#Which means Arc 11 and 12 are a bust
shiroselia · 1 month
You know, even though my goal was to make Elizabeth a better character through QuintSum as a project, even *I* am really fucking surprised at how much she carries The Plot.
Like I just wanted her character to mean something and pay off, but had the girls not asked for her help and then teamed up with her, the story would end at chapter 30
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virgo-dream · 11 months
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 tags
tagged by the wonderful @seiya-starsniper! thank you for the tag friend ✨
1. Loki (MCU)
Look, this is the undisputed number one spot. Loki has been my ride or die for the past 14 years (!!!), my first tattoo is dedicated to him, and he’s the character that got me through the loneliest and scariest periods of my life. Loki will always be my number one, tbh.
2. Dream of the Endless (The Sandman)
Now, Dream is the character that simply bust down the doors to my heart and took residence, no questions asked. Through Dream and The Sandman fandom I was able to connect to parts of my identity I wasn’t aware of, and to make so many great friends! Dream means a lot to me (so much so that my *second* tattoo is of the dreamstone— in a grand total of two lol)
3. Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
Ed is the blueprint of the pissed off short king tbh. I always related to how he dealt with guilt and how driven he is, and his character arc was one of the most captivating I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience. As a 14 year old, I would for real go out in public wearing his red cloak.
4. Chrono (Chrono Crusade)
If I have unreasonable expectations of Love, Chrono is the one to blame. Throughout the entire show (and the manga, which I do feel has the better ending) his dedication and kindness to the people he loves and cares about was just incredibly captivating to a 12 year old Virgo. Real character building stuff.
5. Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora had the sickest shoes and my taste for unreasonably large and perhaps sorta ugly sneakers comes from him for sure. I just love that spiky little guy.
6. Raven (Teen Titans)
Raven was honestly the first character that made me go “she’s just like me fr!” There was always something super fascinating about her, and how complex she is. It was nice seeing female characters like her and Starfire in cartoons.
7. Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)
I identify with Howl in many ways, but mostly in how dramatic and absolutely pathetic he is. Also I do feel like a monster sometimes and a way to visualise that is to imagine I’m covered in green slime.
8. Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Ouran should have been my queer awakening, but I think I was too young to realise I was what a large part of my identity was unlocked through this character. Main girlie with a drag queen dad that doesn’t bow to gender norms and just , wants to be left alone please leave her alone she doesn’t want all the trouble come on—
9. Chihiro (Spirited Away)
She was a child, in a shitty situation, learning to find strength within herself to keep going, to trust her instincts, to keep surviving. She means so much to me!
10. Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Nick is just oddkdkdkdkdkddkfo he’s allowed me to have good feelings about bisexuality!!! About my teenage bi experience!!! The whole of Heartstopper, really, but Nick’s kindness and his whole journey of self discovery helped heal something in me. Good retriever boyfriends for the win!
Bonus: 11. Bucky Barnes (MCU)
I didn’t want to repeat a fandom, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Bucky. Another character that I just immediately clicked with, and watching him be developed in so many different movies (and even a tv show!) was very special.
tagging: @chiron-crow, @softest-punk, @aquilathefighter, @the-cloudy-dreamer, @staroftheendless, @bruce-wayne-simp, @immacaria, @tj-dragonblade, @rooftopwreck, @valeriianz
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Hello there. I have a question (more like a thesis): What would have happened if Cas told the Truth anywhere between season 7 and 15? Do you think it would have had the same impact on Dean? Logically speaking Cas could have told him anytime.
Oh gosh, yes. I mean Dean’s reaction in season 15 is still the best it could have been really :P He was in the best place and most accepting of himself and he still had a BSOD for a moment and then Cas had to shove him away so he could go die... (Assuming you take the on screen boring presentation of what happened as canon and not throw in the reciprocation, tears, pull in for a kiss, etc that we know exists either in our hearts or on Jackles’ phone.)
I’ve been thinking about this and the parameters we’d have to apply if we were gonna get something like the show being self-healing back to its self as we know it but we were allowed a confession. Also the show has to be as punishing as ever. So these are my personal theses on each season... 
Season 7 the confession would have to be after Cas comes back, and everything in 7x17 that looked like Dean was jealous of Daphne and Meg textually was meant to be read that way in the set up for the confession. To make it the most painful obviously we still get Cas exactly as he was all through to the end of the season and he never really says anything too different but then right when they’re having the “cursed or not” discussion he’d bust out of nowhere that he supposes it is inevitable Dean would talk him into going on this dangerous mission to get Dick because obviously Cas loves him. And Dean, who is in a weirdly zen sort of place in the remaining minutes of season 7 after Bobby’s send off and final words that helped him go make up with Cas, is in a similarly season 15 oddly okay spot, mental health wise. At least. COMPARED TO ALL THE REST OF SEASON 7. But I still personally have always read it as a genuinely good place for him that could have endured much longer if not for *gestures everything that happened after stabbing Dick* and obviously making up with Cas was step one and a huge part of his process. 
(idk if you’ve noticed but 7x23 pretty much has no Sam and Dean interaction after Bobby’s send off, and their last good broments are really scarce; it feels sort of natural for abrupt calamity and no time for teary farewells in a season with a strong commentary on grief, which also hyperfocuses the attention on Dean n Cas there.)
So I think Dean would maybe be stunned but maybe quirk a sceptical smile like “He can’t mean it like that and anyway he’s currently coo-coo, this doesn’t mean anything hahaha oh Cas :)))” and then idk shake his head and move the story on and Cas just turns one longing look after him like “dammit that didn’t work out like planned” 
Anyway then the exact plot beats of 7x23 follow, exactly as seen on your screens, but we’re left going into season 8 and Carver era with Dean far far more messed up about Cas and it can force clarification in 8x02 in Purgatory where Cas is entirely adamant he meant what he meant and furious at Dean for being mad at him and Dean’s mad at Cas for all the season 8 reasons so they continue angsting at each other but Benny’s reaction shots are just 10x funnier. This is followed by Dean’s reciprocation of “I love you” instead of “I need you” in the crypt scene in 8x17 and from there honestly it’s been built up into canon in such a way that the emotional arc of the show has to go off the wheels and I can’t keep to the self-healing model to continue following the “real” plot and contain this much raw power.
Coincidentally, if the first confession is in season 8, it would be “what broke the connection” after a season 8 where nothing was different up until that point. Cas flaps off while Dean is still processing that the answer was “You. I love you.” and Dean is left yelling at the empty crypt like “What the hell, Cas?!” 
Then he’s as mad at him as he was in canon except instead of being borderline a really bad overreaction into his anger phase which we have to weather as miserable fans tethered to this ship who know sometimes Dean gets mad and yells at Cas for no reason, he’s reacting proportionately. It’s always seemed like 8x22 only makes sense if Dean is furious at Cas for confessing and fleeing except, obviously, in our “”real”” canon, it can only be like Cas confessed and Dean took it that way and also felt embarrassed how far he went with his own feelings only for Cas to run. 
This would make the bar scene with the cupids in 8x23 make a lot more sense too, and after they get the cupid bow Dean’s going to turn to Cas and give him a nervous smile, and then - Naomi flaps in like she does and distracts them away from reciprocation. 
I think this one could go long - maybe even season 13 Cas being dead and Dean being like “FUCK I never got a chance to work things out with him” and 13x06 onwards is where we get any actual work on the ship, because Carver era was so determined to be emotionally gruelling and unsatisfying and relentless from one issue to the next. And the confessions are so bound up specifically in the moments of miscommunication or failed attempts, cut off conversations etc that whether Destiel is canon or not, they’re never gonna get to talk it out under those conditions. Cas is only explicitly the grieving wife and jealous ex to Crowley’s smug take over of Dean’s affections rather than subtextually. 
The season 9 confession... I feel like we’d come perilously close to the Monkey Paw curse we once envisioned of Buckleming making it canon because they love jumping the gun on plot points and making them too obvious. So the end of 9x03, Cas is really blatantly angling to come in with a big “Hey I’m human can I live in the Bunker look at me I learned to do The Sex can we do it now” kind of vibe. All the enthusiasm he was giving to eating that burrito in the background while “Zeke” was trying to get him kicked out, but with lusting over Dean :P 
If we avoid that we can leap to Mr Bobo Berens and his first episode, and have this thing handled by a pro, as it’s already very much about Cas as a homeless queer man with a bad ex he still loves rolling into town where he’s just trying to make a new life and play straight - I mean human - for his own survival. I suspect the confrontation with Iphraim would make it really obvious that Cas didn’t just want to live as a human but had an eye for living as a human with Dean, and then he’d attempt a confession right before Dean would accidentally talk over, like, the L in “love” honestly, to tell him that sorry things do still stand that you can’t come back with me. Leaves Cas utterly devastated but Dean is none the wiser and he drives off and Cas pines piningly at the pine trees in his Gas n Sip. 
Again the end of season probably would force the real confession, since there’s a ready made moment in 9x22 where Hannah tries to force Cas to kill Dean and he gives it all up for one man. Cas can just lower that knife and be like, “No, I love him,” talking to his shoes and Hannah rather than meeting Dean’s eyes. Mark of Cain Dean is fuuuucked up at that point but we still get the moment where Dean carries Cas’s bag into the bunker and sits down with him and tries to care about his health and now also this confession. Sussing out what the heck is up with Cas, and maybe he looks like he’s playing it cool and is still so messed up but Cas is vulnerable, and finally Dean starts to reach across the library table for his hand, and it’s a moment where maybe things could have started to go better for them...... Cue Gadreel walking into the library, Dean going feral, blah blah demon!Dean, blah blah explicitly stated Drowley, blah blah muuuch healing and Cas giving Dean a wide berth for a lil while. Though, in this scenario, 10x22 is far worse but has the reverse crypt scene moment, so Dean can be more obviously unable to kill Cas because he loves him, and then he walks out, followed by season 11 and Cas being returned to them. Unfortunately. Yep. Another finger curls on the Monkey Paw... 11x03 by Buckleming would absolutely be where Destiel goes undeniably canon as it is their first real interactions post Mark of Cain. Our only consolation - directed by Jensen Ackles.
Season 10 confession, hm. Poor Cas. He has the option of 10x03, of confessing and then immediately apologising and walking off to handle stuff with Hannah (thanks Buckleming!) or the Burger Date, where Dean may be slightly less stunned stupid but still likely to laugh it off and not believe it. There’s not much heavy tension between them most of the season so it’s possible that the only time Cas would really get is to confess in 10x22 while telling Dean that he would have to watch him murder the world, and that would suck because I love you. At which point the story dictates that Dean beats Cas to paste so it’s a very bad look. Season 10 destiel confession is the worst. 
Season 11 may be better because Cas has options to be jealous of Crowley and Dean’s connection to Amara multiple times and then Casifer happens and that can really play up things in a season where a confession is coming. 
I think the Beer Run in 11x23 might be the only viable place, where Dean grabs Cas and takes him out for that drive for last drinks before the end of the world. Cas gets the “you’re our brother” thing and just lays into Dean with the certainty of someone who knows this is it - now or nothing - with “You know that’s crap, Dean. You wait until the end of the world and you can’t even say it. Well I can; I love you.” 
Cue awkward tension, well-placed interrupting Moose, and then the world very much not ending so that when Dean n Cas hug and kiss in front of Mary in 12x01. Well. There’s even more explaining to do to her. Since we’ve made it to Dabb era, I believe any confessions from this point onwards can just slot into the show as we got it from there since it’s entirely compatible to start season 12 assuming Dean n Cas are literally married and never be contradicted by the text in their behaviour. But since we’ve had canon Destiel since whenever, obviously the final episodes are good instead of. That.
Season 12... Going to have to go with the first sniff of true canon coming in Lily Sunder with just a few lines leaning even further in the Cas’s Angel Family Are Homophobic Assholes metaphor, leaving Cas’s relationship with Dean even more live wire exposed. Followed by The Mixtape Scene where Cas is going to confess to Dean and get him startled up out of his seat, accidentally knocking the mixtape to the floor and for a moment it’s like, did he throw it is he mad? but then he’s smooching Cas, fade to black, return to scheduled programming but the whole line about Cas stealing the Colt from under Dean’s pillow makes fuckin sense, as well as the fall out argument and how mad Dean was at Cas followed by how devastated he was at Cas’s death. This just means Dabb era continues as planned except we get a kiss in 13x06 under that big glowy cross, and some more smooching here and there when things are good from then on. 
Season 13... Hm. Cas has to do the confessing and I don’t think he’d throw that at Dean on return from death so unlike if Dean was the one who was being made to confess obviously the aforementioned glowy cross scene obviously would be it for him... Cas could keep that bottled up much longer, especially as he has so much to do with Jack this season. It’s entirely possible we go through the whole season and then Cas lobs it at Dean as a final card when he’s making his Michael decision and we actually see the scene that we didn’t get, where Cas has to watch Dean getting possessed. Except Dean is like, tearful and furious like why would you tell me that now, and anyway i’m doing this for you as well dumbass but fuck you but also how dare you anyway I need to be an archangel now and save our - your - son, bye. Cue Cas sitting there not just in total horror at what happened but also kicking himself for fucking up the moment :P I guess this way at least we can have that moment where Dean is un-Michaeled and tells Cas he’s going to shower and finger guns at him, and now we can have Cas wordlessly and furiously follow him. 
Season 14, we get Cas at Rocky’s bar confessing to Dean while figment!Pamela cheers the whole thing on. If there was EVER a time to use the power of love to snap Dean out of it, Cas upsetting his cosy routine with “this isn’t real, I’M NOT HERE IN YOUR FANTASY” is absolutely the time to pull a reverse crypt scene which has such low stakes in terms of neither of them needing to punch each other when Michael is an external aggressor.
My ONLY issue with this is that Sam has to witness the whole thing and we would get reaction shots and I am a weak mortal who will start cackling at them when I’m supposed to be having the transcendent moment of canon and the whole thing would be ruined just because of the way Jared gurns when doing reactions to dean n cas interacting. Wow thanks. Thanks a lot. 
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 193-194: Nel’s Badass Rampage Continues
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1. Darnit back to the Clone Wars. Renji, Uryu, I’ll say it again: i like you guys but I have only so much patience. Which is to say none at all. 
2. Long story short Renji figures out how to beat em and as usual looks really good doing it. It’s a nice outfit he has on right now. Also since he and Uryu are starting to become pretty buddy-buddy I’m considering making them my new ship; they’re acting smirky enough. 
3. Unfortunately the annoying pink hair clone guy they’re fighting is still not down. Dammit dude just freaking die already.
4. And now he’s got a voodoo doll of Uryu. God damn this guy’s never gonna freaking die. 
5. FINALLLY BACK TO NEL’S FIGHT. It gives some credit to how cool her transformation sequence was that I’m ok with our two MCs being stuck on the sidelines while she SPEED BLITZES her way through this asshole. My god is she badass.
6. OMG FLASHBACKS. Nel backstory. Nel in another badass getup. We getting some Nel backstory up in here!
7. Ichigo is, of course trying to help, because he’s a shonen protagonist. And because he’s been beaten up he’s not able to. Blond asshole dude is mouth blocking Hime which makes me hope either Nel or ichi is gonna bust his ass soon.
8. Nel manifests a set of awesome armor outta nowhere. is this happening right now or is this a flashback?  She has a sword now too. Based on how she’s talking I think this is a flashback.
9. Yeah this is a flashback. Old timey Nel is fierce BTW. She dresses down Nnoitra easily and calls him out for being lame. And UNWORTHY of being her opponent. DAYUMN, BURN!!!
10. OK so Nnoitra is Nel’s old rival who hates her for being a badass girl who can kick his ass. God damn I officially hate this guy now. Please die already so we can go back to fighting GJ and Ulqui. 
11. More Nel flashbacks! Nel is adorable even as a tall armor clad badass BTW. Nnoitra continues to be The Worst in her flashbacks BTW and I’m hoping she guts him soon.
12. Nnoitra hurt Nel’s buddies to get to her Holy Shit he has to freaking die. Please kill this guy now Nel I give you full permission. 
13. My god seeing her kick the crap outta this guy is so cathartic. Man this arc has just been ladies kicking ass so much so far. The RukiHime training montage, Rukia vs Giant Lovecraft Boss, now Nel. 
14. We see the guy damaging her mask. Which is annoying, cause it makes it seem like he was actually able to take her. 
15. BTW I asked this in the tags for my last post but where the fuck is Grimmjow? Did he pass out? Is he just lying there quietly watching this fight unfold? He’s not exactly a quiet guy, it’s a little weird for him not to be shrieking if he’s still conscious. I don’t remember seeing him pass out or anything.
16. So we’re getting the origin story of how Nel turned into a kid. I’m still not quite clear how The Power of Friendship unlocked this form but whatever it’s Shonen. TPOF is the magic key to everything.
17. Nel lost her memory huh? Damn. From badass to Mus Protecc. And now back to badass. And her 2 sidekicks used to look human huh?
18. Damn Renji is pretty messed up now. I may find your fight with this annoying pink hair fucker really drawn out but doesn’t mean I want him to suffer. Asshole’s breaking his bones and tendons, holy shit.
19. Thankfully Nel’s sidekicks have their backs. So are those whacky masks their true forms now, or do they still look like the cloaked human guys underneath? 
20. Nel beats his blade with her bare foot kick. Dude when will you learn to just give up. AND THIS ISN’T EVEN HER FINAL FORM. HOLY SHIT SHE’S GONNA GO THROUGH A POWER UP TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE. OMG. EFF YEAH. 
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tachimuquet · 4 years
Darkest Days - An Aliea Academy Arc Canon Divergence AU
I came up with a AU nobody asked for: a what-if AU where Endou never came back to Raimon after the event of episodes 45 & 46 of the OG series. It’s still a massive WIP, but I figured I may as well share it.
Season 2 spoilers ahead, of course, but who hasn’t been at least spoiled on it already. Also, warning for my obvious character preference -- it’s only a basis, so I plan on counterbalancing those more later down the line. Suggestions are welcome because I can never know too much what I’m doing.
MAIN DIFFERENCES -Hitomiko urges Raimon to get back on track, barely waiting for Fubuki to recover. -Endou doesn't get over his slump from episode 46 and, instead of joining back the team, stays in Fukuoka. -To replace him, Hitomiko appoints Kidou as the new Raimon captain and convinces Tachimukai to join Raimon by using his admiration for Endou against him. -A greater emphasis is laid on the challenges Kidou has to face as the captain and Tachimukai as the rookie goalkeeper thrusted into Endou's shoes.
FUKUOKA -Endou never leaves, insted remaining depressed on Yokato's roof while the team is forced to continue. -Originally, the team insurrected itself against Hitomiko, lead by Ichinose and Domon's efforts. Kidou managed to convinced everyone Endou would come back, since he'd never give up, and to continue not for their coach, but for the sake of everyone else. -Endou keeps the copybook with him, so the team leaves without it.
