cyberneticwhump · 2 years
Wʜᴜᴍᴘ-4-Lᴇss (Pᴀʀᴛ 3)
Cᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ & Sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ
[Entry for “2023 Year of Whump” challenge, January 15.]
[Chosen prompt: experimental injection + “I promise this won’t hurt”]
[Content: insomnia, syringe, begging, intimate whumper, mentions of torture.]
[Summary: After his training, Natasha visits Damian in his room to make him an offer. She tells him that he has a bright future at Whump-4-Less, and he could start his first session the next day. This keeps Damian up all night, as he isn't ready yet. Before his show, Natasha gives him memory blockers to help with the flashbacks and nightmares later, and he gets ready to step on stage for the first time.]
[Word count: 1.7K]
I ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʜᴜʀᴛ
Twenty minutes.
It was only twenty minutes, and it left Damian broken. He felt like he couldn’t even breathe by the end, and all Natasha was doing was cutting into him and burning him, not even for a long time. She said it gets way worse in the actual sessions, but it was simply too hard for Damian to even imagine that. This was too much.
Way too much.
After dragging himself back to his room, he throws himself down on his bed, holding his arm that has been wrapped in bandages by the medical staff at the end of his training. He just can't get Natasha’s words out of his head, the way she was telling him how good he looked while he was in pain and how much the audience would love him. She said that he was a perfect candidate, and they haven’t had anyone like him in a long time. She even promised him that if he takes the torture well in his first few sessions, she will get him a raise, despite him being a newbie.
But Damian knew he wouldn’t be able to take it well. He knew it was gonna get worse, and he knew it would be too much to handle. As he was laying on his bed, he couldn’t get the memory of the cold blade cutting his skin open out of his head. He couldn’t think of anything else than the overbearing pain spreading through his body.
Just then, he heard a knock on his door, and he jolted as the sudden sound took him by surprise. He got up, wiped the tears from his face, and opened the door.
“Can I come in?” Natasha asks, and her voice sends a shiver down Damian’s spine, which the girl notices. “You know you don’t have to be afraid of me, right?”
“You’ve hurt me,” Damian says, holding onto the bandages on his arm. They still hurt, but not as much since the medical staff gave him some light painkillers after he was practically begging for it.
“I understand, but this is your job now. You signed the contract. But anyways… I came here to check on you. Seems like it was a lot worse than you thought it would be.”
“Y-yeah, it was. I… don’t think I’m ready,” when the man says this, Natasha puts her hand on his shoulder, and gently pushes him aside so she can enter the room.
“Yeah, no. I know you are not ready, but no one is. This is not something you can prepare for. So I suggest we start tomorrow. The club owner saw the footage of your training, and he was very impressed.”
“You said I wouldn’t start until next week,” Damian says quietly, trying not to let his voice quiver. “You said—”
“Well, don’t you want it to be over faster?” Natasha sits down on the bed and invites the man with her hand to do the same. “Come on, sit down. I have an offer for you.”
After a few seconds of hesitation, Damian joins her, avoiding eye contact at all costs. He is focusing on the floor under his feet, trying to get lost in the patterns on the artificial wood.
“We don’t usually do this, but you are extraordinary. I will be straight up with you right now, okay? I’ve been working at Whump-4-Less for more than five years now. I’ve tortured hundreds of people. And none of them… I repeat, none of them had what you have. Everything about you, from your facial expressions to your voice, is so… pure, so genuine. I honestly would be really sad if we couldn’t work together.”
She puts two of her fingers under Damian’s chin, making him look up at her. He doesn’t try to resist; the touch of the woman practically paralyzes him with fear. He is too afraid to move or say anything to her.
“I have an offer for you, Damian. I know it’s your first time, and it’s gonna be hard regardless, but we got our hands on memory blockers recently, and I would be willing to give you some for your first few sessions, until you get the hang of things.”
“Would I still feel it?” Damian swallows in nervousness.
“Of course you would. And it wouldn’t completely erase all your memories, either. It would help dealing with it, reducing nightmares and flashbacks that usually follow the sessions,” Natasha says in a soft, soothing voice while looking at the man’s face, trying to read what he is thinking.
“I… I need that.” His vision is starting to get blurred by tears as he can't stop himself from imagining how bad the pain will be. Just hearing how the sessions cause nightmares and flashbacks fills him with a newfound dread, and he can’t help but start trembling in his whole body.
“You will be fine. No one ever died from a little torture. Besides, I will always be here, if you need me,” she places a small card on the bed next to him, which includes her name and a scannable code, most likely containing all her contact information. “Your first session starts at 9PM tomorrow. Be backstage at around 8PM, at least. Until then, just try to rest.”
“W-wait!” Damien exclaims after the girl stands up from the bed, ready to leave the room. “Will you be the one… doing it?”
“Do you not want me to?” She asks without turning back.
“Just… can you please go easy on me…?” There is a slight quiver in his voice, no matter how much he is trying to hide it.
“Get some rest, Damian. You have a big day tomorrow.”
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
The night went by without a minute of sleep. No matter how much he tried to, Damian couldn’t stop imagining the upcoming torture, his first session on stage where he would be brutalized for the sake of entertainment. It seemed unreal, but as time passed, it felt more and more inevitable. He knew that even with the memory blockers, he would still feel every detail of the pain inflicted on his body. He would feel every cut and every burn; he would feel his body getting destroyed with no way of stopping it.
Before he could realize, it was already 7PM on the next day. He forced himself to get out of the bed so he could eat something before his session, then changed into the hoodie he had been wearing the day before, which already had some dried blood on it. It was a light beige color, so the red stains were clearly visible on the sleeves, adding an artistic touch to the otherwise boring fabric.
He took one last look at himself in the mirror; there were dark circles under his eyes due to not being able to sleep, his light brown hair was messy, and he already looked like he had been through hell.
But it was just about to begin.
When it was time, he made his way down to the backstage, where the rumbles of minimal techno were already shaking the walls. Natasha, who had been sitting on a comfortable couch, stood up the moment he entered the room and welcomed him with a warm, genuine smile.
