mastermindmiko · 1 year
Heaven on earth
Pairing: Fred Weasley + fem!reader
Word count: 2852
summary: You spent Christmas at the burrow with the rest of the Weasleys while trying to get over your long-term crush Fred Weasley because you weren’t sure how your best friend Ginny would react to your feelings. 
Trigger Warnings: One tiny sexual thought, Fred calling you ‘sis’ twice maybe?, parents being judggy, horrible writing, kissing and mentions of sex
my masterlist
Requests are open
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You were at the burrow for Christmas with your best friend Ginny Weasley. Your parents were away for a trip and you were going to stay at Hogwarts, but then Ginny found out and insisted that you stay with her. When you refused for the first time, she practically dragged you here. 
You loved Ginny and all the Weasleys, you would’ve loved staying with them for Christmas and even for the rest of your life. There was however a small complication, you’ve liked Fred for two years. The only reason this would be a problem is because when you first started hanging out with Ginny she confessed about how many other people she befriended only used her to reach her brothers. 
You then promised that you would never do that to her, but you were eleven when you said that. Boys were disgusting creatures, some of them still are but there are few exceptions. You first started catching feelings for Fred when you were thirteen and now at the age of fifteen your feelings only intensified. 
You couldn’t help but believe that even if Ginny’s feelings wouldn’t get hurt by assuming that you used her for this long, Fred only views you as a little sister since you hung out so much with Ginny. 
Fred had done things that could’ve made you think that he actually liked you but then he’d go and call you a good friend for his sister. Back in your third year he called you ‘sis’ you had spent the week on the verge of crying, and then he asked Angelina to the yule ball, it only made you sadder. You couldn’t even talk to Ginny about it, so your feelings were bottled up for a long time. Now you have a better grip of your feelings considering your best friend's brother.
You were now being greeted by everyone at the burrow, Molly gave you a kiss on your head and said how happy she was to see you. You gave her a smile and you greeted Bill, Charlie and George; and you had even talked to Harry who even though he had been on the train together you didn’t talk to him. You had already talked to Ron earlier so you didn’t bother talking to him. 
Fred then came down rushing in, saying out loud “What’s happening?” When he reached the bottom of the stairs his eyes skimmed the room smiling when he noticed his siblings. 
Even though Ginny mentioned that Fred and George -as they should- still spent Christmas at the Burrow, you weren’t ready to see Fred. You had always been able to tell Fred and George apart even by the slight differences on their faces. 
You would never admit it but most of your time in the Great Hall was spent looking at Fred not eating. His smile fell off his face when he saw you standing there, you averted your gaze from him; on the train you had decided that now that you were going to see Fred it would be the perfect opportunity to get over all your feelings. 
You would now see him for almost three weeks and that means you wouldn’t have time to fantasise about him; and you could focus on his flaws -which you were yet to find any that bothered you enough to get over him- 
You watched as he greeted Ron, Harry, and Ginny; you tried not to notice the cute smile on his face as he saw the rest of his family for the first time in a while, and you suppressed the fluttering feeling in your stomach. Molly ushered everyone to the kitchen and you said in a raised voice “I’m going to go get my bags, I left them outside.” 
You went out the door and started to grab your heavy suitcase; when you had lifted it near your chest you noticed it got much lighter. You at first thought you were getting stronger but then you heard a small “Hi.”
You let out a small squeak and jumped slightly letting go of the suitcase, taking a step away. Fred was standing there with your heavy suitcase in one hand, you noticed how the veins in his hands and arms flexed; and you tried not to think about them around your body and your neck. 
He had the other hand in a wave motion, you then said “Hey.” 
“I just came out to help you with your bag, and uh I didn’t get to talk to you when I came downstairs.” He said as he moved closer to you and let go of your bag, putting it on the ground. You didn’t notice what he was doing until he had wrapped you in a tight embrace, you ignored the butterflies and put your arms around him. You didn’t let yourself indulge in the moment and his comforting smell -marshmallows and fireworks-
Fred let out a large sigh when he put his arms around you, he felt himself relax even more as you reciprocated his hug. As soon as he saw you in the Burrow his heart almost leaped out of his chest, and he didn’t know how to react -not expecting to see you there- So he wiped his face from all emotion as he did in emotional moments. He was going to the kitchen when George elbowed him in the ribs and told him to go help ‘his future girl’ with carrying her bag. 
He knew for a fact that right now while Ginny, his dad and mom were preparing the dinner, all his siblings and Harry were looking out the window watching this interaction with their full attention. George had found out about his feelings because of how much his gaze went to you during Hogwarts; and Ron and Harry found out by how much of Fred’s letters to Ron were mostly questions about you. Bill and Charlie found out by Ron blabbing about it in front of them, he got teased endlessly by his older brothers. He would’ve asked Ginny for the information about you and he did but he then stopped when his mom lectured all of the brothers about how Ginny thinks that all her friends like her because of them. 
He couldn’t do that to his sister so instead he opted to talk to Ron about you and make all his brothers swear not to tell Ginny about his obvious feelings. He started liking you last year and he cringed at the memory of him calling you a sister in his sixth year. He let go of you slowly, noticing that the amount of time you both hugged would’ve been too much for you not to notice his feelings. 
He grabbed your bag from the ground and you smiled at him gratefully, he didn’t utter a single word as he walked to the burrow with you beside him. He opened the door for you then he put the bag down, he looked at you with a slight blush -that you didn’t notice. 
“Thanks.” You said looking at him, he averted your gaze and replied “No problem, sis.” He then turned around and went quickly to the kitchen, and you tried not to give a single care to the sinking feeling in your chest and you reminded yourself that this is the reason why you have to get over him; and it seemed as if it wouldn’t be that hard because he didn’t talk to you for the next two days. 
It was Christmas and you were in Ginny’s room putting on a warmer jacket while everyone was downstairs exchanging presents. You had gotten Molly a muggle cook book and Arthur a bunch of muggle stationary with a camera, and you had gotten Ginny a broomstick kit. Ginny insisted that you only get presents for three people because of how you didn’t know that you were coming and that she didn’t want you spending too much money with your parents out of the country. 
You picked up the jacket and went to stand in front of a mirror to put it on when you heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” you said, and watched as Fred came into the room. Your eyebrows furrowed, a feeling of slight hurt going over you at remembering him calling you a sister. You had talked to him after but only the essential things like "Fred can you pass me the salt?” and him giving it to you and after a small thanks from you a small, “no problem.” 
“Hi.” He said, and you replied with a small awkward, “hi.” 
He stepped closer to you as he said “I got you something.” Only then you registered the small red box he had in his hand, and then you quickly felt both flattered and guilty “Fred, I didn’t get you anything; you shouldn’t have.” 
He waved a hand in a dismissing motion, he felt nervous; which he never did around girls, maybe it was because he actually liked you and that he would actually feel sad if he ruined your already fragile relationship. He only called you a sister once again because he felt nervous and it’s an immediate feeling dismisser. After he had told his brothers the story they had a good laugh and they told him to get you a gift to try to mend your friendship, because if that’s the only thing that you both could have together he wanted it all. 
He spent hours trying to find the perfect gift for you, he had found Angelina also shopping for a gift and when he asked her for advice after laughing at his face she told him to get a customisable one. He had got you a necklace that said “amica mea” It meant “my love” in latin, and he wasn’t smart enough to know that so that was another thanks to Angelina. 
You watched as he handed you the box and said “Merry Christmas.” You grabbed the box from him with a blush that matched its colour, and you opened it and there was a silver necklace with some words that you were too nervous and flattered to ask what they meant. “Can you-” you said as you motioned between the necklace and your neck. 
He nodded quickly as he said “yeah, yeah.” He ran behind you and took the necklace from your hand and opened it, he pushed your hair from your neck which caused goosebumps to rise on your neck and butterflies to start flying in Fred’s stomach. You looked at him from the mirror and watched as he placed the necklace around your neck, his hands lingered there for a few seconds; before your eyes connected in the mirror. 
You turned around and your turn made your hair fall on your back once again, you shyly tilted your head up to him and said “I really like it. Thank you.” He shook his head slightly as he looked at you and said “It’s nothing.” 
You kept looking into his eyes as you asked “What does it mean?” You didn’t notice the blush on his face but you did notice his gaze going to your lips, and you couldn’t help but lick them under his gaze. “It means-” he cut himself off as he leaned in slightly and licked his own lips and he continued “It means-” 
His sentence was cut off by Ginny entering the room saying your name loudly and followed by “Dinner’s ready!” You and Fred moved apart quickly and you hoped she wouldn’t notice your blush or the necklace. Her eyes skimmed the room and both of you then repeated her sentence “Dinner’s ready, come on let’s go.” 
You nodded as you quickly left the room trying to erase the blush from your face while going down the stairs. You had forgotten to put on the jacket that was still on your arm and you put it on. When you reached down stairs, it seemed that you and Fred had a mutual unspoken agreement that you wouldn’t mention what could’ve happened and that you both would ignore how your hearts skipped several beats at the thought of the interaction. 
Molly had ushered everyone together so Arthur could take a picture of the entire family with you and Harry at Christmas. While everyone was standing into the frame, Fred watched as his father struggled to work the camera that you got him. Charlie, Bill and George all kept switching places until you and Fred were standing beside each other. 
He glared at his brothers while they gave him shameless smiles. Ginny and you wrapped your arms around each other when Ginny whispered a joke to you, you laughed and an instant smile appeared on Fred’s face and then Arthur clicked the camera. 
