#call of duty x gn reader
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libingan · 8 months ago
soft price moments??? soft price moments!!!!
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price who is so gentle towards you only!!! he doesn’t even try to hide it, he likes to show off how you get special treatment from him :)))
price who speaks to you with such a soft tone, always ensuring his words are soft and calm. even when you’ve managed to upset him, he never raises his voice or allows anger to seep into his words.
price treats you as if you’re made of glass, always hovering nearby and tending to your every need with meticulous care. he refuses to let you lift a single finger, insisting on doing all the work himself.
okay, maybe he’ll let you help out, but only with the lighter work! anything else, he’ll insist on doing on his own!
naturally, price’s gentleness towards you extends into your bedroom activities :)))
price fucks you so slow, yet so deep, thick cock filling you up to the brim while his hands begin tenderly caressing your body, whispering sweet words of love and praise into your ear…
“takin’ me so well, love… so good for me, yeah? god, you feel so amazing… that’s it, sweet thing, tighten up around me…”
even when you beg and plead him to go faster, try to convince him that you can take it, he won’t ever budge! he’ll click his tongue, gently grabbing your face to lean down and silence your pleas with a passionate kiss.
he would never ever think of hurting you! even if it’s all consensual, even if it’s something you enjoy :((( he just cant, his heart cant take it :(((
price reserves his rugged and formidable demeanor for the battlefield, never bringing that facade into your home. In his eyes, you are the epitome of purity and the most cherished presence in his life. the mere thought of accidentally tainting you is something he cant bear.
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leyavo · 12 days ago
Simon doesn’t need a sixth sense to know you’re having a bad time. He’s known you since he was a kid, lived next door to you and heard the sorts of things that went on in that house. Not that much different to his own.
So when he finished his latest op, he’s going to your flat instead of his. The curtains still drawn as he walked past the window on the balcony, two hanging pots by the front door withered and dry. The colourful pansies you’d planted the last time he visited void of life.
He fished the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. The kitchen dark as he entered your safe place. He slung his duffle bag near the shoe rack and tugged the curtain open to allow some daylight in.
The open plan apartment vacant, but your bedroom door shut. So he rolled up his sleeves and filled the sink with water. Washing and rinsing the plates and bowls piled in there.
Least you’re eating. The thought alone made him check the fridge. A few eggs rolling around in the door shelf and grated cheese. Half a carton of milk, thank fuck. Least he can have a cuppa whilst he wiped the kitchen counters and folded the blanket strewn over the sofa.
He doesn’t mind helping.
All the little things you do for him when he’s away. You clean his flat so he can come home and relax. Sort his mail and make sure that there’s no leaflets sticking out of the postbox. A little welcome home sticky note on the milk in the fridge and a fresh loaf of bread by the toaster. Even a mug on the side with a teabag in.
It’s the least he could do. You were normally the one helping him as a kid. Patching him up, you were too good at it and it didn’t take Simon long to figure out how you learnt it.
Simon’s always saying how much he owes you and that earns him a dig in the arm each time. No such thing as owing me mate you say.
You’re a couple years older than him, a whole lot gentler too. After all the horrible things that had happened, you were still kind and gentle. That in itself is impossible for most. So Simon does what he can to help you just like you did, when you had it just as bad back then.
Simon even hoovered the flat, knows that it’s like waking the dead. The bed could get stolen beneath you and you’d still be asleep. All thanks to those sleeping pills, the ones he has to remind you to take on and off.
The door creaked as he nudged it open. He set a cup of tea on the bedside table and he crouched in front of your lumpy duvet. His hand slipped under the layers, finger prodding your nose, your cheek. Nothing.
His failed attempt has he reassessing. Rising from the floor he climbed over you and settled behind you, the room too small to have the bed in the middle. So his back is pressed against the wall, curtain skimming his back.
The mattress dipped with him, he reached back and opened the curtain. Sunlight spilling in, he ripped the duvet away from your face and you gasped. Eyes squinting.
“Uh Riley,” you grumbled, tugging the duvet that he held in is grasp. You couldn’t look at him too long, the sun burning your eyes as you turned your back on him and faced the other way.
“Afternoon,” he scoffed, finger tracing the baggy T-shirt he’d given you when you last stayed the night as his. The tour dates on the fabric peeling away.
Simon draped his arm over you and you huffed, your fingers lacing with his. A smile pulled at his lips as you sat up.
“Riley, are you wearing outdoor clothes on my bed?” You yelled, flinging his arm back at him. “Get. Off.”
He sunk back into the pillow, hands tucked under his head. “Yeah, same ones I’ve had on since the base and the plane ride.” Anything to get you up.
You grumbled as you rolled out of the bed, stripping the pillow from the cases and snatching the one beneath his head.
“I’m gonna have to wash the lot, you bastard,” you muttered, slapping his arm as he got up from the bed. “Take a bloody shower too, fucking brute.”
Simon pecked your cheek, “I’m gonna use all that fancy shower gel,” he teased, but you stopped him before he could enter the en-suite bathroom.
Your gaze trailing every inch of his body, eyes falling on the gash on his throat. The same look you used to give him whenever you patched him up. You’re both still the same kids looking back at each other sometimes.
“We’re alright.”
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luboy7rt · 7 months ago
How I think COD GHOSTS Characters Would Sleep/Sleep next to you (GN - Teammate!Reader)
Note: This is like awkward coworker things. As if being forced to share a bed, not really romantic or anything, so it's platonic but could be for anyone. Just my thoughts on how these characters would react/act to this type of situation.
(Feel free to drop your own ideas in the comments/reblogs, No pressure though!)
Includes; Elias Walker, David ‘Hesh’ Walker, Logan Walker, Keegan P. Russ, Thomas A. Merrick, Kick and Riley
Elias Walker:
- He does an awkward little ‘I'm just gonna scootch in right here’ murmur as he lays down on one side of the bed. A pillow between you two as he crosses his arms over his chest to sleep.
- He's dead asleep before you even touch your pillow, and he snores… loudly. Like loud. And he can sleep in any position. His time in the military trained him for anything. Even if you take up most of the bed, he can hang his legs half off it and still stay asleep.
- He ends up sleeping with a pillow over his eyes, his arm would keep it in place, it lowkey looks like he suffocated himself, but nah, he's fine. Somehow, he just sleeps like that just to ‘block everything out’ for no specific reason. (But hey it blocks out his snores half the time)
- Elias doesn't really shift or move once he's asleep, he just stays very still, you might assume he's dead every time You wake up through the night.
- Elias is the ‘right’ temperature during the night, he's always very warm, not too cold or not too hot. If you're cold, he's willing to simply offer you all the blankets, or if you're hot he wouldn't mind taking the blankets for himself.
- Elias tries to be mindful of what you want or need, you could just wake him up if you need to, just let him know if you need something. Like you want a cup of water? He would get up out of bed to go get you one.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker:
- Surprisingly, Hesh doesn't snore, but he does like grunt or groan when he sleeps whenever he shifts over or when Riley hops onto him/the bed to sleep with you both.
- He isn't very awkward if you two know each other ‘well enough’ but if you two don't? He's as stiff as a board, glancing at you every few minutes as if to ensure that this was okay, are you comfortable? He's not comfortable.
