past, yes. But we have no future, we haven't had one for a very long time. That was made even more clear the past couple times we have seen each other." Obi-Wan sighed and ran a hand through his beard. "Plus there is also the 'it's forbidden' aspect, right?" You couldn't disguise the bitterness in your voice and stared daggers at the floor. To your surprise, Obi-Wan chuckled. "What's so funny?" Instead of answering, he gently tilted your head up. "I may not have a future with Satine, but there just might be a Senator I would like to get to know and have a future with them instead. What do you say? Forbidden be damned." Your breath caught in your throat and you knew Obi-Wan could feel the heat radiation off your face. "You really are a terrible flirt, Master Jedi." "Is that a yes?" "If we make it through this mercy mission, it's a yes." Obi-Wan just smiled and continued to lead you down the hall. Just what in the galaxy had you gotten yourself into.
#star wars#star wars the clone wars#obi wan kenobi#obi wan#obi-wan#kenobi#obi-wan kenobi x reader#obi wan x reader#obi wan kenobi x reader#this was honestly going to be soooooo much longer but I wanted to get it out tonight
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Brothers VI
Done! Now I can die in piece, I have posted my first complete fanfic in english and it was kinda hard. But hey, thats what I was asking for I guess...
Brothers-AU Ao3
Part I , Part V
How did they got into this situation? When had the Separatist army gained such strength and why the hell had the Chancellor suddenly turned against the Jedi? And how could there be Jedi, who had sided with him? She stood in the hangar of her cruiser and looked at the remnants of her troops, they had just escaped the lost battle and were now fleeing across hyperspace, jumping from one point to the next and trying to cover as much distance as possible. In her hand was a datapad, a list of the Jedi who might still be alive. But who should she rush to, to help? "Let's take care of the wounded... and Kix!" The clone looked at her again as he left. "Be prepared that we won’t get reinforcements.", she said softly and he nodded, his face darkened and she turned around and hurried to the bridge. Before she and the men could make a decision, she had a few things to check of on her list.
At her destination, Fives was already under one of the control units, Echo was sitting next to him and had fixed his gaze on a datapad. "Do you already have deleted the identification number?“, he asked his brother and she could hear the annoyed snort from Fives, as she came closer and crouched down next to Echo. "I'll take that as a no?", she joined in the conversation and Fives startled, wanted to sit up and rammed his head into the control console. "Please announce yourself!", he cursed and rubbed his head, Ahsoka had to laugh and Echo couldn't suppress a smile either, despite the current situation. Since their hasty escape she had thrown the protocol overboard; the close bond between them all might be of use to them today. She didn't want to suppress these feelings. “Of course I haven't done that yet! I'm still at the controls, I'm trying to reduce the number of men we need up here.”, Fives growled and disappeared again, into the tangle of cables. Ahsoka nodded, that was good. They still had enough men to manage the cruiser, but it was better if they could reduce the number of men on the vulnerable bridge. "Good, then I'll delete the other data.", she announced and patted Echo on the shoulder, before getting to work.
After a few hours, a lot of caffeine and two outbursts, thanks to the well-encrypted technology, Ahsoka was sitting cross-legged on the bridge on the floor, another coffee in one hand and the datapad in the other. She had tried to contact other Jedi. Cody had been able to reach her, he was lucky. Master Kenobi had defeated General Grievous and they hadn't noticed much, except that most of the communication channels had been blocked. From the Chancellor! “Unsettling. How is Master Kenobi?“, she asked and Cody laughed. “Oh great. He can’t stop cursing, so it can’t be that bad.", he joked, in the background she could hear the voice of the Jedi, his accent more harsch then ever, and it conjured a smile on her face! "That‘s good. You should move as soon as possible, who knows what else they'll be sending to you.”, she adviced and Cody promised to heed it. He would send her a message, when they reached a new location.
Aayla Secura she had actually reached personally, the Jedi Master and her Commander Bly did not hesitate to believe her. "Are you safe?", asked the Jedi after giving the order to the men, to move out. Ahsoka shrugged at this. "As safe as we can be right now, we're heading for the next stop and let's see where we are going then.", she said, without wanting to reveal too much about her position. Because who could she really trust? And the connection wasn't the safest either. There was one thing Aayla doubted. "And you are sure that there are Jedi who..." Ahsoka nodded firmly and knitted her eyebrows. “Yes, we escaped from one ourselves. I don't know who, but clearly faster than me. We lost a lot of men before we got out of there.”, she sighed and the Jedi Master's face turned pitying. "Then we'll hurry up, good luck Ahsoka. May the Force be with you."