Molly replicated the picture into two and gave you one and framed the other with her wand. It was a moving picture because you asked George to charm it. The picture was everyone smiling while you burst into laughter from Ginny’s joke. You didn’t notice Fred looking at you like he just found out that there was a heaven on earth because of you but Ginny did.
You had your bags in your hand as you were standing in front of the door, you waited for everyone to go downstairs and say goodbye to you. You wore a dress because your parents were coming today and they always judged you and you wanted to make them proud so you tried to look good. 
Fred entered the room, you were still wearing the necklace he gave you and you were frantically straightening out your hair and outfit trying to look as perfect as possible. When you saw him you asked “Do I look okay?” 
He nodded and said “you look beautiful as always.” A blush covered your cheeks when he came closer to you and pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. His gaze lingered on your lips and then you decided to be brave, you cupped his face with your hands and pressed your lips against his. 
you pull back feeling him unmoving; you see him frozen, face emotionless. Apologies immediately start tumbling from your mouth, mostly consisting of swear words and ‘sorry’s’ and ‘I should have asked you first’. your face is extremely flushed 20% from the kiss and 80% from embarrassment. You moved back several steps, and you grabbed your suitcase again.
Then you hear him mumble a few words that you didn't catch. “What?” you asked in a dazed voice, trying to suppress the blush that is on your face right now; and trying to recover from the embarrassment. 
“Do it again.”
Now you’re the one whose frozen, your blush intensifies. He probably catches on to the fact that you won’t be moving any time soon and adds, “or I will.”
Then the next thing you know is his lips on yours. He had crossed the room in a matter of seconds, and cupped your face with both his hands. Your face fit perfectly in his hands as if he was made to hold you and you made to be with him. After the shock from his actions had fully settled you let your suitcase drop on the floor carelessly and you fisted the collar of his robes in your hands and pulled him down, so you can kiss him properly. 
You felt him smile in the kiss and you smiled as well, you then were interrupted by several loud cheers from George, Bill, Charlie and Ginny. You were embarrassed and you were worried that Ginny was mad but then you registered the cheering and that she said “About time.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows and Ginny rolled her eyes at your reaction. She let out a large scoff and said “You seriously didn’t think I’d notice you gawking at my brother for the past two years everyday.” She saw Fred smirk and she then turned to him and added “Don’t get too cocky yourself, you couldn’t send me a letter for an entire year without asking me about her. You also gave her a necklace with the words ‘My love�� written on them, you weren’t really subtle.” 
George, Bill and Charlie erupted with laughter at both your faces. You said goodbye to everyone and then you walked out only to find Fred holding your suitcase smirking “I’ll take you back.” You smiled at his words and went with him. 
You didn’t get home until after midnight. You and Fred got side-tracked and he insisted on taking you out on a date that involved more kissing and a lot more than that.
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lcisabc23 · 11 months
Isn't it annoying?
Fred sighed as he lay back on the bed in his and George's shared room, waiting for George to return up the stairs with their food. After a couple of minutes of waiting, Fred sat up and went out of the room to listen down the stairs, he could hear his mother lecturing George. feeling a bit protective of his brother he went downstairs to get into the middle of this. "my brothers would have never been hiding in their room! not spending time with their family!" Their mother screamed at George making George groan "Mum for the last time we are not hiding away, Fred has a headache so we are staying upstairs till it goes away!" he said trying to stay calm knowing if he raised his voice their mother would find more reasons to yell at him. "Gideon would have never talked back to me like that!" she shouted making George groan he was holding the plates of food while trying to hold the cups while he did. Fred watched for a few seconds knowing George was getting overwhelmed "George what is taking so long mate, you trynna kill me?" Fred said rubbing his head and walking over to George grabbing the plates of food while George held the cups. "your brother tells me you have a headache Freddie would you like some potions to help with it, darling?" Molly said changing up her attitude seeing as Fred actually seemed to have a hurting head. "it's fine mum I just wanna relax for a bit" Fred said moving towards the stairs and making sure George was behind him.
The whole way to their room George remained quiet staring at the ground as he sat down on Fred's bed, "why does she always do that" he muttered as he put the cups on the side table beside him. "what compare us to our uncles?" Fred said jokingly as he sat beside George handing him his plate and making George sigh and nod. "isn't it annoying? She keeps comparing us to them we only met them once before they died, they are amazing but it's totally uncool to be compared to them all the time" George said with a groan as he played with his food. Fred nodded along with his younger twin "I know but that's just how mum has always been, remember when she yelled at us for turning Ron's bear into a spider. She went on and on about how they would have never done that to her." Fred said with a chuckle before eyes the way George was playing with his food "Eat George or I'll shove it down your bloody throat" Fred threatened as he ate some of his own food eyeing George who looked at him offendedly. "I will! it's just that mum always makes the stuff I dislike" he said with a groan as he forced himself to eat the food.
"I wish they were still here truth be told," Fred said with a gentle smile making George chuckle and nod, "they were amazing greatest pranksters to ever exist," George said making Fred agree. HOWEVER ON THE OTHER SIDE "Our babies agree with us we are the best of the best" Fabian said hugging Gideon tightly "True that, they come a close second. The marauders a third" Gideon said making Fabian nod and sit next to the two who were talking about random pranks they should do once they go to Hogwarts again as they eat their food. "Molly needs to relax on them," Gideon said with a frown, the two were talking and following George when she began to yell at him. "She changed so much," Fabian said with a sigh Gideon agreed as he crouched beside George "I hated this food as well it was simply horrendous when Molly made it," Gideon said with a shiver.
"Y'know Freddie why does it feel like we are being watched" George said with a shiver making Fred look at him with a raised eyebrow. "because you have stalkers that are simply mad for you Georgie," he said with a sarcastic tone making George look at him offendedly once more.
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weasleyjumpeer · 8 months
George & Fred Weasley
Some headcanons I have about the Weasley Twins.
It is known that George was kinda shy, not hurting on people while Fred was really all for it (the adrenaline, not being mean) so if those two weren't Gryffindor, Fred would totaly be a Slytherin meanwhile George is a Hufflepuff
They were the exact same height
Fred liked his hair shorter while George liked his a little bit longer
George's eyes were more hazel than brown
Fred's freckles were more on his cheeks, George's were on his nose
George was as straight as a line, he was a total romantic ; taking girls on sweet dates, bringing flowers etc
Fred was pan or bi (i stil don't know), let's just say that for him a hole was a hole (coquin)
Fred was sex buddy with Lee Jordan
After the war, George died his hair brown and grow a beard because he was sick of seeing Fred in his reflection
he broke all of the appartment's mirrors
he avoided his family (well everyone in fact) because he couldn't bear seeing the hurt in other's people's eyes when they saw him (you know cause not a lot of people could tell them apart)
in fact, I headcanon that only five people could tell them apart : Bill, McGonagall, Harry ( i don't think he ever mixed them up in the books), Arthur (he just act like he couldn't to play along with them) and my oc for George's gf but that's another story
They actually named their son Freddie, and not Fred because George just couldn't bear calling his son like his lost brother (you know feeling like replacing him) (and also because my oc's a fan of Queen)
I think that's all but if you'ld like a part 2 just tell me, or basically anything that have to do with my Harry Potter's headcanons
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lovegoodlane · 9 months
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Request: can u make perverted fred or George weasley where like he gets hard when he accidentally saw readers panties or bra then eventually a smut and later on fluff?. Thank u!! (you can ignore this if u want)
A/N: Ahhhh!!!!! My first request! I got this forever ago before I fell off the face of the earth because of work and college :/ I hope I do this justice :) Do feel free to put in requests for one shots. Enjoy! Love, b
Peeping in Potions
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters
Warnings: Sexual content (peeping?, oral sex [female receiving], fingering, vaginal sex)
Words: 3k
Fred and George were in Potions together, causing mischief as usual. This was nothing new for them, and weekly detention was commonplace during their years at Hogwarts. The school year had just begun, so the students were still settling in to their new classes and routines.
The twins were fooling around by turning the sprigs of lavender they had laid out on their desk into mice, unleashing them onto the floor of the classroom. They watched with glee as their fellow students shooed the mice away, or even ran away screeching.
This was a harmless prank compared to some of the things that they had pulled in the past. They had quite the reputation at Hogwarts, and they intended to keep their reputation by starting out Sixth Year with a bang.
Fred watched as a mouse scurried up to the table that you were working at, but you were distracted with your work, looking down into your cauldron. The mouse began crawling up your shoe, clawing the frilly socks sticking out of your loafers. You reached down to scratch your ankle, but a small gasp left your lips as you noticed the mouse.
"Aw, hi there, darling," you said to the mouse, getting up from your seat.
The mouse had detached from your shoe, and instead sniffed your bag that was propped against the leg of your desk. You bent down, carefully scooping up the small creature in your hands.
Fred had been watching you this entire time, hoping that he would get a reaction out of you from the mouse prank. His jaw dropped as you bent over.
Your movement exposed your white lace panties, even if it was only for a moment. You had grown over the summer, gaining most of your height in your legs. Your skirts from last year were a tad too short, but you hadn't had time to get new ones yet.
Fred's cheeks began to burn. He knew that you had not meant for him to see your panties, but he couldn't help himself. He had fancied you for the past year, but his crush manifested in teasing you senseless. You two had never had any interactions that could be deemed as romantic, but yet his feelings still persisted. 
He knew it was wrong to be turned on by what he had seen, but he couldn't help it. Fred tried to calm himself, taking slow and deep breaths. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, trying to focus on something else. That's when he noticed it.
