#Was the Canary Curse truly broken?
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ella-exoticbutters · 1 year ago
Lizzie - A failed assassination. She just wanted to help her husband, the only one who stayed, the only one early, to her slumber party. A task that eventually led to her doom, her insanity, one may say.
But now here she was, dying in a way she lived. Embarrassingly. She caused her own death, tripping over the edge of the end island. She was alone, she didn't want to accept her fate. It was just too ironic... Just like her last death in this damned universe. If she accepted this way to go, maybe it would've been a peaceful death. The void numbed your senses after all, no more pain, no more suffering. But how embarrassing this was, tripping into the void, throwing the ender pearl too late. She just wanted to help, she wanted to take one of Scott's lives to help with the task of her beloved...
Did anyone even realize she was dead besides Scott? Joel must be worried...
...The deafening sound of thunder boomed from the ender portal after lightning crackled out. Confirming the death of the first.
Jimmy - He was ecstatic, his curse was broken! He wasn't the first dead! No grief for the one who swore to protect him in a previous life. None at all. He was too focused on the fact he was free, finally free after so long. It felt like an internity since he felt this light, this free to do everything.
This, this feeling didn't last long... Or perhaps it did?
It was chaos near the end of this session of secrets, a wither casting destruction upon this land. A warden who viewed all as foe.
Jimmy was helping, he was attacking the Wither! He was so certain he wouldn't die, not yet. His curse had been broken after all, he was free! But that damned Warden got in his way, blasting him into a hole. 1½ hearts left...
He needed to get away, he needed to live. But he was outmatched, too slow. He, he didn't get away quick enough. The warden, again, blasted him. And everything went black. He died. The second one out.
...Lightning crackled, filling the sky with light. The thunder confirming the death of another, the second one out.
Mumbo - Perhaps, he may have been the only one to accept his fate. He was also out there on the battlefield, he was being chased by the Warden.
Jimmy was near him, and he saw it. He saw him get blasted into the sky and into the hole by the Warden, but he couldn't see. The darkness effect blinding him too much to see what was happening around him. Jimmy cried out, he was at only 1½ hearts. He knew by sound that Jimmy was running away, which was smart.
Then, he heard it. The sound of the Warden's sonic boom again, in the direction of Jimmy. But that's not what made him freeze for a second, but instead it was the light that flashed, and the deafening sound that followed. Mumbo put two and two together immediately, Jimmy was dead. Another one of his fellow reds was gone. Jimmy was the second to die, and Mumbo knew deep down this was probably his end too.
His fight or flight activated as he sensed the Warden's attention go towards him. His ears were ringing from how close the thunder was but he booked it. The pain from the first sonic boom hitting him seemed like nothing. He had been at full health, he could probably survive another sonic boom! Maybe he could escape, for Lizzie and Jimmy, he could live on.
But, he was stopped, stopped by his own fence posts that were there originally to troll Martyn. He smiled, and accepted his fate.
The Warden closed the distance.
...The lighting and the thunder following soon after confirmed the death of Mumbo. The third one out, the one who died with a smile...
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eggrolls-and-fandoms · 4 months ago
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botanicalbard · 24 days ago
So I was already pretty enamored with drawing Jimmy as a Phoenix now that the canary curse is broken symbolizing is rebirth free of the curse while still keeping the avian theming but then i realized the ✨Ranchers✨ implications.
Do you think when he feels the fiery warmth of the transformation it reminds him of how being soul bound to Tango felt. Do you think it felt like home?
And how would it feel for Tango to never have to worry about burning his partners fragile feathers again. To have someone to truly match his fire.
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remthegremlin · 3 months ago
sorry im still insane about wlsmp but like so many of the life series “traditions” were broken this season and i think thats just so interesting.
