#Watch me be 1 million Miles off on everything
stagefoureddiediaz · 9 days
Hey Kym, have you talked about how you think this season is going to pan out? Nothing too involved,just bare bones what you think these 18 episodes will deliver
Hey Nonnie
I both have and havent - in that I’ve just talked about it quite a lot in my last post about Tim’s interview, (so go check that out if you want more!) but I haven’t written a dedicated post about what I’m thinking for how season 8 is going to pan out.
I’m very much of the opinion we’re getting a s3 redux if you will. Season 7 was basically a speed run of s2 and all the s3 elements are being nicely set up - we’ve been given hints of how several storylines are going to parallel arcs from s3 - the bee-nado is sounding more and more like the tsunami - in that the bees are the same as the wave - they set off the destruction, but themselves aren’t the actual emergency - the wave created all the various issues we saw the firefam battle through in their various locations in the aftermath and the bees seem to be doing the same thing - causing the issues in e1 and will then more or less be gone and it’s the trail of destruction they’ve left behind that is the actual disaster.
Bobbys arc seems to be the comic relief arc (which he deserves tbh after s7!) with some serious notes in that parallels his s3 arc - s3 bobby was not in the firehouse at the start of s3 (suspended) and he planning his wedding to Athena and supporting the firefam from a distance - we seem to be getting a similar vibe going on here - with him not at the 118, and instead of a wedding he’s looking for a new home!
Athena’s arc is seemingly going to play on her Emmet storyline from Athena begins - which was in s3. I think the plane may well be carrying Dennis Jackson - the guy who killed emmet - so I’m expecting something copaganda heavy but hoping for the opposite (especially as we’ve got Ortiz in play this season and the idea of corruption in politics and how that trickles down into public service roles like policing etc would be so interesting to see!) where we explore how Athena’s choice to pursue and have DJ prosecuted has impacted everyone involved.
Buck and Eddie’s arcs seem to be paralleling s3 as well - we ended s7 with them closer than ever and Chris’s leaving has a similar vibe to Eddie leaving Chris with buck to it - in that buck and Eddie were the closest we’d ever seen them in that moment, and in the initial aftermath of the tsunami, only to then have them pulled apart - and separated before coming back into each others orbits andbring closer than ever - leading into Eddie begins and him changing his will.
S3 for buck was about figuring himself out a lot more - establishing the importance of family to him and about learning who he wants to be and who he doesn’t want to become. The Gerrard storyline seems to be setting up something similar as i think it’s going to parallel the lawsuit arc - and will be about Buck and Bobbys relationship. Tommy also plus into that arc as he is seemingly set up to be the thing that creates distance between buck and Eddie like the lawsuit and the fight club did (the idea that Tim and the writers honed in on the fighting aspect of his similarities with Eddie in s7 so they could use it as an allegory for the fight club is chefs kiss good) so I expect him to be around for a bit (I’m going to take a stab at e7 marking his departure but it could be e8) but he’ll be fine before mid season hiatus!
The entirety of Eddie’s arc seems to be set up for a Christopher return around Christmas (the title puns they could play on with that would be so fun!) on the back of an Eddie religion leading to gay Eddie arc for 8a and then 8b is primed for buddie canon (imo I think we’re looking at 8x11 or 12 for them confirmed and 8x11 would make me super happy as it would be 118 backwards and I love a ply on things like that!)
The Ortiz v Hen storyline has already mentioned the ambulance crash from malfunction which was s3 so I’m seeing plenty of parallels for hens arc with her s3 one but im expecting it to be more front and centre for more episodes than hens s3 arc was - which is as it should be - hens arcs have been more low-key since s5 so she’s due to be brought back to the fore!
Chim and Maddie are the main unknown for me - the Mara arc is clearly important but is very much tied into hens arc. We’ve had hints that Mara will be a springboard for them expanding their family and that in and of itself ties into the s3 arc which was all about madney tentatively exploring the idea of parenthood and it ended with Maddie pregnant - so I’m thinking we might see something similar for them this season. I would also like a dispatch centric episode this season - we had taking of dispatch in s3 and while I don’t know how it would look, we’re due a dispatch heavy episode (which are always great ones).
That’s my super bare bones theory on roughly how s8 is going to pan out - I don’t expect it to completely follow the s3 arc, but I do expect it to hit many of the key markers s3 has!
I hope this is what you were hoping for in your ask Nonnie - I love speculating on 911 it’s so much fun
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cntloup · 5 months
Mafia!Simon x Bartender!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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“What the fuck happened?” Kyle asks as he steps towards Johnny who’s standing at the door to Simon’s room in the hospital. 
‘This shouldn’t have fucking happened!’ Simon shouts followed by the sound of glass breaking. 
“Calm down now, Simon. We'll find her-” Price says and gets cut off by Simon wincing and groaning as he tries to get up from the bed, his hand clutching his wound on his abdomen. 
“You need to rest. I sent some guys to get some information about her whereabouts. Laswell is working on it.” Price tries to reason with him and gently pushes his shoulders to keep him on the bed. 
“This fucking happened on my watch! And I need to fix it!” Simon hisses in John’s face while pulling away from his touch, eyes burning with rage, threatening that he won’t stop at anything to get you back. 
“You’ll only make it worse! Now calm the fuck down and let me deal with it!” John retorts, getting dangerously closer to him, showing that he’s just as serious as him. 
Simon gathers all his might to keep his composure and not break down... or not break everything down that is in sight and keeps him from getting you back. 
“You were unconscious! This is not your fault-” John starts, “Whose fault is it then?” Simon cuts him off.  
“Whoever the fuck that took her! There's nothing you could do then, or you can do now! You need to heal first. I need my best man by my side. Let me deal with gathering the info first while you get better. Then, I'll come to you to unleash hell on the fuckers!” John remarks, placing his hand on Simon’s shoulder. 
Simon knows deep down that he’s right... but also knows that if they delay, some horrible things might happen to you. They have no idea who took you away, where you are... and what they’re doing to you. It makes his blood boil with pure fury at the mere thought of anyone laying a hand on you. 
“I can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Simon utters in frustration, “You should! We can’t have you slow us down now, can we?” John says, making Simon shut his mouth, but his mind runs a million miles an hour with thoughts of what could happen to you if they get there too late. 
The door opens and two of John’s men enter the room, informing them of the trail they found about who might have taken you. 
“The bloody Russians? I fuckin’ knew it, John! I told you not to do it! And she did too. She probably knows something. That's why they took her.” Simon shouts and gets off the bed, not caring about the agonizing pain that razes through his body. 
“I didn’t fuckin’ seal the deal with them! And that’s why this whole fuckin’ thing happened!” John raises his voice and throws his glass across the room. 
"You didn't?!" Simon asks, a shocked look etched on his face, "No!" John replies, "That's why they took her. They found out she knows something. They know you two were against the whole deal."
The sound of glass shattering and the shouting alert the staff, but Kyle and Johnny prevent them from entering. 
The room is filled with heavy tension and pure rage as they all go through what led to this and what should be the next step. 
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 5 months
RUN RABBIT, RUN RUN RUN. ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: DARK! King Aegon ii Targaryen x Common Folk! Reader prompt: Aegon has been watching you from years. Now that he is King, he intends to make his intentions clear. key: Y/n = Your name, R/n = Random name, E/C = eye color word count: 1, 000+ words
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He was six and ten when he first met you, well more of, he saw you from a distance. You were a pretty little thing⎯well, for some common folk girl, you were pretty. From what he saw from a distance, you worked as a barkeep, cleaning tables and sometimes serving ale or whatever shitty drink they served at that tavern. 
You were pretty, maybe growing more so in a few years, but enough for the other drunks to take notice as well. He didn’t like it. Even though he had never spoken to you, or really interacted with you at all. You were his pretty little barekeep to gawk at.
It took everything in him to not set Sunfyre upon all of them, burning the shitty little tavern up in flames. So then, he could take their charred remains and show what happened when others touched what was his. But, he digressed. For now. 
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Slowly sauntering into the tavern, he searches for you in the crowd of common folk, his gaze predatory and determined. Since his coronation as King, he had been busy, far too busy to leave the Red Keep to go to Flea Bottom. All he wished for now was to have a drink and watch you as he had done a dozen times before. He was sure if he was going to speak to you yet. It wasn’t that he did not have the courage to speak to you. 
He was a Targaryen, and now King, he had nothing to feel ashamed of or worried about. But rather he liked the way you squirmed under his gaze. He liked the way you would grow stiff and then blush a soft pink when you realized that it was just him. It was adorable and a good ego boost to know that he could get you all flustered without even needing to speak. 
“All hail the new King!” Some drunk slurs aloud, “From the King of Flea Bottom to the King of the Seven Kingdoms!”
“All hail!”
Rolling his eyes at the drunken babbling that filled the tavern, he sits down at his usual table, kicking his feet up on a chair. Drumming his fingers against the table, he looks around for you, growing wary as he doesn’t see you in the tavern. Clenching his jaw tightly as his temper starts to rise, he holds back at lashing out, his mind running a million miles per hour.
“Where the hell is that damn girl?! Y/n!” A barkeep behind the bar rants, “Oi! You, go get Y/n.”
Not even the other barkeep’s knew where you were at. You weren’t here. You were always on time. Why the fuck were you not here? Where the fuck were you at?
Feeling his temper bubbling with each second that he doesn’t see you, the loud slamming of a door fills the tavern, nobody paying any mind to it. Seeing you walk inside all soaked from the rain, he instantly calms down at sight of you. 
Slowly trailing his eyes over your soaked figure, you look ethereal like this. Hair all soaked and clothes sticking to you like a second skin, accentuating  your curves. Feeling a presence beside him, he snaps out of his daze, seeing some other barkeep trying to speak to him.
“Can I⎯” 
“No, no, her. I want her.” He orders, pointing at you. 
Watching as you dried yourself off with a rag, he smirks at how your linen underskirt was practically sheer. He wondered, if he spilled his seed in you, would a bastard grow in your belly? Would then he be able to whisk you away to the Red Keep, far far away from the drunks and fools that surrounded you both? After all, you would be so grateful for him to do such a thing. You, some lowborn common folk girl, getting the luxury of carrying his child in your belly. 
“Bring me her. I will take nothing but what she brings to me.” He orders.
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Feeling a familiar pair of predatory eyes on you, you slowly turn around to see the now King, watching you. He sat at the same table as always, in the center where he and those silvery locks could be gawked at. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you watch as R/n walks away from the table, rolling her eyes hard with a scowl. Cocking her head to Aegon, you didn’t even have to ask to understand that he had rejected her. 
Wiping your hands dry with the rag, your eyes locked onto Aegon’s, e/c meeting predatory violet eyes. Shivering at the gaze, R/n motions for you to go to him with a cock of her head, her iration clear as day at not getting any coin from him. Mustering up your courage, you walk over to him, coming face-to-face for the first time ever. He was a lot more handsome up close. Alluring violet eyes, silvery white Targaryen hair and pouty lips. 
“Do you wish to make your King happy?” He asked, his voice rough and low.
“I do, your grace.” You nod, “ How can I be of service to you?”
“I can think of many ways.”
Growing tense at the lewd comment, you shift in place, unsure if he was jesting with you or if he was being serious. You have never spoken to him up to this point, just watching from afar or in passing. You could not tell. Chewing on your bottom lip a little nervously, he places a hand on your waist, letting out a full belly laugh. Weakly nodding unsure, he slowly trails his hand down to your hip, not quite inappropriate but not appropriate at the same time. 
“Can I get you some ale, your grace?” You ask, attempting to change the subject.
“Or mayhaps some bread from the kitchen?” You try again, “I am sure we can find something for you if that is what you desire.”
Blushing under his intense gaze, he slowly stands up from his seat, looking like a predator stalking its prey. Tilting your head up as he towers over you, you resist the urge to cower, not wanting him to see your fear. In your time working here you learned men tended to like seeing women cower, it was like a game to them. Softly gulping as he digs his nails into your hip, a voice in the back of your head tells you to run away, that he was dangerous. But, your legs would not let you move. 
“Your grace?” You whisper, your voice weak. 
“Then you will not scream, cry, or protest as I take you back to the Red Keep.” He whispers, “I would hate to have to kill you when I have just gotten you within my grasp. Now walk, my little rabbit.”
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wlwprker · 3 months
please don’t leave s.r. x gn! reader [1]
a/n: im a sucker for hurt/comfort i fear; wrote this with s3-4 & migraine reid in mind but you can choose whichever one you prefer! (this got super long so i’m going to make this into parts!)
warnings: minimal proofreading, some swearing, brief descriptions of basic criminal minds violence (cases and whatnot), mentions of blood
wc: 1,374
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you and the team were tirelessly hunting down an unsub before he hurt any more women. the unsub was going after single women in their mid-30s or 40s who were in higher-stakes jobs such as congresswoman, lawyer, doctor, etc.
the unsub felt these women should stay at home and be housewives instead of being out in authority like jobs. the unsub’s mother was the same way, and he never had a proper childhood. he longed for a better relationship with his mother, so he stripped children’s mothers away from them.
time was running out, and everybody was running on little to no sleep, working on every detail to not miss a single thing. after many hours of looking into every victim, every connection, and every location, you finally found him. everyone raced against the clock, finally got his location, and were able to rescue three girls. you felt a tiny sense of relief at this fact; it helps to know you could still save people.
you knew this unsub’s type, and while you knew that you didn’t meet the criteria, there was no telling what he’d do to get his way.
“stay with me, okay?” spencer ordered in a soft tone. he was just being a good team member, and while you both knew that you could hold your own,.
this killer. he was erratic and aggressive.
you knew that spencer would give you a lecture if he knew that you ignored his orders, but that was the least of your worries.
you rounded a corner with your gun held out in front of you, and you took in every corner on high alert. you peeked inside a room, checking your surroundings before entering. the lights were off, and of course the light switch was not working.
you turned your flashlight on, and you had your back turned for not even half a second.
as soon as you turned around, the unsub attempted to throw you across the room, but you caught his wrist in a forceful grip.
“you don’t need to do this. this ends now," you said in a firm voice, but the unsub did not listen. you tried to get him to back down, but he wasn’t listening. you kept your gun raised, but you could not see where he went.
“you’re not my type, but I’ll take my chances, the unsub said, and you started to turn around, but before you could react, he had raised a crowbar and hit you in the head, and you had collapsed to the floor. you were dizzy, and your vision was blurry as you attempted to stand up.
the sound of a thud had alerted the entire team, and everyone was on extra-high alert, thoroughly checking every corner of the house and looking for the source.
“spencer, where did they go?” emily whispered, noticing they were down an agent. spencer’s heart dropped to the floor; he must have turned around when you slipped away from him.
“son of a bitch! i told them to stay with me,” spencer mumbled to himself.
spencer took a deep breath to calm himself down as the two of them searched the house. spencer froze in place when he walked into a pitch-black room and saw you lying on the floor. he was internally panicking.
“can you hear me?” spencer asked, and you were slipping in and out; everything around you was blurring, and everyone talking to you sounded like they were millions of miles away.
after a while, you could no longer hear or see anything; you were knocked out. spencer took a shaky breath as he placed two fingers on the side of your neck and sighed in relief when he found a pulse.
“we need a medic!” emily yelled into her walkie-talkie. spencer was freaking out, wondering what he could have done to prevent this.
“hey, it’s not your fault; you know that, right?” jj said as she watched spencer internally cursing himself.
“i turned around for barely a second, and they just...” spencer trailed off, and jj led him out of the house as they had successfully located the unsub and arrested him.
after a painful silence, the medics arrived and took you out on a gurney. the side of your head was bleeding, and you were not waking up.