“It’s good to see you, Damian! Are you excited for your first show?” She wrapped her arm around him, as if they were good friends. “You look like you are about to pass out. Is everything okay?”
“I just didn’t have much sleep, that’ all,” Damian lies, visibly uncomfortable by the girl’s proximity. No matter what he thought of her as a person, he couldn’t deny his attraction to her physical features, and her pushing her body against his made him almost as nervous as the approaching show.
“Well, I prepared the memory blockers for you,” Natasha says, and she pulls out a syringe from one of the pockets on her white cargo pants. It’s filled with an opaque, cyan liquid, and the thought of it entering Damian’s body fills him with anxiety. He has no idea how he will react to the drug; he’s heard that some people have severe side effects from it, and it can even cause permanent memory loss or brain damage.
“Are you… are you sure this will help?” He asks, trembling in his whole body from the dread that slowly, but surely fills every part of his mind.
“It’s supposed to. It won’t help with the pain, but it will help you block out the flashbacks later, as it will be harder to remember the events that happen while you are under the effects of the drug,” she pulls away from the man, and flicks the syringe with her finger a few times. “Now give me your arm.”
Damian is frozen in place, shaking with fear, and the girl grabs his wrist, pulling up the sleeve of his hoodie to expose the veins on his arm.
“Please, Natasha… please, I don’t want this. I don’t want to do this. I’m so scared, I… I just don’t want it to hurt… please promise me that you will go easy on me,” he begs quietly, the bass of the music almost drowning out all his words.
“Relax, Damian. It will be okay. I promise this won’t hurt.” With that, she jabs the needle into the man’s arm, who lets out a small gasp of pain as the substance is slowly pushed into his system. It fills him with a cold, calming feeling, and for a moment, he believes he can do it.
For a moment, he believes it won’t be that bad at all.
But soon after that the door opens, and the stage manager enters the room, holding a tablet with the schedule on it.
“Ten minutes,” he says, and gestures towards Damian, who is now sitting on the couch in the corner of the room. “All good?”
“I just gave him the memory blockers. He will be alright,” Natasha replies, to which the man responds with a nod before closing the door behind himself. “You will be amazing, darling.”
[Tᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ…]
If anyone wants to be added to the taglist, feel free to message/send an ask/comment!
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baby-come-bach · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum Series: Part 4 of AI-less Whumptober 2023 Summary:
Gladio sustains a severe injury from a Daemon in place of Noctis, as the Shield of the King is supposed to.
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rosieblogstuff · 2 years
In which our heros are still stuck in the woods and Jack is still plagued by memories of Dalton vs. Kovacs: Round 1. 
The fire is dying down when Jack realizes he’s been staring at it, half-asleep. He jerks himself up and looks around. The sounds of the wilderness at night haven’t changed; there’s the soft patter of rain and the occasional hoo-HAHOO-hoo-hoo of a great horned owl. There are at least three owls out there somewhere nearby. No matter how hard he strains his ears, he hasn't heard much else except the crackle of the fire and the voices of his team. Jack shifts so he’s sitting straighter and stuffs his hands into his pockets, making fists where nobody can see them.
The conversation has lapsed. Riley gives up first. “Is it late enough to sleep yet?”
Mac’s wearing his watch, but he doesn’t look at it. He just looks at Riley and waits.
To the side, Bozer groans. “Fine, I’ll play. We can estimate the time from the moon. Except we can’t actually see it very well from here.”
They all look up. They’re in a bit of a clearing, but the decades-old pine trees rising above them still cut off most of the sky. What little they can see is inky blue smudged with hazy, drifting clouds.
“This probably works better in other seasons,” Riley says after a couple minutes in which the clouds move, but not enough to get them a good look at the moon. “Or other places.”
(more on AO3)
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lycankeyy · 1 year
Can't decide if I want to write abt green or gold rn smh . I haven't written a green fic in a while but on the other hand the johtrio fixation,,,
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mirensiart · 8 days
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kiznaiver x linked universe au :)
for context: kiznaiver is an anime about a team of 8 teens who’re part of an experiment/project that links (lol) them together so they can share each other’s physical AND emotional pain as a way to encourage the “one for all, all for one” dynamic in the team
anyway, more brainrot about this au below:
I love kiznaiver it’s such a good concept lol it works so well with the chain imo! anyway some stuff of note is that:
(spoilers for kiznaiver btw!)
1. in the anime emotional pain is more overwhelming (to the point of incapacitation) than physical pain, which I think it’s interesting for the chain considering all the emotional baggage they all carry and how that can be a hindrance for the group in the long run
2. in the anime, there was a failed attempt of this experiment that let to one of the kids to feel ALL the pain (x8) and the others to be painless, which I think would be a great source of whump for the chain if like, they try to cancel the spell but it goes wrong :)
3. great source of whump considering that dark link would only need to grab one of them to cause pain to all the others and get the upper hand :)
4. how team dynamics would change, especially if this happens to the chain at the beginning of the quest, like how wild would need to be less reckless while fighting, how all of their “self sacrificing” habits would be a huge weakness during battle too and how they’d really have to trust each other
anyway, that’s kinda it, i needed to like, express the brainrot this au has been causing me lol
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ailesswhumptober · 3 months
Prompts for AI-less Whumptober 2024
As promised, we're bringing you the official prompt list of AI-less Whumptober 2024 today!
We have 31 days of excellent whump prompts, with three prompts per day to pick from, fun themes, and 10 alt prompts to play around with. We hope you enjoy! Additional info + plain text versions of the prompts can be found under the cut.
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FAQ and Rules
What sort of content can I create for this event?
You can create whatever you want (fic, art, edits, etc). Any fandom is allowed, as well as OC stuff. NSFW is allowed, but please tag your content accordingly! The only thing not allowed is AI-generated content.
Do I need to make 31 things to participate?
Oh heavens no! You can make as much or as little content as you like, skip days when desired, or combine prompts (so for example, write something that covers a prompt from day 1, 2, AND 3). You don't have to do the days in order either, go wild! To be considered a 'completionist', you only have to make sure that at the end of the month, you've covered 31 prompts from 31 different days, but whether you do that in 31 works or just 1 is up to you.
