#Winnifred darling
agirlwithmagicpals · 11 months
Lafargo Morningstar Reference
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Name: larfargo Morningstar Age:a couple thousand years old
Species:fallen angel(ex-archangel)
Is actually quite intelligent and has been known by his personal peers to be rather adaptive
wants to be better than the entities thriving in heaven unless they want to join him
love’s traveling back and forth from hell to earth mostly for personal reasons of course
is actually pretty wise and somewhat independent despite being spiritually attached to his host(it’s Humphrey not Winnie now)
has fought all kinds of monsters and other deities both mortal and immortal
Neutral evil/ high ranking rebel
after the fall he realized that he was one of the few fallen angels that actually still somehow managed to keep they’re wings(none of the other seven deadly sins know that)
Is making some rather strange yet interesting decisions at the moment
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sweetbuckybarnes · 9 months
Who is This? - How They Met
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Y/N talks about how she met James Barnes and how she found herself in the modern world. Follow on from this fic.
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"What the hell is going on?" Bucky nearly demanded, keeping his arms wrapped around his companion.
Sam raised his eyebrow. "I could ask you the same question, Barnes?" Sam looked at the young woman in Bucky's arms. "Who is this?"
Bucky looked down at her, Sam watched as a smile grew on his face. "This is Y/N. Y/N Barnes. My wife."
"I'm sorry, what was that? Wife? You two are married?" Sam asked, looking between Bucky and Y/N.
"Indeed we are, aren't we darling?"
Y/N looked at Bucky first with a smile then with dead eyes. "I'm still pissed with you," Sam couldn't place her accent. It was a strange combination of Brooklyn, southern and English.
"Babydoll," Bucky sighed, as his wife got up from the couch and walked to the kitchenette.
"No. Don't you babydoll, me. I had two officers with a telegram in their hand as they flat out told me you had fallen off a train in the Alps of all places, whilst you were on some stupid mission with Steve, they never went looking for you, they simply declared you were missing and you were most likely dead."
Bucky's face falls, realising how much she had missed him after he fell off the train. After he had escaped to Bucharest, his memories came back in flashes - her face had always been there front and centre. He never had the time to sit Steve down and ask him about the gorgeous girl in his memories. It had taken another trip to the Smithsonian Institution - and that's when he saw her further into the exhibition, her arms in both Bucky and Steve's as she looked up at him in awe. Bucky and Y/N were married on January 15, 1941 - four weeks after Bucky signed up.
He gets up also, leaving the blanket which once covered them in a ball on the couch. "Sweetheart," he said softly.
"They told me on our fucking anniversary as well!" The tears couldn't be held back as they started rolling down her cheeks.
"It may be late, but happy anniversary," Bucky says, which gets a watery sob out of Y/N - who returns the sentiment.
Sam walks around the couple and into the kitchenette. "How long have you two now been married then?"
They looked at each other. "If you don't count the time we were separated, three years."
"And if you do?" Sharon asks.
"Seems like I owe you a lot of anniversary presents. And birthdays, and Christmas..." Bucky trails off. "Seeming like I'll always be in debt to you, doll."
She shakes her head, "I have you here now. That's the only present I need."
"So how did you two meet?" Sam asks.
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August 3rd, 1922
It was the first day at Brooklyn Heights Elementary School. Winnifred Barnes held her eldest son's hand as she took him to school.
Little James Barnes was terrified, it would be his first full day away from his ma, he didn't know anyone and he had a strong feeling like he wanted to cry (his father George had firmly told him men don't cry).
The mother and son duo were stood in front of a little peg, which had his name stuck to it, he was in between someone called Steve and someone called Y/N (the little girl had already taken her coat off - which her mother was hanging up for her, as she dug through her backpack on the floor).
"Y/N what have I told you about sitting on the floor like that?" Y/N's mother said, cupping her hands underneath her armpits and sat her on her knees.
"I can't find my crayons, mama!" Y/N exclaimed, looking up at her mama.
James looked down into his backpack and saw the small pack of crayons his father had brought back home one night. "We can share mine," he tells the little girl on the floor, sitting down next to her.
She looked at him with a big smile. Even at four years old, he couldn't help but think she was the prettiest girl in the world.
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"That's how you got your girl? Crayons when you were four?" Sam asks.
"No, I had always known she was beautiful, but it took me a long time to persuade her for a date."
Y/N looked at her husband with a singular raised eyebrow. "You went from girl to girl with no consideration of their feelings. I didn't want to be put on the same list."
"Not a chance, since we locked eyes on that cold floor in elementary school, I have always been yours."
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January 15, 1940
"Please, doll," Bucky nearly begged, as Y/N made her way around the counter at the local diner where she currently works. "Just one date."
"No, James, you can't ask me just because you don't have a date for the night."
Bucky sighed, he loved how she was the only one (apart from his ma when he annoyed her) who still called him James. "But, doll."
"And what have I told you about calling me doll?"
"I could take you to Coney Island," which was shut down saying that was his and Steve's 'place to hang out without her'. Bucky denied it, saying that it wasn't right that he and Steve spent time together without her. "What about the movies?"
"The three of us have already seen everything at the movies right now."
Bucky looked at the ceiling, as he fiddled with his ice cream float. "You don't want to go to Coney Island, we've seen everything at the movies and you don't want to go to a diner..."
He heard someone make a passing comment that the river in that park upstate had frozen over and was perfect for. "Ice skating! That's it, I'll take you ice skating!"
Y/N looked over at him, "Will it shut you up?" He nodded. "Fine, you can take me ice skating."
Bucky let out a loud cheer. "I promise you, you won't regret it, babydoll."
Bucky leaned over pressed a kiss to her cheek and ran out of the diner - he missed Y/N rubbing her cheek with a growing smile on her face.
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"You were smitten with me?"
"Since day one, babydoll."
They shared a kiss when the door was pushed open by someone who looked like he had a homemade costume Steve used to wear. "What the hell?"
"Alright, that's it. Your time is up. Tell me where Zemo is," someone came storming in, dressed like Steve, shield in one hand as he pointed at the other people in the room. Y/N looked from Bucky to Sam to Sharon and then back to Bucky.
"We know you're hiding him," his sidekick added, crossing his arms.
The Captain America wannabe ordered them to turn over Zemo, which Y/N countered with a comment about the Captain America wannabe running his mouth.
"How did I miss you?" He flirts.
Y/N raised her eyebrow at him, then looked up at Bucky (who whispered into her ear that they were trying to get the shield back). "Give me a second," She puts on a look on her face and makes her way over to the Captain America wannabe. "Oh my God, is that the shield?" She could see him preen at her words. "Can I have a look at it?"
Stupidly, he hands her the shield, Y/N looks it over, and then up at him. "Thanks," and makes her way back to Bucky.
"What are you doing with my shield?"
"I think you mean, my shield. Considering that it technically belongs to me."
Captain America wannabe looked at her confused, what the hell was she talking about? "Who even are you?"
"Who am I? He doesn't know, James!" Y/N looked up at Bucky.  "He doesn't know!" The couple laughed. "I'm Y/N, Steve's half-sister, and this muppet's wife."
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"Wait, so how did you end up 80 years in the future?" Sam asks as the trio settles in for the night.
"Howard wanted to make another Super Soldier after the war after Steve had 'died'," she puts quotes around died, then turns her head to look at Bucky. "Yes, I know what happened to Howard and Maria," Bucky's face fell - she knew what he had done as the Winter Soldier(the war crimes he had committed had been plastered all over the news during his trial). 
Sam looked between Bucky and Y/N as he asked. "What happened? I presume you volunteered."
She nods her head. "I did. But, something went wrong. They gave me the serum, and I remember collapsing to the floor and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the year 2019, Steve's face over the top of mine, tears in his eyes, saying he was so happy to see me."
"Steve knew you were alive?" Bucky asked, looking at his wife in surprise. There were about two weeks between the Battle of Earth and Steve went back to the past. 
"I don't remember much from when I woke up, because I was falling in and out of sleep, for a long time." She says, looking up at the ceiling.
