#Welcome Hope
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agakikama · 10 months ago
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Chcąc jakoś rozpocząć ten Majowy miesiąc, postanowiłam że dam kolejną postać OC z Welcome Hope, jak widzicie, dałam na swój profil swój własny odpowiednik Pani Beagle, Mamy Barnaby'ego. Zauważcie iż moja postać OC jest nieco bardziej szczuplejsza niż jej oryginalny pierwowzór, posiada piaskowo-białe pióra, ozdobionymi kolorowymi plamkami, jeśli się dobrze przyjrzycie, to jedna niebieska plamka jest w kształcie serca, jej pióra na głowie jak i ogonie są w 3 odcieniach czerwieni, posiada tęczowy fartuch z dużą kieszenią na środku, a jej nogi są typowo ptasie, Pani Beagle mierzy jakieś 5 stóp wzrostu, choć jest mniejsza od swojego syna Barnaby'ego to wcale jej nie zraża do innych, Pani Beagle jest niezwykle matczyna, troskliwa i opiekuńcza, choć nie mieszka w The Neigborhood to ma ona stały, listowny kontakt ze swoim synem, czasem też do niego zadzwoni aby dowiedzieć się czy nic złego się nie dzieje i jak się miewają inni sąsiedzi, nie kiedy przyjeżdża do syna w odwiedziny, ma ona dobry kontakt z innymi mieszkańcami The Neigborhood, a już w szczególności z Poppy, Wally'm, Frank'iem i Eddie'm.
Co sądzicie o mojej postaci OC jaką jest Pani Beagle? Chętnie się poznam wasze opinie w komentarzach, serduszka też są mile widziane.
UWAGA: Wszelki Hejt czy Trolling na temat mojej osoby czy też moich prac, będzie zgłaszany i usuwany!
Welcome Hope jest stworzone przez: Agakikama
"Welcome Home jest stworzone przez Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
Wanting to start this May month somehow, I decided to add another OC character from Welcome Hope. As you can see, I added my own counterpart of Miss. Beagle, Barnaby's Mom, to my profile. Notice that my OC character is a bit slimmer than her original prototype, she has sandy-white feathers, decorated with colorful spots, if you look closely, one blue spot is in the shape of a heart, her head and tail feathers are 3 shades of red, has a rainbow apron with a large pocket in the middle and her legs are typically birdlike, Miss. Beagle is about 5 feet tall, although she is smaller than her son Barnaby, it does not alienate her from others, Miss. Beagle is extremely motherly, caring and caring, although she does not live in The Neigborhood, she has constant contact with her son by letter, sometimes she also calls him to find out if nothing is wrong and how other neighbors are doing, not when she comes to visit her son, she has good contact with other residents of The Neigborhood, especially with Poppy, Wally, Frank and Eddie.
What do you think about my OC character Mrs. Beagle? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments, hearts are also welcome.
ATTENTION: Any hate or trolling about me or my works will be reported and deleted!
Welcome Hope is created by: Agakikama
"Welcome Home is created by Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
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malfoyesque · 1 month ago
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mushroom-punk · 1 year ago
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happy episode 11!
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ddejavvu · 2 years ago
Just saw a TikTok complaining about ‘kitten’ as a pet name in fanfiction and while I do agree with/understand their discomfort on that one the comments were FULL of people mentioning all the other common pet names ?? Like honey babe baby sweetheart etc ?? Is your partner just supposed to call you by your name the whole time ????????
