#What a lovely ask
your-queer-dad · 6 months
Hey Queer dad, I only just found this blog, but I'm writing you anyway, I Don't want to be anonymous, I want my name attached to my story I fear that I'm probably going to explain myself poorly but here goes anyway I am going to be 24 years old this May, I've been on E since 10 - 2020 Ive had to move out to live with my boyfriend of 3 years and it feels like I've all but abandoned my dreams of going through college as an engineer, things were hard to keep up with when covid struck and now I'm a trans-woman living in Georgia USA, I understand that its not as good as my home-state of New York on trans issues, but I have my BF and his Family who are supportive... I'm SCARED as of late sure I live in a fairly chill part of the state, but i'm SCARED like big time, its making my mental health journey harder, and I'm finding a lot of VERY bad thoughts creeping in, mostly about my appearance and all that, I don't look all that fem when i have trouble taking care of my day-to-day hygiene,
My dad is ""Supportive"" as far as accepting the fact that I'm his daughter now, but he and most of my extended family still doesn't use my pronouns or chosen name. My mom, well she left this world, and me alone in it, sure she was never the best to me, but she would have been the one person to support me. When she left I promised myself and her that I would take the little support I spit on and ground into the dirt as a teenager and actually be true to myself.
I know that at this point I am rambling, but I want to put meaning and journey behind my words THANK YOU, for being here for us. THANK YOU for providing a space for us to ask questions, and get parental style advice when we have no-one else and I ask of you this, how does one find community in this world when one struggles to navigate the fear she feels from the world around her?
Hi!! Thank you so much for reaching out. Honestly, it sounds like you've had such a rough time and I am really proud of you. Thank you for sharing your story, I appreciate it, and I'll do my best to help out.
Personal story time: I myself was (and still am sometimes) in a very similar situation myself. And it is scary, it's really isolating to see so much hate from others just for being yourself, and it makes you want to withdraw and hide. And I hid, for so long- it's really hard to show your true self in a world so full of hate and fear.
But I did, slowly, step by step. A little bit every day. Us humans, we're not supposed to be on our own. We're pack animals, like wolves or lions, we thrive off other people's company (some more than others). With mental health, when all you want to do is hide and let the world forget that you exist, what helps you the most is finding others who feel like it and can help.
Easier said than done right?
I'm still working on it, and there's never going to be a stage where you're perfect at it- but every day, just actively trying to engage with others around you, I found helped me. Not running away when people offer help, speaking to new people, finding my local queer community- just actively being aware of my surroundings and gently pushing myself to talk to new people.
The worlds a lot less scary when you have an army of support behind you.
It takes time, and energy. It's hard. And definitely baby steps, small steps. But there are so many good people out there, who will love you and accept you and value you, you just have to find them.
I'm really proud of you, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to and feel free to reach out anytime. Everything will be okay.
- dad x
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regal-bones · 10 months
hello !! i loves pride fighters so much, its very pretty and the dialogue is really fun :D i'm not very good at these types of games (alas, i am currently bad at dodging😔) but im still having a blast !! i love the characters <333 cant believe yall made it in just 5-6 days !!
i was wondering tho, would it be ok to make pride fighter ocs with other identities ? :> i kinda wanna make an ace pilot y'see !! :D (idk if id actually end up getting the energy but. i am ideaing lol)
totally ok if not tho !! its yalls game after all !!
PLEASE DO PLEASE DO!!!!!!!! Some ppl in the team are already makin OCs!! Also if you wanna make OCs of the flags we have in game go for it !
As for the Ace flag - that is one we want to implement! We’re gonna revisit the project next year and getting more flags in is a priority. The ace flag will be PATROCLUS, piloted by Alexi!
Thank you so so much ❤️ and make sure to keep up to date with the most current version! We’re making balance changes to make it a lil more forgiving, as well as adding in some more dialogue!
