#Whb belphegor
wihellib · 3 days
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sweeteaacakes · 2 days
Okay I have this funny idea about WHB families that I love to share.
Imagine that one day MC is making desserts for the kings and their kids (the kings are in a meeting maybe), then when MC comes back from the meeting room, all the delicious cakes and candies are gone. Only the kids stand there with their 'innocent' eyes.
Already now who's the culprit, but MC couldn't just punish them, only then the kings come to the dining room, and know everything just by looking at the empty dishes and their kids puffy mouth ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
I absolutely need some shorts for each of the kings' reactions and how they gonna act (in my mind, Beelzebub would turn his kid upside down by grabbing their little legs, then just shake shake until all the candies fall out hoho (^∇^*))
♡》 『WHB || Kings & Their Children, Little Sweet Tooth』
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° This was fun to write. I made reader deciding to cook/bake instead! It's somehow triggers curiosity to see how those ingredients would taste like. Especially those leftover bowl of chocolate 👀
Satan was elated when he heard you were going to make them desserts that he couldn't wait for the meeting to be quickly done (he went, he made the point and then gone like how he came).
So finding out all of it was now in his child's tummy was enough to devastate him that he laid on the floor, face down and "silently” groaning and going through a different stage of grief every 5 seconds.
The nobles doesn't help either because one is praising your child for cuteness, the other is analyzing the situation and another is shouting badly filtered profanity
Oh, and! Please refrain your child from spitting out all the food because they feel so bad for their father now.
After reaching the acceptance phase, everything was shoved aside and Satan looked at you and your child saying:
“It's fine. It means it was good.” with his goofish smile
He can't let your hard work go to waste and he can't let it go off either. So he had the idea to help you instead with cooking another while sharing a recipe native to Gehenna along with the other nobles with your child watching in amazement at their teamwork in the kitchen.
It's a messy process but you get done with it along with the help of other nobles and you had sweets for a tea time!
Mammon was eagerly waiting for the surprise you told him the other day. With the things you spent your money on and how he could smell the scent of pastry from the hallway leading to the kitchen of Tartaros, he could guess what the surprise was. But even more, it fills him with curiosity and tests his integrity.
Should he go in the kitchen and wrap his arms around you while you bake? Wait until the end when you give him your surprise? How will you serve it?
He leaned on the wall. His massive body that seems like a mountain blocking the way as he entertained himself how he can see your lovely face—
“AAHHHH!!!” until he heard you shrieking along with Eligos.
Mammon quickly rushed in the kitchen and found you on the ground, defeated, and Eligos bended on the table groaning.
In front of him there's the young prin. Cheeks puffed.
Munch… munch… munch… gulp!
Mammon burst into laughter, amused at his little one.
“Your Mejestyyyy.…”
You and Eligos both groaned.
Your work, all gone... in a bite.
“Someone just satisfied their greedy belly. I can't help but be amused.” Mammon grinned, lifting up the young prin to sit on his arms. The same for Eligos and you.
He wants to treat you to something nice.
Like a big banquet.
Leviathan loomed above your child looking down on them. You'd think he would scold them but WRONG!!
“Is it good?” He asked, kneeling on their height and stroking their heads. Your child nodded with exaggeration, cheeks puffed bouncing ups and downs with saliva threatening to drip from their mouth that Leviathan wiped away with his napkin.
He lifts them in his arm and waits for them to gulp it all down or in case they throw it up.
Later he will give them words of advice on why they should not stuff their mouth with lots of food and how to be respectful toward others.
After (gently) putting them on a time out and having your child out of vision, Leviathan's cool and calm expression falls down and looks at you with a face that looks frowning, angry and at the same time about to cry beautifully.
It was a plea. Please, can you go to make him another sweet? He will (try) to help you too :)
Despite his title as the Glutton King, Beelzebub does know the word ‘moderation’. But not decency. What is that?
He was more than amused when he saw your child's face stuffed with sweets and he lifted them by the legs and shook him up and down as if he was trying to make a squirrel with a full mouth spit out the acorns.
