warriorsrustystar · 2 years
Into The Wild: Chapter 1
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Update on where I’ve been at the end
Chapter 1: Somewhere Beyond The Trees
A burning figure with eyes of pure, white light appeared from the vast darkness, their warm glow lit up the shadows to reveal an endless forest before them. The feline creature silently stalked their surroundings, with a sky covered in distant, sparkling stars and giant trees that seemed to stretch up endlessly into the sky. The grass was lush and long, speckled with fallen sticks and leaves and dotted with small stones and the occasional flower blossom. The being of fire treaded lightly through the wilderness, though strangely none of the surrounding area seemed affected by their presence, let alone burning up under their flaming paws. 
Suddenly the creature stopped and fixed its gaze on the slight rustling in the undergrowth. They crouched into a pouncing position, eyeing a somewhat transparent vole scurrying across the forest floor, oblivious to the fiery being slowly inching closer to it. In a single heartbeat, the burning feline had pounced upon the small critter and prepared to sink their teeth deep into it. Then, a horrid screech rang across the clearing, loud enough to shake the trees and crack the earth itself.
The being of flame arose at once to the hellish sound, flattening their ears back in reaction to the scream that had sounded both cat - like and yet completely foreign and unnerving. The small vole had escaped its predator during this time, and when the figure looked back at their prey, they found it had disappeared without a trace, as if it was suddenly pulled from existence.
When the fire creature turned back, they had realized they were no longer alone as many feline shapes raced past it, running frantically from some unseen threat. In the midst of it all was yet another cat-like entity, not a silhouette like their peers, but rather a swirling shape of mist and clouds. The only feature that could be made out on their face was a pair of blank white eyes twisted into a look of grief and pleading.
The creature of clouds opened their mouth to speak, but the fire cat’s ears were only meant with silence. They continued anyways, their unhearable cries becoming more desperate, as if begging for their life. Yet, the flaming being could only stand by and watch as their foggy body began to dissipate. Before they had faded completely, one last time they cried out and the burning figure flinched as what came out was a loud crash that flooded the area, sounding like thunder had split the earth and the land itself had cried out in fury with a voice of a……..human?
Rusty jolted awake with wide eyes, for a moment his head whirling before he realized that he was simply in his bed in the kitchen. The forest, the vole, the shapes, the mist-like being… it had all been a dream. The loud crashing that had woken him was just his clumsy owner dropping something.
Rusty closed his eyes to go back to sleep, yet the unnerving dream had kept him too restless to do so. That, and the vivid image of hunting stirred his appetite. He got up and stretched, padding his way to the food bowl and eating a few mouthfuls of the dry kibble. He then tried laying back down in his bed, but this time instead of closing his eyes he just looked through the glass doors to the barley-lit backyard.
He didn’t know how much time had passed before he gave up on trying to sleep and rose to his paws, careful not to wake Smudge - who had been sleeping in his own bed close by - as he padded towards the cat-flap and into the backyard. Uninterested in the garden he’d seen many times before, he nimbly hopped to the top of the fence and looked out into the endless trees shrouded in darkness beyond. The vivid scents of the wild had returned to him as he observed the trees swaying softly in the breeze.
The sound of pawsteps and the subsequent scrabbling up the fence had broken Rusty’s trail of thought. “Rusty?” Rats! Rusty thought as Smudge made his way over to sit by his friend who’d tried so hard not to alert him. It's just like him to sleep through that clammering but wake up to the sound of the cat-flap the orange tom thought amusedly. “Oh, hey Smudge. What’re you doing up so late?” 
“I could ask the same thing.” Smudge replied, yawning and licking a forepaw. 
“Well, I’m not the one who always complains about getting up early in the morning.” Rusty teased, nudging his friend playfully. “Anyways, I had a weird dream earlier, and I couldn’t go back to sleep after our human-tom woke me up with his clumsiness.” He turned back to the forest. “So I… thought I’d get some fresh air, y’know?”
To Rusty’s dismay, the piebald tom almost immediately caught on to his half-lie. “You’re not thinking of going into the forest, are you? Rusty, you know what happens there! Pinecone told us all about all the vicious predators, not to mention the wild cats-”
“Smudge, I’m just going in for a little bit. I won’t even go far!” The green-eyed tom assured his friend “And if you want, I’ll let you come with me?”
“Out…” Smudge looked back towards the woods, eyes wide “...there?”
“Haven’t you ever been curious?”
“...Fine. Ok, fine.” Smudge huffed. “But only for a little bit, ok? And if anything happens, we head straight back home. Deal?”
“Deal.” Rusty nodded before jumping off the fence and down onto the forest floor, his friend following a moment later. Right away, he noticed how much rougher the ground felt compared to the garden. The trees felt much taller as well, and it was almost hard to believe that this place and the garden existed only a fence away from each other.
Smudge was sniffing everything cautiously, the fur along his spine bristled. He squealed in terror when a small bird flew by, his already fluffed fur somehow getting even more puffy. “Ok! Ok! It’s been ‘a bit’! Let’s go home now!” He yowled.
“Hey, calm down. It was just a bird.” Rusty mewed, leaning himself against his friend in an attempt to comfort him. “If anything happens, I’ll protect us, just like I said I would. I swear.”
Smudge nodded softly at this, though his tension still remained. Rusty paused when he heard slight rustling in the nettles only a few whisker-lengths away. A small vole had popped out, its back turned to the two cats. 
“Smudge, do you see that?” Rusty whispered.
“What?” the black-and-white tom responded, looking around.
“Shhh! Don’t scare it off!” Rusty continued, pointing to the vole. “This is just like in my dreams! …I’m gonna catch it!”
Trying to be as silent as possible, he crouched low to the forest floor and began to creep slowly towards the small rodent. Just as he was in pouncing range however, the vole had noticed him and begun to flee. Determined not to lose his first catch, Rusty bolted after it, ignoring Smudge calling out for him.
