#Weekly Funding Report
entrackrme · 15 days
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Indian Startup Funding and Acquisitions News [02 – 07 Sep]
During the week, 26 Indian startups raised around $421.29 million in funding. These deals count 4 growth-stage deals and 16 early-stage deals while 6 startups kept their transaction details undisclosed. Highlights:- 🚀26 startups 💰$420 Mn+ total funding 🌱22 early stage deals 🧑‍💻 5 key hirings 🤝 2 M&A 🚶2 layoffs (70 employees)
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wilwheaton · 3 months
Republicans are not the victors of a tumultuous campaign week that saw President Joe Biden flub his first debate and former President Donald Trump win a landmark Supreme Court ruling — the oligarchy is, a new analysis contends. Slate writers Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern presented an alternative Wednesday to the predominant political narrative that Biden’s campaign is nosediving while a newly disciplined Trump reaps the benefit. Rather than look at the face of the political parties, they raise the specter of Supreme Court rulings they say demonstrate a cataclysmic governmental shift. “Make no mistake about it,” the pair write, “When a court that has been battered by near-weekly reports of undisclosed oligarch-funded vacations (and gifts and super yachts and tricked out RVs and secret conferences with high-paying Koch supporters getting access to justices) decides to make it easier to bribe public officials—as it did in Snyder v. U.S.—that’s a very public signal that the conservative supermajority does not care what you think.”
'Make no mistake about it': Op-ed warns an elite 'supermajority' has already won 2024
The thoroughly corrupt MAGA 6 must be impeached and removed from the court. Democrats must take off the gloves, and fight as dirty as the other side. Literally everything is at stake.
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covidsafecosplay · 6 days
The People’s CDC COVID-19 Weather Report: September 16, 2024
The People's CDC has released another updated report on COVID-19 data and action items for the United States of America.
According to the Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional Trends dashboard, COVID wastewater levels have plateaued, remaining between high and very high in all regions except for the West, which is having a slight increase. The highest levels remain in the West as of 9/7/2024 (data captured on 9/13/2024). 
As of September 10, 2024, COVID levels are “likely growing” in 3 states and territories according to the CDC Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics dashboard. Thirteen states have reached “stable or uncertain” levels, and 31 states are seeing “declining” or “likely declining”, while levels are “not estimated” in 4 states. 
According to the CDC's COVID Data Tracker, there has been an increase to nearly 1,000 deaths and slightly more than 1,000 deaths per week from COVID during the entire month of August 2024. The last time this occurred was during the winter months of 2024. This total count of weekly COVID deaths is likely to be an underestimate due to limited COVID testing and reporting. The loss of these lives could have been prevented if layers of protections were consistently implemented in preventing infections. 
Although the Bridge Access Program, covering the updated vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults, has ended, several states including California’s Bridge Access Program and other departments of health have taken steps to partially address this major gap by either providing funding for no-cost access to COVID vaccines or using budgets to acquire a limited supply for their residents. Ultimately, the federal government must contribute resources to ensure no-cost access for all who are uninsured or underinsured. We continue to demand from the federal government to provide continued funding for the Bridge Access Program as well as the Vaccines for Adults Program. As people access the updated COVID vaccines, it is notable that a longer 1.5 inch needle may be needed for adults with higher body weights, in order to pass through subcutaneous tissue into muscle. Complete guidelines for vaccine administration in consideration of age, weight, and injection site can be found on the CDC's website.
This is a reminder that another batch of no-cost COVID rapid antigen tests can be ordered and sent to your home address at the end of   September 2024. Through the CDC’s Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) program, no-cost access to COVID testing access is limited to those who are uninsured or underinsured at places including CVS, Walgreens, eTrueNorth, and other local sites as well as in New York City, which is supported by the NY Department of Public Health.
Read the rest of the report here:
Please note that the CovidSafeCosplay blog and its admin are unaffiliated with the People's CDC or its management, and are simply sharing the resource.
