#Windy answers
prince-of-red-lions · 10 months
lu warriors in a princess dress
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WHOOP WHOOP THERE HE IS‼️‼️‼️ guys I finally got something done!!
so ummm. kinda like how it turned out. I used a reference for the dress but I lost it so sorry guys :(
other than that I think he’s slaying it tbh
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windfighter · 1 year
No. Just no.
I think you mean "Windy yes 😈"
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spearxwind · 1 year
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Hiya!! Decided to take some quick comms :3
Dragons only this round!! Sorry x)
Fullbody by default, I can do waist up (or equivalent) but price will remain the same (though the detail will be proportional to both pieces. So waist up would be more detailed basically)
60eur base price, plus extra for complex designs
Not first come first serve
But also, no slots for now! I will do these based on demand until it stops or until i get tired, whichever comes first.
I'll work on batches of three or four approximately, and I will only charge you when I am ready to work on ur piece!
Here's an example of how it'd look like, using my boy Cercerion:
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And a slightly closer detail
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If you'd like one, hmu at [email protected], and please make sure your email includes the following:
visual references for your character
how you'd like the pose to look (if you have any preference, otherwise I'll choose what I think would look nice)
A bit of their personality/demeanor if you'd like, if it's relevant for the pose, as well as any details you'd like me to pay special attention to, if any!
your paypal email so I can invoice you (VERY IMPORTANT)
your url if you'd like to be credited or @'d
Once paid I'll send you the sketch for reviewing the pose, and once that is approved I will finish the piece! (And once the piece is done you have a right to two tweaks free of charge if I got anything wrong.)
Payment is upfront, and through paypal only!
Turnaround is around four weeks/one month maximum after payment, I will warn you if it would exceed this time for whatever reason.
I will post these on social media by default, if you'd like yours to remain anonymous or to not be posted at all please let me know!
These are for personal use only
If you have any questions feel free to DM me (I'll try to stay on top of em!) Thank you for reading!
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arttsuka · 4 months
Jed and Octy back in the tank with a single ping pong ball for enrichment (they hate it)
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They hate it there. The tank is too small and the ball too light, they can't even get it underwater 🏓 (why is there a ping pong emoji?)
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maximotts · 6 months
how’s the weather up there? — wandasaura
You’re done, friendship over
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
My mom works for an air ambulance company and you are the type of person they all appreciate - one that doesn't contribute to the fireworks vs. hands (and houses) debacle that they see for the entire first week of July every year 😭 Enjoy your hot dogs and corn and take all the time you need to get the next chapter out, your brain deserves a big fat smooch for all of the work you put in to feed us freaks 🙂‍↕️
I get so freaked out because our neighbor almost caught our house on fire a couple years ago because one of their fireworks went off sideways and shot into the grass between our house and the next door neighbor's house. Thankfully our landlord was over and has quick reflexes and grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran out to stop it 🙃
I've never been big on fireworks so I've never felt the need 🤷‍♀️ some people I swear it's an addiction. Fourth of July and New Years is busy for hospitals and first responders, I know 😭 Thanksgiving might be third thanks to deep fried turkey.
Thank you, though. I hope you have a wonderful 4th too!!
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shitpostingkats · 11 months
Since I think you have met most of the Ignis now- what's your thoughts on them so far? They are like one of my favorite things in Vrains so I wanna hear your thoughts :DDD
For anyone who isn't op, these rambles will include SPOILERS up to the end of season two of yugioh vrains. If ye wish to not know, scroll past quickly.
Okay SO:
Ai- Little little guy. I freaking love him so much. Yugioh has pretty consistently done a Dark =/= Bad and Light =/= Good, (more on that later) and Ai is such a freaking good entry into that. Ai is the dark ignis and he's the most human of them all, messy and lazy and silly. And he's like the only one of them who has ANY non-cyberse, non-Lost Incident life experience like!!!! Of course he talks like a comments section! Of course he has free will and self awareness and the first thing he did to prove this was "exerting his free will" by rolling his eye(s)! And OH MY GOD him and Yusaku. The relationship each ignis has with their lost child is SO important to me. Ai and Yusaku are, on the surface, the most different, but where they agree is their sense of surety and their sense of freedom. Ai and Yusaku have the exact same confidence in themselves. In Yusaku, it's the self confidence of knowing he's done everything he can and is smart enough to be prepared for anything. When Ai tells him "just get lucky!" and Yusaku goes "No, I'm not going to get lucky, but I'm going to win anyway." And that's SO fascinating because Ai has that same self confidence, but essentially learned it from Yusaku, that survival response of 'I am good enough that this will work'. Yusaku taught Ai everything about asserting yourself, and it's buried beneath layers and layer of different experiences, but fundamentally they're the same, the same trauma of 'I will be better. I will be enough by myself, because I am in this alone.' and then they find they are both strong but they're stronger together and it makes me want to BITE SOMETHING.
