#Who wants to bet that the big news is him coming out as bisexual
vriska-serketboard · 2 months
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baddygab-bi · 6 months
My mom’s a general audience member in her sixties. Doesn’t read articles. Doesn’t watch interviews. Had NO spoilers. A very casual watcher. She once said “they’re not gay” when I told her about how “some gay people” (hi, yeah, me but she doesn’t know I ship nor that I’m bi) ship Buck and Eddie as buddie.
Here’s her thoughts:
Helicopter scene: “huh. Interesting.” Then about Tommy “who’s that guy? I remember him from last episode, but who is he?”
Sewer scene: “that’s funny. That’s cute.” About Buck watching Chris. She also was confused about Eddie suddenly having another car that’s not his truck. She thinks Ravi is adorable and funny.
Maddie and Buck at home: “so he’s jealous, what can you do?” “There’s nothing you can do.” “I don’t know why Buck is at Maddie’s house… I know they’re siblings.” “What’s the big deal, so what? Eddie has a new best friend, you can have many best friends.”
After pressing about Tommy: “He’s not gay, is he?” I said: You can’t just ask someone if they’re gay. “They’re getting really buddy-buddy”
Amazon prime scene: when Buck was doing the weights, she was mumbling something that looked like “no. Stupid. No” (we’re on FaceTime and only unmute on commercial breaks). She thought the Prime ad was funny. “Apparently the other guy (she means Eddie) isn’t interested.” “Buck is going to be lonely if he doesn’t find another friend to play, that’s all.” “I thought he was gonna kill himself with the bar weights.” “He’s not gonna come to your rescue, dude.” “He wanted his friend to spot him and look at him, not the other guy (Ravi).” “But Eddie’s busy with Tony.” (Yes she said Tony.)
She’s more invested in the mom shooting her son and Harry and Athena than I want her to be. I need her to be IN THESE BISEXUAL BUCK TRENCHES. Also is this my coming out moment lmao? I’m just gonna say I like his acting.
Basketball: “that was a killer move. He had so much anger and he wanted to really hurt him and he did.” “He’s jealous! And they were winning!” (Huh, they were winning.) “it’s all about the bonding, the guy things. He’s jealous, that’s all there is to it.” “And sooner or later, Eddie isn’t going to want to be around Buck, he’s gonna want to be around Tommy.” I asked her about the song that was playing, she didn’t hear it. Rewatched the scene to hear the song. Song thoughts: “oh there was music.” I bet she won’t understand the words. I was right, verbatim. She put on the captions. “Just because Eddie gets a broken ankle, I don’t want him to leave the show.” She thinks someone is gonna leave at the end or die, I kinda tricked her into thinking Tommy’s gonna die. She asked what a beard is. Told her. “Let me ask you something—no—wait—Eddie’s not gay. Neither is Chimney. So why would he be a beard?” I asked why she thought Eddie was gay. “Not Eddie. Buck! Buck’s not gay.” I told her nobody on the court is gay (not a lie technically). “Exactly. Nobody is gay.” Still listening to the song: she likes the song. She’s into this scene that I made her watch three times. “Ooohh he drove him.” “They’re not gonna be friends any more.”
Buck and Maddie at lunch: Liked Maddie going blonde and the Sarah story. Thinks Maddie was right he was acting like a kid, so jealous. “I want to be your friend too. Include me.”
The SCENE: she has no clue what’s about to happen. No idea. Is nodding when Buck said he was jealous. “Wow” about Buck wanting to get to know Tommy. “That was funny!” After they kissed. “Buck was trying to get his attention and he just kissed him.” “It’s nice. Good. It’s an interesting ending. So now those two will be friends.” I asked if she missed the end of that scene. “No! They’re going out on Saturday at 8am to learn to fly a helicopter.” I told her to rewind it. On the rewatch: “You can have more than one friend!” After Buck said he thinks Tommy is cool “He likes him… okay.” “Tommy went in for the kiss.” She smiling now. “They’re gonna get a beer.. and kiss.”
Promo for next week: she gasped when Buck said it was his first date with a guy. She thought it was just two guys going out for a drink. She didn’t realize they were romantically involved. “Who did Eddie bring to the restaurant?” I said it was his girlfriend “when did she get on the show?”
And on Buck being bi? “It’s nice.”
Was she expecting it? “I thought Buck was more interested in Eddie. Because of the jealousy. I thought Buck and Eddie would be kissing. And then Tommy comes along and he’s gonna kiss one of them.” “Tommy is cute, he’s gonna kiss somebody. Once they add another character it has to be someone to kiss Eddie or Buck.” “I was waiting for them to have a threesome.” “They’re just men having fun! All three of them!” “I thought Tommy and Eddie were gonna kiss. I forgot about the girlfriend.”
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crazykuroneko · 1 year
The Newsreader S2 Ep 6 (Finale)
A well-written, well-acted, and well-produced season. Anna and Sam showed their range. The whole cast is such a treat to see when they're all working together for a bulletin. Love how they wrote other characters/relationships to be a foil to Helen, Dale or their relationship, especially Rob/Noellene. The set and the fashion are impeccable. My only criticisms are I wish we could see more of how Charlie/Helen crash and burn in more than a montage and a scene and the score, which could have been better imo. Anyway, this should sweep AACTA idc idc
My unnecessary note on the episode under the cut
Sam is such a great actor, because we see Dale's acting like he's okay all smiley etc but you know he's breaking inside
Geoff looks sincere with his speech about Kay, but I bet it's Evelyn's idea to put that on the news. Idk I'm still sceptical about those two
GOD DALE he's really doing everything he's been dreaming of as if that would make him feel better about himself
that montage of Helen and Charlie doing drugs is insane. Especially when you remember their relationship started right after she covered a drug addict news
ugh yes Rob we know you're homophobic thanks
"He's turning into Helen" well more like Geoff
Oh fuck you Lindsey. he's the one without any principles at all and alway takes/turns anything into personal. He and Evelyn are my big villains UGH
Okay, Rob proposing her in Korean is sweet. A sign he's willing to learn
Don't forget Rob is someone who refuses his promotion even when he gets it because he's too comfortable in his place. OF COURSE he won't understand Noelene's ambition to develop her career. I'm so sorry Noelene. i wish you didn't fall in love with a loser
At least The Walters know when they have to pay back a favor
Helen really said don't talk about my bisexual almost-husband! She's so real for that. But I do wish we saw how the relationship with Charlie crashed and burnt in more than just two scenes.
"Just do your work" also "Do nothing" in the previous episode. Insanity
Poor Dale, no one can back him up. It hurts that Tim won't help him but it's very understandable after how Dale has been using him after all this time. Plus Tim is in a different relationship with his sexuality than Dale. He's not out, but he has embraced it and doesn't want to hide it anymore. Meanwhile that's impossible for Dale if he still wants a career in front of the camera with a good pay in that era. Which is why I don't see them get back together anymore. In my eyes, it's more like infatuation than love between them, with/without the internalized homophobia. And Tim does deserve to live free from all this drama
14 hours plus on the desk? it's insane. Dale is turning into a robot wtf
Dale Jennings disappointing the whole queer community. Where did that come from? Yes, season 1! Upon reflection, I don't think Gerry did it, but it's definitely someone from the gay club. Someone who saw he's dancing with Tim before. Could be that stranger he slept with. There's no way he didn't know who Dale was. Anyway, Dale feels like the community has betrayed him, so now like a naive child he's getting back at them. (He's still my baby though ❤️)
Oh Noelene was definitely going to say no even without Helen's problem. Of course she was. 💔
Could we unalive Lindsey pls? Like he's the epitome of a white man who only knows how to scream and take advantage of any situation. A lot of people's temper would be improved
Okay, maybe Rob does deserve some rights. The fact he has achieved his peak in sport really helps. I guess that's why he's so chill about his news career
I guess the only person Lindsey really appreciates is Dennis cos who would manage everyone if not him? Lindsey can only scream and scream. He'd really be nothing without Denis and Noelene
Dale has definitely been looking up to Geoff. So it's insane when Geoff, who has sacrificed his career for his daughter, is now congratulating Dale, who has sacrificed all of his relationships for his career. It's like the passing of the news desk trap
Why is it with this couple and believing marriage will just solve all your problems? No, I understand they know that they're the life raft to each other, so when they're in a dire moment, they want to make sure they'll have each other always. Forever. And it's insane. And it's so heartbreaking that the moment Helen realizes that Dale has always been fully committed to her and fully supported her is the moment Dale got a confirmation that he really has It to be the king of news, and he won't sacrifice that. Not right now when he's finally had it in his hand
You know, when you think about it, Dale's rejection protects Helen's principle. Because here she's about to use their potential engagement to placate the gossip writer to not publish Dale's story, which would lead to them having to feed her stories on their relationship forever. Which Helen has said before that her private life is not something she would trade. In the end, Donna only gets Dale's life.
It's insane how this episode starts just like Ep 1 and ends just like how season 1 ends.
Also, this is very unnecessary, but please know I worship Sam's and Anna's acting. They're insane throughout this season.
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
Idk why but I wondered what a human, non magic AU of Left Turn would be and I figured you'd still have a lot of the same shit (Caleb's in college, Zekes a line cook, there's internalized homophobia, a lot of the same story beats) but enough is different it interests me. The biggest is that with a different upbringing by being the special football boy in the family, Caleb would be a massive jackass on the surface and Zeke, not bogged down by needing to be neutral and non-aggressive in order to stay out of trouble due his changeling nature, would have a snappy ass tongue, be more self destructive, and no fear in fighting someone like Caleb.
So idea under the read more:
So Caleb is in college at a religious university and is in their pretty famous football team as a QB and has a good chance of going pro. It's his only ambition in life and he's barely taking any real classes save for stuff to meet requirements for a Business degree, on top of having a holier than thou attitude from being the Big Cool Guy all his life. His family is ultra evangelical conservative and severely homophobic which of course is why he's the most repressed bisexual ever with a long term girlfriend he's probably going to propose to within the next year.
In comes a bartending job in between seasons for some extra cash and he meets the scrawny, weaselly looking line cook who clocks his repressed ass so goddamn fast. Zeke, a high school drop out and someone who escaped a cult at a young age, is quick to call out Caleb's vague homophobia and his lingering glances, actively being a sarcastic little shit to him and knocking him down from his high horse any chance he gets. It frustrates Caleb to no end this gay ass mother fucker is living rent free in his brain and every day at the bar, there's a lot of passive aggressive behavior and sniping and back talk and everyone who works there is taking bets on whether they'll fuck or fight first.
It culminates one night closing together, Zeke makes a jab that Caleb takes very badly, he starts pushing Zeke around, Zeke pushes back, and Caleb kisses him hard enough to break his lip open. Zeke gets the angriest blow job of his life, but he's not complaining and after, Caleb's adamant he's not gay and absconds and Zeke figures that's the end of that and waits for either the sexual harassment claim or for Caleb to actually try to beat the fuck out of him.
Neither happen and Caleb acts like nothing has changed except their sniping has a definite flirting edge to it. They fight more, obviously hook up more, Caleb's kind of a bitch about it even if he initiates most of the time, but he steadily gets better and, when alone, they are friendly toward each other. Even when Caleb quits, he gets Zeke's number from Ashley and they continue as thus with Caleb inviting Zeke to his dorm room a few times to 'chill' where he is extremely torn over how he feels for the guy.
At one point, as Caleb is becoming a better person and getting more comfortable with his sexuality, he sleeps with a random guy at a party, and gets caught with video evidence. Rumors fly, his girlfriend breaks up with him, his family disowns him, and he has to drop out of college without their support, thus no more glamorous football career. After going on a bender, Zeke pulls him out before he gets too far in, becomes his genuine friend, helps him get a new support network, and turn his life around.
They move in together as strictly just friends, he goes back to work at the bar till he can qualify for student loans, and once he feels above water, he wants to do a reset with Zeke. He invites him out for a night on the town together one fine evening and it's nice and cozy and Zeke feels like he's going a little nuts thinking Caleb is being close to him. At one point, while walking in the park, Caleb kisses him and Zeke, taken aback at the semi-public display of affection after months of Caleb barely even touching him platonically, asks if this is a date.
Caleb fumbles it, retracts it, doubles down on it, and ends with a 'it is if you want it to be'. Zeke tells him yeah, he absolutely does, and they get a happy ending.
