#Wingding x you
darkpetal16 · 2 months
Hi!! What about some head cannons for underfell gastor?
(Love you and your games!! <3)
He’s a narcissistic ass. There is no getting around this. He’s got the ego of a man who’s never been wrong (although he has), and the stubbornness of a bull. He believes he is superior to every other monster and human.
He’s obsessive. When he finds something interesting to him, he will devote himself body, mind, and SOUL to it. Even if it costs him his life and/or sanity to obtain it, that is a price he’s willing to pay.
These attributes are painfully exasperated with the higher his LVL reaches. After reaching double digits, he’ll occasionally dissociate for multiple days in a row. When dissociated, he goes into “autopilot” mode where he focuses entirely on his research without eating or sleeping. It’s difficult to break out of this state. Usually Sans or Papyrus have to help him.
He can be charismatic and suave when the moment suits him. A lot of monsters in the underground have had a crush on him. He can be flirtatious in a way that people think he’s flirting with them. . . But also maybe not? They can’t outright tell but they do know he makes them feel special. When it benefits him.
The ONLY way he will accept a romantic partner is if they are his SOULMATE. He thinks too highly of himself, and loves his research too much to indulge in anything less.
That being said, his father raised him to conduct himself as a gentleman in public. He will be polite and act respectful, even if he’s inwardly complaining and rolling his eyelights.
He does love his family. Family > Science > Himself > Everything else.
As a romantic partner he’s physically affectionate. He won’t be satisfied with simple hand holding but would crave full on lap sitting while working, or prolonged hugs that turn into nuzzles.
He is either your blanket when sleeping, or you are his. There is no in between.
His narcissism prevents him from feeling jealous, but if he sees someone overtly disrespecting the relationship he will turn hostile.
This hostility can also be triggered by you being hurt, emotionally or physically (Goodness gracious if someone actually laid their hands on you . . . Death would be a mercy).
Enjoys spontaneity over planned events. He may gripe about sudden interruptions from his work, but if it’s to spend time with you or his brothers he’ll secretly enjoy it (the exception being during a dissociative episode).
Is absolutely the type to randomly show up at your work / class and whisk you away from a surprise vacation just the two of you.
Will enable you so, so often. Anything short of life-threatening or harming his brothers, you get his stamp of approval. He will actively help you cause chaos if you want. You want to rob a bank? He’ll be your get away driver. You want to go camping? He’ll learn how to forage. You want to put a whoopee cushion under Asgore? He’ll distract for you. You want to build a solar powered motor bike? He’ll drag Sans in and it is getting done this very weekend.
Loves, loves, loves to tease you. Nothing pleases him more than getting a flustered reaction. Even if you wittily respond back, he won’t stop until he can feel the heat from your cheeks when he nuzzles you.
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ken-dom · 11 months
Keyboard Smash
Steven Wingdings x afab!reader
1k words
∘₊✧ Summary: fonts drive him crazy in more ways than one.
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: this is the drabble I was toying with writing… don’t @ me! This was entirely encouraged by the usual suspects, and I simply couldn’t resist
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: nsfw, rough sex, dubious consent, slightly creepy vibes including a storm, very silly, probably classed as a crack fic if it wasn’t also pure smut, crying, meltdowns, font kink
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Your fingertips tapped the keyboard, the little squares clicking the letters into being on the screen before you.
You knew he would disapprove of this font, but it was easy on the eyes and you always managed to write more when you used it.
You could always change it afterwards. He would never need to know. What’s the harm?
You leaned back in your chair, stretching your arms and sighing, tired but so close to finishing up.
You relaxed into your seat, amused by the eerie atmosphere in the room. The bright white light of your computer screen provided the only illumination in the room, aside from the occasional forks of lightning lighting up the night sky through your window. You smiled. He’d probably like that.
And with a loud clap of thunder and another dramatic flash of lightning, he appeared behind you, his shadow flooding your desk with darkness. It was as if he materialised out of nowhere. You jolted up, spinning around in your chair to see him standing behind you, furious and dripping with rainwater.
He didn’t say a word at first, his piercing blue eyes fixed on your screen, carefully taking in the words you’d written. And the font. Oh fuck. The font.
‘Comic sans,’ he muttered under his breath, taking his glasses off to wipe them clean of raindrops and place them delicately back on his face. ‘Comic fucking sans?’
‘I intend to change it when I’m done, but-’
‘Spare me!’ he roared, falling to his knees before you. ‘You’re writing a masterpiece like that in comic sans?! It’s tainted. I’ll never unsee it. You actively clicked on the font drop down, scrolled to C, and selected it, knowing how it would look!’
He was practically sobbing at this point.
‘I- I’m sorry, Steven, at least it’s not Pap-’
‘Don’t speak its name in front of me!’ he screeched.
‘Why don’t we just change the font right now, hm? What do you like? Times New Roman? Calibri?’
‘You can change it, but I’ll never unsee that hideous clown scribble!’ he wailed.
‘Is there anything I can do?’ you offered, beginning to feel at a loss, until a stroke of genius struck. Or so you hoped. ‘Here, how about-’
You turned back to the computer, highlighting the entirety of your work and choosing a new font. Something that would throw him off. Bring him back to you.
There was one you’d never used that caught your eye with its name alone; Satisfy. It seemed like it would be awkward to write in and more appropriate for titles, but it’s cursive style and sensual name immediately got your attention — perhaps it would get his too.
You read over some of your work while you waited for him to finish up his dramatics. It looked a little bit like his handwriting and you smiled at that, wondering if he’d actually copied it for his own penmanship.
Another flash of lightning and he was up again, his hand at your shoulder, warm and caressing.
‘Oh?’ he breathed.
You didn’t speak. Not yet. You let him take it in, biting your lips together in anticipation as he looked over you.
‘Oh, that’s very nice, that’s- mmh…’
‘See? That’s better,’ you smiled, pleased with yourself at having calmed him.
‘Over the desk,’ he instructed, low and commanding. ‘Now.’
You stood, heat flooding to your core at the suddenly seductive tone of his voice, and began to move the keyboard away for space, but a big, strong hand wrapped around your wrist and pinned it to the desk.
‘No. Leave the keyboard. I want to see our work.’
Excited, you propped yourself above it, while he made quick work of unfastening his trousers and sliding yours down, his elegant fingers immediately flying to your folds, circling your clit and ghosting over your slick entrance.
‘Mmh, soaked… you like it too?’
In all honesty you couldn’t say you had ever been aroused by a font. But then you’d never had a screaming, crying meltdown over one either. You guessed his reaction to Satisfy must have been as strong as his reaction to Papyrus had been all those weeks ago when you’d dragged him inside off the road, wet and shaking.
‘Yes,’ you agreed, not wanting him to stop.
Much to your disappointment, he did stop, but only for a moment; the next, he slammed his cock into you hard, stretching you open and driving his hips in sharp snaps against you whilst his free hand pushed your head into the keyboard.
An assortment of random letters and numbers burst onto the screen, displaying more of that delicious font, and he whined desperately.
His other hand snaked around your belly and to the apex of your thighs, rubbing furiously at your sensitive nub, making you squirm back against him. It was too much and not enough all at once, and you were ready to explode.
‘Say it,’ he cried hungrily, ‘say it!’
‘Satisfy!’ you moaned, not even needing to sex up your voice in the slightest. The font might not turn you on, but he did, and his request for you to say its name opened the floodgates into a string of needy moans.
Feeling you begin to clench around him, it took only a few more ragged thrusts and he emptied his release into you with force, a guttural growl echoing around the room while you milked him of all he had.
He collapsed, weak and groaning, on top of you, heavy breaths loud in your ear as he withdrew his length, carefully tucking himself back into his trousers and standing as soon as he was able.
‘Keep up the good work,’ he praised you.
And just like that, he was gone again, leaving you limp over the desk, leaking your combined juices onto the floor, Satisfy leaving a long trail of F’s and C’s and D’s in the space beneath your work where you were still pressed against the keyboard.
‘Comic fucking sans,’ you whispered, laughing to yourself as you peeled off the keys. ‘I’ll give him Satisfy.’
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
so i have this doc called "bits and pieces" and when i cut parts of my fics, I put it all there. It's an old document and I just opened it again
and i literally have half a page of a fic that wasn't really going anywhere and it's just neji judging you for buying too much corn
please enjoy the work entitled "Neji corn?"
Neji Corn?
It was busier than you thought it would be. Neji waited on the other side of the bustling road as you gingerly made your approach. People milled around the street, leisurely browsing market stalls. A guitar strummed over speakers in the background as people sampled cheese and slow-roasted meats. You grinned over at Neji, holding up a paper bag full of corn. You weaved your way through the crowd to proudly present your produce, letting it drop into his open palm. 
“How much corn did you buy?” Neji pinched the bag between his fingers, surprised by the weight of it. You laughed as he brought the paper to face level, giving it a shake as you whisked him off back into the street. 
“Just three.” You shrugged, weaving your arm around his. “I was thinking we could have them for dinner tonight.” Neji studied the bag skeptically.
“They’re heavy.” 
“It’s a lot of corn.”
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toulousewayne · 4 months
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🌿🍃Toxic Lover: Pt: II
Nightwing X male!reader with a former team who had become Poison Ivy like meta-human.
Summary:Your a former Titan teammate, you and Dick have unresolved feelings and you become infected with the same toxins and chemicals that turned Poison Ivy into a meta-human.
“They Can Bury Us Deep, But We Always Grow.”
Batman sat perched on the rooftops of Gotham. It was a rainy night, much preferred these nights. Most of the crime was kept to the shadows it made it easier for him.
