#What if Mecha Suck Total Ass
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the-iron-fjord · 19 days
And this Naruto Shippuden completes its 10 and a half year run on Toonami
I remember the night pretty well. January 4th, 2014. The same night Space Dandy premiered. Naruto itself was running on the ass-end of the block, but Shippuden was on at 12:30 right after Bleach, and right before One Piece (A Big Three sandwich) As the Naruto Manga was also ending around this point and my interest in Naruto kinda piqued at this point since it was ending, I decided to give Shippuden a shot. It sucked. Like sucked mean cock, like a total downgrade to what made Naruto a decent Shonen anime, yet I still watched it, because it was on Toonami.
Through the few peaks, and many, many, MANY valleys in its run, I still watched it Gaara getting kidnapped, Sasori (my man) fighting Racist Sand Granny Chiyo with her Sakura flesh puppet, Kurama bitch-slapping Sakura. Asuma's death episode 82 with the God-tier animation, and Shikamaru's plan to kill Hidan, Episode 167 with Naruto and Pain's Looney Tunes-ass fight that predates Gear 5 Luffy vs Kaido's intentionally wacky fight. Other great parts include Killer Bee making Sasuke eat shit in a fight in the Cloud Village even after getting his band of misfits, the entire Toonami tag on Tumblr shitting on Sakura and her fake-ass love confession to get Naruto to stop pining for the Sauce that even HE knew was horseshit so much that we got a video compilation of everyone's posts (thanks wherever you are @lunarspiral1127).
Shit gets hazy after this part but Madara's entire arc, Guy vs Madara, the Mecha Naruto filler episode, the final battle was kinda neat, and a few of these NaruHina wedding episodes were already pretty good, but there was more godawful stuff in this era, like the Gay Armadillo Cock episode, and the Black Zetsu/Kaguya reveal and the shit that ensued after that, and that long fucking stretch of post-manga filler we got that was made to pad time for them to come out with Bort.
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And so, we finish off with a staple (or tumor if you want to be more correct) of Toonami for the last 10 and a half years that had a few ups, many downs, but stuck through it all even after it was relevant. Honestly surprised that Toonami outlived the Shippuden run, but we certainly are richer for having lost it.
FINAL SCORE (for Shippuden itself, not Naruto as a whole): 4/10
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thenixkat · 1 month
Reading the Invasion event and this starts off not well what do you mean humans are the only sapient species in the universe that has power variation. That all other species are uniformly the same and dont have their own metas. That's bad writing
referencing the shit writing in Melinnium. Just… imagine being able to write humans as the most unique specialist fuckers in the whole universe and not being embarrassed by that at all
that every other kind of person in the universe isnt special, that they're all the same and all take notice of how special the humans are
The Thanagarians continue to be among the worst Thanagarians, the ruling ones at least, hate Earth b/c of Hawkman and Hawkwoman.
what do you mean their wings are fake and they cant actually fly why would you do that so they're just another basically human alien species? that sucks of course the key to the anti-life equation is on Earth b/c Earth is the fucking center of the damn universe
the most important planet ever
not the Thanagarians outright stated to be fascist police
Me @ DC pls hire more furry artists to design yer aliens. Shit would look so much better just ugh
just the repeated insistence that humans are the only diverse sapient species in the universe is just so fucking bad just the whole 'no one else in the universe is diverse [ignoring the new gods]' is a fantastic excuse to draw a bunch of identical aliens
I know that Australia getting fucked by aliens yet again isnt going to have any long term effects The Spectre is not allowed to do shit about aliens invading Earth and killing people b/c the Lords of Order said no. The Lords of Order are just fucking useless
The Spectre has been ordered by the Lords of Order to stop the other magic heroes from doing shit about the alien invasion
The Lords of Order are worse than useless apparently yes, evil ass warmongering aliens have come to genocide humanity but since they are following the Lords of Chaos magic fuckers have been barred from doing shit lest the Lords of Chaos decide to take interest and side with the aliens
Man the folks behind DC really said fuck the magic heroes they are not allowed to solve shit why the fuck did the president of the USA tell Waller to not send the superpowered slaves to go fight the aliens?
the president also told the Justice League to wait and not act
The UN debating on giving in to the invader's demands of handing over all the superheroes b/c totally the aliens will stop invading if the humans hand over their strongest defenders
The UN doesnt give up the superheroes. B/c enough of them have some amount of intelligence also why does Australia have so few superheroes?
Maxwell Lord makes aliens and people as separate categories like he doesnt have several alien coworkers and there's not a bunch of alien superheroes in the crowd he's addressing. Rude
Amanda Waller suggests that they call in the supervillains to help defend the earth from alien invaders So the alien invaders thus far have only captured one hero, the only fucking Australian superhero apparently, and killed only one hero, a member of the Doom Patrol
Also none of the superheroes have any qualms against killing aliens, especially the less humanoid ones Even Superman and Batman, the top proponents of 'no kill rule', said murdering nonhumans is a-ok Ted has bombs for some reason Ted has Beetle Bombs and its wild to me that the writers and artists had him leave the Bug to fight fuckers on the ground when he'd be more effective in his weaponized mecha airship of course the extremely human-looking Daximites get saved and dont get splatted. But the less human-looking fuckers? dead as shit
one fucker decided to actually reserch the fucking metagene and made a gene bomb to disable Earth's metahumans. Ignoring how many augmented, tech using, and straight up nonhuman supers are around huh so the Coluan we've been seeing in space jail is one of Braniac 5's ancestors?
just everyone's ok with killing the aliens that dont look exactly like humans like man if i were a person living on earth that didnt look like a standard human I'd be concerned with the nonhuman looking=not a person mentality with superheroes
of course the very human-looking (who all look like white people its disturbing) Daxamites have switched sides and are helping Earth
all the human-looking aliens are white people, very uniform looking white people, it is disturbing. Just zero thoughts by the artists of the implications of making all the human-looking aliens ALL WHITE
at least with the Earth forces there's like… 4 notwhite people, It's still very bad but like it's better than zero
Deadman possesses an alien and makes them blow their own head off
I assume he also sent the massage that dissolved the alien alliance by possessing another fucker
also you'd think Russia, Australia, Cuba, and several Pacific Islands getting befucked by war with aliens would have a major impact on the world and global economics. You'd be wrong Invasion is 3 books long but there's so much supplementary reading that fuckers think the audience should pay to see
the gene bomb detonates. ALso this motherfucker thinks every hero on Earth is a metahuman and has powers, could not be more wrong
so all the metahumans are getting sick and their powers going out of control man, the superheroes saved the day and then like an hour later are causing havoc around the world
the supervillains are feeling the gene bomb too
The nonpowered heroes and nonhuman heroes have to save the day from their ill comrades
and next phase of the illness all the meta pass the fuck out
Invasion keeps implying that the source of the metagene shit in the human body is in a gland or something in the neck
humans in the dc universe have a gland in the neck that if certain individuals are stressed enough turns them into metas
the fucking superpower gland Maxwell Lord really just kept working till he passed the fuck out
Bullshit Batman carried Major Force's large matter dense ass to the meta hospital to dump infront of the people in charge
Also Batman, the jackass, drops an ill unconscious person on the floor on purpose
The heroes get the antidote, just took a long space trip SUperman's been absent b/c he doesnt trust himself to be on Earth b/c of recent subconscious activities
and that's the end of Invasion
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lynxgriffin · 3 years
DELTARUNE Chapter 2 Thoughts!!!
WOOO OKAY I stayed up WAY too late trying to finish Deltarune Chapter 2 last night!! It took me awhile because I suck at video games, but I finally did it!
While I normally type up commentary as I play first time, I didn’t get the chance to do that here, so I’ll get down all my general thoughts here!
Unspoilery thoughts: loved it, knew I would, will need to replay soon to see what all I missed, and am excited for whatever’s next!
SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 2 under the cut!!
(These are just as I think of them, not in any particular order!)
Okay overall I can see why this took two years and a much larger team to complete, the second chapter is SO much more expansive and heavy on scene-specific animations! It all looks SO GOOD
I already love Susie but now I love her even more, her expressions were SO GOOD
Susie has a (little nubby) tail confirmed?? That’s adorable
Okay this game is definitely reading the chapter 1 data, which I find interesting because I didn’t obtain it through Steam last time
But like, I gave the “Susie eats chalk” response to Noelle last time, and in chapter two she gave Susie the box of chalk, so awwww!
Also I missed Onionsan in my initial computer playthrough, so they didn’t show up this time, just got a moment of Susie and Kris sitting by the river together!
I find it REALLY interesting that while Ralsei is a Darkner, apparently he can jump around to other Dark Worlds whereas other Darkners like Lancer and Rouxls can’t so much…hmmm!
It was so nice to see everyone filling out the town now, though!
Noooo Susie probably doesn’t have her own room at home, awwww
Kris just casually jumping up to the classroom and bringing everyone back tho, perfect
Was right on there being multiple dark worlds in other locations, but honestly that part’s the least surprising to me, that always seemed like a pretty standard path to take!
The werewires were creepy and great; difficult to battle tho
I’m so glad that I didn’t really go anywhere with Jevil’s line about the Queen in PT; nothing I came up with could’ve topped Queen being an absolute acid trip of an antagonist in this chapter
Her lil’ robot disguise! Her being afraid of mice at first!
I kinda wish we could have had her in the party more? She was super useful as a party member, honestly!
But sadly I guess we’re not gonna get more than the three-person party, awww
I cannot believe Berdly basically became incel Falco but also had a sympathetic backstory
Like I laughed a lot at all of Berdly’s expressions and dialogue while also going BERDLY YOU ARE THE WORST
Noelle’s WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? part = A+
I feel like Queen’s relationship with Noelle definitely had some uncomfy parallels with probably how she is dealing with her real mom
I somehow missed the part where Susie is wearing Ralsei’s glasses??? Where is this
Also in general there was a LOT of puzzles and gameplay in the overworld map, which I was bad at but was also very cool
The dolphin pop-up ads…
Apparently he’s also the secret boss for this chapter?? That’s at least if the soundtrack is anything to go by. Maybe I’ll go back and try it on another playthrough, but aaaaagggghhhg
The whole deal with the ferris wheel conversation and just awwwwuuuuuuh
Needs more Susiezilla now too (I picked the “something romantic” option because of course)
Also I cannot believe Susie has (at least) two people crushing on her and is just totally oblivious to it
There’s SO Many interesting HMM moments with Kris and that definitely included the entire acid tunnel of love scene with Kris and Ralsei
Interrupted of course by an appropriately silly Rouxls battle
But man the more we see (or often DON’T see) of Ralsei the more intriguing it gets
I just knew going back to get that chest without Noelle would be something dumb
OKAY I ended up dying a lot to 1) the Mauswheel, and 2) the color-changing butlers?? So I ended up having to do the whole sequence with annoying dog blasting through everything in his path multiple times
I DID feel bad for Berdly during that boss battle where he was werewired; that was nice and body horror-ish
The giant mecha boss battle absolutely kicked my ass, though
Like it WAS badass but that took me a LOT of tries to get through
My thrash machine was very GUN’S
Overall the difficulty curve was definitely stepped up from chapter 1!
And lots of talk about Noelle being pretty important to it, too!
I’m glad I got to bring Susie on the walkaround this time around town!
King and Queen’s entire conversation was so hilarious
King just slides over to suck on that sweet, sweet giant hamster water bottle
Aww the pizzeria is not a creepy mascot Chuck-E-Cheese’s style, tho
Confirmation that Gerson was Alvin’s father! And I feel like there’s a lot we’re missing there, too
Still not allowed to see Papyrus…
Catti’s parents…
I wasn’t expecting this at all, but it feels like they may be introducing way more Lightners to the Dark World with each chapter, since both Noelle and Berdly ended up there?
And if that’s the case, I feel like it’s hinting that Catti and/or Jockington may be next
Like I dunno the whole scenario somehow managed to be both REALLY sinister and very funny at once??
Susie and Toriel are busy laughing and making a pie together, meanwhile Kris just sneaks the hell out and slashes Toriel’s tires because it’s KNIVES OUT TIME
Please let Susie watch more giant monster (and giant human) movies with her friends, she needs this
Which like…is in fact making SOME KIND OF SENSE in my head overall, but I definitely need more context to see how exactly
Considering Ralsei’s reaction to Noelle and Berdly trying to make a new fountain, this definitely seems to be setting up some kind of future confrontation between Kris and Ralsei, which! HMMMM
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
You asked for modern atla headcanons. I am usually not that into modern AUs for ATLA, unless they’re set within the world of ATLA - unlike in other fandoms, I find it really weird when I can see a person’s highly regional lived experience stamped all over these characters. But I die for modern AUs where, for instance, Ba Sing Se has outgrown its original walls into a full-on megacity, or the Sato-style mecha - now piloted remotely - are being used by both the benders and non-benders of Republic City (non-benders trying to level the playing field, benders using all tools at their disposal to keep that from happening).
I was really disappointed by the weird political messaging of LoK and in many ways I feel like my desire to see the Gaang translated to that era or an era more similar to our own is a wish for a fixit where Toph’s not a cop and Sokka is around to push back at the assumption of bender supremacy in their society. If I wrote fic I’d write one set in a world similar to our own, with a similar anti-colonial plot as the first ATLA but with some of the conflicts of LoK season 2 added to the mix. I like the idea that the Gaang would at first be fighting an imperialist fire nation, but that Sokka (and Suki) would suck them into a more complex conflict with the world’s current power structure. They’re all in their early 20s instead of their teens - like maybe Sokka’s an engineer who ends up being scouted and initiated by a group of non-bender freedom fighters, and he has to manage his conflicting relationships with them and the Gaang. And maybe Aang and Katara don’t actually get it at first - like Aang’s like, how can you talk about supremacy when I’m literally the last of my people, and Katara’s like, all the Southern Water Tribe benders are dead or (more hopefully) imprisoned stfu, and Sokka’s like - what does it say about our world that benders are so powerful that the fire nation didn’t even consider us when they attacked the SWT - nonbenders still had to pick up the pieces though, and your life is still considered more valuable and important than mine. And Toph’s basically an shameless bender-supremacist that has to have this shit explained to her repeatedly despite the fact that she has experience being condescended to as a result of her disability. Like I want the Gaang to have a serious conflict around this but then actually come around to the idea that defeating the fire nation isn’t the only thing they need to accomplish.