Via the People's CDC About page:
The People’s CDC is a coalition of public health practitioners, scientists, healthcare workers, educators, advocates and people from all walks of life working to reduce the harmful impacts of COVID-19.  We provide guidance and policy recommendations to governments and the public on COVID-19, disseminating evidence-based updates that are grounded in equity, public health principles, and the latest scientific literature. Working alongside community organizations, we are building collective power and centering equity as we work together to end the pandemic. The People’s CDC is volunteer-run and independent of partisan political and corporate interests and includes anonymous local health department and other government employees. The People’s CDC is completely volunteer run with infrastructure support being provided by the People’s Science Network
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The Guardian has uncovered evidence showing how Israel has relaunched a controversial entity as part of a broader public relations campaign to target US college campuses and redefine antisemitism in US law. Seconds after a smoke alarm subsided during the hearing, Chikli assured the lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign, which was separate from more traditional public relations and paid advertising content produced by the government. It included 80 programs already under way for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”, he said. The “Concert” remark referred to a sprawling relaunch of a controversial Israeli government program initially known as Kela Shlomo, designed to carry out what Israel called “mass consciousness activities” targeted largely at the US and Europe. Concert, now known as Voices of Israel, previously worked with groups spearheading a campaign to pass so-called “anti-BDS” state laws that penalize Americans for engaging in boycotts or other non-violent protests of Israel. Its latest incarnation is part of a hardline and sometimes covert operation by the Israeli government to strike back at student protests, human rights organizations and other voices of dissent. Voices’ latest activities were conducted through non-profits and other entities that often do not disclose donor information. From October through May, Chikli has overseen at least 32m shekels, or about $8.6m, spent on government advocacy to reframe the public debate.
Haaretz and the New York Times recently revealed that Chikli’s ministry had tapped a public relations firm to secretly pressure American lawmakers. The firm used hundreds of fake accounts posting pro-Israel or anti-Muslim content on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram. (The diaspora affairs ministry denied involvement in the campaign, which reportedly provided about $2m to an Israeli firm for the social media posts.) But that effort is only one of many such campaigns coordinated by the ministry, which has received limited news coverage. The ministry of diaspora affairs and its partners compile weekly reports based on tips from pro-Israel US student groups, some of which receive funding from Israeli government sources. For example, Hillel International, a co-founder of the Israel on Campus Coalition network and one of the largest Jewish campus groups in the world, has reported financial and strategic support from Mosaic United, a public benefit corporation backed by Chikli’s ministry. The longstanding partnership is now being utilized to shape the political debate over Israel’s war. In February, Hillel’s chief executive, Adam Lehman, appeared before the Knesset to discuss the strategic partnership with Mosaic and the ministry of diaspora affairs, which he said had already produced results.
24 June 2024
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grifonecoronato · 19 days
The Olega Padawan
I love this guy and I wanna talk about him.
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In The Acolyte, in Episode 2 "Revenge/Justice", we briefly meet this Jedi Padawan (played by Ed Kear).
He’s a big guy, and he seems eager to prove himself useful; he manhandles a kid, and explains how there was a break-in at the local Jedi Temple where he’s stationed.
He has one or two lines of dialogue, and the story quickly moves on from him. He mainly exists for two (2) reasons in the story:
To give a lived-in feel to the setting: that during the High Republic, Jedi are plentiful and ubiquitous, in direct contrast to every other Star Wars time period we’ve seen in film and TV (and yes, I’m including the Prequels era, which explicitly stated that while there were lots of Jedi, they were stretched very thin, which carries a different tone than the era of The Acolyte)
To contrast against Osha, who flunked out of the Jedi Order (more on that below).
I mean he doesn’t even have a name; he's just credited as the "Olega Padawan", his role is so small!
And the fandom menace H A T E S him. They lament that the Jedi are supposed to be physically and mentally disciplined, and being fat is antithetical to that.
I call horseshit. The Olega Padawan makes complete sense, and his inclusion is a perfect addition to Star Wars.
Visual Storytelling of The Acolyte
For now, let's leave aside the undisputed fact that there are many, many biological factors that contribute to a person's weight beyond how much food they eat. And let's be clear that a person's fitness or fatness is not an indication of their moral character or their value to the world.
So let's just say, for the sake of argument, that the Olega Padawan really is just out-of-shape.
In an era where the Jedi are plentiful, have the confidence of the people, recruit new members easily, and have known peace for generations, is it really so inconceivable that a Jedi who’s not at peak physical condition could exist?
In The Acolyte, we see that Jedi take on a peacekeeping / police roles, sure…
...but we also see them doing scientific research…
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…and other non-combat, non-adventurous duties.
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The temple on Olega is so tiny, so peaceful, so sleepy that its master -- Master Torbin -- took a vow of solitude, penitence, and disengagement, and the Temple was able to continue on, business as usual.
