#What is carecredit card
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periopdx · 12 days ago
What is a CareCredit Card ?
Carecredit is a trusted financial and insurance company that allows you to pay your medical expenses in monthly installments. In Portland Perio PDX works with carecredit to reduce medical expenses and provide best medical treatment for every patient. Carecredit cards are only designed to pay medical expenses, not other expenses.
At PerioPDX, we understand that financing can be a concern for many patients. CareCredit is a convenient solution that allows you to prioritize your periodontal health with peace of mind. If you have any questions about using CareCredit, please feel free to contact our office, and we’ll be happy to assist you! Just visit the official website of CareCredit and apply now.
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Benefits of using CareCredit Card ➖ At Perio PDX with CareCredit card, you can take advantage of several key benefits:
Flexible Payment Plans: Always choose short-term plans and extended payment options for CareCredit, with terms ranging from 6 to 60 months depending on your needs.
No Interest Financing: For qualified purchases up to $200, you may be eligible for promotional no-interest financing if paid in full within the promotional period. Care credit cards always help patients to reduce heavy medical expenses.
Quick and Easy Application: Apply online, over the phone, or in our office with quick approval decisions.
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No Hidden Fees: Always choose a medical carecredit card for future treatments without the worry of any annual and hidden fees. Is CareCredit Card Help to Reduce Medical Treatment Costs?
Yes! CareCredit  Card helps patients to manage medical healthcare expenses by providing:
Interest-free financing options (if paid within the promotional period).
With the help of Perio PDX you can easily apply for a carecredit card and get approval within a day.
Affordable monthly payments make expensive treatments more accessible.
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How to apply for carecredit card ➖ Applying for a medical carecredit card is very simple and secure.Here are some steps. Just visit the official website of carecredit card .Then sign up and fill in the details. Company will review your form and send approval through Email-id , SMS and Whatsapp. For more details Call at 800-677-0718
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mieczyhale · 26 days ago
arthur update (provided voice-to-text, lightly edited so there are less random pauses and 'um's lmao)
The emergency vet just called me with an update on Arthur.
They got him unblocked. He had elevated kidney enzyme levels. There are 2 parts to the levels. One was SO high their machine couldn't even read it, and the second one was supposed to be at 2 and was actually at 9. And his urine was, and still is, bloody, and the crystal and debris in it was very noticeable. It was like sand is what the vet said, so absolutely horrific.
They're going to do a blood work retest around 1 AM it sounds like. They said they would call at that time with an update or wait till morning. I said, "Absolutely call me back in the middle of the night. That is fine" I want to know how he's doing and the quicker I get any updates the better
But for today it will be pretty boring updates, or no news is good news, although they said I can call them myself if I want an update in the middle of the day.
So that's the update on him. Oh and I guess he isn't up to eating yet, but they've got him on pain meds, so he's just kinda vibin right now.
This whole ordeal is expensive (i'm sure a lot of that fact comes down to how bad it got and the fact that it's a 24hr emergency place and not our regular vet) but I'd do anything for any of my babies so it's fine. I had to apply for carecredit to cover half (bc you have to pay the minimum balance in full day-of, and their gold standard care for this sort of thing WAS the minimum cost, so we had to pay it all. yeah. they don't do payment plans, but you CAN cobble together a way to pay like using multiple cards from different people so god bless for that or we'd have been kinda fucked.)
2,886.50$ was the total (the cents might be off a little) so guess it's gonna be a bit before we can get any of the others through the regular vet like i've been wanting to (for checkups) which sucks but this was necessary so /shrug
merlin has come to lay on my arm and vibrate, but once he moves i'm gonna try to get up (even though i'm still tired af my brain and body are too restless)
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kimpossibooty · 5 months ago
Hey! Feel free to ignore this totally unsolicited advice, but as someone who's dealt with CareCredit's deferred interest before (I assume it's what you're using for the vet bill based on the info you've posted) I wanted to pass on the best piece of advice I got when I was in a tight place on getting it paid off in time
If you have a decently good credit score, you might be receiving (and justifiably ignoring) credit card offers in the mail, but there are certain ones that will offer a balance transfer (usually 12 or 15 months). If you're getting to about a month/month and a half shy of paying it off and see you won't be able to make it before that deferred interest hits, you can get a balance transfer card and use it to pay off the CareCredit - any bank will work as long as it's not Synchrony, they won't balance transfer their own things. there's usually a fee of about 3-5% of the total you transfer, but it's a lot cheaper than getting hit with the interest, and it gives you more time to pay it off without any interest
I know it's not ideal, but it's a trick that my mom gave me that's helped keep my head above water with CareCredit's predatory practices. I also feel you on it not being the best option but you have to use it, my own cat is going through cancer treatment right now and my CareCredit balance is quickly adding up. best of luck to you and your cat, and I hope you don't have to use this advice, but I wanted to share it just in case!
Hope you don’t mind me answering this publicly so I can keep it for my reference but it very much is CareCredit and it very much sucks so I’m super grateful for this info!!!!!
