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kwinsispn3 · 2 months ago
in your arms
@coffeeandbatboys requested: I love your writing! Could you do a Winchester Sis fic where reader gets shot and dies in Dean's arms but comes back later and reunites with her brothers? Maybe set early on in the show? Thanks!
Pairings: Winchester brothers x little sis reader
Disclaimers: blood, open wounds, character death, angst
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: thank you sm!!! this was fun to write :)
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Three weeks of work, and the hunt was nearing the end. Sam and Dean were hunting down an incredibly vicious skinwalker. Y/n, however was left out of the hunt of course. She was still too young to be involved, only 16, which she believed was old enough. No matter what, she couldn't convince her brothers to join the team yet, they wanted her to wait until she was older, and stronger. There was still a lot of time, training, and work to do before they'd feel safe bringing her along.
Of course, they would never feel safe bringing their little sister along on any hunt, no matter how simple. But, they had accepted long ago that this was the pattern of their life. Y/n would be involved in it one way or another, as unfortunate as it was. They had tried a few times letting her stay with friends of the family, but it always ended in something or someone tracking her down aside from Sam and Dean. It was always something. They felt safer anyways keeping her close.
Normally y/n would be hanging out at the motels while the brothers were out dealing with a hunt. But sometimes if they were in the middle of something on the go, like tonight, she'd have to wait in the car. Dean had hightailed it to the location where they had last sighted the skinwalker, everyone was very on edge since they knew it had multiplied by now.
Dean parked the impala far away from the abandoned property that was now a police crime scene. Y/n rested her arms across the shelf of the backseat, while she watched her brothers gather their weapons from the trunk. She let out a big sigh, she reveled in the moment of peace and quiet before the storm of the hunt began. Even though she was going to wait in the car, it was still agonizing not knowing if her brothers would return alive.
Dean walked around the car and opened the back door where y/n was sitting. She looked up at him stunned as he held out a gun for her to take. "Here. There's 6 silver rounds in there, just in case."
"In case of what?" She tried to hide the fear in her voice.
"Don't worry. You shouldn't have to use it, but these things are nasty. If there's a chance one finds you, don't hesitate... You remember how to turn the safety off?"
"Yeah." She looked down at the gun crowding her grasp. "Hey." Dean nudged her. "It's gonna be okay. We'll be outta here before you know it."
She only nodded in response. Dean leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead, something he normally didn't do before hunts like this. Y/n picked up on both Sam and Dean's tense energy as they prepared to go into this hunt. She watched attentively as they walked towards the house, hoping and praying everything would go as planned.
It had been around 15 minutes of silence in the car. Y/n listened, not knowing what she was listening for, but hoping she wouldn't hear anything. She didn't want to hear anything. Any sounds of distress would not be good. She did another 360 check of her surroundings, making sure she didn't have anything sneaking up on her. Out of nowhere, a blunt force shattered the backseat window causing y/n to jump out of her seat, screaming. A coyote appeared in the window, jumping through the window into the backseat. Y/n knew it wasn't safe to leave the car, but was cornered and had no choice.
Y/n left the other back door open and started running with her gun clutched tightly. She pumped her legs with every ounce of force she had, knowing an animal on four legs was gaining on her quickly.
"Sammy!! Dean!" She called out as she got closer to the house, hoping one of them would hear her cries for help. She wasn't close enough, the coyote caught up and jumped on her, knocking her down to the ground. She hit the hard ground with a thud, turning herself over so she could fight back. The coyote pinned her small frame, she struggled underneath it, putting her arms up to stop it from doing any damage.
Sam came running out the back door of the house. "HEY!" He shouted to distract the animal. A shot rang out from his gun, nearly missing the coyote. The coyote stumbled back and started to shift, Sam saw it starting to change its form and helped y/n up. "C'mon, we gotta get inside." His voice urgent as he practically dragged y/n with him.
The two of them reunited with Dean once inside. Dean looked shocked to see y/n with Sam, looking between the two of them. "Dean, there's two of them now. There could be more for all we know." Sam said over y/n's heavy breathing.
"What happened!" He said in a stern voice.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It broke through the window and I didn't have anywhere to go... and... oh my god." y/n stuttered frantically, pausing in fear when she realized she dropped her gun and how mad Dean would be.
"Ok, ok, slow down. Did you try to shoot it at all? Where's your gun?" He demanded.
Y/n dropped her head in defeat, not wanting to look up at the disappointment she could feel all over his face. "I'm sorry, Dean. I dropped it..." she sniffled.
"The dog jumped her, came real close." Sam chimed in, taking some of the heat off y/n. Dean sighed heavily. "Alright, you stay behind us, you hear?" Y/n nodded in response, trying to keep her composure.
All were waiting in silence, knowing the skin walkers had gotten them cornered, right where they wanted them to be. Sam and Dean were fuming with anger, mostly at themselves for not seeing this coming. Now they had another objective besides taking down the enemy, protecting y/n. This was the last situation they wanted to be in.
One of the dogs came blasting through one of the rooms in the house, tackling Dean to the ground. Sam was split between making sure y/n was okay, and helping Dean. Sam saw y/n's scared expression looking at her brother being trampled by the wild beast, so he rushed over to kick it off of him. The two were distracted fighting off the first skinwalker, they didn't notice the second one creeping in behind them.
Three gunshots echoed through out the house suddenly, startling everyone. Sam and Dean covered their heads, not being able to see where it was coming from. Sam finally brought up his gun, aiming it at the first one with a clear shot. "Dean, look out!" with that, Dean rolled over as Sam took out the dog with a silver bullet. Both brothers stood up, standing their ground as they eyed carefully for the other predator. They finally spotted its form behind a broken wall, holding y/n's gun, pointed right at them. Dean didn't hesitate and fired every round he had at the creature before it had a chance to make a move.
It spasmed as it hit the ground, earning a relieving sigh from them. Then they remembered y/n... and the three random gun shots they didn't see.
"y/n?!!" both men turned around swiftly to find y/n lying still on the floor, huffing for air.
"y/n/n??! Hey...." Dean threw his knees down to the floor as he gently scooped up his sister into his lap. Both of their faces dropped when their eyes caught the blood that saturated her hands. Dean followed the trail of blood to her torso, seeing one bullet in her chest, one in her stomach. Y/n let out a whimper as his hand brushed past her wounds. "Ok, ok, ok, it's not that bad. Okay? You're gonna be okay." Dean's voice broke.
Sam looked at his brother and sister in disbelief, knowing Dean was wrong. She wasn't going to be okay. There was too much blood, there was no way she'd make it to a hospital in time. He crouched down next to his sister.
"Dean? Am I gonna die?" y/n let out with tears flooding her eyes.
Dean didn't know whether to lie or not. He did know that nothing could make the situation any better, so his best approach was to give comfort. "You're gonna be just fine, okay?" Dean's eyes welled with tears, seeing his sister so scared.
"I'm scared... it hurts too much." y/n let her cries go, gasping as she felt the life leaving her body. She wanted to hold onto her brother so desperately, but she felt weaker by the second and it was the most terrifying feeling. Everything felt out of her control.
"I know, I know... Listen, this isn't the end. We're gonna get you back y/n/n, we're gonna find you." Sam reassured her. Y/n's breathing grew more and more shallow, the color started to drain from her face. She looked up at both her brothers through glassy eyes. Their words turned into muffled noise, her throat fell dry, and everything became blurry. That was when she knew.
"I love you." she let out, barely a whisper as her lips mouthed her last words.
Dean looked down at his sister with doubt as the tension left her body and her eyes drew shut. He patted her face ever so slightly, knowing he wouldn't get a response but trying anyways.
"C'mon... Dammit, NO!!" Dean was in hysterics.
Y/n's arm fell to the side, catching Sam out of the zone he was in. Sam gingerly reached for her hand, looking up at the horror in front of him. Their baby girl. If anyone should ever have to feel that pain and be so scared, it didn't deserve to be her.
He casted his attention away from the messy scene and focused up at her face. "We're gonna get you back, bug... We'll find you. I promise."
2 years had come and gone. The days were long, the nights were longer. Sam and Dean were strangers to life without their little sis, she was their light. After she had passed, they realized just how dour the world was without her presence.
The aftermath of that hunt was the hardest. Dean carried y/n back to the impala, laid her body along the backseat. They buried her the next day. The brothers went mute for the next few days, neither saying a word to each other. Not knowing what to say, not in the mood to say anything.
Dean was the first to eventually speak up. "We gotta find a way." He said while nursing a beer at the motel kitchen table.
Sam was laying across one of the motel beds, he perked his head up, knowing exactly what Dean meant.
"Yeah. And how do you propose we do that?"
Dean returned with a bitch face, not needing any of the attitude Sam was throwing his way. He then lowered his head, wishing he had an answer that made sense.
"What're you thinking... Crossroads demon?" Sam thought.
"No! We're not pawning off anyone else." Dean slammed his bottle down. The two argued for what felt like hours, discussing any possible way they could get y/n back. Eventually, they both threw in the towel, reaching a dead end in their ideas.
Come 2 years later, they were still chasing a trail, one they continued to chase to different dead ends. After talking to every source, reading every book, forum, looking into all sorts of lore... it all lead to nothing.
Everyday felt like the same agonizing pattern, over and over. Sam and Dean's bond was growing strained. No one ever realized it, but y/n was the glue that subconsciously held everything together. No matter what, y/n was their constant beacon of hope in the dark. It didn't feel whole without her. Both brothers wanted to keep holding onto the hope that they'd find away, but it kept growing more and more difficult. The thought of giving up and moving on was something they avoided with every ounce of strength they had. It scared them to even think about moving on.
Y/n's view of her brothers hovering above her grew blurry, until her eyes shut against her will, leaving her with darkness. Moments later, she shot up, eyes open. It was dark, she couldn't tell where she was, and then she spotted the moon. It illuminated the night, glowing in the fog that surrounded the cemetery she stood in. Y/n looked around in confusion, not remember what happened or how she ended up there. She slowly stalked around the stones, shooting her head in all directions.
Where was Sam and Dean? What happened... a cemetery? Maybe a salt n burn? "Dean, Sam? Hello?" She called out into the nothing. Her heart started to race with slight panic, feeling a rush of fear coursing through her veins.
"Hello y/n." A voice called out from behind, a soft voice. Y/n spun around on her heels, her gaze met with that of a young woman. Confusion fell upon her.
"How do you know who I am?" y/n was wary.
"Oh, I know everything about you."
y/n took a shaky step back. "It's okay, don't be afraid. My name's Tessa. I'm a reaper." She slowed with a light voice.
Y/n frowned. "A reaper? Wha- am I dead?"
"No. No, I can't. Not yet." Her mind raced a mile a minute, trying to remember what happened.
"It's going to be alright, y/n." Tessa tried.
"No, it's not!" "I want Dean." She then whispered to herself.
Tessa slowly came closer. "Listen, I know how you feel. But I'm afraid there's not much I can do."
"Please, not now.... I'll make a deal." y/n begged.
She shook her head, coming close to y/n. "Little Winchester, though I can help with that, I suggest otherwise. Though, I can already see the hurt the world is going through."
Y/n look up at Tessa. "What do you mean?"
"Without you, the- well.... I wish I could say more, but, you'll see soon enough." Tessa stopped.
"What? No! I want to know what is going on!" y/n demanded answers.
Tessa huffed with a small smile. "Let's just say, you're still needed in this world. So, just this one time, you got very lucky little one."
"I don't understand, reapers don't just... 'do a girl a favor' just like that? What's your game?" Y/n whined.
"Don't worry, one of you will see me again someday." Tessa breathed out. She started to reach out for y/n.
"One of us? No... what, you can't! No, stop!" y/n suddenly full of fear towards the reapers words, and the fact that she was trying to get to her. Y/n fell backwards trying to get away, falling into a pile of dirt. It felt like it sucked her into the ground, before feeling a hand grasp hers tight. It pulled her up through the dark ground, then suddenly feeling like she was suffocated by dirt. Her body jolted out of the trench, landing harshly on the ground. She coughed up dirt remnants and took some greedy deep breaths, blinking her eyes open to look at her surroundings.
Y/n looked around, seeing she was on the cold ground of a cemetery in the middle of the night. She looked up at the sky as the sun started to rise, allowing her to see the atmosphere more clearly. Her gaze fell to the ground next to her, seeing a deep half-filled hole in the ground with no marker.
'An unmarked grave?' she thought to herself. The events of the moments leading up to her death quickly flooded back. The memories of the reaper were erased. Y/n's hand went to cover her mouth in shock and fear, feeling confused and lost.
"Dean? Sam? Where are you?!"
Sam and Dean had finished another hunt. They were reluctant to take this hunt, seeing as it was in the same area y/n had died in. They hadn't been back since they buried her. With each hunt they found, they put all their energy into killing every monster they could amidst finding a way to get y/n back.
