#Ars Philtron
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blackthornwren · 2 months ago
I had a few thoughts to add -
Books that wake up, and how you know it: There's a couple obvious ones for me, I'll dream about the book, things in my life will start lining up like a giant neon sign pointing straight at said book, or the thought of the book will get stuck in my head like a song on repeat until I open it. Physical feelings are mostly relegated to my spine, my hands, and lately, my teeth with these books - and it feels like a back and forth, give and take; I work the book, the book works on me. (Heat and nausea are reserved for certain statues and icons - but that's a different story 😂)
My notebooks may carry a bit of my weight with them but I honestly don't know, I haven't written in a notebook or even opened one of my old ones in a long time now. I'll make maybe one entry in the book every other year now, I'm not sure what changed, I love writing everything but I just don't seem to have the patience for it anymore.
Bibliomancy - I keep my eyes closed so I can better hear the book. I make a prayer to a close saint before I begin the reading. My hands know when I've found the right page and then I run my fingertips over the page until I've found the right line (again, without looking). I specifically use Dante's Divine Comedy and The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam for this, I assume I'll branch out if I come across another book with the right feeling for it.
Price Point, Rarity, Staying Free - I have quite a few of these rare books, collected several years ago now. I've known people who printed out free copies and worked them more diligently and faithfully than those with the actual text, myself included. I didn't set out with a specific goal of collecting them, but I have a certain knack for things showing up at the exact right price when I'm looking for them. Currently, it is entirely a matter of how much money someone is willing to spend because the costs have increased dramatically in the last couple years and I fully support anyone who wants to print out their own copy or work from pdf files.
The Inner Librarian
To follow mypost about "Grimoires" :
Here is what catches my attention in your answers :
1-Books that are dormant and that awaken when the time is right. Which is somewhat similar to what @witchcraftingboop writes : books that have their own presence. Books that in one way or another make noise in themselves. Do you have any examples? Could you describe your feelings? (~ @friend-crow's nausea) 2-This kind of passion that we maintain with some books, the one we work with AND the one that works us. -> Are they the same ? 3-Not being able to afford this or that book, staying free. 4-Notebooks that act as oracles and also act as receptacles. So do you consider Marseille Tarot decks or other types of card oracles to be books? - For my part, I have a copy of the Mutus Liber which has always disturbed me a lot because it is "mute", which in a way "blinds" me (but I can't say how exactly or "what") and which I feel "white as milk". Of course it echoes to alchemy and hermeticism but that's not the point. The point is -> I've been avoiding reopening it since 5 years !
I have another book, which - in my experience - brings #diehard change. I always have an unpleasant feeling of cold wind (La "bise" we say in France) when I open it. The Fair Folks also seem to appreciate it a lot. It's a translation of the Egyptian Book of Gates. I really don't open it often :D
NOW : 3 questions for the witches book team :p 1/ Do you have haunted notebooks? How do you go about making your notebook magical ? What is a magical notebook according to you ? Has a "haunted" notebook ever taken you by surprise ? (you didn't expect it to be haunted for example.) 2/ To follow up on @witchcraftingboop super interesting post, how do you practice bibliomancy? (it doesn't have to be super complicated, nor spiritual, I'm just asking out of curiosity, I'm not making a judgment on what someone does or doesn't do ^^) Do you need a special book to practice bibliomancy? A book related to the occult, to spirituality, to religion? Or not necessarily ? And why ? 3/ Rarity VS industrial books. What can we say about the presence of one and the other? What do we put of ourselves in a book or a notebook that we want to awaken?
Yes I'm tagging you all again :D <3 @witchcraftingboop @friend-crow @windvexer @buddyblanc @gryphis-eyes @graveyarddirt @blackthornwren @la-dame-grise @gamayunsteward @lailoken @wildwood-faun @unseelie-witch @fur-teeth-bones-earth @reno-matagot @satsekhem @satsuti @aechlys @rainbluealoekitten @stormcrow513 and sorry if I forgot someone!
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catoptromantia · 2 months ago
Found hardbacks of viridarium umbris and ars philtron. Farewell money
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Hey there! I’ve followed you for a bit but haven’t asked you much yet! So I’ve got one for you—what are your general thoughts on Chumbley’s work? Any books you recommend regarding Cultus Sabbati?