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aidaita · 2 days ago
have you looked into resources for pet finances? theres a number of payment plam options and even a couple of psudo credit card options that might help you out
I have looked up pet insurance for starters but the doctor told me it won’t work because my cat could only be qualified if he didn’t get the bladder blockage from last year, aka Oreo needs to be completely healthy with no prior issues for pet insurance to cover this bill or even future visits.
And I’ve been emotionally unstable and numb to fully look into it either as this is an emergency and he needed to get the blockage out now, as my mother told me that we will have to put him to sleep due to how expensive it is and that wrecked me thoroughly that my time with my cat is very possibly very limited.
I will look into after I’m emotionally stable to see what I can do, for the only option was opening a credit just for this bill but I fear the potential next time he gets blockage and I cannot afford it.
I really don’t want to lose Oreo to this, he’s been with me since my darkest times and has helped me pull through them.
Edit: Also, I have asked the pet hospital about payment plans (the emergency clinic where I took my cat in today and his regular clinic) and sadly they do not have payment plans, and every estimate they gave me is still expensive but high risk/no guarantee he’ll be okay long after he’s discharged. As I said, the only option now is opening that credit (CareCredit) for just this bill.
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lauratheghost · 4 months ago
Guys I'm getting a temporary crown on my tooth tomorrow (the first of 3 😢) and I'm sooo nervous / anxious. Like yes, I'm so happy to finally get these appointments going but also the reality of these procedures and the healing time and everything... Ugh, and I just watched like fifty TikToks of people who had their temporary crowns fall off for some dumb reason and now I'm scared mine will fall off and I'll choke on it in my sleep or something since I grind my teeth at night 😂)
Also I'm still unsure about what's going on with my insurance so hopefully I won't have to pay like $1200 for each tooth. I signed up for a CareCredit card just in case though.
So, well I'm staying off TikTok for the rest of the night, and not googling anything else about dental procedures.
Instead I'm gonna think about III's new hair and how now I wanna do something different to my hair too lol. Maybe I'll cut it? I've been debating a cut for months. It's really long right now but also super frizzy at the top and nothing I do seems to help. I think it's breakage from tying my hair up so much- so maybe a shorter cut would help because I could just leave it down more instead 🤷🏼‍♀️ or maybe I need hair vitamins or something, idk. I definitely think it's breakage though and not new growth. I even use a silk pillowcase so it's disappointing.
Okay that's all for now. Sorry for rambling 😂
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buntsuki · 1 year ago
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Groot is doing wonderful! I am in an extremely tough spot though. We’re going to have to adjust his chemo medication because we can’t afford the ecg he needs for them to feel safe giving him the rest of his doses.
We’re honestly okay switching to the other medication as it’s supposed to be less stressful on his heart. While still being a strong treatment option. The quote for that is $3k for the rest of those doses, with 4 other doses of different types with it. We’re estimating about $5k total. Which we just don’t have at this point. We have been denied for personal loans, CareCredit Card, Scratch Pay, Wells Fargo. My fiancée was approved for a $300 loan at 26.90% interest from Sunbit, which obviously isn’t worth it. We’ve reached out to every foundation we’ve seen, I’ve sent in to weratedogs, Paws4, BowWow and a few other ones I can’t remember the names of at the moment. We’ve all joined numerous Facebook groups to share. We’ve even gotten to a point where last week we asked long time neighbor/family friends (who are very well off) for the possibility of a loan with a notary and payment plan, they read the message and ignored us…we’ve never asked them for money (until last week for a loan).
So that’s it we’ve really exhausted what we can at this point. I’ve sold a few things but of course it’s not enough, the commissions have been super helpful though! Thank you so much! As well as thank you to everyone for sharing!! Shares help..I feel like we just need to get it into the right hands. Of course I’m still going to be doing commissions and selling what I can as well.
I’ve had a super busy week, I apologize if I haven’t gotten back to anyone with comm updates yet! I’ve had an appointment almost everyday this week for my own medical issues. Then Groots chemo, and I was meant to have an important doctor appointment tomorrow, but it was rescheduled. There was a mass shooting about 45 minutes away from me, the suspect is still on the loose so businesses are locking doors, and rescheduling appointments. -My absolute condolences to the victims and I truly hope he’s found soon.
I had electro current therapy AlphaStim on Monday and it ACTUALLY HELPED MY CHRONIC PAIN! Like surreal, I can do a couple in office visits that my insurance will cover. There’s an at home one Quell that I think would be life changing for me, but it’s $150 up front for the band and 2 replacement packs. Then it’s $25-50 a month per replacement pack. Which i obviously can’t afford while emptying everything to my name out on chemotherapy. (I would rather be in pain than let Groot down).
I appreciate the kindness and support/understanding right now! It’s a really tough time, especially after the hospital blow, and now hearing about the medication stuff. Gofundme in bio and on my profile as always, no pressure to anyone! Times are hard all around and I don’t want anyone exerting themselves for me.
Thanks for reading! I’ll get back to everyone asap! I have tomorrow free now to hopefully get caught up.