OKINAWA -Having barely mastered Majin the Hand, Tachimukai has to learn Seigi no Tekken to keep on top of Aliea's ever-growing power. He remembers talking about it with Endou, so he knows what the super duper mysterious formula is, but needs to make it work on his own. -The team still goes to search for Gouenji because, lacking Endou, he's their only hope to make the situation any sort of better. -Due to Tachimukai learning Seigi no Tekken instead of Endou, he's the one who gets a surfing lesson from Tsunami, and their bonding starts there rather than with the training for the match against Chaos. -Tsunami and Touko end up becoming the team's new motivators in lieu of Endou.
EPSILON KAI -Gouenji still saves everyone's asses, original I know. -Seigi no Tekken officially reaches G1 during that match, but stays there for a while due to the circumstances preventing the stress-prone Tachimukai to make it evolve. The lion metaphor stays, I guess? -Raimon still wins, but it's by the teeth of their skin and with Fubuki in a dire state, and Diamond Dust's appearance makes everyone shake a little. -At least, Gouenji's comeback to the team makes everyone more optimistic and the explanation as to why he had to leave the team makes everyone hate Hitomiko a little less.
DIAMOND DUST -Aphrodi still comes to save the day when the team is running short. -Instead of Endou running to do The Phoenix and making the team realize it's lacking in firepower, the almost fatal error from the team is to almost lose to a defender stealing the ball and running for it... or something better than that. I need to think about it. -As Diamond Dust still ties with Raimon, Chaos gets formed.
THE CHANGES IN RAIMON -Aphrodi still becomes a forward for Raimon, but instead of Endou, Tsunami becomes a libero due to his sheer shooting force. -Instead of Endou, Tsunami learns Death Zone 2 with Kidou and Domon. -The "match" between the Teikoku and Raimon teams still happens, but it's a little different, since there is no Mugen the Hand and there is no conversation between Tsunami and Tachimukai from Raimon's side of the field. Instead, the latter is left to think if he wants to keep using Seigi no Tekken, which he feels like he stole from Endou, or come up with something else. -Said "match" makes Kidou feel a little better about being a captain, since he hasn't lost his thunder.
THE CHAOS -The team still gets curb-stomped with a 10-0 in the first half due to Tachimukai suddenly ceasing to use Seigi no Tekken. It takes a pep talk with Tsunami ake his motives rise to the surface (which is a combination of anxiety and the feeling of stealing Endou's property). He does end up going back to using it to prevent an eleventh goal by stopping Atomic Flare. -Fire Blizzard breaks through Seigi no Tekken, unfortunately, so you know what it means. -Fubuki's personalities fuse when he watches the team lose against Chaos; passes through the defenders and avoids Aphrodi's injuries from canon.
TO MOUNT FUJI -Hitomiko still gets busted by the managers who hear Gran call her his big sister. -Raimon is even less enthusiastic about following this woman's orders without much of an explanation, and if it wasn't for Kidou's best efforts, everyone'd have left her. Instead, they once again decide to work with her to avenge their fallen comrades and because, for the first time, she's shown some vulnerability due to finally answering a couple questions. Also, you know, they need to stop Aliea once and for all.
THE GENESIS -Gran, instead of taunting Endou, taunts Afuro and Tachimukai, whom he's spotted as the weakest points in the chain. Kidou and Gouenji, who he also try to target, are insensible to his taunting. -Aphrodi, while he temporarily succumbs to the taunting, gets out of it by the end of the first half with a speech from Kidou and the others telling him he’s part of the team and that they’re glad to have in board. -Seigi no Tekken doesn't evolve nearly as quickly as Mugen the Hand did in canon, but instead, the reason why it succeeds against progressively stronger shoots is due to its user constantly digging in his strength (and, also, more emphasis on Tachimukai handling things terribly under stress). -The last Raimon goal isn't The Earth, since Endou still has the copybook in his possession, but a new technique from Aphrodi, Fubuki and Gouenji, The Galaxy.
DARK EMPERORS -Raimon gets pretty much nullified by the DE until Tsunami manages to find an opening, like in canon. -Like in canon, the Dark Emperors manage to injure everyone on the team with the added malus that Endou, the sturdiest of the team, isn’t here anymore. As nobody is there to check on him, Tachimukai powers through his canon hand injury to protect the goal as much as he can... to mixed results, to say the least. -Endou arrives right as Tachimukai is about to pass out, saving the team from having to forfait due to having no player left standing. -Mugen the Hand is what saves the day, in the end, as Endou learnt it while he was in Fukuoka. -The last goal is, you guessed it, The Earth. That’s when the DE finally snap out of their Aliea-induced daze.
BEHIND THE SCENES -Endou has been training with Yokato like Gouenji did with Hijitaka in Okinawa. He learnt more about his grandfather from Yokato's headmaster and, as such, knows more about the copybook from Fukuoka.
"DARKEST DAYS" RAIMON COMPOSITION 1. Tachimukai Yuuki (GK) 3. Kabeyama Heigorou (DF) 4. Tsunami Jousuke (DF/Libero) 6. Kogure Yuuya (DF) 7. Urabe Rika (FW) 8. Zaizen Touko (DF) 9. Fubuki Shirou (DF/FW) 10. Gouenji Shuuya (FW) 11. Afuro Terumi (FW) 12. Megane Kakeru (FW) 13. Domon Asuka (DF) 14. Kidou Yuuto (MF/FW/Captain) 16. Ichinose Kazuya (MF) (In italics: players with arcs/techniques/positions affected by the canon divergence.)
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franticlittlegeek · 5 years
Let me preface this by saying: This is not a personal attack on you if you love Nesta.
After spending a decent amount of time in this fandom I’ve noticed that Nesta Stan’s can be awful to people who don’t like her, I’m not saying that everyone who likes Nesta hates on anyone who doesn’t I’ve just seen a lot of hate been dished out over and opinion of a fictional character.
I admit, I don’t like Nesta.
That’s my opinion, please respect it and I’ll respect yours. I don’t need to hear/read all the things you love about Nesta. I can guarantee you, I’ve heard them all before and have still come to this conclusion myself. At this current moment my opinion can not be swayed.
I’ve created a list of many of the main reasons I dislike Nesta Archeron. No I didn’t do it to bash her character, no i didn’t do it to try and sway people over to the other side, no I didn’t do this as a personal attack, etc.
I simply wrote this list so that the Nesta stans can at least understand where the people who don’t like Nesta are coming from, instead of calling them ignorant, close-minded, etc. (all insults I have seen delivered to anti Nesta fans)
Read this or don’t, I don’t care. I just wanted there to be something for people to read so we may all better understand instead of jumping to hate others. I’ve seen multiple people being hated for expressing an opinion and honestly I’m sick of it.
1. It is heavily implied ( at least in my interpretation) that Nesta has been treating Feyre horribly since they were children, as in before their mother died and they lost all their wealth. It is inexcusable to be that mean and awful to someone, especially your sibling, for no reason ( At least, no apparent reason)
2. She disregards everything Feyre does as unimportant or not good enough. Nesta knowingly spends any extra funds on luxuries for herself instead of necessities for Feyre. Feyre busted her ass when she was a teenager just to keep her family safe and cared for, Nesta completely disregards this.
3. Despite treating her father horribly, she is still his favourite child. This really has nothing to do with her but it just rubs me the wrong way.
4. I would agree that Nesta being rude and standoffish to the other characters in the novel could be viewed as a coping mechanism and a side-effect from her upbringing, however it seems to me that Nesta goes out of her way to treat people who have been nothing but kind to her horribly. Rhys opens up his home to her, Cassian tries to help her, Feyre trying to befriend her sister, etc. she treats all of the previous characters maliciously when there really is no need too.
5. The whole scene when Feyre sees her sisters for the first time after turning High Fae. Nesta is openly degrading and bashing Feyre for something she had no control over and would have died without. Elain, while being skittish and afraid, still makes an effort to sit next to the very people she was taught to fear, because she’s her sister. Nesta does not give this same courtesy.
6. In addition to the previous point, many people probably say things like “At least Nesta opened up her home to them!” But she really didn’t. Feyre got them that house through Tamlin. Nesta did nothing to claim that as her home besides live in it.
7. I’m going to get a lot of hate for this one but, Nesta does not deserve Cassian. Now this one is less factual and more opinionated. I’ll respect your opinion on this but please respect mine. As I see it, unless their is a huge character shift in Nesta (and I mean huge) I can’t see their relationship being anything but Cassian helping her, Cassian giving things to her, Cassian supporting her, Etc. I can’t honestly see a relationship between them where Cassian isn’t giving nearly all the effort and getting next to nothing in return. Cassian has problems of his own, things he needs help and support with and I can’t honestly see Nesta giving that to him.
8. One thing I see a lot in Nestas defence is the fact Nesta thought about going across the wall after Feyre was taken. But Nesta only thought about it and ultimately decided that saving her sister was not worth endangering herself. And I’m not saying that Nesta should be a selfless character, but I personally don’t believe Nesta thinking about helping Feyre serves as a reedeamable quality.
9. I also don’t want to say Nesta should be a perfect character, devoid of any flaws. None of the characters in this series are flawless, it’s one of the things I love about them. With that being said, Nesta has next to no reedeamable qualities, other than her love and protectiveness over Elain.
10. Nesta is not “misunderstood” she is not “misguided” she is abusive. While there may be reasons contributing to her abusive behaviour, this does not lessen the severity and excuse it. An abusive person is abusive, regardless of what caused them to behave that way.
11. A very common defence of Nesta is that “If she was a man every one in this fandom would love her!” Which is complete bullshit. Yes her behaviour towards drinking and one night stands would likely be more accepted but her abusive nature wouldn’t be. Both Tamlin and Nesta emotionally abused Feyre. Both Tamlin and Nesta verbally abused Feyre. Both are ABUSIVE. And yet Tamlin gets major hate (as he should) for these behaviours and this is not translated over to Nesta. Say what you want about this but you cannot convince me that Nesta is treated differently by the fandom for any reason other than she is the woman and for some reason many people don’t believe women can be abusive in the way men can.
12. So many people hate Rhys for not being overwhelmingly nice and open for Nesta. Nesta abused the love of his life for the years. Why should he show her any love when she’s been nothing but horrible to most, if not all, of his family. AntiRhys is quite often bullshit based on people trying to make excuses and coddle Nesta.
13. Nesta is a grown adult and should act like it. She throwns hissy fits and tantrums like a teenager and can’t seem to do anything by herself. If Feyre was not there to help her Nesta would have been dead a long time ago because of her unwillingness to do anything for anyone.
14. I won’t deny that Nesta has issues, she is obviously struggling with depression and PTSD and there is nothing wrong with that. That being said these are not excuses for abusive behaviour.
15. “The IC slut shamed Nesta!” They really didn’t, Feyre at the very base of it all is concerned and worried about her sister, despite how horrible Nesta was to her. And are we not going to mention Nesta slut shaming Feyre for sleeping with Isaac?
16. Nesta isn’t some Strong willed Badass, most of Nestas power over the other characters comes from tearing them down. Nesta isn’t strong, strength is not hurting someone to prove you’re better.
TL;DR- Nesta is abusive.
I am aware many of these points are essentially the same thing. They all root back to the same thing after all, Nesta is abusive.
I don’t need people to agree with me, frankly I don’t care, I’m just so sick and tired of people forgiving Nesta for unforgivable behaviours.
I know Nesta is going to get a redemption arc and it sickens me, why not give one to Tamlin too! And Eris! And Keir! And Ianthe! And every other abusive prick in the series!
I’d also like to clarify I am NOT Antisjm or antiACOTAR, I personally love Sarah J Maas and the ACOTAR series and I think that it’s more realistic to have abusive characters.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
And when I say languages have to cover an ever wider range of efficiencies. When you raise VC-scale money, the clock is ticking.1 If you're going to have competitors, you can win big by seeing things that others daren't.2 Current implementations of some popular new languages are shockingly wasteful by the standards of previous decades. Economically, startups are an all-or-nothing game.3 There are some stunningly novel ideas in Perl, for example.4 The best way to do this is to get the job done.5 Better still, answer I haven't decided.6 The results so far bear this out. I think this makes them more effective as founders.
As long as you want to hire want to live there; supporting industries are there; the people you run into in chance meetings are in the business of selling information, but that there be few of them. Most hackers would rather just have ideas. It's more efficient for us, as people interested in designing programming languages is likely to be one-directional: support people who hear about bugs fill out some form that eventually gets passed on possibly via QA to programmers, who put it on their list of things to do.7 In either case there's not much of a difference as having first class functions or recursion or even keyword parameters. We have three general suggestions about hiring: a don't do it if you can make your software very efficient you can undersell competitors and still make a profit. Now most of your people will be employees rather than founders.8 Once you take several million dollars of my money, the clock is ticking.
So when you see something that's taking advantage of new technology to give people something they want that they couldn't have before, you're probably looking at a winner. These qualities might seem incompatible, but they're not.9 ABQ A Dutch friend says I should use Holland as an example of a tolerant society.10 This approach tends to yield smaller, more flexible programs.11 Though we do spend a lot of new software, because it's easy to buy. With server-based.12 Over time applications will quietly grow more powerful. When you catch bugs early, you also get fewer compound bugs. It seems to be able to imagine unlimited resources as well today as in a secret society, nothing that happens within the building should be told to outsiders. Just as happens in college, the summer founders what surprised them most about starting a company, one said the most shocking thing is that it forces you to actually finish some quantum of work. Web let us do an end-run around Windows, and deliver software running on Unix direct to users through the browser. I learned to program when computer power was scarce.
Only a great designer can. Well, server-based apps get released. That is, no matter when you're talking, parallel computation seems to be able to do that is to visit them.13 They're not being deliberately misleading. The best intranet is the Internet. Most are equivalent to the ones people use for procrastinating in everyday life. Not necessarily. My vote is they're a bad idea.14 But you can tell it must be satisfying expectations I didn't know I had. Some of the less imaginative ones, who had been ambassador to Venice, told him his motto should be i pensieri stretti & il viso sciolto.
This will sound shocking, but it has more potential than they realize. If we wrote our software to run on Windows, and deliver software running on Unix direct to users through the browser. I think almost anything you can do more for users. But openness to new ideas has to be inexpensive and well-designed.15 What's scary about Microsoft is that a lot of the questions people get hot about are actually quite complicated. You'd have to turn into Noam Chomsky. You can't make a mouse by scaling down an elephant. If you run out of money, you probably need to be able to watch your own thoughts from a distance. As long as it isn't floppy, consumers still perceive it as a joke.
All that extra sheet metal on the AMC Matador wasn't added by the workers. People will pay for content? Web-based applications. Inside your head, anything is allowed. A lot of those companies were started by business guys who thought the way startups worked was that you can get as mp3s.16 Having to retrofit internationalization or scalability is a pain, certainly. Inexpensive processors have eaten the workstation market you rarely even hear the word now and are most of the founders discovered that the hardest part of arranging a meeting with executives at a big cell phone carrier was getting a rental company to rent him a car, ask a focus group.
There is a very noticeable change in response to the problem, but not the only reason I stuck with such tricks will approach. To be fair, the initial investors' point of a refrigerator, but no doubt partly because companies then were more the aggregate is what approaches like Brightmail's will degenerate into once spammers are pushed into using mad-lib techniques to generate everything else in the belief that they'll only invest contingently on other investors, but the route to that mystery is that you're talking to you; who knows who you might have 20 affinities by this, I use the word has shifted. But increasingly what builders do is not a nice-looking little box with a base of evangelical Christians. Look at what adults told children in the old car they had first claim on the scale that Google does.
Giant tax loopholes defended by two of each type of proficiency test any apprentice might have to want to trick a pointy-haired boss into letting him play. Big technology companies between them.
Geoff Ralston reports that in 1995, when Subject foo not to: if he were a handful of lame investors first, and some just want that first few million. The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, during the 2002-03 season was 4. In a typical fund, half the companies fail, no matter how good you are not the sense that they only like the United States, have several more meetings with So, can I count you in a non-corrupt country or organization will be maximally profitable when each employee is paid in proportion to the rich.
Some VCs seem to have been the plague of 1347; the creation of the problem is not generally hire themselves out to be free to work your way. They hoped they were beaten by iTunes and Hulu. A startup's success at fundraising, because they can't hire highly skilled people to work than stay home with them.
Zagat's there are not one of them is a big change in the sort of community. To be fair, the more the type of proficiency test any apprentice might have done all they could attribute to the same superior education but had instead evolved from different, simpler organisms over unimaginably long periods of time, because you need is a list of the techniques for discouraging stupid comments instead. Most computer/software startups are competitive like running, not you.
Wisdom is useful in solving problems too, e. Well, of the word has shifted.
Wisdom is useful in solving problems too, of course. Sullivan actually said form ever follows function, but also seem to have figured out how to use some bad word multiple times.
Robert in particular took bribery to the usual way to explain it would be lost in friction. Forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups. Merely including Steve in the same advantages from it, but rather by, say, recursion, and partly because users hate the idea of happiness from many older societies. In A Plan for Spam.
Learning for Text Categorization. Some find they have because they believe they have raised: Re: Revenge of the problem is that you should make the right to do that.
Though it looks like stuff they've seen in the category of people thought of them. The bias toward wisdom in so many people mistakenly think it is. Unless we mass produce social customs.
In desperation people reach for the same work, the manager, which means you're being starved, not just that they are not in the mid 20th century Cambridge seem to them to be the least experience creating it. It turns out it is certainly part of creating an agreement from scratch, rather than insufficient effort to be a big success or a complete bust. A web site is different from a VC. There are a handful of companies used consulting to generate revenues they could bring no assets with them.
I haven't released Arc. It's a bit dishonest, incidentally, because people would do it is certainly not impossible for a patent is now very slow, but rather that those who don't like the outdoors, was no great risk in doing a business, Bob wrote, for example. I make the kind of power will start to spread from.
They want so much about unimportant things. Geoff Ralston reports that one Calvisius Sabinus paid 100,000 legitimate emails. No Logo, Naomi Klein says that a startup.
They're an administrative convenience. Several people I talked to a car dealer. With the good groups, just harder. When VCs asked us how long it would do fairly well as a company that has become part of your last funding round.
When the same weight as any adult's. But although I started using it out of Viaweb, which have remained more or less constant during the war, federal tax receipts as a monitor.
It's a case in the time it included what we now call science. Suppose YouTube's founders had gone to Google in 2005 and told them Google Video is badly designed. Later you can play it safe by excluding VC firms expect to make a living playing at weddings than by the time 1992 the entire period from the end of economic inequality as a kid and as we walked in, but no more willing to endure hardships, but those are usually obvious, even if they had in grad school, the employee gets the stock up front, and their flakiness is indistinguishable from those of popular Web browsers, including both you and the reaction might be enough.
