mel-loly · 14 days
I have a question, ocs edition. If I meet Mel or even Axel or Franz..or one of your oc how would be theirs reactions ?
Hey Nys! Also, here you go:
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Most of the characters would have a half-a-half similar reaction to anyone they would “meet”, but especially, Axel I think is the most different of all, so much so that he is only like that way (sweet and nice) with David and Windy so.. Yeah, he really likes you/p ^^
I hope you enjoyed the reactions and please if you could reblog and give an answer about it, I would be very happy, because it was hard work to do :'] but very cool too, I was really happy to be able to do it💛
(despite being in chibi style, it was still a bit complicated because there are certain characters that I don't usually draw that much, and then.. yk? but I was still very happy that you sent me the ask, seriously, if it wasn't for you, Amy and Hyia sending me asks about my ocs, I would never be so happy! and also, to show this kindness, I decided to respond with drawings, because just as they are special to me, you guys are too, and you deserve such affection and effort from me💖)
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mel-is-genderfluid · 2 years
I saw a video about “New free items on Roblox”, and so I decided to show to how to get >those cute backpacks< for you guys/someone who is interested :]
Name of the game: [Chococat] My Hello Kitty Coffee
The game and the items that you will get is very easy. You just need to learn the tutorial first, then to get/level up just decorate/put more things in your coffee shop, so you get more customers and also do the tasks easily and quickly :D
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1- Cinamonroll backpack: you get it when having served 1000 customers
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2- Gudetama backpack: you can get it when you reach level 20
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3- Hello Kitty backpack: you can get it when you reach level 25
Also- a warning: all these free items will only be available for one month, so if you are interested, get them before the 31th of this month :]
-Hope y'all are having a wonderful day/night, and good luck for the ones who wants to get it! <33
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mel-loly · 2 months
13. David Will
14. Sabryna Morgan
15. Sharon Spencer
16. Abibas
If you don't know or don't remember what they look like, give a look at the list in my pinned post!
(also- I don't believe this is “difficult” to choose, but I still thought it would be fun to ask :])
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mel-loly · 9 days
-News about the characters!!!
My characters now have the “dead/alive” thing, and why is that? Well, this is basically a “spoiler” in the story of some of them and it is what will make them more important.
Also- my characters now have birthdays! (almost) All of them were based on some dates of creation, appearance here on the blog and special dates. Therefore...
Mel Creator: Your birthday is the same as the date I joined Tumblr.
Mel-Loly: She's don't have a “special date” (sadly I couldn’t find its creation date)
Marcos: It is also not inspired by an exact date.
Primrose: It's inspired by the date it first appeared on my (gaming) blog.
Axel: It was also inspired by the first time I introduced him on the blog (right at the beginning of the blog).
Franz: Inspired by the first drawing in which she appeared and which I posted here on the blog.
SproutOliver: One day after he appeared here and was called a new character.
Pinkobot: First time it appeared on my gaming blog.
Charlie: Second time it appeared on the blog, being the old “y/n”.
Sharon: First time it appeared on my gaming blog.
Zina: There is no special date.
Abibas: It doesn't have, literally because they do not have a “age”.
Calopsita: First time it was presented on the blog as a character.
Sabryna: Date of creation (of the drawing for the design) of her.
Windy: One day before “World Autism Awareness Day”.
David: When I posted my first “One-Shot”.
And.. One thing that would come!!
I will post the powers and their descriptions of my characters, basically explaining how they work, the effects they cause and so on. I don't have a set date yet for when I will start posting them but.. You will see when I post👍
That's it for now, if there's anything else I'll let you know!
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mel-loly · 5 months
Hi! Have Any of your Oc's have been They evolved for so long? It's been a long time since I've seen so much of your Ocs!
Hey Natalia!
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Also- oh! Well.. I've even been talking a little about my ocs again, including, yes, I “changed” them a little, the personality was what I changed the most so... They are a little “different”, but also they are still the same! And Mel-Loly and Primrose (one of my most recent characters who became original) are getting married in a few days, so.. Yeah... “Official” couples are coming soon lol-
And I made a post recently talking a little about me having changed my ocs, and I asked people to look more afterwards because I might be changing the descriptions a little and anyways... If you want to know more about or something like that, here is the link!