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elvenferretots · 2 years ago
Really need to know what are the similarities between owning a dobe and a ferret there's gotta be at least a small bit of overlap
Really, the biggest overlap is the amount of maintenance that goes into both.
My mom always used to tell me that when I was an adult, I would stop keeping ferrets. When I got my first ferret as an adult a decade ago, she said "Of course you got another one. You grew into the kind of person who can't just have a pet, you need a hobby. Most people don't want to put that kind of work and money into an animal."
Both of the boys have written training plans and exercise/enrichment schedules. They come to work with me frequently. My house is plotted out and gated off and laid out with both of them in mind. I keep a 3K emergency veterinary fund and a CareCredit card.
Both ferrets and dobes are prone to destructive behaviour when bored. Ferrets are digging animals and will literally dig up carpets and dig holes in furniture; they are notorious for destroying mattresses and couches from underneath. Dobermans are prone to OCD-type behaviour varying from spinning to chewing through walls (Ten has a very bad habit of digging through beds/furniture, much like a ferret, which pops up if his needs aren't being met). Both ferrets and dobermans tend to be chewers who eat things they should not, and are common recipients of obstruction surgery. All of this can be prevented with appropriate outlets, management, and training.
Both are very sharky as babies, and prone to temperament issues if poorly bred or poorly socialized. They need outlets and boundaries for biting and rough play. They often end up in shelters due to this. Again with the need for appropriate outlets, management, and training.
Both are prone to some gnarly health issues, and cost a bit to vet. Any ferret who is not from a private breeder will likely get any combination of their big three cancers: adrenal, insulinoma, and lymphoma. The best way to prevent these cancers is to get a well-bred ferret and leave them intact. The caveat of this is that female ferrets can go into shock and die if their body does not think they bred, so they need regular hormone shots or chemical castration to help with this. Dobes...well, you know about dobes. I just used my entire medical fund and a good chunk of my credit on my well bred dobe because he has a disease that we still cannot genetically test for and don't know your dog will get until they get it. And the breed is prone to multiple conditions like that.
Of course, most of the good things about them would be different! The big good thing that ties them together for me is how much both dobermans and ferrets weave their way into your very being. When you spend so much of your time and heart on any creature, they return it equally; but I feel like these guys multiply it. They get me out of bed in the morning. They give me motivation and purpose. They help me meet other passionate people (it's amazing how much the ferret show was like being at a dog show with the dobe people). And they each make me see things from a different point of view.
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chequerootlurks · 2 years ago
Yo hi there!! Hoping you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it 😞 Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cat? Its on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it as we badly need help because there’s an ugly rash on her mouth and im so so worried 😭😭 Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please and have good day! 😭🙏🙏🐈
I’m going to answer publicly with what I always do in these situations: recommendations for ways to pay for vet bills.
I have used Care Credit when I was between jobs (broke AF!) and my pets needed care.
I can vouch for it’s validity.
Care Credit is Great! I recommend it!
I’ve had friends who’ve used ScratchPay. I’ve never personally used it, but it’s been recommended to me.
I don’t donate to those I don’t know, and I rarely signal boost $ask posts. — Despite a past in animal med, I do not diagnose/recommend treatments online because illnesses may present different from what they actually are, and I don’t want to give wrong advice.
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aidanbutler72 · 26 days ago
Cost Of Full Mouth Dental Implants: Average Prices & Options
When considering a comprehensive dental restoration, one of the most common solutions is full mouth dental implants. This procedure not only restores functionality but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of a smile. However, one of the biggest questions patients have is: What is the cost of full mouth dental implants? In this blog, we'll delve into average prices, available options, and factors influencing the cost, helping you make an informed decision.
1. What Are Full Mouth Dental Implants?
Full mouth dental implants are a restorative dental procedure designed to replace all the teeth in the upper, lower, or both jaws. Unlike traditional dentures, which are removable, dental implants are fixed in place, providing a more natural look and feel. The procedure involves placing titanium posts into the jawbone, which act as roots for the artificial teeth.
2. Average Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants
The cost of full mouth dental implants can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type of implants, location, and the dentist's expertise. On average, the price ranges from $20,000 to $50,000 per arch. For a complete set (both upper and lower jaws), the total cost can range from $40,000 to $100,000.
Here's a breakdown of the average costs:
Single Implant: $3,000 - $5,000 per tooth
Implant-Supported Dentures: $15,000 - $30,000 per arch
All-on-4 Implants: $20,000 - $50,000 per arch
Full Mouth Reconstruction: $40,000 - $100,000
3. Factors Affecting the Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants
Several factors influence the cost of full mouth dental implants, including:
Type of Implant Procedure: All-on-4 implants tend to be more affordable than individual implants for every tooth.
Material Used: Titanium implants are common, but zirconia implants, which are metal-free, can be more expensive.
Geographical Location: Dental procedures in metropolitan areas tend to be more costly compared to rural areas.
Dentist’s Experience: Highly experienced implantologists may charge more for their services.
Pre-Surgical Procedures: Bone grafting, sinus lifts, or extractions can add to the overall cost.