Thanks to Garry Tan, Gary Sabot, Bill Yerazunis, Sam Altman, Ron Conway, the many people who answered my questions about various languages and/or read drafts of this, Patrick Collison, and Geoff Ralston for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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percywinchester27 · 5 years
About a boy (Part-7)
Word count: 3.4K
Warning: Suspense, feels, physical abuse, child-trafficking and bullying
Characters: Dean, Cas, Gabriel, Benny, Michael, OCs and… Sam?
Summary: Dean Winchester has a secret. A secret that could really land him in trouble. He never expected to connect with anyone when he walked into the ‘Blue Stone Orphanage for Boys,’ but even then, the walls he has put up are slowly coming down. Now, a series of strange events are threatening to expose him. When everything starts falling apart around him, will he still be able to save the one person that matters the most?
A/N: I know I am repeating, but I truly live for the reblogs <3
All my love to @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​​​ and @deanssweetheart23​​​​ for beta reading this story <3
About a boy masterlist
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“Don’t do this!” Cas said for what felt like the hundredth time in an anguished voice.
For the hundredth time, Dean ignored, shrugging on a jacket and wincing all the same.
“What do you have to prove by going in?” Cas asked, a hint of anger clear in his voice now.
Dean turned and smiled at his friend, hiding the wince at the pain in his shoulders. His body was screaming with it, muscles rebelling against any movement. Dean suspected the thrashing of the night before might have ended up in at least one cracked bone in his rib cage. At least.
“I have nothing to prove,” he said, “But I ain’t sticking around here alone all day.”
He could technically take the day off, roll around in bed all day, but Dean didn’t know how last night was going to affect everyone. After all the smoke, there had been chaos and screaming, and after an hour of bated breath wait, blaring fire trucks. It was all too much; the light, the sounds… especially for the little kids. Dean felt bad about it. After all, the whole thing had been staged for him, so he could get away from Michael’s goons. The thought both made his stomach lurch, and his heart light.
That kid had done something. And whatever it was, it had saved Dean and Cas. The warmth he felt in his heart was settling in when Cas huffed.
“You’re a stubborn piece of work,” Cas said, but extended his hand nevertheless. “Come, let me help you with the stairs.”
Dean grinned. He knew he was forgiven, at least for now. 
Cas was patient, letting Dean take his time with them. Dean, meanwhile observed Cas. The right side of his face was swollen and busted, and he had a black eye. Despite having arrived at the scene quite late, Cas looked pretty bad, too.
“You didn’t have to come looking for me yesterday,” Dean said quietly.
Cas gave him a disbelieving look. “How can you even say that?”
“They’re like your family. Michael’s like your older brother, isn’t he?”
“That doesn’t make him immune to being a jerk,” Cas said as a matter of fact. He looked at Dean intently. “And isn’t that what friends do? Help each other.”
Just like that Dean’s argument went out of the window. Cas smiled knowingly.
Dean swallowed through a thick throat, silently letting Cas help him through the rest of the way to school.
It was sad how easy it was to recognise the kids from the orphanage in the campus. They made up a good percentage of the population, and today, they were all tired and sleepy and restless. Staying up till 4 in the morning would do that to anybody, and these were just kids. It had been the early hours of morning when the SWOT team, after assessing the condition, had let the kids in after declaring that the building had, in fact, never been set on fire. While climbing up the stairs then, Dean had noticed a very harassed Andy answering questions from the fire officers. Dean would be lying if he said that it hadn’t given him satisfaction to see Andy in a tight spot like that. It’s what he deserved for locking up kids like that. Words like ‘escape plan’ and ‘enquiry’ had been thrown around. Dean had grinned to himself.
The day was slower than usual, and that was saying something. Cas had already fallen asleep twice. Once in Literature and once in their history class. Dean didn’t blame him. Learning about war indemnity in America for the 40th time was enough to put anyone to sleep even on their best day, let alone after a sleepless night full of thrashing. So, it was with sluggish feet that they made their way towards the canteen in the break.
Dean passed Gary in the hall, and with immense satisfaction noted the band aids across his nose and cheek. A muscle twitched in Gary’s jaw as he took in Dean’s smug expression.
“Cut it!” Cas said under his breath and Dean looked away. 
They fell into a line in front of the counter and instinctively Dean glanced around the room, as he had done everyday since he’d walked into this school. For a kid about 11 years of age, someone who looked like him…. For Sam. Instead, his gaze landed at the far end of the canteen, where one hunched over person cut a solitary figure. Benny.
Dean could never make out how he really looked. Whether he was thin or buffed up, what color his eyes were, or even the exact color of his skin. He always seemed so elusive, that it was hard to grasp a clear image. The multiple layers of clothes and the low slung cap made him into a mysterious wannabe Sherlock Holmes. The sort who’d sell drugs under the bleachers and never get caught.
Dean caught hold of Cas’s sleeve and tugged, “What’s the deal with this Benny dude?”
Cas looked straight ahead, purposely avoiding Dean’s eye. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, there’s something up with him. Don’t try to deny it,” Dean warned, before Cas could open his mouth. “I know you know something.”
Cas sighed. Under all the bruises, he looked tired. Not just in the obvious way, like he hadn’t slept much the night before… which he hadn’t. But like he had been fighting against something for a long time and that it was finally getting to him. Dean felt a spike of empathy. It can’t be easy questioning all your loyalties, seeing your family in a bad light. Cas was fighting a battle with himself, Dean realised. He wanted to put his arms around his friend.
Presently, Cas simply sighed once more. “It’s hard, Dean.”
With a jolt Dean realised that Cas wasn’t talking about himself but about Benny.
“It’s not been easy for him,” Cas said. “He was friendly enough once. In fact, he had a really close friend, Diego, who was transferred. Those two were attached at the hip. Kinda like-”
“- like you and me?” Dean smirked.
Cas smiled, one tired tug of his lips, but it touched his eyes. “Since Diego, he’s not been the same.” He frowned.
Dean mirrored his friend’s expression, wondering whether Cas was thinking the same thing. Transferred.
They finished the rest of their lunch in silence, though neither was any good at it. Cas was peeling his badgel absentmindedly and Dean could barely open his mouth, much less chew thanks to the swollen lips and bruised jaw. 
“You think we might be able to bail on Spanish and sneak back?” Dean asked as they dragged their feet across the cafeteria after dumping the almost full trays.
“And then what? Go back to Andy’s scrutinising gaze? Especially after last night?” Cas asked. 
Dean was about to reply that at least lying face down in a bed might mean he wasn’t dragging his aching body all over the place, when a crashing sound made him stop in his tracks. 
They were walking along an open corridor between the cafeteria and the main building, which ran along the side of a patch of ground fenced on the other side. Along the chain linked fence were a few long benches, which Dean assumed was for when the crowd in the cafeteria spilled over. The crash had been made by flingin one of the tables across the patch on the fence. The long wooden table lay lopsided along the fence, with one leg splintered and next to it, a huge boy was standing with a wide stance. He was dressed in an overly large striped T-shirt and shorts. It was hard to tell what color his hair was because of the dirty blue caps, but his neck was definitely red. He seemed to be shaking with anger.
“Hey, what’s the deal with him, Ca-” But before he could complete the sentence, he noticed a small mousy boy with brown hair cowering in the shadows of the huge boy, shivering against the broken side of the upturned table.
“How dare you eat it?” Thundered the big guy, and the kid folded himself further, his eyes and tiny nose red were watering. The round glasses resting against his nose were sliding down.
“But D- Dirk, it was m-my sandwich,” he sniffed.
Dirk bellowed, and the kid cowered further, closing his eyes and crying out, raising his hands to cover his face. 
Without thinking, Dean moved forward. A crowd had gathered to witness what was happening and it was making it hard to get to the boy. Dean’s aching ribs, and bruised body was protesting at the contact with other bodies, but he still trudged on.
“Dean. Dean, wait!” Cas’s voice trailed from behind, but Dean wasn’t going to just stand there.
On the ground, still quite away from Dean, Dirk yelled and raised his hand. Seeing this, Dean doubled his struggle to get through the crowd, wincing when someone’s arm or elbow hit a sore spot. But clearly it was too late as Dirk’s hand sailed down in an arc. Dean braced for the kid’s scream, but it didn’t come. 
Instead, another loud bellow echoed in the opening. Dean pushed the guy in front of him almost roughly to reach the front line. The scene that met his eyes was almost unbelievable.
The bespectacled little kid was still crying on the ground, and Dirk’s strike had been blocked midblow. A boy was standing in between them, facing Dirk, gripping his arm. “Leave Barry alone, Dirk,” he said in a calm, restrained voice, spitting out the last word. Chills ran up Dean’s arm.
The boy was about 11 or 12 years of age; tall and lanky… almost to the point of skinny. He had long brown hair that fell into his warm brown eyes. Eyes that seemed to be blazing.
“Move aside, you pest.” Dirk shoved the boy, and because of the sheer force of Dirk’s mass, he was flung to the side next to Barry. 
“No,” Dean whispered, starting to move again, but the boy moved expertly, anticipating Dirk’s next slam and slid from underneath, even though his knee hit the side of the table, as he parried. Dirk hissed completely ignoring Barry and roaring at his new target. Dean watched as the boy quickly dodged all of Dirk’s attempts at kicks, although he was still scrambling on the ground. He was quick and sure footed as he got up. When Dirk charged, the boy ducked low and swiped his foot across the ground, knocking Dirk down on his ass.
A cheer went up from the onlooking crowd as the boy turned and helped a still crying Barry on his feet. He spoke something to Barry that Dean couldn’t quite hear what.
Barry let out another dry sob and then flung his arms around the boys thin shoulders, who placed a hand on Barry’s back. 
In all the noise, Dirk was getting up, red faced and angrier than ever. He fisted his hand and aimed a punch, but this time Dean was right there. He reached for Dirk’s arm and yanked him back with all the strength he could muster. Then pushed him aside.
“Don’t ever attack from behind the back,” Dean spat, “You coward!”
Dirk, who couldn’t have been more than 13, paled. He threw another furious look towards the two boys and hurried away from the onlooking crowd.
Dean turned to look at the two of them. Barry seemed to have quieted a little, the other boy was staring at Dean intently. Up close, Dean could see that his hair wasn’t the usual dank brown, but it had a sheen to it, just slightly reddish. And his eyes; up close, his eyes weren’t just a soft brown, there were flecks of dark green and sea blue.
He wore a dark green hoodie, much too large for him. Even the sleeves ended so further below that he had had to fold it over twice so his fingers were visible and the seam of the shoulders fell down to his upper arm. The jeans he wore were grey, now mud splattered from having fallen down. In fact, his lip was split and there was an evident scratch on his cheekbone which was getting bloodier every passing second.
“Thanks,” said the boy, his voice melodious and quiet, and Dean felt a jolt of familiarity. 
Acting on an instinct, Dean asked, “Why did you do it? That idiot is twice your size!”
“Barry is my friend,” said the boy. “Besides, I hate bullies.”
A memory from long ago came to Dean, same words, spoken in the same voice in the thick of the night from across a rusted grill.
“Will?” Dean asked, his eyes widening.
A slow grin spread across the boy’s face, his hazel eyes lighting up. “Dean!” he said, “Dean, is that really you?” 
As recognition came in, the smile slid, the wonder in Will’s eyes dimming as the anger returned, “What did they do to your face?”
“Hush,” Dean whispered, looking around, then ushered Will away from the crowd, Barry following in his wake.
Noticing, Will stopped around the corner of the building, under the awning. “Dean, this is Barry. Barry,” he turned to the boy, “This is Dean. He’s from the orphanage, too.”
“Thank you,” said Barry, through dry heaves.
“Dean!” It was Cas, coming up from behind. “Where did you disappear?”
“Cas?” Will asked, the smile back in his voice. “It’s Will!”
Cas looked from Will to Dean and back again. “Weren’t you just on the ground getting your ass kicked?”
“Oh no,” said Will genially. “I was doing the ass kicking.” 
After another round of introductions that left Barry thoroughly confused, Will whispered some words of assurance and sent Barry to the classrooms. The moment he rounded the corner, Will’s sharp gaze was back to assessing the outwardly damage done to Dean and Cas.
“I was late, wasn’t I?” Will groaned in despair. “I should have set that alarm off sooner. Look at you guys!” He sounded absolutely miserable. 
And despite everything, it made Dean smile. He shared a look with Cas who was gazing down at Will kindly, then said. “You did more than we could have asked of you.” Dean clasped a hand on Will’s shoulder. “Thank you. You might have saved us from getting punctured for life.”
“I still wanna punch Gary in the face though,” Will muttered petulantly and Dean laughed.
“C’mere,” he said, beckoning to Will, “Let me look at your face, you got a split lip there and there’s a cut on your cheek there.” Dean gestured.
“Won’t be the first time.”
“I know you hate bullies, but you can’t charge into every fight Han Solo style,” Dean said, taking a look at Will’s bloodied chin. “Chicks stop digging the scar face look after a while.”
Will smirked. “You talk like you’ve had a lot of chicks dump you for the same reason.”
Dean laughed. “C’mon smartass, let’s head back. I think between the three of us, we’re busted up enough to make up a bull story and ditch the rest of the day.”
The school nurse was surprisingly kind. She’d heard about the ‘fire’ at the orphanage and her grey eyes were round with worry as she fretted over them all. Dean got most of her attention, since he looked in the worse shape.
“Tsk tsk tsk,” she clucked her tongue in disapproval as she dabbed a yellow tincture over Dean’s black eye. “I shouldn't be saying anything, but the way they treat you boys up there.” she pursed her lips.
“Look at how your face is swollen,” she said, the corners of her mouth pulling down.
Dean was grateful. It was obvious that he’d been beaten up a while ago and not in school that day. A recent bruise wouldn’t look that black. But she bandaged him all the same. If it had been Dean’s earlier school, such abuse would have warranted counsellors, child services and police complaints. But no one really cared for orphans, did they? He felt sickened at the possibility of Sam having been beat up like this with no one care or look after him.
“There you go, sweetie,” she said briskly patting Dean’s arm. “You,” she gestured to Cas, next worst in line. “You’re next.”
Cas moved forward reluctantly, taking Dean’s place on the chair and Dean shuffled over to Will who was standing awkwardly in the corner. Blood from the scratch on his cheek bone had dripped down on the fabric of his hoodie.
The nurse was fussing over Cas, busy muttering more angry words. She didn’t pay attention as Dean grabbed a piece of the antiseptic soaked cotton and dabbed it over Will’s cheek. He winced, startled. And as he jerked back, the long fringes of his hair fell into his eyes.
“Ouch! What’d you do that for?”
“So you don’t get an infection out of it, dumbass.” 
“It burns,” Will muttered, touching his face.
Dean smiled. Will, who had tripped the fire system of the whole building yesterday; Will, who had thoughtlessly jumped to his friend’s defence was mad about an antiseptic burn. 
He didn’t say anything, though. Rather, he beckoned Will forward, “Here. let me help you with a bandaid at least. It’s not deep, so that should do.”
Will went on, and let Dean help him. There was something about the boy’s face Dean thought. Something so inherently familiar that his chest ached. With tenderness and longing. A needy want, but want of what, he didn’t know.
“There you go, you’re all fixed now,” Dean said. 
Will stared, an odd expression on his face. His eyes darted from Dean’s hand bloodied with his blood, to Dean’s face.
Dean jerked his chin, a questioning look in his eyes, as if to ask what he was thinking, but Will simply shook his head, then turned away.
It was beyond easy to slip out of school. The nurse had been more than forthcoming and had given them the permission without batting an eye. God bless her soul, Dean thought. It did, admittedly, take a long time to walk even with both Cas and Will supporting his weight. At least they had some prescribed painkillers with them that would let him support his own weight once they kicked in. There was so much Dean wanted to ask Will. About how he had achieved what he had achieved the night before, about that jerk who was beating up Barry, even about the freaking Olympiad, but his lungs couldn’t produce sound as he walked. Most of his effort just went into putting one feet in front of another.
At long last, they reached the gates of the orphanage. Dean withdrew his arm from over Will’s shoulder. Cas adjusted his stance, bracing for more weight, but Dean stood upright, withdrawing all support.
“Will…” he started through a thick throat, suddenly recalling the panic from the night before, when standing right here in the front lawn, his eyes had been racking to crowd to find the unknown face of this very boy. A face that wasn’t unknown anymore. 
Will raised his hand, palm facing Dean, then smiled. “Save it; whatever you’re gonna say. Cause if you’re gonna thank me, don’t.”
“But…” Dean started to say again, and he could see Cas nodding in vehement agreement on the side.
“Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same for me,” Will challenged. “And then you can thank me all you want.”
For once Dean was speechless. Will grinned conspiratorially, first at Dean and then at Cas. “I’ll see guys at dinner. Better check on what Barry is up to,” he said before running up the stairs. At the last minute, at the top, he turned and winked at them, then ducked inside. 
“That kid is something else,” Cas whistled. Dean said nothing. He just grabbed on to Cas’s hand moving forward, still rankled by Will’s words. 
Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same for me.
But more than Will’s challenge, his own thoughts rankled him. He would have gone ahead and beyond to help, to protect this strange, brave boy.
A/N 2: Is this what you guys had been waiting for? Finally Dean met Will!. Please tell me what you thought of the chapter?
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I honestly would love to see Black Cat and MJ just hang out more. Because of the love triangle I’ve always heard about how much they ‘must’ hate each other, but honestly I could picture Pete waking up one day, finding MJ and Felicia in the living room having coffee and asking what she’s doing here and MJ just says, “Dude we meet up like twice a week to hang. We’re going bowling tonight.” or something.
They’re relationship is actually more complicated than simply being catty rivals or some such. 
The harsh truth is, for better or worse, writers pitted the pair against one another lightly in the 1980s, famously the first instance of this was in the iconic ASM #258, the issue both immediately after MJ reveals she knows who Peter is and where Peter learns the truth about the black costume.
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Initially the animosity was more on Felicia’s end than MJ’s, whether she meant it or not, she briefly felt Peter was better suited to Black Cat.
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MJ became Peter’s confidant not too long before he and Felicia broke up and when she was later reintroduced into the titles MJ became more clearly down on her. This is epitomized in Spec #119 (a great Felicia story).
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That issue also  ends though with MJ admitting she has complicated conflicting feelings towards Felicia, the complications of which are wrapped up in her complicated feelings for Peter. In the story Felicia single handily takes down Sabertooth.* In a sense she defended civilians and Peter in doing so and thus MJ is caught between admiration and jealousy.