(Readmore because this got long whoops)
Flame- Why is he britsh??? Theo isn't british. He was not made in britain nor was anyone on the project british. I can only assume he purposefully chose that accent to make himself sound smarter. I love him for it. Flame and Theo are tied up in a lot of headcanon for me, most specifically I think Theo is the lost kid who lost the most (barring Spectre, who sometimes lost on purpose) before getting the hang of the game. Thus, his whole rising from the ashes motif. Teddy and Flame are the survival response of spitting out a tooth and getting back up again. They lived through the incident by refusing to stay down, and yet somehow they came out of it as a friendly jock and a silly little nerd guy. The obvious care they have for each other absolutely sends me. Flame's argument against the war is literally "We can coexist with humans. I am coexisting with a human right now, and you cannot stop me." When his home was destroyed the first thing he did was seek out Theodore. I AM GOING INSANE. And of course Theo dropped everything and moved across the country just to help someone he really didn't know before that day ARE YOU KIDDING ME. They are involved in this entire story because they cannot comprehend not helping eachother. Also, again, jock and nerdy solidarity but the dorky guy with the glasses is the jock and the literal being of fire is the nerd.
Lightning- ALSO INSANE ABOUT HIM. JUST IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING. Okay so like I said I have only recently finished season 2 and haven't started on 3 yet so we haven't had a whole lot of screentime with Jin so I can only guess on how they impact and inform each other but. OH MAN. I mean, I feel like I have to take a whole section just to talk about his PERFORMANCE. His english voice acting is phenomenal, just the right amount of utterly sinister, tempered with this no-nonsense confidence that feels perfect for his grand speeches of logical thinking. Lightning is terrifying, easily one if not the stand out villain performance in all of yugioh for me. You don't side with him, but the audience can see exactly how he gets from Point A to Point B, and that clarity of reason makes him both easily understandable and terrifying. And his visual aesthetics. Blinding light, scorching brilliance, the exact same electricity that the Lost Incident is so known for. Lighting shares a lot with his progenitor experiment, with both him and Revolver learn from Dr. Kogami's "The ends justify the means" approach. Really, Lightning and Revolver are the real opposed rivals here, except they're both the villain so neither one can narratively win. All they can do is ensure the other loses. And I said we haven't seen too much from Jin yet but that does not stop me from CONNECTING SOME THEMATIC DOTS. The complete and total shutdown of Jin compared to the detatched and pragmatic coldness of Lightning. Their survival instinct is disassociation. Shutting off the panicking part of the brain, and all its human responses, in favor of pure autopilot and a "Whatever It Takes" approach to ensure continued survival. Lightning rejects so much of where he cam from, but is so clearly the product of the Lost Incident, and more specifically, Jin. Of humanity. He's got this great line towards Ai where he berates him for basically screwing around in cyberspace for five years, while the rest of them were being actively targeted. Hunted. Surviving. Ai got new experiences, isn't defined as strongly by his trauma. But Lightning and Jin? Both of them completely froze their development, are still stuck in their survival instincts, and cannot move on from it. And I have a pet theory that may or may not see validation, that the Armatos Legios aren't really Lightning's. I mean, roman gladiator don't really tie into anything else about his aesthetics. No, I think no matter what he pretends, the Armatos are Jin's deck, and Lightning is still using them, after all these years.
Windy- Haha silly little fast talk guy who- THIS SIX INCH TALL LITTLE FELLA STRAIGHT UP KILLED HIS LOST KID. This little whirlygig canonically ended the life of his counterpart, something Lightning himself actually frowned upon. I think about this way too much. Windy isn't pragmatic, he isn't logical, he's the free spirited "fuck around" to Lightning's "find out". Windy does what he wants when he wants, and that's somehow equally as scary as Lightning's calculated cruelty. I am gutted we didn't get to meet or ever find out anything more about his human partner, and I'm pretty sure that's the whole point. There was a kid out there with his own struggles, his own problems, his own ways of dealing with the trauma of the Lost Incident, and we just. We will never get to meet him. Windy's kid is the first casualty in this war, and we never get to even learn his name. Also the ramifications of Windy being so cavalier about killing someone who is in some lights a version of himself, of the casual dehumanization Windy takes, not just to himself, but to his fellow Ignis. When threatening to kill Ai, Lightning had a "Well, it will kill 16% of our population, but it will ensure the safety of 84% of us." Windy has no such calculation. Windy doesn't bat an eye at his own death, or the death of another Ignis. And yet. And yet. And yet. When designing a servant for himself, Windy formed one out of a music note. A treble clef. The symbol for the start of a song. Does it mean something? Probably not. But I am freaking haunted by the idea that this wounded ai escaped a second attack on his world, and started rebuilding, not weapons, or schemes. But a new home, and one with music.