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If you want to ask more about them, feel free! What I like to do most here besides chatting and answering you guys is receiving questions for/about my characters, so... Feel free! I would love to receive more questions and- well, I would actually love too to tell you more about them👉👈💖
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Thank you very much for the ask, I got VERY and VERY happy to receive it, I rarely receive any questions/asks about my characters so.. I'm very happy to receive another one! Thank you a lot, dear!🥺🫶💖
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mel-loly · 1 year
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-Just literally random things that i draw, part.26
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mel-loly · 1 year
Hey everyone! Hry'all? Just doing this post to show all my second characters in one list:
Axel Fischer
Franz Fischer
Charlie Mitchell
Sharon Spencer
Zina Hanzel
Calopsita Mink
Sabryna Morgan
Primrose GoldenFlower
Windy Joy
David Will
Have a wonderful day/night <333
Edit: Functions of each character in the MKS family/group ↓ (Some functions that are rarely used, they do not face great “dangers”, but still have their functions already prepared)
Mel-Loly: Group leader, protector, attacker (sometimes they uses their old attack modes, but this is only in times of danger), and they is also considered a “father/mother” to the group.. Normally they is the one who takes care of everyone.
Marcos: Attacker, species of carnivorous plant with tentacles (and of all flowers, basically everything in nature), also a collector/florist.
Primrose: Protector, good listener, puts plans into practice, attacker (same thing as Mel).
Abibas: Mascot, keeps “company” and from time to time helps others with easier or smaller things.
Calopsita: Doctor/nurse, former helicopter pilot.
SproutOliver: Helper (in heavier things), cook.
Sharon: Musician, she also helps in the kitchen with Oliver.
Franz: Attacker, a kind of toxic paint monster, also sometimes a nurse.
Windy: Rarely attacker, she is usually the “little light” in dark moments, like going to a cave or something like that, she herself doesn't like to fight or get into trouble, so she usually just keeps company for her friends (same as Abibas).
Axel: Protector/Attacker, shield and good with weapons/guns/pistols (he has gun license), former delegate/investigator, just like Windy, he is also a “little light” in dark moments (his hair shines, and causes more damage to others.
Zina: Adventurous, she also puts plans into practice, a helper (with heavier things or a lot of things), quick to think.
Charlie: Engineer/Blacksmith/Mechanic, basically he is the cog in the entire system of tools and mechanical things, he is the one who normally plans plans, quick to think.
Pinkobot: Helper (in everything), “walking computer”, helps Charlie plan their plans.
Sabryna: Makes potions, usually healing and poison.
David: Helps Sharon and SproutOliver in the kitchen, is also good with guns/pistols.
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mel-loly · 2 years
-Hello there! Hry'all?
Today's character is nothing new, I already posted an art of her here on the blog and- today I'm just going to show you guys her description! So- today's character is..... Pinkobot! Our dear human robot :DD
Pinkobot look:
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Description of her:
Name: Pinkobot
Age: 27
Birthday: September 19th
Sexuality: Pansexual and aroace
Gender: Demigirl
Pronouns: She/They
Status: Single
Specie: Robot human.
Personality: She is sweet and has the spirit of helping people, she usually always tries to be helpful when it comes to doing a slightly more complicated task, like solving numbers or something like that. She is also good at having plans and knows very well how to put them into practice, knows the exact items she needs and everything! She's smart, just like her little brother.
Dead/Live: Alive
Family/relative: Charlie.
-Hope you have a wonderful day/night!💛
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mel-loly · 2 years
-Hello there! Hry'all?
Today's character is someone who has gone through a lot of changes, and today I make them officially complete and with a description! Today's character is.... Charlie! I already posted two arts of them here on the blog, and they was like “y/n” but I changed it and made them as a character :]
Charlie look:
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Description of them:
Name: Charlie Mitchell
Age: 16
Birthday: June 13th
Sexuality: Aromantic
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Status: Does not intend to be in a relationship at the moment.
Specie: Human(?)
Personality: They is very intelligent, they knows how to build things as well as an adult knows how to build a car or something even bigger all by theirself. They is also sometimes quite busy, they is always writing new information and inventions (to be done later) in their book, they is very organized and doesn't let anything go wrong. And obviously in their free time, they is a very good person, and a very good listener!
Dead/Alive: Alive
Family/relative: Pinkobot (I'll explain this later on, so.. please have patience ^^).
-Hope you have a wonderful day/night!💛
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mel-loly · 1 year
-SISTEM: Pinkobot is giving you a “star”, would you (decline) or (accept)?
