#WOW we're basically done ! like.........hm.
cielcreations · 9 months
Ending 5: Made With Love (Dead Plate)
Trigger Warning: Cannibalism at the very end. Also a bit of mature content. Nothing too graphic, just grinding, but it's still there so if you don't like, ignore.
"Oh, wow, you actually showed up for training." The man said in a deep, gruff voice.
"On time, too!" The energetic man smiled.
"Barely." He sighed, putting one hand on his hips, "This is a highly sought after position, Rody. Be grateful you're even getting the benefit of being told how to do your job. Your resume showed many... many jobs in the service industry, so I assume you already have this down." He sighed again, "Though, I am choosing to ignore the rate at which you got new positions."
"Hey! Having 28 service industry jobs over the course of seven years is pretty impressive when you think about it, Vincent!" Rody smiled sheepishly.
"And even less impressive when you think about it for five more seconds." The chef groaned, crossing his arms over his chest, "But with those jobs, you likely already know how to seat customers. Keep in mind how many people are dining. You don't want a large group crowding around a private area. Once they're ready, they'll put their menu down and you'll go check on them."
Rody grabbed a menu, reading through it, "'What we're serving today?'" He read aloud, questioning.
"Yes, patrons don't pick what they eat, instead we have a strict menu that changes daily." Vincent narrowed his eyes, "You would know that if you read the interview."
"I, uh, skimmed it..."
"Hm." The chef hummed, unimpressed, "Once you have their meal ticket, bring it to the marker between the window and the door, that'll send it to the kitchen. The cooks will start working on whatever order you have right away, but keep in mind they prioritize cooking the dessert, side, meal, and appetizer. In that order. Do not pester or distract any of the cooks if it's taking too long. Once the order is ready, you'll find it at the window to then serve to the customers. They'll ask for more after their appetizer, so do not make them wait too long. Once they're ready for the bill, go behind the counter to check them out. Once they're done with their meal, make sure to clean their table. I don't want guests thinking we leave messes out in the open. The garbage is in the kitchen, right next to the back door. Take the trash and bring it out to the alley behind the kitchen to throw it out."
"Got it!" Rody nodded, taking it all in.
Vincent then took a menu and handed it to the redhead, "Here's a menu. Make sure to study it. Now that you know the basics, make sure you do a good job. I don't want our customers thinking we're anything less than professional."
"But, I'm not-"
"Exactly." Vincent waved him off, "If you need me, I'll be in the back. Good luck."
With Vincent in the back, Rody cleaned off the tables and began his shift. He made sure to seat and smile at the customers, taking their orders and sending it off to the chefs like it was nothing. He cleaned and bused the tables, making sure to take out the trash when needed. He mainly kept his head down the first day, that way he wouldn't get in any trouble and Vincent wouldn't feel the need to either yell or fire him for messing up.
He finished cleaning the last table, washing the dishes, and taking out the trash one last time.
"Rody." Vincent called.
The redhead stiffened a bit but turned around, "Yes?"
Vincent held out a plate, "Green Onion Rolls."
Rody stared at the plate, "...What about them?"
The chef sighed, "Take them home. We had leftovers, the food is for you."
"Really?!" Rody exclaimed excitedly, smiling, "Thank you! Do we have a to-go box or something?"
Vincent looked around. He took an empty box and slid the plate inside it, "It's not a to-go box, but it will make do."
The redhead smiled at the chef, "Thank you, Vince!"
He then went back to his apartment. Once inside, he sat on the couch, reaching for the phone. He dialed her number, waiting. When all he got was the phone ringing, he sighed. Guess she's busy. He thought. He opened his box and stood up, walking to the utensils drawer. He took out a fork, eating the Green Onion Rolls.
"Wow!" Rody exclaimed, smiling brightly, "I'll have to thank Vince again, these are amazing!"
He ate them all and went to bed.
"Sorry I'm late..."
"'Sorry?'" Vincent repeated as he turned around, slowly looking up from his papers, "Sorry doesn't cut it, it's only your second day and you're already-" He stopped himself, eyes widening as he finally faced Rody, "-Why do you look like that?"
"I, uh, thought biking through the rain would dry me as I go..." Rody explained, standing on the porch as he squeezed the water out of his shirt, "Turns out? It soaks you faster."
Vincent took a deep breath. He grabbed Rody's wrist, dragging him inside and to his office.
"Sit." Vincent demanded, the redhead doing so. The chef took out two towels, wrapping one around Rody's shoulders, using a smaller towel to begin to dry off his hair, "Dry off. You can't be seen by customers looking like this."
Rody hugged the towel more around his body as Vincent continued to dry off his hair.
"You do know umbrellas exist for a reason, yes?"
"I don't own one!"
The chef widened his eyes, pausing his movements. He seemed to process the words before continuing to help dry him off, lowering the towel to the back of his neck, "I'll give you mine for the ride back. Make sure this doesn't happen again."
"Oh, uh, thanks! But-" The redhead tilted his head back to look up at Vincent, "-how are you gonna be getting home without it?"
"I live here."
"...Like, in the restaurant or-?"
"My apartment is upstairs." He pushed Rody's head down, continuing to dry it.
"Oh." The redhead blinked, "That makes a lot more sense now."
"Is there a problem." Vincent asked, the last word a bit harsher than the rest.
"Nah, it's just... isn't that worrying?" Rody looked up again, "Like, if something happens to the building, it's all gonna be gone."
Vincent dropped the towel on his face, earning a squeak, "If you have enough time to talk nonsense, then you're ready for work."
Rody laughed and moved the towel off his face. He quickly dried the last little bits of his hair and smiled at the chef, "Thank you."
"No need to thank me. It's only appropriate. I can't have customers thinking I find that acceptable."
The redhead nodded and folded the towels, placing them on Vincent's desk, "Well, still, thank you."
He walked out of the office and readied himself for work before seating the first people who walked in. He seated everyone, took their orders, served them, cleaned the tables, and checked people out, being able to balance it out very easily. Eventually, when everyone had left, he took out the trash, throwing it away in the back alley before coming back inside. He saw Vincent, staring at the chefs, walking over.
"Hey, Vince, can I ask you something?"
"It's Chef." Vincent corrected.
"Right, uh, Chef, can I ask you something?" Rody once again questioned.
"I doubt you have this much free time to be asking me so many questions, on your second day, no less."
Rody ignored his quip, "Why do you just stand back here?"
"My job is to observe and monitor the chefs. They are to cook my dishes to perfection. If they are to even slightly stray from the way I would cook, I must step in." 
"No wonder your food is so good!" The redhead smiled brightly.
Vincent didn't say anything, merely raising an eyebrow.
"Your food was delicious! I've never tasted something so good! It filled me up and made me crave for more!" The redhead giggled, "No wonder you're an amazing chef, your food makes me feel warm inside!"
A light pink dusted the chef's cheeks as he looked away, "...Get back to work, Rody."
The redhead giggled and nodded, going back out to the dining room. He continued on with his work, seating people and taking their orders once more. After another few hours, his shift ended. He finished cleaning what he needed to and got ready to leave.
"Rody, wait." The redhead turned. Vincent walked over, offering his umbrella as well as a small box, "Inside is Blueberry Crepes. You said you liked the food I made, and there was extra. Here."
The redhead smiled brightly, "Awesome! Thank you, Vince!"
Vincent merely nodded in response. With the chef's umbrella and the food in his hand, Rody went home. Once he got back to his apartment, he once again sat on the couch, looking at the phone. This time, he was a bit hesitant with calling her. However, she once again didn't answer. Guess she's still busy. Rody thought. He changed into his pajamas before sitting on the couch to eat the crepes. He hummed, smiling brightly. They were so fluffy and light, making him smile as he ate the entire plate.
Vincent is such an amazing chef. He thought, smiling slightly, ...So considerate too...
He put the dirty dishes in the sink before laying on the couch to fall asleep.
The shift started out normal. He seated who needed to be seated, took the orders to the kitchen, served the food, checked them out, and bussed tables. He was beginning to make very decent tips and was extremely upbeat and happy with his progress. Eventually the trash got full and he had to take it out-
"Ow!" Rody exclaimed, looking at his hand, dropping the bag, "C-Crap-"
The redhead turned, facing Vincent, who was staring at him. He turned panic, "I-I'm sorry! T-There's something i-in the trash!" He looked at his hand, "I-I think it m-may have ripped the b-bag open w-when I dropped it a-a-and-"
"Rody." The chef repeated, taking a step forward.
Blood spilled from his palm, a large cut on it, "I-It cut me! I-I swear, I didn't throw a-anything I-I wasn't suppose to, I-I'll clean it up-"
"You don't need to worry about that. Let me see." Vincent said gently, face remaining calm. He gently took Rody's wrist in one hand, spreading his fingers with the other to see the damage of the wound, "It's a shallow cut, nothing too serious."
"I-I'm sorry-"
"Hush, Rody. This way."
"But the mess-"
"I said you don't have to worry about that. Someone else will clean it." Vincent turned to face the chefs, two immediately jumping to do so. He then led Rody into his office, sitting him in a chair as he carefully applied ointment to the redhead's hand, "You can't be serving customers with this."
"I-I'm really sorry." Rody looked down as Vincent wrapped his hand.
"Accidents happen. It's alright."
"Am I fired?"
"Was this intentional?"
"N-No, of course not-"
"Then there's no reason to be fired." The chef reassured, "Is that why you got freaked out?"
The redhead remained silent.
"Your silence speaks volumes." Vincent stood up, "Stay here for a moment. Collect yourself."
"I-I can-"
"Rody, I'm not asking." The chef interrupted, "You are a little shaken up. That is fine. I can handle the customers for a few minutes. In the meantime, collect yourself. It's alright."
Rody stared at the man before smiling gratefully, "T-Thank you."
Vincent nodded in response. He walked out of his office and Rody sat for a few minutes, calming himself down from his panic attack. When he felt he had calmed down enough, he left the office. He went out to the floor, where Vincent had just finished giving an order to the kitchen.
"I'll tag in!" Rody exclaimed, offering a high five.
The chef rolled his eyes, but let out a small chuckle, gently tapping his hand against the redhead's, "Good. You're feeling better. I'm terrible with customers."
"Never would have guessed." He said sarcastically.
Vincent chuckled once more before disappearing into the kitchen. Rody finished his shift and cleaned everything up. Once he was sure everything was ready for tomorrow, he went into the kitchen to bid his goodbyes. Vincent gave him a plate of Squid Ink Pasta with Shrimp, Rody thanking his profusely. He went home once more, sitting on the couch. He stared at the phone for a minute.
