#Whores of yore
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jolie--cherie · 1 month ago
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Btw the audiobook I’ve been listening to at work lol
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bardinthezone · 1 year ago
twenty twenty-vore. next question.
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REMINDER: We're taking next week off, so there won't be any livestreams or new episodes, but the Naming of 2024 will be out on January 1st!
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meerawrites · 2 years ago
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Convenient how lenient the world is to brothers whose acclaim would be shame for their sisters or their mothers. / Wear your heart on your cheek, but never on up your sleeve, unless you want to taste defeat.
Audrey’s - coat of arms.
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Audrey color pallet edit by @420sadnoodles.💞
Be curious not judgemental - whores of yore.
Further reading.
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wronglennon · 5 months ago
ps 1 please and thank you!
And honestly, wasn’t he a bit late in life to be doing the whole experimentation thing? As Jez said, forty is basically fifty, and no one comes out at fifty unless they’re severely starved of attention or unemployed. The whole coming out process seemed a faff too. What, he was going to gather everyone he knew to announce that he would be doubling the pool of individuals who were patently uninterested in him? Who would even come to that: Jez, Super Hans if he was pleasantly cracked out of his mind, maybe Pedge if all of the immigration issues in Nairobi had been sorted out. It was just all a bit… loud. No, better to screw the lid firmly shut on the gayness and the questioning and air it out during midnight wank sessions. The modern obsession with openness was a fad, he was sure of it. A few sensitivity-in-the-workplace workshops wouldn’t topple hundreds of years of English repression.
Maybe it would have been easier to avoid all of this had his roommate not been completely devoid of any sense of shame. It was as though Jeremy expunged all shame and self-hatred from his body daily and it all was sucked into Mark’s nebulous black hole of being. Jeremy flaunted his sexuality in a way that warranted only one label. Mark wasn’t particularly fond of using this word, but there really was no moniker for Jez other than, well, ‘slut’. A proper slut’s slut. Like the sluts of yore, he was a whore in the temple court as Jesus overturned the money changer’s table. And, knowing him, he’d have watched that whole display and left thinking, well, that bearded bloke obviously wanted to try it on with me.
hiii eliza ty!! this is my peep show wip that i genuinely rlly love and want to return to. just a run of the mill awkward fuck between them but i find them sooo much fun to write.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 years ago
Hi sex witch! This is a little outside the 'sex advice' thing, but do you have any recommendations for resources about the history of sex and sexuality?
(Also, long time listener first time caller or whatever, and I really appreciate the educational stuff you've posted. My sex ed was garbage and I've learned a lot, so thanks 👍)
hi anon!
that's a huge question, as there's obviously a lot of history in the world and even more sex!
a great place I'd recommend to start is looking at historian Kate Lister's work, as there's quite a lot to pick from! in addition to a very fun book called, fittingly, A Curious History of Sex, Kate's got a blog called Whores of Yore AND a podcast called Betwixt the Sheets, which is an especially great place to start since each episode features guest experts whose work lends itself to further exploring.
Hanne Blank's books Virgin and Straight are also fascinating histories about exactly what you think they're about, and were BEYOND formative for me when I was first getting serious about my own sex research.
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solisocassumm · 2 years ago
Hey guys, I wrote a poem about what it feels to be in a manic episode (at least what I feel) and made a dazai fanart bc I think it suits the theme lol
Wolf in sheep's clothing
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Goddess of my youth,
I write poems for my blaze to finally cease...
I burn myself with candles lit by an antique passion;
I drown myself in cheap alcohol;
I need to prove that I'm alive.
Alive, I'd rather burnt out than disappear...
Like a whore with a heart on fire,
Dancing in the middle of Carnival...
I die in an alley,
Singing stories of yore,
Repeating lies I've heard thousands of times...
You, cruel, condemn my life of sins,
But fails to notice my soul's euphoria,
The fire that burns my being.
"I love you"... three words that mean nothing.
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miqinviolin · 2 years ago
The Raven
Once upon a midnight dreary While I wandered, weak and weary There came a knocking at my door From a raven named Lenore. What say you, raven? Be my whore! Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”
And plead the night of darkness yore In blinding light of Poe-ish lore Eternalized forevermore Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”
O! Why must Usher’s house so fall Its heartbeat sealed between its walls To crumble with a mighty roar Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”
And yonder Ray’s martians do creep While in his grave Shakespeare doth weep How couldst thou gut a story’s core? Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”
Once Dahl wrote a maiden’s sham Who slayed her spouse with a leg of lamb Then cooked and ate it, the clever gal, Forever free of the gallows’ hell “Raven!” I cried, “Doth this not sore?” “How could a crime be done so poor?” The raven gazed at the ocean’s shore Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”
And now tis time for story’s end For I know not what rounds the bend Dear readers, please, I do implore Remember not the senseless gore.
