#What is islam?
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mahmoud0qassas · 7 months ago
A warm request to all our followers, and to everyone who can help us by donating and sharing the post
Tomorrow is Friday, which is a holy day, and I need you to stand with us because we do not have money to provide food for tomorrow. Also, my brother is injured and has been released from intensive care. The doctors asked that we feed him chicken meat to heal his wounds inside the abdomen.
This post I published is about the condition of my brother who was injured in the abdomen
Please donate and stand with us to provide food for my injured brother in the Israeli army, and also provide food for my tent and my family’s tent because we do not have any money at all, and put a smile on the faces of our children as they eat nutritious food and avoid eating spoiled canned food.
Again, if anyone is able to donate, please contribute to the following fundraising campaign:
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ccomelantartidee · 9 months ago
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“Too well tangled”🤍
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gammija · 1 year ago
the real reason tmagp is on break 'til april 11th is so sam can observe ramadan without being chased by a murderous clown blob
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the-red-planet-mars · 10 months ago
4 Days Until May 14 1948
This date marks the 76th year of the Israeli oppression against Palestine. This date marks the day Israel drove out over 750, 000 people from their homeland to establish its "state".
This heinous event was called al-Nakba (the catastrophe, the disaster). This heinous event was the start of this genocide.
It did not start on October 7th 2023. It stared on May 14 1948. It. has. still. not. ended.
The Nakba did not end in 1948. It is still happening today, right at this very second.
The numbers are growing. Every. Second.
This is the day you remember the corporations that fund the genocide. This is the day you remember the governments that cheer-on the genocide. This is the day you remember how the west instigated hate-crimes towards Arabs. This is the day you remember how the west and Israel are the terrorists. This is the day you remember the millions of people who had been killed for ethnic cleansing.
This is the day you always remember. This is the day you never forget.
This is the day you cry for Palestine. This is the day you scream for Palestine.
This is the day you remind everyone of the country of Palestine. You must never stop talking about Palestine. Never.
Palestinian lives matter. Stand up for the ones that died and the ones that live. Show us you care.
Do not dare forget:
May 14 1948
If you want to help Palestine with financial aid, but don't have any money, there's a website called arab.org that donates for you with just one click of a button.
Please, do your part for Palestine.
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godofstory · 10 months ago
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b1tch-b1nary · 1 month ago
If this gets enough attention I will make a second that separates the religious and non religious votes. If you put depends on the religion can you mention which religions should and shouldn't
Y'all I just wanted to make a post seeing how popular theocracy was, I didn't realise you would all take it this far
Also would you like me to share the amended and completely fair poll?
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obviously I'm all for complementarianism and Biblical male headship and gleaning wisdom from history, but Alisa Childers was so correct when she said some on the Christian right are trying to bring back a type of patriarchy that never existed
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iamumbra195 · 4 months ago
Not really in the DC fandom and I don't really read many comics but I've been seeing some videos and posts making headcanons about the Al-Ghul family being Muslim and it pisses me off so much.
This interpretation is deeply rooted in Islamophobia and the ignorant notion that every Arab is a Muslim and therefore a "terrorist". The Al-Ghuls are not and have never been Muslims and any parts of the religion found in their characters are likely due to the fact that Arab culture has a lot of aspects of Islam mixed into it and because again, people think that being Arab and being Muslim are the same thing and a lot of the comic writers are white Americans who commonly have this misconception about Arabs.
I'm not going to go into the specifics of everything because 1) I don't know all that much about canon and 2) this is a little hard to explain but I will give several examples that pretty much disprove that headcannon because The Al-Ghuls do things that are considered major sins in Islam on the daily.
Ra's runs an assassin league/cult and despite what many people think killing people is a major sin in Islam except in very specific scenarios where it may be excused like in self-defence or in war. And what the Al-Ghuls do? That isn't excusable in any way.
Ra's' name in and of itself is proof. His name means the Demon Head and I promise you a proper practicing Muslim would not call themself that or commit the atrocities he has on innocent people. I don't know if this is true but I saw on the wiki that apparently a character named Gerhardt asked him if he was a man or a fiend from hell and Ra's, said that he was both and neither and that he was "Ra's al-Ghul". A Muslim would not associate themself with Hell, a place where evildoers are punished in the afterlife.