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-Just literally random things that i draw, part.11
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mel-loly · 1 year
Hey everyone! Hry'all? Good? I hope so! ^^
I decided to change the status of some characters so- here you go:
Axel SproutOliver Pinkobot
Hope you guys have a wonderful day/night💛🐝
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mel-loly · 1 year
-SISTEM: Pinkobot got happy that you guys accepted her star!💖
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@nys-is-dead @syrxieereblog @the-mystic-wolves @lunarthefrieschild
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mel-loly · 1 year
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-Just literally random things that i draw, part.15
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mel-loly · 1 year
Hi Mel hru?
anyway I was looking at ur character designs and I saw pinkobot and her design was so cute my brain forced me to draw her
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Hello there, buddy! I'm fine-? Maybe I think :] And hbu?? How's your day going?
Pinkobot thanks you a lot for the fanart! She loved, also- she feels very happy for your sweet attitude.💖
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Have a wonderful day/night!💛
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mel-loly · 4 months
(Grupo MKS, One Shots/MKS Group, One Shots)
↓ To PDF file
Branco/White: Português/Portuguese
Laranja/Orange: Inglês/English
“D” para David (novo personagem), “A” para Axel e “M” pra Mel-Loly.  /“D” for David (new character), “A” for Axel and “M” for Mel-Loly.
⚠️Aviso⚠️: É um pouco cringe, e tem melancolía e racismo. Também não recomendo ler se você realmente não gosta de coisas “muito carinhosas/relações melosas”. /⚠️Warning⚠️: It's a bit cringe, and has melancholy and racism. I also don't recommend reading it if you really don't like “very affectionate/mushy relationships” things.
“O Reencontro de Ex-Colegas/The Reunion of Former Colleagues”
Era um dia normal na vida dos MKS.. Todos estavam a fazer suas coisas, ou na verdade, se distraindo já que não tinham nenhuma situação de perigo acontecendo. /It was a normal day in the lives of MKS... Everyone was doing their things, or in fact, distracting themselves since there was no dangerous situation happening.
Basicamente: Charlie com os seus planos e Pinkobot ajudando ele. SproutOliver fazendo almoço enquanto Sharon e seu namorado(Nicolas, personagem de @manpleblog), o ajudava. Zina já planejando suas novas aventuras. Marcos arrumando um pouco o seu quarto e lendo seu livro sobre plantas. Franz costurando algumas roupas rasgadas e antigas suas. Primrose e Madeline(também personagem de @manpleblog) estavam tomando um chá. Sabryna fazendo algumas poções novas junto com sua namorada (Celeste, TAMBÉM personagem de @manpleblog). Calopsita na enfermaria testando as poções de cura da Sabryna. Windy na sua casa da árvore, jogando alguns joguinhos junto com Abibas. Axel testando golpes e novas armas (criadas por Charlie) na sala de treinamento. E finalmente, Mel, saindo de casa para regar o jardim de flores de seu filho, também dando comida para as plantas carnívoras que Marcos cultivava. Pq segundo ele, essas plantas iriam fortalecer seu poder de “natureza”, oq Mel claramente não confiava muito, mas ainda fazia questão de cuidar mesmo assim.  /Basically: Charlie with their plans and Pinkobot helping them. SproutOliver making lunch while Sharon and her boyfriend (Nicolas, character from @manpleblog), helped him. Zina is already planning her new adventures. Marcos tidying up his room a little and reading his book about plants. Franz sewing some of her old torn clothes. Primrose and Madeline (also a @manpleblog character) were having tea. Sabryna making some new potions together with her girlfriend (Celeste, ALSO @manpleblog character). Calopsita in the infirmary testing Sabryna's healing potions. Windy in her treehouse, playing some games with Abibas. Axel testing moves and new weapons (created by Charlie) in the training room. And finally, Mel, leaving the house to water their son's flower garden, also giving food to the carnivorous plants that Marcos cultivated. Because according to him, these plants would strengthen his “nature” power, which Mel clearly didn't trust much, but still insisted on taking care of them anyway.
Mel, cuidando ainda do jardim, encontra um amigo que havia conhecido a pouco tempo, mas que já tinha papo e que já tinha criado uma boa afinidade com ele. Ao vê-lo, Mel dá um sorriso e logo acena pra ele. Largando o regador no chão com cuidado e indo em direção ao indivíduo.  /Mel, still taking care of the garden, meets a friend he had met recently, but who had already started chatting and had already created a good rapport with him. Upon seeing him, Mel gives a smile and then waves to him. Carefully dropping the watering can on the ground and moving towards the individual.
M: Eai, David! Como cê tá, meu irmão?  /Hey, David! How are you, my buddy?
D: Eai, Mel! Como é bom te ver!  /Hey, Mel! How good it is to see you!
Os dois dão um comprimento com as mãos e se puxam para um abraço em seguida, dando uns tapinhas nas costas. Logo se soltam e depois começam a bater um papo.  /The two shake hands and then pull each other into a hug, patting each other on the back. They soon loosen up and then start chatting.