What are these alts about?
If none of the three prompts of a particular day are your cup of tea, you can swap them out for an alt prompt of your choice.
What are these themes about?
Just a little bit of extra fun for the mods. Like last year, we'll be handing out various badges for people participating in the event. A full list will be posted later (and linked here once that happens), but perhaps there will be a special badge or two for people who can't be completionists but who do manage to finish every single day of a specific theme ;)
How do I tag and is there an AO3 collection?
It suffices to tag your work with #AIlesswhumptober2024 for us to see and reblog it! Please also tag nsfw, since we'll be using that tag too. Tagging the day is optional but does help the mods along.
There will be an AO3 collection for the writers to share their works in, this will be made available once we're closer to October (and linked here once that happens).
That should be all. If you have any additional questions, check our pinned or hit us up in the ask box. Or join our discord maybe, whumping can be a great group activity!
Plain text versions of the prompts:
October 1 - Torture Tuesday
public torture/public use, stress position, “If you cry, we’ll go easy on you.”
October 2 - Whumperless Wednesday
Unfortunate fall, car accident, “Don’t move. You’ll be okay.”
October 3 - Trauma Thursday
Shared trauma, survivor’s guilt, “It’s not your fault.”
October 4 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Painful transformation, non-consensual body modifications, “You’re a monster.”
October 5 - Sensory Saturday
Overstimulation, migraines, “I can’t take this anymore.”
October 6 - Surprise Sunday
Multiple whumpees, self sacrifice, “I’m the only one who can do this.”
October 7 - Medical Monday
Field medicine, running out of supplies, “Hold on, we’re going to have to improvise.”
October 8 - Torture Tuesday
Rope burns, gagged, “You’re so much prettier this way.”
October 9 - Whumperless Wednesday
Hypothermia, heatstroke, “You look pretty pale.”
October 10 - Trauma Thursday
Self worth issues, pushing away a loved one, “You don't need to earn this.”
October 11 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Hallucinations, truth serum, “Why would you even say that?”
October 12 - Sensory Saturday
Isolation, sensory deprivation, “Can you feel me? I’m right here, whumpee.”
October 13 - Surprise Sunday
Whumpee using themself as bait, defiance, “Take me instead.”
October 14 - Medical Monday
Seizures, concussion, “See if you can follow my finger with your eyes.”
October 15 - Torture Tuesday
Waterboarding, removing body parts, “Don’t break down on me yet.”
October 16 - Whumperless Wednesday
Drowning, hostile environment, “I don’t know how anybody could survive that.”
October 17 - Trauma Thursday
Abandonment, misunderstanding, “Why did I even think you cared?”
October 18 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Mind control, possession, “Everybody will end up despising you.”
October 19 - Sensory Saturday
Disassociation, losing a sense, “I wish I could get you back.”
October 20 - Surprise Sunday
Enemy/Stranger to caretaker, accidental de-aging, “I’m absolutely not qualified for this shit.”
October 21 - Medical Monday
Drugged, ambulance ride, “This will make you feel better, okay?”
October 22 - Torture Tuesday
Forced (to kneel/watch/hurt somebody else), whipped, “Do not look away.” October 23 - Whumperless Wednesday
Fever, passing out, “Hey?! Stay with me, okay?!”
October 24 - Trauma Thursday
Deconditioning, relapse, “It’s normal that you need more time.”
October 25 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Humiliation, betrayal, “How could you?!”
October 26 - Sensory Saturday
Electrocution, burning, “This is going to sting.”
October 27 - Surprise Sunday
Before vs after, Alternate universe, “Well, there’s a first for everything.”
October 28 - Medical Monday
Internal bleeding, needles and stitches, “I didn’t think the wound was that bad…”
October 29 - Torture Tuesday
Ownership, branding, “Everybody will know that you’re mine.”
October 30 - Whumperless Wednesday
Poison, delirium, “You’re not making sense.”
October 31 - Trauma Thursday
Panic attack, facing a phobia, “You need to get out of here!”
Alt prompts:
1) Pistol whipped
2) Co-dependency
3) Animal bite
4) Zombies
5) White room torture
6) Shock collar
7) Pulling teeth
8) Kidnapping
9) “You always make everything worse!”
10) “If you weren’t around, I’d be long dead by now...”
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wickjump · 3 months
This isn't whump but I had a thought on the way to work about mtt poly + crepic, what if they were all competing for Cross's affection but it's not in a "I'm better you should love me instead of him" way, it's all a big excuse to spoil and fluster Cross as much as they can and they're all in on it
OH MY GOD YES. after being deprived of affection his whole life cross now has 4 boyfriends who love him very much and that’s perfect for him. he deserves it..!!!!!!
cross absolutely freaked out when it first started and he has not gotten any less flustered over the months. because he’s been wrapped up in self loathing for AGES and now all of a sudden there’s four different people flirting with him? his face is like a goddamn grape half the time because of them. they gift give cross a lot,, he deserves to be spoiled by them i think bc we all know his dad never did. he deserves lots of physical touch and quality time too methinks…..
i like them a lot sighs,, i think epic and the mtt have way too much chemistry too which is what spurred this ship on in my mind (and im a fan of mtt poly too,,) I think they should all date and be happy and get to comfort each other through tough times idk
bonus though if there’s some actual rivalry at first even if only for a little. either between all of them or the mtt and epic because they don’t know each other well. epic could think they have bad intentions and doesn’t trust them bc they’re literal murderers and the mtt isn’t fond of an ‘outsider’ being so involved in cross’ life when he’s very able to tattle on them because he lives in the OT.
and then they go “wait. okay you’re lowk kinda hot. what about this. you know what would be infinitely funnier? let’s tag team him” and now cross is their no.1 victim. he’s obliterated any time he enters a room.
i like to think they’d take him on dates he doesn’t realize are dates. but they think he knows it’s a date (i mean, who takes their coworker/best buddy to a nice dinner, drive in movie theatre, and end the day with a bouquet of flowers platonically??). or rather he thinks he’s overthinking everything and taking things the wrong way because his skull is thick as shit.
meanwhile nightmare is aroace and wondering why the fuck everyone is so happy and distracted as of late. please get back to work im begigng you. WHY do i find you all sleeping in the same bed?? .WHY IS EPIC IN THAT BED??? HE DOESNT EVEN LIVE HERE???????? (he’s just subtly moving in at this point)
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izukusjuicythighs · 2 months
bkdk fics i read because was it ever casual
Horikoshi keeps feeding us bkdk crumbs like wtf??at this point they HAVE to be canon bkdk hospital kiss confirmed I was izukus freckle ALSO IM KINDA IN A BLOCK RN whenever I finish a fic my yappin brain always has something to say but rn its real quiet so uh🤡
left me no choice(but to stay here forever)
summary: Izuku learns early on in life that the people he loves will always leave him.