Hello! hope all is well 😁
Admittedly I’ve read more Schulke than Chumbley, though I do enjoy his works. I enjoy his writing style more than Schulke’s, tho like most sabbatic literature it can be hard to grasp but that’s the point! I enjoy the emphasis on ecstatic and oneiric experiences, the draconic motifs, the stellar motifs. It’s kinda what I was looking for when I got interested in witchcraft as a pre-teen. Sabbatic lit provided me structure as I was leaving behind the New Age stuff, which I desperately needed as I no longer had the structure of Wicca.
I’d recommend Azoetia, Lux Haeresis, Opsulca Magica and Qutub to somebody newer to sabbatic craft. I also really really enjoy Viridarium Umbris, Ars Philtron!
Pretty sure all of these are easy to find as PDFs. VK who? 👀
Just for transparency’s sake I am very much a novice, I have been practicing trad craft for like 6 ish years? Gotta long way to go!
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friend-crow · 1 year ago
I told my coworker about this, who is appropriately jealous, and is now offering to let me borrow his copy of Ars Philtron.
Plus the person who let me leaf through his copy of Viridarium Umbris says he has another book that he spent too much on to show me the next time we meet up, and my mind is racing with the possibilities.
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I got to hold it. Much easier to read than the shitty pdf.
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lailoken · 4 years ago
‘:Formulae:’ [Pt. 2]
“Jewell'd Waters of Radiance.
A Sacred Bath For Women; being a most excellent preparation for the rites of any sylvan goddess, nymph, female spirit or deific form. The Balneum requires generous amounts of fresh flowers, hence several hours should be allotted for gathering, being ever mindful of the spirits to be honour'd.
Leaf of Raspberry, dry. 35 g.
Rose Petals, fresh. 35 g.
Cherry Blossoms, fresh. 35 g.
Blossoms of Honeysuckle, fresh. 35 g.
Orange Flower Water. 350 ml.
Rose Absolute. 13 drops.
Let a cold infusion of the fresh blossoms be made, allowing them to steep in large seal'd vessels of well or spring water. Make a hot infusion of the Berry Leaves, with sufficient boiling water to cover. Seal in a stopper'd jar and steep for 30 minutes. When the Bath is drawn, strain the Leaf infusion decoction into the water, along with the Orange flower water and Rose Absolute. Add double the amount of Salt of Lilith to the ablution, and agitate the waters. Finally, pour in the cold infusions, leaving the fresh flowers to float freely. Let the Spirit to Be Honour'd be invoked with the Wand of Quickening, and the bath-chamber lit with candles.
Aqueum Liliya.
A lustral sacrifice for ritual conveyance of the benedictions of Lilith in her fully waxed, angelic, and tutelary lunation. The bath may be modified for succubi, nymphs, or water-spirits. All flowers should be fresh-gathered in Her name.
Petals of White Roses. 200
Blossom of Jasmine. 200
Blossom of Gardenia. 100
Blossom of Lily. 3
Blossom of Angel's Trumpet. 1
Place into the Working Basin and cover with 4 litres of cold spring water. Knead the blossoms gently between the fingers for several moments while a graven image of the Lady is silently focused upon with Eye and Heart. Let stand for three hours prior to use in a quiet, sheltered place, away from the light, with a single white candle lit for the Lady before her Idol. During the rite wherein the lustration is to be employed, the Lady should be invoked with a wand of Crooked Willow or Tamarisk, and the branch employed to quicken the florid waters. The petals should be left in the waters and the lustration sprinkled upon the crowns, brows, and palms of those who would receive the Lady's goodness.
Waters of Magnetism.
An excellent bath for increasing Charisma or one's natural Charms, ideal for attracting a mate or other sexual glamours. The Balneum may also be used prior to gambling. Owing to the seasonal nature of Cherry and Quince, the Bath is best employ'd in Spring. Cherry blossoms are rarely found at the local apothecary. Thus, one must gather one's own in Spring. One may also employ blossoms of Apple, Plum, Pear, or Peach for like effect.
Cherry Blossoms, fresh or dried. 200
Blossoms of Flowering Quince, fresh. 100
Chamomile Blossoms, fresh or dried. 100
Rose Buds, fresh. 30
Steep in enough boiling water to cover. Let the infusion sit for 10 minutes. Strain into bathwater, washing the Herb material through several times. Immerse oneself for at least 30 minutes and allow the waters to air-dry on the skin after emerging.
Lustration of Mercurius.
