#Willow's AU or something
metaphorical-goblin · 3 months
having some batb thoughts to get back in the zone
beasty Miles making a big old nest in his bed. huge piles of pillows and blankets and just curling up in the warm sun and purring, at total peace
putting Phoenix into his bed for a nap and then curling up on him (except Miles is like 9 feet tall and. a giant lion creature)
Phoenix: *wheeze* Miles. Miles please
Trucy falling asleep on his chest fluff, or sitting on his shoulders while she picks out a book, or Miles defensively spreading his wings to hide her and Phoenix away whenever there's danger
Phoenix tackling his mane with a giant brush and comb and using so much "conditioner" to smooth things out because you know he's not taking care of it himself, and Trucy insists on braiding a few strands herself
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frodo-with-glasses · 6 months
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The trees do not like strangers.
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AU where Willow is a superstar athlete and Hunter runs a successful woodworking account on tiktok and they’re both crazy fans abt each other
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nerdykorgi · 1 year
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some fanart of Werewalker Hunter from the amazing fic "The Golden Brother" by @captainmera
I love this fic so much, its so much fun to read and the writing is so good i just askncfhtuydbavhurejfdb
Mera does such a good job at writing each character and im very excited to see where the story goes :D
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also sketch of Hunter in the mindscape with Caleb, artemis, and the selkiedomus
i am a sucker for dad Caleb content and this fic gives me life i swear to titan he makes me feral
Anyways I hope you like it Mera! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
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They also have a really cool comic called "In Blood We Rise" and its rlly cool and u should rlly go read it 👀
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crimeronan · 6 months
Willow is given another glimpse of their insanity when they all get nostalgic while talking about the start of Hunter and Amity's bullying-each-other relationship.
willow: ....so all you need to do to get amity to respect you is beat the shit out of her....?
hunter: apparently. i guess.
willow: [This Is A Surprise Tool That Will Help Us Later]
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envyenvys · 11 months
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Chrissy in some iconic Willow BTVS outfits
(inspo under the cut)
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willowser · 10 months
willow omg right person wrong time bakugou has me in SHAMBLES 😭😭 if you're still connected to his friend group, you'd meet up occasionally and he'd listen to you mention the person you're seeing to mina or someone 😭 and he'd just turn away even though he can't stop himself from listening 😭 because you deserve happiness and if he butts in, he'd be denying you of that !!!!! (if you ever write anything for this i will eat it up with a spoon even if it hurts not even kidding)
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i feel like it kills him to hear, like knife straight through to the heart 🥺 but he'll still ask you stuff like, "your dude buy that shit for you ??" if he sees you with a new necklace or something, and part of it is because he wants to know that he's treating you right, but it's also how he puts out his feelers, to see if you're still together LOL even if he knows he won't make a move, he still wants to know akfnduakak
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sergeantsporks · 11 months
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Some coven head designs for witch switch
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hcdragonwrites · 1 year
Epilogue ( @journey-to-the-au Fic)
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This is what happens at the end of Tea trouble. It’s just short but it’s because I wanted to write fluff and cuddles and warmth.
The sun sank slowly into the sea, painting that great swath of liquid to fire. Willow felt the soft weariness sneak into her face as finally, finally her family mounted their heavenly steeds and kept back into the sky. The stars were beginning to appear in the darkening night. Gold, wood, water and fire. They marked the sky with their light as she waved her sisters goodbye.
From the mouth of babes came a second peace, a second chance. Lychee had offered the peach and Winter had taken a bite from it. An exchange and a wave of apologies. Willow had spent that time swapping tales and trading secrets of her home. Of her mountain. With her sisters. They listened attentively. They touched her hand- sought comfort and reassurance they had not lost her forever in their callous remarks. Willow reassured, reaffirmed and rebounded with each of her sisters.
She was exhausted. Willow sighed, itching her scalp. Her hairpins still bothered her, and her clothes felt too heavy. She wanted nothing more then to sleep for a fortnight. Anger was an emotion Willow rarely dove into, rarely utilized and unleashed. Calm rage? Yes. Anger that blinds like this one did ? No. It left her feeling achy and tired and o so sensitive to her skin.
Willow sighed. She was so thankful to the fruit troop, to Pear and Apple, Pomelo and Mulberry. And Lychee. The bravest little mischief maker ever. The first to offer a olive branch to her sisters and to forgive them. No one will talk that way to them ever again.
For now as the sun cast itself into the sea Willow felt her final strength ebb and fade with its light. She took a step back to rebalance herself —
Great large furred arms swung her up and over broad shoulders. She squealed in surprise as Wukong raised her up, growing in size himself.