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Indifferent (2)
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Summary: Your father wanted a bond between you and the Barnes Empire. No matter what.
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
Characters: Thor Odinson, Winnifred Barnes
Warnings: arranged marriage, angst, mentions of impotence, arguments, mafia au, a hint of violence, strong reader, jealousy
Catch up here: Indifferent (1)
Indifferent Masterlist
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Bucky is taken aback at your behavior. You’re a brat, but you never openly talked back or yelled at him. It’s simply not your style.
“What did you say?”
“Oh, you’re dull too?” You smirk darkly when he tightens his hold on your arm. “I said make me.” Bucky blinks. His features darken and he’s close to fulfilling his promise when you use the momentum to knee his groin. “FUCK!”
He whines and drops his hand from your arm to cup his crotch with both hands. Tears well up in his eyes, and he whines like a wounded animal.
“Well, now you definitely are impotent,” you flash him a smile. “Aw, you should put ice on that, darling.” You pat his cheek, earning a growl from your husband. “Don’t wait up for me, baby. I’m going to have a little fun outside these dusty walls.”
Pain radiates through his crotch. Bucky feels like he’s going to throw up, and his insides churn. Not only from the pain but the fact that he’s unable to stop you from leaving.
“I dare you to leave,” he yells after you. “Y/N, come back or I swear I’ll hunt you down.”
You turn around to blow a kiss at Bucky. “I love you too, baby. Have a great day. You really should put ice on that. We don’t want your tiny wiener to fall off. I’d be a shame.”
“I will kill her,” he grits his teeth and breathes through the pain. “If she doesn’t come back within the next minutes, I’ll spank her ass until it’s raw, and she can’t sit on her bratty ass any longer.”
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“OH my God,” you whimper. “This feels so good. Please don’t stop…don’t you ever stop!”
“He won’t stop until you relax, Y/N. He’s the best in town. Just look at his large hands,” Winnifred chuckles. She dips her head to look up at the tall masseur. “Thor, my dear. I need you to knead all the knots and kinks my stubborn son caused out of my lovely daughter-in-law.”
“Your wish is my command,” the tall blonde flashes Winnifred a stunning smile. His blue eyes sparkle, and he drops his eyes to your shoulders. “She’s so tense, but I’ll make her relax. Trust me. I’m a professional.”
“I feel like I’m floating,” you sigh dreamily, completely lost in the feel of Thor’s hands on your body. “I’m boneless but happy.”
“That’s the goal,” your mother-in-law grins. “I’ll leave you to Thor now, Y/N. You’re in capable hands.”
“Yeah…” you murmur sleepily. “Perfect hands…perfect…so perfect.” You close your eyes and forget about your marriage and that you left your husband with more than a bruised ego. “I’ll deal with the bastard later.”
“Relax,” Thor leans over your body to purr in your ear. “No thinking, sweetness. Just feel. I need you to shut your mind off and let me rule your body.”
“It’s yours,” you slur. “All yours…”
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You’re walking on air when you return to the place you call your prison, not a home.
After Thor was done with you, it felt like all the sorrows and Bucky’s ignorance just vanished. You decided to ignore him for as long as needed. The moment your father retires, you’ll take over his empire and file for divorce.
What’s a few more years with an indifferent husband – right?
“YOU!” Bucky is back on his feet. Or rather, his balls don’t hurt anymore. While you spent the day with your mother-in-law, he tried to find a way to pay you back. A shame he didn’t come up with a good plan yet.
“A good night to you too, husband,” you don’t let Bucky ruin your mood. Your body feels like you are reborn after Thor worked his magic. “I had the best day ever.”
“You are…” He sizes you up and frowns. “You’re glowing…and…you’re so relaxed.” Bucky sucks in a breath. “What did you do?”
“You mean who did I do?” you can't fight the dopy grin creeping on your face. It’s all Thor’s fault. You feel like you’re high on the good stuff. Or maybe you just enjoyed his hands all over your body. “Damn, that man has magic in his hands.”
“Hands? Man?” The wheels in Bucky’s head begin to spin. He balls his hands into fists, and growls. “If you fucked that gardener, I’ll kill you!”
“Gardener?” You blink a few times. “Nah, masseur, baby.” You giggle and turn to make your way toward your wing of the mansion. “I’m telling you; he’s got more power in his thumb than any guy in their hands.”
“Thumb?” Bucky follows you hot on your heels. He limps a little while walking next to you. “Who used his hands on you? Where have you been? What did you think going out there fucking that asshole!”
“Winnifred was so right,” you sigh dreamily at the memory of the tall blonde hunk. “His hands are the best remedy. I think I’ll visit him twice a week from now on.”
“My mother?” He stops in his tracks to watch you walk toward the west wing. There’s a sway in your hips and he can’t help but wonder if another man gave you what he denied his wife for so long. “She got you a callboy?”
“MASSEUR!” You twirl around to glare at Bucky. “Do not call Thor a prostitute! He’s a professional and would never cross a line. This man gave me something you never could!”
“What’s that?”
“Caresses!” You sniff. “It wasn’t romantic or sexual, but today I felt like myself for the first time since I married you. What a shame that a stranger made me feel like that, not you.”
He wrinkles his forehead. “Caresses?” Bucky thinks about the possibility of losing you to a masseur. His ego couldn’t take it, nor his reputation.
The worst is there’s a green-eyed monster clawing its way to the front of his mind. Another man put his hands on you, and he can’t stand the thought.
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“MOTHER!” Bucky storms inside his parents’ house. He’s fuming, and close to losing his cool. Maybe he already lost it on his way toward their house, he's not sure about it. “How dare you bring my wife to that callboy!”
Winnifred lifts her eyes from the book she tried to read. She smirks knowingly when her son starts to throw a tantrum like an angry toddler losing their favorite toy.
“Thor is a masseur, Jamie,” she coos and goes back to reading her book. “If you do not help your wife relax and make her feel good, I must help that sweet woman. That poor thing is touch-starved thanks to you.”
“You hired someone to have sex with my wife, mother! What in the world!”
“Jamies," she closes her book and sighs. “Not every touch is about sex. I raised you better. You should know that a human being needs more than air to breathe and food to fill your belly. We are not meant to remain untouched, unloved, unhugged…”
She slowly rises from her seat to walk toward her son. Winnifred pats his cheek, and sighs once again.
“I don’t understand your behavior, Jamie. She’s beautiful, smart and caring. What did Y/N ever do to you to deserve your hatred? She won’t admit it, but this situation is killing her. Don’t you see that she’s like a flower withering away in the shadow of your hatred?”
Part 3
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antiquarianfics · 1 year
Sun to Me
If there is one thing Bucky Barnes remembers about his mother, it is that she told him to find someone who plants flowers in the darkest parts of him. If there is one thing Bucky Barnes knows about Reader, it is that they grow him to the clouds.
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A/N: Okay, so. (1) Thank you all so much for the incredible response to my last fic, "Timeless." It's given me the motivation to keep writing fics for y'all. (2) Apparently my inspiration strictly comes from music; thus this Zach Bryan "Sun to Me" inspired fic. Enjoy! Genre: Fluff / WC: 1,049 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x G!N Reader Rating: PG / Warning(s): N/A Note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters.
You do not have permission to copy or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
Children rarely grasp the concept of marriage when they're little. They understand that their parents get married because they love each other, and that's about as far as it goes. Children rarely grasp the concept of different types of love when they're little. They understand that their parents love each other, and they understand that their parents love them, but that's about as far as it goes. Bucky Barnes was no exception to this human truth when he was young. He remembers being 5 or 6--lifetimes ago--telling his mother he was going to marry her. He loved his ma: you marry the people you love.
Winnifred had gently taken her son in her arms, sitting on their solid living room couch.
"My darling boy," she had said, "you can't marry me. I'm your ma."
Bucky had made a face, protesting. "I love you, though!" He had argued with his mother. "You said people marry people they love."
"I did say that," Winnifred agreed, "but the way I love your father is different than the way I love you. You don't get it now, but one day, you'll meet someone wonderful. When you meet that person, you'll understand what I mean."