A bath appropriate for invoking the patron of magic, and alchymic wisdom. This Bath of the Wise grants especial gifts prior to labours of the spiritual laboratory.
Lavender Blossoms. 30 g.
Essential Oil of Lavender. 8 drops
Essential Oil of Sandalwood. 8 drops
Kosher Salt. 60g.
Epsom Salt. 60 g.
Infuse Lavender Blossoms in 1.5 litres boiling water for the space of 30 minutes. Strain and add to a 300 litre bath and stir in, adding salt and oils. For best results, soak for at least 40 minutes and drip dry afterward.
Warrior's Ablution.
A stimulating brew to lend power during confrontations with enemies, the law, or for use prior to negotiations.
Leaf of Rosemary, fresh. 70 g.
Cinnamon chips. 30 g.
Bloom of Chamomile, dry. 30 g.
Flowers of Broom. 30 g.
Add Rosemary and Cinnamon to a cooking vessel with enough water Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer 15 minutes. In a separate vessel, steep the Broom and Chamomile blossoms in 1 litre boiling water. Strain both infusion and decoction and discard Herbal material, adding the liquids to the bathwater. cover.
Earthing Bath.
For drawing stray powers back into the Corpus, centering the Mind, and subduing quarrelsome spirits.
Linden blossom, dried. 60 g.
Oak, leaves and twigs, dried and crumbl'd. 60 g.
Leaf of Wormwood. 33 g.
Infuse the Linden and Wormwood in 1.5 litre boiling water for 20 minutes. As it is steeping, simmer Oak leaves in 1 litre of water for 20 minutes. Strain both fluids into the bath tub and soak as long as is needed.
Midsummer Gold.
A Solar infusion made from traditional Herbs for washing the body and clearing and fortifying the aethyric orb.
Herb of St. Johnswort, dry. 30 g.
Herb of Vervain, dry. 30 g.
Leaf of Mugwort, dry. 25 g.
On the morning of the Summer Solstice, seal each of the Herbs in a separate steeping jar with enough water to completely fill the vessel. Allow to steep for at least four hours in the sunlight, absorbing the Solar Genius at the peak of its power. During this time of steeping, the very Fires of the Sun should be invoked and beseech'd into the Womb of the Waters of the Moon. In this conjunctio the Fruits of Our Labour arise. The exhausted plant matter is then strained out, and the resulting infusions mixed. The potentiated wash may be poured on the head while holding clear in the Imaginal Eye the Solar virtues cleansing the crown, and gradually seeping into the entirety of the aethyric orb. The wash may also be added to bathwater for extended soaking.
Floor Wash.
A general but potent Encharmed Solution for cleansing the oratory or home of Noxious Spirits or in the wake of an unpleasant event.
Leaf of Vervain, dry. 40 g.
Leaf of Sagebrush, dry. 30 g.
Leaf of Thyme. 20 g.
Root of European Mandrake. 7 g.
Steep Vervain, Sagebrush and Thyme in 1 litre boiling water, leaving to stand in an airtight jar for 7 hours before filtering. In a separate cooking vessel, add Mandrake to 400 ml. water and bring to a boil. Simmer 20 minutes. Filter and reserve liquid, burying the boil'd Root in an honourable location and with a coin and thanks. Add to Herbal infusion when it has been strained.
Purification Bath.
A relaxing bath excellent for quieting and realigning the disrupted psyche, as well as nourishing and envigorating the bastions of spiritual defence. Our Fair Decoction may be simmered longer than the 15 minutes given, up to 25. The resulting brew may be used for a cold bath as well, omitting the salts and oil.
Fir Needle. 50 g.
Atlas Cedar. 33 g.
Epsom Salt. 30 g.
Root of Valerian, chopped. 25 g.
Root of Calamus, chopped. 25 g.
Essential Oil of Sandalwood. 5 drops.
Bring 1 litre of water to a boil. Add Fir, Cedar, Calamus and Valerian. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and add to hot bath water, along with essential oil and salt. For cases of extreme disruption, double the amount of Fir, Salt, and True Oil of Sanders.
Mist of Dispersion.
For banishing rude spirits or flocculum abomini. Mix all ingredients in 4 oz. atomizer bottle and agitate before use.
Essential Oil of Palmarosa. 5 drops.
Essential Oil of Fir. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Juniper Berry. 3 drops.
Essential Oil of Atlas Cedar. 2 drops.