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These are the conditions that the Olega Padawan finds himself in. And we're surprised that he would have other things motivating him besides commitment to physical perfection?
Headcanon: the Daily Life of the Olega Padawan
As of September 2024, nothing has been written about the Olega Padawan's story, but I can see his whole life through the context clues that were presented on screen.
The Olega Padawan was probably not a great physical student at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Unlike Jecki, his lightsaber forms are sloppy and half-hearted, but he was good enough to eek by a passing grade for his trials.
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He then was sent to learn under the tutelage of the Olega Knight, where his master taught him to manage the affairs of the local temple.
He probably spent his days worrying about building repairs, negotiating with mechanics when the droids malfunctioned, arguing with incense and candle wholesalers to keep the temple well-stocked, and taking point on charity or community outreach programs. Occasionally, his master would show him how to make requisitions for additional funds from the Coruscant Temple, or how to phrase their weekly reports in such a way that they go largely ignored.
If his master asked him to do anything physical, like move something into storage, the Olega Padawan would have a choice to make: physically lift it, or just move it with the Force... and I'm pretty sure he'd just opt to do it with the Force once his master left the room.
Occasionally the neighbourhood kids would hassle him, because there's nothing funnier than watching a Jedi lose his temper, so the Olega Padawan probably developed a sharp tongue. He'd likely have zero tolerance for bullies.
If he ever finished his work early, he'd find a way to entertain himself rather than go seek more work. After all, what's really so important that it can't wait when you live in a quiet temple in a sleepy town? Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things!
What This Means for Osha
There's one more role in the story that the Olega Padawan plays, and that's as a contrast to Osha.
Osha flunked out of the Jedi Order. Get it?
She flunked out.
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She flunked out.
And we saw risk her life to selflessly save the life of a prisoner aboard a ship that was about to crash!
She flunked out of the Jedi Order!
The Olega Padawan, who lives a sleepy life in a quiet temple, did not.
So at this stage in the story, the presence of the Olega Padawan conjures questions like "if he could make it as a Jedi... what the hell did Osha do to fail?"
How much "worse" of a student must she have been?
By the end of the series this is made clear, but by episode 2, the Olega Padawan's mere presence invites us to ask these questions.
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pillowfort-social · 8 months
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Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2024 with a Community Update after a very eventful end of 2023. We’ll give you a look at what Staff have been doing behind the scenes, an update from our Developer Team, and a preview of what’s in store for the platform. Community Stats: 
As of January 19, 2024 Pillowfort currently has over 170,467 registered users and over 9,928 Communities. The rest of this post is under the cut.
In 2023 we have…
Avoided shutdown thanks to your generous support.
Launched Pillowfort Premium
Tested and launched Drafts 
Added new premium frames. 
Updated our Terms of Service.
Updated our Business Plan.
Continued work on the PWA & Queue.
Blocked ChatGPT Bots our platform.
Announced our upcoming policy on Generative AI.
Increased weekly invitations keys to from 10 to 50. 
Continued patching bugs. 
Welcome New Users!
Welcome to Pillowfort. We are so glad you are part of our community. If you haven’t yet, check out the Pillowfort101 Getting Started Guide.
Thank you for keeping Pillowfort Alive! 
Your support during the End of Year Fundraiser helped us avoid ending contracts with our Staff and averted the end of our platform for another six months (July 2024). We can not express our gratitude enough to you. This has been an extremely challenging and stressful time for each member of the team. We are going to work hard to keep Pillowfort online. You have motivated us to continue the fight to be a viable platform. You may have noticed that our donation bar has reset to $5,000 at the beginning of January. This number is our monthly operating costs going forward.  Each month in 2024 that we meet our funding goal it will extend Pillowfort’s life past July 2024. 
Generative AI Ban Policy Update
We will be implementing our updated policy regarding Generative AI in the next site update. Prior to when the policy will be implemented we will share with the community what our definition of Generative AI is and our moderation process. 
We're aware that there are concerns about how moderation systems surrounding generative AI have been abused and used for harassment on other sites: we have consulted with experts on how to avoid those issues, and the suite of moderation methods from international universities also assist with identifying harassment. Abuse of reporting systems will be taken seriously by Staff.
End of Year Fundraiser Limited Edition Badge Gift Form
The form for gifting the Limited Edition Badge to other users who couldn’t donate is now live! Click Here to Fill Out the Form. (Note: We’ll be also making a separate Staff Alert with the link as well.)