Bucky had made a face, scrunching his eyebrows together and biting his lip in confusion.
"James," his mother had said, "you'll find someone someday, somewhere that plants flowers in the darkest parts of you--someone who grows you to the clouds. You'll find someone who loves you the way I love your dad. I promise, sweetheart."
Bucky wakes to your alarm blaring--your third, if he counted right. He had woken up three times now to the blaring alarm that you have snoozed just as many times, not stirring more than you have to to pause the incessant noise. Bucky lie in your shared bed, staring at the ceiling and sure he would be unable to fall back asleep for a fourth time. Tiredly, he looked over to the digital clock on his nightstand, reading the taunting 5:32 A.M. in the aggressive red. Running a hand over his tired face, he is about to pull himself out of bed and start his day, but he looks beside him first.
There you are, fast asleep, ignoring every attempt your alarm makes to rouse you. He briefly thinks you're going to oversleep, but he also knows you set alarms earlier than you need to wake up to account for each time you hit snooze.
You're sprawled across your side of the bed, your legs tangling with his and arms tied around your pillow. It's only then that he realizes his legs have gone numb from being pressed beneath your own. He can't bring himself to care, though.
As he watches you sleep--your chest slowly rising and falling as you breathe--he smiles softly. He decides right then that anything he could possibly choose to do at 5:32 A.M. is not nearly as appealing as lying with his partner.
Bucky then rolls onto his side, letting his left arm wrap around you, pulling you close. He breathes in the smell of your shampoo, and he thinks it's something floral. The smell reminds him of his mother--a lifetime ago--telling him to find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of him. It's funny, he thinks, that a smell could pull out such a memory that the brainwashing and science experimenting had fought to erase completely, but he is glad it did.
He misses his mother for a moment. He had lost her so early on, but he remembers how he loved her, how she loved him. He remembers then how his mother had assured him the way they loved each other would be different than how he loves you. He can't help but laugh softly to himself. You were right, Ma, he thinks, I understand now.
You really are something special. You are the kind of person he thinks his mother would have loved. Your kind disposition, your intelligence, your strength: just you. You are the kind of person, too, that took his history, his scars, and his damaged heart and sowed a plentiful garden. You planted flowers in his soul where there had been thorns. You watered the sprouts every night to allow them to eventually bloom. You were there for every nightmare, every court appearance, every fight. You were there to pick up the pieces when he felt most broken. You were there to grow him to the clouds.
He hopes he has been the same for you.
A fourth alarm starts blaring, screaming for you to wake up. The fourth alarm takes the title as the final alarm as you clumsily grab your cellphone, looking at it just enough to turn it off. You drop your phone next to you on the bed before turning around in your lover's arms.
"Mornin', handsome," you say before letting out a yawn.
"Good morning, Doll," he replies easily, gently swiping a stray hair away from your eyes with his finger. "You know, you slept through 3 alarms this morning," he says with a teasing (albeit slightly annoyed) tone.
You groan. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright. Gave me time to just hold you."
You hum happily, leaning forward to softly kiss his lips. He happily reciprocates. When the two of you part, he smiles at you.
"I remembered something."
"Was it actually 4 alarms?" You ask playfully.
Bucky chuckles and leans his forehead against yours.
"Nah, it was just 3," he assures you. "I remembered something my ma told me."
"Oh!" You exclaim, a little surprised. "That's an early memory!"
He grins. "Yeah, it is."
"So? What'd she tell you?"
"She told me that somewhere, someday, I'd find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of me. Someone who grows me to the clouds. I was, like, 6, I think, so it made no sense when she said it to me."
You smile softly, letting your hand cup his face tenderly. You don't say anything, though, opting to let him share his newfound memory at his own pace.
"But I get it now. It took a literal century, but I get it now. You're the person Ma told me I'd find."
"Can I tell you a secret, Buck?"
"Anything, Doll."
"I love you, too."
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thechaoticdruid · 8 months
Welcome to my humble party!~
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[My Astarion Fanfic Masterlist]
Just call me Druid since I really have no intention of revealing my real name for the foreseeable future.
I decided to make a masterlist just to help organize my stuff!
~Original Characters for story or RP stuff~
Winnifred The Druid -My Tav
Arva Nightshade -Winnie's closest pre-tadpole friend.
Fi The Hornless -A talented bard and a member of Arva's pack. She helped look after a juvenile Winnie.
Elora Ancunin -Under developement...
RP Note: Winnie is currently open to answering questions from all of you beautiful people! She is an open book so do not be afraid to ask away! Astarion may even make an appearance in the reply depending on the question. No he will not bite you, Araj! Just make sure to label your ask; Dear Winnie, Question for Winnie, Hey Winnie, I dare Winnie to, etc, and we will let the fun begin!
More NSFW type questions are accepted, but only by people who have their age visible on their blogs. Minors attempting to ask or anons without any age identification will be blocked/ignored. (Also let's try not to ask anything too gross okay.... I'm into some weird stuff but you know limits, my dude.)
~During campaign Winnie fics Masterlist~
[Click Here Darling~]
~Multi-part Fanfics~
[This Bites] Astarion x Chubby Female MC
A young woman ends up literally stuck with a fictional vampire from her newest video game obsession! She now must deal with keeping him safe and hidden all the while dealing with stress from her shitty stepdad.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Valentine's Day Special: Eat Your Heart!
[The Spawn Vs The Ascendant] (Fem) Tav x Astarion(s).
Astarion and his lover Tav are happily together after defeating Cazador and freeing 7000 vampire spawn into the Underdark. They are now preparing to take on the Elderbrain when an Astarion look alike, claiming to be 'The Vampire Ascendant' appears and demands the Spawn hand Tav over to him.
Parts: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
The Spawn vs Tav vs The Ascendant: A smutty one-shot that doesn't really take place in any particular time during the events of TSvTA. MDNI 18+ (Though if I'm honest it probably takes place post story.)
[Firsts] (Named!Fem! Tav x Astarion) Winnie has noticed her vampiric companion had been acting much more aggressively flirtatious lately. Of course, he flirted with everyone, this was common sense. But ever since Winnie had given him a taste of her blood it seemed she was the main target of his affections. Which quite frankly confused the hells out of the young druid. He couldn't actually be interested in her? Could he?
MDNI 18+ There is smut! The second half involves the Tiefling party!
[1/2] [2/2]
[Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts] (Chubby F!Tav x Astarion) After failing yet again to find a good lead on the Ring of the Sunwalker Tav and Astarion return to their current and hopefully temporary home in the Underdark only to be greeted by a distress signal from an old friend and an invitation to extravagant soiree hosted by an eccentric stranger!
Chapters: One ,
~Headcanon lists!~
[Astarion x chubby!reader headcanons!] (GN! Reader)
[🍿Watching movies with Astarion!🍿] (GN! Reader)
[BG3 companions babysitting your kids!] (GN! Reader)
[Telling the companions baby news!] (GN! Reader)
[Meet the Parents!] (A fun little writing challenge I put together. I wrote up headcanons of Astarion meeting my Tav's parents and Winnie meeting Astarion's parents.)
[Astarion's Teddy 🧸] (A little HC about Winnie giving Star a plush.)
[All Wrapped up!] A short AstarionxF!Tav Christmas one-shot inspired by my God-awful ability to wrap presents.
[We'll Protect Each Other] While staying at an inn in the Underdark Tav and Astarion are forced to protect each other. Tav defends her lover's honor which later leads to a visit in the night from a familiar face. (Protective! Tav x Astarion One-Shot.)
[The Bite Scene] A rewrite of Astarion's bite camp event with my Tav, Winnie. It was basically a draft from my abandoned long fic.
[The Monster Hunter] Happens right before the The Bite Scene. It's a rewrite of the encounter with Gandrel out in the bog. Another draft from my abandoned long fic that I just decided to share.
[Indulging Curiosity] (F!Tav x Astarion SMUT MDNI) After a particularly bloody battle with a pack of gnolls Astarion finds himself rather hot and bothered seeing his favorite little druid absolutely drenched in blood. Unable to help himself he invites her to join him for an evening of pleasure where he indulges in some of Tav's sexual curiosities.
