#Weird Magic Shit
smoft-demons · 8 months
What if pacts gave you spells
I’ve had another idea!!
Demons in this setting are pretty fuckin magic. MC as well, has some funny magic going on in the late game iirc. What if the magic started showing up sooner, specifically because of the pacts?? What if the avatars have specific themed abilities and you get powered down versions of those powers through the pact? Ive been having Ideas about it!!
In pact order:
Mammon is the avatar of greed. Money and stuff is his thing. So I think his pact, at a low level, should give you a heat metal spell. I imagine HE has a summon-molten-metal ability that he can use in combat, because that’d be awesome. It’d be a real no holds barred type of move, because like,, being burned to death in molten metal is a REAL brutal way to go. He’s a demon tho. I think it would make some sense for him to be able to do it.
Gravity magic also makes sense for Mammon. Black holes be greedy. The vibe seems right. The dunamancy spell Ravenous Void is pretty much what I’m thinking.
Mammon’s really fast too. So maybe he can give you haste, longstrider, misty step… maybe blink.
Another thing in Mammon’s wheelhouse is gambling. Luck, stacking chances in your favour and all that. So let’s have him give you something like silvery barbs too. Something that lets you skew chance in your favour when you need to.
I’d say the list of spells you get from him goes like: heat metal and longstrider at first. Then you get stronger after season 1, and you get misty step, something along the lines of silvery barbs, and haste (to make others faster I think is a higher level thing than making yourself faster). When you’re MUCH stronger, you get ravenous void. Maybe you get a weaker version earlier.
No matter what tho, no one’s version of that black hole spell is stronger than Mammon’s.
Then you pact with Leviathan. He’s a sea serpent, and he’s the grand admiral of hell’s navy. I’d imagine he’s crazy good with navigation and has a sea monster form, on top of the other abilities he canonically has (summoning Lotan, making floods, etc)
I’d say Levi’s pact gives you: create water, find familiar (because Lotan), breathing underwater and some magical ability that helps you not get lost. At a higher level, you get to summon a powerful water elemental. Maybe even a wildshape-esque ability that is specifically for turning into a sea serpent.
I would also say it’s Levi’s pact that gives you darkvision. You really need it if you’re going in deep water. Also, if ANYONE of these seven can give you the classic warlock spell Eldritch blast, it’d be Levi. It’s not very high level, you can have it early on.
Beel’s gluttony, and honestly black holes fit him too. But I think that’s such an absurdly OP thing that it HAS to go to Mammon.
Beel is also a tank. He’s a protector. He’s real strong and resilient and he’s the type to purposely take damage in order to save someone he loves from having to. In the game he makes the pact with the implication that he wants you to have it so he can protect you next time. So I think he wouldn’t WANT to encourage his human to do the same tank thing as him, but still I think his pact would help you do that. It would just make you stronger and more durable I think.
That bit is less a spell and more an ability score increase. Raises your strength and constitution.
Of the actual spells tho, there’s gotta be something abjuration. Some magic shield spell kind of thing. Also, obviously some way to create food. Maybe when you’re stronger you get hero’s feast. Some way to summon a swarm of locusts is on theme for Beel. Also, his telepathic connection with Belphie makes me think of message.
I think Beel wants you to have feather fall. I think that might be one of his first priorities.
So his list would go: feather fall, some magic shield, message, and the constitution increase. Then at a higher level, the strength increase, summon locusts, and create/summon food. Even higher, hero’s feast or something like it…
The summoning food spells is not really a thing I think Beel can do/an ability he can share through the pact, but I think he deserves to be able to give you that. He would just like to be able to do that. Why not let him.
Next pact is Asmo. The most obvious thing for him is a charisma buff.
Then in terms of spells, suggestion makes a lot of sense. So does friends, disguise self, vicious mockery, and minor illusion. Later on, mass suggestion and crown of madness.
He’s not usually the very aggressive sort, though of course I don’t put violence past him at all. Bloodlust is still lust, after all. Passion is kinda his whole domain. No, Asmo is VERY capable of violence I’m sure, he just doesn’t indulge in it often because he likes his pristine image and others’ tendencies to underestimate him far more.
With that in mind, maybe some kind of slow acting necromantic curse makes sense for the offensive move he’d give you. Some way to magically give someone a dose of venom in their veins just by touching them.