You were telling him that you'd make a new one but it seems like he isn't gonna stop— until you hear a loud gulp and burp and your child's mouth is not puffed anymore.
Beel smacked his lips.
“Oh well. Let's just make a new one.” He said, putting down your child. He patted their head and gave them a spatula with melted chocolate as if he wasn't shaking them upside down a moment before.
You just gave up and went to retrieve the utensils and ingredients.
He wasn't surprised how much the young one could stuff in their mouth. Afterall, devils and even angels do that. Instead, he had a staring contest while your child was trying to munch all the sweets.
It was as if Lucifer was waiting to see what would happen next. Will they gulp it all? Will they throw it up?
Either way, if they end up feeling sick for eating too much Lucifer will take care of them by giving them drinks for digestion and easily eaten food.
Lucifer would gladly help you bake another sweet next time. He would love coming up and sharing his recipes with you and using some edible flowers in his garden.
And as for candies in the bowl and cookie jars, he made a little game that will subtly make them stop sneaking to devour. Paradise Lost's devils are very good when it comes to health and maybe with sprinkles of psychology.
It's been hours since you told him you were going to bake him some sweets. And he opened his eyes… Wait… how much time has passed? A day? Weeks? He looked at the clock. Almost two days or so…? Ah. A day.
Beleth has been absent a minute ago and hasn't come back so he can't ask anyone where you are right now. The kitchen, he guessed. Since you were rambling about baking something for him.
The little one isn't there to nag him either with random facts of the day….
He misses them.
He closed his eyes and started sleeping. His body felt light as the darkness engulfs him. Voices echoed and blurry movement in the darkness then became clear.
“Agh! What am I gonna do now… It took me all day…” You pouted, crying while poking the puffy cheek of the little one.
“Your Majesty?” Beleth called, making your head turn around left and right searching for him.
“Belphegor!? Where!??”
Meanwhile, the little prin just sleepily waved ‘hi’ at the direction Beleth was looking.
Now, that's a predicament… He doesn't want to move anymore and walks to kill himself for bothering to move a single nerve of his body or even thinking…
“Bring them to my room. With '3am menu',” he commanded.
Belphegor's presence vanished as he came. Beleth puffed a chuckle and a playful hiss.
Later, you're on Belphie's bed as Beleth said. A large tray is on the table full of sweets and savory snacks while Belphegor cradles your child who fell asleep. His other arm wrapped around your shoulder while you fed him.
“Next time, I'll keep them asleep with me so you can bake at peace…” He said, snuggling his cheek on your head.
»»———-  ———-«
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sulumuns-dootah · 3 days
WHB demons' favorite horror movies
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Another long post including all our demon boys :D Also thought I'd change up the look of these all-demon big posts so lmk if you like this one ^^
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You'd expect him to pick some torture-porn, but he actually picks something supernatural
More specifically a movie with vengeful spirits
People hurting each other? meh... Spirits messing with people bc they're pissed? Well, now we're talking
Favorite movie: The Grudge (2004)
Rather than something scary, Sitri like watching something cosy
Doesn't want to spill his tea when a jumpscare gets him
The only time he'll watch something like that is with his partner, so he can hear their heart race
Favorite movie: The Shining (1980)
(We've had Amy just for a little bit so bare with me)
Rebellious boi allert (?)
Pretty boy loves to watch movies about other boys ^^
Favorite movie: Lost boys (1987)
In last year's halloween-themed post I wrote that Leraye doesn't care as long as the movie has thunderstorms in it and I still stand by that
Who has the brain capacity to remember movie names when most of your blood is rushing south?
Please, please, please introduce Paimon to Hereditary!
Still, despite the movie literally having them in it, Pai prefers more of a "girly" horror
Favorite movie: Jennifer's body (2009)
Okay, not really a horror movie fan per se, but a horror musical?
With a lot of good music with funny lyrics?
And the type that Jiyu enjoys singing?