I must be drunk, for from the floor A vision rises of the moor And a bird with ghostly wings and beak Whom only one word cares to speak Tis raven, who thinks me quite the boor And finds scolding me a banal chore O! One last time, I cede the floor…
Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”
What happens when you are extremely sleep-deprived and try to recite Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" from memory, but can't so make up your own version.
Stories/authors mentioned include Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher", "The Tell-Tale Heart" (kinda), Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, William Shakespeare, Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter".
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agape4 · 2 days ago
Dennis Leary recording is a audio CD I bought of a stand up comedian who was funny that I bought in Utah but I typical I can't own much for long as I can't afford to do so unable to drive around with other motor vehicles on the same road because I warn you it is murder when you kill a dork on the road I won't care if you have insurance dork who justify murder die as one for your fag way, because a liability is not a crime shit for brains die a guilty whore for me now for bothering a democrat evil whore Republican worthless to my mother worth die a murdered nation of dork meet mislabeled kosher for fag Nation like you because Dennis Hendershot sounds fake as fag name like Sunshine Bucy seeing how I don't like to smoke weed without methamphetamine and even then someone does in a week what would take me a life time and seeing I don't care what dork Nation won't subscribe to my preference of who I am you guilty turd of a fag dorks don't call me Adolf Hitler for being my only childhood hero you are too guilty of whore nation to have balls like me to know me as I did hallucinate a clown once in my lifetime in Arizona and you dumb whores don't know why go murder yourself the evil of your way you are worthless to me and I don't care for that either guilty dork, but red wipne to help me sleep or in celebration of my sacrifices and bones lost and weddings of past yore that ain't no shot of shit nor piss poor beer as eat the shit of dork dork you guilty dork Nation can go murder yourself for your fag way because your not mine to care for a bond i don't have with anyone i like sexually stupid whores because my first lady I imprinted on her voice only because that is the only lady I will love and like and have a bond because I prefer solitude with her on the phone only fag nation worthless to me as fuck Jennifer body I don't want it guilty nation of dorky whores, it cost me too much in California with Christine with Jodi husband introducing me to the lady that cost me Christine because I could not get her father to reject me and I already knew they would keep setting up worse if I refused to be with her according to her wish because I don't like rejecting a lady but won't blame the spirit of incompetence that needed me so I smoked cigarettes for a fag Spirit of a democrat way fag dorks who hate my dead mother and so I will murder your roads and rape your harlot hearts of your motor vehicles you haters of my family and my wife native American with Spanish man named Angel as my father in law who never spoke to me but will honor Mexico and Span and the Catholic Church in his place of his name and my few friends that are not Caucasian fagwhore go back to Europe dorky illegal Caucasian patriot fagwhore you worthless raping rebel whore fag meat you go back home for me so I can go take my corpse to Europe where I belong you guilty whore nation die for less you fucking Caucasian fag meat as my death is my only reward I will accept you worthless swine whore!
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macwantspeace · 3 months ago
Imbecilic imbroglio. [ go look that up in your Funk & Wagnall ] "I hop on [xitter], remind one of the “yore a fat whore” shidiots that they’re dumber than a bag of mayonnaise, and I walk away. That’s the extent of it.
But they DON’T walk away. They don’t even just come back in the comments. Not any more.
That’s not even close to enough for them now. They’re as enraged as a rabid rat trapped in an empty trashcan at a donut shop, and they want all of us to know it.
They want to frighten their “enemies.” They want us to be afraid. They want us to “learn a lesson” about “running our mouths.” And they’re not gonna let a block ... get in the way of them making sure we get the message.
And when that comes to me, it means that they call my cellphone. They leave messages about coming to “fuck me up.” They text me to tell me that I’m the one who is “unhinged.” They send emails so lengthy, so misspelled and so rambling I’d need an illiterate monkey to give me a lobotomy just to decode it partially."
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wearetryst · 3 months ago
'Harlots, Whores and Hackabouts is the second book from historian, journalist, podcast host and all-round fabulous overachiever Kate Lister. Tryst readers may be familiar with Lister thanks to her wildly popular social media account Whores of Yore, or her first bestselling book, A Curious History of Sex.'
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 1 year ago
Healing Ties - Chapter 47 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Fanner was a different person around bigger groups.
Not as much had changed in him over the last few days as Yore had assumed.
Yore had looked forward to being back with the others because he'd assumed it would mean they could all feel safer but Fanner was sticking closer to Yore's side than ever and he kept sending him worried glances, especially when anyone else would approach.
Yore didn't think Fanner was afraid of the others. Not exactly.