Zuko would actually get it way more quickly, because he knows first hand the intimate damage bending can do, and I love to imagine Ty Lee surprising everyone by leaving Azula for this non-bender army, rather than for Mai or (tangentially) Zuko. She’d be like, yes, I will teach everyone chi blocking, and then they’ll never be as afraid of their “loved ones” as I have been. But Zuko would still be a shitty imperialist at first - just with differently shitty hair. He’d be doing more more intelligence-style stuff (basically Ozai would be like, you’re not even worthy of being called a bender, or being in charge of benders. Go sit in submarines and offices and geotag possible locations for the avatar and spy on the earth kingdom, and maybe if you find the avatar you can come home).
And at 22 Zuko would be mostly going through the motions, totally emotionally stunted, having spent all his time alone or with people he’s been taught to think were really beneath him, but he’d be slowly getting the idea that Ozai’s absolutely full of shit. “Spying” (he’s not very good at it) and spending all this time with non-benders has a)allowed him time to move in circles Azula never would (nobody but the royal family and a fire nation few nobles know about Zuko’s scar, so he’s not clocked as anything but a victim of the fire nation) and b) allowed him time to appreciate his non-bending skills (he’s still really into swords because Zuko’s always going to be a nerd) and the non-bending skills of his underlings. He starts wondering why these people are even working toward the fire nation’s goals, and then slowly realizing some of them actually aren’t - there’s a whiff of low-grade sabotage around a lot of fire nation missions, and Zuko begins to realize specific non-benders are responsible. He doesn’t immediately expose them - instead he (inexpertly) tails them to a meeting, and is promptly kidnapped by chi-blocking non-benders. Ty Lee obviously knows who he is, and while most of the leaders of the non-benders want to use him as some kind of bargaining chip with the fire nation, she nixes that idea on account of Ozai not giving a shit, and instead says, “shit, we’ll just have to imprison him.” Meanwhile Zuko’s like… this sucks but also I think you guys are onto something. Sokka (in glasses, because I love Sokka in glasses) keeps visiting him to gather intel (which he could just get from the more advantageously placed Ty Lee) and stare at him. And bring him food and films, and complain to him about the fire nation’s drone technology. And accidentally little bits of the non-bender’s plans. Eventually Zuko’s like you shouldn’t be telling me any of this, but since you are I’m going to help you with this stupid thing I think you might be planning that I know won’t work for reasons and tell you what to do instead. And Zuko saves a bunch of non-bender lives that day, so they begin to trust him more and more.
Of course this turns into yet another conflict with Katara once she and Aang are brought in on the fact that Sokka and his movement are working with the literal heir of the Fire Nation’s dictatorship. Aang is totally fine with it, and Toph (still a bender-supremacist, though humoring her friends in this new cause of theirs) is like, no, this is great, we need as many benders as we can get (Toph would be a sardonic goth if she could see colors well enough to avoid them - instead she’s just a very loyal asshole with dirty feet and a lot of brutal/abstract blackwork tattoos. She’s likes how much they scare people).
Anyway eventually they do all work together to no only unseat Ozai from his imperialist dictatorship but also begin an equalist uprising out in the open. Aang toys with taking everyone’s (and I mean everyone in the whole world’s) bending away but realizes the whole problem is benders having the power to make decisions for other people, so instead he throws himself behind the equalist cause (literally behind the leaders of the equalist cause) and says he’ll support their mechanization and their right to protect themselves (and agitate for laws wherever they live that support justice and protection for non-benders) with all the powers at his disposal. In the end they build republic city, which is envisioned as a multi-national city with non-bender representation build into its governing structure. Toph doesn’t become a cop. She goes around building literal bridges and tearing pavement out of places that shouldn’t be paved, and has three kids by different unnamed fathers and one of them is a non-bender that gets really into metallurgy but also talks a lot of loving shit to her mom.
Blah blah bah. I have overstayed my welcome in your ask box, but you got me thinking. If only I actually knew how to write!
my dude, you straight up sat down and wrote a whole ass one shot and sent it to me on anon???? you have to be an actual godsend???
nobody ever overstays their welcome in my ask box (if they're nice!), but this is above and beyond, I am blown away by how cool this is????????
I don't even know what to say tbh, and if you ever write this, or want to talk more about it, please feel free to hit me up, in any way, and I'd be stoked to hear more about it!!!
share your fav modern au head canons with me ~
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manuele-9 · 4 years
Smut Miraculous
Before School Ends
 It was the last week of school before final exams were to begin, after which the students in Miss Bustier’s class would graduate and go their separate ways to university. It was a bittersweet feeling, though it was overridden by stress and anxiety about their exam results and the uncertainty of the future.
 To blow off some steam, Marinette was having a sleepover at Alya’s place, reminiscing and enjoying each other’s company while they watched a movie. Other students in their class had their own ways of dealing with stress. Chloé spent her father’s money, Ivan, Rose, and Juleka played in their band, Kim ran marathons, and Nathaniel drew.
 Marinette sighed. She wasn’t ready for school to end; she’d never con-fessed to Adrien, her relationship with Luka had gone nowhere, and she wasn’t sure about how to further her career in the fashion industry once she was in university.
 "Assuming I get in too" she mused dourly.
 Alya, Nino, and Adrien had already received their university acceptance letters. Alya was pursuing a future in journalism, undoubtedly aided by her past in running her Ladyblog. Nino was going into sound editing and videography, while Adrien planned on entering the sciences.
 Marinette couldn't help but feel left behind. She muffled a sigh grabbing a pillow and holding it to her chest.
 "What’s up, girl?" Alya asked sitting beside to her friend as she lifted a glass of orange juice.
 "Nothing. Just wondering about uni" she replied.
 Alya smiled sympathetically and reached out to comfort her, but as she transferred her glass to the other hand, her grip slipped and the orange juice spilling down her shirt and shorts.
 "Damn! It's cold!" she muttered peevishly getting up.
 That made Marinette chuckle. Usually those accidents happen to her. She was just about to fetch a towel when her friend started to undress. With a rapid movement of the arms, Alya removed her shirt making her naked breasts bouncing freely, then she bent over, hooked her thumbs to the sides of her shorts and pull them down. She hadn't worried about panties or bra.
 Alya used the dry parts of her clothes to wipe her skin, then resumed her seat on the couch to continue watching the movie, her soiled pajamas left in a heap on the floor.
 Stunned, Marinette gaped at her. She swallowed, then attempted to say something, but the words stuck in her throat. All she could do was stare at her best friend completely naked, her tanned skin caught in the light from the tv screen, looking soft and smooth.
 Totally surprised and unsure about what to do, Marinette raised her own glass of juice and drained it in three large gulps.
 Alya raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you okay? Let me get you a refill; I need one too since it's fallen on me"
 Picking up the two glasses, and her damp pajamas, Alya threw her clothes in the laundry, but instead of going to get dressed, she sauntering into the kitchen. Marinette watched her from the corner of her eye, she hadn't realized that her friend had become so...seductive. She could see her big breasts gently swaying up and down as she walked, her half-hard pink nipples, her rounded hips and flawless skin.
 "A D or a double D?" Marinette blushed and turned her head away, refusing to think about the size of her friend's breasts or how her skin would feel.
 But like a magnet, her gaze was pulled back to Alya’s naked figure. She was bent over in front of the fridge looking for something and unconsciously wiggling her ass to her friend, Marinette noticed that even it had grown bigger and firmer. Her eyes went down to her pussy and she licked her own lips as if she was looking at something delicious.
 Marinette turned to watch the movie, blushing deeply at her perverse thoughts, when she turned back around, Alya was much closer than she’d anticipated.
 She yelped. "Don’t sneak up on me like that"
 Alya tilted her head confused. "Is there a problem?"
 "Well, now that you mention it, you are walking around completely naked. Have you no shame?" she asked as her eyes running up and down her body.
 Alya laughed. "Why should I be ashamed? We’re the only ones here, and I haven’t got anything you don’t. But to answer your question, no, I don’t have any shame to be naked"
 With a wicked grin, Alya strutted to the glass door of the living room, threw it open and went out onto balcony, then she started to danced in the cool night air. Marinette stared at her bouncin breasts, her nipples hardening totally in the chill.
 "S-stop being gross" Marinette called from the couch. "You know the neighbours can see you, right?"
 In retaliation, Alya turned, bent over putting her hands on her knees and pushed her firm ass against the glass door. "Well I hope they enjoy the show"
 "I don’t want to look at your arse" Marinette said but she seemed hypnotized by the actions of her best friend.
 "How about this then?"
 Alya turn again, squeezed her breasts together and pushed them against the balcony door. She shivered a bit at the cold pane against her warm skin as her nipples and breasts flattening against it.
 Marinette swallowed hard. Alya dragged her tongue across her teeth with a leer and a lascivious wink, before laughing uproariously but she quieted down when she saw Marinette still on the couch, sitting rigidly straight, with wide, unblinking eyes and crimson cheeks.
 "C'mon Mari, don't make that face, I'm just kidding you. I’ll go put some clothes on"
 Letting herself back in, Alya skipped through the loungeroom and into her bedroom. She returned a minute later in an orange satin nightgown which barely covered her breasts and ass and her nipples were protruding provocatively against the fabric.
 "You call those clothes?" Marinette asked.
 "What can I say? There’s just too much sexiness here for mere clothes to contain" she answered with a shrug.
 Desperate to change the subject, and not think about her friend’s obvious decision to forego underwear, Marinette glanced around.
 "How about a video game?" she suggested, too quickly to be natural.
 "Sure" Alya answered taking two joypads.
 Marinette usually won easily at video games but Alya was lying on her stomach on the soft carpet in front of her. Her legs were open enough to give her a good view of her naked ass and pussy. Unsure if it was intentional or not.
 "How about we make the challenge more interesting?" Marinette asked after almost losing a round to Ultimate Mecha Strike.
 Alya turned her head toward her friend and narrowed her eyes. "Interesting, what do you have in mind?"
 "We make a bet. The loser will have to obey everything the winner will say for a whole day"
 Alya agreed but then held up a finger. "But I get to pick the game. It’d be too easy a victory for you otherwise"
 Marinette deflated. "Fine, handicap accepted. What game do you propose then?"
 "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate"
 "Seriously? Fine" she relented with poor grace.
 Despite Marinette’s trepidation, and Alya’s best effort, it was a decisive victory for Marinette. It was a fighting video game after all.
 Alya screamed in defeat throwing the joypad on the couch and turning on her back, her breasts exposed between the thin straps, and the hem of the nightgown riding up to her hips. "All right, you won. You now have twenty-four hours to do what you want with me. What are your orders, Mistress Marinette?"
 Feeling emboldened, Marinette pretended to think about her options. "For now, I think it’s bedtime. We still have school tomorrow. I’ll think of something in the morning"
 Alya appeared disappointed. "Very well. I’ll go and make a bed for you"
 Marinette waved her hand dismissively. "No need. I’ll share a bed with you"
 Alya smiled approvingly. "Yes, Ma’am"
 They crawled into bed, with Alya against the wall. Under the covers, Marinette slipped off her shorts and top, lying next to Alya in only her panties. It was cramped, and Marinette could feel all Alya’s soft curves pressing against her side. Marinette burrowed under the blankets and rested her head on her friend's shoulder
 "Leaving school is going to suck" Marinette mumbled sighing.
 "Then let’s make sure we go out with a bang"
 With that, Alya slid on top of her friend on all fours, and kissed her tenderly on her lips. Marinette gasped at first, then leaned up to kiss her back, her hands instinctively reaching around to hold Alya tight. Her skin was as soft, smooth and silky as she’d imagined, and incredibly warm while she caressed her waist up and down.
 Marinette quickly realized that her friend was naked under the sheets. She shivered when Alya’s tongue slid into her mouth, and feeling her hard nipples brushing against hers.
 "I didn’t know you were such a good kisser" Marinette uttered drunkenly.
 "You would’ve known a lot sooner if you weren’t so hung up on Adrien or Luka"
 "You were dating Nino" she pointed out.
 "And then I wasn’t. Girl, you’ve kept me waiting too long"
 "Ok, I get it, I’m sorry. Go to sleep now"
 Alya huffed a final laugh, then slid back to her place by the wall. She drifted off to sleep with her arms still loosely wrapped around her friend.
 Marinette caressed Alya’s hair, face, and waist trying to resist the temptation to jump on her and inspect every inch of her voluptuous body. Once she was sure Alya would remain asleep, she got up to rummage around in her closet.
 Just because they were now unofficially dating didn’t mean Alya was free of their bet.
    Marinette woke up first. Getting out of bed being careful not to wake Alya, she showered and dressed in a floral pink miniskirt and her usual white top, then headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
 She knew when Alya woke from the sound of closing door and running water in the bathroom. Marinette was plating up when the water shut off, and Alya was lured into the kitchen by the smell of fresh toast and omelettes.
 "Something smells good" she said.
 Marinette glanced at the tiny towel Alya had wrapped herself in. "I made breakfast, but first, you have a bet to make good on"
 Alya grinned impishly. "I suppose I do. What would you have me do, Mistress?"
 Marinette reached behind her to pick up a little but thick anal plug that she left resting on a handkerchief. "You have to wear this all day, along with the outfit I picked out for you. I left it on your chair"
 Alya placed a hand over her mouth in feigned shock. "Oh my goodness, how naughty of you. What an unexpectedly dirty mind you have"
 She then dropped her towel, turned around, bent over the benchtop, and wiggled her firm ass toward her friend. "Then put it in"
 Sucking in a deep breath, Marinette traced her fingertips down Alya’s back, staring at her still wet skin. With her other hand, she pressed the tip of the anal plug against Alya’s clit and pussy lips, and started rubbing it firmly until her juices flowed.
 "You’re already wet" she murmured.
 Humming in approval and agreement, Alya spread her legs a little more and arched her back.
 Marinette dragged the plug up, leaving a glistening trail from her pussy to her asshole. Alya moaned and shivered, her juices dripping down her inner thighs.
 Once the plug was properly lubricated, Marinette teased her tight hole, swirling the plug around and slowly dipping it in, admiring her asshole stretching around the foreign object before pulling it out. She repeated the process several times until Alya was quivering under her hands.
 "Are you ready?" she whispered.
 "God yes" Alya gasped pushing back her hips.
 Marinette held her friend’s left ass cheek open, then slowly inserted the plug. It went in with a slick noise, before her inner walls clenching around it, trapping it in place. Marinette flicked the flanged end, admiring the deep red colour of the plug against Alya’s skin.
 Then she slapped Alya’s ass, observing how it bounced. "Go get dressed, or we’ll be late"
 Alya straightened up with a naughty smirk. "Yes Ma’am"
 Remaining naked, Alya grabbed the towel and left for her bedroom with the anal plug firmly in place, swaying her hips provocatively. Marinette rubbed at her crotch, wondering if she could request Alya eat her out later.
