#Wishing that Papyrus was with them and he would accept Frisk as part of the family and also protect Frisk from the others
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flowerfellfrans · 20 days ago
When I talk about different au’s of Undertale, the one will forever remain my favorite is Flowerfell. It’s just so beautiful that I don’t have words to describe it, ever since I found out about it, it has been in my mind always thinking about it that makes me cry because Sans and Frisk didnt get their happy ending.
I’m sure you know that Flowerfell is about of Frisk receiving a curse, that each time Frisk dies and resets, a flower appears in their face after they died. Flowey accompanies her, they once encounter Sans and in their first hand shake, Sans kills Frisk with a zap of his power as another flower appears in her face until Sans and Frisk become friends finally and starts protecting her from the others and his brothers promising her he won’t let her get killed and make appear Flowers until in the fight against Muffet who kills Frisk and Sans kills Muffet as there are flowers in Frisk eyes, making her unable to walk normal as Sans would need to carry her. Sans now tries to protect her from the others but sometimes Frisk doesn’t want Sans to hurt them since Frisk thinks In kindness. One day, Flowey suggests they could take one of the souls and break the barrier but Frisk refuses as Frisk suggests they use her soul to break the barrier as Sans objects but Frisk manages to convince him since her life is running out and Frisk died leaving Sans and Flowey alone, destroying the barrier and freeing every monster as Asgore recognizing Frisk sacrifice, he called off the plan to destroy humanity, every monster build a community and now Sans and Flowey live together. Sometimes, Sans would visit Frisk grave they did buried her in the ruins, he would wait for them to come back, just how the timeline lets Frisk reset although he knew really good that she wouldn’t come back. (All this information I got it from Wikipedia and other information I mixed it on my own)
My reflects of this AU:
This au was very beautiful and painful for me that I was crying of this au making me cry everyday and this AU always is my fav #1. I consider this the only AU I can ship Frans but the creator original made it like a father and daughter bonding but the fans bullied and become toxic tho the creator making the creator put Frans and cancel the project and others took her au. Either romantic or platonic, I accept both of them and I feel bad for the creator living through that having toxic fans who wanted Frans. If you want to know more about the creator and what happened, watch this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1APAL2hWDVmbM33mtBSOETaFVL_xpDEDs-pKcRqnPFJo/edit
Ehem, so this is my reflections of this beautiful au’s that made me cry a lot. I accept this AU as romantic or platonic. If you want to know more of this AU, you can see it in the Wikipedia Fandom, here’s the link if you want to watch it:
And the crowd?! Is uncontrollably sobbing… 😭 just like me 😞, not matter what happened to this AU being cancelled, I will love this forever and will be my Roman Empire. Here I leave you some photos of these couple romantic or platonic, I didn’t drew this, I just got it from Pinterest:
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notademon10 · 8 months ago
The ultimate "Krisk" theory.
This is an admitetly ambicious theory that not only proposes that Kris is the Deltarune version of Frisk, but theorizes on it's implications. This means I'll be trying to solve a lot of things that might end up connecting to this, whether you see it coming or not. In other words: I'll put quite a few seemingly unrelated pieces together, and the result might just end up being something you won't like. You have been warned. That being said, I want to be as thematically coherent as possible with these games, which is something I THINK some people miss.
First off, Frisk is likely a pacifist. Their armor, the bandage, is usless except for the fact that it heals you, as well as secretly guaranteeing escape if you flee on the first turn. That's not even mentioning that Frisk is most determined in true paz, (as well as they ONLY ever smile when choosing options that relate to this route) PLUS the mirror at the end saying "Still just you, Frisk". Their weapon is the stick, which doesn't do ANYTHING at all, except sometimes being super helpful for acting in some scpecific fights. But the most damning peace of evidence comes from their soul color. We actually DO know what it stands for! Papyrus HEAVLY implies in a phonecall in elevator L3 from Hotland that it's actually... LOVE! Thus, this means that they MUST link to this concept, including their armor, and everything points towards normal Love, not, you know, L.O.V.E.
This ALSO explains WHY there are 2 red soul humans in Undertale! One represents Love, the pacifist route, and the other the genocide route, with Violence. I mean, Chara explained that THEY were the feeling of seeing numbers increase. ATK, DF, and of course, LV. To add to this, the mirror in geno says: "It's me, Chara".
A VERY important thing to mention is the RED description in Ballgame: Try as you might, but you continue to be yourself. This differenciates Frisk and Chara from Flowey as they are very true to themselves, while he changed due to the absence of "LOVE", of Chara. I actually believe that every main monster represents a lack of a certain human trait, but that's for another day.
So... Is Frisk Chara? Or some sort of combination of them and a monster, like Asriel? What I've just said is confusing, but it does have a precedent. There's a video made by Sock Muppet titled "Who are you?" that explains this much further, and the main argument for it is that in order for Frisk to exit the barrier, they must have two souls: a monster soul and a human soul.
Unfortunatly, I believe it is debunkable, because even if you believe that Frisk "the fusion" is it's own entity separate from Chara in a weird way, Asriel asks "Why did you climb the mountain?", which is something that only Chara did, so you would still have to accept that these two humans are the same, even on a thematic level, which contradicts Asriel's line "Frisk, you really ARE different from Chara. I don't know why I ever acted like you were the same person. The truth is, Chara wan't really the greatest person. While you, Frisk, are the type of friend I wish I always had."
A much better explanation for why Frisk could have exited the barrier is because they had the determination of two human souls, theirs, and OURS. After all, the legends of localitation book confirms that it is OUR determination that lets us use the save and load ability, while Frisk is just along for the ride.
I swear this is critical.
Well, I believe we DO know why. In Snowdrakes battle, there's a 1/6 chance of you saying "Nobody will ever love for the way you are". It's harsh, and very clearly projection, but from who? You see, there is evidence of Chara acting on their own on normal routes, like when you tell dirty jokes to Joshua all of them link back to Chara's story: "two kids playing in the mud", "a kid sleeping in the soil" and "a kid who ate pie with their bare hands". So who's it actually saying this, Frisk or Chara? I believe it applies to them BOTH. As it is THE reason they fell down the mountain. Let me explain. We know this MUST be the MAIN problem they have with themselves because love is LITERALLY their MAIN trait. But how do I know it applies to them both? Well, given how Frisk and Chara are foils to each other, then their reasons for coming down must be parallel or linked in some way. After all, it would be odd if only ONE of them fell down because of a lack of love, and not the other, especially when BOTH of them seem to have been neglected.
However.. there is also the fact that Clam girl tells us why Frisk fell down here. "In the grand scheme of things, Suzy might be the reason why you came here". However, it is literally impossible for them to KNOW about her, as she is literally a monster underground. So I think we should look at this situation more metaphorically. How does she tie into Frisk's reason to climb the underground?
"Nobody will ever love you the way you are."
The only way I can connect this to her is if she IS that "nobody". Or better said, the somebody that will love them for the way they are. There's just a little problem with this... Every monster ends up loving them the way Frisk really is in True paz, the only route in which they can properly meet Suzy. Even Asriel makes a point about how they love Frisk almost instantly.
Again we need to think. In which way would Suzy love Frisk?
Platonically: Every monster already does that.
In a familial way: Asgore, Toriel and debatibly Asriel already do that.
There's only one option left. And that is... One that I'm sure you won't like, but I feel obligated to suggest regardless. I understand if you don't like this idea, and that the connection between them is just multiversal.
Asriel implies the reason behind Frisk falling is a much more mundane, sadder reality. His facial expression and tone is enough. And, with the whole destiny and fate theme taken into account, I believe there is a good argument to make that Suzy might just end up loving Frisk romantically. However, I haven't really "proven" Frisk is Kris yet, so there's one thing I want to discuss: Sans.
So Sans and Papyrus are from Deltarune. This has been covered to death by other people. While Papyrus is a bit more dubious, his recent QnAs basically confirm this.
The thing is if Sans is from DR, then he has experienced events that haven't happened yet. So it's entirely possible that he coulf be a useful tool in helping us know what those events could be. And I think we can. Because there are two things that don't sit with me right: his hatred of promises, and you. Let's start with his hatred for us. It can't be that he hates humanity like the rest of the underground, as he is from a universe in which humans and monsters seem to get along just fine. There could still be differences, but racism would be seen pretty much exactly like in our world. So then, is he aware of the player? Or is it something else?
To understand exactly what he hates about us, the best place to look is his infamous genocide dialogue.
"listen. i know you didn't answer me before but... somewhere in there, i can feel it. there's a glimmer of a good person inside of you. the memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing. someone who, in another time, might have even been... a friend? c'mon buddy. do you remember me? please, if you're listening... let's forget all this, ok?"
This dialogue ocurres even if this is your first playthrough. So, I have a question for you. What could he be possibly referring to? What glimmer, what MEMORY is he feeling? But if course, that entire speech could literally just be him bluffing, right?
The thing is, he's REALLY fucking good at reading Frisk's expressions, do he SHOULD know whether or not "we" remember Sans, and were even friends with him. But, there's just a LITTLE problem with this.
How COULD Frisk remember Sans in our first playthrough?
...Well, here's the thing, they DON'T!
Because the memory he's feeling is HIS.
And who does he remember?
Who did he not forget, because he made a promise in his heart?
Three very specific people. The three Delta Warriors.
So! Kris is Frisk, right??
...Well, here's the thing: Kris might not be the human hero, because of this:
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And also this:
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The human hero is simply called "Human", which could only make sense if, at the very least on one route, Kris isn't the hero. Who then, could it be? Well, if the lack of facial features didn't give it away, it's the vessel, Kris' parallel. So WHO is the vessel, then? Well, I believe it is none other than the Deltarune version of Chara!
At the end of geno, they want us to eradicate the UT world, and move on the next world. This is very clearly a metaphor for us completionists to completly consume the next game. It just so happens that the next game we play could very well be Deltarune.
...no, this isn't all of it. Because the second time you do the route, their dialogue changes and reveals some interesting things.
I am Chara.
The demon that comes when people call it's name.
It doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter where
Time after time, I will appear.
And with your help.
We will eradicate the enemy and become strong.
Every time a number increases, that feeling...
That's me."
I have one simple question: what was Chara reffering when they said it didn't matter when, or where?
It couldn't be because we sold our SOUL to Chara, because while the one we gave them did belong to us, it was Frisk's SOUL. There's not really any other explanation for this happening, as they only really possess it in the ending, when the player has stopped playing. Chara's possession wouldn't be meaningful in any way if their time in Frisk's body corresponded to the player's playtime.
So... How could they be everywhere as well as well as be anytime??
This is going to sound farfetched, but I have no other option:
Either Chara's SOUL was somehow shattered across time and space along with Gaster, and/or Chara is talking about other worlds, atleast the Deltarune one.
All of this to say... You call Chara at the very beggining of Deltarune, or at the very least... You can. Because not only can you name yourself or the vessel "Chara", you can name yourselves whatever way you originally named them as.
... But, you end up naming two people: the vessel and it's creator. So who IS Chara?
I believe it is the vessel. Simply put, the name that the casual player is going to give them is probably like any other protagonist, or in the very specific case of UT, the first fallen human. While the name they're going to give the creator is going to THEIR name. And I mean, if both the vessel and creator were characters, then naming them in a sense would be calling two different Charas. While if only the vessel is a character, while the creator is US, you would only be calling one Chara, while the creator would just be you, since you wouldn't be calling anyone else, just yourself.
On the toic on whatever you're supposed to call Chara, Toby Fox said "Your name, if you can't think of anything else lol". But when asked on twitter if naming Chara after their cat would be ok, which he said that it would ALSO work.
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I think "your name" could be referring to the name you put yourself when you play any game, really. Kind of like "notademon" is my username on this site, but obviously is not my name.
I also have one last trick up my sleeve. Remember the unused human? You can see them as Frisk's reflection in waterfall, if you activate debug mode. At first, I thought it was just a beta version of Chara.. but they appear in a reflection in waterfall. And by then, Chara had already one single stripe. After all, their design had originated when Temmie had accidentally drawn a single stripe on Frisk!
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What I'm trying to say is that the unused human could never have been implemented in tge actual game, as Frisk and Chara already have their design. Which means that the unused human might just be a teaser for Deltarune. So who could they end up being?
Given how it's Frisk's reflection, they must parallel each other in some way.
Well, this really only leaves either the vessel or Kris. And given how Kris' skin is completly different to the one our mystery character posseses, this really only leaves one other character: the vessel.
But wait... If I'm saying the vessel is the unused huma, as well as Chara... Then that means the unused human IS Chara too??? But their skin and hair is completly different!!
Yeah, and that's because Chara in geno, looks like someone who either lacks ANY sunlight, or just a corpse. My theory is that Chara, before dying, looked similarly to the unuswd human, but with cheeks also there. Why aren't the supposed DR Chara's cheeks visible? Well, why isn't their mouth visible? Even Kris has their mouth visible. It's almost like they don't have any facial features... Like the vessel, their goner version!
And what name does the unused human have in the files? CHARA. However, Frisk is named mainchara in the files, so the "Chara" here could very easily be short for character, so it isn't as decisive as it may seem.
On how did Chara manage to become a goner I am completly unaware. There are so many things we don't know about and this post is already getting long enough as is so I'll save it for another day. Maybe.
But now that I may or may not have uncovered the vessel's secret identity, this really only leaves one person who the alternate iteration of Frisk could possibly be: Kris!
I'd start with the fact that they share the same hair color and shin color, but everyone already knows that. How about some other things instead.
Pianpian is the name of the song that plays in the hidden Kris dreemurr page. It's... An interesting name, because Pian is an anagram for pain, but also piano without the letter o. Which is EXACTLY how you get from Frisk to Kris, as Kris is just an anagram of Frisk without the letter F.
Second, while it may seem difficult to know what Kris' morals are at first hand, I think a very important piece of evidence is their relationship with Susie, because they very clearly love her. This isn't just me pulling my shipper headcannons, there's actually a lot of in-game evidence that's actually quite solid.
...Again, read my posts on this topic.
But what does this have to do with Frisk? Well, everything! Because the way Kris deals with Susie is the way players are encouraged to do the pacifist route, but to an extent where it's flaws are shown. While you CAN fight most monsters until they spare you, this won't get you the yellow, happier descriptions in the credits of UT. Players are encouraged to ACT, instead. Kris, for whatever reason, remains quiet as to not alert their mother and punish, or perhaps even expel her. However, when they do ACT in new girl, they do it in a very flirty and natural way, very similar to how Frisk acts in UT. The reason I say this is flawed is becuase if this took place in the real world, they should have told Toriel about the situation, because if they didn't, Susie wouldn't have changed. Asriel even tells Frisk about this: "Not everything can be resolved by being nice."
...What I'm trying to say is, Kris wouldn't be this interested in Susie if they were a hateful person.
Other things:
When you lecture Ruddin, Kris will talk about the importance of kindness.
Both Frisk and Kris can play the piano.
Kris is a natural flirter, as seen with Head Hathy.
Kris in the entire weird route is stated to be very different as to how they actually are.
They wear a bandage and a pencil, almost like a more evolved version of the stick.
Kris has red eyes. When Frisk is possesed by Chara they have red eyes, but if this type of eyes are natural, then it is entirely possible that Frisk ALSO has red eyes.
In the 2023 aniversary newsletter Frisk is mistakenly referred to as Kris. So Toby can't even tell them apart LMAO.
Bratty says that when Kris was younger, they wanted to hang out with the big kids, and they jokingly said that if they went to buy some burgers Kris would be able to do so. Kris actually did exactly that and still got rejected. Poor kid...
What I'm trying to say is that Kris may actually be a lot nicer than we may have thought. Them being a prankster doesn't actually affect wheter they're hurtful or not. In fact, in the normal route in chapter 2, in one of the electric barrier puzzles, Noelle can activate the barrier in the exact spot Kris was in, and she will note how Kris seems hurt by her prank, meaning that Kris doesn't actually like pranks that they think are dangerous (not anymore?).
But, I wouldn't be honest with you if I didn't PROPERLY adress the counterevidence, even finding some of my own (people should do this more often).
First, their handedness.
Kris' handedess seems to be ambidextrous, as they use their left hand in ch 1 ending and their right hand in ch 2 ending.