Post-Surgical Care: Follow-up visits, maintenance, and potential adjustments can influence the total expenditure.
4. Different Options for Full Mouth Dental Implants
Depending on your needs and budget, there are several options for full mouth dental implants:
All-on-4 Dental Implants: This technique uses four implants per arch to support a full set of teeth. It's a popular and cost-effective option.
Implant-Supported Dentures: These dentures snap onto implants, providing better stability than traditional dentures.
Traditional Implants: Individual implants for each missing tooth, offering the most natural feel but at a higher cost.
Mini Dental Implants: A smaller, less invasive option that is often more affordable but may not be suitable for all patients.
5. Insurance and Financing Options
Dental insurance may cover a portion of the cost of full mouth dental implants, but it's essential to check with your provider. Some plans may cover related procedures like extractions or bone grafts but not the implants themselves.
Financing options include:
Payment Plans: Many dental offices offer flexible payment plans.
Healthcare Credit Cards: Options like CareCredit can help manage expenses.
Personal Loans: Unsecured loans from banks or credit unions can finance the procedure.
Dental Discount Plans: Some programs offer reduced rates on dental services.
6. Is the Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants Worth It?
While the initial cost of full mouth dental implants can be high, many patients find the investment worthwhile. Benefits include:
Improved Oral Health: Implants prevent bone loss and maintain facial structure.
Enhanced Aesthetics: They look and feel like natural teeth.
Durability: With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.
Comfort and Convenience: No slipping or discomfort like traditional dentures.
7. How to Save on the Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants
If you're concerned about the cost, consider these tips to save money:
Get Multiple Quotes: Compare prices from different dentists.
Travel for Treatment: Consider dental tourism in countries with lower costs.
Look for Promotions: Some clinics offer discounts or specials.
Use Dental Schools: Procedures performed by supervised students can be more affordable.
The cost of full mouth dental implants can be a significant investment, but the benefits often outweigh the expense. By understanding the factors that influence the cost and exploring your options, you can make an informed decision that fits your budget and meets your dental needs. Always consult with a qualified dental professional to discuss your specific situation and get a personalized quote.
How long do full mouth dental implants last? With proper care, they can last 20 years or more, often a lifetime.
Are full mouth dental implants painful? The procedure is done under anesthesia, and discomfort is usually manageable with medication.
Can I eat normally with full mouth dental implants? Yes, implants restore full chewing function.
How long does the full mouth dental implant process take? It can take several months, depending on the need for bone grafts and healing time.
Do dental implants look natural? Yes, they are designed to look and feel like natural teeth.
By understanding the cost of full mouth dental implants, you can better plan for a healthier, more confident smile.
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finsurlog · 5 months ago
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This unique card can be used for things like cosmetic treatments, dental work, wellness programs, and even vet bills for your furry friends.
Read more at https://finsurlog.com/what-is-carecredit-for-pets/
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jworthingtonreview · 11 months ago
Unraveling the Intricacies of Orthodontic Financing and Insurance
Considering orthodontic treatment such as braces or aligners can be an exciting yet overwhelming endeavor. You've made the decision to invest in the long-term health and appearance of your smile, but now comes the complex part—figuring out the financial logistics. This guide is tailored to assist you in navigating the insurance and financing options available, turning your orthodontic dreams into a reality in a smooth and budget-friendly manner.
Understanding Orthodontic Coverage
Before exploring financing routes, it's important to grasp the extent of your insurance coverage. Orthodontic treatment is often classified as a service that falls outside the typical range of preventive, restorative, and emergency dental care. Most dental plans don't cover orthodontic treatments for adults, or they may have restrictions and waiting periods before beneficiaries can qualify for such coverage.
If your treatment is covered, it is usually due to one of two types of dental insurance plans:
Traditional dental insurance, which typically covers a percentage of treatment up to an annual maximum.
Discount dental plans, which provide reduced rates for members who receive orthodontic treatment from participating providers.
To understand your coverage, review your insurance policy or speak directly with your provider. Here are some questions to ask:
What are the limitations and restrictions of my orthodontic coverage?
Is there a waiting period before I am eligible for orthodontic benefits?
What is the annual maximum payout for orthodontic treatments?
Braces Financing Options
If your insurance coverage doesn't extend to orthodontic treatments or if you need to cover treatment costs beyond your policy's limitations, braces financing can be a viable solution. Several financing options exist to make orthodontic treatment more affordable:
Orthodontist Payment Plans
Many orthodontic practices offer in-house payment plans with little to no interest. These plans typically spread the cost of treatment over the duration of your orthodontic program, which can be an essential budgeting tool for many patients.
Consumer Credit Services
Credit services tailored for healthcare needs like dental surgeries and orthodontic treatments can also be beneficial. Providers such as CareCredit or LendingClub offer specialized financing options with manageable monthly payments.
Healthcare-Related Credit Cards
Some choose to utilize healthcare-related credit cards, which can offer no-interest or low-interest promotional periods for qualified orthodontic services.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Financing Option
Selecting a financing plan for your orthodontic treatment is a highly personal decision and depends on various factors:
Your credit score and financial standing
The total cost of treatment
The length of the repayment period
The interest rates and any additional fees associated with the financing option
Make sure to compare different plans and assess how each will impact your finances. Reach out to your orthodontic provider for assistance in understanding the costs and the best financing plans available.