He ran as fast as he could manage, wind ruffling through his orange coat and raring in his ears, every pawstep feeling twice as exhilarating what his dreams had entailed. For the first time, he felt truly alive. Yet despite his efforts, the vole had out-maneuvered him and soon ducked into a hole. Rusty tried to look down inside, but it was too dark to see anything. He instead reached a paw in to grab it, only to be met with many small teeth biting down as he retreated with a yelp.
Disappointed that his prey escaped, Rusty sighed and turned around to go back home. His blood froze at once when he realized he could no longer see Smudge - or the fence, for that matter. In every direction, there were just trees as far as he could see. As his rush of adrenaline faded he suddenly became acutely aware of every sound in the forest as Smudge’s warnings flashed through his head. His breath caught in his throat as he was overcome with the feeling that he was being watched.
His fur bristled up as he heard a nearby rustling getting louder and louder, spinning around to try and make out which direction it was coming from. Panic filled his entire body when he heard the sound of rapid pawsteps thumping towards his direction. He turned around just in time to see outstretched claws and bright yellow eyes rush right at him.
Author’s note:
Ok time to address the elephant in the room. Yes, it's been over a year since I've updated this. The truth is that I've been going through a major span of writer's block combined with the fact that I was a bit scared to continue due to my habit of both perfectionism and procrastination. But since the day I'm uploading this is Warrior Cat's 20th anniversary, I figured that the best way I could show my appreciation for this series and fandom is to finally come out of hiatus and pick this project back up. I'm really, REALLY sorry for everyone who's been waiting so long for this rewrite to continue just to be met with radio silence, and I promise that I'll try to work on this more, and that if I disappear again I'll at least give out a warning.
With that said, I hope you've all enjoyed this chapter and that it was worth the wait :)
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rewirenova · 2 years
Also I announced it on my alt account @warriorsrustystar but I finally updated my rewrite for the WC series’ 20th birthday :)
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doritopaw101 · 3 years
Hi, I just wanted to sk if it would be ok if i used the names Bluemoon and Snowflower in my own rewrite? I really like those names, and of corse I promise to credit you. I understand if you don't want to though, I promise I won't be offended! :)
Of course you can use it. I don’t own the names and I love to encourage others with their creativity and ideas for their rewrites for the series. Go ahead, I’d love to read your rewrite btw.
Though you could honestly use Snowflower freely since I changed her name to Snowstrike to fit her canon personality
And besides Bluemoon and Snowflower are great names and represent their mother that way.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
Clan cat’s afterlives part 1: Starclan
Starclan is the place where most clan cats go when they die - Usually guided there by a lost family member, idol, or close friend. The “leader” of Starclan, and the one who delivers messages and prophecies to the living world, is a cat known as Silverpelt. Silverpelt themselves has no physical form, their body being made up of stars and their eyes the sun and moon, but can take any form they choose. 
There are also multiple “levels” within Starclan, those being:
The Astral Plane - An endless expanse of stars, where cat who visit Starclan appear. Spirits in the astral plane are a lot more mystical and ghost - like when appearing to visitors, with constellations along their body and star shaped pupils.
The Spirit’s Land - An endless forest combining all other clan’s terrains into one, where the spirits of Starclan themselves reside. Spirits here appear identically to how they did in life. 
The First Star - A small area of golden grass and waters, this is where the five founders reside, watching over the clans and creating prophecies to send them. Only a small pawful of cats outside the founders have ever even seen this place, let alone set foot in there.
Starclan cats who have died from a wound will have said wound completely healed, as well as healing any other injuries or scars if the choose to. Cats can also change their age, such as a kit becoming a full grown warrior, or an elder cat regressing back to their younger days.
When injured, a Starclan cat will bleed space goo.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
Clan cat’s afterlives part 3: The Dark Forest
The Dark Forest is a place reserved for only the cruelest, most vile cats in the clan’s history. Those who have committed unforgivable crimes and feel no remorse for the pain they’ve caused. 
Spirits in the Dark Forest have pitch - black sclera, as well as any death wounds or other major injuries being open, constantly oozing black blood. The longer a cat is in the forest, the more their appearance will be corrupted and monstrous.
The Dark Forest has four different areas, each corresponding to one of the clans. Depending on which clan a cat was in, they will end up in their respective area (If the cat died a rouge, then they will be in the area of their former clan.)
The Thunderclan - esque area is a forest full of twisted, dead trees and gray, dry grass.
The Riverclan area is a large swamp full of thick, black sludge. (Similar to the Dark Forest design in The Angry River map by Amelia Bothe)
The Shadowclan area is a forest full of infinitely tall, charred pine trees, as well as a layer of mist constantly coating the ground.
The Windclan area is an empty, dry land with only a few dead plants and stone structures here and there.
The sky of the Dark Forest is blood red with no stars; instead it has large black storm clouds and a permanent Bloodmoon. The border is surrounded by a tall, dense wall of black, thorny vines, imprisoning the inhabitants and dragging anyone who tries to escape back in.
In the very center of the place lies an enormous dead tree that is connected to and in control of the entire area. The tree is actually the spirit of One Eye, the first cat evil enough to enter the forest. Through it, he watches over the entire forest and everyone within.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
Clan cat’s afterlives part 2: The Bleak Trail
The Bleak Trail is an endless pathway that stretches between Starclan and The Dark Forest. The trail is completely monochrome, including it’s inhabitants. 
Cats wandering the Bleak Trail were sent there for committing crimes too great to be in Starclan, but are not dark - hearted enough to be in the Dark Forest. Spirits of the trail are destined to wander the near - silent area alone, with nothing but their thoughts to reflect on the actions that led them there. Should they sincerely regret the bad things they’ve done, they will be let into Starclan.
