#Clan Lore
moons-rising · 26 days
also because deserts are one of my favourite biomes here's the deserts of sornieth:
shattered plain, dragonhome — vast expanse of dry, cracked earth, littered with stray rocks ranging in size from small pebbles to boulders that dwarf even the largest dragons
emperor's wake, sunbeam ruins — classic desert, endless rolling sand dunes stretching as far as the eye can see like a sea of golden sand, occasionally dotted by small oases
charged barrens, shifting expanse — sand woven into repeating patterns by lingering electricity, sometimes the ground is cracked open by deep, branching canyons
reclaimer's glacier, southern icefield — nothing but ice stretching from horizon to horizon, unrelenting freezing winds carrying snow and ice crystals to settle on any surface
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midoridragonuus · 3 months
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Looming over the city stands a proud building. Years of blood, sweat, and tears lay the heavy concrete foundations. Its roots are deep within the city, bypassing the subway and the sewers to get at the heart. It is a shining beacon, whose name flashes over the city in neon. It is its own pinnacle of radiance in a smog encrusted night.
You stand outside, covered by an awning adorned with the company's name. Despite the shade, a bright light flashes, akin to lightning. It brings with it its own thunder - a voice echoing into the humid sunset.
"Welcome to Schwartz Industries," the pleasant voice is clear despite the cacophony of the city. "I am KALLISTA, an AI made to assist you with all your S.I. needs. Citizen INSERT ID HERE, we are very happy you're here! Please state your request and I will direct you to the proper floor inside."
The glass doors open, and cool air rushes out to greet you. It collides with the heat - a mist starting to encapsulate the space surrounding you. Feeling a phantom push, you enter the corporate grind house.
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yiqi-fr · 2 months
What does Leporum do and who do they get along with the best?
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Leporum (she/they/he) is a blacksmith and leathersmith! She originally joined the clan after Hieraaetus commissioned them for several custom hippogriff saddles and had them over to shoe her hippogriff flock over a few months. His blacksmith forge is close to the stables so she spends most of her time with Hieraaetus, Thrinax, and Rasper, but of those three she gets along with Heiraaetus the best!
While Leporum is quite quiet, Heiraaetus is a regular chatterbox, and her endless stories always make the frustrating days in the forge easier and the pleasant days memorable.
She specializes mostly in saddle crafting and is a farrier for several of the nearby clans as well, but she also likes to create bells, buckles, tools, silverware, and other odds and ends. The only thing she will never allow to be crafted in her forge is weapons.
Edit: I forgot I actually sketched her a little while ago!
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eywaseclipse · 6 months
As much as I love clan lore and the peaceful clans weaving and storytelling, I am getting thirsty for the ash clan na’vi and Varang. The clan that tames Thanators.. the Metkayina going to war with the sky people after the events of atwow… the Sully’s revenge. Idk. I want angst. My nerdy senses are tingling… I need to channel all of that into a new chapter for my So’lek series.
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shoredeeppresage · 3 months
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The Neritians
The Neritians are a group of nomadic water dragons originally native to a lost kingdom known as Neritia. They are formidable seers though their oracular sight is not bestowed through the grace of the tidelord, but instead through the power of his eldritch offspring the leviathans. With their homeland destroyed milennia ago through war and cataclysm diasporic populations have spread all across the Sea of a Thousand Currents the largest settlement being that on the island of Neo-Neritia which was only recently annexed by the Sirenian Empire at the behest of their council of elders.
While Neritians still do venerate the deities of Sornieth, that worship is wholly secondary to their worship of the eldritch entities known as Leviathans. Believing them to be the key to unlocking the greater secrets of the cosmos their augurs seek to commune with these eldritch denizens of the deep to be shown the way forward.
Due to continued pressure from the nation of Obskerta they have been forced to seek annexation by the Sirenian Empire as a means of protection.
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xxdemonicheartxx · 5 months
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Meet Vico! (They/Them Xey/Xem)
They’re Ivory Eye's newest scout and field guide, noting wether or not plants, animals, paths and local vistas are safe or not, their keen eye and swift feet make xem very efficient at the job at hand, pouches for samples and notebooks adorn their apparel to bring back reports and specimens to the clan scholars for more in depth study.
