#Wildwood Advent
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
Wren Day
Advent may be over but, as it’s December 26th, Wren gets one more adventure!
Wren had not opened his journal on his return home from Christmas lunch at the Witch’s cottage. Once all the wonderful food had been consumed, and the energy of the day had dissipated, Wren found all of his exertions had finally caught up with him. Wolf and Hare had kindly transported him back to his nest and, only stopping to hang the bauble Victor made for him on his Yew Sprig Tree, he’d fallen…
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wyrmfedgrave · 1 month ago
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Pics: The Greatest Law comes from an undated letter. It's 2nd part is about 'Damon' (=s Alfred Galpin).
1. The Bible's version of the Greatest Law.
2. Omnibus collection of HPL'S whole body of work.
3 & 4. Collections of Lovecraft's more forgotten works.
Needed due to some few folk who've mistaken his major novellas with all that's available from this author...
5 & 6. More Necronomicon¹ pages...
A new year always means new pages!
It still reigns supreme among the various Grimoires² on the market...
Intro: I'm starting out with an example of Howard's lesser known poetry.
A 2 part ode.
It's so rare that we don't exactly know when Lovecraft actually wrote it!
Title: "The Greatest Law."
Authors: C. Raymond³ & Ludwig von Theobald⁴.
Arise, ye swains⁵! For fair Aurora's⁶ light
Shows the wild geese in scurrying morning flight;
In shifting ranks their silent course they take,
And for the valley marshlands quit the lake:
Though loose they fly, in various modes arranged,
Their eyes are steady & their goal unchanged.
This in brute instinct Nature shows her law;
Excites our wonder & compels our awe.
But hark⁷! From yonder grove the pleasing peal
Of redbreasts, winging to their morning meal;
In softer tones the lusty bluejay chants,
While maple shades the bobbing grackle⁸ haunts:
From neighboring wall the bluebird's carol rings,
And in the mead⁹ the lark sings rejoicing.
Forests & fields attend the welcome strain¹⁰,
And hail the advent of the feathered train;
Swift pour the airy legions from the shores
Where Mexique's Bay¹¹ it's genial currents pours:
In waves unnoticed throng the tuneful band,
To glad the soul & cheer the Northern strand,
Obedient to the sway of Jove's¹² all- powerful hand.
Alive with song the gentle bluebird floats;
The hermit thrush¹³ disdains melodious notes;
None marks their solid course, but as they come,
Each gains a greeting to his Northern home.
Now drip the maples with their vernal¹⁴ juice,
While growing thorns their swelling buds unloose;
On grassy slopes the furry coils untwine¹⁵,
Where soon hepatica's¹⁶ white blooms will shine.
Almighty Pan¹⁷! Whose vast unchanging will
Clothes the green wildwood & enrobes the hill,
How calm the workings of thy great decrees!
How still thy magic over the flowery leas!
No march of feet or sound of timbrel¹⁸ shakes
The sylvan scene or stirs the drowsy brakes¹⁹:
In songful peace the law resist less moves,
And pleases while it rules the meadows & the groves.
1. The Necronomicon (aka Book of the Dead) is a fictional magic spellbook that is probably HPL'S greatest literary creation.
Though 1st appearing in Howard's short story "The Hound" in 1924, many readers believe it to be a real book of spells, hidden history, etc.
Other authors quoted from the Necronomicon so much, that it now has "a background of evil truth."
Publishers capitalized on its notoriety & have printed many Necronomicons!
And, pranksters have listed in many rare books catalogs.
One went so far as to include it in the card catalog of the Yale University Library!!
2. A grimoire is a book of symbols, charms, spells & invocations.
It's French meaning describes "a magician's manual for calling up demons & the dead."
3. Sadly, the only C. Raymond that I've found around Lovecraft's time is a Charles Raymond - a British actor & director of the silent era.
But, with no known connection to HPL...
4. Ludwig von Theobald is one of Lovecraft's many literary pen names.
Others include: Humphrey Littlewit, Edward Softly, Percy Simple, etc...