Essential Oil of Birch. 1 drop.
Water. 75 ml.
Perfumer's Alcohol or 100 proof spirit. 40 ml.
Asperge Sylvaticus.
A suitable brew for asperging brethren prior to Congregational works of sorcery. The ingenium derives from a subtil congressus of the Lord and Lady of the Desert, the Lord of the Forest, and the Lady of the Garden.
Leaf of Sagebrush, crumbl'd. 33 g.
Leaf of Douglas Fir, Larch, or Hemlocks, chopp'd. 30 g.
Leaf of Scent'd Geranium. 30 g.
Leaf of Wormwood. 5
Make a strong decoction of the Fir, Hemlock or Larch with 1 litre of water in a covered cauldron, simmered for fifteen minutes. Pour the hot decoction over the remaining ingredients in a steeping vessel and let stand seal'd for half an hour. Strain and asperge with a branch of the evergreen employ'd. Tincture of Myrrh may also be added in small amounts to enhance the cleansing virtue.
Mist of Severity.
Another Compound'd Mist for the more potent workings of Exorcism or in instances of stubborn hauntings. Mix all ingredients and store in 4 oz. atomizer bottle, shaking before use.
Essential Oil of Hyssop. 5 drops.
Essential Oil of Cajeput. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Juniper Berry. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Black Peppercorn. 3 drops.
Water. 75 ml.
Perfumer's Alcohol or 100 proof spirit. 40 ml.
The Viridian Broom.
A potent asperge for sprinkling, using a fresh bough of Cypress.
Sprig of Douglas Fir, chopp'd. 35 g.
Herbe of Pennyroyal, whole flowering. 35 g.
Leaves of Cypress. 28 g.
Berries of Juniper, crush'd well. 25.
Place Douglas Fir, Cypress and Juniper Berries in the Wort-Cauldron with 1 litre of water, and bring to a boil. Simmer, cover'd, for 20 minutes. Remove from Heat and add the Pennyroyal. Strain when cool.
Sorcerer's Hand Wash.
For hand-anointing prior to works of the Magical Arte. Place 11 Devil's Shoestrings, along with a slice of the very best Galangal Root, a twig of True Cinnamon, a pinch of Sweet Tobacco, and a small slice of True Mandrake in a bottle of dark glass and fill with 151 Proof Rum. Stopper, storing in a dark place. Gems or minerals sympathetic to the magician may also be added as desired.
Balneum of the Wayfarer.
A blessed wash especially for the feet prior to Sojourning forth in the Greenwood, or for such as wander long in lonely places, giving invigoration and purpose to the stride. Fresh-harvest'd Rhizome of Wild Ginger (Asarum spp.) may be substituted for Ginger.
Root of Ginger, fresh, sliced. 90 g.
Leaf of Bay, fresh. 50.
Leaf of Holy Basil, fresh. 40 g.
Make strong decoctions of the Ginger and Bay in separate vessels. Pour both over the Basil into a large Hermeticus and steep for ten minutes. Pour wash without straining into a basin and soak feet for 30 minutes prior to Sojourn.”
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A. Schulke
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elvthron · 4 years ago
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From Daniel Schulke's "Ars Philtron"
In the book is specified that the best water to make liquid preparations is the (rain)water gathered in the hour of the planet who's influence should dominate the preparation. The table "reveals one cycle of these hours, generally considered by modern Alchemists to be the best."
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ivy-kissobryos · 4 years ago
Mists of Banishment and Exorcism
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Source: Ars Philtron: Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and Its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical by Daniel Schulke
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l-u-c-i-i-e · 4 years ago
I read Ars Philtron.
I (still) don't understand how it is possible to be both so interesting and at the same time so BORING.
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blackthornwren · 5 years ago
Aqueum Liliya
A lustral sacrifice for ritual conveyance of the benedictions of Lilith in her fully waxed, angelic, and tutelary lunation. The bath may be modified for other succubi, nymphs, or water-spirits. All flowers should be fresh-gathered in Her name.