 She regretted her choice of Alya’s wardrobe the instant she emerged. Her usual blouse only had a few strategically placed buttons fastened, exposing a good deal of cleavage and her nipples shamelessly poking out against the fabric. Her layered denim miniskirt left her legs bare, and just covered her curvaceous ass.
 They sat down to eat in a heavily laden silence, cleaned up, then it was time to head to school. Marinette felt her own juices trickle out to soak her panties, but there was something she had to check.
 "One more thing before we go"
 Alya had already stooped to pick up her schoolbag. "What?"
 Marinette approached her from behind and flicked up the hem of Alya’s skirt, exposing her naked ass.
 "Just had to make sure the plug was still in place" she explained, poking it with her fingertips.
 Alya stared at her from over her shoulder, wiggling her hips and squeezing her thighs together trying to retain her juices that stretched in sticky ropes when she spread her legs. "It’s still there. I’m not the type of person to back out of a bet"
 Leaving her bent over and on display, Marinette slapped her ass cheeks, and picked up her backpack. "Good girl"
    As the couple walked, Alya was almost disappointed that the wind wasn't strong enough that day to lift her skirt and showing her dirty and naughty secret.
 There was only a light breeze that caressed her naked pussy and with each step she took, the plug rubbed herself deliciously against the narrow inner walls of her ass. All that sent shivers through her body making her bite her own lips with horniness.
 At school, Alya gasped when she sat down, her weight against the hard surface of her seat pushed the plug deeper into her.
 "Is everything okay?" Marinette asked.
 "Y-yes" she replied with a smile.
 Soon the lesson proved boring and Marinette looked discreetly towards her friend. She noticed that she had a hand over her mouth as if she was interested in the teacher's words but looking down, Marinette saw that she was slowly grinding her hips against the seat.
 "Are you having fun?" she asked in a low voice.
 But Alya didn't answer, her movements changed the angle of the plug against her inner walls and she was willing to try them all. Marinette reached out and started stroking her leg, feeling her warm skin. Alya was surprised by her friend’s boldness. During class, she spread her legs as Marinette stroked her with her fingertips, sliding her hand up and under the skirt. She smiled feeling how her friend's inner thighs were soaked in her sticky juices and started to smear them all over her skin without never touching her pussy until she writhed silently in her seat.
 Between classes, she’d corner her in some dark, out of the way place, and kissed her hard, pushing her tongue inside her friend's mouth and squeezing her big breasts.
 Before the last morning lesson began, Marinette took Alya to a corner out of sight again, pushed her against the wall and kissed her. Both moaned as they opened their mouths and intertwined their tongues. Without breaking the kiss, Marinette opened every button of her friend's blouse and pulled it off down her shoulders and out. Then she unbuttoned her small skirt and it fell around her feet.
 Alya's breathing became ragged as Marinette stepped back admiring her. She was completely naked, in a corner of the school with a plug in her ass and her pussy juices dripping down her thighs.
 "This is becoming dangerous" Alya said but she didn't attempt to get dressed.
 Marinette replied by pushing her hand between her friend's legs and started rubbing her pussy. Alya issued a weak moan as she threw her head back.
 "You are so wet. You are enjoying our little game" Marinette whispered, nibbling and sucking on the earlobe.
 Alya opened her mouth to answer but moaned when her friend pushed a finger inside her. She spread her legs for better access while Marinette slowly finger-fucked her.
 "You're also so tight. Oh the teacher is coming. We will continue later"
 After saying that, she walked away, leaving her friend flushed and frustrated.
 "You cow" Alya seethed, though her uneven panting and total nakedness ruined the effect.
    As lunch break began, Marinette took pity on Alya.
 "Look" she said. "I know I’ve been a tease"
 Alya scowled at her as she rubbed her legs together. "That’s an understatement. I need to cum. Now"
 Marinette’s smiled both wick and sympathetic. "I know, and I have an idea"
 Instantly suspicious, Alya narrowed her eyes. "What?"
 Marinette whispered her plan to her ear. Alya widened her eyes and was about to protest but her friend interrupted her. "Remember, you’re still paying for losing our bet; you have to do what I tell you for a whole day"
 "Damn it" Alya muttered, she pulled her phone from her back pocket, did something and showed Marinette the screen as proof.
 "Excellent. Let’s go"
 Marinette led Alya to the empty locker room after all the other students had filed out for lunch. There, she hid in a locker, peering through a crack in the door while Alya sat on the end of the bench. A minute later, someone entered and approached her, looking confused yet hopeful.
 "You wanted to see me?" he asked.
 Rather than explain, Alya wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply. He remained still for a second, then he melted into Alya’s embrace, returning her heated kisses with enthusiasm.
 Marinette watched from her hiding place as Alya dragged her hands down her ex boyfriend's chest, before unbuckling his belt. His hips jerked, and a noticeable bulge formed quickly.
 Broking the kiss, Alya knelt as she pulled his jeans down. When his semi hard cock was free, she took it in her hand and started to pump it while she kissed the tip. Weak in the knees already, Nino slumped to the bench, sitting with his legs spread wide, while he patted Alya’s hair.
 "I’ve missed your cock" she confessed as she licked his cock.
 Nino shuddered. "My cock missed your mouth"
 She hummed as his semi grew into a full erection under her actions. "You’re so hard"
 He moaned as Alya wrapped the tip of his cock around her lips, tasting his precum.
 "Oh yeah" he stuttered.
 From her viewpoint in the locker, Marinette could see Alya slowly took the entire nine-inch cock in her mouth.
 "How can she do it without gag?" she thought.
 Soon the locker room was full of the sucking and slurping sounds. Marinette watched her friend incredulously as she swallowed and sucked a cock of that size as if it was the most delicious thing in the world. Heat in her locker was rising rapidly. Lifting her shirt, Marinette began to caress her own C-cup breasts, pinching her nipples and pressing her palms flat against them, but the heat in her groin wouldn’t be ignored for long. Lifting her skirt, she tugged her panties off, before dipping her fingers between her wet pussy lips. She bit her own lower lip as she rubbed her clit and her juices coated her fingers and dripping down her thighs, her legs were trembling.
 Beyond the locker door, Nino had his head thrown back as he braced his weight on his hands behind him. Alya ran her tongue up and down his cock, licking precum eagerly as she massaged his balls. Taking him in her mouth again, she sucked him in deepthroat and moaned, her cheeks hollowing out. Nino was moaned in pleasure feeling her throat squeezing his cock, his fists clenching around the edge of the seat as his hips jerked spasmodically.
 Alya came up for air, saliva and precum dribbling from her lips and down her chin. She removed her shirt to avoid getting it dirty. Her nipples were rock-hard.
 "Feel good?" she panted.
 "You're still the best cocksucker of the city" Nino hardly answered.
 "Glad to hear" She said before lowering her head and rubbed the tip of his cock against her own face with obscene relish, leaving precum trails on herself.
 Inside the locker, Marinette breathed heavily as she tried to keep from crying out. Her shirt was still pulled up over her breasts, her nipples hard, as she slid her fingers deep inside herself. Pussy juices gushed out, dribbling over her hand and down her legs. She put her other hand over her mouth and sucked her fingers, licking them as she imagined they were part of someone else. Her hips jerked when she hit a sensitive spot inside her pussy, but rather than ease up to extend the gratification, she pressed harder and rubbed faster, eager to climax.
 On the bench, Nino released a strangled cry before curling in on himself. "I’m going to cum"
 Alya ignored him, she sucked him again and taking him down her throat. Nino moaned loudly as she energetically came back up, her tongue wrapped around him, his hips twitching uncontrollably.
 "Al, seriously, I’m going to cum"
 She let him go with a pop. "This will help you to cum"
 Alya pressed her big breasts together and pushed them around his cock, then she began to slide them up and down and flicking her tongue on the tip of his cock. Nino clenched his jaw, fell back and his hips jumped forward at the feeling of that huge and firm breasts wrapped his cock. After few seconds, he cumming with a muffled shout. Alya quickly clenched her lips on his cock, moaning as he filled her mouth with his sticky and thick cum but there was so much that it run down her chin.
 Once she was sure that his balls were empty, Alya sat back with a satisfied smirk, she turned to the locker where her friend was hidden and opened her mouth, showing her the huge load of cum. It started to drop on her breasts and she smeared it all around, pinching her nipples in the process. Then she swallowed the rest that was remained in her mouth. "I really missed the taste of your cock and cum"
 Nino was staring at her with wide eyes. "Uh, yeah. Thanks"
 "You're welcome" she smiled fondly at his softening cock, then eased his jeans up to his knees.
 Nino stood and pulled his clothes up the rest of the way, ignoring the wetness still clinging to his skin.
 "I should, um, go eat lunch" he stammered, before staggering from the room.
 Alya sat on the bench with a satisfied smile, just as Marinette left her hiding place. She had been close to her own climax, but Nino cum before she was there, thus ending her titillation. So, she pulled her shirt back over her breasts, yanked her skirt into place but didn’t bother putting her panties back on.
 "Good job, Alya" she congratulated her.
 Alya harrumphed. "I thought this was supposed to be some reward for putting up with your teasing all morning"
 "It is" Marinette assured her. "I got pretty hot watching you guys, so now I feel ready to give you your reward for being such an obedient servant"
 "This better be good" Alya grumbled.
 "It will be. Now lay back and let me take care of you"
 Alya obeyed, Marinette knelt on the floor between her friend's knees.
 "Holy cow you’re soaking wet" she observed.
 "Gee whiz, I wonder why?" Alya retorted acerbically.
 Chuckling, Marinette kissed her pussy lips, then took her clit in her mouth and sucked hard.
 Alya gasped, her legs snapping shut automatically around her friend’s head. "Damn! Give me some warning"
 Marinette’s laughter was muffled, before she started to kiss her thighs tenderly and licking her pussy juices. "Sorry. I’m going to go down on you, and you’re going to get off. Is that better?"
 "Maybe you should’ve led with that" Alya replied.
 "I will remember it"
 Without warning, Marinette dove back in to lick a vertical line up Alya’s pussy, noting with satisfaction that the anal plug was still firmly in place. She buried her face between her friend’s legs, licking and sucking her, teasing the clit with her lips, before thrusting her tongue inside her pussy.
 Alya squirmed and panted wanton wails, her juices flowing freer than ever.
 Pressing her tongue over her friend’s clit, Marinette hummed, pleased to see Alya’s back curving and her hips undulating. Her body rolls, coupled with her moans and sighs, were nothing short of debauched. Marinette pushed her tongue into her friend again, slipping it against her inner walls and tasting her abundant juices.
 Without thinkins, she moved her left hand under her skirt and began to rub her own pussy slick and wanting again.
 "God, you’re hot" she whispered.
 Alya whimpered in response, her whole body shuddering.
 Marinette resumed eating her out, sucking, licking, and slurping as Alya keened under her. Meanwhile, she slid her fingers deep inside herself, ready finally to reach her climax. She massaged her clit, rubbing desperately, until her body rocked in time while her mouth worked on Alya.
 Pussy juices leaked down her chin and hand, leaving two separate puddles on the floor and bench. Slick noises combined into a lewd chorus with their voices, arousing further feelings of need and want.
 Alya cum first. Her body went rigid, her back stiffening as her legs curled in on themselves, her toes bunching as she squealed her release. Marinette sucked her hard through her orgasm, her lips and tongue making filthy noises against the additional wetness of Alya’s climax as she tried to swallow all her juices.
 Alya cried out again. "I can’t. Please"
 Still frantically finger-fucking herself, Marinette felt her own release approach. She opened her mouth against Alya’s pussy, her tongue hanging out, and shuddered through her own orgasm with a loud, breathy moan. Her inner walls clamped around her fingers, so she withdrew them slowly with her juices dripping on the floor. As she pulled her head back, she saw Alya’s moisture pooling in her open hole, before flowing down her ass.
 "So, did I make it up to you?" Marinette asked with a wicked grin as she rested her elbows on her friend’s knees.
 Alya was still laying and panting on the bench. She could only nod as she breathed heavily through an open mouth, and lust hazed eyes barely seemed to recognise her surroundings. Her breasts rose and fell along with her breathing.
 Marinette remained on the floor, using Alya’s legs as a cushion until she felt ready to stand. Struggling to pull her panties back on, over her sweat damp skin, she finally felt ready to eat real food.
 "After eating me so much, are you still hungry?" Alya giggled. "We better go to the bathroom and freshen up a bit unless you've gotten so naughty you want to smell like sex"
 "Good idea" Marinette helped her to get up.
 Alya lowered her skirt, and took her shirt before went toward the girl's bathroom followed by her friend, their own juices drying on their skin in a flaky residue.
  Their adventures continued in their afternoon classes. Stealthily, Marinette pulled out a little remote controller and activated the function vibrating of the anal plug. Alya flinched as the plug hummed to life, barely smothering a surprised yelp. Caline turned at the slight noise, but shrugged it off before resuming her lesson.
 Marinette increased the intensity, relishing Alya’s ruddy cheeks and unsubtle wriggling in her seat. it didn't just vibrate but also vigorously writhed against the inner walls of her ass. Feeling a bit envious of the pleasure her friend was having, Marinette lifted her legs to sit in a tailor’s position on their shared bench, raised her skirt and discreetly began to rub her still sensitive clit. She sighed feeling her pussy juices quickly soaking her panties.
 "What’re you doing?" Alya whispered.
 Marinette smiled and swivelled carefully around so Alya could look up her skirt. "It’s not fair if you’re the only one who gets to have a good time with someone else twice in one day"
 Alya stared at the damp fabric for a moment, her jaw slack as she licked her lips. "When did you turn into such a pervert?"
 "What can I say? It's your fault" she replied.
 "The student surpasses the master. I’m impressed"
 For the rest of the afternoon, Marinette alternated between gratifying herself, and delicately fingering Alya. Alya bit her lip and grabbed her breasts in an effort not to cry out, but her writhing hips indicated how close she was. No one else seemed to notice their debauched activities, engrossed as they were in their pre-exam preparations. Marinette felt a thrill at being so lewd while surrounded by her whole class. All it would take was for someone to turn around, and they’d be caught. That risk made her shudder in lust.
 Finally, the last bell rang.
 When Alya stood up, Marinette was pleased to see a a little pool of pussy juices in her vacated seat. She dragged her fingertip though the puddle noting its sticky warmth and tasted it, a spark of something hot and needy lighting up in her groin once more.
 While Alya spoke with Caline, the rest of the class departed. Marinette remained in her seat, unsure if she could rise without looking like she wet herself.
 Eventually, Caline also left, leaving the two girls alone in the classroom. Alya turned to her with a fire in her eyes.
