#Westminster party
creativemedianews · 3 months
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mudfogblog · 5 months
Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are two cheeks of the same Tory arse.
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A Royal Recycling (part 323)
Miu Miu
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the-casbah-way · 1 month
FINALLY finished my outline for prodigal son it’s going to end up way longer than i planned </3
#there’s so much i’m trying to get across without making it ridiculously long#i’m like. trying to make it clear that malc isn’t the driving force here#because he’s a bit older than jamie and jamie’s only eighteen and pretty sheltered so it could seem dodgy#and don't get me wrong i'm not going to NOT write something just because it's objectively shady especially for ttoi#but it’s not like malcolm swoops in and initiates everything. that wouldn't fit the characters#jamie’s a determined wee shit and he’s fucking relentless when he wants to be#it’s more a case of malcolm caving and agreeing to let him into His World as it were#and jamie’s always had this anger and this rebellious streak that leaves him susceptible to doing shady shit#he’s not a kid he’s making his own decisions malc’s just here for the ride#and also like. jamie SEEMS like he’s losing his faith at points but it’s actually getting stronger#i don’t want it to seem like he’s given up god for the sake of following malcolm#he’s just making peace with the fact that his god and the christian god don’t align too well#it's kind of like. malcolm is partly helping him be more honest and brave and do some good in the world#but he's also partly (mostly unknowingly) being a genuinely bad influence too#but all the bad shit jamie's going to end up doing comes from himself. it was already there#because i see jamie and malc as huge enablers for each other. it's their whole thing#and i think it's interesting to show them in my fic being (for the time) very radical and rebellious#and it stems from a genuine desire to a) do good in the world and help people and b) break themselves out of the working class bubble#but by the time they reach canon that has manifested into something quite horrible#their rebellion and radicalism is now used to do bad things that don't even justify the end goal anymore#and now they've broken out the working class bubble they're just playing into the toxic westminster mindset#because that's the only way you survive in the game (or at least in malcolm's case. he ends up with no spine)#because he's willing to abandon his principles if it keeps him and the party in power#and at some point down the line the good intentions get lost to his own ego and need for control#anyway i'm normal#ttoi
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
Labour picked up yet another seat from the Conservative Party in a by-election in the constituency of Blackpool South.
Labour has taken Blackpool South from the Conservatives as voters deserted the Tories in a resounding Westminster by-election victory. Chris Webb secured a 26.3% swing in the marginal Lancashire seat, easily wiping out the Tories' 2019 general election majority of 3,690 to win by 7,607. Conservative David Jones only beat Reform UK's Mark Butcher into second place by 117 votes. The by-election was triggered by former Tory MP Scott Benton's resignation.
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By itself, flipping one seat doesn't put Labour in the driver's seat in London; but it's significant because of the margin and because it's part of a series of repeated recent Conservative by-election losses to Labour and to the Liberal Democrats.
But wait, there's more!
There were various local elections around England and a few in Wales which coincided with the by-election in Blackpool South.
107 local councils in England held elections and there were also contests for mayor and public safety officials in a number of localities.
Here are the areas which held council elections. Some councils held elections for all council members while others had elections for half or some other fraction of the councils. This map shows party control prior to the election.
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While not nationwide, the council elections were spread over much of England.
In any case, the Conservatives lost control of 10 of the 16 councils they had controlled. Labour picked up 8 and the Lib Dems gained 2. The number of councils with no overall party control or control by minor local parties remained the same.
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But council control stats don't tell the whole story.
The overall number of elected councilors showed the Conservatives falling into third place behind Labour and the Lib Dems. It also shows the Green Party making inroads even though they did not gain control of any councils.
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A number of localities held elections for mayor.
In London, Labour's Sadiq Khan was elected to a third term.
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In Manchester, Labour Mayor Andy Burnham was easily re-elected. His nickname among supporters up there is the King in the North. ⚔️
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Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson provided some unintentional amusement on election day. He's responsible for enacting UK voter ID laws. He was not allowed to vote when he first showed up at the polling station because he had forgotten to bring his ID.
Boris Johnson barred from voting under his own voter ID rules
In summary from the BBC...
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A general election must be held no later than late January. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak may look at the terrible results and decide that an early June election would not go well for his Conservatives. And because elections between mid June and the end of August tend to be unpleasant surprises for the governing party (Conservatives 1945) (Labour 1970), the UK would probably not see an election for parliament until at least mid-September. I'd bet a double espresso on October.
Even if Rishi waits until the very last possible day, things are unlikely to get any better for the Conservative Party. Electoral Calculus shows only two possible outcomes of a parliamentary election: 98% chance of a Labour majority and a 2% chance of a Labour plurality. Nobody is seriously talking about Conservatives being in charge after an election – regardless of timing.
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BTW: Blame Salford for the delay in this post. They didn't announce their results until well into Sunday. Just couldn't post until all 107 councils had been decided.
