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Hexeblaumon EX7-023 Alternative Art by sasasi from EX-07 Extra Booster Digimon Liberator
#digimon#digimon tcg#digimon card game#digica#デジカ#digisafe#AA#EX7#Digimon Liberator#Hexeblaumon#sasasi#digimon card#color: blue#Lv6#type: data#trait: Magic Knight#trait: Witchelny#witchelny#num: 04
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#Sorcermon#EX7#EX7-019#Champion#Vaccine#Wizard#Witchelny#Ice-Snow#Common#Blue#Digimon#Digimon TCG#Digimon 2020
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Nível Adulto/ Seijukuki/ Champion
Atributo Variável
Tipo Fera Encantada
Campo Espíritos da Natureza (NSp)
Significado do Nome Tanuki, de Bake-Danuki, yokai famoso do folclore japones, associado a prosperidade e boa sorte
Grupo Familiares.
Partindo do Monte Brocken numa odisseia pelos mundos digitais buscando atingir o ápice de seu potencial físico e espiritual por meio de um intenso treinamento, Ezomon se torna Tanukimon, um monge Digimon cujo as habilidades surpreendem até aqueles que já esperavam maravilhas vindas dele.
Quando está em meditação, o que faz por grande parte de seu tempo, usa seu ajirogasa sobre a cabeça para bloquear sua visão e assim elevar seu estado espiritual, quando isso acontece seu corpo emana tanto calor que é quase impossível se aproximar e embora sua aparência o faça parecer apenas um monge grande e rechonchudo de feição serena e amigável isso está longe de ser toda verdade.
Devido ao seu duro treinamento em artes marciais seu corpo se tornou uma arma de combate poderosa e extremamente perigosa, pois sua pelagem espessa e incandescente esconde uma montanha de músculos fortes e bem treinados, tão fortes quanto sua querida espada, a chamada Owaranai-en a lâmina do Fogo Perpétuo, uma Katana forjada na sagrada Firewall que está constantemente ardendo em chamas e aquele que a toca tem seu corpo consumido pelo fogo. Seu treinamento também aumentou consideravelmente sua força espiritual de maneira a tornar Tanukimon uma criatura completamente imune a influências externas, sendo ele o único que pode controlar suas vontades, além de ser capaz de se conectar com a chama da vida de outras criaturas sem a necessidade de contado direto com elas como Ezomon.
Possuindo agora um elevado controle sobre as chamas mágicas de Eneruge, Tanukimon foi capaz de transmutar o que antes era o cristal em sua testa, que por muitos é um objeto de desejo por possuir propriedades mágicas além da compreensão, em um Japamala onde o brasão de seu clã está gravado em cada uma de suas 10 contas, dessa forma, aquele que tentar roubar tal poder será enganado pela jóia na empunhadura de sua espada, a qual se parece muito com a que antes possuía, porém é falsa.
Por ser membro dos Familiares, Tanukimon tem como principal missão compartilhar o conhecimento que possui com aqueles que se mostrarem puros e merecedores de dividir com ele seu poder, sendo assim seu maior desejo é encontrar o lugar perfeito onde possa erguer seu monastério para passar adiante sua sabedoria, e foi com esse desejo que em sua peregrinação chegou a cidade mágica de Salem.
Owaranai-en (Fogo Perpétuo) Retira sua espada da bainha liberando a intensa chama sem fim que ela contém sobre o oponente;
Eneruge no Shinja (Devoto de Eneruge) Envolto nas chamas mágicas de Eneruge desfere golpes de artes marciais com suas 4 patas;
Odoru Ajirogasa (Chapéu Dançante) Lança seu Ajirogasa como uma shuriken, que em chamas gira em alta velocidade;
Tamashīnohi O Michibiku (Chamas que Guiam a Alma) Em estado elevado de meditação, faz o seu corpo emitir calor extremo;
Chanbara Sem retirar sua Owaranai-en da bainha desfere golpes poderosos e velozes;
Ōgiri Shosagoto (Ato Final) Performa uma espécie de dança ritualística, evocando antigos espíritos do fogo diretamente da Firewall capazes de assumir a forma de outros Digimon, normalmente de seus companheiros Familiares.