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wondcrstrucks · 10 months
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☆ –– (chris evans, he/him, cis man) who is SAWYER CLARINGTON anyways? ew. you don’t know about HIM, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 42 and RUNNING WITH HIS DOGS feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re FINICKY and OVERCRITICAL because they care, but they’re also INTELLIGENT and COMPASSIONATE in the best way. HE works to make a little money as an CO-OWNER OF SWEET NOTHING & BAKER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of A BROWNSTONE. EVERMORE (A) & SWEET NOTHING (B) is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore.
birth name : sawyer jasper clarington nick name : baker boy birth date : june 13th sexuality: bisexual biromantic currently residing : brownstone 10 occupation : co-owner of sweet nothing/baker
family : james clarington (father), andrea clarington (mother), oliver clarington (adopted brother), elorie clarington (sister), maverick clarington (adopted brother), rosaline clarington (daughter) pets : two rescue dogs relationship status: married to liliana clarington notable past relationships: n/a
hair color : dark brown eye color : blue height : 6'2" noticeable scars: various knicks and cuts from baking piercings : n/a tattoos: lily and rose tattoo over his chest
sawyer clarington's life starts on a warm summer morning. the light of his parents' life from the time he is born and the immediately favorite of the family. his life is easy, and he's not a fussy baby (much to his mother's relief). but the first four years of his life are lonely with only his parents to keep him company.
then comes elorie, a new addition to a family with so much love to give. sawyer takes his role as big brother very seriously and never lets el out his sight for too long. where ever his little sister goes, sawyer is happy to trail along.
then comes the adoption of oliver, another younger sibling for sawyer to look over. his parents are more than happy to have sawyer tag along in helping with his younger brother, even if he more reluctant to do so this time around.
sawyer starts playing football during his middle school years, loving the thrill of it all. it was something that was just his and his alone. he was great at it and eventually made the varsity team in high school.
then comes shay, the final sibling to complete the set. sawyer is 16, and his parents are seemingly always busy. so sawyer has to step up to the plate and help out more often. at first, sawyer is happy to do so but then realizes it means missing out on spending time with friends. but they're his younger siblings and they need him, so sawyer watches them when his parents can't.
everything changes when sawyer tears his acl, pcl, and mcl in his knee during a football game. he can suddenly no longer play football, barely able to make it out of the house to get through his senior year. he spends more and more time at home, his entire future suddenly turning to ash in front of him. he'd planned on riding out a football scholarship at whichever school would take him and suddenly that wasn't an option anymore.
so he watches his grandmother bake when she'd come over to help him watch his younger siblings. it's something that keeps his mind off everything and he gets a job at a local bakery helping out whenever he can. he also starts saving up for a place of his own, needing the space to just be. he tries to keep up with what is going on his sibling's life but it's a lot harder when they're not all under the same roof.
as soon as graduation hits, sawyer moves out of his parents house and into a small new york apartment on his own. he gets a job at a sweet nothing, starting off as nothing more than a cashier that some times gets to help bake things. it's there he meets liliana and immediately falls in love with her.
he slowly works his way up in the bakery, become an assistant at the same time he proposes to lili. he gets the job of baker just a few months after marrying lili, and gets the head baker job the day after lili tells him she's pregnant. sweet nothing and his little family are everything he needs in life.
when the old owner steps down and offers up ownership of the bakery to sawyer, he doesn't even hesitate to take it. then comes the brownstone, a big home for his family to live in. and then everything comes crashing down when his father announces he's sick. it takes everything in sawyer not to drop everything and move back home, but he wouldn't do that to lili or rosie.
when his father dies, it's overwhelming. a sense of grief that never goes away and sawyer buries himself in sweet nothing. the entire menu gets an overhaul.
then his mother gets sick and sawyer feels like the entire world is crumbling around him. sweet nothing gets a complete makeover and it's only rosie begging not to leave her friends that stops him from suggesting moving again. but if he can't move back home, he can bring his siblings to him. he offers up the spare bedrooms and is shocked when all his siblings slowly start piling up in them. together, they can grieve everything they've lost.
co-owner of sweet nothing: sweet nothing is sawyer's second child but he needs someone to help run it. he wants to spend more time with his family now that they're all under one roof again, and this muse is the way to do so. they were probably already a baker and had been for a while. friends: other parent friends (or friends through their kids), people who frequent sweet nothing and like sawyer, or brownstone neighbors that ended up being his friend. all the friends. fellow volunteers: sawyer adores dogs and probably spends a lot of time helping out at a local shelter. give him friends that met that way.
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dizzymuses · 2 years
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❆・:*。( nam joohyuk. twentysix. cis man. ) | look who entered the cabin! it’s HAJOON NA. HE is known for being the HIMBO of the group & that’s because they can be AFFABLE but also NAIVE. we bet they’re excited to be coming back to the cabin. they believe GUY.EXE by SUPERFRUIT is the best way to describe them. wonder what trouble they’ll be getting into this season.
hi hi, okay finally getting around to writing this intro. sadly, still not on my laptop bc god forbid anything ever gets delivered as planned lol. so pls forgive me if this turns out somewhat sub-par, i’m typing it on my equally sub-par ipad keyboard rip. fingers crossed i might get my charger on monday. but let’s get to business - this is hajoon, who also happens to be a brand new muse for me. he’s equal parts precious baby and big headed idiot. v sociable, trusting and endearing but also probably up to some dumb shit at any given time. let’s get into it (yuh) SKJDFHK
name: hajoon na.
nicknames: joon, joonie. 
gender: cis man.
pronouns: he/him.
age: 26.
date of birth: march 19th, 1996 (making him a pisces).
place of birth: harbor springs, michigan.
nationality: american
ethnicity: korean.
occupation: dog trainer, tiktok creator.
orientation: bisexual, biromantic. 
hajoon na was born as the first child to hyunjin na and angelica kwon, respectively an accountant and a nurse. both of them were overjoyed to welcome their son and start their little family, which had until then only consisted of the two of them and their dog valentine. however, they shouldn’t remain such a small family for very long as hajoons little sister was born only two years after him, making his run as an only child ever so short-lived. hajoon didn’t resent his sister though, instead fully embracing this new role as her older brother. it was fun to have somebody he could take care of and who would blindly follow his lead for quite a few years.
while there family was never rich, they didn’t have to worry for much, especially since their parents placed both of their well-being before most other concerns. their education was another one of the things they really cared for and so the whole family even travelled through europe twice when hajoon was in his teens. all in all, he wasn’t ever a disappointment to his parents, eager to please them. however, he also wasn’t quite the high-achiever they might have wished for. always getting good but honestly no exceptional grades, even though he was already studying much more than he personally would have liked. his sister, harin, proved herself to be much more the academic his parents were hoping for.
honestly, it wasn’t always easy for joon to have a younger sister who quite possibly was much smarter than him but in the end he was glad for her and his parents. they got what they wanted after all, with a daughter who soaked up all the knowledge she could get her hands on, especially everything space related. on the other hand, hajoon coasted through college, not quite smart enough to be of notice but certainly well liked by his peers. he was always one of the popular kids, despite never really trying. while others might have stepped on people to get them up the ranks, he had never done anything of particular note aside from having a massive glow-up in his teens and genuinely being nice to pretty much everyone.
maybe it’s the fact that he’d always been so effortlessly popular or the way his parents were basically as supportive as could be but it means that hajoon grew up to often blindly trust others and be pretty self-assured. sure, he knows now that he certainly isn’t extraordinarily smart but extraordinarily handsome was also worth something, right? after school he didn’t quite know what to do with life and so he took an infamous gap-year, mostly spent volunteering at the local animal shelter. it was there that he realised he wanted to work with animals long-term and so he began working towards becoming a certified dog trainer.
by now he works as a dog trainer, having opened his own training center with a friend of his. through a tiktok he once made with his own dog, friday, which was mostly meant to be educational, he had already gotten a small following on the site. ever since the group’s tiktok blew up in 2019 and the show was aired afterwards, however, that following had become quite sizeable and he has continued posting. i would personally describe his content as a wild mixture of educational dog training tips, tiktok’s everyone but himself would describe as thirst traps and dad jokes. harin always tells him he should stick exclusively with dog content because the rest of it is supposedly cringe af. but the internet at large doesn’t quite seem to agree with that assessment.
ok, that is all i have for u rn bc this is getting on my last nerve.i’d love to brainstorm some plot ideas w u and get things going for my boi. tysm for reading through this and maybe i’ll add to it once i have a proper keyboard again kfdjhkdfd.
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justcallmefox89 · 2 years
Love Island: Ex in the Villa - Chapter One
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It’s the first day in the Villa for introvert Eòin, who’s been single since a bad breakup a few years ago.  There’s more to this shy single than meets the eye, and he’s got a few secrets.  But secrets don’t stay secret for long in the Villa
Features a mostly bisexual cast and a male MC.           
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           “You look like hell.”
           I shrug at the producer. “I can always leave.”
           Ethan grins at me. “Just so you know that threat will only work so many times before I quit believing you.  Besides, I never said you looked bad.”
           I roll my eyes and fight back a grin.  “You’re ridiculous.”
           “Made you smile though.”
           Considering Ethan looks like sex walking packed into six feet of muscled perfection, I bet anyone with a pulse who’s even remotely attracted to men would smile around him.  I choose to keep that thought to myself.
           “I still don’t understand why I’m going in with the girls.  Shouldn’t I be waiting with the rest of the guys?” I ask, nervously tying up, then letting down my long, black hair.
           “Things are a little different this season since we’re starting over with a brand new production team,” Ethan answers, the warmth suddenly leeching out of his brown eyes. “Any nearly every cast member is bi, so we thought it would be a fun idea to have a mixed group doing the choosing this time.”
           “Oh, don’t look at me like that.  I know you have some concerns about doing the show, but I promise I really am on your side, Eòin.”
           I gnaw on my cuticle and stare at him skeptically.
           “Hey, hey.”  He steps towards me and places his hands on my shoulders.  “I know you’re worried, but everything is going to be fine.  And you’ll have me in your corner every step of the way.”
           Warm hands.  Big, warm hands.  He’s so pretty.  Abort, abort, abort!
           I step away from him and quickly push the inappropriate thought out of my head.  Catching feelings for anyone on this show would be stupid, but falling for a producer would be next level idiocy, even for me.  
           “Alright, it’s showtime.  You ready to go?”
           I hastily run my hands through my hair and try to smooth some of the wrinkles from my shirt.  “Yeah, I guess so.”
           Ethan guides me to the end of the drive, positioning me until he’s happy with the lighting and camera angles.  “OK, you’ll walk up to the Villa and the girls are going to come out to meet you.  There will be a few minutes for introductions and then we’ll call you out to meet the others and have you make first your coupling picks.”
           “Got it.”  I take a few deep breaths and bounce up and down on my toes, trying to psyche myself up.  “K.  I’m ready.”
           Ethan nods and signals for the cameraman to begin filming.  I make it three steps down the drive before he’s shouting.
           “Come on, Eòin!  You need to look like you’re happy to be here!  You’re excited, this is your summer to find love… I need the viewers to believe it.  That’s the saddest walk I’ve ever seen.”
           I will not strangle this man in front of all these witnesses, I will not strangle this man in front of all these witnesses…..
           “That’s how I walk, Ethan.  It’s how I’ve been doing it for over twenty-six years now, and I’ve always been very successful.”
           He hustles to my side. “We’re trying to sell a fantasy.  You need to either make people want you or want to be you.  We need you to give us some energy, some sex appeal.”
           “I have neither of those things,” I say, blinking up at him from my diminutive height of five feet four inches.    
           “Liar.”  Ethan’s full lips curve into a playful smirk.  “I’ve seen you on stage.  You’ve got sexiness in spades; you just need to let everyone see it.”
           He thinks I’m sexy?
           My heart does a traitorous little pitter-pat in my chest.  
           “We’re going to start rolling again.  You can do this.”  He pats my shoulder and once again takes his place next to the cameras.
           I close my eyes and take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself.  I start to go through my pre-show checklist.  Shoulders back, spine straight, arms loose, sway my hips, barest hint of a smile on my lips.  And walk.
           “Perfect!”  Ethan gives me a thumbs up.
           The soles of my sneakers scuff along the cobblestone of the drive and I focus on that sound as the Villa’s iconic entrance comes into sight.  The door flies open, and a cute, bouncy blonde girl bounds outside to greet me.
           “There you are!  We were wondering when the last one of us would get here!  I’m Dana, and you’re a total spice bomb!”  She flashes me an adorable smile.  “So pumped you’re going to be in the Villa with us!  But here I am rambling on, and I haven’t even asked your name.”
           I return her smile with a shy one of my own, praying that I haven’t started to blush.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the receiving end of so much attention from such an attractive person.  “Hey.  I’m Eòin.”
           “So great to meet ya, Eòin!  Can’t believe we’re all here.  I was a bag of nerves walking in.  How are you feeling about being in the Villa, Eòin?”
           “Um, I wasn’t even goi-”  I stop talking when I notice Ethan waving his arms and making aggressive slashing motions over his throat.  “Insanely nervous, to be honest.  I’ve never done anything like this before.”
           “Then we’re not alone! And you’re totally going to boss this. I can already tell,” Dana reassures me. “In fact, we’ll boss it together. I’ve got you, Eòin.  Who knows what will happen.. or exactly what your summer on Love Island will be?  Come on, let’s get inside.  I can’t wait for you to meet Kat… and she’s got a surprise for you, too!”
           I follow Dana to the garden, glancing quickly at Ethan, who narrows his eyes at me in warning. The sudden pop! of a champagne cork makes me jump, and pulls my attention away from the producer.
           “Cork popped just as you walked in.  That’s gotta be a sign,” says the sultry brunette holding a foaming champagne bottle.
           “Eòin, this is Kat!  I made her wait until you showed up to pop the fizz,” Dana quickly introduces us.
           “And I ain’t a patient girl.  Still, Dana bet you’d be a proper ten.  And she was bang on.”  Kat trails her eyes appraisingly over my body.  “Now I guess we’ll see how well you take a compliment…”  
           “Thanks, darlin’.  You’re both absolute worldies.”
           Kat wrinkles her nose at my accent.  “Where you from, love?”
           “Kat!” Dana scolds her.
           I huff out a soft laugh.  “Scottish mum, but my dad’s Louisiana Cajun.”
           “American?”  Both girls eyes widen in interest.
           “Well I appreciate the compliment.  Glad to hear you’ve got good taste, babe.  Even if you’re just stating the obvious.”  Kat gives me an arrogant smirk.
          ��“Alright, enough chat. The champers is popped, and no way can we let good bubbles go to wastes,” Kat declares.  
           “Same!”  Dana grabs a glass and holds it aloft.  “Let’s get this party started!  Should we make a toast?”
           “Ohh… I’ll start, you finish it, Eòin .  Here’s to a summer of…” Kat trails off, looking at me expectantly.
           Out of the corner of my eye I see Ethan spreading his arms wide and waving them around.  
           Jesus Christ.
           Internally rolling my eyes, I paste on a smile, raise my champagne glass, and lie like a rug.  “Here’s to a summer of love!  I’m all about the heart, ladies.”
           “He’s after true love!  Goals – but maybe not mine.”  Dana bumps her shoulder into mine playfully.  “Hoping the Villa changes that though.”
           Kat snickers.  “Open to love for sure, but lust is a must for me.”
           We all clink our glasses together and take our first sips.  
           “So what are your types on paper then?” I ask hesitantly.  I can already feel the stirring of attraction towards Dana, and I’d rather find out now if I’m not her type.
           Dana finishes off her champagne.  “Love anyone who can make me laugh until I cry.  If you’ve got the bants, you’re getting in my pants.”
           “Oh my god!” I wheeze, laughing and trying to drink at the same time.  
           Kat shrugs.  “I don’t really have a type.  As long as they’re a 6-foot, confident bad boy, with muscles and tats.  I get bored fast, and I need a boy who can keep me on my toes.  Or I’ll run riot.”
           “Keeping it nice and shallow, I see,” I murmur to Dana under my breath.  She snickers quietly and pours us both another drink.
           “I might mix it up a bit in here,” Kat continues.  “My nan wants me to find a nice boy.  I must have dated every player in Basildon.”
           “I might’ve dated one or two of those in Manchester,” Dana chimes in.  “What about you, Eòin?”
           I shrug, suddenly intensely interested in bubbles swirling around in my glass.  “I haven’t really dated much.  My only serious relationship ended about two years ago… and my work makes it hard to get to know someone.  So uh, yeah.”