Canonically in the game Asmo basically uses dominate beast (on Henry 1.0 in the catacombs under the demon king’s castle) but I can’t help but associate that more with Lucifer (because Cerberus) so I kind of want to give it to him instead… but Asmo literally DID it so…
I think Asmo’s list goes: suggestion, vicious mockery, friends, disguise self. Then the charisma increase, casting illusions (minor or otherwise), and crown of madness. Then mass suggestion, dominate beast, and the venom spell. That seems right.
Then it’s Satan’s turn.
Ok so the most obvious thing for him as the avatar of wrath is giving you a whole ass level in barbarian. The rage ability. And like,, that works, but like… doesn’t super match his personality. Controlling his wrath is more what he seems to care about.
If the spells he can give you are chosen by him, then I think you’d get comprehend languages, speak with animals, legend lore, that kind of thing.
But if it’s not his choice, then the ability to rage. In terms of spells, stuff like blight, finger of death, fireball, meteor swarm, disintegrate. Dramatically destructive kind of thing.
I’m gonna say it’s probably somewhere in between. You don’t get rage or disintegrate from him, nor all the best of the curious nerd spells. But you DO get: prestidigitation (can start fires OR quickly clean messes, up to you, be smart and crafty to get the most out of it), comprehend languages, firebolt. Later, you get fireball (upgrade for firebolt!) blight, and lets say something electric. Like, being able to electrocute someone by grabbing them.
Now for Belphie!
I can’t help but think of him less in D&D terms and more like,, psychic type Pokémon. That just seems like the right vibe for him.
I wanna say you’d get two necromancy spells after the whole lesson 16 thing—specifically, toll the dead and chill touch. The vibes of toll the dead just seem fitting for some reason, and come ON, chill touch couldn’t possibly be more perfect! It makes a spectral, skeletal hand that clings to your target (around their neck maybe?) to (and I quote!) “assail it with the chill of the grave” which deals necrotic damage and delays healing. It’s PERFECT, okay, except for… it doesn’t make any sense to get those from the pact with Belphie. They have nothing to do with HIM, and everything to do with what he did to you.
Maybe you can get it from the weird resurrection thing that happens instead. All kinds of weird shit can happen when timelines and your life get all fucky like that, I guess. You met a ghost and got shoved back to life and then time got weird, I’m sure at that point anything can happen.
Actually FROM Belphie, the obvious spell you’d get is sleep. Put some bastard to sleep, make them unconscious, that’s his main thing.
I think the list goes: sleep. Then later, with more power, you get confusion (like the Pokémon move)and phantasmal force (the one that projects an illusion only visible to the target, that is able to deal damage to them. Many very creative applications of this spell are possible). At the highest possible level, power word kill. The quickest and laziest possible way to do a murder, as long as you use it right.
Finally, Lucifer.
Big strong powerful Morningstar! Proud bastard that everyone can’t help but listen to.
So OBVIOUSLY you get dominate person from him! (yes, all seven of them have the ability to force a non-MC human to obey them magically but shhh. Lets say only Lucifer can GIVE that ability to a human.)
I think he’d be the one who can give you classic demonic abilities like fire resistance and hellish rebuke. I can’t imagine Lucifer not having some disintegrate-like ability, as the third most powerful demon in the realm.
He can’t give you a whole ass pair of wings, he can’t change the structure of your body, but I think maybe he can give you the fly spell. Or even just something like a double jump and a fully controlled fall. I think that suits him.
Yknow what else suits him? Meteor swarm. Super powerful, dramatically destructive, only the strongest can cast it… flaming destruction falling from the sky… Fall imagery weaponized into an absurdly high damage spell. Seems like Lucifer!
So let’s say his spell list for you is: hellish rebuke and fire resistance (not a spell, but still). Then, dominate person, the flight-adjacent spell, and disintegrate. Then finally, meteor swarm. That seems right.
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serickswrites · 9 months
What's in a Name?
"Listen well, human," the eternal creature hissed, "you summoned me without regard to consequences it would bring. And now I shall have my payment in full before I agree to our bargain."
"And if I refuse?" The human jutted their chin out, daring the creature to challenge them.