“go, I’ll tell hotch; he’ll understand, emily said as she watched spencer look at you with a pained look on his face. he silently nodded and stayed with the medics as they took you to the hospital.
the ride to the hospital was a deadly silence; he longed for your voice, even one of your silly jokes, anything.
once you got to the hospital, despite his best efforts, spencer was sent to the waiting room. as he waited for the verdict, he was bouncing his knees constantly, his mind racing with millions of possibilities.
he hated waiting. not knowing if you were okay drove him crazy; he wanted to scream.
the doctor came out, and spencer stood up fast. he listened intently, and a sigh of relief washed over him as the doctor told him that you were going to be okay.
“am I able to see them?” spencer asked anxiously, and the doctor nodded. “yes, they need lots of rest, but you can go visit.” the doctor smiled as they walked to your room.
his heart ached when he saw you lying on a bed with a bandage on the side of your head and hooked up to a machine, peacefully sleeping.
he was so glad you’re okay.
spencer took a seat and watched you cautiously; he didn’t want to disturb you.
you slowly opened your eyes, saw spencer, and smiled lightly.
“hey spence, did you guys catch him?” you asked faintly. spencer’s heart twisted in agony at the sound of your voice.
“we did, but you need your rest. i just wanted to see how you were doing.”
you smiled and tried to sit up, but spencer stopped you with a warning look in his eyes.
“don’t move; you need to rest.”
“i’m fine; it was just a scratch.” you attempted to joke, but it came out weakly.
“you got hit in the head with a crowbar, and you passed out—more than scratch there,” spencer said, sighing.
“the doctor said i could go home within the next few days, maybe sooner,” you said, and spencer didn’t respond; he just held your hand with a sad look on his face.
“hey, i’m okay.”
he cut you off with a deep sigh.
“why did you ignore my orders? i told you to stay with me. damn it, why didn’t you stay? i don’t know what I would have done if” spencer trailed off.
“i’m fine, spencer.”
“no, you’re not; you got hurt!” spencer was frustrated. how could you not see this was killing him?
“but I’m here; i’m going to be...”
“stop talking.”
you looked at him strangely, confused as to why he was so on edge.
“spencer, i’m fine; i don’t know what has you so worked up, but...”
“please stop talking,” he said, rubbing his forehead as he finally looked you in the eyes.
“do you know that 258 people in 100,000 enter a coma each year due to acute brain injury?” spencer stated, frustration evident in his voice. you stared at him, confused.
“what does that have to do with anything?"
“you are lucky that you don’t have a brain injury; you could have been at risk of going into a fucking coma for who knows how long! what i’m saying is, i wish you didn’t go off by yourself because i would never forgive myself if i lost you. do you understand me?” spencer said it in a stern voice, which caught you off guard.
“spencer, i can handle myself just fine, and i’m okay, aren’t I?”
spencer shook his head furiously.
“you’re not listening to me.”
the silence filled the room; it was the loudest silence you’ve ever witnessed.
you tried to speak, but spencer just sighed. “you need rest; i’ll come back tomorrow, okay?”
you just nodded, the conversation still on your mind. why was he so upset? you didn’t have the energy to dwell on it.
“spencer,” you called out.
he turned around with a curious look in his eyes.
“can you stay a little longer?” you asked quietly.
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yuwuta · 27 days
on scale of 1 - 10, how extra is yuuji on his gfs bday?
1000000/10. honestly, he’s not even extra in the making a show of everything sort of way, it’s just extra attention. he’s pretty much fused to you the entire day, if he could do nothing but give you kisses and hold you close to him and try to bury you in his ribcage, then he would. even when you two are eating or walking around, yuuji can’t take his eyes off of you, his pupils are wide and filled with so much love and appreciation for you, anybody could see it from a mile away
it starts in the morning. if he’s not waking up next to you, then he’s the first person to call you bright and early in the morning to start your day. he makes you breakfast and makes you pinky promise to stay in bed until he brings it to you, and he’s so excited when he brings the tray into your room that he trips and damn near spills the whole thing but at least he’s got quick reflexes so the worse doesn’t happen. he sits next to you on the bed, back straight, eyes on your lips as you take your first bite, preening for praise about the food and if he had a tail, it’d be wagging expectantly. a few bites in his jumps up and decides that he wants to feed you and his eye contact is so intense and mushy and love filled you feel like you need to look away for a moment to breathe, but he won’t have that; he follows wherever you go, even when you push him away and tell him you have to wash your face and get ready for the day, he just nods and stands by like a little guard dog watching you.
he also takes at least three million photos of you throughout the day. as your walking, when you’re with your friends, while you’re eating, makes sure to ask to someone to capture all the cheek kisses he gives you and sends them to satoru and nanami, who both send you their congrats and well wishes (and probably an overpriced present too). he makes you pose for pictures too, always claiming “just one more! one more! you look so pretty, let me take one more,” and it’s not just one more but there’s no stopping yuuji once he puts his mind to something.
the amount of times he just. randomly picks you up throughout the day. you’ll be chilling or whatever and it’s like too much cute aggression hits him in that moment and he has to smother you. he picks you up bridal style and spins you around and then holds you as close to his chest as possible to squeeze like he needs you to feel all the love he has for you. peppers a million kisses around your face before letting your feet on the ground again, and even then you’re not free because he wraps an arm around your shoulder and presses another wet kiss to your cheek before telling you happy birthday for the 100th time he just loves you soooooo much and he’s gonna take the opportunity to go overboard today <333
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hugshughes · 1 year
The 1 A. Fantilli
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Adam Fantilli x fem!reader
synopsis - based on “the 1” by Taylor Swift obvs. The school year starts back up at the University of Michigan and after your break up with Adam, you’re trying to live life freely but can’t seem to get the idea of him and your relationship off your mind. But what happens when you see him again, and you both are yearning for each other more than ever before?
wc - 4.5k (:0)
contains - lowkey angst but also very fluffy closure, reader cries, miscommunication a little bit (i know), kissing, cuddling. (if i missed anything please let me know!!!!)
an - this is the first part in my folklore 100 follower celebration! i’m so excited for it! i do not loveeee this but i really wanted to get this first part out! hopefully you guys like this! here is the masterlist to this celebration. me when im about to make a fic based off “the 1” have a happy ending 😊. also sorry this took longer than expected i has surgery the other day and did not pop back to normal like i assumed i would lmao. please someone get the betty refernce at the end ;))) also i still need a player to use for my betty fic for this celebration so… someone request someone. also this is barely edited so sorry. also should i make a taglist?? would anyone like that??
i’m doing good, i’m on some new shit. been saying “yes” instead of “no”.
To say you were definitely doing much better now that August had arrived was a true statement. You’d been a wreck most of the summer over your breakup with Adam, but as the summer started to slow down and your tan glowed, you felt you heart get lighter and rid itself of it’s burdens.
You and Adam had broken up just a little bit before the draft. The prospect of him being in Anaheim while you finished school in Ann Arbor sounded like an impossible feat to conquer.
You also knew what the newfound NHL fame would bring Adam, even more attention than before, new people, new friends, new girls surrounding him. And while you knew Adam would never in a million years cheat on you, you didn’t want him to feel like he had to be tied to something, someone, 2,234 miles away, to be exact.
When you watched the draft and saw Leo get drafted to Anaheim, your heart sank to your stomach. Many tears were shed that night, knowing the boy you loved with all of you wouldn’t be 2,234 miles away, only 190.
You assumed that if he wanted you back he would’ve called, or texted, or emailed, or sent a letter, anything. But you got nothing, so you accepted that he was perfectly okay with still being apart. Even though it did hurt because you remembered the night both of you cuddled close and whispered about how amazing it would be if he went to Columbus and not Anaheim.
i thought i saw you at the bus stop, i didn’t though.
When school started back up, you couldn’t help but see him everywhere you went. You did feel better, and you were healing, but it did instill an ache in your chest when you’d see your favorite study spot, your table at the starbucks right off campus, his dorm building, everything.
You even thought you saw him there once, your eyes widened with fear as you thought you saw him standing at a bus stop on campus but it wasn’t him, just another brunette boy, but not yours.
i hit the ground running each night. i hit the sunday matinée. you know the greatest films of all time were never made.
It was hard for about a week or so, being back in the place where you fell head over heels in love with him, but your friends would always be quick to cheer you up and tell you “it’s gonna be okay.” And most of the time you believed them.
You’d gone to many more parties than you had last year, you were usually trying to spend time with Adam and you two preferred being alone together than things like parties.
You felt the ache when you saw a guy taking his girlfriend to the Barbie movie, as stupid as that seems. You and your friends had all waited to see it until you were back together and you were all dolled up in your pink outfits. But you couldn’t help but have that same ache when you remembered Adam promising to take you to see if, and promising to wear pink just for you.
Obviously, that never happened. After the movie you couldn’t help but pull up your photos and scroll through your ‘Adam🤍’ album, the videos got to you the most.
Adam had made you film yourself when you opened your birthday gift from him, you had no idea why.
“Baby, why am I filming this?”
“Because, I want to be able to rewatch your reaction to it!”
You give him a funny look, and he urges you to open the big bag, seeing a jersey, a Michigan jersey. You’re pretty confused because you have a Fantilli jersey already, one you wear often. You pull it out of the bag and unfold it and turn it around, and then you see it. Instead of Fantilli across the back, it says “MY MAN”. Your jaw drops, you start laughing so hard, like stomach hurting from how hard you’re laughing.
Adam joins in your laughter, asking if you like it. You tackle him in a hug, kissing his cheek twice.
“It’s so perfect!”
The video was perfect, it ended in your phone falling from it’s propped up place on your desk as you kissed Adam. You felt happy and sad when you saw it. Happy that it happened, that you were able to ever experience that kind of love. Sad because it was all gone now.
i guess you never know, never know. and if you wanted me, you really should’ve showed. and if you never bleed, you’re never gonna grow.
You know that if you had the chance, you’d go back to Adam without thinking for two seconds. He was the best thing that you’d ever been graced with. He was everything to you, and you know that in a tucked away part of your heart he still is.
You just wish you both had tried harder, because you both loved each other with all of your beings. You just wished you both showed how much you really wanted it at the end, but both of you were scared of how the other was feeling.
but we were something, don’t you think so? roaring 20’s, tossing pennies in the pool.
In the middle of the night, when you’re staring at the ceiling of your room after watching Adam’s newest highlights you tend to always think about one thing; if he still thinks about you, the way you do him.
You hoped he did, you hoped you weren’t the furthest thing from his mind at all times. And if you were to ask him, he would tell you that you were all he could think of for months, you were the only thing on his mind when he woke up, and when he went to sleep. Columbus was fun, and new, and exciting, but you were everything to him.
Adam had hoped you’d send him a text the night of the draft, and then he’d be able to start talking to you again. But, you never texted, you were worried he wouldn’t care if you did. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself.
and if my wishes came true it would’ve been you.
You had wished on 11:11s, fallen stars, eyelashes, candles, four-leaf clovers, everything, that you and Adam would be together always, and that didn’t end when you broke up, you still wished for him, always.
in my defense, i have none. for never leaving well enough alone. but it would’ve been fun, if you would’ve been the one.
You always felt like you were doing something wrong towards the end of your relationship, not because of Adam. It was because you just had a voice in the back of your head telling you that you weren’t doing enough for him and that you were making him upset, and it led to you doing things to try to fix that but only would end up making things worse.
You just needed him always, you two were inseparable. You were at every home game, a good amount of the away games, and then you were almost always together during any free time you two had. While you were only together for about a year, you could see your life with Adam. He had said something to you about wanting to marry you, 5 months after you started dating. You were just it for each other.
i have this dream you’re doing cool shit. having adventures on your own. you meet some woman on the internet and take her home.
You think about if he has met another girl yet. You know that those hockey teams like going out together and they definitely attract lots of female attention. The ache came back at the thought of him sleeping in the same bed as another woman.
we never painted by the numbers, baby. but we were making it count.
Some people thought your relationship was, unrealistic, in a sense. You and Adam were together all the time, and it made certain family members and friends question what would happen after the draft came and Anaheim took your boyfriend from you. But obviously, Anaheim didn’t take your boyfriend, Columbus did, which made the breakup hurt even more.
Every minute you spent with Adam was full of love. There were very little disagreements, and the few that did take place were always out of love, which also made everything hurt more. No one could’ve seen your breakup coming, you two included, it just came up one night and ended up with you two calling it quits. It was the first time you’d ever seen Adam cry, and that broke you inside.
you know the greatest loves of all time are over now. i guess you never know, never know. and it’s another day waking up alone.
Sometimes you wake up and forget he’s not yours anymore, that he might even be someone else’s. And then you snap back to reality and it hits you like a train. Your roommates sometimes leave sticky notes to you that you’re gonna be okay, that’s everything’s okay. He was the greatest thing ever. Your love for him conquered all.
i, i, i persist and resist the temptation to ask you, if one thing had been different. would everything be different today?
You just play back every single moment in your head. Wondering if you’d done anything different if you’d still be his, if he’d still love you how he did. What you didn’t know was that he was doing the same exact thing 190 miles from you, resisting the urge to text you.
Adam was counting down the days until his birthday, praying that you would text him, allowing him to start a conversation with you. You were as well, having typed out your birthday message to him already, weeks early, waiting to be sent.
but we were something, don’t you think so? rosé flowing with your chosen family. and it would’ve been sweet, if it could’ve been me.
You two would spend nights with his friends, the boys he loved most, and his teammates because you wanted them to like you because he liked them. You wanted to be able to have their approval and you definitely did. Your friendships lasting with a few of the players, specifically Dylan Duke.
Dylan had been so incredibly sweet to you when you met, understanding how it probably felt to be surrounded by a team of boys who you didn’t know. He was someone you could hang out with at hockey parties when you felt like you were being too clingy to Adam.
in my defense i have none, for digging up the grave another time.
Dylan had been begging you to come to a hockey game since before the season started. And you were finally convinced so you are going to attend the 2nd Providence game. They won last night 2-4 and were hoping to do the same again.
You felt the ache when you were searching through your umich gear for your outfit to the game and found your Fantilli jerseys. You took a deep breath and pushed it off, grabbing a blue and maize crewneck and throwing it on over your leggings and blazers and leaving.
You got into the Children of Yost section pretty easily, but it was always a hassle nonetheless. You found some friends and stood with them, shouting cheers when the guys skated out.
You and your friends were pretty close to the glass in the student section, only a few rows back, so you were able to see the guys really well. You screamed when Dylan scored his first goal of the night, he saw you and laughed so hard. Luca, who was hugging his teammate was confused by how hard Dylan was laughing, and looked to see what the source of his entertainment was. When he saw you, jumping up and down with your friends, screaming for Dylan, he was shocked. Shocked you’d even come to a game. And then his eyes widened when he realized his brother was here, watching him play.
When the first period was over the Childen of Yost settled down and danced to the songs and did the little games that came up to on the jumbotron. Your fun halted when you saw Adam come up on the screen, the words “Welcoming back former Wolverines!” and his names flashing on it. Your friends saw and their jaws dropped. He hadn’t been at the game the night before, of course he hadn’t, of course this was the game he came to.
You brushed it off and insisted that you were fine. You continued to have fun and mess around with your friends during the break in between periods. But then Adam had the shock of his life, staring at the screen as the view of you and your friends dancing to American Boy by Estelle & Kanye as the cameras showed different groups of the Children of Yost.