You've got Belial's attention
Favorite musical: Sweeney Todd (2007)
We've got a psychological horror fan on our hands!
Oh, and if the movie has the characters speak in unordinary way?
A local accent or different language has Astaroth interested instantly
Favorite movie: The Vvitch (2015)
Zagan likes the old classics
Or the old movies where the characters don't speak
Sadly, he doesn't speak up for himself when the nobles are arguing what to watch, so he has to watch a lot of movies from the others
Favorite movie: Frankenstein (1931)
As brave as Ppyong thinks he is, he doesn't like horror movies that much
Usually, someone has to be with him for comfort and safety while watching anything remotely scary
Favorite movie: Any of the Scooby Doo movies
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I... don't think Mammon has a preference.
Part of me feels like he doesn't really get the point of watching movies
Like, if you suggest snuggling up and watching something, he'll be all for it, but only bc of the snuggling bit
Favorite movie: Your favorite movie
Is anyone surprised that this gold-digger loves any movie that follows wealthy people?
Me neither
Doesn't matter what genre it is, he's The Rich Person Apologist™
Favorite movie: American psycho (2000)
Eligos doesn't like scary movies, but(!) horror adjacent movies are his thing
Loves all those teenage witch shows and movies like The Craft
Oh, also Scream Queens ^^
Movie nights with Paimon and Eligos >>>>>>
Favorite movie: Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Since Valefor like to know about other people's experiences in bed, why not extend that to the type of media he likes?
Found footage feels right to say that Valefor would enjoy
Also, why do a lot of the found footage movies contain sex scenes? :/
Favorite movie: Ghoul (2015)
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I bet you expected something Lovecraftian, huh?
So did I, but couldn't find any movie in that genre that would scream Levi's name
But you know who fits his aesthetic perfectly? Tim Burton's movies!
It also kinda makes sense since I'd imagine our poor PTSD-having demon would hate anything making him feel on edge
He's had enough of being scared
Favorite movie: Corpse Bride (2005)
Ooh, another psychological horror fan!
I also imagine that all the Hades nobles like theatre/musicals/ballet, so let's look for somethin in the middle...
Favorite movie: Black Swan (2010)
You can imagine how Barbatos reacts to most scary movies, which usually consist of dark scenes shot at night
Not to say he won't watch anything with you, but he will complain about how pale the actors are :/
Favorite movie: Midsommar (2019)
Okay, we can all see this coming
This fucker (affectionate) loves his torture-porn
I mean, most of us have read his H-scene
Favorite movie: Hostel (2005)
Our old/young man loves movies with creepy children since he looks like one of them
Some even give him inspiration for acquiring more souls for himself
Favorite movie: Sinister (2012)
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To capture this idiot's attention, a movie needs to be really interesting to him
Likes his cannibal movies
They, just like to Orias, give him inspo, but this time for recipes
Favorite movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Bael is more grounded with his taste in movies
Still a slasher fan, but more on the realistic side
Imagining him just sitting on a couch/armchair while sipping some tea under a blanket while watching a movie gives me tired single mom vibe idk
Favorite movie: Psycho (1960)
An obvious fan of Werewolf movies since he's one technically too
Kinda hopes that he can learn something about controlling his transformation from them
(I don't really like werewolves alltogether so I found this one on google - I hope it's good)
Favorite movie: Wolf (1994)
Rebelllious boi 2
If there's guns that shoot, Stolas will watch it bc it goes with his tough guy persona
Favorite movie: The Purge (2013)
Given that he'll most likely fall asleep during the movie if he's not watching it with Beel or you in the room
Likes 90's movies in general bc they're more chill and more about the vibes
Favorite Movie: Scream (1996)
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Another torture-porn enjoyer
Surprise surprise?