“Batman,we’ve got a problem,”Oracle’s voice filled his coms. “Fill me in.” He jumped off the building and glided north of his location.
A man walks outside of the Stacked Deck Bar, and takes a puff from his cigarette. He walks into the alleyway and takes a swig of his flask.
He rounds the corner to see a shadow figure standing before him.
“It’s the freakin’ bat,” he takes out his pistol but it’s knocked out of his grips my a WingDing. The next thing he knows he’s thrown against a nearby dumpster.
“You murderer.” Nightwing snarled at the man before his feet. He kicked him in the stomach, then picked him up and flung him to the other side of the alley.
“L-look I’m sorry about you friend—it’s wasn’t personal.” He’s met with a powerful shock to the gut.
“That’s enough, honey,”A thin cloud of pink and gold mist surrounded the two men, Y/n emerged be held by tree branches pink petals. “It’s good to see you,Nolan wasn’t it. however, the last time we meet you killed me along with your friends.” Y/n grinned. He sported a new pale green skin tone now, his normal (E/C) eyes were a deep emerald. Leaves and vines woven together to map pants and some wrapped around his forearms and torso.
He lowered himself and walked over to Nightwing placing a hand on his emblem. “You know I should really thing you, you allowed me to be a better version of myself,”
“You’re welcome-“Nightwing kicked him in the gut again.
Y/n crossed his arms across his chest. “Though I could have done without the new color. No matter it’s time you answer my questions.” He waved his hand and Nightwing backed away from the goon. Y/n crouched down and blow from his palm, more of the same pink dust engulfed him squared in the face and almost immediately his grimace morphed into a blank stare.
“Now what I want to know two things. What is the name of the scientist that gave you the order to kill me, and last where is Poison Ivy?”
The Batmobile came to a screeching haunt behind several police cruisers. He leaped out and walked past the small crowd held back by officers.
A officer lifted a yellow tape and he entered the crime scene. Gordon stood a foot away from two white sheets, Spoiler and Red Robin stood at the bodies scanning them before joining Batman and the Commissioner.
“They two of the best people on the force,” Gordon puffed after taking a drag from his Pipe.
“Any leads?” Batman turned to the two heroes. Red Robin hand him a zip lock bag with several deep green leaves.
“Posion Ivy, she’s been quiet.” Spoiler folded her arms.
Batman walked past them and removed the sheets to observe the bodies. It’s definitely something Ivy could have done but Batman isn’t so sure. He knows that’s she’s been MIA for months.
He rises his head and looks straight ahead. “Gotham Cemetery.” He mumbles. He stands up and walks towards it.
“Is he himself?” Gordon turns to the two who shrug.
Batman enters the cemetery and walks past the stone statues. He moves like a black phantom through out the grounds until he stops in front of what was supposed to be a fresh grave. Red Robin and Spoiler approach and stop themselves.
“What happened?” She questions. Vines and purple flowers grown from the grave and have consumed it. The casket is in the heart of the greenery and is split open. And no body inside.
Batman turned to the two, before worry took over his masked features. “Has anyone spoke to Nightwing tonight?”
“Not since the afternoon, he said he was patrolling the East End tonight.” Red Robin replied.
“You think Y/n did this?” Spoiler looked back at the grave and back to Batman who was practically running towards the entrance.
“Alfred I need to find Nightwing he’s not answering his com links.” The Batmobile came to a roaring stop at the cemetery gates and Batman hopped inside before racing down the street.
“I’m afraid I haven’t been able to locate him Sir. His tracker when down two hours ago.” He sighed.
Batman gripped the steering wheel.”Any last know location.”
“Allow me to check,”Alfred typed a few keys before giving him the last location,”Robinson Park Sir, the Botanical Gardens.” The Batmobile raced and roar onto Pioneer Bridge towards the other part of the city.
One man stumbles and falls down a few stairs and coughs. As he runs down a hallway into a warehouse.
“Please have Mercy!” He cries as he ducks behind a crate.
“Mercy,I’ll show you mercy.” A voice boomed in the dark room. The man cowered in fear before he flew back from his hiding spot and was carried up fifty feet in the air. He was wrapped in an oversized vine and was being constrained.
Y/n moved into his view ontop of an another vine and smirked. He had his arm resting on his knee and leaned forward towards the man’s face.
“So sad isn’t it. We take for granted the gifts Mother Nature can offer us,” he plucks a maroon flower from his vine that looks between a cross of a tulip and rose. He twirled the flower and looked back at the man. Before smirking.
“So tell me Wilson, where can I find the scientist?” Before the man could reply Y/n blow on the flower and black particles landed on his face. He started to cough and scream in pain.
“He’s meeting the Boss I don’t know who but he’s meeting him Chinatown. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!” He screamed in terror before a massive coughing fit and his limbs go limp.
Y/n lowers himself down and allows the vines to drop the body with a loud crack. Nightwing stood a few feet from where the man landed. He stare at him for a while before Y/n came into his view.
“Where are we going?” Y/n placed a kiss to his cheek. Y/n took his leave with Dick in tow.
“To make one more stop.”
Batman crashed through the same skyline Nightwing had to find the place abandoned. He took a look around with a flashlight.
He came to a makeshift bed and found the same leaves Red Robin gave him.
He turned on his scanner and turned the leave over. “Alfred identify and breakdown these leaves basic components.”
“Right away Sir. These two leaves have the same trace amount of pheromones. The scanners indicate they are of a stronger concentration. The combination is similar to the lab where Nightwing and is team were a few nights ago.”
Batman turned and looked at the ground. He found a WingDing and a remnant of a sleep dart. The same Nightwing gauntlet. “Nightwing must of found Y/n and tried to stop him.”
Alfred hummed, “Do you think he killed Master Richard.”
Batman kneeled down a traced his finger to find them covered in a green dust. “Unlikely, what happened to him he still cares for Dick.” He stood up and grappled out of the greenhouse. He glides down to the street and gets back into the Batmobile.
“The attack on Y/n in the lab must of caused a biological shock and rewrite his DNA the same way it did Ivy. But what I can figure out is what’s motivate?” He began to drive before another call rang.
“It’s Ms Gordon I’ll patch her through.” Soon the ringing stopped and Barbara’s voice filled the car.
“Batman we found two bodies.”
“One at the Stacked Deck an hour ago Red Hood is on the scene with Bullock. And another at a warehouse at Dixon Docks,Batgirl is there with Robin now.”
“My word, Sir my analysis is completed. There is another drug mixed in that was scanned at the fire. It’s a drug called Tomgenalixe. It’s a substance used in modern day Hallucinogens and can be used to create mind altering effects.”
“Mind Control.” Batman and Oracle reply.
“So Y/n isn’t just killing people for fun, he’s been controlled too.” Oracle took a deep sigh.
Batman gripped the steering wheel.”We need to find them. Alfred can you track Y/n’s pheromones?”
Alfred typed at the Batcomputer. “Sir his tracking is leading to the Diamond District.”
Batman raced back towards the highway. “Oracle take the components of the drugs and chemicals and synthesize and antitoxin. Have someone bring it to me. Alfred, have Red Robin and Spoiler meet me at my location.”
“Working on it, I’ll have Red Hood and Batgirl pick up the antioxins as soon as it ready.” Oracle signed off.
“Sir, when you arrive what will you do?”
Batman didn’t answer as thunder crashed across the night sky.
“I’m going to save them.”
“Where’s my cut?” The scientist hissed at the man in a chair turned away from him.
The man chuckled. “Your cut, you were supposed to bring me a new drug. You burned your research. I can’t get any of that funding back, and now Lex Luthor has questions about fire you caused.” The man stood before as Black Man rises from his seat and the scientist cowers.
“I’m—“ SMACK
“You little runt, you work for me and you’ll get paid when the fuck I say so.” He snarled. He grabbed a wad of cash from his pocket and threw it at him.
“Now get back and figure out the poison, you still have the plant woman in holding?”
“Yes, she’s secure downstairs.” He took the cash. But before he could leave he was kicked square in the jaw and crumbled to the floor.
Black Mask turns to see Nightwing giving his a death stare. “What brings you here?”
The doors burst open with three of his goons with green glowing eyes and Y/n strolling behind them.
“I’m here for a little payback.” Y/n smirked. He outstretched his arm and vines bursts from the floor and tied up Black Mask.
“You crazy bitch I’ll kill you.” Y/n yawned. “Boys take care of him,” he turned to the scientist. “I think you have someone who doesn’t belong to you, don’t worry I’ll kill you when this over just like I did you henchmen.”
“Boss!” The large man who had did most of the damage to Y/n emerged through another door. Nightwing sprang into action and brutal fought him. It didn’t take long before he hit the ground hard.
Y/n crossed the room and stood over the dazed man.
“Remember it’s nothing personal.” Y/n dropped seeds into his gapped open mouth and vines and flower rapidly grew from his mouth and stomach.
“That’s sick.” Black Mask gagged before getting punch by Nightwing.
Y/n nodded and then two armed guards took Black Mask away. The other waiting for them and Nightwing grabbed the Scientist.
“Let’s go.” He barked. Y/n and the other guard followed him. The arrived in a basement that was like a huge underground bunker.
They ventured until the came to a catwalk and bellow was a cell in center with Ivy unconscious.
“Well it seems you’ve severed your purpose.” Y/n turned to the man that uttered the order to kill him and before he could grab him a Batarang nearly took his hand off.
Batman leaped down and glared at the group.”That’s enough, you’ve taken to many lives tonight I won’t let you take more Y/n. This isn’t you.”
Y/n pursed his lips and brief a chuckle. “What do you know about Y/n?” Batman eyed down below and saw Ivy talking almost as a puppet.