The motel was in their rearview mirror as Dean drove through the town. Sam looked up and out the window as he felt the car stop. He looked over at Dean, confused to see the car stopped in front of a cemetery. "What are you doing?"
"It's been 2 years... I thought, y'know." Dean left his words unfinished.
The realization came to Sam's face, watching his brother's anguished expression as he left the car. He followed behind Dean up the path to the resting site where they laid y/n, underneath the willow tree in the cemetery. Dean stood above the glowing green grass that hid behind the sun's partial shadows. Sam shuffled behind in silence, flooded with the unbearable memories from that day.
"What're we gonna do Dean?" Sam asked.
"Not now, Sam."
"I-I'm serious. Our leads keep getting colder, I can't make sense of anything else."
"Hey! Can we do this later? Seriously." Dean gritted his teeth, longing for a silent moment.
"Look, Dean. I know you're scared we're not gonna get her back, but we-"
"We are gonna get her back. No one said anything about-"
"Hey wait, what-" Sam interrupted.
"Sam, enough. Okay!" Dean grew agitated.
"Listen, I wasn't gonna say we weren't gonna find a way...." Sam stopped. He kneeled down, looking intently at the ground.
"What?!" Dean looked over his shoulder.
"Why is there... dirt, everywhere?" Sam looked up, turning around when he heard the familiar sound.
"Sam! Dean!"
Dean perked up as he recognized the sound of y/n's voice, sounding through out the air. "y/n!?"
The voices bounded back among the grounds before y/n's figure appeared from around the trees. Tears gushed from Sam and Dean's eyes as they caught sight of their sister in the distance, running at them.
The weight on y/n's chest disappeared as she was able to discern her two brothers. Tears shed from her lids as she got closer, opening her arms and practically falling into Dean. He engulfed her grasp with strong arms, lifting her up and bringing her close.
"Oh my god!" Dean breathed out heavily, letting out a thankful sob. "I was so worried."
"Me too. I was so scared..." y/n whispered into Dean's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, y/n/n. I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you. That never should've happened." Dean apologized, all the guilt and sorrow built up over two years came flooding out.
"It's okay." Y/n could care less. She didn't see it as her big brothers fault. This job was dangerous, and she unfortunately saw first hand. "That doesn't matter now, I'm here." She caught sight of Sam's glossy eyes approaching her.
"Sammy!" She loosened her grip on Dean, leaning over to Sam who was there, ready to embrace her. His large frame overtook her and held on tight.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this." Sam mumbled in her ear. Y/n waited until Sam lowered her from his hug. "Wait, how long was I gone?"
Sam and Dean looked back at her in shock, finally coming to their senses and wondering how she got back.
"Two years."
Y/n stood in bewilderment. It didn't feel like she was gone for two years, what had happened during that time. How were Sam and Dean?
"I-I don't understand..." she breathed out with eyes welling up.
"It's okay, it's okay. We're here. We're all here now." Sam placed a comforting hand along her shoulder, reassuring all three of them.
"It didn't feel like two years... how did I get back?" y/n asked confused.
"You don't know how you got back?" Dean asked just as lost.
Y/n shook her head. "Can you remember anything about what happened." Sam asked.
"I remember- the pain. And, and Dean... Then, it's all nothing." y/n tried to focus.
Sam and Dean shared a look, knowing something must have happened on the other side for y/n to just come back like that. Another thing they would have to figure out. For now, the relief that filled them to have their sister back was enough.
"It's okay, we'll figure it out." Dean said rather quickly. "I'm just glad you're back, kiddo." y/n was pulled into another needy hug.
"I love you." y/n quietly spoke into Dean's shoulder.
"Yeah, me too kid."
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jadegiantess · 1 year ago
I understand the impulse to make girl!Sam look like Sam but girl carries over to most Winsister ideas but I am once again putting my Winsister OC thought on blast:
Imagine the absolute brain worms that John and the brothers would have if they had a sister who looked just like Mary. Like make her face claim Amy Gumenick levels of looks like Mary. I love their fucked up relationship dynamics getting thrown around with a sister and all the gender weirdness of that now imagine a sister who literally looks like their ultimate victim and their ultimate reason.
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horrorshow · 6 months ago
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You’re the one I’m rooting for. It was about you. It’s always been about you. I could've killed you a hundred times today but this… this is worth the wait.
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I’m Alive
Hey there, just letting y’all know I’m still alive. I always feel sad when an account I follow goes radio silence, and I’d hate any of my followers to think something bad happened to me.
It started as just trying to avoid spn spoilers, but then my ADHD butt felt like I had to watch all the seasons again before I started the new one and...I just never watched any of it. Which is something that happens to me a lot. Still haven’t finished Sherlock and Once Upon a Time for the same reasons. I just felt like I couldn’t get on Tumblr at ALL so...That’s where I’ve been.
Also, like literally everyone, the pandemic kicked my butt and I’m still feeling the effects on my mental health. I haven’t written at all since March 2020 (except for once, doing some story notes, and then my computer immediately self-destructed.) I’d like to write more of this story, edit some of the stuff I already posted, but since i haven’t finished all SPN seasons I feel like I can’t? For some reason?
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zorilleerrant · 1 year ago
some notes on my phone:
Princess Magnolia and Prince Edelweiss XVI: Revenge of the Cursed Alderman
Trans??? Cookies???
eels eels
replicating ice/almond milk
world's greatest detective blond hair
Static Batman ouchie
Add Teekl
Pinocchio neurodivergent masking
Jobu topbog-y
Problems only writers understand
Having very chaotic notes on your phone
Having secret files that you will NEVER let anyone ever see
Why cant I think of a name?
Writing 10k words in a day then never again
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elliewithcellie · 8 months ago
Enough - Castiel and Y/N take on a case that could not have gone worse if they tried. (Castiel, winsister!reader)
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Dean: Hey kiddo, how was school?
Y/n: it was good i met a boy today!
Dean: …
Sam: …
Dean: oh yeah? what uhh what was this boy’s name?
Y/n: his name was michael and he told me he likes me!
Dean & Sam *panic*: …
Y/n: we held hands and everything!
Dean & Sam: *look to each other* YOU HELD HANDS???!?!?!??
Y/n: yeah :D
Dean: oh no, oh my god, Sam..you know what we have to do…
Sam: agreed.
Dean & Sam: *grab Y/n and carry them to the sink, and stick their hands under the faucet*
Y/n: *uncontrollable laugher* no! it was only for like five minutes!
Sam: Five whole minutes!!!! This calls for the holy water…
Y/n: *dying laughter with hands still under running water*
RAHARAHARAHARAHARAH im feral for this hc
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thewnchstrs · 3 years ago
Malleus Maleficarum
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Pairing: Winchester!Sister (OC)
Summary: Sam, Dean and Ellie travel to Sturbridge, Massachusetts and discover a coven of witches that has killed two people.
Disclaimers: self-harm, suicide, angst, blood, mentions of death
Word Count: 7.4K
S E R I E S   M A S T E R L I S T
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Sturbridge, Massachusetts
"She was so scared. I couldn't help; I couldn't do anything to stop it,” Mr. Dutton whispered in regret, staring off into space between Sam and Dean who were questioning him. His eyes flicked back up to them. “And I've talked to the police, and I've talked to the medical examiner and no one can explain it."
I shined my flashlight around every inch of the master bathroom that Janet Dutton died in, only half listening to their conversation as I searched for anything out of the ordinary that could give us a reason to believe this was our kind of job. "Well, that's why they put the call in to us Mr. Dutton."
"But the CDC, that's disease control, right? What do you think; it's some kind of virus?"
"We're not ruling out anything yet,” Dean said. I began searching through their medicine cabinet, pushing aside prescription bottles and bandaid boxes, but nothing was in there, either. “Mr. Dutton did Janet have any enemies?"
There was a beat of silence behind the bathroom door as Mr. Dutton processed the question. "I'm sorry?"
"Anyone that might have a reason to hurt her?" Sam asked this time. I rifled through the tall pantry, shuffling through the neatly folded towels, baskets of small perfume bottles, extra toothbrushes, hand soap. Absolutely nothing of interest.
"Wait, what are you saying? That somebody...poisoned her?"
"I'm just saying we have to cover every base here."
"Well, I mean, what kind of poison? You think a person could have done this?”
I nearly gave up on the search before I spotted the double cabinets beneath the sink. I squatted down, pulling them open where sure enough, a hex bag was stuffed between the pipes. I sighed, pulling it free and placing it into my pocket.
“Would anyone want to?" Sam was asking as I returned to the room. Mr. Dutton was standing now, looking horrified.
"What?! No, no, there's just no one that could've—" He paused, looking off into space again in thought.
Dean raised his eyebrows at us before waving a hand in front of his face. "Mr. Dutton?"
Whatever trance Mr. Dutton was in, he seemed to snap out of it quickly. He blinked twice, looking back at us. "Uh, everyone loved Janet."
Yeah, totally not weird and suspicious at all. Sam nodded once. "Okay. Thank you very much; I think we've got everything we need. We'll get out of your way now."
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Sam, Dean and I stepped out onto the wet porch of Mr. Dutton’s house. "That dude seem a little evasive to you?" Dean asked.
"I don't know I was under a sink, pulling this out,” I said, tossing it to Sam who caught it before it could drop to the ground. "Hex bag."
"Awww gross,” Dean groaned as Sam opened it up in his palm.
"Yeah, there are bird bones, rabbit's teeth. This cloth is probably cut from something Janet Dutton owned."
Dean shivered at the thought as we kept walking. Sam looked over to me. "So we're thinking witch?"
"Uh, yeah, and not some new age wicked water douser either. This is Old World black magic, I mean, warts and all,” I said as we slid into the car, the rain coming down harder now.
There was a beat of silence in the car before Dean turned in his seat toward us. "I hate witches." Sam and I chuckled at the rant we knew Dean was about to go on, the same one he always went on when we dealt with witches. "They're always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere. It's creepy, you know, it's down right unsanitary."
"Yeah, well someone definitely had it out for Janet Dutton."
"Yeah, someone who snuck into that house and planted the bag,” Dean said, glancing up at the home. “So what are we thinking, we're uh, looking for some old craggy Blair bitch in the woods."
I shook my head, "No it could be anyone. Neighbor, coworker, man, woman—that's the problem, they're human, they're like everyone else."
"Great,” Dean exasperated. “How do we find 'em?"
I thought about it, the brutal way in which Janet died: choking on her own blood after all of her teeth fell out, seemingly out of nowhere. "This wasn't random; someone in Janet Dutton's life had an ugly axe to grind. We find the motive—"
"We find the murderer,” Sam finished. Dean nodded once before peeling away from the curb.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I sighed, tapping my fingertips against the door with my chin in my hand, people watching the patrons walk in and out of the pub just across from our stakeout spot. “I’m telling you guys, give me five minutes in that bar to hustle some pool money-”
“El, we’re working,” Sam reprimanded. I looked over Dean’s shoulder toward Mr. Dutton’s car that we’ve been tailing for the past four hours. He was parked in an empty lot after we’d just followed him through a drive thru.
“Yeah, and it’s thrilling,” I said sarcastically as I let out a puff of air, crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t think anything’s going on here, you guys.”
“Wait,” Sam shushed me and just seconds later, Mr. Dutton’s car flew open as he fell to the ground. Dean immediately put the car into drive, barreling across the two lane road and skidded to a stop just inches from Mr. Dutton who was kneeling on the ground, gasping for air.
"Check the car!" Dean shouted to Sam and I. Sam ran toward the driver’s seat as I pulled open the back, reaching shoulder-deep under the seats, my hands searching blindly.
"Hurry up!" Dean called from behind us where he was kneeled beside Mr. Dutton who was trying to cough but couldn't, his wheezes for air becoming more and more desperate.
"Got it!" Sam suddenly shouted, holding the hex bag up. He grabbed his lighter, catching the hex bag ablaze before dropping it to the road.
"Come on.” Dean lifted Mr. Dutton off the ground as he grasped his chest, finally able to breathe again. "You okay?"
Mr. Dutton looked at us with wild eyes. "What the hell is happening to me?!"
"Someone murdered your wife and now they're trying to kill you, that's what's happening to you,” Sam said.
"That's impossible! There's no way—"
"If we hadn't have been following you, you'd be a doornail right now. Now who wants you dead?" Dean demanded.
Mr. Dutton looked at us as if we were crazy but wracked his brain for an answer, "I-uh..."
"Come on think."
"There's a woman—uh—"
"A woman, okay?"
"An affair—a mistake, she was un-balanced, she was blackmailing me and I put an end to it a week ago."
I raised my eyebrows at this. An affair would make sense, why this woman would want Janet dead. "What's her name?"
