#this was an old sketch I decided to finish hope you all enjoy
demon-mochi · 2 months
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It’s summer time!
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minamorsart · 8 months
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A belated 🌟You Are My Cosmos🌟 piece!!! This is from an old sketch I made last year and finally decided to finish up this year, and it was very relaxing to work on!! 🥰
Tiny YAMC announcement under the cut:
In regards to the comic, while I still care about the story and have had the ending planned out for a long time now, unfortunately I am not sure if or when I will be continuing the series. There have been so many other projects and ideas that I've grown more passionate about this last year, and I want to be able to pursue the things that I know I can put my all into and be proud of when I look back on them.
That being said, I do sincerely appreciate all of the continuous support and encouragement of my artwork, whether it be Star Wars or Voltron or anything else. I hope to continue to provide artwork that not only you will enjoy, but that I can enjoy as well, and I look forward to keep on drawing and improving this year! Thank you so much for sticking around and for your kindness, from the bottom of my heart!!! 😖🙏💖💖💖
Pose reference here!
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pursuedbyamemoryy · 1 year
Hello! How about something like Javier catching Reader (GN) sketching him? Reader has an interest in him but hasn’t really been the most obvious about it, showing it in more subtle ways
☆ i apologize for taking so long to answer your request, but thank you for being patient! i'm not sure how i feel about this piece, i went back and forth with it for a while. either way thank you for requesting, and i hope you enjoy reading <3 !!
w/c : 1.5k
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it was a warm, sunny day in clemens point. you sat under a tree with your journal, quietly admiring and sketching javier from across camp. your journal was full of drawings of javier at this point, you’ve had a crush on him for a while but were never sure how to express how you felt outwardly. you’d sit with him by the campfire more often, compliment his singing more than usual, and even let your gaze linger on him for just a few seconds longer, but other than that you hadn’t done much to show your feelings for him.
he was currently sitting at one of the campfires, softly playing his guitar. his hair was fluttering in the gentle breeze, pulled back in his usual ponytail. his fingers gently plucked at the strings, a small smile on his face as he played a familiar song. you kept glancing up at him, trying to capture as many details as possible in your drawing of him. you had gotten so immersed in sketching him that you didn’t notice that he was looking right at you, his smile growing wider when your eyes met his. he glanced between you and your journal, raising an eyebrow, as if he was questioning what you were so focused on.
you felt your face grow warm, quickly averting your gaze. suddenly the blades of grass by your feet were very interesting. you were trying to avoid his gaze, slightly embarrassed. after a minute you glanced back at him as he shook his head and smiled, returning to his guitar and playing another familiar tune.
once your embarrassment faded, you returned to your work, adding some smaller details and shading. after a while you held your journal farther away, looking at your sketch from a different angle, and deciding you were happy with it.
you closed your journal and got up from your shady spot under the tree, making your way to your tent, tucking your journal into your trunk that sat beside your bedroll. you had already finished all your chores for the day, and decided to wander idly around camp, saying quick hellos to other camp members. you made your way over to the shore at the edge of camp, and sat down on the soft dirt. the sun was starting to sink below the trees, the sky changing from bright blue to a mix of pinks and oranges.
as always your mind drifted to javier. you could never get your mind off of him. he was so pretty, and not to mention cleaner and more well behaved than practically all the other men in camp. you loved the way he dressed, the way he tied his hair back. his hair looked so soft, you longed to run your fingers through it and play with it, maybe even braid it or put it up in silly styles. you loved the way his hands strummed his guitar and played the chords effortlessly. the way he fiddled with his knife, spinning it around when he was thinking or bored. you loved his slim waist and the way his hips moved when he walked.
you stayed there for a while, until the sun had fully set and the stars were starting to shine overhead. dragging yourself out of your thoughts you made your way over to one of the campfires, where a bunch of camp members were settled. they were listening to javier playing his guitar as usual, some even singing along, stumbling over the lyrics.
a couple days later you found yourself in a similar spot, underneath a tree in the shade, sketching javier. you didn’t know where he was as you hadn’t seen him in camp that morning, and you just assumed he was out on a job somewhere. you were working on an old sketch that you hadn’t quite finished, adding details and shading.
you heard the steady drum of hoofbeats coming up the trail and into camp, not bothering to check who it was, as you were focused on finishing this drawing. you wanted to give it to javier, and you wanted it to look good. you weren’t great with words, but you figured he’d understand how you felt once you showed him a drawing you did of him. every line was like a love confession, the way you were able to capture the small details that made him, him is not something someone who didn’t care about him would be able to do. you noticed every wrinkle, scar, blemish, and you loved them all, and drew them in a way that expressed that perfectly.
“you always have your nose in that journal of yours, don’t you, cariño?” you froze when you heard his voice, slowly turning to see javier slowing boaz to a stop next to you. he leaned down slightly, trying to get a better look at your journal. “i didn’t know you draw, looks good.” you saw his cheeks flush slightly as he realizes that you weren’t just drawing anything or anyone, you were drawing him.
“yeah, i’ve been drawing for a while. and thank you.” you say nervously, looking between him and your journal. did he like it? did he think you were weird or creepy for drawing him or was he flattered?
“what made you draw me, out of everyone in camp?” javier dismounted and sat next to you on the grass, your shoulders touching slightly and his thigh resting beside yours. he gently grabbed the corner of your journal, slightly turning it towards him in order to get a better look. he was so close, and he looked as good as ever. you felt even more nervous, your cheeks flushing an even brighter shade of pink.
“you’re just nice to look at, i guess.” you say quietly. you turned to look at him, and saw him smiling. he was looking so intensely at the drawing, as if he was soaking up every line you drew, committing it to memory.
“you draw really well, it really does look like me.” he paused. “is this why i always catch you staring at me?” he said turning to look at you, his smile turning into a teasing one.
you shrug, “i did say you were nice to look at, didn’t i?” you start to smile back, your anxiety fading away and your confidence growing. “i’ve drawn you other times too” you flip through your journal, showing him various other drawings and sketches of him.
he stared in awe at each and every one, not saying a word and just admiring your artwork. “these are great, you’re quite talented, cariño, why didn’t you show me these sooner?” he turned to look at you again, his cheeks slightly flushed.
“i guess i was just nervous. these drawings say a lot about how i feel about you, don’t you think?” you gently ran your thumb over one of your sketches, glancing up at him.
“they do, and that’s why i wish you showed me them sooner. maybe i wouldn't have been as scared to confess if i knew you felt the same.” he shook his head and chuckled. “i like you too.” he said softly, looking between your eyes and your lips.
you smiled, unable to hold back your excitement. “really?” he feels the same. he likes my drawings, and even more than that, he likes me.
“of course, mi amor, i wouldn’t lie to you.” he brought his hand up to cup your cheek gently, and you leaned into his touch. “can i kiss you?” he asked, his voice gentle.
you nodded and leaned in, his soft lips meeting your slightly chapped ones. it was a sweet kiss, soft and chaste, his lips moving delicately against yours.
after a moment you pulled away, resting your forehead against his and looking into his soft brown eyes. “i’ve been wanting to do that for a while” he said, smiling softly, his hand still resting on your cheek.
“me too javier, you have no idea.” you laughed, smiling warmly at him.
javier woke up the next morning, his eyelids fluttering as the rising sun hit his face. he groaned, rolling over in his bedroll, his hand hitting a piece of paper. he sat up slightly, rubbing his eyes. once his vision adjusted to the morning light he looked down at the piece of paper that had been gently placed by his pillow, a small flower placed right on top of it. it was a drawing of him, more specifically the one he caught you drawing yesterday. he smiled to himself and brought the flower up to his nose to smell it, humming happily. he looked around camp, his eyes catching yours as you took a sip of what he assumed was coffee. he gave you a warm smile, which you returned. he took the drawing and folded it gently, kissing it and placing it carefully in his trunk that laid beside his bedroll. he would continue to save every drawing you gave him, cherishing each and every one.
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thevikingwoman · 7 months
Saw a post on Finish your WIPs February and I was not going to do any of that, except Solas and Iwyn insisted. It was fun writing them again.
Originally started in 2021, for a kinky bingo prompt of "infidelity", here's Solas and Iwyn enjoying some art, and each other - acting on their attraction to each other after Iwyn's husband leaves.
Fandom: Dragon Age | Words: 4114 | Read on Ao3
Iwyn Lavellan x Solas | Modern AU | smut Rating: Explicit. Infidelity, smut, fluff, angst, Iwyn is lonely, her husband is a bit boring, Solas is lonely too, nothing new here though, oral, piv sex, safe sex, casual relationship
Casual Fun
There is a surprising amount of rich, beautiful people at the museum. Solas knows many donors are more interested in getting their name in the brochures – or even better, in brass on the entrance pillar –but they still attend events to mingle and make sure everyone else knows they are there.
It’s still more crowded than he anticipated. The foyer is busy, a string quartet plays, and the trays of canapes and sparkling wine are quickly refilled.
The patrons of the arts, all dressed up. It doesn’t matter why people are here – the museum is free Wednesdays and Sundays, and hands out scholarships to young artists and that matters. Solas doesn’t much care about making connections or socializing, but he does care that there is money for the arts, and this is why he donates himself, of course.
It’s the opening of the A. Brenhan exhibition – a renown Orzammar artist who rarely allows his works to be shown on the surface. Solas had hoped to see the collection relatively undisturbed, and initially the throng of people had dashed his hopes. When he makes his way to the special exhibit on the second floor, he realizes he was wrong. Very few people wander the exhibit. It seems everyone is more interested in the spectacle that is themselves.
