#William bitty
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fantasy-fields-bitty-center · 9 months ago
Hi yes it's me again again
I am here to also see if any canon Evan and Elizabeth bitties (and whoever they're bonded to of course, don't want to separate people) would like to come home with me
- @himesbittycenter
Answering two asks in one here: Anonymous asked:
Okay I know I just sent you an ask but you have canon fnaf Charlie bitties I would love to see if one would like to come home with me
And any bitties they're bonded with of course I won't separate anyone
And why not throw in a Puppet bitty for good measure, if any would like to come
I can remind you my current bitties again if need be but they're also in my other ask somewhere
These two are bonded to several bitties, though they are a happy family and have a good support system to be moved into a proper home!
And this takes care of both of your asks without having to seporate any of these bitties or worry about not being able to find all of them a caring home! I hope you like them!
This group has been to a few homes before, and have been sent back due to them being 'too high maintaince', 'too chaotic', and/or because they 'took to long to settle in',
CC(Canon Evan bitty): This bitty goes by Connor currently, and is never seen without his small fredbear plushy, he's not as easily scared as most CC bitties due to the fact he has a good support system with his family, though he is still very weary of strangers and will often hide behind one of his older bothers or his dads, though he has taken an interest in robotics and is very easy to trust robotic bitties! Especially if they're micro sized, he's 4 inches tall currently,
Lizzy(Canon Elizabeth bitty): She goes by Lila and with her family she's really come out of her shell! She's rarely anxious unless one of her family members is sick or hurt(which is understandable lol) and she's super outgoing, often being on of the first of her family to greet a new person, say for her dads of course, she usually hangs around Kiko and Luna, but will also hand around Connor and Milo, she's currently 5 inches tall,
Charlie(Chaos incarnate Charlie): He's taken to the name Kiko for now, and he's a little creature, like most alternates- he loves being high up! And will often be found lounging on top of the fridge or on the back of the couch in their bitty sized home lol, when outside of the house he'll often still be climbing around somewhere, he can walk on walls after all! Though luckily he usually stays by his family and if his dads tell him to knock it off or to get down he will, maybe a lil grumbly but he will! He's currently 4 inches tall,
Henry(Chaos incarnate Henry): He goes by Henry still, he didn’t see a point in picking a new name when he could just go by Henry, he took in all the kids and is more than willing to take in more if there are any bitties that need a home! Hell he'd even take in roommates as long as they wouldn’t hurt his kids, he loves to cook and bake! Though he does take turns cooking with William, so they both get time to spend with their kiddos! He's 9 inches tall,
William(Chaos incarnate William bitty): He still goes by William or Will for short, why change his name when William is a perfectly good name? He's just as caring and protective as any other father and like Henry is more than willing to take in other bitties in need, as another child or not, he's super into robotics and makes sure to keep maintenance up to date with the robotic bitties they have and honestly don’t be too surprised if you find a new one or two around- he's very talented with his robotics lol, he's 10 inches tall,
Mikael(Canon Michael bitty): He goes by Ryder and with his proper support system is doing well, though he rarely plays pranks still and the ones he does play are more of the confusing variety, like somehow putting a pan on the ceiling- he's not even an alternate we arent sure how he manages- but he does! Not that Milo or Kiko wouldn’t help him do something like that though lol, he's 8 inches tall currently, -
Charlotte(Canon Charlie bitty): She goes by Luna, and loves stargazing and pretty much anything star or space themed, and she has a favorite dress that’s covered in galaxies! She loves drawing and has tried to find a micro sized Sun and Moon bot to add to their lil family, though they havent found any yet(they are pretty popular bitties after all lol, and sadly some bitties don’t want to join a family as not everyone is willing to adopt a family, especially a bigger one) though she hasn’t lost hope! Shes currently 3 icnhes tall
1.0 Puppet: They go by Poppet and use they/them or it/its pronouns, they often watch the kids when Henry and William are busy, but also tend to stay in the pizzaria they had set up, but they wouldn’t mind if they didn’t have a mini'ria set up to chill in, though they know it wouldn’t be as fun for the kids without it, they had an arcade after all! Though they'll do their best to help care for the kids either way, they're 8 inches tall,
Evan(Chaos incarnate Evan bitty): He goes by Milo, and is almost always with Fredbear, and carrying around his fredbear plushy, he doesn’t care that Fredbear is a nightmare animatronic! He still finds him comforting to be around, and he's an alternate, so he can stay on whether Fredbear wants the lil guy on him or not, though he doesn’t have to worry about falling off either- he's only recently actually picked up talking and still mostly makes noises(chirps, squeaks, hisses, yips, etc) but will also give 1-2 or 3 word answers, he can understand english perfectly fine, he's just not the most verbal! But very vocal, he's 4 inches tall currently,