           Dana gives my hand a comforting squeeze.  “Then hopefully this summer you get a chance to meet someone special.”
           “Yeah, I hope so,” I whisper, smiling softly as I look into her piercing blue eyes.
           Kat’s phone pings. “I got a text!  Ok it says… Get ready to meet the other Islanders!  But there might be an unexpected surprise for one of you!  #HereComeTheBoys #FirstCoupling.”
           “Just boys?”  Dana’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
           Kat throws an arms around her shoulders.  “If we’re going to be the only girls we should take advantage of it.  Let’s go get ready!”  
           The pair dash of into the Villa while I slowly walk behind them, my stomach churning with anxiety. I try to motion Ethan over to me, but he avoids my eyes and draws another producer into conversation.  Occasionally the two glance over at me, and Ethan scowls as the second producer shakes her head.
           Oh, that’s not suspicious at all. 
           Kat and Dana buzz around the dressing room while I pick through my clothes in the bedroom.  
           “What do you think the unexpected surprise is?” I call to them.  
           “I reckon there’s gonna be a proper plot twist lined up for us this season.”  Kat appears in the door way, bronzer in hand.  “Which means we need to be ready for anything!”  She raises a fluffy makeup brush in the air to emphasis her point.
           “So looking best is a must-must-must.”  Dana has a bikini in each hand.
           “I can’t stop worrying about this surprise.”  I fall back onto a bed and pull a pillow over my face.  
           “You know it’s gonna be big!” Kat shouts over the sounds of her hair dryer.
           Dana snatches my pillow away.  “Don’t stress.  Dress!”
           “Hey!”  I make a grab for it but she’s quicker.  She smacks the pillow against my chest, then skips away, giggling.
           “The text said it’s about one of us.  And even if it’s not about me, I always want to stand out.”  Kat strides to the closet, critically examining its contents.
           Dana nods.  “Agree.  First impressions are massive in the Villa.”
           “I’ve got a cheeky feeling this surprise is about Eòin.”  Kat cuts her eyes to me.
           I frown, nibbling on my lower lip.  “Really?”
           She shrugs.  “Just a hunch.  So this is the time to go big with your look.”
           “Yeah, you’re a hottie! The hair, the eyes, your skin. But you’d look even hotter in those tropical boardshorts.  Why don’t you try them on?” Dana urges me.
           “I know you’re my competition, but you’d defo be the best dressed for the first recoupling,” Kat chimes in.
           Dana lowers her eyes, then coyly looks up at me beneath her lashes.  “Even I want to choose you in that look!  You’ll be turning all the heads.  So are you going to wear that and stand out for the first coupling?”
           Dana’s adorable, but Jesus and all his saints couldn’t get me to wear that hot pink and turquoise monstrosity on international television.
           “Um… I’m going to check what else I brought,” I say quickly, ducking back into the safety of the bedroom and rummaging through my suitcase.  I settle on an outfit and go into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me.
           “You shy babes?” Kat calls through the door with a laugh.
           I pull on my clothes in a rush, nodding with approval at my reflection when I’m done.  The long sleeve Def Leppard concert t-shirt is so old and worn, it’s threadbare and see-through in some places, but it’s light and soft, the clothing equivalent of a warm hug.  Plain, knee-length black boardshorts, and black thongs complete the look.  
           It might be a bit plain, but it’s me.
           My phone chimes, the noise loud in the empty bathroom.  I run back into the dressing room and share the text with the girls.  “Eòin, the boys are waiting by the pool for the first coupling.  You get the first pick of the boys.  #TakeYourPick  #FirstChoice.”
           Oh god…
           Kat scowls.  “As if you get first choice!”
           “Go get ‘em!”  Dana gives me a gentle push out the door.
           I step out into the garden and find two boys waiting for me by the pool.  Kat and Dana follow me at a distance, peeking out of the Villa to watch the proceedings.  Both boys cheer when the see me, calming some of my nerves.  
           “Here we go!”  The blonde sends me a smoldering smile.
           “Now we’re talking,” the other one adds with a cheesy grin.
           The blonde runs a hand through his hair, showing off a sculpted chest and abs I have a sudden urge to lick.  “Love the outfit babes.  All the flames.”
           “You look blinding, darlin’.  Hot first impression!”  The second boy seems like a sweetheart, he gives off a genuine vibe that I instantly find myself drawn too.
           “You’re on, Eòin!  How do you want to play this?” Dana stage whispers from the doorway.
           I anxiously tug on the cuff of my shirt and offer the boys a tiny wave.  “Um, hi.  I’m Eòin.”
           “No need to be nervous, darlin’,” the brunette says soothingly.  “I’m Alfie.  You seem like a total vibe, and I reckon we’re gonna have a laugh.”
           I manage a small smile. Alfie seems pretty loud and boisterous, which is the antithesis of what I’m normally into.  But he seems nice.
           And nice can be good.
           The other boy steps into my line of sight.  “Hey, Eòin. My name’s Eddie.  And you are absolutely my type on paper.”
           I bite my lower lip. “That so?”
           “I saw some factor 50 by the daybeds if ya wanna law it on a little thicker,” Alfie jokingly interrupts.
            “Just being real bro,” Eddie smoothly responds.
           “Just winding you up a little bit Eddie-mate.”
           Maybe Alfie’s not going to be a good fit after all.
           I tilt my head to the side, a little confused.  “Is it just you two then?”
           Ethan signals to someone and another boy comes around the corner, swaggering towards us.
           “Oh no.”  My voice is a barely there whisper and I press a hand to my stomach in an effort to stop the sudden urge to vomit.  My hands start shaking and a cold chill sweeps over my body.
           “Hey gorgeous.”  Suresh winks at me.  “I always knew we’d see each other again.”
           I curl in on myself, keeping my gaze locked onto my feet.  I blink rapidly, fighting the sting of oncoming tears.
           “Do I still make you speechless after all this time?” Suresh teases.
           I clench my jaw tightly and try to control my breathing.  The world becomes fuzzy at the edges, and everyone sounds as if they’re speaking underwater.
           “Something’s wrong, we need to stop,” Ethan says.  “Cut.  Cut the cameras.”
           “No, this is perfect,” the other producer, Vanessa, overrules him.  “This is exactly the kind of emotional response people want to see.”
           He glares at her helplessly.  “Fine,” he grits out.
           “You’re really not going to say anything after all this time?” Suresh demands, annoyed.
           I shrug, still looking at the ground.
           “For fuck’s sake, Eòin…” he growls.
           “Dude, back off,” Alfie interjects, stepping between us.  “He’s obviously uncomfortable right now.”
           “Anyone care to explain what exactly is going on?” Eddie asks.
           “We used to be together,” I manage to say quietly.
           “For nearly two years.” Suresh flashes the boys a cocky smirk. “I could say a lot more.  But I don’t kiss and tell.”
           “Something tells me you’re leaving out a big part of the story,” Alfie says.  “And that’s probably why Eòin isn’t exactly happy to see you.”
           “Getting the same feeling.  What went down?”  Eddie casts me a worried look.
           Suresh shrugs.  “That’s personal between me and Eòin.  All I’m saying is mistakes were made and we broke up.   Well, he broke up with me.”
           My head snaps up.  “Mistakes?  That’s what you’re calling it?  Why don’t you tell everyone what those mistakes were, Suresh?”  I’m unable to hide the hurt that creeps into my voice.
           “Wow, we’re going there straight off?  There’s a lot more to it than this.  Defo two sides to the story.”
           I hunch my shoulders and lower my head, trying to escape his scowl.
           Two sides my pasty white ass.
           “Spill, geezer.”   Alfie gives him a hard look.
           “I slipped up one night,” Suresh mumbles, avoiding everyone’s eyes.
           “Not cool,” Eddie snaps.
           “It was a one time thing,” Suresh tries to defend himself.
           “Nah, geez, it’s never just one time.”  Alfie looks disgusted.
           Suresh shrugs, cocky grin firmly back in place.  “Well, there’s a lot you don’t know.  But me being here changes the game, boys.”
           “Or me and Alfie just became better options!”
           “Good point, mate.”  Alfie nudges Eddie and smiles.  “What do you think, Eòin?  Do me and Eddie stand a better chance of coupling up with you now that your ex is in the Villa?”
           “Um… yeah, probably,” I answer him shyly.  
           “Why eat stale bread when you’ve got two freshly baked loaves to bite into right here?”
           Eddie nods.  “I’m with Alfie.  I might be ready to step forward right now.  Anyway, I’ve been pumped to get to know you since you first walked out!”
           Alfie giggles.  “Cheers, Eddie, love you too mate!” He pauses.  “Oh wait, you meant Eòin?  That makes more sense.”
           Way too full on, my guy.
           I smile wanly.  “Have you always been a joker, Alfie?”
           “Yep.  I get it from my old man.  He’s always cracking me up at work.  We’ve got a family building firm.”  
           “What do you build?”
           “For starters I could build a wall between you and Suresh if you want?”
           Alfie’s unexpected offer draws a startled laugh out of me.
           “Hilarious,” Suresh snarls, while Eddie chuckles appreciatively.
           Alfie studies me intently.  “What do you say, Eòin?  Am I ticking a few boxes?”
           I nod timidly, afraid to do much more under Suresh’s intense scrutiny.  “So what about you, Eddie?  What do you do?”
           “I’m a country boy originally.  But often in London chilling with mates or doing modelling work.  My mum always said I have a face any girl would love,” he says cheekily.  “Little did she know the boys would love it too.  And luckily my agent agrees.”
           Suresh scoffs.  “Mate… are you serious?”
           “Nah, just bantering.”  Eddie shrugs.  “Truth is I’ve been single a while and I’m definitely read for something serious… with the right person.  What do you say, Eòin?  Could I be a bit of you?”
           “You think I might be a bit of you?”  I tuck my hair behind my ears and straighten up, trying to seem a bit more confident.
           “I like what I’m seeing so far.”  
           “Me too.”  We share a small, private smile.
           Suresh shakes his head and lets out a low huff.  
           “Glad you’re on board.  You’re stunning Eòin, and seem like you’d be a vibe.”  Eddie subtly flexes, showing off his impressive biceps, and I bring a hand to my mouth to check for drool.
           “What about me, babe?  Don’t I get a chance to have a proper chat?”  Suresh arches one dark eyebrow at me.
           “I-I-I…” I inhale, trying to get my stutter under control.  “I don’t think I want to talk to you right now.”
           Suresh looks away, his jaw tightening just a little.
           “All right then. Time to chose who to couple up with!”  Alfie claps his hands.
           “OK… um step forward if you’re into me.  Please.”   I wring my hands together, hoping Suresh doesn’t.
           Alfie steps forwards first, shrugging his shoulders with disarming confidence.  “I was always stepping forward for ya, darlin’.”
           Eddie steps forward next, rubbing the back of his neck with a boyish charm.  “For what it’s worth I think there’s real chemistry here, Eòin.”
           A frisson of excitement runs through me at Eddie’s words.  And then Suresh steps forward.
           “I know there’s chemistry here, so no sense hanging back.”  He smirks, his dark eyes sweeping over me.  I squirm and try to fight the blush that I know must be creeping up my cheeks.
           Alfie raises his eyebrows in disbelief.  “You really think he’s going to pick you with that attitude?”
           “This boy’s full of surprises.  Our future’s a bit of a mystery.  Like our past.”
           “Whatever, bro.”  Eddie rolls his eyes.  “So who are you going to couple up with, Eòin?”
           I anxiously chew on my thumbnail and dart my eyes to Ethan, hoping he’ll give me some instruction on what to do.  
           Alfie seems nice, but way too much for me, I think.  I can’t deal with Suresh right now.  Eddie’s the most my type… but I don’t know.  There’s something about him that I can’t quite put my finger on.
           Ethan quickly puts me out of my misery.  “Alfie,” he mouths.
           “I’d like to couple up with Alfie,” I announce.
           Suresh sends me a dirty look while Eddie just looks disappointed.
           Alfie gives me a tender hug when I go to stand next to him.  “So happy you picked me, darlin’.”
           “Sorry to break this up… but not really!”  Kat barges into the garden.  “Girl’s gotta get her time.  Hey boys, I’m Kat!”
           “Hey lovely,” Eddie purrs.
           “Alright, Kat?”  
           I do a double take at the big, stupid grin on Alfie’s face.
           Fucking really?
           She preens under their attention.  “From the looks on your faces, I can tell I’m not disappointing you.  P.S. I never do.”  She looks over the boys, her eyes lingering over Suresh the longest.  “Especially this one.  Couldn’t help but hear the surprise.  We’ve got an ex in the Villa….  Feels a little weird that I’m not the one bringing the drama for once.  But it’s early days.  Feeling curious about you, Suresh.  I’ve always loved a bad boy.  But even nice boys go bad around me.  You’ve been warned.”
           “Coming on strong, Kat, that’s for sure.”  Alfie’s doing a really poor job of hiding his interest.
           “I don’t know any other way, so if you like what you see, you know what to do.”  She winks at him.
           Suresh looks at Kat teasingly, then he and Eddie both step forward.  “You’ve defo caught my eye.”
            A sharp pain strikes me somewhere in the vicinity of my heart, but I resolutely ignore it.
           Eddie grins at her.  “I had to step forward.  You’re a ten babe.”
          “Thanks, boys.  You’re both absolute fire too.  I could see me having fun with either of you.”  She glances at Alfie suggestively.  “But there’s something about your cheeky grin and that bod, Alfie.  So sorry, Eòin.  I’ve gotta go with my gut and couple up with… Alfie.”
          “Are you fucking serious?” I hiss at her.
           She smiles at me innocently and takes her place at Alfie’s side.
           The text alert sounds on my phone.  “Eòin, as Kat has coupled with your partner, you are now single.  Please make your way to the subs bench.”
           “Sorry, babes.  I didn’t come to the Villa to not get what I want,” Kat says triumphantly.  She pulls Alfie close and runs her hands all over his body with a sexy purr.
            I show her both my middle fingers and give her a dirty look before stalking away and taking a seat on the bench.
           “Really, Eòin?” Ethan scolds me from the sidelines.
           For good measure I flip him off too, then cross my arms over my chest with a huff.
           “Real mature,” he mutters.
           I open my mouth to respond but Dana interrupts, approaching the boys with a warm, sassy smile and boat loads of confidence, until she stumbles in her heels.