- Hesh puts a pillow between the two of you at the beginning of the night, but half way through he ends up holding that pillow, cuddling up to it just to have something to hold. 
- He spawls out when he sleeps, unlike Elias he shifts around alot, moving his body when he's too hot, to find the colder areas of the bed. Hesh is like a human-heater while asleep and you being in the bed next to him doesn't help.
- If you need something he will begrudgingly go get it for you, he would grumble or be sassy about it though. Only for your first ask, if he gets in bed and you ask him for another thing? He's not getting up till morning unless it's important.
Logan Walker: 
- He snores, despite being deadly silent throughout the whole day, he snores like his father. Very loud, Like put him and Riley in a room together overnight and Hesh would refuse to sleep near them.
- Logan would just opt to stay awake, silently staring at the ceiling as you sleep next to him. He reflecting his life, like he does every night. His hands grasped together on his lower stomach as he doesn't even move. 
- You might get curious and glance up because you don't even hear or see him breath, get jumpscared by his eyes being wide open as he ‘reflects’ or he also just sleeps with his eyes open somehow. Like half open, his eyes don't even fully close as he got into a ‘habit’ when he was young. (It scared the shit out of Elias and Hesh constantly when he was young, Elias would always just..  close his eyes at night, so he didn't have to see it or put a sleep mask on him)
- Logan isn't aware of this habit either, you try and smack him awake, and he wakes up but confused thinking you just smacked him for no reason, even if you try and explain it to him, he just waves it off.
- Logan’s freezing during the night, he ends up accidentally stealing the blanket a handful of times from you. You may need to yank it back over yourself or he just wouldn't notice your silent suffering or your annoyance.
- Logan isn't a fan of getting woken up, he would give you a side eye as he grunts if you ask for something.. unless it's very needed, he won't be moving. Claims his legs asleep just for him to forget about your request and fall back asleep.
Keegan P. Russ: 
- He's an asshole, puts his cold feet over you, never in a pattern, but just does it, even wakes you up with just putting his feet on you.
- He can sleep anywhere, Any position, any time. Give him five minutes and he'll be dead asleep.
- Suffers from nightmares, so he might scare you awake randomly through the night when he shoots up from his sleep and accidentally almost shoves you off the bed.
- Keegan is freezing, and he knows it. Randomly places his hand on your arm or his legs over yours if you two know each other very well, he's simply smug and likes messing with you.
- If you two don't know each other he's silently there. Won't interact with you, won't touch you, won't go near you, there is two pillows between you both as if you even shift he's staring at you. He would stay awake the whole night, not trusting sleeping next to someone he doesn't know very well.
- If you do ask him for something throughout the night he tells you to “screw yourself” or a flat out “No.” before going to go get whatever you ask for within five minutes. He won't get up twice though, so if you need a handful of things just ask while he's up because he will ignore you if you ask for something else after he lays down again.
Thomas A. Merrick:
- It isn't that bad at all, Merrick's pretty respectful, makes it comfortable for you both. He'll ask if you are comfortable when you sleep side by side. If you're not? He's willing to put a pillow between you, or he might just end up sleeping on a chair if you don't want to sleep next to him.
- He will scrunch up his body uncomfortably if you ask him to sit in the chair. Merrick can somehow sleep like that, but will wake up with back pains.
- Sleeping in bed next to each other isn't even awkward, it's just the silence that is heavy, he makes sure not to touch you, or bother you. But he does snore in his sleep, and it's never continuous snoring. No it's random loud snores or snorts while he's asleep, it's like a jumpscare how random it is.
- He apologizes if you wake him up to tell him off, and does indeed sleep elsewhere if you want him to. Merrick does care about your sleep, you both being teammates, he needs you in your best conditions and if he is ruining your sleep accidentally, he's willing to sleep elsewhere.
- Merrick is nice and warm when he sleeps, he wouldn't really mind if you cuddle up to him if you two know each other well enough. He will simply put his arm under your head and hold you close. 
- If you ask him to get up from the bed to get you something, he would grumble about it under his breath but get up to go get it for you, you can do this a maximum of three times throughout the while night before he gets too agitated with you and gives you a order to just go to fucking bed.
- Kick is.. well a difficult sleeper, he could either have great nights of sleep, or he'll continuously wake up every few hours. In turn? He wakes you up every few hours as well, he shifts, turns, throws a leg over you (you can throw it back over him or shove him off the bed, he will end up staying on the floor till the next time he wakes up through the night.).
- He also makes random noises? Like completely random, he's somehow really good at impressions while dead asleep, boots against the floor? No it's just Kick sleep talking..? conversations while he's dead asleep? It keeps you on edge the whole night, not knowing what is Kick… or what could possibly be an intruder.
- You two end up kicking eachothers feet all night long, Kick doing it too well.. kick you, randomly just attacking your feet with his own, and in retaliation you kick him back, this goes on all night. Neither of you get sleep.
- He ends up asking to hold hands with a smug look, just for his own amusement, he's trying to make this night difficult for you so he can laugh later. 
If you accept? Great, his interlocking your hands with a smug look on his face, ends up doing a death grip on your hand and he commits to the bit, he stays like that all night, even if it gets sweaty.. You'll have to fight him to get him to let go.
If You give him a side eye, tell him to shut up and get some rest, he'll be dramatic. Monologues out loud about his ‘disappointment’, makes it a point to call Keegan (if he could, Keegan might hangup or just listen to make fun of Kick next time they're on a mission together) and complain to him loudly for you to hear.
- Kick is a cool guy, not to hot or not to cold, he doesn't mind cuddling at all, he will put up a fight if you attempt to take all the blankets, if he gets none he will cuddle up to your cocooned form (if you are comfortable with that) 
- If you ask him to get up to get you something he just laughs at you and tells you hell no. Unless it's important, he's not moving from this bed until morning.
- It's actually not that awkward sharing a bed with Kick, his constant teasing, jokes and idiotic actions make it seem more like a friendly sleepover rather than awkward co-worker forced to share a bed.
- Riley decides to sleep in your room instead of Hesh's (after Hesh annoyed the poor dog by promising Riley to go on a walk, then forgetting due to getting back from a rough mission.) Riley ends up plopping head first into your pillow, carrying one of Logan's shirt in his mouth deciding it was his comfort item of the night.
- Riley just puts a good chunk of his weight onto you, plops his butt right to sit on you while you're asleep to attempt to wake you up. Like he will just sit like that and side eye you until you wake up and acknowledge his grand presence. 
- if you don't pet him or lay him down next to you, he gets in your personal space, like creepily stares into your closed eyes, standing over you with Logan's damn sweatshirt smacking your face until you get up or groan.. or pull Riley down to lay next to you or on you.
- Riley's tail wags when you finally wake up or acknowledge him, laying over you as you give him attention. 
- Riley does indeed quiet down after he gets what he wants, but he sprawls In his sleep.. despite being a dog, he takes up most of the bed. (It's why Hesh gets grumbley when Riley decides to take over his bed, because neither Hesh, Logan or Riley are winning whenever they share a room, as Riley makes sure to take over any bed space he could see). 
- Riley also snores, no one is sure if he's just mimicking Elias or Logan or if he really just snores really loud. Riley does indeed sometimes loudly snores when napping, you'll hear it from another room.