"Then I shall eat you and be done with it." The creature blinked lazily.
"Well, when you put it that way, I guess I can agree to pay you first." The human hesitated, "You will do as I ask afterwards? You'll make everything--"
The creature rolled its eyes. "Yes, yes, I'll do exactly as you ask and make things as they should be. Really, do you have to be so predictable?"
The human swallowed. "What would you have of me?"
The creature grinned, baring their yellow, decaying teeth. "Just a simple thing. Nothing but a trifling thing. All I want is your name."
"My name?" The human cocked their eyebrow.
"Yes, your name, human. Speak your name unto me and all you have ever wanted shall come to be." The creature smiled. "Trust in me."
"Very well. My name is Villain." The human said, hoping that they wouldn't regret sharing their name with one of the eternal fae.
The creature blinked, their face contorting with confusion. "Villain?"
"Yes, my name is Villain."
The creature shook its head, horror filling its eyes. "That....that....that isn't your name at all. You cannot lie to me, human, for I know all."
"And yet, here I am telling you my name. Would I lie about such a thing?"
The creature flinched back from the human. "That isn't your name. What trickery is this?"
The human frowned. "No trick, only truth. My name is Villain."
The creature shook its head, closing its eyes. "This cannot be. That isn't your name, and yet you say it is. You cannot lie, but you speak not the truth. Villain you are not. But another name. Another being. Not Villain. Never Villain."
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mareenavee · 10 months
WIP Wednes--whenever. (:
Hello again, friends! Still writing, just not tumblr-ing!
I am ACTUALLY in the prewriting phase with my very, very dear friend and cowriter Jinumon for an Original Novel! I won't share that on here, but progress is phenomenal. We've got thousands of words of notes and POV character fragments down, some side characters planned, tons of worldbuilding and a whole project itinerary planned out. I am very very optimistic here.
I will continue to write fanfic because it brings me a TON of joy! So that said, without further ado -- some of World Chapter 33! 505 words! Mostly below the cut.
The World on Our Shoulders
Fragment of Chapter 33
22nd of Sun’s Dawn 4E 202
Nyenna clutched at an ache in her chest. It’d been painful since Windhelm, sharp and stabbing, like her heart was trying to escape from behind her ribs. It felt like a rope was pulled taut, fraying and barely holding on by the last fibers before it might snap. When she closed her eyes, all she could see were the ashen landscapes of Solstheim, viewed from behind the faint warp of chitin lenses like some kind of static impression. The image never moved, except for the slow drifting of ash and the soft lap of waves on the beaches.
She’d visited the temple of Talos before departing the frozen city and saw the healer that had once attended her wounds while Athis was recovering from his injuries. The healer could not sense the echo itself, but noted something was afoot, though not in a way that would threaten her life. She’d been called hale and sent on her way, purse lighter for her trouble.
Something still felt wrong, like once again she’d made a horrible mistake and the further she walked on her own, the more unshakable the misgivings felt. The tug of the echo was sometimes so strong, it would prevent her from sleeping. If she did sleep, it was not restful. She did not find peace in her dreams. Instead, a deep guilt washed over her so heavily, it felt as if she would drown. Part of her mind tried to believe this was not hers — that it was another thing stolen through the echo. The other part knew what she had done, and how far she had drifted. While Teldryn’s behavior was not acceptable, nor were his words, she knew she had not made clear her stance. It did not give him leave to be as egregious as he had been, but it also did not absolve her of blame. She tried to quiet her thoughts on the subject and eased her back against the wooden railing of the cart she sat in, hoping to relieve some of the ache.
In the silence of her travels, all she had was time to think, and that did not help ease the pain. Not that she thought it would. The whole situation was a curse, and more than ever she wished she’d never set foot on that Godsforsaken island. It had been the biggest mistake she’d ever made. As the city walls of Whiterun loomed ahead, all remembering it did was cause her stomach to tie itself in knots.
She didn’t want to know what Athis would think of her. He’d been sweet in his letters, but to talk over exactly had happened in person would be another story — and what a story it was. All things considered, it was for the best to have left Teldryn behind. It didn’t matter what drunken, misguided nonsense fell from his mouth. How he’d acted did not match his words. In the end, they mattered little.
She did not love him back.