“Ivy, you’ve been controlling him from the start.”
Ivy/Y/n chuckled. “I can’t take all the credit you seen when they turned Y/n into this new and improved version of himself. We form a connection, and the more his powers grew—“
“The greater your control became.” Batman finished. Ivy chuckled in her cell.
“He makes a fine successor, does need some weeding but no matter he’ll do fine to kill you.” Y/n caused two large vines to sprout beside Batman who leaped down and landed on his feet. He cartwheel out the way of a shock from Nightwing.
“I know you can hear me, don’t make me have to put down.” Nightwing smirked,”Come and try.” He lunged at Batman and the two attacked and blocked each others moves.
Red Robin and Spoiler crashed the room and took out the guard and Spoiler went after Y/n to jumped onto a moving vine.
“Y/n snap out of it you’re still in there.” She pleaded. Y/n formed another overgrown plant to seat her away like fly. He caused a giant Venus Flytrap to sprout and it held him in place.
“This will be your tomb.” He laughed wickedly.
Black Mask stood ontop of the building with rifles at his head.
“Jump.” One order. He moved his leg out to jump before he heard gunfire and the sounds of punches. He nervously turned to see Red Hood and Batgirl.
“I’m saved—“ he was lassoed by Batgirl who tied him to a pipe. Before following Red Hood into the building.
“Hell let me Go!”
Nightwing kicked Batman in the chest sending him stumbling.
Red Robin back flipped out the way of a vine nearly crushing him.
“Give up.” Ivy hissed.
Red Hood and Batgirl arrived. Batgirl grabbed a vine and began to run up it to Y/n and Red Hood leaped down and fired a few rounds at Nightwing which distracted him long enough for Batman to land a punch.
He stagger and when to fight him some more giving Red Hood the chance to fire a dart the hit Nightwing in the neck. He growled before he slowly turned and fell into Batman’s arms going limp.
Batgirl managed to get a clear shot and injected Y/n with large dose. He felt tired fell onto the catwalk, Red Robin check on him before injecting an orange liquid into Y/n arm.
“This will break the connection to Ivy.”
Ivy screamed in pain like a part of her had been stabbed. “You’re going to Arkham.” Batman stood before her and she was about to shout before green mist filled her cell and she collapsed.
“Hey Oracle whip up something for her too.” Batgirl chimed in.
Batman grinned and turned to Nightwing and sighed.
Y/n felt like everything that happened was a fever dream. Killing them men that assaulted him, rising from the dead like an uprooted carrot and his finale fight with the Batfamily.
He sat up with an instant migraine. He rubbed his temples from the bright lights and turned to the side to see a shadow.
“Where am I?” His voice was hoarse and scratchy.
“You’re in Arkham.” Batman sighed and came into the light of the cell.
Y/n took in his surroundings and it was in a cell in Arkham. He was also in hospital gown with a collar around his neck.
“So I’m in jail?” He raised a brow the Dark Knight. Batman took a stance at the foot of the bed.
“Not exactly, what do you remember?” His voice was full of concern and worry. Not the same voice typical of Batman.
Y/n rubbed his temples for a brief movement. “I remember the taxi driver…I vaguely remember two officers and then everything went black. Did I hurt them?”
“They’re dead. Poison Ivy took control over your mind after you transition into a meta-human.”
Y/n felt all the air suck of his lungs. “You’re here because I know you’ll be under careful observation,” he lifted his gaze to the ceiling and Y/n followed. Vents were overhead them.
“This cell is constantly being pumped with an antitoxin that helps with the more advanced powers. It won’t rid them completely but you’ll be in control.” He walked closer to the doors.
“You should be in for a few more days, once that finished I’ll come get you myself. Gordon has already dropped any charges and no one knows Y/n L/N was the new Poison Ivy.”
“Did I hurt him?”
“I don’t know what your—“
“Damnit yes you do. I know I didn’t just kill two people. I hope I can..live with that. But did I hurt him?” Tears formed in the young man’s eyes and streamed down his face.
“No.” Batman whispered.
“Oh.” He wiped his face. “Can I see him?”
“I can’t allow that, you didn’t hurt him but Ivy used your feelings for him to make into your mind-controlled bodyguard. You killed people Y/n…He’s still recovering in the cave. Y/n it may be best to give it time.” Batman exited the cell where Gordon was waiting and the two walked away into the Asylum.
Everything began to flash before Y/n and he flopped back on the uncomfortable cot. Before sleep took him back and he dozed off.
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: miles morales x hispanic male reader (featuring my accent)
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: you're speaking spanish and he can hardly understand.
ʀᴇ𝐐: no ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 635 ~ established relationship
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: swearing, kissing, miles sitting on your lap
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: if i miss any tildes just know im not a man who paid attention to his tilde classes and also the difference between por que and porque and when they have tildes (dont think too hard about the wingdings)
Was it wrong to admire him? Maybe it was, you didn't know; staring at strangers was wrong, but this was your boyfriend.
Miles had an effect on you. You couldn't quite name it, especially not when he asked. You just knew it had you staring, staring at his wide smiles or his expressive eyebrows or how he looks like when he's focused on drawing. You often stared when he wasn't looking, but when he was, when he returned your gaze, offered you an automatic smile, raised a teasing brow, you couldn't help but to kiss him.
But, for now, you were just looking, admiring. You could only imagine how dopey you looked right now. It's probably hilarious.
"E'te man me tiene loco." (This man drives me crazy.)
You shake yourself out of your stupor, "Nothin'. Keep drawin'."
"No, no, dijistes algo." ((you) said something.)
"Ahahaa, no." You try to laugh it off, but Miles can see in the way that you tense up that he's right.
"Mira yo se que me mientes." He lifts himself off his seat, pointing a finger at you. (Look, I know you're lying to me.)
You cringe internally at the fact he didn't pronounce his r correctly but continue on. You raise your hands in feigned surrender, "No sé de que me 'tas hablando." (I don't know what you're talking to me about.)
"Me 'tas? Metas?" The confusion was visible on his face, which was frankly adorable, "Like goals?"
"No, mi amor," Miles sits himself down on your lap–so casually–and you take the opportunity to wrap your arms around him. The normality of it makes you relax again. "I mean to say, "me estas", but because of my accent, I cut out the "es"."
"So just say "me estas"." He replied, like it was that simple.
You roll your eyes, "I don't think about the way I say things all the time, you know. Just like how you forgot to roll your r's."
"I did not!" He shouts, pretending like he's offended.
"Oh, but you did."
"Ok, mira, carrro," He exaggerates it for you, "carrrrrro." (Ok, look, carrr. carrrrrr.)
"Okay, okay, now remember it."
"Whatever." He scoffs, "You've been deflecting."
"Have I?" You bring a hand up to fiddle with the unshaven hair at the back of his neck in the hope of distracting him.
"Yes." He digs his accusatory finger into your chest, turning the tables on you and your criticism of his shit Spanish. "Ey, stop trying to distract me."
You don't drop the hand but you stop playing with his hair, "Lo siento." (I'm sorry.)
"Dime lo que dijistes." (Tell me what you said.)
"Dijiste." You correct.
With a groan, he says it correctly. "Dijiste."
"Dijequemetienesloco." You say fast. It was a bit embarrassing to admit it, even with the many times that he's caught you staring.
Combined with his bad Spanish and how fast you said it, Miles did not understand a single word. "Dijek met ien lowcou." (👎︎♓︎🙰♏︎❑︎◆︎♏︎❍︎♏︎⧫︎♓︎♏︎■︎♏︎⬧︎●︎□︎♍︎□︎)
"What language are you speaking?"
"That's what you said." He laughs. "But seriously the curiosity is killing me!"
He fiddles in your lap excitedly as he anticipates your words.
"Me tienes loco." (You drive me crazy.)
They were simple words but he didn't understand them. "I have you crazy? Do I drive you mad? Do you think I'm that annoying?"
Stuck in your own embarrassment, you ignore his rambling and begin your own, "I mean I actually said "Este man me tiene loco" but you know it's practically the same thing and you'd complain about me calling you man porque it's so impersonal and–" (This man drives me crazy.)
Meanwhile he's over here still trying to figure it out, until, "Wait it's "You make me crazy!". Ohhh."
You prepare yourself for teasing but are instead met with a soft little kiss.
"I drive you crazy, huh?" Miles smiles one of those smiles you always adore.
"Yes." There would be teasing later, you were sure of it, but for now you relished in kissing him. You couldn't have enough of him.
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sariels-world-ella · 3 months
Can we see more characters from UTY if they were in Sw!Fallenswap? (I think you're Ceroba design and AU's lore is very cool btw)
Sure and thanks! I'll even expand on each of them, though none of it is 100% canon to Sw!Fallenswap, and thought up quickly as they aren't canon.
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I couldn't settle on a Azimuth Dalv design but I did make a pacifist route Starlo design, he reminds me of a power ranger for some reason? (It's probably the mask.)
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I had to do some math to get it to fit in the Timeline, get everyone's ages and get Martlet's life expectancy and to get Dalv's persumed age by finding the life expectancy of a Fox Anthropomorphic (there is an equation I use to find life expectancies of all the Anthropomorphic races) to see if it lines up in the timeline for Kanako's grandparents to be alive in 1013, as that is the most notable year in the timeline where Anthropomorphics did kill a bunch of Undeads matching Fallen!Dalv's description on why he has beef with the Ketsukanes (though Dalv never mentioned a year). The life expectancy number came out to be 950, then by adding Ceroba's age of 39 (assuming either Ceroba or Chujin's parent(s) had their child near the end of their lifespan) minusing it by 1985, got me 996 which did check out timeline wise.