           “Whoa, all good there?” Alfie asks in concern.
           “All good,” she laughs.  “I’m not used to heels.  Thought I’d make an effort, it being the first day and all.  You’re welcome.”
           Everyone but me laughs, Dana’s infectious charm intriguing them.  Eddie and Suresh stand alone, Alfie has his arm wrapped around Kat’s waist.
            Eddie steps forward immediately.  “Well, you’re looking great, Dana.  So I’m going to step straight forward for you.”
           Suresh looks at me but stays still, saying nothing.
           “I had a nightmare last night that no one stepped forward.  So, I’m glad I’m living a sweet dream right now.  Cheers, Eddie.  I heard your chat and I’d love to couple up with you.”  The two hug.
           Suresh smirks at me… we’re now coupled by default.  “When it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”
            I must have been a murderer in a past life.
            I stay sitting on the bench, shell-shocked.
           “Eòin!  Go stand by Suresh!” Vanessa screams at me after a few moments.
            I obey, dragging my feet.  I stop about seven feet away from him, refusing to get any closer.
            Eddie chuckles awkwardly.  “Well that was eventful.”
           “First coupling done and dusted.  What’s next?”  Alfie cuddles a little closer to Kat.
           Gag me.
           Dana’s phone goes off.  “The first coupling isn’t Finn-ished yet.  #Bombshell coming,” she reads out.  “Love it!”
          “Oh my days!”  Kat exclaims.  Her jaw hits the floor as a redheaded hunky mountain man with tats and muscles swaggers across the garden.
          “Hello, beautiful people!” he calls with a charming smile.
          Alfie’s eyes go wide.  “Aw mate.  Look at this sexy pirate guy!”
         “Type. On. Paper,” Kat murmurs.
          This bitch.
          “Wow.  You haven’t been with Alfie, who you stole from me, for more than ten minutes and now you’re chasing after a new guy.  Real classy,” I sneer.
           She shoots me a nasty look but otherwise ignores me, choosing instead to focus on the new boy.
           “What’s the craic, people?  I’m Finn.”
           “Finn!  You sound Irish!  I love your accent!”  Dana skips over to him, seemingly forgetting all about Eddie.
           “Very kind.  Yeah, I’m from Dublin.  You’re all looking unbelievable,” he says, gazing at all of us in turn.  “How lucky are we?”
           Alfie and Eddie exchange a worried look, Suresh doesn’t seem bothered at all.  
           “I got a text!”  Finn pulls out his phone.  “Finn, in twenty four hours you’ll get to couple up with a person of your choice.  The person no longer in a couple will be left single and at risk.  #StealingHearts  #TakeYourPick  Wow, sorry all.”
           Awkward silence hangs in the air as everyone takes in the news.  I pick at my cuticles, already trying to plan the quickest way to escape the Villa.  
          “Loving your tats, babe.”  Kat struts up to Finn and runs her hands over his chest.  He grins at her.
          “So who do you like the look of then, Finn?” Eddie asks.
          “In other words, who needs to be worried?” Alfie adds.
          “Boys, boys, boys.  You’ll find out soon enough.”
          “Wow, you’re almost as bold as me, Finn,” Suresh comments.
          “I’ve barely got started, fella.  But on first impressions these three are ticking all the boxes.”  Finn points towards Dana, Kat, and me.  He shoots me a sexy look.  “Eòin, Suresh is your ex?  Let’s just say he’s got great taste.  You’re a real beour.”  
           I momentarily abandon my plan to escape.  “What’s a beour?”
          “It means beauty where I’m from.”
           The giggle pops out before I can stop it.  I bring my hands up to cover my burning cheeks and smile at Finn shyly.  Suresh suddenly looks a bit less comfortable.  
            “I thought Eddie’s abs were impressive.  But Finn, you’re something else,” Kat interrupts us.
           “I like to stay in shape for sure.  You look like a gym girl yourself.”  He ogles her curvaceous figure.  
           “Nah, I do all my exercise on the dance floor…  Or in the bedroom.”
           “Jesus, Kat.  You’re about as subtle as a brick through a window,” I snark.  Dana and Eddie try to smother their laughter and Suresh looks at me appraisingly.
           “Nice to know you’re as acerbic as ever,” he says. I stick my tongue out at him.
           “Wow, Kat.  That’s got my heart pumping fast.”  Finn fans himself with one hand.  “You all don’t hold back… one’s got bants for days, you’re turning it on… the Villa’s going to be fun for sure.”
           “So what do you, Finn?” I inquire.
           “I make people happy for a living.  I run a craft brewery with some pals.”
           Dana raises her phone.  “I got another text, guys.  Islanders, get ready to take part in a couples quiz hosted by Finn.  #WhosVibing  #MetYourMatch.”
           “Sounds like we’re about to get personal.”  Finn gleefully rubs his hands together.  
            Dana walks past me and whispers, “I’ll find you in a few minutes.”  Before I can say anything she approaches Suresh and leads him to the firepit.
            What.  The. Actual.  Fuck.
            I wander into the kitchen, keeping one eye on Dana and Suresh.  She abruptly jumps up and runs towards me.
            I lean against the counter.  “So what did you and Suresh talk about?”
            “I’ll fill you in.  In private.”
            I look over at Suresh still sitting alone by the firepit.  “Um…”
            “Your head must be a mess.  But trust me, you need to hear what I’ve got to say.  Let’s head for a chat?”
            “Um… I should probably go talk to Suresh. Get it over with, you know?”
            “I really think you should hear what he told me first,” Dana insists.  “It might change up how you play things in the Villa.  Quick chat upstairs?”  
             I cave.  “Alright.  Let’s talk in the bedroom.”
            “Yes!  Let’s go!”
             I trail behind Dana as she races upstairs and into the bedroom, feeling slightly overwhelmed by all of her energy.
             “Ah!  This is so exciting!”  She points at our beds, our names above them.  “There’s our beds.”
             I smile at her enthusiasm.  “For sure.  It’s pretty cool.”
             “Ok, we don’t have much time though so let me dish on Suresh.”  She plops down on her bed and motions for me to sit next to her.  She looks around, making sure no one is close by.  “So I might have dug him out a bit.  Told him he shouldn’t be so cocky in his position!”
             “No way!”  I flop down on my stomach next to her.  “How did he react?”
             “He agreed with me that he was an idiot for cheating on you!”
              I could’ve told him that.
              “He told me you got serious super quick.  And that wasn’t like him.  He said the intense connection you had made him want to commit to you.  But then he said something about a bust up and getting spooked and acting out.”
               I feel my eyebrows draw together in confusion.  “A fight?  Right before he cheated?”
               “That’s what he said.”  She shrugs.
               “Oh.”  I wrack my brain, trying to remember what he’s talking about.  But try as I might I can’t remember a fight, not even a slight tiff, in the weeks before he cheated.  “Did he say anything else?”
               “He said something about needing to figure out where your head’s at.”
               “Anything about where his head’s at?”
               Dana rolls her eyes.  “That’s when he got all vague and mysterious.  Said he needs to speak with you about that.”
                I sigh heavily and cover my face with my hands. “This is a lot.”
                “I know!  Are you still attracted to him?”
                “I mean, he’s still gorgeous.  But how am I supposed to ever trust him again after everything he put me through?  My head’s all over the place.”
                “I’d be the exact same.”  Dana pats my hand.  “You’re gonna work it out though.  You handled the whole situation like a boss from what I heard.  Did you really just move out while he was at work without telling him?”
                “I found out he cheated in the morning before he went to the office.  Right after he left, a few of my friends came over and helped me pack up my stuff.  I was on a plane to Louisiana before he even knew what was going on.”  I smile slyly.  “And I took the cat.”
                She whoops and high-fives me.  “That’s badass.  Anyone would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend.  Trust me, I’ve got a good eye.”  She gives me a flirty smile and looks as if she wants to say something, but quickly moves on.  “How are you gonna play it with Suresh then?”
                 I turn my head to look at her.  “How would you play it?”
                “I’d cut loose and put him in his place,” she says firmly.  “What are you thinking?”
                 “For now I think we should just try to make sure we can stay civil.  I don’t want to ruin anybody else’s time in the Villa just because Suresh and I are fighting.”
                 “That’s a good idea.”
                 “Thanks for checking in on me, Dana.  This was really sweet of you.”
                 “I’m here for you.  And you’re way more ready to deal with Suresh now.  It feels good to have a friend in the Villa.”
                 “For sure.  I’m going to go talk to Suresh now.  I’ll tell you everything he says after.”  
                  The minute we wander back into the garden Kat comes rushing up to both of us.  “Oh my days, I need in on the goss now!”  She notices Suresh starts approaching us.  “He’s coming over!  Where’s your head at with him?”  
           I stare at her blankly.  “Don’t you need to be humping Finn’s leg or something?”
           Suresh touches my arm before she has a chance to snap back.  “Babe, we’re about to get thrown into the fire, but first I need to talk…”
           “You already had your chance.  We need our time right now, Suresh,” Kat breaks in.  
           “Get that, Kat. But this is between me and my ex.”
           Dana tugs on Kat’s arm. “Let’s give them a minute.”
           “But I don’t want to -” Kat yelps as Dana drags her away.
           I follow Suresh as he leads me over to the daybeds and takes a seat.  I remain standing.  “What did you want to talk about?” I mumble, picking at my cuticles for the third time this morning.  One starts to bleed a bit.
           Suresh reaches out and tenderly clasps my hands in his much larger ones.  “You’re going to hurt yourself,” he says softly.
           “Doesn’t matter.”  I shrug.  “Not like it can hurt worse than what you did to me.”
           He releases my hands and sighs, leaning back on the daybed.  “Seeing you again like this has my head spinning all over the place.”
           “I was surprised to see you.”  
           He chuckles.  “I bet.  I didn’t know what to say when you looked over at me.  Except that you look unreal in that outfit.”
           I shake my head in disbelief.  
           “I mean it,” he insists. “But aren’t you hot in those long sleeves?”  He reaches out to touch the hem of my shirt.
           “Don’t touch me!” I exclaim, and rapidly back away from him, distressed.
           His eyes widen and he placatingly holds up his hands.  “Ok.  I won’t, I’m sorry.”
           “Why are you even here, Suresh?”  I go to pull my hair back, only to frown when I realize I don’t have a hair tie.
           “Here.”  Suresh pulls a scrunchie out of his swim trunks and hands it to me.
           “You remembered,” I murmur, turning it over in my hands.
           “How could I forget?”  He smiles sadly.  “How many times did I have to help you untangle the regular elastics from your hair?  And you always forgot to bring one with you, so I got into the practice of carrying one with me all the time.  Habit stuck.”
             A flood of emotion threatens to choke me, and I pull my hair back in silence.
           “Truthfully, I’m here because the producers scouted me.  Beautiful island, swanky villa, hot people… I thought it’d be a chance to have some fun.  But when they told me you were going to be here too, it felt like fate, you know?  A second chance to put things right one way or the other.”  Suresh gazes at me intensely.  “Look, I know I was mainly to blame for how things went wrong between us.”
           “Mainly?”  Equal parts hurt and anger creep into my voice.
           “I messed up. Badly,” he admits.  “But there are two sides to every story.”
           I stare at him, gobsmacked.  Tears begin to track down my cheeks and I wipe them away with the sleeve of my shirt, mortified that I’ve let him see me cry.  “I didn’t cheat,” I whisper.  “You did. I don’t see how there are two sides to that.”
           “No... baby… don’t cry.”  Suresh stands and moves to take me in his arms.  I shake my head wildly and back away from him.  
           “Everybody to the pool!” Vanessa shouts.
           Thankful for the distraction I hurry to join the others, hoping they won’t notice my red eyes.  I hang to the back of the group, trying to make myself as small as possible so I don’t get too close to Suresh.
           Vanessa stands in front of us, a slightly evil grin on her face.  Ethan is next to her, looking miserable.  “We’ve scheduled our couples quiz for later this afternoon, but to give you a fighting chance we’re going to let you all watch each other’s initial interview tapes.  You all got a chance to look at each other’s headshots, so we’ll get to hear about your first impressions of each other, along with some personal details. Let’s inside and get started!”
           All the other Islanders follow after her like ducklings trailing their mother, buzzing with nerves and excitement.  I grab the sleeve of Ethan’s jacket as he walks by and pull him close.
           “What is she talking about?  I didn’t get to see any of the others’ pictures when I did my opening interview.”
           “I know.”  Ethan sighs and scuffs his shoe against the grass. “Vanessa left you out on purpose.”