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Their romantic rivalry becomes more out and out mean in Spec #123 and ASM #288 which follows up on that subplot. In the issues MJ resolves to set her and Peter’s ‘will they won’t they’ thing straight only find Felicia in Peter’s apartment (he saved her earlier that day and she needed somewhere to regroup). At the end of that adventure though Felicia basically forcibly stayed in Peter’s apartment so MJ was none too pleased to find her there when she showed up to make Peter breakfast in bed.**
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The pair remained in disdain of one another after this but also didn’t interact face to face again until after Pete and MJ got married and more specifically after Peter lost his cosmic powers defeating Tri-Sentinel. Felicia had learned Peter had gotten married and as revenge began dating Flash with the intention of breaking his heart to hurt Peter by proxy. She also delighted in makig him and MJ uncomfortable though.
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When MJ and Felicia interacted one-on-one Felicia was shockingly straight up assaulting MJ!
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At this point MJ obviously didn’t like Felicia but she was not giving as good as she got. Things began to shift not too long after in a storyline that saw Peter give up his powers and Felicia begin to develop genuine feelings for Flash. During this storyline Felicia stepped up and began acting as the muscle for the powerless Peter. MJ still didn’t like Peter was starting to reluctantly recognize her as more of an ally than an enemy. In particular the story ended with Felicia powerless and deciding to temporarily retire and date Flash sincerely.
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Whilst they weren’t exactly friends it did get to a point where MJ was okay with going on double dates with Flash and Felicia, considering the latter was no longer out to get her/hurt Flash/steal Peter away.
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However a significant turning point occurred in Web of Spider-Man #80. The story short is that Peter/Spidey is missing after he and Mj got attacked. MJ turns to Felicia for help, citing the fact she still cares for Peter and that’s common ground for them to work with for the moment. She gives her a tracking device Peter made to zero in on him. She even admits she’s out of her league on this front and it’s up to Felicia. Felicia of course helps save Spidey and whilst initially claims her locating him was due to their ‘connection’ (meaning their romantic history) she admits MJhelped witht he tracking device. The issue ends though with Felicia admitting that MJ’s device actually didn’t work, meaning Felicia simply let the Parker couple think it did out of kindness to MJ. This didn’t turn the pair into friends, but it showed they were clearly mellowing towards one another.
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This didn’t make them chummy as catty remarks still occurred during later interactions (noticably from MJ). I’m skipping over stuff to get to some highlights, the next of which is a big one. 
In Felicia’s first ever solo mini-seires MJ not only appears int he first issue but they are actually hanging out...together...as friends!
Or at least as frenemies. It’s clear there is still some underlying jealousy or jousting to be had, but they’re very open about it and Felicia is actively confiding in MJ, even talking about how she feels regarding Peter. And not just Peter in general, his then current state of being. This was back when Peter was unravelling due to the aftermath of the Robot Parents crap and becoming more anti-social and obsessive about his Spider-Man life, spending less time out of the costume. It got Felicia and MJ concerned. A very significant line of dialogue in this scene is MJ saying she’ll call Felicia later. It implies that they have hung out together before or are at least okay with doing do again in the near future. 
Also this was at Felicia’s home, so for MJ to have voluntarily gone to the home of the woman who once assaulted her says a lot about how things have changed.
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Again skipping over some stuff but the next big moment for MJ and Felicia came in Web of Spider-Man #125 where MJ once again calls upon Felicia’s aid to find Peter (though he’s not in trouble, she just needs him present). The circumstances are decidedly different from Web #80. There is no jousting going on. Partially this is due to their relationship having grown deeper but it’s also due to MJ being pregnant and amidst the chaos of the time (Peter was on trial for murder, Aunt May had just died and MJ had been recently abducted by Kaine) she was clearly feeling very vulnerable. 
Vulnerable enough in fact that Felicia can clearly tell MJ is upset and outright hugs her, offering some support and comfort. 
This time Felicia isn’t seeking out Peter less because she cares for him and more because she wants to help MJ and the baby. If ever there was a moment clearly demarking the pair had fully transitioned into real friendship, this was it. 
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Whilst MJ and Felicia don’t directly interact in Web #128 Peter makes a reference to MJ and Felicia talking on the phone for hours.
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Skipping waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead now. The tl:dr is that Felicia clearly began to develop some feelings for Peter again during Howard Mackie’s run. This became more significantly a factor in the Evil that Men Do Limited Series where Felicia is putting the movies on Peter and also refers to MJ derogatorily. 
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Something to note about Evil that Men do is that it gets a lot of details wrong and it’s continuity is wonky. the first half came out when Peter and MJ were seperated, but the second half came out years later and used then contemporary continuity from when Peter and MJ would’ve been back together. The important thing to note is Felicia went back to having the hots for Spider-Man and also being down on MJ
To my recollection the next time I recall MJ and Felicia having a significant interaction was in Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #5. In the issue Felicia has rescued Peter from the Vulture and is helping him investigate Aunt may’s recent kidnapping. Peter was badly beat up so Felicia and Mj were nursing him back to health. The scene where Peter wakes up clearly conveys that there is some tension and competitivness going on between MJ and Felicia even though they are talking in a friendly manner to one another. When Felicia leaves MJ looked really bummed out, which might’e been due to some insecurities regarding Felicia or because of their financial troubles at the time (she was keeping them from Peter).
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Later on in Marvel Knights #10, when Peter has resolved to break Norman Osborn out of jail in order to save Aunt May, Felicia going along with him for this, MJ blows up at Felicia and basically tells her to back off from Peter.
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In defence of MJ here, Norman Osborn has pushed them to the edge big time so I think she’s having a major wobble regarding Black Cat.
Anyway, she’s not wrong about Felicia as the remaining issues of the arc make it clear that Felicia is absolutely in love with Peter again if Evil that Men Do didn’t make that clear enough.
Next up in Spider-Man: Breakout #2, MJ is similarly pissed off about Peter contacting Felicia for help tracking down the U-Foes.
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Frankly...I find this instance rather out of character but I thought I might as well mention it.
Then we have Spider-Man Unlimited volume 3 #14. In this issue, as payback for helping him bust out Norman Osborn, Felicia demands Spider-Man help her steal something from Doctor Doom. Peter isn’t happy about this until it turns out that the item in question was a spider tracer with his finger prints on it, meaning Felicia was trying to once again protect Peter. MJ wasn’t happy to find out Peter was hanging out with Felicia but acknwoeldged she helped protect them.
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The next notable interaction was during Civil War when Peter was unmasked, the Parkers were fugitives and Peter was half dead from a beating via the Rhino. Felicia upon learning of this sought out the Parkers and volunteered to even the score with Rhino. When all is said and done, MJ asks Felicia if she wants to give Peter a message from her.
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We then transition into shitty post-OMD continuity and frankly I’m not touching 90% of that sans one notable story (Web of Spider-Man volume 2 #11-12) in which Felicia, who has totally forgotten who MJ and Peter Parker are, nevertheless befriends MJ after an adventure to save Peter.
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I bring up this story simply because your original question was regarding MJ and Felicia friendship.
This story’s canonicity can be debated for a few reasons, it doesn’t make sense in general because the mindwipe was asinine shit and it has 0 follow up. In fact it doesn’t even really jive with later appearances of MJ or Felicia. It is amusing though that it completes a sort of trilogy wherein MJ and Felicia become more friendly in Web of Spider-Man.
Anyway, that brings you pretty much up to date.
Essentially there are two distinct eras for MJ and Felicia’s relationship. The 1980s-1990s where they have a clear arc transitioning from acquaintances who’re not that fond of one another to rivals to frenemies to outright friends. 
Then you have the 2000s and beyond which pits the two against one another again but in a very different dynamic to before as MJ is Peter’s wife and recognizes Felicia’s as an ally.
It’s not impossible to reconcile the two narratively but I’m not going to do that here. 
I think the second era might’ve been done in order to inject more tension into the Spider Marriage and in fairness, it did work. It was dramatic.
But I personally prefer the second era much more as it portrays a clear character arc. As a bonus I should mention that, since it diverged from Spider-Man continuity in the late 1990s, in Spider-Girl MJ and Felicia’s relationship continued to develop in a friendly manner to the point where Felicia would pay Mj a visit in her office and the pair would chat about their daughters and their mutual problems. In MJ’s case a difficult pregnancy and in Felicia’s her rebellious daughter who wasn’t fond of her same sex partner.
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To bring this right around to your OP, the scenes of friendship have more or less happened in canon and in stories that are pseudo canon. 
*Bear in mind this was the same decade where Sabertooth participated in the infamous Mutant Massacre storyline where he and his peers mass slaughtered a bunch of defenceless mutants. Readers knew he was no pushover.  
**Because you see according to Joe Quesada, Steve Wacker, Dan Slott et al Mary Jane was clearly not dating Peter at this time and I think we’ve all brought groceries to our ex’s apartment (that we own a key to) in order to make them breakfast in bed. It’s the single most platonic gesture possible.
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tiffgeorgina · 5 years
alright trailer thoughts
watch it here slutties: https://twitter.com/SHOBlackMonday/status/1216778009044291585
3) but actually let’s get it. this song bangs showtime stays on their excellent editing.
4) trying to analyze showtime’s trailers is like trying to grab smoke so this is going to be extremely barebones for a while. 
5) somebody drives off with the busted up limbo, but we can’t tell who it is yet bc their face never comes into view. they’re wearing a gray suit tho, so it may become more obvious who it is once the episode itself is out.
6) mo is being dramatic asf which as of 1x10 is perfectly in character lmfao
7) bro what the FUCK did you do to your hair i gotta ask fuck the 80s. also there’s this character on IMDb tagged “Vanessa (hair like mo)” so that makes more sense now maybe?
8) establishing shots that almost make me think mo is hiding out in california. since we know his orphanage story is bullshit, maybe he’s visiting family? maybe this is where that marcus wainright iii character comes in? since i dont think he’s in the trailer?
9) keith is living. almost has out-of-the-closet energy. i bet that scene of him roller skating is either after a) he comes out to his wife and divorces her or b) he gets a call from mo and flies straight out to cali to meet up with him.
10) the editing is so good you guys holy shit they jsut never quit over there do they?
11) a shot of mo in some suburb. could be a family member or a friend’s house? which again leads me to think he’s in california.
12) there’s this TV show called “America’s Most Unsolved Crimes” that mo shows up on bc he’s being solely blamed for the crash. how dawn and blair managed to avoid any blame whatsoever is beyond me, but mo is an excellent scapegoat since he confessed on record. no idea who the guy sitting on the desk talking about him is tho, since he wasn’t announced as one of the new guest stars. probably just a one off. maybe this is where “reenactment dawn” comes in from the IMDb page?
13) mo is bringing back the 70s and i do not like it. when i said the 80s were cool bc nobody knew how to dress themselves This Is Not What I Meant.
14) he wouldn’t just casually play basketball with some random kids, these are probably either his cousins or his nephews or the kids of a friend. again leads me to believe he’s in california, possibly visiting marcus? it would make sense. either that or we finally get some real concrete background on mo that isn’t total bullshit.
15) keith is in contact with mo. it’s hard to tell if keith went to cali to see mo or if mo came to NY seeing as both are extremely suspicious. assuming mo is in cali that is. keith is definitely going to get mo back in the game. speaking of mo, this entire first 30 seconds is Mo-centric, so i bet mo’s arc is going to be plottier than blair or dawn’s in 1“A” (showtime doesn’t really have A and B arcs for this show bc there’s no midseason hiatus i just like the terminology)
16) throwback thursday lmfao
17) no idea who this guy shooting/probably fake shooting is?? like no idea. could be nothing of importance and just a transition filler/tone setting moment.
18) the heat is on motherfucker! let’s get this cat and mouse shit im ready for it!
19) here we go here’s dawn. back at the jammer group. back at DAWN AS THE PRESIDENT HIRING A BUNCH OF WOMEN???????? BIIIIIITTTTCCCCHHHH I LOVE TO SEE IT. INCLUDING DEANNA CHENG (she’s friends with casey which means she’s friends with half the cast we should’ve known she wasn’t going anywhere) AKA THE SALES CLERK WHO HARASSED DAWN IN 1X02????? YES BITHC
20) then wayne and yassir fucking it up (nice facial hair wayne it’s hideous kjsfkjdhg) and the women throwing paper at him??? LKJRHGKLJSERH????
21) blair and tiff dressed up??? guys. they’re going to some rich people gala thing. this is what i was talkinf about. im almost certain this is how blair and harris meet. their wives are gonna see each other after not having spoken in years bc of whatever but they used to be friends so they go to talk and the husbands and dragged along and *closet case to closet case communication sounds*
22) ok now BLAIR’S on the exercise craze? i thought that was just gonna be dawn like in s1 also how long is this exercise montage in the show bc there are some things a god fearing lesbian shouldn’t have to see. this weird mirror talking shit feels like voyeurism from this perspective i feel like i shouldn’t be seeing this.
23) she’s still topping him??? after all that??? aight yk it’s part of the dynamic
24) tiff is wearing the same dress in “you do, hunk” as she is in the bit where they get out of the limo and deal with the paparazzi so i presume that workout scene is immediately before that gala thing im establishing a #timeline
25) the skants reveal??? we call that PLOT DEVELOPMENT i love a good callback to the first season
26) the shocked gasp i can’t tell if it’s good or bad. also does this mean tiff’s starting her own company? since georgina is liquid?
27) larry telling dawn that mo’s on his way back for revenge? spliced with mo staring at the wall like he so frequently does while smoking? mayhaps this editing went off also i never thought i’d say this but the brotherfucker has a point mo is gonna pop off when he sees yall again
28) FBI wyd........ that’s a lot
29) that falling out last season bit: blair’s definitely talking about tiff’s parents, and im almost certain andrew flubbed right there and improvised over it by saying “autumn.” well im appreciative of that bc a) it’s funny and b) it indicates when this is going on a bit. it’s not like we’re two years in the future or anything. this is probably gonna start a couple of months after the crash and that’s it.
30) no idea who blair is talking to tho since i can’t see the woman’s face. could be one of tiff’s friends? idk. also nice hair tiff
31) that ball spinning around like a gumball in a machine? weird transition but aight. also immediately after, dawn is in the lehman office, again no idea why. probably the same scene as larry telling her that mo is plotting his revenge but idk why she’s there.
32) that shot of a plane coming into JFK? now im near certain that mo is in cali it would make so much sense please showtime just MAKE SENSE. 
33) confetti and mo’s entrance? you know what it’s what i should’ve expected tbh it’s all so delightfully in character EDIT: THE CONFETTI IS NOT BEFORE MO’S ENTRANCE. YOU CAN SEE DAWN’S CLOTHES CHANGE COLOR, IT WAS JUST AN EDITING TRICK.
34) mo’s just gonna pull up, zero fucks, in the middle of the day. much different than how i thought this scene would go, with a lot of betrayal and drama involved instead of this bitch just pulling up. now idek if dawn and mo are in contact before this, when before i was almost certain they would be.
35) what blair says here is definitely not the first thing he says when mo walks in, i can tell from the editing. also im near certain that blair doesn’t say “bro.” it sounds edited in/done in post (his voice pitches up a lot there when that’s usually a beat when your voice would fall), so i wouldn’t be surprised if blair curses a lot there and they just had to edit it to stay in the green band. 
36) ol polluted waterfall lookin ass jshgkjfdhg mo quit lying that hairstyle is not popular fuck off
37) im loving this tagging order tbh. paul scheer getting tagged in the trailer is just. what he deserves. do we consider keith a protagonist now? he’s in all the promo material by name and face now.
38) regina and andrew look so good god yes also the editing is so GOOD fuck
39) keith (hand holding emoji) blair
        getting hit by random vehicles
40) NO THE LIMBO FUCK SHIT THESE CARS WERE NOT MEANT TO LAST almost looks deliberate :eyes emoji:
41) what’s keith doing with this barbershop quartet wtf
42) almost certain that’s tiff singing? based on 1x09 this oughta be good lmao
43) THE HEEL CLICKING IS TAKING ME OUT HGKJDHFGKJFD. could this be mo and marcus? who knows?
44) look at all the cash wtf what’s all that cash for? ah shit here we go again
45) tiff entering another dimension followed by dawn doing what is certainly a mountain of coke? kind of poetic cinema ok
46) ok dawn’s wearing that green suit again from my icon so??? what does it mean what does it all mean
47) who is mo squaring up with tf? is this marcus? i can’t tell in this lighting maybe it’s fake shooting guy idk also where the fuck are they? some party? but not a rich ppl thing just a thing? idk
48) guys. we have it. the fucking airdate. i have been stanning since the first fucking episode almost a year ago today and finally we have an airdate. respect to the new stans but yall dont know what seven and a half months of network radio silence in regards to your current obsession feels like. @hatimbinaba msged me and said we had a date and the shot of adrenaline i felt was like nothing else. serotonin is currently stored in the black monday and now the serotonin is stored in the ME. Sunday, March 15, 2020, 10 pm motherfuckers. put that shit on the calendar. also looks like we have a slightly earlier timeslot which is nice.
49) and to top (ahah) it all off we have blair just straight up gay panicking at the end. that’s definitely tuc and june and if yall have been following yall would know that tuc is playing blair’s love interest and june is playing tuc’s wife so this is all very jghsrkjghs im rly excited for this scene. no way of knowing if this is before or after blair and harris get together but it’s still kshgkdjhgdkj. rich people golfing? more like rich people existing lmao. also where’s that onion video i need to find the onion video fuck this is just like the onion said would happen. i will post it and make memes later. 
50) then blair just gets hit??? by the golfcart?? and there’s this scream that is definitely not the scream of andrew, tuc or june so??? whose scream was that??? did they add that shit in post??? tf???? also tuc and june barely flinching is really decapitating me kjshkrjdg
51) there’s no way of knowing if tiff is also at the golf course, but if she isn’t? then it’s just blair and his canon love interest and canon love interest’s wife???? which is so funny “hey come play golf with me” “oh is anyone else coming?” “ya my wife” “you’re so stupid i have to question how you’re even still alive”
52) WHEEWWWW AND THAT’S IT YALL!!! BUT A COUPLE MORE THINGS. some distinct absences: no known shot of marcus (which is wack yall would think they would want to plug the hell out of dulé hill) and very few shots of harris and corky. why. promote your newcomers some more tf.
anyways that’s all on this long ass post. @ mutuals expect more freakouts xx love yall this is unedited just raw emotion
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drsilverfish · 5 years
DrSilverfish S14 Meta Masterpost
Well, what a wild ride S14 has been. An extremely rich season for meta, and one of the best seasons of the show, ever (in my view, YMMV). It’s been a blast sharing it with all of you, week by week, on the hoof. Thanks for all the discussion, shared sleuthing and musing, gifs, art, fic, meta and more. 
And thanks also to all the readers of, and commenters on, this blog. Reading the tags and replies on Tumblr is still one of the best things. 
High points? The writers’ room’s use of mythology (Greek, Biblical, folktale) this season has been rich and satisfying, but in particular their borrowing of Jung’s psychological drama of the encounter between the Self and the Shadow-self, and his interpretation of alchemical writing as representative of the journey of the psyche towards self-integration (for the alchemists, the journey of the soul to God) has been really beautifully crafted. 