 "Right" she growled, before storming back to their desk.
 Without waiting for an invitation, Alya dragged her friend to the teacher's desk and forced her to bend over against it. She then gripped her thighs, and spread them. She slid her hands under Marinette’s skirt, and ripped her panties to shreds before dropping the sodden scraps on the floor. After that she removed her skirt adn tossed it away, leaving her friend half naked in the middle of the classroom.
 Holding her legs open, Alya knelt on the floor and buried her face in her pussy. Marinette yelped as Alya sucked hard and insistently her clit and flicking it with her tongue. Alya ate her out with a wanton ferocity she could only dream of, her moans and wet sucking sounds filling the room and air.
 Marinette began to writhe, her back arching and her toes curling in her shoes. Alya grumbled something unintelligible while she put her friend’s left legs over the desk. Having a better access, she pushed her tongue inside her pussy and started to thrust it in and out of her.
 Alya continued for what felt like an eternity, sucking and thrusting intensely before pulling back to lick at the flowing juices, bringing Marinette so close to cum, then easing back until she cooled down, before riling her up again, teasing her without mercy.
 "Alya, please" she begged, her breasts swayed sweetly in her shirt and her nipples poking out so hard against the fabric.
 "Not yet" came the muffled response.
 Alya licked up and down between Marinette’s puffy pussy lips, before slipping her tongue inside her and moving it intensely against her inner walls. Marinette cum with a loud moan, her hands clenching on the desk so hard her knuckles turned white. Alya kept wriggled her tongue inside her friend and moaned into her pussy lips.
 After Marinette's body stopped to shudder, Alya got up, lifted her own skirt to her hips and furiously began to masturbate. Due to the still activated butt plug, it took her a few seconds to cum and squirted her juices all over her friend's round ass.
 Exhausted but satisfied, she slumped over limply, her cheek pillowed on Marinette’s plump ass.
 "Revenge does taste sweet" she huffed after a few minutes.
 Marinette shivered at her breath on her sensitive pussy lips. "Don’t say it like that. It’s embarrassing. Plus, why did you take so long making me come? I was about to go crazy"
 "You deserved it. You’ve been toying with me all day, you minx" Alya explained.
 Marinette chuckled. "Sorry, but you did lose our bet. Plus, I thought I made it up to you during lunch"
 "Well, you know I’ve always been a sore loser, and I needed to get you back for teasing me properly. Come on, we need to get going before Monsieur Haprèle chases us out" Alya said getting up.
 She sorted out her own clothes, but opted to leave the plug in for the time being. It was still humming softly in her arse. She then helped Marinette to her feet.
 Marinette painstakingly got up and went to her skirt, noticing how her juices had created a little puddle on the floor in front of the teacher's desk.
 "I love how your ass look with my cum on" Alya said as her friend bent over to pick her skirt.
 "Naughty girl" Marinette replied. Her panties were unusable but she didn't care. Anyway her pussy was too sensitive to be covered by any fabric.
 They then made their way to the door. When they opened it, they found Adrien and Nino standing just outside, their faces flushed and the zip of their jeans open, each with his cock in his hand as they hastily shoved it back in their pants.
 The four of them stared at each other in awkward silence for a long moment.
 "Were you jerking off as you watched us?" Alya eventually asked.
 "No" Nino lied quickly.
 "Y-yes" Adrien admitted with a guilty air.
 Marinette stared at the obvious bulges in their crotches and licked her lips. "You know, if you’d come in instead of standing out here like creeps, you could’ve joined in"
 "No, they couldn’t. You’re all mine, and I refuse to share. Now let’s go. I have a strap on at home I’ve been dying to try" Alya argued.
 "Don't be possessive, sharing is good" Marinette said still stared at the bulges of her male friends, imagining how their cocks looked. She felt a little shiver in her naked pussy under her skirt and a trickle of juice dripping down her inner thigh.
��"Not this time" Alya dragged her friend toward the school entrance.
 As they walked, Marinette lifted the back of her friend's skirt, giving the two guys a fantastic view of her bare ass and butt plug. She smiled hearing them gasped behind her.
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ckret2 · 5 years
King Ghidorah?
I got two of these asks lmao. I choose to believe it's two people who wanna know how I feel about Ghidorah rather than tumblr screwing up.
How I feel about this character
Listen, there's nothing cooler than a three-headed lightning*-breathing dragon from outer space. You've got the objectively best mythological creature ever—the dragon, which is the best because it's a lizard and/or snake, and also flies—and, on top of that, it's an ALIEN, and then you triple that. Best character concept. 10/10.
*Gravity beam shmavity beam. I know lightning when I see it.
And then, on top of that, they've got this wildly underexplored capacity for pure, undiluted angst, the likes of which most people would never think of applying to a character concept that seems tailor-made to be airbrushed on the side of a van—but there it is anyway. They might be pets that were deliberately abandoned in order to mutate them into monsters. Or they might be one-time would-be alien conquerors who were then conquered and mind-controlled by every wave of would-be alien conquerors to come since. Or they might just be the only aliens alone on a world where even the monsters have other monsters to hang out with. And there's nothing I love more than taking characters whose entire character concept is an answer to the question "what would be really really cool?" and then slathering them in emotional depth.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I came out of KOTM, looked at what fandom was doing with Ghidorah, went "mmm I'm not sure about this sticking-them-with-Rodan thing," and it took y'all all of five minutes to suck me into Rodorah anyway.
I'm determined to drag more folks into Ghidorah/Gigan with me, they have such wonderful potential to be horrid world-flattening alien sadists together, and also empathize over being extremely physically modified and mind-controlled.
While I'm intrigued, theoretically, by the potential of Godzilla/Ghidorah, I've yet to see anyone do it in a way that hits precisely what I'm looking for. ... Or, for that matter, even vaguely what I'm looking for. So I'll hold onto that one and maybe someday someone will make it Just Right.
I also ship the heads with each other due to the fact that Wouldn't That Be Messed Up. What if one head likes another but the other doesn't return the feelings. They've just gotta live with that knowledge and they can't get away from each other. What if you had a crush on someone and a mad scientist saw it and went "ah, these ones are compatible!" and stitched you together and you were stuck like that for the next million years. That's messed up right. That's super messed up.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
It's on my ship list, but Ghidorah & Gigan is also my top platonic pair for Ghidorah, for the same reasons.
But going with someone who isn't on the list! Okay quick partial movie summary for those of y'all that haven't seen 1991 Godzilla vs King Ghidorah: in Heisei, King Ghidorah is made by time-traveling humans from the future, including one named Emmy Kano who explains that dorats are genetically engineered pets with empathic abilities, and interacts with them the most before abandoning them in the past to be nuked into King Ghidorah. They fight Godzilla, Godzilla rips off Ichi and kills them, Emmy goes into the future to get their corpse a cyborg resurrection with a new middle head, and goes back to the past with Mecha King Ghidorah while serving as Mecha Ichi's pilot and commanding them as a whole. They die again defeating Godzilla but Emmy survives and goes home.
ALL THAT TO SAY: it's never stated, but I like to headcanon that the dorats were Emmy's pets—or at least that she was in charge of taking care of them until they could be mutated and they FELT like they were her pets; that they were broken-hearted when she abandoned them in the past; that they could sense Emmy nearby due to their Unexplained Empath Powers the first time they fought Godzilla; and that when they were brought back from the dead to find Their Owner Was Back and fighting alongside them they were overjoyed to see her again and do anything she wanted.
So, Emmy & Ghidorah, because the idea of these sweet tiny pets being turned into a big terrifying monster but at heart remaining sweet tiny pets around their owner enchants me. I do plan on writing a substitute-Emmy into my KOTM Ghidorah's backstory.
My unpopular opinion about this character
"hey didn't you sorta talk about this yesterday" yeah because while trying to answer this question i got distracted by an overlapping topic and had to go make a post about it in order to stop thinking about it
This is sort of an overall one about KOTM, but vaguely sticking to the parts of it applicable to Ghidorah:
So we've got all these titans that have been alive for like, five minutes. Ghidorah's been awake probably a sum total of four hours. Until now nobody even knew that he was from a different planet, so I mean, Monarch's got less than zero information on him. The only three things he's been observed doing so far are 1) trying to kick Godzilla's ass, 2) successfully kicking Rodan's ass, and 3) yelling so loud a dozen plus other titans wake up.
And then this dude whose defining character traits are "hating Godzilla and other titans in spite of the mounds of scientific evidence that they're great for the environment" and "deciding that he knows everything better than the actual experts in the room who have dedicated their lives to these subjects and pigheadedly shouting over them with his own just-walked-in-the-room ideas," he looks at this situation and "oh, this Ghidorah, he's definitely a rival alpha to Godzilla," he says, as if the "alpha dog" theory hasn't been thoroughly and painfully debunked in the very wolves he studies, and as if it makes sense for seventeen-odd different species who might never have been awake and alive during the same era until now to not only have identical alpha-based social hierarchies but also share a social hierarchy across species and predator/prey lines, and as if it makes sense for an alien animal who didn't evolve on Earth to have anything in common with the local animals, including an understanding of and agreement with their local hierarchical structures...
And we're just... as a fandom, we're really just collectively accepting everything Man Who Became A Drunk And Abandoned His Family Because He Doesn't Know How To Express Any Emotion But Anger says about this hyper-masculine social structure that he's projected onto these wildly inhuman species? As if what he says is the gospel truth? Everything that gets said about alphas and kings, we're just assuming that the titans—who again, are not human, and may have never communicated with humans—have the exact same mental constructs about "alpha dog" theory and monarchy that humans do? We're assuming animals have concepts of kingship identical to ours? We're assuming that the theories that these humans tossed out within the first few hours of seeing most of these species move for the first time are 100% correct, even though in real life we'd been observing wolves for literal millennia before we came up with "alpha dog" theory and then within a century figured out it was totally wrong? Really? That's what we're going with? Not questioning whether anything about the humans' assumptions might have been wrong?
So anyway my interpretation of Ghidorah is a hypnotic siren who doesn't know or care about Earth leadership, solely wants to destroy Earth for funsies, and only has a rivalry with Godzilla because Godzilla doesn't want the planet that he is living on to be destroyed and happens to be the sole dude tough enough to beat Ghidorah up.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Mecha King Ghidorah Mecha King Ghidorah Mecha King Ghidorah.
But unlike other folks, I don't really want him to show up in Godzilla vs. Kong. I want that conflict to be the focus of the movie. Throw in MKG, and Godzilla and Kong's rivalry—whatever it's based on—has to get truncated to deal with this other threat, and MKG won't get a whole movie to shine as the primary villain. I'd like to save him for a future movie, where he can be billed as the primary threat rather than something that swoops in to interrupt someone else's movie.
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agent-yolk-writes · 5 years
Friends Like You and Us - Venom!Reader - Ch. 4
And we’re back! First AO3, then Quotev, now finally Tumblr! Good thing for post resets.
In today’s episode, we jump straight back to the present to meet the last member of the B-Team. Venom has a plan for once, the Reader is Absolutely Done(tm) physically and emotionally, and what Aunt Mary doesn’t know who her nibling is bringing into their apartment while she’s on a business trip won’t kill her...yet. 
(Nibling is the gender-neutral term for niece/nephew, the more you know)
Note: If you’re using this to teleport to the AO3 version I would like to give a heads up that the italics for some reason stop working when the Reader meets Peni. I don’t know how to fix it, so it be like that sometimes. Enjoy!
Previous Chapter | Start from the beginning | AO3 version
Indeed, it did get weirder.
You didn’t realize that the hunt for your next meal took so long. The sun just...got ahead of you. The shadows in this creepy part of the city started stretching, covering everything in its path. You thought your eyes were playing tricks when you saw another pair of Spider-man’s white eyes in the darkness behind Ham. The tingling sensation faded as the shadow started moving, revealing that it was an actual goddamn person.
Despite being a self-proclaimed ‘superhero’ for almost a week now, you aren’t getting paid enough for this.
You rubbed your eyes expecting this weird dizzy spell would go away, but upon opening them again they were still standing there staring at you.
“Don’t worry, I get that all the time.” Ham commented. He eyed his taller companion and nudged him on the thigh. “C’mon man, you can’t just stand there menacingly forever.”
Should I just go or-
“You got some nerve stealing the glory of someone else’s hard work.” Great, he also sounds familiar. Is this some reunion you didn’t get the memo for?
“Well you certainly can’t leave them here to waste!” You rebutted as you stood up. “Someone’s gotta clean up, and it might as well be us.”
“There’s no us in this, missy.” He rebutted.
“That’s not what I-Ugh, whatever!” You shook your head in your heads in frustration before looking back at them. “Look, we’re not going to get anywhere bickering like this.” You motioned your hands to the two. “You guys are out of place, clearly. Let’s discuss this somewhere else before-“ On cue, the sudden wail of police sirens announced their presence as they block off the only ground entrance out of here. Venom instinctually covered your ears to block out the loud sound. “...that.” You sound of your croak almost sounded not human.
The two looked at each other. While you were right that this isn’t the ideal spot for an interrogation, you’re still not in the clear of their suspicions.
“Alright. Let’s skedaddle then, but you’re not out of the hot seat yet, missy.” The brooding spider detective said, shooting a spider web and letting it pull him up. You couldn’t help but groan, he speaks like a dad in a cartoon.
Ham nudged you deeper into the alley. “C’mon kid. It’s quieter up top.” You could feel Venom trying to dig your heels into the dirt, but at this point, it was too dangerous.
Spider-Ham, also known as Peter Porker, was in fact not a pig at first. According to him, he was the spider bitten by a radioactive pig that later became his aunt. He told you not to think about it too much. In his world, everyone has been anthropomorphized into an animal. He works at the Daily Beagle where they work him like a dog trying to sniff out the latest scoop. He was just finishing a fight with a mad scientist lobster before he got snatched between dimensions. The more he talks, the more vocal your thoughts are trying to figure out where have you heard his voice before. A thought passed somewhere about what you might look like in his world.
His black and white companion was Spider-Man Noir, also known as Peter Benjamin Parker, who lived in a monochromic version of Earth in the 1930s. He used to investigate stories for the Daily Bugle and during that time a spider that resided in an exotic statue from Africa escaped and bit him. After the betrayal and death of his mentor Ben (“Not to confuse ya with my uncle Ben, who also bit the dust.” He explained.), he decided to become a P.I. and fight Nazis along the way. You liked this guy already, and yet he also sounds so familiar.
To think just half an hour or so, you were about to metaphorically throw hands and eat heads…
And we still didn’t eat them.
Yea, I’m a bit disappointed too. I’ll make it up later.