Character notes:
Clover Notes: Clover doesn't change much from their UTY appearance, changes are they are much more verbal, Clover can save and load, doesn't have Flowey/Temmie because Temmie wasn't made animate until the 90s and they carry around a Polaroid Camera (which was very popular in the 80s), which there are certain spots that you can take a picture of giving you the Achievement "Picture Perfect" and doing them all gives you the achievement "Photographer's Eye"
Clover will become a Myling with the other souls and kill Ultra Temmie in Chara's non-canon neutral ending still. Clover is one of the 11 characters known to be from Gen X.
Unlike Genocide UTY Clover, Genocide Fallen!Clover does die still, due to Sans ripping Clover's heart out and eating it before Clover was able to shoot Toriel, meaning the Clover’s Genocide Route in Sw!Fallenswap could technically be canon if it wasn't directly stated Sans only killed Patience, Bravery, and Perseverance.
The fact Sans was able to sneak up on Clover implies he was expecting Clover to show up, even though Clover managed to enter the castle undetected, so it's likely Dalv conversed with Sans beforehand.
Since Temmie didn't exist yet when Clover was alive, you can wait for Asgore to drop a rope for you gaining the Achievement “Patience is Virtue”, which will cause you to skip the Martlet fight and proceed like normal Undertale except you have to sneak out of ruins which is difficult but worth it as you also skip most of Snowdin as well, because Papyrus saves you from Sans and teleports Clover away,  Papyrus gives you a medallion and tells Clover to show it to Dalv and say “Papyrus sent you” which can skip the Dalv fight (if you so wish) which will get you straight to the portion of attempting to travel to Hotland, the medallion can actually also be used to instantly spare MOST random encounter enemies which will give you the achievement “VIP”
If you don't wait for Asgore to drop the rope the playthrough plays similarly to UTY, but without Flowey or Temmie, if you do a genocide route Dalv won't shapeshift into a wolf and swim you down the river, instead The Boatman (Wingding Gaster) does, but Clover still ends up falling off the dam, but instead of Sans causing a wave from striking a bone wall into the water, Wingding purposely knocks you off the dam knowing what you did.
Either way, you wash up on a Dunes’ shore on 1 HP, which makes the medallion very useful to have if you waited for Asgore to return and got the medallion from Papyrus as it can instantly spare most enemies, so you won't get killed by them before you reach a save point.
Martlet Notes: She's a hermit that lived in the ruins before they were abandoned, she met Chujin before and due to her age she is old enough to have met the Integrity soul who fell down in 1936. She likes jigsaw and logic puzzles, as well as reading textbooks.
She's the only known character from the Cavalier Generation. Her personality seems to be a blend of her original personality and Dalv's
Dalv notes:
Dalv (or Sir Alucard by Ceroba and Officer Alucard by Starlo) His personality is similar to his original and Martlet's, the most notable difference between his personality and UTY!Dalv’s personality is that Fallen!Dalv has much more of a spine when it comes to advocating for himself and speaking his mind, he is much more willing to stand his ground and overall is much more brave, he is also much more willing to use profanity, albeit not in English, usually in Romanian or Monstarian when speaking to another Monster (adult monster that is, as he doesn't swear at children).
Judging by the fact he is stationed in Snowdin but doesn't wear the Snowdin Guard Armor, means he was either off duty when he ran into Clover or not apart of the Snowdin police force, but he is also not wearing a deltarune so being off duty is more likely.
He has beef with The Ketsukanes due to Kanako's Grandparents role in the 1013 Mass Undead Racial Cleansing, but doesn't have that same resentment towards Kanako as she tried to right the wrongs. Judging by the fact Dalv mentioned having parents and a younger sibling, it means Dalv is either a traditional variant (parents are the Elden Variant) as Elden Variants are naturally spawned, or Ancient variant if his parents were Ancestral Undead (once Elves)
Dalv is seen to shapeshift into a bat and a wolf before, bat when trying to escape with Clover and when they dropped over a waterfall and a wolf when swimming in the river with Clover on his back to try to get to Hotland.
As a Vampire, like all Undeads, he does have telekinesis and teleportation, so in his fight Blue Soul Mode is used for some attacks. Instead of Puzzles in Snowdin, he sets up riddles due to his love of storytelling.
It’s implied Dalv likely conversed with Sans before the Azimuth Dalv fight due to the fact Sans was able to ambush Clover before Clover could kill Toriel, which isn't unlikely as they are both on the royal guard and Dalv seems to be on a first name basis with Sans as Dalv said “Sans, you're a tâmpit!" instead of “Sir Gaster, you're a tâmpit!” (tâmpit which in this case means "asshole" in Romanian) when Sans causes Dalv and Clover to get washed over the dam, this is notable because Royal Guards only refer to each other by first name if A.) They don't have one (which Sans does, it's “Gaster”) or B.) They are on frequent speaking terms outside of the Royal Guard, this means Dalv and Sans must converse frequently outside of guard duty to know each other's first names.
Genocide phases:
Dalv is in his normal form, and his fight is a harder version of his pacifist/neutral fight
When Dalv gets low on HP he injects something (either DETERMINATION or SPITE) into himself, which turns him into Azimuth Dalv
Once killed Dalv's Shade spawns, like all Shades in Sw!Fallenswap, it has high attack and defense but only one HP, meaning you have to do all the shots perfectly with the wild revolver to actually kill him, any mistake won't be enough damage to get through the Shade's Defense.
He seems to inject himself with either DETERMINATION or SPITE at the end of Genocide, due to the fact in that scenario DETERMINATION will turn a monster into a Draugr and races in the Undead Monster Type will not have that reaction to DETERMINATION but neither would SPITE as it creates a Shade after dying and doesn't put them into a temporary state, so it's unknown what caused that reaction, but it's still likely SPITE instead which explains why Dalv was able to handle it so easily and not melt as SPITE destroys light mana in a Monster’s soul while DETERMINATION melts it, but since Undead Souls have Dark Mana instead, SPITE doesn't harm their soul. It also explains why phase 3 Dalv is a Shade. It is also more likely to be SPITE instead of DETERMINATION, as that would be easier to acquire, only way Dalv would get his hands on DETERMINATION is if he extracted it from Undyne, though he does know her, Undyne would likely try to stop Clover herself. The way Dalv could get his hands on SPITE would be extracting it from Sans or another Undead, though Dalv did call Sans an asshole and Sans did cause a massive wave which caused Dalv and Clover to get washed over the dam and fall into the Dunes area in a Pacifist and neutral run, Sans would likely be willing to extract SPITE from himself to give to Dalv, and not go and fight Clover instead like Undyne would, as he is more likely to stay at New Home to defend Toriel which Sans does successfully in Clover's genocide run as he does very graphically and violently kill Clover.
Starlo Notes: he seems to work with Ceroba in some way, despite not being in the royal guard, he is either a part of the boomer generation or Silent generation in the case Starlo is a year older than Ceroba. Like his original counterpart, he had a crush on Ceroba and knew her since childhood, though unlike his UTY!Counterpart as he doesn't have this North Star Persona, he is more open about his nerdy side and seems to be rather intelligent when figuring out how to defeat the robots in Steamworks. Since Starlo has no attachment to Kanako's robots, killing Axis or Guardener will not abort the pacifist route, he's just relieved you made it out okay.
His personality is similar to UTY, but his temperament seems much more like UTY!Ceroba, he injected Chujin with the serum made from the Kindness Soul, because Chujin tricked Starlo into injecting Kanako's concoction into Chujin thinking it as harmless leaving Starlo into believing he accidentally killed Chujin, but he never told Ceroba this. Starlo also only tries to kill Clover as a mercy-kill-last-resort type thing because if Clover makes it to Toriel, Toriel will burn Clover alive resulting in a painful death, if Clover isn't handed over to Toriel, Clover will die of heart failure due to vitamin D deficiency, and if Clover somehow manages to kill Toriel the underground will possibly go into anarchy, so Starlo attempts to kill Clover in Pacifist route realizing these 3 outcomes.
Ceroba notes: Ceroba (or Sherif Ketsukane by Dalv) is an abrasive personality, and unlike UTY!Starlo she is affiliated with the Royal Guard, as Sherif and Dune's Police Chief are the same occupation in the Dunes region of the Underground, and unlike UTY!Starlo but like UTY!Ceroba, she has an antagonistic role. Ceroba will lash out at Clover if you kill Starlo, but Dalv will call her out as a hypocrite, as she was willing to condone murder of other people's loved ones, causing a short  altercation between the two, which Dalv does end up over powering Ceroba pushing her off the edge, which she survives after being found by some other royal guards.
Kanako Notes: Kanako was an intern, to whomever J.A River's Successor and Undyne's predecessor was and got cryogenically frozen, due to Undyne being non observant and the true lab access keycard being lost, it's unlikely Kanako will ever be found.
Kanako got her internship at 14 years old by submitting her idea of Steamworks to be a backup power supply if the core ever breaks, the robots were made in collaboration with a younger Undyne who was also an intern between 16-18 years old at the time.
Kanako wanted to make amends with Dalv Alucard as her ancestors killed his family during a massacre and wishes to right that wrong, which makes Kanako the only Ketsukane that Dalv doesn't have beef with.
Chujin notes: Very little is known about Chujin other than he tricked Starlo into administering the serum and that Chujin was a stay-at-home parent, we also know he's not a boss monster like he was in UTY, as Boss Monster is a specific race of Monster and not category. We also know like Ceroba and  unlike Kanako, he is unwilling to try to make amends for his ancestors wrongdoings in the 1013 Mass Undead Racial Cleansing, as implied by what Kanako said to Dalv, further supported by Ceroba's predisposition of hating Dalv. We can assume he had a lot of faith in Kanako's abilities as he was willing to try her concoction on himself, which ended his life and due to Undyne not being the Royal Scientist yet, he wasn't used in Undyne's experiments and died in hospice.