His pants felt tighter than they did when class started, and now he knew why. He had an erection growing in his pants, an involuntary reaction to seeing so much of your bare flesh. He shook his head at himself, feeling even more embarrassed than before.
"Y'alright, Fred?" George asked, leaning his elbow on the table to peer over at his twin.
"Uh, yep. Just gonna....use the loo," Fred stuttered out, grabbing his bag and rushing out of the room.
The whole class turned, hearing Fred's sudden exit. You saw only his back and his fiery locks as he left the room in a seemingly frantic state. You had been friends with the twins ever since your first year at Hogwarts, so of course you were concerned. You peered over at George, shooting him a concerned glance.
Is he okay? you mouthed to George from across the classroom.
George shrugged in response, shaking his head. 
It was unlike Fred to get flustered. He was the confident, suave, and utterly cheeky twin. He would never get this worked up over a silly crush.
Fred hurried through the halls of Hogwarts, navigating his way back to his dormitory. He felt like he didn't breathe on his entire journey back, and he huffed out a sign of relief once he had shut himself into the safety of his room.
He flopped himself onto his bed, groaning in embarrassment. Why was this happening to him? Sure, he had seen girls in their panties plenty of times. He was no stranger to sex and nudity, and the entirety of his year at Hogwarts knew this about him. Fred didn't understand why you were so different.
Fred laid on his bed sulking for the remainder of the hour until George returned to their dormitory. George entered their room, closing the door behind him and leaning against it.
"Want to explain what that was about?" George asked, his voice almost teasing.
Fred only grunted in response, throwing a pillow across the room at his twin. George laughed at him, crossing the room to sit on his own bed.
"You didn't bail on class just to lay in bed. Tell me what's going on," George said, prodding at him.
Fred finally sat up on his bed, peering over at George.
"I was having.....an issue," he said.
George laughed and raised his eyebrows in understanding.
"Oh, I didn't know that Snape got you going," George teased. "I didn't realize that he was your type, being that he's old and all. And a man. And a Slytherin, at that."
"You know it wasn't about Snape, you git," Fred spat, heaving another pillow at his brother.
George caught the flying pillow, tossing it onto the floor in front of his bed.
"Then who was it about?" George asked, leaning back on his elbows.
Fred huffed again.
"It's....I saw....when (Y/N) bent over to pick up one of the mice, I saw her panties," Fred finally admitted, sounding embarrassed.
"I knew it!" George exclaimed, shooting up off of his bed. "I knew that you fancied (Y/N)!"
George was busy doing a celebratory dance around the room while Fred buried his face in his hands. Somehow admitting the truth of the situation to his twin made him feel even more embarrassed.
George finally stopped his excited little jig and turned to his brother.
"I think y'should ask her out," he suggested. "I think she fancies you too. And who knows, maybe you'll get to see her panties again."
Fred groaned and threw a final pillow at George. This situation was mortifying. But it wouldn't be Fred Weasley if he didn't go after exactly what he wanted. And right now, what he wanted was you.
It was the next evening at dinner when Fred made his move. A paper in the shape of a dove floated across the hall, landing in front of your plate. You stared at it in bewilderment for a moment before you caught Fred's eye. You reached forward to open the note.
Black Lake at 8pm. Be there.
It was a simple message; concise and to the point, but for some reason it made your stomach turn. You nodded at Fred, assuring him that you'd be there. You folded up the note, burying it in your pocket before any of your friends asked about it.
You had been crushing on Fred for years. His reputation as a player had kept you from making a move, and you were happy to at least have a friendship with him. Butterflies danced in your stomach, and you tried not to get your hopes up. He had never asked to meet you alone before.
It felt like the next couple of hours dragged on as you waited to meet Fred. Every possible scenario had played through your mind, and you were only beginning to feel more nervous.
Finally, it was time to set out for the Black Lake. You pulled on your favorite knit cardigan, sneaking out of the castle into the humid late summer air. You were careful not to be noticed as you made your way towards your meeting point with Fred.
Fred stood by the edge of the lake, skipping rocks off of its surface. You watched him for a moment, admiring how relaxed he was. This was rare for Fred, as he was always in a state of teasing someone or focused as he flew around the quidditch pitch.
As you approached, you could hear the plinking of the rocks as they skipped along the water. He had a blanket laid out behind him with a picnic basket beside it. You accidentally stepped on a stick as you crept closer, causing Fred to turn to you.
"Hey," he said, smiling at you as you approached.
He reached to hand you a rock, inviting you to join him. You stood in silence for a few minutes, skipping rocks together and waiting for the other to speak. Finally, you decided to break the ice.
"Why did you ask me to meet you here?" you asked, your voice small as you anticipated his response.
Fred stopped tossing rocks at the lake, taking in a deep breath as he turned to you.
"I've been meaning to tell you something," he said, looking down at you.
Your heart felt like it was going to explode in your chest. His height was intimidating as he peered down at you, and you couldn't breathe as you waited for him to continue speaking.
"I fancy you," he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. For once in his life, Fred seemed meek and almost embarrassed.
It felt like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of your lungs. Fred Weasley fancied...you?
He watched your face carefully as different emotions flickered across it. Fred opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off.
You reached up to tangle your fingers into his hair, pulling him down into a kiss. His lips were soft against yours, and your sudden movement caught him by surprise. His hands found your waist, and he returned your kiss.
You pulled apart momentarily, both looking at each other in disbelief. Both of your hearts were pounding as your chests heaved. You laughed, pulling him back into a kiss. 
This time, your kisses were more urgent than before. His hands gripped at your waist, and his mouth left your lips and found its way to your neck. He left searing kisses from your ear all the way to your collarbone, and you couldn't help the small whimper that escaped your lips.
Fred ceased his actions, looking into your eyes for a moment. A grin spread across his face. This was a look that you knew all too well. Fred Weasley was up to no good.
Fred thought that his favorite sound in the world was the cheering Gryffindor crowd when their team won a quidditch match. Or the melodic plinking of the rain on the metal roof back home at the Burrow. Or maybe even the Muggle rock music CD that Hermione had gotten him for his birthday. That was until he heard you whimper. Now he was determined to do everything he could to hear that sound over and over again.
His lips found their way back to your neck, and his hands fumbled with the buttons of your cardigan.
"I want you, love," he said, still kissing your neck. "Do you want me, too?"
"Please," you hastily replied, pulling at the bottom of Fred's shirt.
He had managed to unbutton and tug off your cardigan, leading you to the blanket he had set up. He laid down on it, beckoning for you to join him.
You joined Fred on the blanket, straddling him and taking him by surprise. He had always known you as a somewhat shy, studious good girl. But he was liking this side of you too.
It was your turn to take control, and you sucked on a spot behind Fred's ear that you had a feeling would drive him crazy. He hands wandered to your thighs and he rubbed them lovingly, encouraging you to keep going.
You kissed your way down his neck, leaving purple marks behind. In one swift motion, you removed his shirt. You tried to keep things moving, but you couldn't help ogling at the boy laying between your thighs. You admired his toned physique from years of quidditch training. 
While you were distracted, Fred took it as an opportunity to regain control. He flipped you on your back, earning a surprised giggle from you. He worked on the buttons of your jeans, his fingers expertly undoing them in what seemed like record time. He peered up at you.
"Is this alright, darling?" he asked, his eyes soft.
"Yes," you replied, pulling at his hair impatiently.
Fred resumed his work, pulling your jeans down your hips and off your legs. His breath hitched in his throat as he took in the sight before him.
Lace panties. But this time, they were black. 
He snapped himself back to reality, pulling your shirt over your head. You were left in just your underwear, eyes wide as you stared up at him. He had thought about you like this so many times, but now it was finally real.
Fred leaned down to kiss at the base of your neck, working his way down to the top of your breasts. He reached around your back and undid your bra like a pro, and you shimmied it down your arms and flung it to the side.
Fred resumed his blazing path of kisses, reaching your nipple and sucking it into his mouth. This earned him yet another whimper from you, which only encouraged him to continue. 
He kissed all the way down to the waistband of your panties, and he paused for a moment to meet your eyes.
"I'm asking one more time, do you want this?" he asked.
"Yes, please," you whined at him, impatient as you waited for him to resume.
He looped his long fingers around the front of your panties, pulling them down your legs. Once they were out of the way, he gently spread your legs.
Fred hardened at the image before him. You laid there on the blanket, chest heaving, cheeks flushed, and your legs spread open for him. He wanted to permanently etch this moment into his mind.
He positioned himself between your thighs, kissing the inside of your thigh and rubbing soothing circles into it. He worked his way closer to where you wanted him most. You were silently willing him to continue, eagerly waiting for him to touch you.
His trail of kisses had finally reached your center, and he placed a soft kiss right on your core. His eyes flitted up to yours, and a smirk drew across his lips.
Fred's tongue darted out, catching you by surprise. He expertly drew circles around your clit with his tongue, pausing to suck on it every few seconds. 
You grabbed for the blanket, balling it in your fists as you tried not to scream. You knew that Fred had a reputation for making his rounds with the girls at Hogwarts, but you didn't expect him to be this good.
He dove one long finger into your opening, and you couldn't help the breathy moan that left your mouth. 
Fred continued his motions, easing you open as he added another finger. Your moans were leaving your mouth in succession, and Fred was enjoying every moment of it.
His fingers hit the spot that made your back arch, and you felt your vision becoming fuzzy. He held onto one thigh for support as he worked his fingers into you, and he knew that you were close to finishing.
Fred slowly withdrew his fingers from your entrance, and you gave him a frustrated groan. He looked up at you, sucking his fingers into his mouth to remove your liquids from them. You stared at him with your mouth open, the lecture you were about to give him for edging you suddenly forgotten.