Last thing , if you make OCs, I want to see them more than I need oxygen pls and thank u
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great-and-small · 1 year
Thank you for the herpes virus info! Maybe you should write the book! :p
Don’t you tempt me 👀
Seriously though I’d love to write a book like that but at this point in my career I don’t think I’m qualified. Though I did just find out my first paper that I’m primary author is going to be published! So I will keep learning and hopefully gain the skill to share the things I’ve learned in a way that is interesting to people. I plan to someday jump into the deep end of scicomm but for now I am getting comfortable in my floaties
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tongue-like-a-razor · 9 months
I've been binging so many of your series lately, and oh boy are they good!! their so insanely addictive (your mission of keeping me up past my bedtime has been achieved with me going to bed at 4am and having to wake up at 9a). no but like seriously your writing is so so great!! the amount of times I'm giggling, kicking my feet, twirling my hair and getting stressed out in the same fic is crazy. the way you write is seriously captivating, like I can just see what's happening like it's a movie. I cannot wait to read more of your work seriously!!!
Wow this is such a wonderful compliment 🥹 I’m literally giddy!! Thank you so much, it’s honestly amazing to hear that you’re enjoying the stories (and that they’re keeping you up past your bedtime..oopsie daisy 😆) So sweet of you to send this in 🫶
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msfbgraves · 1 year
I looked at the very first thing you wrote down for Knights and Pawns and god, you can really feel how very young and frightened Daniel is in this. Terry controls the entire situation in the room to his liking. Daniel seems little more than a sold child. I get the impression that he not only grew up a lot those first couple years of marriage with Terry (even while having puppies!!) but also that Terry…not exactly molds him into the grown-up spouse he wants from the “little” boy that he married, but rather…sharpens the mob-side of Daniel like one would a slightly rusty knife. While at the same time making him embrace even more of his natural Omega side, and become even softer and sweeter year by year. An eternal brat and the perfect little housewife. The duality! Terry, Terry. I bet he loved that Danny was only 18 and had never been with an Alpha—and therefore was easier to cultivate.
He didn't set out to fall in love with the boy, but in the three miliseconds that took (again I keep thinking how in the film Terry is fascinated by Daniel's dancing silhouette!), yes, he would have set up a whole perfect life in his mind's eye. But this is not just a courtship, this is a payoff, a victory, and Terry is mean enough to want to enjoy and relish that, because at that point, he doesn't know this boy, this prize. He wants his due.
And Daniel regresses somewhat in his fear around this poweful, dangerous, and as he can immediately sense, wounded man. But as Terry gets him with pup so fast, he snaps out of that real quick, and becomes more like that sweet boy we know with someone to care for. Also because he has Terry whipped within a day. The way that boy can love - and I don't mean fuck, but launch himself straight into your soul - Terry didn't stand a chance. Yes, Terry will bring out his mob-side, if only out of necessity. But the utter sincerity of Daniel's love throws him. It's not manipulation, it's what that boy does and it strips you naked. It does drive him crazy and he wants to control it and he can't and then he blows everything up. And Daniel of course is not a saint, he has that shrewd side that you're right, Terry "sharpens like you would a slightly rusty knife"... Still this is Terry Silver, that man can obliterate you with a look! Sometimes Daniel prefers to melt into it all, let himself be overpowered. But especially with his pups, he's so sincere and warm and sweetly fierce Terry wants to melt into a puddle. At times he's shocked at how much he loves him, and keeps loving him, every iteration of his mate it doesn't lessen. He only loves him differently through every change. Maybe I'm having a case of wishful thinking but with these two, it wrecks them but it never dulls.
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starlightrosa · 5 months
Ohhh Lola aren’t you sweet! Happy to be back, armed with more fun ideas than ever :)
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xbellaxcarolinax · 1 year
I'm like a small dog with the eye crustys shaking and frothing at the mouth every single time you post. There is no reason you should have that much power over me. But you know what? I would rather it be nobody cause damn, I eat up your writing every single time 😩
LMFAOOOOOOOOO omg not the crusty dog 💀
You made my night! Literally going to bed right now lmfao
Im so happy you like my writing! I hope you'll stick around and enjoy whatever fics are in store for the future! <3
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ex-textura · 1 year
Tell us more about Ciaran because I love hearing about that boy!
How does he deal with stress? Or at least how he *tries* to?
And since you got me thinking about his braids - would he enjoy someone doing them for him?
Also - have a wonderful day! 💜
My dear, I love to see you in my notifications! How are you?
I spent ALL DAY thinking about this ask. It was wonderful, actually. So thank you for that lol
Once again, I got...excited. And talked to much. So a cut for your convenience.