While the financial aspect of orthodontic care can be daunting, the existence of insurance coverage and flexible financing options ensure that you don't have to compromise your dental health. By staying informed and planning ahead, you can undergo the orthodontic treatment that suits your needs and budget. Remember to communicate openly with your orthodontist about any concerns or constraints you may have—more often than not, they will have the resources to guide you toward a financially feasible solution.
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archerdental · 2 years ago
Dentist in Chicago with extensive experience and affordable payment options
The extensive experience that our Chicago dentist team has is what will ensure that you have top-notch care with Archer Dental. To ensure that you have a stress-free experience, we offer various payment methods and financing for your convenience, especially if you require an urgent dental service. We’ve got you covered
Our team of Chicago dentists is made up of well-prepared specialists, dental assistants and a staff that will make your experience at Archer Dental the best possible and make you feel comfortable every time you arrive at our office. Trust us to prioritize your overall well-being and provide you with quality care that exceeds your expectations.
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Dentist Chicago with extensive experience
Archer Dental has been led since its inception in 2017 by doctor Anton Zhadovich, who studied and trained as Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Anton Zhadovich has extensive experience in all types of dental restorations, orthodontics and dental implant placement. Dr. Zhadovich is dedicated to providing top-quality care to our patients.
From the very beginning, our mission at Archer Dental has been to deliver the best possible dental care to the people of Chicago, particularly during emergency situations. For this reason, our team of Chicago dentists have treated more than 1,500 patients, all with successful outcomes.
Doctor Vikash Huliyar, who is also part of the team, is an endodontist who studied and trained at the University of Illinois at Chicago His additional training focuses on diagnosing tooth pain and root canal treatments. In many cases, a diseased tooth can be saved with endodontic treatment. For this reason, we proudly refer to Dr Vikash Huliyar as a Specialist in Saving Teeth.
Our dental team in Chicago is also made up of Barbara, our primary Dental Hygienist, and Karla, Daniela and Grecia, our dental assistants who will ensure that your time at Archer Dental is completely pleasant. Likewise, Roxanna, our Office Manager, will attend to any other question you may have with our dental office.
Easy and affordable payment methods
We know that paying for the services that our Chicago dentist offers can sometimes be overwhelming, which is why we offer a variety of payment methods to ensure that you have access to the best dental care possible. Some of our payment methods and financing options that we have are:
Archer Dental Savings Club: By joining our club, you will not need insurance to have the attention of our specialists. The price per year is very affordable and will include free services and additional discounts on high-cost treatments.
Insurance: Like many dentists in Chicago, we are associated with different insurers that have comprehensive dental plans. We can carry out the treatment you require and your insurance can cover it without problem.
Tailored In-House Payment Plan: There are treatments such as braces and Invisalign that will require constant visits to our dental office. In these cases, we can offer you payment plans and discounts on each of your visits.
Finance With CareCredit: CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed for health and wellness needs for you and your family! You can use it to pay for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by medical insurances.A CareCredit card can help you pay for dental care, teeth whitening, and even braces. If you have any questions about how to get started with CareCredit, don’t hesitate to call our awesome team for more information!
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Accessing the best care from a Chicago dentist is easier at our dental clinic. You will not only have a quality service, but also the possibility of paying for it without problem. Ask now for the service you require and the other payment methods available with us at Archer Dental.
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orcinus-veterinarius · 3 years ago
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This could be me. This could be one of my colleagues, one of my classmates, one of my friends. It’s understandable that the original owner is upset over losing her pet, but what she’s done in retaliation is despicable, as is the news station that ran this story smearing our profession. Veterinary professionals should be able to go to work without facing graphic threats of violence against them and their families in return for saving a life in an impossible situation. You wonder why veterinarians and their support staff have such obscenely high rates of depression and suicide? This is why.
If you have a pet, I’m begging you to come up with a financial plan for their veterinary care. Get pet insurance (especially if you’re getting a new puppy or kitten). Start an emergency fund. Have a credit card set aside specifically for this kind of situation. Apply to CareCredit or a charitable fund like the University of Tennessee’s AlignCare if you find yourself unable to cover a bill. Most people don’t have immediate access to $10,000 (which is a reasonable price for the intense level of care this puppy required), so you have to have a plan. And don’t go buy an expensive purebred puppy and then claim you don’t have any money for vet care.
Be kind to your veterinarian. We are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt from our education while making far less than our human healthcare counterparts. If we were in it for the money, we would have chosen any other career.
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aidanbutler72 · 1 month ago
Affordable Dentist Near Me: Book Your Appointment Today
When it comes to maintaining good oral health, finding the right dentist is crucial. However, cost often becomes a barrier for many individuals and families seeking quality dental care. The good news is that affordable dental care is within reach, and you no longer have to compromise your oral health due to financial concerns. If you’ve been searching for an “affordable dentist near me,” this blog will guide you through everything you need to know to find cost-effective, high-quality dental care.