Updated Business Plan
The Pillowfort Premium subscription model remains our primary answer to generate the necessary funds needed to cover the costs of running our platform. We will continue to offer optional premium features which can be purchased by users a la carte. However, we will be working on completing the following major projects / updates as an expansion of our revenue strategy in the first half of 2024:
Release of the Progressive Web App w/ Push Notifications - The data is very clear that the lack of a mobile app is hindering our overall growth. A PWA will allow our mobile users to experience all the functionality of a native mobile app and will be much easier for our Developer Team to build & maintain than a native app. We also won't have to worry about App Store content restrictions.
Post Promotions & User-Submitted Advertisement Opt-Ins - Users will be able to promote their posts (as advertisements) by paying a fee. No subscription is required to promote a post. By default, this promoted content will only be displayed on a page specifically for viewing promoted content. While this will mean potentially less revenue, it is important to our philosophy to respect our user’s experience and not force advertising on everyone. However, users can opt into viewing promoted content in their home feed, and will receive a discount on premium features for doing so.
Subscription Gifting - Users will be able to purchase subscriptions that can be gifted to other users. Subscriptions can be gifted to a specific other user, or can be added to a communal pool for any unsubscribed users to take from. We will provide special badges for users who gift subscriptions.
Pillowfort Premium Price Increase - We will be adjusting prices to help us fund our overall operating costs. We will notify the community before any price increase is final.
Mobile Pillowfort Premium Frames - Add an option for mobile users to view Pillowfort Premium Avatar Frames in their feeds.
Other Goals for Completion in 2024 (Goals are subject to change)
Release Queue & Scheduling
Rebuild the post image uploader widget.
Rebuild the way notifications are logged & retrieved in the back-end to be more efficient & reduce errors.
Release an Onboarding Guide for new users.
Release Multi-account management/linking.
Add 2-Factor Authentication.
Enable Community Membership Applications.
Release Community Topics/Organization Options.
Help Us Keep the Lights On!
At Pillowfort we do not receive any funding from venture capital or other outside investors because we are committed to keeping our user experience a priority, and not being beholden to outside interests. While this approach allows us to stay true to our ideals and content guidelines, it also presents many challenges to our team in the form of limited resources, personnel, etc.
Our continued survival depends on the generosity of our community. If you are able to, please consider supporting us with a one-time or recurring monthly donation to help keep Pillowfort online. Any money donated to us now will be applied as a credit to your account when we release paid features & benefits in the future.
Bug Bounty Reminder
We are still offering a Bug Bounty. If you find a bug on the site, particularly one that could pose a threat to the security or functionality of the site, contact Staff through our Contact form or directly at [email protected]. If you are unsure if we received your report, you can send us a DM to the Staff account here, or DM one of our social media channels to check on the status. 
We sometimes do not receive all notifications from users on other social media. DMing the Staff account on Pillowfort to check on the status is the preferred method. 
The first individual to notify us of a certain issue will be eligible for monetary compensation, depending on the severity of the issue found and the information provided.
Abandoned / Modless Communities Transfer 
We are taking Ownership Transfer requests for Abandoned and/or Modless Communities. The form is available here. 
Pillowfort Dev Blog
Follow our very own Developer Blog for the latest updates from Lead Architect & Founder Julia Baritz.
Follow Us on Social Media
Interact with Pillowfort Staff, ask questions, plus learn about upcoming features and more on social media. 
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Pillowfort Staff
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Hi everyone,
I found an article talking about how autism seems to be rising. According to this study:
According to the most recent data, 1 out of every 36 eight-year-old children, or 2.8%, have been identified with ASD. This proportion exceeds the previous estimate released in December 2021, which put the prevalence at 1 in 44 children, or 2.3%. This number is also significantly larger than the 0.7% prevalence (1 in 150 children) reported in the CDC’s inaugural autism prevalence study in 2007.
Prevalence estimates also differed across the 11 data collection sites, ranging from 1 in 43 children (2.3%) in Maryland, to 1 in 22 (4.5%) in California. A second report examined 4-year-old children in the same 11 communities and found similarly high rates of autism (2.2%) in the network overall, and 4.6% in California in particular.
The findings were recently published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Surveillance Summaries. All data were collected in 2020 by the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, a program funded by the CDC to better understand the number and characteristics of children with ASD in the United States.
The full article will be below in case anyone want to read it.