Xey are an understudy of Conundrum and Lavitra
Conundrum is The Drifter's main scout and Lavitra is one of the clan's couriers these two have shown Vico safe paths and helped them start most of their notes for the best comprehension and safest paths back home no matter where xey find themself
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ringleaderising · 3 months
Can you tell me about the Constantine tab in your lair? I'm assuming Pete is not quite a normal dragon, what about the others? - frgreenmoon
You're completely correct in your assumption that Pete is not a... normal dragon. If we're being wholly accurate, Pete's not been a living thing for quite some time.
And his fellows in the Ever Constantine Mall are not friends, so much as... his most notable cast of victims.
TW: Horror themes, dragon death, 'zombies'/living doll themes.
I Got No Strings...
"...Frontman of metal band 'Half Dagger' found dead in the Ever Constantine Mall mere weeks before its planned grand opening- Ice Flight's authorities are working alongside Lightning's developmental crews to determine if this event is foul play...."
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Hungry, resurrected- A new comment, I'm speaking tongues and infected, Atomic. My throat corroded, dissected, I've cut it. Petyr Shacklefrost "Pete" [He/It] [Pre-Reanimation]
Petyr Shacklefrost Better known by simply "Pete" was at one point a promising musician, the lead vocalist of the band Half Dagger and a well known punk in Plague's music scene, Pete spent much of his early life clawing his way from niche obscurity in Plague's music circles to something resembling mainstream success. and at one point, he simply... gave up.
With a loss of will but lingering, cutthroat ambition, he turned to rumor and ghost stories- an interest in the occult had been commonplace within his crew, after all, and among the stories shared over cold, cheap brews in taverns after shows- the tale of a Plague local from some time ago made something of a Goddess- a battle poet, a bard- a Mirror with her bones twisted and reshaped for an escape that still proved entirely futile- who in death offered her blessings to musicians she deemed worthy. But laziness and ambition in tandem do not a smart man make- and a plea to the wrong goddess would seal his fate.
Pete would be given what he sought- his trade made in blood on the grounds between Shadow and Plague where thick purple earth gave way to crawling sinew, he would be given a pendant- and a set of rules by the voice of what he surely thought was the lady of music- a string was a string, after all, Right?
It is unclear what rule Pete broke, or if he simply grew to bore the mistress he accidentally swore himself to- Sixteen cycles after he found the fame he so desperately clamored for- he would be found broken and lifeless in the construction zone of the Ever Constantine Mall.
His death would not be the respite he sought.
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Is this what you wanted? A clearer state of mind? Better bite the bullet~! Press down on bruises like wine heals better with time! From Left to Right: Heartb-b-beat (She/Her), RebelRebel [He/they], Ripley [They/She], Arcade [He/Him])
Time moves forward, and despite its rocky start, the Ever Constantine Mall quickly recovers from the troubling events of its grand opening- capitalism keeps Lightning flight at the forefront of invention and innovation, after all! Neon-soaked and a popular hangout with young locals, It's no surprise that it would draw in young creatives, over time- and our plucky young heroes for this story are the teenaged members of 'VOLT-SPIRE!' a pop punk outfit made up of drummer Ripley, lead guitar and backing vocalist Arcade, bassist and lead vocalist HeartBeat, and 'generally here because he's the only one who knows how to do sound tech and how to play the keys' RebelRebel, VOLT-SPIRE! is a project of plucky hope and lofty ambition, naivety turned into wild upward momentum, this little group of friends are the eponymous mall rats- though these days, its unclear if they still go because they like being at the Ever Constantine, or if they're simply guilty about the fate of their former rhythm guitarist, and co-founder of the band, Ducky.
The VOLT-SPIRE! kids are little more than a group of kids trying to enjoy the fleeting remainder of their childhood before they're expected to spread their wings and find a place of their own- friendships strained by strange happenings at their favorite hangout in the twilight hours of their time together, they cling to the good memories desperately.
Unbeknownst to the four of them, though, the Ever Constantine now exists contained in a time-loop, cycling back on itself to allow for the pursuit and containment of INTRUDER- a member of The Host who was created in the initial cataclysm- but the mangled reflection that caused the disappearance of their friend Ducky is not the only thing that lurks among the neon lit halls.
Now: Survive.