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
askdfhfjdj thank you to everyone sending me photos of their pets to make me feel better it is much appreciated
i’m about as fine as i can be considering my beloved partner of almost 2 years just left me via text but i have a v good support system so i’ll probably be ok
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leonidele · 7 months
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really? huh, alright. here you go:
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lmao you though you could scare the Devil?
thanks for giving me reason to draw this minicomic, @teawithghosts.
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whereserpentswalk · 10 months
Wizards are ordered from oldest to youngest. All wizards are nonbinary.
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vitoriabas · 22 days
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I originally made this illustration for a competition by So Young Magazine, tho I don't think they do it anymore. I am completely obsessed with Beatlemania, the unhinged films they made, and with this one completely-irrelevant-to-the-non-existing-plot scene from Magical Mystery Tour where they're all dressed as goofy wizards.
I didn't win the competition, but I was pretty happy with their portraits.
Riso printed by yours truly in a few different colour combinations (this one is Orange, Sunflower, Blue and Black). I made some neon copies and they look very cool, but the scanner doesn't do it much justice.
You can get a copy here!
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The second Manson daughter (dp x dc prompt)
So in this, Amity Park got stuck in a kind of time bubble that made everyone in it feel time go by really slow while the outside world was going at normal pace. So while almost no time has passed for the Amity Parkers, about 20 years have gone by for the rest of the world. The rest of the world which includes the Manson couple, who were on a vacation (or a business trip) without their daughter.
Now, the two have no way of getting back into the time bubble and have assumed that their city has been sucked into the Ghost Zone once again only this time forever. They grieve Sam and move to another one of their estate that they own, which is in Gotham. They change their name to Pamela’s maiden name to really start with a blank slate. When they find out Pamela is pregnant, they figure this will be a new beginning with the baby. They name the baby Pamela Lilian, the first because it’s a family name and the second because that’s what they wanted to call Sam. Since they’re not over losing almost everyone they’ve ever known in a day, the two aren’t great parents and little Pamela grows up feeling very lonely. She goes on to become a botanist which seems to pain her parents but they don’t say anything about it. Anyways, we know the rest there’s an experiment with chemicals, she eventually becomes Poison Ivy.
One evening, while she’s just having supper at one of her safe house, someone knocks. At the door she finds a girl, who looks a lot like her and has her mother’s purple eyes. The girl walks in and just goes.
“Hey, I’m Sam. I’m your older sister. It’s nice to meet you.”
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dapper-lil-arts · 7 months
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I just wrote a smut fanfic About Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle, per the request of my girlfriend lmao. And yes. It has SEX. 👍🔥
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zuzu-draws · 2 months
Somebody should've asked Kishimoto how Obito felt when Kakashi died during Pain's Attack Arc.
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1 - eternal torch - 3 currency
2 - Kingseeker eye - 10 currency
3 - vial of fire mana - 20 currency
4 - Cactus - 1 currency
5 - potion of translation - 70 currency
6 - potion of reverse fact - 260 currency
7 - magic orb - 30 currency or story of a new wizard
"Salt for sale"
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avoiltaire · 1 year
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raviollies · 2 months
At this point I don't even remember the original hag/fae lore because all my hag/fae world building is that they're witches bound by concepts and get more powerful as they age/join forces, and are "born" from being turned into a hag/witch (cannot be done by force). Their domains are essentially scraps of worlds between planes where they have essentially power to shape it as they please.
They kinda have their own niche where they can go hogwild but are bound by strict rules that fall within that niche ; like Theta having power over woods and decay but she doesn't have any more power than a normal spellcaster over illusion or mind magic vs for example, a dream witch that can shape your dream world to be WHATEVER, but her powers are confined to the world in which you slumber.
I'm just kinda tired of gnarly baba yaga witch and nothing else and I find it super limiting for an entire species, like fae being a trickster but ultimately bound by rules, living in the moment but eternal beings.
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mareenavee · 10 months
WIP Whenever~ <3
Hi friends!
So Original Novel Update! My cowriter and I have completely written out beginning, middle and end plans in our outline for our book and we've already got ideas starting for book 2! Last week I was very sick, so I didn't have much besides original to share, but this week I do. Oh I do >:}
Here's a small snip of Chapter 33 of World, below the cut! It's part of a dream sequence <3 Some of you may have seen it already.