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tweetingukpolitics · 2 years
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churchhouseconf · 8 days
Exhibitions in London: Host Your Event at Church House Westminster Church House is the ideal venue for exhibitions in London, offering flexible, spacious rooms and top-tier audiovisual equipment. Located in the heart of Westminster, our historic venue provides the perfect setting for exhibitions of all sizes.
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fitzrovianews · 6 months
Local Tories allege conflict of interest between MP candidates and association chair
Local Tories have expressed concerns about the selection process for the Conservative candidate for the parliamentary seat of the Cities of London and Westminster.  They are calling on association chair Thomas Borwick to step aside after it was alleged three of the longlisted candidates for the seat are clients of his employer, College Green Group, where he is a director and listed as a person…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"BREWERIES SUFFER LABOR SHORTAGE," Windsor Star. July 8, 1943. Page 11. ---- Find It Hard To Keep Up Beer Quotas ---- Gibson Indicates Men Won't Be Diverted From Essential War Work ---- From Ottawa Bureau of The Windsor Star OTTAWA, July 8 - Brewers at having trouble maintaining their present quota of production and it is not considered wire to shift men from war Industries to make more beer, Hon Colin W. Gibson, minister of national revenue, told the Commons yesterday afternoon.
QUESTIONED BY LIBERAL M. Turner, Liberal, Springfield, asked: "As the result of an article in the Montreal Gazette of June 21, which states that the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation at their convention passed a resolution for less restrictions and better distribution times of beer supplies, does the government intend to take any action along this line?"
Mr. Gibson: "I have not received a copy of the resolution to which the honorable member for Springfield has referred, but I understand from what he said that is referred to the production and distribution of beer.
"I would like to say at this time that the brewers are having great difficulty in maintaining with the staff that they have available the quota which has been given to them, but I do not think any suggestion has ever been made that men should be diverted from essential war industries in order to produce more beer…
"With regard to the better distribution of beer, that is entirely a matter within the control and jurisdiction of provincial authorities
B.C. MEMBER PROTESTS Thomas Reid, Liberal, New Westminster: "Will the minister explain why British Columbia has been discriminated against in this matter?"
Mr. Gibson: "Every province treated on exactly the same basis, receiving a cut of ten percent of the quota of the previous year."
Mr. Reid: "A fuller statement is required for the information of this House."
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realpeterabell · 8 months
Why focus on Westminster?
How long will it take our elected representatives to learn that the Union will not end by a process of gradual erosion? The legal and constitutional framework developed for the purpose of protecting and preserving the Union is too robust and resilient for
The most sensible comment on the very much anticipated defeat of Neale Hanvey’s ill-conceived  Scotland (Self-Determination) Private Members’ Bill came from Alba General Secretary, Chris McEleny, who said (inter alia) in a Tweet, They were overwhelmingly defeated. It didn’t matter how many Tory MPs there are in Scotland, what matters is Westminster will always outvote Scotland. An overwhelming…
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creativemedianews · 3 months
Sinn Féin becomes Northern Ireland's largest Westminster party
Sinn Féin becomes Northern Ireland's largest Westminster party #NorthernIreland #SinnFéin #Westminsterparty
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peterabell · 9 months
An ill-conceived Bill
Power is not given. Power is only taken. By asking for this power, Neale Hanvey implies acceptance of the British state's 'right' to withhold it. When you ask someone to say yes, you acknowledge their right to say no.
Neale Hanvey’s Scotland (Self-Determination) Private Members’ Bill is fundamentally flawed in a number of ways. It is flawed that it concedes to the British parliament the authority to veto the right of self-determination that is wholly vested in the sovereign people of Scotland. He is asking that the British political elite graciously grant the Scottish Parliament the legislative competence to…
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mudfogblog · 5 months
The ‘real conservatives’ pt1.
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butterfly-pavilion · 9 months
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Butterfly Pavilion's Captivating Wedding Venues in Denver
Embark on a journey of love surrounded by the natural beauty of Butterfly Pavilion's wedding venues Denver. Our enchanting spaces provide a unique and picturesque backdrop for your special day. From intimate ceremonies to grand celebrations, our venues seamlessly blend the romance of weddings with the delicate charm of fluttering wings. Let your love take flight in the heart of Denver, creating timeless memories at Butterfly Pavilion's captivating wedding venues.
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love-her-fashion-style · 10 months
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A Royal Recycling (part 135)
Unidentified designer
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branmer · 11 months
how can david lammy seriously sit there and be like 'well i want to be foreign secretary one day so i can't answer a yes or no' to the very simple question of whether he supports civilians being ordered into the south. like man. if you can't answer that question yes or no you shouldn't be foreign fucking secretary because you've proven you're not only incompetent but you don't even have the moral spine of an amoeba you crawling careerist loser. like how is this supposed to inspire confidence in a future labour government. it's giving immense 'i hope to commit some war crimes myself one day too' energy
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