Why Oral Health Matters
Oral health is a vital part of your overall well-being. Poor dental hygiene doesn’t just lead to cavities or gum disease—it can also contribute to serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and even respiratory problems. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential to prevent these complications and maintain a healthy smile. Neglecting oral health can lead to costly treatments in the future, so finding affordable dental care is a proactive step toward safeguarding both your health and your wallet.
Challenges in Finding Affordable Dental Care
Cost Concerns
Dental care can be expensive, especially without insurance. Routine procedures like cleanings and fillings might not break the bank, but more complex treatments, such as root canals, crowns, or orthodontic work, can cost thousands of dollars.
Limited Insurance Coverage
Many dental insurance plans have limitations. For example, they might not cover cosmetic procedures or have a yearly maximum benefit, leaving patients to cover additional costs out-of-pocket.
Geographic Accessibility
In some areas, finding a dentist who offers affordable rates can be challenging. Urban centers often have higher costs, while rural areas may lack sufficient dental care providers.
How to Find an Affordable Dentist Near You
Fortunately, there are several strategies to help you locate an affordable dentist in your area:
1. Utilize Online Directories
Online platforms such as Zocdoc, Healthgrades, and Yelp allow you to search for dentists in your area based on affordability, patient reviews, and services offered. These platforms often include price ranges for common procedures, helping you make an informed decision.
2. Check Local Community Clinics
Community health centers and clinics often provide dental services at reduced costs. These clinics are designed to serve low-income individuals and families, making them an excellent option for affordable care.
3. Dental Schools
Dental schools often offer discounted services provided by supervised dental students. While the procedures may take longer, the quality of care is generally high, as students are closely monitored by experienced professionals.
4. Payment Plans and Financing Options
Many dental offices offer payment plans or financing options to make treatments more accessible. CareCredit, for example, is a popular healthcare credit card that allows you to pay for dental treatments in manageable monthly installments.
5. Insurance Networks
If you have dental insurance, choose a dentist within your network to take advantage of lower rates negotiated by your insurer. Be sure to verify what’s covered under your plan to avoid unexpected expenses.
6. Discount Dental Plans
Discount dental plans are an alternative to traditional insurance. For a monthly or annual fee, these plans provide significant discounts on various dental services, including preventive care and major treatments.
Affordable Dental Services to Look For
When searching for an “affordable dentist near me,” it’s essential to understand the types of services that should be available at a reasonable cost. Common affordable dental services include:
Preventive Care
Routine cleanings
Fluoride treatments
Dental exams
Restorative Care
Root canals
Cosmetic Dentistry
Teeth whitening
Emergency Dental Care
Tooth extractions
Pain management
Pediatric Dentistry
Space maintainers
Tips for Saving on Dental Costs
Practice Preventive Care
The best way to save money on dental care is to prevent problems before they occur. Brush twice daily, floss regularly, and visit your dentist for routine check-ups and cleanings.
Compare Prices
Don’t hesitate to shop around and compare prices from different dental offices. Many practices provide free consultations or cost estimates for specific procedures.
Ask About Discounts
Some dental offices offer discounts for seniors, students, or cash payments. Always ask about available promotions or special offers.
Take Advantage of Free or Low-Cost Clinics
Many communities host free dental clinics or events where you can receive basic dental care at little to no cost. These are often organized by nonprofits or dental associations.
Benefits of Choosing an Affordable Dentist
Opting for an affordable dentist near you doesn’t mean sacrificing quality. Many affordable dental practices prioritize patient care and offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs and budget. By finding a cost-effective dental provider, you can:
Maintain your oral health without financial stress.
Address dental issues promptly, preventing more severe and expensive problems down the line.
Access a wide range of services, from preventive care to restorative treatments.
The Role of Technology in Affordable Dentistry
Advancements in dental technology have made treatments more efficient and cost-effective. For example:
Digital X-rays reduce the need for traditional films and offer immediate results.
Teledentistry allows patients to consult with dentists remotely, saving time and money.
3D Printing has revolutionized the creation of dental crowns, bridges, and aligners, reducing production costs.
By choosing a dental practice that embraces modern technology, you can benefit from more affordable and effective care.
What to Expect During Your First Visit
Booking an appointment with an affordable dentist is just the first step. Here’s what you can typically expect during your initial visit:
Comprehensive Exam: The dentist will evaluate your oral health, including checking for cavities, gum disease, and other issues.
X-Rays: If needed, X-rays will be taken to get a clearer view of your teeth and jaw.
Treatment Plan: Based on the findings, the dentist will recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget.
Cleaning: A routine cleaning may also be performed to remove plaque and tartar buildup.
Take the First Step Today
Your oral health is too important to ignore. If you’ve been delaying a dental visit due to cost concerns, it’s time to take action. By searching for an “affordable dentist near me” and exploring the options outlined in this blog, you can find a dental provider who meets your needs without breaking the bank.