Should I call her? Rody thought. He hesitated but did. He dialed in her number and, with every passing digit, he couldn't help but hope she... wouldn't answer. He didn't want her too, which felt odd when a few days ago, he would have begged her to answer his calls. When she didn't pick up, he sort of sighed in relief. She must be busy. He sat back into the couch, taking a bite of the pasta.
Rody smiled brightly, eating the entire portion, "Man, I totally have to get something to properly thank Vince for all this delicious food!"
He watched a little TV before falling asleep.
"Who the hell do you think you are?"
Rody wasn't sure what he walked in on. He was working his shift and was bringing in some dirty dishes to take out the trash when he saw Vincent standing in front of another cook, glaring with such hate and malice.
"I-I apologize, Chef-"
"A 'sorry' doesn't fucking cut it, now does it?" Vincent hissed, accenting his words.
Rody shut the door behind him, not wanting customers to hear as he watched the scene.
"Do you think a dish like that is at all acceptable in my kitchen?!" Vincent gestured to the plate.
"N-No, Chef-"
"Then why did you make it?!"
"I-I don't know, Chef, I m-must've-"
"'You don't know?!'" Vincent raised his voice, his burning hate becoming more pronounced in his voice.
"I-It must've slipped my mind, Chef!" The cook managed to squeak out, "S-Some flour had been left near the stove and I-I didn't want to get burnt-"
Vincent put the man's hands behind his back. One of the Chef's hand held the cook's arms in place as the other grabbed the man by the back of his hair. He then shoved the man's face towards the burner stove, keeping it out of reach of the flames, the man squeaking, Rody gasping.
"Don't back talk me in my own fucking kitchen, you damn pig." Vincent growled, "If you plan on being a semi-decent cook, you have no conceivable reason to be scared of something like a stove. If you get burnt, you keep cooking. If you can't follow simple safety regulations, it'd be your own damn fault."
The cook gulped, whispering out, "Y-Yes, Chef."
"I can't hear you."
"Y-YES, CHEF!" The cook yelled.
Vincent hummed. He lifted the man back up and let go, "Get the hell back to work." He demanded before turning. His eyes met Rody, the redhead staring with... awe.
Vincent walked to the back corner of the room to once again watch the cooks, Rody moving to stand beside him, "What? Are you going to tell me how what I did was wrong?"
"Are you single?"
"P-Pardon?!" Vincent exclaimed, his composure breaking. He coughed into his hand, quickly regaining it, "W-Why do you ask?"
Rody giggled, smirking, "Was wondering if that's how you treat your lady~!"
"I-I beg your pardon?!" Vincent's composure broke once more, his face turning bright red.
The redhead laughed before he waved his hand around, "I'm teasing, I'm teasing!" He giggled, "I mainly ask because I wanted to know a bit more about you! You must be a ladies man, right? With owning your own restaurant and all?"
"I-I suppose I am..." Vincent cringed.
"So, do you plan to settle down? Maybe have a wife and some kids, hire a manager to run the place?"
"...This is me settling down. I do this for myself."
"You still didn't answer my question."
"Are you single?" Rody hummed, smiling.
"...Yes, I am." Vincent admitted, "And no, I don't wish to have a wife."
Rody widened his eyes a bit, "...You bi or something?"
"If you must know, I label myself as gay." Vincent blushed, "Are you satisfied with knowing my nonexistent love life?"
"Yep!" Rody stood in front of Vincent, winking as he smiled slyly, "Cause now I know I might have a chance!"
Before Vincent could respond, the redhead quickly moved to clean his dishes and get back to work. He finished his shift and went to the kitchen. Vincent had a proper to-go box ready for him, the Chef giving it to him and turning away, face still a light shade of red. Rody giggled, winking once more before leaving. He got home and opened the to-go box.
Strawberry Shortcake.
The redhead happily ate the food before turning on the TV. He then grabbed a magazine that was dropped off with the daily newspaper. He browsed through it and looked at all the ads before he widened his eyes. Oh, that's it! That's what I need! He thought. Rody shut the TV off, grabbed a marker, and circled it before laying down on the couch.
He looked at the phone. He reached out before stopping himself, shaking his hand as he closed his eyes.
She's probably busy, and I don't care. Rody thought, falling asleep.
The next two days were uneventful in terms of work. Rody and Vincent continued to talk between shifts when they could, the redhead smiling every time and standing a bit closer each time they did talk. Vincent didn't seem to mind. In fact, his stiff posture was loosened as they talked. His shoulders would slump, he wouldn't look so stern. He still tried to maintain a blank face, but he couldn't help the occasional smile that fell on his lips. Rody was sent home with a Croque Madame and a Lemon Tart the previous two days, which he ate and made sure to praise Vincent for.
However, the third day, Rody went into the kitchen and Vincent wasn't there to give him a plate of food. In fact, Vincent wasn't there, period. He looked around, even knocked on his office door. The Chef just wasn't there. He sighed. Granted, he wasn't owed any food, but he did appreciate the food and he did want it, simply because he loved Vincent's cooking.
No matter, he went home and got changed, beginning to think of what to order offline. However, the phone started to ring.
Rody answered, "Hello?"
"Rody?" The deep voice on the other sighed asked.
"A-Ah, Vince!" The redhead cleared his throat, smiling, "Hi! What's up?"
"Are you free tonight?" Vincent asked.
"Huh?" He blushed.
"I'm hosting a dinner party at my apartment and was checking if you're available."
Oh, that's what you meant. Rody thought, frowning a bit, "Yes, I am..."
"Good. Be here in the next few minutes. Oh, and, I..." Vincent trailed off.
"I apologize."
"For what?"
"I... I disappeared before you came into the kitchen and I wasn't able to give you a plate of food. I apologize."
Rody smiled, He remembered? "It's fine Vince-"
"No, it isn't. I... I like cooking for you."
The redhead blushed, "...Well, I like eating your food."
"Good, you'll have plenty of it tonight."
Vincent hung up and Rody chuckled. He put the phone down changing to a more casual outfit before going back to the restaurant. Vincent was waiting outside, the chef holding out his hand to the redhead. Rody was confused and placed his hand on the Chef's. The man gently intertwined their fingers and led Rody inside the restaurant. The redhead blushed as he was pulled along up the stairs and to Vincent's home.
"Wow, this place looks..." Rody took everything in, from the bright red couches and loveseats, to the triangle coffee table, to the cow hide rug they stood on. He smiled awkwardly, "No offense, but stick to being a chef."
"Excuse me?"
"Wait, I thought you said this was a dinner party?" Rody changed the subject, "Where are the other people?"
"They will arrive shortly. I-" Vincent looked away, "-wanted you to get here first..."
Rody blushed. Vincent led him to the couch and had him sit before leaving to the kitchen to grab some plates. When the Chef returned, he was balancing three plates; a plate of escargots, a cheese plater, and deviled eggs. Rody smiled brightly and happily took a couple of eggs and a bit of cheese, smiling brightly as he ate. Vincent smiled softly as he watched other.
"Your food is so good!" Rody smiled brightly, "I could eat it forever!"
Vincent smiled, "I'm glad."
Before they could continue, the doorbell rang. Vincent sighed before he stood up, going to the door. He allowed the people in, Rody watching as the people came in. He stood up, the people coming in and beginning to mingle. The redhead, feeling nervous and out of place, moved to stand in the corner as Vincent left to get some wine and champagne for everyone. The redhead stood to the corner, looking over the rewards Vincent had gotten.
"Is that-? Hey, Rody!"
The redhead turned around. A tan man with dark brown hair walked over, smiling brightly.
"It's me, Richard!"
Rody stared.
"From econ? College? You were majoring in hospitality, right?" The man offered.
"Oh, y-yeah, hey!" Rody exclaimed, "S-Sorry, college is kinda... fuzzy, I guess?"
"I stopped seeing you after awhile, did you switch majors?"
Rody stiffened a bit, before smiled awkwardly, "You must be thinking of someone else."
"Huh? No, it was definitely-"
"Not me. You're thinking of someone else."
"I could have sworn-"
"You're thinking of someone else." Rody hissed before stepping away, "I need to piss."
"Huh, wait, Rody-"
The redhead pushed passed the man, going into the kitchen. He went into the kitchen and then into the connecting hallway, walking down it. He pushed the door open and walked inside, closing it behind him. He leaned his back against it, sighing and shaking a bit. Rody took a deep breath and looked up before gasping.
"O-Oh, crap, this is not- wait..." Rody blinked, staring at the scene in front of him, "...This is Vincent's room... I wonder if I can find anything interesting!" He giggled.
The redhead looked around the room. At the back corner, there was a desk with some paperwork. It looked like it was for the restaurant, but the handwriting was barely eligible. He hummed before he looked at the typewriter, seeing Vincent must've been typing out recipes. The shelf beside the desk was filled with books and the Chef's diploma was resting on the top. He walked towards the bedside table, opening the drawer.
A key? Oh, the freezer key! He thought, putting it in his pocket. He closed the drawer and turned towards the window.
"Looking for anything specific?"
[TW: Mature part here. Again, it's just grinding, but still, don't like, don't read.]
"AH!" Rody turned around, seeing Vincent, "Ah! Vincent, you scared me!"
"You didn't answer my question."
"I-I, um, was looking for the bathroom?" Rody smiled awkwardly, shrugging.
"Uh huh?" Vincent stepped closer, Rody stepping towards the window, "And when you realized this wasn't the bathroom, you didn't leave?"
"Well..." He trailed off, "Would you believe me if I said I had short term memory loss and got distracted?"
"Not a chance." The Chef chuckled, now in front of him.
Rody smiled, one hand dancing on Vincent's shoulder, "Would you believe me if I said I just wanted to get to know you on a more personal level?"
"That's more believable. But I would think you're crazy." Vincent placed his hands on the redhead's hips.
"Didn't you already know that?" Rody teased, leaning towards him as his arms wrapped around Vincent's neck.
Vincent leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to the other's forehead, then his ears, then his neck, "Yes, but I don't believe I know the extent."
Rody shivered as the Chef kissed and sucked at his neck, "W-Want to find out? H-How crazy I am?"
"More than you know." Vincent pushed his leg between Rody's.
The redhead moaned as he leaned into him. He glanced out the window and widened his eyes. He gently pushed Vincent back.
"Is something the matter? Did I-"
"S-Someone's out there."
[End of Mature part.]
Vincent stared at the redhead for a moment before looking out the window. He narrowed his eyes and sighed, looking at Rody, who stared at the shadow of the figure, "...Why don't you go home?"
"Oh, uh- w-wait, what about the party?" Rody looked at the other.