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sovlstr · 1 month
Sneak peak of a fanfic for my selfship! It’s a Maria x Mafiafell Sans wip
I consider myself a novice writer but hopefully I could deliver some quality reading PSPSPSSPS
Sans watched in silence as Wingdings unclasped one of his many gaudy gold rings, the ruby top shining as a small white pill dropped into the glass from the undone latch- making a plop as it dissolved inside the crystal clear sparkling water. Wingdings did everything accordingly, every action done to be taken with a purpose. And so, Sans wondered, with his eyebrows raised and mouth opening to speak- what was Wingdings planning? The quiet brother shot Sans a soulless stare, making quick work of silently telling sans to shut the fuck up. Sans simply grifted his teeth, before lowering his eyes back down to his plate as he considered Wingdings actions. Surely he wasn’t trying not poison Maria, at least, not in front of Sans. He’d never seen Wingdings do that though- poison an obvious ally. Unless he knew something he didn’t know. About Maria.
He cleared his throat, forcing down the potential thought with a visible grimace. Wingdings continued to smoke his cigar, reasserting the comforting smile on his grim features as Maria click clacked her way back to the dinner table, gesturing at the brothers with a respective smile.
Sans tried to keep his soul from thumping, that stupid agonizing scent of his minty cigar wafting around the sitting trio. Even if he knew she wouldn’t notice, and even though both papyrus and Wingdings knew he was romanticly involved….. If he had to see that smug chastising grin on Wingdings face once he realized just how blind he was for this woman….
He’d never hear the end of it.
Maria wrapped some spaghetti around the silver fork, keeping her eyes low as she ate the dinner in silence. It was awkward, but not for the reasons she was aware of. Sans felt himself gulp, trying his damn best not to make eye contact with any of the dinner tables audience, Papyrus simply enjoying his meal and blatantly ignoring the grating fact that Wingdings had just potentially poisoned sans little lady.
Maria turned her sight onto the oldest brother, speaking in a low tone as she finished chewing.
“If you don’t mind me asking…. What career did you hold before your families migrated here?
Maria felt the tension stiffen between Papyrus and Sans, both skeletons irking at her somewhat privying question as Sans gave a cough into his napkin. He had to hold back a snort once he noticed Papyrus eye sockets wide, unabashedly staring at Maria like she had gone mental.
Maybe she had.
Wingdings kept a faint smile on his face though, never once visibly taking her question any deeper than he cared for as he responded.
“You could say… I was a scientist.”
He gave nothing else for her to work with, before once again going silent.
The dinner was silent from then on, all 3 parties waiting for Maria to touch the sparkling water. Sans stared at her, eye lights flicking to each person as his fork dug itself into a meatball- merely toying with the food on his plate. He felt Maria siding him with her gaze, though he willed himself not to meet her eyes, he noticed the slight tug of a smile on her lips.
She reached for the glass of water, a tension once again resurfacing as Sans tensed. He felt his hand tighten around the fork, willing himself to stay as calm as possible, though finding himself sweating quite profusely against his will.
Maria brought the glass to her lips, before feeling that familiar tug in her inner being. Goosebumps rose their way up her arm, feeling her body stiffen up as she stopped just before the water could reach her lips.
Wingdings was staring at her. The light in his eyes, solely focused on her entirely with no other presence subjected to his attention.
She knew something was wrong, even before she had touched her glass. Sans had gone from all smiles to entirely worried, Maria noting the familiar way he curled his fists tightly around whatever object he had his meaty hands closest to.
Maria let her eyes slip towards Papyrus, eyeing his relaxed manner of eating as he simply chewed. Hyperfocused on himself. He was completely silent. That was not the normal Papyrus.
Emerald eyes glazed over, succumbing to the fact that there was a fault in the air amidst the 3 men she sat with. She slowly lowered her gaze… and set down the glass of water. She turned her eyes to latch onto Wingdings observant orbs, before letting a simple sentence escape her breath towards him.
“So what kind of science did you do?”
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canvas-madness-txc · 2 years
Can't Look Away from You {Mafiafell Papyrus x Reader}
He looked at you like you were the sun, in that he tried to avoid looking at you as much as possible. When you were there, frustration laced any action of his. Although, he complained when you weren't. On days you secluded from others, he looked for you. On days when you were vocal, he avoided you. He never took a good look until you left, wondering why he never noticed your beauty before.
Yes, you were beautiful. But you were beautiful in the way a forest fire is beautiful. Enticing in the sense to lure unfortunate people to certain pain if they got too close. Pain was dangerous. It caused weakness.
Weakness gets you killed.
Papyrus sat in the kitchen. The paper was spread out in front of him. He paid no mind to it, his matters were more concerning than the dramatizations written by people hopeful for fame. Papyrus couldn't say he blamed them, he too had his heart set on his own glories. He took to not paying mind to human affairs for the most part. His mind was preoccupied with other things to pay mind to them anyways. Wingding's had been cooped up in his office, absorbed in his plans. It wasn't unusual, though he had recently taken it to the extreme. Sans and Papyrus had a silent agreement not to pester him. Papyrus was generally louder and Wingdings was used to it. Even still, fights with their older brother were unwelcome between the two younger ones. Sans had been out as well. Wingdings regularly told the him to deal with meetings with clientele. This kept Sans out of the house for hours. It had never been this long, so Papyrus would be found in the kitchen awaiting his older brother's arrival. Hours gone by and there was no sign of him. Papyrus wondered if the humans had been harsher negotiators. It wouldn't have been the first time the three brothers had to deal with unpleasant people to say the least. Sans did have a longer temper than his brothers. As much as Papyrus hated to admit it, this reason was why he had been forbidden from dealing with those unpleasant humans. Papyrus began to think his patient brother had snapped, the previous annoyances of the past few weeks has been building up for some time...
Before he could finish his thought, Sans had bustled into the kitchen. The two brothers made eye contact. Papyrus motioned to the empty chair across from him. Sans sat down but refused to say anything.
"YOU'RE HOME LATE." Sans looked up to meet his brother's gaze.
"yeah, well, not all humans are eager t'ah make business with monsters," he replied, shrugging.
"BUT IT WENT WELL?" Papyrus leaned forward, hoping to get some answers out of his brother.
"yeah." Sans turned away before mumbling, "in more ways than one."
"ehhh nothing?" Papyrus shook his head. This was not nothing.
"YOU'RE LYING," he said flatly, "TELL ME." Sans fidgeted with his hat for a minute.
"aright, fine, as long as you don't tell wingdings. this secret could put my credibility on the line."
"WELL IT WOULD IF YOU HAD CREDIBILITY TO BEGIN WITH," Papyrus taunted. He had to cough to cover up a laugh. Sans crossed his arms and glared at his brother.
"real funny bro," Sans replied, a sardonic edge to his voice.
"WHETHER YOUR CREDIT EXISTS OR NOT IS IRRELEVANT BUT YES, I'LL KEEP YOUR SECRET." Papyrus waited for his brother to start, intrigued on what this dastardly secret could be.
"soo you remember that lady we met awhile a go? the bar singer?" Papyrus smacked his forehead. This couldn't be good.
"you wanted to know so let me finish," his brother interjected, "so i know it sounds bad—"
"shuddup. anyways i know it sounds bad, but it's not."
"NO. IT IS," Papyrus responded matter-of-factly. Sans rolled his eyelights. "WHY EXACTLY DO YOU NOT WANT WINGDINGS TO KNOW."
"because i don't need him nagging me about what is and is not business." Sans threw up his hands in exasperation while also adding, "i got you for that." Papyrus ignored the snide remark. The next one caught his attention.
"plus i'm not the the only one who's had someone catch their eye." Papyrus immediately stiffened.
"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" Sans's permanent grin widened. He gave Papyrus a look that seemed to mean they both knew who they were talking about. It all fell into place. He turned away quickly from disbelief.
Now it was Sans's turn to tease.
"aye don't feel bad bro. the truth was gonna come out eventually."
"THERE IS NO TRUTH BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG," Papyrus retorted. He refused to look at his brother.
Sans had not been wrong but Papyrus would not admit it no matter what was said or done to him.
"ANYWAYS, IT'S LATE. IF WE TRY ARGUE ABOUT THIS NOW, WINGDINGS WILL HAVE US BOTH IN JARS." Sans shrugged at trudged off to his room. Papyrus was about to do the same.
Then, something stopped him.
Was it possible Sans was right? The thought made him feel sick even with the lack of a stomach. It ate at him. If it was like his brother said, that the truth was bound to come out, should he tell them? No. He couldn't. He couldn't keep his temper with clientele, how did he expect to do that with a partner? Brushing it off, he went to his room.
The night dragged on. The morning continued that as well. Papyrus went about the city as he would. Nothing had changed overnight. Bruised and broken people struggling to get by, sometimes to the point of violence showed that it was still going to be a mess. It wasn't changing anytime soon. Clouds darkened from overhead. Gusts of wind breathed chills throughout the barren city. Though crowded, it was a lifeless city. Silence was only broken by screams and gunshots. The world had plumaged to an eternal eclipse.
At least Papyrus had one light.
He had only seen you twice. Once in front of a market. Another time passing by on the street. He never saw you after that, only in quick glances when he is certain you weren't watching.
Even still, the small times he did see you brought large feelings. Feelings that would get him killed if he acted upon them.