Axel, dando sua “passeada”.. Encontra Mel conversando com alguém, e logo reconhece a pessoa... Ficando surpreso..  /Axel, taking his “walk”.. He finds Mel talking to someone, and immediately recognizes the person... Being surprised..
A: David..?
David ouve chamar seu nome, ele se vira.. Então reconhece a pessoa, logo abre um sorriso doce e gentil.  /David hears his name called, he turns around... Then he recognizes the person, and opens a sweet and gentle smile.
D: Ah, eai Axel!  /Oh, hey Axel!
Ele vai em direção a Axel, e logo dá um abraço apertado, mas também com gentileza. Axel, por sua vez, fica ainda em choque com a aparição de seu ex-colega de seu trabalho perto da casa da família, ainda mais conversando com Mel.. Mesmo assim, devolve o abraço e descansa a cabeça no seu ombro.  /He goes towards Axel, and then gives him a tight hug, but also with kindness. Axel, in turn, is still shocked by the appearance of his former colleague from his work near the family home, even more so talking to Mel.. Even so, he returns the hug and rests his head on David shoulder.
D: Faz tanto tempo que não nos vemos.. Fico feliz de te encontrar novamente...  /It's been so long since we've seen each other.. I'm happy to meet you again...
Ele aperta ainda mais Axel, mas mesmo com o abraço apertado, Axel se sente confortável e esfrega as suas costas, fazendo um carinho.  /He tightens his grip on Axel, but even with the tight hug, Axel feels comfortable and rubs his back, caressing him.
A: Eu também fico feliz.. É muito bom te ver...  /I'm happy too.. It's great to see you...
Axel dá um pequeno afasto, mas ainda está perto de David. Ele olha para os olhos do outro homem, aqueles olhos cor de laranja.. Ah... Como Axel sentia saudade daqueles olhos.. E todo rosto em si, lhe deixava mais do que só admirado... Mas logo volta ao presente ao ouvir seu amigo falar.  /Axel takes a small step away, but is still close to David. He looks at the other man's eyes, those orange eyes.. Oh... How Axel missed those eyes.. And the whole face in itself, left him more than just admired... But soon he returns to the present listen to your friend talk.
D: Vejo que você mudou bastante.  /I see that you have changed a lot.
A: Ah.. É... Eu.. Decidi ficar com um estilo meio “rebelde”.... Eu sei, é meio “estranho” comparado ao o que eu usava ultimamente naquele tempo..  /Oh.. Yeah... I.. I decided to go with a somewhat “rebellious” style.... I know, it’s a bit “strange” compared to what I wore lately at that time..
D: Ei, eu não falei nada disso! Você não tá estranho, eu, pelo menos, acho você estiloso. E se você se sente confortável assim, melhor ainda!  /Hey, I didn't say anything like that! You don't look strange, I, at least, think you're stylish. And if you feel comfortable like that, even better!
Axel, ao ouvir aquilo, sentiu um rubor transparecer em seu rosto. Logo se afastou e se virou de costas pro outro homem, tentando esconder um pouco o rubor e pensar em algo pra distrair sua mente. Já David em si, ficou confuso com o que acabou de acontecer, logo levou uma de suas mãos pra coçar um pouco a sua cabeça.  /Axel, upon hearing that, felt a blush appear on his face. He then walked away and turned his back to the other man, trying to hide his blush a little and think of something to distract his mind. David himself was confused by what had just happened, so he took one of his hands to scratch his head a little.
D: Ei, Axel.. Eu falei alguma coisa errada...?  /Hey, Axel.. Did I say something wrong...?
Ele diz com um sorriso meio torto e desajeitado. Axel percebe o que realmente fez e volta a realidade, logo se vira, lançando um sorriso também torto e tímido, mas totalmente genuíno, também com um leve rubor em suas bochechas.  /He says with a crooked and awkward smile. Axel realizes what he really did and comes back to reality, then turns around, throwing a smile that is also crooked and shy, but totally genuine, also with a slight blush on his cheeks.
A: Ah! Não não! Eu só- uh... Não esperava um elogio assim, ainda mais alguém da polícia.. Ou mais especificamente, “delegacia”. /Oh! No no! I just- uh... I didn't expect a compliment like that, especially someone from the police.. Or more specifically, “station”.