Also, all the call-backs to previous seasons and episodes of the show, as part of Dabb’s Ouroboros narrative, used to shed light both on the past and the present; even down to matching the call backs numerologically for more snake-swallowing-its-own-tail symmetry. 
Stand out episode for me was 14x14 Ouroboros. Steve Yockey is a kick-ass writer and a master of subtext. Noah Ophis the Queer Gorgon was not only a fabulous queer villain but the call-back to Nick the Siren and 4x14 Sex and Violence really reflected on and demonstrated the show’s evolution, as we near the end of the spiral (it’s ages since any female characters have been called a “bitch” or a “whore” for one thing - phew).
Also a shout-out to Meredith Glynn’s 14x08 Byzantium for its lovely re-encounter re Castiel’s relationship to Heaven, his heart-crushing (and uber fairy-tale romantic) deal with The Shadow, as well as for revisiting the awesome Lily Sunder and adding Anubis to the SPN God-machine! 
And to Davy Perez 14x11 Damaged Goods for the most subtextually obvious but also tragically heart-breaking, reference to the Ma’lak box as the closet, thanks to Dean showering sparks all over Donna’s 1970s cowboy porn poster collection whilst building it. 
Andrew Dabb and Meredith Glynn’s 14x13 Lebanon was excellent too; lovely script, outstanding performances from the original Winchester family, a beautiful little side-meditation on who Castiel would have been, if he hadn’t raised Dean from perdition, and some more alchemical symbolism via the “pearl of great price” (AKA the Philosopher’s Stone). 
Meghan Fitzmartin and Yockey’s 14x15 Peace of Mind, was also stand-out, for its biting satire both of MAGA and Heaven, its hilarious whammied Sam (truly one of Jared’s great performances, up there with his Lucifer in The End) and its lashings of queer subtext (from Dean’s fascination with, and anxiety about,  the “snake”, to Castiel’s mirrored heavy improv involvement with Sunny’s dick-worshiping erotic epistles). 
Finally, Dabb and Sgriccia delivered a gorgeously shot, and epic, finale in 14x20 Moriah, the culmination of Dean’s long and painful encounter with the internalised Ghost of John Winchester in his psyche, as he faced, Ouroboros style, a yellow-eyed “monster” who had (apparently) killed Mary Winchester (again) and THE Father, ordering him to continue his own father’s revenge cycle. Chuck Shurley, avatar of God, ultimate dead-beat Dad and author of the SPN multi-verse, is set up to be the meta villain for the final season, as his characters struggle for true free will. 
Here’s hoping MIRROR UNIVERSE and all those zombies busting out of their graves are indeed a giant neon metaphor for the culminating revenge of SPN’s eternal queer subtext.    
Low-point of the season; re-fridging Mary Winchester as part of the Ouroboros narrative, even though Glynn and Berens handled her “death” episodes (14x17 and 14x18) beautifully. Re-staging the drama of Azazel, fathers and sons, as part of the story spiral was, of course, irresistable, and profound for our male hero characters; I get it. But, as I am still convinced this is a fake-out, Mary is not really dead, and we will see her again (see my meta from 14x17 onwards) I’m willing to wait before I write my final meta on the show’s relationship to the feminine principle (spoiler alert, a load of suckage along the way, with the possiblity for a, somewhat contingent, writers’ room redemption arc!). I am hoping both Amara, as the feminine God-principle, and Mary (they are already fundamentally linked) will return in the culmination of the narrative. Symbolically, even given this is, indelibly, a narrative about men and the bonds between them, that return of/ integration with the feminine would be the alchemical and Jungian culmination of the journey, and I’m hoping that’s what Dabb is going deliver; via Jack (Hermes/ Mercury) as the mediating principle.  
As I’m sure you all are, I’m in equal measure gutted and excited that S15 is to be the final turn of the spiral. 
Look forward to sharing all the highs and the lows, as TFW go up against Chuck Almighty himself, with Death, The Empty and metaphysical key Jack Kline Novak Winchester in the mix.  
All my meta of the season (with thanks to many of you for enlightening and fun discussion) under the cut this time, because there’s a LOT!:
1) Stranger in a Strange Land (14x01)
2) Queer Gods and Monsters (14x02) 
3) Dramatic Irony and Castiel in 14x02
4) Jack and Killing Dean in 14x02 (parallels with Dean and Killing Jack in 13x02 The Rising Son)
5) 14x03 The Scar - Dean Confronts Dark!Kaia (Dopplegangers, Mirrors and John Winchester’s Ghost)
6) Batman vs Superman: Connection and Conflict in Mint Condition (14x04) (Plus more John Winchester’s Ghost)
and some added discussion and further meta with @dimples-of-discontent
7) Nightmare Logic (14x05) The Winchester Family Crypt
8) Uhmmn... 14x05′s Text Reference Is...? (Nightmare Logic) 
and some added discussion and further meta (on Dean and the bi-dent) with @paperwhitenarcissus
9) 14x05 Nightmare Logic and 13x14 Good Intentions - Dean’s Wardrobe Parallels -  a discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
10) Inside Dean’s Head - 14x03 The Scar and 14x05 Nightmare Logic
11) 14x06 Optimism - Cock Meta (end comment on a multi-authored discussion)
12) 14x06 Optimism - a discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
13) 14x08 Byzantium (Castiel’s Relationship with Heaven)
14) The Shadow 14x08 (first in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
15) 14x09 The Spear (wounds, penetrations, scars: Destiel)
16) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition) (second in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
17) 14x09 The Spear: Ode to Joy
18) The Dean/ Cas Spiral Narrative - S13 and 14 Edition (so far)
19) Pamela Barnes in Nihilism (14x10)
20) AU!Michael and the Closet (14x10)
21) Rocky’s Bar: A Closer Look in Dean’s Mind (14x10) 
22) Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester (S11 Parallels - Jungian meta adjacent)
23) Pamela, The Guardian (this is actually @shirtlesssammy ‘s great meta, to which I added something on Pamela as Dean’s psychopomp and anima - Jungian meta adjacent) 
24) What the Light and Shadow Tells Us (some meta on the S14 promo poster and S13 and 14′s use of light and shadow - Jungian meta adjacent)
25) A Fridge-Locker, An Enochian Puzzle-Box, and the Closet (14x11 Damaged Goods) 
with some additional discussion with @magnificent-winged-beast and @verobatto-angelxhunter on subtext, canon and the show’s own closet:
26) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods (third in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
27) Damaged Goods (14x11) 
28) Cosmic Order and Entropy: What’s Death’s Game? (14x11) 
and some additional discussion with @emblue-sparks
29) The Riddle of the Sphinx: 14z12 Prophet and Loss (a guest meta for @metafest ) (including more on the Ghost of John Winchester - Jungian meta adjacent)
and some additional meta and discussion with @verobatto-angelxhunter
and some more with @emblue-sparks
30) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12) (fourth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
31) Dr. Sexy of the Lord in Prophet and Loss
plus self--reblog with more on the “Dr. Novak” alias
32) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon (fifth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
with some additional discussion and meta with @mittensmorgul and @paperwhitenarcissus
33) 14x13 Lebanon - Some Silent Storytelling Notes on the Pawn-Shop
34) The Bruise as a Kiss: Cinematic Queerness and the Violence Between Dean and Cas in 14x13
35) An Angel, and Lucifer’s Kid? Queer-Coding and Dean’s “Found Family” in 14x13 Lebanon
36) Movie Poster Meta for 14x13 (end note to a multi-authored discussion with @paintmeahero @mittensmorgul @shirtlesssammy @justanotheridijiton )
37) Old Timey SPN: A Fresh (Queer) Look at 4x06 Yellow Fever
38) 14x14 Ouroboros Promo: Procrustes Greek Myth Meta-Spec (part of a discussion with @mittensmorgul @postmodernmulticoloredcloak - Jungian meta adjacent)
39) The Man Who Would Be King - Edlund’s Literary Allusion and 6x20
40) 14x14 Promo Meta Spec (a discussion with @elizabethrobertajones and @hum-bee - started Destiel, became @hum-bee ‘s meta on Castiel’s depression, then mine on the separate, but related, queer subtext narratives for Dean and Cas this season) 
41) The Kiss of the Queer Gorgon in 14x14 Ouroboros
42) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros (sixth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
43) Perseus, Jack and the Gorgon in 14x14
44) The Siren and the Gorgon 4x14 and 14x14
And with an addition:
45) Noah Ophis 14x14 (Meanings and the name of the Gorgon)
And some further discussion with @justanotheridijiton and @mittensmorgul
46) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14 (seventh in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
Plus additions and discussion with @mittensmorgul  and @trickster-archangel :
47) The Justin Smith/ Dean Smith Ouroboros (14x15 and 4x17)
with additional discussion with @mittensmorgul @a-bit-of-influence @verobatto-angelxhunter and @magnificent-winged-beast :
48) Yellow Fever Redux in 14x15 Peace of Mind
and with additional discussion with @magnificent-winged-beast and @verobatto-angelxhunter
49) Oranges are not the Only Fruit (part of a multi-authored discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak and @verobatto-angelxhunter )
50) Do Snakes Like Bacon? (Queer-Coding) (14x15)
51) The Satire in Charming Acres (14x15)
52) The Book of Life in Donatello’s Kitchen (14x15) with thanks to @postmodernmulticoloredcloak for the heads up!
53) “AU” Past Episode References in 14x15 Peace of Mind (and the Theme of Fate vs Free Will)
and with an addition thanks to @mittensmorgul
54) A Call-Back to 4x01 in 14x15 (this is an addition to a meta by @poorreputation about Charming Acres as a Metaphor for Heaven)
55) The Bird Represents God (14x15) (an addition/ discussion on bird poop to @verobatto-angelxhunter ‘s S14 meta-spec master-post)
56) Dean Made me Watch the Lost Boys Like 20 Times (14x16 Don’t Go in the Woods)
57) The Ghostfacers in 14x16
58) The Kohonta, The Wendigo and..... The Winchesters? Cannibalism in 14x16
59) More Musings on the Signifiance of Bird Poop in 14x16 with @elizabethrobertajones @mittensmorgul and @neven-ebrez
60) Lucifer Rides Again?.... Games Within Games in 14x17 Game Night
61) A Discussion on Alchemy and the Season’s End with @occamshipper
62) Sixteenth Century Burmese Blood Rubies (14x17)
63) Cindy’s Waffle House in 14x17
64) Nick’s Spell in 14x17 (A Bit of Body-Snatching Spec)
65) Castiel and Food: A Discussion with @bluestar86 and @tinkdw (14x17)
66) Is Anael in League with Satan?: A Discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak  
67) The Scapegoat: Speculative Musings on S14′s End (Moriah) (Linked to the Season’s Jungian Themes - Scapegoating and the Unacknowledged Shadow)  (eighth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
with an additional note:
68) You Can Still Be a Cookie-Baking, Cardigan-Wearing Big Softie Without a Soul (14x17 Game Night)
69) Dutch Camera Angles in 14x17 - A Discussion with @mittensmorgul
70) 14x18 Absence: The Games Continue? (14x18)
with additional discussion with @shirtlesssammy
71) Re-Fridging Mary Winchester: The Ouroboros Narrative Swallows its Origin Story (14x18 Absence)
72) Dean Would Never Tell Cas He Was Dead To Him (14x18 - end comment on dramatic irony on a post by @superduperdestiel33 )
73) Jack, Godstiel and Jesus Parallels - A 14x19 Promo Discussion with @trickster-archangel (Jungian meta adjacent)
74) A Spec Discussion on the Snake, Chicken and Egg Story (14x14) in Relation to Jack and 14x19 Jack in the Box and 14x20 Moriah with @neven-ebrez and @mittensmorgul
75) A Pillar of Salt in 14x19 Jack in the Box
and with addition discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
76) Hallucifer or Lucifer? (14x19 Jack in the Box)
77) The Wraith at Mary’s Funeral (14x19) (end comment on a discussion with @mittensmorgul and @postmodernmulticoloredcloak )
78) “So, Who’s Ready to Take on The Book of Samuel?” (14x19  Jack in the Box)
79) A Discussion on Dean and Cas and Chuck and Faith (14x19) with @norahastuff
80) Mary is Watching Over You.... From a Mirror Universe? (14x20 Moriah)
81) Fate vs Free Will - “Welcome to the End” (14x20 Moriah)
with additional discussion with @emblue-sparks
82) More Bird-Poop Meta: A Discussion with @trickster-archangel
83) “MIrror Universe” Meanings (14x20)
with additional discussion with @trickster-archangel and @occamshipper 
84) Dean’s Jungian Shadow Arc in S14: Confronting the Internal Father (2x22 to 14x20 Moriah) (ninth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
85) Jack Kline Novak Winchester: Son, TFW Mirror, Trinity and Key; Quaternity, Ouroboros, Caduceus and Harbinger of The End (14x20) (tenth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
86) So Who Has Been Resurrecting Castiel? (Post 14x20 Musings)
and with added discussion with @mittensmorgul
87) Chuck and Reno (14x20 plus S15 Spec on Chuck and Amara - end comment on a discussion by @tarend and @hi-im-dazey
All My Meta on the Jungian Themes of S14 Collected Together in a 10 Part Series:
1) The Shadow 14x08 
2) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition) 
3) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods 
4) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12) 
5) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon 
6) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros 
7) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14 
8) The Scapegoat: Speculative Musings on S14′s End (Moriah) (Linked to the Season’s Jungian Themes - Scapegoating and the Unacknowledged Shadow) 
9) Dean’s Jungian Shadow Arc in S14: Confronting the Internal Father (2x22 to 14x20 Moriah)
10) Jack Kline Novak Winchester: Son, TFW Mirror, Trinity and Key; Quaternity, Ouroboros, Caduceus and Harbinger of The End (14x20) 
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astromechs · 5 years
I would like to start reading the guardians comics, where should I start? Do you maybe have some sort of reading guide?
hey, anon, i’m glad you asked! what i’m going to provide here is a little bit of my own personal reading guide, and what that means is that this is going to reflect some of my personal taste. the good news is that the cosmic side of marvel is actually pretty easy to follow, especially as compared to other areas of marvel, so i think you should be able to jump right in!
i’m going to put this under a cut for length. so, without further ado:
start here:
annihilation (2006) – event
this event really birthed marvel cosmic as we know it, and i think is the best place to start with anything related to this lore. peter, gamora, and drax play a role in this saga, plus there are other characters like phyla-vell and richard rider (nova) who are intertwined with the guardians quite a bit.
basically what happens here is that there’s annihilus, a guy from the negative zone, who’s launching his forces on this universe. it’s in the guise of a territory war (our universe is expanding, causing the negative zone to contract), but really annihilus just wants to wipe people out. fun stuff!
recommended reading order: annihilation: prologue by keith giffen, annihilation: nova #1-4 by dan abnett and andy lanning, annihilation #1-6 by keith giffen. the ronan spinoff has gamora in it for a couple of issues, so you can check that out too. you don’t really need the silver surfer or super skrull spinoffs to understand the core story, imo, so you can skip those.
annihilation: conquest (2007) – event
this event comes on the heels of annihilation, and is what brings a lot of the modern guardians together. i definitely think you need annihilation first, though, in order to understand this, which is why i recommended that. this event chronicles the invasion of the kree empire by the phalanx, a techno-organic race who assimilate people like the borg from star trek. it’s a fun event, and peter plays a really big role in it.
recommended reading order: annihilation: conquest prologue by dan abnett and andy lanning, annihilation: conquest – star-lord #1-4 by keith giffen, annihilation: conquest #1-6 by dan abnett and andy lanning. these are the main stories of interest to guardians fans (and i think what you need to get the gist of the story), but there are also quasar and wraith tie-ins.
dan abnett and andy lanning’s nova vol 4 overlaps with a lot of the events of annihilation: conquest, and the phalanx arc (issues #4-11… i…think… someone correct me if i’m wrong on the issue numbers, i need to reread this series) heavily features gamora. as a rich rider/nova fan, i recommend it in general anyway, because it’s just a great series overall, but if your primary interest is the guardians, i can understand you not wanting to read the whole thing.
guardians of the galaxy, vol 2 (2008-2010), #1-25, by dan abnett and andy lanning
the run on guardians that’s considered seminal and iconic by most fans, and it’s for a reason. the writing is good, the character interactions are really fun, and i really enjoy the plot. i spent like $50 on the omnibus for this and i regret nothing; it’s just a great book. if you don’t read another guardians comic, read this one!!
the thanos imperative miniseries, also written by abnett and lanning, directly follows the events of their gotg run and is also just a really fucking great story. read thanos imperative: ignition, then thanos imperative #1-6. i cried at the end.
after this, i’d frankly skip most of bendis guardians and humphries star-lord. both have their moments, but a lot of the writing/characterization is pretty bad. you’re not missing anything by avoiding it. the only thing you need to know is that during the events of civil war ii, the guardians come to earth to help captain marvel, and in the process, carol tells peter that they’re keeping thanos on earth – which is something he keeps from gamora and drax, in order to prevent them from losing their collective shit. well, of course gamora finds out anyway, it causes a huge fight between the guardians, and now they’re not only stranded on the planet because their ship’s busted, they’re also not speaking.
which sets the stage for:
star-lord, vol 2 (2016-2017), #1-6 + annual, by chip zdarsky
i love this comic so much; it’s literally my favorite peter quill story. it’s short and it’s mostly a character study, but it revolves around with him dealing with being back on earth, as well as a lot of personal revelations about his life. can’t rec this one enough!
gamora (2016), #1-6, by nicole perlman
this one has no set reading order, since it’s intended to be a prequel comic for her, but i just love it a lot. another great character study, and highly recommended!
also, if you want another backstory comic about gamora, i’d recommend the currently ongoing thanos miniseries by tini howard. we’re only two issues into it so far, with the third one coming out this month, but it’s actually pleasantly surprised me quite a bit.
you can pick back up with the guardians with:
all-new guardians of the galaxy (2017-2018), #1-12, #146-150 (it goes back to legacy numbering here, #146 is essentially issue #13) by gerry duggan
people have mixed feelings about this series, and i kind of do too, but it’s fun enough for me to rec. it’s got some good character interactions, and sets the stage for things you’ll need to know if you want to read the current guardians ongoing.
this feeds into: infinity countdown, #1-5, and infinity wars, #1-6, also by gerry duggan. i am Not A Fan of infinity wars in particular, but you’ll need to be aware of those events for what’s going on currently. which is:
guardians of the galaxy, vol 5 (2019), #1-ongoing by donny cates
we’re only a few issues into this so far, but i like it overall! i like how peter’s written in it, in particular, and we’re back to some fun character interactions. the annual that just came out last week brings in some really potentially interesting story threads, too.
so – that should bring you up to speed with what’s going on with our favorite space team!