So when Kacchan asks him to be his boyfriend, Izuku kisses him and starts grieving for the inevitable.
words: 6,925
chapters: 3/4(updating)
notes: im quite aware that its a bitchy move to inflict pain on ppl but jm gonna do it anyways lol READ THIS AND WEEP I literally wanted to gorge my heart out and then slap all of my love into izuku idk it evokes complicated feelings??normally hate reading unfinished fics BUT THIS!!gave me a life changing experience within 7000words dammit
be my good luck charm
summary: See, the thing is, Midoriya Izuku had been born with a curse. It’s not a curse that’s particularly visible. He doesn’t have horns, or a tortured face, and it’s not the kind of silly curse like a friend of his had way down south in Diagnor, wherein the girl had been born without the ability to say the word duck. Midoriya Izuku is just extremely unlucky.
(Or the AU in which Izuku's the world's unluckiest traveling merchant, and Katsuki is someone who may be able to help him. For a price, that is.)
words: 6785
chapters: 1/1
notes: cute lil oneshot for yall cuz mha fans r in dire need of fluff rn yknow why🤭 how to date a hottie101 by bkg: set ur crush on fire to show ur undying love(WRITE IT DOWN WRITE IT DOWN)
Barberries and Variegated Knotweeds
summary: The Fight Another Day Agreement is a required legal document for all professional heroes. In the event of a life-threatening injury and the hero and their proxies are unable to respond on their behalf, medical professionals may do whatever it takes to keep the hero alive.
For Izuku, whatever it takes means removing flowers from his lungs, forcing him to forget about the love of his life. The aftermath leaves Izuku bewildered at the sight of a man with spiky blond hair and red eyes the color of Japanese barberries.
words: 19,286
chapters: 4/4
notes: YET ANOTHER HANAHAKI FIC WITH IZUKU WHUMP I just love seeing my favs go through it🤠I've read so many hanahaki fics ud think I'd be used to it but NOPE THIS SHIT HAD ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT was ready to downgrade 1 dimension to solve this shitstorm myself
If It's You
summary: “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” Katsuki said. “You did not just ask me—me—to try and date your loser step-brother.”
He wasn’t even going to say Deku’s name out loud. Wasn’t giving him the time of day, even in a conversation about him. That weird awkward virgin was not worth his precious time, and certainly not what Kirishima was suggesting.
“But Bakugouuu,” Kirishima wailed, hanging off Katsuki’s arm with monster meathead jock strength. “My dad said I can’t date if Deku doesn’t date. Do you understand what that means?”
“Less chance of knocking someone up and creating more of you in the world?”
words: 16,863
chapters: 1/1
notes: 10 things I hate about you but make it bkdk I LOVE THIS SHIT angsty dramatic misunderstanding high school aus are my JAM also somewhat gives off from the sidelines vibes so if ur into that defo read
Down the Red Line
summary: His mom is the first person to know about it. She finds out when Izuku asks ( in a very cute three-year-old way) why can’t he see the red line that connected him to Kacchan in the last picture they've taken. The one where they were about to enter Kindergarten on their first day.
"Red line?"
"Yeah, Mamma. This," Little Izuku says, raising his pinky finger to show her the thing tied to it.
Izuku has been able to see the red strings of fate since birth. It's no surprise that his is connected to Katsuki.
words: 7,804
chapters: 1/1
notes: one of my absolute favs since 2021 MAKES ME SO FUKCIN MAD I have to put my phone down and contemplate life for a few mjns while reading it but it's so good??my red string is tied to thjs fic pls
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febuwhump · 28 days
febuwhump 2024 survey results
has it been six months since febuwhump? yes. yes it has. nevertheless, here's the cold hard data (analysis) of the survey from febuwhump 2024: feb five.
firstly, this year was our most popular yet! with 1417 works in the official collection across 329 fandoms, we made (and shared) 103 fics more than 2023, and 770 more than my first year running febuwhump in 2021! this isnt even including all the art and fics posted to tumblr, or wasn't shared during the event, which would put our total so much higher!
the prompt list had 4000+ notes and i received 115 responses to the survey.
there were 62 people in the hall of fame, up from 51 in 2023.
the blog hit 2,683 followers, up from 1,946 at the end of the 2023 event.
across two independant check, based on the average word count of 2,000 words per fic in the 2024 collection, and aware of the multi-chapter fics (some of which were finished after the event), it is estimated that 2.8 million words were written for febuwhump 2024. which is just. fucking insane.
now, onto the survey results!
firstly: in what way did you participate in Febuwhump this year?
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with extra write-ins not pictured, fanfiction was the overwhelming winner with 92 responses (82.6%), followed by original fiction (22.6%) and artwork (11.3%). interesting to me personally is the 4 responses who wrote poetry and the not-pictured 1 response who created web-weaving! which is very cool and i would like to see it.
according to the survey:
the most popular fandoms written for were the star wars universe and legend of zelda universe (8/115 responses)
21 responses included original fiction
the majority of responses also referenced more than one fandom, meaning less people stuck to a single fandom or topic the entire time.
according to the collection:
21 anime/manga fandoms were represented
51 books/literature fandoms were represented, 12 being specific star wars subseries
24 RPF fandoms were represented, including bands and minecraft servers
the most popular fandoms written about in the collection were:
star wars (all media types) - 253 works
star wars: the bad batch - 80 works
torchwood - 66 works
original work - 56 works
my hero academia - 54 works
why and how
next, there were a lot of really lovely responses about why participants took part in febuwhump, a few favourite and repeated responses being that it seemed fun, they'd done it before and so wanted to do it again, and they liked to write about their favourite characters suffering. also, multiple people have been doing it for three of the four years i've been running it (of five total), and several were encouraged by friends!
the majority of participants discovered febuwhump through tumblr, the admin's tumblr, ao3 fics and discord servers. a handful said there's apparently a google doc floating around that houses a whump event calendar. i would be interested in seeing that if anyone's got it.
did you participate in Febuwhump 2020, 21, 22 or 23?