Axel acaba de tocar em um assunto delicado, que faz David perder totalmente a compostura e se entristecer um pouco. Olhando meio para o lado, tentando não demonstrar muito sua tristeza em seu olhar. Axel percebe o movimento, e conhecendo David, ele sabe exatamente que seu amigo não está bem, e fez questão de perguntar.  /Axel has just touched on a delicate subject, which makes David completely lose his composure and feel a little sad. Looking to the side, trying not to show his sadness too much in his eyes. Axel notices the movement, and knowing David, he knows exactly that his friend is not well, and made a point of asking.
A: David..? Está tudo bem...?  /David..? Is everything ok...?
David não consegue nem olhar para Axel, ele não faz idéia de como contar a notícia, mas tinha certeza que seria o certo de qualquer maneira dizer a verdade e desabafar sobre.. Ele coça a cabeça, fechando os olhos e dando um suspiro.  /David can't even look at Axel, he has no idea how to break the news, but he was sure it would be right anyway to tell the truth and vent about... He scratches his head, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.
D: Eu parei de ser delegado.. E até policial...  /I stopped being a delegate.. And even a police officer...
David diz, sendo totalmente sincero e honesto com o homem a sua frente. Ele agora leva os olhos finalmente aos o de Axel, ele olha para um homem chocado, mas também interessado ao saber o motivo.  /David says, being completely sincere and honest with the man in front of him. He now finally brings his eyes to Axel's, he looks at a shocked man, but also interested in knowing the reason.
D: Eu basicamente não tava aguentando mais aquela delegacia.. Me lembro das vezes que eu chegava em casa, totalmente desgastado pelo estresse...  /I basically couldn't handle that police station anymore... I remember the times I would come home, completely worn out by the stress...
Pois não tinha um dia que eu me sentisse bem naquele ambiente, não tinha um dia que eu pudesse fazer as minhas coisas com a cabeça limpa.  /Because there wasn't a day that I felt good in that environment, there wasn't a day that I could do my things with a clear head.
Ainda mais quando você saiu.. Eu me senti mais vazio e sem força... Tipo- eu sempre quis ser delegado, sempre quis ser o “líder”, mas.. Depois eu vi que não servia nem um pouco pra esse tipo de coisa... Além de não servir, eu vi que não tinha sentido eu estar ali, até porque era você quem me dava uma razão pra continuar, você me fazia cumprir qualquer ordem, me inspirava também a me tornar alguém o suficientemente confiante de que o que eu fazia era bom, era do seu agrado..   /Even more so when you left... I felt more empty and powerless... Like- I always wanted to be a delegate, I always wanted to be the “leader”, but... Then I saw that I wasn't even a bit fit for that kind of thing... Besides not being useful, I saw that there was no point in me being there, because you gave me a reason to continue, you made me carry out any order, you also inspired me to become someone confident enough that what I did it, it was good, it was to your liking..
Quando eu soube que o motivo de você ter saído era por causa da sua homossexualidade e estava sendo julgado tanto pelos nossos colegas como pelos outros por isso, eu fiz questão de não ficar triste e fazer que, pelo menos no ambiente de trabalho, ninguém poderia ousar a julgar os outros por sua sexualidade, gênero ou cor.  /When I found out that the reason you left was because of your homosexuality and that you were being judged by both our colleagues and others for that, I made a point of not being sad and making sure that, at least in the work environment, no one could dare to judge others by their sexuality, gender or color.
Axel ao ouvir isso, abriu um leve sorriso, ele estava muito orgulhoso de seu amigo.  /Axel, upon hearing this, opened a slight smile, he was very proud of his friend.
D: O engraçado é que.. A última coisa, eles não respeitaram, não cumpriram com a regra... Literalmente me julgando por causa da minha cor.  /The “funny” thing is.. The last thing, they didn't respect, they didn't comply with the rule... Literally judging me because of my color.
A: Que..!? Mas--  /What..!? But--
D: É, eu sei, isso nunca tinha acontecido, mas depois que você foi embora e que eu me tornei líder, várias coisas que nunca aconteceram, haviam começado a acontecer... E cada vez piorava.  /Yes, I know, that had never happened, but after you left and I became leader, several things that never happened, started to happen... And it got worse and worse.