(Random Note; Lowkey. I want more COD GHOSTS content. more lore on Torch, Neptune, and Grim. Hell even Kick, Ajax and the OG members, Like old Task Force Stalker missions, would be so epic to know about)
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gh7stly · 2 months ago
EPILOGUE — poly 141 x immortal gn!reader
<not proofread or anything, been sitting in my draft for the longest time! i hope someone'll enjoy>
The blood that painted your body itches, you noticed. It irked you, really, so the idea of spending one more hour on the same clothes you had on when you left for this mission was a torture by itself. As the helicopter shook one last time while landing, you immediately started making your way to the community bathroom, ignoring every greetings of other soldiers, previous mission partners and privates in the way. Muppets. 
“I thought the military taught basic etiquette, soldier. Been looking forward to making it home?” A voice not so strange called after you, slowly turning around as if scared to scare it away, Kate Laswell enters your vision. “Happy?”
You make a false discontent face. “Last time I saw your face I had 7 less lives in my hand, happiness is not the right feeling…. More like a bad omen?”
“I’m glad You're here and alive, then. You even taken a bath yet? There's subjects to be taken care of and I need you available as soon as possible, and, yes, I'm making the proposal again”, you take notice of how she avoided the responsibility and somehow proved your “bad omen” point, Kate's proposal didn't mean good things to come. “This is not the place to talk about it, Spook, but it is the right time. We need y-”
You bark out a laugh. “Fuck no, Laswell”, patting her on the shoulder, you turn around and start walking. “Coronel is not agreeing, plus, I have no interest in your suicide inhibitions against the US. Give up!”
“Spook. The time is running out. You know why you'd be the most important thin-”
Laswell makes a disapproving sound from getting interrupted again. Aware of the sudden seriousness of the moment, she grabs your arm to go further into the corridor away from the crowds and recruits.
“You are not a 14 year old girl, Spook. You are a soldier, a soldier responding to one of the biggest special forces in the world, and you have the ability of doing what I could only wish to do”, she stopped walking abruptly and stared down into your soul, this discussion is your least favorite one to have. “You can fuck up. Has this not internalized into you yet? Dead boys are sent to their mamas everyday for a tiny mistake but you have the ability of throwing it all into the air and walking away unharmed, so why not use who you are for the better cause? We need you”
Her words punctuated your gut, your frustrations boiled up deep in your stomach and revealed itself by the shaking in your hands; they've gotten worse recently, you've come to notice. There wasn't much to do about it except put them into fists and dig your nails deep into the palm of your hand until it made you grounded enough to find your voice, stuck in the back of your throat. This subject, this proposal and its implications had enough force to make you crumble easily, Laswell of course knew nothing about it – just that you were stubborn and kept refusing. 
“I am here because you asked me to make you useful, because you wanted to help. I know you're a human, Spook, but you're in the military and not a playground. What you want is not what you're getting sometimes, not because you don't matter, but because you are a useful trick we could have up our sleeve. So I'm going to ask you again, are you going to fucking help or not?
Staying in silence, you bit your tongue to stop from getting an insubordination letter. Part of you, the human part you guessed, felt talked down still. Did you ask for this life? Who made you this way? Wanting to help didn't mean killing yourself on purpose on missions, didn't mean getting used by superiors like an unbreakable toy. You're here because you wanted to be a hero, but right now, you're afraid of having more blood on yourself than the villains.
The other part, the freak one as you called, knew that that's exactly what you were. A puppet. From the moment you joined the military, it was better to devoid yourself from feelings, needs, or any basic thought. You liked it, even. Getting pushed to the limits of morality, treated like a piece of a big chess match. A cold air passed through you both until you finally had swallowed enough ego to speak.
“Let me at least change clothes and then you can go through your little plan." That was the closest thing to a yes you could've gotten before puking bile, but it was enough for her.
“Thank you, Spook. 1700 sharp” nodding, you let out a sigh you weren't aware of holding.
“You're a bad omen, Laswell. After today, I hope it'll be a long time until we meet again.” Even with the harsh words, a project of a smile showed in your face. Kate Laswell was probably the closest thing to a mom you'll ever have in your life. “I agree.”
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mr-celestial-writings · 25 days ago
Sweetheart Smooches.
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Pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x GN! Reader
Summary: Kyle loves you, there are no if's, ands, or buts about it. You're his sweetheart, and he doesn't care if the lads give him shit, he can and will smooch you.
COD MASTERLIST ================================================
Kyle looked at you from across the bar, smiling fondly as he nursed his bourbon. He had a pleasant enough buzz going, and that just made everything more dream-like for him.
You looked incredible tonight. You always looked incredible, to him at least. It wasn't what you were wearing, it was just... you. You were incredible, even as you gave MacTavish Shit.
He traced the rim of his glass with his finger, bouncing an idea back and forth in his head. He wanted to kiss you. That wasn't new. Anytime you were within a mile radius of him he wanted to kiss you.
Kyle took a steadying breath, getting up and making his way over to you. Once he was behind you, Kyle draped himself over you.
You gave a soft laugh in return, "Hey, Ky." You greeted gently, "You feelin okay?"
He hummed, giving you a nod. He rested his chin on your shoulder, " 'm fine, sweetheart, just felt like lovin on you." He replied.
You smiled, bringing a hand to run through his hair, "Well, there's plenty of me to love."
Kyle chuckled, pressing a kiss to your cheek, "yeah, there is."
It was easy to block out the sound of his Squad mate's and their teasing, you were is entire world after all. And here you were, safe in his arms.
Carefully, Kyle moved you so you were facing him. You rested your arms on his shoulders.
With a grin, Kyle pulled you into a kiss, and all was right with the world in that moment.
a/n: That Anon inspired me. Imma try and write more for Gaz. And I will use this power to write military men being whipped for their partners.
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ylmla · 2 years ago
⁠!! ☆ ghost, soap, price, gaz and könig being a father (gn reader, platonic hc, reader is a child, separate).
relaxed dad
you are literally a mini copy of him, like you both are when you are anywhere: 🕴️🕴️
he's also an angry and quite protective father, but, he doesn't get angry when it comes to you messing something up, he only becomes a beast if he knows some classmate of yours is bothering you or teasing you 😡😡
in general Simon is an amazing father, although he is a very busy man he tries his best to be present in your life, giving you paternal love and giving you a healthy education different from the one he had in childhood, he strives for you to have a healthy childhood <3
playful father 😬😬
he keeps telling you jokes all the time and you're like: I'm trying to finish my homework now 🙄 (although most of the time you join him in the jokes
if you are introduced to 141, ghost will become your other dad, soap teaching you the pranks, Simon is there lecturing jhonny saying: "(y/n) are a just a kid, they will get hurt 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️"
ghost teaching you that you can't do such a thing because you might get hurt while soap tells you to do it cause it will be fun 🤪
soap: leave (y/n), life is only lived once!!!
hardworking dad.
he never thought about having children because of his work, it is difficult to balance personal life and work — until you're born and he forgets that.
you are definitely his world and he protects you from everything!!!
tells you bedtime stories
bad grades at school???? no problem! he pats you on the shoulder saying it's ok and you don't have to worry because you can make up the grade, and he helps you study, and when you make up the grade he praises you all proud of you <3
proud dad
you are best friends you always play video games together, watch movies, gaz literally turns into a child when he is with you.
usually draw, and you give him several drawings as gifts, but there's one in particular that is his favourite: a drawing that you and him drew together, he takes it everywhere, when gaz is on a mission he always checks to see if the drawing is still with him.
bro secret handshake 🤛😎
doting dad
you scored high on your exam? he's the happiest dad in the world
at first he was scared of you being scared of him, but even when he was wearing his army gear and mask he thought you would be scared, but you looked at him and said "why didn't you tell me you were a hero??😮"
he was more surprised than you by your unexpected reaction, so he just fed his big imagination (because he knows that a child's mind is very different from an adult's mind)
könig almost crying with emotion when you say you want to be a hero like him when you grow up 🤧
very short, if you want me to add anyone else ask me and I will do it.