“WILLOW!” He practically roared as the rest of the mountain followed suit. Thousands of the troop came racing forward, pressing close and reaching up to her from the spot on Wukongs shoulders. The rest of them were crowing and hollering and screaming. Calling her name.
“Gather the softest pillows and blankets ! The night will hold for us all- set the guards to chasing any beasts out of the groves. Light the fire pits! And everyone GATHER YOUR FAVORITE FRUIT!” Willow heard the roar of the crowd as they thundered off. Hammocks were pulled between trees, bundles of blankets and pillows and downy things were dragged and set down in the field. Monkeys lit the fire pits that lined the clearing, the great orange light casting dancing shadows as the sun continued its decent. Willow saw the troop laugh and chortle as they brought fruits out. A veritable second feast of food. Kiwis, grapes, oranges, watermelons, melons and nectarines.
Wukong kept Willow on his shoulders. Willow was too tired to ask why or deny the outward pouring of love from her earthen family. This was just the way they heaped support and love onto her. A veritable jungle of nests and hammocks, of blanketed caves and soft spots to lay soon covered the grass all around.
To tangle and tug and touch was the Monkey way of showing love. Willow sighed, laying against her husbands very soft and large head.
“What did I do ? It was all my fault.”
“Hush you I won’t hear you taking the blame for others ever again.” Wukong admonished. Several of the troop had gathered nearby, dragging a forest of bedding and plush to make nests and enjoy the night. Wukong set himself down in the thick of the troop, taking Willow up off his shoulders and into his lap. His tail coiled around her a hand against her middle. The giant monkey practically swamped her as he chirped and cooed, crooned and kissed her temples and nose.
“Wukong don’t swallow her!” Ba admonished. Willow peered from between the fur of Wukongs neck. She felt like a chick beneath a mother hen, completely covered and warm. She saw Ba setting up a little nest beside them. Beng was busy swinging Pomelo and Mulberry about-throwing them into pillows that bounced them slightly in the air.
“Save some for the rest of us please.” Ba snorted. Lychee was seated on Chestnuts shoulders talking his mothers ear off about his day and how he and his friends had gotten Little Weaver Girl to braid them flower crowns. He still wore his on his brow, eyes bright. They two set their bedding and nesting material down beside them.
“Are we all sleeping out beneath the stars ?” Willow asked. Wukong didn’t say yes with words. He was too overcome with an emotion, a puff of pride that expanded his chest. Here was his Willow Tree. The strong women who had been betrothed to him but had chosen him- heart and soul. Willow who had turned Huaguoshan into a protected area. Willow who had stalwartly sat beside him when he had been burning and boiling and close to madness inside that bronze prison. Willow who had bravely offered herself to the Imposter to save the rest of his family. And it had been Willow again who had chosen his people and family, his friends and loved ones, and had brought to heel celestial who thought they could talk down to him and what was his.
Whatever I did - whatever luck shot through my sky and made my stone sentient - I am glad it made me in time to be with her.
“Yes princess.” He softly whispered to her. “You defended all of us yet again. You brilliant warrior.” For she was a warrior. Not of blades or fists or claws of teeth. Words were her weapon and she used them brilliantly. More accurate then an arrows fall, she pierced Huaguoshan enemies with no bloodshed.
If I had met her when I was seeking my enlightenment … before I sought Heavens recognition… he wondered. Would his life have gone on a entirely new path? Wukong mussed her hair with his teeth, nibbling until she tapped his jaw in play.
His friends settled about them and the rest of the troop began to visit Willow, offering food and comfort. The little bundle of baby fruits ran across the clearing. They had been hero’s and they didn’t even know it.
Wukong lay curled over and around Willow like some large languid cat, tail tucked possessively about her. He became larger still, letting the little fruits climb onto his back in their play. Rin Rin came forward and Wukong allowed her to take Willows hair down, to groom and to ease her scalp.
Rin Rin heard the story as Wukong, Ba, Liu and Beng recounted it. They were now all here against Wukongs side, grooming and offering fruits or each other, to Willow. The love was a warm glow in the night , a glow that came from within and rivaled that of the dying sunlight. Ba kept off his pranks and offered Willow sour green grapes- and his deepest vows of loyalty. Wukong snorted happily, a large hand gently scratching along Willows back. Beng checked their little word warrior over and then gave her a single hardy shake. Ma was blubbering with Rin Rin who simply held on and brushed Willows hair out. Liu bowed and offered his own vows of loyalty- setting Ba to trying to outdo him.