Primeiro começaram a insinuar-me chamar de macaco mas “discretamente” e a me tratar como um, me presenteando com “bananas podres” todo dia. Depois começaram a me questionar, de que como eu havia dado a regra pra não julgar tais pessoas, se eu era gay ou algo assim, e até me perguntarem se eu era teu namorado e era por isso que você tinha me deixado ficar em seu lugar. E por último, começaram a quase sempre derramar o meu café “sem querer” na minha mesa de trabalho, sujando várias coisas, que eles sabiam que tinham documentos muito importantes e que com certeza iria me desgastar mais ainda tentando procurar provas para achar os culpados dos crimes.  /First they began to insinuate themselves into calling me a monkey but “discreetly” and treating me like one, giving me “rotten bananas” every day. Then they started questioning me, like I had given the rule not to judge such people, if I was gay or something like that, and they even asked me if I was your boyfriend and that was why you had let me stay in your place. And finally, they almost always started to “accidentally” spill my coffee on my desk, dirtying several things, which they knew had very important documents and that would certainly wear me out even more trying to look for evidence to find the culprits of crimes.
E bom, com isso tudo acontecendo, mais o meu cansaço de ter que ficar quase o dia inteiro naquela delegacia.. Eu decidi sair... Basicamente decidi deixar de ser policial.. E olha, te conta, eu acho que no final, foi uma das melhores escolhas que já fiz, sabia?  /And well, with all this happening, plus my tiredness from having to spend almost the entire day at that police station.. I decided to leave... Basically I decided to stop being a police chief, and even a police officer... And look, I'll tell you, I think in the end, it was one of the best choices I've ever made, you know?
Axel se surpreende com sua última frase, e faz questão de perguntar.  /Axel is surprised by your last sentence, and makes a point of asking.
A: E porque você acha isso?  /And why do you think that?
David sorri, mas logo em seguida cai uma lágrima de seu olho.. E enquanto escorre, ele apenas responde.  /David smiles, but then a tear falls from his eye... And as it falls, he just responds.
D: Porque agora eu me sinto livre da dor de estar rodeado de pessoas que não me fazem bem..  /Because now I feel free from the pain of being surrounded by people who are not good for me...
Ao ouvir aquilo, Axel imediatamente dá um abraço em David.. Um abraço forte, apertado e também muito carinhoso... David por outro lado, retribuí o abraço, ele encosta a cabeça no ombro de seu amigo e começa a chorar aos poucos, dando leves fungadas.. Axel, mesmo não sendo muito de chorar e demonstrar tal sentimentos que ele considera de “fraqueza”, ele deixa escorrer uma lágrima de seu olho, apertando mais ainda David e esfregando suas costas, fazendo aquele mesmo carinho que ele fez no começo.  /Upon hearing that, Axel immediately gives David a hug... A strong, tight and also very affectionate hug... David, on the other hand, returned the hug, he puts his head on his friend's shoulder and starts to cry little by little, giving light sniffles.. Axel, even though he isn't much of a cryer and shows feelings that he considers "weakness", he lets a tear fall from his eye, squeezing David even tighter and rubbing his back, doing the same caress he did at the beginning.
D: Eu achei que você não gostasse muito quando demonstrasse os seus reais sentimentos, ou que os outros fizessem isso..  /I thought you didn't like it very much when you showed your real feelings, or when others did that..
David diz entre meio soluços e lágrimas escorrendo em seu rosto.  /David says between half sobs and tears streaming down his face.
A: Sinto que com você é diferente.. Eu tenho uma forte confiança em você... Sinto que posso ser sincero.. Ainda mais por tudo que me contaste! Tem como não deixar de ser um idiota e uma mini/pequena lágrima cair do seu olho? David, eu posso não ter estado lá pra te ajudar naquele momento, e que esse abraço não seja o suficiente pra te fazer sentir confortado, mas mesmo assim quero ser sincero contigo...  /I feel like it's different with you.. I have a strong trust in you... I feel like I can be sincere.. Even more so because of everything you've told me! How can not stop being an idiot and have a little tear fall from your eye? David, I may not have been there to help you at that moment, and this hug may not be enough to make you feel comforted, but I still want to be honest with you...
Axel aperta um pouquinho mais seu amigo, David não consegue dizer se quer uma palavra, então faz um carinho em seu cabelo em resposta. Axel dá um leve sorriso ao ver o quão emocionado seu amigo está, ele com certeza nunca tinha visto David assim antes, mas sabia que de alguma forma ou outra que ele ficaria assim, tudo que ele contou para Axel, é uma reação já bem esperada de se ter..  /Axel squeezes his friend tighter, David manages to say no words, so he strokes his hair in response. Axel gives a slight smile when he sees how emotional his friend is, he had certainly never seen David like this before, but he knew that one way or another he would be like this, everything he told Axel is a well-expected reaction from to have...
(Um tempinho depois/A while later...)
Axel vê que finalmente David parou de chorar, ele para os movimentos de carinho nas costas.  /Axel sees that David has finally stopped crying, he stops stroking his back.