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gofishygo · 6 months ago
i know this is pretty niche in terms of topic, but i just want a strings orchestra conductor! john price n first chair violinist! reader.. (definitions below bottom banner)
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price of the burningham royal string orchestra has the unfortunate habit of losing his first chair.
his first victim was johnny mactavish- an ex military- just like him. sharp mouthed and witty, with an obnoxious mohawk that the man had sworn he would tear right off of his head. but what had stuck out to him the most was his passion for his arts running far less silently than price's had, even in the old days from before he had started conducting. but after an incident dug out from his sas days had left him half deaf, with a starburst shot on the side of his head and bad blood to be cleaned, he had bid farewell to soap.
and next in line was kyle garrick, who had shared a desk with johnny. unlike soap, who was sharp, loud, a serenade written in baroque times, kyle was much more snide with his work. charming, and gentle, in all the right ways- he'd guided you to your desk with a gentle hand on the small of your back in your early days- but as price's successor, had coined his conductor's ability to lay a heavy hand, a sharp look when needed. but kyle, he has his own fatal flaw; he often finds himself entangled in brilliant melodies, lost in his own interpretation of every piece of repertoire. and soon, that leads him to conducting an orchestra of his own, taking on the studies of a musician like price had, and leaving the first chair cold.
but unlike other fleeting faces, johnny and kyle only fill out two of the four he'd bothered to remember. because he remembers bringing out a hand to first cellist simon for a few months since kyle's transfer, the shadow and backbone of his orchestra.
and he also remembers you.
you, with your pretty face and nervous expression as you had ducked your ways through the chairs and stands in your first days as a violinist under the burningham's string orchestra- and the sparks that had flickered behind doe eyes. even then, you had always had some sort of bratty rebuttal hidden under the tonal qualities of your violin- the way you would glare at him with quiet concern when he would slip marlboro cigarette between his lips in the small breaks during rehearsals, how you would look up at him and promptly play your own, quieter interpretation of the repertoire you gave him. your silent determination- it takes up space in the sounds of his own viola, fills the gaps of what he has longed for during lonely nights. it is your quiet, ingenious spark, and the wisdom behind your eyes that makes him offer you the first chair with a firm tap of your shoulder after rehearsal, the quiet liverpool drawl of his voice inviting you to his office for a chat. it is not the sparkle in your eyes when you focus, the fluster that you try and fail to hide when he attempts conversation with you, how perfectly he imagines your face would fit in the palms of his hands. it is not that at all, he thinks, he lies.
but behind the closed doors of his own office, whatever bubbles in his chest can no longer be fought off by the low hum of whiskey or the pleasant fuzz of tobacco in his veins with you- such a lovely songbird- trapped in his cage. and he simply cannot help it, with the melodies that escape your lips in between his kisses.
so now, you finally sit in the first chair that he knows you have worked so hard to deserve- and you also lay in the arms of the man who has managed to entangle you- wholly, truly, melodically.
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first chair- usually, first chair in violin 1 is considered a very prestigious seat in any string orchestra. they act as musical leaders, tune the orchestra, and work very closely with the conductor. them, and the conductor (and guest of honor), usually take bows at the end of a performance.
conductor- a person who directs an orchestra. i dont know what else to say girl
*a strings orchestra will usually consist of instruments: violin, viola, cello, and double/alto bass.
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roachesbf · 2 years ago
Considering your courting series, which I love dearly, what about Horangi? He’d obviously be a tiger, of course he would.
But what about him being a possessive guy. Having his tail wrapped around reader at all times possible. Or dragging reader to sun bathe with him due to his cat like tendencies.
Even just forcing reader to stay put while he naps in his lap, giving him a warning glare of tries to move.
Just overall giving that same sass as any cat. Not wanting to lose his prized possession.
Gosh- Horangi would be such a possessive and clingy guy. Mein kleiner tiger<3
- 🪶
Tiger Horangi Courting Headcanons
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At first Horangi wants to see what you’re made of!! When you spar he makes sure that by the end of it you’re both tired. The more you both spar together, the harder it is to really determine if you’re sparring anymore lololol. By the time you’ve decided that you want to be with him he’ll always be on you, rubbing his face against yours. After missions, especially tough ones, he likes to take care of you and clean you up. He’ll mess with your hair, and give you kitty licks in hopes that it eases any tension in your body (Weird for actual humans to do but this is animal courting so take his licks or leave it lol). Horangi will even take his mask off in the comfort of either room, and give you love bites as a way to tease you. Of course if it actually hurts he’ll give it a kiss as an apology. 
When you’re both just on base he’ll like to stalk you and then pounce just to catch you off guard. That one joke that’s like “If I run to him he will catch me,” he totally does that to you. He also does this behavior in bed, you’ll be lying down and then Horangi decides that he feels like wrestling you because it’s funny. Tigers can’t purr but they do chuff, so after he’s satisfied with messing with you, he’s a cuddle bug all over and is nuzzling and rubbing along your sides. He feels less active during hot weather, so one those days you’re most likely going to get nothing done as he drags you somewhere to nap, and even if you try to get out he’ll wrap his tail around your leg which ultimately drags you back down. He’ll paw at you and complain that you woke him up, which now has him securing his arms around your waist.
He's very possessive of you, he'll show off his carnassial teeth to those he feels like are getting too close or into your business too much. A few scratches here and there to others but just dragging him away to the comfort of your room, and giving him some ear scratches, he's basking in all the attention you're giving him. He does like to be gross and annoy you sometimes, by licking your face and seeing you react to his saliva all over. Makes him laugh and he'll rebuttal that it's how he shows his love.
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6sally9 · 2 years ago
Call of duty hc's!
141 (Price and ghost) x GN reader<3, first meeting
-> You being a new comrade!
Captain Price
First impression ->
Price was looking at your file, scanning it,he got a message from shepherd that you're new for his team.
He was intrigued by you. You looked pretty interesting,he didn't give it much thought.
First meeting ->
You introduced yourself,simple and not talking about the bush,he liked that, he'd probably study your body language, looking if you feel discomfort by any comment. (Nice guy frfr)
Getting to know you!
He figured,you two were a pretty good team,and he found himself often at your side, talking about missions at first,but slowly going to more personal stuff! Sometimes he may invite you to his office! (Just talking.) He found himself Liking you!
Catching feelings ->
I feel like he would take his time, getting to know you,when he realises he catched feelings,he thinks,like long. Trying to come up with a solution,he waits a bit longer,he found himself seeing the small things,like food preferences/ ect.