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Aren't you lucky you're a bleeder?- Do what you need to stay alive. Bast Whipwire [He/Him], Pete [Post reanimation]
A deal made to the Puppeteer is one that the living never hope to escape- Pete had hoped death might be the freedom he sought, cut free of her strings, no longer bound to the will of something he never hoped to understand- no longer a puppet tied to her twisted rules- a new one each day to keep his newfound fame- her mocking laughter each time he nearly broke one.
He is now little more than an echo of what once was. The shambling, wire-bound remains of a once wild-eyed, passionate performer, the "Pete" of today is little more than a hollow doll guided by hunger. it crawls within him, leaves him desperate and moving surprisingly quickly through darkened hallways cast only in pale neons with jerky, unearthly movements as if guided by marionette strings affixed to each point of his body. He does not speak, the once-confident and capable way he carried conversation swallowed up with wild, hyena-like laughter and spilling, streaking puddles of black gore from his maw and injuries in his battle jacket clad pelt, hot like a flame and evaporating as they drip- smoky hands forming to pull invisible strings around his body.
And in the pursuit of the INTRUDER- Agent Bast finds himself the caregiver of the teens now trapped after hours in their practice space, the very music store where Shacklefrost made his final gamble- and lost. Pete is not a symptom of what Bast seeks, nor is it an entity he can cure, but he is a stopping block, and the more prevalent danger to the innocents within the cycle.
And thus, the INTRUDER will have to wait.
@frgreenmoon (bc you sent this on anon like, literal months ago lol)
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blue-hamble · 11 months
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Must all pirates be filled only with jest and rowdiness and fun? Is it not enough to look to the sea and sky, and yearn?
Uisge regards your questions with a smile as he absently plucks at his instrument. Even when he normally speaks, his voice is rich and melodious--soft without a melody to follow. Roses fail to completely mask the sharp scent of malt and ashes. (lore below the cut)
"Uisge" grew up with a different name, in a small Ice clan that was close-knit but not particularly affectionate. He was fascinated by fiction, specifically romantic art and music (of which his own family didn't show too much interest). He would devour books and pictures and performances with gusto. He threw his lot with the first wandering ship that came by, and started his career as a bard among pirates! Uisge learned a lot and was happy, despite the occasional brush with danger. He grew fond of his crewmates and delighted in performing to an enthusiastic audience (even salty sea dogs can shed a tear for love!); he named himself and took the surname "Chladach" after the ship. One evening, a touch too tipsy, Uisge decided to sneak off the ship and fool around with fellow enthusiasts of song and soliloquy. He awoke to news of ash, and the charred remains of his ship and crewmates--an attack in the night from old rivals had taken them by surprise, leaving no survivors. In sorrow Uisge turned back to the taverns and pubs that saved his life and mourned. His lyre and voice carried his pain and made him a fairly popular performer. Tales of a "lovelorn picaroon" yearning for something to ease the heartbreak of a lost home, penning dozens of songs and burning these unsent letters in hopes their ashes will reach the intended dead. Ultimately Uisge mourns that he cannot seem to stop mourning. His habits of imbibing alcohol and casual arson leave much to be desired, and his persistently lovelorn works (though quite popular! and indeed very good) do not soften his grief. Presently he has befriended Captain Emerald, a corsair and captain of the Tsunami Gem. Emerald had recommended to him the services of a sort-of ghost (?) therapist, Neomeris, and it seems to be doing quite a lot of good! He is not a formal member of the crew, but often travels with them.
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
What if Iumaka literally named their son Araya though. Like, the exact name of the pseudo-deity they worship.
It's unclear to me as of right now why they'd choose such a loaded name for their son but I'm majorly intrigued by the idea of Araya the Moon and Araya the Prince That Never Was being conflated and confused with each other mythology and oral history wise, with one being given the other's aspects and stuff. The divine origin thing stuck onto the prince. Son of a king thing being assigned to the Moon-child. All that sort of nonsense.
There being some myths and stories about the prince apparently being sent by the gods to be Kaykhusraw's successor whose death caused the curse that befell his father's line, only to be countered by another storyteller that no, the prince wasn't sent by the gods, it's because the prince was literally Araya's incarnation and that made the gods panic because they sure don't want someone powerful as that ruling Pars so they sent a prophecy down to someone and told Kaykhusraw to eliminate the threat. Some say Iumaka themself received a prophecy or smth and that's what made them choose that name for the kid. Who knows the truth? No one.