Since saying goodbye to Master Secura, she sat there and stared at the information available, she would probably have to change course... The door behind her slid open and steps came towards her. Jesse, Fives, and Echo sat down next to her. Rex stopped and looked over her shoulder, she knew that he would not be able to sit down in such a situation. "I want to make a suggestion to you.", she began and immediately had the undivided attention of her brothers. "Where do you want to go?", asked Fives, glancing at the datapad. Ahsoka willingly passed the information around and looked, once again, at her missing fingers. “I would like to search for Master Plo on Cato Neimoidia, the last known signal came from him and Wolffe. They reported a crash and have since disappeared from the scene, but I can't imagine they're dead.” She scratched the back of her head and sighed. "I hope, I would have felt that.", she mumbled and got goose bumps, in the last few hours she had become colder and colder. Whenever she felt a Jedi fall silent, the temperature seemed to drop. She had known some voices personally, and had never consciously perceived others.
It was hard not to succumb to her debilitating effects, but somehow it helped her to know that there were still men to fight with.
She hadn't been able to establish contact with Anakin, but as long as Obi-Wan Kenobi was still conscious he would look for his former padawan. "Then let's look for them.", Echo smiled and Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief, Jesse nodded in agreement and she began to get up. Then she looked at Rex, he looked worried. "That could be full of Seperatists and maybe some other Jedi.", he pointed out, but didn't cancel the plan. "I already know something.", she smiled and began to enter the new data.
They jumped out of hyperspace and Ahsoka took a deep breath, there were no separatist ships over this part of the planet. "We have to get as close to the surface as possible, maybe clouds and atmosphere can hide us.", she smiled and the men obeyed, even if Rex rolled his eyes. "Lucky kid.", he muttered and she nudged his shoulder, grinning softly.
* ~ *
It was so warm and wet! Puffing, Ahsoka fanned herself some air and looked around, everywhere water and rocks. And yet her gut feeling pulled her further in that direction. "And, already discovered something?", she called upwards and watched, as one of the men stood on one of the rocks and searched the area. “The enemy doesn't seem to be here either… But there is something over there!", he reported and pointed with his arm to the east. Her instinct also pointed in that direction and she quickened her pace.
Her little squadron followed her, the Chaos Troop and her other brothers had stayed on the cruiser. They protested, except for Rex. He understood, that she needed someone in charge if the cruiser had to flee.
It wasn't long, before she saw a small group of people on one of the stone arches fighting their way across the rough terrain. She screwed up her eyes and searched the group, then spotted Plo Koon at their end and formed her hands into a funnel at her mouth. "Master Plo!", she yelled over and the group stopped, looked around. Ahsoka immediately found a path to get to the stone arch. But when she finally got there, the guns turned on her. Behind her she could hear her men bringing their weapons up too and she raised her hands reassuringly. "Master Plo, I'm so glad you and your men are still alive.", she said with an honest smile and Plo Koon looked at her for a few seconds, then he gestured for the men to lower their weapons and Ahsoka smiled reassuringly at her squadron, the men relaxed again. The Jedi Master came over to her and looked as calm as ever, although his robes were a bit charred and stank of smoke. “Ahsoka, how nice. Forgive my men. We got into a somewhat… unexpected situation.” Ahsoka started to laugh, it wasn't really funny, but the joy of seeing the Jedi and the clones on their feet whitewashed any fear. "Who do you tell that? This is not the first time for me today.“, she sighed happily and called the gunships.
* ~ *
The grief was immense, none of the Jedi had endured near her any longer after the funeral. With slightly trembling hands and heavily pounding heart, she sat on one of the terraces of the temple and stretched her face into the warm sunlight, tried to take in some strength and get up again. The image of those terrifying eyes still danced in front of her closed eyelids, one look into them was enough to burn them into her memory forever. She had seen with her own eyes, the path that bonds might lead. But there was more, that soft stinging in her chest...
"Don't blame yourself.", it rang out from behind her and she opened her eyes, but did not turn her head. Only when the other Jedi sat down next to her with a deep sigh, she dared a look to the side, he looked so old. As if the last few hours had aged him by decades. Of course it wasn't gray or anything, but the line around Obi-Wan Kenobi's eyes gave her that impression and made her even sadder. “I should have kept closer contact with him. Maybe, if the Chancellor did not have had such a big influence on him, then…", she revealed her thoughts and then looked at the arms of the Jedi Master. Two tiny, sleeping bundles lay there and despite the sadness that took her breath away, she smiled. They were so cute…
“Neither of us could have helped him where he was going. And you had to help yourself, your path has not been particularly gentle so far.", Obi-Wan pointed out and although she wanted to protest, she had to agree with him. Lost in thought, she stretched out her left hand and the little boy wrapped his around her little finger, she was a little surprised by the strength in the tiny fingers.
"Maybe, I should have talked him out of all of this with...", Obi-Wan began, but now Ahsoka shook her head. “None of us can get away of bonding with someone. I think it's our choice, how we want to cherish it.", she muttered. She didn't mean to think badly of Anakin, but the loss of so many Jedi and clones ran deep. She had realized, that every being came to such a point, at some point. Where you would lose someone and learn to live with it. Anakin had decided to let his fear and anger over the unfair fate win. She wouldn't, even if his death and the one of Padme had certainly not been fair! She would try to honor him as the kind and ambitious Master in her mind and not let the more terrible thoughts cover this image.