He'd also smile more around you!
First impression ->
He was neutral,he did hope you weren't the annoying type of human,he saw you and was like
'okay'. There isn't much to say, because he just doesn't think much of you. He hopes youre strong tho.
Getting to know you ->
If you wanna befriend him/get to know him
You must have the patience of an angel🙏
This man will ignore you (he secretly listens to you)
He learns mkre about you,you dont about him,but that better. After a while he'd talk with you more,you getting to know him.Sometimes eating together at the cafeteria (?)
Catching feelings ->
(talk about death!)
The moment he figures it out,he doesn't talk to you. Nu huh. You aint hearing ANYTHING of him.
He legit hates it☠️ i mean,when you befriended him he already had nightmares about you getting killed,so that would make things wayyy worse.
After a week you had enough, confronting him, he'd yell for a bit , before saying his confession (ew.)
Hope you enjoyed :)
(if you want the rest,tell me)
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libingan · 8 months ago
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was working on this earlier, but i only finished it now lmfao
i need to worship price’s body so badddddd hes so sexy yall love me a hairy man
anw this is just me imagining giving john price the best head of his life!!!! need to show this man just how hot he is!!!! he deserves to get his dick wet!!!
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the dim light of the room cast a warm glow over john price’s rugged form as you knelt before him, eyes tracing the contours of his muscular, hairy body. his piercing eyes watched you intently, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of his lips.
“you really love this, don’t you?” price’s deep, raspy voice broke the silence, sending a shiver down your spine. he knew the effect he had on you, and he reveled in it, loving to see you work for every touch, every taste.
“yes, sir,” you replied, your voice thick with reverence and desire. your hands moved up his calves, feeling the coarse hair beneath your fingertips. you leaned in, pressing your lips to his thigh, inhaling deeply. his scent—an intoxicating blend of sweat, musk, and lingering cologne—filled your senses, driving you wild with need.
price’s hand settled on your head, fingers tangling in your hair. “good,” he murmured, a low rumble of approval. “show me how much you love it.”
your lips trailed up his thighs, each kiss and lick a testament to your worship. you could feel the hard muscle beneath the hair, savoring every inch of his skin. when you reached the base of his cock, you paused, looking up at him with wide, adoring eyes.
you leaned in, your tongue tracing the thick vein on the underside of his cock, feeling him shudder beneath your touch. your hands moved to his balls, rolling them gently, feeling their weight. you took him into your mouth, sucking lightly, savoring his taste.
“bloody hell,” price groaned, his voice rough with arousal. “you’re too fucking good at this.”
you took him deeper, your throat relaxing to accommodate his size. the stretch of your mouth around his thick cock was intoxicating, each bob of your head drawing a low, guttural moan from him. your hands continued to work in tandem with your mouth, worshipping every part of him.
price’s hand guided your movements, his hips thrusting slightly. “that’s it,” he growled. “take it all, love.”
you did, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you took him as deep as you could. your tongue swirled around the head of his cock, tasting the salty pre-cum that leaked from him. the sound of his heavy breathing, the way his cock twitched in your mouth, spurred you on.
you pulled back slightly, letting his cock slip from your mouth with a wet pop. “so big,” you murmured, moving to kiss along his jawline. “so fucking perfect.”
you kissed a trail along his jaw, nuzzling into the thick hair of his beard. his scent was stronger here, and you buried your face in his neck, breathing him in. your lips moved to his throat, then to the hollow of his collarbone.
“you smell so fucking good,” you whispered, your voice full of need. “i could spend hours just like this.”
price’s breath hitched, his eyes dark with desire as he watched you. “do it,” he murmured. “go ahead.”
you continued your worship, kissing down his chest, taking the time to bury your face in the dense hair. the coarse strands tickled your nose, and you breathed deeply, savoring his scent. you kissed his nipples, teasing them with your tongue, drawing low, rumbling moans from him.
“fuck,” he groaned. “that’s it, love. keep going.”
you trailed your lips down his belly, feeling the hard muscle beneath the hair. you nuzzled into the thick hair that covered his abdomen, pressing your face into it, breathing him in. your hands roamed over his sides, your fingers tracing the lines of his muscles.
“you’re so perfect,” you murmured, your voice muffled against his skin. “every inch of you.”
you kissed lower, burying your face in the thick patch of hair at the base of his cock. the musky scent of him was heady, filling your senses. you nuzzled into his pubic hair, your hands sliding down to grip his thighs.
“fuck,” price groaned, his voice rough with arousal. “you’re driving me insane.”
“good,” you whispered, looking up at him with a wicked grin. “i want you to feel it.”
you took him back into your mouth, your tongue tracing the thick vein along the underside of his cock. you sucked harder, your hands working in tandem with your mouth, worshipping him with every touch, every lick.
price’s grip on your hair tightened, his hips thrusting slightly. “that’s it,” he growled. “take it all, love.”
you did, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you took him as deep as you could. your tongue swirled around the head of his cock, tasting the salty pre-cum that leaked from him. the sound of his heavy breathing, the way his cock twitched in your mouth, spurred you on.
“shit,” he groaned. “i’m gonna come.”
you didn’t pull back. instead, you took him deeper, wanting to feel him spill down your throat. with a final thrust, he came, his cock pulsing in your mouth, filling you with his hot, salty release.
you swallowed it all, savoring the taste of him, the way he groaned your name. you pulled back slightly, letting his cock slip from your mouth with a wet pop. you were about to speak when you felt something unusual in your mouth, a strange texture that wasn’t quite right. you furrowed your brows, reaching in with two fingers to pull out the foreign object.
with a gentle tug, you extracted a single, long strand of john price’s hair. you stared at it, a mixture of shock and amusement in your eyes.
price, catching sight of your expression, couldn’t help but laugh. “what’s the matter, love? found a souvenir?”
you looked up at him, grinning. “didn’t expect to get a hairball,” you teased, holding up the strand.
price chuckled, shaking his head. “well, at least you know i’m always with you, even if it’s just in your mouth.”
you laughed, tossing the strand aside and pulling him into a warm embrace. “guess i’ll be finding bits of you for days,” you said with a playful grin.
he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. “means you’ve got me all over,” he replied, his voice filled with affection.
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leyavo · 7 days ago
Soap discovering the power of ✨ manifestation and he starts by asking for little things at first. Like a free chocolate bar falling from the vending machine and an extra scoop at the canteen from that cook that hates him.
A fiver on the lotto, you know baby steps till he can figure out how it works.
Telling the guys about different methods of manifestation. “I don’t need a 3 6 9 method to shut you up, Johnny.” Ghost says when he just wants some peace and quiet, but no Johnny’s rambling.
Tries to explain to John how it works and he just goes, “well get me a cigar then.” As if they aren’t in the middle of nowhere on an active op, like Soap’s gonna pull one out of his helmet. “Don’t work like that Captain.” John sighs over the radio, “then I ain’t interested then.”
Mentions it to Gaz, but ends up in a long conversation about how it’s actually science. “It’s like setting a goal, init. Then you need to take action towards it otherwise it’s never going to happen mate.” Gaz slapping his back and Soap goes down the rabbit hole of science. Listening to guided meditations and speeches on manifesting. He’s cracked it.
He starts to get more adventurous, manifesting for you to give him a look. For you to approach him and start a conversation.