What about Frisk's handedness...? At first, they seem to be left-handed, as their slash sprite is always the same, and would make more sense if it came from a left hand. But if you remember when Toriel was going through the spike puzzle, Toriel grabs Frisk's hand with her right hand. But Frisk alternates between their left hand and right one. Even when they grab the umbrella the exact same thing happens. It isn't a bug, Toriel's hand is consistent, it's Frisk's hands that aren't. I think that if Toby doesn't care that much about keeping Frisk dominant with one hand then we shouldn't either. I mean, the slash sprite always being the same could easly be explained by Toby not wanting to add another one because it would look weird. Tldr Frisk is probably ambidextrous because Toby doesn't care, at least not anymore in UT's final release.
So! That's everything, right?
No... Because I still have to tackle Sans' relationship with Frisk, as I kind of just recontextualized it in it's entirety.
So why does Sans hate Frisk so much? Why does he hate making promises? I mean, "don't forget" is a promise too, implying that he too, hated making that promise.
Well, for starters, I believe that Toriel asking him to protect the next human is not theo ONLY reason Sans didn't attack them. He made the mysterious promise to not forget Kris and their friends, which in turn meant that he couldn't forget about Frisk either, and their memories of being a good person.
Well, he does mention that they don't know it feels, knowing that one day everything will be reset. So is it possible that Kris will or has reset Deltarune? Perhaps, but I would like to point out something slightly less outlandish for the sake of this post.
His infamous line: "kids like you should be buring in hell" gains some interesting implications when you remember what "Hell" is associated with in Deltarune: The Roaring. After all, Jevil refers to it as "HELL'S ROAR", and Ralsei, when describing the roaring asks: "Is this your idea of paradise" wording which definetly will become very important later in the game.
After all, why WOULD Sans try to leave his homeworld? What catastrophe would make him leave, if not the Roaring or worse? And, why WOULD Sans say this to Frisk? Could it be, that he finds the idea of Frisk suffering in the calamity that is Hell's Roar? But that could only happen if...
Kris consciously helped bring or directly brought Hell itself to Deltarune.
How???? It directly contradicts EVERYTHING that I've been trying to say about Frisk! ...Right?
Well, the Roaring seems to be an allegory to something very interesting: letting yourself be consumed by fiction. So let's think, why would Frisk, or better said Kris, do this at all?
Well, if it HAD to be ONE reason in particular, it would be the same reason they climbed Mt. Ebott: because nobody loved them they way they are. Or at the very least, they THOUGHT so.
This question of seemingly not knowing if anybody loves Kris for the way they are is one that's been directly building up in the new girl page in the sweepstakes, particularly when Susie says that if Kris dissapeared, Toriel would be happy, and then Kris says something unexpected that Noelle doesn't hear. It also further connects Kris to Frisk and Chara, and maybe even the other six fallen humans. Of course, I DO belive that at least their family DOES love them for the way they are, at least to some extent, as well as Rudy and Noelle. Also, Susie is friends with Kris, not the player, because we can be the worst person imaginable and Susie doesn't care because she's not OUR friend, she's Kris', as them saving her is much more important than whatever we do in Chapter 1, at least as of now. Again, it's just that Kris THINKS they don't. But... Why?
Well, it could be anything from Kris hiding something from their friends that completly changes their view to US controlling them, making them feel like their friends don't love THEM. However, Frisk isn't noted to be upset in the pacifist route, so I don't think they mind if we do what they want, after all, they DO influence or ACTs. Instead, what if us controlling Kris makes their friends FEEL like they AREN'T their friend?
To this I... Do not know. There are so, SOO many possible plot points that it would just be too much for this post. So I'll leave it here. If you have any gripes with this theory, please let me know as long as you aren't borderline hateful. I do genuenly want to improve, even if it means acknowledging that my theory is objectivly bad, or something. But if you DO think I'm onto something PLEASE like and share, this is like the very first ACTUAL theory I've posted, so please let me know!
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soilingquasar · 2 years ago
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Chara- Born in the 1800's, Chara was born orphan but raised by nuns and priests alongside many other children, however thier ship sank during a voyage to a better place, resulting in the death of everyone except her, now stranded in a island alone, her cries were heard by Asriel who then brought her to his parents. The human would struggle, constantly avoiding stepping on eggs to not be killed by the royal family. However to their surprise, Chara was one of the only people who could get prince Asriel to talk or even socially interact at all, as if that wasn't enough the human would also entertain the Dreemurrs with stories of the Bible which were told by her peers, until she was finally accepted into the family. Asriel- Born in the same age as Chara, the young prince was complicated to understand or deal with by his parents, often avoiding other people, the parents couldn't understand why couldn't their child be normal and they were considering to give up completely. Until Chara arrived, the human did not treated Asriel like a burden nor like a baby, but as a friend, giving him the time he needed to process and finally be able to express himself. Being able to cooperate more when going out and behaving, as well as develop himself with the help of his family...until one day, both Chara and Asriel were suddenly grabbed by their heads and drowned to death by an unknown assailant. Toriel- Toriel was a very strict mother, a strong woman by every sense of the word but deep down she always wanted the best for her family, and surprisingly one of the last people to accept Chara as part of the family. However, after the death of her children, Toriel would spiral down into a fit of rage, blaming Asgore and everyone around her, and after having a long argument with the king, she would storm out of the castle in great fury, only to bring up an entire army that was exclusively loyal to her to siege the castle. The era of peace would end and thus starting a massive civil war with massive casualties on both sides and divide the island's people. Frisk- This human was not being transported out of her own will, beaten, chained, salvation came in the form of the ship being sunken...upon washing ashore, it will now be up to Frisk to decide the fate of the Island, which side should win, whether all monsters should live...or die. Sans- Once captain of the royal guard, he would be forced to retire after suffering a massive wound which caused a large crack on his skull, fracturing the mind of the skeleton. Eventually Sans would start to ramble about a prophecy, one which a demon will rise from the sea to bring death and destruction to all who stand in the way...this has yet to be proven. He is currently being taken care by his younger brother Papyrus who tries his best to make the older brother stop rambling about his nonsense. Papyrus- After being denied entry in the royal guard multiple times by both Sans and Undyne despite of his abilities, the skeleton grew more sour and bitter but now putting his traps to a new use. Using them to capture and take out the most dangerous beasts of the island in order to achieve his own legacy, while also being forced to take care of his older brother to avoid get him killed. Deep down Papyrus is constantly wondering if he is doing the right thing, while also showing love and resent towards Sans and Undyne and as way to prove his might and get it in their faces, he is going to capture the most fierce and unpredictable creature to ever exist...a human. Undyne- Once a respected royal guard, she assumed the position of captain after Sans was taken out of the equation. Unlike others, Undyne hates fighting and wishes to solve things more peacefully, but she is not afraid to fight, however she uses her speed and wits rather than raw strength to fight her enemies, capable of dodging the player’s attacks. She eventually fell in love with a woman named Alphys and loves her with all her heart, even going as far as to do all kinds of favors to her using the position as captain of the royal guard, which costed the respect her peers had for Undyne, she is now being viewed as a laughing stock, which in turn made her lose all confidence in the process. Alphys- Where many saw death and somber in the civil war, Alphys saw opportunity. Getting rid of the royal wizard to then acquire more opportunities to get power and knowledge from the old geezer's books. Seducing Undyne with the facade of being a cute and innocent girl who only wishes to bring love to all around her, while also separating the gullible fish from her best friend Papyrus and forcing her to cut all ties with him, as well as always making the captain feel more and more insecure about herself. Whenever they have a disagreement or argument, she uses Undyne's secrets and fears against her, at one point she even threatened to game over herself just to make Undyne feel even worse, making the royal guard beg for her to not do it. Alphys would also be responsible for turning a large section of the island into a frozen wasteland where she has complete control to experiment on the poor souls that dare to cross into her territory, with those who cross her never surviving, as she is one of the most powerful magicians in the island. Alphys is cold and calculating, her ambition and thrist for power is her greatest strengh but also her greatest weakness. Asgore- Being the more soft between the two Dreemurrs, he always made an effort to make sure that not just his family but also his people would have the best conditions. Despite his past with humans, he was willing to give Chara a chance to help Asriel with improving himself, and was fascinated with Chara's stories, always wanting to know what happened to humanity after the war which trapped him and his people on this island. Upon the death of his children Asgore defended his castles against the wrath of Toriel, for years he fought with her, but as the times went by he was getting weaker and weaker, he commissioned Alphys to make him and armor that would make the king stronger than he ever was. He ended up getting what he wanted, but with a catch, the witch had cursed the armor, fusing the metal with his skin, meaning it would be impossible to take it off without risk of death, not only that but Alphys had complete control over him. Now a shadow of his former self, he wishes to be taken out of his misery as he is not even capable of enjoying the most simple of things, especially taking care of his garden. Razor- The black rose was one of Alphys' first experiments, created exclusively to be used as a tool to appeal to Toriel and Asgore's emotional sides and manipulate them like puppets. However the flower escaped, their existence would be one with agony, two vessels sharing a single body, with such lack of power to stop whatever it was unfolding, they were forced to stay in the shadows and observe the fall of their only home. As time goes on a new personality is starting to develop, taking their own actions rather than Chara or Asriel's. Napstablook- Being one of the many victims of the civil war, he and his cousin were caught between both sides, everything was being destroyed around them. And after being abandoned by his only family, hit by magical attacks, the ghost would finally break...killing everyone and everything it could see, not being able to discern friend from foe any longer, now being feared by both sides as their boogeyman. Glamorous Gladius- After abandoning their cousin in a cowardly act of survival, the poor ghost grinded themselves with their own guilt believing their cousin to be dead. That was until they were found by Alphys, Happstablook always dreamed of being a gladiator, bringing down the toughest of foes while hearing the crowd say their name. The witch gave the ghost a vessel on which to battle others, now being forced to work for her, it wouldn't take long until they figure out Alphys' true motives. Becoming more drained, their dream slowly turning into a nightmare, they wish to escape this life and apologize for everything...if their cousin is still alive that is. Extras: Alphys' disguise, the form which Undyne and everyone else sees, sprite from above is her true form. And lastly Sans in genocide route. (sans also speaks either like yoda from Star Wars or in forms of riddles.) Papyrus walks like Dr.Livesey.
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acerikus · 3 years ago
On 'saving' Asriel
I think the thing that gets me the most about the 'ralsei and/or deltarune is a creation that comes from our (as players) desires to save asriel, based on what little we really know of him' theory is like... If we did true pacifist, we already saved Asriel.
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Let's talk about the epilogue.
No matter how Asriel spun it at the end of true pacifist, turning back into a flower didn't magically take away everything he learned and felt. He tells us not to reset again and to let frisk live their life, he says he can't go through all of that again.
And last year, Toby gave us the alarm clock app dialogue, where it was confirmed that Flowey also got to go to the surface. Look at his cute lil bow! He likes it.
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I recommend taking a look through all of his dialogue here, it really shines a light on what he's like on the surface in a way that I think proves something - even if he lost feelings when he originally became a flower, this Flowey? He cares. He doesn't wanna show it, of course. He has a reputation to uphold in this timeline.
But he daydreams about the shiny new bike he wishes he could have for Christmas. He sees his mother passed out in the garage, tuckered out after partying and gets her back home and tucked in, and leaves her a glass of water as overfilled as he and chara always used to do it as kids. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that bow he's wearing is from papyrus.
Yeah, Flowey doesn't wanna show he cares and hides it behind acting edgy and mean spirited in an almost tsundere fashion, but... Realistically, would a 'saved' Asriel be much different? I think people forget sometimes that Asriel was an asshole for most of his fight - he didn't just magically regain the ability to love and become the Sweet Golden Child we see him as. He wanted to keep killing us, to keep resetting and continuing the 'game'.
What really gave him pause was being reminded of his past, of growing up with chara and the love and kindness of his family. And, after telling himself he didn't feel anything for so long, and that he just wanted chara back because they could 'understand' him like this... Of course it was enough to break the dam. He was overwhelmed - he's not felt like this in so long, and it's so, so much. His capability to love didn't magically return as soon as he became a goat, so I don't think it'd have to immediately fade just bc he became a flower again, either. It's never outright stated as fact that you can't love without a soul, it's just his assumption.
But no matter what - this is a part of him. He's reset countless times, done everything he could think of, became desensitised to anything people would do or say or feel... He's seen it hundreds of times before, and it lost its charm. Flowey was always Asriel, and when he first woke as a flower he was still this scared, crybaby child who wanted his parents.
So let's say we 'saved' him in the undertale universe and he miraculously became a goat again... Then what? You think the twisted sense of humour he's developed over time is vanishing because he's a goat again? That he's gonna instantly unlearn acting like he doesn't care, or easily getting fed up with people are talking? Nah, not when he see settles, and can just be himself. Flowey is Asriel.
Think of the amalgamates. They were all people who fell down, and became victims of a life saving experiment that went horribly, horribly wrong and put them through something truly horrible for who-knows-how-long. But at the end of true pacifist? We welcomed them anyway, and they were accepted by their families even with how much they'd changed. They died and yet they got a second chance with their loved ones. We considered that enough.
Flowey is no different. Asriel died and became an amalgamate (albeit in a different way), but he got his second chance with his family. Sure, he doesn't have arms or legs now and he can't ride that bike, but he's still himself. He's still the kid who overfilled that glass because he was copying his sibling and he's still that little boy who loves his mother very much.
We already saved Asriel, and in a post epilogue world, he's going forth without the threat of resets and time loops, only one life left to enjoy and make the most out of, dialogue and friendships and people being fresh and new and one time only. He's fed up of our influence and wants undertale's world to be left in peace, player-free. He can work through it in his own way, and he will still be who he is, who he's grown up to be.
But bringing this back to deltarune, to the idea of us trying to 'save' him even now, by wanting more... Whatever we'd get back wouldn't be him, not really. We rejected that in persuit of an idealised version of him who never existed. Anything we get back wouldn't truly be the same character we spent so much time with in undertale.
That in itself feels like a tragedy.
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themsource · 3 years ago
Y'know I have always had a love for Roger Rabbit and the world setup, and seeing the new trailers for Chip N' Dale reminded me of an old WIP idea I had outlined but never got around to writing.
It was called Pixelville.
(Rant Idea below the cut)
A story centered of course on a Sans/Reader concept it was set to take place in modern day several years after the Roger Rabbit movie, but with key elements from the book incorporated into it like speech bubbles and doppelgangers.
You'd have Toontown where all the hand drawn characters lived, Pixelville for videogame originated characters, and finally CGcity for all the movie and TV show original characters resided.
There was the idea of characters being able to adapt abilities granted to them depending on how large thier following was and the shared fanon concept about it. Like Sans having a massive UT fanbase that supports the idea of ecto, he'd be able to form ecto biological parts for exsample. (I was going to include that and he was simply going to find it hilarious) And I thought about AU inclusion and how characters could take on that persona and form at will, heck even use it for when they summoned a dopple!
Anyways, the Chip N' Dale trailer mentioned a CG surgery, and that got my gears turning.
What if the characters could all get One Time surgeries to change thier form? Like a Toon wants to be Pixeled? Or a Pixel Toon'd etc? And then it started giving me thoughts about how CGcity is like the ultra popular spot for peeps to want to live at, but there's decriminalization and requirements like you have to have gotten a movie or TV show deal and had gotten a surgery to make you CG to move there? And like Toontown is legit for the old money OG characters to live at from comic strip/book era, and Pixelville was more of a nuetral area were basically anyone could live, given already that not all residents came originally from videogames but videogames did come from toons and characters?
Anyways, I thought of like Papyrus having moved to CGcity with Undyne, the both of them having been granted a TV workout show and such. Sans being the lazy bumpkin he is was content living in Pixelville with Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk.
Reader was gonna be a cop, the great granddaughter of detective Valiant who was assigned a case around this new drug called Smoke.
Smoke was something that could hypnotize Toons/Piexels/CGs into doing whatever the user wished, all while memory wiping them once the effects wore off and all making them an addict to it. (Yeah an addiction to something they had no memory of, perfect angst) and Reader got assigned this case due to her grandfather's legacy of the great DIP bust of '98, which Reader was going to be bitter about that due to how she disliked Eddie's legacy. (She doesn't like anyone working outside the law which great grandpa did a lot, this was going to slowly be chipped at during the course of the story)
Sans was gonna end up being Reader's "Roger" basically, conviently showing up at unexpected locations (a fanbase ability) Reader just happened to be at until finally Reader accepted that they were for some reason stuck together.