Those poor criminals, wasted. Handed to the police before you could even nibble on a finger. If Venom starts to act up like a grumpy child, it’s on them. After the small buzzing in your ears died down, all you’re left with is that dull throbbing in your head that you get with migraines and hunger from both you and your companion. It’s not your fault the universe slapped a literal man-eater on you.
Then again, after the whole exposition dump they piled on you, you felt a little guilty sprinkling your truth with little white lies on top. By the way your companion was treated by his not-so-friendly superhero, you could only assume that it’s mutual throughout the alternative universes. Better play it safe and claim you built your suit out of some nanotech that was laying around...somewhere. You even ‘pulled down’ your mask as a sign of trust.
You regained your focus when Venom used your limbs to jump between buildings to catch up with the eccentric duo. You haven’t really kept in touch with the whole lore of superheroes. They didn’t involve you, so you didn’t get involved. It wasn’t going to be the end of the world if you didn’t reblog five different gifsets of the same skit Tony Stark was in on Sunday Night Live. If they’re taking you to some secret spider cave, then it’s news to you.
Speaking of which,
“Sooo,” You decided to break the ice. “Where...exactly are we heading to?”
“Our own little Hooverville.” Noir answered. “It ain’t much, but it’s the best we got at the moment.”
“Plus we already have someone guarding the helm while we searched for more folks like you!” Ham added.
“You’re telling me there’s another one of you guys?” You held your hands up and counted the total number of spider heroes, not including yourself.
“And together, we make quite a ragtag bunch.” Ham continued on. “Who knew you could make a robot shaped like a spider?”
“Don’t forget the fact it’s small enough for that kid to get in and out with ease and her fingers still intact.” Noir added.
“Who...is this…’person’ you’re talking about?” You questioned, trying not to assume to worse.
“Don’t worry, she’s a sweetheart.” The detective added. “She’s got spunk for someone her size.”
Oh god, Venom.
If this is an actual child I swear-
“Welcome back!”
You had to give your eyes a good rub to process what you were seeing. In front of you was indeed a small mecha shaped like a spider. The red and blue metal pieces clash together but at the same time was fitting for something like it. The small figure that was tinkering one of the robot’s legs when you arrived. As they stood up and you finally get a good look at her, you wanted to go apeshit over the fact that, indeed, it’s an actual child piloting a robot. You’ve seen like two movies that basically told you why it’s a bad idea for a kid to pilot a destructive machine in the first place.
You can tell by her appearance alone that she too is from another universe. You couldn’t describe it, but her dimensions seem...rather flat? No, that’s not the right word. Whatever it is, Ham has it too. You thought it was just Ham being Ham up until now since, after all, he's a walking, talking, crime-fighting pig you see in cartoons.
“Hey kid, hope there weren’t any scuffles while we were gone.” Noir was the first to greet her as she ran up to him.
“Nope! It was quiet as a mouse.” Was her response. She peered around his brooding form and met your eyes. Her eyes managed to grow even bigger as she approaches you excitedly.
”Hello! You must be the one we were sensing!” She grabbed your hand, giving it a nice shake. “I’m Peni Parker, and that over there is my robot SP//dr!” As if on cue, SP//der’s faceplate lit up and gave a friendly wave. Out of politeness, you waved back while ignoring the spidey-sense going off threefold.
Peni Parker...Peter “Noir” Parker...Peter Porker...Not to alarm anyone, but you think there’s some kind of pattern going here, and you’re the outlier. Well, at least Gwanda is with you for this one.
”H-Hello, Peni…” God, why are you acting so awkward all of the sudden? ”I’m (First Name), hero name TBA.” You shot your arm out awkwardly, letting the small girl take the reins in the art of the first handshake. You wonder if she can sense your weirdness with that firm grip of hers.
“So, now what?” Ham was the first to break the silence before it got weird. “We’re basically sitting ticking time bombs until we figure out a way to get back home! New kid!” He pointed at you, making you jump at the sudden action. “You got anything new to contribute?”
Shit! Shit! No one told me this was a quiz! Vee!
...We have an idea. Cover us.
Huh?! You have a-
Venom assumed control of your body, shrugging off your backpack to find your phone. Your phone? What could there possibly be on your...Oh! You have...some sort of an idea on what he’s doing! Maybe.
“Actually,” You started, bracing yourself like you’re stalling for time on an in-class presentation. “I heard a rumor the other day online…” Subtly, Venom pulled back the tendrils over your thumb so your phone can scan your print. “Somebody on a high-rise took a picture of the area-passwordiscapitalqwerty-where Spider-Man died. Can’t guarantee that-yesallcaps-you’ll see the body with this quality though.” Now if you can only find said photo if the mods of that subreddit didn’t remove it first. Ugh, this public wifi sucks ass. Who's hoarding it at this hour?
It doesn’t help that your hand is visibly shaking as your phone struggles to detect any pressure from your sweaty appendages and three sets of eyes that are on you expectedly aren't making this any easier. To make sure karma knows it's laughing at you, your phone slipped out of your grip at the most inopportune moment. Your case had taken some beatings in the past, but you know for sure by the sound of the landing that it was time for it to be replaced. You just stood there frozen, wondering when the panic attack kicks in.
Instead, your tingling skin is your only warning before your muscles went out of control. It felt like you were being ripped from the inside out and then being ripped outside in twice fold. The pained garble coming out of your mouth was either coming from you or Venom. It was tough to see with your spotty vision, but it looks like your newly befriended companions were going through this too in various states of pain.
After a few seconds, the out of body experience ended. You know immediately that trying to get up quickly will kick you in the ass right after.
You good, buddy?
When you patted around and found your phone, you couldn’t help but grimace at the sight of new cracks branching over your screen.
”Son of a bitch…” You couldn't help but swear out. ”You know what? This would be better if I did this at my place, yeah?” Digging your hands into your face you inhale, waited, and exhale slowly. When you looked up, they were still staring at you with concerned eyes. “What? It’s my first week on the job, can you give me some slack?”
While you knew your aunt was a few hours away somewhere upstate you couldn’t help but pray that she doesn’t decide to come back home in the darkness of the night. If Penn Station was closer, maybe you could’ve caused some delays on the Amtrak. Didn’t help that you now have guests sheltering in your apartment clearly not built for four heroes of various sizes that had to get inside through the window. You hope no one in the next building over calls the police. You all even put a tarp over SP//dr, much to the dismay of the robot, to make sure it doesn’t end up on your social media timeline later on. At least Mr. Davis wasn’t there when you unlocked the door manually.
“It’s nothing much, but it’s the best I can do. Make yourself at home.” You didn’t need to say that twice. Almost instantly they go around poking and observing whatever they can. “Can I...get any of you something to drink?”
“An egg cream for me.”
“I’ll take some juice, please!”
“Rum and coke. Shaken, not stirred.”
You have no idea what an egg creme is, there’s only vegetable juice in the fridge, and there’s certainly no alcohol in this apartment. You’ll make it work somehow.
Keyword: somehow.
Do pig-spiders even need to get drunk in the first place? According to Google, egg cream is just a fancy way of saying milkshake. How old are these people exactly?
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crusherthedoctor · 6 years
Sonic Villains: Sweet or Shite? - Part 9: CAPTAIN WHISKER
There are some villains I like. And there are some villains I don’t like. But why do I feel about them the way I do? That’s where this comes in.
This is a series of mine in which I go into slightly more detail about my thoughts on the villains in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and why I think they either work well, or fall flat (or somewhere in-between). I’ll be giving my stance on their designs, their personalities, and what they had to show for themselves in the game(s) they featured in. Keep in mind that these are just my own personal thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions! I don’t bite. :>
Anyhow, for today’s installment, we’ll be starting a new venture as we discuss the scourge of a faraway dimension's seven seas, and the envy of frozen food mascots everywhere: Captain Whisker.
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The Gist: Aboard the Tornado, dynamic duo Sonic and Tails were en route to a mysterious energy signal, in the hopes of uncovering what it could possibly be. They were instead greeted with an actual tornado.
They died.
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"Ahh! We’re getting sucked in!” “Yeah! Alright! Cool!”
Nah, not really. They washed ashore on Southern Island (presumably not too far from Western Island and Angelern Island), where they met a young girl named Marine, whose ambition quickly proved to eclipse her capabilities a bit too much. Initially, the heroes simply want to return home and have a Winston break, but upon being attacked by a mecha T-Rex, they soon realise someone must be causing trouble around these parts. And Sonic doesn't let evil relax for long.
They soon come face to face with the leader of the nautical-themed robot army they're facing: Captain Whisker. Something about the captain looks... familiar.
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“...What’s going on to my right? I can’t see anything on that side.”
As it turns out, Whisker wants the Jeweled Scepter, a vastly powerful tool that is said to harness the Power of the Stars, which in Sonic lingo basically means "Get fucked, Goku." He steals it, but not before he gets ambushed by the dramatic arrival of Blaze the Cat... who fails to stop the theft, and doesn't even land a hit on the guy.
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E Rank.
It doesn't take long for Blaze to explain to the confused Sonic and Tails that they're the ones in her world, not the other way around. It's assumed that the power of the Jeweled Scepter was responsible for bringing them here in the first place. Blaze also acknowledges that Marine in fact exists. Together, they continue to take on the robot pirates, all the while Whisker continues to commit some dastardly, whisker-twirling crimes. Like freezing the local vikings.
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“It’s one of my most famous abilities, right up there with spinning around the globe to turn back time. I’m also quite good at superweaving.”
With everywhere else in the sea covered on the map, the do-gooders eventually arrive at Whisker's front door, where they trick the captain into giving them the info on how to get in. After a bit of backtracking (and telling Marine to fuck off and stop wasting their time), they make it in and kick some ass in the pirates' Soleanna-looking hideout. They corner the pirate leader, but his second-in-command, Johnny, arrives just in time to even the odds.
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“No, Sonic. The emblem on my chest is a coincidence.”
They proceed to have an all-out brawl with frankly amazing music, but Johnny chickens out and runs with his pipe between his hydraulics. Crestfallen, but not willing to yield, Whisker insists that he will deliver the Jeweled Scepter to an unnamed client by hook or by crook, and Sonic and Blaze ain't gonna stop him.
But they do. With a little help from the surprise return of Marine, they take back the Jeweled Scepter, defeat the captain's Ghost Titan mech, and blow his ship to kingdom come. With the pirates taken care of, the royal guards assure Blaze that they'll take better care of the magical device. The princess expresses relief, confident that her loyal subjects can defend their kingdom's treasure and honor.
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They can't.
In less time than it takes to complete the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time, the Jeweled Scepter gets itself stolen again, this time by the fallen captain's creator and superior: Dr. Eggman... and Eggman Nega, but whatever. Retreating underground, Eggman proceeds to show off with his newfound power (the ladies love the magma dragon trick), but he is eventually defeated by the combined efforts of Super Sonic and Burning Blaze... with a little help from Marine. Again.
The Jeweled Scepter is reclaimed. Sonic and Tails head home. Eggman gets sued by Michel Ancel.
The Design: Captain Whisker is an Eggman robot. He's Eggman's robot. He was built by Eggman. But you wouldn't know that by looking at him.
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The logo doesn't grin. Totally different.
Sarcasm aside, I'm actually a fan of Whisker's design, because it strikes a good balance between comical and badass, which reflects well on his bumbling exterior masking a capable fighter. The skull gauntlets are stylish, and I especially like how one of his eyes lacks an iris, as if to stand-in for his hypothetical eyepatch. For a design that can literally be summed up as "Eggman but if he were a robot pirate", there's a surprising amount of thought put into it.
If only the same could be said for Nega...
(By the way, Johnny has a kickass design as well. The torpedo-for-a-head is a winner.)
The Personality: Whisker doesn't just one-up Nega with his design. He one-ups him in personality too. Sure, he shares some traits with vanilla Eggman. He's loud. He's hammy. He takes his moustache grooming seriously (even though his is made of metal). He doesn't like it when people aren't paying attention to him.
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But here's the thing. He's got his own distinctive flavor. Rather than copying Eggman's mannerisms beat for beat like Nega does, Whisker offers a different spin. He trades the megalomaniacal theatrics for a buccaneer swagger. He trades the spotlights and the statues in favor of singing shanties and using words that were probably out-of-date even when they were in-date. He's more of an airhead compared to the brilliant Eggman. And he actually expresses fear, in particular at the thought of his master's ire.
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“You wouldn’t know him. Big guy, ‘stache like mine, hates hedgehogs, sounds an awful lot like Mike Pollock...”
Compared to Nega, Whisker simply makes much more of an effort to be his own character. In spite of his physical resemblance, he's not just Eggman #2. And in a world where Eggman #2 is an officially approved thing, I can appreciate that.
The Execution: Captain Whisker isn't your Eggman, or your Chaos, or your Black Doom. He's not the final obstacle. He's here to provide a few hijinks before the real mastermind turns up. In the role that he plays, he plays that role marvellously.
While the Captain sadly lacks much screentime outside of evading the heroes' wrath, he makes up for it with a memorable presence and a barrel of laughs. They could have completely phoned it in here. Why wouldn't they? He looks like a ripoff, and he's ultimately the equivalent of a filler villain anyway. And yet somehow, this decoy antagonist has more life and character put into him than a sizable margin of the "serious" villains in the Sonic universe, including Eggman Nega, Mephiles, and every single Archie recolour you can shake a lawsuit at.
Look, if Blaze absolutely MUST have an arch-enemy, and if said arch-enemy absolutely MUST look like Eggman... why not pick Whisker over Nega? He provides a better contrast with Eggman and with Blaze, and you can even handwave his presence as Eggman's way of keeping tabs on Blaze's world whenever he's too occupied with his own. Surely that would be a little better than having an identical looking guy running around in a different dimension (or the future) for no reason.
Well, until then, I'll keep supporting the good captain. I have to. He might kill me.
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"Omae wa mou ye scurvy shindeiru. *hic*"
Crusher Gives Captain Whisker a: Thumbs Up!
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vanilla-blessing · 5 years
Why you should check out summer 2019 anime despite my previous blog post
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I was mostly wrong about this season here’s qb’s revised
Hype rankings for Summer 2019
Cop Craft (Funimation)
COP CRAFT DRAGNET MIRAGE RELOADED is the biggest surprise of the season for me. Coming from Millepensee, the studio and director team known for such Art as Teekyuu seasons 4-9 and Berserk 2016, this extremely sincere and wildly stupid Americanized take on anime fantasy adventure colliding with a hard-boiled cop drama is surprisingly highly enjoyable to watch for both intended and unintended reasons. 
