Jeremy spotted Linnet, calling out his name like a siren, and beamed, as he made his way over to them through the crowd. "Hi, Linnet," he smiled, eyes only for her for a moment, before he leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek in greeting. He drew back, and looked at her. "You look absolutely gorgeous, darlin'," Jeremy sighed. He was a very lucky fella.
"And Giselle, hi-" He turned his attention to her, not wanting to be rude at all. "It's great to see you. How are you? Got your vocals all warmed up?"
He still felt like he was trying to impress Giselle a little, after she had been so strange with him after their first meeting, but he was more relaxed than usual. Especially somewhere like this, where the air was alive with the expectant crackle of music. Or expectant something as their party was completed by the arrival of Giselle's fiance.
"Hi, Ben. That's right," he stuck his hand out, looking the guy over as he approached. He looked a little younger than Jeremy had been picturing, actually, but still ... a whole adult. "Nice to meet you too," Jeremy smiled. He was determined to give the guy a chance. Maybe it was just ... crazy, improbably, impulsive love between the pair of them, no matter how Linnet hated it?
"Ok, what's everyone drinking," he asked. "I can go up to the bar?"
@enchantedtomeet-giselle @euterpe-of-hesiod @ben-books
Sing Along | Blueson + Adwood
#ben and Jeremy are ... at opposite ends of a spectrum of boyfriending#giselle#linnet#ben#sing along
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Jeremy felt like he was lighter than air right then, with the promise of this new avenue to explore on top of the endorphins of a good performance - he might just have gone floating away if he was outside! But he nodded sincerely, trying to make sure he was paying attention in the moment and not getting too distracted.
"Ok, well a Wednesday would be perfect for me - I don't have lectures on a Wednesday and football practice doesn't start until later than that," he explained.
He would have to jot it down on his phone so he didn't forget later.
"Do you have any suggestions for songs I could look at before I come in? Or artists? Just to give myself a bit more grounding?"
The preparation for these sorts of things always came so easily to him. It was natural, he felt like he knew the steps to take next if he was going to nail this opportunity - and performances at a proper venue would look really good on his CV.
Showcase and Tell - Jessemy
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"Tell me about it," Jeremy agreed. "I seem to get real like... bursts and then droughts. Like one week I just won't be able to focus on a single thing until I get the words down on paper and other times it'll just be weeks with nothing but tumbleweed rolling around up there." He tapped the side of his head.
Still, he did love the challenge of song-writing, and he was getting better. He still had a long way to go, but ... better.
That didn't mean he was expecting what Jessica suggested next, and his eyebrows raised a little, one corner of his mouth twisting up into a slow smile as her words sank in and she didn't seem to suggest she was joking.
"Really?" He heard himself ask, just in case. "I'd love that." He wasn't the biggest expert on jazz or the blues but he'd always admired what they did there and- "I mean, it would be amazing, thank you so much, Ms. Rabbit," he said, face like a kid in a sweetshop.
Showcase and Tell - Jessemy
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Jeremy appreciated Marie's little change of tack, talking about her and Dipper and not telling him he was being stupid. Was he being stupid? Maybe he was being stupid ... maybe he needed to go look Linnet right in the eyes and tell her what he felt and damn the consequences but also ... his heart was a patient one. He hoped she knew. He never held back from telling her just how much he admired her, how she calmed him and excited him and inspired him. He said it in songs and he said it in words, and fond glances across a room and maybe that just had to be enough.
That he would love her and adore her, no matter what came next.
"Well hey," he chuckled, shaking his head. "Dipper Pines knows how much of a good thing he's got going, of course he didn't quite believe his luck!" Jeremy winked at Marie. "Even though he got there in the end. Smart head on his shoulders that guy," he teased a little more.
"I don't know. What I do know is that I'm a little bit nuts about her. She's just.... I don't even know where to start," he confessed. "Her voice? When she sings? Oh god," he held a hand to his heart. "Or the way she laughs?"
A Little Birdie - Jeremarie
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Jeremy leaned over so that he could see what Vee was talking about as they pointed it out, and he nodded his realisation. "Ahhhh ok, gotcha. It's kind of like the silence in music," he added. Maybe that wouldn't make sense to most people, but it would to him. Knowing what notes to leave out and when was just as much part of making the music as what to put in.
"Oh I bet, that must be some intense screen staring time," he agreed good-naturedly. "Oh, yeah," he added, ignoring the teeny-tiny lurch in his stomach at the reminder that graduation was really racing fast towards him.