5. Today, swain means "a young lover" or "suitor."
But, being that this is Howard that we're talking about, he most probably meant the much older meaning of "a country youth."
6. Aurora now describes the "electrical collisions between air particles & charged solar molecules in Earth's magnetic field."
But, in literature, Aurora is the name of the Roman goddess of the Dawn.
7. Hark is an Old English/Anglo-Saxon word for "Listen!"
This ancient word has survived due mostly to Shakespeare's use of it.
8. A grackle is a "songbird of the blackbird family."
But, it also describes an "Asian mynah bird or starling."
9. Yes, mead is a "honey based alcoholic drink" - perhaps, even the oldest known wine!
However, I think HPL was probably using a literary shortcut & just shortened the word "meadow."
10. We have many modern meanings for "strain."
But, again, Lovecraft uses the older meaning of the "passage of a tune" or other "musical expression."
11. "Mexique's Bay" is most probably French for the "Gulf of Mexico."
The only other 'place' that I found it is in Aldous Huxley's novel "Beyond the Mexique Bay" (1934).
12. Jove ("Father God") is a nickname of the Roman's chief god Jupiter.
But, nowadays, it's used as an exclamation of "surprise" - among other meanings...
13. The Hermit thrush is the state bird of Vermont.
Thrushes were sacred birds in certain ancient European myths.
Walt Whitman, whom Howard hated, used this particular bird to symbolize "The American Voice" in his elegy to Abraham Lincoln "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed."
14. Vernal means anything "about or appropriate for springtime."
Used broadly, it refers to something "youthful & fresh."
It also defines the vernal equinox, when night & day are nearly equal, being some 12 hours each - at the equator...
15. Untwine is a rare old word meaning "to untwist" or "unwind" something.
It's also the title of Edwidge Danticat's novel about a woman awakening in a hospital - totally paralyzed!!
16. Hepática is a plant of the butter- cup family having flowers like an anemone.
It symbolizes confidence & bravery with its early blooms & lush foilage.
Though poisonous in large doses, it's still used to reduce bleeding, stop any irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth & to increase urination.
17. Pan ("companion?, guard?") was the Greek god of the wilds, shepherds & country music!
Having the legs & horns of a goat, he was a fertile & sexual divinity.
Strangely enough, Pan could produce a sound ("panic") that caused pain!!
18. A timbrel is an old word for a small hand drum or a tambourine.
In the Bible, it's used for two objects:
1st, as a wooden or metal hoop over which was stretched an animal skin for writing.
2nd, as a tambourine with bells & jangles fixed at intervals in a hoop.
19. Brakes, here, have nothing to do with "something to slow down or stop a vehicle's movement."
No, HPL was describing a "thick patch of shrubs, small trees" or "any type of underbrush."
This is sometimes stretched out to mean a "rough" or "marshland over- grown with plants."
Among its earlier meanings are an "instrument for crushing flax seeds" & "the ring thru the nose of an ox!"
Next: Part 2 - Why Trees Are Tall...
End - For Now.
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lailoken · 4 years ago
“The Green Sojourn
In many traditions, the procuring of magical plant material from the wild is a rite unto itself, which sometimes reaches its apotheosis in a plant pilgrimage. Rites of ritual harvesting are an essential component to Green Sorcery and the Arte of the Philtre. These mindful praxes are a necessity for harvesting from the wild, and are rendered here as The Protocols of the Green Sojourn.
The first of the Laws of the Green Sojourner is the Protocol of Purity, which demands cleanliness of body, mind, tools, and intent prior to stepping foot in the wild. Every foray into wilderness is Exile, and thereby the domain of Cain. This hallow'd act entails a magical separation from the common, profane world and an entry into Earth Self-hallow'd; it also speicifcally mirrors the perpetual stance of the sorcerer as opposer. Thus awareness of this state of separateness should be cultivated and held at one's centre.
