thejellybeanboys · 2 years
You. Explanation. On. What. U. Are. Now! Also I'm hungry for candy now.
Luis: “Oh yeah right we have to like properly introduce ourselves, Hoagie @ the rest of everyone in here so we get introductions started!”
Hoagie: “Got it! @everyonejellybeanboys Luis wants intros.”
(Codeyy, Dragongurl34, BennyB, Music_sniffer logs in) (the whole gang is now online)
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Luis: “cool.cool. we are all here now. I'll start. I already introduced my self but I guess to give an example for the others, I'm 13. He/him, uh I draw and code, actually mostly I hack and draw but whatever. I'm like the best gamer to exist, no competition f*ck you. I guess the most notable thing and what I can't prevent from you all finding out is that my dad is Tobey McCallister.”
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Hoagie: “Hoagie the youngest sandwich making guy--yes that's my full name. Uh I cook/bake! Making pastries, dinners, creative food requests, and of course sandwichs for the internet! Want to eventually get multiple platforms for my cooking videos. I'm 13, he/him, and my uncle is Chuck the evil sandwich making guy!”
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Jeremy: “Jeremy Hevaer or JJerm321 if you know me from streaming already. I'm 15, go by he/him/they pronouns, Uh I actually have a channel already where I mostly do improve or game...is it successful? No not really. My idol is the ever great doctor two-brains! He really inspired me, well kinda. I actually cosplay as him regular in most things, which has kinda left people thinking that I am him somehow. Unfortunately no, as much as I would love to be, I never met him yet but one day I'll will 🥰 ”
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Mason: “....My name is Mason! I like posting vids about oddly satisfying stuff, making stuff about it. I also just do things like pour lava on glass cause it's cool...uh hydraulically pressing my toys cause it's cool... Heating up my knives and tools cause it's cool... Uh yeah! My pops the Butcher! He's like known for the whole meat stuff. I don't eat meat but pops says I'm still a good griller so he won't disown me yet. He/ham, I'm 14 and yeah.”
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Codey: “Oh good you didn't immediately f#ck up the blog I had to create for you. Well let's get this over with. Codey here. She/her, 16. I'm a software developer and I can code the shit out of anything my autism be dammed. I'm mostly just behind the scenes doing all i can to keep this whole thing running, you know typical stuff of the real beautiful intelligent computer woman doing the work while the only slightly charismatic yet incredibly ugly looking guys get all the credit.”
Luis: “ Thank you for perfectly explaining why I like hanging out with you ❤️/pos”
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Cecil: “¡AH! ITS HERE NOW AND AN ASK⭐‼️ Oh okay introductions!! I'm a level 24 half dragon, 11 dexterity, 14 charisma-- jejeje okay okay kidding, I promised Luis I wouldnt describ myself or make too many DND jokes kekeke. Cecilia Vázquez Montes at youre service! I'm 15 and a she/her now, I attend an all girls school so Im not online all the time. As you could see I mostly do DND and roleplaying gaming stuff. I also love love making clothes and cosplay✨! I just moved from Puerto Rico recently and I just started learning Ingles so aplogies if I spell or say something little bit wrong, Codey helps in trying autocorrect stuff for me.”
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Otty: “🌸🌸❤️❤️🐇🐇💞 Hello everyone! So good to be here :)) My full name is Otty Monnie Smalls, my family is known to be pretty wealthy and be all boring business. Um the most infamous person I'm related to is my older cousin Big or well he tells me to call him Mr. Big, but my dad calls him Shelly? Idk its complicated. I'm 12 years-old, he/him, and my favorite thing ever is to make my friends happy! Which is why I'm here because they told me I could be here if I give them money. A lot of people say I'm cute but the real cute thing ever is my stuffed bunny Mr. Wabbit! He's all pink and fluffyyy!”💖💖💞
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Leroy: “Don't know how I'll complete with that but schyeah. Sup dudes my name is Leroy Vázquez He/They, 13, yeah Cecil over there is like my half sister but we don't gotta get into that...Uh I wanna be a DJ, eventually get signed on for something. I'm kinda sensitive to outside noises so I regularly wear these headphones I stole from Luis's dad. Oh yeah Luis is my main man! My top bro. Besties for life. My passion is music i make it, if you think my tunes sound like a printer going through a meat grinder you just don't get it.”