Petals of White Roses, fresh                         200
Blossom of Jasmine, fresh                            200
Blossom of Gardenia, fresh                          100
Blossom of Lily                                              3
Blossom of Angel’s Trumpet                         1
Place the totality of the Corpus Flora into the Working Basin and cover with 4 litres of cold spring water. Knead the blossoms between the fingers for several moments whilst the image of the Lady is silently fixed in Eye and Heart. Let stand for three hours prior to use in a quiet, sheltered place, away from the light, with a single candle lit before the Image of the Lady. During the rite of the lustration proper, the Lady is called with a branch of Crooked Willow or Tamarisk, and the branch employed to quicken the waters. The petals are left in the Basin, and the lustration sprinkled upon the crowns and palms of those who would receive the Lady’s beneficence. 
-From Ars Philtron, Daniel Schulke, pg. 164
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astranemus · 6 years ago
Via the roads of Transmutation we call forth the World not as we wish it to be, but as it already is, albeit it distant in space and time: for by all-possibility are all things manifest. Thus Transmutation, in part, seeks to harness the unmanifest, and draw it ever toward the present flesh. When, by power of Art, we bring forth the Work in bodies of flesh, the strictures of Will, Desire, and Belief serve as our Trine. And yet, before our parameters are defined, Opposition must serve. Endeavour, therefore, in silence, stasis, and darkness to conjure that which mirrors the Unmanifest in perfection.
Daniel A. Schulke, Ars Philtron
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newworldpellar · 7 years ago
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Preparing for the Lenten tide, and renewing my pact with my spirits and familiars on Lady Day
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mandatorywitchblog · 5 years ago
possible unpopular opinion but ars philtron > viridarium umbris
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lailoken · 3 years ago
‘:Pharmacopoeia: [Pt. 3]’
“Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia spp.). Formerly classed as "Tree Daturas", these arboreal Nightshades are grown as ornamentals in tropical, subtropical, Mediterranean-climate regions. In the Sibundoy Valley of Colombia, Angel's Trumpets were used for divination, prophecy, therapy, and for learning sorcery. Elsewhere in South America, B. sanguinea, Bloody Angel's Trumpet, was employed for Tonga, a narcotic Philtre imbibed by priests of the Temple of the Sun at Sogamoza. In other traditions, the Herb was ingested to reveal treasures concealed in ancient graves. Brugmansia potions were also administered rectally to male initiates until a coma or Visionary Sleep resulted, wherein Spirits of the Ancestors would appear to give guidance to the boy for his new life as a man.! Traditionally, the seeds are powdered and used to compound sundry magical brews. After the drinking the potions there follows a violent narcosis, thereupon crowned by sleep interspersed with waking visions of the Spirit Realms and the Dead. Effects on the Physium are characterized by confusion, often follow'd by stupor, slavering, trance or violent convulsions. This gives way to narcosis or sleep lasting up to 4.days, intermittently mingled with the appearance of Spirits, Gods, phantasms, and Shades of the Dead. Other philtre-brewing praxes using this fragrant Celestial Horn include scraping the Pith from the inside of stems and making a decoction thereof.
Brunfelsia (Brunfelsia spp.). Another visionary Nightshade, the precious juices of this Herb are employed as a visionary Philtre by the Kachinaua of the Brazilian Amazon. Those drinking of the potent beverage are catapulted into the Spirit Realm, where they must do battle with Dragons, Jaguars, and other animal souls, in order to determine outcomes in the Material World.
Cup of Gold (Solandra spp.) Twigs of Solandra brevicalyx and S. guerrerensis have traditionally been brewed as a visionary Philtre by the Huichol. As this is another honored member of the tropane-bearing nightshades, caution is advised. A Vine of great Beauty and profound presence, it may be grown with ease in the sorcerer's medicine-garden, given a subtropical or Mediterranean climate and a sun-blessed location.
Hawaiian Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) The Seed of this convulvulaceous plant may be considered a Visionary whose potencies are well-extracted into water to create a very peculiar Sacramentum. The seeds are best used phytognostically for Chronomantic Journeying, those black arts by which the very strictures of Time are bent as a withe by the Sorcerer. The Seeds may be employed as well for atavistic invocation and distant memory retrieval. Their essence also aids in the voluntary projection of the Dark Body through the Aether, known to the Wise as Sabbatick Flight. 5-13 seeds should be removed from their respective pods, and ground. The powder is steep'd in 50 ml. cold water for several hours, then drunk. The seeds engender a languid visionary state sympathetic to various thaumaturgic and theurgic magics. The Herb may induce induces mild nausea or dizziness in some persons in the first hours prior to the Phytognostic state; as such, a strong tea of fresh Ginger, may be used to check disturbances of the physium. Persons with a history of liver disorders should avoid internal use of this Herb, as should pregnant women. Feelings of restfulness and tranquility may persist for up to a day following the consumption of the Sacrament.