The second he gets over his shock you’re off the screen, and he’s slightly leaning out of his seat, searching the crowd of the student section, and then he saw you, messing around and playing with your friends. Part of him wishes you were in his jersey, as unrealistic as that seems. He wonders if you still have his jerseys, if they’re in a thrift store somewhere, or if they’re tucked away in the bottom of a box in your room.
He knows Dylan probably convinced you to come, because Dylan was your favorite of his friends, and the two of you guys were “besties” whenever you were together. He wonders if you’ll go down towards the locker room after the game to see Dylan and if he’ll get to see you again.
The game ended soon enough, the guys winning 3-4 with 2 goals from Duker. He texted you after the game to come down, wanting to go to eat with you after.
from: Duka👊
Dude come down after I wanna go eat
from: Y/n/n🤝
idk duke i kinda wanna go home
from: Duka👊
Bro no you have to stop being a loser
from: Y/n/n🤝
He liked your message and you let out a sigh,
“Hey guys, I’m gonna go down and see Duke. I’ll see you guys later, okay?”
They nodded and gave you light hugs, telling you random things that are always part of girl goodbyes.
“Are you sure, do you think Adam’ll be down there, babe?”
You sighed again, shrugging, hugging her tighter.
“Don’t know, but I can’t let him stop me from doing things, right? If I see him, I see him. I don’t know if he’ll say anything to me, but if he does I’ll just talk to him normally, you know?”
The girls all nod, saying goodbye again, telling you things about your said “girl power”. You made your way through the arena, getting let through by security and heading back to the hall where the players come out.
You kept your head in your phone as you leaned against the wall, snapping people, scrolling through Instagram, and texting your mom about the game.
Dylan came out fast compared to usual. You high-fived him as he came up to you, congratulating him on his two goals. He thanked you and then was quick to try to get you guys to leave.
“Dylan, It’s okay. I know he’s here. I’m not gonna like, run away from him. Alright?”
“Yeah alright, he was just in the locker room and I was worried you might not know, 'cause I didn’t even know, so.”
You nodded and smiled at him, patting his shoulder in thanks. Then you realized he was missing something.
“Dylan, did you leave your phone in the locker room?”
He looked at you in confusion, then patting the pocket on his bag, and then his sweatpants pockets, then his sweatshirt pocket, but came up empty.
“Shit. Alright, I’ll be back in half a second, wait here.”
You nod and he hands you his backpack, racing back to the locker room. You put his bag on your back and look back at your phone again. And then you hear him, his laugh. You don’t even wanna look up, you glance out of the corner of your eye, seeing his silhouette.
You freeze in your stance, fingers pausing on your screen. You hear him, Luca, and Mark talking very loudly. Adam sees the bag on your back first “DUKE #25” along the side of it. Then he realizes it’s you. He quiets down very quickly, almost stopping in his tracks.
Luca notices his baby brother’s change in attitude instantly, whipping his head to the side, his eyes meeting your figure. Mark, somehow sees you and his mind doesn’t think for two seconds. He calls your name, happy as ever.
“Hey! Come here I haven’t seen you in forever. What’s up?”
You wince at his obliviousness, or maybe his uncaring of the situation. You squeeze your eyes shut for a second before putting a smile on.
“Hey Mark, I’m fine. How are you?”
He nods and replies, half hugging you and pulling you back towards his group. Luca quickly says hey to you, wrapping his arms around you briefly.
You look at Adam, your eyes softening. He looks at you as if you’re the only girl in the world, and to him, you are. You go to say hey to him but he hugs you before words can come out. He holds you so so tightly, and you practically grip him. Fuck, you missed him.
“Hey, Adam.”
You feel him take a deep breath in, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
“Missed you.”
“Missed you too, Adam.”
You both seem to realize you aren’t alone and you pull away, clearing your throat as the other two boys look at you with huge smiles. You feel heat radiating from your cheeks as the four of you stand there.
The awkward silence is cut off by Dylan racing back through the hall.
“Hey dude, sorry I took so long. Ty started asking me about something-”
He stopped himself when he saw you standing inches from Adam, a blush covering your face. He tries to cover the smile overtaking his face.
“Oh hey guys, um well, we were about to go eat, you guys wanna join?”
Your eyes widened at Dylan, cursing at him in your head, hoping you’d gained mind powers that could disintegrate him. Just because you can stand here and hug him doesn’t mean you can sit and eat dinner with him.
Mark jumps to accept, telling you two that you should also invite the other guys still in the locker room. You agree, thinking the more the merrier for your situation. You and Dylan let the other guys know and then take off. In the car, you turn to Dylan and almost shout at him.
“Dylan Duke! What the fuck?”
He smiles at you, that stupid smile. You shake your head and sigh loudly leaning back against the headrest and closing your eyes.
“I saw how you were looking at each other in there. And Mark whispered to me about your hug. I know that this is for your own good dude. At least get civil with him.”
You sigh and nod, your eyes still closed. Dylan lets out a noise of agreement, and you two drive to your chosen restaurant.
When you pull up to a restaurant on a Saturday night and ask for a table for 10, you usually are looked at like you have two heads. But in Ann Arbor, when a umich hockey player comes in and asks that, they will make it happen.
You and Dylan were the first to get there, sitting across from each other at the far end of the table. Tyler, Rutger, and Ethan arrive next, Tyler sitting at the end chair between you and Dylan, and Rut and Eth sitting next to Dylan. Adam, Luca, and Mark arrived next. You watched Mark push Adam forward to sit in the space on your right.
He smiles at you awkwardly as he sits down next to you, making sure to leave a comfortable amount of space between you. Lastly, Seamus and Mackie arrive, taking the last two seats at the table. All the guys were talking around you while you checked your phone every minute or so to try to look busy. You glance to your side and notice Adam as bored as you.
“Hey Fants.”
His head quickly turns to you, a bright smile adorning his features.
“How’s Columbus? Sorry I never congratulated you, I just-”
“Hey! It’s okay, I understand, alright? But it’s nice, I’ve made a couple of new friends and stuff. It was nice already knowing people there.”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s really good Adam.”
Adam stared at you longingly as you stared at your fingers. You were messing with the rings you always wore, then realized how you were wearing your ring from Adam. You felt like you couldn’t let him see it, worried you might embarrass yourself. You covered your hand with your other, trying to make your position look as natural as possible.
When you looked back over to him and he was already staring at you, you swear your heart started pounding, even more so than already. His eyes looked sad, something so uncommon to see him feeling. He’d always been your happy boy, always bringing you up and making you better.
You would rather climb to the rooftops and scream to every Ann Arbor citizen of your everlasting love for Adam than even whisper it to him. His eyes, though, they’re like the ocean. One look and all of your senses are gone.
“I really missed you Adam.”
You didn’t look at him when you whispered it, you stared at the football game playing on the TV across the restaurant, the Bengals were winning by 14. Your hand pressed into the wood of your chair next to your thigh, running your fingers back and forth across the grain. You didn’t flinch physically when you felt his hand brush over yours, but your heart felt like it was about to implode.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.”
You finally got the courage to look into his eyes. You turn, just a little, and look at him, the raw look on his face, his glazed-over eyes, his bit at lips, your boy, he’d always been yours, always will be.
“And, you have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now.”
He mumbled it, not caring if you heard or not, he just knew he had to say it, if not to you then to admit it to himself, that he wanted to kiss you.
Adam watched as your eyes widened innocently, he loves everything you do. He just stared, he knew you heard him, he didn’t know what to do after that, and neither did you. You seemed to have gotten lost in the moment, forgetting about the 8 other hockey players surrounding you, who had honestly mostly just stopped really talking to each other and were mostly watching you and Adam.
In that moment, you couldn’t even hear them, you couldn’t even see them. They were blurry, muted, and muffled, but looking at Adam, it was so clear. You weren’t thinking, you were just following whatever split-second decision your heart made and grabbed his face, kissing Adam. You fucking kissed him. His hands wrapped around your wrists, kissing you back immediately. You kissed for maybe three seconds, the hustle and bustle all around coming back to you.
You pulled away from him first, if it was his choice he would’ve made out with you right there in front of everyone. You looked at him with wide eyes, and he still had his big beautiful smile. You hear an ‘oh shit’ come from Luca’s mouth, and then the rest of the guys at the table going crazy and immediately feel embarrassed. Your face burns as you quickly wipe your lips with your sleeve, burying your face in your hands as a smile reluctantly makes its way to your face.
Adam has the biggest grin on his face as he scoots his chair closer to you, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you close. Adam’s hand rests on your hip, tracing shapes already like it was never gone. Like it was home after being away for far too long. You know the two of you would have a big conversation about everything later. But for right now, you just let him hold you, and you let him order for you, because he always knew what you wanted, even now.
When dinner came, Adam’s hand left your hip, but it ended up holding yours under the table like you were two fourteen-year-olds hiding from your parents. He started messing with your hand, pulling it more into his lap so he could play with it with both of his hands. He’d always done this when you were together, he would mess with your hand while he talked to others at dinners or parties or anything.
Adam was shocked when he felt it, the cool band on your ring finger. He looked down at your hand, eyes widening when he saw his ring still adorning your finger. He stared at you with so so much love in his eyes, from across the table, Luca could see how happy his baby brother was, and he was so thankful for you.
“You still have my ring on.”
You couldn’t tell if it was a question or a statement when he whispered to you. You looked down at the band on your finger, smiling sheepishly at him and blushing. You nodded slowly, not knowing how to explain it to him.
“I just really like it. And I just really like you, so.”
He laughs, nodding at you with amusement, letting out an ‘Oh yeah?’ to which you nod assuringly.
You knew he was the 1. You’d known when he had first introduced himself to you. You could tell that this new beginning to your relationship was going to last, that the time apart only made you both stronger. You’d always loved him, and always will, and if kissing him in a crowded restaurant in front of all of his stupid friends is what it takes to have him, you definitely would.
but it would’ve been fun, if you would’ve been the one.
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
jisung coworker headcanons <3
a/n: when i tell you thinking of coworker!skz fills me with joy and peace, i am not lying <3 i'm so endeared by jisung as he is a silly little guy and i hope in a different universe i am in fact his coworker :,-) pics not mine !!
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none! | pairing: coworker!jisung x gn!reader | requests: open
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you meet him because you're having a strange problem with the main program you use at work
and one of your coworkers sends you his way because "jisung can fix anything"
you were like okay don't know why you emphasized "anything" but i can't finish my project like this so i'll go see the ~mystical jisung~
your coworker was right because 1) jisung fixed your issue within 5 minutes 2) you watched him fix problems for 3 other people WHILE he was helping you
he's the office ace
which is how you get to know him because you have a week where all of your technology, equipment, etc are cursed
jisung's just like "damn if you wanted to get to know me you could've just bought me a coffee" he actually says that to you
he doesn't expect you to buy him a coffee though
when you do, he gets the widest eyes and a huge smile on his face <333 suddenly he's so shy and thanks you softly <333
after that, he says "good morning !!" every day and will say "hi :-)" whenever he passes you in the office :,-) he still feels a lil shy after you were so nice to him, but he wants to show his appreciation by being kind to you in return <3
next thing you know though, he's talking a million miles an hour every time he sees you because he wants to be official coworker besties !
y'all end up having SO much to talk about
whenever something exciting, funny, or ridiculous happens, you are the first person he tells and vice versa
he also constantly suggests to you and asks for your recommendations on movies and shows
he wants to debrief with you every time both of you have watched something and he'll do impressions to make you laugh
sometimes he gets you in trouble because of how much he talks to you during the workday
but you don't care because it's SO refreshing to get so much serotonin from one person
outside of fun chats, he's actually a really helpful coworker
not just with fixing tech/program issues, though
if you're having a hard time putting together a workflow for a project, choosing a template for a document, or simply writing an email, jisung is by your side helping you out (and encouraging you!!)
you're also the only person in the entire company he'll go to for help
he trusts you so much actually !!! because you're the one person who doesn't put him on a pedestal for his skills. you tell him all the time how he's so talented at literally everything he does, but you like him for so many other reasons that he doesn't feel uncomfortable being himself around you
which is why, if he knows you two are the only ones in a certain area of the office, he WILL break out into song off-key
you're getting a full performance every time you are in the break room together
he especially does this when you two have to stay late because "we need to stay energized, y/n!!! where's your team spirit?"
he will become an absolute mess of laughter on the floor if you do a ridiculous performance
probably has to take a break after because he laughed so hard his stomach hurts
he'll also use you as an excuse to get out of things LOL
if someone he isn't fond of wants to meet with him to finish a report or something when they could just do it online, he'll say "oh, sorry, i'm working with y/n on a big project, so my calendar is pretty stacked. i'll review it and leave comments for you though!"
he's obviously a cool and adorable guy, so people ask him to after-work hangs a LOT. he's not mad at it, but, he isn't the biggest fan of awkward small talk with some coworkers
so he'll hit them with "ah, i wish i could, but y/n and i are going to the movies tonight, so i'll have to do a raincheck!"
he runs up to your desk and panic whispers things like "if anyone asks we're going wine tasting on friday night !!!!!"
and you're like ???? wine tasting ???
one of y'all's coworkers walks by so instead of explaining, jisung loudly says, "yeah, i heard they're suuuuuuuuuper famous for their red blend too. should be fun to see how it compares to the rest of their wine repertoire!"
you're holding back laughter at his commitment to the bit
this happens so many times you stop questioning it and play along, much to jisung's delight !!
he always assures you that you don't have to actually go anywhere with him, but you often do because it's so fun to hang out together
jisung's antics also include pranking you
like say your office does a gift exchange for the holidays. jisung begs on his KNEES to get your name
when you are handed your gift, you immediately know it's from jisung
because he's giggling and making comments like oooOOoOoOOooOOoooOoohhh let's see what you got, y/n!! open your present first!!!
he's such a silly guy he can't hide his excitement :,-)
once you open it you're both laughing your asses off because he managed to get you a rubber chicken that has a customized squeak so it's actually audio of jisung imitating a rubber chicken
for as much as you're doubled over in laughter, he is in total hysterics because he loves his own joke so much <3
jisung is legitimately the best coworker buddy you could ever ask for, and he has no clue how he survived so long at work without you
if you make any joke about quitting he'll always say "yeah if you quit i'm coming with you. you're never getting rid of me >:-)"
and he really means it <3333
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13a07s · 4 months
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My Everything #1
(Shoyo Hinata)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to mx_opg]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,607
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Shoyo being a love struck clingy boy
There's a hint of bokuaka
Gets a bit heated towards the end (making out and technical dry humping)
Part Two?
     I can feel Shoyo's burning stare from where I stand in the gym doorway. He's not the only jackal staring though. Miya's eyes are set in the same direction, sights locked on his girlfriend who's standing in the doorframe next to me, waiting for her boyfriend just like I am. The jackals are stretched out across the floor, doing their cool-downs as their coach rambles on about their match tomorrow.
The coach claps, the usual lead-up to the players' dismissal. A second or two passes before Shoyo is up on his feet, racing toward me before any of the other players can beat him to the entrance.
     The spaz doesn't slow down as he approaches me, full speed ahead as he dashes forward. His arms wrap around me when he finally comes in contact with me. My feet dragging for a moment before Shoyo manages to pull me up. He stumbles out the door, struggling to slow down and balance both our weights as he moves.
     "Hello, baby. I missed you. What did you do while I was at practice? You look beautiful. I love these pants on you. Did you pack our bags yet? Called the chauffeur? I don't want to drive us. I missed you, did I tell you that? Because I did miss you. I thought of you every second we were apart. Well, not every second. I thought about volleyball a lot but when I wasn't thinking about plays and practice and such I was thinking of you. I missed you so much."