Sans was going to be able to use his voice, (along with all fanbase accents if he wanted) instead of being dependent on speech bubbles - or in the case of pixels of which he is one- text boxes. (He was still gonna use the boxes but Reader was gonna convince him to speak, and lazy him was gonna do his in-game chatter but the meaning would translate for those he wanted understanding him)
It was going to be a slowburn, text boxes instead of turning to dust like speech bubbles were going to glitch out, etc.
I had/have so many thoughts and ideas on it, but my hands are full with so many things right now I just wanted to rant about the concept for a minute. Because IDK if I'll ever get to writing it XD
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jamestrmtx · 4 years ago
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Nine | Dating Tense! (Part 1 of 3)
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Alternate Title: 'Hey, (mami/papi)' or 'Sans acts like a Latin American f*ckboy'.
• • •
Week two into clearing out the air between you and Frisk's monster friends arrives much faster than you would like.
With all the pent-up frustration you'd let out during the first half of your tour and how you ended up postponing the other half prematurely precisely due to that, you don't really want to visit Toriel's home anymore. Even if she did invite you over for a chat at her place back when you were still at the hospital, and even if you did tell her you would set up a date with her soon, you assume she's already long forgotten about that promise, and the mere thought of asking her where she lives now that she's moved on from an apartment to a house is far too much for you.
Are you available today?
I would like to fulfill what I promised you at the hospital, if so.
If not, do let me know when you are free.
Here is the new address.
>> Attachment - 1 image
If you are not certain over how to make it here, I can gladly pick you up during your lunch break, or after you have clocked out of work.
Or I can ask another person to help you get there.
Just make sure you do not eat anything before visiting, so I can prepare either lunch or dinner for you and everyone else here, depending on when you arrive.
Take care. ]:)
But, of course -- and as fate would have it -- she'd sent you a string of messages first thing in the morning today.
She'd even sent you a picture with her new address, detailed to such a point where you really wish -- now that you see who the person is -- you hadn't agreed with her on having someone help you find her new home.
"Jump in," Sans says, opening the front passenger door of what you can only assume is Papyrus's car based on the stories Frisk told you about him. "We'll make it there in less than an hour -- just in time for you to make it back to work later."
Between Toriel's sudden message, what happened back at Waterfall, the cloudy weather rushing you to make a decision, and just who's the person the goat lady's entrusted to help you out, it's almost impossible for you not to stress any more than you have already.
You're still too worked up over what was revealed to you at Waterfall, and you still can't shake off the extreme caution you've now built around the same person meant to keep you safe in the first place, as far as having to remind yourself not to be as on-edge as you'd been the time he tried to console you when you started tearing up back at the Ruins.
That reminder makes you look at the monster again, though without a friendly tone or look present, mind once again fueled by your urgent need to put up a front around him.
"What makes you think I'll hitch a ride from you now of all times?" you ask, remaining in place. "And with questionable music, to top it all off."
While you're usually not one to make shallow judgements based on personal taste, you can't ignore how obvious he's being with you right now. There's a bell of warning ringing at the back of your head with the low rumble and suggestive beat of the song playing on the radio, and his beyond relaxed driving pose. Only one hand's on the wheel, and the other's hung over the open window. He's either pretending, or he's for real about his attitude, something hard to tell after ending your tour with him at the Underground.
"C'mon, pal. We know our names, met a whole month ago, and you know some of my past to more detail now, don't ya? I'd say we're still acquaintances, at the very least."
"I'm afraid I'll still have to refuse." You cross your arms and point with your gaze at the minivan parked not far behind him. "I've got my own car to drive in. I can follow behind you."
The skeleton's gaze follows yours, and his grin almost stretches when he gets a good look at where you're pointing at. "A minivan?" His irises light up and he snickers, a rumble similar to the song's leaving him. "You really are a parent at heart, huh?" His irises move on back to you, and you further shield yourself with the cross of your arms when you see he's now eyeing you up and down, a different light flaring in his gaze. "Don't think I've said this before, but you've got the looks of one, too." He winks. "And this's probably a bit off-topic and a whole lot personal, but... Has Frisk told you why they ran away yet, or are they still keepin' quiet about it? Jerry aside, you sound n' act like a good parent, as far as I've gotten to know you."
Sans hits another weak spot, one you try to mask by showing anger on your face, using the excuse of him having checked you out. "I doubt I should answer that to a guy who's just looked me up and down." You form a scowl, persisting. "You really have no shame left in you anymore, do you? If you hadn't been so honest with me at the hospital, I would've assumed you've got experience trying to woo people over -- even if you're not that good at it, in reality."
He grins and later shrugs; the arm hung over the window slips back inside the car and lowers the volume some. "Well, what can I say, pal? Ya don't wanna be acquaintances, ya don't wanna be friends, and you're set on me being your enemy ever since the tour. The only thing I've got left's to try flirtin' with you."
"You really don't." You huff and let your arms fall back to their rightful place, self-consciousness showing when you see his irises follow your movements. "Are you that intent on pissing me off from now on? Stop staring at me like that."
"If I stop, will ya try to listen? I just wanna help you and your kid out."
Humour vanishes from his skull; the serious note to his words is then augmented when he makes eye contact with you, music now low enough not to distract you anymore. "Fine." You look back to your car. "But I won't ride with you. I... I don't trust you enough to be all alone with you anymore." You pause and avoid any further eye contact, crossing your arms again when you feel too exposed from his earlier staring.
Being a full-time office worker and single parent, topped off with having to do almost all the chores around the house, meant little to no time for yourself, which in turn meant self-care was scarce -- a factor that tripled when Frisk ran away, made worse with how you coped with their absence. Barely eating anything throughout the day to later drown out your sorrows with the least healthy food there was late in the night -- mostly microwavable to avoid having to cook only for yourself -- had left an imprint on your body and health alike, and it shows to this day. Even if you were starting to get your social life back together and even if you were little-by-little going back to a better and healthier lifestyle, you were still far from being as active as you once were before Frisk went missing. The once natural huskiness and pudginess of your physique was something, but ignoring how that amount doubled over the past few months, how you lost what once used to be good stamina, and how you have stress acne all over your face is a whole different thing in its entirety.
This man was seeing the downright worse self you could possibly show to the world right now, both in terms of emotional and physical health. How he apparently gained a crush on you over the past month is an anomaly you rather wouldn't want to find an answer for currently.
You look towards the skeleton when he calls out for you, a bit off-put by him using your name. Truth be told, you'd already grown used to him calling you 'pal' or (L/N). Any other name besides those main two felt strange coming from his teeth. "You good?" he asks, a subtle furrow present on his skull. "You've been spacin' off for a while now."
"I'm good," you reply, careful not to let your voice break. It's not until you see him wipe the car door with his jacket's sleeve that you notice rain's began to fall, tainting the inside -- a cause of him having left the window open. "...You should close the window, Serif. I'll follow behind in my car."
"Ride with me." There's not a trace of humour left in him, though you still find it hard getting to take him seriously. "I promise I won't bother you 'til we get to Tori's."
"I still can't." You step back, eyes looking off towards the passenger door to see it left ajar, kept somewhat protected by the rain, yet still in wait for you. "Sorry, but I.... I really can't." Already feeling your work uniform starting to stick, you reach out for your bag and take a mini-umbrella out, shielding yourself from the rain with it. "Thanks for the offer, and for the tour last weekend, but I simply can't ignore how you looked at me just a second ago, and how you've been acting with me recently."
• • •
With how heavy the rain gets, you can barely see when the monster takes a turn to the left, forcing you to take a detour to the emergency lane and suck up a cry of frustration.
Of course, accepting a ride in his car would've been much easier than all this, but then what about your integrity as a person?
Some monsters were reported to have caused Frisk harm, one of them in particular said to have been a literal, killer robot, programmed by none other than Alphys, the same monster responsible for hurting her own kind through means of inhumane experiments.
So if that was the case, who knew what that skeleton could be up to?
Whether jokingly or not, you were far from trusting over his demeanor and were in no means wanting to leave Frisk under the care of him, Papyrus, Toriel, or anyone else anymore. After all, your ex-husband left the second he deemed himself too irresponsible to look after a child. So who's to say an utter stranger belonging to another species wouldn't do the same, or worse?
"I'm sorry to say this, but we're gonna have to stop here."
Once again caught daydreaming, you look to your left, the monster's muffled voice made more audible when you lower the window only slightly, keeping the rain outside. "It'll be hard gettin' anywhere with how strong it's pourin'."
Sans is pretty much drenching himself, though your urge to let him in your car is held back when you question yourself over it. You chew on your lip as you think it through, clicking the switch the second after you scold yourself over your straight-up awful manners recently. "Get inside," you exclaim, huffing. "Don't just soak yourself for me!"
Without waiting, you turn your back to him and reach out for the seat next to yours, opening up the front passenger door for him to pass by and closing it the second he's in.
"Wouldn't've happened if you'd just hitched a ride off of me. Or unblocked my number, at least."
"As if."
His breathing's scarce, and your questions over why he hadn't chosen to use magic similar to last time are answered to you when you remember what he said about Karma.
"Use this." You offer out a towel to him, one you retrieve from within Frisk's leftover school supplies at the back of the car. "Why would you drive all the way back, park your car behind mine, and then get down from it even though it's pouring, all just to talk to me? Haven't I given off enough signs about us? Don't do this for me, Serif. I... I appreciate all your help, but I can handle this from here on out."
You find it hard not to stare when he slips off his jacket and throws it on his lap, revealing a bulky build despite him being a skeleton. He's soaked from head to toe, yet he pays little to no mind to it and takes the towel from your hands, patting it over himself a few times. "You done starin', pal?"
"How are you so... big-boned? I thought that was just your jacket adding extra bulkiness to you!" You look away when you realize just how plain and awfully rude you've been. It doesn't help when you remind yourself he's drenched because of you. "That was rude of me," you say, sighing. "I'm sorry." A strain takes over your chest and a frown accompanies it. "What I meant to say is, well..." You breathe out a sigh. "Why are you so... husky? Is that normal for skeleton monsters?"
"Just as normal as it is for you to have love handles. Didn't really notice the first few times we met, but you've gotta real (mom/dad) bod, if I do say so myself. Your work uniform kinda brings that out more."
You face him with wide eyes and keep your distance from him by scooting away, once more stricken by how much he's changed in so short of a time. What was once a level-headed and decent guy was turning out to be a much more brazen one -- a jerk, not so much yet, but boy, was he starting to cross a few boundaries every now and then. "So it's... not?"
"It's normal." He chuckles, honesty present in the subtle, hearty rumble of his laughter. "...You sayin' it ain't normal for you to have those? 'Cause Human Anatomy's taught me it is. Even more so if you're a single parent, since time's scarce and stress's more than bountiful. Don't really expect you to have your ex's six-pack abs if you're takin' up pretty much all the responsibilities of raising a family by yourself."
"Wh-" You ignore everything he's said and instead reply with, "...Why do you call them that, anyway? You know the scientific term for them if that's the case, don't you?"
"I do, but I kinda like calling 'em that more," he says. "It's a cute name for 'em."
If this was another way of him getting to try to flirt with you more, it was the weakest and most awful attempt yet. Whether he was joking or not didn't matter anymore, your desire to have him out of your life increasing with each second he spends inside your car. "You sure have plenty of guts for a skeleton, you know that? Never in my life would've I imagined someone would bring that up in a conversation." You sigh, breathe back in, and turn the air conditioner down a notch, annoyance helping further contrast the cold of the rain. "Are you alright with the cold, Serif? I know you lived at Snowdin, so I'm not sure if you're uncomfortable or not, but... I lowered it since you got rained on."
"Warmin' up to me already, pal?"
You throw another towel at the skeleton, and a scowl returns to your face. "Ask that again, and I'll kick you out for sure this time."
He laughs, taking the towel and draping it over his shoulders. "Duly noted."
• • •
With the rain forcing you to start up any means of conversation with the monster, you suck up your pride and unblock his number half an hour into your wait for the sky to calm down.
"I might have just enough energy to drive us there without havin' to wait so much for it to clear up," he comments, breaking the ice when you let him know he can call and text you again. "But I'm gonna have to take the wheel from here on."
Letting him drive is by far crossing the thick and neon line you've drawn between him and yourself, yet you can't exactly rule out his reasoning behind it. Before you can spell a 'why' in protest, he continues, preventing you from interrogating him again, "My normal magic's strong enough for small tasks, so I can try casting a veil over the windshield, kinda like how I did the last time you almost fell into the river."
It makes sense, though you hesitate, pride further shrunken when you realize you didn't exactly thank Sans for last time. "Won't it tire you out?"
"A lil', yeah. But it's better than waitin' some more, and I can just sleep that off as soon as we get to Tori's."
You face the wheel, reluctant to let go. "...Are you sure? But then what about your car?"
He nods. "It's already parked n' locked. We can think about that later."
Facing the rain, you bite on your lip and consider the options: either stay here for what you assume will be another hour alone with the skeleton, or agree with him and get to Toriel's on time. The meeting you have at work returns to your mental to-do list, influencing your thoughts on what decisions to make.
Sans was offering to help you out, but at what cost?
Would he bring it all up later and make mention of how much you owed him?
And then again, hadn't he been obnoxious enough with his flirting for you to have a counter-argument about it?
Whatever his reasons were for having offered to show you around the Underground with as much patience as he displayed and help you meet with Frisk's monster friends -- going as far as to drive you to Toriel's new place by himself -- you truly don't have time to delay anymore; the pending meeting is sufficient to remind you of that. As a result, you backtrack on your stubbornness, sighing out your frustration and letting go of the wheel after. "Thank you." Glancing at the back of the car and later back at him, you give him another look of warning before speaking up again, "Back away first," you say, lips a firm line. "If you're gonna move over to the wheel, you're way too close for what I'm about to do."
"Sure." He grins, scooting away. "Whatever ya want, pal."
You eye him over again, making sure he's distant enough for you to move to the back; no way you were getting an inch closer to him physically. The proximity from his seat to your own is more than abundant already.
When you're certain he's not looking at -- or anywhere near -- you, you slip one careful step after the other into the backseat as best as you can. Caution over not letting him take a look at your derrière or anywhere else deems your movements clumsy. Your foot almost slips, though you catch yourself, resulting in a not-so graceful land, face hitting the seats.
"You can move over now," you say once sitting up straight. You fix your clothing and look back to the front of the car when you're done. "I'm not doing that again with you around, so I'll just stay here for the rest of the ride." While you notice his irises have been gazing out at the rain thus far, you don't exactly rule out the possibility of him having slipped in a look on you while you were moving to the back. Simply confiding the monster with your car was ample trust for one single day. Having given your back to him in the most literal sense possible was exceeding it.
"Noted," he replies, laughing. "But don't sweat it. If you're worried about me ogling you, I only saw you climb over to the backseat, and nothin' else. I don't like lookin' at people that way."
"Didn't you do that barely a few hours ago, though?"
"I was mostly just distracted by how... different you look in your work uniform. Real different from your casual self, I'd say."
You face him with stern eyes, unamused. "Oh, that's all, I'm sure." You scoff. "Dunno what's your type, but I've got to be the only human you've talked with so far if you've seriously got a crush on me."
"Why's that?"
"Haven't you seen me at my ugliest? I doubt I looked anywhere near attractive the day after I fainted."
"Last time I checked, a hospital's not a catwalk, ain't it?" He grins. "And who says I'm not into you? You're still a PILF, as far as my tastes go."
"What's that mean?" you ask, quirking a brow.
"An abbreviation for 'Person/Parent I'd Like to be Friends with'."
You're sitting straight on the backseat now, hands folded over your lap as you look to the windshield, distracting yourself away from his gaze. Worry over the rain not picking up makes you wonder if Frisk's doing okay in Toriel's new home, and just what they could be up to with her and the rest of their monster friends. "Were you always this shameless and keeping that hidden? Or am I a special case for you?"
He winks and grabs the wheel without breaking his irises away from you, now staring at you from the rearview mirror. "Whatever you think it to be." It doesn't take more than another hostile look from your part for his smile to tense up again, irises almost appearing to do the same. "Damn." He whistles, looking away and grabbing the wheel tighter. "You're a tough cookie, pal."