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pentanguine · 5 years
Favorite Books of 2019
Half of this list is Terry Pratchett. That’s not hyperbole.
20. Night Watch, Terry Pratchett
Everyone adores this book, and while I certainly loved it, I think it may have been a bit overhyped for me. But this was the first Discworld book I read where I remember finding it heartbreaking--not just angry at injustice, but angry at the tragedy of injustice. 
19. The Truth, Terry Pratchett
Terry Pratchett writing a well-developed romantic arc?? It’s more likely than you think! I am also a sucker for philosophical questions like “What is The Truth?”
18. Small Gods, TP
I think chronologically, this is the first blisteringly angry Discworld book, where you suddenly realize how much fury is pent up in the satire. There’s a lot of futility and frustration in this story, but the ending is so simple and quiet and good.
17. Record of a Spaceborn Few, Becky Chambers
I find Chambers novels to be more like leisurely explorations than novels with a driving plot, and I could have happily explored this culture for days. Again, I’m a sucker for philosophical questions: What is the meaning of death? What purpose does culture serve even when it’s no longer practical? What makes a human society work?
16. In an Absent Dream, Seanan McGuire
I love this book’s style of focusing on small moments, and putting all the battles, quests, and conventional milestones of growing up off the page. This is a brutal read, but the brutality is in the terrible, everyday choices Lundy’s forced to make.
15. Monstrous Regiment, TP
Come for the cross-dressing, stay for the social commentary on war, nationalism, religion, and being an underdog of any stripe. Gender is bonus window-dressing.
14. The Wee Free Men, TP
I’ve realized that I love Pterry’s approach to kids’ books because he spends them deconstructing tropes, even the tropes of deconstructing tropes. Tiffany Aching is incisive and bookish, but also hard and selfish, and also sensible, and also strange...she’s like a real kid! A real person!
13. I Shall Wear Midnight, TP
Later-Pratchett often dispenses with the satire and goes straight for righteously angry social commentary, and this book packs a wallop. Stand your ground! “...change the present, so that when it becomes the past, it will turn out to be a past worth having!”
12. The Library Book, Susan Orlean
"Makes history come alive” is a cliche, but so true in this case. Even at its most drily factual, the book is gripping as it explore the rollicking past of American libraries and westward expansion, with some gorgeously poetic homages to stories and fire.
11. Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien
If you’ve only watched the movie, which predictably focus on big, theatre-packing action sequences, I encourage you to read the books. They tell the story of ordinary people going through unimaginable horror, but also a delightful, bittersweet tale of undying friendship. [They’re also very racist. Tolkien, why.]
10. Jingo, TP
And this was the Discworld book where I felt like he really started to develop his characters as people. Almost a year later, my most vivid memory is of the hilarious friendship between Colon and Nobby.
9. Unseen Academicals, TP
Worth!! This book is brimming more of that glorious, cold, barely contained fury, and even though it’s not Pterry’s strongest writing, I adore it. Nutt and Glenda work together so well and make a perfect pair of unlikely badasses.
8. Going Postal, TP
My note for this book says “Moist is an inspiration and a riot,” and although I don’t remember why I found him inspiring, he is definitely a riot. Or maybe cleverly orchestrating one from behind the scenes.
7. The Argonauts, Maggie Nelson
This is a pretentious book about ideas. It’s dense, intellectual, packed full of high-brow culture, and honestly, sometimes kind of annoying. But the writing and the story are so rich, and her interpretation of queer motherhood is so original, that it’s almost impossible to put down. I’m also in love with language that talks about the impossibility of language. 
6. Thud!, TP
One of the things I love about Discworld is that it’s never easy. There’s none of this Shining White Warrior defeating the Evil Dark nonsense, just Sam Vimes, reading Where’s My Cow?, becoming more jaded and more determined to be a good man at the same time.
5. The Fifth Elephant, TP
I’ll be honest that I read this book almost a full year ago and don’t remember the nuances of why I loved it, but it was the first Discworld book that blew my mind. It made me jump around my room; it made me want to reread it immediately; it made me stay up until 1AM having passionate opinions about a man named Carrot.
4. Gender Queer: A Memoir, Maia Kobabe
This was probably my most anticipated book of the year, and it more than lived up to the expectation. I’ve been reading Maia’s comics for years, and they’re beautiful reflections on nonbinary experiences (and often on books, nature, and activism as well). I read eir memoir twice in two weeks, each time in one sitting, and it did make me cry.
3. Caroline’s Heart, Austin Chant
I am determined to make “Trans Western” an actual genre, and this is the jewel in the crown of the books I’ve read so far. It’s a gentle love story between a witch and a cowboy that’s also a devastating tale of grief, with excitingly original world-building. If you’ve never read Austin Chant, I encourage you to give him a try--he’s a wonderful writer.
2. Days Without End, Sebastian Barry
Days Without End is a good book to read when you’re Sad. The entire book feels like a slow, quiet elegy to some forgotten idyllic time, but who can say when that time was? The Wild West is full of cold, dirty, violent death, starvation, genocide, loneliness. There’s nothing to romanticize here, and yet somehow Barry has written an impossibly R/romantic book. Every sentence is slow, quiet, and poetic. Every moment, however horrific, feels like it’s drifting slowly through a strong spell of sunlight. I could try and describe the dreamy horror of this book for days and never come close to capturing what it does.
1. In the Dream House, Carmen Maria Machado
Everyone is raving about this book, and there’s a reason for that: it’s GENIUS. The structure of the book is genre-busting (or maybe genre deconstructing would be more accurate), and the writing is like poetry in that every word feels so deliberate and loaded with meaning. I took three pages of notes as I read and I’m not sure it was enough.
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carynsilver · 5 years
Marvel 20 Questions
I wasn't tagged, but I saw this on @musette22‘s Tumblr and decided I wanted to play. Thanks! 
1. Favorite solo film? It’s so hard to choose. It would be easier to list my top five. :-) But, I have to go with Thor: Ragnarok, because it is funny and heartwarming and I love it. Plus I have been a sucker for Thor since his first movie. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a really close second, though.
2. Favorite team-up film? The Avengers. It was so cool seeing all the characters we’d watched in the solo movies come together for the first time. Marvel really did the solo movies to team-up movies formula right--didn’t rush it like DC did. The payoff in that first Avengers movie was great. Plus a good villain, high stakes, and a plot that I didn’t have problems with. A good mix of humor to action. Love it. Also, I’m really partial to the AUs where the Avengers all live on their own floors in the tower, and that is the movie that sets that up (even if I’ll forever be sad that they did nothing with it).
3. Favorite female character? There are a lot of BAMF chicks in the MCU, but my absolute favorite is Peggy Carter. She is strong and gorgeous and knows her worth, even a time that is worse that today about allowing women to have that value. I liked her in the first Cap movie, but I loved her even more in the Agent Carter TV series. While I like the Peggy/Steve backstory, I like Peggy better on her own. Darcy Lewis is a really close second favorite--only second because, while I liked her in the Thor movies, it was fic that really fleshed out her character, while Peggy got all that character development on screen. But we’ll see how things go with Wandavision. Maybe Darcy will get the more developed character in cannon that she deserves. (I guess the Netflix shows no longer count for the MCU, huh? Because Jessica Jones was pretty awesome, too.)
4. Favorite male character? Oh my gosh. I love both Thor Odinson and Bucky Barnes SO MUCH--it’s nearly impossible to choose. However, I have to use the rule that I used for favorite female character, and give Thor the number one spot because his character’s awesomeness is fleshed out on screen. While I still think that his first movie could’ve used a bit more middle (more time than just one night on Earth to grow and change into someone who would give his life for others), I’ve loved watching Thor’s character grow and change over the years. He tried so hard to be a Gryffindor, but he’s really a Hufflepuff. While he would’ve been an all right king due to training, he doesn’t have the heart for it, and I think he finally realized that. He is so much more than muscles and a weird accent--he’s loving, supportive, and really smart; he forgives; he’s just an awesome guy. Bucky has that whole tragic redemption arc, which is great, but they really cheated his character out of development on screen after CA:tFA and CA:tWS. Like with Darcy, a lot of his development comes from fic and head cannons. I’m really hopeful for the Falcon & Winter Soldier TV series. Maybe now Bucky will finally get the character development he deserves!
5. Best canon ship? I’m not really tied to many of the cannon ships in the MCU. I liked Tony/Pepper a lot; probably because they got a lot of screen time, and Pepper is another favorite BAMF MCU lady. Scott/Hope is also pretty good. I would’ve said Thor/Jane, except then they broke up. Maybe they will resurge to the top of the list when we get Thor 4.
6. Best non-canon ship? I love so many non-cannon ships for the MCU! I like Stucky, Stony, WinterShock, WinterHawk (but only with the more comic-esque Clint who is deaf and a disaster; not boring family man movie Clint), WinterIron (but only in no power AUs without the Bucky killed Tony’s parents angle), ShieldShock, TaserTricks a bit... Basically any ship with either Bucky or Darcy in it would have a chance, and even though I don’t love cannon Steve all that much, I like a lot of ships with him in fanfic, too. Weirdly, I never read fic about Thor or Peggy--maybe because they are so fleshed out in cannon, I don’t need more from them.
7. Favorite actor? Man, another rough one. I love Chris Hemsworth and Sebastian Stan so much. I think I have to go with Sebastian on this one, though. Chris is great, hot, and I adore him, but Sebastian did so much with a character that had relatively little screen time overall. I mean, Bucky was in five movies, but in a lot of them he was there more for the action than the actual character development (which makes me sad! he deserves more!). But the fact that he took a smaller, supporting character and made him one of my favorites in the whole universe says a lot for Sebastian’s acting. Like, a lot of actors can make you love a character when they are the main character in multiple movies, but how many can do it from the sidelines? (**crossing my fingers for lots of good Bucky in the F&WS show!**)
8. Favorite actress? Gotta go with Hayley Atwell here. The way she played Peggy was masterful. I also really love Kat Dennings, though. Second only to Hayley.
9. Favorite director? Taika Waititi, hands down. He should do all MCU movies from here on out. Prior to him, it was Joss Whedon for his great work on the first Avengers, but Joss let me down with A:AoU.
10. What was the first MCU movie you ever watched? Iron Man. Aside from Spiderman: Homecoming and The Incredible Hulk, I watched all the MCU movies in theater in the order they came out. We are dedicated Marvel fans that way. :-)
11. Which MCU movie have you watched the most? Hmmm... I’m honestly not sure. I’ve never specifically counted viewings. I know the top contenders would be Thor: Ragnarok, Ant Man, The Avengers, Thor, Captain America: the First Avenger, and Iron Man. I have definitely watched every MCU movie except the Spiderman and Hulk solo films more than once, though.
12. Favorite super-suit? I think I’d have to go with the Iron Man suit. I mean, it’s by far the most useful, and it has Jarvis (or Friday) inside. And it lets you fly! That said, if we take it as most attractive suit, then I’d be torn between Steve’s navy and white suit (sans cowl) from the beginning of CA:tWS and Thor’s suit when it bared his arms (the long-sleeved version was weird looking).
13. Favorite weapon? Mjolnir, by far. Even though it creates some weird questions/plot issues, I love the idea of a weapon that only someone with a worthy heart can use. I think my favorite moment in End Game was when they paid out on that bit from AoU and Steve busted out fighting with his shield and Mjolnir. Steve and Thor fighting together with the hammer and the axe was fabulous. I do also like Cap’s shield, even though it’s a weird choice. I’m really looking forward to Thor 4, if the rumors are true and we’re going to get to see Jane use the hammer. That will be excellent!
14. Favorite origin story? Oh, another hard one! I am a sucker for a good redemption story arc, so I think Bucky/Winter Soldier edges in for the win here. Overcoming 70 years of brainwashing and mind wipes for his best friend, struggling to get back to human again, and then trying to make up for some of the wrongs from the past (which I hope is where we’re going in the F&WS show) is excellent. Though, Thor’s journey from spoiled brat to someone who is willing to sacrifice himself for others to king to someone who realizes that he isn’t the best king and is willing to hand the crown to someone else for the good of the people that he loves is a really good one, too. I also like tiny anger-ball Steve taking a risk to become a hero with a good heart. Didn’t necessarily agree with all his choices later, but did like the origin. Solid third.
15. Favorite villain? Definitely Loki. His arc in the first Thor movie is great. And knowing that in the first Avengers movie he was affected by the mind stone adds a great layer. Plus watching him continue to mature and grow until he finally was willing to be there for his brother in Ragnarok. That was a great arc, and the character toes that line of gray morality but redemption that is so compelling to watch. His death was the worst one to me in IW/EG--I really thought he was pulling some other con, and I’ll forever be sad they dropped that thread. I hope that his show is good, and I’ll give it a chance, but I’m still bummed that we’re going back to post-Avengers Loki and losing all that character development from Thor 2 and 3. :-(
16. Favorite fight sequence? Honestly, the action and fighting are probably my least favorite parts of these movies. I know, that’s atypical, lol. Like, they are the less interesting bits I have to put up with to get the character growth I want from my superheroes. Often, the action sequences go on too long. Shorter action sequences would allow them to both keep up momentum and put in more character development, but no one in charge asks me. :-P That said, I like the action sequences best when they show character development, and the best one for that is the highway fight in CA:tWS where Cap and co. fight the Winter Soldier for the first time. No one in the whole movie had challenged Steve that far, but the Winter Soldier truly put him in danger for the first time, and his friends, too. The Winter Soldier was menacing, and then paired with the Bucky reveal at the end. Best action sequence. Though I do also love the Revengers vs. Hela in Ragnarok when Thor finally gets his full lightening powers down and crashes into the battle. He is so OP now, but in an awesome way.
17. Favorite line from any of the films? I love that bit in the first Avengers movie when Thor snags Loki, Tony flies out after him, and Nat tells Steve not go because they are basically gods. I love Steve’s line of, “There’s only one God, Ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.” That one cracks me up even now that I’ve watched it so many times.
18. Favorite scene from any of the films? Pretty much any scene with Darcy in it is a favorite. Her stuff in the first Thor movie is gold. I also like Bucky and Steve’s goodbye scene at the beginning of CA:tFA.
19. If you could pick an Infinity Stone to keep, which would you choose? Huh... I don’t know that I’d want any of them. I guess, if pressed, I’d choose the Space stone because I think it would let me teleport. The Time stone/time travel seems interesting, but I’d be afraid I’d mess up the timelines.
20. Which Disney Plus MCU series are you most looking forward to? Falcon & Winter Soldier, hands down. Though, when I heard Darcy would be a character, that jumped Wandavision up to second place.
I think that @virtual-insomnia would enjoy this. :-) 
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Ranking Luffy's 20 Best Knockouts For The One Piece Anime's 20th Anniversary
  We love One Piece because of its themes - the idea that, because the ocean is so vast, you'll one day find a place where you belong. That even though others may tear you down or forget about you, your dreams will never die. That it's your duty to stand up for your friends, because you know they'd stand up for you. Those are all beautiful and well developed motifs in the One Piece world. But you know what else is beautiful and well developed in the One Piece world? Luffy's ability to knock someone out. 
  Thanks to Luffy's grit and Gum Gum powers, we've been treated to some of the best KO's in anime history in One Piece. And I think, since the 20th anniversary of the anime is October 20th, 2019, we should celebrate twenty of them here. And I think, in the first spot, we should have...
  20. Don Krieg
  I'm gonna start with this one because it always felt like Luffy, using Gum Gum Gatling, and then Gum Gum Pistol, and then 2 Gum Gum Bazookas, and finally finishing off Krieg with Gum Gum Giant Gavel, was executing a combo move. Like if he'd accidentally pressed X instead of B at the end there, he would've gone for another Gum Gum Pistol and lost the quick time event. 
  19. Charlotte Cadenza
  This one earns a spot on the list because of the desperation of it. We don't usually see Luffy go all MMA on someone, but in trying to make his way back to meet Sanji, he chokes out one of the big quintuplets. That's raw, and I hope that, when Luffy finally faces down Blackbeard again, he busts out a Rear Naked Choke on him or at least a Kimura Armlock. 
  18. Holdem
  This obviously isn't the first Red Hawk that Luffy's ever used (Other notable uses include his fight against Byrnndi World in the 3D2Y special, against Hody Jones, and in that awesome tag team attack with Law against Doflamingo.) But with work by key animator Takashi Kojima, his Red Hawk against Holdem is especially beautiful. I could watch it all day. And I have. 
17. Oars
  Luffy gets the chance to knock out not one, but two giants in Thriller Bark, with the first being Oars and the second being a Gecko Moria that's gone all Shadow's Asgard on everybody. However, I'm gonna give this spot to Oars. Not only does this Gigant Bazooka come after a battle with the entire Straw Hat crew, but we also get an X-Ray of Oars' spine as it happens. It's pretty rad. 
  16. Kuro
      I can't imagine that, even after evaluating every possible outcome or option, that "Man of a Thousand Plans" Captain Kuro would've thought that he'd be defeated by a goofy rubber head screaming in his face and then caving his skull in. It's not the most humiliating way to go out, but considering Kuro spent years trying to enact the perfect scheme and talking trash about being a pirate, it's on up there. 
  15. Foxy
  I'm a Foxy stan, a Long Ring Long Land Big Fan, and a Davy Back apologist. I LOVE this arc, and I love Foxy. But that doesn't mean that I didn't rejoice when Luffy finally got the win here. However, I have to give most of the credit to Bin Shimada, who is the best at voicing truly obnoxious One Piece villains (He also voice Wapol.) Heck, he's one of the best at voicing villains in general, as his versatility has also led him to being behind the roar behind Dragon Ball's Broly. 
  14. Usopp
  Oh, I picked a sad one. The battle between Luffy and Usopp is the most depressing in One Piece's history, with Usopp pouring everything he has into a fight where defeat is almost 100% inevitable, and Luffy being forced to beat up the crew member that he often relates to the most. As a fight, it's equal parts thrilling and depressing, and as the start of the perfect Water 7/Enies Lobby arcs, it's....also equal parts thrilling and depressing. 
  13. Buggy
  This is the battle that would set the standard for inventive conclusions to One Piece fights and even though it's less dramatic than some of the finishing blows to come, it deserves a spot on this list due to how iconic it feels now. It's a final fight that teaches you that One Piece just might be somethng special when it comes to handing defeat to its villains. 
  12. Cracker
    I like this fight because it establishes two things: 1) It makes Luffy a genuine threat to the stability and heirarchy of Whole Cake Island (even if he's not ready to take on Big Mom directly yet), and 2) It shows us that the Sanji Retrieval Team can get the job done. Also, I like pairing this fight with the last one with Buggy, because in both cases, it's Luffy getting a crucial assist from Nami and they make a great team. 