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pinazee · 5 months
Psy vs. Psy
I genuinely think that if they were going to bring back any psych villian, Lindsay Leikin would pose the biggest threat. She knows Shawn isn’t psychic, she has adequate motivation to target him personally, and has the skills to prove he’s a fraud and do it slyly as she is also highly skilled in deductive reasoning (she did manage to get them to the counterfeiter to begin with so she has legitimate talent). She could even orchestrate it from prison. Maybe her parole was denied again so, like, what else is she going to do? Plus, she’s kind of nuts. Faking being a psychic with the FBI is a whole other level of bold compared to a local precinct, then she met a counterfeiter and was like yes please, more crime, then killed him when he tried to run, slept with Shawn that same night, then tried to take him hostage when she got caught. Its just a shame she wasn’t a bit more charismatic or eccentric. They had her play it as a very normal girl swept into a life of crime because of a guy (probably because she was a “love interest” for Shawn) when the receipts show she was an absolute lunatic (look at her face after they found the guy she killed. This bitch is smiling).
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Also, she just kinda gave up when she was caught. I wish she’d have been screaming “he’s a fraud!” as she was taken to the car or even had a heart to heart moment with Lou Diamond Phillips because she did betray him after all. Idk, i just wanted more. (But i think maybe the writers recognized this and thats how we get Declan later??)
Gus is basically siri at this point. Between the archeology, safes, online poker, the law, tennis players, space, comic books, of course pharmaceuticals, and now studies tender from all over the world- its a smaller list of what Gus doesn’t know. Gus clearly likes learning. I’m surprised he never thought of becoming a teacher or college professor, to try to pass that love of learning to the next generation. Though i guess we see he’s not that great with people surprisingly, considering he’s a successful salesman. (OH MY GOD WHAT IF THIS WHOLE TIME GUS ACTUALLY HAD LIVED UP TO HIS POTENTIAL AND BECAME AN INTERNATIONAL SPY. He knows all these things because of his job, psychs only been able to stay open because Gus can fund it from his spy job, joining psych was a good front but he was also lonely from never getting to be himself. I kid, i kid, but its a fun idea for me haha)
No fucking way shawn doesn’t know what a drill is. Henry definitely would have beat that kind of man stuff into him. The military time too. I just felt the need to point this out. its like the show itself is dissing my boy and i have to defend him lol
I love when Gus is proud and smarmy over shawns talent. Look at his face here. My boy about to prove you wrong.
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And do you think Shawn is actually afraid of competition or do you think he learned at an early age from his father that he didn’t have value unless he was the best? Huh Henry, huh???(Weekend warriors “you don’t want to be a loser” comes to mind)
Henry trying some reverse psychology here. I can’t tell if its because Henry is actually concerned for Shawns safety like he said he wasn’t in the previous episode, or if he’s still taking it personally that Shawns using the gifts he “gave” him to be psychic. Probably both. We know he was really bothered by his motorcycle accident, so i wonder if he’s been kind of spiraling, and adding up all the crazy situations he’s been in. (Which, i don’t think Shawn tells him about. i think Gus calls him like a weekly report haha) I think the fact that shawns cases are becoming more dangerous he suddenly doesn’t like the idea of him being a detective, well a detective this way at least, because i think in his mind he’d be safer if he was an actual cop where he had a partner with a gun, and back up, and rules, and training. I mean we know he wouldn’t be, (look at what happens to Lassie and Juliet)
I just wanted to gif this because it’s one of my fave jokes in the episode!
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Mildred to the rescue! Im not entirely sure how this worked but it did and thats what matters haha
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*Appropriate reaction is appropriate*
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entrackrme · 23 days
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Funding and acquisitions in Indian startup this week [26 – 31 Aug]
During the week, 31 Indian startups raised around $490.32 million in funding. These deals count 7 growth-stage deals and 19 early-stage deals while 5 startups kept their transaction details undisclosed.
If you want to get complete information related to this topic click HERE.
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oldshowbiz · 8 months
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Reed Irvine’s Accuracy in Media was funded by the Scaife Foundation, the Olin Foundation, and the Coors beer dynasty.
It was connected to the Heritage Foundation, the Council for National Policy, and the Moral Majority.
They sent out weekly missives complaining about movies, TV shows, and news reports.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week - Episode 34
The Vigilant Fox
Aug 11, 2024
#10 - The most vaxxed country on Earth is now facing a population crisis.