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Wil-Liam: “Name is Wil-Liam. I'm pretty sure I'm 13. Uh. I think I'm a he/him. Oh yeah I just checked I am. Uh. Definitely sooo human bro......... All you gotta know about me is that I'm definitely a better gamer than Luis.”
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Luis: “I still have no idea how you got here, I didn't even invite you!”
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radicalrascals · 7 months
@saudadexmses liked for a little something
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Liam had been standing behind Wil for a little while now, leaning against the closed door of the sound proof booth, only waiting for the on-air light to go off. That was when he cleared his throat to get the other's attention. "You're takin' song requests, mate?," he joked before he turned to a more appropriate greeting: "Y'alright?"
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inutaffy · 1 year
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faves from my theo r pinterest board
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izayoichan · 1 year
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River: Hey, look who came out of his nest!
Emil greeted the two with a small nod and smile.
Lucas: Told you, your worries were silly -he smiled gently at the older dragon- Emil: I am sorry. They were indeed. I knew they were, but it was irrational and stronger than me.  Liam: Uncle Em. Can I play with Rylan and Tyvan now?
Emil chuckled, letting the three play, wondering a little what they had brought. It was good to have things back to normal though, having everyone here.
River: Come, since a certain little sunlight here ruined part of the surprise, we might as well show you.
They led the two of them outside, leaving the little ones innside to play. Emil hesitated, but a small squeeze from Flynn had him reassured they were safe and he kissed Flynn’s hands nodding. Flynn noticed something walking down by the chickens, something much bigger. Flynn: Is that a lama? River: Yep! A therapy lama actually. Flynn: A what? River: A therapy lama, actually trained to help people. Flynn: You're making that up.. Right? Lucas: Nope, I thought he was joking as well, but this is apparently the real deal.
Beginning - Previous - Next
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snzysimper · 2 years
FINALLY!! I haven’t posted a fic in AGES. Apologies for that. This is probably the longest thing I’ve ever written. I’m really proud of how this turned out. It took me a while, but I hope it was well worth the wait for everyone. This is the re-write of this fic. I tried to keep it loyal to the original, but also make it better.
Note: I had everything italicized and shit, but tumblr is stupid and doesn’t keep it when it gets copy pasted from a google doc so I’ll go back and fix it later. For now, you can just use your imagination because I am to lazy to do it rn.
Another note: not that this really matters, but Security Breach doesn’t exist in my AU, so first of all, no ‘Burntrap’ and also no SB Vanessa. I much prefer the fan made version from Help Wanted, so that is who I use in my fics and such, but feel free to portray it however you like. She just looks better. Feel free to look at some fan art else where.
A Warm Surprise
A Will/iam x Van/ny Snz Fic
Written by SnzySimper
Word Count: 1950
TW: Spray, Snz (ofc), mentions of deceased children (only briefly)
| I am allowed to write what I want and I would appreciate if you keep whatever rude comments you may have to yourself |
It is about 11 o’clock at night. The pizzeria was far past closing, which was 8 o’clock. One would generally expect for the place to be empty. Isn’t that how this works anyway? Starting in only one hour, the haunted robots spring to life and, well, you know the rest. But, no, not right now. We are far beyond that point. Long story short, after the closing and re-opening, new animatronics were made, and the Fazbear brand was re-started after someone bought the name. As of the current moment, a new man owns the name brand. Well, not quite. After escaping his presumably eternal hell, William Afton put his consciousness inside of a game, making himself nothing but a piece of computer code. With the help of an innocent bystander, he was set free into the world again and, under a new name, bought his company back. Who’s his partner in crime, you may ask? A young woman named Vanessa, or Vanny, as William usually calls her. His little reluctant follower, although she has become less reluctant as time has gone by. In fact, she had become much less of a follower and more of a friend. The two did most everything together. Were they themselves together? Well, no. Not right now, anyway.