Before sojourning, clarity of intent should be first be formulated. Let the Verdant Magician be well-educated and cunning of craft regarding the species being sought: let all brothers and sisters of Arte discern keenly the status of the plant: know if it be endangered or overharvested; an aggressive introduced species or a precious native one. Knowing the Land is essential. If unfamiliar with the environs, let the land first be scouted, noting impressions received from the Genii Loci , plant communities, and apparent human impact. The Magician's Design should be humbly spoken to the local sprites, followed by an honest read of the place: any work of Green Sorcery can be thwarted by offended Land Spirits. As much as one may desire to harvest from a vigorous patch of Nettles, the Arte will be profaned if ill omens go unheeded and the Tabu of the Wildwood is violated.
As much as the aforementioned considerations of Purity of Intent, cleansing of the Sorcerer's very corpus should commence prior to the Green Sojourn: the Protocol of Purity demands Immaculation , both of the body and the Tools of Arte. For the physium, let a ritual bath be undertaken, as well as a fast. Physically cleanse all regalia by fumigating with smouldering tree-resin or an incense compounded from the plants growing in the locale to be wandered. The Mind may be purified and attenuated by observing that most noble of virtues, Silence. Traditional herb-gathering methods prescribe certain taboos prior to gathering plants, such as avoidance of sexual activity or alcohol. Both of these prohibitions are of incalculable value, chiefly for the homeostasis of the Aethyric Body as a precondition for the Arte Magical, as well as a gesture of devotion and respect. In addition , supplication of one's Grand Famulus prior to The Work is well advised. Finally, the Protocol of Purity demands that the land , and thereby the plants taken from it, be pure. As a general rule, the further removed from the influence of mankind the better, but of course there are exceptions to this, as some Herbs prefer haunts close to the habitation of humans, or graveyards, or amid the ruinous settlements of men long dead. Avoid picking plants by heavily traffick'd roadsides; many Herbs will absorb some of the corrupt principles of these besmirched byways, shun as well ditches fouled by agricultural venoms. Paradoxically, it is plants virtuous in accumulating healthful minerals from the earth, such as Nettle, which also store poisons.
The second protocol, The Protocol of Presence, is a magical obligation of pure and total focus when gathering Herbs, in the Garden as in the Wild. When sojourning into Wasteland and Thicket , the Man of Arte must become as the Wild: elsewise one is an intruder. This requires consideration of the magical goal, namely the Herbs being sought, but also the locus in which they dwell: in this moment, the Sojourner enters Hallowed Ground, stepping into a mansion of many beings. The Sojourn can be interrupted or tainted by the presence of obnoxious and loud persons; avoid them at all costs.
Third is the Protocol of Hailing. Prior to harvesting the Herb, let the Green Sorcerer announce his intent in a respectful way to the individual. A greeting and prayer of request to the plant is largely a matter of the sorcerer's own choosing. There are numerous examples of this from varying magical traditions. From the ancient Graeco-Aegyptians we learn of a curious rite of herb-gathering . It begins with the purifying his body. He then sprinkles natron for purification and circumambulates the plant three times, fumigating the herb with pine resin. The wortcunner then burns the best Kyphi incense, prays, pours a libation of milk, and pulls up the plant while invoking the name “of the daimon to whom the herb is being dedicated and calling upon him to be more effective for the use for which it is being acquired.” The plant is then addressed with the solemn incantation:
You were once known by Kronos, you were conceived by Hera, you were maintained by Ammon, you were given birth by Isis, you were nour ished by Zeus the god of rain, you were given growth by Helios and the dew....As you have exalted Osiris , so exalt yourself and rise just as Helios rises each day. Your size is equal to the zenith of Helios, your roots come from the depths, but your powers are the heart of Hermes, your fibers are the bones of Mnevis, and your flowers are the eye of Horus, your seed is Pan's seed. I am washing you in resin as I also wash the gods even (as I do this) for my own health....I am Hermes, I am acquiring you with Good Fortune and with Good Daimon both at a propitious hour and on a propitious day that is effective for all things.