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hinamie · 6 days ago
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in my portrait era it wld seem
choso and/or yuki request for anon <3
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orbch · 4 months ago
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ability to touch people and possessions through positive emotions and permission, you say??? interesting. anyways. i wonder who what jonathans dreaming about…
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the-onions-art · 5 months ago
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peachitykeen · 2 years ago
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agakikama · 11 months ago
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Dziś daję kolejną postać OC, związaną z moim universum z Welcome Hope, moja postać OC ma na imię Twitto i jest on krzyżówką Modrosójki Błękitnej i Błękitnego Rajskiego Ptaka, Twitto jest dobrym przyjacielem Rose ze starej trupy aktorskiej, ma on 8 stóp wzrostu i jest niezwykle utalentowanym tancerzem i śpiewakiem, jego schludna, kolorowa fryzura to tak naprawdę dobrze ułożone grube pióra o które bardzo dobrze dba, choć na pozór tego nie widać to Twitto potrafi też latać, jego pierzaste ręce to tak naprawdę niezwykle silne skrzydła, dzięki którym może wznieść się na duże wysokości, Twitto na co dzień jest niezwykle przyjacielski, cichy, pomocny i wesoły z charakteru, ale jest też niezwykle sumienny i spostrzegawczy, można by rzec że Twitto bywa nieco wścibski, ale jest o usprawiedliwione tym iż ma w sobie ogromne poczucie sprawiedliwości i dąży do prawdy, nawet narażając przy tym własne zdrowie i życie, Rose nie jednokrotnie mu mówiła że posiada on silnie rozwiniętą intuicję detektywa i powinien pracować w policji jako tajny agent, ale Twitto wolał nie wychylać się ze swoimi ukrytymi zdolnościami, mówił jej że jako detektyw wolałby pracować sam, niż narażać swoich przyjaciół na jakieś większe niebezpieczeństwo. W starej wytwórni, Twitto razem z przyjaciółmi notorycznie cierpiał przez wygórowane ambicje głównego dyrektora, jak i reżysera oraz scenarzysty, choć ludzie którzy tam pracowali i gardzili żywymi marionetkami, traktując ich przedmiotowo i nie sanując ich, każde z nich nawet Twitto, starali się trzymać razem i bronić siebie na wzajem, Twitto będąc największy z przyjaciół Rose, zawsze wstawał w obronie przyjaciół i znajdywał dowody niewinności, gdy ktoś z nich został posądzony o coś, czego nie zrobili, Twitto zawsze dbał o swoich przyjaciół, nawet po godzinach pracy nad nowymi epizodami do serialu kukiełkowego, tamtej feralnej nocy Twitto odkrył że główny dyrektor wytwórni ma już dość żywych marionetek i chce ich wszystkich wykończyć, kończąc tym samym cały ich serial, ale Twitto czym prędzej ostrzegł przyjaciół i o wszystkim już wiedzieli, ale niestety w tym czasie ktoś podłożył ogień w wytwórni, wszystkim ludzkim aktorom jak i marionetkom, udało się uciec, ale mimo tego co się stało z wytwórnią, dyrektor postanowił pozbyć się żywych marionetek, odseparował ich wszystkich i wsadzili w osobne skrzynie, aby prawda związana z wyłudzeniem pieniędzy z pożaru z wytwórni i rzekomym "uśmierceniem marionetek" nie wyszły na jaw, wszystkie żywe marionetki miały być wysłane w różne części świata i skazane na zapomnienie, Twitto miał zostać wysłany za ocean, aby słuch po nim zaginą. Ale i do naszego niebieskiego ptaka los się uśmiechną, omyłkowo jego skrzynia trafiła w kompletnie inne miejsce niż zamierzano. Twitto przez czysty przypadek trafił do ogrodu zoologicznego jako atrakcja dla małych dzieci, ale dzięki temu iż tamtejsi strażnicy byli raczej nie uważni, Twitto zdołał uciec i wyruszył w świat, chcąc odnaleźć swoich przyjaciół, przypadkiem dowiaduje się o karambolu samochodowym i tajemniczym zniknięciu jednej z zawartości skrzyń. Udając mu się odnaleźć to miejsce, odnajduje od stary, kolorowy i zniszczony szal Comet do wejścia w leśną gęstwinę, idąc tym tropem, przechodzi przez niezwykle długą grotę pod górą i odnajduje od przedziwnie kolorowy las, choć Twitto jest niezwykle zmęczony to mimo wszystko stara się iść dalej, a to że on sam jak i jego stare ubranie jest zniszczone i ubrudzone to on przypadkowo straszy on spacerujących tam Julie, Sally i Frank'a, dopiero gdy dociera on do The Neigborhood i oczyszcza swoją twarz, Rose go rozpoznaje i wszystkich uspokaja że to jej stary przyjaciel. Po nie długim czasie Twitto odnajduje nie tylko swoich starych przyjaciół, ale znajduje też nowych przyjaciół z The Neigborhood i rozpoczyna nowe spokojne życie, a jego ptasie serduszko zaczęło mocniej bić, gdy tylko spojrzy lub pomyśli o pannie Poppy.