That didn't stop him from trying.
There was no need to deny it, Sans would not say anything as much as he hated keeping promises. There was a change in Papyrus's demeanor if he was around you. You took notice very quickly.
You couldn't label as a friend or enemy, mostly a reoccurring passerby. There was something different about him though. Although he kept his loud tone, he attempted to mellow himself out, especially if you started looking uncomfortable. You wondered if it was because he was trying to be considerate but there were doubts. Not because he was a monster. The world was a not a trusting place, it didn't matter the species of the deceiver. You brushed it off, thinking it was an attempt of courtesy and went about your day.
He didn't leave your head.
There wasn't much you could think of when if came to Papyrus. He was loud and enthusiastic. Pasta was something he had strong opinions on. Other than that, not much could be said. His brother was around the city more often. You did take into account the strange change in tone around you. He quieted down slightly. His eyes would shift over to you occasionally. You had met his gaze before, to which he would promptly turn his head to act as if he was doing something else. Not much changed for the past few weeks. You tried to turn for his brother for answers but nothing came of it. He simply shrugged and went back to his cigar. Papyrus fanned away the crimson smoke emitting from his brother's cigar with words of exasperation.
You had met the brothers in strange places, but this party took the cake. The room was lit up golden. People were crowded in tables around the dancefloor. Couples twirled around you. People shared drinks. You hadn't expected them to be there but you didn't expect yourself to go anyways. There was no reason for you to judge. The routine had prevailed. Papyrus continued to glance your way. You wondered what exactly he wanted. He never directly said nor did anything towards you. You met his gaze once more. Papyrus opened his mouth, about to say something, then thought again and turned away from you. You tilted your head, confused. A singer stepped onto the stage. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Sans's face lighting up. She said some words to the crowd and began her songs while a man played piano next to her. You sat to the side with your drink of choice in hand. You kept your eye on Papyrus. It was strange how he acted around you. You wondered if he wanted something but didn't want to say it. It struck you as odd because Papyrus did not seem the type to get nervous easily. Still, you did not think it was your place to ask. He hadn't done anything to you so there was no way to predict his motives were harmful. You sat alone in your thoughts when someone had tapped on the chair next to you. Looking up you were met with Papyrus's face.
"MAY I?" Papyrus looked at you, awaiting your response. You shrugged. Taking it as a yes, he slid the chair back and sat down. You sat in silence for a while. The party continued, but you were in your separate world. You didn't mind. Though better than a fight, it had been a dull event. You gazed back at Papyrus. His face seemed to match your thoughts. He was present but his mind was elsewhere. His eyesockets fixated on you.
"Is something wrong?" You turned around to face him directly. He snapped back to reality and looked at you.
"It's fine. This wouldn't be the first time you got into your own head when I'm around you." It was meant to be playful. You didn't expect him to turn away in shame.
"HOW MUCH OF THAT DID YOU SEE," he inquired. You shrugged. He sank in his chair with a groan.
"WELL I MIGHT AS WELL BE UPFRONT." Resisting the urge to leave, he leaned forward. You tilted your head.
"About what?" Papyrus reached for your hand.
"So you fell in love?"
"NO!" Coughing, he corrected himself. "MAYBE I DID, BUT I CAN'T."
"Why not?"
"I'M A MONSTER, YOU KNOW. I'M ONE OF THE DANGEROUS ONES." He slipped his hand away. You took it back. Papyrus sat rigid.
"You're not always dangerous." He rolled his eyelights.
"I'M DANGEROUS ENOUGH," he countered. You shook your head. "DON'T LOOK AT ME SO! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'VE DONE!"
"I don't need to know what you've done. I need to know what you are going to do," you replied. His skull seemed to flush. Shaking his head, he changed back to his typical confident demeanor.
"I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DANCE. WITH ME." Papyrus looked at you, slipping between confidence and hopeful uncertainty. You let him take your hand.
"YOU'RE SURE?" Rolling your eyes you turned around to face him.
"Yes. Trust me."
There was no going back. You danced as if the world did not exist. Papyrus couldn't look away from you. He couldn't when you stopped either. No matter what happened, his attention would be to you, always.
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Darkest Dungeon X Octopath Traveler 2 crossover fic. AKA Sarmenti witnesses the moments before Wellsgrove disaster.
TW for past suicidal thoughts, violence, some eldritch horror that’s going to happen at the end, Wingdings containing disturbing material such as death baiting (but nothing too explicit), and Sarmenti being incredibly unhinged and having some disturbing thoughts —————————————
Contrary to popular belief, Sarmenti does take things seriously. People thought that his personality was one that takes nothing seriously but really, it’s one who took everything seriously and then broke into a million tiny glass pieces afterwards. He’s already broken enough so why not have fun with it? Why not take those pieces and throw them at his enemies? Why not take those pieces and make a horrid song?
The point is, is that Sarmenti tries to make the most of life. He’s been dealt with the worst hand and maybe he should have given up there but what’s the point in that? He still has songs to play and stories to weave and annoying little eldritch horrors to stab. Perhaps not the best life but considering he wanted to kill himself before he travelled the world he’ll say this is an improvement.
Wellsgrove is a break to him right now, at least in his neck of the woods. From what he’s heard from Barristan and Baldwin, Throné was busy preparing and about to make herself an orphan, while Hikari is about to intercept a an arms trade. Meanwhile he’s here with Partitio, watching as the man essentially revived a town in under a month.
He wouldn’t be very helpful in the world of business, so he was outside singing incomplete songs stuck in his head while people quietly tipped him.
Maybe if he was with the others he would have traded sharp words and love ballads for knives but alas. He was not with their group. No blood shall be spilt today by him.
What was surprising though was the fact that all of them were here. Usually they would all go and debate with themselves on which Travelers needed their help before going off with them. Even then, not all of them truly stayed around to help the Travelers actively. Some people, like Audrey and Boudicca, only really tagged along to see the sights. He knows those types would eventually leave at some point, but he also knows that they’re aware that it’s not a good idea to leave when you have no idea where you are.
They still helped, don’t get them wrong. Some just aren’t exactly as invested as the rest of them. He knows who’s staying for a war if you put Audrey and Barristan side-by-side.
(But then again, Audrey stayed with all of them in the Hamlet and the rickety old Wagon all that time ago. Even gave some of her spoils to those poorer folk so who knows. Maybe they were all a bit kinder than they give themselves credit for.)
The fact that all of them were here was surprising. Something that Kazan even expressed surprised in when they all insisted on traveling together.
Then there’s the fact that Damien, Tardif, and Josephine were here. 
Damien was…well he was a bit of an odd ball, even by Sarmenti’s standards. He knew that flagellation was approved by the Church of the Light but he’s also pretty sure that it is not to the point of their skin peeling off and septic rot. Last he saw him, he said that he was going to travel the world to revel in this new kind of pain. Real fucking weird if you ask Sarmenti but who’s he to judge? He went and killed an entire royal court using a cursed song. At the very least though he’s polite to everyone in town, even if they found him disturbing, and thank fuck Damien has enough sense to avoid Junia lest they start stirring up old memories.
Tardif was a Bounty Hunter and well. Sarmenti supposes he wanted to get back to the business as soon as possible. The man said his farewell in Flamechurch, had a…private conversation with William, told them all that he won’t hunt bounties on them out of respect, and then left. At the very least he tried to keep contact with all of them, mostly in the form of obscure baking recipes he found. Him being here was a coincidence, one that was fueled by the simple fact that Throné’s Mother Dearest has a bounty on her but a lovely coincidence at that.
Josephine was…
She was here, lured by the promises of wealth from Partitio’s little business venture. She said she won’t cause any trouble and that was enough for him right now. Whatever quarrel she has with them doesn’t matter to him right now. The others may disagree but if she says she wants to keep the peace, she’ll keep the peace. Besides, starting a fight with the others is bad for her business.
…Sarmenti does have to admit though, having everyone here was nice. If he closed his eyes long enough, he can pretend it’s the Hamlet. He can pretend it’s the Hamlet and they were all free of the horrors that tormented them in the Darkest Dungeon. That the people tipping him were people he’s seen every day and that the people joining in were the other Bards that wandered into the Hamlet’s horrors.
This of course means that things are going to go to shit soon. He knows this. He knows that pattern.
He hears a melody.
Sarmenti blinks and sits up.
He hears it again.
(D-Low A-D-A-A flat-D-B flat)
“…Who played that.”
Sarmenti stood up and looked around. The bards all freeze and stare at him.
“Who. Played. That tune.”
It plays again.
Sarmenti jerked to the left to see a violinist, bow on strings and a blank look on their face.
(It sung to him and it sung until it was drilled into his head and nothing but that cursed song remained.)
He tackled the musician onto the ground, grabbed their throat and squeezed.
Distantly, he felt someone try to pull him off of the musician. He refuses to let go and kept squeezing.
He squeezed-
And squeezed.
“Sarmenti let go!”
And s q u e e z e d.
Someone roughly grabbed him and pulled him off. “Sarmenti what’s gotten into you!?”
Don’t they know? Doesn’t they know that song means death? Snuffing it out is the only way to stop it from driving another mad. He has to snuff it out. He has to silence it. He has to he has to hehastohehastohe-
“How do you know that song?” Someone said. Or was that him? His voice sounds oh so far away now. An echo in the sea of madness. “That song is dead. I killed it. I made sure it was forgotten. How do you know that song?”
The musician only stared at him, keeping the blank look on their face and offering nothing but silence.
“Answer me Light damnit!”
The musician blinks and opens their mouth.
