#Wicked 2NT
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hasthecityrearranged · 9 months ago
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Reciprocating face touches
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cometzz · 7 months ago
hiiii i'm regressing (brainrotting really bad over wicked) tonight and wanted to ask if anyone has a link to a mary kate morrissey bootleg.... would sell my soul!!! bonus points if it's her and ginna claire but i think i've realized there's like 1 mkm+gcm bootleg in existence that i will never get my hands on LOL
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finleyforevermore · 1 year ago
A YEAR AGO TODAY I SAW WICKED!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💜💜💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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jim-fetter-illustrations · 2 years ago
You must be a communist if your Godless?
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I am almost old enough to remember when the United States Government tried to Construct Being Godless with Communism 1938 - 1960, and the church went right along with government trying to initiate the worlds 2nt Crusades condemning all those who wouldn't believe in their God.
Ya see, "Atheism" became related with communism in the United States, and mainly because Russia was not a God fearing nation, but a nation of evil people, so it fostered a public belief that no person that didn't believe in the Christian God was a real American, and were probably a communist spy engaged in evil. Popular Christianity became the zenith of popular culture in America earnestly trying to engage in the worlds 2nt crusades in modern times, and this time they had the power of the federal government behind them with all their inducements.
The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) began its search for potentially subversive individuals and organizations in 1938, and by 1954, the Congressional interrogators reached the zenith of their power. In the Senate, the Government Operations Committee, chaired by Wisconsin Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy. The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations hunted Communist infiltration in the executive branch by trying to find out who was not going to church, stretching the limits of its authority and eventually culminating in McCarthy's 1954 Congressional censure when Conservative thinkers were thinking WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!
And it just ended, disappointing the Christian church no doubt.
Many people don't remember that in America of all places, that we could be so bastardized in our efforts to 'AGAIN' prosecute those who did not believe in the Christian God.
Religion, all religion is created by man, to control man, it's fake, it's a fairy tale, and most of the world believes it.
Trump is using the power of the conservative Evangelicals to unite disgruntled Americans into believing he is the Second Coming of Christ, the old God of vengeance, the old god of "an eye, for an eye" logic that isn't going to put up with anything it deems is not right in their eyes. Trump is using God to get what he wants from ignorant Americans who want to profiteer off of America.
Once again we see using GOD as a power move to do harm, and as always, religion is a wicked and reprehensible business when it can be to do Gods work according to the people who control it.
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onehandonmycamera · 2 months ago
Wicked (2NT) May 11, 2024
Lauren Samuels (Elphaba), Austen Danielle Bohmer (Glinda), Xavier McKinnon (Fiyero), Aymee Garcia (Madame Morrible), Blake Hammond (The Wizard), Erica Ito (Nessarose), Alex Vinh (Boq), Kingsley Leggs (Doctor Dillamond)
Release Info & Screenshots
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notebookmusical · 3 months ago
ok wait that anon was me. why don’t you like laura osnes 😭 i just know her from bandstand (like one of my fave musicals ever) and the og bonnie in bonnie and clyde … what’s the tea what’s the beef
feel the need to preface this with saying that i used to love laura back in like 2013; was a huge r&h cinderella fan, loved bonnie & clyde, etc. but. this tweet really summarizes it in a nutshell:
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can't find a screenshot of this, but during early covid she posted an instagram story about how her cameos were discounted due to a "coronavirus clearance". which like, honestly is just very tacky and tasteless, and on its own not the worst thing in the world but. then we have the whole covid anti-vaxxer thing. she's since deleted this instagram post (and you can read more in that link) but basically insinuated that vaccinations cause infertility which is incredibly false.
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here are some more tweets about it:
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and then she moved to tennessee with her husband and wrote an album about cancel culture; here's an article about it
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here's the onstage blog writeup/review of her album.
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and then we've got this tweet that rob madge posted
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with this screenshot
and then there's also this:
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and most recently, when carrie manolakos (former sophie sheridan in mamma mia, former elphaba standby for wicked 2nt, has since also moved to nashville i think) posted in support of rfk jr. and trump, laura's husband wrote this:
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edited to add: when zachary levi was spouting his bullshit about the covid vaccine last month, laura commented and said she commended his bravery (thank you @stevenkodalys for reminding me about this)
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anyways i'm sure i forgot something still but that's the gist
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noonemourns · 4 months ago
daily glinda image !,
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actor - allison bailey
tour - wicked 2nt
year - 2021
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gliyerabaa · 2 years ago
Which Glinda and Elphaba actresses would you say play their roles the gayest?
oh man I really don't keep up with actresses like I used to but I'll give this one a shot
first off is mary kate morissey and ginna claire mason. both amazing in the roles individually but their friendship and chemistry both on and off the stage made them an incredible duo. also big props to mk as a queer woman for really playing up the queer subtext with elphaba's role. ANYWAY they were the leading ladies of the 2NT when I joined the fandom so I kinda have them to thank for getting me into wicked :)
iirc Jackie Burns and Amanda Jane Cooper(?) were the Broadway duo around the same time as mk and gc on tour and like a lot of the media and promo stuff they did just oozed gelphie subtext as well. I specifically remember an ad for NYC pride they did that was just straight up elphaba and glinda holding hads at pride or something
then there's the undeniable katie rose clarke. she really is the glinda of all time. from goofy adorableness in Popular to the sheer longing in all of act 2, she really does Glinda right.
I've also heard excellent things about Brittney Johnson... I'm sad I never got to see her....
and last but not least, Roberta Valentini and Lucy Scherer. because of this.
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I'd love to hear other people's input on all this too!!
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wicked1280px · 2 years ago
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Lissa deGuzman (Elphaba) & Jennafer Newberry (Galinda)
2nd Nat’l Tour Company; USA - Photo by Joan Marcus
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frei-und-schwerelos · 4 years ago
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that pillow fight was filled with sexual tension
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seventeenangrybees · 3 years ago
so does anybody have any recordings of the current Wicked tour cast? There’s a few on YouTube but like I’ve recently become obsessed with lissa deguzman and i wanna see m o r e
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lesbianthropp · 6 years ago
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MK getting greened
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hamiltonstradition · 6 years ago
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Mariand Torres (Wicked: First National, Broadway) and Erin Mackey (Wicked: Chicago, Los Angeles, Broadway) will be replacing Jackie Burns and Kara Lindsay as Elphaba and Glinda starting 2/26/2019 in Salt Lake City, UT. 
Curt Hansen (Wicked: First National, Broadway) will also be reprising his role as ‘Fiyero’.
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tveitz · 6 years ago
maryspacekate: Elphonine: I feel like these just keep on getting more and more elaborate... #lesmiserables Fiyero/Marius/Props Master: @samgravitte Director/Sound Effects: @ginnaclaire Peanut Gallery: @micccccmart #alittlefallofrain
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onehandonmycamera · 2 months ago
Wicked (2NT) November 17, 2023
Laurel Harris (Elphaba s/b), Celia Hottenstein (Glinda), Christian Thompson (Fiyero), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Timothy Shew (The Wizard), Tara Kostmayer (Nessarose), Kyle McArthur (Boq), Boise Holmes (Doctor Dillamond)
Release Info & Screenshots
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skgway · 7 years ago
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These little nerd moments from MK’s Elphie in “The Wizard and I” make me....well, MELT.
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