Yeah, him and Glasya having a movie night is an experience only for the stongest
Favorite movie: Laid to Rest (2009) or The Collector (2009)
Phenix loves any and all movies and they don't need to be scary or anything due to their affliction
Still, I think if they weren't under Asmo's influence, they would enjoy a good succubus/siren movie
Favorite movie: Siren (2016)
Yep, another torture-porn fan, except this time for the opposite reasons
Glasya and Ronove look for fun gore, Danta is looking for hot ways to die
Favorite movie: Audition (1999)
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Okay, not a movie but an anime
What else would you expect from our weeb snoozer?
Favorite anime: Junji Ito Maniac! (2023)
Usually, Beleth loves his mafia type of movies
When it comes to horror, he wants to be laughing hard
Bonus points if he can relate in some sort of sense to the main villain
Favorite movie: Beetlejuice (1988)
Teacher boy loves his horror villains S-M-A-R-T
Like the calculated, composed type
Favorite movie: Silence of the Lambs (2001)
There's nothing scarier to Bathin than being contained to one place without the possibility to escape
It makes him feel claustrophobic no matter how big the place is
Like you could lock him up in a castle full of spacey rooms and he'll be anxious
Favorite movie: Misery (1990)
Since Andre can't see, I don't really think he's enjoy movies
He does, however love the audio stuff
Audioboooks and horror game OSTs are his go-to's during spooky season
Favorite audiobook: Between two Fires
Favorite game OST: Layers of Fear
Since Belphie took Niflheim from him, Agares realised he really loves his vengeful spirit movies
'They took from her so she started taking from them'
or how the quote was in his favorite movie
Favorite movie: The Woman in Black (2012)
With his love for speeches and such, Vassago finds himself ofhen enjoying the religious horrors
Bonus points if there actually are some speech scenes
Favorite movie: Midnight Mass (2021)
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If there's a movie containing the Antichrist, Luci is interested
He kinda also finds it amusing to see humans fumble with their demon names and stories
Favorite movie: The Omen (1976)
It might be a bit childish, but Morax likes movies themed around holidays
Bonus points if there is an adorable character
Favorite movie: Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Buer loves a good mindfuck movie with an unexpected twist
Other psychological horrors are good too, but you know...
There's nothing better than a lore drop that makes you wanna rewatch the movie from beginning and look for the subtle hints
Favorite movie: Orphan (2009)
The last member of our gore aficionados
The only struggle for Marbas is to not criticize some anatomy errors of the sfx team
Favorite movie: Terrifier (2016)
It's rare for this babey dragon to watch horrors, but if he's with someone, he will
Once he's watched one already, he's less scared and will watch it again alone
Any movie where he can relate to a character is an instant hyperfixation until another movie comes around
Favorite movie: The Boy (2016)
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i6312times · 2 days
I was talking with a friend she judged me for saying I would screw Ppyong in his red lump form????😒 she asked me if i would screw Satan in is other form I said yes she said understandable. She asked is I would screw Belphie in his other form I said yes she said questionable. She asked if I would screw Ppyong in his red lump form I said yes. She slapped me.
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selesseenjoyer · 16 hours
im completely convinced pb forgot they released belphegor or is neglecting belphegor.. 😭 ITS BEEN LIKE 1-2 MONTHS SINCE HE RELEASED WHEN WILL THEY CHANGE THEIR BANNER???
hes also not on the gacha animation unlike lucifer who was added before his card dropped belphegor is the forgotten child
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
MC: *wearing a face mask* Let's get down to business so I can leave this place early.
Belphegor: ...
Belphegor: *smiles* You're straightforward.
MC: Nah, I doubt you'd be interested in making a conversation at all.
Belphegor: *still smiling* Beleth, you take it from here.
Beleth: Okay, Your Majesty.
Beleth: *clears his throat* *unfurls a map of Niflheim in front of them*
Beleth: You see the red marks, descendant of Solomon?
MC: Yes.
Beleth: Angels are swarming these places.
MC: Ah, so you want me to do some pest control?
Beleth and Belphegor: ...
Belphegor: *chuckles*
MC: *sigh* You devils won't give me a break. *grabs the map and heads straight to the door*
Beleth: Wait! Wouldn't you need an escort?