✌☠👎 🕈☟✌❄ ⚐☞ ✡⚐🕆 💧✌☼💣☜☠❄✋
🕈☟✡ 👎⚐ ✡⚐🕆 💧❄✋☹☹ ☹✋✞☜ 🕈☟☜☠ ❄☟☜ ☼☜💧❄ ☟✌✞☜ 👎✋☜👎
✋❄’💧 ☼🕆👎☜ ❄⚐ ☜☝☝ ❄☟☜☠ ⚐☠📬 🕈☟✡ ☠⚐❄ ☹☜❄ ✌ 💧❄☼✌✡ 💧🕈⚐☼👎 💧❄✌👌 ✡⚐🕆 ✌☹☼☜✌👎✡ ⚐☼ 👌☜❄❄☜☼ ✡☜❄📬 👎⚐ ✋❄ ✡⚐🕆☼💧☜☹☞📬
Sarmenti steps back. Several people around him start exclaiming in fear.
🕈☜☹☹ ☺☜💧❄☜☼📬 🕈☟✌❄ 🕈✋☹☹ ✡⚐🕆 👎⚐✍ ✋ ☞✋☠👎 ✡⚐🕆☼ 😐☠✋☞☜ ☹⚐⚐😐✋☠☝ ✋☠👍☼☜👎✋👌☹✡ ✋☠✞✋❄✋☠☝📬
What are they saying?
✡⚐🕆 😐✋☹☹☜👎 👌☜☞⚐☼☜📬 ✡⚐🕆 ☺🕆💧❄ ☠☜☜👎 ❄⚐ 😐✋☹☹ ❄☟☜ ☞✋☠✌☹ 💣✌👎💣✌☠ ✋☠ ❄☟✋💧 👍✋☼👍🕆💧📬
Why can he understand it?
Why does he know what its saying?
The musician grinned and grinned and grinned. Several people are running now and oh? Is that burning? What’s burning? Was it his flesh? Is it theirs? What’s burning?
“The Iron Crown will be revived.”
The musician takes out a knife and cuts themselves open, snapping Sarmenti out of trance. He looks to the left and sees Partitio recoil back and put himself in front of everyone else.
The musician falls onto the ground unceremoniously. Everyone stared, because what the hell are you supposed to do after that.
“…Well shows over for that guy,” he said awkwardly.
Alrond and Misha looked at him in horror while Partitio’s scrivener friend gives an awkward cough. Partitio only gives him a disappointed look.
“Hm. Tough crowd. Now what are we going to do with the body?”
If anything that only makes the group more appalled. “I don’t think this is a time for jokes Sarmenti,” said Partitio.
He knows that, but what else is he going to do? Look dumbly at the body and try to explain what just happened? Yeah right. Everyone is way into shock to do that right now. If he can joke then that means things aren’t as bad as it seems to be and that seems about right for him. Worked well for Dismas and Audrey, and if anyone in their little merry band of adventurers were bothered by it then they would have told the three of them by now.
Oh wait, the rest of them. They probably are freaking out right now.
And on cue, Sarmenti sees the rest of the gang come up and oh. Oh isn’t that some of Ku’s warriors? Weren’t they supposed to be getting weapons and then being stopped from getting weapons? Hm. He supposed this little stunt went and changed some things then. No one wants to do business when the town is in disarray.
“Nothing to see here folks!” He announce, much to everyone’s horror. “Just a dead body in the middle of the street! We’ll clean it up soon!” 
Dismas groans and out his head in his hands.
“What the fuck Hikari? Where did you even find this guy?” Said a Ku soldier with a bandanna tied around his head.
“Oh that’s easy fellow war criminal!” He answered. “You see Prince Hikari found us poor souls after we went and-“
A snap is heard from the ground.
Sarmenti looks down.
The musician started to contort into itself. Its skin turning grey and bones snapping out of place.
Oh no.
“Get behind me.”
Partitio blinks. “What?”
Sarmenti took out his knife. “Get. Behind. Me.”
Muscles spasmed and grew. Bones creaked and groaned. Arms growing. Legs growing. Head contorting. Laughter. Laughter. Laughter.
(First the brain, then the lungs, then the eyes, then the hands, and then finally the body.)
(Denial, Resentment, Obsession, Ambition, Cowardice. All fought and defeated but it never is over. It’s never over. It’s never never never never over.
The musician speaks. It somehow speaks despite the distortions and it’s familiar. It’s familiar and that’s what terrifies Sarmenti.
A trumpet is heard. Someone screams in pain. He feels blood from his ears.
(Flesh upon flesh being played together. The body becoming an instrument. The body is an instrument.)
It speaks.
🕈☜ ☞✌✋☹☜👎 👌☜👍✌🕆💧☜ ✡⚐🕆 💣⚐✞☜👎 ⚐☠📬 ❄☟☜💧☜ 🏱☜⚐🏱☹☜ ☟✌✞☜ ☠⚐❄📬 ❄☟☜✋☼ 🕈⚐☜💧 🕈✋☹☹ ☜💣🏱⚐🕈☜☼ ❄☟☜ 👍☼⚐🕈☠📬 ☞⚐☼ 🕈☜ ✌☼☜ ✌☹🕈✌✡💧 ✌☼☜ ✌🏱✌☼❄ ⚐☞ ❄☟☜ 👍☼⚐🕈☠📬 🕈☜ 🕈✋☹☹ ☠☜✞☜☼ 👌☜ 💧☜🏱☜☼✌❄☜👎 ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼
He looks around. Several of Ku’s soldiers fall in terror. Hikari pales and starts to shake. Reynauld, Barristan, Boudica, and Missandei all look at the creature what Sarmenti can only describe as pure, utter, terror.
The Scrivener took a step back. “No. Nonononono. I left you.” She took a shuddering breath in. “I left you.”
If Sarmenti closes his eyes, he can hear the Ancestor the Heir the Academic the Scholar someone tell him what it was.
(“Gaze upon the Shackled Resignation. The thing that prolongs wars and drives men to hopelessness.”)
A being of bones and flesh, all contorted and twisted in ways one can only imagine. Restraining itself using their its innards and choking itself in its misery. It could probably fix itself if it really looked and tried to untangle the spilling chain-like innards.
It wails and lunges.
Sarmenti takes a deep breath.
(There is always an encore. And unfortunately for him, the people always crave for more.)
(Well. The cosmic beings that like to end the world crave for more.)
He looks behind him and meets Dismas’ eyes. He holds up three fingers. The man nods.
He nudges Partitio back.
He takes a deep breath.
(The thing about encores is that it really does depend on whether the performer wants to perform a bit more or wants to wrap it up.)
(And the thing is this.)
(Sarmenti wants to fucking wrap all of this up.)
He swings his knife.
Dismas fires his gun.
The being screams and stumbles back. Sarmenti does the one thing he can think of.
He grabs Partitio, pulls him forward and gets them to run.
I love your writing style! You'll have to translate the wingdings for me though.
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myrequestblog · 1 year
Request Rules and My Favorite Characters
I can do other characters, but if you don’t specify which characters you want I will choose from these
Undertale AUs:
Mafiafell (Sooner or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine)
Grillby AUs
Gaster AUs
Flowey AUs
City of Blank:
Claude (I will only write gay headcannons for him. Sorry notsorry)
Black Butler:
(I refuse to do Ciel or Alois, unless the reader is of similar age)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Mahito (He’s an jack@$$ and I hate what he did but he’s hot)
That one white and blue curse that almost killed Yuji, and that I’ve decided to call ‘Akuma’ (Mostly platonic and/or pet-owner type relationships (Keyword ‘mostly’))
Hunter X Hunter:
I refuse to do Gon or Killua, unless the reader is of similar age
Demon Slayer:
(I refuse to do any minors x reader, unless the reader is of similar age)
Kagaya (Platonic/parental only)
Mitsuri and Obanai (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Muchiro (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
Rui (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
All upper ranks aside from 4 and 5
Dummy’s Dummy:
The Lalah twins
Polakov (We’ve been conditioned to hate him and have no major reason to actually dislike him)
The Toy Soldier
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack (Mainly gay headcannons for him)
Ticci Toby
Masky and Hoodie (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Jason the Toymaker
Ben Drowned
Lost Silver
John Doe:
John Doe
House Hunted:
Yandere Simulator:
Gaster Gang:
The void anomalies (Pet-owner relationships only)
Welcome Home Wally AUs:
Wally Darling
Reboot Wally
Lovesick Wally
Watcher Wally
Rainbow Factory Wally
Opposite Wally
Other Wally AUs
Sally Face:
Sal/Sally Face
Fran Bow:
Only platonic relationships
Fran Bow
Mr Midknight
Suzie and Noelle (Only lesbian poly for them, sorry)
The Amulet Series:
(Too many to say, but to start with-)
The indestructible lizard
The plague doctor
SCP-914 "The Bettering Machine"
The shy guy
Deal with the devil
A LOT more
Hazbin Hotel:
Charlie and Vaggie (Only romantic options for them is lesbian poly)
Alastor (Platonic, parental, friendship only. I’m sticking with the cannon that he is AroAce. Sorry 😅)
Angel and Husk (Gay poly is the only romantic options here. If u don’t like it, just keep it to yourself.)
Valentinto (He’s the worst person in existence but he’s damn sexy (unfortunately). We can all agree on that. I won’t make my bias against him known in the requests, I promise.)