He quickly removed his trousers and underwear, revealing his hard cock. You had a feeling that it was going to be big; Fred Weasley was a tall boy, after all.
"I couldn't let you finish like that, love," he said, his voice teasingly sweet. "I want you to cum on my cock."
Your breath was stuck in your throat, his words choking you. Fred lined himself up between your legs and pressed himself to your entrance.
"Are you going to be good for me?" he asked, his gaze burning into you.
"Yes," you squeaked out, sounding pathetic beneath him.
Fred pushed into you slowly, taking his time to allow you to get comfortable. After a few strokes, he was able to work his way deeper inside of you and pick up his pace. 
As he finally bottomed out, you reached up to touch his back.
"Freddie?" you asked, your voice small and sweet.
"Yes, love?" he responded, stalling his movements.
"I want you to fuck me...hard."
Fred's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but a smile tugged at his lips.
"Anything for you, darling," he said before pulling almost all the way out of you.
He pushed back into you, becoming harsher with every thrust. Your nails dug into his back as he increased the pace, fucking you mercilessly on the blanket. 
You both panted, nearing your highs. Fred reached down to find your clit with his thumb, rubbing circles on it to bring you closer to the edge.
"Oh fuck, Freddie--" you whimpered, finally reached your orgasm.
Your back arched off of the hard ground, every muscle in your body tensing at the same time. The pants that came out of your mouth would have been embarrassing if Fred had not been panting as well.
"I'm so close, love," he said, his voice strained. "Can you be good for me for just a little longer?"
You could do nothing but reply with a moan, still hazy from your own high. He continued his pace, thrusting into you to chase his finish.
Fred had finally finished, letting out a final groan in your ear. His chest was still heaving when he laid himself down onto you, nuzzling his nose into your neck.
The two of you laid there in silence for a few minutes, catching your breath and enjoying each other's closeness. It was Fred who spoke first.
"Why didn't we do this earlier?" he asked, his face still buried in your neck.
You giggled and rubbed his bare back.
"I don't know Freddie, I've fancied you for years. You could've had me whenever you wanted," you replied, tracing circles into his back with your nails.
"We have a lot of time to make up for then," he said, propping himself up on his elbows to look down at you.
He bent down to place a soft kiss on your lips. Nights like these were definitely something that you could get used to.
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 3
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖘𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖓 the compartment with dad on the Hogwarts Express. Dad had drifted off to sleep as I had envisioned. He was still recovering from his sleepless night as a Werewolf. He looked so pale and sick too. I would've covered him with a blanket if we had one. As it was now, his cloak was tucked around him loosely and his head rested on the wall in the corner.
This morning had been a rushed affair. I'd forgotten to pack the night before and had panicked in the morning, knowing that I would surely, surely forget something. Luckily, dad helped me out, arriving around nine, and I had everything that I needed on the train. We were about twenty-five or so minutes early.
I got up, tucked his cloak tighter around him, and left the compartment, sliding it closed gently. I wandered about the train, mostly saying hello to fellow Hufflepuffs. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott were talking about the newest celebrity on Witch Weekly. I didn't follow the gossip magazine and listened, very interested about Celestina Warbecks' newest hit. I wondered if her music was any good. I listened to the Beatles.
I left them to their gossip and suddenly found myself being led into an older Hufflepuffs' compartment by Cedric Diggory. He introduced me to many of his older friends before I realized what was happening. He was also complimenting me about how superb of a Quidditch Chaser I made.
I blushed the entire time and got tongue-tied, which was rare for me. Cedric was in his sixth-year and all his friends were much older than me. Next year would be his last year. This thought always made me sad. He was a wonderful Quidditch captain.
The train started moving while I was still in the compartment, though I didn't worry too much. Then, one of Ced's friends politely asked me about my visions.
While uncomfortable, I answered his questions as accurately and truthfully as I dared. Then the boy asked if I could make a prediction and I said, "Well, I need to get back to my compartment before the dementors come aboard, bye Ced!" and walked out of their compartment.
I approached the compartment Dad and I were staying in, and saw that Harry was sitting in it. I opened the door, stepped in, and closed the door behind me.
"Hiya Liz." Harry said.
"Hey guys." I said, sitting across from Dad.
"We were just talking about Hogsmeade, are you going to be able to go?" Hermione asked anxiously.
I shrugged. "I forgot to ask dad to sign the slip."
"Oh." Hermione said a bit disappointed. "That's too bad."
"It's fine." I said. "I'll just ask him to sign it later."
Hermione opened her mouth to ask a question but I quickly asked, "I suppose you're not going, Harry?"
"You would know." Harry said with a reluctant grin.
Hermione bent down and pulled out a wicker basket. She fumbled with the straps while Ron shouted, "Don't let that thing out!"
To late, Crookshanks leapt from the basket and sprang onto Ron's knees. Ron pushed Crookshanks off saying, "Get out of here!"
"Ron, don't!" Hermione said angrily.
I sighed, pulling out a book, and opening it while they continued to bicker. I occasionally looked up to see how dad was doing. He looked very peaceful while sleeping. It was only now that I realized how young he was. I smiled quietly. My dad really was quite good-looking. I openly grinned, thinking about the conversation Trang and I could've had over that question.
I was deep into It when the Trolley Witch came with her cart of food.
"D'you think we should wake him up?" Ron asked awkwardly, pointing at dad.
I shook my head, marking my place in my book, and getting up to stretch. "No, he'll be alright."
"Don't worry, dear." the witch said, handing Harry a stack of cauldron cakes. "If he's hungry when he wakes, I'll be up front with the driver."
I bought my candy next and kept some in case he did wake up.
"I suppose he is asleep." Ron asked stupidly as we sat down to eat. "I mean- he hasn't died, has he?"
I rolled my eyes and giggled, "No, he's not dead!"
"Elizabeth, this was the man that you said would be Professor this year, correct?" Harry asked, biting into a cauldron cake.
I nodded, undoing a licorice wand. Red was the best flavor. It was very much like those things in America that Trang called 'Twizzlers'. They tasted pretty good too.
"What do you know about him?" Harry asked curiously. "Is he going to be a good Professor?"
"Yeah, the last thing we need is another Lockhart." Ron grumbled. Hermione held her tongue. I think she was still getting over the betrayal of Lockhart not being who he said he was. Half the student population had been in love with him.
I nodded enthusiastically. "Everyone except the Slytherins' are going to love him. His class will be everyone's favorite."
Ron grinned. "Good. It's about time we had a decent Professor."
Nothing exciting happened for some time. I pretty much tuned out of the conversation as I read about the fire at the Black Hole in the point of view of Mike Handlon. Around midafternoon, Draco Malfoy and his idiotic friends Crabbe and Goyle showed up, but they didn't dare pick a fight under Lupin's nose.
Dad slept near the entire train ride, and when we started to slow down I looked up, putting my book away. I had apparently forgotten about the dementors until Hermione, looking at her watch said, "We can't be there yet."
"So why're we stopping?" Ron asked, both of them looking at me.
I stayed where I was. I would've drawn my wand but since I didn't know the Patronus Charm yet, there wouldn't be anything I could do to drive the dementor away. I supposed that dad would wake up in time.
Suddenly, there were loud bangs as we came to a sudden stop. It meant luggage had fallen out of the racks. Then, the lights went out completely. Since there was no sun outside anymore, I could only barely make out the outlines of the other people in the compartment.
"What's going on?" Ron said in front of me.
"Ouch!" Hermione gasped suddenly, even closer to where I was sitting, "Ron, that was my foot!"
"D'you think we've broken down?" Harry asked.
"Dunno. . ." Ron said drifting off.
"No." I said solidly. "This train can't break down. It's magic."
There was a squeaking sound which made me jump but it was just Ron wiping the window to try and see out of it.
"There's something moving out there." Ron said. "I think people are coming aboard. . ."
"That's not allowed." I said sharply. "Unless I suppose for a very good reason."
Of course the magical community was in an uproar about Sirius Blacks' escape. The dementors must be searching the train for Sirius Black. Stupid really, I doubted he'd be stupid enough to go to Hogwarts and even if he did, he wouldn't have taken the train packed with students.
Then the compartment door opened, right on cue, and I heard someone fall painfully. "Sorry- d'you know what's going on? -Ouch- sorry-"
"Hullo, Neville." Harry said, sounding just slightly exasperated.
"Harry? Is that you? What's happening?"
"No idea- sit down."
"Not there Neville, Crookshanks is over there!" I exclaimed. I heard Neville gasp and he fell again. "Sorry Neville." I whispered. At least he hadn't sat on Crookshanks. He made his way over and sat next to dad.
"I'm going to go and ask the driver what's going on." Hermione said and I saw her shadow make its way to the door. I heard the door open and then two sounds of pain.
"Who's that?"
"Who's that?"
I nearly felt like laughing if my heart wasn't in my throat, choking it.
"What are you doing?"
"I was looking for Ron-"
"Come in and sit down-"
"Not here!" Harry yelped. "I'm here!"
"Ouch!" Neville shouted.
I felt someone step on my foot and I winced in pain and yelled out, "Get off my foot!"
"Quiet!" A hoarse voice, much older than the rest said. Dad had woken up. I felt my heart fall a little more back into place.
It was quiet for some time and then there was a crackling sound and Dad stood there, holding a handful of flames. His eyes met mine- I wondered what expression they showed- and then swept around to the others. "Stay where you are." He said and started to make his way to the front of the compartment.
The door however, slid open before he reached it.