Vanni(Canon Vanny bitty): He goes by Karlos and sees Vanny as his twin brother, as they spawned at the same time, he was following William around before he met Henry, so of course when he met Henry he just went with it, after all if William likes him why shouldn’t he? Now he really does see him as a second father, though he'd never say that, he's super stubborn about that, he almost always is wearing a VANNI mask, though its not an AR one, it's just one he likes wearing, him and Vanny are almost always with each other, he's 7 inches tall currently, -
Vanny(Chaos incarnate Vanny bitty): He goes by Vanny and sees Karlos as his twin brother, as they spawned at the same time, and like his brother he was following William around before he met Henry, though hes a lot less abrasive about it, though it just made Karlos worry seeing as he's a bit of a doormat, but being with his family has given him the confidence to find his snark and sass, though he's not mean about it, he's picking up robotics too since he's usually around watching William work and was interested in learning, he likes wearing a spring bonnie looking mask, since he says he doesn’t want to match his bother to much lol, he's 7 inches tall currently,
Baxter(Chaos incarnate Baxter bitty): He goes by Dez and was already adopted by Henry when he met William, he didn’t mind at all and thought William was a really cool dude! And he sees him as a second father now too, he does his best but stumbles around a lot, much to his(and his dads) dismay, and literally no one has managed to piss him off yet, though no one has tried hurting his family yet either, he picked up sewing as a hobby and loves making lil plushies! Especially ones he can give to his loved ones as gifts! He's 9 and a half inches tall,
Justin(Chaos incarnate Justin bitty): He goes by Jessi and was taken in by Henry even before Baxter was around, he was bullied by other bitties and is extra anxious, almost always following Henry around or holding onto him for comfort since he was his only source of comfort for awhile, he was one of the 'biggest problems' when it came to settling down in a new home, he'll be extra anxious and wont really trust being near new people/bitties for a long while, he's partially blind and deaf after all, and even with his glasses and hearing aids he's still a small bitty! He'll relax after awhile but it's best to make sure he has a more quiet area to be in, luckily he does have his own room in their house, so it's already partially taken care of! He currently stands at 6 inches tall,
1.0 Nightmare Spring bonnie: He goes by Bonnie and loves to pull pranks! Though he's usually helping Ryder with his strange as fuck pranks, he doesn’t want to scare anyone after all! Especially not Jessi or Milo, he and Fredbear are usually at the mini pizzeria and makes sure everything is in working order, and will even put on shows like he's not a nightmare variant with Fredbear! But is usually drawing with the kiddos instead or bringing out food, he's a pretty good cook for someone who cant taste lol, he's 10 inches tall,
1.0 Nightmare Fredbear: He goes by Fredbear and is almost always with Bonnie, and prefers to hang around the pizzeria more, though he'll also help with the pranks, but much prefers doing maintenance on the arcade machines and other things around the pizzeria, he's taken up playing the violin for some reason? Though he also just has a love for classical music, which sometimes helps the kids get to sleep if they're having some extra troubles! He's 13 inches tall
1.0 OG Foxy: This lil scrapper goes by the name Foxy and was following bonded with Ryder before Henry and William found them, so he's here to stay lol, he loves telling stories and can make ones up on the spot! Him and Ryder will sometimes even drag Dez and Jessi in on some DND nights! Foxy is pretty much always the DM lol, and he's pretty good at telling stories that the younger kiddos would like too! They've even played a session with the whole family(it was chaotic as you could imagine and probably then some lol), he has his own lil cove area in the pizzeria and usually uses it to tell stories to the kiddos that wanna hear them where they wont bother anyone playing in the arcade or doing anything in the main room, he stands at 8 inches tall,
We're also sending you off today with a care package! Seeing as there are a lot of bitties here lol:
1 bitty sized house(it's a 4 story house, with a garage that Henry and William use as a workshop! Ryder has taken residency in the attic as well)
20 bitty sized fnaf plushies(mostly Foxy's, Ryder has his hoard lol)(this does not include the Connor and Milo's fredbear plushies!)
10 sets of clothes for each bitty
Extra blankets and pillows
And finally: literally everything they own bc its theirs(furniture, clothes they already had, décor, and so on)
Some Mini'ria rooms: 1 Pirate stage set, 1 Basic Arcade room set, 1 Diner set, 1 Musical room set, 1 Hoarder room set, 1 Basic room set, 1 Basic Stage set,
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argetcross · 3 months ago
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Temeraire, Tharkay, and Laurence in the Alps
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grim66fandango · 5 days ago
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Dee Williams
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spirk-trek · 4 months ago
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R&R Fanzine | Bev Zuk, uncredited artist (1981)
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zzzbittle · 11 days ago
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Okay but somebody needs to give Dex this sweater. Namely Nursey.