"It's over. It was more of a work related party. Marketing and such. You just made it more bearable." Vincent offered his hand, "Come, I'll see you out."
Rody blinked before he smiled, nodding, "S-Sorry about f-freaking out."
"It's only natural. I'll deal with it." Vincent reassured.
They walked to the front door of the restaurant, where Vincent stopped. He shut the door behind him as the two men stared at each other. Rody hesitantly leaned forward, Vincent following his lead. It was a small kiss, nothing to major, but it made the redhead's heart burst into butterflies as they kissed. When they pulled back, Rody smiled brightly and blushed at the Chef, who smiled softly back.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Rody."
"See you tomorrow, Vince."
Rody came into work the next day, heart racing, a smile as bright as the sun resting on his face, butterflies fluttering in his stomach and chest. He set up the tables and did all the cleaning he needed to before going into the kitchen. He didn't see Vincent anywhere. He walked to the Chef's office and knocked, hearing no response. He was confused before remembering the freezer key in his pocket. He was curious as to what's in it...
He opened the freezer door and walked inside. Rody looked around it, seeing blood. It wasn't too abnormal, it was from the animal meat.
At least, that was the assumption.
Rody saw something sparkle. He turned his head to the meat grinder. He blinked, walking towards it and picking up a golden locket. He widened his eyes, opening it to see...
Him and her.
Him and Manon.
Rody fluttered his eyes open, confused. He was bound in ropes, laying on the freezer floor. He blinked and looked around, not bothering to struggle. His lip quivered as he curled into a ball. The door opened and he looked towards it. He managed to sit up, glaring at the Chef.
"Get away from me, don't come any closer, you-"
"Stop, stop." Vincent cooed as he cleaned a sharp looking knife, "Calm down, you don't have to be doing any of that."
The Chef widened his eyes, staring down at Rody.
"All that flirting?! All that bonding?! I-I actually thought y-you liked me..." The redhead's tears began to fall, despite how hard he tried not to, "Y-You played me! I-If you were just g-going to kill me to get to Manon, w-why didn't you just do it?!"
"What are you talking about, Rody?!" Vincent yelled, swinging his knife down, "I was never going to kill you to get to her! I told you before, I have no interest in women! What would be the point?!"
Rody blinked, "...T-Then... why do you have the locket?"
"I forgot to throw it away after I killed her. A simple mistake, honestly." 
The redhead blinked again, "So then... the blood? The meat?"
"Was from her. I was going to make you a dish and-"
"Is it done?"
Vincent widened his eyes, staring down at Rody. The redhead stared up at him, green eyes wide in wonder and awe.
"Vince, is it done?"
"I wanna taste it, is it done?! Please tell me it's done! I want it!" Rody smiled brightly, crawling forward, "Please!"
"You... want to taste it...?"
"Of course!" The redhead giggled, leaning into the Chef's legs, "It's your food! You're gonna cook her so well! I-Is it going to be smoked?! Grilled?! Boiled?! What sides are you going to serve with her?! Are you going to serve all of her?! Oh my fucking god, Vince, you have to tell me!"
Vincent knelt down, cupping Rody's cheeks, smirking deviously, "Are you that desperate to eat her?"
"No, it's not about the fact that it's made from Manon!" Rody leaned into the Chef's hand, smile manic, "It's the fact it's your food. I don't care what you cook for me, you could server me horse dong and I'd still eat it!"
"I would never serve you that-"
"The point is-" Rody interrupted, leaning forward, brushing their noses against one another, "-I will eat anything you make me. I want it. So bad. Your cooking makes me feel so warm. It makes me feel so good. I want it so bad, I need it. I need your cooking more than I need to breathe, please-"
Vincent shut the other up with a kiss. Rody moaned into it, kissing back as the Chef cut the ropes around him. The redhead wrapped his arms around Vincent's neck, moving to sit in his lap as he deepened the kiss. Vincent held Rody's hips as they pulled away, the redhead smiling brightly down at the chef.
"How are you going to cook her?" Rody asked, giggling.
Vincent cupped his cheek, "Let me surprise you."
[TW: Cannibalism part here. You don't miss out on a lot if you don't want to read.]
Rody sat on the bed, swinging his legs as he hummed a tune to himself. He waited patiently (okay, not patiently, but he still waited!), barely able to control his excitement. The doorknob twisted and he smiled brightly as the Chef walked in, a plate in his hand.
"Is it done?!"
"I wouldn't have brought it up if it wasn't." Vincent chuckled at the redhead's eagerness. He offered the plate, "Dinner is served, Coal-Fired Heart."
Rody smiled brightly, accepting the plate. He took his fork and knife, cutting into the meat. Once he had a small piece, he put it on his tongue, chewing slowly, savoring the food.
"Well?" Vincent cupped his cheek, rubbing his thumb across it.
Rody smiled brightly, genuinely, lovingly, "Amazing as always, Vince."
Vincent smiled, "I will cook for you for the rest of our days." He kissed Rody's forehead.
"I'm holding you to that." Rody giggled, taking another bite.
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kalims · 2 years
hello ! may I request number 3, 7, 8 from the Christmas prompts for Floyd? thank you in advance <3
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "YES YOU MAYYY"
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twisted holidays
ukiyo — to be fair you had no idea when winter arrives in twisted wonderland, it's cold so you just resort into snuggling to your lover out of nowhere.
serene — their gift is in their front door, catch is it's you wrapped around hazzardly in wrapper meant for presents. there's no better gift than you duh!
not so lonely — you returned to your world and it's a christmas they'd have to spend alone. well they thought that way till you showed up on their doorstep with a bouquet of flowers!
character. floyd
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on a range from 1 to 10 his happiness would probably break the scale (as well as your spine probably from how hard he was hugging you) you're well aware of floyd's tendency to 'squeeze' people, more or less his favorite being you but it doesn't take off the suprise every time he does it.
^ well atleast when he just does it out of nowhere. usually? he's pretty easy to read whenever his actions point to a future squeeze.
the definition of: 😊 meanwhile you're: 😨 because what the fuck he's cold and you were trying to find warmth in him not even more cold!
he just hugs you tighter, giggling and stuff ignoring or just completely oblivious to you struggling in his arms trying to get away from his freezing skin.
"floyd please!"
"what's wrong shrimpy? i ain't done squeezing you yet."
"deal with it." *proceeds to laugh at your pathetic attempt to get away.
sleep with both of your eyes open,, actually you will cause now floyd likes to invade your space and its no different during bed time.
you only allow him to sleep with you if he didn't kick away your blanket as well.
"this is the best gift ever."
"careful floyd. you don't want to break your new present." jade grins, watching floyd practice haul your (still wrapped in.. wrapper..) self to his room.
congratulations. you've dug yourself an early grave and a wedding.
floyd is spouting all about how this is the best gift he likes the most and for some reason only let's you remove the ribbons and other stuff after he's finished practically displaying you to azul and bragging.
"so you didn't get a gift like this did you? figured."
"floyd get out."
asks you to give him the same gift next christmas and wont accept anything else if you refuse. he's like a child, huffing and looking away but you know you'll win the ignoring game cause he never lasts two hours.
yes he literally just picked you up, regardless of your size with his monstrous strength and carried (ran) over to his room like a child taking a gift under the tree and choosing to unwrap it in their room.
though you never seem to escape the endless remarks jade quips.
"hm. floyd liked your.. present during that time. he'd be quite disappointed with this.. picture."
"jade. it's a polaroid and can you please stop doing this?"
"doing what? 🙂"
not so lonely
looked pathetic ngl he was just staring at the aquarium of the dorm with a tiny little santa hat on his head (courtesy of jade who claimed he needed to have atleast a little spirit) didn't even want to answer the door but when jade called him he just begrudgingly walked over.
screamed your name (in happiness) so loud that he actually woke up azul. don't wonder why he walked out of the dorm looking disgruntled and rubbing his ass.
is insanely happy but I worry that he'll actually throw a fit like last time if you ever try to leave again. mc you're too cruel to just come back and leave again don't do this I'll be sad again 🥺 *grips you tightly* lowkey guilt tripping you tbh
like floyd loves the flowers but stuff but you're the real deal here and he might've actually cared about them more if you sent them through long distance or something.
wow hes so glad he wore the santa hat.
"we're matching! 🥰" he points to the hat on his head and then to yours unable to keep his arms away from basically encasing you whole.
you missed floyd and his hugs even if it might be a little crushing sometimes <3
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....*Cough* Killer Croc ai please? Okeythanksbye.
Hi! Howdy so. Unfortunately I don't have a Killer Croc ai already made and that would actually be a bit of work for me before I felt comfortable enough to post publicly. SO. What I'm going to do instead is give you a quick how-to (Im on mobile but its similar enough on pc). If I ever do make a killer croc ai, I will post tho.
1. Make your account on beta.character.ai. I'm gonna assume you've done this if you're familiar with the site.
2. Click "create" then "Create a Character."
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3. Woo boy wow this might look like a lot but it's just basic information for now. Greeting is just how you want them to start every new chat. We are gonna scroll to the bottom and click "edit details (advanced)"
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4. WOAH HEY now we're talking! Instructions for the descriptions are pretty clear but what's up with definition?
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Definition, the big square on the bottom, is simply what our character is pulling from. Dialogue, actions, syntax- the format of how we want our character to speak plus a little bit of info. It's not a perfect system, and sometimes you're going to have the ai try to pull from the internet or other ai with... varying results.
5. Which brings me to training. Okay. You've made your character. You feel pretty happy about them, and you're ready to chat!
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Hm. I don't like that response. There can be a lot of reasons I don't like it. It might be something I feel my character wouldn't say. Could be too repetitive. It could go against information given earlier in the conversation. That's what the stars on the bottom are for.
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I can not only rate the interaction, but I can give reasons for WHY. Every time you rate, you give the ai a little more information about itself. What you expect from it.
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This applies to good responses, too! The nice thing is that on mobile, if you want a new response, you simply swipe the bots message to the left. On pc, you just have to click.
The training can take time, especially if it's pulling for a character that's really popular because it wants to pull from everything. Be patient. Rate messages and don't be afraid to feed the ai information about itself. For some of the rogues, for example, I've had fake "therapy" sessions where I tell them about themselves just to feed background in.
And whenever you're done with a conversation (and/or really want to save your work), click on the three dots in the right upper corner of the chat and select "save and start new chat." This will save the whole conversation as data for the ai to pull from.
Be safe, keep in mind nsfw is against TOS, and definitely feel free to ask more questions!
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steadybelieverpersona · 2 months
Reflections of Mortality (3/4)
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Ei: So, uh, what are we supposed to be doing?
