#Who could say
mooreaux · 9 months
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More than what my father made me…
Winter Rose thoughts. The bhaalspawn who wished to be good.
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jmgangel · 11 months
The moral of lycoreco is that sometimes you’ve gotta let go of your doomed yaoi so your daughter’s fated yuri can thrive.
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afewproblems · 1 year
Season Two Halloween AU Part Six
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
As always, thank you thank you to the lovely Jess @strangersteddierthings for letting me inundate you with spoilers and general Stranger Things/Steddie screaming!
[CW: Period Typical Homophobia from the antagonist, violence, gore, bodily injury, Billy Hargrove is his own warning.]
Shit, shit, shit. 
Eddie takes a step closer to Steve, but Dustin is faster. 
He pulls on the jacket sleeve, taking Steve to the window and Eddie can't even find the words to say to make him stop.
He wants to tell Dustin to give them a second, he wants to press pause on this whole horrible night and ask Steve to explain.
Because in what world did this make sense? 
There is no possible way Steve is gay, and even if is, the guy is fresh off of being dumped by his girlfriend just days before. 
On top of that, they're all running on fumes from a day searching for Dart, fortifying an old school bus, laying the Demodog trap in the junkyard, and finally coming back to the Byers to make their plan. 
Eddie's stomach growls at the sudden thought and he realizes just how hungry he actually is after all the adrenalin and running around they've done.
If Eddie is this tired and hungry, he can't imagine Steve is faring much better, he's not thinking straight. 
He can't be. 
Because if he was, if he had meant it, and Eddie just--
"Oh shit," Steve says lowly from the edge of the intact window. He presses against the wall, keeping himself out of sight as much as he can, "what the fuck is Hargrove doing here?" 
"That's what I'm saying," Dustin hisses, his eyes wide, he sticks close to Steve's side, away from the window and turns to Max, "what the hell is your brother doing here".
Max shoots Dustin a look and for a second Eddie thinks she's going to tell Dustin off before her face suddenly pales.
"He can't know I'm here, he'll kill me".
Lucas shifts closer to Max, knocking his shoulder into hers before turning his attention back to Steve, "he almost ran us over once, we were on our bikes". 
Their bikes…Jesus.
It hits Eddie suddenly that they're just kids, all of thirteen years old, with an unpredictable asshole standing just outside their door.
Steve sighs suddenly and squares his shoulders, his big hazel eyes move from Max, to Lucas, to Dustin, and Mike, before finally landing on Eddie. His brow pinches in the middle as his expression shifts into the same determined one from the day before.
But this time there is no nail bat in his hands. 
"Steve, dont," Eddie says, darting across the room towards him, but Steve is too quick for him.
He reaches for the door and unlatches the bolt, "stay out of sight, all of you, I'll be right back".
It's a promise Eddie isn't sure Steve can make.
The kids immediately move towards the edge of the window before Eddie whispers out a sharp, "Go to the boarded one shitheads, he's going to see you". 
Eddie shakes his head at the four identical eye rolls, but the kids do as he says and make their way to the far window he and Steve just closed up. 
There are enough gaps between the wood slats that they can see Steve make his way to the path as Billy steps around his car. 
"Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?"
The cherry of his cigarette glows in the dark as Billy takes a long drag before flicking it into the street. 
"Yeah it's me, don't cream your pants," Steve's voice is steady, the smooth lilt of his 'King' voice takes over and it's so different from what Eddie has come to realize is Steve's normal speaking voice that it throws him for a bit of a loop. 
Just how much has Steve been pretending all this time.
Moonlight casts shadows over half of Billy's face but it doesn't hide the way his lip pulls over his teeth or the dark glint in his eye as he pulls off his jacket and tosses it through the open window of his Camaro.
"I'm looking for my step sister, little birdy told me she was here," Billy says, a sneer pulling at his mouth as his eyes scan the house before landing on Steve again, "which would already be weird enough, and now I find you here". 
"I'm doing a favour for Mrs. Wheeler and Byers, babysitting, I don't think I've seen your step sister, what's she look like?"
Eddie can't see Steve's face from this angle but the words come out smoothly, no stumbles with the lie.
But Billy stares just a little too long for it to have properly landed.
"You do favours for people like that huh," Billy laughs, ignoring the question entirely as he takes another step closer. He and Steve are similar heights but Billy has a good twenty to thirty pounds of muscle on Steve and Eddie begins to sweat at the manic look on Billy's face.
"You're something else Harrington, I don't think I'd be able to stick around if my girl fucked someone else--"
"Your sister's Not Here," Steve bites out through gritted teeth. He steps into Billy's space, his shoulders high with tension and anger, "leave". 