Informações Adicionais
Um grupo recém-descoberto, original de Witchelny. Os membros do grupo são Digimons que tem grande afinidade com os elementos e servem de guias para jovens Magos dominarem a Magia Elemental com mais facilidade, sendo que em troca os próprios Familiares crescem em inteligência e poder. Tal relação de companheirismo faz com que a dupla (ou grupo, dependendo de quantos Familiares os Magos tem ao seu lado) desenvolva um laço fortíssimo, ligado pela magia, mas, mais do que isso, pelo amor.
Linha Evolutiva
Artista Caio Balbino
Digidex Aventura Virtual e Empírea
#dvadex#dmedex#digimon#digital#monster#originalconcept#oc#rebuiltproject#digifake#rebuilt#fanmade#witchelny#monk#wizard#RPG#dungeons and dragons
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An old value study from 2023 I found while looking through my folders
#artists on tumblr#digital art#digimon#not a digi doodle#value study#medievaldukemon#medievalgallantmon#witchelny
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through info derived from; https://www.tamatalk.com/threads/magical-witches-guide.200128/, i have determined that these are wizardmon and witchmon’s “original” forms.
my reasoning;
1. wizardmon’s reference text describes him as coming from witchelny, and being a master of both fire(eneruge) and earth(earthlin) magic. witchmon is also from witchelny, but with water(aquary) and air(baluluna) magic.
2. there are six generations of witches, and the same is true for digimon! wizardmon and witchmon being adult/champion level makes them gen four.
3. wizardmon’s main clan in canon is most likely eneruge, based on his primary attack being lightning as well as the fact that his x antibody form specifically mentions further skill in that clan. with witchmon i couldn’t find a specific main clan, BUT she is described specifically as wizardmon’s rival, not comrade(that’s sorcerymon), and what’s the main enemy of fire? water, of course! also this official art;
4. and lastly, i think these icons are pretty close to how they look as digimon. at least moreso than the single other option each of them had that still met the level and element requirements.
#digimon#witchelny#magical witches#wizardmon#witchmon#wizarmon#lore#I'VE CONNECTED THEM#you didn't connect shit#i am sure plenty of people already figured all this out already#i'm not looking for credit i just thought it was neat#deep dive#digging for that sweet sweet content
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DigiMonth 2024 Day 23: Hexmon
Name: Hexmon
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Data
Field: Nightmare Soldiers
A young Digimon from Witchelny, they train under Wizardmon and Witchmon to perfect their skills. They're not very good at controlling their magic yet, so sometimes their spells miss their intended mark.
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04/15/2024, 20:57 (GMT-5)
Well... It was more than just a few hours!
You see, we were wandering around in the Digital World, him with his Dukemon and me with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. "D" has been talking about how new Digimon were discovered a few months ago, some of those Digimon are rumored to come from Witchelny, another Digital World that hasn't been explored that much yet, some Digimon like Wizarmon and Witchmon are confirmed to come from there, this Digital World also houses a pretty rare Dukemon variant "D" had his eyes on, Medieval Dukemon.
Medieval Dukemon has been known as "The Vortex Warrior" since its discovery in 2010, thus mocking the fact that whoever discovered him, wrote that he was part of a group called The Vortex Warriors, however, for almost 14 years, no one had discovered a digimon from this group aside Medieval Dukemon, theorizing that the guy who discovered it was either lying or misunderstanding what the first Medieval Dukemon specimen ever seen was saying, everyone labeled him as either stupid or "delulu".
Well, it appears that some of the Digimon that were discovered recently, specifically Grand Galemon and Zephagamon, are members of the Vortex Warriors, taking orders from Medieval Dukemon, also called "The Whirlwind General". Anyways, we were walking through a forest that is supposedly connected with Witchelny, this because of the amount of magic-related digimon that wander the zone and, as it seems, an also recently discovered Digimon called Chaperomon, who bares data from multiple fairy tales, (mainly Little Red Hood) within her, inhabitants that zone, in search for Fangmon, who has data from the Big Bad Wolf from the old fairy tales. She at first glance attacked us with a Molotov cocktail based attack called "Apple For You" that was easily reflected by "D's" Dukemon, after clearing the misunderstanding, we talked about how we wanted to talk with the Vortex Warriors, she apparently knew one of the Digimon partaken in that group personally, so she lead us to them.