Also Hilmes being stuck in the “Temple” aka the place that was likely the base of operations for Team Kaykhusraw, and the place Araya the Younger grew up in, getting to experience its Haunted-ness™ wholesale. I've posted about its general vibes on here but I'm not terribly satisfied with it. Hmm.
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kirisclangen · 11 months
This is just where I wanna put all the designs I’ve been making for all the cats I currently have on Clangen! There’s a lot of them so… idk, I reckon I can just queue a few up and set it to post once a day? That seems good.
Once I get through all of the existing cats I have, I think I’ll end up doing semi-regular updates on what happens between them every few moons! Doodle pages, profiles for new cats, etc.
My main is @fantasykiri5, and I mostly make hermitcraft/life series fanart there, so pretty different from anything that’s gonna be here.
I mentioned it in the sub header but the rough format I’m gonna use for this blog is very much inspired by @/warriorsproject and @/cryptidclaw! Go check them both out!
World setup under cut:
There are 5 clans;
and Vixenclan.
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1: The Mountains
2: Abandoned Twoleg Nest (old cabin)
3: The Farm
4: The Maple Hollow (Vixenclan Camp)
5: Tunderpath (mountain road. All other thinderpaths are very scarcely used, like the one up to the farm or to the dock. There not a large risk, but they’re also called thunderpaths by the cats.)
6: The Clearing (Tulipclan Camp)
7: The Small Valley (Honeyclan Camp)
8: Twoleg Place
9: The Lake (meeting place)
10: Southern Twoleg Bridge
11: Northern Twoleg Bridge
12: The Tidepools (Bayclan Camp)
13: Twoleg Nowhere Bridge (fishing dock and small parking lot)
14: The Shipwreck (Beetleclan Camp)
15: Bearclaw Islands
16: Star-Spinner (lighthouse)
17: Lonely Twoleg Nest
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Links (will be updated as I go):
Bayclan Lore
Beetleclan Lore
Tulipclan Lore
Honeyclan Lore
Vixenclan Lore
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cosmologicalrising · 2 months
🍓 🍇 🍎 for the ask game!!
🍓Show off your favorite wet cat (pathetic) dragon and share a fun fact about them!
Hmmmm I don't have many other pathetic wet cat dragons... Maybe Dol? He's a fandragon of mine of my own OC, and he's sort of a sad little meow meow but is also fucked up about it. He exists as someone distrustful of others as he's been turned on too many times, and so he's quick to turn on the offensive in order to perceive himself as saving his own skin. I'd say he's pathetic, but in a more harrowing way. Though his god complex is really fun to make fun of. Fun fact about him: he's a Thief of Hope (iykyk)
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🍇Share the "villain" or main antagonist of your clan and talk about them!
Already shared the sort of main antagonist, so here's a force of nature that'll rock your shit if you encounter it! Eremophobia is an entity who'll give you horrible hallucinations of being trapped spinning alone in outer space. It'll also make you feel like your entire body was just trapped in a centrifuge for ten hours. Not fun! Don't like that guy!
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🍎Write an elevator pitch for your clan's lore and share it! Try to keep it to 1-2 paragraphs
The Clan of the Interstellar Wanderers collects comic entities, physical concepts, and stray dragons in an unnerving but unified collective. The founders see no issue with dragons with dangerous powers living alongside Joe from Wind Flight, but others have looked deeper into the strange makeup of the clan. Some have gone so far as to investigate the founders themselves, only for them and others' memories of them to disappear without warning.
The sky is being stripped, and the anomalies are congregating. How long remains until the rifts in space crack Sornieth in two...?
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moons-rising · 2 months
world building wednesday: PLANTS
narcala-ranar's signature plant is sunbeam rotala, which grows all over the clan's territory. it's never kepts in pots or garden plots, as it's supposed to be allowed to grow wild and free, and vast swathes of healthy thriving sunbeam rotala are seen as a good omen for the health and prosperity of the clan.
popular plants to be kept in pots on window sills and grown as ornamentation around the town's buildings are dayglo thresh, hallowed ivy, chickweed and dusty marigold.
potted fire lilies and cindervines are meticulously cared for to remember the clan's roots in the ashfall waste.
for food, the clan's gardens and fields grow strawberries, luminous almonds, sweet potatoes, honeycrisp apples and sunbeam figs. potash peaches and cindermint grow plenty on the slopes of the island volcano that cradles the town, and water lettuce can be found in many small artificial waterway weaving between other garden plots. along the coastline, seaberries are a popular snack, and giant kelp is gathered from the sea of thousand currents.