Mr. Dutton looked at me, confused, "Wha–what could she have to do with—?"
"Paul! What is her name?"
Mr. Dutton paused, watching us. “Amanda...Amanda Burns.” 
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Paul Dutton cracked pretty fast when it came to giving us Amanda’s address. I quietly picked the lock of the front door, leading the way into the dimly lit house.  I entered the living room first, keeping my gun held high as I rounded the corner where a brunette woman in a black dress laid face down over a glass coffee table. I tilted my head at the blood pooled beneath her. "That's a curveball."
Dean approached her, using his gun to rotate her wrists to the side as he confirmed what I’d suspected: "Three per wrist, vertical. She wasn't foolin' around."
Sam held a hand over his nose and mouth as he lowered himself to the floor beside the table. I followed his line of sight to a knocked over spell book and a plate of rotting food, maggots crawling in and out of it. There was a board with a sigil painted across the front, a knife, and a denim shirt beneath it all that I assumed was Paul Dutton’s. "Yeah, looks like she was working some heavyweight evil here."
"Oh god!” Dean shouted suddenly. I drew my gun towards Dean who’s eyes were wide, staring at the rabbit suspended by his feet from the ceiling behind him. I sighed, dropping my gun. “Fuckin' witches! Seriously man, come on!"
"Guess we know where she got the rabbit's teeth from,” Sam said. The rabbit was long since dead, its once-white fur now matted with dark blood.
"Well, Paul sure knows how to pick 'em huh? It's like Fatal Attraction all over again,” Dean said, looking back at the rabbit, his face falling. “And why does the rabbit always get screwed in the deal?! Poor little guy."
"You know what I don't get?” Sam said, making Dean and I look to him. “If she was so bent on revenge, why do this?"
I shrugged, "Well, she got Janet Dutton, thought she finished off Paul, decided to cap herself and make it a spurned lover's hat-trick...I mean, this doesn't exactly look like the TV room of a bright and stable person, you know?"
Sam kneeled down to the floor, inspecting beneath the coffee table. "No, but then...there's this.” Sam stood, throwing me a small object, wrapped in brown leather.
"Another hex bag? Come on!" Dean groaned, shaking his head. "Looks like we got a hit, huh? A little witch-on-witch violence?"
"I guess,” I said, tossing the hex bag onto the coffee table.
Dean pulled out his phone, dialing 911. "Hi, I'd like to report a dead body...309 Mayfair Circle...My name? Yeah, sure my name is—” Dean cut himself off, snapping his phone shut. “Why are witches ganking each other?"
Sam sighed, "I don't know, but I think maybe we got a coven on our hands."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"You must have a green thumb,” Sam said as we approached Elizabeth’s house where she was out in her garden, digging in the dirt. This was our first suspect, someone Amanda had been friends with for years. 
“Excuse me?” She said, looking up at us.
“Getting these herbs to grow out of season like this, quite impressive,” Sam said before stopping. “I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself first. I'm Detective Bachman, this is Detective Turner and Detective Thornton.” He motioned to each of us as we flashed her our fake badges.
“Hi-ya,” Dean smirked.
“We're following up on Amanda Burns' death, going around the neighborhood and talking to neighbors, stuff like that,” I said.
Amanda stood, watching us in what I believed to be feigned confusion, “But didn't she— I mean...she...killed herself...right?”
“Maybe, maybe,” Sam said, vaguely. “We heard you were friends with the deceased right?”
Elizabeth shrugged, obviously anxious at the questioning. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Did you have any idea about her practices?”
She furrowed her eyebrows at my question. “I'm sorry, what kind of practices?”
“Well see, her house was littered with Satanic paraphernalia.”
“A regular Black Sabbath,” Dean added.
“No, the— but she was an Episcopalian.”
“Well, then we're pretty sure she was using the wrong Bible,” Dean chuckled.
“Elizabeth, you alright?” A voice asked from behind us. We turned, two women coming up the driveway. They rounded us as they stood on either side of Elizabeth.
“I'm fine...Renee, these are detectives,” Elizabeth hesitated. “They say Amanda was— she was practicing-”
“I'm sorry detectives; you can tell that Elizabeth is a little bit upset,” the blonde woman said, running a soothing hand down Elizabeth’s arm.
I narrowed my eyes at them. Something was definitely fishy about these three. “Of course, Miss…?”
“Mrs. Renee. Van. Allen,” she said, punctuating each part of her name. “Would you like me to spell it for you?”
I raised my eyebrows at her, biting my tongue. “I'll get by, thanks.”
“This Amanda business has been hard for Liz,” Mrs. Renee Van Allen said. She tightened the grip she had on Elizabeth’s arm. “For all of us.”
Elizabeth seemed frightened to even speak for herself as the other brunette woman spoke up this time, “Yeah. I mean, you think you know a person.”
“Well, I guess we all have secrets don't we?” Dean said. I could tell him and Sam both had their suspicious about them, too. 
“Well, thanks,” Sam said, maintaining intense eye contact with Elizabeth that she couldn’t return. “We'll be in touch.”
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Dean’s POV
After leaving Ellie at the motel to research more into what we didn’t already know about witches, Sam and I went out to see if we could find anything else on these women. It was nearly pitch black as we made our way back.
“Well, I'm already sold on that Elizabeth chick. Did you see that victory garden of hers?” I said as I drove. “Belladonna, wolfsbane, mandrake, not to mention that little flinch she threw when we mentioned the occult.”
“Well, she's definitely had a good run lately, gone up a few tax brackets; won almost too many raffles. Kinda thing a little black magic always helps with,” Sam said as he read through the local paper and other files we were able to scrounge up. “I don't think she's alone either. I looked into 'Mrs. Renee Van Allen'. She’s won almost every craft contest she has entered in the past three months.”
“Yeah, a regular Martha Stewart, huh? Except for the devil worship, I'm thinking that was the coven we met back there, minus one member,” I said, shaking my head. “Amanda was clearly going off the reservation. What do you think, they killed her to keep up appearances?”
“Seems like an appearance kind of crowd, don't you think?” Sam said.
“Yeah...if they killed the nut-job, should we uh, thank them or what?”
“They're working black magic too, Dean. They need to be stopped,” Sam said, folding up the paper.
I paused, glancing over to him as I suddenly remembered mine and Ellie’s conversation. “'Stopped' like stopped?” Sam shot me a look saying he was serious. It was never like him to think that way. “They're human, Sam.”
“They're murderers,” he corrected.
Pushing aside how out of character it was for Sam, it seemed justified to me. I looked back to the road, satisfied. “Burn witch, burn.”
Then, the car began to rattle and sputter. I looked down, confused, as I took my hands off the wheel. “What the hell?”
The headlights began to flicker. One second, they were off, and we were drowning in darkness and the next second they turned back on, there was a figure, illuminated in the golden light. The car rolled to a stop right in front of a woman, her arms crossed over her chest. I felt for the Colt in my jacket, gripping it by its hilt. We stood from the car, the woman unmoving.
“Ruby?” Sam said in confusion. I raised my eyebrows, looking back at her.
“Sam, listen to me, there's no time,” Ruby urged.
"For what? What are you talking about?"
"You have to get out of town."
"So this is Ruby, huh? Never had the pleasure,” I said, bringing the Colt out and aiming it at her.
"I was hoping you'd show up again."
Ruby only watched me, unfazed. "Point that thing somewhere else."
"Hahahaha! Right,” I said sarcastically.
She sighed, looking back to Sam, "Sam, please. Go. Get in the car and don't look back."
"Why? I don't understand."
"Hey, hot stuff, we can take care of a few kitchen witches, thanks,” I said, making Ruby roll her eyes as she turned her attention back to me.
"I'm not talking about witches, you jackass. Witches are whores,” she spat. “I'm talking about who they serve."
I furrowed my eyebrows, looking to Sam for answers when his face fell. "Demons. They get their power from demons."
"Yeah. And there's one here, now."
I scoffed, "Oh, what, you mean besides you?"
"Sam, it knows you're in town and it's gonna come after you and it’s way more than you can handle."
I looked to Sam who suddenly seemed worried. I widened my eyes. "Oh come on, what is this, huh? Please tell me you're not listening to this crap!"
"Put a leash on your brother, Sam, if you wanna keep him."
"Dean, look, just chill out."
"No...no! She's messing with your head, god knows why, that's who they are!" I shouted, waving the gun in her direction. I was not going to let Sam make me feel like the crazy one.
"I'm telling you the truth,” Ruby interfered.
"And I'm telling you to shut up, bitch."
"I'm sorry, why are you even a part of this conversation?!" She yelled, stepping closer.
"Oh, I don't know maybe because he's my brother, you black-eyed skank!"
"Oh, right, right. You care about your brother so much. That's why you're checking out in a few months, leaving him all alone?"
My heart sank, praying Sam hadn’t heard her, but in my peripherals I could see Sam whip his head toward me. I tightened my hand on the gun. "Shut up."
Ruby knew she hit right where it hurt. She leaned forward, only inches from the gun now. "At least let me try and save him, since you won't be here to do it any more."
"I said shut up!"
I brought my finger back on the trigger, but Sam was faster as he bent my arm upwards, shooting a round into the sky. I opened my eyes, looking around, but Ruby was nowhere to be found.
“Damn it!” I shouted, shaking my head, turning away from Sam. I could feel his eyes on me.
“What did she mean, Dean?” He nearly whispered.
I ran a hand down my face before turning to him, acting like I hadn’t heard him when in reality I was buying myself time to think of an excuse. I didn’t want him to find out like this. I didn’t want them to find out at all, not until I was already gone. “What?”
Sam took a step closer. He was angry. “What did she mean...when she said you were checking out- what did she mean!?”
“Sam, c’mon, I have no idea!” I lied through my teeth.
Sam’s face shifted into realization. “What did you do, Dean?”
I couldn’t meet his eyes. Guilt corroded my insides. Guilt because I’d been lying to them, guilt because I know what I was going to put them through would kill them. I scoffed, shaking my head. “Sam...”
“You took her deal, didn’t you?” 
I slowly looked back to him, fear clouding over his face. There was no use in lying to him anymore. I’d done that too much already. “I couldn’t let her go, Sam...” Sam’s shoulders fell in defeat and shock. “You said it yourself...we couldn’t let her go.”
“I didn’t mean take her place, Dean!” He shouted, his breath coming out in smoke against the cold air. I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say a thing. “So...what, now we have to lose you? Our plan this whole time was to come up with something so none of us would die! Did you forget that part!?”
“I didn’t have a choice!” I shouted back. “It was me, or her and if not one of us it was you, Sam! There was no way out of it so I...” I stopped myself, lowering my voice. “I had to do it. I have to protect you two.”
Sam shook his head, tears brimming his eyes. “Does Ellie know?”
I swallowed past the lump in my throat before shaking my head. Sam nodded once, looking away from me. “She can’t know, Sam. She can’t.”
“You can’t ask me to do that.”
“Well, I am,” I said. His eyes flicked to mine. “You have to promise me. You won’t tell her. Promise me that, Sam. Please.” He clenched his jaw, walking back toward the car before slipping inside. I looked up at the dark sky, wishing Hell would open its flaming mouth and just pull me under now.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ellie’s POV
The silence in the motel room was almost serene. I plopped myself onto the motel bed, a cloud of stale stench floating into the air from the ancient comforter. After nearly six hours of research on witches, my hand was cramping and my ass was sore from the motel’s hard wooden chairs. I stretched my legs out, clicking the small TV set on just as the door flew open, Sam and Dean arguing loudly.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Sam said as he came in behind Dean, slamming the door. I rolled my head backwards onto the wall, annoyed, switching the TV back off.
"What?! What the hell was I thinking?" Dean shot back, yanking his jacket off his shoulders and throwing it roughly onto his bed. "She's a demon, Sam. Period. Alright? They want us dead, we want them dead!”
“What happened?” I asked, watching as they moved across the room in a flurry, Sam hot on Dean’s trail.
They ignored me as they continued to go at each other. "Oh, that's funny; I remember that demon chick in Ohio, Casey? You didn't want her dead."
"Yeah, well she wasn't stringing me along like a fish on a hook."
"No one's stringing me along! Look, I know it's dangerous, that she is dangerous, but like it or not, she's useful."
"No! We kill her before she kills us."
"Kill her with what? The gun she fixed for us?"
"Whatever works."
I closed my eyes, absentmindedly rubbing at the side of my abdomen, chocking the dull pain up to the two day old takeout I’d eaten out of desperation.
"Dean, if she wants us dead, all she has to do is stop saving our lives,” Sam retorted, making Dean roll his eyes as he went to the bathroom, splashing water on his face. “Look, we have to start looking at the big picture Dean, start thinking in strategies and – and moves ahead. It's not so simple, we're not – we're not just hunting anymore...we're at war."