After arriving at a hidden grotto, we were warmly welcomed by a Galemon's Hurricane Slasher, a large, sharp blade of wind that was almost instantly cut in a half with Siriusmon's Sylvia, after this little encounter, Medieval Dukemon himself came to welcome us, and excuse his pupil, asking us why we were here, "D", who was the must interested about him, got into a deep talk with Medieval Dukemon about who knows what. Since my friend was clearly doing his own business, I decided to wander around with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. Most of the digimon inside the grotto were digimon in armor who I cannot assure belonged to the Vortex Warriors, like Kotemon, and some Koemon playing around (surely Kuzuhamon would've loved to see that) Canoweissmon pointed out the obvios, that we weren't really doing anything specific, and we ended up walking out of the group, we even left Siriusmon behind since he wanted to talk with a Zephagamon who called his attention, after some time, Canoweissmon began talking about the frustrations he had about how he wasn't able to evolve into Ultimate, we thought we were alone but, without us noticing, a huge Grand Galemon flew down upon us, Grand Galemon asked what was wrong, and talked with Canoweissmon.
He left everything out with him, how his brother got to evolve into Ultimate and managed to control the wicked data that once affected his personality, how even Rasenmon surpassed him after beating her own negative emotions that took the form of Rasenmon Rage Mode, and, that even if he looked up to Siriusmon, he was jealous of him, because of his self confidence and impressive power.
Grand Galemon sat down and listened to everything Canoweissmon had to say, and afterwards told him the following.
「I understand where your frustrations are coming from, but you don't need to be as strong as the rest to be their equal, your contributions to your companions aren't only based on how strong you are, but how much you care about them, and how you make them know that, taking care of them, and fighting along side them, plus, you don't need to be an Ultimate to be strong, look at me! I've been Medieval Dukemon's right hand since forever, and I'm "only a Perfect" everyone gets their chance to evolve and be stronger, but you can't over hype that moment and that form because if you do, you'll never be ok with that form, and never get to appreciate it」
It's a... Pretty good speech, not only applicable to digimon but also to us humans, but... I'm getting out of hand.
During all this time we spent with Grand Galemon, Siriusmon and Dukemon got to practice and spar with Medieval Dukemon and Zephagamon, so after some time, we got out.
I don't know what "D" wanted with Medieval Dukemon exactly, but I'm pretty sure he got it, since he was pretty happy when we finally came back.
After that, I tried to convince "D" to analyze the DigiTama I got from the police, he accepted to have it laying around for a bit, but I'll have to pick it up as soon as I can, since, in his own words "his PC is NOT a kindergarten"
And... Yeah, that's fair.
Oh! Talking about Bits, my friend I talked about in another entry managed to hatch her DigiTama, and her V-mon, Sophie, has finally reached Child stage, she's going to a little town soon so I'll have to see how that could affect Sophie's growing, and of course, I'll keep you updated.
#digimon#blog#blog entry#coding#larp#story#fictional world#digimon vpet#vpet#virtual pet#v pet#digital world#digital monster#digital monsters#Witchelny#witches#magic#vortex warriors#motivational speech
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i’d been thinking of researching magical witches to do the same thing but lo it has already been done quite well! XD (might still try my own take later but this is very well done and i’m glad to have found it)
According to Digimon lore (and Adventure!Wizarmon’s backstory), Wizarmon’s native world is Witchelny, based on Bandai’s short-lived Magical Witches virtual pets. When I read in the Digimon Adventure novelization that Wizarmon’s original appearance changed when he came to the the Digital World, I looked up the Magical Witches designs to get an idea of what Wizarmon looked like in Witchelny. And then I decided to draw it because they all have cute spiral eyes.