It was her, who stormed into the temple with the Jedi she had picked up, and found a trace of destruction. It was her strong, emphatic talent that led her to the crime scene only a few seconds late. She hadn't been able to save the children, but she had redeemed her Master after Padme had stood in the way. At least that was how Plo Koon had put it. The wording didn't really match what she had done and she picked up her weapons, looked at them for a while and then pressed them into Obi-Wan's hand, he now clasped the two swords and the children.
"I don't want to wield the murder weapon any longer, there is too much blood on it.", she sighed and suddenly a knot in her stomach, that she hadn't known about until then, loosened. "Are you sure?", the experienced Jedi asked suspiciously, but she nodded. “Yes, it's a good thing. I don't deserve them any longer.", she sighed and looked up at the sun again, her heart was a little lighter. "And what are you going to do without a weapon?" She shrugged. "Time will tell."
After saying this, Obi Wan waited a few seconds before he got up and left her alone. She just sat there for hours. Only at sunset did company join her again. Rex dropped down next to her with a grunt, she sensed that a few others were waiting at the entrance. "Here, eat.", he said, handing her a meal. She looked at it and gave a short laugh, that let the others come closer and sit down next to her. "But that's not from the temple!", she grinned and pushed the bottle of alcohol into Heavy's hand to open it for her. Then she went to work on the ration from the clone canteen, her brothers laughed. "No, we figured that you might be able to do without that little bit of what they call food.", Jesse grinned and she nodded with a sigh, before devouring the rest in record time. She hadn't realized she was hungry at all. "What's next?", Rex asked after she had finished eating and leaned back with a sigh, her back hitting Echo's side. She closed her eyes. "No idea, but we will know soon.", she mumbled, her stomach twitched in confirmation and then she heard a throat clearing behind her, she recognized Plo Koon immediately and looked over at him. His face was friendly, but Master Windu wasn't. Even though she and the Jedi got along, they would never be able to bring their views to the same level.
"The other members of the council have made a decision and I hope you will accept it.", Plo Koon announced and she got to her feet after all, it seemed to be more important than initially assumed. "And that would be?", she asked, her tone lurking. Had the Jedi Masters decided to start a conflict again? "We want to learn from your point of view and we offer you a seat.", Windu contributed and she could actually see the hint of a smile as he held out a lightsaber towards her. She hesitated before grabbing it, there was a tingling in her fingers. She activated it and was blinded when it lit up white, and seemed to be singing.
* ~ *
She watched the child. The boy jumped around excitedly and she smiled, even though her heart contracted painfully. She missed him so much... "You really want to train the little one?", asked it from behind her and she looked over her shoulder at her brothers. They were all no longer on Coruscant.
On a small moon, in a poorly populated temple, she had gathered her family around her and every day let a little more light into her heart. "But yeah, I can't leave it up to you guys. Or do you want to try it?", she teased and Jesse shook his head, laughing. When Rex came up tot hem, the younglings rushed over to them to grab lunch, she could hear the laugh of the clones and closed her eyes. It was not all good or the best, but it was okay. They were fine.
#brothers-au#star wars#clone wars#ahsoka tano#no order 66? Okay#have some fallen Jedi instead#the end#at least kinda#clone trooper hevy#clone trooper droidbait#clone trooper echo#clone trooper cutup#clone trooper fives#clone trooper jesse#clone trooper kix#clone trooper rex
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Not A Fallen Jedi - Part 3
and finally here it is: the last part of the wrong jedi arc from rex’s pov. this part is a rewrite of the wrong jedi and continues immediately after where it left off in part 2. it was a lot of fun doing this rewrite so i hope you guys like it!
don’t tag as rexsok/a
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Anakin and Ahsoka stepped out, snapping Rex and Wolffe back to attention. “Let’s go, Rex,” Anakin said, not stopping as he passed them. Grabbing his helmet and nodding slightly to Wolffe, Rex hurried to catch up to them.
The tension was palpable. Ahsoka wouldn’t meet Rex’s gaze and one look to Anakin sent unease trickling down his spine. “We’re going to the Chamber of Judgment,” Anakin said shortly. “You won’t be allowed in there, but I want you outside.”
Rex nodded, deciding not to question Anakin. He didn’t know much about Jedi trials. Nobody outside the Order did, really, but he assumed that the Jedi would be able to see that Ahsoka was innocent. Still- the fact that Anakin was more or less ordering him to stand outside the Chamber was slightly concerning. He hoped Anakin didn’t have anything in mind that would get them into trouble.
They turned down a hall that was eerily quiet. Temple guards stood motionless as they passed, staring dead ahead, their lightsabers not ignited, but ready in hand. Rex knew they were watching them. He took his emotions and thoughts and silenced them, fixing his gaze on the chamber ahead.
When they reached the chamber, the guards standing at the side broke their stances, moving to block the entrance.