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besidesitstoowarm · 2 years
"The Parting of the Ways" thoughts
and thus we say goodbye to our friend and lover, christopher eccleston, never to return. i'll write a longer separate season retrospective but suffice to say i'll miss him dearly and wish we had more time with him. i'd trade all of seasons 2 and 9 for a few more stories with eccleston
so this is like, iconic doctor who material. not as flashy as i remembered, mostly tense, lying in wait for salvation that might never be coming (and never will). i totally forgot about the god-emperor and for some reason remembered this being davros (i forgot a lot about this story. i might be stupid.) watching this finale reminded me of watching s10 when it aired and thinking "fucking capaldi, strutting his stuff and flexing just when he's on his way out" like fucking eccleston. flexing hardcore JUST in his last ever story. he was amazing all season but "doesn't it just burn when you face me" god he's manic
the god-emperor gathering "the prisoners, the refugees, the dispossessed" for centuries to "pulp and sift" their bodies is like, profoundly disturbing and fascinating as a concept. one cell in a billion worth anything. i would love to know what that looked like. did they convert people, or steal them? murder them and use their meat, or torture them? it's serial killer logic, take the people who won't be missed. i would read a novel about that, idk if any have been written. they blow past that line pretty quick (and we get more dalek-human hybrid stuff later in the show) but wow what a concept. my favorite thing in any story is the "underdeveloped concept" i will pick at it like a loose sweater thread until everyone around me is exhausted by me. dalek jack the rippers out here
when they head back into the tardis all swagged up and nine just leans his head against the door as soon as it closes while "exterminate" echoes outside, you can feel him flashing back to the war. such a good little soldier
kissy kissy. i somehow forgot jack kisses both of them, we love a bisexual king
do we want to take bets on when this message to rose was recorded? i personally think after "world war 3" when the doctor was really FORCED to come to terms with knowing he might be the reason rose dies, and how jackie would never forgive him. i think "emergency program one" and the idea of saving the tardis from the wrong hands is a fairly recent thing, watsonian-wise. it sounds like a post-time war thing, bc there are no more laws, no safety net
"that's the decision i have to make for every living thing" god you can tell it just WEIGHS on him. this is such an atlas story, rose is the herakles trying to carry the weight for him except here he comes back and takes the world back himself without being tricked. god
"have you tried that new pizza place on minto st" "what are they selling" "pizza" mickey and jackie are so funny i want to throw up and die. this scene made my boyfriend say out loud "rose is a bad person when it comes to mickey huh" like yeah. yeah. i like rose a lot but wow poor mickey. "there's nothing left for me here" "nothing?" "no." cold as ice
i forgot that rose tells jackie about meeting pete. great reactions from both of them, great moment. jackie showing up in the big ass truck reminds me of barbara in "the daleks" idk if that was intentional but i choose to believe, jackie gets a lot of barbara energy to me
rose kind of does to the tardis what she did to the dalek, she's just... infectious. she insists on being in the world and being a part of it, to the point of corruption. it's very doctor-lite, it's a more understated version of the arc they try to give clara later. i like it a lot, she becomes part of the story in a very literal way, more so that (i think) any companion had been up until that point. new who companions are under different rules and expectations. that's why we'll probably never get a future/alien/historical companion again except as part-timers. kind of a bummer in that sense
"i want to see you become like me" babygirl he already is. you're both each other, hanging on past the point of extinction, damaged and destroyed and monstrous. the difference is that he has friends and you have subjects. you became a god and he became a coward
"coward, any day" is a great line but also like. he MEANS that shit. this isn't just the doctor risking his own life– sacrificing himself– it's him sacrificing EVERYTHING. EVERYONE. he can't pull the lever, he can't beat the trolley problem. the daleks WILL kill everything in existence, but HE CAN'T PULL THE TRIGGER. he's a soldier, he will die in battle. he should have died already so he's ready to die now, he sacrificed EVERYTHING if it meant destroying the daleks, and he failed, and he's ready to go. he's not dying to stop them, he's dying so that he doesn't have to see what they're going to do. it's profoundly sad, profoundly selfish, and i'm not saying i blame him but i don't think we ever really see him make this kind of choice again. there's always another way out, they stop the bomb from exploding at the last second time and time again, but i don't think we ever see him just... give up like this again. it's such a uniquely NINE thing to do, it fascinates me. incredible moment, i want to inject it into my veins
and then of course we get the famous bad wolf. welcome back to the world jack. kiss kiss i've been WAITING for them to do this ALL SEASON– brief primer on regeneration and we get his last words. "so was i." finally after 13 episodes of prickly secrecy, self-loathing to the point of rage, he can admit "i did something right, i did my best, i did good" and he's earned it. you were absolutely fantastic, nine
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landonlocks · 1 year
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Name: Landon "Lock" Diaz Age: Twenty-eight Occupation: Employee at Oogie's Casino Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: He/Him Currently Playing: tbd Big Three: Aries sun, Aries moon, Aries rising
Landon was never supposed to wind up in the Borne home. His mother actually gave birth to him after she had left foster care–despite being young, she had been able to move in with his father, giving him a real family. He didn’t even know that he technically had aunts and uncles when he was young, or that his mother had parents who were willing to take care of her. Instead, she’d fallen down the wrong path and ended up with his shitty excuse for a father. He left them when Landon was ten, and it was then that his mother finally went back to the Borne house to seek help. At least, that’s what he thought was happening. Instead, his mother dropped him off, and the next morning, she was gone, with no note, and not a word of when she might return. Spoiler alert: she didn’t.
It took a while for Landon to adjust to his new surroundings. There weren’t many kids his age at the time he moved into the Borne house, since his mother was one of the eldest of the children the family had taken in. It didn’t help that he had something different about him. If he thought enough about how invisible he felt, he could swear he became just that. He could swear there were times he could feel himself turn into other things–other beings, too, but was too scared that his family would kick him out if he ever showed anyone. It was rough at first, but one of his uncles, Oryan, took a liking to him. Landon still doesn’t know to this day what it was about him that stood out to his uncle, but he was grateful that he did.
 Instead of focusing on his abilities, Landon was taught everything and anything by Oryan about making it as an assistant, of sorts. When he was in his early teens, the casino was opened, and though he wasn’t nearly old enough to gamble, he was able to make his way around and deceive the drunken patrons of the casino. Landon tricked them into placing higher bets, even learned when to swipe their wallets straight out of their pockets. He didn’t get the nickname Lock for any of this, though, but instead for his specialty: breaking into and hot-wiring the cars of people who owed his uncle money. Though he never got involved with the Locusts like Oryan did, Landon frequented the metal scrap yard that they owned to send the cars to be impounded and sold for parts.
Landon did fine for himself until Sadie came along. She was a few years younger than him, and she quickly became his uncle’s little princess. He can tell even now that she’s being guided to follow his footsteps in the business, though Landon can’t figure out why. He was there first, and though he could work harder, sure, that didn’t mean that he was a shitty employee. Instead of looking to Sadie as a younger sister, he saw her first as competition, and still does, to an extent. 
The only reason he’s been feeling less threatened by Shock is because he’s been debating a way out of the casino. He searched for a while for an alternative, but has been coming up short with ideas. He’s heard of some magical organization that’s supposed to help people like him, but he’s still partially in denial that he has any sort of abilities at all. He’d rather just let the casino go to Sadie than work on helping some fuckers with powers. Landon doesn’t want to have a price on his head like he knows he could if he ever showed anyone what he can do. Instead, he hides it as best he can, only ever trying to go invisible or become something else when he’s really, truly needed it. Shock, Barrel, and his uncle are the only people who know about it all.
He’s not sure when it started, but sleeping with Sadie has become a nice distraction from how much he professionally can’t stand her. Landon used to be a bit of a flirt, but since getting involved with her, he’s been more careful. It’s not like they’re exclusive or anything, but he just feels some sort of moral obligation (which doesn’t happen often). He still messes around with guys just asa much, but he’s much more careful around girls now.
Annoying to a fault, and on purpose. He likes to push people’s limits just to get a rise out of them, which used to be done solely to pickpocket, but sometimes, it’s just for fun. 
Doesn’t really have a job title at the casino, but he mostly sits around and cashes people out most often, or is a dealer. Either way, he finds it easiest to steal.
Landon probably has a big heart under the arrogance and shit-stirring, but no one’s cracked it open quite yet. He has a lot of abandonment issues, and for that, he doesn’t stick around people all that often, whether it’s romantic or not.
Has become an incredible poker player over the years. It’s not legal for him to play in Oogie’s, but he plays on the side sometimes with friends.
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wanted connection • claire alexandria "lex" abbott (27-35, taylor swift fc, bisexual) is a digital fashion editor & hopeless romantic with a bit of a savior complex. read more about her here. she's looking for:
• the college flame. before moving north, claire was a student at the state college and in a long-term relationship headed the route of the fairy tale wedding, family, and white picket fence. think "ring by spring." however, she got cold feet & knew she wasn't ready to settle down, so she transferred to NYU, started her fashion career, & started a whole new life. she hasn't spoken to her would-be spouse since reinventing herself. • the fixer upper. claire sees the best in everyone & frequently overlooks people's red flags to focus on their potential, meaning she's often over-investing herself in helping others who sometimes aren't ready to help themselves. she gives "i can fix him" a new meaning. • the twin flame. the passion that drove her to start over, bet on herself, and build her own life can be intimidating, and claire often feels conflicted between wanting someone who matches her ambition & someone who can keep her grounded. sometimes she wonders what would happen if she went all in & found someone whose passion for life & dreaming big matches her own. would it light her up or burn her out?
• the work wife. claire breathes fashion & takes her career very seriously, spending most of her free time either working after hours, scavenging for inspiration in the city, or attending shows and sample sales. her best friend could definitely be a coworker or someone else who's as enmeshed in the industry as she is, hell bent on taking the city by storm. • opposites attract. claire could definitely benefit from a friend who keeps her grounded, watches her blind spots, & points out all the red flags she's prone to ignoring! maybe it's a neighbor who sees the latest flames coming and going?
interested? message me! you can also check out:
rules • claire's tag • claire's open starters • wanted plots
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Gojo Satoru x Nerd!Male!Reader [Smut]
Warning; degradation, begging, dumbification, overstimulation, cockslut!gojo, daddy kink, nerdy!geek!top!reader. 3rd years Gojo/Reader (18-19).
Modern AU. Womanizer songfic.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo Satoru was well-known in his High School. His flirty nature had pretty much everyone on their feet, be it woman or man, which let him do pretty much everything he wanted.
He was a third-year, tall and stupidly attractive, his snow-white hair caught everyone's eyes, and the moment they would stare into his blue sky-colored eyes they would simply freeze, shivers running down their spines and goosebumps covering their skin.
Gojo Satoru was aware of his attractiveness and he used that to his advantage. Not only was he a big flirt, but he was also what one would call a womanizer, or more like a man-whore. He slept around with women and men alike, having come out openly as bisexual during his first year there.
Everybody loved Gojo, but none of them could have him. Satoru would fuck them once and that was it. Even when his date would find out Gojo only slept with them as a bet or a dare with his friends.
He was a heartbreaker and a whore, not like he cared what other people had to say about his behavior and his player ways. He was merely enjoying his teenage years.
But, despite seemingly having to sense of decency and other than self-love, Gojo was actually in love with someone.
He was infatuated with his nerdy and geek classmate, (M/n), who never responded to any of his flirtings. Gojo was low-key obsessed with the male, every night he would be laying in bed and jerk off to the thought of the quiet (h/c) haired male. He would fantasize about (M/n) being the one underneath his body whenever he was with a man or a woman.
He wanted him. Desperately desired his body.
And one day, his pleas to get with him had been answered.
His group of friends had noticed how Gojo was kinda out of it the last couple of days, and their assumption was that he just needed a good fuck, so they walked over to his classroom during lunch break and they approached him, as he was silently eating his bento.
"Satoru, cheer up! We got you a new fuck!" The white-haired male looked up from his food and was kinda thankful that everyone left in the room decided to mind their own business.
With a light chuckle, Gojo picked a piece of tamagoyaki (egg roll) with his chopsticks and asked, "Who is it?" He chewed a couple of times, waiting for an answer as he pushed his food around.
"(M/n)," the sound name of his long-time crush made him choke with his food, needing some pats on the back as he reached for his water bottle and drank from it.
"(M/n)? The geeky nerd (M/n)?!" He exclaimed, before suddenly turning his head around, remembering that said male was in the room, but he exhaled a sigh of relief when he saw him listening to music and reading a book. He turned back to look at all the males around his desk, and groaned as if he was annoyed, "How many days?"
They glanced at each other before the one that came up with Gojo's "victim" smirked, "You have until this Friday."
"But that's four days from today! I can't-" his words got interrupted by the bell ringing, signaling the end of the lunch break.
"Come on, Satoru, you've done more people with less time, you can do it!" And like they left the classroom.
He packed his half-finished bento before tilting his head back, staring at the blank ceiling.
"How the fuck do I do this?"
While Gojo brainstormed some ways to get (M/n)'s attention, it seemed like the world was in his favour.
The rain pouring outside was proof enough.
Instantly, he turned his head to look at (M/n), he was looking inside his bag, rummaging for something, then nodding once he found it.
He had been looking for his umbrella since he wasn't sure if he took it with him before leaving his house, but thankfully he did.
Gojo knew he had his umbrella too, but he was smirking as he found a good approach. He always saw (M/n) walking ahead of him on their way home, but he was usually going to the karaoke with his friends before going home, so he knew they lived in, generally, the same direction.
The last bell rang, and everyone started packing up their things, taking out their umbrellas, at least those who brought them, and Gojo was silently pleading for those spare umbrellas at the entrance to be completely gone by the time he gets there. However, before they could leave, their homeroom teacher caught their attention.
"Listen up! This Friday there'll be a test first thing in the morning, so you all better study. That's it, you can leave." Well, that seemed like another excuse for Gojo.
Like every class day, Gojo walks out and meets up with his friends, purposely waiting by the front door, leaning against his locker once he changed to his outdoor shoes, and tells his friends to leave. He waits there for (M/n) since there was some stuff he has to do as the class president, and he purposely avoids every person that approaches him, with "those" kinds of intentions.
He takes out his phone to distract himself for a while, and he barely catches sight of (M/n)'s frame walking past him.
"Hey, (M/n)!" He calls out, making the shorter male flinch as he turns around, staring at him with a stoic expression.
"What?" Gojo grins and steps closer to him, dropping his arm around the male's shoulders.
"Could I go with you? I forgot my umbrella." (M/n) frowned at him, tilting his head to look behind the white-haired and proceed to look over his shoulder, noticing all the racks empty. He stares at Gojo before sighing.
"Alright..." he mumbled and walked out, opening his umbrella.
Their walk home was kinda awkward, Gojo tried to make some idle chitchat but he only received nods or hums as a response, still, he wasn't gonna give up.
He had three days more. Day one was done and he couldn't do much anymore.
Tuesday at lunch break, Gojo grabbed his bento and turned around the chair in front of (M/n)'s desk, sitting with him and eating with a playful grin on his face.
(M/n) stared at him strangely, but kept eating his lunch and reading his book. Surprisingly, Gojo didn't mind the silence, it actually gave him an opportunity to stare at the (h/c) haired male, his heart pounding and a subtle blush going up his cheeks.
He was so stupidly in love with him, obsessed even, well, it wasn't like anyone knew about it except for him.
Throughout the day he kept (M/n) company, following him pretty everywhere he went, but he also made time to spend with his friends. Well, until he saw (M/n) walk past them in the hallway and he ditched them again.
All of them understood, and let the white-haired male go after the nerd of the class, chuckling as they saw them walk together and talk.
On his way to the library, (M/n) noticed Gojo jogging up to him and walking on his side, he just ignored him and kept walking.
Already sitting on an empty table and surrounded by books, (M/n) started reading while Gojo sat across from him. He played on his phone, scrolled through social media, and listened to music, but he got bored quickly, resting his arms on the table and resting his head on his hand, blue eyes observing every detail of (M/n)'s actions, syncing their breathing.
And like that, on their self-study period, he fell asleep staring at his crush.
The moment (M/n) realized how quiet Gojo got, he looked up, only to find him fast asleep. He sighed and stood up, taking his blazer off and dropping it around Gojo's shoulders, sitting back down.