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miyagi-hokarate · 8 months ago
Whenever I start thinking about Ralph Macchio and William Zabka's little kid photos, I devolve into a writhing mess of tears
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year ago
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F1 Live In London Takes Over Trafalgar Square - Live Show July 12, 2017 - London, England Source: Ian Gavan/Getty Images for Formula 1
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bittybuttersliceontoast · 1 year ago
every day i pray for doctor who to stop neglecting companions other than rose and doctors other than ten and every day RTD spits in my face and says "more Rose angst"
I just want Martha or Bill or Rory or, god forbid, 11-13 to be treated with respect 😭
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weresilver · 6 months ago
Fuck it Friday
I still have an hour of my Friday, ok.
Because I've been writing and I wanna share some of it. This is one scene of a prologue that I'm sending to, like, a few different people because I'm nervous about the whole concept. But it's fine.
This is an entire scene of a thing. A Hawaii Five-0 thing. Different First Meeting, canon divergence, all wrapped in a nice little Alternate Universe package, I guess? Set in the beginning/during season 3. Danny's not on the team.
Overall, blame @corvid-cryptidd. He's a horrible enabler.
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Steve wasn’t sure what to think of all of this. He hadn’t believed Joe when he said he was Shelburne, but all the lies were starting to get him. The fact that he’d been in Suruga before, that Joe had been moving Shelburne just hours before Steve got to a location, stung. Moving and backtracking in order to avoid Wo Fat — and himself — was smart, and exactly what he’d have done. Joe did know how he operated better than anyone else.
His old commander had had a change of heart somewhere along the way, though, deciding to bring him back to Japan after his failed search just last week and take him to meet Shelburne, but none of it made all this secrecy easier to swallow. Whatever this was about, whether it was Wo Fat’s father or something even deeper, his father was executed for it.
They approached the seaside village mostly in silence after Joe’s explanations, but some noise ahead caught Steve’s attention, as if it was being intentionally made. Joe stopped walking, and Steve followed suit.
“Commander White,” a rather short man greeted. He extended a well-toned arm to Joe for a handshake that Joe quickly met. The vest and equipment — including the M16 rifle over his shoulder — made it easy to place him as military. With a nod towards Steve, he asked, “This is?”
“Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett,” Joe introduced, and Steve extended his own hand to the man. “Steve, this is Major Daniel Williams.”
Now slightly closer, Steve could see the American flag on the vest, though no real indication as to what branch the man — Major Williams — was part of.
Eying him up and down with a frown, Williams shook his hand and threw a glance at Joe that Steve couldn't begin to decipher. He shook his head softly.
“You gotta be kidding me,” he muttered, turning around to head back the way he came. “Come on, then.”
Steve could spot more well-armed personnel as they walked, none of them Japanese, all of them carrying themselves in the same way as Williams. The same way Steve saw several other operators move. None of the locals paid any mind to them, though. “What’s with the Army escort?”
“Got a problem with the branch choice, McGarrett?” There was a challenge in his voice, clear even if he didn't turn around to face them. 
“No problem,” he said, easily enough. “I'm just curious." Williams glanced back at him, but didn't say anything. “Wo Fat’s still looking, isn’t he?”
“Wo Fat is in Yakuza custody,” Joe answered easily enough. It explained why Joe had decided to bring him to Shelburne now, at least.
“Whether he stays there,” Williams added, gesturing wildly at the world around them, “Remains to be seen. While regrettable, Anna Douglas’ death at least served as a wake-up call.” There was annoyance in his tone, directed, Steve supposed, at the powers that be. “The CIA no longer wants anything to do with him, the Yakuza wants a piece of him.”
“The man who killed Agent Douglas has been arrested,” Steve said, uselessly. Williams nodded, but his shoulders remained tense. This man clearly knew that Hiro Noshimuri was dead, why else would the remaining Yakuza families be gunning for Wo Fat?
“Good for them.” Williams muttered, stopped from saying anything further by the man approaching them with easy, unhurried steps, interrupting their walk to talk with Williams. Steve couldn't hear what they were saying, could barely make out lip movements, and a glance at Joe told him he couldn't either.
Instead, Steve’s focus went to the man’s vest. The UK flag and S.A.S.-like emblem only added to Steve's apprehension.
“Just get moving, MacTavish.” The man avoided Williams’ swat easily enough, giving him a mock salute as he stepped back. “Go.”
“Aye, sir.”
MacTavish walked between the shacks toward the treeline, finally letting them move on. It wasn't long before the three of them came upon what looked like an abandoned shack, but Joe and Williams stopped well before they reached the door.
“Joe?” He questioned, glancing backwards.
“Go on,” Joe nodded toward the door. “You deserve some answers, Steve.”