the canary curse is officially broken, no more excuses no more “oh well its been passed on- oh its this doesnt actually count or” yeah no none of that- jimmy is a beast and he did so well he deserves credit for his skills 😤 he got 12th out of 18 so try and canary curse that my boy is a rockstar 😤
most of the fanon interpretation of watcher!grian is him hiding it which was kinda supported by the fact that grian being the admin of the past life series didnt really matter bc he kinda was on everyone’s level- but wild life? he was IN CONTROL. he activated the wild cards he called the end of the sessions he KNEW THINGS other people didnt and oh man thats fucking tasty its refreshing! grian was such a character this season- he fully leaned into the admin position (and for us we see it as him leaning in to the watcher aspect) and people were commenting on it? they knew he knew things when previously it just wasnt mentioned by anyone. im insane about this i love watcher!grian that fully accepts who he is and uses his powers for chaos and fun
the TEAMS- the teams this season were incredibly interesting. we had the bamboozlers who everyone assumed were gonna all go out first bc they were all bad at the game and accident prone and considering the fact that the very gameplay was all out of wack yeah it was kinda expected that the clumsy players would slip up first- but they didnt! they ALL made it to the finale. the four Gs- everyone was making jokes about how they were forcing themselves to stay together and how they were gonna fall apart and it was gonna be so toxic but they were one of the strongest alliances besides gem and joel- and even bigb who betrayed cleo still kinda stayed apart of the team- which speaking of bigb he was AMAZING this season with the creaking bit he had going but also he socialized more and instead of being a total loner he tried being part of the four Gs and yknow what i’ll take it. and the fanart of him skyrocketed this season so bonus points! but yeah the four Gs, destined to fall apart stayed together to the very end and im so happy they beat the divorce allegations. JOEL AND GEM. these two. these two were AMAZING. they truly played to the game- they didnt take things too seriously, they had fun- and most importantly they stayed together. i think what im trying to say here is that the teams this season were just so much fun to watch and it didnt feel like they were held together with tape and glue and i love that. the chemistry was top notch. i just started rambling here but i loved them!! the tuff guys, renwood, and the spanners (???) were phenomenal as well but we already knew those guys have great chemistry with each other. i definitely lost my point here oops.
last thing- wild life was so fun and it feels like the shift in the life series has settled and now everyone is just having fun and i think thats amazing for them. the shift definitely started with secret life- thats where the canary curse was broken, thats where scar won against all odds (the no regen? and scar winning? impossible- but it happened), where grian finally died an honorable death (i say this bc all of his deaths previously he’d been unhappy with- yknow the i dont feel good with scar, dying in a frenzy, dying to a warden, falling to his death- but secret life? he died trying to win a 3v1 and legitimately could have won. if gem hadnt been so high in hearts he definitely could have survived), and grian being the admin was actually relevant bc he knew things others didnt (and that scene where the end portal went off in the court house god that was good food for the watcher!grian fans) where the mechanism of the series was fun and chill and not just about killing, and of course- the tone of the series was fun and wholesome rather than completely hostile like the other 4. secret life was a nice transition to wild life and im so happy that the lifers seem to be having so much fun now.
IN SHORT. i loved wild life! i love how different it is from the other series. and im so glad that the lifers are having fun and leaning in to the insanity of it all. amazing. and this was just supposed to be a little paragraph about the broken traditions but i started rambling. my bad lol.
ALSO JOEL WON! the silliest, wildest man won! isnt that fitting?
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arc852 · 3 months ago
Gosh, I have no idea how I'm going to put this into words but I'm gonna try my best.
I have a lot of feelings about Jimmy's canary status and such.
For four seasons he has been the first out, he's the canary. He signals the start of the end and for four seasons that was very true. And Jimmy hated it. He hated being out first everytime. Everyone around him either pitied him or made fun of him for being out first and Jimmy started to hate himself for how bad he was at the game.
And then came Secret Life.
As we all know, he wasn't the first out. And he was ecstatic. Even after dying second not ten minutes later, he cared more about the fact that he wasn't out first. He claimed the curse was broken and now we continue to see this into Wild Life.
Now, where am I going with this?
I think the Watchers are doing this on purpose.
There has always been something about Jimmy that the Watchers have clung on to. And up until this point, I thought the Watchers despised him. I mean, being the one cursed to always be out first, to be the one that warns your friends of their deaths, that's not fun. That's straight up torture.
But now, I don't think they despise him. I think they see to use him.
Think about it! The Watchers, for four seasons, have pummeled Jimmy's self confidence into the ground. Has made everyone see him as a loser. He started getting hopeless, started feeling like nothing was ever going to change.
And then it did change, in Secret Life, and he wasn't out first. Now, being out second is really not any better but it wasn't about that. Jimmy was starting to feel like, maybe he could actually do this! Maybe he could even win.