[Seriously, now!?] (Named!Tav x Astarion, period comfort fic) After causing a scene, embarrassing and being shouted at by the party's own resident wizard, Winnie storms off alone to sulk. Her monthly bleeding is upon her and making everything seem so much worse! But perhaps her vampiric lover can make it all better? (MDNI, slight smut at the end.)
[Forever] A requested rewrite of the camp event where Astarion's siblings come to kidnap him, but featuring Winnie!
[Delicious] (Named!Tav x Astarion) While camping in the Underdark the tadpole crew gather around the fire telling stories to pass the time. One way or another they turn into tales of old lovers. Which brings up a curious question? How come Winnie had no lovers before Astarion? (MDNI SMUT AT END)
[This Bites] Comment on the latest chapter to be added!
[Winnie during BG3] Comment here to be tagged whenever I drop any fics that take place during Baldur's Gate 3 campaign!
[The Spawn Vs The Ascendant] Comment here to be added to the taglist, but hurry! This fic will soon be complete!
Ao3 Account Though most of my stuff will probably be updated here on Tumblr first!
Blog Rules ig: Okay so I normally try to promote positivity it's why my fics are mostly comedy based. That being said, anyone who comes here acting like an asshat is getting blocked. I don't tolerate homophobia, heterophobia, biphobia, panphobia or really any kind of discrimination towards anyone's sexuality. Transphobic behavior is also unacceptable and will result in a block. Racism, or sexism of any kind is also not tolerated, understand? We're all going to be friends here. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Hi, friendly neighborhood Druid here. My ADHD gives me a shit ton of trouble writing so I'm real iffy about doing requests of any kind. That being said, I'm currently only taking specific requests involving Astarion x my Tav Winnie where I rewrite a scene from the in game campaign. I've already done the Tiefling Party so that is out of the question. And so is anything post Act 3 final boss. I'm also honestly just open to chatting through the asks.
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thatrandomartistjavi · 2 months
Actors that were in Alice in Wonderland media and where you might know them better from. Part 1: 1930s-1960s
This has been something that I've been wanting to do for a bit. Specifically in video mode but I also wanted to put it in text form for people who don't have Tiktok(because YouTube will not let me post a video with the amount of clips from different movies). While I did try to put everyone here, I probably won't identify every actor from all medias or even know their roles. I also excluded actors where I legitimetly didn't know who the characters were in movie and also one time appearances in outside shows. So please refrain from being annoying in these posts.
Part 1(you're here!!)| Part 2 | Part 3
Roscoe Ates as the Fish Footman: Roscoe from Freaks William Austin as the Gryphon: Alfred from Batman(1943) Raymond Hatton as the Mouse: Gringoire from Hunchback of Notre Dame(1923) Sterling Holloway as the Frog Footman: Winnie the Pooh from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Kaa from The Jungle Book Adult Flower from Bambi Roquefort from The Aristocats Ethel Griffies as Ms. Simpson(Alice's governess): Mrs. Bundy from The Birds Billy Barty as the Pig Baby: Bait Mouse from The Rescuers Down Under
Felix Aylmer as Dr. Liddell/Cheshire Cat: The Narrator from The Thief and the Cobbler
Kathryn Beaumont as Alice: Wendy Darling from Peter Pan Ed Wynn as the Mad Hatter: Uncle Albert from Mary Poppins Richard Hadyn as the Caterpillar: Max Detweiler from The Sound of Music Herr Falkstein from Young Frankenstein Verna Felton as the Queen of Hearts: Mrs. Jumbo from Dumbo The Fairy Godmother from Cinderella Flora from Sleeping Beauty Aunt Sara from Lady and the Tramp Winnifred from The Jungle Book Pearl Slaghoople from The Flintstones J. Pat O'Malley as the Tweedles: Cyril Proudbottom from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad Jasper Baddun from 101 Dalmatians Colonel Hathi from The Jungle Book Bill Thompson as the White Rabbit/Dodo: Mr. Smee from Peter Pan Jock from Lady and the Tramp King Hubert from Sleeping Beauty Professor Owl from The Magical World of Disney(Tho most people know this character better as the guy who starts those sing along tapes/dvds) Scrooge McDuck from Scrooge McDuck and Money Uncle Waldo from The Aristocats Heather Angel as Alice's Sister: Mrs. Darling from Peter Pan Sterling Holloway as the Cheshire Cat: Winnie the Pooh from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Kaa from The Jungle Book Adult Flower from Bambi Roquefort from The Aristocats Queenie Leornard as Bird in tree/Iris: Princess from 101 Dalmatians Doris Lloyd as The Red Rose: Baroness Eberfield from The Sound of Music Jimmy MacDonald as Dormouse: Dopey from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Bongo/Lumpjaw from Fun and Fancy Free The first voice for Chip the chipmunk The voice for Mickey Mouse after Walt Disney Jaq/Gus/Bruno from Cinderella Thurl Ravenscroft as one of the card gardeners: (Note: All of The Mellomen played these gardeners and they have been in other Disney movies as background singers like the pirates in Peter Pan or the dogs in Lady and the Tramp, Thurl did the most when it comes to significant roles so I'm only gonna count him on this list) Captain the Horse from 101 Dalmatians Singer in You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch Thing 1 from The Cat in the Hat Kirby from The Brave Little Toaster Fritz from The Enchanted Tiki Room Uncle Theodore from Haunted Mansion Tony the Tiger Geoffrey the Giraffe
Elsa Lanchester as the Red Queen: The Bride from The Bride of Frankenstein Katie Nanna from Mary Poppins J. Pat O'Malley as the Tweedles: Cyril Proudbottom from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad Jasper Baddun from 101 Dalmatians Colonel Hathi from The Jungle Book Alice Pearce as the Dormouse: Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched Tom Bosley as the Knave of Hearts: Maurice from The Beauty and the Beast(1994 musical) Karl Swenson as Humpty Dumpty: Merlin from The Sword in the Stone
Peter Cook as the Hatter: The Impressive Clergyman from The Princess Bride Peter Sellers as the King of Hearts: Inspector Jacques Clouseau from The Pink Panther(1963) Michael Gough as the March Hare: Alfred Pennyworth from Burton Batman and its sequels Elder Gutknecht from Corpse Bride David Battley as the Executioner: Mr. Turkentine from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Through the Looking Glass(1966)-
Jimmy Durante as Humpty Dumpty: Narrator from Frosty the Snowman Agnes Moorehead as the Red Queen: Endora from Bewitched Jack Palance as the Jabberwock: Carl Grissom from The Batman(1989) Sir Rothbart from The Swan Princess(1994) Ricardo Montalbán as the White King: Grandpa Valentin Avellan from Spy Kids Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek II- Wrath of Khan
What's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This(The New Alice in Wonderland)(1966)-
Daws Butler as King of Hearts/March Hare: Yogi Bear from The Yogi Bear Show Elroy Jetson from The Jetsons Chilly Willy from The Woody Woodpecker Show(1964) The Fish(Karlos K. Krinklebein) from The Cat in the Hat Sammy Davis Jr. as the Cheshire Cat(movie): Josh Howard from Ocean's 11 Scatman Crothers as the Cheshire Cat(record): Scat Cat from The Aristocats Dick Hallorann from The Shinning Jazz from The Transformers(1984) Allan Melvin as Alice's Father/Humphrey Dumpty: Electro from Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends Don Messick as Dormouse/Fluff: Bamm-Bamm Rubble from The Flintstones Boo-Boo Bear from The Yogi Bear Show Astro from The Jetsons Snip from Rankin Bass' Jack Frost Ratchet from The Transformers(1984) Scooby-Doo from Scooby-Doo(until his retirement in 1996) Howard Morris as the White Rabbit: Gopher from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Jughead Jones from The Archie Show(1968) Janet Waldo as Alice: Judy Jetson from The Jetsons Josie from Josie and the Pussycats
Alice of Wonderland in Paris(1966)-
Norma MacMillan as Alice: Casper from The New Casper Cartoon Show Gumby from The Gumby Show
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gontagokuhara · 2 months
Its almost 5 am and I have work [today] but heyyyy what if I sent in another fun ask about pointy objects ;) Last time I asked about PO relationship rankings... but what about notable FRIENDSHIPS😭 I definitely think it'd be ridiculous to ask for a ranking of ALL THE FRIENDSHIPS but I'm saying like, I want to know about any specific fun ones we haven't seen that much of, tumultuous OR harmonic, if you want to share!💖
(if I had to rank some though I'd put Fuyupeko at #1 bc ofc they're like brother-sister, andddd Junko-Izuru ONN THE BOOOTTOOOMMM🗣 bc it's Junko duh) (Honorable mentions: Miu & Kiibo bc idk why I'm blanking on where the demi friendships rank) Okay I'm gonna go back to reading the latest chapter bc I gave up on trying to go to sleep💀 I hope you have a great day btw!!! Please say hi to baby Winnifred the Pooh for me and give extra love💘