Following the incantation, the herbalist fills the hole vacated by the plant with seven seeds each of wheat and barley, mixed with honey, then with earth. In the Domain of English Wortcunning, Nigel Pennick reveals a simple, potent, and artful tree-hailing from praxes of East Anglian plant-wisdom, spoken prior to cutting an Aspen branch, which, as noted , can be adapted for any tree:
Hail to thee, O Aspen tree.
Old lady, give me some of this wood,
And I will give thee some of mine,
When I grow into a tree.
Send your virtue into this branch,
That your strength will flow through it
For the good of all.
There is much to be gain'd by tailoring each Hailing individually to suit the plant . Considerations of the character of the Genius, the nature of the magics for which the Herb is intended, and some form of gratitude are paramount.
The Fourth Protocol of the Green Sojourn is The Protocol of Appropriate Harvesting. A clean cut, made with a sharp knife, is far more respectful of the plant than simply tearing off a leaf or a branch. Indiscriminate ripping of parts creates jagged wounds, rendering an Ally susceptible to infections. To assure both hygiene and quality of plant material, clean the blade after each use with strong alcohol.
For cutting, the Tool of Our Arte is the working knife, sometimes called the Knife of the White Hilt, its handle inscribed with the sigils and talismans of the Green Sorcerer's famuli, having, in some traditions, a crescent blade. Better than any knife or sickle, however, is a good hand pruner, duly consecrated to The Work. Such tools are crafted by horticulturists with the health of the plant in mind, and fashioned to cause minimal damage, rather than subjecting an Herb or Tree to the clumsy cuts of a knife. Some traditional wortcunners recommend avoidance of iron blades for this purpose, as iron is thought to offend the plant.
This Tabu of old has some credence, especially as relates to smaller, dainty plants with delicate stems or blossoms such as Violet or Forget-Me-Not. For such worts, iron and steel are perhaps excessive in terms of their metallic potencies. However, the vast majority of horticultural hand-pruners are made with steel, so the possession of bronze, silver, or gold knives must needs arise by the sorcerer's own ingenium and the Good Favour of Tubalo-Cain. It should be remembered that stainless steel, in order to render it incorruptible, contains appreciable amounts of Nickel, Chromium, Vanadium, or Titanium.
Appropriate harvesting for trees is especially important. If taking bark in any significant quantity, attempt to locate a newly-fallen tree, perhaps felled by a recent storm. If such cannot be found, remove bark in small quantities from younger lateral branches. Girdling, that is to say, circumscribing the trunk with a cut, can kill a tree. Leaves from trees should be gather'd in early to late spring, as their Virtues change with the advent of Summer, and they begin producing Bitter Principles to ward off insects. When harvesting branches for wands, avoid cutting branches arising from the dominant trunk; instead, take branches from lateral leaders.
When all plant materials have been gather'd, let them be wrapp'd in silk and put into a bag specially encharmed for carrying freshly-gather'd Herbs. By no means allow the material gather'd to touch the ground, as its sorcerous Virtue escapes downward into the earth and renders the material unsuitable for use in our Arte.
The Fifth Protocol, that of Numbers, governs the amount of material taken. Never harvest an Herb if it is a single individual standing alone. Look for large, well-established populations, and gather variously-aged individuals. Leave the largest and most healthy plant; petitioning this individual directly for specific needs before proceeding to gather, being alert for ill signs.
In general, the following numbers apply to gathering plants in the Wild:
If harvesting an entire plant, a maximum of one tenth of the total individuals in one location.
If stem or root, one sixth of total individuals. When taking roots from perennials, strive for lateral root-branches and leave sufficient vertical and other lateral roots to ensure the plant's survival; cutting too close to a plant's crown can kill it.
If bark, harvest sparing material taken from divers, smaller branches or from trees downed by recent storms. Avoid taking bark from the main trunk of a tree.
If flowers or fruit, harvest from one fifth of total individuals present.
If seed, harvest from one-fifth of total individuals, scattering some of the seed harvested.”
Ars Philtron
by Daniel A. Schulke
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jere-me--oh-my · 2 years ago
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It’s a heavy weight / to carry what’s at stake, / the pressure’s on. / In a quiet place, / where no one knows your name / and hope is gone. / Counting on the voice of a broken people, / castles fading and fallen steeples. / Who will you be? / Ready?