"Yes, and I have my reasons for it."
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• • •
To older readers or those curious about the old version of this fanfic:
As you may have noticed, we're beginning to fall into the chapters of the old version, meaning that -- for those who're waiting for the continuation of the old plot (but improved upon in terms of writing style, flow, and depth, among other things) -- it will appear around the 3rd Arc/Chapter Twenty-Six of this new version.
With that being said, any suggestions to improve are welcomed (as that's what made me write up a new version and improve upon the old one), whether old reader or not!
• • •
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wolfsgravity · 3 years ago
I was thinking about Undertale, which happens very intensely sometimes.
I really do want my S/I to just be plain ol' human me. Because, becaaauuuse, there's something so very real and very me about finding acceptance and love in a group of monsters where I've only found it in a handful of humans before.
I'm very lonely irl. I don't feel like I fit in with humans as a mass, I often say I'm a dragon or some other non-human creature at heart to ease my own discomfort.
And like, I know, I could just make a monster S/I. But I want to be accepted as me by the UT cast. They mean a lot to me, and I've spent most of today thinking of my dynamics with the non-MTT "main cast" (ig) of Undertale.
Alphys and I surprisingly take some time to arrange our boundaries! We don't dislike each other, but we energetically wear each other out with our similar interests and how we express them clashing at first. But one night I stay longer than usual and we get into talking boundaries instead of anime and fandoms, and we start vibing at similar frequencies. At least, we start feeling comfortable flagging the other down when our batteries are low.
Undyne intimidates me in a one-on-one setting for a very long time. She's fit and energetic and I'm very much not?? In a group setting I think she's swell! But alone, I feel self-conscious and nervous that I'm not meeting her energy. That said, I love her and Alphys as a couple and cheer them on very openly.
Frisk and I get along fine, though since I hc Frisk as mute and using sign language, I don't ever interact with Frisk without an interpreter because I don't pretend to know any form of sign language. Frisk is a busy child in this headcanon post-game world, though, what with the super-shared custody and also being ambassador between the monsters and humans.
I think my S/I would be as conflicted about Asgore as I am irl. On one hand, child killing. On the other hand, he did feel bad about it. On yet another hand, didn't stop him from doing it multiple times. On fourth hand, he had a limited data set. On fifth hand, he's kind of pathetic about Toriel. That shouldn't be part of my hands but it is.
Toriel and I would be dangerous in that she is wholly too sweet and she'd bake me a pie and I'd cry from her baking me a butterscotch pie because I love butterscotch and then she'd feel bad for making me cry and then I'd feel bad for making her feel bad and have no way to make up for it. I need crispy Deltarune Toriel, but also I don't want the Deltarune versions of any of these characters because they're all sadder.
I don't count Flowey in this headcanon world because he would not try to interact with humans besides Frisk, probably? If he did, I dunno, I think I'd just call him an asshole. Everyone would explain the whole story to me, I'd nod and process everything, and be sad for a while for the poor thing... then still call him an asshole.
I left Sans and Papyrus for last for a very good reason.
[In real life, it's important to note, I have a closet comfort cosplay of Sans. Complete with a cloth mask for his grin.]
I want to be so comfortable and close with the skelebros that I'm practically an honorary skelebro myself. I want to have a heart-to-heart with Sans where I say "I wish I was more like you." and he gets uncharacteristically somber and says "Don't say that, Rem. You don't wanna be like me." And he's looking away and on the far wall I see a blue glow as if he's emitting light a mere foot away from me. I want to make human-style pasta and have Papyrus crash through the door only to go "Why aren't you screaming? You should AT THE VERY LEAST be screaming"
Like, I'm highly considering adding Sans and Papyrus as familial F/Os after all the thinking I've done today because it just feels so comforting to be like "they're like brothers to me :)"
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the-worst-nintendo-player · 4 years ago
Hello there, human or monster. The story you are about to read is a story completely made up by the writer. This story will talk about Undertale's different AUs, however, their story will be changed and the writer will explain his version of the AU in question.
The authors of the arts will be mentioned at the end of the story. In case an artist doesn't want their art to be in this post, they are kindly invited to DM me so the writer will imediately take it off the said story.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox, please, support him by playing both of his games.
Now let's get started.
Chapter 1: the soulless choice
The sun was starting to rise as the first and weak rays of Dawn would start to Shine all over the country. It has been 3 years since the monsters finally came out of the Underground. They had problems, people couldn't really trust them at the beginning, but after some researches and wise words, in a year or so everything started to get better and better every day. The Monsters were free to go around the world, laws were created for their magic as this could be dangerous and everybody agreed.
Humans started to accept the monsters even more when the first 'halfies' started to be born. And there were quite many actually.
Everyone found a job or something to do in their new life. Or, well, almost everyone. Sans and Papyrus really didn't do much, especially the shorter skeleton. The taller one was always traveling with someone, looking for adventures and made many new friends. Sans, on the other hand, kept lazing around every single day, reading books of puns and jokes...however he had an hobby: watching the night sky. It was fascinating for him, but he didn't know why either.
Toriel began a teacher as she always wished to, Undyne became an officer to protect people and to fight some bad guys. Alphys imediately became a very famous scientist, and most of the questions about her job were always about the Core, and she always answered with a disappointing "I-I wasn't the one who b-built It". However, people still had many questions about everything about the Underground and its magic... and of course, she was imediately accepted by the weeb community. Mettaton quickly became an incredible famous star. You could see people going crazy for his songs and legs over a mile away.
Asgore insisted for some time in prison for his sins of killing those children. Everybody told him that what happened centuries ago, it wouldn't affect him now and it wouldn't be fair for him to be in prison so there would be no jail...however, he started to work in a place where he could help some people, like giving free food and stuff. But Asgore wouldn't stop there, he became a politician to represent monsters and humans alike, and the ex-king became the most trust worthy politician in a long time. Some rumors dare to say that he and a pretty human girl met eachother in the place where the king works to help the poor people...and they may or may not started to date.
Anyway the only one left is Frisk.
The child was the only soul that wasn't happy in this new world. They actually found it boring. That was not the first time they saw everything happen. They already completed the True Pacifist once ...and at the time, that True Reset button was too tempting...and so they pressed it and committed a Genocide of the monster kind. They met Chara and gave their Soul to them. Chara alway appeared in their dreams, reminding to Frisk that they weren't the one truly in control.
This True Pacifist ending had two more differences then the first one. The first difference was strictly bound to the second one. Well the first one was Sans.
The Skeleton remembered everything the kid did in the Genocide. In the first True Pacifist they were pretty much best friends...but in this True pacifist they only talked once
It was a beautiful night outside. Birds were sleeping, stars were shining. The skeleton met the middle of the forest, far from the town. What happened that night was the second big difference.
"Hey kiddo" the Skeleton would say, his eyes closed. Frisk was a couple of meters away from him, and unkowingly to the monster, the Human brought a Knife. Frisk kept staring at the Skeleton, his stupid smile still on his face. "Sorry for making ya come here in the middle of the night but I have some bad news for ya" and so the Skeleton would put one gloved hand out of his pockets and he slowly pointed that towards the child. Frisk imediately pulled out his knife, tied on his leg and prepared to fight. "The bad news is that..." he opened his left eye and that damned blue glowing eye appeared, enlightening a bit of a soft blue light the area around the Skeleton. "I'll change the game" as he said that the soul of the kid became blue, but a much darker one than the kid ever expierienced...and a much painful one. The kid started to scream in pure pain, if they weren't that far anyone would have come to help them. Their finger moved by itself, pointing at something and the true reset button appeared in front of them. The skeleton's smile looked like it just got bigger and he, for the first time, would use a second hand. As he pulled out his second hand he would snap his finger and Frisk could see a Gaster Blaster right sbove their head, pointing down towards them. The child kept feeling like their Soul was getting ripped off their body with brute force as well as it was about to sbreak in a milin pieces. The blaster shoot his ray. The attack missed...or maybe not. The pain stopped and the child fell on their butt on the ground. They could see the True Reset button broken in front of them. The left part was destroyed and the word 'True' disappeared. Now it was just a Reset button.
"In this way..." Sans appeared right in front of the soulless human, his eyes as dark as a night without stars "even if you Reset I'll remember everything"
Those were the last words the Skeleton have ever said to the human. It happened a week after the came out in the Surface.
The button became a normal Reset one, it didn't even give any warnings about deleting everyone's memories.
In Frisk's dreams, they could see it.
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They could see that blue eye glowing in the dark as if it was the only light in the full darkness. They could feel the hate, the struggle abd something else that almost felt like its Determination.
The child was scared of the Skeleton now. As silly as it may sound, he never used both of his hands! It may mean that Sans may use two attacks at the same time...and also after all of that he was not sweating. That didn't tire him....to live that pain again...that was what frightened the kid.
Frisk was in their room, unable to sleep. He never stopped thinking about what happened 3 years before. Tonight he didn't want to fall asleep. He wanted to solve this problem. And then, a big smile appeared on his face. That smile almost looked like Chara's...however it was...wider, bigger and more...evil.
The reset button appeared in front of them
"If that's how you want to play then...I'll change the game too, Sans"
The World has been resetted
Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed it.
The gif of Sans' eye belongs to Miss-Cute-Quel on Deviant art. Here is the link:
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gal-with-pastels · 4 years ago
The plot of mirrortale
Brief summary of mirrortale, please there may be some grammar errors please keep in mind that i made this awhile ago. and some of the wording may not make sense.
The monsters won the human monster war despite them being proclaimed weak, they won by having large numbers , the leadership and optimism of the king as well as his second in command undyne, the fire monster was able to pull through , despite the numerous causalities. monsters would become stronger with their attacks and defense.
humans were forced underground while monsters lived on the surface, the humans living in villages and slums in the underground , creating their own devices while on the surface monsters did the same, The monsters combine magic making the terrain of where they reside change drastically, the area after journeying through the barrier and war battlefield was called the hotlands , after that snowdin finally the waterfalls. the king and queen of the monsters had a son named asirel , who would be looked after by Muffet, the royal maid.
During this time the royal scientist , W.D gaster stumbled upon 2 skeletons , one being at least 5 with major fractures to his right eye, and the other being 1 with a small fracture to the top of his skull, the brothers were taken in by gaster , and named papyrus and sans. papyrus would go on to adore the royal knight undyne. during this time gaster had to do some simple tests on the brothers to see how their magic was, while papyrus had strong magic, his younger brother sans magic that was through the rough, stronger then any monster he ever seen, surpassing the kings, and being extremely unstable, to keep his magic in check the royal scientist gave the young skeleton a magic inhibitor in the shape of a heart to make sure his magic never spiraled out of control.
When the young prince turn 5 human girl named chara would sneak to the surface and meet him. he would later bring her back home and she would be adopted by the king and queen. but after 2 weeks a tragedy occurred, after sneaking out while Muffet was busy. the two managed to go to a cliff with the flowers forget me nots the kings favorite flowers. however the girl did not notice the cliff breaking underneath her , and began to fall, only for the young prince to grasp her hand , and began calling for help, both the king , queen and maid heard this yet they were too late , the prince lost his footing and fell off the cliff along with a human, leaving only a red human soul of determination and a single forget me not, both were taken by the king, the soul being given to gaster while the flower would be placed in at the ruins of the battlefield. for those that had lost their lives during the war, as well as the king and queens son.
A barrier would be placed in front of the entrance to the underground to prevent any humans from going through. little did the king know their was a gap in the barrier that humans could pass through, humans that would go through the barrier would never return their souls being contained and sent to gaster. humans would begin to fear going to the surface.
3 years after this , the queen toriel would begin going on explorations to places within the kingdom almost never coming back to the castle , while gaster would mentor a young determined monster named alphys who was very chilled and a smart talker along with his son sans. papyrus would go on to be a rookie of the royal guard and soon become a member of the royal guard. while that forget me not place in the ruins of the battle field , would come to life, with a case of amnesia on who he was.
Asgore on the other hand would lose his bright personality, and instead would fall into a mourning and depressed state,having anger stemmed from humans, as he believed that chara dragged asirel to his death rather than him trying to save her. never leaving his castle, the only time he does is to visit the place where his son died. having a garden filled with forget me nots.
years later a child named frisk with the soul of kindness would sneak through the gap in the barrier and be greeted a blue flower named flowey, who was very helpful of informing the child about what occurred after the war, and also tell them his wishes to explore around the surface rather than be stuck in one place. listening to his plea would find a helmet and place him into it bringing him along . as soon as they did they ran into the queen now explorer toriel, who cared for humans and monsters alike, having that same kind of motherly attitude she had once before looking out for others and helping others. She believed that incident that happened with her son was a mere accident yet her husband disagrees, would guide said human through the battlefield, encountering a boisterous dj ghost named naspstablook who became their friend after frisk listened to his banter. toriel would soon guide the child to the entrance of hotlands outskirts where flowey would have glimpses of his past as asriel.
In the hotland outskirts they would meet a skeleton named sans, who clumsily dropped some of his tools. at first he was extremely nervous and intimidated by frisk but soon became self confident of himself afters he sheepishly asked frisk to be his friend, which they accepted as well as flowey much to sans shock upon seeing the talking flower. leading them to his and his brothers home in the hotlands, but first went to grillby's after frisk boosted his confidence. grillby was a water monster that was able to bare the heat in the hotlands. and served various foods, sans ordering fries with mayo, when he asked frisk if it was weird they responded with not at all , while frisk order a cup of water to drink and water flowey. they would later spend the night over at sans shared home with his brother papyrus. where sans was able to make a pot for flowey to be placed in. and when they all had fallen asleep flowey would have more and more dreams about his past.
it wouldn't be long in the morning till his older brother got back from his royal guard duties would they're be a heated argument, between the two brothers, about letting frisk live . his older brother papyrus was similar to the famed undyne in personality, it was hard to read his emotions, he was an intimidating force, and disliked humans , and kept his cool in situations, and spoke in a monotone voice, an opposite to his brother sans who was very shy around lots of monsters and liked working in his garage on machines and new inventions, yet under that shyness is a monster who loves to talk and is extremely friendly, Protecting his friends.
Papyrus agreed to sans that he could take him to the start of the next town, snowdin ... as papyrus informed the the raging flame as known as the royal knight undyne that a human was on their way to snowdin and while sans frisk and flowey made their way through hotlands , sans thanked frisk for helping him build confidence in himself, and that he could make some new friends if he just be himself. After a sad goodbye, the Frisk would be forced into a battle with papyrus, who know was wielding a set of ray guns designed by gaster as the soul breakers. bantering on and on about how humans Changed the king from who he used to be. and lets just say, he breaks after frisk would not harm him and that they became his brothers friend, His brothers only friend. and would let them pass into snowdin where flowey would have another flashback where he learned his real name which was asriel.
the duo would soon be chased down through snowdin by the raging flame undyne, covered in molten armor, a monster that despite taking part in the human monster war was still young. while she used to be a raging flame,she is now a monster who likes having a fair fight against others and is much more mature than what she used to be. guarding the entrance to the water falls and demanding a fight, which frisk agrees but instead flees past undyne and into the the water falls, and when it seems as if undyne's fire would go out, frisk gives her an umbrella to protect her from the water pouring down . as she recovers her energy she salutes frisk for outwitting her and despite following the king , she swears to follow frisk as well, As she asks for the flowers name, she is shocked and filled with disbelief. telling frisk that they needs to bring their friend to the king. she would guide frisk but shes still recovering. as frisk and flowey carry on to the water falls where asirel has almost recovered all his memories.
They run into the smart talking, carefree and a bit cocky, horror movie loving mechanic/ scientist alphys and the fashion savvy robot named mettaton. When meeting and interacting with alphy's frisk notices that she is crushing on the raging flame undyne, which results in her personality altering into one that is extremely embarrassed, yet frisk and flowey decide to help alphy's out on asking out undyne which goes extremely well, and alphys's considered them a friend. Frisk also helps the green and white fashion designer mettaton out by wearing his hand made clothing and the residents of the waterfall adore his work and he thanks frisk by giving them a hug and calling them his greatest friend.
After heading to the castle, Asriel has his final flashback of him trying to help chara who was dangling off a cliff, due to him not being strong enoug, he and chara fell to their death's. With his memory is restored, he pleads with frisk to help him remove the barrier, which they agree.