It’s not till he’s got you in his bed that he tells you that he manifested this.
Doesn’t show you his vision board though and the photo’s he took of you around base. Later, maybe.
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luboy7rt · 10 months ago
 How Task Force 141 Would React to You Being Injured on the Field (GN - Teammate Reader Addition)
(Warning? Reader does pass out in one paragraph each, with no big details of any injury involved. Not much detail on the injury, just don't want to accidentally not warn someone of what is involved. So not many in-depth details on the injury :)
(Note:(GN - Reader. These can be seen as mostly platonic but can be seen as romantic and these are just my headcanons, feel free to disagree or agree, thank you) (INCLUDES: John Price, John 'Soap' MacTavish, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick and Simon 'Ghost' Riley)
Jonathan (John) Price:
- John is quick in dragging you off to a safe point, firmly placing you in a nice nook to ensure no stray bullets hit you. He does protect you, barking out orders for you to cover the wound and apply pressure as he focuses on killing the remaining enemies and makes sure the area is safe before helping you.
- Once it is ‘safe’ enough, he drops on one knee, questioning how you were ‘feeling’, scale of pain, how many injuries, just gives you a hell of a lot of questions to answer as he pulls out his small medical kit.
- He does basic procedures to ensure the wound wasn't fatal, disinfects and bandages as quickly and efficiently as he could as there might be enemies still around.
- He would question if you could stand, if not he has no problems helping you walk, looping his arm either over your shoulders or around your waist to pull you along to the evac point.
- You might owe him a drink, or two. He makes a ‘joke’ about it as you two walk (he isn't joking despite it coming off as one. You will end up paying for a round).
- He does take good care of you, ensuring you weren't in much pain, as he settles you into the evac helicopter, calling for a medic over comms when he could.
- He'd pat your shoulder or head and stay hovering near you until you get back to base, his eyes always coming back to check up on you.
- Depending on how much experience you have in the field, how many injuries you have had in the past, and how bad the injury was, if you were new to the team, he's a bit more ‘eh’ the medics know how to do their jobs but I'll stay nearby. If you are someone that has been on the team longer, he's sat by your side, rubbing your shoulder with one hand or the back of your neck, talking to you, questioning how you were. 
- If it's a ‘small’ injury, he's more relaxed, allowing the medics to do their jobs and not being that overbearing. 
- If it's a bigger injury? Good luck escaping his view, his eyes are on your wound while it gets patched up, ensuring everything goes smoothly while holding your forearm firmly in his grasp. His eyes would go from your injury to your face to see if it was affecting you badly or not. He forces himself to shut up, his jaw subtly clenched trying to let the medics do their job but he has to bite back comments of worry.
- If you pass out? He looks a bit surprised, his reflexes acting quickly catch you, his hand on your lower stomach and shoulder as he moves you to sit back in the helicopter, ends up sitting next to you the whole flight to keep you in place, he stays strong despite the silent worry in his eyes.
John (Johnny) ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
- He's antsy when you get injured in front of him, he swiftly deals with the enemy soldier that caused it, dropping down to your level and taking you into his arms. He asks ‘are you okay’ in many different ways, along with ‘where are yer hurt?’ a few times.
- His hands find your wound to apply pressure, or quickly bandage it, unable to clean it in the fast-paced situation, as enemy soldiers were still around, his main focus was simply getting the bleeding to stop and he would clean and bandage you up better later.
- He'd put his body between yours and the enemy soldiers, trying to block you from getting injured more while also firing back, trying to complete his job but also ensure you are protected.
- He would mutter to himself, as if to keep himself on track on what he had to do first, like a subtle ‘check-list’ on what to do, deal with this group of enemy soldiers, clean and re-patch your wound, run the hell to evac point. 
- He would gently brush his thumbs over your eyes if you cried due to the pain of your injury, quietly murmuring a bit of praise to keep you awake and aware before helping you up. He keeps a tight grip on you while his eyes check on you every few minutes before returning to look around his surroundings. His hand firmly on your back, rubbing slowly as his other hand held his sniper.
- If you needed him to carry you, he would. He would either throw you over his shoulder so he could rush to the evac point or hold you a bit more gently as tightly holds you.
- Once in the evac helicopter, he would let the medics do their job, him sorta being on autopilot as he watches over you. His hand going from the top of your head, to your shoulder, to gripping your forearm, to simply just grabbing at you. You were always in his grip, as if he was making sure you were still around and alright.
- If you pass out? He goes a bit pale, putting you down and yelling for a medic quickly, shaking you to try and wake you up. If you wake up, great, he’ll slowly calm down as he ensures you're safe within the evac helicopter. If you don't? He panics a bit, despite being trained not to, he can't help it when he knows a person so well, his own teammate. He ends up sleeping out next to you, his head on yours as the evac helicopter flies back to base, the medic having had patched you up and Soap there for support. But it wasn't known if he stayed with you for your own comfort or his own comfort.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
- He stumbles after you, trying to make quick work to check if you were okay, tugging you down to hide behind a bit of stone. He loses all the confidence he had moments prior as he watched your pained face.
- He would quickly bandage your wound, going into simply just repeating what has been drilled into his mind over the years. He is quite quiet during this, going on his comms unit to request for a medic and backup. 
- His eyes softening and he lets out a quiet sigh of relief if you are awake and aware, he grips your shoulders, while keeping a firm eye out for any enemies about. He smiles at you softly as he crouched down right in front of you, giving a brief side hug before going back to protecting you until backup arrives.
- Kyle pulls you up gently when backup arrives, sneaking you out of harms way while trusting the others to handle the few remaining enemies about. He would give you a soft look while murmuring encouraging words, he doesn't want you to pass out on him, so he was really just rambling to try and catch your attention.
- Promises to buy you a snack, or a round, or any drink you want as long as you don't pass out (he ends up buying you anything even if you do pass out).
- If you do pass out, the look of ‘are you kidding me? I said not to’ Kyle had as he caught you, his arm around the back of your waist, to keep you leaning into him instead of landing on the floor. Kyle ends up dragging/carrying you to the helicopter.
- He sits next to you as a medic does their work, looking at the ceiling as he breathed out, he was sure that was maybe the most ‘scare’ he ever had in his career as he cared about you, you being his teammate, he spent about all his time with you and the other Task Force 141 members, his thoughts went to a horrid place. Thinking about what he would ever do if he lost you or any other member he was close with.. he felt ill at just thinking that. But when his eyes went to you, his eyes softened and he relaxed, shaking those thoughts away as he was simply glad you were alright.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
- Ghost ends up killing the enemies who injuried you himself, having snuck you to a ‘safe’ hidden place in the battlefield before doing so. Having tossed his medical kit at you for you to care for your own injuries as He went off to deal with the dangers that still lurked around every corner.
- He comes back after about twenty minutes, silently watching you (if you managed to actually patch yourself up, he's more relaxed, calls you a idiot if you were too injured to patch yourself up) But Ghost leaned down to clean your wound then patch it up for you. Murmuring half- ‘insults’ but it was only out of care due to the fact he wasn't to sure on what to do with himself other than killing those who harmed you.