“The clone must stay outside.”
Anakin flashed a glance at Rex. He nodded and stepped back. And then his gaze fell to Ahsoka. Her gaze was dull, fixed more on the floor than anything. She looked exhausted. Had they tended to her injuries? They couldn’t have fixed such serious injuries so quickly. Would they really send her to trial like that? As far as he knew she hadn’t gotten any rest in the past day. She had to be tired and hurting and that wasn’t even touching on how the accusation was affecting her.
“Ahsoka,” he said quietly. She finally looked to him.
And there was nothing he could do to comfort her but whisper, “Good luck.”
The idea of a smile ghosted across her face and she nodded slightly before Anakin guided her into the chamber, leaving Rex alone in the crushing silence of the hall.
He stood there for a moment after the door shut, staring at it as if it would open again and he would be permitted to enter. It didn’t. He flashed a glance at the guards, knowing both of them were watching him. Not liking the idea that they could see his face and he couldn’t see theirs, he put his helmet on, then turned and moved to stand off to the side.
He waited.
But he didn’t wait long. Not long enough to even begin to wonder what was going on in the Chamber, not long enough to begin to worry, not long enough at all.
The doors slid open and for a moment all he saw were guards. And then in the center of them-
Ahsoka. In restraints. Disbelief and fear and betrayal all playing out on her face. She caught Rex’s gaze as she passed and for a moment he was drowning in her fear. No- Rex took an unconscious step forward, not understanding. Why was she out so soon? Where were they taking her?
A guard was suddenly in front of him, blocking her from his view. “Stand down,” they ordered. Rex’s gaze snapped to them, heart tripping as adrenaline flooded through him.
“Where are they taking her?” he demanded.
The guard took a threatening step closer to him. Rex stepped back mechanically, before turning back to the chamber, searching for Anakin. Where was he? Surely he wouldn’t let them take her-
Anakin’s voice drifted into the hall from the chamber.
“You can’t do this to her! She dedicated her life to the Order- how can you just cast her aside?”
The world slowed around Rex. Cast her aside? What was he talking about? The chamber fell silent. Rex could only guess someone was trying to calm Anakin. They failed.
“If none of you will stand by her then I will! We know she’s innocent. You’re wrong! All of you!”
An inexplicable wave of cold suddenly flooded the hall as Anakin stalked out of the chamber. His gaze caught on Rex and the guard. A frown twisted across his face. “Rex.”
Rex sidestepped the guard and hurried to catch up to Anakin. “Sir what’s going on?” he asked urgently. “The trial was too short, what did they-”
“They had already made a decision,” Anakin growled. “They expelled her and sent her to have a Republic trial.”
Rex missed a step.
They cast her out?
Fury suddenly slammed through him, choking the shock out. How could they do that to her? She was a Jedi- she was one of them! How could they just turn on her like that?
“What are we going to do, sir?” he asked tightly.
“We need to get Padmé, she’s the best person to represent Ahsoka. And,” his voice dropped to a snarl. “I am going to find out who did this and bring them in.”
“Ventress,” Rex growled. “It had to be her. She was the only one with Ahsoka and she’s a Sith.”
“I know.”
Rex’s mood only darkened as they strode out of the Temple. They got in the speeder, Anakin taking off fast enough to give them both whiplash. Rex’s gaze fell back to the Temple. It gleamed magnificently in the sun, looking as majestic and awe inspiring as it always did. But Rex couldn’t see any of it. It was as if the Temple had been stained- blackened with corruption.
The Senate building quickly came into view. Anakin was talking quickly into his com. Rex caught something about Padmé and Ahsoka before he tuned out. Senator Amidala was an immensely capable lawyer. It helped as well that she was close to Anakin. Too close for a Jedi, but it didn’t matter now. What mattered was that it wouldn’t take anything but Anakin asking for her to agree to represent Ahsoka.
While Padmé fought for Ahsoka, he and Anakin would catch Ventress. Hate for the bogwitch boiled inside of him. He wanted to kill her more than he’d ever wanted to kill anyone. Noticing that his hands were shaking, he clenched them into fists to stop it.
The speeder came to a swooping halt in front of the Senate building and there was Senator Amidala, hurrying toward them. Rex moved to the back so Padmé could take the front seat and hear the explanation.
“They just cast her out?” Padmé asked, voice ringing with disbelief.
“They made their decision before they even called us down,” Anakin snapped. “The trial was just a formality. They expelled her and sent her to trial in the Republic court.”
Padmé’s jaw tightened. “What evidence is against her?”
“She was alone with Letta Turmond when she died and then she broke out of prison. They believe she killed clones in her escape, and then when she was on the run she was seen with Ventress and caught in the presence of nanodroids.”
Rex’s heart sank as he listened. The cards were completely stacked against Ahsoka. With how things looked- He ground his teeth together. Nothing short of a confession from Ventress would save her.
They came to a stop at the prison and jumped out, walking quickly toward the entrance.