Henbane (Hyoscyamus spp.) Like other nightshade kin such as Mandrake and Belladonna, Henbane is rich in hyoscyamine, scopolamine and other visionary tropanes. As an Elixir Sacramentum, it is best suited for potions of theurgic shape-changing, lycanthropy, and work with Bestial Atavisms. Taken internally, Henbane bewitches the Central Nervous System: initially stimulation arises, soon followed by confusion, stupor, and disturbing visions. Overdose gives rise to central narcotic paralysis, coma, and death. If leaves are desired for tincturing or drying for Magics or Medicines, the tops of the Plant should be collected while in full flower; if the species being grown is biennial, leaves and flowers of the second year are preferable to those of the first. Bilsenkraut, the German name, gave the Bohemian city of Pilsen its name, whose strong be, augmented with the seeds of Henbane, later became famous as Pilsener. Modern formulae for this Beer omit the intoxicating Herb.
Ledum (Ledum palustre, L. groenlandicum). Also known as Wild Rosemary or Marsh Tea, Ledum appeared in ancient European beers as a delirium-producing adjunct. These beers have been proposed as a sacrament of the raging, zealous Berserkers of Northern Europe. Ledum has been used in folk medicine to destroy external parasites; pregnant women should avoid Ledum, as also should those wishing to employ it as an abortifacient, as the effective dose is often a hair's breadth from the lethal dose.
Mandrake, True (Mandragora officinarum). Philtres made from the Witch-Root were at one time esteem'd aphrodisiacs. In some medieval recipes for magical brews, the Root was prepared by rotting in water for two complete lunar cycles, until it was transmogrified into a malodorous green pulp; then it was used in this form, or in a gruel, or added to a brew with sundry ingredients. A virtuous Tea, brewed from the Leaves, was also made. If integrity of taxonomy and potency is assured, tincture by covering the dried, sliced Root in supreme quality spirit, allowing the Virtues two moons to infuse. The resulting golden tincture is then be tested sparingly for its goodness, and its use in potions judged accordingly.
Psilocybe Mushroom (Psilocybe spp.) The Psilocybe kin are many and varied, in personality, predilection, and preference. Of especial joy to the Green Sorcerer is Psilocybe azurescens, very small, aureate of cap, dark blue to black of stipe. In Powers they may be considered to fall under the resplendent, ignified domain of Lucifer, the celestial light-bearer bringing all the good gifts that illuminate and empower our Arte. The qualities so expressed may be termed both empyrean and infernal; angelic, illuminating, transgressive, and quickening unto the fires of the Royal Arte. To exalt the Celestial Fire of this, our Holy Bread, fourteen grams of the dried mushrooms should verily be reduced to a powder, then interred in a Ritual Bottle having a capacity of 250-350 ml., and covered with the finest honey. Let this elixir be stirred once a day for a week, then set to rest for a moon's time. As an illuminating nocturnal Sacrament of Solitude, two to three spoonfuls should be mindfully savour'd. 'Witches' or Crows's Bread is a term of the Curren generically applied to a wide range of sacramental materials which may be ritually consumed in juxtaposition to the Vinum Sabbati. Of such Bread is Our Mushroom, ancient of Mystery and Aureate of Light.
San Pedro Cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi). The use of the cactus as a vision- sacrament in Peru dates to at least 1300 BC. Centuries after christianization, folk healers still prepare ritual brews known as Cimora, employing sundry other cactaceous species-and at least one Campanulaceous Herb whose identity as yet is a mystery- as admixtures. The Cactus is easily grown, and is a most potent Ally. Many different species of Trichocereus are mescaline-bearing; the rarer T. peruvianus is more potent and worth the rigours of a plant-pilgrimage. For preparation, the outer skin and the first five millimetres of white flesh beneath it are removed and simmered in triple its volume of water for at least 5 hours, adding water as needed. In general, when brewing of the plant a phytog- nostic decoction, use 1.5 feet of the Cactus per celebrant.
Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica). In the Middle Ages, the Herb was used in folk medicine as a narcotic and an ingredient in love potions. It was an important drug in Renaissance apothecaries; the plant was also used as a lethal poison. Scopolia is associated with magic of a licentious sexual nature in the folklore; in Romania, the roots were used as a substitute for Mandrake. Its place in the Nightshade family suggests it may have been an ingredient in witches' unguents and brews.”