And then session 3 of Wild Life happened.
The Watchers did this on purpose. They gave him hope by not being out first in Secret Life and then let things get crazy in session 3 of Wild Life for Jimmy. Jimmy had it pretty bad in session 3 and I know a lot of us didn't have a lot of hope for him after that. Of course, session 4 went a different way than we were all expecting but again, that kind of plays into things.
The Watchers have torn Jimmy down, given him a little hope, and then tore him down again. And they did this to get Jimmy right where they wanted him.
Because Jimmy, before session 5, prayed to the Watchers. He asked them, begged them to please not let him be out first. To please let the canary curse well and truly die.
And they answered.
And Jimmy wasn't out first.
And now Jimmy is putty in their hands.
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knowingsammie · 4 months ago
Ya'know the thing about Jimmy being freed from the canary curse has interesting implications that I'd like to talk about
Firstly, no one really fully believed the curse had been broken in secret life. Jimmy died the same episode, it was after his death that the others followed, some even argued that Lizzie didn't die until after Jimmy, just falling, and falling.
That is to say, imagine being a player. For four seasons there was this constant, Jimmy goes out first. The first two times were a funny coincidence, but then the 3rd happened, and then the 4th, and by that point it seemed almost inevitable. Jimmy was solidly the canary, you didn't have to truly fear for your life until Jimmy was gone.
And then came Secret Life. Everyone is living as they expect it, they're still safe, everyone is still alive, Jimmy is still alive, and then Lizzie fell. The death message comes up in chat, and there's shock, confusion, anger, excitement. But there's also something unsettling about that, something had changed.
But it could just be a fluke, right? And Real Life is barely cannon. The fandom argued that in many ways, and I'm sure whether or not they realized it, many of the players thought the same. Certainly, Jimmy would go out first again, certainly they were safe.
Except they weren't safe, this is a death game after all, death will come, whether or not the canary is there to warn of it.
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novastardoughnut · 4 months ago
It's time to let go of the Canary Curse
I think it was innevitable that eventually we would need to write this but as a whole, we need to abandon the canary curse as a consistant factor of the life series and accept that it has been well and truly broken. I was willing to give it a fair shake because maybe it would return but now that we know its time that The canary was freed from the cage. I think the canary motif can be kept for fan arts and fics and stuff much like how Grian is drawn with his little parrot wings or Impulse with his horns. We should all agree at this point, the curse was broken by SL. as it stands it was statistically impossible for Jimmy to die first forever, we would run into this eventually. ive seen it stated elsewhere that SL was the start of a new era for the Life series and I aggree to that sentiment. weird metaphor I know but if the first 4 seasons are Percy Jackson, SL and WL are Heroes of Olympus. overall themes and Ideas carry onwards this isnt completely different but its different enough so that we can seperate them by book. we are in a new volume of the life series
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nerdyenby · 3 months ago
Yes the canary curse is broken, but that doesn’t mean its influence isn’t still felt. He defied destiny, but now comes the challenge of keeping it at bay. It’s not a one-and-done thing, Jimmy’s curse will continue to haunt him. He fought fate and eventually won, but that’s the thing about fate: it always comes back. You can resist it, you can even change how it will play out, but you cannot erase it. You can run, possibly even escape, but it will never stop chasing you.
Jimmy’s manage to out-maneuver his curse a few times now, but it’s presence is still there. There are exceptions, but the pattern still remains. In Secret Life, Lizzie fell outside the bounds of the game. In Real Life — a one-off special — Jimmy made it far further than ever before, but his teammates paid the price. In a battle in a mineshaft [where the “canary in a coalmine” originated], he was the only one to walk out alive. And in Wild Life, it was Mumbo who went out first — the coalminer to Jimmy’s canary, who’s final death has always been mere moments after Jim. This is the third time Jimmy’s evaded his curse, and three times is a pattern. Maybe the canary is finally, truly free, but that doesn’t mean anything for the safety of the miners. The cave isn’t any less deadly, all that’s changed is that when death comes for those within there will be no warning.