     My golden retriever of a boyfriend rambles on, word vomiting as he squeezes me between his arms, kisses being slobbered against my face. I'm pranced around the grass right outside the gym, clinging to Shoyo's shoulders as he bounces around. I swear, if he had a tail it would be wagging a mile a minute right now. "I love you so much," he whines like it's pained him having to go three hours without saying it. The admiration is paired with another messy kiss pressed onto my cheek.
     Shoyo is attached to my hip as much as he can be, that time is split up by his workout routines. An hour run first thing in the morning, his team training for three hours in the afternoon, an evening two-hour workout session at the gym, and then a final hour run at night. Five days a week, leaving Sundays and Thursdays for ourselves.
     His days off are the best. Sundays are our lazy days at home and Thursdays are always packed full of adventures, secret dates, and running to hide from Shoyo's publicity. My wonderful, famous spiker of a boyfriend does all he can to keep me hidden from the world, at least personal information about me; no pictures, my name is nowhere to be seen, and no interviews or statements.
     He acknowledges me all the time though, to the point there are millions of videos centered around us. "Taking a Shot Every Time Hinata Shoyo Mentions His Girlfriend" and compilations of him talking about me in his interviews.
     My heart skips a beat every time I watch a new interview of him. "My girlfriend", "my baby", "my girl", "my cheerleader", and a million other things always fall from his mouth, usually followed by a compliment or a thank you or something about me he loves. Nothing beats watching him gush over how much he loves me and how proud he is to bring me home another win.
     "I love you too," I mutter, chasing his lips for a moment before I get the kiss I want and he so desperately seems to need.
     Happy sighs spill from him, being caught in my mouth as Shoyo kisses me back, hands tightening on my thighs from his enjoyment. "You... are... my... whole... heart," he mutters, pecking my lips between each word. "My everything," he adds, another kiss, this one longer and rougher with his longing for me.
     "You're my everything," I echo Shoyo's little saying, my heart skipping again.
     The first game I came to was wonderful, his team won, and everyone was thrilled. Afterward, an interviewer asked why it was 'his best game yet'. Without missing a beat, he pointed to the stands, a big grin on his face as he answered, "My everything was in the stands today. I can't bring her home a loss so I made sure to bring her home a win." Even now I can't help but feel giddy thinking about it. I never knew dating an athlete would be filled with so much pride, glee, and romance.
Gently, Shoyo sets me on my feet, fingertips toying with my belt loops as he tugs on my pants. "I love you. I love these pants on you. I love your eyes. I love your hair. I love you so much," he whines, using the loops to tug me closer to him.
"I love you too, Sho," I giggle, looping my arms around his neck before leaning to kiss him again.
     "I would love a lack of PDA," Miya chuckles from the gym door, an arm around his girlfriend as he leans down to plop a kiss on her cheek. He's got two bags on his arms, one that I recognize as Shoyo's.
     "Sorry, Atsumu," He mutters, filled with shyness and cheeks pink from embarrassment.
     "I'm just giving you shit," his teammate continues to chuckle, leading himself and his girlfriend toward us. "See you tomorrow?" He asks, dropping the gym bag at Shoyo's feet.
     "Bright and early," he chirps, nodding in agreement before bending down to pick up his bag. "Come on, baby," he coos, arm wrapped around my hips, elbow pressed against one as his fingertips press against the other one. It makes it awkward to walk, especially with Shoyo tugging me closer to his side, but it makes him happy so I deal with the stumbling.
     Once our feet hit the pavement of the parking lot, his hand slides into my pants pocket, snatching the keys before he races forward. I stroll after him, watching him eagerly bounce with the passenger door held open for me. "Thank you," I hum, kissing his cheek before I slide into the car.
     Shoyo squirms with happiness as he bends down, buckling my seatbelt for me and pecking my lips before closing the car door. My eyes trail after him, watching him bounce to his side of the car, repeating his actions to himself. "You are so pretty," he whispers, puppy-dog eyes set on me for a second before he focuses on starting the car.
     When the soft hum of the engine is started, a hand settles on my thigh, fingers squeezing hard enough to make gentle indents in my flesh. His other hand clings to the steering wheel, releasing it long enough to switch the car's gears before backing out of the parking spot. Shoyo looks so hot when he drives, it's almost a shame he wants to take a chauffeur to Shizuoka.
     My feet uneasily slide against the wood floors of our condo, trying to keep myself steady as Shoyo hangs on me. One of his hands is gripping my belt loops again, the other one balling up my hair at the nape of my neck. My head is shifted, giving the clingy man full access to the side of my neck. Access that he happily uses, peppering tight kisses and soft nibbles to the skin.
He trails around after me, close enough to keep his hold, and accidentally bumping into me every few steps. Shoyo doesn't let up as I hang the car keys, or when I lead us toward our room. He only parts from me long enough to take his bag off and toss it next to the closet. "Come here," he whines, wrapping his arms around me again.
Like at the gym, I'm lifted off my feet, but this time I'm quickly put down again. I'm left sitting on the bed, the eager man quickly crawling into my lap and bullying me into lying down on the mattress. "Sho, I have to finish packing," I murmur, hands burying themselves into his firey locks.
"In a minute," he barely answers, situating himself so I'm caged between the bed and him. Shoyo's hands are tipping under my shirt, fingertips resting above my waistband but palms still pressed against the bones of my hips. My lover boy is arched as he hunches over me, knees sandwiched with the bed and my sides as he hovers, a bit of his weight pressing into me but not to the full extent. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," I coo, twirling the untamed ends of his hair around a few of my fingers. My neck sizzles from the constant attention to it; kisses, nibbles, and the occasional soft suckle.
     A few times, Shoyo's legs tighten on my sides before relaxing again. His hands wander occasionally too, rubbing my lower stomach before falling back into place. "Okay, I feel better now," he mutters, sucking on a patch of skin before rolling off of me.
     I shake my head at the needy boy, sitting upright once he's off of me. When I go to slide off the bed, he catches a belt loop again. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, quickly sitting up to stamp a kiss on the back of my shoulder.
     "You're so handsome," I compliment back, shooting a smile over my shoulder. Shoyo's grin widens, another smiley kiss to my shoulder before I'm released and he's flopped on the bed again. "Needy boy," I tease, successfully sliding off the bed this time.
     "Just for you, my everything," he flirts, arms over his face so all I can see is his sparkly teeth still settled in a smile.
     The nickname makes my cheeks heat up, the lingering feeling of his lips against my skin somehow burning even more now. I shake the feeling off, eyes falling to the forgotten sports bag on the floor. I roll my eyes at the volleyball player spread out on the bed, a smile still painted on my lips as I pick up after him.
     I unzip the opening, tipping it over to spill the context of it out. A million different things spill out, landing on the floor. I do a quick swipe through it with a wet wipe too, making a mental note to run it through the laundry when we get home. Once the bag is cleaned out, I settle on the ground, set to start dividing up the contents; laundry, back in the bag, throw away.
     As I'm sorting things into their piles, the sound of him moving catches my attention. I amusingly watch him slide off the bed, lying on the floor as he scoots his way towards me. The whole time he slithers around his bright eyes are locked on me, watching me slowly repack his bag for him. "Hello, Honey," I coo when he gets closer, the crown of his head tapping against my thigh before he settles.
     "Hello," Shoyo echoes, moving around a bit so he can rest his head in my lap. "What are you doing?"
     "Cleaning out your volleyball bag," I mutter, a hand falling away from my task to gently scratch his scalp.
     "How'd I get lucky enough to have a woman like you to take care of me?" He sighs, eyes closed, and his face relaxed as he enjoys my soft touch.
     I roll my eyes again, my smile growing at his flattery. "Sho, it took two months of us dating before you started begging me to move in and be your 'little homemaker'," I tease, starting my mental checklist of missing items. Jersey, clean water bottle, towel, snacks.
"And it was the best decision of my life," Shoyo says, eyes snapping open to look up at me.
     I try to ignore the look on his face, the love and certainty waving off of him as he admires me. I need to focus on finishing our packing and texting Kozume about sending one of his drivers. If I give into his flattery, we'll never make it to the hotel in time for check-in.
     Shoyo turns onto his side, shifting again to bury his head into my stomach, arms wrapped around my leg as he gets comfortable. "I'm excited you're coming with me this time," he whispers into my belly, rubbing his nose against me. "I always play better when I get to have breakfast with you before my game."
     "I know, Hon," I hum continuing to scratch his head, this time paired with kisses decorating the side of his face. "But," I start again, tugging my touch away from him. "If you want to make it to your game you have to let me finish packing so we can get going."
     "Fine," Shoyo sighs, shoving his face into me in a half-kiss half-head butt before rolling off of me again. "You're so beautiful, it's wonderful," he mutters, eyes still locked on me as I crawl off the floor.
     "Thank you."
     "Of course, baby."
     Shoyo squirms in his seat, his leg bouncing and his hands messing with his seatbelt. His eyes jump around too, out the window for a moment before skipping to the divider's rearview mirror and finally sliding over to me before repeating the cycle. He never does well on car rides unless he's the one driving. Maybe I should have bickered with him about it.
My eyes are cast on my phone, skimming over the "Volleyball is the Main Chick, We're the Side Chicks" group chat. It's a group of the girlfriends and wives - and Akaashi - of the Jackal players. I shake my head, mostly aimed at Bokuto when my eyes scan over Akaashi's message. When are those two going to confess their feelings for each other? Never, probably. They'll grow old together as "just roommates".
"Pay attention to me," Shoyo whines, snatching my phone from me. "I miss you."
     "How can you miss me? I'm right here," I tease, letting the clinger have my phone and my undivided attention.
     "I'm not touching you. I miss your warmth... and your kisses," he mutters, starting sorrowful before getting more excited.
     I shake my head at him, leaning across the middle seat to press my lips against his. Shoyo is instantly thrilled, happily kissing me back as a hand jumps up to cup under my chin. His other hand quickly finds my knee, squeezing it before sliding up to rub my thigh. "Silly boy," I hum, starting to pull away from him.
     "No," he whines, his hand sliding off my chin to cup the back of my neck. "I want you. Come here," he continues to whimper, a pout on his lips as he tries to tug me back toward him by my thigh, hand still clinging to my neck to keep my head in place. "Please come here."
     "I'm as close as I can get, Honey," I utter, giving in and continuing to peck his lips.
     Shoyo melts into the kisses, soft whimpers and whines spilling from him every time I inch away from his mouth. "I need you. I need your kisses. Come closer," he wails, falling into my little cat-and-mouse game, eager lips chasing after mine. Every few attempts he fails, his kisses landing on my cheeks or the corners of my mouth.
     "I'm as close as I can get," the words come out jumbled because of his lips hungrily pressed against mine.
     The hand on my thigh crawls up my body, back to messing with the belt loops of my pants. The hand on my neck wobbles its way down my body, bumping against my hip as he struggles to unclip my seatbelt. An excited sigh spills from Sho when the click fills the car, both hands strung through my belt loops now. I'm tugged across the backseat and yanked onto his lap.
     "You're beautiful. I love you, so much. You're perfect. I adore you. You're excellent. You're my everything," he rambles, jittery hands struggling to undo his seatbelt. "I missed you so much while I was at practice. I miss you anytime we're apart. It's going to be so fun playing tomorrow but it's going to suck being so far away from you all day," he continues to jabber yanking me forward once he manages to untangle himself.
     "Calm down, Honey," I coo, settling my arms over his shoulders.
     Shoyo's eyes are wide and glossy as he looks up at me, so much compassion wrapped up in them. "I love you so much though," he babbles, continuing to pull on my belt loops as if I could get any closer to him. "You're my everything. Everything," he repeats, emphasizing the word by dragging it out. "Please, baby?"
     My teeth graze my bottom lip, Shoyo's desperation for me stirring in my veins. He's always been clingy, but he's even more high-maintenance before a game. My cute, needy, lover boy. "Please what, Honey?"
     "Kiss me," he whispers, pushing me back a bit before jerking me forward again. "Pretty please."
     I hum in approval, tightening my arms around his neck as I rock my hips against his. A small whimper falls from Shoyo before I crash our lips together again.
     His hands finally leave my belt loops, shoving their way under my shirt before settling on my upper sides. The cloth of my shirt hangs over his wrists, showing off most of my torso and a peak of my bra. Shoyo's thumbs toy with the underwire of my garment, gently snapping it as he messes with the lace.
     His plush lips slide against mine, selfishly taking as many kisses as he likes. It's not long until Shoyo's tongue is poking at my lips, thumbs permanently settled under the wire of my bra now. A soft sigh is exhaled as I let my lips fall into a small gap. An excited squeak falls from my lover, his tongue sliding into my mouth and eagerly exploring my mouth, dancing over my tongue.
     When we finally part, his chest is pumping with a mix of neediness for air and me. "I can't wait to get to the hotel," he stumbles out, his words as shaky as his breathing. "I can't wait to make my everything feel everything she makes me feel," Shoyo sighs, slightly rocking his hips against mine, his head tipping to the side.
     His lips settle on my neck again, not wasting time with butterfly kisses as he did earlier. He's instantly sucking on my neck, enough to make it tingle but not enough to promise a mark. I let my head tip too, lulling to the side so my energetic boy can waste some of his energy.
     Maybe it wasn't the wrong decision to not bicker about having a driver take us to Shizuoka. Oh my God, the driver. "Shoyo!" I yelp, hand to his chest to push him back a bit. "We have company," I hiss, jerking my head toward the drive.
     "So?" He murmurs, pulling me against him again, lips already back on my neck, suckling teasing tingles into my skin. "Kenma's drivers won't say anything or else they wouldn't be his drivers," Shoyo hums, already attached to my throat again. "Just let me make you feel good." Shivers shutter through my body, both helping me relax and getting me excited. I love dating an athlete.
     My eyes flicker between the desk worker and my phone, uselessly scrolling through it as Shoyo talks to the lady. He - and Bokuto - are beaming as they ramble about the match tomorrow. Akaashi is settled next to me, doing the same thing as our boyfriends act like the spazs they are.
     The desk lady doesn't seem to mind them though, a love-struck expression on her face as she talks to the spikers. I always thought I'd be one of those jealous girls who wouldn't be able to stand Shoyo's fan girls. Surprisingly, I'm not. I find it almost funny how they are so obsessed with him knowing he only has eyes for me.
     A smile settles on my lips as I focus on my phone again, his clinginess, especially in the car, replaying in my mind. The smugness doesn't stay for long though. I scroll for less than a minute before my heart drops.
     Plastered on my phone - on the internet - is a picture of Shoyo and me. A picture of us in the car, of me in his lap, of his hands very obviously under my shirt, of his mouth eagerly suctioned to my neck. I don't know how, but thank the lord you can't see my face. However, you can easily make it out as him in the picture. He's tagged in the picture, the picture already with a hundred thousand likes and a little over a thousand comments.
     I stall for a moment, not sure if I should check the comments or not. I decide not to. I do however decide to share the link to the group chat. Instantly, Akaashi's phone dings, his eyebrow cocking up as he looks at me. "I don't want to talk about it until after Shoyo knows," I whisper, my tone a bit hissy as I glance at the man next to me.
     "Don't look at the comments," he mutters, letting the conversation drop after his statement. Akaashi's words make me both a bit frightened and intrigued, but I know how the public can be. It would be better not to look. I won't look.
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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Don't let me down - Part 7
Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Relationship: MamaScarlett x 16 yr old Reader
Summary: It's time for Y/n's first date with Laura! But first, how will Scarlett and Colin react when they find out they're together?