I realized this weekend after seeing yet another fic I love get orphaned, how spoiled I was with your tumblr and I'm super greatful to be a reader and just consuming the content you share 😭 I really want to contribute more as thanks but I may not have as much time due to school starting soon😓 I'll just say thank you again for now and ofc remind you that you're an absolute BADDIE, please don't forget!!!💖
HELLOOOOOOOO CIDER MY BELOVED <3 as always u bring some of my favorite asks to my inbox so thank u MWAH!!!!! and as always this is for FUNSIES so there’s no obligation (especially if ur busy with school and work!!!) you have already earned ur place in my heart forever ❤️❤️❤️ you are so real about orphaned/abandoned works my favorite fic of all time had its sequel abandoned like 8 years ago…….u really never recover 💔 and i may have done the same to pointy objects for ~3.5 years but we are BACK and pumping out content at any given opportunity because this fic and universe is my baby. so with that said (and winnie said hello to PICTURED BELOW ‼️) lets get into pointy objects analysis mode WOOOOO
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many conversations have been had with my darling beta reader + kokichi correspondent evan @/faglaios about certain dynamics between characters this is like my DREEEEEAM ask because there are so many friendships in the pointy objects verse that are. so special to me. i have a whole list of friendship dynamics that i think are interesting and would yap about But i have so much to say about even just my select few favorites. so here are some honorable mentions before we get to the Big Boys:
- fuyuhiko & peko: i will forever and always ride for the familial dynamic for these two and pointy objects is no exception, as they consider themselves siblings to the same degree fuyu & natsumi do. talk about an unbreakable bond these two are literally almost as close as komaru & makoto are despite (affectionately) bitching at each other significantly more
- hajime & chiaki: not something i’ve been able to explore in-verse, but these 2 are soooo special to me in general and their friendship carries over into pointy objects rejoice ‼️‼️ i specifically singled this one out for the reason that: chiaki, as the goddess of sleep, tends to be pretty absent for long stretches of time, and so there can be decades that pass where she’s just not in hajime’s life. when he’s alone and stressed he talks to her sometimes :)
- kaede & maki: before they began dating they were without reservations each other’s best friend. i have a LOT to say about these two but yay ‼️ for kaemaki nation a lot of time has been dedicated to exploring it in pointy objects <3 so i will hold my tongue. for now
- rantarou & shuuichi: similar dealio here re: exploration in pointy objects canon. granted, rantarou is “dead” for the majority of it, but just as much as they are brothers they are best friends and for as much as i COULD say, i think their dynamic kinda speaks for itself in-fic :>
- miu & kiibo: i will be the first to admit i Do Not Enjoy miu but objectively her best interactions (both in v3 canon + pointy objects) are with kiibo. their dynamic is mutually (lightheartedly) antagonistic like miu knocks their head off five times a day and kiibo runs to tattle on her but like they eat dinner together basically every day and horrifically gossip in very bad whispers. miu clocked kiibo’s crush (overheard kaede talking about it to maki like a year ago lmfao) and became their unasked for wingwoman (she’s very bad at it).
kokichi & kaito: oh goodness. These Two. it has truly been far too long since i played 3-5 and fully Invested in this dynamic but once again from my conversations with evan There is something there . i almost have so much to say that i cant think of Anything to say lmfao so. we’ll put a pin in these 2 for now. but this is one of my favorite pointy objects dynamics.
- kaito & shuuichi / maki & shuuichi: oh training trio how i do love you……both of them have really fun dynamics but the former is definitely a little more well-developed in pointy objects. shuuichi mirrors both of them specifically in his resolve to protect and defend his friends; kaito in his emotional/trust investment and being open and honest both to himself and to the world at large, and maki moreso in the physical sense, in that they tend to be more hands-on and proactive in things that require teamwork (you’ll notice it’s these 2 most often helping others to their feet/to remain upright + at the forefront of public-facing schemes like booking the motel/headlining the convenience store robbery). MUCH to say here (also re: kaito & maki) but yet again i’ve already got so much more to go
- junko & izuru: To Be Continued.
- makoto & junko: exes
WOW! and that was only the honorable mentions 😭 jesus christ. but i saved my favorites/most interesting for last so LETS GO BABEY 🔥🔥🔥
- gundham & sonia: my Personal thoughts on these two have to be divorced from pointy objects canon so i’m speaking specifically on their friendship here. as god of the dark art and goddess of magic they naturally are inclined towards and work with each other, but they’re also just straight-up besties (as much as a grumpy recluse like gundham will allow, especially these days). in Non-crisis times, sonia is one of only a few gods who have near-unlimited access to the underworld. they also have a lot in common in terms of each losing their children within only a few years of each other (sonia with her son who tsumugi killed in her attack on camp pre-barrier, and gundham, we now know, with gonta).
- mondo & fuyuhiko: throwaway joke pointing out their similar organized crime affiliations that evolved rapidly into a like. genuine (business) relationship but also a family-like brotherly bond between them too (fuyuhiko is good at this LOL). there’s a lot of camaraderie (+ arguments) regarding this, as well as their shared isolation and distance from their children. mondo and taka went to fuyuhiko’s house the first night maki was missing both to hash out a game plan on keeping their daughters safe, but also for comfort because…well, at one point or another, they became family.
- maki & tenko: and speeeeaking of family <3 this has been touched on very lightly but of the people maki really has a connection with at camp and specifically considers her friends, tenko is one of those three people (the others being kaede and then later kaito). tenko really had to teach maki what Having Family is like even though she’s hardly the best-equipped to do so, but their shared distance from their godly parents (and lesbianism) helped them foster a dynamic that is very protective and isn’t the most Outwardly affectionate, but is definitely mutually trusting and quietly appreciative. they also train together often (and beat up kaito together when he jumps in too).
- kokichi & gonta: i am a “gonta and kokichi were genuine friends” truther until i die and pointy objects is my love letter to that. i have Many thoughts regarding their canonical relationship [looks at my url] but in my representation of them in pointy objects……when gonta says in his chapter that the two of them are best friends he is 100% correct (for better or for worse). for several years they were in the relatively small (those 2, kaede, miu, and maki) full-time camper group and the 5 of them are naturally more close-knit, but kokichi is…Well. Abrasive. and turns a lot of people off. but gonta was (+ is!) persistent. he sees good in kokichi. they were the only 2 boys at camp full-time for years, and as he did hajime and nagito, gonta lacked other options but to drift towards kokichi with regard to modeling “gentlemanly” behavior after spending so many years not socialized to humans. kokichi would play his usual pranks and mess with him but despite his flighty demeanor…actually U know what i’m just screenshotting my msgs to evan about this i cooked sooooo hard BUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE (and horrificially misunderstood) DYNAMICS <3
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- gonta & kiibo: similar to kaemaki in that their friendship has been explored in-verse before their romantic relationship, but i single them out here because there is something very important to me about the two of them learning how to be people together :] gonta spending half of his life to this point living amongst wolves, and the rest of it playing catch-up on Being A Person and defining for himself what the means and who he wants to be and modeling his goals on the people around him that he admires. kiibo lived for a handful of years as an AI with kazuichi, but has only had a soul for three or so years, and despite having a universe of knowledge at their fingertips they still have to learn what personhood is like outside of scanning text and interpreting data — again, with a relatively small and niche group of gods and demigods to learn from. they meet when kiibo is dropped off at camp by a distraught sonia, and immediately recognize in the other something similar to themselves. they’re both entirely disconnected from human culture, but have a fascination with it to varying degrees. they’re both Different, and still learning how to exist in the world they’ve been cast into, and slowly over time realizing that the kind of ‘person’ they want to be, whatever that means…that inspiration might be a bit closer than they think.