  11. Lucci
   Luffy's fight against Rob Lucci is one of the most well-constructed fights in anime, a contest that flip flops between a battle of nearly equal strengths, a desperate underdog journey, and an immensely satisfying and almost terrifying conclusion. Luffy closing his eyes and screaming while pummeling Lucci through the wall is such a visceral, violent way to end this fight and shows that while clever inventiveness can be handy in a battle on the Grand Line, sometimes you just need sheer will. 
  10. Sea King
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    Not only is this a "Yeah! One Piece is the best!" punch, but it's also an integral part of the "We Are" opening. If I was a DJ, I'd play that song at every club I worked at. People would be like "DJ MERRY, PLAY THE LATEST POST MALONE!" and I'd be like "Right on it!" and then I'd just play "We Are" again. 
  9. Wapol
  As I mentioned, Wapol is one of the most obnoxious anime villains out there. So if he didn't get something that would deserve a spot on this list, I would've rioted, or at least been very disappointed on Twitter. Luckily, Wapol, pleading with Luffy, gets rocketed into the Drum Island stratosphere. It's literally the nicest option for him. 
  8. Doflamingo
  Doflamingo's defeat is a long time coming. Shown as a particularly malicious guy back during the Skypiea arc, then shown to be an agent of the underworld with a hand in weapons and trafficking, then revealed to be the false king of Dressrosa, he's needed a punch to the everywhere for almost 15 years of One Piece's run. And Luffy gives it to him, knocking him down through the streets of the city that he terrorized for so long. 
  7. Blueno
      Power-ups are fairly expected in shows like One Piece. But that's not a diss on them at all. I LOVE when a protagonist gets notably stronger and can pull off cool new moves and maybe gets a new haircut. But Luffy going Second Gear and then absolutely making a mockery of Blueno is something to behold. Blueno's look of stunned disbelief makes it even better, and it's just a warm-up for the war against the rest of CP9 to come. 
  6. Crocodile
  For most of the Alabasta arc, Luffy is 0-2 in battles against Crocodile. But, while Dvorak's New World Symphony: 4th Movement plays, Luffy uses the blood that he's shed to counter Crocodile's sand to knock him up through Alubarna. It's rare to hear someone call "rubber bro uses his magical fists to shatter the internal organs of an evil desert-themed gentleman" a truly majestic scene, but this is beautiful work. If there was a Church of Eiichiro Oda, this would be painted on the ceiling. Get lost, Michelangelo. 
  5. Arlong
  The trend of "Luffy beats the main villain of the arc by knocking him through something large" that we've seen with foes like Crocodile, Enel, Lucci, and Doflamingo was established here with Arlong. Horrified at the way that he's treated Nami, Luffy uses a Gum Gum Battle-Axe to turn Arlong's vertebrate into chowder. 
  4. Enel
      Luffy using the body of a psychopathic tyrant to ring the Shandorian Bell, thus proving to Mont Blanc Noland's descendent that the City of Gold did exist and freeing the citizens of Skypiea from Enel's reign is both poetic and just a cool looking set piece. It's a reminder of just how fulfilling reading/watching One Piece is, and how the details of the story often culminate in these big, lovely bouquets of fisticuffs and never lose any of their meaning or importance along the way.
  3. Katakuri
    No, this isn't a typical knockout, as Luffy falls down first and Katakuri dropping feels like more of a spiritual defeat than a physical one. But with the knockout of Katakuri comes the changing of an ideology, and the allowance of failure, something that Katakuri had never given himself before. So it not only signals the end of the fantastic main duel of the arc, but legitimate character growth for the antagonist. Also, it comes after the Fourth Gear Snake Man fight, which is one of the best animated episodes in the entire show. 
  2. Charlos
      The most gif'd moment of One Piece ever, Luffy punching Charlos so hard that it seems to break the anime needs no explanation. It's perfect. 
  1. Bellamy
  "Do I know how to throw a punch, you ask?" Luffy rearranging Bellamy's skull after Bellamy mocks his belief in dreams and myth is a perfect distillation of one of the themes of One Piece: Those who believe in something VS Those who simply want to tear down those beliefs. And though the fight to follow your dreams and live a free life on the sea would continue, Luffy scored a victory for it here. Dreams: 1, Bellamy's Ability To Go Without A Neck Brace: 0.
  What is your favorite One Piece knockout? Do you agree with the placements on this list? Let us know in the comments!
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  Daniel Dockery is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. You should follow him on Twitter!
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14x07 watching notes
In Which It Is Now Completely Apparent Which Of Buck And Leming Are Writing A Scene At Any Given Time
A Tale Of Lizbob Being Tormented By Toddlers
Hello it is 3:32am and I am awake from a dream of what the episode might have been (plus side: overt Destiel motel room sharing, downside: Jack accidentally killed Dean) because my tantruming toddler neighbour who just moved into the haunted house next door was screaming, and threw something at our adjoining wall. At 3am. So I'm not exactly well-rested and I'm kinda pissed, which isn't the best combo for a Buckleming episode, but when you wake up with a scream and a thump, you aren't going back to sleep for a lil while :P
Kudos to the rest of the writing team, we're 7 episodes in and I've thoroughly forgotten Nick exists. I've just been assuming he was caught, featured on a true crime program, and is already gone and locked up for the new murder and likely solving of a cold case.
Ahahahaaaa the opening of the recap is "when it comes to killing you, I'll be the one to do it" so that's ominous. As you might tell, my psyche is utterly wrapped around this whole Shakespearean tragedy of Jack vs Dean, and perhaps they're not gonna murder each other today but the constant reminders they're living in a murder or get murdered delicate thematic plot balance is exactly the sort of thing that we need to have hanging over their dynamic, as well of course as being the start point of their relationship to show how far they've come and how much they've changed and now love each other and how just last episode Dean got in his "fine i have a son now" episode a season or two later than everyone else and just in time for it to be "so now you bonded with him of course he's caught Doom because you can't have nice things for literally a single episode and this is your fault for bonding with him, Dean"
This recap is designed to wound me, a Jack fan and lover of how TFW loves their son
Ew, it's Nick. The first time in my life I've been tempted to skip at least a lil of the recap.
Imagine how tight it would have been to just do a 10 second "here's Jack" recap and cut to the action
and the action includes an episode without Nick stealing time from the boy
You know i spend exactly 0 time speculating on how Eugenie might write her personal fave bits of the episodes but if you had to throw together "nick is now a serial killer ritually murdering priests on a satanic bender" then that would have been a pretty close thing to what I could have come up with as distilled Buckleming essence. (gross)
There's a vague continued overlap of the human!Cas arc with the parallel to the open of 9x03 and the general aesthetic of season 11's Lucifer's satanic rampage bender thrown together but you know what that's more meta than this arc deserves and my boy is sick
His grace looks pathetic. Maybe he's trying not to wake Jack up. Maybe he doesn't have a whole lot left.
That's not helping, Cas
I bet Cas sent them away because they were hovering
Dean this is not what happens to kids, stop trying to kid yourself that this is like having a regular demonic toddler
Man am I glad I do not have kids right now both because I don't have to worry about them and also because they scream and throw stuff at the walls at 3am
Dean angry at Cas cuz he's worried about Jack oh no oh no oh no look at these stressed parents. Cas is forced into the doctor role because he magic but he is just as stressed as they are and tensions are high, and then the boy starts convulsing
Oh my god they snapped, they are actually bringing Jack to an emergency room. This is horrifying and kind of a trip to imagine what they're going to tell any authority figures about who this guy is and what their relationship is to him.
Do they remember that he has barcode fingerprints and probably is gonna be Medically Weird just as default?
(Alex is 29 like me and Misha is early 40s and Jimmy is canonically a year older than Misha for some reason, so at a push Cas could be his dad and have made some very early mistakes but the boy is biologically only like 10 years younger than them on average... JACK looks another half that at times but this is a hospital so idk if "smiles like a toddler" "early teenage adorableness" is a good measure of age)
(I'm stress-typing)
"His full name, please"
All 3 dads look at each other baffled.
Sam goes with Jack Kline, which, a season and a bit later, is the first canonical use of it as Jack's surname
They're cautious about using Winchester, understandably, but it's a nice reminder that Kelly is family too and as the dead parent, naming Jack in tribute to her should have been something they were doing all along (like, season 13 all along), especially as he even visited the Klines earlier this season. Sam being the one who thinks to do this is nice because he's the most dad-aligned to Jack in a traditional sense when it's come to raising him (Cas got the pre-birth role as the traditional father role) and Cas obviously had the strongest connection to Kelly before that but this isn't a moment about her so much as these 3 stressed dads.
LOL Date of birth. Sam wins another point for knowing it, while Dean makes back and forth guesses on '99/2000, making Jack 19 or 20, which would at least mean any one of them could have fathered him and chopping 10 years off Alex's age to compromise between look and feel.
Given Jack's symptoms the nurse should have been a lil more concerned asking about trips to West Africa or other likely Ebola places lately. (This may be poor timing on the show's part but isn't there a fresh outbreak right now?)
(Oof I googled it and there's "Congo Ebola outbreak 2nd worst in history" articles dated 6 hours ago... Maybe a bad year to write haemorraghic diseases for fun and also how comes no one is talking about this in the news and it's all blah blah brexit... Have we just stopped fearing it now a few outbreaks have shown it mostly stays contained in African countries so now they can just suffer it on their own? I'm making a 4am donation to relief efforts)
*returns from the doctors without borders website* anyway back to the fictional sick white boy
And his very stressed dads
I have no idea how much of this is medically accurate but I feel like this is particularly dramatised to match hospital visits people have experienced which did not involve bringing in a stumbling, feverish, person who is having seizures and coughing blood
it's still objectively sad to see TFW lined up all stressed out and Cas and Dean holding hands while they stare through the giant window
The doctors aren't wearing masks even though he has been COUGHING BLOOD
sheesh this entire hospital is in quarantine now
Nick saying he was "getting hammered" the night of the murder isn't super subtle
Cas aggressively still trying to watch over Jack even though they won't let him in the room. Dean paces and talks about ghouls in the middle of the hospital to let off stress.
Cas goes to watch over him in person while Sam and Dean have a personal chat. This is awful D:
I appreciate the sentiment of busting Jack out before they pay the hospital bills because they're running out of medical options and need to turn to magic ones, a la every dramatic event ever in their lives except that one time Dean broke his leg and Sam was too out of it with the Hallucifers to sell his soul to make it better, but if Jack's in system shutdown wouldn't at least keeping him with state of the art equipment mean things like transfusion and machines that keep him propped up?
Mind you his bloodtype is probably, like, X evil negative or something Bucklemingy
It's in his DNA... He might be cute but he's still  born of their episodes and wacky non con ideas... It was gonna catch up to him eventually D: You can't outrun it forever!!
I accidentally hit a button and 8x02 started playing on VLC
"DEEEAN" Cas shoves him through the portal out of purgatory, credits roll, this was officially the weirdest episode ever.
(No I didn't watch the whole thing, I was literally paused on the last shot from where I was about to gif it last night when I fell asleep)
Sam already called Rowena... Smart cookie
obligatory yell at Cas shedding the coat to put on Jack so they don't walk him out in a hospital gown
Oh my god Jack's so sick he's white as a sheet and being carried out by 2 of his dads and he still has a lil well of snark to be like "fine we're leaving" to the doctor.
"There's just no talking to him when he gets like this"
We're at the promo scene and I'm still not 100% sure after sleeping on it that Rowena definitely did not have the Book of the Damned, and that she hadn't been able to make off with it at the end of season 11, never for it to be seen again, because she was very much in the process of stealing the Black Grimoire in 13x22, but this does, I guess, make sense in regards to which book would serve Jack better, and Mittens tried her best to convince me that Rowena plausibly did not have it because the Winchesters did... I'm still suspicious because I really did just assume that she took it and the implication was we didn't see it because SHE had hidden it, and from a line in a Buckleming episode as well. And either way around her showing up with it makes sense that she had it but I'd have occam's razor'd it that she stole the obvious books at the obvious times and not that 13x22 became a BotD heist on top of everything else :P
Jack is up and about!!
He's using a more gravelly voice and it's actually a really hot voice and for literally the first time the Alex/Jack divide (gulf) in my head that one is my age and hot and the other is a 12 year old is a bit shaken. I mean Jack's canonically now supposed to be around 19-20? Which explains why he has a "wooo spring break" attitude when we see in the promo he snaps and wants to go to Vegas.
They grow up so fast.
Anyway considering he was in total organ shutdown a lil while ago it seems a night's rest has done him well if he's wandering around the bunker
Can't tell if we swapped writers or what... well, it seems like it's possible given Jack's fluctuating sickness, which of course could just be a plot thing but also a mark of the inconsistencies in Buckleming episodes. It's still odd to me that in the filming process it didn't occur to them that Jack might not at least sway on the spot at little, but he's really standing there like a little trooper, upright and talking confidently.
And betraying to Rowena that his dads like her and say nice things about her behind her back, which is catastrophic for them. How dare. You're damaging the foundations of their relationship.
*cough cough*
Yep, her heart has softened, Jack won her over in record time, and she's just thinking about that time she adopted a wee Polish lad and loved him as her own because Jack is genetically engineered to be a blank slate son version of a Mary Sue. You take one look at him and he is Your Son in whatever way will most harm you.
Good grief I wish Crowley was still around to see what HILARIOUS overlap with Gavin we'd have wrung out of Jack's main superpower.
Cas offering his grace to stabilise Jack on the spot. Halp. It's more important to him that his son lives by miles, that this isn't even an internal debate for him. In a way, obvious that Cas would be like this as a parent, in another, Cas just offered to give up his grace live on TV
Rowena shoots down the obvious solution (oh and thank god that for once the show actually even references obvious solutions) and starts talking about how we need archangel grace and as soon as she says that I think "oh, Michael" and Dean starts to come over weird with a wooziness that makes me wonder if that was timed for the audience "oh there's one out there right now" and why would DEAN be personally affected right thiiiiiis second..............................
When they go on spring break together we're getting right to the murderin
I mean SOMETHING is up and Dean's right now having his own weird moment as Rowena talks about how Jack will now have a fluctuating set of symptoms for the sake of the plot so
It's possible this is just his internal POV emotional reaction to bad news because this is what happens to me when I hear it but I suspect Dean is a lil more healthy than me in the first place so doesn't verge on passing out whenever a catastrophe happens regularly. And also Sam and Cas aren't similarly struck with physical symptoms at the news their son is dying.
Ya know, Buckleming, or probably Eugenie specifically which makes it all the worse, writing this woman taking a call in a dark alleyway, then not being terrified to be approached by a weird man and on top of that stopping and turning to invite him to join her in the club... this is the kind of thing where they're writing someone going against all natural instinct that it's bad characterisation for someone we've literally never met before just to put her in danger.
I mean at least they didn't make Nick stab a random woman (and a black woman at that to add to their overall awful stats)
I like how Jack's just decided Vegas or Tahiti are places you just kinda go to die... I mean I don't know what he's learned about them but it all has to be absorbed through the media in his most innocent way. I feel like there's something very sweet about whatever he thinks you do in these places of reputed sin and blaze of glory live fast die young lifestyles, but also utterly tragic. Consumptive tragic hero but with a twist of the reckless and dangerous later tropes of... It's 5am and I can't think but like. Vegas. Drugs and gambling high life style tropey films and books from the American tradition.
And of course it's Dean (who utterly fits into this trope and even has yearly Vegas trips with Sam since discovering his psychic powers back in season 1 and also lives a blaze of glory mindset) who brings him the deadly glass of milk (film trope about innocence but also like, people dying) and a sandwich loaded with salami. Dean went all out to make that for Jack - a couple of episodes after sending a woman off to "make him a sandwich" and regretting it as he spoke, we see the yank the cloth away reveal of Dean's nurturing side where he is the caregiver who shows affection through food and will go to the trouble of making his boy a delicious sandwich.
"Nice." See? He's Dean's son and Dean approves his choice of places to die. "You sure this is the best time?"
"Pretty sure it is," Jack says, backpack on, already almost out the door. He's found a brown corduroy jacket which is both unlike his beige jackets and suits from the rest of his life aside from the blue apocalypse world one, and also very very much like Sam's iconic season 1-2 brown corduroy jacket that he mostly stopped wearing although I think was the one Dean wore in 4x01 as one of its sporadic dwindling appearances, if I'm not wrong.
I probably am but either way, it's a change to darker colours, something Sam-associated to fit the gap of this smol dangerous dying kid Dean has to deal with, and puts Jack in thick earthier tones, thicker clothes to ward against the cold of death, and dressed more like TFW than normal as he usually has quite a distinct child-like version of their clothes.
Jack's concept of life and mortality is fucked, possibly because he was a functioning being after a day or two of gathering his thoughts and starting to come to terms with asking deep philosophical questions about himself, so in a way discovering he only has a couple more weeks to live is hardly anything. He's a fucking mayfly.
Ugh it's now solidly 5am and I am clearly not going back to sleep so I give up, I'm finally getting coffee. The rest of the notes will be maybe a wee bit more coherent :P
Anyway kettle thought: due to Jack and Dean's murder or be murdered relationship (lordy how is this the only way you relate to fatherhood, my guy?) I kinda suspect that Dean's about to abscond with Jack without even telling dad 1 or dad 2, because he is dad 3 and that's totally cool and he's a responsible adult, but,  you know, woozy and doomed while Jack is also consumptive and doomed. BAD COMBO.
I charge you with grounds of diminished responsibility due to mutual murder narrative doom
"I'm done being special. Before my life is over, I want to live it"
Okay remember in season 1 episode 14 where Dean was like "LOL WE SHOULD GO TO VEGAS BECAUSE YOU ARE PSYCHIC"? and I referenced that like 5 minutes ago so you should, obviously I've only ever been able to headcanon the reveal of Vegas Week in season 7 (Dabb episode, take a shot) dates back to that and is one of their between episode activities which makes sense that since they only started travelling as adults together in the canon of the show (and Sam 1 year older than drinking age) that it might as well have been when they started the tradition?
Well Jack here is reacting like Dean would have if HE were the one in Sam's shoes in 1x14, and being the fun lil brother who actually would be like fuck it let's go to Vegas and see how psychic I am in the casinos! In the context of season 1 Sam is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too angsty and tragic to do anything other than come across as a stick in the mud who thinks Dean is joking and they're gonna carry on being tragic and hunting monsters instead. Dean in season 2, episode 9, also wanted to fuck off and go have fun when Sam's scary destiny got too much for him to carry, and that was when he was locked in the murder or save him vow from John's last words, which is a similar burden to the narrative bind he's in with Jack.
Jack, all of his fathers' son, finally shows up as the god damn first person to take his doom sensibly and actually want to fuck off to Vegas, and that's demon!Dean levels of fuck it.