Word count: 7078
Scarlett POV:
Sat waiting in the car for Y/n, I can't help but let my mind wonder to how things went with her and Laura this morning at the café. It's clear how much that Y/n likes Laura. I just hope that the feelings are reciprocated, and they can be happy together. It's clear to me that Laura likes Y/n too, but it's hard to convince my daughter that when her mind is going a million miles an hour and her whole life, she's never had things go her way.
I still feel a little guilty that I walked in on them when they were about to kiss. I should have knocked but I didn't think anything of it. I guess you have to embarrass your kids at some point and Y/n has had her first experience of that! All I know is that Laura seems like the perfect person to make Y/n happy. I think she's been her sole source of comfort in the past year and a half.
Y/n seems to have started to settle with us now. She is more comfortable at home and gets on great with her siblings. I love how much Cosmo loves her. My phone is full of photos of the two of them in cute moments.
Rose has loved having an older sister, especially one who takes the time to teach her as many soccer skills as she can. I'm so relieved that Rose has taken to Y/n like she has. After her initial moment with her, I was terrified that she wasn't going to like having Y/n living with us. But I'm lucky that it's all worked out for us.
The relationship Y/n has with Colin has also grown. He loves her like she's his own daughter and I'm grateful that he's allowed me this chance to be the mom that Y/n deserves. Y/n hasn't had the best experience with men, and Colin knows that. He makes sure that he's considerate around her, but also doesn't make a big deal out of it. I'm learning that Y/n is a bit of a goof and that is something Colin has caught onto. Between the two of them they're like children, but I love it!
My own relationship with my daughter is also growing. It's slower than it has been for the others and that hurts me a bit. But I completely understand it. I'm the one that left. I'm the reason that she has ended up in abusive situations. It's something that I'll never forgive myself for. I know I can't make up for it now, but I can do everything I can to make her life as good as it possibly can be.
My eyes are quickly drawn to my daughter, a smile forming on my face. I love being able to do the simple things for her. I never thought I'd get this opportunity. To just be her mom. But here I am, and I know I won't mess up my second chance with her.
That smile only grows wider when I see her hand in hand with Laura. The both of them laughing with the group of friends around them. They say goodbye to the group and Y/n walks Laura over to her car. Laura turns to face Y/n, taking both of her hands in her own. She says something that clearly makes Y/n a little shy so she places her fingers under her chin and lifts her head to meet her eyes. There's a pause before she leans in, and they share a kiss.
It takes everything in me to not cheer out loud to see that they are clearly together now. But then I remember that I'm currently being a creep sat in the car park watching my daughter with her new girlfriend.
After a moment, they say goodbye to each other with another kiss, Y/n holding the car door open for Laura so she can get in. She waves as Laura drives away and turns around clearly looking for me. A wide smile on her face. She spots my car and gives me a quick wave before making her way towards the car.
She slips into the front seat, and I turn to greet her. "Hey honey. How was school?" I ask her, fighting off the desire to ask about her and Laura. As much as I want to know, it's for her to bring it up when she's comfortable. "It was really good. I got an A on the calculus test we had last week." She tells me proudly. "That's great Y/n. I'm proud of you." I respond to her, and I watch as her face lights up. "Really?" She asks and I nod. "Of course. I would be proud of you regardless of your grade. But I know how much you had studied for that test." I reply and she sits back in her seat with a content smile.
I pull out of the car park and make our way back home. My gaze keeps drifting to Y/n who eventually huffs. "Ask your question Scarlett." She says when she catches me looking at her. She has a smirk on her face, clearly being able to read me. "I was just wondering how your coffee was this morning." I tell her honestly. She doesn't need to know what I saw.
I chuckle to myself when her head drops back against the headrest, and she lets out a content sigh. "She feels the same." She admits. "That's great! I told you she would." I reply and she rolls her eyes. "I know. We had a long talk and we both admitted that we wanted to be with each other." She continues to explain, the biggest smile on her face.
It makes me so happy that she is sharing this with me so willingly. When she first came home with us, she was so closed off and trying to understand what she was feeling was nearly impossible. I'm glad that she feels safe enough with me now that she can talk freely with me.
"So...?" I ask, prolonging the o. She laughs at me and shakes her head. "Laura is officially my girlfriend." She shares excitedly. "Y/n! That's great! I'm so happy for you." I tell her instantly, so she doesn't have time to think for even a second that I have any other feelings towards this.
She looks at me with a raised eyebrow for a moment. "You saw us at her car, didn't you?" She asks and a guilty look soon appears on my face. "I uh. I wasn't stalking I promise." I quickly defend but she just laughs. "Well, we weren't really hiding it." She says, alleviating my fears. "Are you comfortable being open like that?" I ask her. I know it's not always easy at school to be different. "I'm more than happy. I don't like the idea of being hidden and I also don't want to hide my feelings. I've done that for far too long." She responds. I look at her proudly that she is so confident in that feeling. "Besides, our school is pretty open. There are quite a few queer people, and the other students leave them alone for the most part." She adds on, which makes me even more relieved.
Though I notice that her gaze drops for a moment, like I lost her for a moment. "Hey, what's wrong? Where did your head go?" I ask her worriedly, placing my hand on her knee as I keep my focus on the road. "I uh. Will um. Colin. Will he be ok with me being, you know, gay?" She stutters out. I hate that she thinks that Colin would ever look at her differently just because of her sexuality.
"Oh sweetheart. No. Colin loves you regardless of if you like girls or not. He just wants you to be happy and safe. Please don't ever worry that we would have any issues with you when you're just being yourself. I don't want you to ever think you have to hide any part of you." I tell her softly, but firmly. She needs to know this.
"Ok. Uh, we're going on a date on Friday, and she wants to talk to you both beforehand." She tells me. "Can you not make it awkward for her. She still feels bad for cussing you out." She continues and I smile at her plea. "I can't make any promises, but I'll try." I tease her, earning a groan. "I told her it was a bad idea." She mumbles, making me laugh.
We continue driving for a bit before I remember that I actually had something that I wanted to ask Y/n myself. "Uh Y/n. I know that you've had a lot of meeting new people recently. But I've been talking about you a lot with my friends, and they would love to meet you. Especially two of my closest friends, Lizzie, and Chris." I start to explain, glancing to her regularly to gauge her reaction.
"There is no pressure to do so, and it would just be having them over for dinner or something. They're just keen to meet you." I show her that she has a choice in this matter. As much as I want her to meet my friends and the people in my life. I will never push her to be in a situation where she's uncomfortable. "Are these people you work with?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah. They're both Marvel actors. Lizzie Olsen and Chris Evans. I've known Chris since college though. They are both lovely people and I promise you that they are safe." I reassure her. I know that her trust level is very low, and she is still having to identify who is safe to her.
"And it would just be them?" She continues to question. "Yeah, and our family of course. We'll have it at home so it's a familiar place for you." I respond, happy to answer any questions she might have. She takes a moment to think, and I don't pressure her for an answer. "Ok. I'm ok with that." She responds, breaking the silence. "That's great. Thanks Y/n. I promise that if you're uncomfortable at any time, we can end it and they won't be offended. Though I have a feeling that Lizzie is going to take to you and will be fighting to be your bestie though. I should probably warn you about that." I chuckle and smile when Y/n laughs too.
"It's weird to think about meeting other celebrities. I've kind of forgotten that you are one. It's just not a world I'm familiar with." She shares and I nod, getting that. "Well, once it gets out that Lizzie and Chris have met you, it won't be long until the others are begging too. But we can slowly introduce you to the others. I don't want to overwhelm you." I once again reassure her.
"I'm part of your world now. I guess I have to get used to it." She smiles at me. Hearing her speak about being apart of my world makes my heart skip a beat. There was a time where I thought that she wouldn't want to stay here with us. But now it looks like she doesn't plan on going anywhere. I just hope she'll let me adopt her so she can legally be my daughter again. I mean she is my daughter no matter what, but I want there to be no issues when it comes to legalities.
There is also the big elephant in the room of the press. Being part of my world means being in the spotlight to some degree. So far, we've not had any issues, but as we do more together, it's only a matter of time before we're caught. I want the whole world to know about Y/n, but I know that she may not feel the same. I also want to protect her. It's intimidating when you're surrounded by paparazzi, and I don't want her to be in a situation that is upsetting for her. I guess this is all something that we need to talk about. It's not going to be an easy conversation, but it's an important one. Though, I think it can wait for another day. This has already been a car journey with a lot to talk about!
When we arrive home, Colin is already back from work before he heads back out this evening to film SNL. He's sat on the sofa with Cosmo when we come in and he is quickly to his feet to greet us both. He places a soft kiss to my cheek before pulling Y/n into a hug. The smile on her face doesn't go unnoticed and I'm grateful that she feels safe around Colin.
"How was school kiddo?" He asks as we join him and Cosmo in the living room. Rose is at soccer practice this afternoon, so the house is unusually quiet. "It was really good." Y/n responds, a smile forming on her face. "Something or someone make it so good?" He questions with a smirk. I laugh when I see a blush form on her cheeks.
Though she is quick to look up at me. I give her a reassuring nod. I know that Colin will have no issues with what she's about to share. We've both talked about how we thought they were together, so it's not going to be a surprise to him when she explains.
I watch as she takes a deep breath and nods. "Yeah. Uh. Laura she um. She asked me to be her girlfriend." She admits with a shy smile. "You mean you weren't already together?" He asks, taking Y/n by surprise. "Not you too?" She groans, flopping back onto the sofa. "What? The way you two are around each other. I just assumed." Colin responds as Y/n covers her face. "Urgh. No, apparently, we both were just too chicken shit to admit our feelings for each other." Y/n says, making Colin laugh. "Oi! Language missy." I lightly scold her, and she gives me a sheepish smile.
"So, you're ok with it? Me being with a girl?" Y/n asks, her voice full of uncertainty. "Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be? If anything, I'm glad that you're not dating boys. We're jerks at high school." He replies without missing a beat. I see Y/n's whole body relax at his words and a smile forms on her face. "Nothing will change how much I love you Y/n. I just want you to be happy." Colin reassures her.
She looks between him and me for a moment, before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. "Thanks Colin. That means so much." She whispers as Colin gently runs his hands through her hair. "I'm always here for you kiddo. You're stuck with me now." He teases, making Y/n laugh. "Though I will be wanting words with Laura." He adds on, making Y/n roll her eyes. "Well, she wants words too apparently. What is with everyone wanting to talk." She grumbles.
"Ok, why am I suddenly nervous about meeting Laura. She's scary." Colin jokes. "Maybe because when it comes to Y/n I feel like she would do whatever it takes to protect her, even take on her parents." I share my own thoughts. Ever since she stood up to me that very first time, I feel like I have to prove myself to her too. That I'm going to do what's right by Y/n. "Ok, let's not show her that when she comes by. They can sense fear." Colin suggests. "She's a teenager not a dog." Y/n huffs, getting up and going to the kitchen whilst the both of us laugh.
"She looks happy." Colin observes as he turns back around and looks to me. "Yeah, she is." I respond, a wide smile on my face. "I think she's finally starting to be the true Y/n. I know there is still a long way to go, but she is more open with us than she's ever been and it's almost like having a different person in the house. I must admit, there was a point I didn't think this would happen." I admit my feelings, holding back tears threatening to fall.
Colin sensing this gets up and sits next to me and pulls him into me, pressing a kiss to my head. "We're going to be there for her every step of the way to prove to her that this is a safe and loving environment." He says, holding me close. "I'm so grateful to you. For all your support. You could have easily run a mile when I told you about Y/n, but you didn't." I share, my gaze full of love on my husband.
"There's nothing you could tell me that would make me want to leave. You're stuck with me. Besides, that girl in there. She's my daughter. Maybe not by blood, but I love her just like I love Rose and Cosmo. I want to be the dad that she deserves." He admits, his gaze not faltering. It makes my love for him grow more than I thought possible. I don't respond with words, instead I pull him into me and capture his lips with mine in a loving kiss, hoping to convey how much I love him.
"Ew gross! Keep it to the bedroom!" Y/n grimaces as she returns to the living room, a drink in hand. "You're just jealous that Laura's not here so you can suck face." Colin teases, making Y/n gasp in annoyance. "You know what, I think I have homework to do." She huffs, turning on the spot and flipping Colin off over her shoulder as she goes. I can't help but laugh whilst Colin looks to me. "Oh what, so it's ok when she swears at me?" He complains playfully. "She can when it's funny." I respond. "Oh, you're in for it." He smirks before launching a tickle attack on me. God, I love this man so much!
Y/n has been a nervous wreck ever since she came home from school today. Laura is picking her up at 6 to take her out for their date and she's spent the last hour panicking about what to wear. I've found it's safer to stay out of the way, not wanting to annoy her or be in the firing line when she gets frustrated. Though she does finally decide on an outfit and asks that we let Laura in if she's here before she's ready.
Both Colin and I are surprised when the doorbell rings at 5:45. I get up and open the door to see a nervous Laura standing with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. "Hi Mrs Johansson." She greets me with a small smile. "Laura. You're early." I point out, hoping to keep up the protective mother act for a little while. "I uh. I was hoping to talk to you and Mr Jost before I take Y/n out." She explains and I have to hide the smile that is fighting to make an appearance.
"Of course. Please come in. Y/n is still getting ready." I explain, moving to the side so she can enter. She tentatively follows me into the living room where Colin is waiting on the sofa. "Laura hi. You look lovely." Colin greets her with a smile. "Thank you, Mr Jost. It's nice to see you again." She responds. "Oh, please. Call me Colin." He waves her off with his hand at the formal greeting.
She takes a seat on the chair opposite Colin and me. "I uh. Well, as you know, Y/n and I are now together. I guess I wanted to come early to talk to you and maybe give you some reassurances." She starts off as she finds her words. I can see Colin smiling at her words beside me, whilst I keep a straight face.
"I know that Y/n has been through a lot in her life. I always wished that there was more that I could do to protect her. I couldn't get her out of that hell, but I could give her a safe place away from it." She explains. That is one thing I'm most grateful for. These last 18 months Y/n has had someone like Laura in her corner. She never should have had to go through what she has, but knowing she had Laura with her, makes it slightly easier to bare.
"I've liked your daughter for some time now, but I didn't want to take advantage of her, knowing that she was in a vulnerable place. I worried if she didn't like me back that she would pull away from me and be alone again." She explains and I can completely understand why she did that. "I just want you to know, that I understand how lucky I am to have Y/n and for her to like me in return. It's something that I'm never going to take for granted. You can rest assured that I plan to be everything that Y/n deserves. I will protect her and be the best person I can for her. I'm quickly falling for your daughter, and I would do anything for her." She quickly rushes out and I can no longer hold up this front.
She has just said everything a mother could wish to hear from their daughter's partner. She sits nervously as she waits for us to respond. I don't want to be mean and leave her waiting. So, I decide to speak up. "You don't know how much that means to hear Laura. But I hope you realise, that your intentions have always been clear in your actions. From the first time I met you, I knew that you always had Y/n's best interests at heart. It something that I have never doubted. I'm very happy that you two are together." I express my own feelings and see as she relaxes, her shoulders releasing the tension that had been plaguing her.
"About our first meeting. I'm sorry for how I spoke to you." She goes to apologise, but I quickly shake my head, holding up my hand. "Stop. You have absolutely nothing to apologise for. You were protecting Y/n and in that moment, I had done nothing to prove that I wanted what was best for her. I'm glad that she had you when she was on her own." I reassure her so she knows that there are no hard feelings for how she spoke to me.