Sitting down on a table, Vanny looked over towards the animatronics. They were powered off, as they should be. She and ‘Dave’ planned to keep it that way. No more vengeful ten year olds wanting to damn your soul. And hopefully not ever again. He didn’t have any reason to make it happen again. He had obtained his immortality, so why would he need to kill more children. It’s not like he needs the remnant. She glances around the pizzeria, not used to it being so empty and quiet. No sounds of children giggling and screaming. No music. Only the hum from the air conditioner. A bit creepy and unsettling to most, but she had come quite accustomed to it. She found it almost peaceful. It was silent, and peaceful, and not a single sound to-
Slightly startled at the broken silence, Vanny looks up. She was alone in the pizzeria, minus her ‘boss’. It had to have been him. Come to think of it, had she ever heard him sneeze before? Being a computer code, she didn’t really think he could sneeze. Oh well. Who cares? A sneeze is a sneeze. No skin off her teeth. She pulls out her phone, not paying it anymore mind. “Hh’gGG’shhh!!..’Ggsshh!” Well, this was certainly interesting. It was strange enough for this to happen once, granted that it had never happened before. But three times? Curious to what could possibly be happening, Vanny hops off of the table to go and find him. It was getting to be time to head home, so she should go and get him anyway.
Sitting at his desk, William breathes heavily. He was happy that the day was finally over. He could just go home and fall asleep on the sofa. He crosses his arms and lowers his head, about to fall asleep in the chair. In front of him are blueprints for trying to fix SpringBonnie. Trying. Although he may as well just start from scratch. The suit itself is beyond repair, but the internal parts, or at least the springlocks, could possibly be salvaged. It would take a good bit of effort though. As the AC turns on, he shivers, wrapping his arms tightly around his chest. Was it usually this cold in the pizzeria? Or maybe someone had just messed with the thermostat. Who knows. Giving William the benefit of the doubt, he is a TWIG. The average weight for someone who is 7’2 is around 230. William is 190. One could say that this is due to him not eating much. He doesn’t see a reason why he should. As we have previously established, he’s already immortal. It isn’t like he can starve. Although, the occasional meal is nice. He slowly raises and tilts his head back, his breath hitching slightly. “hhHh’GGschh!!” Damn. Why is he so cold? Wiping his nose on the back of his hand, he sighs. Was it possible he could- no. No, no. He’s a piece of computer code for crying out loud; barely even able to be classified as a human being at this point. Being sick is completely out of the question.
It had been a long day of listening to the same 6 songs on repeat, children's laughter, and, worst of all, the smell of shitty cheap pizza. He was more than ready to go home by now. Vanny walks in the room, softly knocking on the door. “Mr. Afton?” She walks up behind him, and gently places her hand on his shoulder. Having completely zoned out, he jumps at the touch of her hand. She jerks her hand back. “M-Mr. Afton-! I’m so sorry, did I wake you?” While they were ‘friends’, Vanny’s voice still trembled whenever addressing him. She knew all that he had done in the past, and was terrified of what he would be capable of doing now that he was immortal and essentially invincible. William, however, didn’t respond in his usual manner. “Vanessa,” he gives her a small weak smile. He doesn’t face her directly. He simply looks back at her using only his eyes. His piercing, icy blue eyes. “It’s nearly midnight.” She wrung her hands. “Shouldn’t we be leaving soon?”
“Yes. Worry not, we will be heading out soo-”
He abruptly stops speaking. He looks a bit dazed for a moment before quickly bringing his hand to his face, pinching his nose. “Ht’nnt-!” It is almost silent. “Ht’nxxt!! ‘nxxT -nnt!” And again. “hhHt’nkkt!!”
“Bless you,” Vanny says softly. He lets go of his nose, which is now a warm pink, and sniffles as he wipes his nose on the back of his hand. “Hhh, thank…thank you.” At last, he turns in his chair to face her. Vanny is worried by the sight of him. His cheeks are a touch of pink, and so does his nose, although his nose is a brighter shade. The parts of his face that aren’t flushed somehow look even more pale than they usually do. The dark circles under his eyes are more noticeable than normal. Tiny droplets of sweat are present on his forehead. Almost by instinct, she reaches up and gently presses the back of her hand against his forehead. “Mr Afton, you look awful. Are you feeling alright?” Realizing that she literally just reached up and touched his face without any sort of warning, she panics and quickly tries to jerk her hand away. Before she can fully pull her hand away, William reaches up and presses the palm of her hand against his cheek, sighing happily. Vanny blushes, shocked by the intimate gesture. He closes his eyes and lowers his head. He looks very happy to say the least. “Your hand,” he says quietly. “It feels really warm. It feels nice.”