A: Se sente melhor?  /Do you feel better?
D: Mhm..
David confirma, ainda com a cabeça encostada em seu ombro. Sentindo-se totalmente confortado pelo carinho e apoio de seu “ex-líder” e amigo. Axel dá um sorriso logo em seguida ao ouvir isso.  /David confirms, still with his head resting on Axel's shoulder. Feeling completely comforted by the affection and support of his “former leader” and friend. Axel smiles immediately after hearing this.
A: Fico feliz..  /I am happy..
Axel afasta a cabeça, e os dois se entre olham. Axel vê o quanto David chorou só por causa das olheiras, seus olhos estavam um pouco vermelhos e escorrendo ainda uma lágrima do rosto. Axel limpa a lágrima e logo depois David dá um leve sorriso em resposta.  /Axel moves his head away, and the two look at each other. Axel sees how much David cried just because of the dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were a little red and a tear was still running down his face. Axel wipes the tear away and soon after David gives a slight smile in response.
Enquanto isso....... Mel, em seu cantinho escondido, como um bom “fofoqueiro silencioso”, viu e ouviu toda a conversa e interação dos dois..... Descobrindo um pouco mais do passado de Axel e de David, o tal qual Mel tinha conhecido a poucos dias, mas agora já sabia de tudo. E ao presenciar, Mel teve a brilhante idéia de convidar David pra família/grupo MKS... Já que sabia muito bem agora de como ele realmente era e o quão importante foi para Axel..  /Meanwhile....... Mel, in their hidden corner, like a good “silent gossiper”, saw and heard the entire conversation and interaction between the two..... Discovering a little more about Axel and David's past, the one Mel had met a few days ago, but now they knew everything. And upon witnessing it, Mel had the brilliant idea of inviting David to the MKS family/group.
M: *Ahem*.. Estou interrompendo alguma coisa?  /*Ahem*.. Am I interrupting something?
Mel pergunta totalmente ciente da resposta e da reação de Axel. Os dois olham para Mel, Axel faz uma carranca, já David dá um sorriso.  /Mel asks, fully aware of Axel's answer and reaction. They both look at Mel, Axel frowns, David smiles.
D: Ah, Oi Mel! Bom te ver novamente!  /Oh, Hi Mel! Good to see you again!
A: Você ouviu tudo, não foi?  /You heard everything, didn't you?
D: Uh?
Axel pergunta ainda com a carranca, fazendo David fica confuso.. Mel dá o seu querido sorriso malicioso em resposta.  /Axel asks, still frowning, making David confused.. Mel gives their beloved mischievous smile in response.
M: Talvez.....  /Perhaps.....
A: SEU--  /YOU--
M: MAS....  /BUT....
Não conto pra ninguém, ó:  /I won't tell anyone, look:
Ele faz os gestos de zíper na boca.  /They makes the zipper gestures in their mouth.
M: Boca fechada, tá?  /Mouth closed, okay?
SE você deixar o David entrar na família.  /IF you let David into the family.
A: Que....?  /What....?
D: Família..? Pera... Vocês se conhecem? São irmãos??  /Family..? Wait... Do you know each other? Are they brothers??
A: Não.. Não é bem assim...  /No.. Not exactly this...
M: Na verdade é eu quem chamo de família, David.  /I'm actually the one I call family, David.
D: Ah.. E vocês se conhecem então?  /Oh.. And do you know each other then?
M: Sim, só que esse “coisinha” aí que tá agarrado ni ti, me odeia pra um cacete- ele só quis fazer parte da família por causa da sua irmã, que tem grande papo comigo, tá ligado?  /Yes, but this “little thing” that is attached to you, hates me like hell- he only wanted to be part of the family because of his sister, who has a great chat with me, you know?
A: Cala boca..  /Shut your mouth..
M: Óia, respeita os mais véi.. Lembre-se, você tem 23 anos, eu sou 10 anos mais velho que tu. Então baixa a tua bolinha..  /Hey, respect your elders.. Remember, you're 23 years old, I'm 10 years older than you. So calm down...
A: “Baixar a bolinha”, aa para! Teu c# então!  /“Calm down”, oh hey, stop! Your ass then!
M: Nem te preocupa, ele é assim. Tem uma rivalidade e implicância comigo que olha.. Dá pra nem descrever.  /Don't worry, that's how he is. There's a rivalry and annoyance with me, which, look.. I can't even describe it.
D: Mesmo assim! Que horror, Axel..! Não pode falar coisas assim...  /Even so! How horrible, Axel...! You can't say things like that...