They run into the castle maid muffet who recognizes asirel's voice, falling into tears apologizing that she didn't stop him and chara. Muffet was friendly and motherly maid that usually babysat asirel and chara. always baking them treats and goodies. attire consisting of a gown with the dreamurr emblem. informing them that the only person who could let them into the throne room was gaster. after going to his lab you could see various documents that informed frisk that a monster with unstable magic would dissolve or oddly become a species known as a gaster blaster. and their being 7 containers containing 6 human souls, the soul of determination belonging to chara while the empty container is if any human dares to go to the surface. after encountering the scientist who shows a very polite and kind demeanor, takes some tests to determine whether or not this human is telling the truth .. which turns out correct, he is fascinated by how asirel survived yet lets them into the throne room....
* the true ending would involve asgore being pushed aside by toriel and all of frisks and floweys friends they met along their journey, flowey telling asgore the truth about what happened long ago, and that he is asirel, After getting confirmation of this asgore is about to embrace the flower int a hug until.. the souls of the deceased children break out of their containers and forcefully merge with Asriel, who is consumed by the power, not being himself but instead a Psychotic deity who steals the memories of frisk's friends and is determined to consume frisk's soul of kindness to be complete, after Returning her friends memories, Frisks soul is literally plucked from her body and absorbed by asirel, yet she is alive in a dark void with the only things visible are the 6 human souls , she talks to each human soul, telling them they can finally rest easy now . The only one remaining being chara , the soul of determination, who manifests into her alive form , Crying on how its her fault that they died, That all this happened because she wasn't being careful and some long needed comfort, Chara accepts her fate to move on , and the souls including chara and frisks eject themselves from asirel body and begin spiraling around his form, with the power of their souls combined, They were able to return asirel back to his original form . and after a sad goodbye from chara, the barrier is broken, the king becomes his old self again, the queen returns to the castle and frisk is adopted as the king and queens child along with asriel.
*the neutral ending would have frisk facing off against the king , killing him would result in frisk breaking the barrier from their LVL. leaving flowey to mourn why they did this. Sans can also become the final boss of this route if frisk kills papyrus, which would result in sans removing his magic inhibitor and be in the middle stage of a transformation into a gaster blaster. To note that sans is aware of the resets but cant remember anything past his transformation.
* In the genocide ending sans will become a boss 2 times, once in his mid transformation stage at the Start of snowdin and encountered one last time in the throne room as a large beast nicknamed the alpha gaster blaster, a large gaster blaster with a skeletal body who has gone feral due to his emotions.
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chocolatte-and-despair · 4 years ago
How do the boys(tale, swap, fell, swapfell and fellswap) feel about Alphys and Undyne? Both theirs and in general(if you don’t mind ofc)
(I decided to just do what they think of their own. I hope that’s fine. If you want any more, please ask away!)
* Sans/Undertale Sans ‘ The Judge ‘ - Sans respects the job that Alphys does, but he believes that the fact that she doesn’t believe in herself gets in the way of her work and that if she only would accept his help, she could achieve so much more.
Sans never liked Undyne. He believes that she is just not good enough for Alphys. Alphys is a smart person, meanwhile, Undyne is an only muscle and no brain. Whenever he can, he tries to trash talk Undyne, even if she hasn’t ever done anything bad to him.
* Papyrus/Undertale Papyrus ‘ The Liar ‘  - Papyrus believes that Alphys is a very good person, but that she should avoid Sans. He is a very toxic person at this moment, and Alphys is very weak-willed, so he would be able to push her around, and Papyrus just doesn’t want that.
Papyrus respects Undyne and considers her one of his closest friends. It was because of her that he realized that being part of the royal guard was never something he wanted. what he wanted was to be liked by people. 
* Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ - Gaster believes that Alphys is a very talented person, and he is proud of her and what she had achieved after he had disappeared. He was worried that she won’t survive without him around, but he was glad that he was wrong about that.
Gaster knew Undyne’s father, so he is proud of Undyne too. He is very glad to see that she had reached what she always wanted. He knows that her father would be proud if he would still be around. 
* Grillby/Undertale Grillby ‘The Bartender ‘ - Grillby never got involved too much with Alphys. But from the stories that Sans tells him, he believes that she is talented. The fact that she is the royal scientist also says something.
Grillby believes that Undyne is very loud, but she is talented at what she does. If only she would be a little more understanding that drunk people are sensitive to loud sounds, that would be wonderful.
* Asgore/Undertale Asgore 'The Previous King' - Asgore feels like Alphys needs to get out of her comfort zone a little more to be able to reach her full potential. But he believes that having Undyne around her will help her become more confident.
Asgore is very proud of Undyne. Since her father had died, he took care of her. Because of that, he feels like he raised her right, seeing how justice is driven she is. He just hopes that she will keep helping everyone.
* Flowey/Undertale Flowey ' The soulless monster ' - Flowey feels close to Alphys. Even if he acted angry towards her, he is thankful to her that she saved him from a horrible fate. Of course, being a flower isn’t much better, but at least he’s alive.
Flowey absolutely hates Undyne. He believes that she isn’t good enough for Alphys. He also is very afraid of her, that’s why he avoids her whenever he does go visit Alphys.
* Asriel/Undertale Asriel ' The crybaby heir ' - Asriel is absolutely fascinated by the work that Alphys does. He never understood science all that much, but he always wanted to become someone very important to the kingdom, just like Alphys.
Asriel always thought that Undyne was the coolest person ever. He hoped to be trained under her one day, to become a strong and powerful king that would be able to rule the monster kingdom. 
* Mickey/Undertale Monster Kid ' The Undyne Fan ' - Mickey finds Alphys to be cool, but not cool enough to be with Undyne. Of course, he won’t say anything, as long as his idol is happy, but still. He really believes that Alphys isn’t good enough for Undyne.
Mickey is absolutely obsessed with Undyne. She was completely the best, and she still is. Mickey always wanted to become like her, and he knows that one day he will manage to do that.
* Ginger/Undertale Burgerpants - In a way, Ginger hates Alphys because she created a body for Mettaton. If not her, then he would be free from this slavery of a job.
Ginger honestly fears Undyne. She is the most frightening person underground, and he isn’t even sure why she is with someone like Alphys. He just hopes no one will find out how he feels towards Alphys or he will die, that’s for sure.
* Red/Underfell Sans ‘ The Sentry’  -  Red fucking hates Alphys. Like, no offense, but the bitch is absolutely insane and he doesn’t understand why he has to work for her. Like, the reason he has even picked up drinking, was because of her treatment towards him.
Undyne is... a unique person. He believes that she is a good person, but because of Alphys, she needs to act cruelly. Undyne has a high moral compass and he cares about everyone. That’s why he respects her.
* Boss/Underfell Papyrus ‘The Guard Captain’  -  Boss believes that Alphys is a very talented woman, but he also believes that she has quite a few problems. He does believe that Undyne will be a very good influence on her.
Boss had a crush on Undyne before, but not anymore, thankfully. He believes that she is a very respectful person and one of the only good monsters underground. He wishes to become like her one day. 
* Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ - Aster isn’t sure how to feel about Alphys. He feels resentment towards her, that she took his place, but he also needs to admit that she is quite good at her job, be it fierce, and usually puts her enjoyment before her job. 
Aster never understood why violence was needed. He believes that Undyne is a brute, that’s why he doesn’t really like her. But he won’t get in her way, especially knowing how her family reacts to people who do that. 
* Firefly/Underfell Grillby ‘ The Cold Flirt ‘ - Grillby dislikes Alphys. Because of her and her stupid experiments, he had lost quite a few clients, and he doesn’t like it one little bit. If she could just stop killing drunkards, that would be wonderful.
He believes undyne is way too uptight. If she would only loosen up a little bit, things would be better. Thankfully, she and a few of her guards do come and drink here now, which is very good. 
* Tenor/Underfell Asgore ' The Tyrant' - Tenor doesn’t care much about what Alphys does. She is insane and nothing will ever change that. As long as she doesn’t get in the way of his work, he won’t say anything. 
Tenor enjoys how loyal Undyne is. Because of her good job, no one ever dares to say or do anything against him. 
* Daffodil/Underfell Flowey ' The frightful flower ' - Daffodil fears Alphys with all that he has. The moment he could he ran away. He is so afraid of her catching him again, seeing as she is searching for him. He doesn’t want to be left alone with her again.
Undyne is frightening too, but at least she seems to have some morals. Because of that, Daffodil doesn’t exactly run from her, seeing as she doesn’t bring him to Alphys either. 
* Tuscan/Underfell Asriel ' The obsessive prince ' - Tuscan doesn’t like Alphys. He believes that the position of the royal scientist is wasted on her. Even Red could do a better job, and Tuscan hates Sans.
Tuscan always admired Undyne. He has been working hard to be able to become part of the guard and work alongside her. He knows he’s not getting the throne anytime soon, so at least, he wants to be useful.
* Razz/Swapfell Sans ‘ The Lord ‘ -  Razz is embarrassed to admit it, but he had a crush on Alphys for a very long time. Of course, he now just respects her as his equal, but the past does embarrass him still. 
Razz doesn’t enjoy being around Undyne, but he is forced to, seeing that she is Mutt’s best friend. He tries to keep all his interactions with Undyne civil.
* Mutt/Swapfell Papyrus ‘ The Wild Dog’  - Mutt doesn’t really mind Alphys. She is Undyne’s girlfriend, and she is Razz’s only friend, so of course, Mutt could never really hate Alphys. 
Mutt likes Undyne quite a bit. They are best friends, though, he does find it weird how obsessive undyne is over him and everyone. But he isn’t exactly much better.
* Marigold/Swapfell Asgore ' The Unstable Caretaker' - Marigold finds Alphys to be very violent, and completely a brute. He does hope that she will soon be replaced by Razz, seeing as he is much better than Alphys.
Marigold finds Undyne to be quite a pleasant person to be around. He invites her to drink tea quite a bit. He would go as far as saying that the two are ever friends. 
* Pitch/Swapfell Chara ' The Cheerful ambassador ' - Pitch finds Alphys to be a cool person! The two train quite a bit, and seeing as he has so much energy to let out, he loves it! Becoming her friend was one of his best choices.
Pitch finds Undyne to be quite misunderstood. Sure, she loves to experiment on him, and he is sure that a third eye grew on his stomach, but she is quite nice outside of that! A little creepy but nice nonetheless. 
* Chartreuse/Swapfell Frisk ' The domineering prince ' - Chartreuse believes that Alphys is quite a good worker. Thought, he would want her to be crueler. If she would be, maybe then, criminals would stop doing what they do.
Undyne to him is too weak. It’s a mystery how she had survived this long. The moment that he becomes king, he will make sure that she disappears completely. He is sure that she is dragging Alphys behind too.
* Lucky/Underswap Sans ‘ The Manipulator’  -  Lucky enjoys being Alphys quite a bit. She is one of the only friends that he has, and that he actually enjoys being around. 
Lucky finds Undyne to be pathetic, especially with how she allowed Stretch to play with her however he wanted. Honestly, she doesn’t deserve to be with Alphys.
* Stretch/Underswap Papyrus ‘ The Puppet ‘   -  Stretch is scared of Alphys. After she broke his bones when she found out what he did to Undyne, he has been avoiding the two of them as much as possible.
Stretch and Undyne were best friends at some point until Stretch became a little too touchy. He thought that she wouldn’t mind. But getting his bones broken by Alphys was enough of an answer. 
* Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ - Dings dislikes Alphys. How dare she hurt his boy? The only person that can hurt his boys is he himself, so of course he dislikes Alphys. Maybe even hates her. 
Dings hates Undyne. If only she kept quiet, and let Stretch do whatever he wanted, then he wouldn’t have gotten hurt and wouldn’t think twice before trying to do something like that again..
* Tawny/Underswap Asriel ' The friendly town guide ' - Tawny enjoys meeting with Alphys. He had only met her a few times, but she has been quite nice. He had showed her around Snowdin, and she was quite a nice to him while he was doing that.
Tawny believes that Undyne is quite a nice and smart person. He doesn’t really know her, but from the stories that Alphys has told at Muffet’s, he believes her to be good.
* Blackberry/Fellswap Sans ‘ The WannaBe Guard ‘ - Blackberry doesn’t really like being around Alphys, but sadly, because of what his brother did, he still needs to work for the royal guard to have his crimes forgiven..
Blackberry finds Undyne to be a nice person to be around, but he tries to avoid her. She seems too similar to his brother for him to be comfortable around.
* Patch/Fellswap Papyrus ‘ The Loyal Pet ‘ - Patch doesn’t like Alphys. Because of her, his brother has been quite unhappy lately, and that never sits well with him. He’ll make sure to hurt Alphys one day.
Patch and Undyne are quite close friends, but since his brother started to work for Alphys, he has been avoiding Undyne. Though, they do talk on the phone from time to time.