Billy laughs, a low dangerous sound, "you know, this whole night's been giving me a weird fucking feeling Harrington".
Billy tips his head back and leaves it there for just a moment and Eddie watches as Steve relaxes for just a second too long, tilting his head in confusion.
"And I think you're lying to me".
Billy punctuates the words by slamming his hands into Steve's shoulders, knocking him clean off his feet.
Steve hits the concrete hard, managing to roll enough for his shoulder to connect with the ground first rather than his head. He manages to sit up slightly, looking at Billy now with a mixture of surprise and fear in his wide eyes as he shifts to look back at the house.
Billy smirks and leans over Steve, "I'm just going to see for myself, told you to plant your feet pretty boy".
He stands up to his full height again and kicks Steve in the ribs. Hard. 
Eddie curses quietly as Steve curls in on himself and makes a horrible retching sound, but there isn't time to worry about Steve as Billy comes lumbering up the front path towards the Byers front door.
Which is unlocked.
Eddie hadn't even thought to latch it.
"Hide. Now!" Eddie hisses at Max, she opens her mouth to argue but Lucas gives her a push to the shoulder and looks at her with pleading eyes.
"Just go okay?" Lucas whispers, pushing her again towards the kitchen.
She shoots Lucas a fierce glare over her shoulder and disappears around the corner. 
Eddie steps back towards the kids, putting himself between them and the door, just in time for it to crash open. 
Billy looks around the room, frowning slightly at the boarded up window and all of the drawings covering nearly every inch of the place like vines, before his gaze lands on Eddie and the kids behind him.
"Well, well, well, this is quite the party here huh boys," Billy sneers, kicking the door closed behind him.
"A private one," Eddie manages to keep his tone even as he takes a step closer, drawing Billy's eye away from the kids, "what do you want Hargrove".
Billy scoffs and tries to step around Eddie, yelling at the top of his voice as he moves, "Maxine! You got three seconds to get you skinny ass out here before I bring you out myself". 
Eddie mirrors his path, blocking his movement.
"Who the fuck are you talking to man, I guess thats what happens when you take too many balls to face huh?" Eddie says with a mocking laugh in his voice, he lets the corner of his lip rise in a cold sneer.
Billy glares, "that's rich coming from a queer like you," he lifts his hand to shove Eddie's shoulder roughly, but Eddie's dealt with assholes like Billy time and time again and he’s expecting the push. 
He stays standing, keeping himself between Billy and the kids.
Billy shakes his head, "I don't know why you're involved in this, are you revenge for Byers or something? I ain't here for you or your little boyfriend out there, freak". 
"Just leave us alone!" Dustin shouts, drawing Billy's eye for the first time. 
"Yeah fuck off!" Mike screams as Lucas stands up, glaring venomously at Billy. He has his wrist rocket raised, armed with a piece of jagged wood from the broken window. 
"Sinclair," Billy's eyes narrow as they land on Lucas, "if I find out Maxine is here because of you--"
"You'll what?" Eddie growls, he hears a door open softly behind them but keeps his eyes on Billy, not taking any chances.
Billy seems to hesitate, his eyes dropping down to Eddie's fisted hands before rising again to meet his gaze, "Max already knows what happens when people don't listen, but I guess I'll have to show you the hard way Munson". 
Billy moves like a viper, his fist rears back and swings forward so quickly that Eddie barely has time to react, catching the punch in the jaw as he tries to move out of the way. 
"Sonovabitch," Eddie hisses, cradling his face. His vision swims as Billy reaches for his shirt collar, but the second blow never comes.
Billy's hand falls as Steve appears, barreling into Billy, shoulder first like a linebacker, sending them both crashing into the floor. Billy's head smacks into the linoleum, forcing a low groan out of him.
Steve recovers quicker, rolling off the other teen before rising to his knees. He’s breathing hard and holding his ribs with one hand while the other braces on the coffee table as he stands up.
"Holy shit," Dustin laughs out breathlessly as Steve limps closer, moving into Eddie's space.
"You guys okay?" Steve asks softly, he lifts his hand up towards Eddie's aching jaw but stops just shy of touching him. He blinks once and moves away again before turning to the kids.
They all freeze at the sound of a wild laugh behind them.
Billy runs a shaking hand through his mullet, slowly sitting up, scoffing when his fingers come away red. 
"Finally!" Billy crows, "the King Steve I've been hearing about shows his face, where was he when I gave you that black eye yesterday huh?" 
Billy wipes the blood from the side of his head on his jeans and laughs again, a horrible cackle that seems to echo around the small space of the living room. He paws at something on the floor as he manages to roll over onto his knees, breathing hard.