“Your face is very warm, too. And not in a good way.” She lets him hold her hand and uses her other hand to feel his forehead again, now assuming that he doesn’t mind her touching his face. “You have a fever. I’m sure of it.” She removes her hand from his forehead and moves his hair so it isn’t covering his eyes. “Mmhm,” he hums in agreement, although she is quite sure that he isn’t paying all that much attention to what she is saying. She laughs softly. “Come on, let's go home.”
Vanny helps walk him into the house. Leaving her side, William walks away and flops face first onto the couch. He looks pretty comfortable. Vanny giggles. She isn’t used to seeing him so relaxed. Usually when he interacts with others, he lacks much emotion and is very curt. Any time someone tries to care for him or assist him with something non-work related, he snaps at them to leave him alone. With her he is usually a bit more friendly, but not much. Tonight, he had been everything but that. He even smiled at her. Vanny walks over to the couch and sits down next to him. William helps himself and rests his head on her lap. She lets out a small squeak, shocked at the fact that he is being so affectionate. She sighs and begins gently scratching his head. He smiles. “We should probably get some medicine for you.” William hums softly. “I’m fiiine.” He closes his eyes, sighing softly. Vanny sighs. “Alright. If you say so.” She didn’t want to challenge him on anything, so as not to take his gentle and chill attitude for granted.
They are silent for a good ten minutes before William starts sniffling. Vanny looks down at him. He is rubbing his face with the back of his hand, his nose clearly irritated. William eventually gives up, deciding that his efforts to relieve the itchy tickling sensation in his nose are fruitless. He looks adorable, Vanny thinks. She gently presses the tip of his nose with her index finger. “h’EHshhSS!” Vanny jumps slightly. “Oh. Bless you.”
“Mmm..what was thah for?” He grumbles sleepily. “Sorry. You just looked so cute. Your nose was twitching like a little bunny.” Vanny giggles. William rolls over to face up at her, his eyes still closed. “Could you..do it again?” She is a bit surprised, and pretty confused. “What, why would you want-”
“My nose..it’s still itchy. I need to sneeze. Please…” He opens his eyes looking up at her, his eyes practically begging for her to do something. Vanny can’t help but feel bad for him. “Alright.” She takes her thumb and index finger and begins gently rubbing the sides of his nose.He sniffles a few times as she continues to gently touch his nose. “I-is this helping? Is it working?” He sniffles once again. “Y-yeah, snff, sorta.” Vanny moves from the sides of his nose to the base, just below his nostrils. “Oh- hihh right sndff there..” She continues rubbing his nose, a bit harder this time. William’s breath is hitching. He tilts his head back, before inhaling sharply. “Hh’Gggshhs!! HGg’essh!! EH-shhiis! Ht’chh ‘chtt!!” He tries his best to avoid spraying Vanny, although he still gets her a little. Vanny lifts his head off of her lap. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go find some tissues.” She quickly rushes out of the living room to go and search for tissues.
William sits up, holding his nose shut as he continues to sneeze wetly. “hMP’tchh! Ht’CHH!! T’chh k‘chh -gSHH!!” Vanny comes back with a box of tissues and sits back down on the couch. She hugs William, leaning him back in her arms. She holds the box of tissues out in front of him. He quickly grabs one and holds it up to his face. “H’ppshh!! Hh’IISHH!!” He sighs, having been able to finally catch his breath. He rubs his nose with the tissue. His nose is revealed to be much more pink than it was before. He sniffles, draping his arms on Vanny’s shoulders, holding on to her like a sloth. He rests his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. “ I’mb sorry sndDF for..snff sneezigg on you.” Vanny chuckles softly. “It’s alright. I don’t mind.” She rubs his head and begins playing with his hair. Laying down, she holds onto William and hugs him close. “Try and get some sleep, alright?” William hums in response. It isn’t long before she hears him softly snoring. She smiles, kissing the top of his head. “Sleep well, Mr. Afton.”
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steveharrirngton · 10 months
what's really annoying and incredible about the witcher is that you can and will understand where every characters motives came from and you will be conflicted to choose who you root for to make it.
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revelationtour · 2 years
liam: it sure smells like wrongdog in here
flynn: oh, buddy...
finished valence podcast season one today and i have a single thought in my head
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wilsonthecyclist · 1 year
New Pfp!! Art of my Sona!!