MC: ...
MC: *looks at the other devils present: Gusion, Bathin, and Harumon*
MC: ...
MC: I'll take the coward cat.
Harumon: Hey! I'm no coward!
MC: ...
MC: Is that a young devil?
Harumon: Young devil? Where?
MC: He's hiding behind that rubble.
Harumon: But descendant of Solomon! No one's living in this place now!
MC: *yells* Oi, kid! What are you doing there?
MC: ...
Harumon: ...
MC: *clicks their tongue* He's shy. *approaches the 'young devil'*
MC: Hey, why are you hiding?
Harumon: ...
Harumon: Who are they talking to?
MC: Huh. What's his name?
MC: Oi, Harumon. Do you know someone called 'Andrealphus'?
Harumon: Yes! He's one of us!
MC: *points* This boy's saying he's his twin.
Harumon: !!!
MC: So you're telling me that I possibly met a ghost.
Beleth: Yes, it could be. You're the only one who can see him.
Bathin: Can you draw what he looks like? We need to confirm if it's the twin of Andrealphus.
MC: What a bother. Someone give me a notepad.
*after a few minutes*
MC: Does that confirm it?
Beleth: Yep, no doubt.
MC: ...
MC: Great. So I can see ghosts now.
MC: ?
Beleth: What is it, descendant of Solomon?
MC: *unamused* He's sitting on my lap.
Gabriel: How could you insult god like this?!
Raphael: It's the truth, Gabriel. God has returned.
Michael: ...
Michael: How were you able to tell?
Raphael: I tasted their blood. There's no way I'm mistaken.
Michael: ...
Gabriel: *fuming in anger*
Michael: In that case, why didn't you bring them?
Raphael: They are worried that none of you would believe them.
Raphael: *his face turned serious*
Raphael: Now seeing your reactions, proves that they're right.
Gabriel: Should I just kill you right now, Raphael?
Michael: ...
Michael: Calm down, Gabriel.
Michael: This could be our lead. Regardless, Solomon definitely did something.
Gabriel and Raphael: ...
Michael: Aside from the information you've got, do you have anything else, Raphael?
Raphael: ...
Raphael: *smiles* God has considered me their most beloved seraph.
Gabriel: *fumes in anger*
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ashinko · 2 months
Mammon trying to convince MC to leave Gehenna and come to Tartaros:
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workofann · 3 months
May all my MC’s bag Belphegor in the upcoming event
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r0-boat · 3 months
So we're all losing it over the new whb characters right? But I keep thinking about being belphegor's pillow on accident. like he falls asleep standing during a fight or something and lands on us. I wouldn't even try to move him, I'd just be like, ok cuddle time I guess until one of the nobles comes and ruins it.
Aw it's actually super adorable! Orion I absolutely love this!
May I write a little bit about it?
WHB 6 Kingly cuddles: reactions to the MC snuggled up to them
Doesn't sleep but will gladly cuddle you while you sleep.
Once you fall asleep he will not move. He will just hold you close; smiling at how vulnerable and cute you look as he scrolls on his phone. He is at peace with you in his arms cuddling into his chest until trouble strikes...
He sees snickering devils whether it be his subordinates, nobles or Even some of the kings. While Satan is quietly cussing them out, threatening them, But still holding you in his arms. They better pray to Lilith: you don't open your pretty little eyes because it will be their funeral.
He is the perfect pillow, it doesn't matter where he is, he would gladly lend his body for you to sleep. While you sleep peacefully his hands will wander mostly just squeezing your ass.
Sometimes, you seem more like a sleeping kitten, especially when you just how much pictures he had taken of you while you slept. He is also very much addicted to seeing you in his oversized shirts for sleepwear. In fact, he likes it so much that he throws out to your old pajamas in favor of his old clothes.
To him sleeping is when you're at your most vulnerable. That's why he sleeps in a He is not used to being so close to you. Part of him is uncomfortable because of it. But another part of him, most of him, is pounding and jittering in. Does this mean you are getting used to him more? Are you falling for him??? He has never seen a human sleep up close like this except for the times he would stalk you and watch you sleep, but shhhh, you don't know that.
