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guideoflife · 8 months ago
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Dive into Ayurvedic wellness this Holi on Tumblr with Guide of Life! Find easy-to-follow tips, holistic remedies, and self-care inspiration for a healthy celebration. Let's keep it chill and stay well this Holi. Happy Holi!
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day-and-night-moisturizers · 9 months ago
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Welcome the energizing benefits of Green Tea to jumpstart your day! Enhance your morning ritual with a dose of well-being.
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edwardgdunn · 1 year ago
The Magic Of The Mala
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“What are those?” “What do they mean?” “Why do you wear those?” “Aren’t those pagan or something?”
These are questions I am asked regularly when people notice that I’m wearing mala beads around my wrist – which is most of the time.
In the west, people simply don’t understand the significance, meaning, uses, or history of the beads.
In many cases, people feel uncomfortable around those who wear their mala beads publicly. They tend to think that the mala somehow runs counter to their religious views, whether they happen to practice those views or not.
The mala, to them, often represents “the others.”
In this article, I hope to shed some light on the mala and how, regardless of one’s religious affiliation or views, they can be an amazing tool on the path to inner peace.
History of Mala Beads
Mala beads, originally known as “Japa Malas” in Sanskrit, have a history that spans centuries and multiple cultures. The concept of using beads for meditation and spiritual practices can be traced back to ancient India, where the practice of chanting mantras as a means of connecting with the divine was prevalent.
The term “Mala” itself means “garland” in Sanskrit, signifying the idea of a continuous cycle, much like the cycle of life and death.
They are believed to have been used by monks and spiritual practitioners to count repetitions of mantras, prayers, or breaths during meditation. Over time, the use of Mala beads spread to other parts of Asia and even beyond.
The Meaning of Mala Beads
Each element of a Mala bead carries deep symbolic significance:
The Beads: Mala beads typically consist of 108 beads, a sacred number in Hinduism and Buddhism. This number is believed to represent the 108 earthly desires that one must overcome to attain enlightenment.
The Guru Bead: The Guru bead, often the largest bead on the Mala, represents the student’s relationship with the teacher or guru. It signifies gratitude and respect for the spiritual guidance received.
Tassel or Pendant: At the end of the Mala, you will usually find a tassel or a pendant. This component symbolizes the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds, reminding the wearer of their intention and purpose.
Gemstone or Wood: Mala beads are often made from various materials, each with its unique properties. Gemstones, for example, are believed to have healing qualities. Different gemstones are chosen based on one’s intention and needs.
Uses of Mala Beads
Mala beads serve several purposes:
Meditation: The primary use of Mala beads is to aid in meditation. Practitioners use them to count repetitions of mantras or breaths, helping to maintain focus and mindfulness during their practice.
Mindfulness: Mala beads can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, serving as a constant reminder of one’s intentions and commitment to mindfulness throughout the day.
Healing: Many believe that Mala beads made from specific gemstones possess healing properties. They may be used for energy balancing and emotional healing.
The Value of Mala Beads Today
In our fast-paced, digital age, the value of Mala beads is more significant than ever. They provide a tangible anchor to the present moment, allowing individuals to escape the noise of the world and find inner peace. Here are some reasons why Mala beads have gained such popularity:
Stress Reduction: Mala beads can be a powerful tool for stress reduction. Regular use can help lower anxiety levels and improve overall well-being.
Mindfulness and Focus: In a world filled with distractions, Mala beads encourage mindfulness and help individuals maintain focus on their goals and intentions.
Spiritual Connection: For those on a spiritual journey, Mala beads can deepen their connection with their faith and serve as a source of strength and inspiration.
Personal Growth: Mala beads can be used to set and track personal goals and intentions, supporting individuals on their path to self-improvement.
Mala beads are much more than just beautiful pieces of jewelry; they are powerful tools for meditation, mindfulness, and personal growth. With a rich history and profound symbolism, these beads continue to find relevance and value in our modern world. Whether you are seeking stress relief, a deeper connection with your spirituality, or a reminder to stay present, Mala beads can be a valuable companion on your journey to inner peace and self-discovery.
The questions will come. That’s OK. The odd looks and stand-offishness may come as well. That’s OK too. It’s how we conduct ourselves, how open, attentive and kind we are with others, how peaceful and happy we are that will say far more about the mala beads.
Check out the podcast episode…
Check out the Happiness 2.0 Podcast — https://podcast.edwardgdunn.com/
Happiness 2.0 Blog — https://edwardgdunn.com/blog
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theaayuniwand · 1 year ago
Enjoy a fabulous 30% discount offer at Aayuni's store! Explore our exquisite collection at https://aayuni.linker.store/ and indulge in savings on unique treasures. Don't miss out!