Paimon: We're taking a photo of you. Just leave the hard work to us. All you need to do is stand over there and strike a pose. Basically, a photo makes a visual record of you at this very moment in time, so it makes a great souvenir.
Ei: Okay, so what exactly is "striking a pose"?
Y/n: The photo is a visual representation.
Ei: Ah, I see. So, in other words, I need to do some sort of visually agreeable action in front of you, right? The more I think about it, the more embarrassing it seems. How should I pose? Help me out here. It should look good but not too over the top. This isn't coming naturally to me at all.
Y/n: Try relaxed and casual.
Ei: Casual... How about this? This feels quite natural.
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After taking the photo and showing the picture to Ei
Paimon: It's a wrap! Take a look. Here's the photo we took of you.
Ei: Wow... this is astonishing. Is it some kind of magic? It seems to be... another copy of me? But she doesn't seem to be able to move or talk...
Aether: It's just a record. It's not the real you.
Ei: I thought it would turn out poorly because I felt rather rigid. But it actually looks much more natural than I'd imagined. The pose is exactly the same, and so is the scenery in the background... I can't imagine how it's achieved.
Paimon: That's what makes it so special.
Ei: Hang on, I'm still struggling to understand this. I need you to explain it again... So the one in this photo... are you sure it isn't me? If it's not me, then why does she look exactly like me? And if she is me, then... who am I?
Paimon: Uh... okay, way above Paimon's head— over to you guys!
Y/n: Hm, well, It's a little bit like you and the Shogun.
Paimon: Hey, that's right. Do you think the Shogun counts as you?
Ei: Of course I do. It was never my intention to place control of Inazuma into anybody else's hands.
Paimon: So then, who does that make you here and now?
Ei: Well, I'm still me. There is no doubt about that.
Y/n: So your existence isn't singular.
Ei: My existence, hmm... I think I understand. I am me. There is only one of me, but I can exist in many different forms. It's not important what form I exist in. The Shogun, for example, is one of my forms of existence. The question of whether or not she is me is not determined by any of her components.
Paimon: In that case, this picture is one of your forms of existence, too.
Ei: Hmm. So even I, who seeks Eternity, am constantly changing my form of existence... Then, how can I ask Inazuma and everyone who lives here to remain unchanging?
Aether: Inazuma will always be Inazuma. Human beings will always be human.
Ei: Everything I have encountered on this journey with you three has been from beyond my existing sphere of knowledge. *sigh* You've seen a lot of my ignorant side today. Maybe you can't tell, but all this has challenged my understanding of things. Based on what I have seen today, I am forced to accept that Inazuma is a completely different place from the one I remember. But it would be incorrect to conclude from this that the Inazuma of today is no longer Inazuma.
Y/n: Right.
Ei: Both the Vision Hunt Decree and the Statue of the Omnipresent God were conceived as a means of bringing about Eternity. But if I were really getting closer to Eternity, none of this ever would have happened. Hmm... Perhaps... perhaps I've been holding on to everything too tightly.
Paimon: Sounds to Paimon like Ei's figured things out! And that means that we've done a really great job as her guides!
Ippei: *from afar* Master Kamaji! Master Kamaji!
Paimon: Hmm? Why's it getting so noisy down there? That sounded like Ippei. What could be the matter?
Ei: Ippei? Is that someone from the Tenryou Commission?
Paimon: Yep. Let's find out what's going on.
Paimon: Hey, Ippei, what's the matter?
Ippei: Ah, it's you. I... Huh? Th—The Almighty Shogun!? You must be looking for my master, Kujou Kamaji? I'm very sorry, he's not here at the moment. But if it pleases you, I will gladly deliver a message on your behalf?
Ei: It's okay, I'm not here to see him. We just heard you calling out, so we came to see what was going on.
Aether: Are you looking for your master?
Ippei: Yes. Master Kamaji still hasn't returned from the negotiations, and I'm starting to get worried. In fairness, he does have a habit of taking long walks and coming back late. It's perfectly possible that he just found somewhere he likes and lost track of time. But for some reason, today I'm particularly nervous.
Ei: Kujou Kamaji... A descendant of the Kujou Clan, I presume.
Ippei: That's right. Apologies, since the head of the clan is in poor health at the moment, and Master Masahito is rarely home, Master Kamaji is currently serving as representative of the Kujou Clan.
Ei: I have heard that things are quite tumultuous within the Tenryou Commission at present. Does this have anything to do with Kujou Kamaji?
Ippei: Forgive us, Almighty Shogun. The Kujou Clan has failed in its duty. The Kujou Clan's reputation is damaged, and its power over the Tenryou Commission is in decline. Plus you, um... ahem, you have yet to issue a verdict on the Commission's future... So, Master Kamaji decided to enter negotiations with the Takatsukasa Clan with a view of having them take over...
Paimon: Surely they would be discussing something like that at their headquarters, right? Why are you looking for them here?
Ippei: Actually, they decided to hold this one elsewhere. I'm a little confused as to why, to be honest, but I didn't feel it was my place to question the higher-ups. The meeting place is in the mountains near the Grand Narukami Shrine. I believe the Takatsukasa Clan has some kind of base there.
Ei: Takatsukasa... another familiar name. They have been faithfully serving the Kujou Clan all these years?
Ippei: Yes, yes. That's why Master Kamaji decided to discuss things with them. I understand they must have had a lot of ground to cover, but still, there's no way it should have gone on this long. I've searched all over the city. If he really hasn't returned yet, then...
Y/n: Maybe something's happened.
Ippei: Yeah, I thought of that possibility too... but someone of my rank can't just go venturing into Takatsukasa Clan territory like that.
Aether: We can go check things out for you.
Ippei: No, no need. I'm probably just overthinking things. Besides, if they're still at it, they'll only blame me for interrupting the negotiations. I'm only a lowly servant, but Master Kamaji and I grew up together... It'd be terrible if anything ever happened to him. I'm not as smart as Master, so I can't really share his burdens. But the last thing I'd want would be for him to come to harm when I could've done something about it.
Paimon: Hmm... what do you think, Almighty Shogun?
Ei: Let's go see what's happening. With me present, they are unlikely to blame you three even if we do happen to interrupt the negotiations. Besides, this has only come about because I failed to make a timely decision. This issue started with me, and I shall be the one to finish it.
Y/n: That's commitment, right there.
Ippei: Thank you so much, Shogun! I'll keep looking around in the meantime, too! Let me mark out the location of the base for you. I hope everything goes smoothly!
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chickenwaffles17 · 4 months
the MINTerview (an interview with Sonic the Hedgehog)
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Q: Morning! How are you, lovely to have you here.
A: Hey Mint, I'm doing great.
Q: Do you know why you're here?
A: You wanna ask me a few questions or something, right?
Q: Yep, that's basically it.
A: Any reason why?
Q: I'm profiling all my friends.
A: Yeah, any reason why?
Q: ...A friend inspired me. Now, I have some questions tailored specifically for you, if you can't answer them - that's fine - if you can answer them - you know, it's better - Alright?
A: Sounds good to me.
Q: You wanna introduce yourself first?
A: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Q: *laughing* Cool! What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Red. It's nice, it's cool, and it looks great on me.
Q: Great. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Chilli dogs, they're the best after a long run.
Q: Oh, those gross things with the sauce on top?
A: "Gross"?!
Q: Oh, sorry! Maybe I misunderstood what it was!
A: They're hot dogs with chilli sauce on top.
Q: ...They sound charming. Maybe I should try them again.
A: Next time I'm craving one I'll get one for you, how about that?
Q: Okay. Um, where was I... Oh yes, Who do you consider your friends?
A: Tails, obviously. Knuckles. Amy. I guess Blaze?
Q: Who's Blaze?
A: Oh right, you haven't met her. She's the Princess of the Sol Dimension.
Q: Oh wow. Sorry, continue.
A: Right... I think that's it, unless I count Shadow.
Q: Oh, you're also friends with Shadow?
A: Ehh. Allies at most.
Q: Shame. He's really very nice once you get to know him.
A: Ooh.
Q: Hm?
A: Look at you, smiling when you mention him.
Q: Shadow? No. He's nice, but he's not interested in me.
A: Aw.
Q: Not in a romantic way, just... In general. He's tolerant of me at best.
A: Hm. What're the other questions?
Q: Yes, uh- Where were you born, if you can remember?
A: Christmas Island. Boring. Nothing happened there.
Q: How did you obtain your abilities? In your case, you know, the ability to run at the speed of sound.
A: Training. Lots of running in my youth. Chilli dogs.
Q: That's it? No experimentation or anything, you're just fast?
A: Yuh huh.
Q: Cool. What was your first impression of me?
A: You hurt.
Q: Pardon?
A: You fell on me, remember? In the Casino Park Zone?
Q: Oh right, when Rouge dropped me.
A: You need to have a better landing.
Q: We're working on it. What do you, right now, regard as your fondest memory?
A: ...Can't remember how many years ago it was, must've been younger, but me and Tails were just chilling out. He was in the Tornado, I was flying next to him in Super form, it was nice; going over the ocean, feeling undefeatable. Immediately afterwards, Knuckles punched the Chaos Emeralds out of me really hard, and that kind of stunk, but that moment before was really nice.
Q: It sounds lovely.
A: It was. Uh- Where were we?
Q: Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted?
A: Ambiverted.
Q: Why?
A: I like people, but you know, gets a little awkward when everyone's looking at you cause you're Sonic the Hedgehog™. I only really enjoy my friends' company, you know? They appreciate me for me and not cause I'm the fastest thing alive.
Q: What is the best thing someone can compliment you on?
A: Hm. I'm fine with just speed in general, but I'm me, of course people are gonna go "Wow you're fast" and stuff. I'm not actually sure about that one! Maybe something new for me. I guess being told I'm good at something I've never done before would make me happy.
Q: Well, I think you're very good at being interviewed.
A: Thanks.
Q: Are you happy?
A: I'm fine, why?
Q: No reason. Uh, one more question and then I'll be out of your quills.
A: Shoot.
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: ...What?
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: ...Why is this so much harder than the other questions you gave me?
Q: It is hard, isn't it?
A: Uh... No?
Q: No? Why's that?
A: I- I dunno. It's only got one piece of bread, doesn't it? I thought sandwiches had at least two.
Q: Hm. Thanks, Sonic! See you around sometime!
A: You're welcome, Mint.