- kaede & kokichi: oh i could write essays on these two i swear to god. another one that needs their own specialized post honestly there is So much here and basically none of it is reliant on v3 canon because we were given so little. i’ve built such a little world for these two in pointy objects it’s easily a top 3 dynamic like Period out of the whole fic it’s soooo important to me. people have pointed out they come across as deeply sibling-coded and that is 100% the intention. as previously mentioned, they were full-time campers early on (kokichi arrived before maki did, even, so they’ve known each other longer) and even back then kaede took it upon herself to tour new kids around camp and get to know them (partially because her other options were Adults, her less-than-ideal twin sister, and gonta who she knows but can’t talk pop culture or music with). i’m holding my tongue on certain Details here but they really have grown up with the faux-exasperated big sister and the playfully-annoying little brother dynamic. and on the surface they very much come across that way and have fun falling into those roles naturally. but there is a significant degree of mutual care between them that goes far beyond any prank or argument or fuck up. kaede, as frustrated as she was when kokichi snuck onto the rv and as serious as she was about her reservations regarding his role in their quest, still stuck to her guns and kept him included and safe once he was there, and genuinely meant it when she told them she believes in all of them more than she’s ever believed in anyone. for as obnoxious and as snide and as withdrawn he can be, in the same breath he’s calling kaede a hokey protag he’s diving between her and syo’s scissors without a second thought. he’s still offering kaede solemn, sincere comfort and reassurance in the aftermath of the call with nagito he hung up for her, and lashing out at anyone he thinks is judging her and going to make her feel worse. the two of them are everything to me. pointy objects kaede/kokichi friendship you will ALWAYS be famous
- shuuichi & kokichi: well we already saw everything up until now IN pointy objects, didn’t we? <3
ok bonus WINNIE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!
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amagnificentobsession · 3 months
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@winnifred-is-a-creechur @angelo-chuck-wagon
Dinner is ready when you are my darlings ♥️
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deathsplaything · 6 months
A Good Neighbor Indeed || Alistair, Daiyu, & Winnifred
LOCATION: The Sugar Pot TIMING: Late February PARTIES: Alistair (@deathsplaything), Daiyu (@bountyhaunter), & Winnifred (NPC) SUMMARY: Winnifred calls upon Daiyu for an interview for her to join the inner circle of the Good Neighbors. Alistair plays witness. CONTENT WARNINGS: Abuse (mentioned)
After a long day at the Sugar Pot, Alistair wanted nothing more than to curl up on their couch and take a nap. That’s not what the day had in store for them, however. No, Winnifred wanted Alistair to oversee a meeting between them and a potential recruit for the Keep; Daiyu. She was a proven hunter and had brought in a lot of people and creatures over the last few months. Over the years he’d known Winnifred, Alistair knew there was very little when it came to dissuading her from a decision she’s already made. After they’d closed the shop for the day, Alistair waved their goodbyes to Melody and crew, letting out a deep sigh as they waited for Winnifred to show up. 
Brutus was off in the corner on his bed, looking up at his owner with his big brown eyes, tail wagging as Alistair knelt beside their dog and began to pet them. Brutus was always good for centering him. “Let’s make sure this goes smoothly.” They told their dog, who earned a lick on his nose. “Al! Darling!” A voice rang out, grabbing their attention to the front of the store. “Winnie!” Alistair responded with a smile. “Glad you’ve made it.” They outstretched their arms, and the woman quickly enveloped her old friend in a big hug. Winnifred Williams if nothing else was big on hugs. 
“Daiyu should be here any minute,” Winnifred told Alistair as soon as she’d released them from the hug. “She’s a damn good ranger, been bringing in people left and right since she joined.” Alistair heard tapping, indicating that Winnifred was tapping away on her phone. “I’ll be doing the talking, but I want you to be paying attention to her from Brutus’s point of view. See if there’s any slipups, ‘kay?” Alistair wanted to protest but knew better than to do so. “On my honor, Winnie.” They responded with a mini salute, then took the seat closest to Brutus’s bed. “Ready for some work?” He spoke to his dog, who panted in response. “Good.” 
Winnifred walked over to the seats in the corner of the shop and sat down next to Alistair, waiting for the girl to make her appearance, one leg crossed over the other as she continued to tap away on her phone, looking up every so often at the front door to keep an eye out. “Volkovs are a big deal, you know?” She spoke idly, drawing Alistair’s attention over to her. “She’d be good to have on the inside.” Alistair shrugged a shoulder and hummed boredly in response. “If you say so,” he muttered, hand still petting their dog.
To do something good. It was a notion that should fit a hunter like a glove, except the Volkovs had long ago corrupted themselves — but Daiyu had always been a bleeding heart compared to them. Back when she’d still cried freely and with a certain level of regularity, she’d wept over spilled blood like another child might over spilled milk. But she’d hardened under the hard hand of her father and grown into something, surely. Whatever that was she couldn’t tell you, but it was spiked and hard enough to have made it here.
But the child inside is hard to kill, especially when repressed from an early age. And so the childish desire is still there — to do something good. It was another hunter who’d suggested it to her, dragged into a corner of The 3 Daggers, saying something about a well-paying gig. Steady. Better than this shit, something that’ll give you actual purpose. And wasn’t that what she wanted on top of the autonomy she’d been gathering? Purpose. To not just feel like something spiked and hard and ruinous.
So since her arrival in Wicked’s Rest she’d been going on patrols with unassuming humans, which had felt useless but … nice. The humans were so sweet in their wish to do something in the town, so set on helping their community. Daiyu didn’t fully understand it, but she liked it. She’d not gotten paid for those outings, but when she’d knocked out a werewolf and hand-delivered it to what she assumed to be another hunter, she’d collected a small stipend. The same went for some other beasts. She hadn’t asked questions after realizing there wasn’t any space for questions, had taken her money and moved on. As was the way for a bounty hunter. Now, however, she was a bounty hunter with a returning client! 
The invitation to meet with Winnifred Williams (double-double-u in Daiyu’s mind) outside one of the meetings had been met with a yes from her end. She wasn’t sure what it’d be about, wasn’t sure what to expect from the teashop (different from the basement that smelled distantly of cabbage) but adventure was always met with nothing but determination. And so she arrived, only two minutes late, at the Sugar Pot. She gave a knock, glanced inside and pushed the door open. “Hi,” she said, taking stock of the three individuals in the shop. One was a dog. This was a good sign. “Good evening, Winnifred! And hi, I’m Daiyu.” They said this to the stranger, not the dog — it was supposedly polite to greet humans before dogs, even if she was of the opinion that dogs reigned supreme. “Th– I appreciate the invite. What’s up?” What’s up, what a stupid way of voicing her curiosity. She remained standing, eyes flicking to the dog. She resisted the urge to ask their name. “I hope all’s good.”
Alistair listened as the door opened, and they slumped back in their seat a bit more as they realized there was truly no getting out of this. As soon as Daiyu entered the store, Alistair began to look through his dog’s eyes. They stood perfectly still, and the dog looked around the room as he usually would, though fixated on Daiyu as she came closer. “Fuirich,” Alistair spoke to their dog in a calm tone, which caused Brutus to continue sitting at Alistair’s feet, though his tail was wagging a mile a minute to express his happiness at the sight of a new person. 