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the majorty of respondants were new comers to febuwhump at 66.1% "no" to 33.9% "yes". the majority of comparisons to previous years referenced a noticably bigger community, more interaction on the blog, and the admin being more "confident" (oh, you guys), however several noted that the prompts felt more repetitive or samey this year than they did previously.
are you a Febuwhump completionist or participant?
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a fairly even split, 51.3% of participants didn't finish compared to the 48.7% who did. however, only 88.1% of those completionists submitted to the hall of fame.
for those who didn't complete, the most common amount of prompts completed was 2 (13.6%), 3 (11.9%) and 12 or 6 (6.8%).
the most common place to share prompt fills was tumblr (74.8%), ao3 (72.2%), or choosing not to share at all (7%). several write-in responses said that they were planning to share in the future but hadn't yet. and while 76.4% of people submitted to the ao3 collection, those who didn't claimed it to be because the fics weren't ready to be shared on time, they weren't following the rules so didn't add to the collection, an inability to find the collection on ao3 (i swear i'm working on it) or shyness/fear.
what went well/even better if:
the only actual criticsm of the event received was that the blog was posting in a "spam"-like way, to the point that the participant almost unfollowed (and another suggested a reblog tag so it could be ignored easier if people didn't want to see the works throughout the month).
several comments asked for a later deadline for submission to the collection/hall of fame, which is going under advisement, but the current position is that by doing so, it makes the event a different event. there are no stakes to actually create once a day if, at the end of it, you actually get 2 weeks of extra time.
another couple mentioned there being too many dialogue prompts and vague prompts. this will be considered during the next voting period and prompt collation - potentially, if i allowed less dialogue prompts into the final 100 vote, less would make it through to the official 28, however the voting itself is out of my hands (unless voter fraud occurs once again).
the main suggestion for improvement (8 times out of 44 suggestions) was for an additional mod to help with reblogging more. (which imo flies in the face of the "spamming" from earlier, but there is surely a middle ground). this is likely to not happen, because i like running the event alone, despite the major burnout i receive every single year without fail. but thanks for your concern lol.
on discord:
31.3% of participants were in the discord server (which, this year, ignored the first year's 100 user cap and had 172 total users).
43.6% of people who didn't join the server did so because they hadn't heard of it, while the majority didn't join because they were either shy (the minorty) or don't use/like discord (the vast majority). i don't know if tumblr still does groupchats and if that would be a viable alternative, or if there is another forum/chat location that would work better (or to have in tandem), but i am open to suggestions.
of the people who were in the channel, most (33.3%) used it "rarely", followed by "most days" (25%) and "for half the month" (22.2%)
febuwhump 2025
the majority of responses wanted next year's colour scheme to either be red or green, but shout out to everyone who wanted orange, the person who said "children's hospital" and the other person who gave me this specific hex code: #4BEC13
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which is vile, but also another vote for green.
finally, here are my favourite suggestions for febuwhump 2025's colloquial name. previously, we have endured febuwhump 2: electric boogaloo, febuwhump 3: tokyo drift, fourbuwhump and feb five.
febuwhump 6 suggestions:
fe6uwhump (which, i'll be honest, is a real contender)
"I don't know"
febuwhump 666
febuwhump: revenge of the sixth
"I don't know, sorry"
"febuwhump sex and make all the prompts kinky"
"??? i have been thinking about this for 10 mins"
febuwhump 6(9)
"i am bad at this"
"could not care less"
febuwhump feb five 2: electric boogaloo
apparently, i accidently made this a mandatory question and that made some of you mad :(
and that's the wrap up survey, six months late! any questions/queries/want to see some of that cold hard data? send me an ask. i'll actually respond to it i swear! (probably!)
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 months
Whumpmas in July Day 28: Fill someone's whump prompt from Day 4
I chose to use this prompt (the first one) by @moons-cozy-corner
CW: Conditioned whumpee, self-imposed dehumanization
Whumpee was aware enough of what Caretaker was doing.
Problem was, they didn’t want it. Whumpee didn’t want to be independent, or free, or even a person. They just wanted to be a pet with a decent owner. Surely that wasn’t so much to ask? And they would happily be Caretaker’s pet, if only Caretaker would treat them as a pet.
But Caretaker was bound and determined not to. They never hurt Whumpee, at least, which was good. But Whumpee almost would have rather taken a punishment over all these humanizing mind games.
Whumpee sat—up at the table, that was one battle Caretaker had won—for dinner. They still wouldn’t start eating without some form of permission from Caretaker, though.
After their meal, the two settled in the living room. Caretaker sat on the couch. Whumpee sat down at their feet.
Caretaker had said they could sit wherever they wanted, but Whumpee could tell they would rather Whumpee sit with them, like a person. They would have to make it an order, though, or Whumpee was not going to do it, no matter how their instincts sang that they should be anticipating their owner’s wants and trying to please them, direct orders or no. Whumpee did want to be good, but right now their choices were between being a not-so-good pet, or not a pet at all.
Whumpee nuzzled against Caretaker’s leg. “Please pet me?” They put on their best puppy eyes.
“You know there are other ways to get positive contact. You could come up here with me. We could sit, cuddle, lean against each other…”
“No,” Whumpee said. They didn’t elaborate; if they explained their reasoning, Caretaker would go on again about how they were a person, not a pet, and they should be treated like a person. If they didn’t say anything more, Whumpee could maintain plausible deniability. Maybe they were a person who just wanted their hair played with. Maybe that way they could get Caretaker to pet them.