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notebookwitch · 1 year ago
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Wellness Rituals
ICYMI 🗣 Self-care is ✨MAGIC✨ So! I have some daily wellness rituals I try to focus on.
One of them is having a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables a day. One way I do this is by making "trays" for lunch and breakfast. Like the tradition of a bento box 🍱 I fill my tray with half f/v's and then whole grains and or proteins.
The other daily wellness ritual I strive to complete each day is 9 hydrating liquids a day. My morning is usually 2 cups of water mixed with one cup of juice and a half serving of chia seeds 1 1/2 tbs). And then a large cup of tea. That's half my liquids! 🫖💧🧃
My AM tray is usually a grain and fruit & the drinks. Lunch is usually some combo of yogurt, granola, cheese, nuts, rice cakes, veggie snacks, and fruit. 🥜🥗🥕🍅🍇🍎🍊🍌🧀🥖🍽
I plan to take pretty pictures of my meals and post them regularly for accountability's sake ☺️
#5aday #selfcareismagic #wellness #wellnessroutines #wellnessrituals #hydrate #tearitual
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rosewomanus · 2 months ago
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Ritual Candle Trio Limited Edition - Perfect for Your Wellness Ritual
Enhance your wellness ritual with our Ritual Candle Trio Limited Edition. Each candle is crafted with soothing scents designed to help you relax, focus, and create a calming atmosphere. Perfect for setting the mood during meditation or self-care moments. Elevate your routine with this luxurious trio.
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hpadrianstemmer · 1 year ago
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Entdecke die wunderbare Welt der Ayurveda-Öle und tauche ein in ein ganzheitliches Wellness-Erlebnis! #AyurvedaÖle #NatürlicheHeilkunst #Wohlbefinden Entdecke die wunderbare Welt der Ayurveda-Öle und tauche ein in ein ganzheitliches Wellness-Erlebnis! #AyurvedaÖle #NatürlicheHeilkunst #Wohlbefinden Die Ayurveda-Tradition hat eine Vielzahl von hochwertigen Ölen hervorgebracht, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse des Körpers abgestimmt sind. Jedes Öl hat seine einzigartigen Eigenschaften und Vorteile. Aus diesem Grund verwendet man im Ayurveda unterschiedliche Öle für Körper, Kopf und Haare. #NatürlichePflege #KörperGesundheit Das Sesamöl ist ein beliebtes Ayurveda-Öl, das tief in die Haut eindringt und sie mit Nährstoffen versorgt. Es fördert die Durchblutung, beruhigt die Sinne und revitalisiert den Körper. #Sesamöl #Hautpflege #Durchblutungsförderung Das Kokosöl ist bekannt für seine feuchtigkeitsspendenden Eigenschaften. Es pflegt die Haut intensiv und hinterlässt ein geschmeidiges Gefühl. Zudem hat es eine kühlende Wirkung und hilft bei der Entgiftung des Körpers. #Kokosöl #Feuchtigkeit #Entgiftung Das Mandelöl ist besonders sanft zur Haut und eignet sich hervorragend für empfindliche Hauttypen. Es beruhigt und nährt die Haut und hinterlässt einen zarten Duft. #Mandelöl #SanftePflege #Hautberuhigung Das Neemöl ist ein kraftvolles Ayurveda-Öl mit starken antibakteriellen und entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften. Es wird häufig zur Behandlung von Hautproblemen wie Akne oder Ekzemen eingesetzt. #Neemöl #Hautgesundheit #AkneBehandlung Entdecke die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der Ayurveda-Öle und finde das perfekte Öl für deine individuellen Bedürfnisse. Verwöhne dich selbst mit einer entspannenden Massage oder nutze die Öle zur täglichen Hautpflege. #IndividuelleBedürfnisse #AyurvedaMassage #NatürlicheSchönheit Erlebe die wohltuende Wirkung der Ayurveda-Öle und verwandle deine Pflegeroutine in ein ganzheitliches Wellness-Ritual. Entdecke die Schätze der Natur und finde deine innere Balance. #WellnessRitual #GanzheitlichesWohlbefinden #AyurvedaSchätze Entdecke den faszinierenden Unterschied zwischen Ayurveda-Ölen aus Europa und Indien! #AyurvedaÖle #NatürlicheHeilkunst #EuropaVsIndien Ayurveda-Öle sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil der traditionellen indischen Heilkunst. Sie werden seit Jahrhunderten für ihre wohltuenden Eigenschaften und ihre Fähigkeit, Körper und Geist ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen, geschätzt. #IndischeTradition #KörperGeistBalance Während Ayurveda-Öle aus Indien auf den Lehren der ayurvedischen Medizin basieren und speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Doshas abgestimmt sind, gibt es auch immer mehr Ayurveda-Öle, die hier in Europa hergestellt werden. #AyurvedaInEuropa #DoshaAbstimmung Ayurveda-Öle aus Indien werden oft aus regionalen Pflanzen und Kräutern hergestellt, die speziell für ihre therapeutischen Eigenschaften ausgewählt werden. Sie enthalten eine Vielzahl von natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und werden nach traditionellen Verfahren hergestellt. #RegionalePflanzen #TraditionelleHerstellung Die Ayurveda-Öle aus Europa hingegen werden häufig aus lokalen Pflanzen und Kräutern gewonnen und können je nach Region und Klima unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aufweisen. Sie werden oft unter Berücksichtigung der ayurvedischen Prinzipien hergestellt, um ein ganzheitliches