We both then look to Colin who's sat with a smile on his face but has said nothing. "I have nothing to add. Just that I can't think of anyone better to be with our daughter." He gives his approval, earning a wide smile and a thanks from Laura. "Though I will warn you. I may be the funny dad, but if you hurt her, I will not hesitate to hurt you." He warns, "Colin!" I scold him but he just shrugs. "No one hurts my kids." He defends. "It's ok Mr J-Colin. I promise that I don't ever plan on hurting Y/n." Laura promises. "That's what I like to hear. Now where are you taking her on this date?" He changes the subject, making us both laugh.
A few minutes later, we hear the creak of the floorboards and see Y/n coming down the stairs. The biggest smile appears on Laura's face as she stands up and moves to greet her. "Wow, you look amazing." Laura compliments her. "Thanks. You look great too." Y/n responds with a shy smile before leaning down and stealing a quick kiss. "These are for you by the way." Laura says holding out the flowers in her hands. "They're beautiful, thank you." Y/n responds, holding the flowers to her nose.
"Have you been waiting long?" Y/n asks as she moves to put the flowers in water. "A little while." Laura admits sheepishly. Y/n looks between her and then to us. "Oh. Have you had whatever talk you all so desperately wanted?" She asks. "Yes, and we all know where we stand." I jump in. "Well, I'm glad I wasn't around for that awkwardness." She chuckles.
"Right, are you ready?" Laura asks once Y/n has finished putting the flowers in a vase. "I am. I just need to grab my bag." She responds. "Have her back by 11 please." I ask Laura and she nods. "Of course." She responds, holding her hand out to Y/n who takes it easily. "Have fun sweetie." I smile at Y/n, who's already got her love eyes on her girlfriend. "Thanks Scarlett. See you both later." She calls as she leaves the house. "Of they are so in love." Colin laughs. "Yeah. I think they are."
Y/n's POV:
As we walk outside, I can't help but smile at the warmth I'm feeling from having my hand in hers. Though, once we reach the car, she lets go and rushes to hold the door open for me. "M'lady." She smirks at me, bowing her head playfully. I move to get in the car, giving her a peck in thanks. The blush on her cheeks not going unnoticed.
Laura then rushes around to the driver's side and slips in. "So, where are we going?" I ask curiously. "Well, as this is our first proper date, I wanted it to be special and unique. So, we have two stops, but they're a surprise." She shares excitedly. "Don't worry, they're not far and I think you'll love them." She reassures me, taking my hand in hers as she pulls off the driveway.
I turn my head and watch my girlfriend as she drives, my hands playing with her fingers on my lap. "So, how did the conversation go with Scarlett and Colin?" I question, intrigued to what was said. "It went well. I promised them that I just want to take care of you and assured them that you are safe with me." She informs me, turning to meet my eyes when she stops at a red light. "Hmm, I like the sound of that." I smile in return. She raises my hand to her lips and presses a soft kiss to my knuckles. "Now I've got you, I'm doing everything I can to keep you!" She tells me, making me laugh. "That doesn't sound stalkerish at all." I tease her, earning a pout. "It's a good job I like you." I lean in and press a kiss to her lips, pulling away just as the light turns green.
For the rest of the journey, we sing obnoxiously loud as we drive to our first destination. Laura pulls into a parking spot and rushes around to open my door for me. "You know you don't have to do this all the time." I tell her but she just shrugs. "It's our first date. I'm doing this properly." She defends, holding her hand out for me. I take it easily and allow her to direct me to our destination.
"The Natural History Museum?" I ask with a smile as we reach our destination. "Kind of, we're going to a specific part of the museum." She explains without giving away any further details. I follow along as she flashes some tickets to the guard at the door who gives us directions on where we need to go.
We walk through the museum and then into the courtyard where we're stood in front of a large glass box with a giant sphere, that looks like it's floating, inside. "The planetarium." I whisper, my eyes wide. I've never been here before. "I know how much you love space and thought it's kind of romantic. I've booked us tickets for their show." She explains nervously, her gaze unsure. I quickly pull her into me and press my lips against hers. "I love it!" I respond excitedly. "Oh, thank God. I thought you might not like the idea for a date." She breathes a sigh of relief. "It's perfect." I reassure her.
We make our way into the planetarium and are guided to our seats. Whilst we wait for the show to start, my eyes trail over the projection that is on the dome above us. "Did you know this is known as the Digital Universe Atlas. The team here at the museum maintain the map of the cosmos with the help of NASA." I explain when I recognise the image above. "I didn't know that. Have you been here before?" She asks me but I shake my head. "No, I never had the money to, but I've read up on everything here." I explain. "I'm a bit of a geek." I admit shyly. "Hmm, but you're my geek." She responds, making me blush.
I don't have time to respond as the show begins. The lights dim and music starts to play. I quickly take Laura's hand in my own and get comfortable. I let out a small gasp as the seats slowly start to recline so we get the perfect view of the dome above us.
The show above us is amazing and I'm completely engrossed in what is being shown. The projections are like nothing I've seen, and I feel a happiness that I'm finally getting to see something that I have read so much about but never got the chance to see. I looked on in awe, moving my head to rest on Laura's shoulder. Her arm instantly wraps around my shoulders as she holds me close, a soft kiss pressed to my head.
I'm a little sad when the show comes to an end, but I have loved every minute of it. As the seats rise up again and the lights turn on, I look to Laura with the biggest smile on m face. "That was amazing! This was the best idea for a date." I ramble excitedly. "Isn't it amazing to think all of that is beyond the sky." I share and she nods along, a soft smile on her face. "What?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow. "Nothing. You're just cute when you're excited." She explains with a shrug. It instantly makes my cheeks blush and my gaze drops.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She says, standing and holding her hand out for me to take. I slip my fingers between hers and allow her to help me to my feet. "Genuinely, thank you for bringing me to this. I've wanted to come for so long." I thank her. "I'll happily take you to all the places that you want to go." She informs me with an adoring look in her eyes.
"But right now, we need to get going or we're going to miss our reservations." She tugs at my hands and leads me out of the museum and back to the car. The traffic is pretty light getting to our next stop and we're soon parking up once again. "I think we're ready for some food." She smiles at me and once again, opens my door for me.
We walk for a little way until Laura stops us in front of a fun looking diner. Trailer Park Lounge. "I read about this place online and thought it would be a fun place to eat." She shares her thought process. Just from the outside it looks great. Again, I follow her as she greets the host at the door. "Ah Miss Laura, please follow me." He directs to the back of the diner into a cute little booth with a small jukebox in. "You can put a quarter in and pick music which will get played over the music system." He explains as he takes our drinks order and leaves us to it.
"What song are you going to go for?" Laura asks as we look over the music listed on the jukebox. I smirk as I grab a quarter and hit a song, covering the case so Laura can't see. "What did you pick?" She asks with a pout. "Let's see if you can guess which one is mine." I smirk, thanking the waiter as he puts the drinks down in front of us.
"This place is really cool." I state, looking around at all the décor on the walls. "I thought you'd enjoy somewhere quirky over fancy. Besides, the food looks amazing." She smiles at me. I reach over the table and take her hand in mine. "I love how well you know me." I express, making her eyes soften. "I've always seen you Y/n. Even before you joined the team." She admits, making my heart skip a beat. "Me too. It's always why I sat behind you in class. So, I could admire you without being caught." I make my own admission, causing Laura's mouth to drop open. "And you called me stalkerish. Now you're admitting to watching me." She teases. "I said admiring, there's a difference." I try to defend, just earning a laugh from my girlfriend.
"If only we had our shit together earlier, we could have had our happiness before now." She sighs. "I'm glad we didn't." I say, but quickly try to back track when I see the hurt on her face. "What I mean is, my parents were not happy when I admitted I liked girls. They told me it was a phase, and they would 'sort me out' if it continued. Had we been together earlier, I would worry what they might have done to you. Our relationship certainly wouldn't have lasted." I share honestly.
I instantly regret sharing though as a look of sympathy washes over her face. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bring the vibe down." I deflect but Laura is quick to shake her head and squeeze my hand. "No. None of that. You don't have to hide that part of your life from me just because we're together now. I just wish I knew what was happening back then. Maybe I could have done something." She sighs, rubbing at her face. "Hey, you did more than you know. Besides, I can look back on it now and know it's in the past. For the first time in a long time. I've felt safer than ever." I reassure her. Her body relaxes into her seat. "I'm glad Y/n. You deserve the happiest of lives." She smiles. "When I'm with you, I'm happiest." I flirt, making her cheeks now blush.
"Anyway." She clears her throat and sits up in her chair. "Let's pick what we wanted to eat. Though I think I'll struggle to decide as it all looks so good!" She changes the subject and allows us to move on.
We both decide on burgers as a few of the people around us have them and they look incredible. Once our order is taken, we both sip on our drinks, enjoying this time together. As we're talking about our next game, I fight the smile as I hear the beginning of the song I selected come on. As soon as the intro plays, Laura looks at me with a knowing look. "This is you isn't it." She smirks whilst I nod. "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?" She asks and I nod my head. "Blame your mom. She was the one that showed me the video of 7 year old you singing to Dancing Queen for your talent show!" I tease her as she hides her face in her hands.
"You are the dancing queen, young and sweet only 17." I jokingly sing, making her groan. "How do I make you stop?" She grumbles, her face still hidden. "You can't. The quarters been paid." I tease her. "You can dance, you can jive. Having the time of your life!" I sing louder, making her try and shush me. "See that girl. Watch that scene. Digging the dancing queen!" I point to her and continue my serenade.
As the song comes to an end, she whispers a "Thank God." Making me laugh. "You mean you don't like my singing?" I ask with faux offence. "Oh, I love your singing, just not when you're using it to mock me." She complains with a smile. "Well, I'm sorry to tell you. I'm your girlfriend now and it's my prerogative to tease you endlessly. You're stuck with me." I joke. "Damn. How do I go back in time and stop asking you out." She retorts, making me gasp. "No need to go back in time if I end it now." I shoot right back with a smirk. "Ouch Y/n. Arrow to my heart right there." She pouts, clutching at her chest." You started it." I poke my tongue out like a child. "Yeah, and I don't plan on ending this. Ever." She says sweetly changing the tone of conversation instantly.
The rest of dinner was amazing. We share a giant desert between us, struggling to finish it after we had also polished off the large burger stacks. But we managed it just. The whole time we were chatting and laughing. It was one of the happiest nights of my life. The most perfect first date that I could have ever asked for. Reluctantly, we get up and head back to the car, but we decide to have a short walk around the park first. We still have a bit of time before I need to get home.
"This has been everything I could have asked for." I stop Laura at the small pond, the moonlight lighting it beautifully. "I can't thank you enough for the thought and effort you have put into our date." I share with her, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I told you Y/n. I'm going to spoil you and do everything that I can to make sure you're happy. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it." She responds, leaning into my touch.
"You've set the bar high for when I organise our next date." I chuckle as I pull her to a bench and wrap my arm around her. "We could literally sit in your room all day and I would be happy." She smiles but it makes me rise my eyebrow at her. "Already thinking of a day in my room?" I smirk, making her eyes go panicked. "No, uh not like that. I um. Not that I wouldn't want to. But I didn't I uh." She stutters through her panicked response, making me chuckle.
Instead of letting herself get more in a state, I lean forward and press my lips against hers, stopping her rambling instantly.
She sinks into my touch, one hand moving to my hip and the other moving behind my neck to keep me close. Our lips move in sync as our tongues dance together. When breath becomes an issues, we both slowly pull back and rest our heads against each other. "You were talking too much." I smirk, pecking her lips as I giggle. "I didn't want you to think I was pressurising you or anything." She explains but I quickly shake my head and cup her face.
"I don't feel pressurised. I know what you meant, and I was just teasing you. But just know that when we're both ready, I'm taking you up on a day in bed together." I tell her, a newfound confidence within me. She gulps and nods at my words a smile creeping on her lips. "I'd like that." She whispers.
We share a few more kisses before we both realise the time and have to rush back to the car. "Shit. Your mom is going to kill me if I don't have you back in time." Laura panics as she drives off. "She'd probably hate you more if you got in an accident rushing to get me home." I try to calm her down, placing my hand over her own. "We've got time. As long as traffic isn't bad. If it is, I'll message her." I say, helping to calm her down.
Turns out there was nothing to worry about. We still had 5 minutes before 11. So, I decided to make the most of it and we had a make out session in her car. With a minute to spare, she opens my car door for me once again, holding my hand as she escorts me to the front door.
"Thank you again for a perfect date." I turn to Laura, fiddling with her fingers. "I'm glad you liked it, and I can't wait for the next one." She returns, giving me a sweet kiss. "Text me when you're home?" I call after her. She agrees and I watch as she drives away, waving after her. My fingers then move to my lips, the feeling of hers still tingling on them.
I fumble around for my keys in my bag and unlock the door. As I push the door open, I see the back of Scarlett and Colin who seem to be running into the living room. I slowly walk in to see them on the sofa, slightly red faced. Scarlett is on her phone and Colin has the paper open in front of him. "Oh, hey honey. Did you have a nice time?" Scarlett asks me. "Were you just listening at the front door?" I ask them with a raised eyebrow.
Scarlett scoffs as Colin shakes his head. "Pfft no. We were just waiting here for you to come home." She weakly defends. "Hmm. Then why is the paper upside down?" I point to the newspaper in Colin's hands as he quickly turns it the right way up. "You idiot." Scarlett mumbles to him as he looks at her sheepishly. "We just wanted to make sure you were ok." Scarlett admits. "But it sounds like you were more than ok." Colin jumps in, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Ew, Colin stop!" Scarlett scolds him. "Yeah. Never do that again." I say, turning on the spot and making my way upstairs. "Wait! How was your date? I want to hear everything?" Scarlett calls after me, chasing me up the stairs. I guess I won't be going to sleep anytime soon!
Part 8
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Bullet Train anniversary woop woop!!!
This movie is so incredible, I’m really glad people are still talking about it.
Could I request Tang x reader where they’re always going a million miles a minute competing on the job, so it looks like they’re at each others throats but as soon as everything calms down they’re nerding out about what the other pulled off
I’m aware this is a runon sentence from hell😔
Have a good day! :)
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can’t believe it’s been a year already!? I watched the day it came out and it was honestly one of the best films id seen in a while. will always love it and love writing for tan😌
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hii! so the fic is slightly different to this ask, as I messaged the person who sent it, so im basing this off their response, hope that makes sense. basically this fic is slightly different to how it’s was requested in the ask above. I made reader GN, so everyone can read. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
love to hate
tangerine x reader
wc: 509
link to post
Relationships were something out of the realm for your occupation. They were something out of the question, something to avoid. They were a hindrance, used as bait against you, something your enemies could exploit and threaten. So for the safety of you, and everyone else, you chose not to pursue them. 
That was until the agency assigned you to a pair of fruit-named Englishmen, which you had taken well to one of the twins, Tangerine. You kept your wits about you, so he was always kept at arm's length, much like how he treated you. It was something you did to protect yourselves and one another, a system put in place that made sense. That's why your dynamic worked so well.
So when you were on missions with Tangerine, you had a strict rule, 'pretend to hate each other.' It may seem harsh, may seem unnecessary, but it wasn't. It was something each of you did time and time again in order to keep one another safe.
Lemon was back home in England, so you and Tan were paired to retrieve intel from an infamous cartel in Belfast. You and Tangerine were no strangers to Ireland, you knew it like the back of your hand, but you didn't get cocky. 
The job was relatively easy, something you've done a thousand times before, but that didn't stop you from breaking your rule. You kept it, as did Tan. You kept up your 'I hate you act,' and like always, it worked. It kept you both safe.