"Let me give you some advice Harrington,” Billy says through gritted teeth, bracing one hand on the coffee table while the other remains strangely hidden behind his back.
Steve says nothing, moving himself to stand in front of Eddie and the kids. Billy stumbles slightly and shakes his head as he manages to get his feet back under himself. 
"If you're gonna hit someone, make sure they don't get back up".
By the time Eddie sees what Billy has clenched in his hand it's too late. 
Billy swings his hand out and catches Steve in the temple with an ashtray, the ceramic shatters on impact sending pieces of pottery in all directions and embedding several into Billy’s hand. 
Eddie's heart nearly stops at the wet crunch it makes as Steve's head whips back at the impact. He crumples limply to the floor, his head bouncing once against the linoleum before Steve lays still on the living room floor.
Eddie feels like he's underwater. Like time has slowed down and he's sinking.
He doesn't realize he's moving until he's in front of Billy, until he's gripping the edges of Billy's shirt in his hands, until he's shaking him like a ragdoll.
Eddie's never felt such overwhelming rage and fear, its coursing through him, burning him up from the inside out.
Steve isn't moving.
There's only coherent thought playing on a loop in his head. 
He's dead, he's dead, he's dead.
"Billy!" A small voice cuts through Eddie's yelling, when had he started yelling, from the kitchen door.
Billy's face tips towards it, his dazed eyes widen slightly and his lip curls back in a feral smile.
"I fucking knew it," Billy slurs out as Eddie throws him to the floor. 
He laughs again and again, his head bleeding freely now, red lines drip down his face.
Max takes a shaky step into the living room; she ignores Lucas yelling at her to run and continues forward, Will's second dose of sedative clutched in her left hand. 
Max pushes past Eddie, drops to her knees and plunges the needle into Billy's neck with a roar. Eddie watches as Billy flinches at the impact and lifts his hands to frantically rip the needle out.
"What the fuck?!" He whispers, trying to sit up but his shaking arms only drop him back to the floor, "what did you do?"
"Made it so you can't hurt my friends," Max says lowly, she trembles as Eddie helps her stand and directs her towards the boys who immediately fold her into a hug between the three of them. 
Eddie keeps his eyes on Billy until his breathing smooths out and his unfocused eyes finally close before he’s on his feet. He crosses the room in two strides and drops to his knees in front of Steve, letting his uncle's voice run through everything he ever taught him about first aid.
Don't move them, keep them talking, keep them warm.
Eddie's hands shake as he reaches out for Steve's neck and feels for a pulse, trying not to look at the blood coating Steve's face or the shards of ceramic in his hair.
"Is he…" Dustin says beside Eddie, startling him. The whole house has gone eerily silent as the kids finally make their way towards them, they don't crowd him the way Dustin has though.
Eddie swallows and moves his fingers slightly until he finds it, a thin reedy pulse. 
He's alive. 
Eddie feels his eyes sting and a wet hysterical laugh falls from his mouth. Steve is nowhere near okay, but he's alive.
He's alive.
Part Seven!
Tag List:
@eriquin @luvinthefreaks @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @goodolefashionedloverboi @ellietheasexylibrarian @bambibiest @sadboislovebeans @howincrediblysapphicofyou @coleys-a-nerd @whycantiuseunderscore @airconditioning123 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @corrodedbisexual @starman-jpg @ilovecupcakesandtea @yoriposts @clumsiluni @pelinelin @phantomcat94 @lololol-1234 @anaibis @airconditioning123 @steveshairspray @hellfireone @sunswathe @eddielives1986 @tentativeghost @robin-not-batman @estrellami-1 @manda-panda-monium @tinyplanet95 @perseus-notjackson @queenie-ofthe-void @rainbowsaw @sp0o0kylights @littlebluejane @hi-im-eff @phantypurple @just-ladyme @thoroughlycollected @justrandomfandomstm @swimmingbirdrunningrock @finntheehumaneater @dynamic-powerm@nightmareglitter @genderless-spoon @zaddipax @thebiblesays @amerikanskaya-krassavitsa @pyrohonk @emly03 @geekymagicalpotato @sidebarre
and for some peeps that I think may be interested! @steddierthings @steddie-there @steves-strapcollection @henderdads @stevesbipanic @spooky-brakers
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cyberllfe · 2 years
it’s sixty appreciation day! reblog to whack that idiot with a broom
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dazaistabletop · 2 years
It's Happening
It's Happening
It's Happening
It's Happening
It's Happening
It's happening
It's Happening
It's Happening
It's Happening
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"I am completely sane" is getting adapted on Wednesday
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rayllurn · 11 months
Yo I had this really bizarre dream last night that season 6 came out and they decided to make it live action for some reason and there was a whole plot line that took place in a Walmart.