Unfortunately, he got called by one of his few friends and he had to leave, grabbing his books and bag before rushing behind her.
About ten minutes later, the bell rang, signaling the end of the day and Gojo woke up, slightly startled. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, noticing the empty spot before him, he started looking for the male, but he caught sight of something hanging off his shoulders.
It was (M/n)'s uniform blazer.
He grabbed it and buried his face in it, inhaling the scent of his crush, instantly regretting it as he felt something pressing against his pants. He hurried to stand up, grab his backpack and run out of the school building, completely ignoring his friends as he ran past them.
The moment he got home, he rushed up the stairs and locked himself in his room, unbuckling his belt and pulling his erection out, sliding down the door as he held the blazer close to his nose, gasping and moaning out (M/n)'s name as he rapidly stroked his cock, his cum spurting all over the wooden floor.
But he wasn't done.
The next, Wednesday, extremely embarrassed, he walked into the classroom, staring at (M/n) who was only wearing the uniform's sweater and he handed him his blazer, avoiding eye contact with the male.
"I forgot to give it back yesterday... I-I washed too, so..." (M/n) looked up and paid close attention to Gojo's expression, he had an obvious blush on his face. "Thank you... I guess."
He grabbed his blazer and observed as the white-haired male walked off to his seat, hiding his head in his arms. (M/n) stared at the piece of clothing in his hand, and wondered to himself.
Why would he have to wash it? He didn't... did he?
Well, considering Gojo's appearance and behavior, he seemed to have guessed right.
This time, during lunch break, (M/n) walked up to Gojo and smiled at him as he talked with his friends.
"Would you eat lunch with me, Gojo-kun?" He asked with a gentle smile, unknowingly making Gojo's brain shortcut. He almost forgot to talk for a hot second there, until he simply nodded and squeaked out a 'sure' as he stood up.
(M/n) grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to the rooftop.
There, sitting on the floor by themselves, Gojo started getting nervous, especially when he remembered what he did the previous night with the blazer (M/n) was now wearing. He really was a pervert.
They were silent for a while, Gojo was kinda picking at his food, not particularly hungry not that his stomach was feeling all tingly. He wanted to leave, he didn't want to be alone with (M/n) right now.
"I wanna know something, Gojo-kun," his quiet tone of voice made the white-haired male flinch, slowly turning his head to look at him. He was about to open his mouth to ask what it was he wanted to know, but the serious and menacing look in his (e/c) eyes made him tremble, stopping any kind of movement, his breath getting stuck in his throat, "I find it weird that you would approach me and treat me nicely all of sudden... I hope I'm not one of your so-called 'victims' because I'll be extremely pissed."
His sudden intimidating aura made Gojo gulp loudly before forcing out a hearty chuckle, "What? Of course not, I always thought you were kinda interesting, and cool, y'know? I wanted to get to know you better!" He responded with a cheerful smile, his eyes fully closing.
His genuine answer made (M/n) have that gentle smile he usually had when talking to people, and nodded once before turning back to his bento.
Gojo let out a quiet sigh, mentally thanking his lying skills.
Today, was Thursday, basically the last day he had to fuck (M/n).
Yes, the bet was up until Friday, but what could he do on a school day, he was used to fulfilling the bet the day before it was due, or way before if he got the chance. So now, he was kinda desperate.
The day had gone past extremely fast to his liking, and it was already the last period, he had nothing planned for the day, and he didn't want to lose the bet, he's never lost a single bet, and this wasn't going to be the first one.
He was gonna do it. A hundred percent.
"Class, I hope everyone studied for tomorrow's test, it'll be the first hour of the morning." Ding! A lightbulb turned on above his head, and he packed his things the second the bell rang. He waited patiently, sitting on his desk as he stared at (M/n) standing up and doing his last duties of the day as class president. He stopped when he saw Gojo still there, staring at him with a big smile on his face.
"Would you help me study, (M/n)?" The male thought about it for a moment, but he ended up agreeing when he saw Gojo's smile turn into a pout, "Please? We can study at my home, my parents are gone until next week so it'll be quiet and peaceful."
With a sigh, he hung his bag on his shoulder and headed to the classroom door, "Alright. Let's go."
Gojo wasn't going to lie, he hadn't been even remotely paying attention to anything (M/n) was explaining to him. His light-blue eyes just stared at him as he felt his stomach tingling from just being across from the male. They were both out of their uniforms, wearing something more comfortable since Gojo wanted to see (M/n) with his clothes since he was physically bigger than him.
He knew he was down bad, but there was nothing wrong with having a crush.
However, after almost two hours of just sitting there doing nothing, he scooted closer to (M/n) until he was practically glued to his side, one of his hands pressed on the floor supporting his weight while the other reached up to cup (M/n)'s cheek.
Without uttering a single word, he leaned forward and kissed him, their lips slowly moving together. But as soon as started leaning closer, attempting to push the other male down, the tables turned.
Gojo was the one being pinned down on the floor, both hands held on either side of his head, and (M/n) was now staring at him with a sadist expression, something that a shiver run down his spine as he held in a whimper.
"You thought I wouldn't know about the bet, Satoru?" The sound of his name being pronounced by (M/n)'s voice shouldn't have turned him on as much as it did, "You're a womanizer, a man-whore, why would you even pay attention to me?"
Even though he knew those words were true, Gojo couldn't hold in his whimpers at those names (M/n) called him, his rough voice much more arousing than the usual emotionless or gentle tone he has.
The sound he let out was kind of a turn on and the move his hips made let him know what kind of reaction he prompted onto his body, so with a smirk, he held both of Gojo's wrists with one hand and lowered his free hand until it was pressed against his obvious erection.
His whimpers soon turned into helpless whines as (M/n) stroked his cock over his clothes.
"I-I'm sorry th-that I... lied to you, but-" his back arched off the ground, difficultly staring at him with teary eyes, "I actually d-do like y-you, (M/n)..." while Gojo apologized and somehow confessed, (M/n)'s eyes were only able to stare at his trembling body, going lower and seeing the wet patch that started forming on Gojo's grey sweatpants.
(M/n) let out a breathy chuckle, releasing his wrists to hold onto his waist and grind their hips together, causing Gojo's body to squirm around as he gasped for air.
Obviously, Gojo came first, a loud high-pitched moan of his name escaped his throat as his body twitched. Yeah, (M/n) was going to lie either, he found it rather amusing and arousing the reactions Gojo's body had thanks to him.
He bit down his bottom lip and stripped Gojo of his bottom clothes, holding his legs apart and he stared at his puckered pink entrance, observing his flushed red cock, and some very unnoticeable white pubic hairs. Gojo's body was pretty, extremely pretty, and his milky white skin looked and felt soft.
With both hands caressing the inner side of his thighs, (M/n) inched closer to that small rim, caressing with his fingertips, causing Gojo's body to jolt and choke on a whimper.
"W-wait..." (M/n) looked up at him, rubbing circles on it with his thumb, Gojo's body trembling at the foreign feeling, "I've ne-never... d-done it from b... behind," he whispered in a soft voice.
(M/n) smirked and pressed his clothes erection against it, grinding on it, Gojo's hands stretching the wooden floor, "This is what you wanted, Satoru... or are you gonna lose the bet? You want me, and I want you," He stayed silent for a few seconds before sighing, "But if you won't do it then I can just leave-."
Gojo held his wrist, a desperate look on his face, tears running down his face.
"No, please, please don't leave I-... I'll be good and behave, please (M/n)..." The male held in a smirk, taking in the sight Gojo was showing him. He liked it, and he wanted more of it.
"Okay, I'll stay, but you better be a good slut and behave properly," he muttered, his hands lifting his shirt just above his chest as he leaned down closer until his and Gojo's lips were barely touching, "So, Satoru tell me," his hand reached up, pushing Gojo's bottom lip down, making him open his mouth. "Who's bitch are you?"
Moaning at the degrading names he was being called, Gojo took his tongue out and licked all around (M/n)'s middle and ring fingers until they were dripping with his saliva.
He kept the soaked fingers pressed against his lips, staring into (M/n)'s (e/c) eyes that were looking at him, clouded with lust and desire.
"I'm... (M/n)'s bitch- Daddy's slut~"
Well, that was kind of unexpected. But (M/n) didn't hate it.
He held Gojo's face while his soaked hand reached between the white-haired male's legs, pressing his fingertips against his tight entrance.
"That's right... you're daddy's toy, Satoru, no one else's." Sliding his tongue past his parted mouth, (M/n) started pushing a finger slowly in while he distracted Gojo with his kisses, whimpers dying in his mouth.
(M/n) curled his finger up and down, slowly but surely making space for his second finger, stretching him open and pressing on his tight muscle walls as he felt around for that spongy bundle of nerves he knew was close to his fingertips.
And when Gojo broke their kiss, his back arching as he let out a loud moan, let him know he found it.
The white-haired male knew that his prostate was being stimulated, after all, he did the same to all the males he slept with, but this was the first time he experienced it firsthand. It was such a mind-numbing feeling...
He wanted more of it.
"D-do that ag-again, please daddy~" he whined, clenching around (M/n)'s fingers.
The male smirked and curled his fingers up causing Gojo's body to shake and tense as he moaned again. "You're such a good slut, Satoru," (M/n) kept fingering him, stimulating his prostate with every rub of his fingers.
Gojo's mind was breaking down, he wasn't able to focus on anything else other than (M/n)'s fingers fucking him, but he felt like he needed something else.
And he knew what it was when he felt it pressed against his thigh.
"Daddy... f-fuck me~" (M/n) stopped for a second, Gojo's hips moving on their own as he whimpered needily.
"You're gonna do better than that, Satoru," he leaned back and pulled his erected dick out of the confinement of his clothes, Gojo felt his mouth water at the sight but also a small sense of fear in the back of his mind. "Beg for it, bitch."
Well, his fear was gone the moment he got called a bitch. He wanted it. He craved for that dick to be inside of him, and if he had to beg for it, he will beg for it.
"Please, daddy, fuck me. I-I'll do anything you say, I'll on-only be yours, I'll only love you, so please... just fuck me over and over again." He said between desperate moans and whimpers, his cock leaking pre-cum onto his abdomen that dripping down his side onto the floor. His hands reached under his knees and held them wide open. "Fuck me, daddy... make me your bitch, I'll be your cock slut forever."
A deep growl resonated from (M/n)'s chest and pulled his fingers out. He held his cock and aligned it with Gojo's wet, stretched hole slowly pushing every inch of his cock inside him.
Gojo's eyes rolled into the back of his head, his lower back arching off the ground as his cock twitched when his orgasm hit him. His abdomen and chest were now stained with thick ropes of cum, sliding around ever so slowly with his uneven breathing and the trembling of his body.
"'S so good~ m-more..." his shaky hands let go of his legs and reached to pull on the t-shirt (M/n) was wearing, he lifted his head just enough to make eye contact with the (h/c) haired male, breathy moans and soft whimpers leaving his mouth, "Gi-give me more, d-daddy... I w-want all of y-you, please~"
Letting out a deep sigh, (M/n) gripped Gojo's wrist and pinned them down on the floor like he previously did, he leaned close enough to the point their breaths were mixing, and while he tried to stare into his light-blue eyes, the white-haired male was only staring at his lips with a hungry and desperate look.
"My bitch loves his daddy's cock, doesn't he?" Gojo whined and nodded rapidly, shirt gasps escaping him as he rolled his hips up, attempting to fuck himself. "Look at you, Satoru..." slowly and teasingly, (M/n) started grinding his hips down on Gojo, making him bite his lip and close his eyes, "Such a good bitch."
Gojo wrapped his legs around (M/n)'s waist, holding him close as he started thrusting inside of him, the tip of his cock hitting on his prostate with each movement of his hips. But it wasn't enough. It'll never be.
Gojo Satoru could never have enough of (M/n), his love turned into an obsession the longer it passed, but he didn't care. He wanted him all to himself, and wanted to be only his.
With that thought, Gojo's walls tightened around (M/n) as he came a second time, his cum pooling on his abdomen and dripping down his sides.
His mind was going blank, only able to think about the stimulation and pleasure his body was being put through. He stared into (M/n)'s eyes and started wriggling his wrist, trying to make him release his grip on him. (M/n) let him go, his body instantly being pulled down, hearing Gojo's cries and whimpers of pleasure right next to his ear, making his cock twitch as he moaned 'Daddy~' or 'I love your cock' over and over again.
"C-cum-... 'm gonna cu-cum, daddy~ I'm gonna cum~" he whined, his hands sliding under (M/n)'s shirt and dragging his nails on his lower back, "Cumminnggg... (M/n)~!" With a loud moan, Gojo's cum spurted out of his dick, staining his skin once more along with the shirt (M/n) was wearing.
The sound of his name being called out made (M/n) grit his teeth, pulling out as he clenched his jaw and came on Gojo's thighs, some of it landing on the white-haired male's dick and mixing with the cum on his body.
When he came from his high, he looked up at Gojo, who had a dumb smile on his face gasping for air. "I love... you, (M/n) and... I love y-your cock too..." he whispered before passing out.
Extended Ending
The next day was Friday, Gojo's friends were waiting to hear what happened and if he was able to fulfill the bet, they weren't expecting to see him on his seat with (M/n) sitting on the male's desk while they kissed in front of everyone.
"Let's meet up at lunch, Satoru." The male smiled and nodded.
"Yes, sure." Unfortunately for Gojo's friends, they had to leave since the bell rang. Their homeroom teacher walked in and started handing out their test papers, something that made Gojo internally panic since he didn't really study at all the day before, but he responded to the ones he knew the answer to.
Thankfully for him, (M/n) had a paper where he pretended to do some math equations when in reality he was writing the answers to give to Gojo. So the moment he stood up, he walked to the side Gojo was seated and set the folded paper there, before standing at the teacher's desk to give his exam.
Gojo made eye contact with him (M/n) who winked at him making him blush and look away.
That was the day when Gojo Satoru stopped being a womanizer, a man whore since they started dating. And, he hates to admit it, but he loves when (M/n) would drag him away from his friends into the bathroom, an empty classroom, or the janitor's closet to fuck.
He became (M/n)'s cock slut, just like he said he'll be.
