#What the hell is this?
puparella · 6 months
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shunned-art · 2 months
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I present to thee; Barbie a fairy secret au with random minecraft characters. Do not ask me why this exists, for I do not know the answer.
Docm77 as Barbie - I mean the creeper goat cyborg already has butterfly wings, what else encompasses all of Barbie? (in hindsight probably Ren, but shhhhh I already spent wayy longer that I'd like to admit drawing this poster)
Zombiecleo as Rachelle - when a guy kills your pig, you torment him in every way possible and I think following him on his quest to save his... husband? this season? I think? would fit right in, not to mention they are very sassy, as is Rachelle.
Rendog as Ken - Does this really require an explaination?
Lizzie LDshadowlady as the fairy princess - The princess is already basically Lizzie's long lost twin, I imagine she'd definitely exile her best friends if they spend to much time together without her, and use Fairy killing tornadoes outside of her palace to keep people from interupting her marrying a dog she found on the side of the road that same day.
Joel Smallishbeans as Zane - He would definately challenge someone to three consequative duels for Lizzie, who are we kidding. also, practically every line Zane has would fit his chaoticness (Chaosness? I don't think either one of those is real, but who is to say)
and finally: Sausage as Crystal - He just wants Joel to pay Hermes' child support (the flour sack they had to take care of for a week together during high school), the love potion was supposed to make Lizzie so obsessed with a random dog he found in the streets, that she'd turn away from her husband. Little did Sausage know the dog was not a fulltime dog, drama ensues.
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girllookingoutwindow · 2 months
I know a lot of fans wanted an actual love triangle for Penelope but that wouldn't really work because at the end of the day she would just choose Colin. It would always be Colin and that wouldn't really be fair to Debling if he did love Penelope. I would honestly feel so bad for him and despise Penelope because she would just be toying with his feelings. And I love Penelope so much she's literally my favorite character on that show but had that actually happened I would have liked her a lot less because she knew deep down she would choose Colin so why are you dragging this unnessary love triangle out?
Hi, anon. I honestly I don't know what you're talking about.
I know she would choose Colin. I never said the contrary. I don't understand your comment about it.
Dragging a love triangle? When? I honestly never liked Deblin.
I know some fanfic writers wrote to me about him but, honestly the guy makes me laugh. Not because I respond a message it means I agree with all this message says.
I assume you didn't understand a post of mine, or you don't have a sense of humor. The majority of the things I said are not so serious.
It's about the Colin not leaving post, I think you don't understand what I was trying to said at all. But, honestly, I don't say to people what they can do in their blogs.
Someone can explain to me this?
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twostepstyless · 1 year
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an absolute penis
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shadowwolfmemes · 1 year
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Bootleg TVman (Walmart version)
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sheldoney · 8 months
Sheldon said he thinks of Penny as his sister. It's incest deal with it.
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Did they come from the same penis? Did they come from the same vagina? Did they grow up in the same households? Did either parents adopt one another? UM. NO. Get lost.
I don't have time for this malarky and it says in my rules I don't want bs on my blog so you can stop following, block me, or just ignore the fact this ship exists and it is not incestual. Lol. Have a good day.
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epiph-annie · 2 months
One night there was a robbery at the bakery and all the bread was stolen, the baker polysacried himself to sleep.
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blackwood4stucky · 3 months
When the Wildest of Dreams Attack!
I shit you not, I literally just had a dream about this...
Steve and Bucky are out at a Farmer's Market when Captain Hydra comes outta NOWHERE demanding that Bucky come with him. The Steves start arguing and Bucky's like uhhh wtf with his confused boy look, eyes all big at seeing two versions of his lover.
In comes Thor for some reason and he's carrying a black haired guy on his back. Said guy is sleeping up there like the big cat he is. Bucky knows Thor though, Steve talks about him all the time. Thor strides up to the trio and tells Captain Hydra that he will not allow his friend to lose his most precious person, especially not after all they have been through together.
Bucky is staring at the guy on Thor's back again and feels this weird sort of kinship to him. He walks closer to Thor to get a better look. Bucky realizes that the guy isn't sleeping but looks like he's in some sort of soft space. Bucky smiles.
In a quiet voice Bucky says... "Hi, I'm Bucky. What's your name?"
"Loki," the black haired guy says in an equally quiet voice.
Going out on a limb, Bucky says... "That's my daddy over there. The one with the blue eyes, not his red eyed twin. Is- is Thor your daddy too?"
Loki takes Bucky in for a second and nods. "Mhmm," he hums before closing his eyes again.
Bucky then looks around and sees both Steves plus Thor just staring at him with their jaws dropped. His Steve looks like he can barely contain himself from tossing Bucky over his shoulder and hightailing it out of there. Bucky walks over to Captain Hydra and notices that while his eyes are indeed really red, some of it is because he's been crying. He's heartbroken. He lost his Bucky.
"I'm sorry you lost your Bucky, but maybe my daddy can help you get him back?"
He looks at his Steve and smiles when the big idiot wraps his arms around Bucky's waist.
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sidra-de-callisto · 1 year
Dear Diary:
Today I defended Callisto on Twitter while my dentist extracted my teeth for my orthodontic treatment...
If this isn't love, I don't know what is
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roseydanes · 8 months
That day...
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spanishrose2002 · 2 years
You ever write some really out there shit and just think whether or not anyone wants this, they’re gonna get it?  I apologize for what my brain comes up with, but it begged to be written down, so I might as well let any of you who want something different see it, right?  
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mistress-light · 11 months
Legit awake since 4 am. And now it’s 6:20 am. Great.
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bb-donghae · 2 years
I hate the packaging so much
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thescreamingwall · 1 year
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Yeah gonna be a no from me…
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angrypeacepoetry · 4 months
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