Rex hung back as Anakin and Padmé entered the cell. Best not to overwhelm her with so many people.
Anakin came out after a moment, resolve hardening in his gaze. “Ahsoka thinks it was Ventress too.”
“Then we know who to catch,” Rex said. Anakin glanced away slightly, a movement that made Rex slow down. “What is it, sir?”
“You’re not coming, Rex.”
Anakin might as well have slapped him.
“You’re not coming.”
“But- sir, why not?” he asked, struggling to keep the desperation out of his tone.
Anakin shook his head. “You won’t be able to keep up. Like it or not, you can’t use the Force. Ventress can.”
“I’ve faced her before, sir,” he snapped. “I’m still here.”
“I said no, Rex!”
Frustration and fury flooded Rex. He was not going to just stay back and twiddle his thumbs while Ventress was out there and Ahsoka was on trial for crimes she didn’t commit. He knew he was toeing a dangerous line, arguing with his General after being given an order twice, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“All due respect, General, you can’t do this alone. You need help.”
Anakin ignored him, stalking quickly toward his speeder.
Rex only slowed for a heartbeat, then sped up and cut in front of Anakin, blocking him from the speeder with one hand pressed firmly against the Jedi’s chest. “Anakin, please,” he said harshly.
Anakin stopped, finally meeting Rex’s gaze. “Rex, I know you want to help. I understand. But I need to find Ventress. You can do a lot more here than you could trying to keep up with me,” he said, taking Rex’s hand off his chest. “I’m sorry, Rex. But that’s my final word. Stay here. You can relay me information about the trial and how things are going.”
He stepped past Rex and climbed into the speeder, leaving Rex wrestling with fury and a sense of abandonment. Before Anakin took off, however, he paused and looked back. “Rex- if I’m not back in time- if something happens, if they- if they charge her as guilty, you need to be there for her,” he said quietly.
Rex’s fury collapsed. If they charged her as guilty, it could very well be a death sentence. “I understand,” he murmured. “I will.” He then straightened, setting his jaw. “Catch Ventress.”
A bitter scoff escaped Anakin and his gaze darkened. “Oh believe me, Rex. I will,” he growled, then took off. Rex watched him go through narrowed eyes. Anakin would catch Ventress. Nobody could evade him when he was like that. But Rex had more pressing matters to worry him.
The trial. How would he get in? Could he even get in? Would they let him through? He was only a clone, after all, never mind being a captain. Hands clasping behind his back, he spun around and stalked back toward the building.
He made it to the entrance, nodding sharply to the clones guarding the door and made it past them without any trouble. But he still had serious doubts about getting into the trial. It wouldn’t be open for the public. He didn’t think they would let him in. Not that he wouldn’t try to convince them, but if they wouldn’t let him in he would have to sneak in. And risk his own imprisonment? He slowed fractionally.
If he was caught he could be arrested. He couldn’t help Ahsoka if he was imprisoned. Perhaps Senator Amidala could help him. They were both bound by their compassion for Anakin and Ahsoka. Surely she would help him. Stopping, he turned back, heading for the main hall from the prison.
Rex stood in the box with the Jedi, back in the corner. Padmé had managed to get him in only if he was unarmed and the Jedi were there to stop any... protest. Rex flashed a sideways glance at the Jedi. These Jedi, who had condemned one of their own. How could they? His gaze fell particularly on Obi-wan.
How could you?
Everyone suddenly came to attention. Rex’s gaze fell down into the courtroom where Ahsoka was walking out. She looked so tiny from where he stood. Distant. He couldn’t even see her face to gauge how she was doing.
“Ahsoka Tano.”
Rex straightened at the sound of the Chancellor’s voice. Anakin was close to the Chancellor. Perhaps that would help Ahsoka’s case.
“You have been charged with sedition against the Jedi Order and the Republic itself,” the Chancellor continued. “This court will decide your fate. Prosecution, you may begin your arguments.”
Rex glanced to the screen to see Admiral Tarkin stepping forward. He frowned only slightly. He remember the man from the disastrous Citadel escape. He’d expressed doubt in the Jedi and neither Anakin nor Ahsoka had seemed to care much for him.
“Former Padawan Tano, I shall prove that you were the mastermind behind the attack on the Jedi Temple and that once your accomplices carried out your orders, you eliminated them one by one.” A chill ran down Rex’s spine. “When you are found guilty, I ask that the full extent of the law be brought down upon you; including penalty of death.”
Rex’s heart stopped, his eyes widening. Penalty of death? No- no surely he had heard wrong. He must have. He knew it had been an option but surely they wouldn’t go that far-
But looking at the grim faces of the Jedi, he knew that he had heard right. Nobody stepped forward. Nobody protested it. Were they fine with this? How could they do this to her? She was one of them!
Padmé then stepped forward. Rex forced himself to calm down. She was a very capable lawyer. She would successfully defend Ahsoka. Anakin was also out hunting Ventress. He would be able to clear Ahsoka beyond any doubt.