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Had a lot of fun drawing this ^^
(His name is Liam-)
(EDIT: I edited the post because the glasses weren’t completely filled in lol)
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midnight-rot · 6 months
Van/ny desperately dry humping Wil/liam's ass and grabbing at his belly and tits and he's trying to be all aloof about it like 🙄 😒 just hurry up and get it out of your system so we can get back to work. But he's panting and pushing back on her and hard as a fucking rock.
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willstafford · 1 year
Mac and Shes
MACBETH Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford upon Avon, Thursday 7th September 2023 I’ve had my fill of Hamlets and I don’t care if I never see a King Lear again, but for some reason I always look forward to new productions of Macbeth.  In the right hands, the play is a violent, psychological power struggle with a supernatural twist.  I live in hope that someone somewhere will someday get it…
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thejellybeanboys · 2 years
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Nobody has asked for this but uh what if I doggy-ifed them. If you know from my other wg account then you already know that I made doggy designs for my Tobey and Becky and Luis but haven’t shown off the rest of the jelly bean boys doggy designs. Ngl yes this all happened bc I binged Bluey and cause Clarissa’s AU will forever have me in a chokehold.
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letter-from-afar · 1 month
The Meaning Of Villains' Names (ft Vogel)
Inspired by the post @.cherryisagamer made for Ikemen Prince here
Take most of these with a grain of salt, because of Cybird's weird naming tendancy as well as how names are in most cases are perceived in various ways by everyone. Also included extra information because I'm a silly little nerd.
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Name: William Rex
“William” meaning “resolute protection/protector”
“Rex” meaning “king”
William is actually German in origin. It derives from the Germanic Wilhelm, whose roots wil (“will, desire”) and helm (“helmet, protection”) combine to mean “resolute protector”
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Name: Liam Evans
“Liam” is the Irish short form of “William”, therefore same meaning as him
“Evans” meaning “the Lord is gracious”
Evans is a boy’s name of Welsh origin. An Anglicized form of Ifan, which stems from the Hebrew John, it translates to “graced by Yahweh” or “God is gracious.”
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Name: Harrison Gray (I had to go check if his last name was with an e or a)
"Harrison" meaning “son of Harry”
“Gray” meaning... it's literally for the colour. Funny how game uses the US spelling for it
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Name: Elbert Greetia
“Elbert”, a variation of Albert, meaning “noble; bright”
“Greetia”... I couldn't find any info about it. It's made up I presume.
This masculine name has Old English and German roots, coming from the name Albert. Translating to “bright,” “noble,” or “famous.”
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Name: Alfons Sylvatica
“Alfons” (there are many variants btw) meaning “noble; ready; brave”
“Sylvatica” comes from the scientific name for forget-me-nots, “Myosotis sylvatica”
Alphons is a masculine name of German origin. Composed of apalaz and funsaz, it means “ready for battle,” “noble,” and “brave.” This sweet moniker is thought to be ultimately derived from the Latin Alphonsus and boasts a wide variety of variants, such as Alfonso, Alfonzo, and Alphonso.
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Name: Roger Barel
“Roger” meaning “famous warrior”
“Barel”... I couldn't find reliable sources. Or maybe it does have an obscure meaning.
This name is forged from the German elements hrod and ger, imbuing it with the striking translation of "famous spearman."
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Name: Jude Jazza
“Jude” meaning “praised” and praised is he in the jp server
“Jazza”... I think saw a post here saying how it's a form of Jeremy? But I can't find it now. There's something similar in Arabic I found however, “Jaza” (pronounced differently, there's not much emphasis on the Z afaik) meaning “reward; recompense; good return” which I find fitting his themes of retribution for those not keeping promises and debts, how he keeps all his promises etc.
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Name: Ellis Twilight
“Ellis” meaning “kind; benevolent”
“Twilight” in its literal sense, “dusk”. His eyes contains a similar colour palette + I believe it is a reoccurring theme with him
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Name: Victoria
Meaning: “Victor” meaning “conqueror”
Victor is one of the earliest Christian names, borne (as Vittorio) by several saints and popes, symbolizing Christ's victory over death. Victor made it big in the English-speaking world during the reign of Queen Victoria, one of the few boys’ names popularized by a female version.