I peeked an eye out, glancing at them in the momentary silence. “Are you guys done-”
"Are you feeling okay?" Dean interrupted, making Sam shake his head as he sat on the end of our bed.
"Why are you always asking me that?"
"Because you're taking advice from a demon, for starters. And by the way, you seem less and less worried about offing people. You know, it used to eat you up inside."
"Yeah, and what has that gotten me?"
My eyes bounced between the two of them, rubbing rhythmic circles over my stomach. I was still trying to figure out what the hell had happened while they were gone.
"Nothing, but it's just what you're supposed to do, okay? We're supposed to drive in the fuckin' car and fuckin' argue about this stuff. You know, you go on about the sanctity of life and all that shit."
The pain in my stomach began to grow more intense. I sat up further on the bed, hoping my position would relieve some of the pressure, to no avail. I pushed my palm against it, wincing.
"Wait, so– so you're mad because I'm starting to agree with you?" Sam asked, looking up at Dean who was tossing the contents of his pocket onto the table.
"No, I'm not mad, I'm— I'm— I'm worried, Sam— I'm worried because you're not acting like yourself.”
"Yeah, you're right, I'm not. I don't have a choice."
Dean narrowed his eyes at him, stopping his movement. "What’s that supposed to mean?"
"Look, Dean...things are changing. And the way I see it, if I'm gonna make it, if I'm gonna fight this war after...” Sam paused, him and Dean sharing a strange look. A silent conversation that I couldn’t quite place. “Then I gotta change."
"Change into what?"
"Into you,” Sam said after a beat of silence passed. “I gotta be more like you."
I sat up further on the bed, holding my side as I leaned forward, my face contorting in pain. Dean looked over at me as if he’d just noticed I was there. "What's going on with you?"
"I don't know,” I groaned as the pain quickly grew sharper until I gasped, feeling like I was being stabbed from the inside. “Something's wrong—"
"Ellie?" Sam said quickly, rounding the bed and kneeling in front of me. He gripped my shoulder.
"Son of a bitch—" I groaned, wrapping my arms around my midsection.
"Ellie, hey,” Dean said this time.
When I opened my eyes they were both in front of me, watching me worriedly. I panted, the pain just becoming more and more intense as I thought of the only solution I could come up with: "The coven...it's gotta be the coven."
I reached a hand out toward anyone and anything, grasping for air before finding Sam’s jacket, twisting it in my hand before they quickly pushed off the floor, turning the room upside down for the hex bag that had to be in here somewhere. 
Sweat began to bead down my body as the sound of cabinets opening and closing filled the room, chairs being overturned, and our things being dumped from our duffle bags. I coughed, leaning forward as I felt something climbing up my throat. I dropped to the floor between the two beds, gagging as blood spurted from my mouth and down onto the linoleum floors. I quickly got onto my hands and knees, trying to clear my airways before my arms collapsed under me, sending me sprawling to the floor.
I didn’t have enough energy to pull myself up. I watched Sam above me as he threw the blankets off the bed and dug his knife into the mattresses, calling to Dean, “Did you find it!?”
"No,” Dean said as he came beside me, rolling me onto my side. "Sam, what are you doing?"
I opened an eye between fits of coughing up blood to where Sam was counting the bullets in the Colt, not saying a word to either of us. He threw the motel door open and all we could hear was the Impala’s engine roar to life.
"Sam!” Dean called after him, but once we could no longer hear the car he turned back, cursing Sam under his breath. “It’ll be okay. It’s okay.”
Blood continued to poor from my mouth and onto the floor, the pain only becoming more unbearable by the second.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sam’s POV
I made it back to Elizabeth’s house in nearly half the time it should’ve taken me. I kicked down the front door, barging in, gun drawn at the coven standing around a seance table in the middle of the living room. They let out shrieks of surprised as they quickly stood with their hands in the air.
"Let her go." I couldn’t waste a second. I knew Ellie wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.
"Let who go? What are you doing?” Renee asked, obviously startled. “You're insane, get out!"
"Look, if you know about me, then you know about this gun. You're killing my sister. Now let her go,” I warned. “Get away from the altar."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ellie’s POV
I sat hunched over on all fours as Dean sat beside me, unsure of what to do except pray that Sam was doing something useful. Then, the motel door was kicked inward. Dean and I whipped our heads toward the door where a woman with long blonde hair sauntered in.
“Ruby?” Dean questioned.
"Ahh, you’re Ruby? You wanna kill me? Get in line bitch,” I groaned, blood smeared across my face. Ruby came deeper into the room, making Dean stand in front of me.
“Get back, Ruby.” “You want me to save her sorry ass or not?”
Dean looked back down at me as I spit a wad of blood onto the floor. Suddenly, I was being lifted up by my shirt and thrown onto the bed. I kicked her away from me before she pinning my arms down with her knees and poured black liquid into my mouth. I gasped around it, but I instantly began to feel better. Dean yelled something at her, making her climb off of me. I sat up, the excess liquid spilling down my chest. I looked to Dean, and then her in confusion.
Ruby was panting, glaring at me. “Don’t...call me bitch."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sam’s POV
"Go,” I demanded, the three women filing into a line with their hands still raised in surrender.
"What— we— we weren't hurting anyone,” Elizabeth stammered.
"Please, we don't even know your sister!” Renee tried to convince me, but it wasn’t going to work. 
"Stop the spell, or die,” I said firmly. “Five seconds."
"What?” Renee gasped.
I cocked the gun. "Four."
"No, please, please don't kill us!” Elizabeth begged. "We were just getting Renee a lower mortgage rate!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ellie’s POV
"Next time you point that gun at me, I'm not gonna just disappear, understand?" Ruby said to Dean.
"You...saved my life,” I said, confused as I sat on the end of the bed.
"Don't mention it."
"What was that stuff, anyway?” Dean asked.
“God, it was ass,” I shivered and then thought about it. “It tasted like ass."
"It's called witchcraft, short bus.” Ruby turned, leaving the motel through the broken door.
"You're the short bus...” Dean called after her but Ruby didn’t turn back. Dean’s voice immediately grew quieter at his comeback. “Short bus."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sam’s POV
The women weren’t giving me much to work with and I was pretty sure Ellie that if Ellie weren’t dead already, she would be soon. I gripped the gun, trying to clear my head as I analyzed the women, recalling what I knew about them.
"Okay, maybe it's not you,” I said, beginning at the front of the line with Elizabeth. I trailed the gun to Renee next, “—or you.” That left me with one option: Tammi Benton. The one out of the group we hadn’t been able to dig up much on. I cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe it's you."
Tammi’s eyes widened as Elizabeth and Renee looked to her in fear. "I don't even know what he's talking about. What are you even talking about?!"
"I mean, all of you, everyone in your little coven, you've all had runs of good fortune. Newsworthy good fortune. Except for you, Tammi,” I said, the pieces suddenly clicking together. I stepped toward her. “Now tell me, why is that? You didn't want anything for yourself? Or is it because you're already getting what you wanted – like these women's souls."
Elizabeth and Renee’s eyes grew wider at my words. Tammi continued to stumble, "I can't- I-I'm not- I-I-I don't..." Then, she stopped. Her facial expression changed as she let her hands drop to her sides, her eyes turning pitch black. "Nice dick work, Magnum."
I brought the gun up to her, gripping it with both hands. "Let. My sister. Go."
"What's wrong? Couldn't find my hex bag? Sorry, sweetheart, but your sister’s lungs should be on the floor by now."
I ground my teeth as I lightly pulled back against the trigger and released a bullet from the Colt, but before it could reach her, the demon brought her hand up, stopping it in mid air. I watched in shock as it fell to the floor with a clank. The demon smiled. "You're in a lot of trouble, Sam."
With that, she brought her hand up, sending me flying across the room and pinning me to the far wall. I groaned at the impact, watching in horror as Elizabeth and Renee turned to who they thought was their friend.
"Tammi, what's wrong with your eyes?" Elizabeth asked.
"Tammi, what are you doing?" Renee gasped.
"Renee, shut your painted hole,” the demon snapped.
"What?” Renee said in disbelief. “I- I will— you can't— not in my house, Tammi Benton-" The demon snapped Renee’s neck then, making her instantly fall to the floor in a heap. Elizabeth slapped her hands over her mouth, muffling her screams of terror.
"Look. You got me – let the girl go,” I tried to reason.
"Wait your turn, young man,” the demon hissed and turned back to Elizabeth who was shaking uncontrollably. “Shhh...Lizzie. It’s okay.”
"You're not Tammi,” Elizabeth breathed out.
The demon had her hand running through Elizabeth’s curls. "No, but I'm wearing her meat. I had to break the ice with you girls somehow."
Her eyes were brimmed with tears. "You killed Renee."
"Renee, Amanda...” the demon listed, circling the room like a caged tiger. “That's what happens to witches who get voted off the island."
"Who are you?"
The demon chuckled. "Funny story, actually. You remember all those dark demonic forces you prayed to, when you swore your servitude? Just who did you think you were praying to?"
"This- this isn't – it can't b—"
"What did you think it was? Make-believe? Positive thinking? The Secret? No, it was me. You sold yourself to me, you pig." Elizabeth’s hands were clutched close to her chest as tears silently fell down her cheeks. "All I had to do was bring one good book to book club, and you ladies lined up to kiss my ass."
Elizabeth began furiously shaking her head. "No, no, we didn't know—"
"Oh, yes you did. You knew every step of the way, and now your ever living souls are mine,” the demon smiled. "Comments? Questions?” Elizabeth continued to stare at her silently, frozen in fear before the demon turned to me. “Hmm, Sammy Winchester, wow! Right here in our little town. You know, my friends and I, we've been looking for you."
"Why?” I said before scoffing, rolling my eyes. “Oh, right, 'cause I'm supposed to lead some piss-poor demon army."
"No, not at all. You're not our Messiah. We don't believe in you...But, there's a new leader rising in the West – a real leader,” she said, coming closer. I furrowed my eyebrows at her words. “That's the horse to bet on, Sam, the one who's gonna tear this world apart. Thing is, this demon? It doesn't like you very much. It doesn't want the competition." I watched as the demon raised her hand and I slowly began to slide up the wall, the pressure against my chest becoming heavier and heavier. I grimaced, clenching my fists. "Nothing personal, it's a P.R. thing, so, buh-bye."
The demon pressed her hand forward until it felt like my chest was going to collapse in on itself. The wall behind me began to crack, plaster and drywall falling to the floor below me. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact when the front door flew open, Dean and Ellie running through, guns blazing. I let out a breath of relief at the sight of them.
Then, demon simply flicked her other hand, sending the two of them flying to two separate walls. From this angle, we could all see each other. They winced at the impact. I looked to Ellie, wondering how the hell she was even alive.
"Three for one. Lovely."
Then, there was another set of footsteps coming into the house. The demon turned to Ruby who followed behind, her hands raised. "Wait. Please. I just...came to talk."
She turned toward Ruby, looking surprised. "You made it out of the gate. Impressive. That was a bitch of a fight, wasn't it?"
"Doors out of Hell only open for so long."
"What do you want, Ruby?"
Ruby stepped closer to her. "I've been lost without you. Take me back. That's why I led the Winchesters here.”
I glanced to Dean and Ellie, feeling guilty. Dean was shaking his head, mouthing: I told you so!
“They're for you...as a gift,” Ruby said, the demon looking between her and us.
"Let me serve you again. I've wanted it – I've wanted you – for so long,” she whispered, making Dean’s eyebrows shoot upward.
"You were one of my best,” the demon whispered back. Ruby smiled sweetly before quickly bringing a knife up and over the demon’s head, but the demon grabbed the blade before it made impact. "But then again, you always were a lying whore."
The demon tossed the blade across the room, making it slide across the floor and stopping in front of the alter. Ruby began throwing punches at the demon’s face, grabbing her shoulders and kneeing her in the stomach. Then, the demon grabbed Ruby’s arms where they were holding her jacket, using them as leverage to slam her forehead into Ruby’s nose. The resounding crunch of cartilage filled the room. Dean, Ellie and I flinched as blood began pouring down Ruby’s face, but she kept fighting, blindly swinging her fists but the demon had the upper hand. She grabbed Ruby, punching her twice over her face before kicking her backwards into the TV, electrical sparks flying upwards.
The demon gave Ruby enough time to roll off of the shattered TV before knocking her to the floor again. Ruby panted, blood coating her face. The demon grabbed her by her jacket, lifted her easily and tossed her across the room into a bookshelf. Ruby went sprawling backwards, the shelf breaking in half as Ruby just laid there, no fight left in her. The demon sauntered toward the fireplace where Elizabeth was backed up against. She grabbed a fire poker, smirking at Elizabeth before turning back to Ruby. "You're really telling me you threw in your chips with the Three Stooges here?"