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The intended appeal of COP CRAFT DRAGNET MIRAGE RELOADED hinges on a well-realized mashup of genres from a long running novel series, the buddy-cop teamup of an anime girl with a magical sword and a gruff but kind-hearted cop, and the dramatic thrill of one of the weirder spinoffs of law&order. The show promises an interesting setting where a magical portal ring to the fairy forest where anime-chans are real has naturally slotted into the organized crime of a New Yorkish city, resulting in a fresh take on well-trodden ground, and it actually kind of succeeds at this. In practice, watching loose cannon cops shoot guns at wizards while busting a drug ring who sling fairy dust is maybe the dumbest thing I’ve seen in years, but the story is so overly detailed, thought out, and delivered without an ounce of irony, unlike the recent terrible movie from Netflix that also attempted to do this premise almost word for word, that it wraps around to legitimately compelling. It also helps that this anime adaptation is being scripted by the novel’s author.
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The unintended benefit of watching COP CRAFT DRAGNET MIRAGE RELOADED is partly how completely absurd the words they are saying appear in English, producing some of the funniest out of context screenshots imaginable, the animation in execution ratchets between cool, frenetic action that contains distinct shades of a certain tennis club, and the hysterically awful cg that you’ve come to expect and love from the only team capable of producing Berserk 2016. When it’s good, it’s good, and when it’s bad, it’s incredible. 
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In short, COP CRAFT DRAGNET MIRAGE RELOADED is a two-for-one deal of the best of both bad and good anime. It’s also getting an English dub by Funimation and I can’t even imagine how good literally any line read from that will be.
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The Demon Girl Next Door (Hidive, VRV) 
Despite my earlier protests, this is actually totally fine, good even. It avoids the fanservice problem I predicted completely and instead sets a relaxed comedic tone that quietly highlights small gags in a way that feels natural, which sounds impossible but they found the only director who could pull it off (Hiroaki Sakurai, known for some quite good comedies like Cromartie High School and Majokko Tsukune-chan). The content is actually pretty funny when delivered in a non-hyperactive way, since a story about a girl who is bullied into making friends after her family circumstances tell her to murderize a magical girl, told naturally, hits that level of low surrealism that works. Her friends also take this in stride, encouraging her to use this as an opportunity to go out more, open up socially, and suffer for their amusement. The magical girl in question, after heroically saving Yuko from being run over by a truck, also encourages her to defeat her and drain all of her blood, because Shadow Mistress Yuko is so much of a non-threat that Momo takes advantage of their impending ultimate confrontation to trick her into being her gym buddy. It takes place in a post-season magical girl anime landscape where the world has already been saved, normal people are used to weird episodic junk, and hitting demon puberty just another thing your friends will tease you over. 
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It still probably shouldn’t be full episode length, but it actually does something with that length, and is definitely the least painful iteration of this kind of slower, long-form comedy that you don’t usually see in anime because it’s usually a terrible idea. Predicting this would end up like other entries in the incredibly cursed magical girl parody genre was a safe bet, but this anime is the rare exception and it’s actually worth checking out. 
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Given (Crunchyroll, VRV) is on the noitamina block and it’s about boys in a rock band who might become more than friends. You’ve probably tuned out at this point and you’d be right because you know exactly the tone and style of this from that description but it’s executed well and written well and directed okay, so if you’d like this sort of thing try it out. There’s an interesting range of ages (the band has members in high school, college, and graduate school), a fun sense of humor, and the music is a standout in a season that has Carole and Tuesday in it, so that’s something.  
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I forgot to mention Fruits Basket (Crunchyroll, VRV, Funimation) in my last post because i didn’t know it was continuing. It’s hitting its “stride” in being massively depressing so check that out still. It’s tragic and great. 
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Granbelm (Crunchyroll, VRV) is a magical girl show I watched on a whim and turns out it’s actually a magical mecha battle royale. The color scheme is overly bright and the mechs look squashed, but it has girls snarling and yelling their heads off summoning beam swords so it’s different from what I expected. It’s got a G-Gundam energy with the multiregional cast and how the mecha fights are playing out, so if you’re fans of that, and magical girl, this is both at once. The second episode introduced a unique motivation for the main character, that piloting the mech helped her get over crushing nihilism, and I want to see where that goes, if at all. Combining the sometimes bleak and fun-sucking writing of overly dark and philosophical magical girl with what I can only describe as Domon Kasshu energy is a choice and I would like to see where Granbelm is going with that.
Misc variable hype list
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O Maidens in Your Savage Season (Hidive) 
This looks gorgeous and it may be the most Mari Okada thing ever written, move over Dragon Pilot, but the manga has some uncomfortable elements that would translate poorly to anime, in terms of keeping me watching it.
Crunchyroll actually did pick up Symphogear AXZ and XV, against my pessimistic attitude. 
Ensemble Stars (Funimation) is okay.
Fire Force’s animation is fire af but the girl who lives in her own hellish fanservice series is about to be introduced and this part of the series is kind of slow so it would take a lot of effort to elevate the material until it gets to the “good stuff”. David production seems willing to give it their best shot though, so we’ll see.
Vinland Saga started slow, quiet, chronological and ultimately strong, but it took multiple episodes to get there, which is why they aired 3 episodes in the first week. I think I still prefer the high octane opening chapter of the manga, but they’ll get there soon enough so it’ll be a non-issue in a few months anyway. I recommended this before and I still do. WIT studio is clearly playing for the longer game, setting themes that encompass the whole series first rather than the fleeting themes of watch the bad ass viking slice the mans, but it is currently missing the energy people associated with that opening volume or two. It will probably pay off though.
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I endorse this message.
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bittertomato · 5 years
Cause I’m following pato’s trend Amanda 1-15 :3
1. how long have i known about them
So before I started watching LWA one of my friends told me to look forward to a few things, like Constanze’s mecha and Amanda’s “Dark Souls tier fighting sequence.” So I knew of Amanda before I started the first episode sometime in late May.
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I feel kind of bad because I ended up skipping episodes 15-18 because I wanted to jump straight into Diana wearing pants XD
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them
Only the LWA Chronicles book unfortunately. There’s no nendo for Amanda either.
4. what about their personality i like
She seems like an aloof bad girl but she’s actually really sweet. Not only was she worried about Akko when Akko was missing, but she also felt bad for bluntly mentioning Akko never coming back and upsetting Lotte. And compared to Diana’s uptight nature, Amanda’s super chill.
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional
I’m actually not super knowledgable about what information Trigger gave about her. If I remember correctly, she’s rebelling against her family by doing so poorly in Luna Nova? Or did she attend Luna Nova just to get away from her family’s expectations? I forget.
Either way, sucks that she feels the need to act out just to spite her family. Shame on them.
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest
In the Satou Keisuke manga, she took the entire blame for stealing the test results so that Akko wouldn’t get in trouble. I guess that’s less sad and more admiration. I can’t really think of a specific moment that made me sad XD
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
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8. something about them that made me laugh
Her friggin weird ass tulip hair.
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
Gotta be the entire episode 17.
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11. my favorite relationship they have with another character
She and Akko are good bros. I’d like some more direct interaction with Hannah though.
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12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone get her character entirely wrong, so at least characterization is good. Also she’s so often in pants yes.
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them
Sometimes fandom goes way too overboard with the butch to the point where there seems to be a “male role” assigned to her character. Which is fine if it was headcanoned as transitioning, but I don’t often see any tags indicating being trans.
No I’m totally not thinking about that one art of Amanda as a cis guy.
Though for the most part, fandom’s alright with Amanda imo.
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them
The truant delinquent with a heart of gold? Good. Also GIRL. IN. SUIT. Also she can sword fight. Canonically, yes. Like damn.
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
Amanda seemed more... risque in the OVA. But it is part of her character, so that’s less of a complaint and more of a personal preference thing. I didn’t like most of what the OVA did tbh.
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yoshimickster · 6 years
RWBY Volume 6 Episode 9 “Lost” Micksterecap-GET READY FOR THE FEELSBOMB!
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HEY EVERYBLOODY-sorry this one’s a week late, but honestly I think I’m gonna do that from now on as recaps are for catching up on something, and that’s hard to do the day-OF. Either way-LET’S GET TO CRYING!
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-with Mercury practicing his martial arts, while Emerald sits on the floor. I have two minds about this, is Emerald sitting in a gym while Mercury exercises, or is Mercury excercising in a living room? Either way its silly.
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Kay yeah, that boy’s practicing karate in a church, WEIRDO!
Onto the plot, Emerald asks Mercury why he joined up with Cinder and her and his response is basically:
Mercury: I ‘unno, I likes killin’!
Yeah I think its safe to say between the two of them, Emerald was the smarter henchperson.
Emerald than vents to Mercury about how much it sucks that Cinder, the only family she ever knew was gone, and how without her what their doing didn’t make any sense, to which Mercury comforts her in the BEST way he can:
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Mercury: Wake up all ready, Cinder doesn’t care about you!
Like I said, the best way HE can, so its PRETTY bad.
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AND ITS EMERALD WHO THROWS THE FIRST PUNCH-which bullet shoes blocks like a boss! Thus begins a good old fashioned-ANGST FIGHT!
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Mercury: I’m sorry you didn’t have a mommy who loved you, but i had a father who HATED me!
Somebody’s projeeeeeeeeeeeecting!
Also during the angst-fight, its revealed Mercury’s dad stole his semblance RIGHT after he unlocked it, and NEVER got it back...apparently! Kinda thought that bullet tornado thing he did in season 3 was his semblance but NOPE-all technique!
Right during the fight based on a mix of loose combat and Mercury saying how much he loves working for the Legion of Doom, whose there CREEPIN’ in the shadows and laughing like and Eldritch goblin?
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Tyrian: Oh yes, the world is mean, and I’m a big bad man now JUST like the others!
Emerald: Damn, he cut you quick.
Tyrian: I got one for you to!
Emerald: Dammit.
ALSO-is that a new mecha-scorpion barb? Look at YOU Tyrian, getting so used to multiple prosthetics, GOOD ON YOU!
Mercury tries to kick his ass for roasting him-
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5:06 AND-that goes about as well as you’d think. A little harder to kill than a harmless book dealer AIN’T IT MERC?!
Tyrian than gives them some...disturbingly legit advice.
Tyrian: What you WANT from this? Children, if you’re not LOVING what you’re doing, you’re in the wrong field!
Damn, that’s a disturbingly poignant point about happiness in the workplace from someone whose essentially a weird mix of the Joker and Mac Gargan.
Scene than ends with Mercury revealing he and Doctor Watts are going on a work vacation to Atlas, which you KNOW they’ll barely be able to sightsee while their there, work vacations can be the WORST!
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6:26 ROOSTERTEETH-showing off how hard their background designers have been working this season! Now THAT is a nice park.
We see Team JNRS walking around, searching for the farmboy that Jaune terrorized last episode, as ya do!
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Jaune: This is all my fault, I over-reacted.
Saffron: I’ll say, you scared a 14 year old and punched a hole in my wall!
Jaune: I SAID I’ll get the spackle!
Saffron full of worry for her brother and his friends, tries to convince them to go to school in Argus instead of going on an insane mission that they can’t tell her about for fear of the mass public knowing there’s an ancient immortal witch bent on hitting a hard reboot on humanity.
Logically she can’t convince them, so Saffron decides to go pick up Adrien from daycare, Renora decide to get coffee, while Jaune decides to have himself a pity-sit-UNTIL-
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Jaune: HOLY SHIT-a leaf! That’ll look GREAT in my scrapbook!
Jaune than follows the leaf of destiny...and finds-
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...Pyrrha’s memorial statue...yeah, really can’t make a joke about that, its utterly sad. And JUST-when you thought this wasn’t enough of a feelsbomb what with the music-
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9:30 BAM-Pyrrha’s obvious mom/aunt/adult sister! And its just...such a beautiful scene, she mentions how she never wished she left Argus, but that she always knew what she wanted and-I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING!
And the moment Renora come back with coffee-
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-she disappears. It actually makes you wander, did Jaune actually have that conversation, or was it all in his head, him trying to deal with the grief? The ambiguity makes the scene work VERY well.
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Jaune than tries to give himself yet another pity party but THANKFULLY Ren and Nora tell him he has to stop that. They say they love him to, and that they don’t blame him for Pyrrha’s death and URGH-so sweet! TOTAL feelsbomb yo!
They then decide to go back to the house-RIGHT BEFORE SEEING-
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-THE FORESHADOWING PLANE OF DESTINY! Man Jaune, you’re on FIRE with seeing things that lead to other things in the episode today!
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-a PISSED OF Ruby! Give ya TWO guesses as to why!
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If you said “Adult chaperone who can’t get his shit together”-YOU’RE CORRECT! Is there a portable version of AA, because Qrow would logically need it with his travelling life.
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Terra: I’m sure this looks GREAT to the neighbors.
Sweet AntlerJesus do I feel bad for these women, they invite these people into their home, and they fill their lives with crazy spy plans, drunkles and punched walls, they all ready have a CHILD to care for, stop dumping your baggage on them!
And RIGHT as they decide to take a break from the search-AN OPEN DOOR REVEALS:
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OSCAR PINES-in very snazzy Huntsman clothes that he TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTALLY didn’t steal!
Everybody than logically jumps on him in happiness, asking where he was and how worried they were while NORA asks-
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Nora: What are you WEARING?!
PFFT-look at Ren’s face, he SO jelly!
Everyone just has a BIG apology party, Jaune apologizes for over-reacting, Oscar says its cool considering the gi-GANTIC stressbomb that is their lives, and even says he has dinner in the oven. Just a nice and warm scene that I’m sure NO-ONE will rui-
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Qrow: I’ma go sleep in drunken despair.
Ruby: YOU GET OFF THOSE STAIRS THIS INSTANT YOUNG MAN...dear god I’m more mature than my adult uncle.
Yang: DARK times.
Qrow than gives the basic Qrow speech about how screwed they are while JAUNE gives off his plan-
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Jaune: -we...STEAL an Atlas air ship?
Weiss: DAMMIT-I had a broken one of those LAST season, I should’ve saved it!
Yang: HOW-all I had was a bike?
Qrow than gives the same self-defeating speech we’ve heard the whole season where as RUBY ain’t havin’ NONE of that!
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Ruby: FUCK YOU OLD MAN-we are the young people and we’re gonna fuck shit up!
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Maria: BURN!
And that’s basically where the episode ends, a MAJOR feels bomb and a good set-up to one HELL of a heist next week. Hope you all enjoyed it, and I’ll see you NEXT WEEK on Micksterecap!
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zephyrthejester · 6 years
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Oh yes. Mechas. I’m down! I’ve never quite seen a show with mechas that wasn’t at one end of the two extremes of the genre. I’ve seen the absurd Gurren Lagann and the equally-absurd-but-for-depressing-reasons Neon Genesis Evangelion, but never something that was just... Mechas.