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tadesart · 1 year
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My take on @potato-lord-but-not's DTIYS! It was super fun to draw and I love them your honour. I am actually really happy with how it looks! Truly, Discworld's most bisexual OTP.
Process GIF:
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deltanakedsnake · 1 year
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So sorry if this has been done already but wow
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A lil comic I first started on much earlier this year that I decided to come back to, based on a poem I wrote🩸
I’ve been reflecting on what it means emotionally to be objectified, projected onto, and dehumanised for a narrative - and to be consumed by it, whether as victim, villain or idealised. Y’know, just really chill stuff.
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the-abyssal-system · 2 months
Me: hmm why did we split an alter that’s anxious about a specific thing
Me like ten minutes later: ohhhhh, that’s why
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potential-fate · 1 year
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“Yes, they’re quite well behaved, minus the occasional mishap,” Elaine said, “I make sure they get excellent grades as well.” 
Abe managed another quick look at his grandfather. He couldn’t quite get a read on the man. His mother seemed split on how to handle the social interaction at hand. Half the time, she seemed confident that she could sway the older man to her side, the other half she seemed as close to cracking as Abe was himself. He wasn’t sure what to make of that information. 
“Lucy is doing well in school too.” Abe couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his mother at this. Luckily neither adult seemed to notice. Elaine only smiled at her own father, keeping his attention on her for the moment. Abe took a breath, getting his surprise back under control. He was absolutely sure his mother had no idea what his younger sister’s grades looked like, and he was certain Lucy wasn’t spending the evening in a library like his mother claimed she was. He waited for his mother to scrounge together a compliment for Nathan, but it never came. His mother instead chose to leave the table in silence. 
“Excellent. I’m sure she’ll make a fine addition to your businesses once she’s finished.” Abraham Helios gave his daughter a small smile, and Abe watched his mother’s shoulders lose a minute amount of tension. He turned to Abe and said, “As much as my grandson here.”
Abe met his grandfather’s gaze, knowing that was what would be expected. He tried not to shrink in his seat under the eyes on him. He gave a small nod and an even smaller nervous smile. He wondered what Callum would say if he’d seen the interaction. Not that Callum was invited tonight. Abe tried to bury the twinge of guilt he felt, remembering the face Callum had made when he’d mentioned this evening’s dinner plans. Callum wouldn’t ask him for invite; he wasn’t that naive. But Abe had eaten dinner with his family 5 times in as many months; and every time, he’d avoided bringing up the eventual plan of moving back to the city, like he’d promised Callum he would. As his mother and grandfather planned out even more of his future in front of him, Abe tried to pretend he’d even tried to bring it up once during any of those visits.
As if on cue, his grandfather looked back at him, and spoke once more, “I’m surprised.” 
Abe met his grandfather’s stare, but didn’t interrupt. “Handsome, responsible young man like you. At your age I was already set to be married to Diana. You don’t have a woman at home?”
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mango-nectars · 11 months
I will never get into a PhD program mostly because I don’t know what programs will accept my weirdo interdisciplinary sex research
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stobinesque · 1 year
but I'll ask for Wayfinder too just cause I love Lucas too much and you're doing such a great job with it I gotta have more! 🙏🫶
hmmm, i may have broken my own heart a bit with this one
Is he supposed to feel different? Lucas knows—from the little Max has told him—that Mrs. Mayfield spends most of her time these days drunk. To ‘help make the pain go away,’ Max said. But there’s still a large knot lodged firmly behind his breastbone, and nothing seems able to touch it. He’s clearheaded, still. Does it take more than one drink? Lucas has heard people describe the effect of alcohol as feeling “buzzed,” but after three years of near-death encounters he’s gotten pretty well-accustomed to heightened and altered states, and nothing he’s feeling right now compares to the rush of fear or adrenaline when facing down a monster, or being shoved up against the wall by a white boy charging at him in a blind rage. Lucas looks back into his cup. It’s empty.
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ltcolonelcarter · 1 year
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inalienable-wright · 1 year
so hamburgers (the food) are named after hamburg (the city), but then the word got split and now “-burger” is a suffix slash word in its own right (there’s a name for that happening but i don’t know what it is and i can’t figure out how to google it). anyways frankfurter (like a hot dog) is also (presumably) named for frankfurt (the city)...imagine a world where the same thing happened there and you can order a cheesefurter or go to a furter bar. food for thought
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