Don’t wait until a small issue turns into a major problem. Book your appointment today and take the first step toward a healthier, brighter smile. Affordable dental care is closer than you think!
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oattoast · 2 months ago
Update on my sick kitty
Tomorrow afternoon we will be at the vets. Greasy's regular doc has left the practice so we're going to see another doc I don't like very much. I will be having a frank discussion about next steps.
Some bad news: last night the pain meds stopped controlling the "UTI" symptoms: straining to urinate in and out of the litterbox with little drops coming out, yowling at the litterbox, vomiting after straining. Greasy panicked and ran under my mom's bed where she can't be reached. She came out for bacon and seemed to calm down a bit.
Also, her face got swollen, starting on the left side where her darker eye has had its pupil enlarged for about a year now. In the past it seemed okay on surface examination, but her old vet has suggested a tumor may be pressing on a nerve. Since April 2022 she has had episodes of losing her balance and falling when she shakes her head or tilts it and looks up. Last night she was trying to clean herself and lost balance and fell off the bed. She doesn't have ear infections, it's been examined. I can't afford an opthalmologist or neurologist to investigate this further, but I suspect that if it is a tumor, it may be causing the swelling too. It may also be allergies, or a tooth abscess. We will examine this tomorrow.
I went to the vet Saturday to pick up her pain med refill, which was $60-odd dollars for 3 days. When I got back she had stabilized. I tried giving her slippery elm bark (herbal stomach remedy) but she coughed it up along with a hairball. I tried again and it came right back up, so I left it at that.
At 4am Sunday Greasy yowled at the litterbox again with loose stools. Then she vomited and kept vomiting every half hour or so until 6 am, not much coming out. I was catching it on grocery circulars and tissues, but missed one and she puked on my sheets. I had to strip the bed, which is exhausting even on a good day, let alone at 5am on very little sleep. I did it anyway, and prepared Greasy's breakfast. I couldn't give her slippery elm bark because she had medications at 8am (pepcid, must be given on empty stomach) and 9 am (pain med), and slippery elm bark shouldn't be given within 2 hours of any other medications because it affects their absorption. So I got up again at 11am to give her that, and her appetite improved. So I fed her again. I crashed until 3:45pm. Got up because I have to take my own meds with food.
Greasy spent the evening cuddling and resting. She ate well. I did some chores and she watched. My sister came over and we did Greasy's subcutaneous fluids. It went smoothly, and Greasy got a piece of bacon. She ate only a couple hours ago, so she doesn't want the dinner I just served. She is cuddled up on top of my mom's lap as they lie on the couch together. It's her favorite spot in the world.
I have a $4400 limit on my carecredit card, and am ready to use it if it gives us a way to help Greasy feel better. I will find the money. Pet insurance is maxed out, most of my savings are gone from her frequent visits and lab work this year. I think at-home euthanasia runs about $600 but I need to check again.
All this to say, depending on what the vet says tomorrow, I do not believe Greasy will be with us much longer. If opiates aren't controlling the painful symptoms, they might be caused by cancer or crystals. If crystals, we can treat. If cancer, that's the end. It's a $1300-$1600 exam (with risky sedation) just to find out. $4400 won't cover cancer treatment, and she is 18 years old as it is.
I feel sick with grief and fear. I don't know how to live without Greasy. She has been here for me every single day, all of my adult life and much of my teen years. It's like I am on the edge of a big chasm; I don't know what's on the other side and it's horrible. I don't know if I will be okay. I have dealt with disabling depression and anxiety which cost me jobs and school and the ability to live independently. I was just getting it under control now, in my thirties, when I have come back to school. I am terrified of a relapse from grief. It's also Christmas. I don't want her to die at Christmas and think about her death every year at this time.
I don't know what will happen. We will see what the vet thinks is the best course of action. I am hoping for a few more good weeks. Right now, there are more bad days than good, and I am leaning more towards ending Greasy's suffering. She is weak and old and tired. I love her so, so much.
cw vent, sick cat, mention of pet death. grief.
Greasy took a turn for the worse. We rushed to the vet again yesterday. She was straining and dripping bloody urine everywhere two days after finishing up a round of antibiotics. They tested her urine yesterday, and today told me over the phone that there's no bacteria. It could be caused by cancer, crystals, or stress (idiopathic cystitis or something like that). Unfortunately the urinary stress food has chicken in it, which she has an intolerance to, and I don't see any other options for food. It's hard enough to find a kidney food she can eat with no chicken.
On the week Greasy became sick, I was under an extreme amount of stress. I had two university system transfer applications due, final exams and papers, my childhood best friend hundreds of miles away was recently disabled and sick and now her husband is leaving her so I was trying to support from afar because she has little family support, my sister was going through abdominal pain and too traumatized to go to the doctor, my dad had some virtual proctored tests for his auto mechanic job licenses and had to use my computer and was techphobic and overwhelmed by it and being an ass, I was withdrawing from rexulti (a psych med that had been supporting my functioning for a year but had intolerable side effects), etc. I fear that if Greasy's illness is caused by stress, it is my fault because it was my own stress that she perceived and absorbed.
