#What if they were gfs
minas-linkverse · 2 days
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They're cute :) This game is cute
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mischieviem · 2 months
Wdym this wasn't the ending. I watched the movie. This is totally real and canon 🙄
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scribbling-dragon · 6 months
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missing ranchers forever and ever and ever (a redraw of THIS from a year ago)
[click for better quality! + closeups under the cut]
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deoidesign · 3 months
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And my girlfriends?
they smoke weed.
(original post) (sometimes a copypasta fits your character so well...)
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bixels · 3 days
Be honest, what are your thoughts on appledash? Do you hate it or its more of not a big deal
Not a big deal to me. I like it, I see all the appeals, I just personally like Rarijack more.
#ask me#anon#if you wanna know why i like rarijack more i just think they're a healthier depiction of a domestic and longterm relationship#appledash gives me the vibes of gfs that'll eventually break up#because from s1 to s8 their relationship and communication with each other on serious things never really matures or grows#they were competitive and petty in s1 and they were competitive and petty in s8#arguably worse cuz in that s8 episode their dynamic becomes so toxic they almost cause a student under their care to drown#both of them have a superiority complex that's constantly conflicting with each other and it never really gets resolved#but with rarijack there's a very clear arc of development you can follow in their character#and multiple episodes show how they'll argue and eventually come back together and apologize and communicate and work to better things#you can watch them grow to like and understand each other. in s1 aj scoffs and makes fun of rarity's work in fashion#but in a later season (after some conflict) aj says that she doesn't understand fashion but she knows it means a lot to rarity so it means#a lot to her too. and that's what love is to me. “it didn't mean anything to me until it meant something to you”#it's genuinely really sweet and i'd argue rarijack /feels/ the most romantic out of all the main 6 ships. through arguing they grow closer#which is how it's supposed to be in relationships that last! you argue to work out your interpersonal problems and understand each other#(which is why it's genuinely kinda baffling to me that appledash ended up being canonically married because they never gave me those vibes)#but it really doesn't matter. they're cartoon horses! have fun with them
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casiavium · 1 month
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"Now are you ready to finally usurp your throne to me motherfucker?"
"No—what the f—no, that was never part of the deal, why did you think that you could do that?"
-Snapcube Shadow Fandub
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peachblossomdrama · 1 month
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dad-galaxy · 1 year
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crocrubies · 7 months
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my favorite weird crossover trio where the thing they have in common is something that is extremely particular to Me specifically aka "of course you have green eyes and poor emotional processing abilities"
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Hey, wonderful being of this world. I saw your rlgl au and immediately fell in love, please(please help me from my suffering) and I was wondering, cause you said before sun and moon where in a relationship, can we get to see some wholesome smoochies please???
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Hi i am like, super woozy rn so these are a little messy but here you go, a fresh serving of the rlgl au guys being cute. These bitches definetly slowdance in their kitchen at 1am in the morning 10/10 can confirm
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zetterbabe · 3 months
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sasha for the tennis channel (07.05.24)
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huginsmemory · 21 days
Reading journal 3 again is a reminder that... Well Ford is kinda an asshole towards Fiddleford. It's not just Stan. Like he's so focused on himself and his project and his ambition that anyone/thing else blurs out (him disregarding Fiddleford's nervousness around the gremloblin because he wants to sketch it, and when it goes sideways, him talking about the safety of the project parts BEFORE how Fiddleford was doing in his journal, multiple times. Priorities much?) and he's demeaning towards Fiddleford's own project (which ends up being wayyyy more important then Ford's discoveries)... Like damn Fiddleford, u left ur wife and young son for this guy?
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chidoroki · 9 months
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January 15th - Happy Birthday Ray - ft: his tvtropes
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dimonds456-art · 10 days
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More of this AU, whoops
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Okay so. What if... An exorcist's halo protects them from whatever hell does to make sinners into their weird demon shapes. And hell has a very *interesting side effect on exorcists without their halo*.
So like
Charlie takes Vaggie home to heal, and while at first she's recovering... she starts feeling *off*. Like this bonedeep discomfort and ache in her muscles
Her senses feeling adjitated and overly sensitive
Her instincts getting set on edge
That itch to fight
And then one night
Charlie hears vaggie screaming
Vaggie only has a vague recollection of what happened that night.