Wukong waited till the stars were bright in the sky, the moon rising now to cast her silver light to whisper and speak praise and words of love. He wanted to drown her in the emotion that beat in his chest. It was a glow as steady as the sun and as wild as the world. It was not the same love Rin Rin or Liu or Ba or Chestnut Or Beng Or Ma experienced.
Forever and always. I will See her days filled with joy and peace. I will topple the very pillars that hold this world up to give her that. Wukong watched her burrow into his side, fingers curled in his fur. He looked to the sky, to the Heavens. To beyond that- to the cosmic sphere of reality. The universe beyond the Heavens.
“Thank you for making her. She’s perfect.” Words failed. Perfect was so silly of a word. Willow was more then perfect. She was victorious, stalwart, kind, compassionate, a stone to rest his back against and the shade that hid him from the burning sun.
“I will keep you. Forever. Until the very definition of eternity crumbles. Thank you Willow, for filling my days with your love.”
Wukong kissed her temple and pulled her into his warmth, pulling several of his with her. Tails and hands, feet and limbs all intercrossed and overlapped. They were tangled, intertwined like the roots of a tree. Grounding the willow tree they all loved to their earth, to their mountain.
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I've been thinking a lot about Stelle and the Stellaron and I think I've finally settled on an interpretation of these "cancers" that I'm pleased, with after struggling to spin it around in a way that works best for me. As it turns out, the answer has been in front of me all along!
It is established that the Stellarons are some sort of lifeform, ones that feed off of strong emotions or desires, usually growing and becoming more dense and thus more destructive as their rate of 'consumption' increases. But the more I thought about this feeding on emotions, the more familiar it sounded to me, until I remembered Dark Moon, from the Mega Man Gigamix manga:
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"Willow," many of you unfamiliar with my game might ask, "what the hell is Dark Moon?"
Well, it's an egg. An incubator, so to speak. Once fed with enough negative emotion (i.e despair), Dark Moon unleashes a pure weapon of mass destruction to annihilate every planet in its wake. In the words of Terra, who spawns Dark Moon: [they] exist to see that nothing else does.
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Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
I thought I could spin this around with the Stellarons feeding off of desires, but rather than incubating disasters, so to speak, these 'seeds' are those disasters, emotional blackholes that warp and distort desires and grow, ultimately taking everything with them in their corruption when they finally 'bloom.'
If the Stellaron is a 'seed', the Fragmentum are the 'roots'. The Path and world they're on and latch onto is the 'soil', and the desires of the world's inhabitants are the 'nutrients' that determine what kind of seed the Stellaron becomes, and once it's 'planted' — when a Stellaron bursts — the seed splits and whatever is inside begins to grow.
When it comes to Stelle specifically, her body might keep the Stellaron dormant but it has also transformed the Stellaron into a drifter, like a dandelion seed, the flower Stelle is so fond of. All the times Stelle resonates with a new Path are the Stellaron's attempts at seeking soil, reacting to the strongest desires around her. Though her body keeps the Stellaron stable, if she were to stay on — for example — Jarilo-VI, with its already extensive 'root system' for long enough, I wonder if it would begin to affect and change her, too. We already see slight personality shifts between each Path. Would her Preservation abilities becomes stronger? How much of that would her environment influence? Would the Stellaron begin to take hold and awaken? (Would she eventually be able to 'devour' and choke out other Stellarons through sheer force of will?)
There's much to think about!
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swashbucklery · 1 year
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she shines on the earth in silver (Willow, Kit/Jade/Elora, E)
It’s strange, being married. The way some things feel so profoundly, irrevocably different and some things feel exactly the same. Kit spent so long dreading marriage - a particular type of marriage, she now realizes - that she never really had the time to think about how it might feel to be married any way but unhappily. Kit’s moved fully now, her old bedroom an empty space and her things in Elora’s quarters - their quarters - officially the Princess Empress-Consort. Officially, the three of them are a well-kept secret. Kit and Elora are married, and as far as court and society know that’s the extent of it. Unofficially, of course, they’re - three. + (OR: Kit and Jade and Elora navigating home. Also, the Doppelgangland AU that no one asked for.)