Unlike Starclan cats, those who died from wounds will not have their injuries healed, but also unlike Dark Forest cats, the wounds do not hurt or bleed. Trail spirits cannot bleed, no matter how badly they’ve been wounded.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
Into The Wild: Prologue
Update: I wasn’t satisfied by how short this was initially, so along with some minor dialogue tweaks I’ll be adding in an entirely new scene that was originally going to be the start of Chapter 1.
“Before the clans had reached the point they are at today, a prophecy was given out many, many moons ago...
A prophecy of fire, of unity, and of a cat who could either save the clans... or cause their end.”
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The night sky shimmered softly, a silver crescent shining its light gently onto the world below. Against the moon, a feline silhouette sat atop a large boulder, back turned from the several sleeping bundles curled up into their nests below. His emerald eyes, swimming with thought, reflected the stars above that they were fixated on.
The reddish - brown tom’s focus only broke when he heard the sound of claws scratching against stone, turning to see an old, gray tom approaching to sit with him. The latter settled beside him, on a ledge only slightly shorter than the rock’s peak. The gray tom’s mismatched yellow and blue eyes followed his company’s look at the sky, then turned to face him with a look of concern.
“Goosefeather.” The brown tom spoke, not turning to face the other cat but instead giving a quick nod. “I take it you had trouble sleeping, too?”
Goosefeather grumbled. “You know this is a stressful time for all of us. It feels as if not a moon can pass without the threat of bloodshed rearing its head.” the old tom shifted his paws as he spoke.
“We are lucky Thunderclan is full of strong warriors,” the leader sighed. “Otherwise we may have had to follow in our past neighbor’s pawsteps by now. Still though, it’s… hard for me to keep my head held high at a time like this. It feels as though whatever progress we attempt to make is ripped away within a heartbeat. We can only hope that, perhaps, the warriors of the future will be able to face the danger head on...”
The two old cats sat atop the rock’s peak in silence for a few more heartbeats, contemplating their situation. Goosefeather’s gaze at the stars above began to cloud over with unease.
“Starclan hasn’t given me a vision in quite some time…” The gray cat muttered to himself, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to focus. Something felt… warm beneath his paws. The sounds of the night began to fade and instead he could sense a cacophony of whispers as the warmth grew to envelope his body. His eyes snapped open in an instant, growing wide as his breath caught in his throat.
Goosefeather found himself not sitting on the rock as he had been prior, but instead in the middle of a vortex of shining flame. Upon a closer look, there were cats in the storm, cats of all shapes and sizes, their pelts not made of flesh but of the same blaze that they had run and danced in a harmonious sequence with. Beyond the fire, dark figures with crimson eyes glared at the tom, not daring to try and cross the inferno.
The whispers were now growing louder and synching up into one phrase
Fire alone will unite the clans
“-sefeather? Are you alright?” Goosefeather was shaken from his trance by a pair of large, brown paws. His vision focused to see his leader turned to look at him with concern.
“A vision… from the stars…” Goosefeather was so stunned that he could barely rasp out the words. “F - Fire…”
“Goosefeather? What is it? What did you see?” The reddish - brown cat mewed urgently.
“They showed me…” the old gray tom continued “A cat with a pelt the colour of flames; one from the outside... one able to bridge the gap between the four clans… as well as the living and dead.” He looked at the other tom with a hidden ember in his eyes. “Fire alone will unite the clans.”
“Fire?” The leader responded in an almost shocked tone “But fire is an enemy of the forest! Fire is an unstoppable force that leaves only ash in its wake!”
“It can be that way,” the old healer responded, “But fire can also bring about change. It can be either a scorching storm of destruction, or a source of warmth and a guiding light. It depends on how it is used.”
The other tom hummed with a quick nod. “Hmm, well… you do have a good point. And Starclan has never led us astray with a false prophecy before, so it must be so.” He looked to the sky with a newfound determination. 
“Fire alone will unite the clans...”
“Then, with a flash of light, Starclan was brought into existence. Or so they say, at least.” An old cat rasped as he concluded the story the two young toms in front of him were listening to intently. 
“Another!” Cheered the young orange cat, bouncing on his paws. “Tell us about the mountainside!”
The older tom wearily lifted himself to his paws, shaking the stray blades of grass out of his coat. “I think you’ve heard enough for today.” He yawned “Besides, I’ve got to get back in before dinner. My humans will be looking for me.”
With a disappointed groan, the orange tom watched as the elderly cat walked inside his human’s home. He stayed to look at the backyard door a few seconds longer, then both slipped under a hole in the fence back to their own gardens.
The orange tom felt a soft paw tapping on his shoulder, and looked over to see his friend looking worried.
“Hey, um... Rusty?” The piebald tom mewed “The stuff Pinecone said, about the clans and stuff? Do you... uh... believe it?”
“Well, I mean... yeah? No reason not to, right? especially since neither of us have ever even went into the forest and all.” Rusty responded. “Why do you ask?”
The other cat shook his head, the bell on his red collar jingling softly. “I don’t know. I mean - I just- I can’t help but worry, y’know? The cats in the forest sound pretty vicious. What if someday they cross over the fence and attack? What if I have to face them? What if they make prey out of me, or SHARPEN THEIR CLAWS ON MY BONES, OR-”
“Smudge!” The orange tom yowled “Calm down! None of that’s gonna happen!”
“You don’t know that!” Smudge retorted.
Rusty sighed and placed a reassuring paw on his friend’s shoulder. “Listen. If something like that does happen, you won’t be alone. I’ll be right by your side, ok?”
Smudge's worried expression slowly turned into a small smile. 
“If you say so...”
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
It’s here.
...Or, at least, the allegiances are...
Read on AO3
Leader: Bluestar - Lithe, dark blue molly with light blue and white points, magenta eyes, and a large scar across her shoulders.