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ocverse · 6 months
OCVerse Christmas Collab 2022: The Cabin Part 4
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Alessa sleeping off her hangover
by ApOrc
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Hanging up decorations goes awry
by Contrololon
by Realith
[Episode begins with Mei and Celle hanging sparkling tinsel on the second floor of the bar. Below they can hear the cheers of their friends tipsy from the alcohol Celle served them from the bar's shelves. Mei is decorating the balustrade near the stairs while Celle can be seen using her tentacles to attach the tinsel to the highest parts of the walls where it meets the ceiling.]
Mei: [Grabbing another long length of tinsel from a box, then looking at Celle] You don't mind doing almost everything around here?
Celle: [Pause] It does seem a little unfair, doesn't it?
Mei: With everything you've already done, and the amount of guests we're going to have, having only one person do everything doesn't sound right.
Celle: Thanks for the concern. And yeah, it is quite a bit to juggle, but it's not much compared to what I've seen.
Mei: Explain.
Celle: I won't get into the nitty gritty details, but Myth is the head of an interdimensional operation of sorts. He has to organize and keep tabs on what is literally a mountain of things. Bringing it back to me, I was chosen as a successor of his position; I'll be handling that insanity sooner or later. So, in preparation, he's already entrusted me with tasks that would tire even the most organized of people. In short, a relatively small handful of patrons isn't much of a burden.
Mei: That's understandable; even still…
Celle: [Turning to Mei and speaking in a reassuring voice] Aw, I wouldn't worry, the one's down there are just enjoying the end of the year. Who can blame them? Our friends aren't unkind, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to lend a hand.
[Loud whooping and laughter can be heard downstairs].
Celle: Well, after the alcohol wears off of course!
Mei: [A small smile, then turning back to decorate the balustrade] You're not wrong about them being unkind. [A moment of thought] Do you mind if I ask another question?
Celle: Ask away!
Mei: Well, it's obvious from your appearance that you aren't human. So, what are you exactly?
Celle: [Turning back to the wall and hanging tinsel again, numerous tentacles doing the work] Hm, to put it simply, I'm basically an anthropomorphic jellyfish. The tentacles are essentially just extra arms.
Mei: Do you mind if I examine them?
[Three new tentacles extend from the sleeve of Celle's dress and stop near Mei.]
Celle: [Looking back with a smile] I've got plenty to spare!
[Looking closely, Mei can see little galaxies, nebulae, and stars in a pink tint beneath the transparent, almost jelly-like skin; the effect prevents the viewer from seeing the other side.]
Mei: Was this… galaxy effect always here?
Celle: Yeah, It's an inherent quality of our kind. Colour can wildly vary from person to person, even in the same family.
Mei: Are these real cosmic structures? And they can sting?
Celle: They look similar to the ones in the sky of my home world, but they are not the same. According to Myth, they're the stars and nebulae of another universe. As for stinging, the ones in front of you can't at the moment. I can make them stinging tentacles, but I more commonly use thinner, harder to see tentacles, for the surprise factor.
[From one of the jelly-like tendrils come much thinner tentacles. Even from a short distance, Mei can see they're bristling with small shimmering spines].
Celle: Anyone on the receiving end of those is in for a world of pain.
Mei: I see. Thanks for letting me examine them.
Celle: [Retracting the tentacles] No problem, especially as you are in a similar boat.
Mei: [Pause] You know that I'm not human?
Celle: I have an ability akin to x-ray. Without it, you are indistinguishable from a normal person.
Mei: [Looking back to the balustrade] I come thousands of years from the future. In fact, I'm not a 'person' at all; just an AI. My current task is to serve a lady and her estate.
Celle: Oh wow, I guess that explains the maid outfit. And, while I can't say you’re the first advanced AI I've met, I can say you're definitely among the more amiable ones.
Mei: Really?
Celle: Yup, the majority tend to be ones tasked with assassinating us.
Mei: What for?
Celle: Traveling through thousands of universes, you tend to make a lot of enemies. And some of those enemies have the ability to hold a dimension-hopping grudge.
Mei: Does that mean you're always on edge?
Celle: If it's just us, then no. We: Myth, Nameless, me, can take care of whatever they send. It's only when friends, or allies do our senses heighten a little bit. We can deal with them, but many of our friends? Nada.
Mei: Doesn't that mean that everyone coming to this party is in danger?
Celle: Thankfully, no. Myth made extra effort to make sure that this world is hidden. Only the most powerful of our enemies will be able to find us, let alone breach through. Even then, [a menacing glow suddenly radiates from her eyes] rest assured, we will not let them get close [the glow fades, the usual warm kindness of her eyes returning].
 Mei: [A little shocked at the suddenness of the mood change] I see…
[An otherworldly noise emanates from the floor below, and, shortly after, footsteps on the bar's timber floor. Startled voices can be heard, presumably reacting to the strange happening].
Celle: Ah, Myth and Nameless are back! Finally! Was beginning to wonder what they were up to.
Mei: [Suppressing her bewilderment] What took them so long?
Celle: They went to buy everyone's gift wishes! Understandably, they took their time. C'mon, we gotta say hi!
[Quickly hanging the tinsel in her extra appendages, Celle excitedly makes her way towards the staircase. Mei also deftly ties the tinsel in her hands to the handrail and stands beside Celle ready to follow. Before they start walking down, Celle meets Mei's eyes].
Celle: I hope you weren't too put off by that sudden change in mood. [A reassuring smile] Don't worry, friends will never have to face that.
Mei: [Nodding, smiling a little] I'll take your word for it.
[Episode ends].
Greetings, Part 1
by Realith
[Episode begins with Nameless and Myth walking through a rift into the bar, the other side showing what looks to be the interior of a palace. They appear to be carrying only a bottle glowing purple-pink, despite the original intent of their leaving. Those at the bar stand or sit in bewilderment at their arrival.]
Realith: [Stretching his arms above his head] Aaaaalright! Shopping done! Hope we aren't too la- [Stopping, upon seeing everyone staring at them from the bar].
Nameless: [Speaking to the surprised guests, with a smile] -You guys look like you've seen a ghost.- [Holding out the large bottle] -Crystal champagne?-
[The drunk ones suddenly switch from astonishment to cheer as soon as they see the bottle.]
Alessa: [Immediately begins running toward the two, arms outstretched for a hug] Our saviors!
[Myth swiftly sends her to the ground with a karate chop, leaving her forehead red and steaming from the power of the strike.]
Myth: [Looking at her splayed on the ground, then to the people at the bar] Is she gonna be alright?
Iris: [A bead of sweat visible on her face] Yeah yeah, she'll be fine! Just a little rest and she'll be good.
Realith: [Scooping her up from the floor] Hup! Good thing this bar has a lot of plush seats. 
Iris: [Standing and walking to the back of the bar] I'll go get a blanket…
[Realith places Alessa on a couch near one of the windows; Iris comes out from the back and throws a blanket towards Realith.]
Realith: Alright, while the princess sleeps, we should introduce ourselves… [Bowing a little with his left arm in front of his chest] You can call me Myth.
Nameless: [Bowing a little as well, white subtitles appearing in front of her] -And I am Nameless. So pleased to meet all of you!-
Nathaniel: [Squinting, then rubbing both his eyes] Are those subtitles real?
Myth: Indeed they are. 
Nameless: -I have my own reasons for staying silent, but this isn't the only way I can communicate.-
[A wave of surprise washes over everyone at the bar, and with wide eyes they look at Nameless.]
Eric: [Speaking as if he was reading aloud] "A direct transfer of information to the mind. I use this one more often. Not as fun as the subtitles, though."  …Excuse me, WHAT?
Nameless: [Speaking through subtitles again, and raising an eyebrow] Aren't you supposed to be drunk?
Eric: Not after whatever the heck that was!
Nameless: -Oh calm down, you'll get used to it! Just be happy I'm not using my mind reading abilities.-
[Nathaniel and Eric's eyes go wide, the remaining drunkeness being quickly replaced by panic.]
Emily: [Speaking up] We should introduce ourselves as well. I'm Emily, [gesturing to them] and this is Clover and Maggie [They wave].
Clover: [Nodding] A pleasure!
Maggie: [Shakily] N-nice to meet you...
Eric: [Hastily recovering from his initial shock] You can call me Eric. I work in tandem with Ica over there.
Ica: [Raising her hand] Yo.
Katja: I'm Katja! I came here with Mei! She's on the stairs there with your friend!
Iris: And I'm Iris. I'm with those two, Nathaniel and Alis.
Nathaniel: [Giving a finger gun salute] Heya! Always good to see new faces!
Alis: [A single wave of her hand] Greetings.
Realith: Well, it's nice to meet all of you. I assume you've made aqcuaintance with Celle already?
Mei: [Speaking as she and Celle descend the staircase] Indeed we have. She's done quite a lot to not only serve us at the bar but with decorations around the bar too. 
Realith: She is known to be quite helpful, even outside our circle.
Celle: [Stopping, having reached the bottom step] Always a pleasure to serve. Even more so now that we're in full-swing holiday season! Speaking of which, I was expecting a giant handful of bags or something. Where're the gifts? 
Realith: About that... Let's just say we saw some... familiar faces. When they heard about what we were doing, they would not stop hounding us.
Nameless: -They were immensely relentless. We only caved due to their incessant nagging.-
Emily: Wait, "they"? Who are you talking about? 
[Without warning a purple-pink rift begins to quickly form near the front of the bar. Shortly after, four more rifts appear on both sides of the first, making five in total].
Nameless: -Huh, that didn't take long.-
Realith: And they said they'd take their time.
[From the rifts emerge familiar, yet different figures carrying wrapped gifts. And though familiar, they all look strange, wearing clothes in the same pink-purple range].
Clover: Who on earth are these guys?
[An older girl wearing a flowing, almost iridescent dress steps forward. A small pink ribbon adorns her shoulder length hair and in her hands appears to be a hefty wrapped box.]
???: It would be more accurate to go beyond the earth my dear.
Clover: And you are...?
???: [Smiling kindly] You can call me Clarene. [Nodding towards the box in her arms] I heard from Realith you desired books on spells?
Nathaniel: Wait, so you're telling us that these people are-
[A man with a prismatic glass eye and slicked-back hair speaks. His violet cloak and suit, as well as his opulent staff speak volumes of his wealth and status.]
???: [Feigning a mocking tone] Alternate versions of yourselves? I thought someone of your calibre would catch one much more quickly!
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leonawriter · 2 years
For that meme: Romani! and also Genesis!
First impression
Romani: I was going to say something about when I started playing, but then I remembered my first impression was actually you guys telling me about him and Merlin, along with a bunch of spoilers, and... some of those are a big part of why I knew I'd love him XD
Genesis: wow it's been ages now, but, I think my first impression was probably "who is this" and "what an asshole" haha.