I thought it would take a moment for the coldness and despair to reach me. But the coldness, at least, was instantaneous and I realized that I was shaking violently. Then, I don't really know what happened, except that in my ears there was a screaming sound. A woman was screaming. She was screaming a name. . . In fact, I think she was screaming for James. . . my dad. Suddenly, I wanted to go deeper into the darkness and the coldness overtook me, I was sure it would freeze my heart.
"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" Someone very distant and far away was shouting my name. Their voice wasn't at all clear. But there were sharp stinging feelings somewhere on my body- like someone was slapping me perhaps. Was that in this nightmare, or out of it?
I jerked upwards. Dad's frightened face was above mine and we nearly collided. He sighed with relief. I found that I was still shaking though and I couldn't stop. Dad took his cloak from his shoulders and wrapped it around me. The lights were on and the train was running underneath me.
My back was to everyone else and for a moment, I forgot there was anyone else because I said to dad, "I heard mum." And then I broke down into tears. They weren't loud sobs, just simple tracks running down my cheeks.
Dad pulled me in, rubbing my back, and said, "It's alright, Elizabeth." Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of chocolate and gave it to me. I sat there, on the floor, eating it. Dad stood up said, "Eat. It'll help. I need to speak to the driver, excuse me. . ."
I turned my body around slowly to see the others. Harry too, was sitting on the floor.
"Are you sure you're okay, Harry?" Hermione asked, watching him anxiously.
"Elizabeth?" Ron asked, hesitantly, looking between Dad, Harry, and I.
"I don't get it. . . What happened?" Harry asked. His face was sweating and he looked pale. I wondered how bad I looked.
I opened my mouth and then closed it.
"Well- that thing- the dementor- stood there and looked around. I mean, I think it did, I couldn't see its face. -and you-you-"
"I thought you were having a fit or something." Ron said, also looking pale. "But then I saw Elizabeth had fallen too and I realized you'd both fainted."
"Professor Lupin stepped over you, Harry, and said 'None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go'. He hadn't noticed Elizabeth yet. But the dementor didn't move, so Lupin muttered something, and a silvery thing shot out of his wand at it, and it turned and sort of glided away. . . Then he turned and rushed over to Elizabeth. . ." She drifted off and looked at me funny.
"It was horrible." Neville said, his voice extremely high and I was glad I didn't have to answer yet. "Did you feel how cold it got when it came in?"
"I felt weird, like I'd never be cheerful again." Ron said.
"How- how long was I out?" I croaked out.
Hermione hesitated and said. "Well, Harry was only out for a few seconds, maybe fifteen at most. But you were out nearly thirty or forty seconds. . . Er- who is Professor Lupin to you?"
I cleared my throat and said, "he's my dad."
Dad came back, looked at Harry and said, "I haven't poisoned that chocolate, you know. . ." I realized I was the only one who had eaten my chocolate. Everyone else quickly stuffed their chocolate piece in their mouth.
"We'll be at Hogwarts in ten minutes." Dad continued. "Are you all right, Harry?"
"Fine." Harry muttered. There was a red tinge in his cheeks and I realized he was embarrassed.
Dad passed him and sat down next to me and muttered in my ear, "Are you alright?"
I nodded and laid my head down on his shoulder, closing my eyes. I felt so warm and safe here. The train stopped after some time and I grabbed my suitcase from the rack and followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione out.
As we passed Hagrid, he called out, "All righ', you four?" We waved at him, but we did not speak to him as we approached the stagecoaches that fit four or five at a time, depending on the amount of luggage and how big the people getting into the carriage were.
I felt better, but still weak, and I didn't move much during the ride in the carriage. When we passed the iron gates, there were two dementors out there and another wave of cold washed over me, making me shiver violently. Alarmed, Ron put a hand on my shoulder, shooting a panicked look at Hermione.
"I-I'm f-fine." I muttered. "J-just c-cold."
It passed as we neared the castle. We got out of the carriage and then there was the last voice that I wanted to hear arriving to the castle.
"You fainted, Potter? And you too Kane? Is Longbottom telling the truth? You both actually fainted?"
I turned, extremely angry, to see Draco Malfoy pushing his way past Hermione to step in front of Harry and me. His eyes were gleeful and I could already see the story spreading through the castle without me actually foreseeing it in a vision. I clenched my fists, extremely close to pulling my wand and hexing him. Did I know any good hexes?
"Shove off Malfoy." I hissed at the same time as Ron.
Malfoy took a step closer to me. "You don't scare me, Kane." He was about four inches taller. This irked me a lot. But I didn't back off or lean my head backwards. I stood my ground, my eyes narrowed. Draco opened his mouth to say something else but then a different voice asked, "Is there a problem?"
Dad had gotten out of the next carriage. His voice was mild, but his eyes had a steely glint in them. Malfoy took a step back from me and looked at him. "Oh, no- er- Professor." He sneered, probably because of dad's patched robes and old and battered suitcase. My hand plunged into my robes and I drew my wand. I wasn't even sure what I was going to do, but Harry grabbed my arm. "Not worth it." he whispered in my ear.
"I'm going to kill him." I snarled. "I really am."
"Easy." Harry said. "He's not worth it."
We walked up the stairs and I was conscious of dad's eyes on my back the entire time. We passed through the entrance hall and then we were right in front of the Great Hall when I heard a voice called, "Potter! Granger! Kane! I want to see you three!"
We all turned in surprise. Professor McGonagall stood on the other side of the crowd. Her gray hair was in a tight bun. Her sharp eyes were framed with square spectacles. She always wore robes of emerald green.
"There's no need to look so worried-" she said as we were standing with her. "I just want a word in my office. Move along there, Weasley."
Ron didn't move, but he didn't go with us either. We went up a marble staircase and along a corridor until we reached her office. There was a nice warm fireplace near the back and I went to stand by it. I realized I still had dad's cloak around my shoulders and wondered why I'd never given it back.
Professor McGonagall settled herself down behind her desk and said, "Professor Lupin sent an owl ahead to say that you two, were taken ill on the train, Potter- Kane."
Before anyone else could say anything, there was an opening and closing of the door. I turned around and went to stand by Harry. It was Madam Pomfrey.
"I'm fine" Harry said in a hurried voice, his cheeks pink. "I don't need anything-"
"Oh it's you two, is it?" Madam Pomfrey asked, ignoring his statement to examine him. "I suppose you've been doing something dangerous again?"
I giggled, even though it was a serious situation, and quickly covered my mouth.
"It was a dementor, Poppy." Professor McGonagall said. They exchanged a quick look and then Madam Pomfrey clucked her tongue in a disapproving way.
"Setting dementors around a school. . . They won't be the first to collapse. Yes, he's all clammy." She said, feeling Harry's pulse and forehead. "Terrible things, they are, and the effect they have on people who are already delicate."
"I'm not delicate!" Harry and I exclaimed at the same time.
"Of course you're not." Madam Pomfrey said, not really listening.
"What do they need?" Professor McGonagall asked. She sounded a bit worried, "Bed rest? A night in the hospital wing?"
I stared at her in horror.
"I'm fine!" Harry exclaimed jumping away from Madam Pomfrey.
"Well, they should have some chocolate, at the very least" Madam Pomfrey said.
"I've already had some." Harry said. "Professor Lupin gave me some. He gave it to all of us."
"Did he now?" Madam Pomfrey asked in what I thought was an approving voice. "So we've finally got a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knows his remedies?"
I swelled with pride.
"Are you sure you feel all right, Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked sharply.
"Yes." Harry said, in an exasperated voice.
"Totally fine." I said quickly as possible as she turned to look at me.
"Very well. Potter, kindly wait outside while I have a quick word with Miss Granger and Miss Kane about their course schedules, then we can go down to the feast together." Professor McGonagall said.
Harry left with Madam Pomfrey, and Hermione and I waited for a second.
"I hope you both realize that you've signed up for every main class available, correct?"
"Yes." I said. "Hermione is over her schedule with four classes and I'm over with three."
"Correct." Professor McGonagall said. "Although I have to correct you just a tad. Miss Granger is actually over only two as well because not enough students signed up for Alchemy. This means she has all the same classes as you do, minus Magical Theory because she never signed up for it."
"Oh!" Hermione exclaimed, looking disappointed. I wasn't sure if she was disappointed about not taking Magical Theory, disappointed because we weren't taking the same amount of classes, or disappointed that she couldn't take Alchemy. Probably all three.
"Now, the schedules with the teachers all intermix and it would normally be impossible to have such a schedule, however." Professor McGonagall opened her desk drawer and pulled out two small boxes. They were thin and white and perhaps might've held jewelry in a Muggle shop. "This-" She took of the box lids and I leaned forward to see a necklace with an hour glass attached to the bottom. "Is a time-turner."
"Oh." Hermione and I said together. "I've read about those!"
We both giggled and even Professor McGonagall grinned for a split second and returned back to her normal serious self. "I wrote to the Ministry- Professor Sprout wrote for you Miss Kane- to tell them that you were exemplary students. This was to ensure that you would be able to get these objects. I need to tell you the seriousness of these though."
I nodded. "Time traveling. We shouldn't ever put ourselves in the position that our past self could potentially see our future self. We also shouldn't tell anyone about them- not even Harry or Ron or any other teacher. They also shouldn't be used for anything except redoing classes. They shouldn't be used for personal gain, or to fix a past mistake."
Professor McGonagall sighed, "Why do I tell you anything Miss Kane?"
I blushed. "Sorry Professor."