"Christ, wait up," Tan pants from behind, catching up with you. "Wait a bloody minute."
"Dude, we ain't got time. Chop chop." You look over your shoulder, hurrying him along. 
"We lost them. You don't have to be so mean to me now," Tan playfully pouts, stopping in his tracks. "Fuck me." He sighs, pulling a box of cigarettes from his pocket as he rakes through his curly roots. 
"What are you doing? We don't have time." You scold, dragging him by the arm.
"Wait, wait, wait," he says breathlessly, holding a cig between his lips as he lights it. 
You cross your arms, staring at him with a displeased expression. "Really?"
He doesn't reply. He looks past you as he draws the stick, exhaling the smoke away from you. "Come on. What you waiting for?" he grins.
"Are— you. Are— what?" You stutter, far too stumped to think of anything comprehensive. "Are you serious?" you ask, following after his long strides.
"Yeah, hurry up," he smirks, flicking the ash on the ground. "You're taking forever. We gotta get to the pick-up point by four."
"You're such a dick, y'know that?" you snicker, lightly punching him in the arm. 
He chuckles, slipping his hand into yours. "Yeah... I know,"
The action caught you off guard, so you twist to face him, your brows knit in confusion.
"Psh," he shushes you, predetermining your thoughts. He squeezes your hand, his thumb brushing over the dried spots of blood on your skin. "We'll be fine." 
— — — — — — — — — — ✿ — — — — — — — — — —
tan taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @like-a-fine-skylark @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossomfan @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor
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What the Poets are like in my DR!
this is a response to this ask! hope you enjoy!! posting it a bit earlier than originally intended bc i couldn't take the anticipation anymore :)
Neil Perry
my found family brother!!
always looking out for me
he was the first person i met when i started at Welton
we do bicker like siblings but it's okay
i love going to his plays, watching him perform is so much fun and he is so happy
seeing him like that is enough to heal the soul
we share books a lot
i do his stage makeup!
he makes the strangest little sounds sometimes
it will be dead silent and he'll make a silly little squeaky sound
always joins me and my dad (mr keating) for family time
Todd Anderson
he's so sweet and caring
he can be very sarcastic though
insert the "the one with the buck teeth?" situation 😭
he's super funny without trying to
we're both super anxious and it's nice to have someone around who understands that
amazing hugs!! not often, but they are healing
that time i was having a really stressful day and he hugged me and i immediately cried
he can be insecure about his relationships with people because he thinks people don't wanna be around him and just hang out with him out of pity
he needs reassurance but refuses to act for it
really good at painting! i got him watercolors for his birthday <3
he deserves everything. if i could give you the moon i would todd bb
Charlie Dalton
outrageous drama queen
he loves dancing
never said he was good at it though!
it's mostly just twirling
flirts with you to antagonize you but only if you tell him it's okay, he would never wanna make someone uncomfortable <3
my number 1 supporter since forever
superrrr competitive
can and will turn anything into a competition
massive cheesy nerd but denies it adamantly
he cares about his friends more than anything
very very affectionate
wants to be touching someone at all times
his love language is 1000% touch
very talented at music, he can play guitar, sax and a little bit of drums
doesn't sing often but definitely can
hates studying, not because he doesn't care about his education, but because it's not stimulating enough for his brain and he gets distracted really easily
i've said it once and i'll say it again, he is EVERYONES BIGGEST CHEERLEADER!!!
we're polar opposites but will match energy when needed
knows when to be hyperactive and when to be chill and quiet
sarcastic, always being a little shit
"hey charlie, will you pass me that?" "um, no" as he's passing it to you type of thing
gets me out of my shell, which i appreciate so much <3
i really benefit from the confidence he gives me and he likes being around someone who doesn't expect him to be going at a million miles an hour all the time
Knox Overstreet
my gossip buddy!
when we're bored we sit and people watch and make up life stories for the people we see
he has the silliest, most giggle
can and will lift you up
on his shoulders, picking you up and spinning you around, no matter what, it will happen
i watched him pick Charlie up and shake him and nearly peed myself laughing
very platonically affectionate, like little cheek kisses and stuff
it's his way of showing gratitude
hes also pretty sensitive and emotional
he read pride and prejudice and cried his eyes out
type of guy to kick his feet and giggle while twirling his hair
Gerard Pitts
hits his head off things at least once a day
so long and gangly and strange
like those things at car dealerships (affectionate)
he's so sarcastic and goofy
we always gang up on Charlie when he does/says something stupid
he takes his grades very seriously
but he isn't a stick in the mud about it
loves music so much
its one of the main things i hear him talk about
finds and keeps cool rocks
gives them to people when they're having a rough day
penguin behavior tbh
he is just a silly guy!
Steven Meeks
this is gonna be a long one, buckle up lovelies
we met and instantly clicked
inconsolably sweet, all the time
also kind of a chronic people pleaser but we're working on it okay!
we both have an affinity for latin
we have secret conversations in latin sometimes <3
about a week after we first met he asked Charlie if I was dating anyone but made him promise not to tell me (which didn't last long)
when we met i complimented his glasses and he blushed and went "thank you, i need them to see. i like your freckles."
he did not realize how hilarious of a response that was until later
falling asleep on his shoulder when we're up late studying <3
he always wants to carry me places. who needs legs honestly
flustering him is so easy and i love to do it because it's so funny
trying to teach him how to dance and he trips over his own feet
he has the softest most beautiful curls ever
tiny little ringlets by his ears!! my heart is melting!!!!
and his eyes.... cut the cameras
hes so pretty
him laying in my lap while i read to him
leaving lipstick all over his face and him not realizing.... the literal cutest
he is always the first one I run to when I get off stage after a recital (they all come to my ballet recitals in my dr)
us always getting caught staring at each other <3
writing poetry for each other!!!!
his love language is acts of service and quality time
his glasses are somehow constantly fogging up
he always offers me his sweater/coat/jacket when i'm chilly
my love im kicking my feet and giggling writing about him
he feels like the song 'let the light in' by lana del rey
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Masquerade of Units || Chapter 2/5
Prev: Chapter 1 Fandom: Xmen
Warnings: Uh, none, let me know. Smoking, I guess.
Wordcount: 2390
Summary: Gambit figures he should probably do something about the AC units not running problem. Unfortunately for him the dice gods aren't happy with him as he keeps rolling either "off by one" rolls or nat ones. AN: does tremblement de terre actually mean earthquake in french in this context and set up, idk maybe not, is that accurate to Cajun French, idk probably not, am I going to use it anyway and pray no one uhm actually's me about it, yeah. Just... Look just pretend it means earthquake in the sentence it's in for both our sake, okay? Help a sister out here. Smoking's bad for your health btw dont do it your lungs will be very :( if you do ------------------------------
Cooling the whole room down was definitely something that needed to happen as well. While it didn’t bother Gambit that much all things considered, and a bunch of other mutants around the place were equally fine with the humidity and heat because they were either southern like him or their powers helped them out in some way… Roughly half of them wouldn’t last it through the night safely if this heat remained or got any worse. The best gamble he could take was to at least find some way to get the AC running properly, and if all else failed look for an ice mutant to manually cool down the entire room. He hadn’t seen Bobby around for the time being, but Forge was over in a corner talking to- Shadow.
Of course Shadow had to be talking to Forge, the only one he knew well enough to ask on a less then stellar or legal endeavor to get some machinery running. She seemed incredibly excited and fascinated by the mechanical prosthetics on him, running her mouth a mile a minute with no doubt a million different questions that he patiently answered; while it took Gambit everything in his will power to not facepalm so hard to leave an imprint of his own hand on his face. Watching them talk for a bit longer, he noted that despite her enthusiasm Shadow was one of the people struggling in the heat of the room, and with that he let out a deep sigh and decided to take the matters of the evening into his own hands after all. Going over to them as best as his legs allowed, he tried vehemently hard to ignore how being closer to her made the heat just as unbearable to him; smoothly sliding his way into the conversation. He hoped it was smooth, anyway.
“Quite the atmosphere we’re having in this room tonight, mes amis; Volatile, if you catch my drift. Forge, you agree with me that the AC units are doing absolutely nothing to help, right?” Forge just nodded, half looking at Shadow who had turned her attention away from him as soon as Gambit entered the conversation and trying not to chuckle at how instantaneous that was while Gambit explicitly held his red eyed gaze on him. These two really were something else entirely; incredibly obvious for starters.
“Agreed. And let me guess, you plan on being a hero about it, but you need my mechanical expertise to actually get these units running?”
“… Something like that,” Gambit agreed, clearly not liking that Forge immediately had him figured out only to Forge’s further amusement.
“Count me in. Where’s the maintenance room?”
“Pardon, the what?”
“The maintenance room?” Forge asked, eyebrows raised in amused disbelief, “what, you think the main unit running these things would just be chilling out- no pun intended, in the main hall way where we flick a button and all is fine or something? No, my friend, you’ll have to find out where they actually keep the main source, and your best bet is the maintenance room.” Gambit just looked at him, wheels and cogs turning in his brain as the idea and allure of the night had completely distracted him from knowing any such location- and it was still too hard to focus on thinking of any place that he could label as the room Forge needed with the radiant presence of Shadow right next to him, while his eyes kept flicking to her and back to Forge as soon as she looked his way. He had no idea where that damn room could be, but then his mind brought up someone who very likely would know exactly where it was. Snapping his fingers, he slightly pointed at Forge
“Hold that thought for a minute.”
As soon as he had entered the conversation, he left; slipping through the glass doors that Fred had left crooked for anyone who wanted to get out and get some much needed fresh air- And Gambit swore he had seen Miranda slip out this way as well for some reason or another; he figured because she couldn’t handle the humidity either. He bellowed her name across the garden for as much as he could project his voice outwards, only to get a disapproving, deep huff from someone on his right hand side.
“Must you do that at 11 pm? Careful, buddy, might get yourself a noise complaint that way.”
“Good evening to you too, Monsieur Alvers. What are you doing out here all by your lonesome, mh?”
“How’s that any of your business? … This Miranda you’re looking for, what, ran away from your dashing allure or something?”
“If you being out here is none of my business, my looking for a female friend is none of yours, tremblement de terre.”
“I still don’t speak French, Rem.”
“Cajun French, and that’s fine, Lance; whatever you’re saying is all Greek to me, anyway.”
It got a genuine amused huff from the brunette as he plucked another cigarette out of his pack, calmly reaching it over to Remy in a move clearly asking him to do the honor of lighting it up; maybe even in trade for information on if he saw Miranda or not. He turned, leaning his side to the wall instead of his back like he had before, almost lazily but expectantly looking at the Cajun. Remy just sighed.
“You’ve got to quit that, mon ami; it’s a bad habit,” but despite that he used his kinetic power incredibly localized in the end of the cigarette, until the slightest of explosions set it alight. Lance simply shrugged, taking a drag from the cigarette. Exhaling the smoke into the cold night almost made him look like a dragon, or, well, like a smoldering volcano.
“Like I care. Miranda, lady in all red?” Remy nodded, glad that he had apparently seen her because he felt little for chasing her around the whole garden, while Lance shifted back to leaning his back against the wall with one of his legs propped up against it as well, “went south into the garden and then took an east turn about a hundred meters in. Or, about a hundred and nine yards; forgot I’m taking to one of the freedom unit people.”
“She with anyone?”
“How would I know? Didn’t care that much to see if she was having a private party out there.”
“Can’t you sense it? I’m pretty sure I recall you telling me once that you can sense footsteps and the like, that the ground tells you who is where. If you can sense her, which I think you can, surely-“
“So what if I can? What’s the fun in telling you? Go figure it out yourself,” and after that he spoke in his native tongue, the words melodious and pretty but utterly incomprehensible to Gambit. He rolled his eyes as Lance exhaled another drag from his cigarette.
“You’re impossible.”
“So I’ve been told before. Good luck fetching your friend,” deep brown eyes watched as Gambit made his way further into the garden. Lance just placed the cigarette back between his lips, holding his elbow with his free hand as he needed the other to keep the smoke he had under control while still smirking. Nope, not even a helping light could convince him to spill a lady’s secrets like that; his lips were sealed in both of the languages he spoke.
On the other hand, it wasn’t like Miranda hadn’t heard the holler for her name, with even Kurt reacting to it as he halted the waving of the fan he still held. She went slightly paler than she already was, as his yellow eyes quickly flicked to her and then back to the inky blackness of the night where few could make out more than the vague shapes of the shrubbery. And it wasn’t like his keen eyesight allowed him to actually look through all the greenery that looked blue in the hues of the night.
“Scheiße,” she blinked as she turned to him in confusion, never having heard anything like that out of him before, “if he finds us here we’ll never hear the end of it. And he’s clearly looking for you, for some reason. I have no idea how long it’ll take him to actually get-“
He looked down at the fan he was holding, before his eyes shot to his jacket still draped over her shoulders. Welp, if anything, both of those were incredibly incriminating to two people trying to insist there wasn’t anything going on between them, yet. Rapidly closing the fan and handing it back to her, his hand lingered on hers for a moment to get her attention to him instead of the million mile stare of a deer caught in headlights she had.
“You and I agree we don’t want him finding out about this, let alone as one of the first to find out?” she just nodded as he looked around to immediately formulate his way out as soon as possible, only to feel her gently place a hand on his other cheek to quickly press a kiss to the one facing her. He looked back to see her jewelry, the rhinestones and shimmers on her dress, the dark gloves that barely showed in the night and synthetic golden details of his own jacket where she had been sitting before, letting out a slight laugh at how clever that actually was. She came back into view as soon as she pulled away, to which he turned to her, “I wouldn’t do this if I had another choice, so please forgive me for it.”
With the grace of a stage magician, he took the jacket off her shoulders; twirling it like a cape and in one smooth move using it to vanish from the scene in a huff of smoke, landing himself somewhere in the tall trees on the premise and praying with all his might that Gambit wouldn’t see the shimmer of gold if he looked up. Miranda just stretched, slowly and deliberately, to reset herself in position as if she had been there the whole time with no one by her side, ignoring the return of the goosebumps on her skin.
Gambit didn't even show up until moments after the faint scent of sulphur already had dissipated in the breeze, but it had done little to make her skin agree with the cold air that he did immediately took notice off.
"Are you trying to catch yourself a cold death out here?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow at how obviously her skin was complaining about being exposed to the elements like this while she just shrugged.
"Better than being boiled alive in there," she answered, her green eyes betraying nothing he didn't already know.
"Yeah, about that. I need to know where the maintenance room is."
"And why would I-"
"Drifting, please, don't be playing games with Gambit now," he groaned, not in the mood to do this song and dance after already having to pull a similar thing with Lance, "I don't think I've ever seen you enter a room without immediately looking for exits and other important looking doors as long as your mind isn't high focused on a task at hand. Out here is freezing, in there is boiling; unless we do something about the temp in there this whole night is going to end in a disaster.
Look, if you need more incentive than that, Gambit may not know where our Nightcrawler has gone off to, but that man owes you the waltz he claims to excel at. He can't make true on that claim that if the ballroom is cooking him inside his own fur, oui?" Her gaze turned ever so slightly down to the ground, clearly thinking it over before she looked back at him, a very light blush on her face as she did.
"He doesn't 'owe' me anything, Remy. But you are right; having to call out a bunch of ambulances when people are inevitably going to faint from the heat is only going to turn the night into a disaster. Lucky for you I do happen to know where the maintenance room is; you've got a mechanic in mind to help us?"
"Sure do, Forge is on standby for that," Gambit replied as she got up, frowning as another cold breeze made her shiver intensely and worsened the bumps on her arms. Seemed cruel to do nothing about it, "here, let me help for a spell."