Not in the same way he'd been scared of the rock golem or even, when they'd first met, of Yore.
He hadn't stuttered over his words when talking to Yore's mother because he'd been worried she might hurt him.
From what Yore understood, Fanner had been punished for the slightest transgression growing up, even if that was nothing more than standing the wrong way or not speaking clearly, things Fanner struggled with on a good day and seemed to only get worse at when he was nervous.
Milaine House didn't beat their slaves but they did teach them that their entire self worth was linked to their ability to look and act like they were expected to.
It would take time. That was all.
Fanner wasn't someone who could afford to give his trust to others lightly.
He'd been hurt too many times for that.
It helped, in a way, to think about that, to imagine it was the only problem the future would hold.
He couldn't think about what life might actually look like a few days from now, who might no longer be with them after the battle.
Yore hadn't wanted to feed into Fanner's fear but he wasn't wrong.
There would be no happy ending to the situation they were in.
They stopped for the night next to a clear, burbling creek, good for drinking water and bathing and not much else.
It was impossible to scavenge enough food for a group this size, especially with the kinds of appetites that werewolves and centaurs had.
That was okay, though.
They were expected to reach the Spire some time tomorrow and there would be food there.
For the first time since they'd rejoined the group, Fanner willingly allowed himself to be detached from Yore's side in order to help Danya gather piles of leaves to make sleeping spots for their group for the night.
Yore kept half an eye on Fanner in case anyone else approached them but he let them have their time alone.
There was a lot they needed to talk about.
Hamish was kneeling next to the creek with his shirt off, washing himself, while Duran stood next to him on the bank and did his best to flirt with him.
It didn't seem to be going too well judging by how little attention Hamish was giving Duran, possibly because of Hamish's moral concerns around messing about with Companions or possibly because Harrison was standing directly over Duran's shoulder, glowering at Hamish the entire time.
Simon stepped up beside Yore and followed his gaze.
"He's not already sniffing after Hamish, is he?"
"He is. He seems like he has a libido to rival Hamish's, so I'm not surprised."
Simon shook his head.
"Hamish is the biggest whore I know but he also hates relationship drama. He won't go for it."
"I can understand that. Duran seems to take a more pragmatic and detached approach to that kind of thing than most ex-Companions but it seems likely he's carrying around his share of trauma. I don't know if it's in Duran's best interests for Hamish to turn him down but it might still be in Hamish's."
Simon glanced over at Fanner and Danya.
"Are you and Fanner...?"
"Dating? Yes."
Simon nodded.
"I can't imagine that'll be easy but you've never been a man to care about what's easy."
"Maybe not, but having him in my life makes everything else easier in ways I never really thought having a partner would."
"In the past I've had mostly sexual relationships and I haven't really felt the urge to turn them into anything more than that. I love taking care of Fanner and honestly, letting him take care of me. He's been healing me, of course but it's more than that. He makes me feel like I can be vulnerable and real and me. Like I don't need to impress him. I hadn't realised how much I needed that room to just... relax."
"That makes sense and maybe I don't even need to tell you all this, just... it's hard. It's hard in special ways that I wasn't prepared for and the challenges run deep. Danya's so sensitive and he can be so good at pretending he isn't. For instance, it took me about a year to properly understand that if he tells me about something he's excited about and I'm distracted or tired or not in a good mood and I don't mirror his enthusiasm, often he'll just lose interest in whatever it was entirely. He needs validation. I'm sure anyone would be disappointed if their partner wasn't excited about something they were but Danya takes it to an extreme."
"I've definitely got a lot to learn about Fanner. He wears his heart on his sleeve a lot of the time, which helps but he also has a hard time seeing himself as worthy of... well, anything, really. He's pretty good at telling me with his eyes when he needs something but he won't always speak up for himself."
Jasper came bounding up, a big leaf in each hand and bumped himself against Simon's thigh.
"I'm hungry."
"Sorry, Jas," Yore said. "I don't have anything either."
"We ate all our food."
Jasper gave Yore a thwack in the stomach with his tiny four year old arm.
"Jas," Simon scolded, but Jasper was already running off, flapping his two big leaves like wings.
"Sorry. All of this is a lot for a kid his age, even if he doesn't really understand what's going on."
Yore dismissed the apology with a shake of his head.
"Is he holding up okay?"
"Yeah. I think so. He's been grumpy but it's kind of comforting that it's about things like being a little hungry or not being allowed to run off and explore when he wants to. Though, sometimes I wonder if that's just how it comes out of kids that small. Maybe the only way he can process what's happening is through more familiar feelings and worries."
"When all of this happened, I was just preparing to try for a child myself. I can't imagine how much scarier having a kid to protect makes going through something like this."