“Look at the facts,” Padmé began. “Letta Turmond summoned Ahsoka to her cell to reveal the name of the true mastermind behind the bombing of the Jedi Temple. Letta told Ahsoka she was afraid. She told her the mastermind was a Jedi and before she could reveal the Jedi’s name, Letta Turmond was strangled to death by way of the force. Why would Ahsoka kill Letta with a method that would so obviously tie the murder to her? A Jedi may be responsible for the murder, but that Jedi is not Ahsoka Tano. Members of the court, you are prosecuting the wrong Jedi!”
A wave of relief washed over Rex as Padmé spoke. She was right. Ahsoka was too smart to kill someone in a way that would lead directly to her, let alone do it where she would obviously be caught.
Clapping suddenly filled the courtroom. Tarkin stepped forward, a smug look on his face. “Well said, Senator Amidala. However, if she is innocent, then why was she seen conspiring with known Separatist terrorist Asajj Ventress?”
“Ventress set me up! My Master will prove that!” Ahsoka snapped.
“And where is your master?” Tarkin asked coldly.
“He’s trying to find the real murderer!”
“Then maybe he should be looking at you!”
Fury slammed through Rex, a snarl twisting his expression behind his helmet. How dare he? Ahsoka was innocent! They had to know she was innocent! They had the wrong person. It was so obvious, why couldn’t they see it?
“Ahsoka,” Padmé said. “Please explain to the Court why you were seen with Ventress.”
Forcing his fury down, Rex turned his attention to Ahsoka. He still hadn’t heard the whole story about why she had been with Ventress. He knew she hadn’t been working with her, but it would be a relief to hear the entire story.
“At first Ventress only caught me to turn me in for the bounty,” Ahsoka said. “But I couldn’t let her do that, so I told her that if she helped me I would speak to the Council about getting her a full pardon.”
Rex blinked. Surely Ahsoka had been lying when she told Ventress that. Ventress was a war criminal and a Sith. She deserved nothing less than to finally be caught and be brought to justice.
“We had a mutual understanding, or so I thought. When she brought me to the abandoned warehouse she attacked me.”
“And why, pray tell, would she have done that when offered a full pardon?” Tarkin asked, then waved a hand to cut Ahsoka off. “Besides, nobody reported seeing Ventress at the warehouse. How do we know she was even there?”
“When Ahsoka was found she was severely wounded,” Padmé said. “The Healers reported heavy bruising mostly on her back and fractured ribs. Where else would she have gotten these wounds if not in a fight?”
“A fight, perhaps, but with Ventress? How do we know these wounds were not inflicted in her clash with the clone troopers when they confronted her?”
Rex’s gaze drifted over to the Senate members. Doubt shadowed their expressions. Horror trickled down Rex’s spine. Surely they didn’t believe Tarkin? Rex loved his brothers and knew they were excellent fighters but he would also be the first to admit that it was beyond difficult to fight Force users. They would have had to get extremely lucky to hurt Ahsoka so badly.
Rex snapped to attention as Anakin’s voice flooded the com. Quickly deafening his helmet so he could speak with disturbing the others, he said, “Yes sir?”
“How are things going?”
“Senator Amidala is defending her well.”
“But Admiral Tarkin is poking holes all through their defense, sir. I’m... concerned,” he said, watching the Senators. Tarkin was speaking again, and it was having a visible effect on them. “Did you find Ventress?”
“Ventress wasn’t the attacker.”
Shock crashed unpleasantly through him. “Sir?” His voice came out strained.
“She said someone attacked her and took her lightsabers.”
But that would mean- Rex’s mind was spinning. Nobody could just take lightsabers from Ventress. It would have to be another Force user. Another Jedi?
“Do you have any leads, sir?” he asked, trying to keep the desperation out of his tone.
“One. I... don’t know how good it will be, though.” Anakin sounded tired and angry.
Rex’s gaze flickered back down to Ahsoka. “You’d better hurry,” he said. “I don’t know how much longer the trial will go on for.”
“I will. I’ll be in contact.”
“Yes sir. Good luck.”
The connection broke, leaving Rex staring blankly down into the courtroom. If it wasn’t Ventress then who? Who could have done this?
The courtroom was suddenly filled with a deafening silence. Everyone’s gaze turned expectantly to the Chancellor.
“I’m sure many of you look at this former Jedi and think surely she can’t be this murderer or saboteur that they speak of,” he said, looking around the courtroom. “And yet, think of all the times we have been fooled by the Separatists and how they have infiltrated the republic and ask yourselves is this another Separatist scheme? Another way to rip the Jedi, and subsequently all of us, apart?”
Rex stared at the Chancellor, horror rising far too quickly to contain. What was he doing? Why was he implying that Ahsoka was part of a Separatist scheme? Ahsoka was Anakin’s padawan and Anakin was so close to the Chancellor- shouldn’t he be leaning toward Ahsoka’s innocence? A vile taste rose in Rex’s mouth as the Senators rose and departed to make their decision.