He spends some time on the charcoal sketches. It’s mostly architecture. Forgotten Thaigs and empty corridors and old houses. The story behind them is more interesting than the sketches themselves.
Most people actively browsing the gallery are in pairs or small groups. Like himself, they might have a more serious interest in the art, or simply worry about missing out. While he appreciates the peace and quiet here, he does wish he had someone to discuss the art with.
Solas moves to the next part of the exhibit, what Brenhan is most known for. Oil paintings on large canvasses, larger than Solas is tall. The kind of work you hang in museums, or maybe in mansions of some of the very rich. No matter, the artist’s fame is well deserved. Most of the paintings feature Dwarven architecture, ancient and modern both, but above them an impossible sky. Brenhan is a traditionalist, and has never left Orzammar, and doesn’t truly know what the sky looks like. The effect is eerie and unsettling, and meant to be so.
“I can’t decide if I love it, hate it, or just find it odd.”
Solas is startled by the woman next to him. He’d not noticed her, or assumed she was part of the group that moved on.
“It’s captivating nonetheless,” he offers.
“I agree. It’s one of the more interesting exhibits recently.”
He turns to her, and she is captivating too. Her dress is a shimmery white, contrasting with her tan skin and red hair piled on top of her head. Diamonds drip from her pointed ears and her green eyes sparkle. As she moves, his eyes are drawn to the high slit in her dress and her tall heels.
He quickly looks back at her face, and she smirks at him.
“Do you often attend the openings?” he asks, and realizes this is almost as cliche as do you come here often? He wanted someone to talk to, and now he wants to sink into the floor.
“Most of them, if I can.” She smiles and holds out her hand. “I’m Iwyn.”
He takes it, and she gives a firm handshake.
“So, Solas, are you familiar with Brenhan’s work?”
“Some. I have not seen such an extensive collection before. From what I understand it is the most comprehensive exhibition of his works. Outside Orzammar, of course.”
“Yes, I’ve heard so too. I did see some of his work in the Museum of Modern Art in Denerim, but it was only a few. I do find his work intriguing, and a lot more impressive in person.”
“It’s the scale of it. It doesn’t translate well to a catalogue.”
Iwyn agrees and they talk more about the paintings, moving from one room to the next in the exhibit. He learns that her interest in art is recent, and he has plenty of knowledge he can share with her. Her own insights are unique and interesting still, seeing the soul and emotion of the pictures without the baggage of art study. The conversation is invigorating and easy.
Sometime later, an elven man joins them. He’s a little shorter than Solas, with a square jaw and long dark hair gathered in a bun at his neck. He leans over and kisses Iwyn on the cheek.
“Hello, dear.”
“Solas, this is my husband Halier. Halier, Solas is an art enthusiast and he’s been sharing interesting thoughts on the exhibit.”
Solas heart drops in chest and he instinctively puts space between him and Iwyn. He’s enjoyed their conversation immensely, and working to steer the conversation away from the art and towards leaving for drinks. Like a fool, he’d ignored the large diamond ring on her finger. It went with her earrings and bracelet.
Halier grunts and thrusts out his hand, and Solas can do nothing else but take it.
“Solas. I’m sure I’ve seen you before – where do you work?”
“I’m a partner at Evanuris Wealth Management.”
“Of course. I must have seen your picture in your office. I’m a partner with Lavellan, Lavellan & Sabrae Law Firm.”
“Very nice.”
Solas isn’t here to discuss business. Most days, he doesn’t hate his job, or the family business, and he’s glad it allows him to support the arts like this, but he also doesn’t want it to consume his life. He isn’t here to discuss business.
“Are you done here?” Halier directs his question at Iwyn, but does not wait for her response. “I’d like to get out of here, I have that early flight tomorrow.”
“I wouldn’t mind staying a bit longer. Take the car, I’ll grab a cab.” Iwyn fishes a valet ticket out of her clutch, and lightly kisses Halier’s cheek. “Don’t wait up.”
“I won’t. I have to be at the airport at 6am. Goodnight, dear.” He takes the ticket, and nods at Solas. “Solas, nice to meet you. We can discuss business at some other time, perhaps. Thank you for entertaining my wife.”
“A pleasure.”
Solas watches as Halier leaves, but his attention is soon back on Iwyn.
"My husband finds these things terribly boring,” she says. “We're donors, and he likes his name on something cultured along with the tax deduction, but that's it."
"And you don’t find these things boring?"
“I like the events, and the art. Especially with interesting company.”
He doesn’t know how to interpret that, with her sly smile and sparkling eyes and husband retreating down the stairs.
“The art is certainly better with good company.”
He closes a little of the space between them, and he wants her to forget her husband existed. Fuck.
“I’d love to look at the final part of the exhibit. Do you want to join me, Solas?”
She brushes past him, her fingers skimming his arm as she gestures towards the last room they have not explored. He’s no idea if it’s deliberate, but the heat of her sears him through his jacket.
They spend another thirty minutes, at least, taking in the final room. The art is interesting, but more and more he finds himself staring at Iwyn. She catches him, at one point, causing him to quickly avert his eyes and stumble over his words.
Iwyn puts a hand on his arm.
“How about getting some drinks? It seems you’ve lost interest in the art.”
“I’m looking at a different type of art, even more interesting and beautiful.”
It slips out before he can stop himself, but she just gives him a crooked smile.
“Let’s get out of there, Solas.”
Iwyn takes Solas to a nearby bar. There’s a risk someone would know her and her husband, of course, but she’s willing to take it. Halier already knows she was talking with him, and they’re just here to talk a little more. Maybe, she admits, she wants to more than talk. She likes his eyes on her, the intensity in them when he looks at her. She likes his voice, and the way he called her beautiful just earlier. Brazen and rebellious.
The bar is nice enough, a regular upscale bar matching the surrounding office buildings, galleries, art museum, restaurants, and symphony hall. She thinks it was featured recently in the nightlife section of the local newspaper, but she isn’t sure. Iwyn orders the featured drink, The Divine’s Night Off, with crystal grace infused gin, brown sugar syrup and Navarran orange liqueur. Solas orders a fruity pink grapefruit vodka concoction.
They make careful small talk, at first. About art, and the museum and the ballet (Solas is a fan, Iwyn isn’t) and other arts that the city offers. They carefully avoid talking about work or what Solas does for a living. It’s clear that his company and her husband’s do some business, and she doesn’t want to think about that.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you at the donor evenings before. We – I try to go to most of them.”
“I have been a donor for a while now, but the last two years I’ve been in Kirkwall. For work.”
Solas makes a face, and she grins. No one really likes Kirkwall, not even the people from there.
“Happy to be back in Wycome?”
“Most certainly. Kirkland is boring at best, and polluted and prejudiced at its worst. It is a relief to be back. Though I must say that I did not expect the event to be that enticing.”
His voice sends shivers down her spine.
“I’m very glad you’re here, Solas. It made my evening a lot more exciting so far.”
“So far?”
“It could become more exciting.”
“How so?”
“I’m sure you can figure it out.”
She’s bored and lonely most of the time, if she’s honest, and Solas offers something new and different. She wants his hands all over her. She wants to fuck him. There are many reasons she’s still married to Halier, but mediocre sex isn’t one of them. She never thought of meeting someone like this, flirting like this. The thrill of it is lightning in her veins, and the fact that Solas knows about her husband intensifies it.
Solas takes a sip of his drink, and traces the edge of his glass. His fingers are long and elegant.
“I would very much like to. Figure it out, I mean.”
She’s made up her mind, and she doesn’t want to wait anymore. Iwyn is out of her comfort zone, but there is something about Solas that draws her to him. She needs to know if he feels the same, and she’s no reason to hide her intentions.
“Sweet talker.”
“Iwyn, I…” He pauses, and looks serious. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”
“Solas,” she says, as she reaches across the table and places her hand on top of his. “I know a hotel, nearby.”
“Yes,” he replies, to the question she didn’t ask.
They pay for their drinks and slip out into the cool night. It has rained while they were at the bar, the wet sidewalk reflecting the lights from the street. Boldly, Iwyn pulls Solas close and kisses him, soft and quick. He freezes, and she’s about to apologize when he pulls her close again and kisses her back. This time there is nothing soft or gentle about it.
“We should probably find that hotel,” she mumbles when they pull apart. As much as she wants to keep him close, she also wants him naked. Solas seems to agree, nodding and taking her hand. It’s only two blocks to the hotel, and they manage without too many stops for kisses. The entrance is well lit, gold handles in the glass doors.  
She hesitates in the lobby, but only briefly. She is certain. Solas hand is at the small of her back, as if it belongs there. As if they’d checked into a hotel together a million times before.
“Can I help you?”
The human behind the counter looks very bored. It’s quite late, and the lobby is empty.
“We need a room for a night. We don’t have a reservation.”
Solas is close and she draws on the confidence in his presence. He wants to be here. She wants to be here. What they’re doing is no one else’s business.
“Sure.” The girl taps on her computer. “Nightly rate 399. Credit card and Id, please?”
“Let me,” Solas says smoothly, and she supposes he right. It’s not that she can’t pay, but it’s better it’s not her name. Some part of her doesn’t care, craves the danger of it. But she’s not quite ready to self-destruct her life.
Solas hands over his cards, and the girl dutifully enters his information into her system. She hands them two keycards. She looks too tired and underpaid to ask about their lack of luggage.
“Room 906, elevators are down and on your right. Checkout is at 11am tomorrow.”
Solas thanks her, hands Iwyn one card, and starts down the hallway. Iwyn grabs his hand.
“One moment.”
She heads to the hotel convenience store, determined and casual all at once. She looks at the little stand of toiletries – deodorants, cotton buds, razors.
“Do you have any condoms?”