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A. Schulke
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cryptotheism · 2 years ago
im reading through the viridarium umbris like you suggested a few weeks ago. so far i think i could run with this system, but there's a bunch of written symbols in the illustrations that i can't find explanations for anywhere in the book. i skimmed some other stuff from xoanon and im not finding them referenced there, but maybe im not looking hard enough? i also looked up alchemical symbols but im not finding clarity there either. do you know where else i could go looking for explanations? additionally, there's what looks like a line of text across the bottom of the illustration on page 27, which looked at first glance like the alphabet in chumbleys azoëtia but almost certainly isnt, and which i can find no guide to. ive only gotten a few chapters into the book bc not being able to find information on either of these classes of symbols is really bothering me, so im coming to you for help
Schulke's alphabet is entirely custom. Though, he does use many symbols from the Azoetia and the Ars Philtron. He quite literally expects you to learn it.
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kentuckwitch · 3 years ago
Books That Have Aided Me in the Development of My Craft, & a Reading List
I have to resist foundering in a ‘research and development’ stage in my practice & becoming more of an armchair witch than a practitioner. Do you struggle with that too? That said, I’ve read some amazing books that have in one or way or another helped me become a better witch and helped me do the foundational work we all have to do on our individual paths. Here are some of those, followed by a few I’m planning on reading as soon as I can get my hands on them. Have you read these? What’re your thoughts? I’d love to hear them :) And also, do you feel you sometimes get stuck or intimidated or overwhelmed with all the things we witches can do and be and become? I definitely do, and my resolution for the year is not to read and think less but to DO more.
Books I Recommend
Backwoods Witchcraft, Jake Richards
Folk Witchcraft, Roger Horne
Long Lost Friend, J.G. Gorman
The Witching Herbs, Harold Roth
The Crooked Path, Kelden
Treading the Mill, Nigel Pearson
Weave the Liminal, Laura Tempest Zakroff
Of Blood and Bones, Kate Freuler
Psychic Witch, Mat Auryn
The Witching Way of Hollow Hill, Robin Artisson
The Clovenstone Workings, Robin Artisson
The History of the Devil, R. Lowe Thompson
Mastering Herbalism, Paul Huson
The Earthwise Herbal, Matthew Wood
The Earthwise Herbal Vol. II, Matthew Wood
The Modern Herbal Dispensatory
Southern Folk Medicine, Phyllis Light
Possum Living, Dolly Freed
Shameless, Nadia Bolz-Weber
A Deed Without a Name, Lee Morgan
Besom, Stang and Sword, Orapello & Maguire
The Witch at the Forest’s Edge, Christine Grace
A Broom at Midnight, Roger Horne
Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom, Rachel Pollack
The Poison Path Herbal, Coby Michael
New World Witchery, Cory Thomas Hutcheson
Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland, Lisa Schneidau
Folk Medicine of Southern Appalachia, Anthony Cavender
The Black Book of Isobel Gowdie
A Weedwife’s Remedy, Kiva Rose Hardin
Identifying and Harvesting Edible & Medicinal Herbs, ‘Wildman’ Steve Brill
Reading List for 2022
Jack Tales
Gemma Gary’s bib.
Nigel Pearson’s bib.
Thirteen Pathways of Occult Herbalism, Daniel A. Schulke
Ars Philtron, Daniel A. Schulke
Mastering Witchcraft, Paul Huson
Accounts of the ‘witch trials’ of the Americas & Europe
Books on Appalachian & Kentucky history
The Cherokee Herbal
Michael Howard’s bib.
Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine, Lara Veleda Vesta
Wild Witchcraft: Folk Herbalism, Garden Magic & Foraging for Spells, Rituals & Remedies, Rebecca Beyer
I’ll add to this list as I go back over the bibliographies of my favorites, but I’d love any recommendations you have for books that have enriched your practice. Please share! :)
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ivy-kissobryos · 4 years ago
Invocation of Myrrh
Gracious Myrrh,
Recall how Saturn made thee.
Thou bitter, thou difficult,
Thou ancient and purging,
O mourning mistress!
Balsam of the dead,
Warden of the living,
May thee thwart all forces
Malicious and bent on ruin.
- bits and pieces taken from Ars Philtron by Daniel Schulke
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