If you liked this you might also like my post about the canary curse in SL, this absolutely stunning animatic by @ranger-potato, this fucking post by @theminecraftbee, and this jawdropping piece by @goatedgreen because they all very much have shaped my interpretation of the canary curse >:]
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eclipsesincarnation · 1 year ago
Discussion of Canary Curse (So spoilers!)
So I'm hearing people discussing whether the Canary Curse is in or out. For those who don't know the canary curse has two main parts:
The person with the curse is first person who dies, who in every case until now is Jimmy.
The person dying is a warning for the ending of the series approaching, closely followed by the whole server descending into chaos soon after the death
On the one hand Jimmy didn't die first.
But on the other, the server doesn't instantly descend into chaos after Lizzie dies, but after Jimmy dies to the warden, another red die and 2 greens do too, similar things happen in previous seasons with the reds and greens. And yes, it is a wither and a warden, but no one dies for a good few minutes right until Jimmy does
But on the other, other hand, Lizzie's death and lightning bolt happens near before the retrieving of the warden, just one attempt off which you could argue is the start of the chaos (And can we talk about Mumbo's dying right after Jimmy curse too? We need to band together to create a name for that one!) I'm going to wait until next season to truly, truly commit to the curse being broken or transferred, right now I'm committed, but ready to not be if disproven
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qoldenskies · 5 months ago
Omg I just read the entirety of the canary continuity and I love it so much! I was crying so hard by the time I was done with it!
Also, I feel so bad for all the brothers, especially Leo, Raph and Mikey. Not only is their brother hurt, physically and mentally, but they can't even do anything cause it was (unintentionally) their fault. Their relationship has broken, and they can't even fix it, because not only would Donnie think that they are lying about being nice again when they try to help, he can't even see them before having a panic attack, thinking that they are going to hurt him (or worse, kill him).
I can't wait to see what would happen in the future chapters!
hi!!! im so glad you enjoyed!! >:D
honestly ive been rolling around the particular angst with the other three in my head, and i've been excited to dive deeper into them and how they're handling it but i need to get through a particular part of the story before i can properly switch to their povs, but you better bet it'll be happening!!!
its the pain of not being able to show him the kindness and gentleness he deserves after everything that happens to him. despite his fear and initial trepidation, he practically folds into april and splinter when they reach for him, and he panics when he sees them leave, and he uses them as a lifeline when he's scared. already twice now they've talked him down from a spiral of panic and comforted him (although theyve been unable to do it when the others are around, so they always have to make them leave. even when they dont want to!) and it's somewhat established that it's not even normally how donnie responds to trauma. he usually needs a while to sit and process before he can come for comfort, and trying to push him does not work at All, but now more than anything all that he wants and needs is the affection they CANT GIVE HIM because he's utterly terrified of them, even though its ultimately the most important thing for him right now. more than anything donnie wants his brothers to keep him safe, but he thinks they're gone, and he doesn't know when the curse started, or what part of it was how they truly feel and what part of it was the curse speaking; and even if he did, they are a trigger to him and there's nothing he can do about it.
and for raph and mikey in particular, who are so tactile and affectionate (and are just as comforted by affection as the person theyre trying to comfort in most cases) its fucking devastating. with leo with his hidden low self esteem its still awful for him, but he knows what this feels like, he's only acting so different because he can't fall back on his old coping mechanisms; because they're the thing that HURT donnie, because the curse weaponized them, so he's turning to anger (in ME he is intentionally trying to start fights because he wants to be yelled at LOL) and trying to stay productive instead. but raph and mikey generally have always had the impression of themselves that they're Good People (mikey is very confident and he hasn't really been disillusioned at all yet, and raph is someone i see to be very secure in the idea that he's a good person, which can sometimes make taking responsibility/handling guilt difficult for him. although he matures substantially around the time of the movie) so its just. shattering.