The dwarf behind counter grunts, and pulls out a silver cardboard box from a cabinet behind the counter.
She hands him her credit card, and puts the box in the purse when the transaction is complete. The dwarf grunts again, and fiddles with his phone.
Iwyn hurries after Solas, and puts her hand in his when she catches up.
They slip inside the room, and the door closes with a soft thud behind them. Iwyn pushes him against the wall, and catches his lips in an eager kiss. He slips his hand through the tall slit in her dress, caressing her skin, like he’d been wanting to all night. He kisses her neck, she gasps.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says. He pulls back and really looks at her. A thought occurs to him. “Does your husband know you’re here?”
He isn’t really certain why a beautiful woman wants with him, and her husband is certainly handsome enough. If he’s part of someone’s kink he’d like to know.
“No. Does that bother you?”
He shakes his head.
Iwyn walks to the bed, and drops her dress on the floor. It pools around her feet, leaving her nude except her lace panties and tall heels. She twists off her diamond ring and drops it on the bedside table.
“He won’t know anything,” she states.
She is breathtaking. He tentatively touches her arm, her shoulder. Runs his fingers across her collar bone, and down her chest. She gasps when he cups her breast briefly, before skimming over her ribs, resting his hand on her hip. He follows with kisses, all the way down the body until he kneels before her. He frees her legs from the dress, folds it, and toss it on a chair.
“If he did know – your husband – would you be in danger?”
She laughs at this, and cuts herself off. She looks at him earnestly.
“Thank you, Solas, for asking. I wouldn’t be. He would be severely disappointed, I suppose. Just like he severely disappoints me.”
He kisses her knee.
“I will endeavor not to, in that case.”
“Very good.”
The way her voice drops when she praises him sends a bolt of arousal straight to his dick. So does the fact that she’s here, with him, while her husband has gone home alone.
He runs his hands up her legs, and kisses her lace covered sex. She gasps, a low involuntary sound, completely lovely.
“Sit down, please?”
She does, sitting herself on the bed behind her. Before he can lean in closer, she lifts one foot, pressing her heel against his chest.
“You’re overdressed, Solas.”
“Of course.”
He takes off his jacket, and unbuttons his shirt. Iwyn crosses her legs, and follows every move with hooded eyes. He hopes he measures up. With his chest bared he leans over her and kisses her, deep and hungry.
“Everything, Solas,” she says.
He complies, taking off his shoes and dresspants and socks and boxers. There’s no elegant way to go about it, but Iwyn is just sitting on the bed, leaning back on her elbows with a small smile on her face. She smiles wider when he’s finally naked, and he’d happily suffer a little awkwardness to put such a smile on face.
Iwyn uncrosses her legs.
“Now where were you?”
Solas slides down in front of her. “Right here, I believe.” He slides his hands up her calves, past her knees. She yields to his gentle pressure, and lets her legs fall open. He kisses the inside of her thigh, and again, his lips caressing her silken skin all the way up to her lace clad mound. He kisses the lace, and she moans deliciously when he breathes hot air against her. He draws his head back to look at her, glorious above him, and caresses her with his fingers. He slips two inside her panties, touching her slick heat. Iwyn bucks against him, his other hand firmly holding her left leg.
“More,” she growls, and he draws her panties aside, leaving her clit exposed, pink and swollen. He teases it, and rubs against the sides of it, and then he presses down on it.
“Like this? Softer? Harder?”
“Harder, softer. Alternate.”
He smiles, and does as she asks, causing her to gasp and writhe. She is alluring, her half-covered sex arousing, her wet cunt inviting. He wants to taste her, to make her scream. He keeps working his fingers, and kisses the inside of her thigh. When he reaches the top, he licks up her cunt, reveling in her taste. She moans, a deep throaty sound and he groans too. He looks up at her, her shiny red lips parted, her cheeks flushed with desire.
“More?” he asks.
“Yes, please. Now.”
“I think I’ll get rid of these first.”. He smirks at her, moving his hands across her panties. They’re pretty, but in the way. He pulls the fabric a little up, making the lace rub against her clit, and then down. She lifts her hips easily, allowing him to slide them all the way down her legs. He carefully pulls the panties over the heels of her shoes, leaving them on her feet.
He doesn’t tease this time, no matter how inviting the soft skin of thighs is, but sits right up between her legs and spreads his palms over her hips. Her legs part wide for him, and he lowers his mouth to taste her again. He licks and sucks her sensitive folds and her swollen clit.  He’s rewarded with a low moan, her head thrown back. He adds his hand, his fingers teasing her opening. Iwyn takes the opportunity to throw her leg over his shoulder. She’s wet and soft, clenching around his fingers, her juices coating his chin. Her heel digs into his back, pressing him closer to her, a beautiful counterpoint to her sweet taste.
She is all his, right here, even if it isn’t so outside this room. Not that she belongs to anyone but herself, not truly.
Solas keeps working his fingers, his tongue until she shudders around him, moaning and trashing against him. He lets her come down carefully, gently easing her out of her climax. Her leg slips to the floor and she relaxes into the bed.
“That was – very good.”
“You did good,” she says again, firmer this time. His already hard cock jumps at it. He wants her and he wants her approval more. He wants to be good enough for her. He’s here with her, and her husband isn’t. He’s the one who slides his hands all the way down her legs, and gently takes off her shoes, kissing her ankles. He’s the one who crawls into bed after her when she swings legs up to stretch out on it.
He’s the one who asks her, “what can I do next?”
“Touch me,” she says. “Like you care.”
Solas is suddenly furiously angry, overcome with a need to punch Iwyn’s husband in the face the next time he meets him. He won’t, of course, and refocuses his attention on Iwyn. He just met her tonight, but he does care. He wants to touch her, to please her, right here in this downtown hotel. He also wants to talk art with her again, to get to know her better. He shoves that thought to the back of his brain. Being the one the satisfy her will have to be enough.
“I do care, Iwyn.”
She looks stunned at his earnestness, perhaps like she regrets her vulnerability. He patiently lets his fingers wander up her torso, feather-light. Iwyn recovers and smirks.
“Get on with it, then.”
He does, his hands wandering across her chest, teasing her nipples as he dips his head to kiss her. He learns what makes her moan, what makes her arch her back. Her hands are not idle either, sliding up his body, digging into his shoulders. He groans when she traces one finger up his cock, and wraps her whole hand around it. She pumps it slowly and all thoughts flee his mind, his hands randomly touching her, needing to feel her skin beneath his hands in any way he can. Iwyn sits half up, and kisses him.
“Lay back, Solas,” she says, extracting herself from under him.
He does, laying back and lets her continue to do as she pleases. Her hand is back on his cock as she grins, her other hand holding him firmly down when his hips jerk. He’s so hard it aches, and he almost can’t hold it together when moves faster, twisting her hand a little.
“I’m going to fuck you.”
“Please, please, Iwyn.” He’s ready to beg for anything, has been since he first laid his eyes on her.
She lets go of him, and finds the packet of condoms, opening one. Her nails are expertly manicured, a deep green color. The diamond bracelet glints against her wrist. She rolls the condom over his cock.
Seated above him, she drags her nails across his chest, her cunt hovering out of reach. He wants. He needs, he needs her now.
“Please,” he says again. “I need – “
She lowers herself on him, heat surrounding him, perfect and far too slow. When he moves, thrusting his hips up impatiently, she puts a hand on his chest.
“Stay still.”
Her eyes are burning, and it’s not a question. A demand. A test. He complies and grows impossible harder. Iwyn moves with agonizing slowness. His hands find their way to her waist, supporting, but not changing her pace, letting her stay in control. They’re both panting, eyes caught in each other.
Finally, Iwyn moves faster, leaning more on her weight on his chest as she collapses a little forward. He grips her hips tighter, and she nods. Now he moves with her, into her. It’s tight and hot and wonderful, and he moans her name as he throws his head back. Iwyn brings her own hand between her legs, and they both move faster, erratically. She trembles above him, glorious and beautiful, and his own orgasm takes him by surprise, intensity coursing through him.
Iwyn collapses fully on his chest, and he wraps his arms around her. She sighs and kiss his neck, as she slides off him, then tucks herself into him. Solas deals with the condom, and lets himself enjoy her warmth next to him.
"I don't normally do this," she says.
"Neither do I."
"Fucking a married woman, or engaging in one-night stands in general?"
Both. Either. He just nods, and kisses her brow. She idly caresses his shoulder. It feels far too comfortable.
“I’m glad I did,” she says.
“As I am I.” 
They lay intwined, and he holds her. A minute. An hour. A moment. Long enough to pretend this belongs to him.
She slips away well before dawn. Home, he supposes, to her husband, or an empty bed he has left. Back to her real life.
She kisses his cheek.
"Thanks, Solas. I had a good time."
He squeezes her hand.
"Me too," he says, and he smiles, as wide and genuine as he can.
Casual fun, another man's wife.
The door clicks shut after her.
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Pairing: Lif x reader
Prompt: The summoner gets a new outfit, based on Hel.
Description: You were a little apprehensive to try on the clothing made in the style of Hel... You didn't realize it would make Lif even more anxious than you.
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 1299
Notes: Whoo its a fanfiction!!! Not only that its a series!!! Anyways is anyone surprised to find I'm writing Lif to get out a little block in writing. I'm certainly not. This is not looked over at all, and yes I did do a whole ass sketch to decide how I wanted Hel summoner to look. You'll probably see a picture for that soon :eyes:
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“Wow this is really different…” You couldn’t help the way your voice softened as you traced delicate fingers over the clothing prepared for you. It sat innocently in your room, delivered by the tailor earlier and waiting for you to come and find it. You had asked them to make you some clothing similar tho the heroes from Hel (as well as those resplendent heroes from there; you did always tend to stare when another hero came though with the macabre designs).