Caretaker sighed, “Alright,” and Whumpee felt a hand in their hair. The gentle touch felt so nice. Whumpee always loved being petted. But their enjoyment was undermined by the knowledge that this wasn’t genuine owner-pet affection, rather something Caretaker felt obligated to do out of respect for Whumpee’s wishes. Resisting Caretaker made them feel less happy. Yet the touch was such a sweet sensation. It was worth it, but only just.
When it was time for bed, they separated; Whumpee had their own room. Caretaker had also presented them with a bed for humans, not a pet bed. Normally they would have considered it spoiling them to let them up in a person bed, but Whumpee knew what Caretaker was trying to do. Instead of going along with it, they pulled off all the blankets and pillows and made themself a nest on the floor.
Before turning in for the night, Caretaker went to check on Whumpee one last time, and found them curled up in a bundle of bedding on the floor. Caretaker sighed, but pulled a blanket up higher onto Whumpee’s shoulder and brushed their hair from their face affectionately. Whumpee was sweet, but Caretaker had their work cut out for them.
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cyberneticwhump · 2 years
Nᴇᴡ Jᴜɪᴄʏ Wʜᴜᴍᴘ Sᴇʀɪᴇs 🩸
[The story takes place a hundred years from now and features Whump-4-Less, a popular nightclub company. Here, people can work as Whumpees and get paid to get tortured, while visitors pay to watch/do it themselves in the form of private sessions. The main character, Damian, is a man who has lost his job and has to resort to applying to be a Whumpee, as no other places want to employ him. Here, he meets Natasha, a resident Whumper at the club, who he forms a really dysfunctional connection with over time.]
The year is 2123.
Everything has changed over the years – the environment, the cities, the people. Cybernetic enhancements have become widespread among humans instead of the occasional accessory, and electronics have melted into organic tissue. But with the improvement of technology, and easy access to any type of media ever created, people have become desensitized to it.
They needed more.
They needed something that makes them feel things.
Violence has become an everyday occurrence. When people couldn’t get off from pleasure anymore, they started getting off from pain. Hundreds of citizens were bleeding out on the streets daily, and there was no way to control it. Security and medical systems were overwhelmed, and society was getting out of control…
Until one day.
The Government issued a law that permitted the use of specifically trained people, called Whumpees, whose sole purpose was to get tortured by anyone who was willing to pay the price. The Whumpees were generously compensated for their services, as their bodies were nearly destroyed during their jobs. Of course, with the technological advancements, medical procedures were much easier and faster than before; in a matter of a few days, any injury could be treated, and people were able to recover from even the harshest of conditions.
After this change in the law, numerous places opened across the megacities of the planet, offering different types of services provided by Whumpers and Whumpees. Anyone could find what they were looking for. There were no limits in fulfilling one’s fantasies – other than the terms and conditions, of course.
One of the biggest corporations that arose was Whump-4-Less, which made it possible for people to access all kinds of pain for a relatively low cost. It changed the lives of many people. On one hand, it helped those unfortunate citizens who had a hard time paying their bills, since being a Whumpee paid better than most jobs. And on the other hand, people who visited, could experience their darkest desires in a controlled environment, without endangering other individuals.
It changed the world for the better. But could it be sustained?
[Tᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ…]
If anyone wants to be added to the taglist, feel free to message/send an ask/comment!
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painsandconfusion · 9 months
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httyd-whump-week · 3 months
Rules and Info
Ao3 Collection
I’m running this a little differently than your usual whump event. Instead of providing prompts, you will be creating whump centered around a specific character on each day.
Day 1: Hiccup
Day 2: Astrid
Day 3: Tuffnut
Day 4: Ruffnut
Day 5: Snotlout
Day 6: Fishlegs
Day 7: Free Day (Pick any character! Repeats are okay!)
You do not have to complete a piece for every day. You can still participate by doing one day or a few days.
Rules underneath the cut.
NO AI - The use of AI for this event is strictly prohibited. You must create your piece yourself.
Please post the piece on your own blog instead of sending it in an ask.
Please only post the piece the day of the event in your timezone. Late pieces will be accepted.
Use a read more if necessary. 
Anything Goes. Really. Think your piece is too dark? It will still be accepted and reblogged. Just make sure to tag and warn for themes such as “graphic depictions of violence”, “major character death”, “noncon”, etc. 
Rating: Any rating is allowed.
Warnings: Please put content warnings at the beginning of your piece or as part of the caption. 
What kind of pieces can you make? Anything! Absolutely anything. Have fun with it. Write a fic, do some art, make a moodboard or edit, etc. I’ll be accepting anything you can think of. 
No sending/spreading hate or harassment. Whump is a tricky topic, and people have squicks and triggers. However, harassment of others based on their pieces is unacceptable.
Does it have to be whump? Well, whump is a rather broad genre. You can make something that’s hurt/comfort, less hurt/more comfort, hurt/no comfort… You get the idea. If you think it counts as whump, you can definitely share it!
Tagging: The official tag for the event will be #HTTYD Whump Week. Please put this tag at the beginning of your tags. Also, please tag what character the piece is about. Tag any warnings you think are necessary.
Example: #HTTYD Whump Week, #Fishlegs Ingerman, #blood
Community Labels: I am not going to be strict about these. Use tumblr’s community labels at your own discretion. 
Ao3 Collection here. The collection will open at the time of the event and stay open afterwards for any late submissions. 
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joyburble · 2 years
So, we see Donfang Qingcang reading on screen several times, and I think it's an important character message.
On encountering a problem, in episode 4, that can't be addressd by violence, what is the first thing our character does? He RTFMs. He sends Shanque to fetch the Fucking Manual, and he Reads It. What. In fact, they both read it, at least until they find the right bit.
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Iconic. And adorable.
Definitely much less surprising in a Chinese genre than it would be in any English-language genre. But this section is so spectacular I want to give it a lot of weight.
The scroll is extremely long. He baulks, for a second, at the length,
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but this, his face says, cannot possibly defeat him: he backs himself (I love it) and gets down to work.