Impression now
Romani: I'm still in the middle of Babylonia but! He's so!!!! look he introduces himself as "just a doctor on staff" and then he gets promoted to the Director of Chaldea/effectively the Leader of the last remnants of humanity. Just a normal doctor. And then he's mission control, and no matter that the Servants are saying mean things a lot he's always there for you, works so hard for you, clearly knows damn good battle strategy going by America, Camelot, and Babylonia... there's so many hints about who he is but he just reads as someone who cares. A lot. I love him.
Genesis: Skrunkly cat man who both suffered too much and also didn't get hit with enough at the same time. I still need to know more about him. I want to put him through the pear wriggler. I love him and he's a dumb(apple).
Favorite moment
Romani: It's gotta be when they're in America, and he's just casually becoming the team's go-to battle strategist. I kept screaming about it because dude your mask.
Genesis: I... is it weird if I say I find it hard to think of really great canon moments? I think that maybe actually him walking past Angeal in his Banora home and going "you don't fit in with them anymore" basically. The actual line is so much better. Reason I find it hard to think of good moments is that a lot of the time in canon he's desperate and freaking out; in fanworks we're able to portray an idea of what he might be when not degrading or anything, and that's what I want to see out of any future appearance.
Idea for a story
Romani: Hm... I haven't been reading any FGO fic at all yet, really, so I don't know what has or hasn't been done already. But if I had to say what I'd like to see, it'd be something set between the Singularities that isn't an event, and therefore not likely to be so silly.
Genesis: I still need to finish TCASM at some point. But I guess I'd love to see more gen-fic/non-romantic fics based in either the original timeline, or the Remake one. Remake Aerith meeting Genesis would be fun.
Unpopular opinion
Romani: I don't know enough about FGO fandom perception and I'm not reaallly far through enough to know what opinions I'd hold would or wouldn't be unpopular, so. Pass.
Genesis: In many ways the fact that he's one of my actual unironic faves in VII is an unpopular opinion in and of itself. I... also don't like any of the popular ships for him, I think. I tend to see him and Angeal as like brothers (partly because of them growing up, partly because of the experiments giving me some fun ideas) and there's other things that disqualify most other ideas. Which would be a petty little thing if not for how 90% of all fandom material is shipping, and it makes it hard to find content I can enjoy.
Favorite relationship
Romani: Romantically, Merlin. Platonically, Mash. With Merlin he's just so unapologetically forward about himself, and they're both... they're equals. You know I'm weak for that. And Mash is just an entire daughter to him. And all three are kind of weirdos when it comes to humanity, if I'm reading things right.
Genesis: Zack, because he's kind but takes no shit, and has seen him at his worst and still believed he could be helped. I've also always loved seeing him bounce off against Aerith and Cloud too.
Favorite headcanon
Romani: I feel like I don't know enough about him yet to come up with anything that's not going to get thrown out of the window in time, but... I do like to believe that mask or not, he really does care. A lot of the things we see from him simply don't make any sense otherwise.
Genesis: Other than that he's an autistic bisexual disaster? It's the popular "he ends up with the Seventh Heaven/AVALANCHE group after failing to handle whatever he's got himself involved in on his own." He has to work with others, and find out that people can, actually, handle him just being himself.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Sixteen
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: ...nsfw...
an: happy birthday @soitsgorgeous ! ALSO i just rlly want to post this 
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“No, come on, Ae, please stop,” Elide said, “it’s been a week. I need to go home.” 
“But,” the blonde protested, looking around desperately until she huffed a breath and pouted, “you’re my baby sister. I gotta protect you.” 
“I know that,” Elide said, pulling her sister in for a tight tight hug, “and I love you for it. So much, girl. But I can take care of myself.” 
Aelin huffed again, rolling her eyes when they broke apart, “Ok. If you want me to come over, just call, ok?” 
“Ok, mama,” Elide whispered, kissing the back of Aelin’s hand. “I love you.” 
“Love you too, baby,” Aelin whispered back, waving at her as she walked down the hall. 
The elevator was empty as she rode it down to the garage and no one was there either, though she saw row upon row of cars while walking to her spot. Mere steps from her driver’s door, her phone rang, deep in her pocket, and Elide shifted her bags to one arm as she dug into her pocket and hastily grabbed it. 
She didn’t look at the caller ID as she picked the call up and pressed it against her ear, breathlessly replying, “Hello?” 
There was a pause. And then, “Hey… it’s me.” 
She froze, her blood running cold at the familiar voice. She stayed silent, not knowing what to say or how to say it. She hadn’t heard his voice in a week. He sounded as bad as she undoubtedly did, his voice hoarse and rough as he rasped into the receiver, “E, please. Please just say something. Tell me you’re still there.” 
Elide’s chest ached with suppressed tears and she bit her lip to keep from crying. She wanted so badly to comfort him, because she loved him and he was in pain, but she was in pain too. She was hurting more than him. “I’m here.” 
“Thank the gods,” he muttered, sniffling once, “I want to fix this, E. Please, just give me a chance.” He fell silent and neither spoke as he waited for her response. When she didn’t answer, he continued, “I know I don’t deserve it at all, I know that, but…” 
Despite knowing it might make her hate herself for it later, Elide found herself telling him to meet her at her place in an hour. Then, she got in her car and tried not to cry as she drove home. 
When she got back to her apartment, Elide dumped her clothes from Aelin’s in her laundry basket and swept her hair up in a messy bun before she took a quick shower, the hot water helping ease the tension in her body. 
After, she put on a pair of old sweats and the fluffiest fleece hoodie - complete with bear ears. Elide leaned back against her kitchen table and waited anxiously for the knock that came exactly an hour after their call. “It’s open,” she called out, worrying her bottom lip as the door opened and Lorcan walked in, closing it behind him and resting against it. 
Elide ran a cursory glance over him, her breath hitching at the stubble where he would normally shave clean, the slump of his shoulders. He kept his gaze on the floor and didn’t dare take another step as he toed off his untied shoes, the same beat-up Converse he’d been wearing the night they’d met. 
His hair was messy, like he’d ran his hands through it over and over. 
Elide missed when she did that. 
“E…” he started, finally lifting his head up to meet her cold stare with his hollow one, “I’m so sorry, baby.” 
That quickly, the sadness and pain and heartbreak weighing her down turned into anger. She was so fucking pissed. He was such an asshole. “Don’t call me that. I’m not your ‘baby’.” 
“I didn’t mean it,” he muttered and Elide could see that he was fighting his own anger. 
Elide scoffed and shook her head in disbelief. “You’re a bad fucking liar, Lorcan.” 
“I’m not lying,” Lorcan said, a dark storm in his eyes. 
“Well, I don’t believe you. I gave you a chance to take it back, I asked you if you really meant it and you–” 
“And I said I did,” he finished for her, stepping closer to the table. “I know what I said and I want to apologize.” 
“I don’t want your apology,” Elide said, crossing her arms tightly. 
“Then what do you want? Tell me and I’ll give it to you, anything,” he insisted, running his hand through his hair in a gesture of habit. Elide shook her head again, not answering, but he asked again, “El, just tell me what to do.” He wasn’t exactly an expert on apologies, he didn’t have that much practice with them. 
“Give me my heart back!” she yelled, her voice breaking. “Give it back to me, you fucking asshole. I’ve never- no one has ever hurt me like that and it took you a week to get the balls to fucking call me!” 
“Fucking hell, what do you want, Elide?” he shouted back, his voice raised. He tried not to, but Elide was the only person who could get under his skin just like that. “What do you want from me, huh?” 
“I want you to get out of my house,” she said, raising her chin defiantly. “There’s nothing you can give me right now and you should leave–” 
“I love you.” 
She fell silent, looking at him with wide eyes. Elide uncrossed her arms, her hands shaking as she curled them into fists. Then, she looked down at her fluffy slippers, “I don’t believe you.” 
“I love you.” 
“I don’t believe you, Lorcan!” she cried, looking up to stop her tears. “How could I? You don’t trust me–” 
“Yes, I do. I’m an asshole and I’m a prick and you can hate me for it, but I love you. And I trust you with my life. I don’t care if you never forgive me for this and I never get to call you mine again, I will let you go forever if that’s what you want,” he told her, desperate. “Elide Lochan, I love you.” 
He was so close. She could just reach out and tug him to her. Something sparked in her blood and she tilted her head back, cocking her jaw, “I. Don’t. Believe. You.” 
Lorcan’s lips parted and he stared at her, dragging his eyes up and down her. His breathing turned ragged as he stepped closer, cornering her against her table. Elide kept his heavy stare, not backing down as he cupped her face and leaned down to kiss her. But Elide turned her face at the last second and Lorcan just chuckled darkly, kissing her cheek sweetly before he pressed hot, biting kisses to her jaw, then continuing on down the elegant column of her throat to the place that drove her crazy. 
Elide breathed in shakily and she gripped the front of his sweater, tipping her head back to give him further access. Lorcan chuckled again and the rough sound had her toes curling up as her clutch on his top tightened. 
He sucked a bruise into her pale skin, pulling back and stroking his thumb over the purple mark, smiling cockily. Elide glared at the smile and decided he shouldn’t be smiling while groveling, so she gripped his collar and yanked him down, “Stop smiling.” 
Lorcan didn’t listen as he cupped her face once more and slanted his mouth over hers, kissing her slow and languid, as if they had all the time in the world. And by the gods, he hoped they did. 
She gasped and Lorcan snaked his tongue into her mouth, kissing her dizzy. 
His back was strained from bending down so he slowly dragged his hands down her sides, sliding them down to her ass and gripping the soft flesh in that way that she was weak for - rough and if a little possessive. Elide moaned like he knew she would and wrapped her arms around his neck, toying with the soft strands at the base of his skull. 
He groaned at the feeling of her long nails scraping over his scalp and picked her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist before he dropped her onto the table. 
Shit, that was a good kiss and her brain was fuzzy. Lorcan pulled back, his eyes darker than she’d ever seen them and his lips kiss-swollen. Elide just shook her head, swallowing before rasping, “Not good enough.” 
Lorcan grinned wickedly - he was having way too much fun with his reckoning - and reached behind his head, pulling his crewneck sweater off with one hand, flinging it behind her onto the floor. Elide grinned as well and leaned forward, licking up his sternum, her teeth kissing against his skin as she whispered, “Better. But I’m still pissed.” 
“Let’s see what I can do about that,” he purred, voice dripping with sin. Lorcan tipped back her chin and kissed her one last time before pulling away, ignoring her whine. 
