#White Prophet
flowerbloom-arts · 20 days
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Grokes, prophets and hemulens!
(Hemulector doodles based on a magazine comic translated by @delyon-in-the-valley )
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floradelisstuff · 4 months
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The Fool in Farseer Trilogy before the mountains and how Fitz saw him at the beginning ...
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sleepyfey · 1 year
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Rote Ladies Big Bang 2023, prompt #25: It was the end but she didn’t know it yet
Upon a dais stood a figure dressed in a flowing garment that shimmered with the glint of gold thread. She wore a gilded wooden crown decorated with cunningly carved and painted rooster heads and tail feathers. Her sceptre was no more than a feather duster but she gestured with it royally as she issued some decree. In the circle about me, folk roared with laughter. I could only stare at her ice-white skin and colourless eyes. She looked right at me.
- Assassin’s Quest
To launch my RLBB2023, a female character who has never even been named or had a speaking role, but captured my imagination from the moment she first appeared: Realder’s White Prophet 💜
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smalltownfae · 8 months
"How can I know what I'll do until I've done it?" is the most Catalyst thing Fitz could have said. It contrasts with Fool's "Don't do what you can't undo, until you've considered what you can't do once you've done it" prophet approach. Fitz is impulsive, the Fool is cautious. Those are their roles as Catalyst and Prophet. The Fool has to consider all possible outcomes while Fitz just does stuff 'no thoughts, head empty'. Catalysts have the power to change the world because they are doers and impulsive at that so of course you will make something happen acting like that. But, they need guidance to not mess stuff too much and in unwanted directions. In short, White Prophets are working with time bombs.
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novacane0808 · 2 years
Fitz and Fool….. once AGAIN!!! I love them sm it’s embarrassing 🙈
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He gave me a loose-lipped smile. "I can't go through another one of your deaths. I can't."
"You can't?"
He gave a giggle of despair. "You see. We're trapped. I've trapped you, my friend. My beloved."
I tried to fit my mind around what he was telling me. "If we lose, I die," I said.
He nodded. "If you die, we lose. It's all the same."
"What happens if I live?"
"Then we win. Not much chance of that, now. Not much chance and getting worse all the time, I'd say. Most likely we lose. You die and the world spirals down into darkness. And ugliness. Despair."
"Stop being so cheerful." This time I drank out of the bottle. Then I passed it to him. "But what if I do live? What if we win? What then?"
He parted the bottle's mouth from his. "What then? Ah." He smiled beatifically. "Then the world goes on, my friend. Children run down muddy streets. Dogs bark at passing carts. Friends sit and drink brandy together."
"Doesn't sound much different from what we have," I observed sourly. "To go through all this and make no difference at all."
"Yes." He agreed beatifically. His eyes filled with tears. "Not much different from the wondrous and amazing world that we have now. Boys falling in love with girls that aren't right for them. Wolves hunting on the snowy plains. And time. Endless time unwinding for all of us. And the dragons, of course. Dragons sliding across the sky like beautiful jeweled ships."
"Dragons. That sounds different."
"Does it?" His voice dropped to a whisper. "Does it really? I think not. Remember with your heart. Go back, go back, and go back. The skies of this world were always meant to have dragons. When they are not there, humans miss them. Some never think of them, of course. But some children, from the time they are small, they look up at a blue summer sky and watch for something that never comes. Because they know. Something that was supposed to be there faded and vanished. Something that we must bring back, you and I."
Golden Fool, by Robin Hobb (Tawny Man Trilogy #2)
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tommysamash · 1 year
From the conversations of the Fool and Fitz
The Fool (says something very quickly): Fe-fe-fe-fe… Fitz (dazed) WTF!? The Fool: Don't you understand, I said "Fitz fixes feists fits. Fat suffices"!!! Fitz: ….
The Fool read the latest books, Fitz hasn't read yet.
Fitz: Tell me how I died! Dragons? My old enemies!? Skill!?
The Fool: You won't believe it!..
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lottovalentino · 29 days
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everytime beloved mentions their childhood i take 10000 fall damage
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brbarou · 4 months
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watch me slowly lose my mind over beloved/jesus parallels
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flowerbloom-arts · 4 months
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Nearly forgot to post this drawing I made of the Black Prophet in a priest outfit. I know he's more puritan than catholic (he literally lives in a place called Puritan Street) but like. I dunno, the catholic priest outfits look dope.
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grombrindal-returns · 2 months
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Grombrindal Returns
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teoceearts · 3 months
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Lord Inquisitor Dalinev Lavellan
Knight-Enchanter, First to the Keeper, and Not Your Fucking Herald
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thelimehazard · 1 year
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Hey w'sup! LimeHazard here, with my first Tumblr post! Starting off with my Hollow Knigth Major Arcana I started way back in 2018.
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ruthytwoshakes · 16 days
so i have nightmares pretty damn frequently right? Haunted by the horrors or whatever. They get real gruesome. Nasty stuff. So, in the middle of the night desperate for a solution, i printed out a picture of Mike Ehrmantraut and taped him to my ceiling to watch over me whenever I sleep. His eyes follow me wherever I go and the nightmares have significantly increased in rate and intensity but it sure does bring some excitement into my morning!
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"You spent so many years at Clerres. As a child, you laboured long in the scroll-rooms. Your own dreams were stored there. You feel nothing?" Prilkop asked quietly.
"I feel many things right now. Relief is one of them." Beloved stared coldly at the falling walls of Clerres Castle. "Satisfaction that what was done to me will never happen to another child."
"And the children that were in there?" Prilkop was outraged.
Beloved shook his head. "This is the vengeance of dragons. No one can stop it." He turned to look at his friend and his voice was terrible. The voice of a prophet. "I spent him, Prilkop! I plunged FitzChivalry into death, a dozen times! No one can know what that cost me. No one! This is my future, my path, chosen by me, as the White Prophet of this time! Are you so blind? He and I, we did it all! We brought the dragons back into the world." He turned away from all of us. Arms crossed on his chest he shouted, "SERVANTS! You made this path! Long before I came into the world, you set us on this rutted route to this future. When you killed and destroyed for your own comfort, when your own wealth and power were all you cared for, this is the path you created! You delayed this reckoning." His voice dropped lower and suddenly he was coldly calm. "But my Catalyst and I have won. The future is here, and the vengeance is greater than even a prophet could predict." His voice, so grand a moment before, cracked and broke as he said, "Bought with his death."
The sea wind blew past him and his pale hair stirred slightly in its passage. I did not have to touch him to see that he had been a nexus. For one instant, all the possible paths that had been shone around him. Then they moved, converging into one bright way before it, too, exploded into a thousand, thousand paths. They dazzled my eyes and I could not look away. But abruptly, he dropped his hands and he was just a slender pale man as he asked on a sob, "Do you think I would undo one moment of my Catalyst's work?"
He knew, as I did, that it all had to end. Beloved was as much the Destroyer as I had ever been. Pull out the deepest root of the weeds. I did not know I was going to do it, but I stepped forward. I took his gloved hand in mine and we stood, staring at Prilkop.
Assassin's Fate, by Robin Hobb (Fitz and the Fool Trilogy #3)
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tommysamash · 1 year
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Tommy the Fool: Samash, <3 Fitzy <3, Fitzy, that's why I'm a white prophet … Today I said that I helped a person, tried for him, and if necessary, I will help more, but this person will never appreciate it and will not be grateful… And I just saw this picture! Let it go f*ck with "try so hard" …
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