I might be speaking too soon, though. I dunno of they’re the focus of this show. But then, how do you fight a rebellion against an evil empire without mechas?
Let’s see... Those mecha’s names... MHCAK? That’s a mouthful. And also sounds like “mah cock,” which is also a mouthful. ZING!
*awkward cough* let’s call them Knights, for now.
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Oh, they’re called KnightMare Fames. KMF? Nah, KnightMares it is.
Britannia deployed their cutting edge KnightMares for the very first time in this war upon Japan for her resources. Japan didn’t stand a chance-- they literally ran circles around even tanks and destroyed them handily.
It came to the point where Britannia achieved total victory, stripping Japan of... Everything. Freedom, rights, and even the nation’s name was taken away. Well, that totally sucks. War for resources my flipping ass.
Okay, that makes Britannia seem just straight up unspeakably, irredeemably evil, so perhaps there’s more than meets the eye to this story. Either way, what they did to Japan seems pretty over the top.
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breeeliss · 7 years
[Miraculous Ladybug]: It’s All Hype!
no lie y’all i had originally planned for this to be a super serious story and then something happened and it became the exact opposite of that. weird how that happens >.>
[Day 1: Patience] [Day 3: Explosive]
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
Title: It’s All Hype! Pairings: Ladynoir (Ladybug x Chat Noir), Adrienette (Adrien x Marinette) Summary: Alya accidentally gets the Internet in a frenzy after announcing that Ladybug and Chat Noir are dating, but the two heroes are adamant about correcting the error and making sure the world knows that they’re just friends. So Alya proposes a staged public break up to set everything right.
In hindsight, she really underestimated how utterly freaking difficult that would be.
Day 2: Banter
“Geez, when you said you were familiar with Mecha Strike you didn’t tell me that you were a beast at it!”
Ladybug poked her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she leaned into her remote and punched out a very quick combo move that sent Chat’s avatar sprawling on its back. “You’re not using any of your fighter’s combo moves. You have all that XP building up and you’re not even using it.”
“Because I’m waiting for the magic defense booster,” Chat Noir explained, managing to get a couple of really good hits in. “I just need like five hundred more. I just got finished buying a second blaster.”
“You do realize that there’s a booster you can add to your mech to make it so that every hit you make gives you double the XP, right? You’re better off saving up for that.”
“Wait, really? ”
“Yeah, trust me it helps.”
“How the hell did I not know about that?”
Alya was sitting on the floor by their feet, furiously typing something on her laptop. “You know, when I invited you both into my home, it was not so you could commandeer my gaming consoles.”
“Uh, you said we could hang out until you finished coming up with a plan to break us up,” Chat Noir said. “Video games count.”
“You’re both thrashing my high scores!” Alya complained when she looked up from her screen for a brief moment to see the fight occurring in front of her. “You’ve only been playing for an hour!”
“Sounding a little salty there, Alya,” Ladybug smirked.
“Heavy amounts of sodium,” Chat Noir agreed. “Are you almost done by the way? When are you going to tell us what the plan is?”
“Don’t you worry about that,” Alya said, quickly proofreading her document. “You’ll know when it’s time for you to know.”
Chat Noir tried to lean down and take a peek at Alya’s computer screen to see what she was writing, but Ladybug took his brief distraction as an opportunity to pull out a power up she’d been saving for the entire fight and finally reduce Chat Noir’s HP to zero. She dropped her remote on the couch, stood up on her knees, and cheered. “What up! Best 2 out of 3! Suck it!”
“That’s cheating!!” Chat Noir cried out, mashing down on the buttons of his controller as if it was going to change the victory stats screen that had popped up, signaling the end of the fight. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Ah, don’t feel too bad,” Ladybug smirked. “Not even my boyfriend has been able to beat me. Consider this a privilege.”
“God you’re like my girlfriend,” Chat Noir complained, scooching over to the corner of the couch to mope with his arms crossed. “She’s ridiculously good at this game and I’ve only ever beat her like twice.”
Ladybug snorted. “Sounds like the two of us would get along just fine.”
Alya hit print on the document and walked over to the other side of the living room to wait for her mother’s printer to spit out all the pages. “You know, I gotta ask. When the heck did this whole thing happen for the two of you? Aren’t there like rules about dating when you’re a superhero or something? They literally make entire arcs of angst around this in comic books.”
“I mean if they don’t know who we are, it’s not really dangerous,” Ladybug shrugged. “We’re both dating our partners as civilians so it’s just like keeping a really huge secret.”
Alya stapled together two packets of papers. “Who’s the lucky guy and gal?”
Chat Noir lifted a finger to his lips and winked. “That’s a secret. But I think we’re both dating our classmates, right?”
“Mmhm,” Ladybug nodded. “He sits one row in front of me.”
“And she sits in the seat directly behind mine.”
“That is so storybook I almost wouldn’t believe either of you if I didn’t have two friends in my class who are also dating.” Alya stared off into space and frowned. “Maybe I have to start dating the people that sit near me in class too. I feel like I’m missing out on a trend.”
Ladybug chuckled. “I thought we were here to talk about break ups not hook ups.”
“Alright, alright, fine. You guys give me your romantic juju advice after this is over.” She handed over the two packets that she’d just printed out. “Here are your scripts, children!”
Chat Noir’s face fell. “Scripts?”
“That is correct,” Alya said proudly. “Here’s what I’m thinking. Very painless and easy for the two of you to handle. We’ll pretend I grabbed you two for an interview, boilerplate questions, nothing you guys haven’t dealt with before. Then, right in the middle of the interview, I’ll ask you a lighthearted question like, ‘oh who do you think would win in a fight between the two of you?’ And Chat Noir is going to say that it’s him.”
“That’s literally the stupidest thing you could ever make me say!” Chat Noir gaped. “We’re evenly matched on a good day. She could kick my ass like right now.”
Ladybug nodded sagely. “When he’s right, he’s right.”
“Not the point! Point is, Ladybug is going to hear that and get really offended. You guys are going to get into this huge fight on camera, totally overpower the interview, and towards the end Ladybug will storm off angry and Chat Noir will leave the frame and go after her, and then we’re a wrap. Everyone will think you had this huge lover’s spat and then a couple of days later we announce your break up. Simple.”
“Simple?” Ladybug frowned. “How in the heck do you want us to pull this off? On camera no less?”
“Um, that’s why you have scripts. Was that not obvious before? All your lines are in red. Just read off the script.”
“You’re making this sound like this is just ridiculously easy.”
Chat Noir smirked. “Having some stage fright, my Lady?”
“No!” Ladybug said defensively. “Look, this is a great idea, but how do you know we’re going to pull this off? The two of us don’t ever really fight. I don’t know how convincing we’re going to be.”
“I think you two will do just fine, actually,” Alya said. “You two banter literally every other minute. And an argument is just a really mean form of banter.”
Chat Noir raised a brow. “Something about that doesn’t sound right.”
“Oh my God , you guys are so picky!” Alya groaned. “Just read the friggin’ script! It’s all right there for you.”
“Wait, wait!” Chat Noir raised his hand in the air. “I have a question!”
“Why are you raising your hand?” Alya sighed.
“Because that’s what you do when you want to speak?”
“We’re not in school! There’s only three of us, just talk!”
“I want to be respectful of the space and ask your permission first. You’re the publicist in the room.”
Alya scrubbed a hand down her face. “For the love of — fine, yes Chat. What’s your question?”
“Are we allowed to run lines first? Before we do a first take?”
Alya frowned. “Would a read through help make this more convincing?”
“Indeed it would!” he smiled.
“Fine.” Alya reached over to Ladybug’s script and flipped four pages. “Just start like right here. It’s right when your fight breaks out so that’s probably the bit you’re gonna really wanna get right. We’ll run through it a couple of times and then we’re filming it. Okay?”
Chat Noir cleared his throat and smoothed down his hair. “Very ready. Ladybug?”
Ladybug bit down on her lip and worriedly scanned her eyes over the script. “Uh….gimme a second. I’m still memorizing.”
“You don’t have to memorize it. Just look down in your lap if you need to read the line. It won’t look that weird, I promise,” Alya said.
“No, no, you don’t understand. I sound horrible when I try to read off scripts. I’m not an actress.”
“That’s why we’re going to practice,” Chat Noir soothed, pointing to her own paper. “Don’t overthink it, I’m sure you’re not as bad as you think.”
Alya dragged a chair over and sat in front of the two of them who were settled on the couch. “Okay, let’s just try to get this over with.” She cleared her throat and put on her interview voice. “So, I know everyone’s dying to know the answer to this: if you two ever got into a fight, who would win?”
Ladybug sighed and looked down at her script. “Haha. Wow. That’s a really difficult question. We might have to think on that for a while.”
Chat Noir paused, blinked, and slowly turned towards Ladybug with his brow lifted high. “....holy crap, you weren’t kidding, you suck at this.”
“What?” Ladybug said petulantly.
“You sound like a robot,” Chat Noir laughed. “Oh my God, you really can’t act!”
“I don’t sound natural when I read!”
“I mean, I know, but gosh you certainly weren’t exaggerating. What do you do during drama class?”
“Oh shut up!”
“Hush, hush, just….” Chat Noir closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose. “Just let me savor this moment. This is a big deal.”
“I’m going to kick you.”
“What? I think it’s cute!”
Alya leaned her head over the back of the chair she was sitting in and groaned into the ceiling. “The two of you can manage to save the city from certain destruction during your lunch pauses but you guys can’t read a simple script.”
“Come on, Alya. We should try and be sensitive to Ladybug’s handicaps.”
Ladybug glared at him. “I’m cancelling you.”
“Aw, come on,” Chat Noir laughed, reaching over to hug Ladybug. “I’m just teasing.”
“Alright, can you just memorize them really quick? It’s super easy I promise. God, I swear, you’re exactly like my best friend. Can’t read off of paper to save her life.”
Ladybug puffed out her cheeks and read through her lines a few times. “Yeah, I think I’ve got it.”
“Alright,” Alya nodded. “And remember. This is supposed to sound like you guys are arguing alright? Make it angry and make it seem like a real break up. Same question: who do you think would win in a fight?”
Ladybug sighed and turned to Alya as she gave a more convincing laugh. “Wow, that’s a really difficult question. We might have to think on this for a while….”
“No need,” Chat Noir shrugged. “It’s obviously me.”
Ladybug turned to him and narrowed her eyes. “Excuse me?”
The expression on her face must have been too comical for Chat Noir to keep it together because he started laughing instead of sounding cocky. “You heard me. I think I’d totally win.”
“On what grounds?” Ladybug countered. “Do you want to sit through and count all the times that I went and saved your butt during missions and still saved the day?”
Chat Noir smirked and cradled his chin in his hand. “That doesn’t count, my Lady. All those times you saved me was because I was busy keeping the akuma away from you so that you could do your thing. A one-on-one between the two of us? Please, I’ve got that cornered.”
Ladybug scoffed, but kept an amused smile on her face. “Oh give me a break, I have way more range than you do. I could knock you off your feet from ten meters away.”
“I’m a way better close range fighter than you are and you know it!” Chat Noir countered. “If you ever wound up directly in front of me you would totally be outmatched. Admit it. I would demolish you.”
“That would never happen because I would never let you get that close.”
Alya nodded along as they kept up the scene, deciding that they weren’t doing too badly and that it wouldn’t be very difficult for this to look convincing enough to do the job. But then Chat Noir stopped looking down at his script and crossed a knee over his leg, waggling his eyebrows at Ladybug and trying not to laugh into his palm. “ Never? That’s a shame. The view is quite lovely up close.”
Ladybug crossed her arms and smiled. “This isn’t time for your silly little attempts at flirting, you know. You’re just overcompensating because you’re all talk and no action.”
“No action? Slander, my Lady,” Chat Noir replied. “If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that when I say something, I absolutely and thoroughly mean it. You are wonderful, Ladybug. The fact that I’m openly acknowledging your shortcomings means that I’m not bluffing about all the ways I’m just better than you.”
Ladybug laughed, the offended expression she was trying to hold up completely cracking underneath the humor of the conversation. “Don’t delude yourself, kitty, you and I both know that I’m the hardass of the group. Give me five minutes alone with you and I’ll wreck you.”
“Five minutes alone you say?” Chat Noir said, leaning in closer. “That sounds a little scandalous. You’re going to make all the women in Paris clutch their pearls.”
“If it’s a pearl-clutching scandal you want, I’d be happy to beat you on live television for the whole world to see. Maybe it’ll fix that little ego of yours.”
Alya furrowed her brows, opened up her laptop, and scrolled through the script she still had up on the screen. She looked back up at the heroes who were still speaking and blinked in confusion. They were totally going off script.
“Oh I’m the one with the ego?” Chat Noir gasped. “Look at you over here. Like you don’t run around thinking that you’re the most show-stopping person in the room.”
Ladybug batted her lashes. “Well, I’m obviously not going to deny that. It’s not called having an ego when every positive thing I say about myself is objectively true.”
Chat Noir grinned as he but down on the claw to his thumb. “You really want to fight don’t you?””
“You severely underestimate how satisfying it’ll be to see you lose so that you can prove me right,” Ladybug said. “So yes. I do really want to fight.”
“Hey, whatever the Lady wants the Lady gets,” Chat Noir said. “I suppose the only thing to figure out now is when and where?”
Alya slammed her laptop shut and lifted her arms up into the shape of an ‘x’. “Okay. Cut. Timeout. Whatever. Just stop.”
Chat Noir immediately straightened up and looked at Alya innocently. “Sorry. Was that not convincing enough?”
“Oh it was convincing alright,” Alya frowned, “just not in the way we needed it to be. What the hell was that just now?”
Ladybug suddenly looked extremely puzzled as she shifted in her seat. “Um….we were having an argument?”
“That wasn’t an argument, you dummies.”
“Yeah it was,” Chat Noir insisted. “I mean sure, maybe we went off script for a little bit but we had a disagreement just like you wanted us to.”
Alya looked between the two heroes in disbelief. “Do I have to spell this out for you? Are you guys really that oblivious?”
“Was it my acting?” Ladybug groaned. “Look, I’m sorry, I’m doing my best here, but I’m telling you this honestly isn’t what I do best with.”
“Actually, you were a little too convincing which is exactly my problem,” Alya explained. “Whatever the hell that was, it wasn’t a break up argument. That was straight up banter.”
“Banter?” they both repeated.