The Crown by Wildwood Kin
A randomiser advent aesthetic for @princess-haru-chan
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heavendeluxe · 7 years ago
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it’s that time of year again! after last year went so well, I’m offering up another round of seasonal adoptables!
this year there are 13 designs, with one being posted every three days - on the 31st, 2 regular designs and a special release will be revealed to cap off the month!
each adoptable comes with clean, hi-resolution artwork with a transparent background. the special release adoptable, Lanternlight Hound, comes with two forms, arranged on a reference sheet as well as separate transparent versions.
note - PYO designs (haunted doll and lake creature) are ‘pick your own’ species. you choose what species to make the character and I will draw it accordingly! PYO designs must be purchased at least 3 days in advance of posting, otherwise they will be replaced with designs of my choosing and be sold for the after-posting price of $30.
all payment is through paypal and must be made promptly. you can see my terms of service [here]. you can see last year’s adoptables [here].
if you’d like to purchase one you can either IM me on tumblr or email me at [email protected] ! check under the read more for availability first, please.
OCT 1 - Unlucky Sphinx OCT 4 - Winter Fog Werewolf SOLD OCT 7 - Angel of Night SOLD OCT 10 - Wildwood Gargoyle OCT 13 - Lake Creature (PYO) OCT 16 - Centaur Wraith SOLD OCT 19 - Fortune Machine OCT 22 - Haunted Doll (PYO) SOLD OCT 25 - Forest Summoner SOLD OCT 28 - Urban Necromancer SOLD OCT 31 - Dimension Hopper SOLD / Vampire Queen SOLD / Lanternlight Hound SOLD
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lilianpad-blog · 8 years ago
Things I Love: A super long list
Parchment Paper
Peach-Pink Clouds
Laughing till your mouth hurts
Smiling till your mouth hurts
Good books
Perfect Test Scores
Dad’s Jokes
Chicken soup
Fresh Bread
Arctic Wolves
Fairy tales
Playing the Ukulele
Getting a Clarinet piece perfect
Origami Stars
Drawing eyes
Police Boxes
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
My Family
Wearing Swishy Dresses
Scissors that glide
Wildwood Chronicles
Going to Wellington
Sharp pencils
Inky pens
Ted and his Scarf
Neat doll’s houses
Sitting by the fire
Roasted Marshmallows
Grandma and Grandad’s Farm
Warming your hands by the toaster
Seeing old friends
Tight hugs
Bunny tails
Finding pipi in the sand
Cold, fresh air
Cold, fresh air when you can see your breath
Finding friends in the supermarket
New friends
The smell of bacon frying
Little cousins
Dainty necklaces
New babies
Nice Photos
The luge
Lake Taupo
Spongy soft grass
Blue glass
Double rainbows
Completing a hairstyle
My red bag
Fine-tip pens
New notebooks
New book smell
Old book smell
Making tea
Successfully made dinner
Maple syrup
Lemon Muffins
Cleaning bird boxes
Ninja teddy
Good jokes
Teacher puns that everyone groans at but secretly loves
Inside jokes
Doctor who
Minimalist posters
New shampoo bottles
Homemade lemonade
Climbing trees
Pulling up carrots
Running in the sprinkler
Daisy chains
The Beach
Spotting for water skiers
Foam pits
Deep brown eyes
Getting a haircut
Yorkshire Terriers
Going to Elly’s house
My books
My bookshelves
Ink bottles
My Desk
My Dwarf coin
Good Movies
Getting work done
Giant eagles
Small streams
The smell of crumble
The taste of crumble
Frothy Milos
Blackcurrant flavoured things
Dried runner beans
Tiny books
When the library has the book you wanted
Just-brushed hair
People you can be crazy with
Soft hands
Flying Foxes (both kinds)
High ropes