"Well, Miss Granger, I hope you were listening to Miss Kane here. She is completely correct about everything she said though I perhaps would've gone into more detail." Professor McGonagall said, her lips turning upwards. "Now then," She slid each of us a box. I took the necklace out of the box and slipped it over my neck and tucked it under my clothes.
Professor McGonagall told us how to use it and then we left, meeting Harry outside the hallway. Professor McGonagall led us to the Great Hall. There was a sea of black pointed hats. Professor Flitwick was carrying a stool under his arm and the sorting hat under another one.
"Oh, we've missed the sorting." Hermione said in a disappointed voice.
I said good-bye to Hermione and Harry and made my way to the Hufflepuff table while they made their way to the Gryffindor one. I passed Ced and his friends who had been in the compartment with him. Ced gave me a concerned look, and I just gave him a smile, and went to sit down next to Susan. I had a good view of the teachers' table and saw Dad looking a bit shabby compared to the others. I bit my lip. Why hadn't he worn his new robes?
I still had his cloak around his shoulders, and I knew that I had to give it back to him. I couldn't do so now of course. I was no longer cold however, and slipped the cloak from my shoulders, folding it, and laying it across my legs under the table.
Professor Dumbledore stood up and said, "Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast. . ." He cleared his throat and my eyes jumped to where Snape was sitting. Our eyes met immediately and I quickly looked away, blushing.
We hadn't ended last year on a good note. I'd left him at the door to the hospital wing, unspoken words between us. I'd shut him down immediately after saying something stupid, mostly because I knew his words would be ones of rejection and I couldn't stand that.
"As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business." He paused, a bit disgusted. "They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds, and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises- or even Invisibility Cloaks."
That was a direct warning to us- Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Would I be able to go out to the forest this year? There had never been a year where I couldn't go out to the forest.
"It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs afoul of the dementors." He finished off. "On a happier note, I am please to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year."
I sat up a little straighter, excited. "First, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."
There was scattered applause- though a great majority of the hardest applause came from the Gryffindor table. I risked another glance at Snape, who was staring at Dad with a strange expression on his face. Perhaps loathing. I was irked by that too.
"As to our second new appointment. . . Well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties.'
The Gryffindor table was the loudest in applause to this appointment too and I grinned in Hagrid's direction. He was red in the face and staring down at his hands, embarrassed.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were the last to stop clapping and Dumbledore finally spoke again, "Well, I think that's everything of importance. Let the feast begin!"
I didn't eat much, picking at my food, mostly glancing up at dad. He wasn't eating much either, though he was in deep conversation with Professor McGonagall. I realized with an unsettling feeling that Professor McGonagall had taught him when he was a child. I wondered then just how old Professor McGonagall was.
Susan continuously asked me if I was okay. Naturally, the story of Harry and I fainting was all over the school. Plus, I wasn't eating much, and she thought maybe I was still nauseous. I had to keep telling her over and over that I was fine.
I did eat dessert however. Chocolate Sponge with Chocolate and a side of vanilla ice-cream was always good. I liked Halloween best though with donuts that I believed came from America. America- if I could be honest with my fellow Brits- had some of the best desserts in the world. (Trang frequently brought fun foods back with her every year).
After the feast ended, I got out of my seat quickly. I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione approach Hagrid up at the table. Getting my courage from that, I walked up to the table to where dad was starting to get up.
He came over to me, smiling gently, "How are you feeling now?"
"Much better." I said, taking the cloak from my shoulders and handing it back up to him. "I forgot to give this back to you."
Snape was looking over at us, but I ignored him.
"Thanks sweetheart." Dad said with another smile, taking the cloak from my hands. I was happy, he rarely called me by any nicknames.
"You'll be a great teacher." I said earnestly. "I promise."
He laughed. "Oh don't worry, I'm not worried."
I grinned and then said, "Goodnight dad."
"Night Elizabeth." Dad said and as Professor Flitwick approached Dad, I ran down the steps and joined just the last trickle of Hufflepuffs as they exited the Great Hall.
Cedric had been made a prefect last year (as expected of course) and he was waiting at the door to the entrance of the common room. He took me by the arm and pulled me down the corridor and then turned to face me.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a serious voice. Some older Hufflepuff girls threw me jealous looks as they walked past.
"I'm fine, Ced, really." I said, trying my best to put on a natural smile.
"Your prediction really came true." Cedric seemed amazed.
"Well, yeah?" I asked, a bit questioning the reason he had said that.
Cedric hesitated and then said, "I'm going to sound horrible saying this, but I always thought predictions were a bit of a joke. So I never really thought that you really saw things, and I'm sorry about that."
Well good lord, no wonder everyone liked Cedric! It wasn't just that he was silent, good-looking, and kind. He apologized for things that people never thought badly about him before or things that weren't even his fault to begin with.
I ended up laughing and I said, "Ced, what are you apologizing for? I could care less about what people think about me, much less whether or not my visions come true or not." I grinned at him.
Ced grinned back and I saw a girl in the corner of my eye actually stamp her foot, and turn to her friends in anger.
"Perhaps we should stop talking." I said amused. "Your fan club seems to be a bit upset."
Ced sighed and then titled his head. "I thought you didn't care about what people thought about you?"
I laughed and then said, "Well, caring about what people say about me and worrying about being jinxed behind my back is another thing."
"Fair enough." Cedric said, sounding slightly disappointed. "But I've never really understood what's so big of a deal about me."
I stared at him with raised eyebrows and an amused expression on my face. "Uh huh. . .Well, perhaps it could be your looks. Girls like good-looking boys. Or, perhaps, it could be because you're usually very silent. Girls find silence hot- or so I'm told. Or perhaps it's because you're kind or you're the Quidditch Captain or because you're a Prefect almost certain to become Head Boy. But ya know, nothing so big about you, right?"
Cedirc actually blushed. "Er- I suppose I've never thought of it that way. . .you think I'm good-looking? And hot?"
I blushed, not answering.
"CEDRIC!" The other girls called, and then giggled.
I rolled my eyes. "Enjoy your fan club."
Cedric grimaced. "I'll let you know when Quidditch practice starts up, okay?"
"Sure thing Ced." I waved my hand and then ducked into the Hufflepuff common room and through another circle shaped door that led to the girl dorms. I climbed the stairs quickly. Susan and Hannah were talking to Leanne about the gossip magazine. Megan was already laying in bed, snoring. I didn't blame her. I was exhausted too.
I unpacked my waiting luggage into the proper drawers, setting books into the very bottom drawer and then packed my bag with my textbooks for tomorrow. I wished I had Care of Magical Creatures tomorrow- I would've liked to have punched Draco in the face- but I didn't have the class until Wednesday. Tuesday would be Defense Against the Dark Arts- my first class of dads.
Tomorrow I would have Potions (lovely on a Monday), Ancient Runes, arithmancy and Transfiguration. I couldn't wait to start ancient runes and arithmancy because those would be new subjects. And since Arithmancy was at the same time as Transfiguration, I'd have to use the time turner which was also exciting (if I didn't screw up using it, that is).
I climbed into bed, anxious for the day to come. 
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rosiexjo · 2 years
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Ginny in her 20s // • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • #art #design #illustration #drawing #illustrator #artwork #illustrator #artist #sketchbook #artwork #work #artpiece #rosiexjo #artistsofinstagram #digitalart #digitalpainting #harrypotter #hp #harrypotterart #harrypotterfanart #fanart #weasleytwins #weasleyfamily #wealseys #weasleysupremacy #ginnyweasley #ginnyweasleyfanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CnuwWBlK8PR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifeinbrick · 2 years
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There's only one place any good wizard or witch will be shopping this Christmas...
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wellidunno · 2 years
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Peep that #Dobby... #assestoashes #burlesque #duo #vegasshow #vegasnightlife #thingstodoinvegas #queerartist #fuckjkrowling #lgbtqia #weasleytwins #queer #bi #twoman #duet #partnerincrime #burlylife #lasvegas #vegas #burlygirl #teaseandtails #burlesquecommunity #burlesqueperformer #burlesquedancer #harlotoscaraandnaughtyleewood #harlotoscara #naughtyleewood (at Velveteen Rabbit) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1KzNfPutT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chapter1991 · 5 months
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Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year One (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/342397306-hermione-granger-another-life-year-one?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Chapter1991 
Professor McGonagall looked after Hermione Granger from the shadows from the age of five, after her first outburst of magic. But when McGonagall sees her crying on her tenth birthday, she takes a drastic action. How different will Hermione's life be if she started Hogwarts a year early? Who will be her friends, enemies, love interests? - Voldemort free story.
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paperhatttt · 9 months
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who else loves these two twins
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holeyyweasleyy · 1 year
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wowzersbrina · 2 years
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Day 14 was the other twin! #weasleytwins #potterhead #harrypotter #harrypotteradventcalendar https://www.instagram.com/p/CmOzcYVO4PX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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remusslove · 1 year
can you maybe please do Weasly twins x a female reader who is Norwegian and tells them about lutefisk so the next time they are at the burrow Molly makes it for the whole family to try this my first time requesting anything and I don't see a lot of European readers
Lutefisk is a Scandinavian food tradition that was imported to the United States. As a Christmas delicacy, it is even more popular in the U.S. than it is in the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, or in Finland.
you do not have to make it female or the Weasley twins thank you and please if you don't want to write it you don't have to
“Alright everyone eat up! Oh and y/n! I made that delicious fish you were telling us about last time!” She said excitedly taking a lid of the biggest plate set on the table. Everyone let out sounds of excitement as you all served yourselves a piece of the portion.
“Oh it’s delicious y/n why haven’t you told us about this before? Would’ve told my mom to make this years ago!” George said taking another big bite and causing Ginny to look at him in disgust watching him messily eat. You giggled as your face began to have a light red hue to it by all the praise around the table.