Deputy: Redtail - Tortoiseshell tom with turquoise eyes and a puffy, ginger tail. (Apprentice: Ravenpaw)
Healers(med cats):
Featherwhisker - Light gray tom with dark grayish - blue stripes and orange eyes.
Spottedleaf - Short tortoiseshell molly with golden eyes.
Lionheart - Golden tom with a thick “mane” of orange fluff and green - blue eyes. (Apprentice: Graypaw)
Whitestorm - Pure white tom with a dark gray tail and ear tufts, and bright yellow eyes.
Tigerblaze(Tigerclaw) - Large, battle scarred orange tom with black stripes, a white underbelly, and amber eyes.
Darkstripe - Short haired dark blue tom with black stripes and orange - yellow eyes. (Apprentice: Dustpaw)
Ringtail(Longtail) - Beige tabby tom with black stripes and an unusually long, black tail. (Apprentice: Sandpaw)
Willowpelt - Pale blueish - gray molly with unusually large, deep blue eyes.
Lightningwind(Runningwind) - Light brown tabby tom with dark brown stripes and emerald eyes.
Mousefur - Dark brown molly with purple eyes and a furless tail.
Rosethorn(Rosetail) - Light gray molly with golden eyes and ginger patches and tail.
Mistfall(Mistkit) - Fluffy, light blue molly with deep, yellow eyes.
Nightgale(Nightkit) - Pure black molly with heterochromatic green and blue eyes.
Fuzzypelt - Fluffy, dark gray tom with golden eyes.
Robinwing - Dark brown molly with brown eyes and a ginger underbelly.
Graypaw - Fluffy, light blue tom with a dark gray stripe running from snout to tail and orange - yellow eyes. (Mentor: Lionheart)
Ravenpaw - Skinny black tom with a white chest and tail tip, and dark purple eyes. (Mentor: Redtail)
Sandpaw - Beige molly with green eyes and light brown swirls. (Mentor: Ringtail)
Dustpaw - Brown tom with dark blue eyes and dark brown stripes. (Mentor: Darkstripe)
Goldenflower - Light yellow molly with light purple eyes as well as orange and light brown swirls. (Temporary caretaker; mother of Lynxkit, Brackenkit, Thornkit, and Brightkit)
Robinwing - Dark brown molly with brown eyes and a ginger underbelly. (temporary caretaker; adoptive mother of Cherrykit and Chestnutkit)
Frostfur - Pure white molly with yellow - orange eyes. (Temporary caretaker; mother of Swiftkit and Cinderkit)
Brindleface - Dark gray molly with light gray speckles and lime eyes.(Permanent caretaker; expecting kits)
Patchpelt - Piebald tom with dark blue eyes. (Permanent caretaker)
Thrushpelt - Sandy - coloured tom with a white underbelly, black speckles, and emerald eyes.(Permanent caretaker)
Swiftkit - Lanky white tomkit with black stripes and yellowish - greenish - blueish eyes.)
Cinderkit - Dark gray mollykit with orange eyes and orange - tinged ear and tail tips.
Brightkit - White mollykit with light blue eyes and orange splotches.
Brackenkit - Light yellow tomkit with light blue eyes and orange splotches.
Thornkit - Light orange - yellow tomkit with red eyes and brown stripes.
Lynxkit - Calico mollykit with reddish - brown eyes and a short, stubby tail.
Cherrykit(Cherrypaw) - Fluffy white mollykit with red eyes and ginger patches.
Chestnutkit - Dark reddish - brown kit with brown eyes.
Whiteshade(Oneeye) - Old white molly with one yellow eye and one blind, gray eye.
Leopardfoot - Dark gray molly with black, leopard - like spots and dark blue eyes.
Shellear(Smallear) - Stout, light gray tom with brown eyes and folded ears.
Speckletail - Sandy - coloured molly with yellow - green eyes and brown speckles. (twin of Dappletail)
Dappletail - Sandy - coloured molly with yellow - green eyes and brown speckles. (twin of Speckletail)
Sparrowpelt(Halftail) - Dark brown tom with purple eyes and half of his tail missing.
Leader: Stormstar(Crookedstar) - Large, light brown tom with green eyes, dark brown stripes, a yellow underbelly, a scar across his left eye, and a large underbite.
Deputy: Oakheart - Reddish - brown tom with dark greenish - blue eyes.
Healers(Med cats):
Mudfur - Scruffy, dark brown tom with light brown eyes.
Mosspatch(Mosskit) - Fluffy white cat with green eyes and light brown and gray splotches.
Leopardslash(Leopardfur) - Lithe, light yellow molly with purple eyes, a white underbelly, and leopard - like dark brown spots.
Mistybloom(Mistyfoot) - Light blue molly with dark green eyes and a curly - furred, silver underbelly
Stonefall(Stonefur) - Dark blue tom with purple eyes and blackish - blue patches on his back.
Blackclaw - Black tom with blue eyes and white points.
Whiteclaw - White tom with red eyes and black points.
Softwing - Fluffy white molly with yellow patches and orange eyes.
Whitefang - White tom with dark brown paws and tail, and pale blue eyes.
Voleclaw - Gray tom with pale blue eyes.
Beetlenose - Pure black tom with golden eyes.
Petaldust - Dark brown molly with light brown stripes and pale green eyes.
Rippleclaw - Silver tom with black stripes and lime eyes.
Splashpool - Dark grayish - blue tom with white speckles and light orange eyes.
Morningbreeze - Cream - coloured molly with light blue eyes.
Silverpaw - Silver molly with dark blue swirls and dark blue eyes.
Quakepaw(Loudbelly) - Dark brown tom with light blue eyes.
Minnowpaw - Dark gray molly with purple eyes.
Willowpaw - Pure black molly with pale yellow eyes.
Mosspaw - Tortoiseshell molly with red eyes.
Willowbreeze - Light gray molly with dark gray stripes and amber eyes.
Swanheart - Light blueish - gray cat with black stripes and yellow - green eyes.