He did nothing but place a hand on the arm closest to him, with no intention other than to share the warmth his hands possessed due to the nature of his powers. She really did feel cold to the touch, and he sincerely doubted she was any better off out here than indoors despite the heat there. The warmth radiated through her cold limbs quick and easily, calming her skin and the tremors of her body.
".... Thanks."
"Don't mention it, mon ami. Can't be having you actually catch your death out here now can we?"
She nodded half-heartedly, following him back into the ballroom and out the other end into the hallway where Forge was already waiting for them to join up. Miranda took the lead, calmly leading the way to the corridors that were warm, but not as warm as the room that was also packed with a bunch of mutants trying to socialize. She took a few turns here and there, until she halted right beneath the gigantic staircase that she had trotted down from as it had been the one closest to the bedroom she had picked to crash in when the night would be over.
No, she halted because there was a new addition to the maintenance room looking door she had seen on her way down the staircase before getting into the oven of a ballroom, gesturing behind her to both Gambit and Forge to hide in the gap the staircase made between it and a wall behind it; large enough to hide a whole group of people.
“Well, we do have one problem,” she whispered, pointing at the man leaning on the door they had to get through, “he wasn’t there before.”
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Catch me thinking about my Rex time travels back AU right after he dies.
Part 1 , 2 3 for those wondering
I'd like to imagine the one thing Rex would feel, above anything else, is guilt. He sees all those he couldn't save when helping Ahsoka survive Order 66, men he knows will fall in battles that have yet to come, men who survive only to be preyed upon by the Empire, and men who fade away into nothing after realizing they'd murdered Jettii or Padawans, they murdered children
He holds the guilt of not knowing why Tup died, the guilt of holding Fives as he dies so close to saving them all, the guilt of watching Anakin spiral without being able to see why the first time.
He feels like he's drowning in it half the time, or being suffocated every time he sees a face he'd lost so long ago. Having been alone for so long, and now being thrust back into the height of being able to turn and see vod for miles is killing him, and eventually he cracks.
Captain Gregor is out on assignment with his Commando squad when he's ordered to rendezvous with the Negotiator once his team has finished. He's only ever seen the ship once, but he and his men are a bit excited, and after several days they finally have the chance to do so. Their enthusiasm turns skeptical when they're first ordered to the medbay, where Marshal Cody is awaiting them with a look on his face that sends the Commando's into overdrive.
"We will explain everything when you wake up."
Suspicions run high, but when they emerge from some sort of surgery a few hours later, they all agree on the same thing.
The dream they all shared was gone for the first time in their lives.
They get a confidential run-down on the chips, and while the news was upsetting, Cody assures them they are well on the way to figuring out this whole mess. Gregor is asked to stay when they're dismissed, and Cody reveals that he's needed to help another.
"Captain Rex was the one who somehow traveled back here, and he needs you. I know you don't have a framework for your friendship, but Rex does, and he needs all the friends he can get right now."
"if you say so sir." Gregor wasn't sure what to think, but knew that Cody wouldn't be this concerned if this wasn't a pressing issue, so he's shuttled to the nearby hidden Resolute.
Rex is holed up in his quarters, and at first doesn't respond to Gregor entering his personal space. The man looks haggard, and Gregor can only wonder what horrors the man has lived through only to come back to the beginning, so the Commando sets his bucket on the singular desk and plops himself beside the other.
"I may not know you right now, but I'd like to." Gregor hums when he notices Rex looking over, and gives a full grin. "C'mon, lets get you in the fresher, you stink."
"Says the man who never used one." The retort slips out like Rex has said it a million times, and Gregor barks out a laugh.
"Does sound like me." The smile Rex gives doesn't reach his eyes, but it's a step. "Now shoo, I'm willing to share my special ration."
"What is it?"
"Something called joopa meat."
Gregor pretends not to hear the crying in the fresher as he messages for his team to join the Resolute, and Rex seems a lot less tense when he emerges sometime later. Sitting among Gregor and his unit is the first time Rex hasn't focused on his guilt, sharing stores of their time saving clones and eventually settling down, and in turn hears some exploits of the group that impress the 501st captain quite a bit. Rex eventually dozes off against the other captain without a moments hesitation, and while Gregor was unsure of what to do, notices that Rex doesn't tense when he's scooped up and deposited onto the bed.
"Well...not what I was expecting to do today." There are some murmurs of agreements as his men settle down for some rest, eventually leaving Gregor to watch over them all.
He doesn't know Rex yet, but can't wait to learn more.
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Day 1: Protection
Using my own prompt list: here. You can also read this and every prompt as they come on AO3.
Martyn stands guard at the doors of his King's home, believing him to be in danger. Ren just wants his Hand back inside.
Martyn paced outside the wide entrance of Ren's home, hand on the hilt of his sword. Ren had told him it wasn't necessary, that he could take very well care of himself, but he wasn't the one that had heard what the townsfolk had said.
They were calling for his head, like Ren had done anything worthy of such a thing.
Now, the hunting party coming after Ren was hardly the first. The great Red King of the Red Mountain Peaks had faced many foe over the years. Martyn being one of them. There was a bounty worth his weight in gold on Ren, one that Martyn had sought after at one point and learned to regret his attempt. A bounty which was completely unjustified. People just didn't like having something bigger than them nearby, too scared of what he could do to care that he hadn't done anything at all.
Martyn could feel every step of Ren coming to the door, despite the king's attempt to tread lightly. He didn't look up at him, pointedly scanning the horizon, even as Ren spoke, "Martyn, come inside. Everything is alright, man."
His hand tightened on the sword, "They're bringing a wizard. They're bringing an army. I will not stand idly while they threaten my king."
Ren huffed, and Martyn can hear him kneeling. No other king would even consider lowering themselves, especially to someone so small and insignificant as Martyn. It was something so unique to Ren, even if the other claimed it was nothing special. "I think you will find that I couldn't bear it if my hand was hurt for my own sake."
"I will not stand idly-"
"Neither will I," Ren cut him off. "Come here my hand, let me see you."
Martyn hesitated to look away from the woods. They had the high ground, and you could spot someone from a few miles away, but that was only if the trees gave way. With the new leaves and flowers of spring now in full bloom, you could barely make out the paths.
He turned and looked up at his King. The giant, the monster, the great dog of the peaks. He was enormous, his hand alone would have been able to smash apart his old cottage in a single sweep. Martyn had only ever seen those hands be used for a gentleness they didn't look made for. Now one of those hands was flat on the floor, fingers slightly curled in. Martyn climbed in it without a second thought.
Ren waited until he was steady to lift him up to his nose. The one flaw of his king, he was near blind, his light blue eyes took in too much light, leaving his vision spotty at best. "There we are. Dear Martyn, my precious little hand, so dashing," Ren purred, his other hand brushing against his back and a finger curling to rub his head gently. "Will you allow me to bring you back inside now? Night is approaching, there will be no crusade against me today. Everything is alright, dude."
He couldn't help but let the smile slip into place as he leaned into his king's touch, appreciating the words. Only his king.
"If I go in now, we won't see their torches," He insisted, glancing once more over the woods. He could just barely make out the little village at the base.
"We can watch from the windows," Ren compromised.
They wouldn't. The moment they reentered the Dogwarts Ren would find a million things to distract him with. He'd have to spend the whole morning trekking through the woods looking for signs of the hunting party coming to kill his king, just like he had every day since he had come back from his trip to town. He may again find nothing, or he may find something worse. He held his breath for the day he spotted the wizard the townsfolk had acquired.
"Alright. As you wish, my king," Martyn conceded, bowing his head.
Ren grinned, his mouth filled with sharp canines that Martyn could not find in him to fear. For how could he ever fear his king. Ren stood slowly, and Martyn's whole world swayed as he was brought far above the ground until he was securely held against Ren's chest. They stepped inside, the stone doors closing behind them.
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joslincox · 7 months
Songs Used in Ozzy & Drix (Season 1)
Home With Hector
Tik Tok - Ke$ha
I Want You to Want Me - KSM
Girl-Crazy - LMNT
Follow Me Now - Jason Gleed
Human Fly - The Cramps
God Is A DJ - P!NK
Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol
I Wonder - Diffuser
Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash
Cupid's Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes
Juliet - LMNT
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
Ultimate - Lindsay Lohan
Don't Mess With My Man - Nivea
These Boots Are Made For Walkin' - Geri Haiwell
DJ Got Us Falling In Love - Usher
Dynamite - Taio Cruz
Hello - Mindless Behavior
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Pieces of Me - Ashlee Simpson
Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
Don't Stop The Music - Rihanna
Permission to Party - KSM
We Belong Together - Mariah Carey
Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
Miracles Happen - Myra
One In A Million - Aaliyah
Basketball - Bow Wow
Go Figure - Everlife
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
Beat It - Michael Jackson
Basket Case - Green Day
So Bring It On - The Cheetah Girls
Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson
Irreplaceable - Beyoncé
You're The Best - Joe "Bean" Esposito
Come Clean - Hilary Duff
Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers
Keep It Undercover - Zendaya
Missing U - Robyn
A Lousy Haircut
Strut - The Cheetah Girls
Solo Star - Solange
Beauty Queen - Lash
Hair - Lady Gaga
Oh, My Dog
Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men
Bounce - System Of A Down
Bow Wow (That's My Name) - Lil Bow Wow
Hound Dog - Elvis Presley
Puppy Love - Lil Bow Wow
Street Up
Jenny From The Block - Jennifer Lopez
Welcome to The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Drop It Like It's Hot - Snoop Dogg
Get Low - Lil John & The East Side Boyz
Back In Black -AC/DC
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
Goo Goo Muck - The Cramps
Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
Gas of Doom
About You Now - Miranda Cosgrove
All I Want is Everything - Victoria Justice
When There's Smoke
Cigarette Duet - Princess Chelsea
The Globfather
Summer Is Not Hot - Selena Gomez And The Scene
Pon De Replay - Rihanna
Don't Eat Stuff Off The Sidewalk - The Cramps
Boombastic - Shaggy
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride - Mark Keali'i
So Sick - Ne-Yo
Beyond The Sea - Bobby Darin
If It's Lovin' What You Want - Rihanna
Cancer - My Chemical Romance
Starships - Nicki Minaj
California Gurls - Katy Perry
Ozzy Jr.
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N Roses
Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey
Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan
American Idiot - Green Day
Drama Queen (That Girl) - Lindsay Lohan
So Yesterday - Hilary Duff
The In Crowd - Mitchel Musso
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Flavor Of The Weak - American Hi-Fi
Genie In A Bottle - Christina Aguilera
Distracted - KSM
Take Me Away - Lash
Rip Her To Shreds - Taryn 24
I Can't Hardly Stand It - The Cramps
Number One - Ginger Fox
How Bad Can I Be - Ed Helms
Mean Gurl - Gina Rene
Rumors - Lindsay Lohan
I'm Just A Kid - Simple Plan
The Art Of Losing - American Hi-Fi
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Tangled Up in Me - Skye Sweetnam
Run This Town - Jay-Z, Kanye West and Rihanna
She's So Mean - Matchboy T
Me Vs. The World - Halo Friendlies
Get Out - Mitchel Musso
Royals - Lorde
Sugar Shock
Sugar Rush - AKB48
Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
I Want Candy - Cory Simpson
Candy - Mandy Moore
Goodies - Ciara
Sell Me Candy - Rihanna
Candy Shop - 50 Cent
Lolipop (Candyman) - Aqua
The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani
The Dream Factory
Sleep - My Chemical Romance
Thriller - Michael Jackson
Someone's Watching Me - Hilary Duff
Rockin' Bones - The Cramps
Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics
Remains of The Day
The Monster - Eminem and Rihanna
Problem (The Monster Remix) - Becky G and Will.i.am
Ghost of You And Me - BBMAK
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
The Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
Ghost of You - Selena Gomez And The Scene
What Dreams Are Made Of - Hilary Duff
Friends On The Other Side - Keith David
House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance
Calling All The Monsters - China Anne McClain
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
Stepping out of my Leon S. Kennedy Brainrot briefly to nerd the fuck out on Vash the Stampede for a second (I'm also going to be putting this under the cut again because this WILL get Super Long);
Something I'm really, really, really fascinated by is just how fucking insane his reflexes are.
Like, watch the first ten seconds of this clip really quick.
Now, I should clarify that Vash, canonically, is not a human being. He's basically an alien that looks like a human but does not have the same physical limitations as the average homo sapiens.
But regardless of that? The shit he pulls off in that video, not just the whole bullet-dodging thing, is FUCKING INSANE.
Let me put this into perspective for you using the one thing that I know can remotely compare to this kind of reaction speed; a Spartan-II, aka somebody like John-117.
Spartans, as we know, are augmented. Insanely augmented. "I can shatter a man's nose by flicking it" and "I literally pulverized a man's cock and balls and shattered his entire pelvis at age 14 by kicking him in the nuts in a 1v4 against several trained soldiers" levels of augmented.
To grab a quote from Halopedia on Spartan reflexes in particular, from the Project: ASTER page specifically;
Their reaction time, while impossible to chart accurately, was estimated to be twenty milliseconds. The Spartans' reaction times were noted to be significantly faster in combat situations or with assistance from an AI. The reaction times of the SPARTAN-IIs were so fast that they, in heightened states of stress, were able to think, react and see things as if everything around them were simultaneously occurring at both a slow and rapid pace - a phenomenon dubbed "SPARTAN Time" by Kelly-087. The motion of a Spartan in combat is nearly impossible for an outsider to follow, their movement appearing as a blur. These reflexes allowed Spartans to successfully dodge gunfire on certain occasions.
Note the words, "successfully dodge gunfire on certain occasions."
Before I continue I want to also point out that, for reference's sake, a lightning strike hits the ground at around fifty milliseconds, or 270,000 miles per hour. The flash of light associated with the lightning strike? 670 MILLION miles per hour.
Now, I asked r/HaloStory on reddit for some more precise math/examples of Spartan reflexes, because I am Not Smart when it comes to math, and there's no way I'm going to give myself a headache trying to calculate the reaction time of a brick shithouse.
First, let's give some visual (and text) examples of Spartan reflexes and strength in action. Here's a clip of Cal-141 going toe-to-toe against a pissed off Jiralhanae. Here's a gif from the Forward Unto Dawn of a marine getting hit by a needler projectile, and John stepping in to tank the next hit. Here's a bit from a comic of a Spartan-II dodging a shot from a beam rifle. Here's a few text excerpts from what I believe is the Fall of Reach novel of Spartans in action; 1 2 3
Now, for some math, courtesy of a redditor; let's assume that "point-blank" range is anywhere within the range of 6 feet, at maximum, between the target and the shooter. The average 9mm bullet travels 1300 meters in a single second; it can travel 6 feet in 6/1300ths of a second, or about 4.615 milliseconds.
A Spartan-II isn't fast enough to dodge a bullet shot at them from six feet away.
I need to repeat this because it's still fucking mindblowing even for me.
He's literally moving so fast that it looks as though he's straight up teleporting; there's no blur of his body in motion like what you'd see in a Spartan II. You literally can't see his body moving out of the way of the bullet. The only times you see his body and clothes moving is when he's already dodged the fucking bullet.
Combined with his insane accuracy that at minimum is on the level of Linda-058, who shot a pilot out of a moving Banshee while upside down, and I genuinely think that Vash the Stampede could solo a Spartan-II, assuming he had a means of not getting into melee range of said Spartan (because while he has almost literal god-like reflexes, he is NOT that fast when he's actually running.)
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