Ruby struggled to sit up as the demon swung the fire poker, striking her across the face, sending her falling back down. "Come on. Get up." The demon demanded, but Ruby stayed down. There was movement behind the demon then. My eyes flicked to Elizabeth who quietly ran to the alter on the other side of the room, pouring out a bowl of sewing needles. "I said, get up!"
Fed up, the demon threw the poker to the side and kneeled over Ruby, pulling her up by her jacket. "We've been here before, haven't we?" The demon looked over at us. "She didn't tell you? Pretty mortifying, I guess. She was one of mine. I turned her out a long, long time ago.” Ruby’s head started going limp. I watched the color drain from her face but the demon held it up to look into her eyes. “Ruby here was a witch. Of course, that was when you were human. Didn't want your friends to know that all those centuries back, you sold yourself to me? Embarrassing, I guess. But don't worry love, no secrets where you're heading remember?"
Ruby stared back at her as the demon threw her back onto the debris. The demon stood over her, reciting an exorcism. Ruby clenched her fists as the black smoke began to escape her mouth. Dean, Ellie and I trying desperately to peel ourselves off the walls but it was no use. The demon continued the incantation before she suddenly stopped, bringing her hand to her mouth as she violently began coughing. 
I looked to the back of the living room where Elizabeth was sitting behind the alter, her eyes closed as she chanted something quietly that I couldn’t quite make out. We watched as the black smoke returned to Ruby’s body, but the demon continued coughing harder and harder, trying to catch her breath. Each cough made the grip she had on us looser until we each fell to the floor.
I groaned, turning to look back at the demon as she pulled her hand away from her mouth, her palm filled with dark blood and three long sewing needles. Her lips were stained crimson as she looked up, realizing what’d happened to her. She brought up her other hand, clasping it into a fist. Elizabeth’s chanting immediately stopped as she grasped her chest, gasping for air before limply falling forward onto the alter. Then, seemingly from out of nowhere, Dean came up from behind the demon, holding her firmly to his chest as he stabbed her over and over again in her side with Ruby’s knife. The demon’s face was contorted into pain as she flickered orange before dropping dead to the floor.
Ellie stood, rubbing the back of her head where she’d collided with the wall, inspecting the damage inside the house. Dean came around, helping me off the ground. We came to a stop in front of the demon who laid with her mouth wide open, her hand still curled into a tight fist. Ruby stood, wiping the blood from her nose. "Go. I'll clean up this mess."
"Come on,” Dean said, laying a hand on mine and Ellie’s shoulders, leading us to the door when I stopped, looking back over my shoulder to Ruby.
Her eyes clicked to black threateningly. "I said, go."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dean's POV
I was outside of the motel room, throwing our weapons into the arsenal in the trunk when the fluorescent lights outside began flickering wildly. I paused, a low humming filling the parking lot. I looked from my left to my right, trying to prepare myself for whatever the hell was about to show up. I reached around behind me for the Colt. I checked my surroundings again when I spotted Ruby a few feet away form me, her arms crossed.
I let out a small breath of relief as the lights stopped flickering. I let go of the gun. "So the devil may care after all, is that what I'm supposed to believe?"
"I don't believe in the devil.”
I raised my eyebrows as I shook my head, shutting and locking the arsenal. "Wacky night...So let me get this straight, you were human once, you died, you went to hell, you became uh-"
"Yeah,” she said simply as she turned and started walking away.
"How long ago?" 
"Back when the plague was big."
I paused, really thinking about what she was telling me. "So all of 'em – every damn demon – they were all human once?"
Ruby turned back to me, "Every one I've ever met."
"Well, they sure don't act like it."
"Most of them have forgotten what it means, or even that they were. That's what happens when you go to Hell, Dean. That's what Hell is: forgetting what you are."
"Philosophy lesson from a demon. I'll pass, thanks."
She narrowed her eyes at me. "It's not philosophy. It's not a metaphor. There's a real fire in the pit. Agonies you can't even imagine."
I shrugged, "No, I saw 'Hellraiser'. I get the gist."
Ruby ran her tongue over her teeth as she rolled her eyes. "Actually, they got that pretty close. Except for all the custom leather...The answer is yes, by the way."
"I'm sorry?"
"Yes, the same thing will happen to you. It might take centuries, but sooner or later Hell will burn away your humanity,” she said. I felt my stomach flip, watching her to try to see if she were serious or not. “Every Hell-bound soul, every one, turns into something else. Turns you into us. So yeah. Yeah, you can count on it."
I could tell she wasn’t bluffing. I swallowed roughly, realizing now just how bad this was going to get. "There's no way of saving me from the pit, is there?"
"No,” she said simply and for once, I didn’t question her. “I was surprised you'd made it this far, saving Ellie and all. That was smart, what you did."
"Then why'd you tell Sam that you could save her?"
"So he would talk to me. You Winchesters can be pretty bigoted. I needed something to help him get past the–"
"The demon thing? It's pretty hard to get past."
"Look at you. Trying to be all stoic,” she cooed before clicking her tongue. “My god, it's heartbreaking."
I set my jaw, watching her. "Why are you telling me all this?"
"I need your help."
I wasn’t expecting that. "Help with what?"
"With Sam and Ellie. The way you stuck that demon tonight – it was pretty tough. Ellie’s almost there, but Sam...not quite. You need to help me get them ready – for life without you. To fight this war on their own." She turned, walking away from me again.
"Ruby!” I called after her, making her stop. “Why do you want us to win?"
She turned. "Isn't it obvious? I'm not like them. I don't know why. I– I wish I was, but...I'm not. I remember what it's like."
"What what's like?"
"Being human." I held her eyes for only a second longer before dropping them and when I looked back up, she was gone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@spnbaby-67​​​​ / @luciferslucille​​ / @anti-social-club​​ / @search-bar​​ / @mellorine-paprika​​ / @thepocketshoelace​​ / @jaremish​​ / @the-salty-asian​​ / @robynannemackenzie-blog​​ / @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​​ / @caswinchester2000​​ / @damnedimpala​​ / @lauren-novak​​ / @adeanmon​​ / @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ / @defenderrosetyler​​ / @resanoona​​​ / @nyotamalfoy​​/ @ykta-m​​​
@strangedeerconnoisseur​​ / @artemisandromedaathena-blog​​ / @elite4cekalyma​​ / @dragon-master-kai​​ / @bxrbiewrites​​
@bunnyandy12​ / @breereadsthings​ / @slytherinrising​ / @stressedoutkitten​ / @dragon-master-kai 
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pretend-writer · 4 years ago
dealing with drunk sam; 
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The three of you watched a movie, chilling on the couch and munching on some popcorn, sipping beer on the side.
Except for Sam that decided to chug two bottles for fun. You and Dean knew Sam couldn’t handle alcohol. At all. 
‘I’ll be fine.’ Sam said repeatedly as he finished his forth bottle of beer for the night. He stood in one leg, balancing himself as he tried to prove that he was alright. ‘See?’ 
Every five minutes during the movie, Dean would ask Sam. ‘Sammy? You good?’ 
Sam would reply back, ‘Dean, stop asking.’ 
After the thirty minute mark, Sam started to act crazy and childish. For that one night that he’s drunk, you forget that Sammy is the same guy that practically lives under a rock where all he does is read boring books for fun. 
You felt a pillow hit your face, followed by a giggle. ‘Sam, stop before I beat your ass.’ 
‘I’d like to see you try baby sister.’ 
‘Here goes annoying Sammy.’ Dean rolled his eyes, turning on the light and completely ignoring the movie knowing that movie time was over when drunk Sam arrives. 
‘You called me what?’ Sam jumped onto Dean as he stuck his tongue out, trying to lick his face. 
‘Y/N, get this giant off of me.’ Dean pushed against Sam’s face, struggling to get him off. 
Laughing, you got off the couch. ‘You’re on your own bud. I’m going to bed before Sam starts messing with me.’ 
‘But I helped you last time, you jerk!’ Dean grunted.
‘Y/N, come back. I haven’t licked you yet.’ 
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bellero · 4 years ago
Could you please write something with 1 and 2 from your second prompt list 2 with sister!reader for supernatural?
Sam x Sister!reader
Prompts - 
1: “I’ll make you something, yeah?”
2: “let's get you back to bed”
Summary: based on season 15, Chuck sends the reader to purgatory. 
Your eyes were burning. You were sat in the kitchen. It was the lightest place in the bunker, the place where you felt most secure. 
Curled into a fetal position with your legs brought up to your chest, your arms wrapped around them, a demon blade hung loosely from your right hand as you surveyed the two entrances, you could see both through the corners of your eyes. 
You had been ignoring the shakiness that was present throughout your body, whether it be from lack of sleep, lack of food, or both. You couldn’t afford to let your guard down. That’s how you’d get hurt. 
It had been two weeks since you returned from Purgatory. You have yet to talk about your experience, Dean and Cas have tried the most to get something out of you. They had been using their own experiences to try and get you to open up, but you couldn’t. It was like your mouth had been wired shut, any attempt to talk about what had happened was met with stoic silence.
You rubbed your eyes with the palm of your left hand trying ever so hard to blink away the exhaustion. 
Your eyes snapped towards the entrance to your left as your big brother, Sam, stumbled sleepily into the room. You observed as he made his way over to the fridge, he pulled out some milk, closing the door he leaned against one of the counters and started unscrewing the lid. 
You narrowed your eyes as he brought it to his mouth “are you seriously not going to use a glass?” you muttered. A swear left his mouth as he jumped, he looked towards you, “geez, Y/n. You scared the crap out of me” he breathed out with a hand over his heart. “Sorry” you mumbled adjusting the grip on your knife.
Sam took in your disheveled appearance, you avoided eye contact with him as his eyes scanned your face. 
You knew you looked like shit, there was no point in denying it. You had barely slept whilst in Purgatory, only managing an average of three hours a week, that added on to the fact you hadn’t slept for two weeks straight was definitely beginning to show on your person.
Your eyes were bloodshot red with grey bags underneath them, your cheeks were slightly sunken in. 
“Are you okay?” Sam asked.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at the obviously dumb question, “I’m just dapper” you replied whilst bouncing your leg,
“Y/n” Sam spoke in a warning tone.
“Well, what the hell am I supposed to say?” You shot back in anger only to close your eyes tightly in regret. You looked down as you felt your shoulders start to sag, your whole body seemed to start folding in on itself. 
“I’m sorry” you whispered. 
“No, no it’s okay. That was a bit of a dumb question to ask” he came and sat in front of you, his back to the wall. He took in how you curled in on yourself, he took note of your body shaking. 
He leaned forward and took the knife out of your hand, only for you to shoot forward and try to grasp it back “NO, I need that!” you hissed, he held it away from you.
“Why do you need it? You’re home, you’re safe. You know that you don’t need to protect yourself anymore” he spoke quietly.
“What if I'm not?!” you fired back, your eyes red with unshed tears. "What if I'm not safe! What if this is more mind games from Chuck, this is exactly the type of stuff he'd trick me with back there... Every time I slept I'd be back here only it wasn't true. You have no idea what I went through in that hell hole, Sam" you spat, tears now rolling freely down your face, creating trails as they fell.
Sam grabbed your hands and turned his body to face you, "you trust me, don't you?" he asked, you looked into his eyes and saw desperation and hurt, not hurt for the words you had said but hurt from seeing his sister in so much pain. 
You nodded your head, "then trust me when I tell you that you are safe. I promise. You don't need to protect yourself like this anymore, you're home, you're safe, I promise".
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his waist, your head buried in his chest "I'm so tired" you whimpered. 
He wrapped his arms securely around your shoulders, "I know, sweetheart. You can stay with me for tonight, okay?" you nodded your head, "I'll make you something, yeah? How about a hot chocolate?" he asked, you leaned back and allowed him to wipe the tears from your face, you nodded your head. 
He stood up and held out his hands for you. 
Once he helped you to your feet he walked you over to the table, "sit there, I'll be back in a minute" he spoke gently. You sat down and rested your head in the palm of your hands, you closed your eyes as you felt sleep overtake you.
You let out a yawn and covered your face, shaking your head as if to rid yourself of any bleariness.
"Here you go," Sam said as he placed a hot chocolate in front of you. 
"Thank you" you whispered as you took a sip, it burnt your tongue, the roof of your mouth, and your throat causing you to grimace slightly.
"Will you tell Dean about any of this?" You asked as your finger circled the rim of the mug.
“Only if you want me to. I think you should tell him though, Dean’s been through this. So has Cas, they’ll be able to help you” you nodded your head.
A couple minutes later you pushed the now empty mug away from you. Your eyes were practically shutting on their own, your body was slumped forward slightly. 
Sam grinned softly and stood up, he circled the table and made his way over to you, “let’s get you back to bed” he grunted slightly as he lifted you, your head lolled over to his shoulder as sleep consumed you.