#9 - Nancy Pelosi admits on tape to being part of a silent coup to oust Joe Biden.
#8 - Joe Rogan nails it with the perfect Kamala Harris description.
While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to this page for more weekly news roundups each Sunday.Subscribe
#7 - Bombshell report reveals Tim Walz allowed Somali fraudsters to steal $250 million in taxpayer funds.
#6 - “Cackling Kamala” Harris gets dismissed from an intense war meeting before it ends.
#5 - GARM “advertising cartel” shuts down 48 hours after 𝕏 and Rumble file a pivotal lawsuit.
#4 - Shocking Zoom call exposes Biden campaign’s use of psychological operations.
#3 - A massive new study spanning 125 countries finds NO EVIDENCE that COVID jabs provided any benefit.
#2 - British father jailed for 12 weeks for commenting on a Facebook post.
#1 - Explosive bodycam footage reveals Butler cop told Secret Service to cover the roof used by Trump’s shooter.
BONUS #1 - Joe Rogan Goes There: Says UK’s Speech Crackdown Reminds Him of Soviet Russia
BONUS #2 - What Trump’s Near-Assassination Reveals
BONUS #3 - This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data
BONUS #4 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More
BONUS #5 - Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Delivers New Warning About Kamala Harris
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week - March 6, 2023
🐎 - News That'll Make You Say "Neigh" to Negativity: My Weekly Positive Roundup
1. Drugmaker Eli Lilly caps the cost of insulin at $35 a month, bringing relief for millions
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Eli Lilly will cap the out-of-pocket cost of its insulin at $35 a month, the drugmaker said Wednesday. The move could prompt other insulin makers in the U.S. to follow suit.
The change, which Eli Lilly said takes effect immediately, puts the drugmaker in line with a provision in the Inflation Reduction Act, which in January imposed a $35 monthly cap on the out-of-pocket cost of insulin for seniors enrolled in Medicare.
2. Over 7,500 Pot Convictions Expunged in Missouri
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More than 7,500 individuals in Missouri have had their prior marijuana-related convictions expunged with recreational cannabis now legal in the state.
The expungement is the latest byproduct of the constitutional amendment that was approved by Missouri voters last fall, which legalized pot for adults and cleared the way for Missourians to have their records cleared.
3. Scientists cure 22 year old former race horse's behavioral disorders after 15 years of symptoms
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A team of international researchers from Italy and Brazil published findings earlier this month in the science publication Veterinary and Animal Science in which they reported a “successful outcome of four weeks-therapy with CBD” in a clinical case involving a 22-year-old Quarter horse that was experiencing behavioral disorders.
The clinical case study was a collaboration between investigators from the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences at the University of Bologna in Italy and the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences at the University Metodista of São Paulo in Brazil. At the heart of the study was a 22-year-old mare subject that was reportedly suffering from “chronic crib-biting and wind-sucking,” which are common behavioral disorders in horses for various reasons, including but not limited to poor welfare
4. Clean energy record: More than 40% of US electricity now comes from carbon-free sources
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Power from zero-carbon sources made up a full 41% of the U.S. electricity mix in 2022, a record-breaking number that has increased almost every year since 1990.
That mix includes power from nuclear plants, hydroelectric dams, solar and wind. With nuclear and hydropower relatively unchanged for years at about 19% and 10% respectively, the majority of the increase has come from the rapid build-out of solar and wind power, whose costs have plummeted in the past two decades. 
5. ‘Cruelty-free’ circus replaced animals with holograms
Holograms of horses run in circles. The Circus Roncalli stopped using wild animals in its shows in the 1990s. Circus Roncalli was among the first circus acts in Europe to stop using animals in acts.
6. New UN brokered High Seas Treaty Places 30% of Ocean into protected areas by 2030 after decades of talks
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The High Seas Treaty places 30% of the seas into protected areas by 2030, aiming to safeguard and recuperate marine nature.
The agreement was reached on Saturday evening, after 38 hours of talks, at UN headquarters in New York. The negotiations had been held up for years over disagreements on funding and fishing rights.
7. 'Heroic' Wirral student rescues dog from Manchester canal
Watch the video here:
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Lastly, I opened a Youtube account. Subscribe for more wholesome videos. That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Wednesday SpaceTime 20240918 Series 27 Episode 113
Recent volcanism on discovered on the Moon
Scientists have discovered evidence of volcanism on the lunar surface as recently as 125 million years ago.