How could the Chancellor do this? Was he that desperate to find someone guilty that he would sacrifice Ahsoka? Was this the Republic he was fighting for?
A darkness settled over him, not unlike the one that had shadowed him after Umbara. He knew that the Republic wasn’t perfect. He knew sometimes it was far from perfect. But he had done his best to make his peace with that knowledge. Even if the Republic was broken in places, it was still better than the Separatists.
But there was some things he could never shake, no matter how hard he tried. The enslavement of the clones, how disposable he and his brothers were, how they were viewed by others, and now possibly this. How could he possibly rationalize fighting for a Republic who condemned the innocent just to make a problem go away?
He didn’t think he could.
“Rex are you there?” Anakin.
“Yes sir,” Rex said. “Did you find anything?”
“Oh yes,” Anakin growled. “I found the person who did it all.”
Rex’s legs suddenly felt too weak to support him as relief seeped through him. “Oh thank the gods.”
“What’s going on right now?”
“The Senate is meeting right now. We’re waiting for their verdict.”
Anakin cursed quietly then gathered himself. “I’ll be there shortly. Don’t let them do anything to her.”
“Yes sir.”
The connection broke. Rex flashed a sharp glance at the door where the Senate had vanished into. How long would they take to decide? How long did court cases normally take to decide? He didn’t know. But he should tell the Chancellor about Anakin- Rex stopped mid thought.
The Chancellor was staring directly at him.
Unease crept through Rex. Why was he watching him? Did he know? No that was impossible- maybe Padmé simply hadn’t told him that he would be present. But that didn’t make sense, Padmé would have gone to the Chancellor first to clear it. So why?
Rex started sharply as the door to the courtroom opened, his fingers twitching toward guns that weren’t there. The Senators walked back to their seats and settled. One stood.
“The members of the court have reached a decision.” They pressed a button and the vote was sent to Mas Amedda. Rex watched him read it, then hand it to the Chancellor.
The Chancellor read it, then nodded and stood. Fear suddenly flooded Rex.
“Ahsoka Tano, by an overwhelming count of-”
“Chancellor!” Anakin’s voice flooded the courtroom. Everyone’s gaze snapped to him, the four Temple guards, and the dark figure in the center.
Ahsoka was saved.
Rex blinked quickly, trying to clear his burning vision so he could focus.
“I hope you have reason for bursting into our proceedings Master Skywalker,” the Chancellor said, sounding vaguely disapproving.
Anakin stalked forward, head raised high. “I am here with evidence and a confession from the person responsible for all the crimes Ahsoka has been accused of.” He and two of the guards stepped aside. “Barriss Offee! Member of the Jedi Order and traitor.” Venom bled from his voice.
A stunned silence filled the courtroom. Rex couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Barriss Offee? Traitor? No- no that wasn’t possible either. She was a good Jedi- one of the best. She had healed and helped so many of his brothers. She was Ahsoka’s friend, surely she couldn’t have-
“Barriss?” Ahsoka’s tiny voice echoed deafeningly in the silence. “Is that true?” She was pleading, begging for Barriss to say it wasn’t.
“Tell them the truth,” Anakin snarled.
Barriss was silent for a moment, then stepped forward. The cameras all switched from Ahsoka to her.
“I did it.”
She sounded so quiet. Rex couldn’t understand. This padawan wasn’t- she couldn’t be-
Barriss continued, her voice suddenly gaining strength. “Because I’ve come to realize what many people in the Republic have come to realize. That the Jedi are the ones responsible for this war! That we’ve so lost our way that we have become villains in this conflict! That we are the ones that should be put on trial! ALL OF US! And my attack on the Temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become. An army fighting for the dark side, fallen from the light that we once held so dear. This Republic is failing! It’s only a matter of time.”
Rex couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She had done it. She’d set Ahsoka up and been prepared to let her friend take the fall for her crimes. Fury and disgust boiling within him as he stared down at her. But even then he felt a tiny prick of understanding. The actions of the Jedi and the Republic had cast them into a new light for him.
“Take her away,” the Chancellor said. Rex watched as the guards surrounded Barriss again and led her out. Anakin stayed, turning to Ahsoka. He couldn’t see Anakin’s face, but he could imagine the relief on it.
“Ahsoka Tano,” the Chancellor’s voice boomed out again. Rex froze, turning to look at him. “In light of this new evidence, the Court finds you not guilty of all charges. You are free to go. Court dismissed.”
A breath Rex hadn’t realized he was holding escaped him. Ahsoka bowed slightly, then made her way to Anakin.
The Senators and Jedi rose, murmurs and whispers rising amongst them. Rex immediately headed for the door to meet Anakin and Ahsoka on their way out. Walking quickly, he pulled his helmet off, grateful for the fresh air. Catching sight of his Jedi with Padmé, he made his way over to them.