- There is indeed an awkward silence between the two of you as he patched you up, awkward eye contact, even more awkward touching. Ghost would quietly grunt at you. Shifting to help you up, if you stumble he sighs. Ends up just fireman carrying you or dragging you off, speaking calmly over his comms unit to get a evac helicopter on route.
- His hand would squeeze your shoulder, he wasn't one to like affection that much, but it was sorta like he was trying to keep both of you calm, he just wasn't sure how to show you..? He wanted you to know you could Indeed rely on him.
- If you pass out.. he forgets to catch you. You hit the floor hard as he made a silent ‘shit’ face under his mask, as he had been walking in front of you, having had not noticed until he heard the thud. He silently drags/carries you to evac point. He doesn't let a soul know he allowed you to fall.. he doesn't even inform you once you wake up. No one will ever know of this error.
- He keeps his hand firmly on you as he brings you to a medic, and watches their every movement, there was no room for error patching up one of his teammates.
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skylarsblue · 2 years ago
I was listening to Mary On A Cross by Ghost, because of course I was. And I just was struck with the concept of Nun!Y/N (maybe they’ve taken the vow, maybe not). And Price. Now I’m not sure how they meet or whatever, probably some situation where Price helps save them blah blah. But listen-
Obviously there’s some forbidden romance there because nuns are supposed to be like “married to god”, y’a know. And so there’s that moment where they’re gazing at each other longingly, and there’s the energy of a soon-to-be-kiss happening. But John knows he shouldn’t, that it’s technically not allowed. So here’s why I came running here to type this bullshit-
“I shouldn’t…”
“I won’t stop you if you do.”
“You’re a follower of God…”
“Quite frankly John, I think you’re about the closest thing.”
“So even if this is a sin?”
“I want to walk into hell knowing what you taste like.”
“Bloody hell…”
OKAY THANK YOU GOODBYE. (Also I wrote this on my phone so apologies for inconsistencies/errors.)
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lovethetasteofnothing · 1 year ago
chimeras of my life | farah karim
or the night creeps in ...
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pairing: farah karim x gn!reader
gn!reader, gender neutral terms of endearment, pronouns used: you, they (like once)
warnings: hallucinatory dream state, imagery of death/corpses (brief), implied traumatic experiences, feelings & hurt/comfort
word count: 1.6k+
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you knew that you shouldn't be sleeping in her room, she was supposed to get back today and needed her time to recover. but god, you missed her smell, the feeling of her skin against yours, and her voice filling up your ears as if it were the only sound you would ever need to hear.
her bed was such a strong temptation, and even though you were a fantastically resilient soldier, the piece of furniture won this battle. you found yourself snuggled up in her sheets, her pillow nestled in your arms, as you tried to take in every bit of her scent that had been left in the fabric after five long days. it wasn't her, but it was something, and you'd take what you could get at this point.
the comfort of her smell lulled you into an easy and shallow sleep, waking up at every noise, thinking, hoping that it was her coming back. a certain sound would ring in your alert ears—a creak, a chime, the chirping of a cricket—and you'd inevitably fall down memory lane once again. in moments like these, the sweet memories were your only companion, your only comfort.
somehow you floated in a state below conciousness yet above dreaming, your thoughts blooming into a sort of gray area. in the haziness of the moment, you couldn't distinguish reality—dozing off in her bed; from the chimera materializing into your brain—an odd concoction of your favorite memories with her fading into scenes from the battlefield. you couldn't tell if she was dead or alive in any of them, a feeling of dread settled in your chest after each one.
you didn't know how much time had passed by until you finally heard the door creaking open, the thud of gear and a uniform being dropped right after. she didn't notice you, or even if she did, she made no sign of showing it. you had shuffled a bit, readjusting your position and waiting patiently for her to finish her "coming back to base" routine. to find you there, lying like a loyal dog in their owner's cold bed.
as you lay there in silence, your eyes shutting, your breathing became shallow yet again. you weren't sure if you had fallen asleep completely, feeling like you had dropped into that limbo in between consciousness and dream once more.
there was the noise of the shower, the persistent hum of the droplets hitting the walls and the floor, the rustle of her shampoo and shower gel bottles, and her dropping one at some point, cussing under her breath as she tried to keep quiet and let you sleep. and then the soft patting of her feet against the tiled floor, walking around the bathroom before slipping back into the bedroom. a crack followed by some rummaging through her closet, the swift scratching of fabric against skin as a pair of pjs was put on.
yet you weren't sure if she had really done all of that or if your half-awake, half-dreaming brain filled in some of the details for you, even providing imagery if you really tried. the truth had to lie somewhere in between your distorted perception and hers.
a soft creaking, a body pressing down on the mattress. it bothered you enough to get you out of your disturbed state, knowing that she had finally returned by your side. you scooted closer, melting against her touch as you felt the comfort of her hand being wrapped around your waist. that familiar feeling of home, of late nights spent talking while the moon outside guided you both.
"i didn't mean to wake you up." you felt the tingle of her breath against your ear, her voice was clearly tired and drained of most of her power. her lips pressed against the back of your neck, resulting in a soft and comfortable noise leaving your lips as she cuddled closer to you. the warmth of her body had practically turned you into mush.
you had heard this woman barking out orders in more than one language, and the years that had passed had hardened her into an excellent leader. but now... now there was this ghost of a girl, the fighter's spirit that you had never seen lacking replaced by a dull tiredness that really exposed the roughness around the edges.
you can't help it when you turn around to face her, shuffling in the dark as you cup her face and kiss her tenderly, trying so hard to alleviate the pain of her days spent on the field.
"i was waiting for you... can't sleep without you here anyway" you find yourself saying as you search for a glimmer, a hint that she was looking at you even in the depths of the darkness. there were always the moon and the stars to guide the two of you, their celestial light bringing a bit of direction to your most complex dilemmas.
there's a beat, two, three of perfect silence.
a soft sigh follows them as she rests her head against your chest, her breathing warming up your (her) t-shirt. in that moment you knew. or maybe you had known all along but refused to admit it out of cowardice, or pride, or guilt. she wasn't the perfect leader or the perfect commander. her biggest flaw? what stood in her path to reach divine command and order in her leadership? she was human. you were familiar with those blackout moments when that humanity seeped out of her like the spirit leaving a body, turning her into this hardened veteran.
but now she was all essence, with no vessel to hold her pressing humanity. she was spilling over to you in search of a place to rest her spirit and find shape in the unknown of the world.
"how did it go?" you prompted her again, hoping that maybe this time she'd speak. but to no avail, a pact of silence on her lips, or rather just soft sighs and shallow breaths.
"i don't want to..." followed by an indistinct mumbling as her lips brushed the fabric of the t-shirt, muffling her words into indistinguishable gibberish. maybe it was just your touch-craved mind playing tricks, but for a second, it felt like she was holding on tighter.
it was your turn to sigh, to run your fingers through her damp hair and to soothe her. she had done this for you so many times, holding you close as you cried out and screamed about how unfair the world was.
but this was uncharted territory; she had never thrown her own issues at you, not even when you had a fight with her about how little she opened up to you. you had to approach cautiously, like a handler approaching a feral animal, one wrong step and it's all over.
