#Dohna eow
minas-linkverse · 2 days
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They're cute :) This game is cute
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xcosmicsans · 2 days
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limayde · 3 days
I think Zelda and Dohna should kiss.
She put her honor as a warrior at stake for a woman she basically just met. If that's not gay I don't know what is
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bonez-yard · 1 day
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Dohna: Thank you Zelda!
Zelda: oh dear Hylia-
Slight spoilers my bad but anyways these were my exact thoughts on Dohna and and,,, anywaysbi think these two should be girlfriends and in this essay I will-
I had to get this drawing out there ok, I NEED MORE CONTENT OF THESE TWO ASAP PLEAAASSEEE
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my art!!!
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gaymakima · 8 days
how have I not heard anyone speak about the sapphic greatness that is zelda x dohna in eow. this shit should be doing numbers rn
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mndrakon · 7 days
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Cooking up a drawing as we speak.
Also I’m pretty sure they are about the same age. But idk. I hc Zelda to be like 15 and Dohna to be 16.
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dharr5 · 20 hours
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Zelda Doodle Dump from the past few weeks! I haven't been able to really work on anything super nice or finished lately but I've still been trying to draw as much as I can when I have the energy, even if it's just messy :)
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snuey-o · 4 days
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* In celebration of Echoes of Wisdom, here are Women.
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tinyetoile · 7 days
Glad Zelda could get her own Sidon in this game
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uousoupki · 5 days
zelda and dohna so far r like my fav pairing i love them sm just two girls
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greyennui · 1 day
is anyone shipping Zelda and Dohna yet or do i have to write the fic myself
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mndrakon · 5 days
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“It’s so nice to have a friend that understands me”
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hydrasplatl1ng · 8 days
Dohna X Zelda...
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ketchupkio · 13 hours
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Echoes of Wisdom Zelda and Link if they were in @ageless-soul-au! Couldn't resist making designs for them even though they probably won't appear in the fics. Their era is after Hyrule's in Downfall!! It's in the question mark section of the timeline teehee
Notes and trivia under the cut! (no spoilers)
🌟 kofi 🌟
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Zelda and Link are distant cousins! Their lineage can be traced back to Legend's polycule! (Zelda's ancestor is Legend and Warriors' daughter Athene*, and Link's ancestor is Nadea and Warriors' daughter Luca)
They are BESTIES after EoW's quest. Very autistic together, 10/10
Link being selectively mute post-quest kind of rubs off on Zelda in the way that she doesn't have to talk around him to be understood, so she realizes she like it better just talking a lot less in general
They make noises at each other constantly and mimic each other (the echolalia is STRONG with them)
Zelda and Link are both 18
Zelda can ride her horse standing up in the saddle
Dohna and Zelda are girlfriends :3
Design notes:
The front pieces of Zelda's hair are braided back and pulled up into her ponytail
Link's hair is VERY floofy so it gets pulled into a small ponytail under his hat
Zelda has 3 piercings per ear. Link has none.
Zelda's stays (the pink outer garment) are unboned, just well-tailored. They're worn snug but not tight, just enough to give support while still giving her a lot of mobility. The armscyes are shaped so that it pulls her shoulders back.
Her trousers are slim-fitting
Link is 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) shorter than Zelda
Both of them have athletic builds
Zelda has Warriors' eye shape and Link has their nose. they both have the same ear shape
* How is Zelda part of the official royal line when she's related to Legend?? Well u see Fable didn't have any kids and just kinda strong-armed everyone to accept Athene as her successor. She also lied and said she'd pass on the goddess powers via a ritual no one had heard of (bc Athene DID have powers, just no one knew). Fable was old and wrinkly when Athene ascended (fully an adult now bc like hell Fable was gonna put a child on the throne), and everything was fine! Hooray for Legend having 5 fucking kids vdfhdjkfhdsk
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Final thoughts on eow cause I just did the final boss
Under a cut of course
Okay I know most people were probably underwhelmed by the final boss since you can’t actually fight it but. I’m easy to please, the fact that by the end I could summon three wolfos at a time??? I was having a great time twirling around the battlefield dodging attacks while my dogs killed Null ok?
Honestly I kept getting stronger and stronger echoes but. I used standard wolfos for basically everything the entire game. Dog army :)
I understand why everyone ships Zelda with Dohna I really do. But. Hear me out. I really like Darston.
Like genuinely I NEVER care about the primary Goron characters in these games they’re always annoying but he’s SO FLIPPING CUTE and his arc was basically Zelda helping him through losing his father and gaining confidence as a leader which is such a cool arc when you’re playing as a literal princess.
I can’t believe this game keeps making me ship het ships cause like, between zelink, the Zora leaders, and those random people in castle town at the well there are so many cute couples!!!!
Zelda finally has a good dad! And he’s not even dead! (Which is an accomplishment in this game.)
If I had a nickel for every plot relevant npc who was mourning the recent death of their father I’d have two nickels. wtf game did we need to do that plot twice? It hurted my heart :(
Kinda glad kinda not glad that it wasn’t an echo of Condé’s brother in that dungeon? Like it would have been cool to have my prediction come true there but it’s nice that they went for the non-obvious answer instead of doing another echo of an npc
I…don’t know how to feel about the deku scrubs. Like they’re equal parts hilarious and annoying as hell. It compels me though.
But that second jailbreak segment had me TEARING MY HAIR OUT it was SO HARD and for what????? Bro you’re spiderweb eating plant creatures tf is this security system why is it ten times better than Hyrule castle’s?????
I went back to wearing the link hood immediately after getting the other outfit, because it’s cute and I like it. But it was kinda weird that we gave him back all his other possessions but not his hood? Like he’s just letting me keep it? Boyfriend hoodie???? I’d rather have Boyfriend’s Stabbing Implement but ok. Hoodie works.
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uousoupki · 3 days
dohna x zelda lesbians real
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