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
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An Unexpected Catch: A Boromir x Female Reader Romance
While investigating an attack on a Gondorian settlement, Boromir finds himself run through with a sword and tossed into a nearby river. When death seems dangerously near, Boromir’s body washes up to shore, tangled in a fishing net. A young woman living alone finds Boromir, and brings him home to care for him. As Boromir physically heals, he finds that his heart is also missing something important.
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Overall Content & Warnings: hurt/comfort, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers, canon-typical violence, fluff, pregnancy, brief sexual content (graphic chapters will be marked with ** which indicates a Community Label)
Chapters: (ongoing)
one // two // three // four // five
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
@glassgulls @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @foxxy-126 @km-ffluv
@firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @miaraei
@cherryofdeath @ferns-fics @ninman82 @beebeechaos @thewulf
@smileykiddie08 @berarenado @chaostwinsofdestruction @weasleytwins-41
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 11
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌, I woke up late. Harry was already eating his breakfast- left handed as Madam Pomfrey was examining his right one.
"Ah Miss Kane!" Madam Pomfrey said as I sat up slowly. I felt my own arm. It still felt weird, probably a bad sign. "Yes, you'll need about two hours more."
I groaned. Harry winced, "Bad luck Liz."
I grinned at him. "How's the porridge?"
"Great." He said. He seemed a bit distracted. I wondered what they'd said after I'd been knocked out, but I couldn't bloody well ask with Madam Pomfrey right in front of us.
"Miss Kane, when your arm is finished healing, Professor Dumbledore wants to see you in his office." Madam Pomfrey said as she finished poking and prodding my sore arm.
I grimaced. "Lovely." I muttered.
Madam Pomfrey bustled off to go get my breakfast and Harry leaned over and asked, "Why do you think Dumbledore wants to see you?"
I shrugged, feeling guilty, "I have no idea. What did they say after I went under?"
Harry shrugged. "Not much really. Dumbledore just said that the chamber was opened again which I feel is pretty obvious now-"
"Only because Dobby told you seconds before." I pointed out genially.
"Anyways, Dumbledore feels that the more important question is how the chamber was opened rather than who opened it." Harry said, feeding himself more porridge.
I frowned, "Well then, it sounds as though he's already got an idea of who it is."
Harry frowned too. "I don't know. Neither do the other professors."
I didn't answer as Madam Pomfrey bustled over with my tray of porridge. I poured a godly amount of brown sugar, cinnamon, and milk into it before I ate it. Harry wrinkled his nose, "How can you stand that much sugar?"
I shrugged, my mouth full of sugar and milk. "It tastes better." I finally answered when I swallowed. "I love sugar."
"I can tell." Harry said with a laugh, finishing off his porridge.
"Oh, Harry." I said since Madam Pomfrey was out of earshot. "I'd go to Myrtle's bathroom, that's where Ron and Hermione will be."
Harry looked a bit confused, but gave me a thumbs up, and headed out of the hospital wing. I sighed, laying back down on the bed now that I had finished eating too. Harry was a slow eater. Then again, I'd damaged my bad arm and so I'd eaten with my good one.
I stared up at the ceiling. What could Dumbledore possibly want with me now? The next attack? I wasn't up to looking into the future today. There was a flash of images in my head, but nothing distinct and I pulled my pillow over my face. I wondered what dad would say if he knew I was in the hospital wing overnight for something stupid like this.
I thought you said you weren't going to interfere with the future, I scolded myself. I mean, you even told McGonagall that you don't interfere with the future, so why did you go against your own saying? And remember, you promised yourself this summer that you weren't going to get into trouble? What do you think you're in now?
Shut up, I answered myself in my mind. It was a simple fix really, I just missed the wand. Bad reflexes.
Oh yes, because Chasers have bad reflexes. Admit it, the wand was pulled back at the exact right moment for you to miss because you were trying to interfere!
I thought I told you to shut up?
I'm the rebellious part of your mind, and yet somehow, also the logical part of your mind. How about you reinstate that promise you made, not only to yourself, but also to your dad. I mean, how would he feel if you got hurt? I mean, you could end up petrified if you're not careful.
Shut up.
Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.
I rolled over, trying to fall back asleep, and yet there was this internal battle raging through my head. I had promised not to intervene with the future and I couldn't even keep that promise. Now look where I was. I rolled back over, staring at the ceiling. No more.
Three and a half hours later I was standing in Professor Dumbledore's office. He was seated behind his desk. Professor Snape and McGonagall were standing to the side. Professor Dumbledore gestured that I should sit down in front of his desk. I complied, exhausted.
"How is your arm, Miss Kane?" Dumbledore asked.
"Better than yesterday." I said, waiting to know what he really wanted to know. I was so done with this.
"Wonderful." Dumbledore said, sounding distracted, "Now Miss Kane-"
I interrupted, feeling angsty again. "If you are about to ask me about the future, I honestly don't see anything of any importance." This was a complete lie, but I was done. If I had to lie to preserve the outcome, I would.
Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape both looked a little shocked. Perhaps because I'd interrupted Dumbledore, perhaps because they thought I had all the answers, perhaps because I did sound a little rude. Whatever the case, I did not look at them. I wasn't in the mood. My head was pounding, I felt like I was suffocating. I wanted to be away from everyone who knew that I could see the future. I wanted to be with someone that wouldn't ask questions.
Dumbledore bowed his head once. At least he wasn't looking at me like I was a rude little girl. "Very well Miss Kane. Please come back if anything changes."
"Right." I said, trying to sound politer than before.
I hurried from the room. Thank Merlin that was over! Even though I knew the other three were in Myrtles toilet working on the Polyjuice potion, I didn't feel like going. Instead, I headed down to Hagrid's and helped him work in his garden with Ginny.
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐 started to roll in, Professor McGonagall collected names of who were staying at Hogwarts. I would've gone home, considering I didn't plan on being part of the Polyjuice fiasco one way or another. However, with dad being out of town, I wasn't going to be able to go home anyways.
I had already sent Dad his and Trang's Christmas presents. I'd gotten Trang a bunch of candy (again) and also a dragon ring like the one dad had given me. However, I had performed a bunch of spells to prevent the dragon from moving. I'd have to replenish the spells every summer, but I figured I'd be able to do so easily.
Christmas wasn't for another four weeks, but I knew that wherever dad was- he was far away and I wanted Trang to get her present in time.
My first Quidditch match came a week later. It was Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw. Cedric told us to have a good and easy game. I was so excited, I couldn't eat breakfast. Finally, Harry and Fred were able to convince me to eat some bacon, but at this point, I thought I may throw up.
I was glad we weren't playing against Slytherin as I walked down to the pitch with the rest of the team. Of course, if we won against Ravenclaw, then we'd play Slytherin. Hopefully we won that match and then we'd play Gryffindor for the cup. But first, we had to win this match first. I wasn't to worried- Cedric was a superb seeker.
It was freezing outside and snow was falling. I shivered in my robes. Hopefully the match would be quick and easy. I clutched my Nimbus 2000 tightly in my hand in the locker room. I wasn't able to sit down.
Cedric was talking strategy and I forced myself to listen. Then, we got ready to walk out and start the game. Cedric and the Ravenclaw captain (I forgot his name, perhaps Rogers?) shook hands and then Madam Hooch blew her whistle.
I kicked up off of the ground as Madam Hooch threw the ball up into the air. I held my breath. Luckily, Hufflepuff Chaser Heidi Macavoy caught the Quaffle. I flew some paces ahead and to the right while the other Chaser, Malcom Preece flew on the other side of her. I swerved in and out of the Ravenclaw chasers.
Then, I saw the Quaffle coming towards me. I swooped up and caught the Quaffle and then did a roll to dodge a bludger. I approached the goals, my heart beating fast. I dodged another chaser and then threw the Quaffle towards the right goal- the goal the keeper was farthest from. Grant Page flew down towards my Quaffle but missed by inches.
I heard cheers rise from the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor teams. Gryffindor was supporting Hufflepuff, mostly because of me if I'm going to be honest (and totally humble, totally).
I heard Lee's voice over the intercoms. "Hufflepuff's first score by Elizabeth Kane, newest member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Hufflepuff leads 10-0."
I ignored the rest of his jibber-jabber as Heidi and I raced to the other end of the pitch, trying to catch Jeremy Stretton, the Ravenclaw Chaser with the Quaffle, racing towards our keeper, Herbert Fleet.
Then, Jeremy threw the Quaffle towards his fellow teammate near me, I quickly leaned forward, putting on an extra spurt of speed and reached out and managed to catch the Quaffle with two fingers, thrusting it towards my chest.
I turned around as quickly as the broom would allow and shot off in the opposite direction, dodging a bludger from one of the Ravenclaw beaters. I could hear Lee above the crowd going, "-nice intervention by Kane, now on her way to the other side of the pitch-"
The snow was coming down even harder. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Jeremy coming up behind me and I quickly dove, throwing him off balance. I then swooped up and flew straight towards the goals. Grant watched me carefully and I feinted that I was going to throw right and then threw into the middle goal post. I had scored again.
The rest of the game passed rather easily, though tight. Ravenclaw scored twice in a row and Heidi managed to score four goals. Cedric and the Ravenclaw seeker were doing their best to find the snitch but as of so far, there had been no sign. The snow was coming down even harder and the wind was blowing the brooms and balls off course. We'd missed a goal because of a large gust of wind.