It's illustrated. I'd love to hear from someone who can read any part of the text. He engages in detail with the content.
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He continues in episode 5, having made some progress, and still backing himself to work out what it all means.
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He takes it out on the balcony to study it by daylight. When his plans don't succeed at first, he doesn't reject the information, he thinks about it harder and compares it with the data.
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Then something interesting happens: after making Orchid's tummyache better, he sits down, and without any stated reason tries to read something else, which looks like a completely normal book:
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He can't focus because she's so sad, but we get a glimpse of the corner of a title label. When he puts it down, we can see it's a paperback stitched in the traditional Chinese manner.
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It could be anything, but looks a reasonable size for a novel. There are also some other books on the table. Maybe they're technical works from Xiao Lanhua's library, and he's just bored and curious?
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This wouldn't be as clear if it was the only example, or if we saw other characters repeatedly reading. But I don't think we do.
In episode 18 post-whump we learn again that what he does to relax and distract himself, when in pain and/or wanting attention, is read a book. It's a slim volume with a vertical format and a pretty, embellished cover. Perhaps a book of poems?
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In Episode 26, now knowing he is loved, he is reading for fun again, with no explanation asked or given. Another sewn book, but in this case it has a hard cover with a shiny and colourful design. What could it be? Who knows? It seems to be making him smile a little.
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The message we are getting, here, is that what he does when he wants to relax and enjoy life, is read. We’re supposed to understand that in his natural disposition, minus his father’s crimes and his profession of violence, he is a gentleman and a scholar. He is curious. He is capable of handling new information. He has brains and capabilities and ingenuity. He has a big ego, but he can put it in the engine room, not the driving seat. It's a gently-delivered message, but I think it contributes a lot to our perception of the character.
In dream-world episode 31, he is reading a scroll with Xiao Lanhua. Are they reading a story to each other? Doing the voices?
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So apparently in his imagination it's a bonding activity too: you can read together with a person you love and share your reactions. A bit like you and I are doing now.
Finally, I think they published this behind-the-scenes shot for a reason (thank you @moonsupremesblog, and I'm sorry this probably should have been a reblog of this post but I got too far in before I remembered)
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We can see it's Dylan Wang referring to a script, but we do a double-take because it's totally in character, the lighting, composition, and depth-of-field intentionally reinforce that effect, and we have to look at the plastic cover and the little place-tags to realise it isn't.
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evilwriter37 · 5 months
How to Train Your Dragon Whump Week
September 8th-September 14th
Ao3 Collection
I’m running this a little differently than your usual whump event. Instead of providing prompts, you will be creating whump centered around a specific character on each day.
Day 1: Hiccup
Day 2: Astrid
Day 3: Tuffnut
Day 4: Ruffnut
Day 5: Snotlout
Day 6: Fishlegs
Day 7: Free Day (Pick any character! Repeats are okay!)
You do not have to complete a piece for every day. You can still participate by doing one day or a few days.
Rules under the cut
NO AI - The use of AI for this event is strictly prohibited. You must create your piece yourself.
Please post the piece on your own blog instead of sending it in an ask.
Please only post the piece the day of the event in your timezone. Late pieces will be accepted.
Use a read more if necessary. 
Anything Goes. Really. Think your piece is too dark? It will still be accepted and reblogged. Just make sure to tag and warn for themes such as “graphic depictions of violence”, “major character death”, “noncon”, etc. 
Rating: Any rating is allowed.
Warnings: Please put content warnings at the beginning of your piece or as part of the caption. 
What kind of pieces can you make? Anything! Absolutely anything. Have fun with it. Write a fic, do some art, make a moodboard or edit, etc. I’ll be accepting anything you can think of. 
No sending/spreading hate or harassment. Whump is a tricky topic, and people have squicks and triggers. However, harassment of others based on their pieces is unacceptable.
Does it have to be whump? Well, whump is a rather broad genre. You can make something that’s hurt/comfort, less hurt/more comfort, hurt/no comfort… You get the idea. If you think it counts as whump, you can definitely share it!
Tagging: The official tag for the event will be #HTTYD Whump Week. Please put this tag at the beginning of your tags. Also, please tag what character the piece is about. Tag any warnings you think are necessary.
Example: #HTTYD Whump Week, #Fishlegs Ingerman, #blood
Community Labels: I am not going to be strict about these. Use tumblr’s community labels at your own discretion. 
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i-eat-worlds · 4 months
Starcross Chapter 3
Let’s meet our mystery human!
Content: living weapon whump, discussion of suicide and suicide ideation, nsx biting, panic attack, conditioned whumpee, fear of punishment, fear of murder
Free Space, AFS Starcross, 4/5/4763
The weapon was laying down.
This, in itself, was not a rare occurrence. But something was different.
Everything was louder, both the hum of the levitators and the rumble of the engine. The room was much warmer, and it smelled less…industrial. There was something stuck to its back, covering the implants, and something else wrapped around its ankle. It was weird. It didn’t feel like a Yeran facility.
An oppressive feeling settled over it as it remembered what was going to happen. The weapon had failed. It was dysfunctional. Broken. Useless.
The weapon was going to be decommissioned. It was going to die.
Weapons couldn’t die.
It was going to be decommissioned.
The thought made it feel nauseous and dizzy. Its heart was pounding in its ears and it wanted to cry. Weapons didn’t cry. It knew that. It knew that. It knew that.
A sob fell out of its mouth, and it immediately flinched back. The weapon knew its place, and it knew the rules.
Did they even matter anymore? If it was going to…
The rules were the only thing that mattered. The only thing. The weapon felt a presence beside it. Fear filled it, even though weapons weren’t allowed to be scared.
It didn’t want this.
It didn’t want to die.
The presence said something that it couldn’t understand, and anger flared in it. They were going to kill it and it didn’t want that. No matter how much it was supposed to.
It didn’t want to die.
The presence reached out towards it, and it realized that they’d made a fatal mistake. The weapon was only being held down with a single strap. And this time, there was nothing else keeping it in place. It had nothing to live for, no future.