Ciaran. Ciaran does not deal with stress...well. Or at all, maybe. He's trying his best and he's muddling through and the meditation helps a lot, but at the end of the day there's been a lot more stress than there has been dealing with it and it's starting to break him down. (I say starting but let's be honest. This isn't new) So there's the meditation, obviously. He goes away from the camp in the evenings and finds as quiet a place as he can, closes his eyes and listens to the wind in the trees and tries not to listen to his thoughts or the blood rushing in his veins. He's found it also helps to sit with the camp and listen to his friends (he can call them that, now. Astarion opened the floodgates) just existing. Karlach and Wyll are always doing something energetic, Gale has been teaching him how to cook and always has some info to dump, Astarion floats amongst them offering sass and complaints as he does. It doesn't always work, mind. Sometimes when he hasn't slept in too long and the bloodlust is especially high being around them just makes it worse but on the other days, remembering there are people who matter and who care about him in turn really puts things in perspective and helps calm the nerves. Somewhat.
And last, practicing music. Making something good out of nothing. Focusing on the notes and the sound and using his hands to create rather than destroy is incredibly cathartic for him. Even when the music is bad (and it often is, to be honest. He's still learning after all) it feels good.
His braids!! Yes!!! He's only just gotten used to touching and being touched but he's been LOVING it. The idea of someone else with their fingers in his hair, tending his needs and caring for him would be practically a divine experience. Even better, though? Someone else taking the braids out. Ciaran with his head in a lap, fingers carefully picking out the tight braids and then scratching at his scalp with nails, running their fingers through his hair while he stares through a book, or meditates, or just sits there and feels. Gale doing so while talking about everything and anything. Tara purring again Ciaran's chest. The sun setting. The piano playing.... This is where my brain has been all day. This is all I can think about. Ciaran's cat-like qualities manifesting in lapping and loafing and begging for scratches. My brain is. So full of these thoughts right now THANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT! I've been floating on air all day lol. You're the best T_T
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blairsanne · 1 year
Maybe your other blog answers this question, or you've answered it before. What was the first show/movie you saw Dean O'Gorman in and what made you stan him?
The first thing I actually saw him in was Young Hercules back when it was on tv and I loved Iolaus. I didn’t know who he was though.
Fast forward to 2021 and I watched The Hobbit trilogy for the first time and fell for Kili (sorry Dean 😅) and in searching for Kili content, came across gifs of Almighty Johnsons. I saw gifs of the scene where Anders asks Ty if he wants to see his stick and I got curious about the show. When I watched TAJ, I fell for Anders, and then looked into Dean more and eventually realized he was Iolaus from Young Hercules days lol.
My love of Anders led me to @laurfilijames’s amazing Anders fics and eventually we became friends and she got me into more Deano content and the rest is history. 🥰
I really enjoy a lot of his characters, like Anders, Iolaus, Jon, and Barnaby, etc. and when I like a character a lot I tend to want to write about them.
Dean himself reminds me a lot of my husband at times with his sense of humour and improv etc. (and my hubby’s hair was long and curly when we met) but I think Deano’s a bit more erm… misbehaved I guess you could say. But not in a bad way. 💛
I’ve never really been much of a celeb chaser and I have to admit that if Deano threw himself at me irl I really wouldn’t be interested in anything romantic or physical. I’m very loyal to my husband and I’m pretty demisexual. I just think he’s attractive and I like imagining scenarios with his characters. 😅 I guess what I mean is, it’s all pretend to me. Hypothetical/fantasy but not something I actually want.
Part of my Deano obsession is also like… the fun of trying to find all his obscure media and watch/share it etc. 🤓🤣 And getting to chat with other Deano fans about him and his shows etc is one of my favourite things too.
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cake-bread · 1 year
Hey, Davey. Are you doing alright? That might seem like a moot question to ask, but I feel like it's nice to ask it anyway. I hope you are. Doing alright that is
Hey - I am actually fine.
I am pleasantly surprised that this still is getting found but that is just how art world works. The art is left in public and sometimes, even if we don't expect it, this grain of sand can still be found by others.
Today is a colder evening. But I'm drinking a hot chocolate with whipped cream and some sprinklers. So it's getting warmer.
I hope you have your own hot chocolate to warm you through your colder nights, too.