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kwinsispn3 · 6 months ago
summary: through the years — the Winchester’s little sister’s good luck charm, ends up being a bit of a tradition.
Word Count: 4,214
Winchester boys x sister!reader
Warnings: blood, death, angst, sorry about the italics, idk what I'm doing??
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The youngest Winchester, y/n, was welcomed into the family a little bit later than expected. Y/n was 3 when her mom died, and had no one else to go to but her father and two brothers. It was a few years after John had died too, when Dean got a call from one of John’s old phones in the glove compartment. And there she’s was on the other line.
It had been a few months after y/n had been living with the boys. It was tricky for everyone to adjust. Sam and Dean would do anything for her at the drop of a hat, but they all found it difficult to connect at first. Y/n was struggling to feel like a part of the family. She had lost the only adults she knew about in her short life, her trust had been taken away from everything it felt like. Sam and Dean had treated her nothing but kind since the day they found her, and deep down she knew they wouldn’t hurt her, but time would tell.
It was late at night, Dean couldn’t sleep. Going to reach for his headphones, they weren’t in the side table drawer where he normally puts them. He arose, flipping on the desk lamp across the room, starting to look for them quietly, when he came across a box. The box where he always kept special things he couldn’t lose. Photographs of him and Sammy as kids, their mother, different trinkets that held a memory. Dean flipped through a few photos, admiring them sadly under the light of his lamp. Looking down into the box he saw a glaring piece of silver at the bottom. Picking it up, he gazed at the charm bracelet that belonged to his mother. The charms shined in the light as they swayed side to side.
Sam approached the desk in the motel, about to speak as he sees him, but stops. “Hey, uhh. You busy?” He asked stepping closer.
“No, just couldn’t really sleep” Dean says as he packs the things back in the box.
“What’s this, is this mom’s?” Sam asked, sliding the bracelet over to his grasp.
It was y/n’s 10th birthday and it had been a rough year. Another new school, y/n wasn’t staying with Bobby as much anymore since she was older and could stand the long car rides with Sam & Dean. Girls were starting to be mean at school, y/n felt alone most of the time, because she was left alone. In school, and back at the motels they stayed at. The boys felt for her, being so young, constantly exposed to the childhood they had. They didn’t expect that they would ever being doing what they were doing, but they wouldn’t give up on trying to give their little sister the life she needed.
The brothers made it home from finishing up a hunt just in time for y/n’s birthday. They had brought home her favorite food, and desserts. It wasn’t much, but they wanted to show her some appreciation for all of her patience. After finishing up dinner, Sam started to clean up the table. “Alright, looks like it is almost your bedtime.”
��Really? Even on my birthday?” Y/n playfully pouted.
“Your beauty sleep is more important!” Sam smiled back. “Especially being a weeknight. But we will pick up the festivities this weekend, because we’re leaving town!” Sam blurted out without thinking about how that sounded.
Dean looked at him and back at y/n, knowing her reaction wouldn’t be excited. Sam realized he had messed up by saying it so soon, they had meant to break it to her the next day, after her birthday.
“You mean, I have to leave this school, and go to another one?!” She sighed in disappointment.
“Well, yeah. But�� we can go wherever you’d like to, on the way to—“
“No, you both said we’d be here for a while.”
“Just stop!" The room fell silent. "I know this is what you guys do, but I hate having to move again and again."
"Look, I know you do. It isn't fun for us either, but that's how we.."
"Get our job done, I know Sam." y/n finished his sentence, looking down at her hands.
"What's wrong, y/n/n?" Sam asked, studying her face.
"I just told you." her voice got more quiet. "You sure? You just... look like somethings on your mind." Sam stated. There was a long pause, y/n shuffled around and then looked up at her brothers. They both had that look on their face like they were waiting for her to let out whatever she was thinking.
"How do you guys always know!!?" She threw her arms down in frustration. Trying to stay mad but also wanting to break down from all of the inner turmoil. The boys both half smiled, Sam sat down in one of the kitchen chairs, motioning for y/n to sit down.
"It just gets scary sometimes..... not knowing when you're gonna come back. Boring too. I just don't want you to forget about me." y/n let out a deep breath.
"Sweetheart, you know we'd never forget about you. We look forward to coming back to you after every job." Sam reassured. Y/n let out a half smile, hearing the same line before. "I know."
It was times like these where Dean would always think of his mother. Even though y/n wasn't his mothers daughter, he knew if she were still around, she'd know exactly what to say in moments like these. The two boys were almost left with a loss of words until Dean thought of the perfect thing. He stood up and went outside to the car, rummaging through the trunk. He came back inside with a box in his hands. Going through it, he picked up Mary's bracelet and sat down next to y/n.
"This was... our mom's. I think she would have wanted you to have it." Dean hooked the charm bracelet around y/n's wrist. It felt a little odd to her, knowing Mary was not her real mom.
"Are you sure? I mean, she..." y/n tried not to come off sounding rude, but Dean knew what she was trying to say.
"I know, but trust me. We hung onto it for a reason. All of these charms mean something special, and as long as you have this with you... you will always be protected. And you will always, be apart of this family." Dean held her wrist, emphasizing it's importance. Y/n rotated her wrist, admiring all of the charms.
She smiled bigger, looking up at them. "Thank you."
Dean said nothing, instead bringing his sister in for a hug. Sam raised his eyebrows, blinking away his watery eyes from the moment he just witnessed. Running his hands over his face, he sat down, and embrace his siblings into one.
It was y/n's first official hunt. She had just turned 14, and had proven to her brothers that she could take care of herself... as long as she stayed right by their sides. Y/n had been studying, not just in school. Every chance she got, she was prying information from Sam or Dean about hunting. Practicing how to use different forms of defense, and being on the look out for anything. She now had finally gotten herself into the real deal.
The three of them walked through an abandoned farm property, looking for any hidden rooms, since the rest of the house was suspiciously clear. "We should go check the barn out back." Y/n whispered. "Okay, but for now, you stay here." Dean whispered back.
"Why? there's nothing here. We've looked everywhere and there is no nest." y/n stated.
"Well, that's what they want you to think, but it wasn't at the last house so it's gotta be here."
"Shhh!" Sam spat. Hearing a crash from somewhere in the house.
Everyone froze, being as still and quiet as they could, trying to listen for any noises. It was silent, until a floorboard creaked from behind Dean. He jumped around, but before he could strike, everyone was knocked unconscious. None of them got a chance to see what hit them as it was too dark.
Y/n woke up in a cold and dark room. The floor was cement, and the walls were stone, it was likely a basement room. Shortly after coming to, she heard the ceiling above her creak and the walls too. Footsteps thudded on the floor outside of the room she was in, and she heard the ceiling creak once more. Y/n panicked, and resumed her position on the floor where she woke up, pretending to still be knocked out.
The door flung open, she squinted her eyes the most she could while trying to look asleep. A dark figure walked over to her, she could see another figure behind him, holding the door open. She was suddenly lifted off the floor, her body limp and hanging in the grip of whoever was holding her.
"Nope, still out. Let's give it another hour." A deep voice spoke. They let go of y/n's body, letting it thud back to the floor. The two figures left. Y/n sat up slowly, feeling the ache from being thrown onto cement. 'A ladder?' She thought, seeing one against the wall outside the door. One set of footsteps walked away, another set sounded like they were climbing the ladder, as the wall creaked again.
Y/n listened closely to the creaks and heard the ceiling again, 'a trapdoor!' It had to be. It sounded like it was just above the door to the room she was in. After listening for a while, it grew quiet again. Y/n got up and tried opening the door, no luck. It was locked. Y/n knew she had to alert her brothers somehow, wherever they were. For all she knew, they could be in another locked room themselves.
Sam and Dean both woke up in the barn that was behind the house. Dean sat up abruptly in the hay, looking around for y/n once he spotted Sam. "Y/N!!"
"She's gotta be somewhere in that house. C'mon!" Sam hurried.
The two men walked through out the house again, pacing every room back and forth, looking for anything they could have missed. "Dude, I can't find any levers, or buttons... no hidden doors. Fuckin squat!" Dean was starting to get worried and pissed, not knowing how long they were out and how long y/n had been separated.
Sam, stepped on something uneven. Raising his foot, he looked at the dark floor and saw a bit of silver shining in the moonlight. He picked up the object, which happened to be y/n's charm bracelet.
Dean looked at Sam holding up the charms, stunned to say the least. "That ain't good, we need to find her, quick." Dean started, rushing past Sam, ready to look wherever he had to.
"Wait! Dean look...." Sam kneeled down, taking in the details of the floor they had completely missed. They had been walking all over it this whole time. "Dean, it's a trap door!"
They both kneeled down and found a flat switched embedded in one of the floorboards. Sam pressed the switch, a square in the floor creaked open, revealing a hidden basement. "Let's go."
Sam and Dean came across a long hallway, that went in two directions. Both sides of the walls had doors to other rooms. "She's gotta be down here." Sam whispered.
"That probably means the nest is also down here." Dean huffed with worry.
The two split up to start checking the rooms. Dean started with the door next to the ladder that led them down there. He busted it open to find y/n sitting on the floor. "Y/N! Thank god, are you okay?" Dean sighed in relief.
"I'm fine.... did you find my clue?" she asked hopefully.
"Your clue??"
"Yeah, I slid my charm bracelet through the floor."
"You did that? How... what..... I'd love to hear how you came up with that later, because I think you led us right to the vamp nest." Dean smiled proudly.
It had been 5 long days since y/n went missing. Of course, Sam and Dean hadn't stopped for anything until they found her. They had not slept, barely ate, there was no breaks, no stopping. They had grown tired after searching almost every lead they had.
The two sat at the table in their motel room in silence, too irritated and exhausted to say anything unless it was important. "I'll be back." Dean stood up, grabbing his jacket.
"Where ya going?" Sam asked.
"To look for y/n".
Sam sighed. Dean always blamed himself if Sam or y/n were in trouble. No matter the situation.
Dean pulled up to the school where the first kid went missing. Putting the car in park, he got out and walked around the campus, trying his best not to look suspicious. School was still in session despite the mysterious disappearances, which made it hard to investigate. Y/n was a big help in the case, being able to blend in as a student, until she went missing too. Sam and Dean had checked all the surrounding places that had a connection, yet, nothing.
Dean circled the courtyard, eyeing the buildings, trying to think of literally anything, when he remembered... The old building behind the school. The one that wasn't in use anymore, they were planning to knock it down soon. It made so much sense now, they were hiding in plain sight. He picked up his phone to dial Sam, letting him know to meet him over there as he picked up the pace on his way over to the building.
Dean scanned the area around him, making sure no one was looking before approaching the front steps. The front doors were boarded shut, he tried to make them give but had no luck. He circled the building to the back door when he noticed a shine catching his eye.
Y/n's charm bracelet sat in the dirt and gravel near the back door. He picked it up with care, and put it in his pocket. Dean was able to get in the building, it was full of mold and broken down old school supplies. He walked down endless hallways, looking through every door until he found y/n. Handcuffed to an old radiator on the ground. Rushing over, he shook her gently, trying to wake her up.
"Dean!" Sam called out from a distance. He stood up and poked his head around the hallway. "Hey! Did you find her?" Sam asked frantically.
"Yeah, I got her. Help me find some of the other kids." He said as he rushed back to y/n. Her head and arms had dried up blood all over them, and looked as if she was dragged through dirt.
"Y/n, c'mon sweetheart, wake up." she slowly nodded, with fluttering eyes, becoming more alert once she saw Dean.
"oh my god, Dean!" She spoke softly, reaching out for him but was stopped by the cuffs. "One sec, I got it." He assured.
Once she was free, she gently wrapped her arms around him. "You found me.... I was worried you wouldn't." Her eyes welled with tears.
Dean held her shoulders and reached into his pocket. "Baby, I will always find you." He said as he hooked her bracelet back onto her wrist. She sniffled a heartwarming smile back at him.
Sam and Dean stood in front of y/n, and also y/n. The 3 of them were hunting a shifter, and it had taken y/n's form. Now it was down to which y/n was the real y/n.
"Guys. c'mon it's me! Trust me." y/n whined.
"Stop! No, I'm me. I know it's hard to tell right now but it's really me!" y/n also whined.
"Here...." y/n slowly kneeled down and placed her gun on the ground. The other y/n still clutched her gun tightly. A determined look set in her eyes.
"I wouldn't hurt you guys. You know that." she stood up slowly without the weapon.
Sam and Dean gazed between the two versions of their sister. "I'm not sure you can keep that promise." Sam spat. Y/n lunged at Sam as he pulled the trigger. She fell to the ground, all 3 of them stood frozen for a second before seeing the body start to melt. They all let out a heavy breath.
"Thank you, for not shooting me." y/n snickered, lowering her gun. "How'd you know?"