Aqua- You know, the ignis are one of the few artificial intelligences where it kinda makes sense that they have genders. Aqua is a girl because she learned from a girl. Her femininity is a gift, or a memorial. So is her kindness. Aqua is the only ignis who really internalized hope and compassion. She sees truth and she doesn't let it break her, she fights by encouraging choice, by asking for opportunity. Her refusing to tell Earth which way to feel in regards to the question of Humans vs. Ignis is such a poignant moment for me, that here is someone who understands better than anyone, what Lightning feels and how humans act, but rather than share her suspicions, she asks Earth to form his own opinion, not just listen to her as his only source. In general, I just like Earth and Aqua's dynamic so much. Two sweet protectors, two pacifists, represented by plant life and water??? Good good good visual motifs. That said, I definitely think Aqua is a character they could do a lot more with. All the other Ignis are just so weird, so charmingly strange in any conversation, that it feels a bit of a missed opportunity that Aqua seems completely "normal" and well adjusted. I also am saddened we haven't seen Miyu aside from in a coma or in flashbacks, because as I mentioned, I am utterly insane for the ignis/lost kids dynamics. But she got introduced pretty late in season two, so I'm holding out hope that we see more of Aqua (and maybe Miyu!) in season 3. Also, the crystal heart combo was some of my favorite gameplay story telling this season, hands down.
Earth- Pour one out for my guy. They really did that to him. As silly as Spectre's backstory is, it really gets me that he has this deeply unhealthy attachment to literally anyone who offers him a place to belong. And his Ignis is the protector, the caregiver. Earth, who can make flowers bloom with barely a thought, who's "socially awkward" but genuinely kind, comes from the child who just wanted attention and was at home in the forest. The freaking hardest gutpunch of the season for me was when Earth is being ripped apart, and we cut to Spectre, shedding a single tear, and he has no idea why. Also THAT'S A PLOTLINE THAT REALLY EXISTS IN YUGIOH. Earth's death is almost jump-scaringly brutal, from the same series that brought you such fun euphemisms for a character being killed as "sent to the shadow realm" and "retired retired". Yeah, no, here's a character being systematically unmade, then those leftover pieces shoved into one dude's brain. The dub could have downplayed it, but the sheer horror every character gives when Gore has his big reveal, really sells the brutality of Sol Tech towards these ai, and any living being that isn't contributing to their bottom dollar. Ryoken's cold deliverance to Ai and Flame about Earth's fate, even almost making light of the situation, had me 100% down to declare for the ignis because what the hell, you can't just do that. If Ai turns heel next season, I'm not saying I support him, but I get it. Earth's death feels like it rattles the whole narrative, in a way that forced me to be just as distraught and emotionally invested as the characters. That's good storytelling babey.
This got long, and this is barely scratching the surface on some of my thoughts for these silly little computer guys.
Needless to say, I enjoy them <3
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lolathepeacocklord · 2 months
I know we talked about this on IG DMs time ago but i want anyways to remind it to you (and any of your peers that feels like you) that you are not less fan of X thing for not watching/reading/engaging in all the media under the brand.
And in this era of quick-discard consuption of media, is cool af to give yourself time to engulf yourself on the content without making a race of it!
Chus to you, buddy 🐾🐿
GOOUWWHWHW you're always such a sweetie windy thank you so so very much,,, you keep this in mind too!!! we takin our time a widdle bit, goin cray cray about our shtuff at all our own pacezzzzz :333 you always have such a way of words that are so genuine and kind thank you so muchys once more for the sweet lil message teehee >w<!!! <33333
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silverjetsystm · 28 days
💔 BROKEN HEART — is there anyone in your life you wish you had a better relationship with? if so, how come? what makes this person important to you?
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After two or so years of becoming itself, Mission continues to evolve in architectural defying structures. Outside office facade could not possibly contain long branched hallways, multiple floors stretching towards the star studded sickle shaped sky. Personal touches. Mezuzot sprout all at once, eclectic yet fitting for each doorpost; Jake made sure to get kosher klafs, proudly tucking them in many cases. How many? Enough! An espresso machine for the kitchen gleams across from the gas stove, cheerfully at home with the scuffed and pitted cherry kitchen table.
It’s this kitchen table Brunn and Marc finish up dinner. Beef Bourguignon, somehow successfully made by Marc mopped up by crusty and soft bread from a bakery. Couple bottles of wine and nonalcoholic offerings. Plenty of food for a fighter pilot and a vigilante.