Worried chihuahuas
Baby seals
Baby Hedgehogs
Written letters
Wollen blankets
Happy Couples
Playing piano
Inside grand pianos
Writing in code
Playing spies
Giant origami
Fresh biscuits
Milk and chocolate chip biscuits
Favourite clothes
Getting cards
Presents for no reason
Tiny shoes
Giant mirrors
Old houses
Pony Rides 
Horse Treks
Disney movies
Re-watching Disney movies
Brown paper bags
Old bibles
Finding things you lost
Getting lost then being found
Birds nests
Speckled eggs
Duck egg blue
Art class banter
Herb gardens
Chips and dip
Grandma’s christmas stuffing
Grandma’s blackcurrant pie
Christmas trees
Christmas stockings
Christmas decorations
Christmas eve
Staying up for new years
The desert road
Bouncy castles
Fish ponds
Photo albums
Comfy beds after a long day
Autumn colours
Red leaves
Warm coats
Bush walks
Old-fashioned lolly shops
The royals
Bubble wrap
Card games
Good music
Cobblestone streets
Frozen puddles
The sound of rain on the roof
Being warm in a storm
Hot water bottles
April fools
Tricking the teacher
Round stones
Bottle caps
Rides on Grandad’s truck
Rowan berries
New Stationary
Hardcover books
Pretty bookmarks
Esplanade train rides
WOW shows
Playing in an orchestra
Getting stuck in the mud
Flower Crowns
Leaf Crowns
Garden mazes
Tiny ferns
Link handwriting
Mini outdoor candles
Jazz band
Spinning chairs
Reading armchairs
Blanket forts
Nutmeg the bunny
Royal weddings
‘I was thinking of you’ gifts
Advent calendars
New diaries
Red curly hair
Bow and arrows
Thatched cottages
Little villages
Unexpected book shopping
Homemade cordial
Sticky date pudding
My brothers
Finding that someone likes the same thing as you
Model villages
Giant goldfish
Watching waves
The chronicles of Narnia
Blossom trees in bloom
4 leaf clovers
The weta cave
Flower fairies
A midsummer night’s dream
Icy blue eyes
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rinabrunoblog · 6 years ago
Surprise, surprise! New patch for Knights Chronicle is out!
Only 10 days after a 1.7 Update, NetMarble surprised us with the new patch and new hero. Patch, itself, is not very big and brings us minor changes. Here is the list of changes:
New SSR Honorable Hero – Himari
New Event – Advent Rush
New weekly Events – Increased drop rate for Advent Dungeon Heroes, Stamina reduction for 3 Stars Advent Dungeons
New Packages
The thing that is important in this patch is a new Hero who will bring balance changes to the game.
Himari is a Wildwood Priestess from the Forest on the far East who lived in solitude and who was unaware of the problems of the outside world. She only had contact with a small group of worshippers who visited her shrine occasionally and she utterly devoted her life to the Goddess. Time in solitude and prayer made her powerful in the ways she would never imagine – Himari became the most powerful Healer in Garniel and now everyone is looking for her help.
Wildwood Priestess Himari is, without doubt, the best Support character in the game currently! She heals her allies at the start of every turn making them immune on Stun and Madness, and apply Resolve and Damage Immunity to allies who are near death. Recruiting her should be the first priority to anyone who plays Knights Chronicle actively!
Quality of this Hero made us change Knights Chronicle Tier List immediately and changes can be seen HERE
Everything you need to know about Himari you can find HERE
BlueMoonGame will continue to feature all news and updates in Knights Chronicle in the days to come. If you have any questions or suggestions be free to share your thoughts with us.
Good luck Heroes of Garniel and May the Lena be with you!