Rage surged through it, energizing its limbs, and it surged forwards. The levitators pulsed as it lashed out, grabbing their arm and yanking it towards them. It tore the strap away, throwing itself at whoever had been standing next to them.
They were screaming, trying to fight back, but the weapon was faster and stronger and easily overwhelmed them. Its vision was red as it sunk its teeth into their upper arm, blood filling its mouth. Rage pounded through it, hot as lava, and it was intoxicating.
Suddenly, the world snapped into focus. Dread built at it fully dawned on it what it’d done. It’d hurt a superior. Such behavior was unthinkable!
It immediately scampered backwards, pulling its tired body off the person it’d tackled. They had light blue skin, and were covered in triangle shaped tattoos from head to toe. The weapon had never seen anyone like that working for Yera before.
The person moved their hand over the bite wound on their arm, pressing down to try and stop the blood pouring from the wound. Their face was twisted in pain, and the weapon shrunk back further.
What had it done?
They mumbled something that it didn’t understand but which was likely a string of curses, and it quickly swallowed the bile that rose in its throat.
It was so, so fucked.
The person slowly stood up, keeping their eyes fixed on it. Their assessing gaze moved over it, eyes narrowing. It curled in on itself further, panic still coursing through its veins.
Suddenly, a jolt shot through it. Oh. Oh-no. How could the weapon had forgotten? It was being a cowardly bitch again. They didn’t like that. They didn’t like that. Tearfully, it maneuvered its tired body into a kneeling position and held its wrists out, ankle protesting as they shifted their weight onto it.
Hopefully they would at least kill it quickly, but that ship had likely already flown off.
How could it’ve been so stupid?
They sighed, scrubbing their face. “I’m not going to hurt you.” Their Yeran was accented in a way the weapon had never heard before.
It flinched back, not even processing the statement, then offered its wrists to them, stretching its arms out. “Unit KM-4682 is sorry, sir. It knows its actions are inexcusable. It will accept any punishment you deem fit.” It hated the way its voice shook.
The person’s face softened, strangely, and the weapon wondered if it was a joke. Blood was still dripping down their arm, and it was an odd image. “I’m not going to punish you. I’m-” They pushed their hair back. “I’m not Yera. I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe now.”
For a second the weapon was completely silent. This had to be a lie, or a test, or a fucking hallucination. Weapons weren’t “safe.” It had just bit them! “Unit KM-4682 is sorry, sir. It knows its actions are inexcusable. It will accept any punishment you deem fit,” it tried again.
They shook their head. “That isn’t going to happen, I promise.” It looked at them unbelievingly. “I’m Ziar, she/her.” No rank. Weird. “I’m the…medical staff…on the ship. We’re not with Yera. We found you in stasis on a D&A’ed vessel and picked you up. I’m not going to hurt you.”
It nodded, mulling the story over in its mind.
The weapon had been…stolen? From Yera? That seemed unlikely. They were the greatest force the world had ever seen. Massive and unbreakable, almost awless. The weapon couldn’t have just been stolen, could it? Maybe this was another test, to evaluate the efficacy of its conditioning.
But it did feel different. They would’ve punished it immediately and severely for disobeying like that. The simulation would’ve ended and it would’ve been beaten and whipped within an inch of its life.
It froze, unsure what to do. What did…Ziar?…want from it? What did Yera want from it? Did it matter if they wanted it dead? Should it….should it….?
It didn’t want to die….but should it….do it anyway?
“How about we get you back up on the bed?” Her voice pulled it from its spiraling, cascading thoughts.
That was an order. Concrete. Solid. Easy to follow. The weapon stood up on unsteady legs, exhaustion lling its bones, and began to walk back over towards the bed. When its foot caught on the floor and it stumbled, she caught it, gently supporting it and helping it up.
It lets its wrists rest in its lap, posture sagging. The fabric of a gown crunched as it wilted, and the weapon realized they’d been dressed. Maybe this wasn’t Yera. Maybe it was…safe.
A feeling blossomed in its chest, like a bird taking flight, and the weapon tore it out of the sky and stomped on it. Such things were not for weapons. Not for things like it. It whimpered pathetically, tears starting to leak from its eyes.
“You can lay down, it’s alright.” Her voice was quiet and soft.
The weapon complied, slowly lowering itself down onto the bed. “Thank you, ma’am,” it mumbled.
She held up the restraint. “This is just to keep you from falling off the bed if there's turbulence. I’m not going to hurt you.”
It stayed perfectly still as she drew the strap over its hips, holding it snugly in place. The underside was padded, and it was more comfortable over its bruises. It could still feel the stasis drugs coursing in its system, no doubt at least partially responsible for the exhaustion that permeated it.
The weapon’s heart was still thundering in its chest as Ziar reattached to the monitors. She fiddled with some of the settings, and it heard the levitators start to hum. Just when the weapon thought she was done, she reached down to the end up the bed and pulled a blanket up over its legs.
It couldn’t help but jolt at the soft touch on its legs. The weapon hadn’t been permitted blankets in….well, it couldn’t remember how long.
“Just rest up, alright?” She smiled at it. The weapon kept its face still. It wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that.
Suddenly, the lights flickered, and the room took on a dim red glow. Night cycle running lights. “I’ll be back in about an hour to check up on you. Try and get some sleep. You’re safe now.”
Ziar smiled again, then turned away, moving out of its line of sigh. It tried to ignore the sound of her rummaging through a drawer on the other side of the room.
The weapon had hurt her. And she was being so merciful to it, at least for now. As it closed its eyes and pretended to sleep, it wondered how long that would last.
Mercy and safety weren’t for things like it. Whatever strangeness this was, it would likely be gone by the morning, replaced by punishment and pain.
And the weapon would accept it. That was what it was made for.
Taglist: @whump-snob @whump-kia @itsoundslikeafury @blackberry-bloody @snakebites-and-ink
@whumpacabra @cepheusgalaxy @softvampirewhump @my-little-versaille @pigeonwhumps
@whumped-by-glitter @snaillamp @rainydaywhump @platysaurus @whumpy-daydreams
@whiskygoldwings @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @rainbowsandwhumperflies
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