Wohlbefinden zu fördern. #LokalePflanzen #EuropäischeAyurvedaÖle Beide Varianten haben ihre Vorzüge und können wertvolle Unterstützung für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden bieten. Während die indischen Ayurveda-Öle tief in die ayurvedische Tradition eintauchen, bringen die europäischen Ayurveda-Öle eine regionale Vielfalt und Anpassungsfähigkeit mit sich. #BestOfBothWorlds #GesundheitUndWohlbefinden Egal, ob du dich für Ayurveda-Öle aus Indien oder Europa entscheidest, lass dich von ihrer natürlichen Kraft und ihren wohltuenden Eigenschaften verzaubern. Finde das Öl, das zu dir und deinen Bedürfnissen passt, und verwöhne dich mit einer entspannenden Massage oder pflegenden Hautpflege. #NatürlicheKraft #Entspannung #PflegeRitual Entdecke die Vielfalt der Ayurveda-Öle und genieße die Vorzüge beider Welten. Tauche ein in die Welt der natürlichen Pflege und finde deine Balance zwischen Körper und Geist. #AyurvedaVielfalt #NatürlichePflege #KörperGeistBalance
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spaandwellness · 3 years ago
A Sanctuary for Holistic Healing
Embark on a sublime wellness journey at Akiri Spa by Mandara where you can experience traditional wellness rituals, sublime massages, body and facial treatments and Ayurveda therapies too; stay at Atmosphere Kanifushi and treat yourself to the pampering you deserve at this spa resort in Maldives.
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alifeleadsimply · 5 years ago
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With the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak affecting many, it's important to take precautionary measures. Here are a few simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of infection: 1) Wash hands often and PROPERLY. Proper hand washing takes at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If you are unable to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer instead. 2) DO NOT touch your nose, eyes, or mouth. 3) Avoid close contact with those who are sick. Take precautionary measures if you have to be in contact such as showering afterwards, washing your clothes, and sanitising anything you were in contact with. 4) Most importantly, stay calm! Taking precautionary measures is important, but your mental health is equally as important during this pandemic. Do what you can to support your mental health. At A life lead simply we hope that you all remain safe and healthy during this time! We are all in this together and have to work together to prevent the spread of the virus! 💕 Natural | Simplistic | Zero waste #TogetherAtHome #StaySafeStayHome #LockdownSA #Covid_19SA #flattenthecurve #beautyprescriptions #andbreathe #wellnessrituals #staysafe #takeprecautions (at Pretoria, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzdIXLl-Ay/?igshid=ktt6ca1hmbyl
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deanmdc · 5 years ago
Want to be part of the CBD world? Earn an income working from home/on holiday/travelling the globe from your phone? https://www.facebook.com/tmek1971 #cbd #cbdproducts #cbdwellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #wellness #supplements #vegansupplements #cbdmovement #cbdskincare #wellnessthatworks #wellnesswarrior #wellnessrituals #mindbodysoul #mindbodyhealth #takecareofyourself #madeintheusa https://www.instagram.com/p/B6MhHyDh3zF/?igshid=gcr68dkmwxrv
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holisticspaces · 6 years ago
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congratulations to Lindsay Kellner and Emma Loewe on their new book #spiritalmanac. was so nice to finally meet both of you and learn some new and wonderful rituals. I’m so proud to be included as the feng shui expert! #fengshui #wellnessrituals 💕🌟💕 (at Deepak HomeBase, on the mezz at ABC Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpemr_WlCZn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j8b5zo6wpzvq
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homemadesimplymom-blog · 6 years ago
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It’s Sunday! I’m hanging out with my #bathtime friends 🛀 🍃 . . . . . #naturalskincare #naturalbathproducts #wellnessrituals #veganfriendly #crueltyfree #smallbatch #essentialoilsoaps #naturaldetoxsoap #handmadebathandbody #sundayvibes #picoftheday #sundaymood #sundayfunday #spaathome #spatime #selfcarematters
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hexeh-studio · 4 years ago
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Let your mind flow.... HINOKI Incense 📸 by @itsraesilva #HINOKI #HEXEH #InGradient - - - - - #nicheperfume #nichescent #nichefragrance #perfumista #perfumecollection #perfumeoftheday #perfumelovers #fragrance #fraghead #nicheparfum #fragrancelover #perfumer #indieperfume #indieperfumes #slowbeauty #ethicalbrands #beautyrituals #wellnessrituals #incense #meditation #relaxation #simplebeauty #zen #ritual #yoga (at Gradient SLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhN-goh2x1/?igshid=ttek4fl01azx
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medicinekitchen · 7 years ago
The Wellness Ritual with Nora Frank-Cisneros
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Illustration above by Kelly Colchin. 