His heart is beating so hard it's threatening to come out of his chest. Maybe this can be his chance for his hands to wander and explore your body in ways he could not before. Gently touch and caress your skin and truly love you, something he didn't want to do for pride sake.
His hands do wonder, They wonder so much that I cannot explain or else this will no longer be sfw. Sometimes it's not because he wants to have sex with you, He just has his hands there because he just likes touching those parts of you. Sometimes he just plays with you again not to get you horny or anything He just likes playing with them. By the time you wake up sadly he's already gone but his coat is over you with little gifts right next to you.
Will almost never indulge in sleepy time cuddling, The most you'll ever do when you fall asleep on him is kiss your forehead before tucking you in bed. Then tell you when you wake up "beds are for sleeping you should use them.". He will almost always move you to his bed before going to work. If you want to cuddle with him you're going to have to ask but he must warn you cuddling is not something he does so he's afraid that he needs some time to learn how.
If you fall asleep, he will almost always be there when you wake up, spooning or cuddling you. No matter where you are as long as he's there and you fall asleep He will seek your warmth and sleep with you. No matter where you are no matter where you sleep no matter how comfortable or uncomfortable he will be there. Laying in your lap, holding you in his lap, laying on top of your back, laying on your stomach, or you on his sleeping on another king. He's not picky.
He is like a cat as soon as you wake up he is already in ear warm spot in your bed snuggled.
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sparkbeast20 · 4 months
Kidnapper: I have your lover!
MC: …
Kidnapper: Uh… Hello-
MC: Which one?
Kidnapper: Wha- How many you have?
MC: …
MC: I'll ask again, which one?
Kidnapper: … Uh… The short one
MC: Uw… You have to be more specific.
Kidnapper: The black haired one-
MC: Good luck *Hangs up*
Kidnapper: Eh?
Belphegor: *Just woken up and has the urge to kill*
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blackcat8887 · 4 months
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Now we only need one king ✨💋
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wihellib · 1 day
The Favourite Dynamic Between King and Second poll can still be voted on for one more day here.
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Satan/Sitri is nice but basic, a palate cleanser. Levi/Foras is similar but with more simping from Foras.
Mammon/Bimet is interesting in that Bimet acts more stereotypically greedy while Mammon is more laid-back. But Mammon also is proud of and encourages his greed, showing his nature. They’re a good fit for each other.
Lucifer/Gamigin is very sweet and wholesome in a game that is not very sweet or wholesome, so it’s a good change of pace.
The premise of Beel/Bael and Belphie/Beleth is similar in that the King is lax in his duties, but the difference is that their Second deals with their quirks in very different ways. Beleth accepted Belphie’s quirks wholeheartedly and, without hesitation, decided devote himself to taking care of him. Bael is burdened by Beel’s quirks and suffers under the weight of responsibilities that Beel has left to him.
Overall, I like the varied approaches when it comes to the dynamics between Kings and their Seconds, but I have the most fun when Beel and Bael’s relationship is shown on screen.
Bael is always rightfully picking at Beel and Beel just lets it slide right off of him. But nevertheless Beel is there when Bael truly needs him. I always think about the moment in Belphie’s intro event where he threatens Bael and Beel is immediately like, ‘don’t worry bro, I got ya’. And you just knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to Bael, even if he had to kill another King to do that.
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devilmen-collector · 3 months
The Kings' Table Manners
Ft. Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Belphegor
C/W: suggestive on Lucifer's part
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To Satan, eating etiquette is not that important. He is flexible and can adapt to both formal and informal meal settings. Whether he uses hands or utensils depends on the settings and situations. Though he prefers informal settings where he can talk freely with his subordinates and MC during eating.
Mammon prefers formal meal settings because he can showcase more wealth there but that doesn't mean he's adverse to informal meals. Mammon prefers to use utensils because it is kinda a hassle for him to use hands while wearing golden claws and rings.