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midoridragonuus · 3 months
the vibe of your lair is very cool!! i havent looked thru it thoroughly yet, but do you have like. an elevator pitch style about whats happening in there?
Thank you for the compliment! :)
Do you like a high salary? Paid accommodations? Free food, utilities, and schooling? How about free medical care? A guaranteed career in your specialized interest?
What about more niche wants? A lunch date with your favorite celebrity? Your name on a new scientific discovery? A one of a kind artifact? The answer to who murdered your brother?
All this, for the low, low cost of signing your name on the dotted line! What other job has better benefits? Truly?
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lionsongfr · 11 days
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I actually had a Flight Rising dream last night.
I was Gaoler, perhaps like the one above. Not sure what I looked like, I never looked in a mirror or a reflective surface. Just from the weight on my body and feeling of fur and large claws on the ground. I was seeking someone, something. Tired, so tired, from wandering but following a trail.
The ground was soft then hard as I hit pavement. I was in a town, or maybe a city? Everything was gold and pink crystals, so I figure I was in Arcane. Maybe the Tourmaline Archives? But there was no roof, just many buildings and spires. So probably a smaller place.
A night market made from silver glitter alongside me, the smell of spice and cooking, all foreign to me. Vendors yelling, crystals and animals, all a blur of the senses. Not important.
I could feel discomfort to my presence. Fear, unease. Fluttering noises as I dragged my claws forward.
I could hear someone talking, above the crowd. They were charismatic and eloquent, though I don't think I heard a single word. I lifted my head to see a Fae upon a raised stage, wings black as night but you could still see ever moving swirls and sparkles of white? Their eyes were dark or just not even there. The spoke with animated, exaggerated poses. The crowd looked upward with rapt attention. Something was very, very wrong. I feel sick looking at their wings and like a hypnotic effect of their voice? Like motion sick.
They continued their speech, and I began to push forward before a pair of Guardians stopped me. I struggled and the Fae looked at me with a smirk. Then I looked at them again, and they looked back at me. The world filled with the swirling black. Every little white speck in that void became eyes and I roared shoving myself forward. Then the world became black, and I fell deeper into sleep.
I was so inspired by this dream that I went out today and bought and gened this gal: BeastofNoName | Flight Rising She has no name, and no skin, apparel, or familiar. She is Ice because I feel like she escaped from the Fortress of the Ends to haunt me. She both scares and delights me.
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bearcress · 14 days
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deathfear founder 00 - vaine
vaine is the 'founder' of starclan, at least in that she significantly contributed to how it evolved. she's the one who speaks to coniferstar and directs her actions, acting as something like a mother figure to her. the two have rough patches, but vaine is confident that ultimately those sorts of conflicts are but distractions in the grand scheme of things.
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shoredeeppresage · 3 months
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The people of Totlak
Nations rise and fall in a ceaseless cycle of death and rebirth. Where the vastness of Dragonhome is touched by the bounty of the Behemoth’s saplings there lies a land untouched by the passage of time. Led by an ancient king the people of this land exist in an endless time capsule, but with the world on the precipice of change once again, can progress remain halted?
Totlak. A nation thought lost in the dawn of the third age, it is a country frozen in time. Few have found their way to the hidden city over the intervening centuries, fewer still could even begin to guess at it's location. Below the thrum of the barrier separating the its inhabitants, or perhaps caging them, there exists two factions constantly striving for a middle ground.
You have the the high council of Totlak, a collection of primeval earth dragons for which the city is names and the Adherents of the Greensoul, a religious sect of nature dragons that have coexisted with the inhabitants of Totlak since time immemorial. The council is led by their emperor Roku and the Greensoul by their scion the dryad Pasiphae. For centuries they have fought in a near endless cycle of whether or not to rejoin the rest of Sornieth.
There is no projected end in sight.
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