“Yeah,” Alya said, confused as to why she was the only one who had picked up on the obvious. “Banter. You know, the friendly and borderline flirty kind that got fans shipping the two of you in the first place? You guys were doing fine and then all of a sudden you just switched into that thing . Whatever it was I just saw! No! Bad! Not gonna work! You guys can’t make this look like you’re having fun.”
“I didn’t even realize we were doing it!” Ladybug defended. “It just kinda comes out. Right Chat?”
He nodded in agreement. “Yeah exactly. That’s just our thing and it’s super easy for us to slip into. We didn’t think it was that obvious.”
“Having an eighteen-wheeler barreling through my apartment and running me over would still be more subtle than whatever the two of you just did,” Alya deadpanned.
“Wait, we were supposed to be subtle?” Chat Noir asked. “I thought we were supposed to be really selling this?”
Alya lifted both of her hands. “Alright! Listen! Never mind. Let’s just start this over again. For the sake of simplicity and for my own sanity, let’s not turn this into a Hollywood audition. Just stick to the script. If you stick to the script you can’t go wrong. Are we all agreed?”
Chat Noir and Ladybug both gave Alya a thumbs up as they flipped back through their scripts to start the reading all over again. Alya was this close to developing a spontaneous migraine but hopefully this wouldn’t take up her entire afternoon. One minute you were idolizing your favorite superheroes as demigods who exceeded all of your wildest expectations and the next minute you’re trying to coach the two fools through a simple break up script. Never a dull day. “One last time. Start from ‘that would never happen because I would never let you get that close,’ and for the love of all that is good and holy in the world, don’t stray from the script.”
Ladybug straightened her back, dropped her shoulders, and swallowed before she spoke her line. “That would never happen because I would never let you get that close.”
Chat Noir read of his script with a smirk on his face. “Never let me get that close? We’re dating, aren’t we? The whole point is for us to get close. Are you scared of getting close to me or something?”
Ladybug rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Why do you always have to bring that up? You’re always acting like I don’t want to be close to you.”
“It’s not that I don’t think you want to be close to me, I just think you’re scared,” Chat Noir replied.
Ladybug allowed herself a sly grin. “I’m Ladybug. I’m not scared of anything. And for you to suggest anything other than that is frankly just a little insulting.”
“Oh, now I’m being insulting?” Chat Noir chuckled, his voice sounding smooth and amused rather than being riddled with anger and frustration. “That’s tall words coming from someone who is bathed in my compliments every day. I’m starting to think you don’t appreciate me.”
Ladybug pouted and tapped him under the chin. “Oh, what? You want a pat on the head for being such a gentleman? That’s cocky of you.”
“I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that maybe — just maybe — you can learn to give me a little bit of credit.” He ended the sentence with a wink that dissolved Ladybug into a fit of giggles.
Alya gaped at the two of them and didn’t manage to get a single word out until they noticed the strange choking noises that were coming from her. She opened her mouth, closed it, and laid a palm across her forehead. “How in the holy freakin’ crap do you two even do that!?”
“Do what?” Ladybug asked, finally sounded exasperated. “We read through the script exactly word for word.”
“You guys don’t realize how you sound,” Alya muttered in shock. “You literally don’t even realize it. You turned my angry script into more banter! How is this happening? I can’t get you guys to fake one single argument!”
“Oh come on,” Chat Noir tried to defend as he pointed to Ladybug. “Look at her. Can you in good conscience argue and yell at that face? It’s like yelling at a puppy. You try to do it and then you totally chicken out because you realize they don’t deserve it.”
Ladybug beamed. “Aw, Chat!”
“Oh will you two stop it with your disgustingly cute friendship? I’m trying to ruin your relationship here!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Ladybug said. “We’ll get it right the next time, I promise.”
Alya started rubbing her temples. “Can we at least act out the last page of the script so that I’ll be convinced that you guys can actually pull this off?”
Chat Noir flipped to the last page and stared at his line. “All it says here is ‘Chat says something really insulting and makes Ladybug storm off.’”
“I got lazy at that point, I’m not a screenwriter,” Alya complained, already feeling the frustration of the past hour getting to her. “I figured you could ad lib something there to finish off the whole thing, but now I’m realizing that was probably giving you two too much credit.”
“Well hold on, I think I could probably pull that off. Give me a second.” Chat Noir smacked his cheeks a little bit, turned to Ladybug, and tried to put on a stern expression that would likely preface a truly cruel and cutting line. “Ladybug. I just have one last thing to say to you?”
Ladybug’s eyes grew wide as she leaned back on her seat. “What’s that?”
“That all of this tox- hiss -ity in our relationship is paw -sitively claw -ful.”
Ladybug stared at Chat Noir with a blank expression for a solid ten seconds before she threw her script over her shoulder, let it fall behind the couch, and got up from her seat to go to the kitchen. “I’m done.”
“Yes!” Chat Noir cheered, pumping both fists in the air. “Three puns in a single sentence. And I improvised that! Tell me I’m not totally amazing, I dare you!”
Alya carefully set her laptop down on the floor, covered her face with both hands, and followed Ladybug into the kitchen so that she could make herself some tea and maybe keep herself from banging her head repeatedly against the wall. She had to give the two of them some major props. This went South ten times quicker than she thought it would. You sort of had to stop and admire dumpster fires that started that quickly no matter how much of a wreck they were.
Oh well. Time for Plan B.
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meiizumi · 5 years
Castle of Shikigami: An informal rant nobody asked for about my most obscure obsession to date
STOP i spent like 2 days writing this post and im only posting it on tumblr because it’s the one website i’m a member of that can hold the most text. i wanted to infodump somewhere...... read this to learn something i guess (´・ω・`)
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Bad voice acting is the Peak of comedy to me, and while I was looking for something to laugh at one day, I found this game called Castle Shikigami 2 for the PS2. The US version of the game's dialogue is rife with machine translated text that makes no sense, and awkward voice acting to boot. They even have voice actors saying the wrong lines, voice actors speaking implied commands, and a few voice lines are left in Japanese. Apparently, Roger Craig Smith (Sonic the Hedgehog's current voice actor) was in this game but I don't think he's even credited?! I think I know which character he voiced but I’m not exactly sure.
The history behind this game’s localization is REALLY weird. Castle of Shikigami/Shikigami no Shiro was originally an arcade bullet hell shoot em up game. The series was created by Alfa System and it was one of Alfa System’s main IPs. There are three main shmup installments and a text adventure game for the PS2, Nanayozuki Gensoukyoku. Nanayozuki was practically fanservice for whatever number of CoS fans there were back then. Each main game in the series was originally an arcade cabinet, but they were all ported to PC and home consoles. In CoS 2′s case, it came out on the PS2, Gamecube, and Dreamcast, but only the PS2 version got localized. The western publisher, XS Games specializes in publishing quality budget titles such as “Bass Pro Shops: The Strike” for the Wii. I theorize they didn’t care too much about the actual content of CoS 2 and were more focused on selling a game quickly for a low price, so they just machine translated it and adjusted a few things. If you’re wondering if Castle of Shikigami 1 was also translated this badly, the answer is No. XS Games instead removed all the dialogue from the western release of CoS 1, and released it with the title “Mobile Light Force 2″.
“Wait, what do you mean ‘Mobile Light Force TWO’ if Castle of Shikigami 1 is the first game in the series?” If you want to know what Mobile Light Force 1 was, it’s GUNBIRD; another shmup game, but by a completely different developer than Castle of Shikigami. I don’t know why they did that. What really kills me though is that both MLF 1 and 2 use the same boxart, which is COMPLETELY unrelated to the actual contents of either game. AFJQHJFOKLJFDS look at this
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There’s more hilarity behind Mobile Light Force that isn’t hard to find so you can search that up if you’re interested. But thankfully, Castle of Shikigami 3's Wii edition got more of a proper localization by Aksys Games.
Now I would bluntly say something like “stan castle of shikigami” but:
1. This series’ lore is insanely convoluted. It’s an essential part of this expansive fictional universe referred to as “Mumei Sekaikan” (I don’t know what this translates to in English) where there’s like, 7 different parallel worlds. There’s more obscure ass games and manga that are tied to this universe, and I think there’s even a tabletop RPG made based off it. Have you heard of “Gunparade March”? Most likely you haven’t; it’s an obscure video game made by Alfa System that also got adapted into an anime, and I feel it can be described as Mechas x Persona. One of the characters in CoS 2 is just one of the GPM characters going undercover to find her senpai who traveled to the CoS world. Or something like that. The 7-world universe isn’t explicitly talked about in the game but they make so many references to it without defining anything that it’s like you Must know about it. There is NO documentation in English about the Mumei Sekaikan I could find on the internet, although there is a wiki in Japanese where I got a ton of knowledge from (GOOGLE TRANSLATE IS MY TRUSTED FRIEND) I feel like I might be THE person in the United States who has the most knowledge on the Mumei Sekaikan, and I could go on another tangent talking about what I know so far (and who this one specific dude Shibamura Yuuri is) but I won’t.
2. The writing isn’t excellent and can be pretty Unwoke ™; the first game came out in 2001 and the third game came out in 2005 if that gives you a sense on what era these writers were in. As far as the games dialogue goes, the characters appear kind of flat. CoS 1 and 2 Kotaro (i refuse to use the official “Kohtaro”) is stupid and driven by JUSTICE to a point where it’s annoying. I can’t tell if Hyuga is trying to be a Ladies Man in CoS 2 and 3. Kim, a religious tae kwon do instructor, spends CoS 2 thinking about how he should atone for his sins, then he turns himself into jail at the end. Sayo’s backstory is that she was a shrine maiden raised as a “human weapon” to have no emotions and her only goal in life was to kill god and then die, something like that. However, after CoS 1, she gets a crush on Kotaro because he actually treats her like a human and Of course that’s what you’d expect from the main teen girl and boy in the series. In CoS 3, Sayo's character is mostly played out to be a major tsundere for Kotaro even though surprisingly HIS character in this game changed a ton compared to 1 and 2 (he had to kill an illusion of his older brother, who he learned actually died earlier, and now he has to kill an illusion of his childhood sweetheart... damb that shit sucks :/). He’s still stupid though
There’s a gag in CoS 2 that I can’t clearly remember where it’s like, Niigi makes Sayo and Fumiko, who are both romantically interested in Kotaro, think that he’s only into little girls? Meanwhile, Fumiko’s magic goes wrong and her appearance turns to that of a child though in response she’s like “hee hee maybe Kotaro will like this”. basically more On-Brand early 2000′s anime unwokeness than average. Speaking of Fumiko, she’s a 400+ year old militaristic witch who constantly teases Kotaro (who’s like 16 or 17) and she wants to marry him for his magical potential since he’s like one of the candidates for becoming God??? From the official CoS 3 character descriptions, “Her hobby is to steal the men from other women. Her second hobby is trampling upon people.” She canonically stole her stepmother’s husband from her stepmother (the 3rd boss of CoS 3). I don’t get how that shit would have worked
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3. The game itself is HARD af but to be fair I’m a scrub gamer. I can’t get past stage 3 on easy difficulty without continuing. Yes i bought CoS 1 on Steam, Yes it has a port on steam i feel like i should have mentioned this earlier
4. Besides CoS 1 having a port on Steam, CoS 2 and 3 might be hard to obtain legally. The poorly translated CoS 2 was apparently super cheap back then, but since it’s an old game, its value might’ve increased. When I tried looking up prices for English CoS 3, all the listings were like at least $40 and being broke I wouldn’t want to spend more than $29 for a Wii game in 2019... honestly I just emulated CoS 2. shout out to PCSX2
Last month I was desperate, bored enough, and deep enough in the Shikigami rabbit hole that I tried to find the manga based off of it online. The CoS manga only tells the events of the first two games so I still don’t really get anything about CoS 3, like who Mihee, Batu, and Emilio are supposed to be. However, the plot events also differ. For example, Roger Sasuke exists as a character in CoS 3 but in the manga he literally Dies. There’s 11 total volumes of this; 3 volumes dedicated to CoS 1 and the latter 8 (the “Twisted Castle arc”) dedicated to CoS 2. Only the very first 3 chapters were scanlated to English all the way in 2011. Fortunately, I did find the entire manga uploaded though............... in CHINESE. So you know what I did? I “read” the entire thing using my phone’s Google Translate OCR app to take pictures of each page and comprehend the translations. Of course I still don’t understand CRAP because of the Mumei Sekaikan jargon + machine translation but I understood enough to get emotionally attached to some of the characters. I wish I hadn’t. At least through the manga I learned that the characters DO have some depth and pre-established relationships. For instance, the reason why Roger Sasuke became a ninja is because when he first landed in Japan as a kid, he was getting bullied or something and he didn’t know Japanese then Kotaro saw this and told the bullies to stop. Then after Roy /sorry i mean Roger learned that he was set to home-stay with the Kugas in the first place, he decided to dedicate his life to Japan in order to protect Kotaro back. I think. DO U SEE HOW ABSURD THIS SHIT IS Anyway Nanayozuki takes place between the second and third games and sets things up for CoS 3. There’s a full playthrough of it uploaded to YouTube and I think it contains a lot of juicy lore, but it’s just too much to go over with Shitty Google Translate OCR. There’s also Shikigami no Shiro novels which apparently contain the most backstory, but I have a 0% chance of finding these online for free. Not to mention that these would ALSO be too much effort to Google Translate.
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in conclusion: You don’t HAVE to play Castle of Shikigami. Like, I’m not gonna recommend it for the content, but if you love shmups and are looking for a shmup game you haven’t heard of then I will recommend it for the gameplay (old touhou mutuals assemble theres a POWER-UP-BY-GRAZE MECHANIC). I’ve counted like 4 total fans outside of Japan that like this series for the story, and I don’t think that number is going to increase because I doubt CoS 2 will ever get retranslated and ported. I just want you to know that this series exists and that there’s a ton of wacky shit behind it besides the bad Castle Shikigami 2 dub. also if someone knows enough japanese or chinese and has an INKLING of interest in this series umm talk to me and help me decipher stuff
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I‘m kinda sad that the series is pretty much Dead though. This is the most recent piece of official Castle of Shikigami art I could find, and this was for the 2018 New Year. The next most recent piece of official CoS art I found was also drawn by the character designer Sonoda Miku all the way in January 2008, commemorating the end of the CoS manga serialization. Alfa System released a spiritual sequel to Castle of Shikigami on the Japanese Switch eShop called Sisters Royale, with character designs I think are still by Sonoda. By “spiritual sequel” I mean that it has some of the EXACT same shot types as CoS and the same mechanic where grazing bullets increases your power and score. This is the closest we’ll get to a Shikigami no Shiro 4. I wonder what the business decision behind that game was but it actually looks like fun and I want to play it so OK Go off i guess
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