Lakeshine - Light gray molly with light blue eyes.
Shadekit - Dark gray mollykit with greenish - blue eyes.
Rockkit(Heavystep) - Brown tabby tomkit with blackish - brown stripes and dark yellow eyes.
Frogkit - Light gray tomkit with lime eyes and a dark gray tail.
Sunkit - Orange mollykit with a yellow underbelly and pale yellow eyes.
Fallowtail - Light brown molly with blueish - purple eyes.
Ottersplash - Fluffy orange and white molly with emerald eyes and a torn right ear.
Piketooth - Dark brown tom with dark yellow eyes and an overbite.
Ceaderpelt - Brown tom with dark green eyes and a stubby tail.
Graypool - Dark grayish - blue molly with golden eyes and a few missing patches of fur.
Leader: Brokenstar - Large, dark brown tom with red eyes, a crooked tail, and a scar across the right side of his mouth.
Deputy: Blackfoot - Bulky, short haired white tom with yellow eyes and black ears, paws, and tail tip.
Healers(Med cats):
Yellowfang - Old, dark gray molly with orange - yellow eyes, messy fur, and a broken right fang.
Peppernose(Runningnose) - Pale gray tom with dark gray speckles, dark blue eyes, and a constant cold.
Clawface - Light brown tom with magenta eyes and a large scar across his face.
Stumpytail - Beige tom with dark brown stripes, orange eyes, and a short, stubby tail.
Tangleburr - Light brown and gray molly with emerald eyes, a white underbelly, and messy fur.
Bouldertooth(Boulder) - Pale gray tom with black stripes and dark blue eyes.
Flintfang - Gray tom with orange eyes and an overbite.
Scorchwind - Black molly with orange stripes, lime eyes, and a white underbelly.
Russetfur - Dark ginger molly with emerald green eyes.
Deerfoot - Yellow tom with white paws and underbelly, and brown eyes.
Mudpatch(SHC Mudclaw) - Dark brown tom with dark blue eyes.
Nightstrike(Nightpelt) - Thin black tom with red eyes and white speckles.
Newtspeck - Dark brown molly with ginger stripes and golden eyes.
Littlepaw - Tiny, dark brown tom with light blue eyes and a white underbelly.
Badgerpaw - Tiny black, white, and gray tom with yellow eyes and a face striped like a badger’s.
Volepaw - Tiny, light brown tom with amber eyes.
Mosspaw - Tiny, white molly with green eyes and dark brown patches.
Brownpaw - Tiny, dark brown tom with orange eyes.
Whitepaw - Tiny, black molly with purple eyes and a white neck and paws.
Sunpoppy(Tallpoppy) - Light brown molly with a sandy - coloured underbelly and pale green eyes.
Brightflower - Orange molly with a white underbelly, black stripes, and yellow eyes.
Ashheart - Blueish - gray molly with blue eyes.
Featherstorm - Dark brown tabby molly with golden eyes.
Marigoldkit - Tortoiseshell mollykit with emerald eyes.
Mintkit - Light gray tomkit with lime eyes.
Rowankit - Dark red kit with purple eyes.
Swampkit(Wetfoot) - Gray tomkit with pale blue eyes and black speckles.
Turtlekit - White tomkit with green eyes and brown patches.
Quietkit - Dark brown mollykit with amber eyes.
Rubblekit - Pale gray mollykit with silver stripes and light blue eyes.
Ashfur - Thin gray tom with dark yellow eyes.
Brackenfoot - Sandy - coloured tom with dark brown legs and amber eyes.
Hollyflower - Black molly with a white underbelly and dark blue eyes.
Frogtail - Dark gray tom with pale green eyes.
Poolcloud - Fluffy, light gray molly with white stripes and light blue eyes.
Cinderfur - Dark gray tom with orange - yellow eyes.
Leader: Heronstar(Tallstar) - Thin black tom with golden eyes and white points.
Deputy: Deadshade(Deadfoot) - Bulky black tom with orange - red eyes and a crooked, scarred - up front left paw.
Healers(Med cats):
Finchfeather(Finchkit) - Ginger molly with pale greenish - gray eyes.
Barkface - Dark brown tom with golden eyes and a short tail.
Nightfrost(Tiny/Scourge) - Small black tom with light blue eyes, one white forepaw, and a large scar across his chest.
Rubysight(Ruby) - Pale orangish tan molly with crimson eyes
Skunkfoot(Socks) - Black tom with a white underbelly, paws, and tail tip as well as emerald eyes.
Twigwhisker(Onewhisker) - Brownish - orange tom with light brown swirls, light blue eyes, and a prominent, curled whisker.
Mudclaw - Dark brown tom with dark blue eyes and blackish - brown paws.
Rainear(Tornear) - Pale gray cat with lime eyes and a ripped up left ear.
Stagleap - Dark brown tom with amber eyes.
Doespring - Light brown molly with lime eyes.
Ryestalk - Silver tabby molly with golden eyes.
Whitetail - Pure white molly with pale green eyes.
Ashfoot - Light gray molly with light blue eyes.
Webpaw - Dark gray tom with orange eyes and a white underbelly.
Flypaw - Pure white tom with greenish - yellow eyes.
Wrenpaw - Brown molly with emerald eyes.
Rabbitpaw - Light brown molly with amber eyes.
Bristlepaw - Black tom with yellow eyes.
Smoketuft - Blueish gray molly with black swirls, a silver underbelly, and magenta eyes.(Temporary caretaker; mother of Darkkit, Willowkit, Emberkit, Rustlekit, and Drizzlekit)
Morningflower - Fluffy orange molly with dark orange swirls, dark green eyes, and a cream underbelly.(Permanent caretaker; expecting kits)
Woolytail - Curly - furred white tom with black paws and pale yellow eyes.(Permanent caretaker)
Darkkit - White tomkit with dark blue eyes, black splotches, and a black tail.