Sam reached for her wrist. "Guess it wasn't able to replicate your good luck charm." He smiled at the charms on her bracelet.
It happened so fast. None of them saw the last one that hid behind the corner. A shot rang out, the bullet snuck past Sam who held his gun up. He fired his weapon, taking out the last guy. He let out a greedy breath, looking over at Dean who gave him the same relieved look.
"Nice one, brother." He patted his shoulder. "You too y/n." Dean and Sam looked behind them, only to jump when they saw y/n clutching her stomach hunched over.
"Y/n!? You okay? Lemme see...... umm, okay c'mon. We gotta go." Dean said frantically after seeing all the blood soaking through her shirt. He lifted her up, carrying her to the car and placing her in the backseat.
"Hang on, y/n." Dean kept calling out from the drivers seat, while Sam reached back, holding onto what ever grip she had on him.
"Sammy..... I can't...." Y/n sounded breathy. Holding her palm over her wound.
"Yes you can, just hold on a little longer for me, okay?" Sam hoped his words would help motivate his sister to find strength. They couldn't lose her, not like this.
Dean peeled into the emergency room lot, barely parking the car. The two men jumped out of the car, rushing to the backseat. When they opened the door, y/n was slumped over on her side, unresponsive.
"Y/n, c'mon wake up, look at me." Dean patted her face, holding her in his arms. Nothing.
As they carried her through the doors, it felt like a blank blur of people bombarding them, saying words. Dean froze as Sam called out for help, telling the nurses what happened. Then he felt people tugging y/n away from him. As they started to wheel her back, Dean grasped her hand.
"Sir, please let go, we need to get her medical attention."
Normally, he would've fought to stay with her, but he froze again. Letting go of her hand which then flopped to the side of her.
Sam and Dean waited an excruciatingly long 3 hours before someone came asking for them. A doctor came out and ushered them through the doors.
"Is she okay? What's the deal?" Dean asked impatiently. All the doctor said was 'come with me' so they assumed he was taking them to her. He remained quiet and led them down the hall, motioning them to step into a room. Once they both saw it was an office, they expected the worst.
"Please, have a seat."
"Doc, not trying to be rude, but I've been sitting for 3 hours. I'd rather not wait any longer. How's our sister?" Dean said straight to the point.
The doctor took a deep breath, folding his hands. "Y/n suffered some really bad hemorrhaging from the bullet wound. Once we removed the bullet, we couldn't stop the bleeding...... she stopped breathing a little while before that."
"I'm sorry, but she didn't make it."
Neither of the boys took it well, especially Dean. He refused to believe anything after that, he kept saying 'no' to everything the doctor said.
"Um... is there any way we could still see her? y'know, say our goodbyes." Sam hesitantly glanced at Dean.
"Yes, of course. Give us some time to prepare her. In the meantime, I would start discussing arrangements for-"
As soon as Dean heard that, he turned around and walked out.
Sam stayed and waited until he was able to see y/n. The nurse left to give him his privacy. As soon as he saw her, he broke. Slowly walking over to the bed with tears blurring his vision, he kneeled down and picked up her frail hand. He cringed at the fact that it was still warm, but that warmth was fading. Sam eyed her charm bracelet that was still on. He pinched the charms between his fingers, rotating it around.
"I'm sorry..... I'm sorry we couldn't...." Sam trailed off. Wiping away his tears, he looked at his sister for a while. Taking in her features, trying to permanently memorize what she looked like when she smiled, laughed, looked at her brothers with her big y/e/c eyes.
"I love you."
Dean had stormed out of the hospital. He felt like raging against all evil that had ever existed, so upset he could flip a car. He had always imagined he'd go like this, but not his little sister. Only 20 years old, and it was all taken away from her, from him, from them. Dean didn't know what to do or where to go, so much was going through his mind. He opened baby's driver door and sat inside, letting the silence consume the vehicle for a few moments before speaking up.
"Cas..... we could really use you right now."
"Y/n is dead. And... she shouldn't be. I know it's a lot to ask, but this is y/n we're talking about."
"Cas...?" Dean sat a while longer, waiting, waiting for Cas, or a sign. Anything.
"Please, Cas. I'll do whatever I have to, I'll sell my soul, I'll make a trade. I don't know, anything."
Still, nothing. No response. Nothing.
Sam walked outside to the car since Dean wasn't answering the phone. He saw him sitting in the car and slowly opened the passenger door, getting in next to him.
Neither of them said anything at first.
"Uh, she's in there, whenever you're ready." Sam tried to hide his sniffles. Dean stayed quiet.
"This isn't the end." He finally spoke up.
"She's not dead for good."
"Dean, we can't make another deal like that, if that's what you're thinking. It just leads us into more problems."
"Sam, this is y/n! I don't give shit what I have to do."
Sam stopped there, he knew it wasn't a good time to reason with Dean. He needed to give it time.
"Here." Sam held out his hand. He placed the object in Dean's hand. Dean opened his palm, now holding y/n's charm bracelet.
"What are you doing?!" Dean raised his tone, agitated.
"What do you mean? I-"
"Why did you take this off of her!?" Dean growled.
Before Sam could say anything else, Dean opened the door and stormed back into the hospital. Sam followed, delaying himself a little bit to give Dean some space. He was hoping this would give him some time for closure.
Dean's anger led him into y/n's room a little fast. He slowed his vigorous pace when he saw her. He slowly approach the bedside and sat next to her, gently hooking the charms around her wrist once more. A tear escaped his waterline when he looked up at her, not receiving the smile she always gave him. He squeezed her hand in his, lowering his head with the gesture. Dean sat there for a while in thought, when her hand started to feel different. Almost as if it was less limp. He squeezed it some more subconsciously, but this time felt her hand clench underneath his. He shot up, looking at y/n confused.
"y/n?" Her chest rose up and fell heavily as her body took a breath. "Y/n!?"
Sam overheard and peeked in. "Dean, wha-."
"Get the doctor, now!" He flipped his head around. Sam nodded and ran out confused.
Y/n's chest was now rising and falling in a rhythm, Dean kept saying her name and sweet things. Then her eyes slowly opened.
"y/n!" Dean let out an overjoyed cry. "Oh! sweetheart...."
"help... owh." y/n managed to wheeze out, trying to catch her breath.
"Dean.." she caught a gaze of him. He smiled and fixed her stray hairs on her forehead. "It hurts t-t much." she breathed out, then doctors flooded into the room with Sam close behind.
"Y/n!!?" Sam breathed out as he caught sight of her.... alive.
The doctors started giving her oxygen, medicine and checked her vitals. Dean backed up to give them space to work. "Dean! no.." y/n mumbled.
"It's okay, I'm right here! I'm not going anywhere."
Sam pulled him aside. "Dean! What did you do?"
"Nothing! I swear! She... she was gone when I came in, and then..."
"So, Cas did this?"
Dean nodded, looking back at y/n.
All the commotion died down, y/n was stable. The doctors were confused as hell, but ruled it out as a medical miracle, and were pleased to inform Sam and Dean that she'd be alright.
"So, who do I thank?" y/n asked.
"Cas." Dean smiled.
"Glad to have you back, kid." Sam grinned.
"Me too.... gotta love my good luck charm!" she smiled, jingling her bracelet around.
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onemillionbillions · 4 years ago
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, Mary, Gabriel, Reader
"We're gonna have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny f***ing K!" -National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
You weren't sure what your brothers wanted to do for Christmas, but you had a sneaking suspicion that they weren't planning on something big, especially after Thanksgiving, but that is a story for another day.
"This one looks good." Dean said, pointing at a small tree as you, him, and Sam were walking through the rows.
"You do realize we have a four by four foot area set for the tree, right?" You replied, "This isn't a quick one day and done thing. It's gonna be up for the better part of a month."
"Hey," Sam caught your attention, "What about this one?" He pointed at a perfectly sized tree, that you loved.
"Yes!" You squealed.
Jack and you were happily putting ornaments on the tree, Mary was hanging stockings, Cas was putting up your various trinkets, Sam and Dean were silently putting lights around the bunker, and Gabriel was trying to convince you to put a picture of him on top of the tree instead of your decorative star.
"But it's perfect! I was the one to deliver the news and there's an angel on top of a lot of trees! It would be the best thing ever!"
"We are not putting a picture of you up there. Let it go." You respond.
He frowned playfully, but went back to decorating.
You walked over towards Cas, where the box that held your Nativity set was. You felt his eyes on you as you pulled the pieces out.
"Y/N, you must know those figures are highly inaccurate," Castiel noted as he saw the pale faces painted on the figurines of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the kings, and the shepherd, "The Holy Family were from Israel, and so were the others present at the birth. None of them were Caucasian."
"I know Cas, but these have been put under a tree every year for longer than I've been alive, so I think it would be rude to not do it this year."
After decorations were all up, everyone gathered around the T.V. as you prepared the best Christmas movie in the world, in your opinion.
"How much you wanna bet she's getting 'Love Actually' set up?" Dean whispered to Sam, just as you turned around.
"I hope not much, because I have something much better in store." You said.
The screen flicked to life, and the song started up as you sat down next to Jack in the couch.
"Christmas vacation... Christmas vacation..."
"Is everyone ready to laugh their heads off?" You laughed as the cartoon Santa appeared on screen, unaware of the pain that was in store for him.
(a/n: yes I am saying that Christmas Vacation is the best Christmas movie, as well as the funniest. That includes Home Alone, A Christmas Story, and Elf. You cannot change my mind.)
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wings-n-tings · 5 years ago
In my time of dying
Characters: win!sister x reader, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, John Winchester, azazel (mentioned)
This is based on the episode. Of course I changed up some things to fit the narrative.
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I’m pinned against the wall along with Sam and Dean. Azazel was crushing Deans insides until dad was able to take control and release us. Sam was able to move faster than me to get to the colt but that was when azazel took control once again. “You kill me, you kill daddy” yellow eyes growled.
“I know” said Sam as he aimed the colt at dads leg and pulled the trigger.
I crawled over to Dean as he fell to the floor and Sam went to dad as he screamed in pain begging Sam to shoot him in the heart and kill azazel. All the while Dean is begging Sam not to do it. I didn’t know what to do. I was frozen in fear while Sam was looking conflicted. I didn’t want my dad to die. He may have been pretty messed up growing up but I didn’t want him to die.
Suddenly a puff of black smoke erupted from dads mouth as the demon left his body. Dean and dad are in pretty bad shape so Sam and I helped them to the car. “Sam we need to get them to a hospital. Deans injuries are too severe!” I exclaim. Dean and I sat in the back seat and I was trying my best to clean the blood from his face. “I know, (y/n), I’m going as fast as I can-”
Unexpectly, all I could see was black. My entire body hurt and my chest was burning. I was trying to inhale but my lungs weren’t functioning. Then everything was quiet.
Coming to I realized I was laying in a hospital bed. Climbing out I started walking out the room and down the hall. I tried talking to some people but they ignored me so I raised my voice at them. “Hello?! Can’t you hear me speaking to you?? Hello!” I waved my hand in front of someone’s face but they couldn’t even see me.
Why is everyone ignoring me? I stopped trying to get their attention and just started roaming the hallways trying to find my brothers. As I got closer I heard a familiar voice. It was Sam. I ran following his voice while looking in each room until I found him leaning over Dean who was hooked onto a breathing machine. Dean was in rough shape and I heard Sam sniffle. Realizing how much pain Sam is in broke my heart so I walked next to him to try to bring him a little comfort.
“Dean will pull through Sammy. It’s okay.” I told him but he didn’t hear me. “Sammy?” I called to him trying to get his attention, but like those people from earlier he didn’t see me. What is wrong with everyone?
“She’s gone Dean.” He sobbed softly to Deans limp body. “Who’s gone, Sam?” I was asking more to my self than Sam, however he still didn’t hear me. “Sam! Who are you talking about?” I ask almost yelling this time. My voice cracked as I was speaking feeling the fear of what may be, yet still he doesn’t hear me. The despair in his eyes is tormenting me.
“Sam my, please look at me. I’m right here just look at me.” I and basically begged him at this point while he is grieving. “SAM!” getting a bit angry I acted on impulse and hit a cup of water to the ground which finally grabbed Sam’s attention. “Sorry sam. I didn’t meant to-“
“Dean?” He said. “What? No Sam it’s me your baby sister standing right in front of you, please look at me.” I pleaded as tears of frustration rolled down my face.
“Excuse me sir,” you turned to see a doctor standing in the doorway at the same time Sam did. “We need you to come and identify the body and sign some paperwork for her to be released to your family.”
A body? Are they talking about my body? Could I possibly be dead? I need to follow them. I need to know if they’re talking about me. Could I really be dead? I can’t be I’m right here.