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meimi-haneoka · 2 years
I don't really have anything to ask about, but I've just gotten into CCS a few weeks back and I wanted a community so bad, you can only imagine my happiness upon finding your blog also you like akiho and kaito I automatically like you!!🤍🤍🤍
AND I AUTOMATICALLY LIKE YOU TOO, ANON!! 😂❤️❤️❤️ So happy to receive asks like these!!
I'm so glad you found my blog and it's giving you a sense of community 😊 I definitely have some friends and faithful commentators who support me all the time, and they always have such great insights into the story, often coming up with theories that become true! So I'd like to think my blog could be also be a place where people who want to discuss the chapters can gather...
I also know very well how lonely sometimes it can be, to like Akiho and Kaito (even not as a pairing, even just the characters alone) and finding lots of unpleasant comments in the fandom. You're safe here! ✨
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jarpadandjensens · 2 years
Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!😘💛
I adore you and your blog, it makes me so happy 🥰
Tumblr media
thank you so much!!!!! Sometimes it feels like i am just talking to myself, so i really appreciate this ask! *smooches your face*
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
It’s so refreshing when you watch a show that has you on the edge of your seat with anticipation for what’s gonna happen next. All the speculation/theories that fans are coming up with are awesome. I suck at theories but I still love the energy that the Sprina fandom has. It’s been a while since I’ve been invested in a soap opera. We all know Spencer isn’t dead but the theories on how he’s gonna show back up and when has got the fandom throwing all kinds of theories/wish list out there and a lot of them sound so amazing. I just don’t want a long separation and I wonder if Trina will come back to PC without Spencer if he doesn’t show up right away. Once again there’s no Sprina spoilers for the following week so they are keeping all that under lock and key. Portia being grateful could mean that the ordeal is over and Trina is safe, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s back in PC. Very curious how this next week plays out. You have any thoughts or theories?
This is such a positive ask, and I completely agree about loving the energy of positive fandom. The last time I was this invested in GH, I think I was 12? So I definitely relate to you.
As far as potential Trina and Spencer separation, my money is on it not being a particularly long one. I'm leaning more on the side of Trina not leaving Greenland without finding Spencer. Just because she's been so forthright about not abandoning this entire adventure that I can't imagine her relenting when she thinks there's a chance he could be dead or seriously wounded.
She wouldn't give up on him, and neither would Laura. So I'd be very surprised if they left Greenland without retrieving Spencer, regardless of what state he's in. I think Trina will be leading the search to find him and they will but he'll be seriously hurt and need medical attention.
And don't sell yourself short when it comes to theories, anon. You could be better at them than you think, and even if you end up being wrong, wild speculation is part of the fun.
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dreamnotnapss · 2 years
Okay those last two anons have me thinking about dn express their love for each other vs how they express it for George.
Dream and Sapnap have a quiet love because it was always inevitable they would be together even if they weren't In Love (although they are) because they love each other so much.
But George being with them is so new and impossible after missing him for so long, that Dream and Sapnap both want to tell the entire world that he's here in Florida beside them because they hardly believe it themselves.
this ask is a littol old sorry sorry here are the two anons this ask is referring to: x x
"it was always inevitable they would be together" so true anon !! i mean, why do you think it only took a day for Sapnap to get in his car and drive across the country to move in with his best friend of 11 years? it only took him a day to realize "yeah this is my future"
but George couldn't do that. so instead of being able to satiate their desires within a day, they had to wait 2 whole years. it makes sense that after such a long time of wanting him around and waking up without him that dreamnap would still be in disbelief when they wake up and see him eating breakfast in their kitchen at 8pm :')
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nakedmonkey · 2 years
how many tracks or albums do you need to listen to in order to get a feel for an artist and what they're about?
Oh it varies from a handful of tracks to 1 whole album for me. It also changes from album to album, I think, depending on the artist. Artists that make really personal albums are my favorite for this reason and it's one thing, for example, Adele is a master at because she's so genuine. I really enjoy feeling their personal evolution from phase to phase.
What's REALLY special is hearing a song from a new artist that feels like a full representation of what their vibe is, a song you fall in love with, and then the more work you're exposed to, the more that image that you have of them expands, and you love them more.
Idk music is magical.
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
just wanted to say your art is really cute and so are you! hope you have a good day!
<3 awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
thank you <3 what a lovely thing to say (=
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