"Time flies and all that. Still, it'll be cool to actually graduate and get to celebrate with everyone."
invisible tells || swynopen!
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For a little while, he just sat and soaked up the not-half-bad quality of the van's sound system as the music played and he tried very hard not to jump or wince as Linnet cut through the traffic. But they were getting further out now, and the road was calming, and he was starting to feel the fact that they had an awfully long way ahead of them.
"What?" He looked at Linnet like she'd grown an extra head for a moment as she accused him of flirting. What would. Pshttttt. Why would. HAH! No! What. Who on earth could- why would he-
Then his brain caught up. She was talking about the music. Oh.
His face relaxed into a pleasant smile. "Well, I figured since they got such a rave review I'd better put a couple more in the queue. Kind of fitting, no?"
And - it is important to note that he would never admit this - since Linnet had been so thrilled about the idea of a veto, he was determined to win at playlisting by making sure she never had a cause to use it. He didn't know why it mattered, but it was his own petty victory after all those years of her looking down on him.
He did know it had absolutely nothing to do with the weird feeling in his chest when she fluttered her eyelashes at him and her brown eyes shone with amusement. He'd better not be coming down with something... one of the sound guys had been complaining about a cough.
No Mountain High Enough - Blueson Tropestravaganza 2025
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"Maybe not, but you could find out?" Jeremy said, sadly. He was pretty sure that Mirabel missed Binna too it was just ... complicated. Even if they missed each other, that didn't mean things would magically be ok again! But maybe it could help them both mend a little?
"I know it's rough," he sighed. "I hate that you're both going through this. But, you know, worst thing that happens is she doesn't reply. Which will suck, but then you'll know she's not ready, and she'll know that you are, if she ever wants to reach out?"
Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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Jeremy listened. Linnet didn't say much, she didn't wax lyrical about the landscape or the people, but he could hear it in her voice when she did speak. This was somewhere special to her. It made sense, it was home. And in all his years of travel he had learned one thing - people either travelled because they were running from their home and held no love for it, or they held it closest of all.
He sometimes felt like all the running he did all over the world was all just to get back home, even though he loved the travel.
"Oh they've booked me into some chain hotel," Jeremy explained (thoroughly uninspiring, but that was what he got for leaving his logistics to his manager). "So, same as basically anywhere in the world. I think it's pretty central? But I'll take any recommendations. Gotta couple of days after the gig until my flight leaves."
Then he could get back to his home, and Linnet could freely say whatever she wanted about him knowing he was on a whole different continent.
No Mountain High Enough - Blueson Tropestravaganza 2025
#time is an illusion baby it can be festival season if we want it to be#linnet#no mountain high enough
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"Cruz, if there is ever a a time when I am not looking forward to a warm slice of pizza you have my permission to assume that a demon has taken over my body and driven me out completely," Jeremy joked. "I will literally never say no to pizza. Especially when it has been so cunningly and deviously earned," he added brightly, before laughing.
"Come on, I have a feeling this is going to be the best slice yet."
Picture Perfect Moment - Open
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Jeremy felt the awkwardness in the air - the disconnect that hovered over the conversation. He switched on the Wii with the remote, and then turned more towards Binna.
"Have you tried talking to her?" He asked. That was the thing that hovered over it all - the thing that still drove him crazy about it all. They both still cared so much about the other, and he hated to see them standing there on opposite sides of some great canyon and both thinking they couldn't cross over it.
"It's fine if you haven't, and you're not ready yet, but ... you miss her, right?" It wasn't as simple as that meaning they could get back together, but this silence between them... who was that helping?
Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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Jeremy listened. It was a lot to try to take in, so he stayed fairly quiet, absorbing, as he nodded just a little to try and show that he was paying attention. Jessica's advice was good, he was sure, but he was equally sure it would take him plenty of time to practice it and find what that really looked and felt like for him.
He had been trying, and failing, to do both. He had been trying to put on the facade of a man who wasn't emotionally connected to those songs, someone who could pretend to be a different person than the young man who had written the songs, as if that would be some kind of armour. Instead, it seemed it had been like a shield, blocking between him and the audience. He might have been able to hide behind it, but it had also kept him sealed in with those feelings.
"I like that," he smiled just a little. "Giving them out to the audience to share those feelings."
He knew he wasn't the only person who'd known pain, God knew he'd experienced less than most. So yeah, maybe he should be sharing that connection more.