Staring down the clothing now, you can’t help but feel a little intimidated by it. With its shining black armor, intricate designs and carefully chosen accessories you felt for a moment that perhaps something this nice (for lack of a better word) was too good for you. But, you had to remember this clothing was quite literally made for you. Each stitch considered carefully, every color chosen with care…
So its with a deep breath that you begin to dress in the outfit before you. Carefully slipping on your under clothing, you can’t help but admire the delicate headpiece and interesting armor. It was interesting to see what on your old outfit inspired the creation of this one, and the liberties taken by the tailor to create something that could absolutely be seen from the soldiers of Hel.
Once on and seeing yourself in the mirror you couldn’t help but feel a little heat over your cheeks. On the wall this outfit didn’t seem so revealing, but this skirt, with its cut edges seemed to ride up higher than yours, with the cut that usually filled you with confidence running much higher than before-- your saving grace being the bright blue thigh highs that showed just a bit of real skin. The shirt, meant to resemble the skin of the dead brought back, had careful patterns cut from it to show off your actual skin. At least, the armor resting on your chest and hips made you feel a little protected, not something the flimsy cape you wore could do.
Looking at your cloak, sitting lonesome on the bed, you almost felt like it would be better to replace your previous outfit instead. But glancing at your mirror once again, you steeled yourself; you couldn’t let your own awkwardness put this outfit down. So, with confidence renewed, you move to head out your door, trying to decide what heroes you should surprise with your outfit first.
You thought of the Robin’s, how they would probably be delighted to see how you matched them now. Or maybe Alfonse and Sharena, the latter who would be so excited to see you branching out a little with your clothing. There was any number of heroes who would be pleased to see you like this, you were sure. You really just had to pick a direction and walk!
...That was, of course, after you finished your patrol. It was that time. In all your giddiness to try on your new outfit, you had nearly forgotten!
“Ohh I know I asked someone to accompany me today…” You muttered, heading out towards the perimeter of the castle to begin. You couldn’t quite remember who it was, though. Unbothered, and expecting to enjoy their presence anyways, you hum as you reach the spot you usually start your patrol. You didn’t see anyone around, though, so perhaps you were just misremembering the day…
“Summoner…?” You turned to the sound of a gasp, already quiet footsteps stopping at sight of you.
“Oh, Lif!” You smile at him, but his red eyes remain wide with shock. “Is everything alright? I hope I didn’t keep y--!” Your cut off as Lif suddenly sweeps you into an embrace. “Lif?” You curl your head up to look at him, hands pressed against hard armor. But he’s hidden his face against your neck. You can feel your heartbeat picking up next to him. “What’s wrong?” Your voice comes out quieter now, as you take the chance to hug him back.
“This outfit you’re wearing… I…” He stops speaking but it doesn’t stop your eyes from widening. “But you’re still breathing… still alive…” You feel his heavy breath land on your neck, cold as his embrace.
“It was supposed to be for fun…” You admit softly. “I… didn’t intend to scare you.” How stupid could you be? Of course an outfit like this would cause him to act like that!
“For a moment I…” He stops again, pulling you close once more to double check your heart was still beating.
“I’m so sorry…” You pull back, just enough that you can see the sadness in his eyes, just as much as you feel it in the way he refuses to let you go. “I promise, I’m not dead. I’m still here…” Your unsure what else to say, silent as Lif closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Don’t apologize. I… was just taken back to the past is all.” You can’t help but frown at his words. “So many times I’ve agonized about not being able to save you, and to see you like this…” He shakes his head.
“I-I can go change! I’d still really like you to join me for my patrol.” You remember how much pleading it had taken to get him to agree in the first place.
“You don’t have to do that. I… just need a moment.” Still, he does not let you go. As if letting you go would change reality, and you too would be under Hel’s domain…
“Then I won’t go anywhere, then.” You were still beating yourself up over being dumb enough to wear this around Lif. You hadn’t even considered how he might feel seeing you like this… “I just got jealous of all the other Heroes getting new outfits, so I wanted to join in on the fun. I really enjoyed the way other heroes outfits came out when based on Hel but…” You sigh and shake your head, unable to finish the thought. “Think of it this way, Lif. I match you now!” You say instead, trying to boost his mood from how somber he had become.
“Match me?” He echoes the words. It wasn’t an entirely displeasing thought, but… Even now, taking another look at your outfit, Lif has to stop the pit of anxiety that fills him. You looked so happy though, smiling up at him in that encouraging way.
“Tell you what. We can go slow on my patrol today, and I won’t drop your hand the entire time.” You decide, pulling back from him but taking his right hand in your left. “I know were both wearing a lot of armor, but you can feel how warm I am, right?”
“...I can.” He nods, because even thought your now gauntlet clad hand, Lif can feel the heat of your hand. It’s very comforting, though he dare not admit.
“Then you can know I’m still alive.” You grin wide at him. “And if anything scary comes along during our patrol, I know I can trust you to keep me alive and safe too.” You added. “So… come on! We’re already running a little behind as it is.” You urge him forward by walking yourself, causing Lif to follow lest he lose the warmth of your hand.
The two of you continued forward like that, silent but happy in one anthers company. Lif wasn’t sure he enjoyed your new outfit yet. However, if it meant he got to hold your hand like this, soak in your warm touch as he had before… perhaps it wasn’t all bad. And like you said; the two of you did match now. You were dressed like him, and not Alfonse so… maybe, there was a chance for him after all.
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bee-ina-boat · 10 months
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hi friends :D! i FINALLY finished my concept art for mythos!Jon and im so happy with him- look at him. plese. i spent so long on this
the sketches were all of my initial concept art for him! he's. so fun to draw. even if it did take me a bit to figure out how to do so. i love his hair ;_; <3
overall his design is very inspired roman Catholicism but. like. more fun? idk lol i just vibe with it. might make the tie darker? and the gloves with his cassock might look good with another color? eh! whatev, i might change it i might not- but this is it so far :D!
for context the Magnus Mythos is an au where the fears are gods rather than paranormal entities like in canon- here is my initial post on that if you want to know more! or if you just want to see art of the Ceaseless watcher :3!!! im really so happy so many of y'all seemed to like it ;w; it makes me feel so warm aa ilu all <3
putting all Jon's lore stuff under the cut!!!
highly recommend you read the linked post because alot of this probably wont make much sense otherwise dsjgfdjgfdb-
so, as a young child Jon grew up neutral on religion. his grandmother didn't favor any one of the gods more than the other and that sort of thinking carried over to him for a good while
when Jon was 8, he had a close encounter with a creature born from the Web: a giant spider that would tell you your fate (and possibly offer you a gift) if you gave it a sacrifice
Jon had found an old fable book with a map to it's nest. of course he had no intention of following it, just enjoying the stories inside! but a thief snagged the book from him- and upon realizing what the book led too -took Jon with him as his sacrifice
when they reached the nest after a long journey, the thief presented Jon to the spider. but the spider did not take him, it took the thief- and the little Jon could only watch, frozen in terror, as his captor was eaten by the giant spider.
after it finished its meal, the spider told Jon that his fate was of a cosmic importance, "I'm quite excited to see how this plays out," it said.
naturally this was kinda traumatizing for the child that literally just wanted to read but ok :l
the whole experience brought jon a phobia of spiders, a distrust and fear of strangers, general paranoia, ptsd, and a rejection of the webs power and the concept of fate as a whole
now- its not uncommon for some people to reject the powers of certain gods? some things born from their power are quite unpleasant, so there are steps one may take to protect themselves from the powers of one or more of the gods. (its complicated to explain but i hope that makes sense-)
suffice to say jon does NOT want to be controlled or have his fate decided by anyone or anything like that! being THAT important is scary!!! so he tries very hard to prevent any powers of the web coming near him- and he also tries to keep a low profile so he can live a calm and peaceful life without. yknow. being an important part of the fate of the entire bloody world.
he turns to the cult of the Beholding for salvation. after all, its whole thing is being aware and knowing things, and jon wanted nothing more than to know what wanted to hurt him and what didn't.
moving to London, he joined the House of Magnus, and went from a devotee to a researcher.
he became friends with Tim: a man who turned to the beholding out of his own rejection for the Stranger, and Sasha: a young woman who'd worshipped the beholding and worked at the house of magnus her entire life.
things were great for a while, and then the head archivist, Gertrude Robinson, disappeared.
normally the previous archivist would choose someone to pass the position down to, but her disappearance meant that the current head of the church, Elias, would have to choose instead. and he gave the position to Jon
it was absurd! Jon didn't want the position of archivist- everyone knew about the prophecy and Jon certainly didn't want that much pressure on him!!
not to mention- it became pretty much expected that Sasha would become the next archivist! given her history of devotion, her skills, all the work she did for everyone, hell- Gertrude even mentored her for half her life for god's sake!
Elias's reasoning was that Gertrude had broken the Archivists oath: to always protect and preserve knowledge. he claimed that the Ceaseless Watcher itself had requested Jon rather than Sasha, as Gertrude's choices were not to be trusted. and it was not up for debate what their patron wanted...
so there was no choice. jon was terrified, sasha was devastated, and tim was furious for them both.
the ceremony went on, jon was given the Watchers Crown (the sacred headpiece of the archivist) and then he went down to the archives with tim and sasha as his chosen assistants.