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The Strange phenomena people will see at Moon's south pole
When astronauts return to the Moon’s surface as part of the Artemis 3 mission to the Lunar south pole, they’ll experience a very different environment to that which the Apollo astronauts witnessed more than half a century ago.
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A new crew arrives at the International Space Station
The Russian Soyuz MS-26 capsule has successfully docked with the International Space station just three hours after its launch aboard a Soyuz 2.1a rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in in the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan.
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The Science Report
Study shows up to 19% of dementia cases could be linked to vision problems.
Over 52 million tonnes of plastic dumped into the environment every year.
The growing amount of incorrect AI generated data being generated.
Alex on Tech: are the new iPhone 16s worth it? 
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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Kiera Butler at Mother Jones:
Earlier this month, former President Donald Trump held his first campaign rally as a convicted felon at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, hosted by the arch-conservative student group Turning Point USA. This wasn’t Trump’s first appearance at Dream City Church; he also held a rally there with Turning Point USA in 2020. For events like this, it’s an ideal venue: A weekly attendance of around 21,000 believers makes this one of the largest churches not just in Arizona but in the nation.
Dream City, which didn’t respond to my questions for this story, is a mecca for special guests who blur the line between religion and politics. Its annual conference has featured notables like musician and pastor Sean Feucht, who participated in a White House prayer session for President Trump in 2019 and is currently leading a tour of prayer rallies at state capitol buildings across the country. The lineup for this year’s event also included David Barton, whose organization, WallBuilders, teaches K-12 students about the supposed Christian origins of America; Jürgen Mathesius, a pastor at San Diego’s far-right Awaken Church, which has become a stop on Mike Flynn’s ReAwaken America tour; and Jentezen Franklin, a televangelist who also spoke at the 2022 Pray Vote Stand Summit, which mobilizes conservative Christian voters to engage in political activism.
In addition to its thrumming weekly worship sessions and its blockbuster events, the church has another project: Dream City Christian Academy. The K-12 private school, which serves nearly 800 students, is part of Turning Point USA’s Turning Point Academy program, a network of 41 schools that describes itself as “an educational movement that exists to glorify God and preserve the founding principles of the United States through influencing and inspiring the formation of the next generation.” Dream City Christian Academy promises to “Protect our campus from the infiltration of unethical agendas by rejecting all ‘woke’ and untruthful ideologies being pushed on students.” This politically charged approach to education likely isn’t for everyone—and because it’s a private school, it doesn’t have to be. Except for one thing: Dream City Christian Academy is one of a growing number of religious schools that are supported by public funds.
In 2022, Arizona became the first state in which all students are allowed to use state vouchers to cover a portion of tuition at any private school, secular or religious. Through Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, each participating family receives about 90 percent of the money the state would have spent on the child’s public school education—around $7,000 per student per year—for private school tuition. For the 2024-2025 school year, the Dream City Christian Academy annual tuition ranges from $10,450 in elementary school to $13,999 in high school—so families of the school’s nearly 800 students can use state funds to pay for between half and two-thirds of their tuition bill. Dream City Christian Academy received almost $1 million in tuition voucher money last year, the Arizona Republic recently reported.
Since Arizona passed its universal voucher law, 10 more states have followed suit. According to an analysis by Education Week, 29 states currently have programs that provide such assistance to a variety of different students many of whom attend local public schools that perform poorly. It also targets those with a disability that requires specialized education and those whose families earn significantly less than the federal poverty level. More programs are in the works: Lawmakers in both Louisiana and South Carolina recently advanced bills that would create programs like Arizona’s that are open to all students. When state funds are available for private school choice programs, a recent Washington Post analysis found that religious schools receive upwards of 90 percent of that money.
[...] A prerequisite for students and their families to attend some of the schools that currently receive voucher money is that they accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. In March, the education blog Notes from the Chalkboard highlighted one such school. Students attending North Carolina’s Daniel Christian Academy, are trained to “enter the Seven Mountains of Influence,” a main tenet of a Christian Nationalist movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation. Its adherents believe that the faithful are called to seek Christian control of the “seven mountains” of society: family, education, media, government, business, arts & entertainment, and religion. Many New Apostolic Reformation followers believe that waging “spiritual warfare” is justified in achieving these goals, though Daniel Christian Academy specifies that its endorsement of the Seven Mountains Mandate “in no way includes violence or manipulation at any level.”