"anything you need?" going with the safe option, understanding that only pushing her further into the pit of emotion would do nothing but harm her in this fragile state. the sleep left your body, any sign of drowsiness washing away as your brain raced for solutions to the issue at hand.
your words were followed by a pressing silence yet again. the thudding of your own heart started to drive you crazy. she wasn't moving either, her breath was barely warm enough against your clothes so you knew that she was alive. was she asleep? was she just frustrated? maybe you shouldn't have disturbed her lonesome ritual. she needed to find solace in herself at times, and you didn't want to disrupt her process.
and then the lightest of kisses pressed against your sternum, sending a fleet of butterflies through you.
"i need to feel you close... i need to feel a body in more ways than just cold and stiff and bloodied and... " even though her imagery was brutal, it brought her point across better than any watered-down explanation ever could. she had used terminology familiar to both of your broken hearts. you had finally understood part of what her world looked like; you had caught a glimpse through a keyhole.
and for the first time in a long time, you were her protector, holding her hands in yours as you guided them underneath your shirt, allowing her to feel the comfort of a familiar body. something warm, something intimate, to remind her that the horrors have an end and there's always a house, a bed and a lover to return to.
"it's alright, you're with me now." your voice was so uneven and unsure that it made you cringe at how hard it was to actually find the right words. you gently pressed her hands into your skin, lying still as her fingers clung to the soft flesh of your torso, finally sensing that she was releasing some of her tension. her touch grounding the both of you, serving as an anchor to the heaven promised after retirement.
you snaked your arms around her again, a kind gesture meant to remind her she's safe in your hold. your chin rested against the top of her head, looking into the encompassing darkness that covered the both of you. even though it was rocky, there was nothing else you'd be doing in this moment.
the feeling of her legs tangling in between yours, limbs and breaths mixing together as if you were one and the same. it felt like home, it felt right.
"ya amar..." your heart skipped a beat at her barely audible words. it felt like a gentle caress after being deprived of touch, like that gentle light that seeps in between the curtains at dawn, slowly easing the day into the night. even though you were shattered and glued back haphazardly, her words felt like the force holding it all together.
you held each other like that. she, in an attempt to cling to the last bits of humanity she had found on this cruel earth; you, to remind yourself of how much better life could be next to her. 
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ya amar - my moon (as per my Google searches)
divider cred: @/cafekitsune
can you tell this started off as fluff? i listened to mitski while writing, that was my mistake
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gazs-blue-hat · 1 year ago
Passing Notes (Gaz x Gn!Reader)
An: I've had this idea forever tbh. I'm glad to finally get it written
Summary: How you communicate with the rest of the world is simple. You use sign language. How you communicate with your boyfriend, is a whole different story
Word Count: 978
Tw: None I can think of
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Kyle and you had been dating for three years now. You worked on a different task force but your two groups often worked together. The 141 boys noticed you never spoke with your voice, only using sign language to speak if you needed to.
You were relatively quiet to begin with but they had heard you make various sounds once in a while. Over coms, if something was frustrating you, you would make a huff of frustration. If you got hurt, there would be grunts or whines of pain. But you never used your voice.
Even stranger was the fact that you never used signs when you were with Kyle. You never really…spoke to him at all. The teams would watch you both make facial expressions to one another, without any other form of communication. Kyle knew to sign, but he never really used it when you were both communicating regularly.
Johnny MacTavish had been curious about the nature of your relationship since he had met you, but the day he broke was when you and Kyle sat across from one another for a whole fifteen minutes without either of you signing anything! He had been sitting on the couch across the room from you, trying not to be obvious with his snooping.
He was so focused on watching the two of you, that he almost missed Simon coming to sit next to him.
"Minding your business over here MacTavish?" The large man asked while pulling out his laptop and starting on some reports. Johnny huffed and opened his notebook, scribbling his observations.
"I've been watching them for the past fifteen minutes and they haven't said a single word to one another." The Scotsman huffed. Simon looked over at his friend and raised his eyebrow.
"They're mute Johnny…" He said in his classic no-nonsense tone. Johnny rolled his eyes and huffed at his friend, giving him a firm jab in the ribs.
"I know that, you oaf. They haven't signed or anything. Gaz either!" Johnny whispered in a sharp tone. Simon grunted and shifted so his laptop was now closed and his elbows were on his knees. He watched the two of you, sitting silently for about five minutes before he chuckled deeply in his chest.
"They don't need to speak to one another, or even sign. They're blinking and moving their eyes about." The Brit mumbles while sitting back and opening his laptop once more. Johnny squinted his eyes and examined you two closer. He could see them now, the little twitches of your eyes as they moved across Kyle's face. He noticed how Kyle would pause before tapping his finger and looking to your left ear.
"Fuckin' hell…They made their own language." Johnny grumbled, whipping his notebook out and trying to decipher what your glances meant.
"You should leave them alone Johnny. Never know what they could be talkin' about." Simon warned. Johnny just waved him off with a huff as he stuck his tongue out in focus. He spent the next half hour staring right into your guys' faces, not realizing that you and Kyle were well aware of your audience.
'He's trying to figure us out love' you told Kyle as you briefly flicked your eyes to the right. Kyle raised his left eyebrow in understanding.
'Think he will figure it out?' He asked with a slight twitch to his upper lip. You rolled your eyes and glanced over at Johnny who was scribbling away at his notebook, his tongue poking out between his teeth. Simon was looking over his shoulder, using his taller stature to help peer over Johnny. He glanced up at you and twitched his eye.
'Simon seems to think so.' You replied while nodding slowly to Simon in silent thanks. Simon rolled his eyes and went back to typing reports on his computer.
An hour passed and Johnny was almost sure he had cracked the code. He almost couldn't believe the spicy gossip you and Kyle were saying right out here in the open! So far, you two had revealed that a group of Privates had stolen Price's cigars and were planning on flushing them down the toilets. You also revealed that at least four of the high-ups were sleeping with one another! As the kids would say 'The tea was piping hot.'
You and Kyle stood, smiling and waving at Johnny like you hadn't noticed him staring at you two for the past two hours. Kyle pressed a soft kiss to your cheek while you handed Johnny a piece of paper before walking hand-in-hand back to Kyle's room.
"A note?" He asked himself. Simon grunted as he looked down at the note, a mischievous smirk on his face under the simple balaclava.
"Better read it. Might be important." Simon knew what was on the note, he was the one who had put you and Kyle up to this whole thing in the first place.
Johnny opened the note and cursed loudly, face burning red as he crumpled it and slammed it in his notebook.
"Those fuckers…" He grumbled as he stood, marching in the direction of Kyle's room.
Simon snickered to himself as he pulled the messaging app on his laptop.
SR- He's comin' for you two. better run.
KG- Copy. Thanks for the help LT
The note, of course, had been a complete guide to the false messages you and Kyle had been saying. In your handwriting was a silly drawing of Kyle and you laughing at Johnny with the words "If you wanted to know, you should have asked you fool. We have more gossip if you want to hear it ;) "
"Those idiots…" Simon grumbled with a smile as if he hadn't helped set all of this up. Things were alive and well in the 141 base, it was always fun when people were constantly passing notes.
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meatmutt-sfw · 2 years ago
Burger Town chicken tenders — Call of Duty
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𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐞 (𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟕/𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗):
✰ n/a
𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐈 (𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟗/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐):
✰ n/a
𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐈𝐈 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟏):
✰ john ‘soap’ mactavish
— Always in My Heart [ao3 link]
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