Do Fanów Welcome Home: Odkryłam niezwykle ważną rzecz, choć nie wiem czy ktoś jeszcze to odkrył, oficjalnie w Welcome Home miał też wystąpić Duży Niebieski Ptak o imieniu Sunny, ale Clow postanowił definitywnie usunąć tę postać ponieważ rzekomo "nie pasowała" do obecnej fabuły Welcome Home, odkryłam też to że Sunny, mógł być też bohaterem i uratować Wally'ego i jego przyjaciół przed złem które tam czyhało, ale Clow uznał że w Welcome Home nie jest potrzebny bohater i definitywnie usuną Sunny'ego, moim zdaniem to było nie w porządku, bo mógł być jedynym ratunkiem przed zagrożeniem które dotknęło Wally'ego i jego przyjaciół.
Stworzyłam swoją postać OC Twitto, chcąc w ten sposób uczcić pamięć biednego Sunny'ego.
Moja postać OC jest oficjalną, istniejącą postacią w moim uniwersum Welcome Hope i mam nadzieję, że Twitto BlueBird wam się spodoba, bo praca nad nim zajęła mi aż 12 bitych godzin.
Chętnie poznam wasze opinie w komentarzach, gwiazdki są również mile widziane.
UWAGA: Wszelki Hejt czy Trolling na temat mojej osoby czy też moich prac, będzie zgłaszany i usuwany!
Welcome Hope jest stworzone przez: Agakikama
"Welcome Home jest stworzone przez Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
Today I am giving another OC character related to my universe from Welcome Hope, my OC character's name is Twitto and he is a cross between a Blue Jay and a Blue Bird of Paradise, Twitto is a good friend of Rose from the old acting troupe, he is 8 feet tall and extremely a talented dancer and singer, his neat, colorful hairstyle is actually well-arranged thick feathers that he takes care of very well, although it may not be visible at first glance, Twitto can also fly, his feathered hands are actually extremely strong wings, thanks to which he can soar to great heights, Twitto is extremely friendly, quiet, helpful and cheerful in nature, but he is also extremely conscientious and observant, one could say that Twitto can be a bit nosy, but this is justified by the fact that he has a great sense of justice and strives for the truth, even risking his own health and life, Rose told him more than once that he had a highly developed detective's intuition and should work in the police as a secret agent, but Twitto preferred not to reveal his hidden abilities, he told her that as a detective he would rather work alone than expose his friends to any greater danger. In the old studio, Twitto and his friends constantly suffered from the excessive ambitions of the main director, as well as the director and screenwriter, although the people who worked there and despised the living puppets, treating them as objects and not respecting them, each of them even Twitto, tried to stick together and defend each other, Twitto, being Rose's greatest friend, always stood up for his friends and found evidence of innocence when one of them was accused of something they didn't do, Twitto always cared about his friends, even after hours of working on new episodes for the puppet series, that fateful night Twitto discovered that the main director of the studio was fed up with living puppets and wanted to finish them all, thus ending their entire series, but Twitto warned his friends as quickly as possible and they already knew about everything, but unfortunately at that time someone set a fire in the studio, all human actors and puppets managed to escape, but despite what happened to the studio, the director decided to get rid of the living puppets, separated them all and put them in separate boxes so that the truth related to extorting money from the fire from the studio and the alleged "killing of the puppets" did not come to light, all living puppets were to be sent to different parts of the world and doomed to oblivion, Twitto was to be sent overseas, never to be heard from again. But fate also smiled on our blue bird - by mistake, its box ended up in a completely different place than intended. By pure accident, Twitto ended up in a zoo as an attraction for small children, but thanks to the fact that the guards there were rather inattentive, Twitto managed to escape and set out into the world, wanting to find his friends, accidentally learning about a car accident and the mysterious disappearance of one of the contents. chests. When he manages to find this place, he finds an old, colorful and worn-out Comet scarf to the entrance to the forest thicket, following this trail, he goes through an extremely long cave under the mountain and finds a strangely colorful forest, although Twitto is extremely tired, he still tries to move on, and since he and his old clothes are worn out and dirty, he accidentally scares Julie, Sally and Frank who are walking there, only when he reaches The Neigborhood and cleans his face, Rose recognizes him and calms everyone down that he was her old friend. After a short time, Twitto not only finds his old friends, but also finds new friends from The Neigborhood and starts a new peaceful life, and his bird's heart starts beating faster whenever he looks or thinks about Miss Poppy.