Today, Greasy ate maybe 15% of the food I served her. I fear she is nearing the end. Her body doesn't want to fight anymore. She struggles with the stress of subcutaneous fluids every other day, medications multiple times a day, and frequent vet visits. The vet noticed she was extra afraid yesterday. I think she is protesting. Her body is tired and she doesn't want to do this anymore.
I think back to September, when the vet gave her only a few weeks to live. On the car ride home I promised her I would never take her to the vet again. We did everything we could to keep her comfortable. And she got better instead. She stopped hiding under the bed. She started eating with gusto. She was herself again, loving and sweet. It was good. It was so, so good for two months. I felt like I stole her back from death. I was grateful for the extra time. I tried to be present every day and feel how lucky we were. I loved her.
Then two weeks ago I got stressed, and she got sick. I got greedy for more time. All of December I've just been dragging her to the vet for tests and more treatments when she gets sick. I want her to be comfortable. I want to avoid suffering. Am I doing that? Am I forcing her to stay alive with me now, under so much stress from fluids and medicines and especially vet visits? Am I being selfish? She went down from a healthy 9-10 pounds to just 5.95 pounds in the last couple of years. I can feel her ribs and the bumps of her spine. She is weak and anemic, which makes her cold. She just wants to cuddle and purr. She is very old. Eighteen years of being my constant companion and dearest friend. I don't experience romantic or sexual attraction, so I'll never have a partner in life. I'm in my thirties. My friends and family partnered off and have started their lives. Greasy has been my closest friend and family. She gives me physical affection. She gives me purpose and motivation to get up when I can't scrounge it up for myself. She is home, safety, comfort. And has been for 18 years. Am I blinded to her suffering because of how much I don't want to let her go?
We stopped the "just in case" antibiotic today and kept her on an opiate pain med, which has stopped all the urinary symptoms (a sign that this is not a UTI and is in fact stress related). I have 2 more days of the opiate. I will talk to her regular vet tomorrow to go over the blood work we took yesterday and make a solid treatment plan in depth. I am going to emphasize comfort care. Just pain medicine.
My dad asked me why I'm crying so much, when I already did my crying back in September when we got the first bad prognosis. He said I got these bonus months already. We got a good long time out of Greasy. I did my grieving.
I don't think I'll ever be done grieving her, long after she is gone. I didn't do all my crying. I never will do all my crying. I think I will grieve as long as I live, and that's okay. It's beautiful to have shared a life with this small precious creature so full of love and comfort and safety. It was so good to have 18 years of uncomplicated healthy constant companionship. This is a gift. The pain is only proportional to the love. Big love. Big loss. Big pain.
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periopdx · 1 month ago
What are Dental Implants?
Get Your Smile Back with Dental Implants! Looking for a modern, effective way to replace missing or damaged teeth? Dental implants are the perfect solution! Dental implants integrated directly in jawbones to increase the bone density and provide a long lasting solution for your oral health. Implant placement is not a painful procedure but sometimes patients feel pain. To reduce the pain after and before implant placement you need personalized care and prescriptions. Dental implants are designed to look and feel like natural teeth, blending seamlessly with your smile.
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What We Offer:
Safe & Painless Procedure: Quick surgery, only 40–50 minutes.
Advanced Technology: Titanium posts securely implanted into the jawbone for long-lasting support.
Natural Look & Feel: Custom-designed dental crowns seamlessly blend with your smile.
Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to confidence! Call us today to learn more about this revolutionary technique in dentistry. Restore your smile with ease!
The Dental Implants Procedure ➖
The dental implant procedure typically involves several steps:
1. Consultation and Planning: At the time of dental implant/Implant placement our dentist will assess your overall oral health and create a customized treatment plan. Advanced imaging may be used to determine the optimal placement of the implants.
2. Implant placement: The artificial implant is placed into the jaw bones after the tooth extraction to provide support for gums and teeth. Implant placement helps to increase bone volume density after tooth loss.
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3. Abutment Placement: Once the implant is connected to the jaw bones, an abutment is attached to connect the implant to the replacement tooth. It provides full support to crowns, bridges, and dentures.
4.Placement of the Prosthetic Tooth: Finally, a custom-made crown, bridge, or denture is secured to the abutment, completing the restoration process. The crown is also known as crown lengthening.
Same-day dental implants are the greatest choice for people who want the fastest results and solutions. This method greatly shortens the waiting time by enabling the temporary crown to be placed on the same day as the implant procedure. At Perio PDX we provide personalized and professional treatments for all dental problems.Our periodontist are very expert and use anesthesia after starting this treatment to numb your gums area.
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Why Choose Perio PDX  ➖ In Portland, OR, Perio PDX  offers affordable dental implant solutions without compromising quality. While the initial investment may seem high, dental implants often prove to be a cost-effective solution over time due to their durability and low maintenance needs. To reduce your medical cost we provide finance for you with the help of CreditCredit. We work with CareCredit and provide healthcare creditcard to reduce medical expenses.When you start your medical journey with Perio PDX, create a carecredit card and feel the personalized treatment.  
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