Elias sent down another down with them- Martin, a librarian who devoted himself to both the eye and the web. Jon was not so keen to be trusting a devotee of the web, especially with all the stress going through his head at the moment- so he wasn't very warm to martin.
as the archivist- jon does his best to do the work he was given, frequently requesting help and teachings from sasha as she clearly knew more about this than him. all throughout, he squished any spider he found. and stubbornly refused to give in to any possible notion of him being the one from the prophecy. he couldnt be. he refused it.
but the will of one man is far outweighed by that of a god, and at some point he just might have to accept the responsibility he deep down knows is his...
AAAAAAAAAAA THAT WAS ALOT- if you read this entire fucking essay then just know i love you so so so much and i am hugging you tightly ;_;
thanks for dealing with another round of my brainrot!! im thinking of working on sasha, martin, or the web's design next :3
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susartwork · 1 year
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Basic!S̷̗̀ả̶̰n̸̢̑s̸̰̀ 3th birthday!
This year I decided to collect everything I've never posted about Basic.
Hope you enjoy :3
❤ ACT (click) * You click "keep reading"
How was Basic's comic going to end?
[Here's the last update I did] Basic... well, his Glitch has opened a portal to Underfell without realizing it.
This is the continuation:
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So, time passes and Ink and Basic become friends. Ink gifts him a sketchbook to draw on and the first thing he draws are his non-existent friends as he remembers them, as Lost Souls with a blank sprite (as we see here in the last panels)
Will I ever finish this comic? I hope to remake it after I make Underwizard's prologue! (I'd also change some scenes)
What are the other chapters about?
The other chapters had no real connection. One was about Basic meeting Classic!Frisk 99 and how they became friends.
One was about him meeting Physis!Alphys and Clone!Frisk.
I even had a chapter about him ending in Underwizard (after the ending) UW!Sans frigging kidnapped him lmao??
And one chapter was about Basic meeting Fatal_Error! After a quarrel and a fight they were going to become… friends…? Basic's code is a bit too messed up, so Fatal would've had no interest in copying and killing him.
I made a very old lazy sketch of the battle scenes, here's a part of it:
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Horrible italian dialogues
And then... the final, ending chapter. (Please read Basic's current reference sheet to know better what happened to his AU)
In this chapter, Basic would've found out that his creator remade his AU from zero after all the previous files got corrupted.
He looks exactly like how Basic remembers himself before getting corrupted (it's all a bit confusing, sorry) but without his face being covered, and with Classic!Sans personality.
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↑ Uncorrupted Basic first doodle
When Basic finds out his new self has a brother, friends, and a whole universe for himself, all his jealousy and sadness comes out.
As he yells his frustrations at his other self (very rare moment you'd see Basic's anger) the Glitch detects the same codes as Basic in this new universe.
It takes over Basic's body and starts spreading through the AU. The monsters he touches freeze, their codes can be seen through them, they become blurry and turn grey.
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The Glitch is intersecting in this world's code, taking away from Basic his ability to shapeshift, but also the problem of glitching and bugging.
When it finishes, Basic regains control over his body and realizes what he has done.
Time passes, he lives in that freezed universe as its guardian. It attracts many curious visitors and enemies as it's glitches can be seen miles away. However, as Basic can no longer shapeshift, it is harder for him to defend it.
Finds out the Annoying Dog of that AU is the only one not freezed. It brings Basic to Gaster, in Snowdin's forest.
Surprisingly Basic can see Gaster even outside of the Void, the Glitch really messed up that universe. But now that someone who can interact with the material plane can finally see and hear him, Gaster can find a way to fix all this.
Basic has to enter the world's code and delete the anomaly, aka the Glitch. The Annoying Dog has access to everything in that universe as it is its creator, so it gives Basic access to the world's code.
He enters it (not physically, just with his mind) and finds the Glitch, a big skein of white glitches.
No attack seems to destroy it, the only thing Basic can do is take the Glitch away from the world's code. He grabs it, drags it away and pushes it back into his own body. He begins to glitch again, very hard. Then, silence.
The AU's code seem to be back to normal, and so all the monsters aren't freezed anymore.
Sans invites Basic to stay in his universe, but he refuses, he doesn't belong there.
He returns to his island, finally knowing that his AU isn't completely gone after all, and he'd start to like being so glitchy because it's not only a curse, but a power as well.
No happy ending for Basic?
This was to be his happy ending. He would finally live his life without pretending to be someone else, realizing that he doesn't need to be Sans to be himself.
But now he has Ruby, thanks to him Basic finally accepted himself for who he is. This is now his story and his happy ending.
The meaning behind Basic is, you can be yourself and still appreciate yourself and be appreciated by others without masking who you are.
How did I create Basic?
Weeeeell I was drawing a chibi version of all Underverse Sanses (ignore the fact that Fresh, Dream and Nightmare aren't Sanses °cough cough°) so before starting I made a "base" to draw on all the chibis.
This gave me the idea of a Sans that can shapeshift into all other Sans because... he's literally a base!
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The first prototype of Basic had an empty soul and was emotionless, this because he was supposed to copy other Sanses personality. But I LUCKILY changed my mind and gave him his own cinnamon roll personality ♡
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Looook the first drawings of Basic!
Are there more Basic!characters?
No, not in canon. However... I made these in 2021 :>
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Other projects?
Ayup! I wanted to make a VS Basic!Sans fangame! … … … But this is all I got -w-"
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Very bad, I know. It's not even a battle. If I had used the Undertale Engine it would've looked better -w-
You, the player, would have been Classic!Frisk 99. You would've met Basic in Snowdin (because he was spying you lol)
The two endings:
-Pacifist- No idea how the battle would've ended, this is all I wrote:
❤ ACT (check) * S̷̻͎̋͐a̴͕̻̖͐͆n̵̢̎̋̀s̵͔̖̻̚ Basic – ATK ?@1   DEF #*1                * …Sans?
(talk) * You try talking to Basic.           * He tilts his head without understanding.
(compliment) * You tell Basic you think he's cute.                           * He starts to… bluesh?
(insult) * You tell Basic to go hack himself.               * He looks away trying to ignore you.
Please tell me you got the jokes
-Genocide- After attacking him 3 times his Glitch makes him parry your attack and save his life. He saw you kill many monsters in this timeline, so he decides to stop you.
In phase 1 he dodges all your attacks and shapeshift into different Sanses to use different attack patterns.
While in phase 2 you hit him, but he turns his soul into a human red soul, this gives him 20 more HP. He shapeshifts to look more monstrous, he uses his last energy to try and stop you.
And this is the genocide ending: (fight) Basic: °miss° °he must shapeshift back to normal. now you can see the cut on his chest again. he's exhausted.° °he blocks you in a wall of blue attacks° human… i’ve never tried this hard on a fight… i think i’ve gone too far with my games…… i... i d-don’t feel myself anymore… i’m pretending to be like sans… …i mean, the one you know… t-this is SO DUMB ISN’T IT?? °sobbing° heh heh… i-i really thank you human! you gave me the possibility to… t-to be part of this! i was showing to you… to me… that i can be someone! °a crack opens on his skull° Basic: i-i can be so many people… but i could never be myself... goodbye human… p-please don’t be too hard on the other monsters around… °damage noise. he coughs° Narrator: * End his suffering =)
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And with this sad ending... I thank you all for your support over the years! (´▽`��♡ƪ)💖✨
Apologies for drawing my glitchy boy less lately, I'm finally enjoying working on Underwizard. I hope this gift satisfied you if you were looking for more Basic content :3
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silly-inky · 2 months
Hiya! Hello! It's me, ya boi
Updates people Updates!
So I'm making this sort of list of things I am in the process of making or should start working on soon (or things I have yet to post about yet) with little updates about them
Dimentio drawing- this is going alright so far but is a somewhat complicated piece where I will have 2 different end results, one with his mask and one without. I'm on the shaping phase of my lineart which is usually fun for me but I decided to take a small break from it as I was put off by how much time I spent on the sketch (about 30 hours) this does not mean the piece is complicated, just that it took a while to get everything right. I will get back to drawing this soon. This is a digital drawing
You were someone to me a lifetime ago- so for those who don't know I have a fic I'm working on. I released chapter 4 last month and hope to start working on the 5th chapter this month. After the last chapter was posted I started working on the layout of the story as up until this point I was just winging it and going with the flow with not much of a plan, but I know I should have some sort of base to follow in order to keep my writing consistent and have proper flow, because of this I have planned several chapters in advance now, and those who enjoy it will be happy to know that this fic will most likely have more than 30 chapters although I cannot say what number there will be specifically. I want to try and get more chapters out in a short amount of time as I don't want to drag this out but I cannot promise anything
My writing and ideas- so as said in a previous post, I have quite a few ideas that I have had but didn't share in here either because I was too lazy, forgot, or was self conscious. I will probably start to work on a few I already have written out and start to post them, I will also start to post more headcanon posts. Because of all these ideas I have had I actually have some other things that i will be able to share, which lead into..