Elide’s frown melted away as he dropped to his knees and tugged her to the edge of the table. Her heart stuttered in her chest and she knew by the end of the night, all would be forgiven and she would tell him she loved him too because she did. More than anything, anyone. Still, she would torture him by making him wait, just a little bit more. 
The feeling of him tugging her sweats down her legs had her coming back to the present. She watched as Lorcan looked up at her through his lashes, grinning as she let out a shaky breath. Then, he looked between her legs, his mouth dropping open as he realized she wasn’t wearing underwear. “Fuck,” he said, throwing her sweats away. “Is this all for me?” 
“Yes,” Elide whispered, her eyes closing as his hands traced pretty designs up her calves, “it’s all for you.” 
Lorcan pulled her legs apart, spreading them as far as they went. His exhales fanned over her burning core and Elide slid her hands into his hair, falling down onto her back as he started to press hot and wet kisses to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. 
She let out a breathy moan as his lips parted and she felt his tongue trace over her skin, tracing over her tattoos and moon-pale skin. Deciding she’d had enough teasing, Elide tugged on his hair sharply enough that he winced and went where she pulled him to. 
“Lorcan,” she whined, arching her back when he pressed a too-soft kiss over her glistening slit, her sex pretty and pink and practically gushing. 
He chuckled, the grating sound sending vibrations through her centre. “What is it?” 
“Just give me what I want,” she begged him, her nails digging into his head. “I want to come, fuck, I need to.” 
Lorcan just hummed and turned his head, pressing his lips against the soft skin of her inner thigh until she was gasping delicately and tugging on his hair as her toes curled. “Tell me what you want, my love.” He licked a path right up to her core, only to back away at the first touch. Elide let out a half-sob, too turned on to be embarrassed with how her liquid arousal was dripping from her. “Tell me how you want it.” 
“I want– Anneith above,” Lorcan swallowed his laughter at the words that spilled from her throat when he bit the tendon between her thigh and pelvis. She was shaking, straining, aching for him and Lorcan smiled to himself, licking slowly over the bite mark before he switched to her other leg, his hands holding her legs apart, but even still, they fought to close around his head and never let go. 
Soon, Elide was begging, pleading with him in a soft, breathy voice, “Baby, please… oh my gods, please, please, I just… I want you, Lorcan, I want you.” When he finally put his mouth on her, Elide nearly cried in relief, his tongue splitting her folds in broad sweeps.
She convulsed at the feeling of his tongue dipping as far as it could reach inside of her and sliding against her walls. 
Elide cried out when he flattened his tongue against her clit and let go of her thighs, coaxing her to wrap them around his head, keeping Lorcan exactly where she wanted him. 
Pressure built under her skin as he worked her into a frenzy, banding an arm over her hips to keep them still as he curled two fingers into her and stroked over that one spot. Elide moaned, tightening her legs around his head. The combination of his tongue flicking over her button and his fingers pumping and scissoring inside her sent Elide into her climax, making her clench around him and roll her hips against his arm. 
Her mind blanked and her body writhed, trembling as his actions didn’t stop until it was too much for her and Elide felt a tear slip free as she pushed him away. She felt, more than heard, him rise above her and lean down, his body slotted between her legs. 
Eyes half-lidded and hazy, Elide reached out for him, diving her hand into his pants and wrapping her hand around his dick. 
Lorcan groaned softly and instinctively rocked his hips into her hand, snapping his teeth at her low chuckle. 
“So needy,” she commented, lazily stroking him as his cock grew in her hand and became slick with the beads of pre cum. With her other hand, she tilted his chin up, his jaw tight, her body caged in by his hands planted on the wooden surface on either side of her. 
Another storm was raging in his eyes, one she would gladly lose her way in. He breathed heavily, trying to keep his control as she stared at him with that one look that he would wreck worlds for. 
Lorcan’s eyes fluttered shut and he bit his lip, groaning softly, “Fucking hell, just- Elide.”
“Mm-hmmmm?” she hummed, running her thumb over the head of his length and scraping her nails over the underside. 
“I need to be inside you.” Elide just smiled coyly until he grabbed her face in one hand hard enough that her jaw might ache in the morning. Her cheeks squished together and her lips puckered out for him to kiss her possessively. He bit her bottom lip, not bothering to lick over the sting as he nearly growled, “Now, Elide.” 
She whimpered softly and nodded, chasing his lips when he pulled back. Lorcan pulled her hand from his pants and then let her tug his jeans down just enough that his cock flipped out. Then, she guided him between her legs, using her fresh release to make him slick. 
Elide pouted when he pulled her hand away from his length but he kissed it away as he slowly slid in. When he bottomed out, Elide whimpered, reaching for the hand on her hip and running hers up to his forearm, “Fuck, so fucking deep.” Her nails dug into his skin and Lorcan slid his other arm underneath her lower back, forcing an arch into her spine. She locked her legs around his waist as he started to thrust into her, watching her hoodie shift with her tits. 
Elide seemed to notice where he was looking and pressed a hand into his chest, forcing him to stop his movements so she could pull it over her head and stretch out languidly, letting it dangle elegantly from her finger tips before dropping it and running her hands down her body. Biting back a groan, Lorcan watched as she cupped her own breasts and toyed with her nipples, all while smirking wickedly at him. 
“Are we supposed to lay still the entire time, my darling,” she pondered in a sultry voice, gasping out a breath when Lorcan smirked right back and sheathed himself in her, keeping her tightly against his pelvis as he grinded his hips into hers. 
“More,” she gasped, her face scrunching up as he slammed into her harder and deeper like she asked him to, completely filling her. “Just like that.” 
“Just like that?” he drawled, leaning over her and trailing his lips over her throat. He moved up to her ear, grazing his teeth over her soft earlobe. Every touch, every brush of his body against hers sent lightning zapping under her skin. He slowed his pace, though his thrusts remained true and deep as she mewled and clawed at his back. Her nails dragged down his skin, almost drawing blood but not quite breaking the skin. 
“Lor… I… oh,” Elide breathed, falling back down to the table as he pulled a hand away and guided her hand between them, pressing gently beneath her belly button. She moaned, her legs squeezing around him as Elide felt something twitch beneath her fingers. 
Lorcan watched her eyes, watched them near roll back in her head beneath fluttering lids and murmured in her ear, gently taking her hand away and pressing her wrist into the wood beneath her. “Feel that?” 
“Yes,” she moaned, crying out his name when he hit particularly deep. Elide could already feel her orgasm build, still sensitive from the previous one. 
A broken moan tore from his throat when her already tight walls swelled around his cock, making pulling out of her an effort of control, like she was trying to pull him back in every time he drew back. She was like a vice around him, so tight and slick and hot. 
Lorcan pulled back, standing up straight as Elide arched her body further, her head thrown back as she felt herself grow closer and closer. “Oh, come on, baby, just come. Come, you’re so close, I wanna feel it. You know how much I’ve missed you, tight around my dick and feeling good like that ‘cause of me?” 
He gripped her hips tightly, pulling her down to meet his thrust and his breathing became laboured when he watched her body seize and shake beneath him, coming undone with the presence of him filling and surrounding her. 
Elide yelled his name, her eyes screwed shut as white-hot pleasure raced through her veins and vaguely, through a shroud of bliss, she felt him come inside of her. Every inch of her body was tingling and sensitive. She managed to wrench her eyes open to see him bow his head, biting his lip as he groaned out her name, barely recognizable. He rocked into her, drawing out both of their pleasures until they both calmed. 
Elide smiled softly as he remained inside of her and leaned down, gathering her up in his arms. Something inside her jellied when she felt his release drip down her thighs, leaking out from around him. She wrapped her arms around him, nearly draping herself over his shoulders and smiling when he bowed his head and kissed her chin, just barely missing her lips, “I missed you.” She missed him so much. 
“I missed you too,” he whispered, kissing her cheek before he pulled out of her and stood upright, helping her up. Elide smiled again, absentmindedly running her hand through his hair as she looked off into the distance, eyes catching on a speck of dust in the moonlight. 
Before she could discern what was happening, Lorcan scooped her up and walked over to her bed, putting her down and kissing her forehead, murmuring, “I’ll be right back, ok?” 
She nodded sleepily and dozed off as he walked away, jolting slightly when the next thing she felt something damp and cold between her legs. Elide looked up from the pillow she was cuddling to find him cleaning her with a cloth. He gently wiped it over her sensitive skin and then tossed it into her laundry basket. Then, he pulled back her duvet and shifted her so that she was underneath it. 
Elide reached out for Lorcan, grabbing at him until he slowly settled down beside her after he left his jeans in a rumpled pile on the floor. He smiled as she curled into his side, hitching her leg over his hip and slotting it between his. Elide hummed in question when he tipped her chin back. His eyes were wholly black as he murmured, “I love you.”
“Mmmm,” she replied, the blissful feeling of sex wearing off and the anger she felt returning slightly. She wasn’t sure if he’d apologized yet. 
Lorcan ran his fingers up and down her spine, the motion soothing for the both of them as something in her kitchen caught his eye. Elide shifted to see what it was when he said, “Essar loved those mugs.” 
She floundered for something to say, but her words were not needed as Lorcan opened his mouth and the entire tale spilled out. 
He talked about everything. How he had met her, how they had gotten together, how they had gotten married a week after graduating high school. He talked to her about the pregnancy, about how Essar wanted to be a social worker and worked tirelessly to juggle growing a child in her body and her graduate degree. Lorcan talked about how the day Kohana had been born, he’d nearly missed it because of a traffic accident that blocked the roads. He told Elide about having a newborn and feeling like they were screwing him up almost everyday. Then… his voice grew saddened and she could hear his grief as he talked about Essar getting sick. 
They had been told it was nothing and they were being hysterical, but then it got too late and the doctors blamed them for waiting this long. He hadn’t known how to tell them that they had been begging anyone to listen. 
It had been too late for her and Essar passed, before Ko had even turned one. Lorcan admitted that he was terrified of forgetting his first love and replacing her. 
Elide propped herself up, her forearms braced against his chest, stroking her thumb over his cheekbone. “I’m not Essar,” she told him, “and I’ll never replace her, but… you’re allowed to move on. From what you’ve told me, she would’ve wanted you to be happy.” Lorcan sighed softly and turned his face to kiss her palm. 
“I am sorry,” he murmured, rubbing her back when Elide nestled against his chest, her ear above his steady heart beating. “I was angry at myself and I took it out on you. That wasn’t fair ‘cause you did nothing wrong. My kid loves you and you’re amazing with him.” He kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. “I love you.” 
“So you’ve said,” Elide hummed, giggling slightly when he flipped them over and pressed her into the mattress, trailing his lips down her jaw and throat. 