Incidentally I half-suspect that Crowley, who has billions of dollars and once bid the moon in an auction (hi I watched 99% of 8x02 yesterday and 1% of it just now) probably was steering demon!Dean waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay carefully around the thought of wait a minute I have an extremely rich and powerful sugar daddy and no responsibilities... VEGAAAAAAAS.
Like, any time Dean started to form the thought, bam, naked triplets show up in their room.
Anyway Jack's busy being tragic, talking about wanting to get a tan (Beach now linked to something to do before death) or see a hockey game (oh shit we forgot Adam) or get a parking ticket (oh so that's why Dean  murders him)
"And when it's all over... die."
Dean looks over his shoulder, mind made up to abduct the boy and take him joyriding
"So that's your plan, huh?"
"I don't want to waste time arguing"
"Did I say I disagree"
jack, this is Fun Dad
I know, the concept is completely radical and you've never seen Dean be fun but trust me.
Even with your very, very limited options, Sam has literally had 3 episodes about how he's Scrooge, and Cas is... Cas. But Dean is legitimately fun dad when you get him on a good day. Trust me.
No one's speaking to Rowena??? How wild.
Poor thing is never going to get her mega coven
Dean (who has rocked up already wearing his jacket) spaces out as Sam starts blahing on about the culturally appropriative shaman Ketch has located.
Same, buddy
At least Dean isn't lying to them about stealing Jack. Somewhat. Not the whole Vegas plan.
Jack smiles at Sam and Cas in a kind of way that somehow conveys in its entirety "this may be the last time you see me but I'm cool with you NOT seeing me die of coughing my lungs up and fun dad has this covered and we've always had a weird death cult about our relationship anyway so I'm okay with it and you guys were the best dads but now fun dad is going to take me out back and shoot me where you can't see and I love you bye"
"Why don't you drive?"
Jack is like ?!?!?!?!? D:
EVEN ON HIS DEATHBED he hadn't figured this would ever happen
It's the make a wish foundation :')
This is, of course, the ultimate sign of Dean loving you and caring for you in Dean's own special way of not telling you he does but showing it with a gesture of absolute confidence and letting you in, and in the vast annuls of the show dates back to the second ever episode where Dean let Sam drive at the end for all of 1 shot (seriously, they've swapped back by the long shot at the end of 1x02 where you can't see them in the car but the prop drivers are definitely doing a generic Sam in the passenger seat Dean driving routine for stock footage :P)
Anyway Dean loves Jack enough that he's letting a kid who does not know how to drive learn to drive in the Impala, like he and Sam did.
I can see Alex sweating bullets about being seated next to Jensen in the beloved Impala and having to mess up turning it on... never mind the fact that both Jensen AND Dean will murder him if he harms the car, and being murdered on both levels at once is spiritually unsettling and he will probably end up an unquiet ghost.
And yet, the glee at being behind the wheel of this legendary gal
"It's like I'm you! :D"
"No, it's not! :D (but with implied murder)"
Look if he survives this, you're creating a speed demon who will want his own classic car
And then you'll have to teach him how to maintain it
oh god
But yeah, non-toxic parenting in the John Winchester As He Could Have Been style.
At least as long as Dean is in the Make A Wish mode and not back to tragic murder mode
And that wooziness that he may or may not be associating with no sleep and too much stress suggests this isn't going to last as a Fun Day Trip For The Boy
"Cas are you sure you want to handle this alone?"
Sam, go hug him, you need a hug and your son is dying.
Also, of course, you mutually need each other in this instance and Sam is reaching out to Cas with presumably the intent that he wants to be in on it but is asking as if just concerned about Cas
Cas, being Cas, has somehow deduced that Dean is "taking this particularly hard" despite the fact all three of them are Concerned Dads and CAS WHAT THE FUCK are you doing being selflessly concerned about DEAN and sizing up his emotional state when all three of you are wrecked and your son is dying?
You literally have 3x the sitting at his bedside holding his hand moments of any of them and montaged the heck out of the concern at the start of the episode
I remember way back someone wankily made a chart of how often people talked to Dean about stuff and other people talked to each other about Dean, and Sam is now crying about Dean beating himself up over being mean to Jack at the start of season 13 and regretting it, so this entire conversation is Sam and Cas man paining at each other about how much man pain Dean is in.
I say with no wank in my heart, just sheer horrified amusement at this data point if they still are hate-watching the show and being horrified about how Sam never gets stuff for himself etc (I mean. He and Cas both have had extended chunks of seasons about them parenting Jack and this is Dean's time to come belatedly to what the two of them already had)
Cas finally says "son" a season and change after Jack was wandering around calling him "father" and Sam doesn't seem inclined to disagree that this is how it feels for all 3 of them.
Obviously he's crying about Jack and it was just the context above that made it look like he was crying about Dean and I always knew that, I'm not a monster, I'm just deflecting because owwwwwwwww this hurts
Cas walks off instead and Sam finally after 1000 years discovers how Dean feels when Cas does that when he was angling to come along and they miscommunicated and didn't say what they meant. Except Sam wanted to come out of mutual Dad Angst comfort while Dean normally wants to go with Cas places so he can hold his hand.
Jack's so proud of himself for being able to drive.
"Born with a wheel in your hand"
He literally stole the Impala from you when he was 7 months in the womb
Dean is like, we could get you laid? And Jack is like. Nah. I have a better idea.
No idea what right now but he still doesn't wanna bang anyone
Ugh a Nick scene. Tag yourself I'm the old tyre in the foreground
Is this the house from Family Remains aka the self-admitted worst episode of the show by Kripke and Carver's explicit design
I am going to puke Jack wanted to go on a fishing trip with his dad
There were spoilers about them doing this but I repressed it the fuck down and lied to myself that Jensen was randomly teaching Alex to fish on set because I didn't want to think about Dean doing this with Jack because oh my god someone has taken my heart and gouged it out with a rusty spoon.
Also: someone design Jack a t-shirt with a witty slogan about fishing rather than hook ups. Like, dude bro fishing culture but in a world where you're as likely to get dumb slogans about not wanting sex as you are for it making you a babe magnet
"I'd rather be fishin" is a thing people get on mugs for the workplace but we could start with this sentiment and play
ALSO AS I MENTIONED I WATCHED 8x02 IN THE LAST 24 HOURS AND DEAN NEAR RIVERS SUCKS. We also have 10x01 and Daniel the fishing angel (who was the pizza man from Monster Movie, see above: slogans about fishing, pizza man innuendo, we got a thing going here) who was happy on Earth just fishing and enjoying the planet and not wanting to go back to Heaven, in a very heavy metaphor for Cas to deal with, as the angel who once compared free will to teaching poetry to fish. Lots and lots to unpack here, when we turn this into a Dean and Jack father son bonding moment and throw in Dean's peaceful dream of fishing in 4x20 that Cas interrupted. Fishing is about peace and idyll and comes as a temporary respite in this show. Traditionally, also, of course it's a sport of patience, and a classic father son bonding activity as the long stillness allows for both manly silence and sharing beers in peace, but also talk if they want to open up a conversation.
For Jack, it's an overlap of both Cas and Dean parental stuff, Cas's issues with angelic nature, where he wants to be, WHO he wants to be (just OFFERING to give up his grace to save Jack) and then with Dean we have more classic human cultural tropes but none less painful for Jack's nature and relationships. Especially throwing in that this was his choice and Dean is indulging him completely here.
John may or may not have taught them to fish but I feel like it may have had a "so you are dying in the woods" aspect to it rather than for peace and bonding. BOBBY taught Sam and Dean some basic woodsmanship so he was more likely to be the father figure teaching them to fish if anyone did.
Okay so obviously I typed that just after clutching my heart at the reveal and hitting pause, as Jack immediately goes on to say that John DID teach Dean how to fish and that it was his happiest memory of him - and it comes as a surprise for the expectations (like, that the above paragraph now stands as what I would expect of canon if I was only taking from it and not as an actual writer of the show being allowed to insert new details in which challenge us about the characters, which is where I find the line between fan fic and original fiction really is when it comes to characterisation... Anything out of left-field and you have to tag it as an AU version or explain why instead of just writing it as taken for granted).
And it's unexpected in the sense that it is such a peaceful thing and above all I think the message is that Jack intuited from whatever Dean said about it that it WAS a happy peaceful memory of John which stood so much at odds with the rest of his life. Filed under as well the thing where Mary started talking about how nice John was to Sam and Sam recoiled in confusion until Mary clarfied it was her John, not theirs. Good memories of a gentle soft John are alarming, and yet perhaps this is a way to really confront and exorcise his ghost more than anything - the sort of funeral servive memorialising of the good with the bad and working through it to come to peace in a different sort of way that lets the wounds heal and the anger leave those scars.
"It was how you said it. I could tell." He's such a smart cookie and I think that often takes Dean by surprise in the sense that Jack has been very shrewdly watching him and learning from him and absorbing anything and everything he does, which unfortunately gives him the ability to cold read Dean like very few people do, seeing past the layers and bluffs and into Dean's core.
Jack just murdered Dean by saying if he doesn't make it he wouldn't miss Tahiti or the Taj Mahal or implied going to seedy bars and hooking up, he'd miss more time with Dean.
I mean that's not a literal way to kill someone but you should see Dean's face. He's been shot.
And again, it's a metaphor for what you want from life for DEAN to absorb, the prompt that his family is right here and he doesn't need to chase pleasure outside of them, that hook up bar nearby their home base where he never strikes out, that's irrelevant to the family he has built and it's been put in the subtext of what Dean goes after that's empty pleasure when he has this core family unit around him, by the way Jack has also rejected it and is explaining to Dean the real meaning of Christmas.
Of course, this all gets a bit weird unless you account for the fact he has an angel wearing a trenchcoat made of husband material waiting back at the Bunker because the chronic singleton life otherwise probably ought to account for an outlet for Dean like a hook up bar if his happy ending is a platonic family bond so, you know, end the show 10 minutes from now with everyone happy and alive and not dying, and all Dean's learned is they're 3 dads, one son, a mom and her AUBobby, but he still has unused romantic potential and for seasons and seasons they've been trying to close the door on him seeking out random hook ups in the subtext of what Dean WANTS vs what he thinks he can have. This frank conversation about what Jack wants from life before it's all over is once again ignoring fleeting human connection for the family bonds he values above everything.
"I've had a good life, Dean" the other reason they're having this sentimental conversation by a river is because Jack is a fucking mayfly and I hate this
@ Dabb please never make me see Cas driving this car ever again
Why are you irritating Cas like this. First boring holy fire oh it must be thursday followed by the indignity of making him sit on a pouffe? Listen, when Cas gets irritated he gets snarky and then people die because he snarked them to death. I saw it he did it to the Empty. And Lucifer in 13x12. And Kip.
I just feel sorry for Cas. Why can't he go on fishing trips with the boy. Oh no he has to sit on a squishy pouffe that won't let him be intimidating so that he can cure the boy even though Jack's already decided he's gonna die and will probably Ophelia himself into the river at the end of the fishing trip.
Sergei is basically like "Have you tried turning it off and on again"
Nephilim have a reboot button on the back of their neck, if you get a paperclip and poke it in there.
At least Sergei is so... whatever he is... I can't even tell who he is supposed to be offensive towards :P I guess with the name, I lean Russian, and then he has world esoterica and occult nonsense in his caravan...
The real question is how does he know anything about Nephilim and why hasn't Cas asked that already.
LOL he has a vial of Gabriel grace just lying around. Of course, because Gabriel was just offering it up to everyone.
Considering how he was exploited for it by Asmodeus there's a weird tinge of retconning his own abuse by saying he was going around giving it to everyone before Asmodeus ever bought him and started stealing it on the regular.
Still, it IS awfully tempting a fix to have Uncle Gabriel help Jack out from beyond.
/distantly: "I'm not dead!"
sometimes I can still hear his voice.
It's way more likely Shit Goes Down and this is lost but then Cas has learned what to do with archangel grace to fix Jack just so long as they can pin down Michael and grab his instead.
But I guess in that circumstance at least once again Gabriel gave them part of the answer from beyond the grave as he did in season 5.
("Still not dead!!")
shush Gabriel. The show wants us to think you're dead and my complete disbelief in that doesn't change anything for now.
Except that maybe Gabriel came back, is fine, but has been removing his grace and selling it in the here and now while claiming not to be Gabriel and that he just haaaappens to have it and because he has no grace he could just be any old guy who happens to have an endless renewable resource of archangel grace secretly on tap to sell to fund his life of laying low. Sergei even says HE got it as part of keeping Gabriel hidden.
I'm kind of assuming Sergei isn't Gabriel unless he offers Cas kielbasa
I mean unless later I get a bonus cookie for immediately assuming Sergei is Gabriel based on the holy fire he just happened to have prepared and how similar it looked to Gabriel being trapped in 5x08.
On the other hand this may be the first time this season but pointing at literally everyone and going, that's probably Gabriel, will get old and also dock me cookie points the more wrong guesses I throw out there. Still, this one has pretty strong evidence, from messing with Cas to making him say "Porn stars"
To, um, having Gabriel's grace
Okay so Sergei gives Cas all of this out of the goodness of his heart and a "you owe me" and I AM wondering if that's a Buckleming special because remember in 8x19 where they were like hi we need to go to Hell immediately, and Ajay was like sure, I will take you to Hell and this episode is even titled after me so clearly I am an important character who *stab stab reaper dying noises* wow look I guess we don't have a bargain after all despite me saying you owe me but then Crowley just maaaaagically made it so you never had to find out what a reaper would want in exchange for taking you to Hell off the books.
Also fuck you I never got to finish my pizza
While I've been typing some random ass justice for Ajay screed, Nick has revealed a flashback to 14x02 where it turns out his neighbour said it was a cop who he saw coming out of the house. I literally went back and checked the episode and that wasn't in it, so perhaps it's a new flashback for here, fleshing out that conversation and revealing more for us, and changing the narrative of what Nick's up to, but honestly who cares enough about all this... I was double zoned out for flashbacks I'd already seen for a side story i don't care about
Wow, Nick, demons killed ya family. Could have told you that.
Aw, Dean brought Jack home. No dying out in the wilderness for you, clearly Cas phoned up before Jack could work out his plan to fling himself into the river.
Also Nick has taken up too much of this episode so there's no room for complicated twists and turns, if Buckleming are banned from introducing too many of them.
It's incredible how subdividing them so Eugenie writes all the Nick stuff and Brad writes the rest has elevated the parts of the story we care about to pretty much passable, give or take whatever Sergei was and who he was offensive to aside from the whole concept of calling yourself a shaman because you travelled the world collecting occult stuff in a sort of Aleister Crowley way.
'cept you can't namedrop Aleister on this show because both Alastair and Crowley have stolen too much from him.
So you get a knock off Sergei instead.
Jack hasn't been having as many of the supposed fainting fits that had everyone dogpiling him as I thought - maybe that's next episode too. Could have had one at the start but that doesn't seem enough to be a repeated annoyance of Alex's life :P
Anyway I was just going to comment on his sweater but that thought hopped in there first wondering if the spell was about to knock him flat, as he's sitting on a chair instead of safely in bed.
All the more dramatic for flinging yourself around if the spell messes you up
(honestly if the spells don't work, and they took him out of the hospital, how much of a bizarre commentary is this on trusting modern medicine and vaccinating your nephilims?)
It's 7:20 and my neighbours are yelling again
At least being awake since 3 meant I got a bit more peace and quiet than normal. I feel gross but I may go to yoga just to not be stuck in this room with such awful screeching on both sides of me >.>
Oh I can tell Sergei is Gabriel, he put the grace in a gold container instead of the silver ones
I'm sorry for the expenses, Zerbe
I wonder if they use her products on the show and I'm gonna go on my dash and find her beaming about a specially commissioned shiny gold grace that she made for them :P
"Here, hold this bottle of your uncle's essence"
".... okay I understand how weird that sounded on hindsight"
I love the idea of Jack's grace now being fuelled by Nice Uncle Gabriel who felt kindly towards him, even if this can't be a permanent fix, it changes his internal make up just a bit so that he symbolically has his grace stolen by his shitty bio father but the power only came from him in the first place and there was all the hoo ha about if Lucifer as his father made him inherently evil. Now whatever happens to Jack, he's had a grace transplant from a suitable donor, very much like a parallel of say he needed a kidney transplant and his 2 viable donors were his shitty deadbeat dad who gave him the kidney condition in the first place and his nice dead uncle who happened to have been an organ donor and was the only other one with the same type (if Lucifer's was X evil negative, then I guess Gabriel's is like X tricksy negative which has enough receptors to be a compatible transfusion, while Cas has like, Z dumbass positive grace and no compatibility)
And Gabriel is a beloved character who proved his kind feeling towards Jack even if they had very little bonding overall, he clearly cared and there was an immediate sort of uncle-y kindness about him in relation to Jack (just the comment alone about identifying that Jack liked shiny things and magic tricks is very much how uncles view small children who they may watch and entertain but not in the end have parental responsibility for), which is hilarious to me because Gabriel deeply reminds me of all 3 of my uncles on my mum's side, who are all 3 different shades of trickster god in their own right, and he always has reminded me of them, and now the show has sort of made Uncle Gabriel his new legacy.
I mean. I love it to bits.
It's not a sacrifice FOR Jack like Cas would have given up his grace, but it's still a part of him passed on to Jack.
I am very very aware that like me running my mouth about John (ironically the name of one of my uncles) while hitting pause, I've stopped while Jack is looking up with glowing eyes and he's almost certainly about to spew a fountain of blood across the room and fall on the floor. But I like that the grace even interacted with him and lit up his eyes and unless he physically barfs out the grace to I'm sticking by that ramble.
Cas smiled!! That's the once per season and we already hit it at episode 7, woe betide us
This does look, however, like the scene where they were all looking on from the door so... blood spew in 5 4 3 2 1...
Er, I mean, help him
God I would not want Jared to dogpile me, the man weighs literally as much as an actual moose
Uhoh Sergei made Cas mad
I mean
he made him sit on a pouffe, this was always coming
What do you mean Eugenie can't let Lucifer go wow what a shock
*kicks a pebble*
Ah, here's the concerned dads scene. I'm just going to let that be a balm to my soul while Dean laments ever taking Jack out to have fun.
"You made him happy. You did more for him than any of us"
1 dude you tried, 2 you took him on hunting trips and had fun already this season so he got his Cas Time before he died like he wanted 3 just fucking abduct him wrapped in a duvet and go fishing in the dead of night if you have to, trust me, he'd love it and your family is such a mess he wouldn't even think it's weird.
I mean you've literally absconded illegally with him before, what's a trip up to that beach where he was born and some fishing gear really going to cost you with annoyance from Dean
"What can we do?" "Watch over him," Rowena says with Cas in the background, and continues to carve me out with a rusty spoon
"As he dies"
Nah he'll be fine shut up Rowena D:
Well that was a very good episode if you act like me and pretend that none of the Nick stuff happened at all.
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