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the-river-person · 4 years ago
The Trial: Part 3
Once more he sat facing the human, waiting for them to begin. Sans knew he’d already crossed the line. He’d crossed so many lines. There was nothing he could do now that would make everyone look at him the same way ever again. It was exactly what he’d been afraid of. Maybe if he could think of even one pun it might ease the tension a bit, but his mind was whirling with everything but puns. But it was his duty. The role of Judge wasn’t something you could do halfway. And besides, if he didn’t bring out the whole story, then it would be harder to for everyone to see what a tangled mess all of this was. They needed to know, to hear everything, in order to accept his judgement. That was the point of all this. Was it worth it though? If he couldn’t meet Papyrus’ eyes? “The voice came first. Before Frisk met Flowey. Chara’s body had been buried in the exact place they’d fallen into the Underground, where all those children fell. But this time, Frisk’s determination was so strong that it not only wrenched Flowey’s powers away from him, but woke Chara from death.” The Human spoke quietly, but it was so quiet a pin dropping could have been heard. “As Frisk journeyed they offered their help. Giving information about the Monsters and world along the way, offering encouragement upon death, and being a silent and invisible companion. Not like a ghost monster, but more like a lingering will, a consciousness or a fragment of a soul, persisting despite time and death. When Frisk was determined to be kind, Chara was pleased. But when Frisk eventually began to lose their mind and kill, Chara was horrified.” The Monsters too were horrified. Papyrus looked incredibly sad and tears were beginning to form in Toriel’s eyes. “It didn’t happen all at once. There were runs in between with accidental kills, or where Frisk only killed the ones who got in their way, or who couldn’t be easily spared without effort. As time went on they killed more and more until it became genocide. Hate. Pain. They killed and killed and killed, desperate to alleviate boredom, to keep from thinking about the world they might have to go back to. The Determination to stay in this world was strong. But Chara didn’t know that, they could only see what Frisk did, not what they felt. And so they watched.” It must have been a heavy burden to bear. To watch as everyone you knew and loved was murdered before your eyes. Killed without mercy. When all you had ever wanted to do was help them, you were trapped in a nightmare where they were all suffering and you could do nothing. The human still showed no emotion as they continued the brutal tale. “With each kill, the violence and hate grew, and Chara was determined to do something, to stop it all. So they fed off of those traits, drawing power from Frisk. But only when even Sans had been done away with, did they have enough power for it. Refusing to let Frisk kill their brother, they chose to do it themselves. At least he could die by their own hand. And then it was enough. They could become visible, real, if only for a moment.” Pausing, the human looked around at all the monsters, meeting the eyes of those who had known Chara. “They offered a choice. The level of violence and all that hate was strong. It twisted them despite their resistance. If power was the only goal, then they could kill for it and destroy everything for its sake. But when Frisk refused, the shock was enough to bring them to their senses, and they struck Frisk down and destroyed the world with the power they had. It wasn’t enough. The Determination was too strong for Frisk to truly die without wanting to. So Chara struck a bargain. Offer up their soul, risk becoming an empty shell with a fading consciousness or they wouldn’t be allowed to reset the world properly. Chara took that soul and poured the hate and violence into it, all of the negative emotions and despair. And it was taken, by what Chara called a Demon.” Sans sat up, this was the first time he’d heard this part of the tale and it chilled him. “What do you mean a demon? Explain.” “It is the Demon that comes when its name is called. It doesn’t matter where, it doesn’t matter when. Time after time it will appear and help you eradicate your enemies and become strong. Every time a number increases: Hit Points, attack, defense, gold, execution points, level of violence... that’s them. When people are motivated by Greed, hatred, fear, apathy, rage, and so many other things they fall into its trap, they call its name without knowing it, and it comes and feeds off of the destruction and violence they create. When Chara bribed it into leaving, it took the soul and vanished. Leaving two spirits and one body and no soul between them. But there was one thing left. The demon couldn’t consume Determination, its not a negative trait even if it can be used that way. So it remained. That was the beginning of my birth.” For the first time, an expression of emotion had appeared on the human’s face, something like... a fondness? The warmth of remembering something from long ago? Sans considered them for a moment. He’d been skeptical at first of their claims of being neither Chara nor Frisk. But the more they’d insisted on it, and the more he’d heard others like Flowey insist that it wasn’t the human at all anymore, the more he believed them. This wasn’t what he’d expected to hear. Demons, determination. This was the problem of messing with souls and soul magic. It caused this sort of nonsense. “It was slow,” the human was still speaking. They’d spoken more today than any other time Sans could recall. More than anyone else had today. “I grew stronger as Chara and Frisk struggled for control, to remain. But eventually without all the hatred and violence that had been in the soul, they both calmed down and came to their senses. Frisk was disturbed at what they’d grown into and was all for releasing the Monsters right then and there. But there were problems with that, ones you are already aware of. Time had begun speeding by at unimaginable rates. The outside was no longer livable by that time, at least as far as they could tell. So they decided to lock everyone into the time loop, resetting endlessly. By that time you,” and they looked pointedly at Sans. “Had just barely begun to recall previous resets. You had some memories from the oldest ones, from the pacifist routes. But they were fragments. And it took a long time before you truly began to remember each time, hundreds or even thousands of resets before your memory was consistent.” Sans found himself nodding in agreement. It had been like waking up from a long dream. Bits and pieces of waking floated around, taunting you until you caught them and added them to the puzzle. When you had enough you realized that you were already awake and that things were going on around you. “By then, Chara and Frisk had begun to fade away. Human minds were not meant to last more than a hundred years or so, not at all like Monsters. And without a soul to tether them to this world, they slowly went silent. One day they were just gone. No more. And I was left. Determination. I was the Determination focused on their last wish, to preserve the Underground and its inhabitants by any means. They’d gone with endless genocide routes to keep you from discovering what was happening with Time outside the barrier, but I eventually decided that not knowing was hurting you more. The rest you know...” Finally they fell silent. No one made a sound. Deep in thought, Sans considered what to do now. He couldn’t punish this person, they weren’t even the true culprit, and it was useless to punish a person who was more or less dead so neither Chara or Frisk would be any help. And anyway, he’d made very clear that the human couldn’t totally be blamed for the mess they were in. He stood, his robes flowing around him. While he’d been thinking, the human had returned to their seat. They would have to call it something different now, because a being of living Determination wasn’t really human, and they deserved a name that wasn’t the memory of someone long gone like Chara or Frisk. With a decisive gesture he motioned for the pedestal to once again descend into the floor and the slab of stone to slide over top of it again. “I have reached a decision,” he announced. A sharp intake of breath greeted these words. Despite everyone’s desire for this whole event to take place, many of them were wishing they’d never wanted it now that they’d heard everything. Wishing that they’d not been so hasty. But it was far too late. “It seems to me that this person cannot be blamed. For they are no longer Frisk or Chara, but someone new. And Frisk the Human is not totally at blame for what took place either. We could point at other humans in their lives, we could look to this Demon that comes when you call it. Some might blame Chara for becoming violent, but they didn’t become that way until they were pushed to the breaking point, and still managed to overcome it to stop things. The truth is... we’re all at fault. You, me, everyone. Together we made the world a place where this kind of horror was... inevitable.” he sighed. There was no easy fix. Nothing would be easy. But at the forefront of his mind were all the things Papyrus had believed and told him about. About changing oneself and offering chances. But would they accept it? “Like my Grandpa Semi before me, I am called to be Judge. I play arbiter and executioner as necessary. Even deciding the fate of Kings if called upon to do so. But... I cannot force the world to change if it refuses. So here is my command. Learn to be better. All of you,” he glanced briefly at Flowey, who looked away. “Choose again and again to be a better person than you were. Offer kindness and where you can...understanding. Our world is small, and our prison is more final than ever before. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can make it a better place, a better world. We can be free if we make our freedom ourselves, even if the bars are still here. We’re alive, which is a miracle considering everything. So let’s put that to use. I know some of it has already started with the new school and the media stuff I’ve seen everywhere. But there’s always more we can do.” He drew himself up to his full height. “That is my judgement. All are guilty, and all must throw everything they are into this new world we’re making. To ensure that its a better place than where we were before. To be certain we don’t lose hope. There’s no putting all the responsibilities on the shoulders of royals or heroes alone, we each have to do our part.” The two hooded and cloaked figures, both the large one with dark fur and the smaller jester-like one with a wicked smile and a lashing tail, came forward and stood on either side of him. As one they spoke the final ritual words of any trial. “Let the Angel’s will be done!” And then Sans simply vanished. One moment he stood there and the next he was gone. The other two began shepherding the shell shocked Monsters from the room, quietly advising them to return home and contemplate the Judge’s decision. Papyrus ran as fast as he could, hoping that Sans would have just gone back to their house in Snowdin. The River Person gave him a ride, for the first time saying nothing at all. He’d apparently watched the trial from a television screen set up for Monsters in the Capital, and he’d been able to watch without leaving his boat. When he arrived, the telltale signs that Sans was home were present. But Sans himself was absent. Knocking on the door of his brother’s bedroom, Papyrus called out to him. “SANS? SANS? I’M SORRY. I DIDN’T KNOW.” But though he could hear someone moving around on the other side, nobody answered. “SANS I WANT TO HELP YOU. IN YOUR DECISION YOU JUST SAID THAT WE SHOULD ALL DO OUR PART. WELL MY PART IS APOLOGIZING. I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE THE JUDGE AND CLEARLY GETTING UP THERE WAS UNCOMFORTABLE FOR YOU. AND I’M SORRY...” The door opened. Still in his dark robes, but with the hood down now, Sans looked up at him with tired eyes. “I know. S’okay, bro. I just hope it does everybody some good. If it does, I don’t mind.” Papyrus hugged him and Sans let himself be hugged. It was going to be a bit before everything was really okay again. But now they at least had a chance at it.
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lordbloodysoul · 4 years ago
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Karma Doorman
"Dept Collector of Justice" - "Prosecutor of Consequences" - "Old Man Consequences"
The Tall Doorman (Papyrus)
G. D. or Guardian/Big G. (the Human Children)
Old Timer, Pal, Buddy or "Karmamel" (Sans)
Old Freckle (Undyne)
Height / Weight:
6 feet 8 inches (or 2.11m) / 87 kg (112kg with entire attire)
Soul Type
"Collective Soul"
// - A Collective Soul shows trades of all known Soul Types and is shielded by a thin membrane of Void. It looks like a blank Soul with a black outline, that has a small pitch dot in its center from which a vibration rolls across the surface of the Soul. Those waves appear in different colors and strokes. To those who are very sensible to Soul Energy, the vibration will sound like an endless army of different voices breathing simultaneously in sync. The rhythm changes wit Karma's state of mind. It has an aroma/flavour that could be described as "a bittersweet taste of Salt and Iron". The feeling it would induces is more reminiscent of Guilt and Foreboding. Like standing before a King with an Executioner looming right behind you. - //
[REDACTED] //Next to it often flashes the following message: "I can see ALL your SINS..."//
[REDACTED] // Their HP is so high that even a Critical from the LvL 19 Human affects it as if they would jut do 1 HP damage //
[REDACTED] //Next to it often flashes the following message: "I make the RULES."//
[REDACTED] //Next to it often flashes the following message: "Your DEPT will be PAID"//
Tier S - Class S
Karma Doorman is the original "Blueprint" of their kind within the Undertale Universe. Their Soul was a blank, purified Vessel with trades of both Human and Monster Soul. Within it, their creator stored the power of every willing being of the Old Dark's Court, forging a Soul of immense potential. Made from pieces of countless Entities and the Life-Blood of their Creator, this Doorman was chained to the purpose of "SAVING THEM", but left with a free will to decide on how to accomplish that Goal.
Karma's first appearance within the Undertale Multiverse was due to the waking call of UT Sans's Will to struggle against the Genocide Route's Outcome, which gave their existence a physical Form. Before that, they were just a spiritual presence and afterthought, mostly. A Dread looming above the Sinners, Cheaters and Fools of the World.
[!!!SPOILERS WARNING!!! - for those who wish to Read the FanFiction or wait till I get around to making the Comic, since the LITERATURE SUBMIT on DA doesn't allow much creative Freedom, so I have to do a lot of Re-Spacing and Editing on those Parts. This Section will spoil some of the Plot in exchange for Character Build - If you don't want that spoiled, please proceed to the APPEARANCE Section - !!!SPOILER WARNING!!!]
Karma's awakening shook the original Universe of Undertale at its Core, as they proceeded to exterminate the Genocide Timeline by removing the [ERASE] and [RESET]option from the Human Child and blocking the [QUIT] option. Their DETERMINATION exceeded any existent being in this Original Timeline.
After ridding themselves of Chara, Flowey and purifying Frisk's Soul, they continued [REWRITING]the Timeline, forcing Toriel to stay with Asgore and bringing comfort to his broken heart. They dragged Gaster and his Lab Assistants back from the Void and made Sans forget about the RESETS, weakening themself severely in the process.
Karma intervened in many upcoming Events, including saving the original six children, choosing to live with them in the RUINS, due to the absence of Toriel, and kept them save there. They properly locked the Gate towards Snowdin and became Sans's Knock-Knock Pal, as he recovered his strength, while waiting for time to unfold on its own. They dragged a Criminal into the Underground, who would serve as a trigger for Undyne's role in the future as head of the Royal Guards, as well as providing Gaster with a Soul for his research. When Gaster's experiment was about to end in failure, they leaped in and saved the staff, but Sans got struck and began remembering everything again, including his first encounter with Karma.
The Doorman left him that way, on behalf of his own wishes, closing the Rift towards the Void, straining their Soul towards its limits. When Frisk arrived, they were the one waiting for them, accompanied by the other six children. Together, they left the RUINS and began their journey through the Underground in order to reach the True Ending and the last option that would hinder their Safeguard over the Timeline. [TRUE RESET]
Karma Doorman looks like a tall, thin elf, clad in black robes and armor. Their cloak, which always rests on their shoulders, splits into multiple tendrils, which can move freely as separate limbs from the rest of their body. These tentacle-like arms are connected to his back, sprouting straight from a fissure across his spine. Their hair is charcoal black and slightly grayish in color, long flowing and smooth as silk. The eyes are red and always surrounded by a reddish blush, which runs along their pale cheeks.
When his expression and demeanor change, the eye-white turns blackish and their thin lips stretch into a wide, haunting grin. Often accompanied by streams of rusty, reddish liquid welling from underneath the eyes. This happens mostly in situations that call for them to use lots of Energy and Magic. It is due to the affects his tremendously powerful Soul has on their vessel body. The reddish liquid is not blood, but liquid-form Determinationseeping through their entire body. When reaching their limits, Karma often ends up with ripped skin or deep gashing wounds all over, which they have to let heal on their own.
Karma was created by the remaining Will and Hope of Sans from across all RESETS, which shaped part of their personality. They are very intelligent and resourceful, with a developing love for puns and witty commentary. Karma sees his job as part of a Game, partially, but takes every step they make with utmost seriousness. They often hide the seriousness of their intentions to seem as less of a threat than they actually are, which paint them often in the lights of a sadistic psycho, rather than a helpful ally.
Karma is very kind, when not chasing after Sinners and Cheaters. As a manifestation of Consequences, their actions are justified in the eye of fate, however the Doorman has their doubts about it, acting to the best of their conscious, trying to find the best way to deal with every situation.
They are a selfless Soul, ready to give everything and more in order to see their goal achieved, which is the happiness of all deserving of it.
The Entity judges all on a fair standpoint, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt if it is present within their actions. Which is why they sowed pity and understanding towards Sans more than to Flowey, Frisk and Chara.
Karma is a follower of the principle of "Mutual Consent". They never force their way, feelings or the likes upon others (unless they need to judge that person for being a dirty Sinner, Cheater or the likes). Knowing that everything in life comes with consequences, they rather stay on a neutral ground till they’re sure of the others intentions.
Puns and Humor (by that extend Sans)
helping people
singing - ( he loves humming this Song here)
hunting Sinners and Cheaters
Sinners and Cheater of all kinds
Mettaton (to some extend, since he finds the Robot quite obnoxious)
too spicy food
Capitalism (they've been trying to kill it off for since they've gained consciousness)
Gender- and Race Labeling (which is why they refer to themself as a "they" and won't accept anyone miss-gender them whatsoever)
Due to their DETERMINATION, Karma is capable of blocking Tricksters, Sinners and Cheaters from abusing Fortune or, in the case of the Fallen Children and Flowey, the power of RESET. They can exterminate these Options and force their prey to face Consequences, without a backdoor to escape out off. The Entity can also alter the flow of time and space to previous states and interact with Checkpoints (which they mostly destroy instantly). They can reanimate people, by simply restoring their last intact living position. While restoring entire Landscapes and areas, they have to focus their manipulative power into a comfortable shape, which mostly appears as a Ring following near the ground, walls and ceiling behind them.
When they first appeared in the Universe of Undertale, Karma was only visible to a selective few. Mostly those aware of the RESETS. While traveling backwards through the Underground with Sans, they created Rifts within the fabric of the World to quickly advance. Similar in Sans's use of shortcuts only on a basic sense, as these Rifts interconnect on a completely different plain of thought. Like a Road along the weave of Space-Time itself.
Their strength comes not only from their Soul, however. Karma’s power forms from the Will of Justice and Vengeance lingering within the World they inhabit. Since their body was formed by Sans’s recollected strife to stop the fallen child from their murderous rampage, their power connected to it. As such, his memory became vital to their strength, but to ensure their goal was fully achieved, Karma decided to REWRITE him, even at the cost of a fair extend of their own power.
Karma's attack abilities range from direct hands-on Battle to them using their tendrils as extended limbs for range combat. They can use various magics, too.
Since their DETERMINATION is so high, Karma is capable of changing the RULES of Combat. They do so to 'playfully' dispose of their targets.
In such occasions, they like to play "JUDGMENT HELL", a game where he provides their foes with the means to battle them properly. Giving them armor, weapons and item to use. They also stag a persons SIN to their STATS, exceeding the limitations of the Universe’s limitations. Within the game they play the PROSECUTOR, who protects a JUDGE from the ACCUSED. While the ACCUSED try to kill or persuade the JUDGE it is the PROSECUTOR's job to keep the JUDGE save and eliminate the ACCUSED. When an ACCUSED perishes, they will be respawned with a penalty to their STATS. When the HP reaches 1, the next strike will indefinitely kill the ACCUSED. They will be erased with the severity of their sins burning their bodies and souls out of current existence. The PROSECUTOR can't act on their own, besides shielding the JUDGE. The JUDGE has full reign over their actions and decides if a person is worth of MERCY or not.
The Doorman is capable of all Magic Abilities. During Combat, Karma uses mostly White, Black and Red Attacks, although they like changing their Style up on the fly sometimes. Fighting them is quite the bad idea, due to them not acting upon the RULE of attacks having to always be in the same repeating patterns. Each of Karma's attacks is acting like a Critical Strike or Instant Kill Move, which makes the experience that much more frustrating. They also can slay foes straight outside of an open FIGHT.
For more casual activities, Karma uses their power of levitation for transport or just simply sitting in a floating position. They multi-task via their tendrils a lot, often preferring them over their own arms and hands. They can use healing magic to quickly close wounds, set bones or just giving a soothing warmth to distressed people. They usually, however, don't use that much magic overall. Only if it is absolutely required or helpful in aiding their goal or people in need.
Karma possesses the special ability of "REWRITE", which allows him to change any aspect of a Location, Item. Person or Rule. With this ability, they can change the flow of the world to befit their purpose. A REWRITE can only be undone by them or an outer-worldly Impact of similar Determination Power, which is rare.
Due to their massive STATS, which broke the readable Range of the World by a margin, attempting to destroy them via Battle is basically pointless. Bargaining with them will be seen as an insult, which often results in harsher punishment, while accepting ones fate is probably the smartest option.