Mario AU- an AU ( alternate universe) of which I made sort of out of the blue by accident which I have slowly been building on and I even have some doodles to go along with the basic lore of it. What is this AU you ask? Well you'll just have to wait and see, I will say that there is definitely some role swap in which makes things very interesting
Shipping- so for some who may have guessed, I am a multi-shipper, which isn't anything new but I preface this because of me delving into these ships a bit more. For instance me drawing Dimentio has sparked a lot of Dimentio and Dimigi (Dimentio x Luigi) ideas to form and be made, I shipped it before hand but I was and still am focused on booigi. So you may very well see some Dimigi soon as well as your scheduled booigi
Please do keep in mind like I have stated many times before, I struggle with motivation a lot and it can be very difficult for me to get things done, I don't know when any of this will be finished and forcing myself to get it all finished now will only burn me out more. I'm sorry I haven't been posting a lot of content recently as I've been struggling with a few things recently, I'll try and get content out for you as soon as I can and I hope it will make up for it. I was hoping that at least by posting this you will be aware of my plans and what is currently in the works so you guys are up to date
Also I wanted to just say that I appreciate the asks so much, it really means a lot and I love answering them! I do want to add if you are one of the 2 maybe 3 people who submitted an ask a little while ago, I just want to say that I haven't forgotten about them, I wish to draw proper responses for them I just haven't gotten around to it hey, I hope to answer them soon for you though
Have some old pics of my son (ignore how pale I am)
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lil-doodles · 2 months
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Okay kids, I finished drawing the book I was working on. It started out as a small 5-6 page story from travel journal sketches I did in Ireland but it kept growing and became a book of its own! Now, after having written and drawn ALL of that, I realize that it's not what you would call a commercial property. I know some people may find it interesting but I don't know that their's a market for selling multiple copies and so I decided not to print the book (at least not right now). What I am doing is offering the book for FREE digitally! That means that you can read it right now for FREE! Did I mention that it's FREE? All you have to do is go to the link provided and either read or download the PDF there. It's THAT easy and it's FREE!!! I hope you enjoy it! And, if you like it, please feel FREE to check out my other books for sale at www.deadcatcomix.com No pressure.
The Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vh7sv03df4i6xuwtjujyl/An-Olde-Man-In-Ireland.pdf?rlkey=8gj48bmqyipk35gqu4l5k5oqx&st=g9lulfvx&dl=0
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novantinuum · 1 month
wip ask meme: "taste of ordinary" chapter 3, "white noise," and also you know i've gotta ask about the ford in hyrule fic LMAO 💜
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Thank you friends! Piling all these asks in here since many of you are curious about White Noise, ahah. Which is lucky, because that's one I am actively working to finish right now and finally got a proper title!
Aight lemme dust off my wips...
Taste of Ordinary Chapter 3:
Okay, so this one is like. Gosh. Portions of it are SUPER old, and that's why it's been taking me forever to finish it, but this story is overtly the first bit of SU fic I ever started to write, predating even Crack the Paragon. But the gist here for the final chapter is that- while Steven goes to spend the weekend with Connie in the hope of enjoying some Gem incident free time away from home- he's sorta hit with the realization that he'll never really be able to completely separate himself from this reality of his life. From the reality of all the consequences that his mother's war left for him.
I have a fun Steven and Connie solo (no CGs to help!) fight sequence planned for this chapter, because... well...
“Aww come on,” he whines, “another corrupted Gem now? Haven’t we bubbled like, a thousand billion of you already?” She shoots to her feet, already taking the offensive. “Um? Shouldn’t we—?” His lips press into a flat line. Deep inside, the months and months of repressed annoyance and stress and frustration coursing through his veins boil over. He extends his free arm and summons a large bubble to envelop the pair of them. Thoroughly satisfied, he situates himself on the log again and stubbornly crosses his legs. “Y’know, after all the days you corrupted Gems have interrupted my quality time, I’ve decided you can hold your horses!” he says with resolve, pausing to lick at his treat. “I’m finishing my ice cream first.” At his side, Connie pales. “What? Steven?!” The corruption howls, slamming her claws against the pink translucent barrier. “Oh, double-fudge rocky road,” he whispers, gently caressing the side of his waffle cone as he purposely tries to ignore the unholy racket outside his bubble. “You’re my only light in a world full of darkness…”
White Noise:
So, I don't want to give away TOO much of the actual body of this one, because it's not going to be a particularly long fic, but this is a sort of coda to the SUF episode In Dreams. I've had much of the dialogue sketched out since the night that episode aired, but just haven't gotten around to fleshing it out until now.
I think it also acts as a bit of a companion to my fic titled Second Skin, the one that explores Steven's growing understanding of his "pink mode" across the epilogue. There was once a time where I considered outright putting it in that fic, but I ended up scraping that idea because I wanted to maintain the (mostly) steady downward spiral of Steven's own mental state in that one, and this particular story ends on a rather sweet note. It just felt like it wouldn't fit, and deserved to be expanded into its own thing.
I will share a few snippits of dialogue. Some of it is already fleshed out, some of it is still just notes.
"So, have you always glowed pink in your sleep like that?"
“I don’t need to be fixed!” he insists, almost feeling sick to his stomach as that damned glowing pallor rises under his cheeks again anyways, a rote betrayal of all his futile claims. “Didn’t we just decide that’s the whole point of us hanging out now? That we don’t have to fix anything anymore?”
(Surprise hug.) “Steven? It’s okay if you’re not okay.” (She says it in such an understanding manner.) “Sometimes… I’m not okay either."
Ford In Hyrule:
I'd still like to do something with this at some point, because I feel like Ford getting hurled into Hyrule would be PRIME material.
But basically, this is an excuse to have a completely external to all the chaos character commentate on the wild Bullshit Hyrule is dealing with and be a nerd. I think Ford would totally geek out over guardians and ancient tech and do THE most dangerous shit to get his hands on ancient cores for his weapon design. With this crossover in mind, I have the silly thought that a giant ancient core actually ends up as the power source for his quantum destabilizer.
Here, have a bit of one of his journal entries:
Journal entry #8539 Day 2 At first glance, this world is a vessel of stark contrasts. A barren land, strewn with ruins of a civilization long past… and yet irrevocably alive. The wide bounty of wildlife, so similar to the creatures of my own dimension in form, are no doubt the true rulers of this place. Thick young-growth forests blanket these rolling hills all the way to the horizon, practically bursting at the seams with deer, wild boar, foxes, squirrels, and wolves. A diverse variety of avian species populate the vast skies. If I’m honest, such unfettered freedom amidst the local fauna is not a sight I often see in a lot of the more technologically advanced dimensions I frequent, and that saddens me. There’s just something so ephemeral and intimate about observing the daily routines of critters in their natural habitats. (And it’s a large reason why I began my cryptozoologic research in the first place.) Of course, as I mentioned briefly in my last entry, the crumbling remains of former houses, barracks, and marketplaces (among countless other facilities I cannot even begin to guess the purpose of) exist as gaping scars amidst this otherwise pristine wilderness. While the broad grasslands I currently traverse certainly seem peaceful on the surface, all the lingering rubble and rust paints a dire picture of this realm’s history. Dented, tarnished swords lay long-abandoned in the dirt. Scattered humanoid remains pepper the edges of settlements like garish confetti. Certain structures are now housed by small troops of tribal, flat-nosed creatures the likes of which I have never seen, a species which must be unique to this dimension. Since these were the first tool-wielding creatures I had encountered in this world, I briefly considered making contact to learn more about their customs and capacity for communication, but after observing their nature from afar for quite some time, I determined it unwise to approach. While seeming endlessly loyal to each other, this species quickly proved to be intensely territorial upon the approach of those who were not a part of their tribe. I watched them all take arms against a lizard-like creature who made the mistake of hunting too close. Suffice it to say, that lizard was not long for the world. I shan’t be making the same mistake.
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1-50thofabuck · 8 months
Two of my Marvel Super Heroes(FASERIP) characters with images & homemade trading cards
I had two main characters I played in the Marvel Super Heroes RPG in recent years. I used HeroMachine 3 a lot, for these and other RPG characters and monsters. Sadly it's not available any longer. (There's a way to run it on your PC but I can't get it to work correctly. I see they "fixed" 2.5 so I'm going to check that out after I finish this!)
To the point: I really liked these two characters, and I decided to make a sort of character sheet that was modeled on these old Marvel comic book trading cards we used to buy when we were kids. I'd like to share those, and the backgrounds of the characters. I hope you enjoy them, and feel free to make use of them in your own games if you wish.
The Frank trading card has a different, more friendly/cutesy/cartoonish image than the original I had put together. This is because Frank was an idea I had had several years prior for a game that didn't quite work out, and in the interim I had misplaced the image and had to create a new one! The "cards" were made in 2017. (I also, rather embarrassingly, reversed the shadows and highlights on Frank's pants in the original image - ack!)
The Doodle Bug image doesn't include the "doodle shell" because I just didn't have any way to create it. I'm no artist. I think Doodle Bug is my favorite character. The card has a blank "as a power stunt ___ times" so that I could use the card as a character sheet and track uses of power stunts.
For the record, the character was always intended to have art that could interact with things, but I didn't know it was only an option in Marvel - in DC Heroes, it's a part of the "animate image" power, which is at least partially where I originated the character concept. Even though the Judge would let you have whatever you wanted within reason, and if I had written it down at the beginning they'd have let me have it, and only didn't due to a misunderstanding, they refused it and I had to learn it as a power stunt. As far as I'm concerned, canonically, the character is as intended, with this other individual's game reflecting an alternate universe version. (I never dug the whole "superheroes as cops" thing anyway and it was the second Marvel game in a row I was in that pulled that stuff.)
Doodle Bug
Background: Lori R. Manley and William Scoggins went from teenage friends to down-on-their-luck petty crooks.
It was then that Scoggins(a security guard by trade) revealed what he had created - a suit he had modified based on schematics and parts he had copied and/or pilfered from a company he contracted for. The suit enabled him to fly, gave him radar sense, and three types of gas attacks: a knockout gas, a fog, and most fun of all for a thrill-seeker like Scoggins, a nauseating spray. With this suit, under the identity Stink Bug, they would be able to make a lot more money(and he would get some exciting new kicks).
Lori, both excited at the news and finding a perfect opportunity to reveal her own abilities, admitted that she had a mutant power - she could draw sketches at lightning speed that could come to life! Suggesting that her powers could also match her lovers' bug theme, they set about at once to build her a suit of her own. The result was the Doodle Shell. Made up of interlocking steel plates, they are worn on the back as a shell. As desired, the Doodle Shell will "curl," the plates shifting forward and forming a wheel-shape which protects the whole body and allows the wearer to roll("Hyper-Running") to safety. When not "curled," the wearer is protected by the shell from behind and has the ability to dig, thanks to a harness connected to the hands and attached to the shell.