Surprise, surprise! New patch for Knights Chronicle is out! syndicated from https://lucystrickland.wordpress.com/
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naturecoaster · 6 years ago
Free* Fandango Movie Ticket & Mobile Locations for Hernando County Blood Donations Dec. 21 - Jan 3
This holiday season, LifeSouth Community Blood Centers asks the community to help patients in our local hospitals by giving blood. As a thank you, all registered donors Dec. 15 – Jan. 15 will receive a free* Fandango Movie Ticket** and t-shirt. Winter months are one of the most challenging times of the year for blood centers. Busy schedules and poor weather bring a decrease in blood donations while the need for blood is constant. LifeSouth is the primary provider of blood to Oak Hill Hospital, Advent Health Brooksville  Hospital and Advent Health Spring Hill Hospital. Please help during this time by donating blood, and enjoy a night at the theatre on LifeSouth. Visit a LifeSouth donor center or bloodmobile. To find a location near you visit lifesouth.org or call 888-795-2707. Donors must be at least 17 years old, or 16 with parental permission, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in good health. A photo I.D. is required. The LifeSouth Community Blood Center  for Hernando County is located at 12395 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville, FL 34613. Call 352-596-2002 Center Hours include Monday thru Friday ~ 9a.m. to 5p.m., Saturday ~ 8a.m. to 2p.m., and Sunday ~ 10a.m. to 4p.m.
Mobile Blood Donation Locations from December 21, 2018 - January 3, 2019 are below:
Friday, December 21 Walmart 13300 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 10:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Hernando Beach Fire Dept. 3451 Shoal Line Blvd. Spring Hill 7:30a.m. to 1:00p.m.   Winn-Dixie Market 1122 Main St. Bushnell 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Saturday, December 22 Marshalls Department Store 7143 Coastal Landing Brooksville 11:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Best Buy / Tuesday Morning 1389 Wendy Ct. Brooksville 2:00p.m. to 6:00p.m.   Sunday, December 23 Rural King 2468 Commercial Way Spring Hill 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Walmart 7305 Broad St. Brooksville 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Monday, December 24 Sam’s Club 13360 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 10:00a.m. to 4:300p.m.   Walmart 1485 Commercial Way Spring Hill 10:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.   Tuesday, December 25 Merry Christmas LifeSouth is closed   Wednesday, December 26 Home Depot 4765 Commercial Way Spring Hill 10:00a.m. to 5:30p.m.   Walmart 7305 Broad St. Brooksville 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Cricket / Planet Fitness 11170 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill 11:00a.m. to 7:00p.m.   Thursday, December 27 Hernando Government Center West 7455 Forest Oaks Blvd. Spring Hill 9:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.   Walmart 7305 Broad St. Brooksville 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Friday, December 28 Walmart 13300 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 11:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Walmart 2163 W. CR 48 Bushnell 11:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Saturday, December 29 Marshalls Department Store 7143 Coastal Landing Brooksville 10:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Walmart 1485 Commercial Way Spring Hill 10:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Sunrise Plaza 31100 Cortez Blvd. Ridge Manor 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Sunday, December 30 Christian Church in the Wildwood 10051 Country Rd. Weeki Wachee 8:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.   St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Church 5030 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 8:00a.m. to 2:30p.m.   Sam’s Club 13360 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 2:00p.m. to 5:00p.m.   Walmart 13300 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 2:30p.m. to 5:00p.m.   Monday, December 31 Walmart 1485 Commercial Way Spring Hill 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Walmart 7305 Broad St. Brooksville 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Tuesday, January 1 Walmart 7305 Broad St. Brooksville 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Walmart 13300 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Wednesday, January 2 Cricket / Planet Fitness 11170 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill 10:30a.m. to 6:30p.m.   Walmart 7305 Broad St. Brooksville 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.   Bene’s Academy 7027 US Hwy 19 New Port Richey 12:00p.m. to 6:00p.m.    Thursday, January 3 Hernando County Sheriff’s Office 18900 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.   YMCA of the Suncoast 1300 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.   Walmart 7305 Broad St. Brooksville 3:30p.m. to 6:00p.m.   *Fandango Promotional Code (“Code”) is good towards one movie ticket (up to $13 total ticket and convenience fee value) to see any movie at Fandango partner theaters in the U.S. Code is void if not redeemed by 8/31/19. Only valid for purchase of movie tickets made at www.fandango.com or via the Fandango app and cannot be redeemed directly at any Fandango partner theater box office. If lost or stolen, cannot be replaced. No cash value, except as required by law. Not valid with any other offer. One-time use only. Not for resale; void if sold or exchanged. If cost of movie ticket with Fandango’s convenience fee included is more than maximum value of the Code, then user must pay the difference. Fandango Loyalty Solutions, LLC is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this program. The redemption of the Code is subject to Fandango’s Terms and Policies at www.fandango.com/terms-and-policies.  FANDANGO and the Fandango Logo are registered trademarks of Fandango Media, LLC. **While supplies last; Donors must be 17 or older (16 with written parental consent), weigh 110 lbs or more and show photo I.D. For more information, call toll-free 888-795-2707 or visit lifesouth.org. All donors receive a recognition item and cholesterol screening. Read the full article
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chefryancallahan · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
Time to hang lights! I know it's #Advent but I want Jesus to know I'm excited for #Christmas #christmaslights (at Wildwood, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrQyw3SAdUk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x5czdn78hq8w
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
December 25th
It's Christmas Day and Wren is going for lunch at the Witch's cottage.