Karma's destructive power can be placed easily above the power of most living beings in the Undertale Multiverse, however, he would struggle against other Doormen of their own respective Tier.
Karma, throughout their journey will befriend many Monsters.
Sans will become their first friend among many, as they take the Role of Toriel after the REWRITE. Papyrus they meet briefly in his early childhood, but won't become a friend to the till later. They will bond with Undyne over a match of strength and perseverance.
The human children, as they fall one by one into the Underground, will end up being raised by them. They refer to them as their Guardian or Big G. for short. Karma collects them and ensures their safety while staying in the RUINS, up until Frisk appears. The children take a shine to them, as they cared for them, teaching them to accept monsters as part of their lives.
Similar to Sans growing an affection towards Toriel during the outplay of the Original Timeline, in the REWRITE he grows quite fond of them as they do of him.
In the Canon of the series, the two agree on a relationship based on both of their loss at what to do or expect from the newfound freedom they fought for. The human children encourage their romantic interest in one another, much to Karma's displeasure, as they are completely estranged to the whole romance business. Going even so far as to stopping Frisk multiple times, during their adventure, from flirting with every Monster they encounter.
Karma has no recollection of anything prior to their awakening to sentience. For all they've known, they were always a part of Undertale.
However, Sans and Papyrus both commented on "having seen their eyes somewhere before" and that this was not something good they've remembered.
It spun a bit of curiosity around their mind, which always leaves a bad aftertaste behind.
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therewasatale · 5 years ago
Puns and lanterns
On Ao3. 
You looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was half past eight in the evening, meant you still had half an hour to get to the meeting place. You planned with Sans that you two would meet at the foot of Mount Ebott and from there you two will visit one of the lookouts around it.
Quickly packed everything in your bag, slipping your lighter into the pocket of your blue jacket before starting your way out. When you passed in front of the wardrobe, you stopped to stroke the head of the little black cat resting on your jackets.
"Don't wait for me Spot! I'm coming back late tonight, maybe just tomorrow round dawn!"
You could hear a lazy meow from the cat as a response, just before the door closed behind you.
Surprisingly, the traffic was quiet busy in the city for this part of the day. You had bypassed small groups of people here and there, children's laughter mixed into the air. Although the number of monsters was small so far, the two races lived in peace in the city.
You hurried past a family and with a smile nodded your head towards them.
"Good evening Grillby."
The flame monster gestured and although it was hard to read anything from his face, for a moment you felt like he was giving you a friendly smile. His daughter, who unlike her father, had a greenish flame, waved at you. You returned the gesture before disappearing into the crowd.
You quickened your pace but made sure that your bag and especially its contents are safe on your way. Luckily, the whole event was put on until the end of the summer, so despite the fact that sundown was more than a couple of hours ago the air was still pleasantly warm. The police was there making sure the people weren’t pushing each other and everyone have someplace.
Halfway down the main road, you heard the very familiar sound of a skeleton.
"I really like it Papyrus!"
You waved at the three monster and the children.
"Good evening, everyone."
*heya, (y/n).
You tried to ignore the warmth that flushed across your face and hoped no one would notice your embarrassment.
"I think they are called sky lanterns, Papyrus. Good evening, (Y/N)." Toriel nodded her head at you and gently patted Frisk's shoulder. They waved at you standing next their mother. The goat monster held a beautifully crafted pulp lantern in her free hand, which was decorated in all sorts of colors, probably by Frisk.
Looking at the lantern in Papyrus' hand, you were almost certain that it depicted him and Sans.
"Evening everyone. I'm glad to find you here, Miss Toriel." You knelt down and unzipped your bag.
"Come on, Toriel is more than enough." She smiled warmly.
You nodded and pulled out a bowl. "Last time, when Frisk was at my place, they really liked my pear cake. So I threw together some." You handed the plastic food container to the child. "I hope you will find it just as tasty this time too."
Frisk's eyes glinted with hunger, but before snatching the cake away they stopped and looked up at Toriel. She nodded softly, giggling.
"Really kind of you, thank you very much."
"Don’t mention it, I did some for you too Papyrus, Sans, I hope you accept."
*Paps makes the best spaghetti in the world.
"(Y/N), you will have bone appetite for sure." Said Toriel.
Sans chuckled a little. You nodded with a faint smile, but under it, something unpleasant stirred in your soul.
"PLEASE, MISS TORIEL." Papyrus snorted painfully.
You handed Sans the food container and then took out your own lantern from the bag. Yours had eight hearts painted in a circle, seven of us possessed the color of the qualities from which humans were able to gain strength, but one was snow-white like the soul of monsters. In addition, beneath the green heart there was a slightly childishly drawing of a cat with a white spot on its belly. You’ve never been famous for your drawing talent, but you liked it and maybe that was enough.
"I think it's time to go. It will start soon." Toriel patted Frisk's head and they started on their way, Papyrus followed them with big steppes.
At last Sans glanced up at you.
*shall we go too?
You nodded and slid one of your hand into your pocket, searching for your lighter.
It has been almost 500 years since the war ended with the monsters. They reappeared out from nowhere more than a year ago. Fortunately, the primary shock was handled well by the leaders of the city and country. No one wanted more war, and with both sides having that common goal, negotiations soon began.
The first couple of weeks felt like both humans and monsters were walking on eggshells. There were small bumps on the road, like where to place the monsters and the speed of their integration into society. The latter went surprisingly easily, thanks to the technical sophistication of the monsters, and Frisk, who was very helpful for both parties.
They moved into the town next to the mountain a few months ago, and in the meantime you got to know the two skeletons. At first, Papyrus who tried to adopt and bring home a stray cat he found.
You didn’t even know why exactly, but you greeted him and you two started talking. You were soon captivated by the naive and over-the-top kindness of the skeleton, and when you met his brother, the world turned upside down for you. After about two weeks later, not only the two brothers, but Frisk too was your guest, even though before that you had a guest maybe every six months or so. And of course your life became richer with Spot, your cat too.
Soon after the visits, you found yourself thinking about Sans all day, and weeks later you realized that your awakening feelings might not be unrequited. Ever since the monsters entered your life, your world became filled with colour. Maybe that’s how you got the idea for the eight hearts when you were thinking about your sky lantern.
Walking down the path, you glanced down at San's hand and gently reached out to touch his bone-hand. The monster smiled up at you and took your hand.
You felt yourself lucky, and for the first time in your life, really happy. But of course perfection only exist in fairy tales. You looked at Toriel and the unpleasant feeling from before tried to take hold of you, but you didn’t let it. A lovely night, that’s all what you wanted and frustrating thoughts were not needed for that.
"Well, we arrived." Toriel stopped at the edge of the lookout. The mountain was secured after the incident when Frisk disappeared, and after the monsters appeared, several lookouts and resting places were built on it. The huge crate created at the emergence of the monster was covered up with magic.
"IT'S STARTING!" Papyrus excitedly pointed between two trees, above the ground in the air a few slowly rocking lanterns were already ascending lazily toward the stars.
"Come on, I have a lighter," with a soft smile you helped to light the little candle in their lantern and then your own. The flame burned with a green light and the warm air lifted the lantern from your hands.
Around the mountain, hundreds of glowing dots, like yours, headed for the starry sky. In parts of the city, the streetlights were turned off to make the stars and lanterns more visible.
"How beautiful." Toriel took Frisk in his arms and they gazed up at the sky.
*i have to admit, this kind of anniversary celebration was a really good idea.
You took a deep breath with your hands still in your pockets. As you watched the sky the forest surrounding the mountain slowly filled with the sense of magic, the feeling gently spread through your body. For the first time since long ago, a peaceful feeling enveloped Mount Ebott.
The night of the lanterns was the idea of the city administration. To celebrate a day when humans and monsters finally decided to live side by side in peace again. News outlets and papers made the announcement that there won't be another war with the monsters. It's been exactly a year.
Frisk's softly sniffed, yet the noise was somehow happy instead of sad.
"Oh, my child." Her mother hugged them closer. "Everything alright?"
The child nodded and hugged her back.
You handed Frisk a handkerchief, they nodded as a thank and sent a smile to you.
*we sure wouldn't be here without you, kiddo.
You gently patted Sans hand and turned your eyes towards the sky too.
"Look, Frisk," you pointed out the lanterns furthest up the sky. They flared up and then the flames stretched across the sky. Thanks to the many different coloured flames, the spectacle was as of the northern lights have unfolded in the sky. The stars smiled down at you like tiny, shining eyes.
You couldn’t decide if Frisk or Papyrus was more impressed with what you saw. Still, you too wanted to keep the memory of this evening forever in your soul.
Maybe a half hour later most of the families headed home, you saw several sleeping kids hanging around their parents’ necks as they walked down on the side of the mountain. The evening had achieved exactly what they wanted, everyone felt like that the things are going well. Monsters and humans alike.
"It's time we go."
*let's go, Paps.
You glanced at them with a smile. "It was nice to see you all. I'll stay a little longer here, but I wish you all a good night."
"Good night, don't catch a cold." Toriel nodded, holding the sleeping Frisk in her arms and began to walk home.
*sure, come bro, I know a shortcut.
"THIS WILL KEEP YOU WARN, (Y/N). YOU CAN RETURN IT TOMORROW WHEN WE MEET. NYEHEHEHE!" Papyrus suddenly wrapped his scarf around your neck and hurried after Sans.
*you're so cool bro.
With a warm smile, you pulled the scarf in front of your face and giggled a little as you smelled a faint scent of spaghetti.
You felt very, very lucky to have friends like that. You didn’t even notice as you slowly started to stroke the red fabric as you watched the remaining lanterns climbing up to the sky. This evening, even if you only managed to meet them for a short time, was wonderful.
A year ago, you would have watched some series until dawn, and then fallen asleep in front of the screen. To be completely honest, it still happens time to time, but you always have some company for it, either Spot, or Sans. In occasions, even Papyrus and Frisk will join in on the binge watching. This was the reason why you recently bought a bed that was so big it took up most of the space in your bedroom. At least in exchange it can hold three people comfortably when it came to that. It happened so surprisingly, you hardly even realized how much your life had changed.
You sat down on the stone bench built on the edge of the lookout and took out the smallest container from your bag. Just to be sure, since you didn’t know how long you’d be away, you also packed yourself a slice of pie. The pleasant aroma of pear immediately hit your nose as you popped open the top, but at the same time, a twitch of unnerving feeling began to step out from the door you shut it behind. It all made no sense, and yet. You tapped a small rhythm on the plastic, but before you could put it away someone spoke up before you.
*may I join?
You turned towards the direction of the voice and nodded towards the place beside you with a smile.
Sans sat down with his usual grin on his face.
*that scarf looks good on you. not as good as on Papyrus, but you are the second coolest figure who ever wore it.
You placed a kiss on his cheek and chuckled as his eyes flashed up bluish for a few seconds.
"Thank you" you offered him the slice of pie "Here, I'll share what little I have with you."
*oh, thank you. As Toriel said, bone appetite.
Snorting you shook your head. You could see as his smile becoming wider.
"Appetite." Even the very last lampions disappeared up in the sky. You didn't even notice that you sighed softly.
*hm? everything is all right?
You nodded, but you couldn’t even convince yourself with that weak response.
His voice was much more serious now, that was enough to make you talk even though you couldn't look at him.
"I just..." you folded your arms in frustration "ah, I'm sorry, Its…I think I'm jealous."
Sans handed you a bite of cake. You looked at the cookie in confusion.
"Sans…" You chuckled gently and placed a kiss on his cheek before you looked into his eyes.
"Well, you know, I'm not as good at puns like you and Toriel, and you two are so comfortable together." You rubbed your neck. "And sometimes I remember what you told me about how you met. How well you two were getting along, even after you have been freed from down there… And, I don't know...I know, I just know." You looked down at him in silence.
In response, the skeleton just set the food aside and leaned gently against you.
In the sky, the last late coming streak of light disappeared and only the stars remained.
*welp, Tori may know a few good jokes, but in the past we couldn't really have anything else to pass the time with
You gently caressed the bones of his hand.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. It's just, ah... stupid, I'm sorry."
Sans hummed slowly, thinking for a while.
*you're really are different, and you may not love my great humor, but you accepted the cat my brother wanted to save, but had no place with us.
"Well, I just wanted to help... and it was about staying with me temporarily, but Spot and I soon get used to each other really quickly."
*you also ate a plate of Papyrus's spaghetti.
"The combination of egg ketchup and bacon was a new flavor in spaghetti, but it turned out quite tasty for me"
*you got along with the kid right away too.
"Frisk is a very kind and intelligent kid who loves fantasy tales, so we had a lot to talk about."
*and it didn't bother you that I slept all night on the couch while Papyrus occupied your bed.
"Okay," you shook your head with a small sigh. "At that night I was just really embarrassed and you two were very cute and I didn’t want to be rude and also you looked very tired. Moving into the city is really exhausting after all. "
*and in addition to these, you even tolerate my horrible jokes, it's a miracle that I didn't end up with you sooner.
You tried to ignore your burning and blushing face, holding a small bite of the pie in front of Sans mouth. He chuckled and accepted and left you a few moments to calm your fiercely beating heart.
"Well...well, um..."
*hm? splendid pie.
"I'm glad, and well," you cleared your throat, "well you can say, we are pear-fect for each other." You looked aside "because the pie... so you mean...pear...I'm so bad at this, I'm sorry."
*damn i love ya so much.
Sans suddenly hugged you tightly and hid his face in your clothes.
You needed a few moments to gather yourself. You gently hugged him back and kissed the top of his skull. You were sure that that your heart was beating so fast that he could feel it clearly.
"I love you too."
For you, the glittering light of the stars was nothing compared to the blue shine of by Sans' heart.
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cowtale-utau · 5 years ago
How CowTale Came to Be
or How to Give Sans An Existential Crisis
(important-ish to note, Sans remembers resets in this. also this is hella long)
So as most of these stories go, it all starts when Frisk falls into the Underground. Everything proceeds as normal. Flowey is a jerk, Toriel is GoatMom™. Alphys loves anime. Mettaton wants to be a star. Sans is a hoodie and slipper wearing skeleton. Neutral runs happen. Chara asserts themselves and genocides happen. Frisk fights back and pacifist runs happen. Every time they make it past the barrier, Frisk resets before they can make it down the mountain. 
Then things get... weird. Things go way off script. For the most part it seems normal, except some weird changes in dialogue. But then as the end grows closer, things change drastically. Chara and Asriel are... resurrected? They have their own bodies now, formed around their souls that came from somewhere. No one really understands where the souls came from or how the bodies formed. It just kinda, happened. Flowey becomes his own entity, carries pieces of Asriel, but is his own being. He doesn’t seem to have a soul, yet it kinda seems like he could? Another thing that makes no sense, and is a point of concern for Sans and Frisk. Its all so strange and wrong, but everyone seems happy about so what can or should they do but carry on? In one final pacifist run, the barrier is broken and they leave the mountain. But the world isn’t how Frisk remembers. Everything is so... old. Like a western from afternoon television. Frisk explains this to Sans, they’re scared and they don’t know what happened. After some back and forth, they agree that Frisk should do one more reset. See if maybe this was all a strange fluke.
It wasn’t. Everything happens again. Strange and off, and they emerge to the same strange off world. Frisk is the only one who really understands what they’re missing, and Sans understands things are off, but has no first hand experience. But the things they had in the Undergound don’t fit here. This seems more like what they had decades ago. So they go to Asgore and Toriel together and try to explain as best they can. They leave out the resets, or that their children should still be dead. But they tell them something in the process of saving everyone and breaking the barrier time went weird. They seem to have come out about 150 years back from when Frisk went in. Frisk studied this time in school, the Old West, so they aren’t completely clueless, but this is definitely not their time. It’s decided to tell everyone that the world isn’t what they expected but they’re going to do their best to make it work regardless. Monster kind is strangely accepting of the things missing, generally chalking it up to magic science weirdness and moving on. 
So they settle. They build themselves a home around the mountain. Some choose to stay within it. Content now that they can come and go as they please. The first few humans they meet are not exactly kind, but not immediately hostile at least. The king and queen (separated still, but cooperating with one another for the good of monster kind) meet the local government. At first it seems like things will go bad, but then talk of gold happens. And the tone shifts. Monsters have gold? And a lot of it? Suddenly they’re talking to the nations government rather than just the local. And lines are set. The mountain and surrounding areas belong to the monsters. They’re welcome to venture out into the rest of the world, so long as the know that by doing so they take their lives into their own hands. You won’t be hunted by the government, and they’ll receive the same basic rights, but there will be no special protections. No one looking out for them. This is accepted as the best they’ll get. Things settle and it seems like life will be ok.