Teldryn finished off the mug of sujamma he’d been drinking and set it down with an audible thunk on the sticky wooden table before him.
“Nyenna I — ” he started. She shook her head, and his voice silenced. All that was left was the echo, the one in her chest and the one composed of the sound of her name reverberating off the walls of the hollow tavern. Time seemed to freeze, and only the condensation of her breath as if she was still out in the cold remained behind.
“No, Teldryn,” she whispered. The echo only got stronger, pulling at the inside of her ribs, like her heart was trying to escape. Sharp pain lanced through her. She winced, doubled over and pressed her palm to her chest.
She looked up through ragged breaths. Teldryn had stood, but his form moved in slow motion, as if he fought time itself. His arm moved as if to reach for her, but he would never make it. She wouldn’t allow it.
“Wake up, Nyenna!” she grit out, pain flaring with each word. “Wake up!”
She gasped as pain flared again. Time and space shattered around her as she exhaled through gritted teeth. Teldryn unfroze, moving quickly to her side. He curled an arm around her shoulders, placing his other hand over hers. She tried and failed to shrug him off of her, but found she could not. Her muscles and bones ached with every movement, and somehow she was weaker under what should have felt like care.
She wanted him to go.
Why had he called her?
With a start, she realized he had called her, and blindly she had answered. She wondered if she would ever truly be able to make a different decision here in this place between waking and dreaming.
“It’s okay, Nyenna. I’m here,” Teldryn said. His voice was strained, and though his face was still hidden behind his chitin lenses, Nyenna could tell he could not believe his own words.
Neither of them needed this chaos.
“I don’t want you here,” she growled, once again enduring sharp stabs of pain in her chest with each word. “Let go, Teldryn! Just let go!”
“I can’t,” he said. There was a heaviness to the way he spoke, a strange sorrow that clung to every syllable. The echo was so loud in her ears she couldn’t hear the next words he uttered.
Gods, but would that she could be rid of this connection, she’d have severed it immediately. But no. It still pulled, barbs caught in her heart, impossible to remove without killing her. She let out a frustrated yell, and Teldryn only held her tighter. She tried and failed to thrash away from him, but sank to her knees instead. She had no energy. It was gone, all of it just gone.
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mumpsetc · 6 months
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Hey Cheerilee Hey Cheerilee!
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luck-of-the-drawings · 10 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide spoilers#jrwi riptide#cw gore#cw blood#cw eyestrain#THE NIGHTMARE ARC WAS CRAAAZY IVE BEEN WORKIN ON THIS SHIT SINCE THAT EP CAME OUT OHHH MY GOOOODD#ITS DONE ITS DONE I DONT CAAAARE I CANT LOOK AT IT ANYMORE JUST TAAAAKE IT#IT WAs meant to just be a buncha silly doodles and. well. then i saw all the beautiful colors in the world#and i just really wanted to draw jay getting fucked up by a lazer#IGNOREEEE THE DIFFERING ARTSTYLES THIS HAS LITERALLY BEEN COOKING FOR MONTHS AND I AM TALENTED IN MANY DIFFERENT WAYS#I LOVE COLORS!!! if you look clooosesly youll notice that gillions eyes are bright green everytime#the dream stuff is all reddish and the waking world stuff is blue#I ALSO LOve drawing tears and that weird thick blood pouring from the wounds in his chest#i also LOVE drawing Dead Eyes (eyes of some1 who is dead) poor chip lmaooo everyone point n laugh at this guy who got Power Word: killed#he care so much for gillion tho... when he was breaking jay out he was like 'we gotta save gill' BUT#THAT WAS DREAM CHIP. THATS HOW GILLION SEES CHIP.. gillion knows these two love n care for him so much AUUUUUU#MORE IDEAS: i like to think gillion knows what price looks like bc chip has shown him Via his funny magic Disguise Self Bandana#also kinda unrelated but still in this episode. ive never seen gryffon act so homosexual. admitting he goes to like. 'male service' or wate#like that was all in gills dream. does gill just see gryffon as a fruit or somethin. does he Know?#okayokay i think i got most o the worms out of my BRAIN. i just love blood and terror and horror and fear so mmuuuuch#and i hope u love it too. have a good day if you can help it
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