AO3 Link to Chapters 1-3
AO3 Link to Chapters 4-6
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pzyii · 11 months
more btvs toh au stuff
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their relationship goes very smoothly and well, yep absolutely (in denial about the lore I myself wrote… also still a bit unsure about it) willows human disguise was really fun for me, cause like yeah she has to use a hat for her ears cause they are both pretty big and just hard to blame on a syndrome or something. Luckily her wings are small enough to fit under a small cardigan, tho it isn’t too comfortable. She also always has to wear pretty large pants so that she can hide her tail. also about willows hair if anyones wondered why I draw it like I do, just simply cause like so many of the women in this show has just long straight hair, I needed someone to stick out, and I definitely couldn’t have the 2 mcs have the same hair so I decided on that based on just an extreme version of her hair in s4. She probably had it longer in s1, then chopped it off in s2 just like amity dyed hers. and yes I am aware buffy has also has short hair, well she’s gonna cut it short during the time skip between 2 and 3. Cause luz in s3 of toh parallels pretty nicely to buffy in s6 of btvs
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boschlowtxt · 11 months
Boscha as a knight sent to protect Willow and Willow as a princess adopted into a Royal family but uh oh! Willow wants to study the way of the sword TOO and promise her undying loyalty to someone, and that certain someone may as well be the knight she forced into teaching her the ways of knighthood; ultimately ruining both of their lives.
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flower-virus-utmv · 4 months
Crescent have you fought with any infected?
"Nope, I'm healthy"
"There's a bite on your arm"
"Your brot-"
*PJ tackles Cres
< | >
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
For the actor AU, how does Hunter feel about him and Willow and their interactions on script? I keep getting this mental image that he is just an absolute DISASTER around Willow off-screen, the poor guy can handle acting on camera with no problems but becomes a flustered mess the moment Willow is on set
Cracks my knuckles. I came up with a few different ideas around Hunter and Willow. Predictably, I chose the one I thought was the funniest.
Hunter and Willow get along very well. They're buddies! Both of them haven't been acting very long so they gotta stick together! The friendship on screen was scripted but it went way smoother than anticipated due to genuine friendship off-set. The romance arc was one planned to happen later on and something to be wrapped up near the end of the show, it just had to get worked around bc y'know. cancellation.
Hunter was prepared for this! He was! He was totally cool and not at all flustered or embarrassed in the weeks coming up to when they would get those scripts and start acting those scenes. He's never acted this before. But he figures, okay, this is fine. His method of acting is often through associating with events and emotions he's familiar with, a sort of "here's how I think I would react if this was real, here's how I expect to see how this reaction would look on another person, and now I just...amplify it" and this is already slightly veering into iffy territory, and its Hunter so, y'know, he does it to a bit of an unhealthy degree before hes knocked out of it. but right then the game plan is: think about what its like to act with a crush. act with a crush.
He has no fucking idea how to act like he has a crush. Not a one. Gus finds him losing his mind over it in the breakroom. Never had a crush! So, he has zero idea what the hell he's doing. Every time he tries to follow the exact script it feels robotic to him, and when he tries the ol' "act like those other characters on tv" it never feels like it fits. like its a bad kind of awkward or clumsy or what have you. mans doesn't know how to act like he has a crush on his cool friend and even before he realized this he was a mess over it. Willow is very nice but she also bullies his ass into the ground about it. He expected nothing less.
So, he researches. Lottsss and lots of research. Digs around a bit. Goes on a full like week-long spree of trying to get this down. He can nail practically every other role, he can do this. It's weirding him out that he can't. Something just out of reach that isn't clicking and he Needs To Find It Right Now.
This is how Luz finds him, a week later, laying on his back in the dressing room, script strewn out around him, phone abandoned on the floor, staring blank-eyed at the ceiling. She sheepishly asks if he's okay. He slowly turns his head to her, the eyes of a man whos gone through the depths of hell to find something precious to him only to realize that precious thing was just hidden under a box in his bed and he went through the horrors for reasons he truly did not have to do. He stares at her and says, slowly; "I think I don't like....people"
And that is how Hunter realizes hes aroace, thank you and goodnight
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crimeronan · 1 year
If Willow ever gets into Princess Luz AU, Hunter and Luz will just shake hands on Yes, She's Amazing.
i truly DO want willow to participate in this AU at some point, i just need to find a way to introduce her that does her justice and gives her a decent role in the story. there were some shitposts earlier about luz bringing willow in as part of her grimwalker research, but the timeline's moved past that now...
my absolute Favorite thing about willow in this AU is that obviously she and amity never buried the hatchet. so there is a LOT of remaining anger on willow's part. & a lot of remaining guilt/shame/embarrassment/anxiety/defensiveness/etc on amity's.
which means. that. even before getting to know willow for, like, all of the incredible willow traits that luz and hunter both love in canon.....
hunter's first impression of her. is just.
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