Talia committed zina (fornication), yet another major sin, and wears extremely revealing clothing despite the fact that modesty is an integral part of the religion.
The Al-Ghuls drink wine, eat pork and apparently Damian was often fed ox blood soup as a child despite the fact that all these things are explicitly forbidden for Muslims to consume in verses of the Quran. (To clarify a bit, in case you're confused about the ox blood soup, Muslims are forbidden from consuming animal blood because it is considered filthy and harmful, much like pork and wine.)
Not to mention the whole thing about Ra's nearly being 500 years old and the Lazarus Pits apparently reviving him every time he dies... but that's a whole can of worms I don't know enough about to open
So yeah, the headcanon that the Al-Ghuls are Muslims perpetuates harmful stereotypes about Islam as a whole. There probably is more to be said about this topic but unfortunately, I haven't read many comics and have only watched a few of the DC animated movies so I can't say much more.
Feel free to correct me if I've said something incorrect or missed something important.
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mindofserenity · 7 months ago
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يجب على المرء أن يكون دائمًا على دراية بكل خطوة يتخذونها في رحلة الحياة هذه
One must always be soulfully aware for every step they take in this journey we call, life.
— mindofserenity
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mahmoud0qassas · 7 months ago
My daughter, Dalin, was deprived of the most basic rights, such as education. She entered school in the first grade for one month, because of the war on Gaza.
Watch my daughter’s story as she speaks as a Palestinian child who dreams of living like the children of the world, with a safe life away from bombing, destruction and a sense of danger.
Her only wish is for you to stand with us and help us by traveling as quickly as possible, saving her family and all of us going out to live a life without danger or losing any of us.
My daughter is like your children. Help us by donating through the gofundme campaign, and we ask you to save us before it is too late.
Please donate generously before the Israeli army enters Rafah, and share the post so that it reaches the largest number of good people.
Feel for us, my friends, and fulfill Dalin's wish, to live a safe life
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ccomelantartidee · 9 months ago
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“Only she knew”🤍
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greenlaut · 3 months ago
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trembling lips pressed against bony fingers. something burns inside yusuf; an undulating pit of tar in his stomach. he knows the name of this feeling—envy.
my acsona yusuf and oc john
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usertoxicyaoi · 11 months ago
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Bangladesh’s first mosque specifically for hijra Muslims has officially opened its doors, as members of the legally recognized “third gender” and transgender communities seek refuge from abuse and discrimination.
The mosque consists of a single-room building with a tin roof, paid for and built by hijras near the city of Mymensingh on government-donated land after hijra worshippers were expelled from the local community. The land already contains a graveyard and one plot, belonging to a hijra woman who was denied burial at a local mosque last year.
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bardsansa · 1 year ago
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queen myriah nymeros martell, newly crowned, at the coronation of her husband, king daeron ii. 184 AC.
visenya and rhaenys, alyssa velaryon, the six wives of maegor, alysanne, aemma arryn, alicent hightower and rhaenyra i, helaena, jaehaera, daenaera velaryon, daena the defiant, naerys
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bottombaron · 1 year ago
you know, i can handle a little bit of fun "Nandor is dumb" talk, but i have a net-zero tolerance for any implication that Nandor is not educated.
Nandor would have been incredibly educated in his lifetime.
even (or especially) as a soldier in the Islamic World. being a soldier was more like getting sent to boarding school that's also a military camp. they weren't just concerned with creating loyal fodder for war. they were building the next government officials, generals, accountants, advisors, etc. it was important that young men knew how to read, write, speak multiple languages, learn philosophy...sometimes even studying art and music was mandatory.
if he was nobility (and its most likely he was), take all that shit and multiply it exponentially. Nandor would have been reading Plato at the same age most people are still potty training. he would have been specifically groomed in such a way to not be just a brilliant strategist and warrior, but also diplomate and ambassador of literally the center of scientific and cultural excellence of the age.
so like yeah, he can be a big dummy sometimes, sure. but that bitch is probably more educated than any of us will ever be.
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mindofserenity · 1 year ago
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لا يمكننا دائمًا منع قلوبنا من أن تصبح ما تتوق إليه
We can't always stop our hearts from becoming what they long to be. Our soul, from what it needs to be. Despite what life may become, we simply cannot deny it from what our Creator grants it to be in this life.
— mindofserenity
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