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Fnaf bitty: William
Fnaf bitty William Afton (O/Organic)
Version: OG(more canonic version)
Size: 9 - 10 inches tall(Mini) 2 - 3 feet tall(Fullsized)
Personality: Depressed, protective, anxious, pessimistic, clingy,
Likes: Henry bitties, Elizabeth bitties, Michael bitties, Charlie bitties, Evan bitties, Robotic bitties,
Dislikes: being alone, people/bitties that are aggressive towards the ones they care about(But will take as much abuse as others want to give them),
Compatibility: They can easily become depressed as most bitties they like and want to be near don't like them,
There have been recorded cases of Afton bitties pretending to be other William bitties to be around other bitties they want to be near at the center, but they never keep the charade up for very long and feel bad about pretending in the first place, but these cases are far and few between,
They tend to hide away a lot at first, often avoiding others and assuming their owner will just take them back to the center as soon as they start to open up, it can take years for some to be comfortable enough even trying to open up, if not longer if they were returned before,
They like being able to take a fatherly role with other bitties, and are known for adopting child and child like bitties if they'll let them, though they are clearly more enthusiastic if a Michael, Elizabeth, or Evan bitty decide that they trust them, as well as Charlie bitties and even Baxter or Justin bitties as well,
They are known for taking abuse if others want to yell or even injure them, but as soon as someone tries to do the same to someone they care about they are ready to murder, they will do anything to keep the ones they care about safe,
While these are technically a Canon William type, most bitties are only weary of them and they know this, giving them space whenever they want it, even if they can be super clingy to those they care about and people that are even just nice to them,
They fear that they will be abandoned, returned, or forced to be alone constantly, causing them to be clingy and meaning that being left alone for to long can easily cause them mental anguish, it's best to make sure there are other bitties around that will at least let him sit in the same room as them, that's all they ask,
Additional info: While they're not abusive and wouldn't hurt anyone they care about they are known for hurting others to protect the ones they care about,
The only reason these bitties aren't sectioned off to the danger zone is because they are easily managed, unlike their danger zone counterpart/s, as these only harm others out of being protective, though their willingness to let others harm them has almost gotten them sent to the danger zone more than once-
They are easily mistaken for their danger zone counterpart, hence why other bitties need some time to trust them, but there are plenty of cases of a lot of bitties learning they aren't a threat and being close with them,
They are known for hiding at the center until they have formed a family, and then they refuse to be adopted without them, though sometimes some try to see if people would want to adopt them, even if they are at their worst mentally without a family,
Feeding habits: They are known for not eating for long periods of time, it's thought to be due to depression, often Henry bitties will make sure they eat, even if they are wary of them,
In Universe: They are seen as taboo and dangerous at times,
Difficulty: intermediate - advanced
Features: Black(or very dark brown) hair, pale skin, usually like a tall beanpole(aka normally pretty skinny),
AU info(This is only for the au type they are! Info may change in other au bios!):
He only murdered to try to keep his family together after Evan's death,
Has depression and rarely eats unless there's food in front of him, he mainly has trouble with making himself food,
Has a crush on Henry but he never knew if he was interested and dated, then married, Clara, and had his three kids ofc,
He wasn't the one that hurt Charlie, she was ran over by a drunk driver, he was at home with his wife and kids when it happened,
He loves Clara and his kids with his whole heart, as well as Henry, Sarah, and Charlie,
He didn't hurt his daughter Elizabeth, Baby had a malfunction(it was just supposed to give her Ice cream)
was experimenting with Remnant, fucked up, and that's why Baby malfunctioned, as well as the other animatronics(if the others didn't malfunction he wouldn't have shut the place down, only Funtime Chica didn't malfunction)
He never hurt Michael, even after he killed Evan, he knew he didnt mean to and he knew he was going through shit too, and even comforted him when Evan passed in the ER, after that he threw himself into his work to try to get Evan back, but also got a lot more protective of his family too,
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year ago
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The hair… The jean combo…
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rubyloops · 22 days ago
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evidence that there would be so much more william easton fic if I could manage to actually finish all these writing wips I have sitting around. i have so many ideas spinning in my noggin so here are some little peeks that I probably will or will not finish ever wahooo
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pewrri · 1 year ago
out of EVERY FNAF character you drawn which is the most pleasing and genuinely fun to draw ? ( in your opinion )
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For me it's definitely gotta be William.. Idk I drew him so much yet I never get really bored drawing him. Plus he's really easy to draw so..🥲
now this will be an excuse for me to finally post this quick doodle of him🙏
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zzzbittle · 1 year ago
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What I feel like because Check Please began 11 years ago and ended 4 years ago as of this year.
And I still can't LET GO
I'm gonna be here forever guys if Check Please has one fan, that fan is me. If it has no fans... you know what that means lmao
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lovemarisolluna · 1 year ago
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K is for kisses, from me, for you!
Aaliyah and Zuzu are the sweetest sisters!!
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year ago
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June 24, 2017 - Baku Street Circuit, Azerbaijan Source: XPB/Press Association Images
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