“Daiyu, good to see you!” Winnifred exclaimed, waving happily at the woman with a large smile plastered over her face. “This is Alistair. They’re one of my excellent friends.” She reached over and pinched at Alistair’s cheek, which caused them to flinch and push the hand away on instinct. They made a face but quickly corrected it into an uncomfortable smile. They had a job to do, so they kept silent, nodding their head as they were introduced. 
“What’s up?” Winnifred responded with a giddy expression. “What’s up I want to congratulate you on being so awesome!” She waved her hands in front of herself, then let out a little “Woo!” Alistair slipped further down in their seat, embarrassed for her. “How would you feel about getting to know a little more about our organization? Maybe a bit of a promotion, so to speak?” Winnifred wiggled her brows playfully, patting the seat across from her. “Sit! I want to talk with you!” She looked to Alistair, who was carefully watching the girl through their dog’s eyes. “Would you make us some of that wonderful earl grey you make?” She pleaded to the redhead, who broke the connection with Brutus, to stand up. “Fine.” They grumped, pushing themselves up from their seat and over to the counter.
Winnifred was a woman of great fervor, Daiyu had learned. Personable and excitable and so very devoted to her cause, pushing into personal boundaries with little thought. She wasn’t used to these kind of people — her own people were the distant and cold type, touch mostly used as a means of control. She’d always been considered fiery among her kin, but here she felt as frozen as the rest of her family.
“Good to see you too,” she said, giving a smile. It wasn’t bad, she found. To be around someone so energetic, so glad to see her. It was a little infectious, even if also unfamiliar. Daiyu wondered how many people just went through life like this, exclaiming everything as if it was the most exciting thing. Living for their community, driven to keep them all safe. It seemed like a nice existence. Even if her house smelled of cabbage. 
And so as Winnifred went on about how awesome she was, she wasn’t sure how to stand. Daiyu could feel her cheeks growing round with the slight, true smile that sneaked on her lips, even if she thought it was a little cringe. “That’s … awesome, that you think that way. I’m always down for more.” The Good Neighbors didn’t fit her. It was all in the name: she wasn’t good. She was barely even a neighbor, with her nomadic way of life and how she struggled to really invest in the people around her. But she liked the idealistic, ignorant humans. She liked the flow of money, too. And so she sat down, gave a small nod to Alistair and looked at the woman. “So, what more is there to know?” There always was more to know. Information, too, was used as a means of control. “I’m all ears.”
Winnifred’s eyes seemed to twinkle in delight as Daiyu seemed to get on board with what the woman was throwing her way. “Excellent! Well for one, I’m happy to see how devoted to the cause you are,” she began, scrolling through her phone as she looked through a document. “You’ve one of the highest catch rates of the organization, not to mention your own reputation from your family!” Winnifred waved a hand, not wanting to get too ahead of herself. 
Alistair continued to watch Daiyu, noticing how she seemed to be receptive to Winnifred’s words. Man, they weren’t built for this. They were supposed to just get the person and be on their way. But Winnifred, as she does, saw potential in Alistair whether they wanted it to be there or not. She saw a friend who because they played their cards right, was doomed to follow the woman wherever she went. They hated it. They liked it. They hated that he kind of liked it.
Taking a deep breath, Alistair crossed their arms over their chest and kept quiet as Winnifred continued to speak. “As you well know, we don’t kill our captured friends,” Winnifred explained. “Instead, we keep them in a holding block, if you will.” Her gaze watched Daiyu closely for her reaction. “We don’t kill people. Because they are people. They’re just… dangerous people. And we don’t want to let the dangerous people out among the innocent, do we?” 
She had a strange relationship with praise, as was to be expected when raised by the likes of Alexei Volkov. Praise was given for particular and creative cruelty, for an ice-cold and vicious approach, for knives sunk in backs. To be praised was to be good at what she was born to be, but it also meant something had to be rotten about her, as to be admired by such a man was surely no good sign. Daiyu felt herself halt and tense at the statement that she caught a lot, balked at the mention of family.
Her expression grew darker for a moment, like the shadow of her siblings was cast over her. Most other hunters were more tactful about these things. “Right. Well, I’m good at what I do,” she said tersely, not adding that it was because or in spite of her family. She pushed herself up in her seat, remembering that Volkovs weren’t supposed to slump. (They also didn’t collaborate with neighborhood watches, though.)
She listened to Winnifred speak, feeling as if she was being addressed like a child who needed justification. Calling shifters and whatnot people, but dangerous ones. Explaining that she was taking something like the law into her own hands. Daiyu pressed her lips together. Winnifred would do well among certain hunters. Plenty of others would spit on her for talking about these creatures as if they were humans deserving of a kind of mercy. Was it mercy? To lock them up? She wasn’t sure. She was trying to grasp what kind of person Winnifred was. A concerned human, a citizen who took matters into her own hands — or something more sinister? She looked at the other person in the room with them, trying to get what they were about. Sadly, Daiyu had never been very perceptive or understanding of others.
“Right,” she said. “No killing, just capturing. And then? You keep them there indefinitely, permanently? I am not interested in being a jailer.” She thought of the cages at home. Beasts scratching at bars, her father’s hand tense in her neck so she wouldn’t look away. There was no looking away, no matter how many miles she put between herself and Seattle. “I’m aware of the risks certain shifters and whatnot are to humans.” There remained a tenseness in her voice. “And I don’t mind taking those out of the equation. For a prize.” The money. She needed to let the money dictate what she did. She couldn’t be moved by memory or heart, by distaste or glory. She could be steely and greedy and let that be it. “What else would you want me to do?”
Alistair wasn’t sure how they felt about Daiyu’s reaction to the idea of keeping the supernatural locked up. In truth, Alistair wasn’t either. But it’s what they did to keep others alive, so they had learned to accept it. Winnifred allowed them to be taken by the necromancer for their healing, so they had learned to keep their mouth shut and their opinions to themselves. They were sure Winnifred liked it that way, though she kept that all-too-chipper exterior about her. It unnerved them. Finished making the tea, Alistair brought the two hot cups of lavender Earl Grey tea to the table and set them down for the two to grab at their leisure. “There.” They spoke curtly, keeping to their observer role rather than a talkative one.
“No killing, that’s right!” She replied with a bright smile on her face. “We keep them where they’re kept alive, and the innocent humans of our town are kept safe and away from the craziness that is our town.” Winnifred took a long sip from her drink, then made a face of pure bliss. “Ah, this is perfect, Al. Thanks!” She took another drink before putting the cup back down. “As to what you would be doing,” she began, pulling out a phone. Nondescript and simple. 
“You would be in the field finding threats.” She began, holding to phone out to her. “It’s programmed with one number, and that’s the headquarters. You call that number, report a threat, and the rest of the team dispatches whoever would be most appropriate to deal with it.” She gave a bright smile, having all of this figured out from the very beginning. “I see your drive, your tenacity! I like it and want it on my team. I want you on my team.” Winnifred was leaning toward Daiyu with a bright smile on her face. “You can help make our town safe from the supernatural. You can help make our town normal.”
She wondered what Winnifred motivations were. Daiyu wanted them to be as plain as she presented them to be — she was a protector and went to the end of the earth to protect. It would be nice, wouldn’t it? If someone did these kinds of things not out of greed or power, but because they wanted to look after their community? There were plenty of hunters who spoke of codes and morals, but she always found that they fell short. At the end of the day plenty of them reveled in the hunt and the kill. She reveled in it, even if there was a dark shame in her gut.
She wanted that Winnifred was this simple. That humans were this simple. And maybe they were — maybe humans that hadn’t been raised in a family as her own could be that simple. Even if there was something misguided about it all. Wasn’t murder mercy sometimes? Wasn’t a definitive end better than a cage? But it was hard to imagine the other as something as dark and calculating as her father. It sounded good, at face value. Misguided, maybe, but good. And who was she to judge, anyway? She took bounties from strangers not knowing what motivated them. She hardly knew what motivated her these days. 
Money. Right. Money.