Taking the name Doodle Bug, she and her partner Stink Bug carried on the lives of petty super villains, never killing anyone or displaying any real sociopathic tendencies. They were like loser versions of Alias Smith and Jones.
This lasted until a job where they were hired by the psychopathic scientist Dr. A. Namoli to combat their mutual arch-nemeses: Fluid, the Grey Hurricane and the Hyena. When the Bothersome Bugs realized Dr. Namoli was actually going to disperse their enemies' atoms into another dimension, they turned on their boss, saving the heroes and quickly escaping.
Deliberating on their careers and considering the newest turn of events, the two unanimously decided that criminals and villains were losers by nature and that being heroes seemed much more entertaining and profitable. Never really having their hearts in being truly "bad" to begin with, they began a new stage in life. The Belligerent Beetle and the Impetuous Insect were no longer petty, selfish supervillains with delusions of grandeur: they were now petty, selfish superheroes with delusions of grandeur. And the world is a slightly better place for it.
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Background: A.I.M., researching the legends of Frankenstein, discovered that the stories were based on fact, and that the "monster" was created not from dead body parts but almost as something of a golem. Reproducing Frankenstein's experiments, they created a monstrosity to aid them in their goals. Unfortunately for them, this creature was not naturally inclined to evil and escaped. Discovering the truth of his past, the creature named itself Frank. Frank, despite being a "monster" and a "freak," is not only good-natured but also possessing a fine sense of humor and a positive outlook on existence, and enjoys defeating the forces of crime and evil while pondering his existence.
Much like the creature of lore, Frank is very tall, muscular and broad, with yellow, translucent skin through which veins, arteries and muscle can be seen, with pale, yellow, watery eyes. Though this differs from the popularized film version of the monster, Frank's powers also differ somewhat from what is expected, such as his ability to separate parts of his body which may act under his power.
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boredwritergirl · 4 months
Day 17 - The Starving Artist part 2
This is Part 2 of Day 5's entry, The Starving Artist
The Starving Artist Part 2
Eloise sat outside the hostel, finishing another bottle of red. Crouched down in the slums of her once beautiful city, she stared at the now empty bottle. 
‘How many of these did I drink today?’ She asked herself, lost in thought. It had been far from the first time that she had asked herself this. While Wine might not have the highest alcoholic content in it, Eloise found herself more and more as she struggled to live in the Nazi occupied city of Paris.
The door beside her opened and the nurse, Céline stepped out, an unlit cigarette in her hand. She looked down at Eloise as she took out her zippo and started a flame, holding it out to the densely wrapped tobacco between her lips. She blew out a puff of smoke before finally asking. “What are you still doing here?”
Eloise sighed. She couldn’t really look at her directly, so she settled for the light reflection of her onto the clear wine bottle, the candle light in between them providing the view on this dreary night. “How long has she been in there?”
Céline asked, “Whom?” in a flat tone, struggling to keep herself too invested.
Elosie said, “The old woman, The one I sketched. How long was she in there?”
Céline shrugged, “Maybe five years, or ten or however many. She was there before I got here.”
“You know she actually woke up this time? I couldn’t believe that.”
“Yes, right. You mentioned that before. The first time she had been fully conscious since I arrived. What of it?” Céline asked as she took a deep inhale, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of the smoke building up and being expelled from her body.
“She knew so little of the world. She seemed so… Happy. Like she knew that her son was going to come for her one day. I don’t know how anyone can believe such things at a time like this.” Eloise sniffled, her eyes covered by a thick layer of water just waiting to escape her eyelids.
Céline rolled her eyes, looking up at the dark sky above before finally looking down at Eloise and doing a half assed attempt to disguise her sigh as blowing more smoke. “It’s easy to have hope when you’re living a good life. Things weren't always so bad and things might get better, but it’ll never get the same as it used to be. Who’s to say if hope is truly dead or not? That’s for the next generation to decide, long after this war is over and done with.”
“I think I had hope once…” Eloise said. “I used to be naive and wide eyed. I left my family farm to come here. I painted the serene landscapes as I traveled, and what did it get me? I always wanted to move to Paris and become an artist… I guess I got my wish…” Some of the tears finally let loose as they began to traverse down her cheek, dangling and slowly dripping off her chin. “I… I asked for this life. I had no idea how bad things were going to get. Just how quickly France would fall in this war. What if it never gets better? Could I seriously live with myself like this? Just rotting on the streets?”
Céline sat down beside Eloise, telling her, “Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. We can’t focus on such thoughts when people haven’t given up yet. That’s why your mission is important at all. Couriers like you keep the resistance talking, especially when we fear those pigs might be onto us. As long as there’s people willing to fight, the struggle isn’t completely hopeless… just mostly hopeless.”
Eloise wiped her face, “Wow, you’re really not good at being uplifting, are you?”
Céline let out a laugh, the closest thing to a smile Eloise ever saw on that face. “No, I’m not. I don’t know much about any of that freudian junk. But what I do know is how to numb the pain.
Céline passed her cigarette over to Eloise, who gladly accepted it, taking a deep puff of smoke.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 6/20/2023
Once again it is Tuesday, so I have to make my report.
So, the first thing to report is that I actually did get my new computer (they emailed and told me it was delayed and then it showed up right when they initially said it would anyway??) Anyway, it is here, and migrating was quite easy. The one "wrinkle" was that we thought it would be fairly easy to put Office on it, and the details are very boring and stupid, but it wasn't, but the fact was, I was not enjoying my experimental migration to Word, so I am back in Google Docs. I briefly considered trying to write in TextPad and just html as I go, and then I felt like a 70-year-old FORTRAN programmer (bad) or possibly a Neal Stephenson side character (worse) and decided I would suck it up with GDocs probably scraping my work and selling it directly to Elon Musk. Whatever.
Enough curmudgeoning. No one wants this, least of all me. I am on my new compy. I got the big fanfic put back in GDocs, but I did not do any further work on it this week. I did start my Bleach Returns week fanfic, which is currently, uhhhhh, 667 words. It's better than nothing!!
I officially gave up on the art I was working on last week, I just wasn't into it. I started something else instead. It's a series of sketches, and I have done one and a half of them. "Done" is sort of vague, because I may go back at the end and either do more clean-up, or ink them. I just want to see how it goes overall. I hope to do at least five, spending about a day on each on. (This is also for Bleach Returns week).
My kids both finished school last week, so it's been a little chaotic overall, and I suppose I should be grateful to have gotten anything done. I'd say we're settling in, but there's not much for settling, because every day is different, and every week has different things. We've been to the pool, we've been to the ice rink, we have been to the library. My daughter has swim lessons this week. My son starts camp next week.
I started the week feeling very behind and guilty, but somewhere part way through the week, I got a big wave of "lol no one cares what you do" and I've been cruising on that big wave of apathy for a bit. Now that I think about it, I think my anxiety has been winning the war for too long now, and it's good to see that my depression rallying on my behalf. All of this sounds terrible 😂but it's good for me, actually, or at least, it's as good as it ever gets around here. Will I accomplish anything this summer? That's none of my business! Whatever the answer is, it'll be as much a surprise to me as it is to you.
PS: I put in the depression stuff and didn't delete it b/c I like to use these to track my own moods over time, but don't worry about, it's very normal for me and also no one needs to comment on it.
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eskewcity · 2 years
hello! any recs for recent indie games you've been playing or generally any you've found this year that you'd recommend? i really want some to play over the summer (i love horror obvs but i will take any you recommend)!
of course!
if you like horror, please play the crooked man! If you’re someone who was familiar with the surge of jrpg horror games in the early 2010s, then you might have heard of this one. I decided to play it earlier this month because I completely forgot the plot and it’s totally worth it! It’s very clearly inspired by silent hill but i still think it has a style of it’s own and I really enjoyed the story. also I 🫶 David Hoover
it’s also a part of a tetralogy called the strange man series that is about… strange men. I won’t say it’s the best but it’s quite cheap if you get interested after tcm and it’s one of those series where the creator decided every past character needs to be in the next game somehow in increasingly ridiculous ways.
I’ve also been playing Eastshade which is kind of Skyrim but without the fighting and where you are a painter. It’s a very beautiful game and it’s always fun to explore to see if there’s any secret quests you can find.
not so recently I finished we happy few which is not good but not bad! It definitely did not turn out the way I remember it looked in demos years ago but I still had fun with it.
also finished old city: leviathan a few months back which was pretty neat. I definitely liked it more in the beginning than towards the end but some of the writing absolutely slaps. You’re playing as a city dweller in an abandoned sewer system learning about a war between the three ideological groups that had formed. if you’re okay with some dense reading it can actually get quite interesting.
I played the inheritance of crimson manor which was a fun spooky time. It’s basically just exploring a Victorian mansion and solving puzzles but I thought it was neat!
the painscreek killings is somewhat the same but you explore an entire abandoned town to solve a murder! it has some annoying backtracking but it was really fun for me since there was such a diversity of places to explore.
I almost forgot this but this has probably been one of if not my favorite game to play this year but mundaun!!!! It’s this beautifully created horror game where all the textures were hand sketched by the creator. It takes place in Switzerland and it’s about the protagonist visiting their old village after their grandfather passes away. It involves a lot of Swiss folklore and the character is fully voiced in Romansh which is not something I’ve encountered in games before.