mikey never saw himself CAPABLE of doing something this horrible (he's just a kid! sometimes he struggles to see past himself!) and with raph it was a confirmation of his worst insecurity; to some extent he has always seen donnie and mikey as so much more fragile than him (he does canonically understand that donnie is very sensitive/takes rejection super seriously, and he worries about hurting his feelings. ty donnie's gifts for the brains and brawn fuel i use you so liberally), and especially when he was younger he grappled with this fear of hurting them badly on accident (and he probably had in play before), and even with the self-restraint he displayed under the curse, he still caused all this CARNAGE... and there's nothing he can do about it. donnie can't even hear his voice right now without screaming. they both need to comfort in order to feel comforted and that's been ripped away from them, and they're doing so fucking awful. cannot wait to write their povs honestly i have a lot of ideas >:)
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marzghost · 1 year ago
⚠️ Secret life spoilers session 6 ⚠️
+ me living in my delulu world trying to make sense of this session in fannon lore because im silly
I refuse to believe that the canary curse was broken. Unless Skizz doesn't perma-die next in the series then that curse is still in full effect and the only reason Lizzie died first was because she wasn't in the players domain. The end has never been included in the life series until this season and maybe the curse couldn't protect her out there. The canary curse might be a curse to Jimmy but it's a blessing to all other players. It isn't until Jimmy dies that all hell breaks out and other players start to die and this has been proven time and time again including this time with Mumbo dying right after due to the warden. Skizz is always third to permanently die after the curse is activated and so if skizz falls next in my eyes Lizzie's death was because she couldn't be seen/protected by Jimmy's curse or rather be messed with by the watchers. Early on it was established that Grian asked for a seed where the end was a playable option. Lore wise this could be seen as Grian asking/pleading the watchers to create an arena where the end was playable. Maybe the reason why the end hadn't been playable before was because their influence might be greatly weakened there and the only reason why they even allowed the end was because it allowed for more entertainment and something new perhaps. The moment Jimmy and Martyn entered the end they were test dummies for the watchers to see if they could mess around in the end and sure enough they managed to kill both of them. It might have taken a bit more work in order to do so but they did it. Maybe killing players in the end is just easier for watchers than saving players. After all when Lizzie died her death didn't have a lightning bolt but rather just a boom like that of a TNT going off contrary to the lightning bolts that hit both Mumbo and Jimmy when they died. Her death wasn't meant to happen. It was a fluke, one that the watchers tried correcting soon after. Now I only wait to see if Skizz falls next if only for the curse to stay intact. Though the canary curse can't truly be confirmed broken or not either way until the next life series comes around, if there even is going to be a next life series.
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cheetah-roll · 1 year ago
I literally have not been able to think straight since yesterday omfg the curse was broken.
I can’t believe Lizzie d!ed first. She broke Jimmy’s curse. Does she get it now? She better not, that’d suck :( 
Or maybe they share it now or something. Seacanaryblings lol. Or an extension of the curse? My personal headcanon, that I'm still kind of working on, is that she purposely wanted to end Jimmy’s curse. She joined the Life Series during Empires right? And it was after she found out Jimmy was her brother. She probably learned abt to curse from Joel or something and wanted to end it. Maybe that’s why the watchers took her out of the games. Maybe she was a bit more reckless than usual in order to lose more hearts and get out first, but not draw attention to herself from the Watchers. I also think that maybe she's only paused the curse for a bit. And like I said above, the seablings share the curse now.
It's a bit weird, but for some reason I’m a bit angry that Jimmy didn’t d!e first?? It’s a very good thing that the curse is broken but idrk-
There’s so much angst and theories that can be written now omfg.
Jimmy always being out first means that he’s never had to feel the grief of losing someone in the games forever. Or at least until the next game starts. He’s always died first, marking when everything starts to go wrong. Lizzie took his place. Right after he died, the Warden was brought up and Grian made a Wither. The Warden and the Wither caused a lot of damage, made many people lose hearts and lives, and took Jimmy and Mumbo both out of the games. The fight against the Warden and Wither was the first major bl00dbath of the season. Jimmy always dies before things start to go seriously wrong. Like I said before, he’s never felt the grief of losing someone before. Let alone his own sister. The person who swore to protect him. The person whose death he gloated about. After the euphoria of knowing that his curse is gone, how is he supposed to process that Lizzie is too? He’s never had to experience the brunt of all the d3@th and betrayal that the games has to offer. He’s never had to feel the grief that Scott, Martyn, Tango, Joel, Grian and all the others have had to feel when they lose him. He’s never had to see all the chaos and destruction that breaks out after his death. He’s never had to breath in the toxic gas that his death warns of. Jimmy did end up dying second however. He didn’t have enough time to mourn before his last life was taken from him. But, for the first time, he was able to truly see what the life series has to offer. Maybe the curse is gone, but perhaps not having to see all the tragedy that comes from the games is a blessing.