Daiyu took the phone, didn’t offer the cup of tea a glance. “Alright,” she said. She could locate threats. “Sounds good. Any kind?” She turned the thing over in her hands, looked back up to Winnifred. She felt her chest grow tight as she leaned toward her. She wanted this warmth to be real and she let herself be swept up in it for a moment. The thought of being wanted, of cooperating on a team that served to protect, of not having to compete or fight tooth and nail. “I’d like to help.” She slid the phone in her pocket. “To keep the people safe. I’m in.” The tightness didn’t leave, but there was something else there too. She didn’t dare call it by its name, for optimism was always met with disappointment. “So what’s next? I’d like to see headquarters, sometime. Are there more team members to meet?” She seemed more eager now. She turned to Alistair, curious, “I assume you’re one? What is it you do?”
As Daiyu asked Winnifred if they were to locate any kind, Winnifred nodded her head. “Yep, any kind that you think disrupts the normal day-to-day goings on of this town.” She replied, clapping her hands together. Alistair struggled to keep themselves from rolling their eyes. Helping people, keeping people safe. There was none of that here. Winnifred from what he’d come to learn, was obsessed with normalcy. Anyone who disrupted that was unsafe in her mind. Alistair only did this for the free access to people. People they could use to heal those who came into their shop. 
Winnifred nodded her head enthusiastically. “Yes, I’ll be sure to schedule a whole tour for you to see the keep.” She replied, plucking up her phone and scrolling through her calendar. “I’ll schedule that with you at some point.” Her voice trailed off as she began to think of logistics. “Great! You’ll do great things with us, and the people you’ll keep safe may not know to thank you, but they’d thank you if they knew.” She gave Daiyu a bright smile before turning to Alistair as they were asked a question. 
“I’m a spellcaster,” he answered, severing the connection he used to keep an eye on Daiyu. “If they’re undead, that’s where I come in.” They explained, wanting to keep it vague. “Necromancer.” They finally said, knowing that if he were going to be working with the girl, she’d figure it out eventually. After all, they were in charge of them whether they liked it or not. “Been with Winnifred since close to the inception of her group.” Alistair wanted to frown. The idea that they were part of anything of this caliber was enough to make their skin crawl. 
“As for team members,” Winnifred piped up, saving Alistair from having to talk about themselves even more than they already had. “There are a small amount of us. There’s Alistair here, myself as the head, and a handful of others. When you get the tour of the keep, you’ll meet them. I’ll make sure everyone’s schedules align.” She smiled again, looking between the necromancer and the ranger. “Anything else that you’d like to know before letting you go? I’ll send an email of contacts you’ll need and all the logistics. Stuff poor Alistair doesn’t need to be reminded of.” 
It seemed Winnifred was hooked on the idea that the town should be a normal one, which was a bit of a hilarious thought. Daiyu had been in many a town and city over the past years, and not many were supernatural hotspots in the way Wicked’s Rest was. There really was a supernatural magnet in the earth here, or something. “Sounds logical enough,” she confirmed. She wasn’t sure how to start judging these things, as the Volkov code on who should be hunted was pretty simple: any creature. 
She was overthinking it all a bit, trying to imagine that this keep should look like when something Winnifred said caught her attention. People would thank her if they knew, people would be kept safe. Wasn’t that what hunters were supposed to do? Sure, the creatures Daiyu hunted often posed a risk for animals, but she targeted them because of their bounty’s pricetag, not because she was very concerned with strangers she kept at more than an arm’s length. Or so she figured she ought to live, at least. “Awesome. I’ll just have to imagine the thank-yous, but knowing I’ve helped is great.”
She eyed the spellcaster with a hard to define look, somewhere between awe and distaste. She sometimes worked for spellcasters, getting them the things they needed for their potions — but the whole raising people and such from the death thing was wrong. Generally speaking magic made her uncomfortable, though. “Cool,” she replied, “Makes sense. Nice to meet you, then.” She offered a grin.
As Winnifred spoke of email addresses and schedules Daiyu felt a mild urge to run. It sounded very bureaucratic. She hoped she didn’t need a desk. “Nah, everything’s clear,” she said. “If I’ve got any questions I know how to reach you. I’ll get started on my new tasks as soon as possible.” She hesitated a moment. “Thanks, for trusting me with this.”
Alistair watched Daiyu’s discomfort through Brutus’s eyes. They weren’t hurt or surprised, it was the reaction they always expected. They simply nodded their head in response. Winnifred continued to type in her phone, probably scheduling something or other, and then put her phone down with a bright smile on her face. “Welcome to the inner circle, then!” She pushed her hand out and then took Daiyu’s shaking it vigorously before dropping it and going back to her phone. “We will be in touch. We ask that you keep this the utmost secret. The last thing we need is people thinking we’re the bad guys.” She stared pointedly at Daiyu, searching for any piece of distrust in her. When she was satisfied that she’d found none, she nodded her head with a satisfied smile. 
“Well, we don’t want to keep too much of poor Alistair’s time!” She suddenly announced, clapping her hands together and causing Alistair to jump slightly at the sudden noise. Alistair made a face in response to their own fear. They severed the connection with Brutus, a wave of exhaustion hitting as soon as the spell stopped casting. Brutus seemed to relax a little as well. They hated channeling that spell for longer than necessary. Even more so, they were glad that Winnifred decided to leave before she got a new idea that the new hub of operation should be Alistair’s shop. That was something they’d never allow.  “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Daiyu,” Alistair spoke with a polite smile. Though it didn’t reach their eyes, it was hidden away behind their sunglasses. They grappled with the fact that this operation was getting bigger and bigger, but at least there was someone else who was able to take a little of the weight off of their own shoulders. The less responsibility there was for this band of vigilantes, the better they seemed to feel about it. Anything for their own bottom line, they kept reminding themselves. They just hoped that Daiyu was someone Winnifred could genuinely learn to trust.
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agirlwithmagicpals · 1 year
Half the gangs drinks include:
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Juliana joyful’s jumping jukefruit
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Harry pillar’s happyshots
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Humphrey’s humpback hooray
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Winnie’s wonderful applewam!
and much much more!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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corrodedhawkins · 2 years
CYMA your favorite characters from any form of media:)
Thanks bestie ❤️
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things): @hauntinghawkins
Kurt (Spree): @mcplestreet (and I mean this in the kindest way possible my love)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural): @hellfirebabes
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things): @cal-is-not-on-branding
Wendy Darling (Peter Pan): @goldenbrownanddistasteful
Winnifred Sanderson (Hocus Pocus): @bayouteche
Samwise Gamgee (LOTR): @sweetpeapod
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things): @wroteclassicaly
Bean (The Muppets): @super-kreep 🐇
Bobby Singer (Supernatural): @boomhauer it’s the accent babes
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You should let Wendy see your human body
Whaddya think, Darling?
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merluvlee-sims2 · 2 years
Lindenwood MCC: Spring Year 1 #085
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After gifting the Rosewoods a chicken for New Year's Day, Lewis and Nick returned home. Lewis made a simple foraged salad for dinner while he and Nick discussed all the new people they had met since moving to Lindenwood.
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There were the Rosewoods, of course.
"Honey, we'll have to invite them over for dinner this season. They are the most darling couple, aren't they?" Lewis remarked.
Lewis had also met the Bakers after he attended to Winnifred Baker when she was sick.
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The couple had also met quite a few of their neighbors just by playing mahjong and chess at the new Village Green.
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openingnightposts · 8 months
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stitchkiss · 5 years
I seriously want Anne and Winnie to be friends. Like, there’s no reason for them not to??? I personally don’t rlly have an opinion on Winnie bc we literally don’t know anything ab her but we will when she visits Avonlea. Though i find her scenes with Gilly kinda boring i don’t hate her. The bits a peices of Winnie that we get paint ZERO pictures of her being a bitch, whore, slut, etc. or whatever misogynistic things she’s being called. Literally the only reason ppl don’t like her is because they like piting women against women. The only problem I have with her is that she’s not exactly proven to be plot relevant. i’m sure in later episodes it’ll be addressed but for now let’s leave her alone, okay?
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terrifiys · 5 years
anyway if your muse needs a mother figure who will love them, wendy is Here
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