I’m thrilled to share my second feature for The Wellness Ritual! This series is quickly becoming a favorite new project of mine and centers around inspiring people who embody what it is to lead a healthy and conscious lifestyle. These are people who value taking care of themselves, others, and the world at large. I ask them questions about their personal healing journey and the rituals they use in their lives to stay balanced and fulfilled. 
Nora Frank-Cisneros is a full-spectrum doula, artist, and mother living in Austin, TX. She lives her life with thoughtfulness, a meticulous eye for details, and a deep devotion to women’s services and the power of community. She shares some of her personal wellness wisdom with us this week. Enjoy! 
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Nora at home with daughter io + a bun in the oven!
MK: Do you have a wellness routine? What are 1-2 of your most tried and trusted practices for your overall health? 
NFC: My daily basics: really good water, sunshine, time in nature, local produce + supplements derived from foods, working with my hands, connecting with others, deep breathing, deep sleep, stretching, learning, studio time. <---- If I am down on one of those things for long, I begin to feel off--- and sometimes it takes me awhile to take inventory, but it is almost always that I am lacking one of those elements. When I have all of those elements in place, I feel like I can take on anything.
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Preparations for baby #2, organized with attention to purpose and form. Living in a smaller home, Nora makes a point to keep the essentials on hand and rotate/recycle toys and homewares as needed. 
MK: Was there a moment in your life or reason you became more devoted to self-care and healthy living?
NFC: I think for me, self-care and healthy living are wrapped up in half a lifetime of emotional healing-- the more I started to understand body systems and how connected our emotional/mind/spiritual experience and our somatic/physical/body experience are, the more I started looking to take care of myself holistically--- not just treating symptoms of one area, but addressing root causes and working from there. It is one of those--- open one door and a thousand other doors are behind it. There is a lot to uncover.
One of my first jobs was working at a juice bar in a local mom&pop health food store when i was 16 or 17 in Florida, and I loved to see the super-vibrant older folks and hear their advice on how to stay healthy well past mid-life. I think seeds were planted then--- and motherhood really catapulted me into modeling health and well-being for my daughter. For me---parenthood has really encouraged and motivated me  to become the most balanced version of myself possible because I know she is watching my every move. But also, work as a doula and in the birth, family and women's health world in general reinforces wellness practices and there is this potent culture of self-care there.
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MK: When you are able to indulge, what special treatment or therapy do you use to revitalize yourself?
NFC: Travel---! Camping or exploring. I love to take in the textures and sensory experience of new places-- the way that time slows when everything is new, I just love that "dunked-in-cold-water" feel of resetting after a trip rich with experiences.
Also--- dear friends gave me the gift of a facial with magical woman Evette Richards for my 30th birthday (my first spa/facial experience!) and that sort of re-wrote my ideas about skin care. I wash with raw honey and apply rosehip oil at her recommendation and my skin has never been better. I wish I could visit her studio more often. (highly recommend you book an appointment! http://www.evetterichards.com/)
MK: Do you have any sacred rituals? What fills your spiritual cup?
NFC: For me sacred ritual involves life rhythm-- daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal rhythm--- having anchors--the things that I do regularly at the same times. This keeps me grounded and held, connected to the environment and more present.
My spirituality is directly tied to service and connecting with others-- and my personal life and career now give ample opportunity to check in with that side of my person. I feel deeply grateful for that. And those rhythms keep me coming back around.
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I love to see a genuine medicine kitchen in action. :)
MK: As a mom, what are some of the healthy foods you are proudest your daughter will eat? Do you run into any parenting challenges with food?