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wheelsup · 3 years
Ok here's a concept dad spencer always bringing the baby to sleep with them even if she's not crying. And the reader disapproving because she knows that's the start of a bad habit.
this is 🥺the sweetest thing in the world. big man + tiny baby.
wc: just under 1k cw: spencer reid x fem!reader
“You’re encouraging a bad habit, you know,” you sighed as Spencer peeled back the comforter from his side of the bed. For the severalth time that week, with your baby tucked securely in one of his arms, her space-themed sleep onesie matching his pajama bottoms. 
“No I’m not,” he pouted, climbing under the covers after carefully putting her down. “Besides, this little pumpkin isn’t capable of having bad habits.” He ruffled the wispy hairs on her head, earning a high giggle as she squirmed under the sheets between the two of you.
“I’m not talking about her,” you laughed, “I’m talking about you.” Spencer took offense to that.
“I do not have a bad habit,” he gasped, covering her tiny ears with his hands. He couldn’t let her hear those words and believe he was doing something wrong by having her by his side. “She wanted to sleep here. She was crying.” 
“Oh, really? She wanted to?” you raised your brows, leaning your face into his to challenge him. You bet that he couldn’t tell you that again while looking you in the eyes. “Or did you sneak into her room, steal her from her crib and bring her here because you wanted to?”
Spencer, a man of six feet of height, got impossibly small under your all-knowing stare. He sank deeper into the bed, drawing the plush white duvet up to his chin and hiding until all you could see were his eyes. Large, pouty, and full of guilt. 
“I knew it.”
“Come on! She’s only gonna stay this small for so long,” he reasoned. To make his (adorable) case, he grasped one of her legs and gave it a little wiggle, showing you how tiny she still was. And then both of them were giving you an undeniable set of puppy eyes, begging to let her stay. 
“Spencer Walter Reid, you cannot keep pulling her out of her own bed,” you sighed. Your actions said something else as you put one hand over her warm belly and hugged her closer. “One of you is going to take it really hard when she gets old and we can’t do this anymore.”
And though you meant Spencer, truthfully it could be either of them. While Spencer was thoroughly (and overly) attached, so was she. 
She’d notice if he wasn’t home for a day, and cry all the time until she saw his face. If he couldn’t make it happen by picking up a video call, then you’d have to hold up photos of him to trick her into thinking he was there.When he was home, she’d follow him everywhere. Crawling right alongside him while he was folding laundry, curiously peering into the basket, or sitting on the kitchen counter and being his sous-chef (sneaking cheerios from the box) while he cooked (prepared bowls of cereal). 
But Spencer got her accustomed to one habit already, and it was the root of the attachment issue. 
She discovered that, on the nights he was home, he would always be the one to come comfort her when she cried in the middle of the night. (For two reasons: one, he didn’t even have the willpower to try the ‘cry it out’ method, and two, to make up for all the three-a.m’s you’d have to do this while he was gone). 
You were convinced she started timing herself to only cry when he was home. Maybe even fibbed it, a little (a trait she surely learned from him) because as soon as he came to see if she needed anything – a bottle, a diaper change – she’d stop. She’d gotten her end goal the moment he walked into her room, which was just to have him there. 
He’d stay with her as long as she wanted, which would be all night long. After a few nights of accidentally falling asleep in her rocking chair and waking up with back pain, he found it was easier just to bring her into your bed. And she loved it. 
Spencer warmed even more as he watched you play with her, tapping softly on her belly with your fingertips. “See how much you love this?” he smiled, feeling like his case was made on why she should always sleep next to you.  
“You’re gonna make me the bad guy, eventually,” you mumbled, sticking your bottom lip out as you focused on her getting drowsier.
As much as you did love having her with you, you had to be the voice of reason. He was setting a precedent of caving in and you knew it would eventually become a problem right around the time she turned into a toddler. You could picture the tantrums now, and picture him giving in to every little whim of hers, with you ending up as the one who has to say no all the time.  
“Nuh-uh.” He scooped her up and placed her on your chest so you could cradle her. “When she gets older, I’ll stop,” he promised, pressing a kiss onto your temple. 
You chuckled lowly, rolling onto your side with the baby on her back next to you. “No, you won’t.” There’s no way he’d ever be able to resist giving her anything she wanted.  It was cute that he believed he’d even be capable of that.
“Okay, I won’t,” he laughed and shuffled closer, pushing himself flush against your side. He held you the same way you held her, stretching his arm so it spanned over your waist and stopped just over her belly, both of you tucked safely under him. Big spoon, little spoon, littlest spoon. “Is that so bad?” 
Closing your eyes, you hummed playfully as you pretended to think it over. For the severalth time that week, you melted into the bed, wrapped up in the warmth of your little family as you nodded off to sleep. “No,” you sighed, a smile ghosting it’s way across your face, “I guess it’s not.”
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wigglebox · 2 years
First of all, I just wanted to thank you. Your blog has been such a safe space for me these past few days.
I honestly never thought something like this would happen but now that the dust has settled a bit and all the jokes have died down I'm feeling a little bad for Misha, because I know that there's a real possibility that he is bi. I mean people keep saying things like why would he say he's bi if he isn't?' Or why did the people at stands who know him personally accepted the whole coming out so easily? And the only thing that would make sense here is that he decided to take back his statement after he saw how big it got, and I don't blame him for being blindsided by this to be honest, spn barely ever makes the news. Why would those vultures hop on this of all things? I do feel like a lot of other people feel the same, I see them implying it in their tags but not going further, and I get it. People want to respect his words, but someone going back into the closet after not receiving the reaction they'd been expecting isn’t such a wild theory, hell, I bet a bunch of us had to go back to the closet as well when we felt unsafe.
And if by some miracle he is straight, I really don't get some people's reactions who feel like he's betrayed them or something. Did you only like this person because you thought he was queer? That's like supporting someone else only because they're a woman like you for example. It makes no sense. The people calling him homophobic are even more baffling. The worst thing he's done is, make gay jokes about himself? How does that hurt anyone? Again unless you've decided to support this person only because you thought he was queer, which feels very disingenuous. It's definitely not on the same level, as say, J*red making degrading gay jokes about other people. And not to mention the fact that Misha's always been like this? So no, he didn't queerbait you either. You just didn't put a limit to your parasocializing habits.
It's just been a tough couple of days for me, and not even entirely because of Misha to be honest, but because of how my fellow members of the community showed that you have to act a certain way to feel like you belong. I saw someone basically say that Misha is a coward for not coming out completely if he actually is bi, and as a closeted bisexual living in an unsafe and homophobic environment, that was really disheartening to read, and yes Hollywood is an unsafe environment, especially for a bisexual man.
I honestly think I'm going to take a break from this fandom, so many of my favorite people here have been disappointing me so much lately. I wanted to thank you again for your wonderful blog and hope you have a very nice day.💗
i'm so sorry you feel like you have to leave for a little bit but we'll be here when you get back! <3
i won't touch on everything else you said for the most part bc same.
and it's hard, because you feel like in your heart still, despite him saying both queer things and straight comments over the years, you feel like he's still like... he still obviously belongs. also I mean, poly people are also under the queer umbrella, soooooooo....? we just gonna ignore that?
also straight isn't rigid either. straight is one of those identities people can use for a number of things.
privately, we don't know what's going on with him, so it's hard to make the argument 'this is someone who was forced back in the closet' but what I am standing firm on is the fact that he was forced to label himself at all. people will come back at me with the 'oh but he said it during the dinner' but even then, not really. a 'coming out' usually doesn't happen when you randomly answer a fan's interjection about raising a hand or something. he brought bisexuality up in the poll to the audience and the bisexuality and poets thing but really, it's no more damning than other things he's said.
he's said things that very much allude to 'i'm not a 0 on the kinsey scale' and he's said things that make you go oh okay he said he's straight.
but how straight lol. there are men out there who do call themselves straight but will still have had some kind of intimate interactions with a man, and not just platonically or whatever.
this is me speculating on his private situation which I don't really want to do but the point being is — the man was seeing his name, his ex-wife's name, and his children's names in these articles that are googlable, and reputable [somehow] and once it hit people magazine I think he truly may have started to panic.
and he made his labeling public, on the record, because he had no other choice.
so if he is actually privately out and about doing his thing, and isn't completely rigidly straight as a board — it's NOT cowardly to feel like you can't be yourself publically to the world, especially when other people are involved.
that's another thing i can't understand when people say he was a coward for 'not coming out if he actually as bi' because, no? the fandom on fandom discomfort that's growing every day is very distressing for many queer fans who don't know where they fall, and/or don't know how to address it publically to friends and family, or can't because of safety issues.
other people were getting involved with this. once his ex wife and kids are getting named, that's a whole other story. himself is one thing, but tabloid journalists are ruthless.
people think it's easy for Actormen to come out or allude to queerness and indeed maybe for SOME it is, but it's not the same for everyone. his own personal history wasn't on the line with these press articles, all his loved ones' were too.
Btw if you think it's easy for Actormen, please read this article by Colton Haynes. Trigger warnings for assault and homophobia but it's still a sad reality.
so i don't care if he's straight straight or queer but doesn't know how to define himself and goes with straight for protection or necessity, or if whatever. idk. i don't care.
he had to say it. there was no other choice for him. and you can never compare our situations with his 100% because i know i sure don't have to be worried that the new york post is going to write an article about me or people magazine or out magazine, bringing my family who likes to remain private out into the spotlight with me.
and it is what it is.
he's still the same person. he's never invalidated us, and any time he missteps he apologizes sincerely. and he listens, and he tries to learn. he also has foot in mouth disease which, I really don't feel like ANYONE in this fandom has ANY right to criticize him for because lordy. some of y'all are pretty queerphobic, biphobic — said some really awful things — except y'all don't have to worry about dragging your loved ones into a media and fandom melee and all your private details and relationships are about to become public.
*also when i'm saying 'you' i mean the royal You xD not you-you, nonny I promise <3
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holylulusworld · 3 years
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Title: Longing
Bad Bitches Bingo Square Filled: Fake Dating &  “I tried, I tried so hard. Why couldn’t you?”
Written for: @badbitchesbingo​​​​​
Summary: He never was yours in the first place.
Pairing: former Dean Winchester x fem!Reader, Jo Harvelle x fem!Reader (implied/fake dating)
Characters: Lisa Braeden, Sam Winchester
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: angst, unrequited love, language, longing, sadness, bisexual reader, a kiss or two among girls, Jo being a good friend and more, look Lisa is great too in this story
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​​
2021 Bad Bitches Bingo masterlist
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Longing. One simple word describes the feeling burning in your chest. 
Once upon a time, it was only you and him. Whenever he needed a shoulder to lean on or a body to use, he found shelter in your world. A world he decided to avoid like a plague for months.
You didn’t have it in you to tell his new girl months ago he promised you the same things he whispers lovingly in her ear now. It pains you to watch them do all the things he denied giving to you.
Not that you ever would be the girl he could bring home. While the girl he has on his arm tonight wears shoes costing more than your car, you struggle to pay for your study and rent at the same time.
“Born with a silver spoon in her mouth,” Lisa mutters, wiping one of the tables. “He’s a fool, Y/N. Everyone believed he would ask you to become his girlfriend one day.”
“I’m not the kind of girl he could bring home, Lis,” you avoid looking at Dean and his new girlfriend. You can’t blame the girl for falling for his charm and his cocky smile. Who could deny him when he looks at you with those emerald eyes, making you weak in the knees?
“You are worth ten Dean Winchesters,” Jo walks over to hand you a drink, smiling shyly at you. “Your shift is over, babe. Don’t do this to yourself. He’s not worth it.”
You give your friends a cracked smile before you walk toward the next empty table to wipe it clean. 
“Y/N, go home and sleep it off. You have an important test in not two days,” Lisa tuts. “You can make it out of this shithole of a bar. We are counting on you.”
“You know, being smart and working hard doesn’t make you worth a Winchester,” the sadness in your eyes forces a tiny sob to leave Jo’s lips. 
“Come here,” she throws herself at you, hugs you tightly, hands lingering a bit too long on the small of your back for a friendly hug. “You will find the best guy one day. I swear, in a few weeks you will not remember Dean Winchester and his new girlfriend.”
“Oh, believe me, I will remember him. His new girl seems to love to post everything they do on social media. For a guy hiding from the press and hating social media, he loves to pose with that girl.”
“Forget that bastard,” Lisa jerks her head toward Sam, Dean’s younger brother. Said guy leans lazily against a wall, eyes searching for his latest adventure. “Why not fucking his brother to get even with Dean?”
“I won’t stoop so low, Lis,” you glance at Sam. It’s not as if he’s not an attractive man or that you do not have a size kink, though. You just don’t want to be another notch in Sam’s belt. It’s worse enough you ended up being the latest conquest of his elder brother. “Sam is nice, but I’m not in the mood for a one-night stand with a guy.”
“How about you ask him to fake it? I bet he’s nice enough to show Dean what he’s missing out,” Jo nods eagerly. “Right, Jo? Fake dating is the new revenge fuck.”
“I will not ask Sam to do so,” you cry. “He’s a Winchester, his brother’s most loyal fan. Sam would never lie to his big brother. Not for me or any other girl. It’s out of the question I will ask a Winchester for shit.”
“He’s looking at you, Y/N,” Lisa whispers while watching Sam size you up. “I bet he wouldn’t mind lying to his big brother or, you could still fuck him.”
“No,” is your final answer. “I’ll call it a night. My shift is over, and I wallowed enough in self-pity for one night. I’ll grab a snack on my way home and forget that I ever dared to dream Dean Winchester would see more in me than a pair of holes he can use.”
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“Hey, are you done for tonight?” Sam jogs after you, touching your shoulder gently. “I could drive you home, Y/N.”
“Sam, just leave me alone,” you don’t turn around to face Dean’s baby brother, too fed up after you saw Dean with that girl. “I’m not in the mood to tell you to get lost, okay.”
“I thought, as you and Dean didn’t match—” you twirl around to glare up at Sam.
“You thought what, Samuel? After your big brother decided I’m not good enough to bring me home to your parents you believed you can drag me into your bed or car to get a taste too? What the fuck is wrong with you Winchesters? Is any girl a whore you can use to you?”
“Whoa, I didn’t mean it that way, Y/N. I just,” Sam watches you wipe a few tears off your cheek, sighing deeply. “Dean said you were only friends with benefits. That you called things off.”