Wren woke on Christmas morning with the sense that there was something different about his nest and when he entered the living room, still bleary eyed and slightly achy from his gift making, he understood why. While he’d slept his hand-made decorations had been upgraded! The foil star on top of the yew sprig tree was now silver filigree, the holly berries and lunaria pods were beautiful red and…
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
December 24th
It is Day 24 of Wren’s Advent Adventures and Wren, like so many of us on Christmas Eve, is still sorting out his gifts.
Wren’s Christmas Eve had been very busy. When he’d got home from the nativity rehearsal the previous day he’d gone straight back to his crafting but had only managed to finish four more gifts before he was too exhausted to stitch straight.  He’d put his alarm on for dawn and had worked solidly until the Witch called to take him to the Nativity at three o’clock, by which time he still had five…
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
December 23rd
Wildwood Advent Day 23 and Wren is helping with the Nativity play rehearsal.
When Wren finally checked the journal it had informed him he’d be helping the Sunday School children rehearse their nativity play, and was needed just before two o’clock. So he spent his morning, once he was properly awake, cross-stitching as fast as he could without making mistakes, which wasn’t as fast as he’d have liked. Still, when he left his snug nest to brave the cold flight to the…
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
December 22nd
It is Day 22 of Wren’s Advent Adventures and there is something Wren’s forgotten.
The torchlit procession through the Wood and the rite at the Lords and Maidens stone circle was, as always, balm to Wren’s soul.  This year, rather than sitting on someone’s shoulder and keeping his voice down, he perched on the top of the northernmost Lord stone and, when it was time to join in with The Song to Sing Up the Sun, sang with all his heart. Hare performed the fire leap over the yule…
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
December 21st
Wildwood Advent Day 21 and it’s finally the day of the much anticipated Yule Ball.
Wren had been a little worried that the aftermath of what he was privately referring to as “Wolf’s not so little moment” on Thursday might mar the festivities of the Yule Ball. Thankfully, Wolf seemed to have had the same thought.  Thus, on Saturday morning, just after Wren and the Witch had arrived at Isobel’s cottage – where they were meeting her and Owen before heading into the Village to…
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
December 20th
It is Day 20 of Wren’s Advent Adventures and he’s going to watch an Entertainment.
When Wren arrived at the Village School for the second time in two days, for the End of Term Entertainment, he’d expected to see a few Wildwooders in the hall. However, the only other person from the Wood was the Witch. Who was standing in the corner at the back, chatting to Jack.  ‘Hullo Wren,’ he said, wiggling his left shoulder in invitation, ‘I’ve talked the Witch into helping us hand out…
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wherekizzialives · 2 months ago
December 19th
It’s Wildwood Advent Day 19 and, unfortunately, there are feathers.
Wolf’s presence, Wren discovered the hard way, did not elicit good behaviour from the children. In fact Wolf was apparently having a second childhood in the space of one afternoon and the children were simply delighted to join in. Not that the day had started off that way. When he, Wolf and Hare had arrived, Isobel was sitting on the large green sofa that constituted the school library’s story…
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