Magical Witches have human skin colors and simpler outfits than Digimon, so I played with that while still keeping the Wizarmon look. The runes on the inside of his cape are the symbols of the four element-based clans in Magical Witches (incidentally, based on his attacks, I figure he might be a member of Baluluna, the wind-based clan, but he studies fire and earth magic too so I don’t know). He lacks mouth stitches because it’s a Digimon thing, but I have a feeling that in the context of Adventure!Wizarmon it’s some sort of punishment.
Bonus hatless and cloakless WitchelWizzie:
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To be fair I haven't paid the best attention to the promo info for the new movie (if I do watch it I would like to go in knowing little-ish), but I did kind of get the impression that the First Chosen was meant to like. Not a retcon of Daigo's group but to be like, a plot twist chosen who somehow predated Daigo's group by having been chosen To Do A Thing before them? But hey I might be just behind on the info there
(It would be kind of funny though if Toei did lowkey retcon tri., after all the Zero Two retconning the fandom went on and on about pre-tri.)
Regardless, I do kind of prefer to look at Adventure's lore in a bubble and borrow as little as possible from the other franchise entries anyways because. Man. The lore can get really messy and hard to keep up with, and sometimes you simply might not even like a particular lore addition some entry might make
Like I was literally just reminded by a friend that the villians did get revived in the Wonderswan games and while there may be some cloning and/or timetravel shenannigans in some cases, in theory the revived villians should be the exact same ones from Adventure (including Vamdemon, which makes no sense since he was supposed to be hanging out with Oikawa). Which (as far as my original post goes) would probably mean that unless we could pin down the villians being naughty boys even when revived on Milleniummon (as in, he was infecting them when reviving them with his malice), then they would be just inherently evil Digimon, doomed to do evil things forever because that's just what they are
But in the end it kind of doesn't matter what which lore bit from what entry could imply, because all of this stuff is like. Things Toei is never going to explore in a story. Like it's understandable why, but in the end Toei is exclusively interested in making new entries to the Adventure-franchise if they're centered around the kids one way or another (even if they aren't kids anymore). And what I want to know more about is the potential stories about some of these Digimon, and not just the villains (what might happen with them if they were to be reborn and/or how they ended up the way they did to begin with). I would love to have a story about Wizarmon and His Whole Deal. I would love to see Leomon and Orgemon get married finally. I'd love to see what all the minor Digimon characters are up to and how they're doing. But we're not going to ever see that. And it makes me sad. Because there's so many interesting stories you could tell with/about these characters, but unless you can make it about the kids with a big epic showdown, it's not gonna happen.
#What wouldn't I give for a 12 episode mini series about short Digimon stories in the Adventure world#I don't need an epic movie about bringing back Wizarmon#Just give me one 20-minute episode about his deal with Witchelny and how he came to the DW#Etc etc#I yearn for the simple stories#Text post
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Level: Perfect (Ultimate)
Attribute: Virus A celebrity chef that studied fire magic in Witchelny and became known as the Food Magician. Gourmetmon is extremely serious about cooking, considering it the most important discipline of all and believing the mastery it has gained of it proves its own superiority. Because of this, it has adopted an aristocratic attitude and, unlike the altruistic Burgamon, it will only serve its dishes to elite customers. Those it considers unworthy will have to defeat it in battle to earn the privilege, which is no easy task.
Gourmetmon can expertly manipulate its set of state of the art kitchen knives made from Chrome Digizoid, sending them through the air in changing directions. Its Special Moves are striking the opponent with countless slices ("Mince Madness") and casting high-temperature flames from its Black Digizoid flrying pan ("Kitchen Nightmare").
Suggested pre-evolved forms: Burgamon Adult, Shortmon, Potamon, Yakiimon, FlaWizarmon, Wizarmon, Chamblemon, Hookmon
Suggested evolved forms: ???, Bacchusmon, NoblePumpmon, NeoVamdemon, Beelzebumon, Jijimon
#digimon#digifake#fanmade digimon#fanmon#digimon oc#art#digital art#digital monsters#digimon fanart#digimon art#character design#Burgamon
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Sorcerymon EX7-019 by koki and Hexeblaumon EX7-023 by Spareribs from EX-07 Theme Booster Digimon Liberator
Interesting sidenote, EX7 introduced the new trait "Witchelny" on Sorcerymon and Hexeblaumon! Having Witchelny Archtype synergy would be super cool! Too bad it's come too late for the EX4 MedievalGallantmon. Such a cool card that has no place in any decks...