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Name: Darius Vogel
“Darius” meaning “possessing goodness; maintains possessions well”
“Vogel”... German for “bird”.
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Name: Nica Schwarz/Schwartz (I tried to do some research and it seems like both spellings are used. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Before we go in, I'd like to tell you that there's no single general meaning for his name. It could be the short form of something or entirely new. Both variations, i.e Nika and Nica yield separate results. And many sources claim differently. I've put together what sounds believable to some extent.
“Nica/Nika” meaning “true image; victory; very good; pure crystal water”
“Schwarz/Schwartz” meaning “black”
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Name: Ring Schwarz/Schwartz
...Cybird has made questionable choices. So I went with what sounded nearest to his name: Lynn (it's so so much cuter for him)
“Ring” meaning “a small circular band, typically of valuable metal”
“Lynn” meaning “lake, waterfall, pool below a waterfall”
“Schwarz/Schwartz”... German for “black”
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misty-moth · 5 months
Ships that should exist if even only for their ship names:
Hidehide (ofc)
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Hot Medieval & Fantasy Men Melee Masterpost
Qualifying Round: Day 3
Balian de Ibelin [Orlando Bloom] VS. Athelstan [George Blagden]
Sultan Alauddin [Ranveer Singh] VS. Sir Tristan [Kingsley Ben-Adir]
Ahchoo [Dave Chapelle] VS. Robin Hood [Tom Riley]
Thranduil [Lee Pace] VS. Vaisey [Keith Allan]
Cesare Borgia [Francois Arnaud] VS. Ancelyn ap Gwalchmai [Marcus Gilbert]
Amarendra Baahubali [Prabhas] VS. Oberyn Martell [Pedro Pascal]
Sir Galahad [Michael Palin] VS. Galavant [Joshua Sasse]
The Kurgan [Clancy Bown] VS. Allan-a-Dale [Joe Armstrong]
The Mute [John Bernthal] VS. Arn Magnusson [Joakim Nätterqvist]
Uther Pendragon [Gabriel Byrne] VS. Rilk [Jesse Lee Keeter]
Alfred the Great [David Dawson] VS. Alessandro Farnese [Diamuid Noyes]
Davos Seaworth [Liam Cunningham] VS. Gest [Jakob Þór Einarsson]
Lin Shu [Hu Ge] VS. Cesare Borgia [Mark Ryder]
Asneeze [Isaac Hayes] VS. Charles Brandon [Henry Cavill]
Erik Thurgilsson [Christian Hillborg] VS. Much [Sam Troughton]
Chris Vexler [Karan Soni] VS. Vlad Dracula [Luke Evans]
Bilbo Baggins [Martin Freeman] VS. Prince Chauncley [Daniel Radcliffe]
Aguilar de Nehra [Michael Fassbender] VS. Wil Ohmsford [Austin Butler]
Mordred [Jason Done] VS. Robin Hood [Kevin Costner]
Geralt z Rivii [Michał Żebrowski] VS. Murtagh Morzansson [Garrett Hedlund]
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snzysimper · 2 years
maybe william has the kink?
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A few notes about episode 2.03 of The Legend of Vox Machina :
Glad they kept the flirting going between Kash and Keyleth. Wonder if there will be a kiss ?
the flashbacks on the twins aaaaaaaaaah. That's another thing I appreciated immensely in season 1 : both for Percy and Sylas & Delilah. Flashbacks can be overused, yes, but they're common for a reason in traditionnal media, where you can play with time (vs an actual play where everything is in the present) and quickly establishing a character, a motivation, a backstory !
Kash's "Earth Wind and Fire over here" : I laughed at the cut to Keyleth being entirely too cute when she doesn't understand he's talking about her.
and then Keyleth is Moses. YOU GO KIKI
I don't know why (maybe it was the exhaustion), but the joke with push/pull door got me crying with laughter. Doors ! the true ennemy.
Love that they did the separation from the Trials of the Take ! (minus Orion Acaba, Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton of course)
We got a certified Ashley Johnson's "BIG BOIIIIII"
Sam's delivery of "Oh ! Yeah, he fell off." made me laugh so much. The deadpan is strong in this one.
And then the end. Liam's sobs... the music...
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