Lmao that got a bit deep
I do still think that his death marked when things began to go wrong. He didn't die first, but the whole point of the canary is let the miners know when things are starting to go wrong, and he did. He died just as the Warden and Wither were brought up.
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priffi · 2 years ago
ok so in the midst of the scott vs martyn widower curses argument over who will outlive the other i actually think that them dying at the same time is not the best case scenario.
so firstly, scott's curse is to outlive his chosen partner(s). 3l, this was jimmy (canary curse); ll, this was pearl and cleo (won that season); dl, this was cleo (divorce quartet finale i love you). his survival skills have been fairly obvious from the start.
however, people tend to interpret martyn's curse the same way: 3l, ren died before him; ll, the southlanders all died before him; dl, he didn't truly have any allies (?) (unless you want to count cleo at the end, in which case he did outlive her by not being the cause of death). but the thing about martyn and his drama kid tendencies is that he was more tasked to protect them and rather is doomed to fail in doing so.
when scott inevitably turns yellow, it's probably from pvp (he can't stay hidden for an entire session, obviously). so in this case, martyn's curse could be fulfilled by him failing to protect scott when he was in such dire times. (alternatively, my headcanon is that scott gets targeted and farmed for time by a bunch of other reds and martyn can't stop them in time/can't claim the kill like scott wants him to.) or you could even go to the extent and say that martyn has already failed as a bodyguard when he tasked himself with keeping scott safe from the other yellows.
if this is taken into consideration, then martyn's curse can be put aside and then scott would outlive him to fulfill his curse, making it so that neither curse is broken. q.e.d. ig □
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botanicalbard · 1 year ago
So, I’ve seen a lot of theories about the canary curse and why/how it was broken and I think it truly has nothing to do with Jimmy and what he did and everything to do with Lizzie. I don’t think Lizzie is supposed to be here. She joined after Empires, where she and Joel got married (in Minecraft they were married irl before that) and when she got a deep connection with Jimmy as he was her seabling. I think Lizzie some how wormed her way into Last Life to try to protect her loved ones and the Watchers well, the Watchers weren’t happy about that. That’s why when Jimmy and Joel were made the Boogey (aka influenced by the Watchers) they killed her. No, love no joy, no family they couldn’t allow that so they kept her out of the next game and the next but she managed to break through when subbing for other players, just a little bit of her slipping through the cracks. So when she got to Secret Life, where she’s a player again, they made her miserable and alone but she still managed to dare to say no to the Watchers and die before Jimmy and break his curse. There is delicious irony in it as Joel talked about trying to sacrifice himself to break Jimmy’s curse last season but Lizzie succeeded where her husband failed and protected her seabling from his curse. Or maybe it wasn’t her victory for her and the Watchers killed her for it because she isn’t really a player just a little girl lost in the mines.
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deityoftherain · 1 year ago
the canary broke his curse - Seablings Life Series/Traffic Life Fanfic
Rating: Teen
Relationship: Gen
Archive Warnings: Creator Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Status: Completed Oneshot
Word Count: 740 seeing such a small word count on a rain fic feels so strange lol
Summary: Lizzie and Jimmy just vibing together, dead in a void, and talking about their recent deaths.
Full fanfic underneath the cut! Please reblog, leave kudos on the AO3 fic slash notes/likes here on Tumblr, comment either place, and etc if you enjoy the story :D
“That’s all that matters. That’s all that matters.” Jimmy repeated over and over, rocking back and forth on the floor with his fingers pulling at his hair. “That’s all that matters. That’s all that matters. That’s all that matters. That’s all that-”
“Jimmy? You’re okay.” Lizzie crouched down in front of him, tilting her head at him. “You did it, you know.”
“I still died.” Jimmy whimpered (yes, whimpered), arms tight around his knees as he continued to rock. “You- I? We broke the curse and I still died so quickly. I- I-”
“You survived longer than me.” Lizzie shifted so she was now sitting on the floor in front of him, humming softly. “That is already so important. This just proves you aren’t bound to the canary curse anymore.”