Willowkit - Silver mollykit with blueish - green eyes.
Emberkit - Dark gray tomkit with an orange - tipped tail and paws, and yellow eyes.
Rustlekit - Yellowish - orange tomkit with a cream underbelly and emerald eyes.
Drizzlekit - Brown mollykit with white speckles and amber eyes.
Dawnstripe - Cream molly with beige stripes and green eyes.
Plumclaw - Black molly with light brown eyes.
Woolytail - Curly - furred white tom with black paws and pale yellow eyes.
Aspenfall - White and gray tom with amber eyes.
Cats Outside Of Clans
Rusty - Orange tom with emerald eyes, a yellow underbelly, ginger stripes, and a light blue collar.
Smudge - Piebald tom with a red collar, red eyes, and a snaggletooth on the right side.
Pinecone - Old, reddish - brown tom with amber eyes, a dark green collar, and a scarred - up face.
Barley - Stout white tom with black splotches, brown eyes, and a light blue bandanna.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
[Outdated] Into The Wild Allegiances (Riverclan)
Leader: Stormstar(Crookedstar) - Large, light brown tom with green eyes, dark brown stripes, a yellow underbelly, a scar across his left eye, and a large underbite.
Deputy: Oakheart - Reddish - brown tom with dark greenish - blue eyes.
Healers(Med cats): 
Mudfur - Scruffy, dark brown tom with light brown eyes. 
Mosspatch(Mosskit) - Fluffy white cat with green eyes and light brown and gray splotches.
Leopardslash(Leopardfur) - Lithe, light yellow molly with purple eyes, a white underbelly, and leopard - like dark brown spots.
Mistybloom(Mistyfoot) - Light blue molly with dark green eyes and a curly - furred, silver underbelly
Stonefall(Stonefur) - Dark blue tom with purple eyes and blackish - blue patches on his back.
Blackclaw - Black tom with blue eyes and white points.
Whiteclaw - White tom with red eyes and black points.
Softwing - Fluffy white molly with yellow patches and orange eyes.
Whitefang - White tom with dark brown paws and tail, and pale blue eyes.
Voleclaw - Gray tom with pale blue eyes.
Beetlenose - Pure black tom with golden eyes.
Petaldust - Dark brown molly with light brown stripes and pale green eyes.
Rippleclaw - Silver tom with black stripes and lime eyes.
Splashpool - Dark grayish - blue tom with white speckles and light orange eyes.
Morningbreeze - Cream - coloured molly with light blue eyes.
Silverpaw - Silver molly with dark blue swirls and dark blue eyes.
Quakepaw(Loudbelly) - Dark brown tom with light blue eyes.
Minnowpaw - Dark gray molly with purple eyes.
Willowpaw - Pure black molly with pale yellow eyes.
Mosspaw - Tortoiseshell molly with red eyes.
Willowbreeze - Light gray molly with dark gray stripes and amber eyes.
Swanheart - Light blueish - gray cat with black stripes and yellow - green eyes.
Lakeshine - Light gray molly with light blue eyes.
Shadekit - Dark gray mollykit with greenish - blue eyes.
Rockkit(Heavystep) - Brown tabby tomkit with blackish - brown stripes and dark yellow eyes.
Frogkit - Light gray tomkit with lime eyes and a dark gray tail.
Sunkit - Orange mollykit with a yellow underbelly and pale yellow eyes.
Fallowtail - Light brown molly with blueish - purple eyes.
Ottersplash - Fluffy orange and white molly with emerald eyes and a torn right ear.
Piketooth - Dark brown tom with dark yellow eyes and an overbite.
Ceaderpelt - Brown tom with dark green eyes and a stubby tail.
Graypool - Dark grayish - blue molly with golden eyes and a few missing patches of fur.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
Name changes
(Note: a question mark by the new name means I’m not 100% sure about it and might change it later.) Going over a few of the cats with their names changed in my rewrite, Starting with:
Cats who’s original prefixes don’t make sense without the suffix
Tallstar -> Heronstar
Longtail -> Ringtail(?)
Onewhisker -> Fernwhisker(?)
Runningnose -> Cloudynose
Runningwind -> Lightningwind
Heavystep -> Rockstep(?)
Smallear -> Shellear
Tallpoppy -> Sunpoppy
Loudbelly -> Thunderbelly
Next, giving cats with a bigger story role less generic suffixes (i.e. fur, pelt.)
Bluefur -> Bluemoon (Credit to @doritopaw101 for the name!)
Snowfur -> Snowflower (Again, credit to @doritopaw101 )
Stonefur -> Stonefall
Nightpelt -> Nightstrike
Dustpelt -> Dustclaw
Leopardfur -> Leopardslash(?)
Brackenfur -> Brackenleaf
Tawnypelt -> Tawnypatch
Cats that were named after injuries (Unless said cat specifically requested it, like Deadshade/Deadfoot)
Crookedjaw/Crookedstar -> Stormshell/Stormstar
Halftail -> Sparrowpelt
Deadfoot -> Deadshade
Oneeye -> Whiteshade
Tornear -> Rainear(?)
Cats that already share a name with another cat
Thunderclan Ashfur -> Ashhaze
Shadowclan Mudclaw -> Mudpatch
Names changed for lore reasons
Tigerclaw -> Tigerblaze
Mistyfoot -> Mistybloom
Cinderpelt -> Cinderfang(?)
Names changed cuz I just think they sound neat
Rosetail -> Rosethorn
Pine -> Pinecone
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
The Warrior Code
While each clan operates on it’s own customs, there is a set of 12 rules that all clans must follow. If a cat is to break the code, they are to be punished accordingly. The type of punishment depends on the severity of their code breaking, ranging from having to stay in camp for the day, to permanent exile.