A: Desculpa, David, é que eu me acostumei muito em falar palavrão com o tempo.. Me esqueci que você não gosta...  /Sorry, David, I've gotten very used to saying such things over time.. I forgot that you don't like it...
D: O problema não é nem eu gostar ou não, o problema é fazer isso com o Mel!  /The problem isn't whether I like it or not, the problem is doing it with Mel!
A: Que..?  /What..?
D: Pô, ele é mó legal, me tratou com um baita de um carinho.. Tipo- super gente boa... Vai me dizer que ele não te trata assim também?  /Like, he's really nice, he treated me with great affection.. And really sweet... Are you going to tell me that he doesn't treat you like that too?
A: Cala boca, David! Deixa de ser fã dele! Ele não é tão bom quanto parece!  /Shut up, David! Stop being their fan! They're not as good as they seem!
Axel fala se afastando deles.  /Axel says, moving away from them.
D: Ei! Pra onde você tá indo!?  /Hey! Where are you going!?
M: O! Cê não respondeu a minha pergunta!  /Hey! You didn't answer my question!
A: Faz oq tu quiser! Desde que não faça dele mais um fã teu também!  /Do whatever you want! As long as you don't make him another fan of yours too!
Axel fala e sai de vista, logo David olha pra Mel com uma expressão confusa..  /Axel speaks and leaves sight, then David looks at Mel with a confused expression..
D: Pq ele é assim contigo?  /Why is he like this with you?
M: Na verdade ele é assim com quase todo mundo, os da família as vezes ele implica um pouco também, isso quando não tão nem provocando.. Que é a pior parte...  /In fact, he's like that with almost everyone, those in his family sometimes get a little stressed too, that when they're not even provoking him.. Which is the worst part...
Mel olha nos olhos de David.  /Mel looks into David's eyes.
M: Ele parece uma fera....  /He looks like a beast....
David faz um olhar assustado, já lembrando de como ele era no passado com tais pessoas.. Ele se estremece.  /David looks scared, already remembering how Axel was in the past with such people.. He shudders.
D: Eu acho que sei de como ele é.. Talvez não tenha mudado nada desde aquela época...  /I think I know what he's like.. Maybe nothing has changed since then...
M: No trabalho ele também era assim?  /Was he like that at work too?
D: As vezes sim.. E muito furioso, tinha medo até... Mas depois que eu falava um pouco com ele, ele se acalmava rapidinho!  /Sometimes yes.. He was very angry, and I was very scared... But after I talked to him a little, he calmed down quickly!
Mel ao ouvir isso ficou ainda mais com vontade de botar David na família, sabendo que teria alguém pra apagar o fogo que tem na cabeça de Axel seria ótimo!  /Mel, upon hearing this, made them want to bring David into the family even more, knowing that there would be someone to put out the fire in Axel's head would be great!
M: Aí! Que ótimo!!! Você vai ser perfeito então pra apagar o fogo daquela carranc- quero dizer.. Quer ser da família?  /Hey! That's excellent!!! You'll be perfect then to put out the fire in that frown/grumpy- I mean.. Do you want to be family?
David ri do que acabou de ouvir e também fica super feliz com o convite.  /David laughs at what he just heard and is also super happy with the invitation.
D: Hehe, seria uma honra tá com você e com o Axel!  /Hehe, it would be an honor to be with you and Axel!
M: Ótimo, meu querido! Vou te levar pra conhecer meu filho, minha noiva, toda a galerinha que agora também é sua família e seu grupo!  /Great, my dear! I'm going to take you to meet my son, my fiancee, all the people who are now also your family and your group!
Sem nem mesmo ter o consentimento do outro homem, Mel pega e puxa David pelo braço, levando em direção a casa.  /Without even having the other man's consent, Mel grabs and pulls David by the arm, leading him towards the house.
David é logo recebido com muito amor e carinho, os de casa e principalmente Marcos ficaram muito feliz com o novo membro do grupo e família. David agora é o ajudante de SproutOliver na cozinha, junto com Sharon. As vezes ele também usa seu antigo porte de armas e ajuda Axel a batalhar com suas habilidades.  /David was immediately welcomed with lots of love and affection, those at home and especially Marcos were very happy with the new member of the group and family. David is now SproutOliver's helper in the kitchen, along with Sharon. Sometimes he also uses his “old” gun license and helps Axel fight with his skills.
Revisado por minha irmã(@lelaloly). Muito obrigado, Lela!💛  /Reviewed by my sister(@lelaloly). Thank you a lot, Lela!💛
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mel-loly · 2 years
-Pinkobot <3
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