Her body feeling like it was trying to twist itself apart. Almost like when lute tore off her wings...
And then suddenly everything was *loud*, her senses on overload.
Meanwhile charlie... *got chased by vaggie around the house*
She may not have her wings
But her body was *covered* in feathers, her teeth growing into fangs, and her lone eye taking on the look of a bird of prey.
Her hands grew into talons, and the senses she already had as an exorcist ran *wild*
(Thinking exorcists already have some predatory senses like having a strong sense of smell. Meant specifically for being able to sniff out wounded sinners)
Charlie managed to keep vaggie from hurting her or anyone else
Meanwhile vaggie... opened up her injuries while wrestling with charlie.
When she finally changed back, she was very sore, and very very confused
And charlie, not really knowing any better, just thinks this is the type of sinner vaggie is.
So they just sort of slowly figure things out. By the time the hotel opens, charlie and vaggie have a regular routine. As far as the hazbins are concerned, vaggie takes some time for herself every so often. The only person visiting her being charlie. (Charlie figured out real quick that were-vaggie seems to enjoy having a 'nest' in their suite. It helps keep her calm, even to the point she can cuddle with her big bird of prey).
she likes having a NEST in their room ;m;
HEY. HEYYYYYY!!!!! WERE HARPY VAGGIE BC OF NO HALO LIKE SOME KINDA HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE SHIT AND CHARLIE'S JUST LIKE "oh ok so we need to start marking this in the calendar" THE HAZBINS ARE LIKE "wow they get loud sometimes~" AND VAGGIE. Vaggie... would she have any idea what was happening? WHY it was happening?? does she KNOW fully what's going on or is Charlie skipping some details bc to Charlie they're not that big a deal (sinner trying to kill her, the princess of hell. that's cute) and not upsetting Vaggie is more important HRRRGHGHHG FLOOFY FEATHERY TALONED VAGGIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
ok. calmer now. but listen i love it i love having a way to wiggle feathery burd of prey Vaggie into being as a REVEAL of the exorcist's true selves hidden by the halos-
but.... she can feel calm, even in harpy mode....if she's helped to feel safe. If she's snuggled in a nest by Charlie,
rrrrrghghgh is she a monster made to hurt or is she alone and grounded in a place that feels like danger. maybe being in Hell fires off all her exorcists instincts and burns her for the need for sinner blood and the feel of rending flesh with talons, or maybe being in Hell without her Flock scares the shit out of her harpy brain- until even her harpy self gets so used to Charlie being around and Charlie being safe that it wakes up one day and DOESN'T feel alone anymore
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nenoname · 5 days
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I'm a broken record about this but after so many years of being left with the Axolotl poem about Bill, it'd be so lame if Bill never did reincarnate, and it'd be just as disappointing if it ended up being something minor like a cicada (although it'd be hilarious if he reincarnated, immediately died and then reincarnated into something else).
And to me, the wording of the original Axolotl poem really does make it seem like the reincarnation itself is the 'redemption' and the deal is that Bill is basically passing responsibility to someone else, after he's done with therapy and like.... doesn't pass down all of his many issues.
(Plus I dunno if it's my understanding of reincarnation that's wrong but it feels that when Bill is like 'yeah let me use the reset button!!!', he's forgetting that its way different from using a continue and he's just gonna end up with the equivalent of a shoddy new game plus made for a wrong character/setting at best)
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Meanwhile, we're left with Bill poem about Stan that's the same in execution (a cryptic message between space and time and by that I mean hidden on the internet lol), with the same purpose (an opening/lingering mystery for Alex to use when he wants to return to the series) with the same elements (fire, lies, redemption, home) and numerous comparisons to Bill's own philosophy on lies that's repeated again in the same website.
(Also been thinking about how amnesiac!Stan could sorta be thought of as a reincarnation of himself in terms of mind only. The same soul being hit with that reset gun button, a chance of a new self unburdened by the past, but via the power of love and family they went nope!!! we want you back!!!)
Either way, with the poem and the book's ending there's the obvious Bill+Stan connection that we're supposed to acknowledge!!!
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