To Welcome Home Fans: I discovered an extremely important thing, although I don't know if anyone else has discovered it, officially a Big Blue Bird named Sunny was supposed to appear in Welcome Home, but Clow decided to definitely remove this character because it supposedly "didn't fit" into the current Welcome Home plot Home, I also discovered that Sunny could also be a hero and save Wally and his friends from the evil that was lurking there, but Clow decided that a hero was not needed in Welcome Home and they would definitely remove Sunny, in my opinion it was not in okay, because he could be the only salvation from the threat that befell Wally and his friends.
I created my OC Twitto character to honor poor Sunny's memory.
My OC character is an official, existing character in my Welcome Hope universe and I hope you like Twitto BlueBird, because it took me 12 solid hours to work on it.
I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments, stars are also welcome.
ATTENTION: Any hate or trolling about me or my works will be reported and deleted!
Welcome Hope is created by: Agakikama
"Welcome Home is created by Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
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sketchy-tour · 1 year ago
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I have been working on this piece for AGES aajsdfjkndf AUGH
I just! I just want Wally frog catching with his bestie to exist into the world dang it!!!! The idea of him slowly catching frogs and running straight to Barnaby to show him is one of my favorite things to think about. Now I can beam such an idea into yalls mind with the power of art I spent too much time on
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sea-buns · 7 months ago
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i feel insane
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demon-mochi · 8 months ago
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It’s summer time!
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
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#xmen#xmen comics#magneto#is this the part where i have to tag everyone because everyone actually is like. semi significant in these. sure JVAELKVJEALK#cyclops#jean gray#beast#iceman#angel#warren worthington iii#hank mccoy#bobby drake#toad#mortimer toynbee#snap sketches#welcome back to Finally Drawing Months-Old Ideas VJELVKJAEKL#I Repeat love how you can tell what comics ive been reading based on what i draw like No Shit but still... lol ...#this comic is so niche but so is most of my stuff jVELAKJA I MADE THIS FOR MEEEE#it has my kids it has toad it has magneto being Unnecessary. this is for ME. also charlie lookin darlin but thats normal anyway#also hi remember how i was complaining about colors from my tablet some days ago.#i didnt realize the 'protective eye' setting was on. which yk makes the screen tinted yellow#LIKE I SAID OUT LOUD TO MY BROTHER 'lol my screen's yellowish' AND IT DIDNT CLICK#i only realized it was on when i went to turn it on at night one night and i was like. Oh 🧍‍♂️#anyways. sillies. all the kids....#see i thought i was gonna post this WAY earlier but as i was finishing the first version i. well i changed the last panel like three times#but even then i was like 'ok but i wanna draw the boys bein silly..' and indecisive as i was with which version i wanted#i . drew both. and have just made this a goofy two parter or whatever#ANYWAYS !!!! its great bein able to do personal stuff again ... i still have work this to do but its significantly less#so i feel more at ease to do small stuff like this#i do hope to tackle a bigger idea this month tho. while i was drawin this out all i could think of was That idea
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thetisming · 9 months ago
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
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moonsun2010 · 4 months ago
If there's one thing I've seen over and over again in the Dracula Daily + Re: Dracula fandom, it's the desire for an animated adaptation. Not of media-inspired-by, but of Dracula itself. And so, I've made:
...something that is decidedly not animated.
I'm hoping to get Dracula Reanimated (tentative name) in exactly 1 year from now, by the end of DracDaily's 2025 run, perhaps even the beginning of it if I'm really good. But in all honesty, it could take till 2026 given the teeny complication that 1) I've no animation skills whatsoever 2) fulltime job.
So, I hope you'll stay around for the next 2 years at least to see this completed.
In the meanwhile, if you'd like to support a project by actual professionals, try @theholmwoodfoundation . It's a found footage horror fiction podcast by @georgiacooked and @fiotrethewey set in a time long after the events of Dracula, and yet the characters find themselves haunted (literally) by vestiges of the past.
Goodnight, stay safe, and rest well.
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