Americans United for Separation of Church and State’s Laser worries that the proliferation of private school voucher programs will open the door to even more permissive rules around the use of public education dollars to teach religion. She points to a suite of bills that would allow public schools to employ chaplains, and even more remarkably, to an Oklahoma Catholic school called St. Isidore of Seville, which is set to become the nation’s first Christian public charter school this fall. The overarching goal of these initiatives, she says, is to “bestow a power and privilege on Christians in our country, at the expense of all the other religions in America.” Meanwhile, public education is robbed  “of the funding that it’s entitled to.”
Mother Jones reports on the disturbing trend of Christian Nationalists opening taxpayer-funded private schools with the intention to indoctrinate students with right-wing politics and a Christian Nationalist worldview.
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onenettvchannel · 5 months
BALITANG ENTERTAINMENT: Wakfu webtoon comic sequel 'The Great Wave' premieres, featuring intimate scenes at starting point between Yugo and Amalia [#K5NewsFMExclusive]
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelance News Writer, Online Media Reporter and Presenter of OneNETnews)
ROUBAIX, FRANCE -- Big exciting news for fans of the French animated series 'Wakfu' - the much-anticipated webtoon comic sequel to the Season 4 finale has premiered! Titled 'The Great Wave', Chapter 1 picks up where the last episode left off, featuring a steamy and intimate love-making scene between Yugo the Eliatrope and Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm (now canonized under a shipping name 'YuMalia').
In a blog post review by a Tumblr user '@cocogum', the webtoon comic doesn't shy away from showcasing the passionate connection between Yugo and Amalia, which now became the 'Sharm' family. From the very start of Chapter 1, readers are treated to a series of insanely and boldingly graphic s*x scenes, which may shock you really bad for the sensitive webtoon comic readers, providing for a deeper look into the characters' relationship.
Such praises for the makers of a French cartoon show like 'Anthony Roux' for not turning himself back from guarding the physical aspect of YuMalia's love that adds such a realistic and raw dimension to their story. Fans of this series dares to enjoy this bold and daring portrayal of the characters' romance.
The release of the webtoon comic comes after the success of the already-funded Kickstarter campaign for the animated series of Season 4 to 'Ankama Studios' and French public broadcaster 'France Televisions'. Not long ago as you might recall, the kids and teens programming block 'Okoo' (part of 'France 3' and 'France 4' for Wakfu) are no longer covering new episodes to animate after this final 4th Season, because of matured audience is currently in effect, and way over targeted demographic limit for the youths, in exception with parents like you.
With the fans of the Wakfu universe eager to be fed more, the decision to continue the story through a webtoon comic format proves to be a wise one. All the chapters will be released every Fridays until late-June 2024, to conclude an extended version after the 4th and final season of the French kids show.
The move of the Wakfu series into different mediums is exiting to be thought of. The webtoon comic does not only take the relationship between Yugo and Amalia (now called on his new marriage name of Mr. Yugo Sharm the Eliatrope) to soar new heights but also provides a new way for fans to delve into the wonderful characters.
For those interested in reading something spicy about 'The Great Wave - Chapter 1' and future chapters on a last post-4th Season finale of Wakfu, the weekly webtoon comic series is out now for purchase at the Ankama Online Store website, or through Ankama launcher when available. With its mind-blowing storyline and bold approach to storytelling, this sequel will just keep fans hooked and on the edge for more.
The best thing will be when the journey of Mr. Yugo Sharm and Prncs. Amalia Sheran Sharm (both were now growned adults) turns into an intense and passionate ride in this exciting new chapter of their life as husband and wife in Sadida Kingdom, and the rest goes history for what does the future bring in a weekly webtoon comic.
SOURCE: *https://store.ankama.com/en/a-16459-webtoon-pack [Referenced Listing via Ankama Online Store website] *https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ankamaanimations/wakfu-the-animated-series-season-4/posts/4080520 [Referenced Captioned Status Post via Kickstarter] *https://old.reddit.com/r/wakfu/comments/1c7lq3h/wakfu_the_great_wave_chapter_01_discussion_thread/ [Referenced Subreddit Post via Reddit] *https://cocogum.tumblr.com/post/742135291329036288/ [Referenced Blog Post #1 via Cocogum] and *https://cocogum.tumblr.com/post/748456382070751233/ [Referenced Blog Post #2f via Cocogum]
-- OneNETnews Team
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laurettelarue · 1 month
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Dear followers PLEASE NOTE:
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