“Frenchie always said ‘it is not difficult, Marc, it takes time,’” he drops in passable French accent. Cloth napkin wipes schmutz from his lips. Broad shoulders shift, self-effacing quirk to his smile. Weird, how he can be without cloth face in front of her. Not weird. Unexpected.
Then again, he was nothing without his friends. Brunn has a whole page in different categories – comrade in arms, former ??? lover, pilot. Fellow dead. He had seen her in a hundred different moods. Figuring out what they are now as it comes. Complicated, considering he kind of offered her a job and -
Slow is fast.
“Frenchie. Ah. Duchamp.” Jerk of his jaw to the dregs. “Gave our cook the recipe a long time ago.” Back when Frenchie lived with Marlene and Steven in the Long Island mansion. Back when Steven had staff.
“He was my old pilot. Best bird pilot I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.” Helicopters were a different category than jets. “Légion étrangère. Got done with that. Drifted into mercenary work. Where we met and…” History in hard brown eyes. That first death. “Turned over new leaves together. He’d fly the bird, I’d glide out, doing what I do best.” Spector and Duchamp. Two halves of one macabre Moon Kni.ght. Closer than brothers.
He wants her to know what happened to those who got too close to him. Air jockeys included.
“We’d go at it. Y’know how I am. He’d challenge me on making the work harder. Hypocrisy. I don’t use firearms but was alright with him having them. On not killing. Until I snapped. Went too far. Uh. He had multiple crashes. Leg injuries. Till one time too many and they were amputated.” He pokes his spoon. “After, we’d. We’d still work together from time to time. Be in each other’s lives. But it got too much. I was too much. He’s better off without me.”
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Marc isn't mentioning how Frenchie 100% had a crush on Marc but that's straight up canon. Marc didn't know until much, much later. Dense.
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skyward-floored · 6 months
For the ask game, 8 for Spirit & 13 for Windy?
8. Are there any specific lines or events in canon that influence your characterization?
Well at the end of spirit tracks, Spirit went with the engineer route. He keeps up his sword skills, and if Zelda ever needs his help he’ll be there, but he could never give up being an engineer.
I can’t think of any specific lines about this, but he also cares very much for the bunnies in the kingdom. And generally loves little critters.
13. Does (character) have Scar Stories?
Windy has several, and he will gladly tell them with great gusto and theatrics. His favorite to tell about are the claw marks on his chest, he got them the first time he snuck into the forsaken fortress and the Helmarock King grabbed and threw him.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Do you have a song that just plays on loop in your brain no matter what? I do. It's the Kokiri forest theme.
Haha SO many songs, oh my gosh. Just depends on the day. A few weeks ago I listened to Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish for literally two days straight. Tonight I’ve been listening to Memory Reboot for like, idk, four hours or something.
Kokiri Forest theme is such a catchy one, I can see why that’s stuck in your head!
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prince-of-red-lions · 9 months
Hyrule learning to ride a horse?
HERE *throws this at you* >:D
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GIGGLE. this was fun to draw HEAJSGN sorry it took so long!
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windfighter · 2 years
Now I need to know, does Finnish have a sentence construction equivalent to English's "not bad", containing the word "bad"? :P
That's a very good question and I wish I had an answer to it! But maybe I'm lucky and one of my followers do?
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ase-trollplays · 2 months
🌱Corali: What do you wanna be when you grow up? :D
🌱: A child
>> You're three sweeps old and currently leaning against your lusus and bandaging up your leg after your most recent strife with him. You may be a short, scrawny little stick figure of a troll, but one night you're going to beat him.
When I grow up, I'ma be the biggest, strongest, most meanest an' fightin'est troll there ever was! I'ma be takin' on all sorts a trolls an' huntin' with my bare hands an' my machete! Ain't no one gonna say I'm weak! I'll show everyone that rusties can be strong, too!
>> With your leg bandaged up, you start cleaning the blood off your face from your bloody nose earlier.
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bloodydumpsterrp · 1 year
Maybe Cute or Grunge for the Outfit Meme? :0 [Mun's choice]
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ooooo yeah.
pose/outfit inspo - pinterest
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
🪅, 🐿, and 👒, please?
🪅 A book that came as a complete surprise to you
I was astonished by how enthralling (and fun) the narrative voices were in The Moonstone, and even more astonished by how much I loved Marian Halcombe (probably my favorite character I've encountered in Victorian literature) in The Woman in White.
🐿 A series you'd like to have more and more and more of
I'd like to have more and more books in the Emma M. Lion series, and since we're only on Volume 7 on a planned 24, it sounds like we're going to get it.
👒 A book that you like, but not for the reason most people do
I love Anne of Windy Poplars (partially) because of the letters between Anne and Gilbert, not in spite of them.
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