The code is as follows:
1. Your loyalty lies first and foremost with your clan. You may form bonds with cats outside your clan, but be warned that one day you may have to face them in battle. To betray your own clanmates for selfish desires is the highest crime possible.
2. Do not steal from other clans. Should your clan be experiencing a resource shortage, another clan’s leader may be asked for assistance.
3. The most vulnerable members of the clan - kits, elders, caretakers, and the sick and injured - are to be fed first. No cat is to purposely attack them.
4. Prey is to be killed only for food and resources - be thankful for it’s life.
5. A cat must be at least 6 moons old to become an apprentice, and cannot engage in battle until receiving at least one and a half moons of training.
6. When the previous deputy is no longer in power, a new deputy is to be named by moonhigh. A cat cannot be made deputy unless they have had at least one apprentice.
7. When the leader is no longer in power, the deputy will then take their place.
8. On the night of every full moon, a gathering between all four clans is to be held at the Sunstone Hollow. No fighting between cats is to happen during this time.
9. No one may neglect a cat in pain or danger, even if said cat is not from their clan.
10. Should a leader’s decision be heavily opposed, a clan - wide vote is held to decide the best alternative.
11. No cat is to purposely kill or seriously injure another unless absolutely necessary.
12. Healers cannot have kits unless another fully trained healer is able to cover for them during their pregnancy and nursing.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
[Outdated] Into The Wild Allegiances (Shadowclan)
Leader: Brokenstar - Large, dark brown tom with red eyes, a crooked tail, and a scar across the right side of his mouth.
Deputy: Blackfoot - Bulky, shorthaired white tom with yellow eyes and black ears, paws, and tail tip.
Healers(Med cats):
Yellowfang - Old, dark gray molly with orange - yellow eyes, messy fur, and a broken right fang.
Peppernose(Runningnose) - Pale gray tom with dark gray speckles, dark blue eyes, and a constant cold.
Clawface - Light brown tom with green eyes and a large scar across his face.
Stumpytail - Beige tom with dark brown stripes, orange eyes, and a short, stubby tail.
Tangleburr - Light brown and gray molly with emerald eyes, a white underbelly, and messy fur.
Bouldertooth(Boulder) - Pale gray tom with black stripes and dark blue eyes.
Flintfang - Gray tom with orange eyes and an overbite.
Scorchwind - Black molly with orange stripes, lime eyes, and a white underbelly.
Russetfur - Dark ginger molly with emerald green eyes.
Deerfoot - Yellow tom with white paws and underbelly, and brown eyes.
Mudpatch(SHC Mudclaw) - Dark brown tom with dark blue eyes.
Nightstrike(Nightpelt) - Thin black tom with red eyes and white speckles.
Newtspeck - Dark brown molly with ginger stripes and golden eyes.
Littlepaw - Tiny, dark brown tom with light blue eyes and a white underbelly.
Badgerpaw - Tiny black, white, and gray tom with yellow eyes and a face striped like a badger’s.
Volepaw - Tiny, light brown tom with amber eyes.
Mosspaw - Tiny, white molly with green eyes and dark brown patches.
Brownpaw - Tiny, dark brown tom with orange eyes. 
Whitepaw - Tiny, black molly with purple eyes and a white neck and paws.
Sunpoppy(Tallpoppy) - Light brown molly with a sandy - coloured underbelly and pale green eyes.
Brightflower - Orange molly with a white underbelly, black stripes, and yellow eyes.
Ashheart - Blueish - gray molly with blue eyes.
Featherstorm - Dark brown tabby molly with golden eyes.
Marigoldkit - Tortoiseshell mollykit with emerald eyes.
Mintkit - Light gray tomkit with lime eyes.
Rowankit - Dark red kit with purple eyes.
Swampkit(Wetfoot) - Gray tomkit with pale blue eyes and black speckles.
Turtlekit - White tomkit with green eyes and brown patches.
Quietkit - Dark brown mollykit with amber eyes.
Rubblekit - Pale gray mollykit with silver stripes and light blue eyes.
Ashfur - Thin gray tom with dark yellow eyes.
Brackenfoot - Sandy - coloured tom with dark brown legs and amber eyes.
Hollyflower - Black molly with a white underbelly and dark blue eyes.
Frogtail - Dark gray tom with pale green eyes.
Poolcloud - Fluffy, light gray molly with white stripes and light blue eyes.
Cinderfur - Dark gray tom with orange - yellow eyes.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
The leader’s gemstones
Every clan leader has a gemstone necklace passed down from generation to generation to signify their leadership over the clan. Each one is made from tied together roots with the gemstone itself as the centerpiece, however each is also decorated with different kinds of materials from the clan’s territory. Normally after the cat gets their nine lives, the gem will glow softly as long as they wear it. When a leader on their last life is dying, the gem’s light will start to flicker and fade until it’s wearer has passed, in which it will become dull until the new leader gains their nine lives.
The Thundergem is bright yellow, and decorated with different types of leaves and flowers.
The Rivergem is dark blue, and decorated with fish scales and small, shiny rocks.
The Shadowgem is dark purple, and decorated with small animal bones and reptile scales.
The Windgem is light blueish - green and decorated with feathers and small stones.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
[Outdated] Into The Wild Allegiances (cats outside of clans)
Rusty - Orange tom with emerald eyes, a yellow underbelly, ginger points, and a light blue collar.
Smudge - Piebald tom with a red collar, red eyes, and a snaggletooth on the right side.
Pinecone - Old, reddish - brown tom with amber eyes, a dark green collar, and a scarred - up face.
Barley - Stout white tom with black splotches, brown eyes, and a light blue bandanna.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
[Outdated] Into The Wild Allegiances (Windclan)
Leader: Heronstar(Tallstar) - Thin black tom with golden eyes and white points.
Deputy: Deadshade(Deadfoot) - Bulky black tom with orange - red eyes and a crooked, scarred - up front left paw.
Healers(Med cats):
Finchfeather(Finchkit) - Ginger molly with pale greenish - gray eyes.