If you would be interested, I also just added a lot whole bunch of game to my wishlist including - subway midnight, hylics, umurangi generation, you must be 18 or older to enter, how fish is made, how to say goodbye, scorn, scanner sombre, hypnospace outlaw, yomawari: lost in the dark, Spookware, rain world, everything, one dreamer, a little to the left, norco, glitchriders the spaces between, lone survivor, unheard, the enigma machine, world of horror, not for broadcast, anodyne, cats and the other lives, gruund, slay the princess + more i am too lazy to list
hope this helps! :)
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Hello I’m back for more requests along with the second part of my previous request as promised! Can I request a part 2 one shot of Eren x Treasure!Hunter!Explorer!Fem!Reader where after Eren and Y/N explored most of paradise including the scouts HQ, the underground chapel, and several areas related to Erens past and telling her his story about paradis, history, and his life (Y/N even had difficulty finding Eren clothes to wear and still had no luck finding any), they came across Mikasa and Erens old home that was rebuilt and now abandoned and decided to stay there for the night. Later at night Y/N gave Eren a comforting sponge bath while he sits on a stool on the roof where his mom and Mikasa used to do laundry and gave him a haircut resembling his old hairstyle and Eren began to cry that he’s never had someone who’s kind like Y/N and gave her a hug as Y/N comforts him before going to bed cuddling each other. Finally the next morning, Eren woke up to find Y/N giving him clothes that she found nearby to wear after she went out to get more artifacts, notes, and sketches and Eren tells Y/N he wanted to go with her because he has nothing left in Paradis, wanted to move on from his past, and stay with her for the rest of his life and she accepts before they both departed Paradis for the next adventure and Y/Ns home? Thank you! - 🧁
(Hello again, 🧁 Anon! I really hope you enjoy this, sorry if theres any mistakes or grammar errors I had a hard time proofreading this because of my OCD was fucking me up terribly. I hope you have a very wonderful day/night)
Could This be Fate?
Eren Yeager x FEM! Explorer! Reader
(Warning: Part 2, after Rumbling AU, fantasy stuff, fluff, and mentions of nudity)
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After you and Eren explored most of what’s left in Paradis and several areas related to Eren’s past. You guys walked around aimlessly while he told you the history of Paradis, his life story, and how he became this way.
Eren still had the blanket wrapped around his waist since you had no luck finding any clothes for him when you were exploring Paradis.
A mossy abandoned home entered your field of vision and you pointed at it to get Eren’s attention and said that you guys should stay there for the night since it’s getting quite dark. As you two walked closer Eren spoke up,
“That looks like my home, my childhood home..someone must’ve rebuilt it for some reason.”
“I wonder why it was rebuilt.” You say as you opened the door and got settled while Eren was looking around a bit amazed at the accuracy of the detail.
“I know you’re feeling a lot of conflicting emotions all at once so do you perhaps want a bath to relieve some of the emotions?”
Eren turns to look at you, “Sure, I would like that since I’m also a bit dirty from being underground for so long.”
After you were done giving Eren a nice long relaxing bath, you dried him off using another blanket you had in your bag. You apologized to him for not being able to find any clothes for him to wear and he assured you that he was okay.
Eren grabbed a wooden stool nearby and pulled you by the hand gently and took you to this area. Just when you were about to question him he spoke,
“My mom and Mikasa used to do laundry here when I was younger.” Eren says, touching the tips of his long hair, remembering all the good times back then before the wall was breached. He sits down before speaking, “Do you have a pair of scissors with you in your bag, if so can you cut my hair? It’s getting a bit too long.”
“Sure, but I never cut anyone’s hair before so I apologize in advance if I mess it up.”
About a half hour later you’re finally finished cutting his hair. “I’m not really sure if this is what you wanted but I really hope you like it.” You said nervously, afraid of how he’ll like it but that nervousness went away when you felt his arms wrap around you tightly.
“I love it.” Is all he managed to say, it’s been a long while since the last time someone cared that much for him. You pulled away from the hug to wipe away his tears, smiling at him you suggested that since it’s getting late you both should go to sleep and cuddle.
The sun came up and the next morning came, Eren woke up and found that you weren’t in bed next to him, he turned over and saw you standing there folding some clothes and setting it on the bedside table so he can put it on whenever he’s ready.
He sat up and thanked you quietly, putting on the clothes while asking you where you found them at.
“I went out exploring while you were still sleeping to find more artifacts and to sketch out a few new things and found the clothing along the way.”
You could tell that Eren wanted to say something important so you sat down on the bed and waited for him to talk. He sat down next to you and speaks “If it’s okay with you, I would like to come with you because I have nothing left here and plus I want to move on from my past and stay with you forever till the day I die.”
“Of course, I would love that.” You smile softly at him, “Well let’s go, we got more journeys and adventures ahead of us and you can also come to my hometown too, I’m sure you’ll love it there.”
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mid-year book freak out tag
@bloody-wonder tagged me so now I have an excuse to talk about books I read
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2023? probably her body and other parties by carmen maria machado, my favorites stories from it being “the husband stitch” and “especially heinous”. I love how the former weaves together urban legends as a backdrop and the latter is a surrealist meta version of law and order svu, which is much better than it sounds.
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2023?
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? I’m curious about juniper and thorn by ava reid, and I can’t say the amount of pearl-clutching over it hasn’t played a part in bringing it to my attention. but really, I just like gothic horror and dark fairy tales!
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2023? I dunno, I’m not up-to-date on these things
5. Biggest Disappointment? I’d say world war z and the southern book club’s guide to slaying vampires, but I had to read those for class so it’s not like I had any expectations anyway (for the record, WWZ I never finished bc all the militarism and boring technical stuff turned me off; southern book club kept my attention but its themes were delivered with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, the characters were thinly sketched, the ending was anticlimactic, and the broad and wacky tone did not mesh well with the grotesque (often sexual) violence), so a better example would be a thousand ships; admittedly my standards also weren’t very high; I have a sort of “I can fix her” attitude towards mythological retellings; I know a lot of them fall short, but they’re like comfort food to me, and when one hits, it fucking hits. natalie haynes, you did not hit! nothing the book did justified it as a retelling, there wasn’t any sort of unique spin or exploration into the female characters’ interiority; it just did the trojan cycle again but sometimes we’re reminded that women…were there. Whoever said this was a better version of TSOA was telling straight lies!
6. Biggest Surprise? I didn’t have high hopes for mexican gothic, mostly out of a pretentious impulse I have to expect popular new-ish releases to be mid. Still, I love a gothic novel, so I decided to check it out. I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be not only very engrossing, but also a clever reworking of gothic tropes tied to a specific cultural setting. It really understood gothic horror not just aesthetically, but also a vehicle for themes of corrupt aristocracy, and the overlap between desire and disgust, and fucked-up families in an incestuous cycle of abuse. It’s still pretty flawed - I think the dialogue could be a bit clunky, especially in the case of the old village woman who feels less like a person and more like an exposition machine - but overall a great read, and I’d love to see more from Moreno-Garcia.
7. Favorite New Author? I already loved angela carter’s work in the bloody chamber, but nights at the circus is the first full-length novel I’ve read from her, and it really cements her as one of the greats.
8. Newest Favorite Character? sophia fevvers from nights at the circus, a bawdy, cockney, rubenesque trapeze artist famed across turn-of-the-century europe for her wings. Also enjoys proto-feminism, gold-digging, and hanging out with her tiny, feisty, anarchist-leaning foster-mother. There’s maybe meant to be some tension throughout the story over whether or not her insanely eventful life story is exaggerated or not, but I never doubted her. Believe women.
9. Newest Fictional Crush? Lady Jessica, the coolest milf the bene gesserit ever produced
💕Best Ship?💕 I didn’t read much with good shipping material, but shout out to noémi from mexican gothic and her boy version of a fragile and sheltered victorian waif love interest whose name escapes me. She’s always describing him like “He was so pale and iron-deficient and frail like a little baby bird and NOT HOT. I desire him carnally.” and meanwhile he’s just showing her his many different types of fungi. Less alpha males, more guys like this.
10. Book That Made You Cry? “eight bites” from her body and other parties hit a little too close to home; it captured really well how dysphoria drives you to abuse your own body, and how that hurts not just yourself but the people around you. “my mother and I” by lucy dacus-coded
11. Book That Made You Happy? I don’t read happy books! But probably nights at the circus, there be whimsy in these pages.
12. Favorite Book Adaptations You Saw This Year? andrea arnold’s 2011 adaptation of wuthering heights nearly made me feral. there’s not really a definitive film version, but the one from 2011, - while not perfect as an adaptation since, like most of them, it only covers the first half of the book - I’d say does the best job of capturing the spirit of the original. the thing that really impressed me was its portrayal of heathcliff - not as a brooding romantic hero nor an inhuman psychopath, but a boy who became something terrible because society never saw him as anything else. It’s film very subjectively, with shaky cam, no score, and nearly every scene being from heathcliff’s perspective - the iconic “I am Heathcliff!” speech is never shown in full, since he left before hearing the rest of it. It’s a really strong artistic choice to place the story firmly in heathcliff’s perspective, and it’s made more interesting by being one of the few adaptations to play into the book’s racial subtext.
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year?
14. Most Beautiful Cover? The barnes and noble special edition of dune I have, which is gorgeous but also really impractical to carry around (pic from google images, I’m not at home rn)
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15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End Of The Year? I gotta finish dune since I started at the beginning of the year and paused since I was so busy with school (and later paused again bc I was bored 🫣).
tagging @antema, @stolehisdog, @betweenironyandsilver, @vampire-juicebox, @chdarling, @excuseforadrink, @danielarlingtongf, @borispavlikovskys, and @altraviolence, if u wanna!
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