NFC: We have been pretty lucky with our girl so far-- she likes a wide variety of healthy foods kids generally don't go for--- sardines, arugula (or any salad if it has "her" dressing--- Bragg's Sesame & Ginger dressing, ha), raw cabbage, plain yogurt, grains, salmon, eggs cooked all ways, Indian food is her favorite! Since she turned 3 (she is 3.5 now) her tastes can change on a dime though or seem arbitrary (disliking the shape of something, preferring something hot/cold), so that can be a challenge--- and some days I wish she would eat more greens/protein, but we try to trust that she will eat what her body needs and make it easy for her to access those things. (Though, confession: I am not above sneaking greens and hemp protein into her smoothie!) We pick our battles, and know that some days she is just going to want (and probably need) a ton of carbs-- so we provide the highest quality of carbs that we can, and try to take averages/look at the big picture. A couple of days of unbalanced eating are not going to rock the boat. She recently asked me "mama, what is junk food?"--- I took that as a win.
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Nora is currently in the process of making a birth swing to use during her second home-birth. This cotton-bamboo fabric will hang from the ceiling much like an aerial dance cloth, and can be used for birthing purposes and even beyond as a comfortable post partum seat in the family room or a rocking sling for baby. 
MK: I’m curious about your doula work because so much healing and processing goes on with women who are becoming mothers and making that huge transformation. Do you find any common fears or stresses your clients are struggling with during that time? How do you help them, if so?
NFC: My work as a doula has a lot of facets-- I am a full-spectrum doula, so while the majority of my clients are expecting babies/becoming parents or have just crossed that threshold----some of my clients are also in the process of grieving a lost baby,  experiencing infertility, of in vitro fertilization, of adoption, of miscarrying, of terminating a pregnancy, of trying to be optimally healthy physically and emotionally. But that said-- there are a few things that ring true in all of these situations---  
The noise of too much information and too many choices or voices can feel intensely overwhelming and stressful/chaotic during these major life events, and I also think that a lot of our society teaches you to silence your intuition and to not trust your own voice when it comes to parenthood/un-parenthood/ physical and emotional health choices. A lot of my job is listening and watching--- really hearing what my clients need and giving a platform/resource/tool for them to get to where they want to be. Quieting the noise and gently pointing out the essentials as they see them for themselves. Sometimes it takes a vessel for them to hear their own voice and reassurance that what they are hearing is true for them. Once the vision is uncovered there they are able to move forward with more trust/confidence and less doubt.
Speaking of doubt--- an enormous  part of this work is also helping to quell the fear of the unknown--- and providing as much knowledge as possible, while still allowing them to see and accept that there are factors that are out of our hands. Reminding them that they will be wholly themselves through the experience (birth or otherwise) that they are anticipating and that all that they are is more than enough. Also though, that if moments come up where they feel that they can't cope, showing them that they have options and a team of protectors to rely on to guide them through the transition. My work involves a lot of universal human vulnerabilities--- and offering tools--tangible and not to make the journey to the other side supported with tenderness and acceptance.
MK: Take a picture of something healthy you ate this week. 
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Nora’s Alaskan smoked salmon, black bean pasta, arugula, cucumber, avocado & fresh dill with homemade nettle pesto. 
All images (except Nora’s meal) by Heather Gallagher Photography. 
Find out more about Nora and her work at Beside-the-Well & @besidethewell. Thank you Nora! xo
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leahcullis-blog · 10 years ago
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Lighting candles and getting centered for my workshop tonight. There's still time for you to join Wellness Rituals: Daily Rituals for Grounding & Energy. It's FREE and is happening TONIGHT. Here is the call-in information to access the call at 8pm EST. Dial-in number: 1-605-475-5950 Access code: 2908980 If you haven't yet, please register here: http://eepurl.com/WqdeL The purpose of this live webinar is to provide simple and easy tools to create natural energy and grounding in your life. Through adding in simple, practical daily rituals you can open and release blocked energy, feel more centered, uplift your daily routine and immediately experience more energy. #wellnessrituals #wellness #crystals #grounding #fire
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alifeleadsimply · 5 years ago
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Although we might be physically distant right now, we’re showing that we’re more of a community than ever. Thank you for all the love you’ve shown us. It means the world   Natural | Simplistic | Zero waste . . . . . #TogetherAtHome #StaySafeStayHome #LockdownSA #Covid_19SA #naturalbathandbody #backtobasics #bathandbody #giftingfromtheheart #naturalgifts #lowwastegifts #greengifts #beautyprescriptions #andbreathe #wellnessrituals (at Pretoria, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAKTMOdgpU4/?igshid=1n7tr5h79grry
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