“I didn’t do shit, Sam. He—he used me whenever he needed someone to talk, rant, or fuck. I was stupid enough to believe I was more to Dean than a pair of legs ready to spread whenever he wanted a quick fuck. When I told him that I love him, he never even looked at me again.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry. Now I feel like an idiot,” Sam wants to touch your shoulder to comfort you, but you flinch away. “Sorry. I always had a thing for you and wanted to ask you out. I would never—” Sam swallows thickly when you choke out a sob. “Listen, I’m sorry. This was a stupid idea. Dean, he lied obviously.”
“Well, Dean is the great pretender,” you quip, watching the door of the bar fling open. Dean is stumbling out of the bar, alone. His girl is nowhere to be seen, but you don’t have the time to ask yourself why she’s not with him right now. “He made me believe we are friends, and then he made me believe we could be more than friends.”
“Can I drive you home? No catch promised,” Sam offers but you shake your head. “Y/N, come on. It’s dark and I won’t let you walk home.”
“I got a car, you know. Only as I’m working at a bar to make enough money to pay for my study doesn’t mean I don’t have a car,” you turn back around to walk toward your car. “I suggest you and your brother look for a new bar. I don’t need to see his latest conquests every night. He could’ve at least showed enough compassion to not rub it in my face.”
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“New job?” Dean lazily leans against the counter, grinning when you roll your eyes. It’s been four weeks since the unhappy encounter with his brother and you had hoped Dean stays away from the bar you are working at. “Are you a bartender now, sweetheart?”
“Barney called in sick, and I can handle making drinks,” you try to act professionally and ignore the glint in Dean’s eyes and the way he licks his lips. “What can I do for you?”
“I’d like to ask you to not fuck my brother, but you already did so—” you slam your fist onto the counter, cause Dean to flinch at the sudden motion.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? I turned Sam down, or did he tell you he scored just like you?” you sneer, shaking your head. “I thought Sam is a better man. I was wrong, again.”
“So, you didn’t fuck?” Dean tries, leaning closer to search your face. “Why did he give me a black eye then? He came home from the bar, punched my face, and called me a coward.”
“I told him the truth, Dean,” you wipe the counter, ignore Dean tries to get your attention. He impatiently taps his fingers onto the counter, calling your name. “Sam didn’t know you dumped me, Winchester. That’s what happened that night.”
“Oh—” brows furrowed Dean watches you walk toward the other end of the bar counter to poor a girl a drink. The girl giggles, eyes glued to Dean’s face. “I see, that’s the reason he punched me. Sammy always had a thing for you.”
“He said the same,” huffing you walk back to place an empty glass in front of Dean. “Name me the drink or leave the bar counter. Only paying guests are allowed to lurk here.”
“Whiskey, neat,” he says, eyes glued to your lips now. “I told you we can’t be a pair that night. Father, he would never let me be with someone like you.”
“Yeah, I got that,” you pour Dean a drink before you turn around to check on the bottles, or at least pretend to do so. “You know, it would’ve been nice to know so months before I fell in love with you. You only told me so when I admitted my feelings, Dean. That wasn’t fair.”
“It was all I had to offer,” twirling back around you shake your head. “It could’ve worked out, without you catching feelings. I’m allowed to have flings and lovers.”
“I tried, I tried so hard. Why couldn’t you, Dean? It could’ve worked out if only you weren’t a selfish trust-fund prick using any girl you can find. We were friends before you kissed me. You started all of this, Dean. We should’ve stayed friends and never crossed that line,” you look at Jo walk toward the bar counter.
She heard your conversation and decided it’s time for plan B. Or rather plan Jo. She straightens her back, nods at Dean before she walks straight toward you to cup your face gently.
“Baby, I thought you will come around later,” you are too stunned to react when Jo presses her lips softly to yours. “Damn, I love those lips against mine. Well, not only against my lips.” she giggles, looking at Dean, giving him a wink. “Do you have anything interesting to discuss or can I ask my girlfriend about her latest test.”
“I-it went well,” you stutter, feeling your cheeks heat up. Jo grasps your hand, squeezes it tightly to silently tell you to play along. “Thanks to you and your encouragement, baby girl. Thank you for the great back massage and the orgasms.”
“Anytime, babe,” Jo smirks when Dean’s face falls. “Oh, you don’t look good, Dean. Is something wrong? Are you sick?”
“I just need another drink, I guess,” he doesn’t look at you when you peck Jo’s lips, telling her to wait for you in the back. “Or the whole bottle.”
“On its way,” you coo, grasping for the bottle to place it in front of Dean. “Pay now before you can’t walk straight, Winchester. I’m not your friend anymore and won’t take care of you.”
“Not even my friend anymore, huh?!” Dean must watch you follow Jo to the back. He glances at the bottle, shaking his head before he slams money onto the counter to leave the bar. “Fucking great, dad. She just found a new lover…”
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“What was that Jo?” your friend giggles, giving you a wink before she bursts into laughter. “I mean, not that I would mind you kissing me but that was—”
“I heard Dean and thought I should jump in and save you. It’s called fake dating, babe,” you nod, glancing at Jo. The quirky blonde stretches her body, and you admire the way her nipples strain against her thin shirt. “I mean, we can always go on a real date. I don’t mind kissing a hot chick.”
“I don’t want to ruin another friendship, Jo,” your friend leans back in her chair to search your face. “Maybe after I licked my wounds and got better I’m ready to go out again. If I’m ready, you are the first person on my bucket list.”
“I’m taking you up on that, babe,” she grasps for your hand to squeeze it gently. “He’s not worth it, Y/N. Always remember, other mothers have hot daughters to hit on.”
“I know,” you close your eyes for a moment. “I wish I could tell my heart to not long for him any longer. I hate this feeling and the longing for someone you can’t have…”
While you wipe your eyes you miss the longing look Jo gives you. You are right, it’s an awful feeling to long for someone you can’t have...
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
First of all, I just wanted to thank you. Your blog has been such a safe space for me these past few days.
I honestly never thought something like this would happen but now that the dust has settled a bit and all the jokes have died down I’m feeling a little bad for Misha, because I know that there’s a real possibility that he is bi. I mean people keep saying things like ‘why would he say he’s bi if he isn’t?’ Or ‘why did the people at stands who know him personally accept the whole coming out so easily?’ And the only thing that would completely make sense here is that he decided to take back his statement after he saw how big it got, and I don’t blame him for being blindsided by this to be honest, spn barely ever makes the news. Why would those vultures hop on this of all things? I do feel like a lot of other people feel the same, I see them implying it in their tags but not going further, and I get it. People want to respect his words, but someone going back into the closet after not receiving the reaction they’d been expecting isn’t such a wild conspiracy theory, hell, I bet a bunch of us had to go back to the closet as well when we felt unsafe.
And if by some miracle he is straight, I really don’t get some people’s reactions who feel like he’s betrayed them or something. Did you only like this person because you thought he was queer? That’s like supporting someone else only because they’re a woman like you for example. It makes no sense. The people calling him homophobic are even more baffling. The worst thing he’s done is, make gay jokes about himself? How does that hurt anyone? Again unless you’ve decided to support this person only because you thought he was queer, which feels very disingenuous. It’s definitely not on the same level, as say, J*red making degrading gay jokes about other people. And not to mention the fact that Misha’s always been like this? So no, he didn’t queerbait you either. You just didn’t put a limit to your parasocializing habits.
It’s just been a tough couple of days for me, and not even entirely because of Misha to be honest, but because of how my fellow members of the community showed that you have to act a certain way to feel like you belong. I saw someone basically say that Misha is a coward for not coming out completely if he actually is bi, and as a closeted bisexual living in an unsafe and homophobic environment, that was really disheartening to read, and yes Hollywood is an unsafe environment, especially for a bisexual man.
I honestly think I’m going to take a break from this fandom, so many of my favorite people here have been disappointing me so much lately. I just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful blog and hope you have a very nice day.💗
Oh sweetheart, I wish I could give you the worlds biggest hug right now. I'm sending you all the love💕 I know it's been a tough few days especially now where some people have decided that in order to interact with a community you need to tick off the boxes on the checklist they decided to write. So I definitely understand you. I really don't have anything else to add because you wrote this as if you read some of my thoughts so all I can do is just nod my head while reading.
You do whatever you think is best for you. And if that is to take a step back from this fandom, I fully understand you. I mean shit, I've done the same thing years ago so I get it💕
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haitanirindo · 4 years
zukka fics that live in my head rent free! 
1. what did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth (what were you digging) by draco_sollicitus status: complete (18k words) rating: mature pairing(s): sokka/zuko  summary: Sokka is immortal; it's been tested, he knows that he can't die. He's immortal, but he's not quite a god like his sister, Katara. He's immortal, but he's not quite powerful like his friends Aang and Toph. He's just sort of Sokka: good at fixing things, good at playing pranks, good at helping people. When a bet against Toph goes horribly wrong, and an attempt to save him goes even worse, Sokka finds himself the unwilling guest of the Lord of the Underworld. And, strangely enough, every story Sokka's heard about Lord Zuko seems to be ... completely wrong. (Also, he's really handsome. Why does he have to be handsome?)
mythology nerds come get y’all juice. a very good fic. 10/10
2. Where I Want to Be by through-the-stars-to-the-pavement status: WIP (83k words) rating: explicit pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: "'The fog was where I wanted to be.'" Everything is different. The pitch of his voice, his posture. The auditorium goes silent. No one can take their eyes off of him.… He's amazing.  Zuko had to perfect the art of acting as a child to survive the horrors of his homelife. When he got older, it was only natural to take his talent to the stage for entertainment and escape. Enter Sokka, a craftsman and set designer with a giant heart who is haunted by plenty of ghosts of his own. A tale of trauma, disability, family, creativity, and love. 
this is one of my all time favorite fics. it’s seriously so good and i think about it often
3. Teaching a Heart by @i-write-shakespeare-not-disney status: WIP (114k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Sokka is asked to go to the Fire Nation to teach the crown prince how to sword fight. When he arrives, he's surprised to learn he has to pose as a companion before he can teach the stubborn prince because he rejects every teacher. Far from home and among new customs, Sokka struggles to gain the prince's trust and friendship despite the uncertainties of the customs and dynamics he sees. As he slowly finds answers to his questions, his bond with the prince grows until it becomes something far more ardent than friendship. Doomed as it may be with the prince's approaching wedding ceremony and coronation, Sokka and Zuko find themselves consumed by what they find in each other.
i have no words, i just love this fic and it makes me weep.
4. The Road Between Action and Inaction by @donvex status: complete (17k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Sokka does a shitty k turn in the parking lot across from the bus station, pulls up to the curb where the boy is looking determinedly at his phone, and rolls down the passenger window. “Hey! Which way were you going?” He may die, but at least his conscience will be clear. The guy blinks at him. “Don’t.” Oh, he’s prickly. Or: the hitchhiker au, featuring Sokka and Zuko falling in love without even realizing it.
a classic. roadtrip fics own my ass. 
5. purrfect for eachother by lesmiserablol status: complete (3k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: “Let me teach you how to be a cat person,” Zuko says. “Learning from the master himself,” Sokka grins. “Alright, this can’t be too hard. Show me what you got.” (because sometimes, it takes going to a cat café four times to realize you're in love with your best friend)
this whole series is adorable, reading it is self care
6. Ashes Inside When You Finish Your Song by @muncaster status: complete (47k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko, aang/katara, mai/ty lee summary: Sokka writes lyrics for his sister’s band. Zuko plays piano and is unnecessarily nice. Fellas, is it gay to write love songs about your friend and his golden eyes? (AKA, a modern band AU featuring The Gaang, crappy software equipment, homoerotic lyrics, and the realization that maybe, if you think about a guy every night before you sleep, you just might be in love with him.)
i think this is the longest one-shot i’ve ever read and it’s so worth it
7. a study in matchmaking by @verdanthoney status: complete (12k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko, aang/katara, bato/hakoda summary: Zuko and Sokka try to play matchmaker, but things don't go exactly as planned.
this fic makes me want to scream, in the best way. it’s so cute
8. A Predictable Story by mindbending status: complete (7k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: "On this night, you shall share a kiss with a great love of your life!” That lying, scummy Aunt Wu predicts a grand romance for Sokka. To disprove her "fortunetelling" once and for all, Sokka decides to spend the night with least romantic person he knows. Zuko.
again, i have no words. this fic is cute as hell
9. that’s murder, buddy by @bisexual-atla status: WIP (14k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Throughout the streets, on quiet nights, it was rumored the screams of those missing could be heard. Some say the sounds were coming from underground. Where were the young girls? And what was happening to them? Was an evil spirit haunting Gaoling, or something more human? More sinister? My name is Zuko, and you’re tuning into another episode of ‘That’s Murder, Buddy’. Or: Sokka has no idea that his crush is the host of his favorite podcast. (But everyone else knows.)
i love the entire concept of this one, we love oblivious sokka
10. We’ll play hide and seek (to turn this around) by @crosspin status: complete (5k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko, bato/hakoda summary: Sokka gave him a sheepish smile. “It’s…well, you see, there’s this boy…” Hakoda sighed and set down the sports section. This was going to take a while. “He works at Barnes & Noble. At the big information desk in the middle. Every Saturday. And I really want to ask him for his number, but it’s super awkward because there’s always this other guy working the information desk at the same time. He’s old, like you. But I have a plan." Sokka’s eyes lit up deviously. “You come with me to Barnes & Noble today when they’re working and distract the old man. And while you have him distracted, I’ll swoop in and get the goods!” Sokka has a plan to ask out the cute boy at the bookstore. Hakoda is a begrudging participant until he meets the boy's beautiful older coworker.
this fic!! this fic! adorable, incredible, magnificent
11. feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe status: WIP (88k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: [Time passes oddly. Between one second and the next, Sokka has the Fire Lord pinned to the wall with his hands around the bastard’s throat. Golden eyes (one gold eye, his mind whispers) widen in shock. “Sokka?” he chokes out. And then he smiles. What the fuck? “Sokka, I—” Sokka slams his head against the wall, once, twice, and the smile wipes off his face. Good. “What,” Sokka bites out, “have you done to my sister?”] Or: An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends. Yeah, nah.
if you’ve been following me for a while you know this fic fucks me up beyond belief
12. breakable heaven by @fruitysokka status: WIP (43k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
this just in: sokka and zuko being oblivious makes me want to yell
this turned out a bit longer than i expected but it also doesn’t even cover all my favorites. i had to stop somewhere, or i’d be here forever. maybe i’ll make a part two someday.
anyway, enjoy!
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