“Thank you for representing me, Padmé,” Ahsoka was saying. “It means a lot.”
“Of course Ahsoka,” Padmé said warmly, drawing Ahsoka into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re free now.”
Ahsoka smiled faintly and pulled away. Noticing Rex, she offered him a slight nod.
“Good to see you free, kid,” he said with a smile.
“Heh. Yeah,” she said, trying to return the smile but ultimately glancing away.
Obi-wan then approached. “Ahsoka,” he said with a warm nod. He then turned to address both Anakin and Ahsoka. “The Council would like to see both of you when we get back to the Temple.”
“Yes Master,” they said, bowing slightly. Obi-wan nodded and left.
Anakin turned to Padmé. “We have to go, but thank you again for being with Ahsoka on such short notice.”
“Of course,” Padmé said, then stopped, looking to Ahsoka. “Ahsoka, why don’t you stop by later?”
Ahsoka glanced up slightly. “Wh- oh. Sure.”
Concern flooded Rex. Something was wrong with Ahsoka. Was it Barriss? He wouldn’t be surprised. The two of them had been rather close. He imagined it would be like if Cody turned on him. A wave of empathy for her filled him. At least she was safe now.
The three of them walked out to the speeder and climbed in. The ride to the Temple was silent. When they landed, Anakin turned to Rex. “The 501st should be back soon. Why don’t you go meet with them? I’ll talk to you later.”
Rex nodded. “Alright sir.”
“She left.”
Rex started at the sudden words crackling through the comlink. “Sir?”
“She left the Jedi Order.”
Kix trailed off from his report, staring at Rex. Rex met his gaze, feeling frozen in place.
“I- don’t understand, sir,” he finally forced out.
“The Council betrayed her!” Anakin suddenly snarled, making both Rex and Kix start slightly. “They turned their back on her when she needed us most! And now she’s gone.”
Kix looked confused and startled. Rex hadn’t told the 501st about the trial yet. All they knew was that Ahsoka had gotten in a bit of trouble. He shook his head slightly at the medic. Later.
“Where did she go, sir?”
“I don’t know.”
Where would she go? She was a Jedi- former Jedi. She didn’t have any ties but the Temple. Friends? All Jedi that he knew of- Padmé.
She would have gone to see Padmé.
Rex only hesitated for a second, then turned on his heel and swept out of the room.
He landed the speeder on the platform outside Padmé’s office. Technically he wasn’t doing anything wrong, but that didn’t make him feel any less like an intruder as he climbed out of the speeder and stood on the platform, waiting. He was done hunting her down. If she came to him, they would talk, if she didn’t, he would accept it and leave. He was done.
Eternities passed. He watched the sun sink lower and lower in the sky. And then the doors opened and she walked out. She walked toward him, stopping a good distance from him.
“I’m not going back.”
“I’m not here to take you back, Ahsoka.”
She looked at him hesitantly, confusion and something closed off crossing her face. “I have to go.”
“I know.”
Surprise and relief and sorrow all flooded her expression. Rex’s heart thudded dully in his chest. Would he ever see her again? There was no way to know. Tears burned at his eyes, but he forced them back.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I wish I could say goodbye to everyone, but-” She shook her head again.
“It’s alright, kid,” he said gently. “I understand.”
She looked up at him, eyes brimming with tears. “You’ll tell them for me, right? That it wasn’t their fault or anything?”
Rex nodded. “Of course I will.”
“Thank you.” Her voice came out in a near whisper, as if she was suffocating. She started to turn away, then stopped. “Can I ask you something else?”
“Of course.”
“Will you keep an eye on Anakin? I know- I know this is going to be hard for him and that he doesn’t understand.”
Rex’s heart sank. Anakin. He wouldn’t take it well. He already wasn’t. Rex knew things were already strained with Anakin and the rest of the Jedi. Anybody could see that. This was going to make it worse. Much worse.
“I’ll do what I can,” he said. And then his gaze softened. “Ahsoka, if you need anything, you know you can contact me.”
He shook his head, handing her a communicator. “Take it. You can pitch it into the underworld after I leave,” he said with a faint smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
She rolled her eyes slightly, a glimpse of the Ahsoka he knew, then stepped forward to take the communicator. She stared at it for a moment, then put it on her belt and looked up to Rex.
“Take care of yourself.”
“You too.”
She nodded, then turned away and finally left. She didn’t look back, nor did he expect her to. He would miss her. They would all miss her. But he respected her choice.
“May the Force be with you,” he whispered to the empty air, then turned away and climbed back into the speeder.
Back to the war that had stolen yet another life.
#swtcw#i feel like it might be a bit choppy buuut#eh#i should really get some beta readers#if anyone wants to volunteer just hit me up i'll probably make an announcement later#mainly since i want to do more going off of here bc i set little tips and plot points that i could use for more#it'd be fun you know#anyways thanks for reading! i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i have#as always feel free to leave comments i love reading them#my writing
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