How Levi dines screams ELEGANT!!!
Leviathan follows etiquette down to smallest details (like which fork must be used for what dishes, etc.) He considers eating with hands uncivilized. When he first saw MC eats with hands, he looks at them like they were some monkey. If the dishes served were fried chicken, hamburger or pizza, he would still eat them with fork and knife (although it is very unlikely he will ever be served with fast food).
Beel is a wandering king so he usually has informal meals where he eats with hands. Definitely licks his hands for the remaining crumbs (and MC's hands too if they are on a date together).
Definitely annoys Levi with his eating habits.
The king of pride prefers to use utensils because of his nails. His fingers are only used to finger MC, or scratch them. He will only use hands if it's absolutely necessary.
Lucifer says grace both before and after the meal. He does not expect everyone to join him but he expects silence and respect and no touching the dishes before he finishes thanking God.
Belphegor can and will fall asleep during mealtime with his face falling on to the meal itself. His nobles, usually Beleth or Gusion, or MC have to help him finish the food.
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strawberrykuro · 3 months
Belphegor: The king of sloth that runs his kingdom like a military.
Also Belphegor:
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worlds most slutty waist ever
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I found a bigger version of the flight seat meme on reddit so I made another one for WHB, added more demons/angels and made it a bit more scattered.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
Raphael: *who misses MC and wants to visit them*
Raphael: ...
Raphael: No, I gave my word to god.
Gabriel and Michael: ...
Gabriel: *is still seething from anger*
Gabriel: I’ll expose that fraud and punish them for pretending to be god.
Michael: ...
Michael: Don't do anything reckless.
Gabriel: Why? Don't tell me you're believing him?
Michael: ...
Michael: I'm only asking you to proceed with caution.
Michael: If we turn against each other, those vile devils will gain the advantage.
Gabriel: ...
MC: ...
Belphegor, Beleth, Gusion, and Bathin: ...
Beleth: How— This should be impossible.
MC: *who unintentionally resurrected Andrealphus's twin*
Belphegor: Hey, descendant of Solomon, what did you do?
MC: I— I did nothing! I just breathed in his face because I felt silly!
Andrealphus's twin: *who couldn't still believe he came back to life*
Belphegor: ...
Belphegor: Someone find Andrealphus. ASAP.
MC: Great. I'm gonna hide first.
Gusion: Why?
MC: Not a fan of family reunions. *then left*
Andrealphus's twin: Wait!
Beleth: Stay here, kid. We'll wait for Andre.
Andrealphus's twin: ...
Andrealphus's twin: *nods*
Solomon: Are you sure it's a good idea to be sleeping right now?
MC: What? You think I fell asleep on purpose?
Solomon: This is troublesome.
Solomon: Where are you?
MC: Somewhere. It's a bit far from where Belphegor is staying.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: You have to wake up.
MC: My eyes feels heavy, man!
Solomon: Then force yourself!
MC: I said I can't—
Solomon and MC: ...
Solomon: Someone's moving your body.
MC: ...
MC: Doesn't seem like an enemy.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: Oh. I think I know who it is.
Andrealphus: *carrying MC in his arms*
His twin: *worried* Are they alright?
Andrealphus: *smiles* Yes. You have nothing to worry about.
MC: ...
Andrealphus: I heard you feast on the flesh of angels, so I took it upon myself to hunt some down for you.
MC: ...
MC: Thanks, but I don't eat them raw.
Andrealphus: ...
Andrealphus: I'll grill them for you.
MC: No, it's fine. I can do it myself.
Andrealphus's twin: Please! We insist!
Andrealphus: Allow us to express our gratitude.
MC: ...
MC: It was unintentional.
Andrealphus: It doesn't matter. We're still grateful.
MC: ...
MC: Wow... You can learn a thing or two from them, Belphegor.
Belphegor: Look at me when you're speaking to me. *is m*sturb*ting*
MC: No, thank you. I'll lose my appetite.
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