Jimmy didn’t look up at her and just fluttered those yellow wings that liked to stick around. “I still look like the canary.” “We all have scars.” Lizzie shrugged and one of her joints popped. She wrinkled her nose for a split second but she didn’t comment on it. “We all have memories of the past on our bodies, big and small.”
“I broke the curse yet the wings are still there. Those are more than just scars.” Jimmy was growing more irritated. Why was she so calm about this? He didn’t need to be babied and cooed at to soothe him. “They are just a sign that it still haunts me. You dying may be a fluke and it’ll be stronger than ever next time..” “It could be. We never truly know,” Jimmy scoffed at her but Lizzie continued anyway, “but if you let it control you, it is going to stay like that. You need to turn your hatred for your wings and turn it more positive.” “How do you suggest I do that?” He raised an eyebrow at her, mildly entertaining her attempt to comfort him.
“Don’t let your wings be a sign of the coal mine.” Lizzie’s tone was too casual for the weight behind the words. “Let them be a sign that you made it out alive. Let them be a sign that you are still fighting and that you have overcome the curse forced upon you.” Jimmy didn’t respond, staring off at nothing. Tears started to swell up in his eyes again, blurring his vision. “I… I did it. The curse is broken. I fought hard enough to break it.” “You did!” Lizzie sounded like she was grinning but Jimmy could only see blobs of colors at the moment so he wasn’t sure. “Next time, you will live even longer. I know you will.” “Maybe so.” Jimmy started to laugh. It was a laugh of disbelief, grief, and joy. The feelings swirling around inside of him were strange but it felt so much better than he had when the lightning struck and he got pulled out of his body this last time.
The two sat together, processing their recent deaths and everything that had happened up until that point.
Jimmy broke the silence, bringing them both out of their own minds.  “I was going to throw a party to celebrate.”
Lizzie burst out laughing at that so hard she pressed her arms against her stomach. “You were going to celebrate me dying? Oh, Jimmy, that is certainly something. I can feel the love from here.” “What? No! No, no,” Jimmy’s face flushed with embarrassment and he waved his hands in front of him to show that was not his intention, “it wasn’t to celebrating your death! It was to celebrate me breaking the curse. I thought it would be cool to invite the server and maybe ask for some gifted hearts.”
“Good luck with that!” Lizzie was still laughing but it had quieted. “No one came to my party except Joel… and I’m married to him so that doesn’t count!”
Jimmy snorted at that, resting his head on his knees. “Maybe we can have a shared party once more of them die.”
“Oh, now you are wanting to celebrate more death!” Lizzie continued to tease him. “You’re so sweet, aren’t you?”
Jimmy stammered on his words, ears now red. “You know what I mean! Maybe we can wait until a winner is declared and just have a party until the next game draws us in.” Lizzie shook her head but a smile was plastered on her face. “I think we would all enjoy that.”
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somj1 · 1 year ago
Alright folks, let's talk about the infamous life series curse: the canary curse.
Now I've seen people talking about how Jimmy finally beating his dying streak. I've seen people discussing Jimmy's curse if he truly has broken it or not. Some say that his curse is still active since he is the second one out but some others say that he died a different hour so it doesn't count. So, I've come up with a solution/theory that could quite literally be possible!
Theory: the curse has been shared into "portions".
How is it shared into portions? let me explain.
We all thought that maybe, just maybe that martyn will be the first one to die with Jimmy literally dying seconds later because we thought that the curse transferred to martyn from that punch at the start. Well what if I say that punch only took one part of it? Let's say there's 100% of the canary curse. The punch at the start took 20% of it which can explain why Martyn was first to yellow and red. Now Jimmy has 80% of the curse left. That's why he was second to yellow and red. Now Jimmy still has the curse, but it's getting fragile. Now, when Jimmy killed Lizzy, marking the first kill of SL, it's possible the curse broke from that, but it's also possible that half of the curse was transferred to Lizzy since she literally died in Jimmy's hands, and conveniently she's the first one out. Lizzy possibly took 40% of the curse. It would make a lot of sense why Martyn didn't die first, why Lizzy DID die first and why Jimmy died second. So if you ask me, Jimmy and Lizzie would have a fair share of the curse.
Of course this theory is up for debating if anyone who is possibly reading this is intrested.
But this theory can't be proven until the next season or another life series member confirms or denies it.
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