At this moment, Ravenclaw was up by 20 points or two goals. Malcolm had the Quaffle right now and I was nearby, ready to catch the Quaffle if he threw it towards me. I was starting to freeze, my fingers frozen to the broom. When was the game going to end?
Malcolm zoomed nearby and instinctively, I reached out for the ball and he passed it off. It was one of the tactics that we'd practice. I immediately skyrocketed to avoid two Ravenclaw chasers and then sped down towards the pitch. There was a large gust of wind and I narrowly avoided a runaway bludger. I also nearly dropped the Quaffle which threw me off balance and made me start to doubt if I was going to be able to score.
No. I couldn't think like that. I worked my way towards the end of the pitch. Grant was there, looking very uncomfortable on his broom.
"-Kane up to bat once again. Let's cross out fingers on this one Hufflepuffs!" Lee was shouting into his microphone. I took a deep breath and then threw with all my might. I crossed my own fingers as the Quaffle approached the goal. Grant zoomed up towards the middle of the goal posts and nearly got it, his fingers just brushed it and I gasped aloud, but his fingers didn't make purchase.
I pumped my fist into the air and then dove to come on level with the Ravenclaw Chaser who had grabbed the Quaffle. I was having the time of my life.
"-Kane scores once again!" Lee was shouting. "She's unstoppable."
My cheeks burned with pride. If only my dad could've seen my performance. I bumped into the Ravenclaw Chaser, knocking the Quaffle out of her hands so that Heidi could catch it. Heidi, Malcolm, and I sped off in the opposite direction. If we scored, we'd be tied with Ravenclaw. Now, if only Cedric could find the snitch.
Heidi carried the Quaffle until the Ravenclaws started swarming.
"- Nice pass from Macavoy to Kane." Lee was commenting. "Kane takes the Quaffle to the end of the pitch and ooh, close call, almost bludgeoned by a bludger. And Kane fly's up to score and ooh-"
I was pummeled from the side by the same Ravenclaw I had stolen the Quaffle from just moments earlier. I had two options to make in a split second- let go of the Quaffle and hang onto my broom or hold onto the Quaffle and hope that I could stay on by just tightening my legs around the broom.
I went with the second option.
I hugged the Quaffle to my chest while my legs tightened around the thin broom. My broom was spinning off course and I nearly closed my eyes except I needed to keep them open. There were many gasps from the crowd. I gritted my teeth. I WAS GOING TO WIN THIS MATCH! I was upside down at that moment and there were actually a couple screams from the crowd. Heidi flew below me, and I dropped the Quaffle into her hands, and then rightened myself up.
There were cheers from the crowd and Lee was shouting something complimentary into the magical microphone that I couldn't hear as the blood rushed back from my head. Heidi scored and as she flew past, gave me a high five. I was grinning.
At that moment, the whistle sounded and I made my way back down to the ground. We'd won! Cedric had caught the snitch and we'd won! We were all grinning like idiots and high-fiving each other.
We headed into the team locker room to change and get ready for the party that Hufflepuff would be throwing.
I left the changing room a bit after all the others and found myself being bombarded by Harry, Ron, Harry, Fred, George, and Lee.
"Congratulations Liz!" Fred said, pulling me in a huge bear hug.
"Thanks Fred!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"You rocked it girl!" Lee shouted, also pulling me into a tight hug.
"That crazy upside down move you did was so wicked!" George said with a grin.
We headed inside, laughing and shouting.
"Aren't you going to the house party?" Ron asked, as I started down the hallway towards the Transfiguration classroom.
"Oh, no." I said, waving my hand like it didn't matter, though I did want to go. "I have a private lesson with Professor Mc-"
"Absolutely not Miss Kane." Professor McGonagall's voice came from down the hallway. The teachers were entering the castle at the moment. "You flew wonderfully today. Go enjoy the party with your fellow teammates. We'll reschedule the private lesson for tomorr-."
"Actually. . ." Snape said slowly, who had followed her over. "I have her tomorrow."
I blushed just slightly.
"The day after then." Professor McGonagall said warmly, "Unless you have a different class on that day?"
I shook my head. "Two days from now I'll be at your classroom."
"Lovely." Professor McGonagall said with a thin smile, and then turned, and walked down the hallway.
"How many private lessons are you taking?" Harry asked.
"Oh ummm, three official ones." I said. That didn't include helping Hagrid or Sprout in the garden or greenhouses. Or the centaurs, if I was still going to do that.
"Why would you torture yourself like that?" George asked repulsed. "Especially potions?"
"Excuse me?" Professor Snape said icily, towering over George. George grinned in his face.
I giggled. "I happen to find potions one of my favorite classes. Especially the private ones."
Some colour spread into Snape's' cheeks. He turned and stalked off towards the dungeons. I waved to the others and hurried to the common room where the others were waiting for me to celebrate with them.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞, I was in the freezing cold dungeon and Snape was in a horrible mood when I came in. "Er, should I come back? You look angry." I said honestly as he angrily cleaned up a spill on the floor.
His expression softened slightly and he shook his head, his teeth clenched to tightly to speak. I sat down uncertainly in my seat.
"Someone threw a firework in a potion today." Snape finally said. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that?"
I blushed. That had been our plan so that Hermione could steal some ingredients from Snape but I didn't know anything about that.
"Er- no?" I said, my cheeks colouring.
Snape was done fixing the mess. "You flew well yesterday." He said, his back to me.
"Thanks." I said, my cheeks even redder than before. There must be something wrong with me if I looked for his praise above all others, even my dad. "That means a lot, coming from you." I muttered, looking down at the table.
Silence again. I bit the inside of my cheek. Bloody hell, what was I doing?
"I've decided I'll tutor you in Defense Against the Dark Arts." Snape said, turning around for a moment, his cheeks seemed a bit pinker than usual.
"Yes!" I said, slightly louder than I meant to.
He snorted, "Yes, yes, so exciting."
"Sorry, but I really am glad you're doing this. Lockhart-"
"Is an idiot?" Snape asked.
"He doesn't know what he's doing." I said, blushing as I knew he was quoting what I'd said before.
"No." Snape said, turning back around to his desk and rearranging something. "No he does not. We'll start the Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons on Mondays, good?"
"Yes." I said, because that wouldn't clash with anything.
Snape turned back around again and sat across from me. "Today I'm going over the different properties of roses. Pay attention."
He didn't have to tell me twice.
𝕬 𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖐 𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I were walking across the entrance hall when we saw that a bunch of people were crowded around the notice board that Hogwarts had up year round. This was where everything about new clubs and events were posted. But there was rarely anything interesting enough that so many people would be crowded around it.
"Wonder what's up." I said aloud and we walked over. Seamus and Dean pointed excitedly like we couldn't read and said, "They're starting a Dueling Club! First meeting tonight! I wouldn't mind dueling lessons; they might come in handy one of these days. . ."
"What, you reckon Slytherin's monster can duel?" Ron asked sarcastically, but he continued to read the sign with interest.
"Could be useful." He said to the three of us as we walked over to the Gryffindor dinner table. "Shall we go?"
I knew Lockhart was going to be dueling so I wanted to say no, but at the same time, I knew Snape would be there and that alone was what made me say yes. I didn't eat at the Gryffindor table tonight, I was eating with the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
Cedric and the others were already sitting down when I came over, talking and laughing, and I took a seat next to Heidi. Cedric smiled over at me and I felt my heart flutter. Stupid, stupid.
I whispered to Heidi, "Are you going to the Dueling club tonight?"
Heidi shook her head. "Nah, I don't think it's going to be that useful. Besides, I have a lot of homework. Are you going?"
I sighed. "I honestly don't know. I have homework too, but I don't know- maybe I can learn some new spells."
Heidi nodded in approval. "That is true. I wonder who will be teaching the class."
"Lockhart and Snape." I said automatically without thinking.
Heidi's cheeks coloured, "Professor Lockhart is going to be there?"
I nodded, sighing. Sometimes my girlfriends could be very girlish. But I didn't say a single word against him like I would've if Hermione had said the same thing, "He's the one who set it up."
"Hmm." Heidi said, thinking now and glanced up at the Professors table. "Maybe I might come for a couple of minutes. . ."
I giggled but kept my opinions to myself. After all, the only reason I was going was because I knew Snape was going to be there. Automatically, I looked up to the teachers table and locked eyes with him. I quickly looked away, cheeks colouring. Bloody hell.
But really, wasn't there a difference between me and other girls? They liked Lockhart because he was a fluff-head pretty boy, right? But Professor Snape wasn't really as handsome as Lockhart- that was a given. But Professor Snape had character, didn't he? He had secrets he kept inside and a different person that he kept hidden. And wasn't learning about a person what made you love them?
Of course, I didn't love Professor Snape, but I couldn't deny that there was a type of attraction that I felt for him. But was it really all that more different from how I felt about Hagrid or Professor McGonagall? I mean, I admired them and loved them because they were so much older and wiser. But wasn't that how I felt about Professor Snape too? Surely it was. I couldn't possibly love a Professor and these girl students didn't love Lockhart. They just thought he was hot. But that wasn't really love, was it?
Yet. . . it did feel different with Snape than the other Professors. I sighed, shaking my head. No matter, after all, whether my feelings of affection were different or not was irrelevant. One had to return them for them to matter. You could love someone all you wanted but if they didn't like you back, your feelings were irrelevant.
I got up from the table, waving to my fellow teammates, and headed to the library to finish my Potions essay before the dueling club. Oh, I couldn't wait to watch Severus destroy Gilderoy in battle. My lips curled into a smile and I found it difficult to focus on my essay.
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aduh0308 · 9 days
im feral
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