Then things get weird again. The core goes strange, and so does the machine in the basement. Readings become next to impossible to make sense of and power fluctuates wildly. And suddenly, there’s more of them. More monsters. Sort of? The same monsters? Just different. Again, something that shouldn’t be and makes no sense. Over the course of a year or so, they’d just occasionally pop up. No rhyme or reason. Base world Asgore and Toriel are called in to help sort out the mess, as alternate versions of everyone they knew start appearing. It isn’t consistent. One group might bring their human child, while another doesn’t. That bunch has a Grillby but no Muffet or vice versa. More royals? Why not, but apparently not all of them. The only ones who seem to come through every time are a given worlds Sans and Papyrus. Without fail, the skeletons show. The “base” versions of each monster was put in charge of “themselves”. Getting the assorted royals to work together took some time, but somehow they managed. Some monsters had an easier go of it then others, but being free and on the surface seemed to smooth a lot of ruffled feathers. It worked out. Sort of, and strangely. But it was working. 
Sans feels like he’s losing his mind. There’s at least a dozen versions of him and his brother. The world is all wrong. Nothing makes sense. This isn’t even how that machine was supposed to work, right? He can’t be sure of anything anymore. All he knows is he has too damn many copies of himself to wrangle. 
And then the weird ones show up. Dream isn’t too bad. The less said about Fresh the better. He’s grateful to have only passingly run into Error. “Enjoying the shit show” apparently, whatever that meant. He knows Nightmare was around at one point, but never actually came face to face with him. And then there was Ink. 
Ink wasn’t so bad as a person, he supposed. A bit off, but tolerable. Yet another nuisance that could come and go as he pleased apparently. But he seemed like he meant no harm. When asked he just said “Checking on the creator’s work.” That one sentence was all it took to send a chill down Sans’ spine. When pushed Ink explained. They hadn’t ever really left their own verse, technically. It wasn’t some strange reset-caused time warp. They’d been copied over. Original Sans and the Original Underground all still existed in their original world. They were all just copies. Same for everyone else. Their own worlds went on just the same, with them still in them. Carrying on as they were meant to. Everyone here had just been, copy/pasted over, barring of course himself and the others who existed outside the worlds. Tossed into a world together and then “flavored”. Flavored “Old Wild West” apparently. Because they weren’t interesting enough on their own? 
Why? And how? And what was the point? 
As for how, well the multiverse theory always stated, an infinite number of possibilities. Why not this one?
But why?
Bullshit wish fulfillment.
That was why. That was the point.
“Such is the whim of the creator.”
It would take a long damn time for Sans to come to terms with this. He eventually broke and confided in his brother. Papyrus being Papyrus told Sans it didn’t matter. So what if they weren’t real to someone else. They were real to themselves. They were real to each other. This was there life. And could they know if anyone ever really had control. Any version of any person in any world. How can you ever be entirely certain your life is your own to live? Your choices your own to make? You just have to accept that you can’t know, and then choose to live anyway. Keep moving forward. Keep living your life. Because if you just quit, if you just give up, then you’ve truly lost yourself. Don’t worry about it. Just live. 
So there you have it. The messy story of how one meddlesome creator wanted to make a world suited to their taste, and didn’t much care how or what the implications might mean. What does it matter? None of its real anyway right?
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nascent-chaos · 5 years ago
Hi! Its been a while and I hope everything has been well with you? I wish for you the best! I saw that asks are open so I wanted to ask, what happens if say Reed got turned into a kid by accident? toddler age so around 3-4? (its temporary) how would each individual skeleton react to that?
Sans :: His first thought? Shit… he really hopes his experiments didn’t cause that. 
His second thought? Reed will probably kill him when she returns to normal.
He’s actually pretty good with kids, encouraging their curiosity and the desire to learn of and explore the world around them - and that’s exactly the kind of thing smol!Reed loves to do! Sadly, most of the time they’re doing that he’s usually passed out on the couch (or on top of the washing machine or a nearby bookshelf, or… well, you get the idea). Thankfully he seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to mischief-makers in the area and somehow always pops in just in time to keep Reed from getting in over her head.
Now if only he could get the kid to stop trying to stick her hand into his eye socket;;
Papyrus :: Move over Mary Poppins, ‘cause there’s a new amazing nanny on the block.
Babysitting comes naturally to him - he’s built up plenty of experience while watching Frisk and Flowey, and although Reed is a good deal younger and more prone to mischief than either of those two, he’s able to match her pace wonderfully. He accepts the task with relish and is proud to play a role in her (temporary) upbringing, a duty shared alongside the more stern Edge. He knows just the thing to keep her entertained, knows how to get her to eat foods she’d otherwise turn her nose up at, and is somehow always able to miraculously get her to fall asleep even when the others have exhausted every trick they’d had up their sleeves.
Red :: Nope. Nuh-uh. He’s not dealing with this right now. Him? Take care of a kid?! He’d had a difficult enough time raising Edge as it is - and sure, this isn’t the underground and he doesn’t have to worry about somebody actively trying to dust Reed for a measly amount of EXP, but the trepidation is still there nonetheless.
Red is a nervous wreck throughout the entire ordeal, watching her like a hawk and ready to swoop in and fish her out of whatever trouble he thinks has a possibility of occurring. Let her outside? What if she falls in the pool, or down the back steps,or tries climbing a tree and ends up hurting herself? And the inside of the lodge is the furthest thing from childproof! The sheer number of things that could pose a threat to her now is nearly enough to make him faint with worry. He turns his attention toward child-proofing the house almost at once, and by the end of the day he’s so worn out he can’t help but pass out on the couch from exhaustion.
Thankfully there’s a small human who is more than happy to take a nap right alongside him.
Edge :: Though the initial idea of being thrust into the role of caretaker to Reed leaves him balking, Edge turns out to be surprisingly good at it. He and Vanilla grow to become her two primary caregivers and, while his strict and stern personality is often at odds with his classic counterpart, it’s not uncommon to find the young toddler puttering after the scowling skeleton like a duckling following its mother. When the others aren’t around Edge becomes good deal less severe to the child; naps in his lap are common occurrences and there are few things she enjoys more than riding on the skeleton’s shoulders, and he’s not above letting her sneak a candy before lunch or letting her stay up ten minutes past bedtime before she gets a story - just don’t tell the others! He has a reputation to uphold, after all!
Blue :: His first reaction to seeing the small child being led into the room by Sans is relief - his lazy other self has finally taken up some responsibility! Babysitting is certainly a task Classic could do!
… Wait, what do you mean this tiny human is their human?!
Blue finds himself oddly out of his element with this. He’d raised Stretch, certainly, but he finds there are a great many differences in the upbringing of a babybones in the underground when compared to a human child here on the surface. Still, he’s not about to let this challenge get the better of him!!
It’s Blue who takes on the task of the child’s education. But he’s the sort to pour every ounce of passion he has into something, and this is no exception; simple moments of learning typically end in pandemonium and the occasional fire, and while both he and Reed hardly seem phased by any of this, the others are careful to intervene before things get too carried away;;
Stretch :: He’s initially off-put by the entire ordeal. Stretch doesn’t exactly envision himself as parent-material, and he’ll be the first to admit it; while he may seem chill and relaxed around kids on the outside they tend to make him rather nervous, impressionable as they tend to be at a young age. But Reed seems to enjoy his company all the same, and as time passes his hesitation subsides and he’s more willing to not simply shortcut out of the room every time she wanders in (this may also be in part to Papyrus casually stating that Reed thought he didn't like her’, an impression fueled by his constant running away from her).
Once the two have finally gotten accustomed to each others’ company, you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone this toddler thinks of as a better friend.
Hickory :: You know that weird uncle every family has? The one that all the kids think is the blast at family reunions, but all the rest of the adults hate?
Yeah. That’s Hickory.
Raising kids isn’t his thing - not that he couldn’t do it if he put a little bit of backbone into it, but… hey, she’s already got plenty of other surrogate parents. He’s more than happy to be less a father-figure and more a friend (even if the others loathe him for it).
He’s the one whispering pranks into her ear, coaxing her to put the toad she just found into Red’s pocket or running up to give Black a hug after having played around in the muddy flowerbeds. The rest of the lodge boys will have a few choice words for him later, sure, but he’ll sit through any amount of their bickering if it means getting to hear her adorable giggles and seeing her bright smile.
Blackberry :: Welp. Black’s in trouble.
He’s usually one to hate children. They’re loud, they’re obnoxious, they’re always making messes… but, this one is his human, and he can’t quite bring himself to scowl and shoo her away as he typically would with any other kid. If anything, one would think after having raised Hickory on his own he’d want nothing at all to do with partaking in Reed’s upbringing until the error has been rectified, and yet…. he does.
So it’s a damn shame the fearsome and malevolent Blackberry is seen to be exactly that in this toddler’s eyes.
She’s quick to dart behind one of the others whenever he enters the room and throws an absolute tantrum anytime he tries picking her up. He initially chalks it up to his rather ominous appearance; no doubt it’s his dark wardrobe, sharp features, and battle scars that make the child uneasy. But he quickly notes how she hardly acts like that toward Edge, and with the tall variant practically shoving it in his face how much more she favors him rather than Black, this Sans is dead-set on changing Reed’s opinion of him. He spoils her rotten, showering her in toys and sweets and letting her get away with almost anything in hopes she’ll eventually warm up to him, to no avail. If anything his actions only seem to make the young child more suspicious and eager to distance herself from him.
Stars, but the others better get that machine fixed soon;;;
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kryptsune · 6 years ago
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Felldritch {Red X Frisk; Frans}
(Note: I don’t want to give too much away on this one because I have this urge to make it into a proper fic or even a comic) 
Universe type: HorrorFELL
Relationships: Frisk, Sans (because I am garbage I’m sorry)
Alternate “Nicknames” Info: 
Sans: Saw Papyrus: Eldritch
Main Plot Synop: Horrorfell takes place after a pacifist run by Frisk. The story briefly goes as follows. Frisk ends up in the Underworld (Underground) and befriends the monsters and wants to help them. She never dies once either. It is basically a way watered down version of WTU in essence. I will point out that Red is still a killer and that becomes worse after Frisk’s absence. Once reaching the end of her journey the monsters refuse to let her be that final soul. They would rather wait and figure out something else. Frisk promises to return to them and set them free. At this point in time, she is around 18-19. Asriel sacrifices himself to that end to see her leave through the barrier only the humans capture the poor girl after she leaves. They conclude that she is not mentally stable due to her insistence that monsters are real and throw her into an asylum to be “treated”. 
Nearly 5+ years later and she manages to escape finding herself once again in the Underworld only it is far different from what she remembers. At this point, she is questioning whether anything is real or not. After being “treated” for so long she doesn’t quite know which reality is the true one. As Red (aka Saw) points out:
“Ya really don’t know believe what happened do ya?���
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See No Evil (Saw’s Behavior):
 Frisk is the one person that gets him to turn a new leaf when it comes to his numb feelings in the beginning. It’s harder to go against what was originally natural and he struggles with overcoming his base instinct. That guilt hits him heavy. Even more, so that he feels worse because he didn’t care that he’s even forgotten the victims. That’s always going to haunt him. He only cares about two people in their world and that is his brother Eldritch and Frisk so everyone else is on his kill list so to speak. I would think that he would use others as a means to an end. He has yandere characteristics when it comes to Frisk, though not as insane as his HT counterpart (Blade). His mindset shifts to one that becomes ambiguous. He would do anything to see Frisk again including becoming a ruthless killer to do it. Get the souls, break the barrier, find the girl. Essentially he’s more of a calculating yandere in this case. So rather than being socially acceptable to kill humans, his dilemma in beating his nature with his yandere extremes and how he’s got to hold himself back.
Frisk is just the person to help him recognize that he has to broaden his view and that comes with accepting his flawed nature. It’s that whole killing makes you feel good/ numb idea. When accepting your flaws you end up going through lots of denial initially, being yandere, he’s going to see his view as right, even justified.
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Frisk’s Mental Demons:
The psychological toll on Frisk is great as she has been told constantly that she made up her time in the Underworld in order to shut herself away into a fantasy world. A world where she had a family… where she is loved and wanted. This happens frequently as the “Doctors” continuously try to refute her experiences or sensations medically.  Every time she goes to sleep in the Underworld she ends up back at the Asylum tied down kicking and screaming. She only wakes up again when she is sedated. Rinse and repeat. The question is… is it real? Or rather which is real. The doctors go on to state that her dark state of mind twisted her original concept behind her “family” making them this eldritch styled horror. He also goes onto explain that the reason she is so drawn and close to Red is that it is her “flirting with death”. That she is accepting that outcome because if she continues to resist treatment she will die and the moment she trusts him in her “fantasy” that will be the end. These kinds of situations happen a lot and even sometimes cross over through auditory and visual hallucinations, at least that is what the doctor says they are. 
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Buzzer or electroshock? {Example}:
Red zaps her with his joy buzzer for old time sake (as a prank). Not in a malicious way. That encounter takes her to the brothers were she once again finds safe haven just like before. Once comforted she falls asleep and ends up back at the asylum, whether it is a nightmare or not. She ends up crying over how real her “hallucination” feels and she talks about the buzzer. The doctors explain to her that it was an external stimulus from her shock therapy. In other words, it’s all in her head. Red tries to comfort her when this happens. He does his best trying to get her to believe that he is real but he doesn’t push that thought considering how broken he sees she is. A lot of times she ends up in tears wrapped in his arms and he just holds her in a comforting way. Her state brings the humans to the front of his mind and how much they have hurt her. His struggles with his already bloodthirsty nature cause him to silently vow to make them pay if they are freed. 
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The Occult/World:
The cult as I keep referring to it as is a group of powerful monsters. They believe humans to be their salvation while the rest of the monsters believe that they are the angels of death. They will kill humans on sight, of course, they want to live in denial of their horrible deeds because monster souls are supposed to be made up of love and kindness. This is where the idea of hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil comes in. Each monster falls into one of these camps even going so far as to mutilate themselves to do it. EVERYONE HAS GONE NUTS. Unlike the cult that wishes to break the barrier, the rest want to stay hidden from the beasts above. Red and Eldritch are under see no evil hence the blindfolds. Even though Red is a part of the cult however he has to play the part, the rest of them do as well. The question is which 7 monsters are a part of it? 
There is no monarchy in this since it was dissolved after Asgore’s hope became non-existent. The truth is his advisors may have had something to do with the shift in power. There may not be a monarchy but there is definitely a shadowy figure pulling the strings. It is rumored that the cult has extraordinary abilities that far surpass that of regular Boss monsters. They are considered “consorting with evils beyond their control”. I will say that Reds faith in the Order is quite strong… only time will tell if their intentions are what has been advertised. The cult believes that humans are the key to their salvation and that they will summon a god to rule both the surface and the underworld. 
Basically bringing hell to earth. In keeping with the eldritch horror vibe. I have that “god” being an unholy amalgamation. Not to mention that the rest of the cult can become unholy eldritch abominations as well. Reds eldritch form is very beast-like and feral. His sockets go dark filling with red sketchy eyes that glow in the open space. A whole bunch of disturbing eyes basically fill his skull. (If you have ever watched Soul Eater it’s very Asura like). Each member is associated with a major arcana as well. In Reds case, it is being a seer which in essence is seeing the truth or judgment. (those play a significant role so I am not going to mention them along with which monsters are in the cult as well. 
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Occult Binding and Ritual Souls:
Angel of Salvation (a.k.a. The Eldritch Horror)- What the cult has been working toward is summoning their “savior” with the help of the human souls they are bound to. It gives them extra abilities and power. Each within the ranks is bound to a human soul. Their leader ??? wants to use this power to summon an “angel.” It turns out that is actually an unholy amalgamated eldritch beast/god out for blood instead. Humanity will perish and the monsters will take control of the surface once more. That is the reality. (The cult including Red is told otherwise). The beast is a combo of the original Omega Flowey, Goopy Gaster, Chara, and a soulless god of hyper death, Asriel.
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