#digimon#digimon tcg#digimon card game#digica#digisafe#デジカ#EX7#koki#spareribs#Sorcerymon#Hexeblaumon#trait: witchelny#Witchelny#num: 04#digimon card#color: blue#Lv4#Lv6#type: vaccine#type: data
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So his theory had partial merit; Gennai, while not the one fully behind their creation, still had a hand in it. Logically this meant that there was a higher power, or being behind it. If Gennai was also made up of data alongside them, then perhaps he too was a creation of this higher being.
Maybe one day he could meet this Gennai in person and fill in the missing gaps in his theory.
"If you are referring to our digital make up, then yes. Witchelny, and its inhabitants are made up of data, much like yourself and the digimon of this world. This is because my world is digital, just like yours; it simply exists in a separate plane from this one." Of course it wasn't hard to arrive in this world from his own.
"Because we too are digimon, we also come from eggs. However, we do not have one central place in which to be born, so there is no equivalent of Primary Village."
She hums, shaking her head.
"Not quite the one behind it...he was part program too, from what we understood. Not Digimon, but not human either."
Gatomon had always been a tad confused by that. So many different Digimon, virus, etc, and Gennai certainly was unique. But he did have allies too, didn't he?
"Might have come from something...higher up. Are the others from your world made like Digimon?"
#sayonaradumbass#Muse: Wizardmon#((When you know jack shit about Witchelny because there is not much info to begin with#so you start making things up xD))
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I thought that was a Zurumon being used as a giant cushion, but it's actually Wizardmon's knee.
#Digimon#Digimon TCG#BT18#BT18-036#Wizardmon#Champion#Data#Wizard#Witchelny#That's a fun one to try and spell with dyslexia#Common#Yellow#digimon 2020
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Presenting a Fakemon Mega for my Digimon partner line. The brain goblins have blessed or cursed me this night, we'll see which. Enjoy my imagination running for a bit. Hecatemon (Triviamon if using Roman naming) Mega Level Data Wizard/Puppet/Deity ------------------- Originally hailing from the Digital World: Iliad (same as the Olympos XII), Hecatemon had made Witchelny it's primary residence some time ago. Legend has it that it was this 'deity' that first introduced the high-level programming language 'Sorcery' to Witchelney. But sources on the truth of that statement have been lost to time. Legends also state it may be an alternate form of two other Deity Digimon.
Much like it's real world equivalent, Hecatemon is a Deity Type Digimon known for it's ties to Crossroads, the Moon, and of course 'Sorcery' or Magic, among may other domains. It is said that Hecatemon will appear to residents of the Digital World during times of great change and help lead them across the threshold of their obstacle with it's twin torches and mischievous nature in tow. --------------------- And that's what I have for now! Maybe I'll expand on this someday.
#artists on tumblr#digital art#character art#digimon#digimon art#oc digimon#fakemon digimon#digital world Iliad#digital world Witchelny#custom digimon#not a digi doodle#digifake
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realized today that with the way wizardmon is from witchelny, aka the ‘magical witches’ virtual pet universe, and with the ‘magic book’ he has that could very easily be the actual device that connects a witch to their human trainer/partner (the magical witches version of a digivice), wizardmon probably knew about humans and human/digital monster partnerships before he even became a digimon. he could have even HAD a human partner himself! no fucking wonder he seemed to know gatomon was the eighth digidestined digimon before anyone else, and tried so hard to get gatomon and kari together! he personally understood the value of the partnership they were destined to have! and perhaps... he wanted to give gatomon the chance to have such a partnership that he had lost, or always wanted but had been denied?
the possibilities are endless.
#wizardmon#wizarmon#witchelny#magical witches#digimon#speculation#lore#deep dive#fanfiction fuel#digimon adventure 1999
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