Adam (Because some people like him🤷 )
Lilith (Or my rendition of her)
Zestial (Or my rendition of him)
If you have headcanons to ask for but don’t have anything specific in mind, use some emojis:
🥰 Fluff
🥀 Angst
🔞 Smut (Smut will be kept private unless the asker wishes to share)
😎 Chaos
🤩 Reader has powers/magic
🥳 Birthday Ask
🤕 Injured Reader
🤒 Sick Reader
🙅 Platonic
🫀 Yandere
🪢 Soulmate AU
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ
🐣 Reader is a Child
😺 animal or animal-related reader
👾 IRL reader
⚙ Using SCP-914
❤️/🧡/💛/💚/💙/💜/🖤/🤍 Reader Has a Specific Soul Color
💀 Undertale
👤 City of Blank
🤵‍♂️ Black Butler
💀 Jujutsu Kaisen
🍀 Hunter X Hunter
🗡️ Demon Slayer
🪡 Dummy’s Dummy
🔪 Creepypasta
👁️ John Doe
🏚️ House Hunted
💘 Yandere Simulator
🕳️ Gaster Gang
🎨 Welcome Home Wally AUs
🎭 Sally Face
👧 Fran Bow
⚜️ Deltarune
📿 Amulet
😈 Hazbin Hotel
(Example: 🐣+😎+👤 would be ‘Young reader causing chaos in the City of Blank’)
Suggestive ideas or themes
Platonic Child X Parental figure
OC X Character
Fandom Crossovers
Character X Pregnant!Reader
Mental Illnesses
Black Lives Matter
Any and all religious beliefs are welcome, however I know very little about most religions, so please be gentle with me
Dealing with death
Pain (physical or emotional)
Traumatic accidents or happenings
Bad parenting
Commented ideas
Having characters avoid their cannon death
Nicknames for characters
Furry-related content
Trans reader
Gay reader
Lesbian reader
Bi reader
Pan reader
LGBTQ readers welcome
Readers and characters with different nationalities
Readers and characters with different skin tones
Readers and characters who speak other languages
Readers and characters who are different species
Readers and characters with disabilities
Readers and characters with autism
Readers and characters with mental abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical ailments
Readers and characters with varying levels of intelligence
Readers and characters with trauma
Readers and characters with conditions like vitiligo
Readers and characters who need things like a cane, a wheelchair, or limb braces
Young reader
Pyrotechnics ❤️‍🔥
Fandom crossovers (Highly encouraged for SCP ideas)
Age regression
Settings in different countries and continents
Truth or dare
Necrophillia (Unless the person who is ‘dead’ becomes ‘the walking dead and can give permission’)
Power plays (unless sexual and with permission from the partner)
Sexual assault or r@p3
(What’s another phobia- we don’t like spiders either. Spiders are ugly)
Abuse of any kind, unless part of and/or needed for a backstory or something
Hate crimes
Human trafficking
Child abuse
Underage drinking
Death of major characters
Death of comfort characters
Smut (Suggestive stuff is a yes but a no on smut. Sorry peeps)
This account is SPECIFICALLY for requests.
Most of these will be in headcannon form or incorrect quotes but feel free to ask for something different!
I often update this post so remember to check every once and awhile.
If you have questions or concerns, let me know!
Main blog:
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randomgentlefolk · 10 months
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Ooh!! I should've expected this room to show up in her dream. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the reflections in the sugars?? In the chapter where Frederick and Gwen was in this room, their sweet moment was interrupted by Gwen seeing her reflection in one of the sugar. Maybe the reflections will tell her something regarding her view of herself? Or maybe they will instead warn her about what's happening at the Palace's hall? (By that I mean the war)
Or perhaps...We will see Frederick?
Okay, moving on to the war—
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Bruh they gotta STOP finishing each other's sentence it's driving me crazy and slowly taking my hope away from Blaine T_T
I still have my hopes on Blaine, but it's fading away veryyyy slowly. I'm trying hard to believe in him tho. Good thing I have fanfics and my imagination to help me cope through this :')
May I just say, I love Jamie speaking in Wingdings XD. I tried to translate it but weirdly it didn't translate into an understandable sentence/word. It's just gibberish.
Curtis with a broom...HE'S SO COOL?? Never underestimate butlers real (Curtis, Alfred)
Lorzanna moment!! They are adorable :D Also they are soooo gonna kick Leland's butt.
Also everyone should just use Laverne as a defense strategy here, just saying. It seems to be really effective.
Leland's threat kinda takes my interest here. What do you mean "or else I will"? Do you mean you can just literally stop what's going on right here right now? Then why not just do it now? Or by that does he mean he's going to punish the Plaid Princes in the dungeon again...or worse? Uh well at the very least all I know is LELAND SUCKS.
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GO, LANCE, GO!! Betray your bs of a father and stop your big brother from succumbing to the dark side!! I have faith in you :') Honestly even though Lorena don't really understand Lance's fear of Leland and calling him a coward kinda stung, but at the same time it's kinda a wake up call for him? I guess??
Oh yeah, sorry for ruining the moment here but I've been thinking about how sick his new scars would be like it would be shapes like an X and that's so cool?!
Yeah I gotta agree with Lorena here, that was kinda creepy Leland... But Lorena's throw was amazing. Like dang..that spear must be heavy as frick and she throws it with a huge strength?? Lorena = Undyne confirmed?
Beckett to the rescue!! :D love that guy. Hopefully the misunderstanding between Maria and Gwen will clear up though :')
And lastly...the one I'm ejwnsuehw about the most...
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Blaine c'mon man Blaine wait listen to me dude wait wait wait. Stop okay stop don't do this 😭😭 Literally go meditating with Whitney bro THIS IS NOT YOU. I don't think i can change you at this point but literally you don't even want to change. And this is the most difficult part because no matter how much you want to help someone, it's pointless if they don't even wanna help themselves. I'm really hoping he would get redemption arc especially because of what Isolde told him in chapter 144.
Oh! I almost forgot. Let's look into the fast pass section!
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So first of all we have Blaine vs. Frederick :') but what takes my interest the most is.. The Prince vs. The Prez... Obviously the prince is Blaine, since it uses singular noun and in the thumbnail we see Blaine and Prez. But what caught my attention is "the Prez..." the prez what? The prez club? This could be something regarding cpc, or maybe Prez creates a new group? I can't wait for it to upload :D
Well that it's for today, now let me just sob on the floor while holding my plaid clothes in front of my cats again.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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darkpetal16 · 1 year
IF - Underverse Masterpost
IF - Underfell - link to game
COMPLETED: Play as a customizable "Frisk" through a kingdom of hostile monsters.
IF - Underswap - link to game
COMPLETED: Play as a customizable Chara who has fallen into a hidden monster kingdom under Lake Ebott.
IF - Mafiafell - link to game
BEING REWRITTEN: Play as a customizable "Frisk" through a mafia-run Ebott City in search of your missing brother.
IF - Dusttale - link to game
COMPLETED: Can you give this story a happy ending?
IF - Slumbertale - link to game
Six human SOULs are trapped in the Realm of Dreams. Your ruler has ordered you to rescue them.
IF - Siren Call - link to game
COMPLETED: Play as a CUSTOMIZABLE scientist who catches the deranged attention of a siren while visiting an Arctic research base.
IF - Horrortale - link to game
Play as a customizable MC who has fallen into a kingdom of starved and half-mad monsters.
The Shadows Are Watching - link to game
COMPLETED: Your sister did not return home last night.You visit the laboratory she works at and find things are not as they seem.
IF - Dancetale - link to game
IN PROGRESS: You don't know where you are. You don't know who you are. All you know is that you have to find [REDACTED].
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Requested Headcanons / Scenarios Masterlist
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Discord link: https://discord.gg/c9ud4X24sz
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all iterations of wingdings gaster are simpable: a collection of pictures and videos.
alternate title: jack has horrible taste in men
musical: c'mon, he sounds amazing
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solygbm mafiafell: husband wife.
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underswap: twinkass gay-lookin motherfucker
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X-Tale: Skrunkly
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X-Gaster: ZADDY 😍
all i have for now
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wing-ed-thing · 2 years
The person posting about Mob Wife isn’t me
So, there’s been another blog posting Mob Wife content and telling others that it’s their original OC. This is not me. I wrote Mob Wife in April 2021 and finished August 5th. Their content was written in November 2021 not to mention that they have a like on the first chapter, so they’ve read my work.
I saw this through an ask on someone else's blog and I DMed them privately telling them to please stop trying to pass off my character as their own which they ignored.
Things may have been different if they had asked to delve into more headcanons (I would have said to just credit me and link my post), or if they made an OC with a similar backstory. Or even if they asked me to do more headcanons. But no, this is blatantly my character that they’re claiming as theirs.
At this point, I’m just letting you all know that this blog isn’t me, that Wing-ed-Thing is my only blog, and that any Mob Wife content posted after August isn’t mine.
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tinwhiskerpress · 1 year
By JackeeC, an epic X-Files/Star Wars crossover originally published on Usenet in the mid '90s
Which is when and where I read it. I thought of it on and off for years after, but couldn't find it again until someone in the Renegade discord found it (thank you junopsis!).
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So for something so important to my teenage self, I needed an appropriately epic binding.
The typeset uses several fonts- in addition to the regular text font (Lora) there are location headings in a typewriter style. There are also separate scene break wingdings for breaks in the Milky Way vs in the Galaxy Far Far Away.
The case was my first use of Duo Skarabaus - a green/purple color shift fabric. This book was the first thing I thought of when I bought it. The titles are heat transfer vinyl, cut on the Cricut. The endpapers are kind of a weird fabric-like texture, but I couldn't pass up the stars. They glitter.
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bezzy-the-inkling · 2 years
I keep thinking that Master Mega always has his eyes closed...
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When in reality, he just always has these big, black, beady-looking eyes (proven by his Tableturf art)
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At least, until you splat him enough, and he gets these cartoon wingding x eyes.
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