"I suppose that's the trouble when I've only got a limited set of songs to work with," he added with a small laugh. "It's hard to flow back from that. I need to get writing some more songs."
Showcase and Tell - Jessemy
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"Well hey," Jeremy turned his face again to look at Linnet with a small smile, "The tea and scones are worth the hype." The less said about the Royal family the better.
He kept his eyes on her as she started talking about West Virginia and his lips couldn't help but twitch. He didn't know about turning to religion, but he sure did love the wilderness and how nature could look, so maybe it was all it was cracked up to be. And there was something in the way she said it all, with such passion shining through that made him feel ...
That had to be the explanation for the strange feeling in his stomach, so he looked quickly back out the front of the car as she sneaked a glance at him, and then winced at a particularly interesting overtake.
"Really, yeah. The only time I've been before was just a lay-over at one of the airports," he explained. From which he hardly thought he'd experienced anything of the state at all - in fact it had been pretty much the same as any airport in the world. "But I've heard great things about the festival so I really wanted to fit it in."
No Mountain High Enough - Blueson Tropestravaganza 2025
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"Absolutely love 'em," he replied, before he added his own low voice. "West Virginia / Mountain Mama / Take me home / country roads" He immediately delved into his phone and popped it on the playlist. "What a tune," he said softly to himself, admiringly.
"Is West Virginia all it's cracked up to be?" He asked, a little mischief in his eyes. "I mean, the song really makes it sound like the dream." Mind you, all songs about a place (or, really, about the vague abstract feeling of home and belonging that was why the song actually resonated around the world) made them sound pretty nice.
That smile of hers shone like a spotlight, making him blink. He could practically feel the heat coming off it.
"No," he shook his head, recovering himself. "I guess we just see a lot of ... romanticised? Ideas of the great American Road Trip on tv and stuff in the UK. And I've been to the US plenty now, but I still feel like I only get to see the backstage of concert venues and some late-night restaurants, not the whole package."
Maybe it was silly, but what he loved about the gig circuit and playing tours was being able to explore! And he'd not really managed that yet in America.
No Mountain High Enough - Blueson Tropestravaganza 2025
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"Oh? What's the uh, negative space?" Jeremy asked, interested. He'd heard the concept before but never had it filled in in detail (photography bloggers thank you very much). "Is that like, the stuff between stuff?"
It was fascinating. He'd never really been any good with drawing (even Suzie said so, she had a very critical eye for their art sessions).
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just thought I'd come out for a bit of a walk, get some fresh air while I could. It feels like I've been stuck inside staring at screens all week, you know?" He'd needed a reset. "What about you, how're you today?"
invisible tells || swynopen!
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"Well, you know uni," Jeremy explained. "Third year can be pretty tough to juggle everything, and she's doing that research assistant job for the family study-" Jeremy assumed Binna had heard about that from before.
"Which, I don't know, I wonder if it cuts a bit close to home sometimes," he continued. Mirabel hadn't really said anything of that nature to him, but he couldn't help but wonder (and then he wondered if that was too personal a thing to share with Binna now, but he had been so used to them all being able to talk easily that... yeah). "And even if it's not, it's just an extra thing to juggle? Studying, working, rugby, this extra job."
Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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Jeremy glanced over at Linnet the second he heard her voice coming up again, like a dog turning to his master's voice, before he resolutely forced his gaze back through the front window of the car.
He hated that so much, hated that it was a siren's call to him, hated how even now when she spoke he could hear the melodies woven into every word. Ever since he'd first heard her - just warming up for a performance - it'd had that effect on him. He couldn't deny that she could sing, he just wished ...
Something. That she didn't hate him and treat him like that for no reason, maybe?
"I'm just pacing myself, it's a long drive and I don't want to go straining my voice now, do I?" He bit back, a little sarcastic. "Or have you ditching me by the side of the road before we're even out of the city."
"I've always wanted to do a proper American road trip," he added, but he didn't know why.
No Mountain High Enough - Blueson Tropestravaganza 2025
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Jeremy was humming to himself and feeling calm, deep in his chest. He'd gone for a nice walk around the part to give himself a break that afternoon, and was just going to swing by the lake before he headed back. That always helped him feel a bit better, getting out of the house and getting the fresh air. He'd got everything back into order in his head without even trying.
The beauty of a study break, with his phone on silent for the time-being.
"Vee!" Jeremy smiled as he spotted them. "Hey. Well what're you sketching?" He asked, crossing over a little and tilting his head to look at the paper.
invisible tells || swynopen!
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