Following closely behind Sam and the doctor you arrived to the morgue. While the doctor was looking for the correct locker Sam was signing some release forms. I didn’t wanna believe what I might’ve already known. Hearing the doctor open one of the lockers, Sam’s heart broke all over again seeing his baby sister’s lifeless body on the table.
In that moment of seeing my own dead body everything came back. The demon, the car, the truck. I remember getting in the car but I don’t remember ever getting out. I remember hearing tires screeching, then the agonizing pain my entire body was in and my lungs burning, and just before the darkness I hear the click of the colt.
I’m dead
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winchestergirl23 · 5 years ago
Maybe you should have stuck around
Pairings: Dean x sister, Sam x sister
Word count: 900
Warnings: Angst, John being very short-tempered. 
Summary: This is part 2 of the Winchester Sister Series. Read Part 1 here. The reader has an exam but John wants her to join him on a hunt. This leads to some heavy confrontation.
A/N: To all of you who show me love every day by following, reading, reblogging and commenting, I just want to extend my deepest, most sincere gratitude. You guys mean the world to me. Thank you for your love and support. 
I know it’s been a while since the first fic in this series. I promise to update as often as I can. This fic did turn out a bit more angsty than what I’d planned that I felt so upset after writing it. It does, however, sit in well with what I have planned for the rest of the series. Hopefully, y’all will like it. Do let me know what you think!
“Dad, please try to understand what I’m saying. I cannot miss my test tomorrow. I just cannot.” you plead.
You’ve spent all of last week cramming for your AP history midterm. John had come home last night after weeks of disappearing on a hunt; something he’d been doing a lot of late, not that you had any complaints. Gone were the days when you’d anticipate John’s return from a long hunt. 
The atmosphere in the house had become tense ever since Sam had brought up the idea of leaving for college. Since he’d gone, things had become far worse. John had become exceedingly short-tempered. He had become very curt with you, having still not forgiven you for not telling him about Sam’s acceptance to Stanford.  He’d often rebuke even Dean for “letting” Sam run away. Dean was always patient and obedient despite John’s temper, encouraging you to do the same. You found that it was best to spend time in your room whenever John was around; not being able to tolerate the way John was treating his family. 
You look at John, your eyes beseeching. You can’t believe the conversation you’re having right now. John had wanted to investigate a haunting in an old, dilapidated asylum few towns over and believed it to be the spirits of the patients. He’d wanted backup and insisted on you and Dean accompanying him. You, however, did not want to miss your history exam. 
“You will join us tomorrow. That’s the end of this discussion Y/N.” John says roughly.
“Dad, I’ve spent the entire week studying. Please! I’ve worked too hard.” you beg, as tears threaten to spill.
“I DON’T CARE. I NEED BACK UP AND YOU’RE GOING!” he orders, slamming his fist on the table just as Dean enters holding two grocery bags. His bewildered eyes roam from your now-tear-stained face to John’s fuming one.  
“What’s going on here?” he asks, setting down the grocery bags.
“Your sister refuses to come on the hunt tomorrow.” John states.
“Well yeah… she’s got her history test tomorrow.” Dean remarks, giving John a ridiculous look. “You didn't say anything to me about Y/N joining us.” 
“I need backup Dean. We don’t know how many spirits are haunting this asylum.”
“I’ll be there for backup dad. Y/N doesn’t have to be there -” Dean prompts.
“I say she does.” John interrupts. 
“Dad - Y/N has worked really hard for this. It’s her midterms.” Dean stresses.
“I don't remember asking for your opinion,” John states, glowering at Dean. 
“Dad, come on-” Dean starts.
“I knew would happen. Leaving her with you, I gave both of you too much freedom. You’re too easy-going on her. She’s turning out to be just like Sam - choosing school over family. You let Sam run away, it’ll be her next!” John snarls, shouting over Dean’s words.
“He didn’t let Sam run away!” you cry out, goaded by John’s speech. 
“Sammy didn’t choose school over family. He chose school over hunting! And Dean didn’t know anything about him leaving. When he did get to know, he tried to stop it.” you finish, glaring at John.
“Y/N!” Dean starts, realising that the argument needs to be dissipated before it gets out of hand. “Stop. Just go to your room.” 
His words are ignored as John directs his anger at you.“BUT YOU KNEW!” he shouts, spit flying from his mouth. “You knew and you didn’t do a damned thing to stop him. You betrayed this family.”
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“Dad, Stop this! Y/N! Go to your room!” Dean insists, but his words are drowned out by John. 
“You’ve gotten quite out of control – helping your brother leave, talking back to me like this. Staying with Dean has spoiled you - letting you think you can get away with anything.” John snarls on.
“Well if you cared so much dad, maybe you should have stuck around!” you retort, balling your fists. 
“Y/N! THAT’S ENOUGH!” Dean shouts, stepping between you and John.
“What did you just say to me?” John asks, menacingly. His face is red and you can see a vein popping in his neck. You’ve seen John apoplectic before but it’s never been directed at you. Sure he’s yelled at you many times but now, his rage is terrifying. You take a deep breathe, deciding that you might as well get this over with.  
“You heard me -” you start, jeeringly but are interrupted by Dean turning to face you, blocking out John. 
“Y/N. GO. TO. YOUR. ROOM!” Dean stresses; his tone final. 
You’re about to retaliate but one look at his eyes dissolves your words into silence. The green eyes in front of you are flared with anger, but you can read the silent plea in them. His temper isn’t directed at you. You’re crossing a line with John and he doesn’t want you to get into more trouble. You hesitate, your lower lip trembling. You don’t want to leave Dean to take John’s wrath all by himself. You start to speak but knowing what you’re going to say, he stops you.
“Y/N, Go!” he says, giving you a sincere look. He places his arm on yours and gives you an encouraging squeeze.
“Okay.” you resign, wiping off a tear. “I’ll go.”
“No! I’m not done with her.” John hisses, his words laced with fury. 
“YES, YOU ARE!.” Dean interjects, angrily. “You and Y/N are done talking dad!. Right now, you and I need to talk.”
You take one last look at Dean. You bite your lip, feeling terribly guilty. He nods at you reassuringly as you leave. You walk away, actively avoiding John’s glare. You consider hiding by the stairs to eavesdrop but decide against it. You’d get yourself and Dean into so much more trouble if you were caught. Dean has just stood up for you. You might even have caused him more trouble by talking back. With a heavy heart, you trudge up to your room. You shut the door and sink to your knees sobbing.
@insomniac-with-a-juice-pouch​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ @differentstudentrunaway-e70bf763​
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bluuheart7 · 5 years ago
A Place in This World // Taylor Swift
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Boys, Brains, & Brothers
September 1999
“Dean!” Campbell Grace hollered from the foot of her bed, “we can’t be late on Sam and I’s first day!”
The Winchester’s had just rolled into middle-of-bum-fuck-nowhere, Louisiana on a voodoo case, and John had enrolled Sam and Campbell Grace in the local high school — seeing as how Campbell was 15 and Sam was 17. “A dumb hunter is a dead hunter,” John would hum from the front seat of his prized 1967 Chevy Impala. Campbell rolled her eyes at the thought of his words.
“Quit your whining,” Dean called from the motel bathroom, “it’s just school!”
“‘It’s just school’” Sam mimicked from the other side of the room as he haphazardly crammed his books into his bag.
“Yeah, and your baby is just a car,” Campbell snickered.
“Alright!” Dean came strutting through the door, “load ‘em up kiddos. Asses in the car in 5 or I’m leaving you here.”
Campbell Grace and Sam watched Dean walk out to the car. “Why couldn’t you just have passed your driver’s test?” Campbell pouted towards Sam.
“Shut up and get in the car, pipsqueak.”
The majority of their day had gone great. Sam kept to himself, like he always did, and aimed to make it throughout the day without speaking to anyone he didn’t have to. Campbell Grace, on the other hand, had already been invited to hang out at a friend’s house after school by third period.
Class after class, the Winchesters were asked to introduce themselves to their new peers. Sam gave a slight wave of the hand before taking his seat. Campbell flashed her signature killer smile before grabbing her seat in the back of the class. Both siblings hated being the center of the attention, that was definitely Dean’s thing, but they shared a mutual love of learning.
Lore book, storybook, fiction or non-fiction — the two youngest Winchesters would eat it up. Campbell Grace developed an affinity for reading one day after watching Sam do it. He still chuckles at the thought of her plopping down beside him and pretending to read her own book. Ever since then, the two would swap books of all sorts back and forth. Over time, both siblings would grow to become remarkably smart. Campbell even had some of her classes with Sam.
As Campbell Grace stood to gather her things and head towards her next class, she felt a slight tap on her shoulder. Turning to see who it was, she was greeted by a boy. He stood a few inches taller than her, brown locks framing his tanned face. “Hey, Campbell Grace, right?”
“Yeah, uh, Campbell Grace Winchester. Most people just call me Campbell though,” the huntress returned as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
“What’s your next class? Maybe I could show you to it? My name’s Ben, Ben Walker, by the way.”
“Well, Ben Walker,” Campbell grinned as she pulled out her schedule, “it looks like I’ve got AP Calculus with Mrs. Wallows.”
“AP Calc, huh? You must be a genius, Winchester.”
Campbell chuckled as she followed Ben out into the hallway. They held a pretty strong conversation as he pointed out all the strange social quirks and cues of Frazier High.
“Well I think this is it,” Ben breathed out as they stopped at the door of Campbell’s next class. “Here’s this, call me if you ever need anything, or if you’re up for a movie night.”
Campbell Grace blushed as she grabbed the slip of paper with Ben’s number on it, “I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks, Ben.”
With a whole new boost of confidence, Campbell strutted into class to find Sam’s presence greeting her with a wave from the back of the room. He gestured to the empty seat next to his as she made her way towards her brother.
“So who was that?” Sam inquired as Campbell sat down.
“Well, hello to you too, Sammy” she chirped.
“Hey, no changing the subject. I need to know if I should be beating someone up right now.”
“Cool your jets, hot stuff,” Campbell rolled her eyes “his name is Ben. He’s just a friend.”
Sam opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by Mrs. Wallows. “Class, today we’re adding two new students to our group. This is Campbell Grace and Sam Winchester.” The old woman smiled as she gestured to the siblings' seats. “Is there anything you’d like to tell us about yourselves?”
“We’re not twins,” Sam muttered.
“Yeah, I’m just smarter than my older brother.”
Campbell Grace and Sam sat side by side as they waited for Dean to pick them up from school. “At this point, we should’ve just walked,” Sam groaned.
“I think I hear him coming,” Campbell whined as Dean came speeding through the carpool line, blaring Guns N Roses with the windows down.
“Sup nerds!” He shouted over the music.
Both of his younger siblings rolled their eyes and they assumed their regular positions — Sam in shotgun and Campbell in the middle of the backseat.
“Ellie’s got a boyfriend,” Sam sing-songed from the front seat.
“Do not!” Campbell protested.
“Boyfriend, huh?” Dean mused while tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. “I’ll have to meet this said ‘boyfriend.’ Figure out if he’s man enough to date a Winchester.” Dean glanced into the rearview mirror, smirking as he caught a glimpse of Campbell’s distraught features.
But Dean would never meet Ben because the Winchester’s were up and gone by the next Thursday.
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elliewithcellie · 8 months ago
supernatural drabbles
After Bloody Mary - Y/N asks Sam what really went down at the antique store that night. (Sister!reader)
Best Friend’s Brother... -(18+ just in case) Badass reader has feelings for Dean but still thinks he’s a jerk. (Dean x Reader)
Enough - Castiel and Y/N take on a case that could not have gone worse if they tried. (Castiel, winsister!reader)
Faithfully - Y/N and Dean have to fight for their relationship throughout this hunting life they live. (Dean x Reader)
Fire and Rain - Y/N is fueled by fire. Dean is the rain on her parade. (Dean x platonic sister!reader)
Her Strut - Y/N wakes up hearing a potential intruder in the bunker and goes to investigate. (Dean x Reader)
In This Together - Dean and Y/N’s relationship is tested through thick and thin (sister!reader)
Just By Being You - Y/N steps it up a bit to impress Sam on a hunt. (kind of) (Sam x Reader)
Rough Night  (18+)(heed warnings) - Summary: The hunt affected Sam more than he hoped. He needs comfort from Y/N (Sam x Reader)
The Good Witch - Y/N is a good witch with the goal of erasing the Mark from Dean, and she will do anything to save him. (Dean x Reader)
The One - At Charlie’s wedding, Dean realizes who he wants to spend the rest of his life with. (Dean x Reader)
Tough - Y/N gets stranded alone and has to fend for herself when push comes to shove. (sister!reader)
Truth Hurts  Part Two- During a hunt, you are revealed a truth that comes with consequences. (Sam x Reader)
Your Only Fan (18+!) - Reader has a secret that she doesn't want the boys to find out about. (Dean x Reader, Sam)
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