Barkface - Dark brown tom with golden eyes and a short tail.
Fernwhisker(Onewhisker) - Brownish - orange tom with light brown swirls, light blue eyes, and a prominent, curled whisker.
Mudclaw - Dark brown tom with dark blue eyes and blackish - brown paws.
Rainear(Tornear) - Pale gray molly with lime eyes and a ripped up left ear.
Stagleap - Dark brown tom with amber eyes.
Doespring - Light brown molly with lime eyes.
Ryestalk - Silver tabby molly with golden eyes.
Whitetail - Pure white molly with pale green eyes.
Webpaw - Dark gray tom with orange eyes and a white underbelly.
Flypaw - Pure white tom with greenish - yellow eyes.
Wrenpaw - Brown molly with emerald eyes.
Rabbitpaw - Light brown molly with amber eyes.
Bristlepaw - Black tom with yellow eyes.
Ashfoot - Light gray molly with light blue eyes.
Morningflower - Fluffy orange molly with dark orange swirls, dark green eyes, and a cream underbelly.(Expecting kits)
Crowkit - Pure black tomkit with blue eyes.
Eaglekit - Silver kit with brown eyes.
Downkit - Black kit with golden eyes.
Hillkit - Light gray kit with dark blue eyes.
Palebird - Black molly with a white underbelly, tail tip, and paws, and blue - green eyes.
Dawnstripe - Cream molly with beige stripes and green eyes.
Plumclaw - Black molly with light brown eyes.
Woolytail - Curly - furred white tom with black paws and pale yellow eyes.
Aspenfall - White and gray tom with amber eyes.
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warriorsrustystar · 3 years
[Outdated] Into The Wild Allegiances (Thunderclan)
(Note: I’m not taking real life cat genetics into account here)
Leader: Bluestar - Lithe, dark blue molly with light blue and white points, heterochromatic red and purple eyes, and a large scar across her shoulders.
Deputy: Redtail - Tortoiseshell tom with turquoise eyes and a puffy, ginger tail. (Apprentice: Ravenpaw)
Healers(med cats): 
Featherwhisker - Light gray tom with dark grayish - blue stripes and orange eyes. (Apprentice: Silverpaw)
Spottedleaf - Short tortoiseshell molly with golden eyes. (Apprentice: Silverpaw)
Lionheart - Golden tom with a thick “mane” of orange fluff and green - blue eyes. (Apprentice: Graypaw)
Whitestorm - Pure white tom with dark gray ear tufts and bright yellow eyes.
Tigerblaze(Tigerclaw) - Large, battle scarred orange tom with black stripes, a white underbelly, and amber eyes.
Darkstripe - Short haired dark blue tom with black stripes and orange - yellow eyes. (Apprentice: Dustpaw)
Ringtail(Longtail) - Beige tabby tom with black stripes and an unusually long, black tail. (Apprentice: Sandpaw)
Willowpelt - Pale blueish - gray molly with unusually large, deep blue eyes.
Lightningwind(Runningwind) - Light brown tabby tom with dark brown stripes and emerald eyes.
Mousefur - Dark brown molly with purple eyes and a furless tail. 
Rosethorn(Rosetail) - Light gray molly with golden eyes and ginger patches and tail.
Mistfall(Mistkit) - Fluffy, light blue molly with deep, yellow eyes.
Nightgale(Nightkit) - Pure black molly with heterochromatic green and blue eyes.
Fuzzypelt - Fluffy, dark gray tom with golden eyes.
Robinwing - Dark brown molly with brown eyes and a ginger underbelly.
Graypaw - Fluffy, light blue tom with a dark gray stripe running from snout to tail and orange - yellow eyes. (Mentor: Lionheart)
Ravenpaw - Skinny black tom with a white chest and tail tip, and dark purple eyes. (Mentor: Redtail)
Sandpaw - Beige molly with green eyes and light brown swirls. (Mentor: Ringtail)
Dustpaw - Brown tom with dark blue eyes and dark brown stripes. (Mentor: Darkstripe)
Silverpaw(Tiny/Scourge) - Small black tom with light blue eyes, one white forepaw, and a large scar across his chest. (Mentors: Featherwhisker, Spottedleaf)
Goldenflower - Light yellow molly with light purple eyes as well as orange and light brown swirls.
Frostfur - Pure white molly with yellow - orange eyes.
Brindleface - Dark gray molly with light gray speckles and lime eyes.(expecting kits)
Patchpelt - Piebald tom with dark blue eyes.
Thrushpelt - Sandy - coloured tom with a white underbelly, black speckles, and emerald eyes.
Swiftkit - Lanky white tomkit with black stripes and yellowish - greenish - blueish eyes.
Cinderkit - Dark gray mollykit with orange eyes and orange - tinged ear and tail tips.
Brightkit - White mollykit with light blue eyes and orange splotches.
Brackenkit - Light yellow tomkit with light blue eyes and orange splotches.
Thornkit - Light orange - yellow tomkit with red eyes and brown stripes.
Lynxkit - Calico mollykit with reddish - brown eyes and a short, stubby tail.
Cherrykit(Cherrypaw) - Fluffy white mollykit with red eyes and ginger patches.
Chestnutkit - Dark reddish - brown kit with brown eyes.
Whiteshade(Oneeye) - Old white molly with one yellow eye and one blind, gray eye.
Leopardfoot - Dark gray molly with black, leopard - like spots and dark blue eyes.
Shellear(Smallear) - Stout, light gray tom with brown eyes and folded ears.
Speckletail - Sandy - coloured molly with yellow - green eyes and brown speckles. (twin of Dappletail)
Dappletail - Sandy - coloured molly with yellow - green eyes and brown speckles. (twin of Speckletail)
Sparrowpelt(Halftail) - Dark brown tom with purple eyes and half of his tail missing.
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