"You're right," Simon said. "You can't. I used to think I could. Used to think, well, Hamish is important to me. He's my best friend. Like family, really. We fought together all the time, so I thought I'd already felt all there was to feel in terms of the fear of losing a loved one. But a child, my own little boy? I can't imagine living if something happened to him."
"He'll be safe," Yore said. "I promise. He's not as fast as a wolf, but he's fast enough. If the worst comes to the worst, there will be people waiting to take the children and run and he'll go with them."
"Thank you."
Simon let out a sigh as he watched Danya get into a tug of war with Jasper over a leaf that Jasper was trying to eat.
"I know it's stupid but part of me feels guilty. Like I'm a little bit to blame for all of this because I'm one of them. I'm human."
"That is stupid."
Yore shot Simon a smile to let him know he was joking.
"You can't help what you are. Most of us are on the side of the fight we're on by default. It just came naturally with the situations we were born into. You fought against your culture, your upbringing, what was easiest and expected of you, to get here. You made the choice to stand where you stand. That is what defines you."
"I hope everyone else sees it that way. I've made friends here but I don't expect to get the warmest of welcomes at the Spire."
"Not everyone's open minded but Libby's about as open minded as they come and she's in charge. She'll find what's in your heart and judge you on nothing else. You're a good person, Simon."
"Thank you. I appreciate that, really. I know being judged is probably the least of my worries right now, but some things are just too big, just too inevitable and painful. It hurts less to focus on the smaller things."
Yore gave Simon a clap on the shoulder.
"Let's go help with the beds. Whatever the future brings, I don't think we'll regret spending our time doing that."
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pazodetrasalba · 2 years ago
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Dear Caroline:
I would really like to know more about your days in the Fragrant Harbour. The only snippets I have are this blog post of yours, some very scattered references to COVID management in the city and to student protests and a LARPing event you apparently hosted in a glamorous hotel. All this is not much to work with, but I imagine that as an incredibly busy finance bro, you didn't have much time for experiencing or writing about the place.
Actually, the part that most interests me about Hong Kong no longer exists. I learned of the Kowloon Walled City through the works of William Gibson -a digital version of it plays a central role in one of his novels, and veiled adaptions of it reappear in others, as alternative, libertarian, quasi-utopian alternative spaces of chaos, crime, creativity and freedom. There is also a famous book on the non fictional space which I've had in my to-buy-and-to-read list for ages: City of Darkness: Life In Kowloon Walled City. Today, the place has been reconverted into an urban park, perhaps another one of those you walked through in the days of yore.
There was a place near an airport, Kowloon, when Hong Kong wasn’t China, but there had been a mistake, a long time ago, and that place, very small, many people, it still belonged to China. So there was no law there. An outlaw place. And more and more people crowded in; they built it up, higher. No rules, just building, just people living. Police wouldn’t go there. Drugs and whores and gambling. But people living, too. Factories, restaurants. A city. No laws.
William Gibson
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human-antithesis · 2 years ago
Jesus Christ... Sodomized
Lyrics: Hang on your cross and pretend to suffer Before your flesh gets cold you'll be mistreated rougher Who are you fooling when you weep Die must any wolf who turns into a sheep
Hold on to your cross, king of perversions and flies In the whirlwind you'll face, no-one will hear your cries Anticipate a horrible death to the cross nailed Mary's pathetic tries to shit forth a king failed
Jesus - son of rules halls up high Jesus - it was you who scorched the sky Jesus - hypocrite, you'll be the first to fry Jesus - scorn defeat, shut up and die
Jesus Christ - sodomized We take no bow for angel child Jesus Christ - sodomized All you love must be destroyed
Jesus - from the depths your death doom roar Jesus - your glory days belongs to yore Jesus - filthy scum behold abhor Jesus - your mother was a stinking whore
Jesus Christ - sodomized We take no bow for angel child Jesus Christ - sodomized Drunk of your blood we go wild
Eat his body, drink his blood and be a slave under the yoke of god Piss on Christ and kill the priest, follow nature - praise the beast
Jesus Christ - sodomized We love to see you short of breath Jesus Christ - sodomized Your throne we inherit on your death
Bleed like a pig when with demons entangled Bashed, ripped and torned, mutilated and strangled Scream your lungs out is what you will do When with fangs and claws the fallen rip you in two
Jesus Christ - sodomized Demons ripped you, your life blood ran Jesus Christ - sodomized One wound richer for each lie to man
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shadow27 · 3 years ago
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corpyburd · 3 years ago
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How accurate was the Victorian slang in The Sandman?
Part 2
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vampire-skunk · 2 years ago
I once thought I'd love to have Hans over for a dinner party, I'm not sure now. 😂
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