“And you have yet to give me your answer,” Lorcan said, pulling back just enough that she let out a displeased whine. “So what is it, Lochan?” 
Elide shrugged and looped her arms over his shoulders, her hands toying in the air above his head, “Well, obviously, I love you.”
“Obviously? Obviously?” He ran his hand up her body, pinching her side. “You were kicking me out an hour ago!” 
“Yeah, well, that’s ‘cause I was pissed, not ‘cause I didn’t love you,” she told him, as if it were simple. “You are a stupid, stupid man. I had to make you work a little bit.” Lorcan grumbled something and glowered down at her when she patted his cheek a little too hard. 
Lorcan shook his head at her, a fond look in his eyes as a slow smile spread across his lips, “You are…” 
“Ridiculous? Sneaky? Devious? Irritating? Impossible? Ooh, ooh! Infuriating?” Elide took his face into her small hands, smiling cheekily up at him. Her eyes softened when he turned his head to kiss her palm and turned to the other side to kiss her other palm. 
“Gods above, woman, shut up,” he pleaded with her, kissing her as they both laughed. “No, you’re none of those things.” 
“Then what am I?” 
an: oh we’re almost done 🥺 wow 
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou​ @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival @empress-ofbloodshed @queen-of-glass @sleeping-and-books @beccasophia95 @exersize-me-i-dare-u @thewayshedreamed @hizqueen4life @ifinallygavein @bat-wing-rhys @awkward-avocado-s @b00kworm @mu-si-ca-l @lovemollywho @tacmc @soitsgorgeous @staarligght @starrynightsbooks @keshavomit
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romanoffsbish · 3 years
Chapter 26: All …
Chapter 25 | Masterlist | Chapter 27 | Words: 1,927
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Nat's POV
We've been back at the compound for two weeks now, and everything's gone pretty smoothly.
I cornered Bruce that same night, after Y/N had fallen asleep. I simply informed him that between Wanda and I we'd have no problem making him disappear. Hulk or not, we'd get the job done. He got the message, and apologized profusely for trying to get in the way, then he ran off sniffling.
Thor's gone above and beyond to try and make things right with her, and at first Wanda and I wouldn't let him get too close. In the end though, Thor's basically a golden retriever—fiercely loyal, and friendly above all else.
Steve's still avoiding all of us for the most part, and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm still trying to forgive him, but it's just hard to do when he nearly lost me Y/N. Ironically, I'm forgiving him for her, because she just wants the team to be whole again.
Y/N's currently out with Wanda for breakfast, as per my request, so I can finish putting the perfect date together for us. It's currently 10AM, so when they return at around 12AM the quinjet will be packed up for our weekend away. Today, we'll be enjoying NYC, and all it has to offer.
Then tonight we'll fly over the city, and make our way to Hollywood, CA. We'll spend our second day at Universal Studios, because I'd prefer to watch things go boom, than to eat fifty different food items shaped like a mouse.
Lastly, we'll be making our way to Paris, France.
What's a better ending to a first sequence of dates than taking the girl you've fallen for to the city of love?
I'm expecting them home any minute now, as I placed the last bag full of Y/N's snacks into the quinjet.
"Witchy, what do you know?"
"I'm witchy now, hm?" Wanda playfully questions while sipping on her latte.
"Don't try to distract me... Just answer me." I whine, followed by a playful pout.
"I know no more than you do Y/N/N. I was instructed to take you to breakfast while she finishes up the perfect date for you two."
*I have a feeling she's going crazy while doing it.* I giggle in thought, knowing that—much like me—my spy doesn't have that much experience in the romance department.
"You can say that again." Wanda agrees.
"I didn't say it in the first place." I laugh out, rolling my eyes and stacking up our dishes at the end of the table for the waiters.
"Shall we?" I ask, bending my arm and holding it out for her to link hers through. Then we get up and make the twenty minute walk home.
Nat's POV
"Natty?!" I hear the beautiful y/h/c shouting from the compound doors.
"In the common room, detka." I shout back, patiently waiting for her with an outfit change at the ready for her.
"Breakfast was delicious, I brought you back a vanilla scone and black coffee." She says as she enters the room.
"Why thank you, lyubov'.... While I enjoy this deliciousness you've brought me, how about you go change into this please?"
"What are we doing Natty?" She whines.
"There's no way I'm breaking, so give it up now and just get ready. We are on a time crunch." I playfully assert, swapping the items in our hands and slightly pushing her towards the bathroom.
"Natty, where are we? I'm not a fan of being blindfolded." Y/N whines as I guide her to our first destination.
"Will you just hush? We're almost there."
I continue to guide her towards this gorgeous lake, where I have a double kayak set up. She's been restless, so I thought this would be a good place to start. We'll enjoy a stroll across the lake, then come back to a picnic.
"Ta-da." I over exaggeratedly hum, removing her blindfold and pointing towards the lake.
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"Wow Natty, it's beautiful." She sighs in astonishment.
"Yeah you are." I quip back, swiftly turning her to face me, and wrapping my arms around her waist.
She immediately looks down, trying to hide the blush beginning to creep up her neck.
"Are you up for some kayaking? Do you think you can handle it?"
"Well, I assumed you'd do 90% of the work, and I'd just be along for the ride." She deadpans.
"Of course I'm up for it silly, you'll just have to teach me what to do." She innocently giggles out, and starts to eagerly pull me towards the lake.
After helping her to get in, I get in behind her, then use the paddle to push us out.
"So, it's really simple, just follow my lead."
"Natty, you're behind me, how am I meant to see you." She giggles.
"Good point lyubov'. Okay, hold your paddle with both hands, then dip the paddle into the water, push the water backwards, and continue to do so, switching between both sides."
"Sounds pretty obvious once you actually say it."
"Yeah, when the time comes, I'll talk you through turning us around."
We spend the next fifteen minutes just slowly gliding through the water, just enjoying the world around us. I was primarily focused on watching Y/N's back muscles flexing with every stroke. Listening to her excitedly squeal whenever she sees something new to her.
"Natty! We need to stop, look!" Y/N excitedly shouts, while pointing about ten feet ahead of us.
"Okay, calm down." I giggle at her childlike excitement at whatever it is she sees.
"Now, stick your paddle into the left side and push forward slightly, I'll do the right side." I instructed. 
Then I look forward to see a mama duck, and a line of ducklings following behind.
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"Natty, look at them, they're just so cute."
I hum in agreement, then reach into my bag, pulling out a bag of shredded lettuce having prepared for this possibility.
"Would you possibly like to feed them?"
She gasps, then turns as best she can to face me, smiling from ear to ear.
"Yes!!! Gimme please." She squeals, taking some lettuce, then takes her paddle and gently moves us closer.
She starts clicking her tongue in an attempt to get their attention. Then she throws a piece of lettuce to see if it peaks their interest. The mama duck gracefully swims over and starts nibbling at the water. Her swarm of ducklings follow her lead, swimming over each other in a frenzy, seemingly expecting the lettuce to be limited.
I sit back and watch as my 'somewhat' girlfriend adorably speaks with the ducklings. She giggles at their seemingly never ending appetite, and finishes off the bag for them.
"Sorry little ones, it's all out." She sadly states, and I can somehow hear the pout.
The mama duck nods her bill, as if she was able to understand Y/N, then she swims away as her ducklings follow.
"So, Dr. Doolittle, watching you feed the fowl made me hungry myself, how about you?"
"Yes, all this paddling has made me hungry... Also, they're duckies, and who is Dr. Doolittle?"
I gasp, realizing I've been so focused on the magic of Disney princesses, that I've left so many classics out.
"Oh no detka, I'm clearly failing you, we'll add it to the list of movies." I remark, then begin to tell her how to turn, and head back.
As we reach the dock, I pull her out of the kayak, and sit her on the dock. I run to the car, and grab the basket I packed for us. I lay a small blanket down between us, and begin to place the food out in front of us.
I'm no chef, but I managed to pull a decent meal together. I lay out a container of pasta salad, two tailor made sandwiches, chocolate dipped strawberries, and two individual chip bags. I look up to see Y/N staring at the display with wide eyes.
"You look surprised." I quip, staring at her with a playful smirk.
She looks down bashfully after being caught being starstruck.
"It's just, Wanda told me you usually burn water." She whispers
"That was one time." I whine, and she laughs that beautiful laugh of hers in response.
I hand her a plate, and we move to sit at the edge of the dock, with our feet hanging over the side.
"I also barely had to use any form of heating for the meal." I add, as I take a bite out of my sandwich.
Y/N practically inhales the food, reminding me once again that she's part super soldier.
"This pasta salad is amazing." She moans out, shoveling another spoonful into her mouth.
"You want more detka?"
"Pleaseeee." She cutely responds, holding her plate out as I scoop another pile onto her plate.
I sit back down beside her, slightly turning my body so I'm partially facing her. She notices my shift, and mirrors me, putting her once again, empty plate down. I reach out and grab her hand, suddenly feeling nervous at what I'm about to say. She smiles bigly at me, giving me a quick confidence boost.
"So... I have a question for you." I nervously start, losing the confidence once more.
"I'm sure I have an answer." She playfully replies, soothingly rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.
"Y/N Stark, will you be my girlfriend?" I spit out.
She giggles, and I'm not entirely sure if that's a good sign or not.
"Natty baby, you had me worried, thought you were dropping me but in a nice way. It's about damn time we move passed the 'somewhat' phase. We practically moved in together before even putting a label on this." She replies,
"You thought I went through all of this, to dump you?" I laugh out.
"Hey... I'm new to all of this, I don't have much to go off of." She pouts.
"I'm sorry, now answer my question please."
"How many times do I have to say I'm yours? Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Natty." She replies, then swiftly tackles me into a hug, overshooting and rolling us off the deck and into the lake. We come back to the surface, and Y/N's doggy paddling to stay afloat, so I pull her into me to make her feel secure.
Once we finally dry off, I pack the car up, and drive us towards the rest of our date. We spend the evening exploring the city, and I take her to the top of the Empire State Building.
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Then, we find ourselves at a fancy restaurant—Per Se—that I actually made reservations for over a month ago. We enjoyed a nine course meal—all chef's recommendations. Well, we actually laughed at the outrageously small portions and food combinations.
That night we say our goodbyes to Wanda, then fly out to CA, and settle into our hotel.
"Thank you for today, darling." Y/N whispers, as she lays down, firmly pressing her back to my front, and I protectively throw my arm over her waist.
"Of course moya lyubov', you deserve the best, I'd give you the world if I could." I sleepily mumble, then place a firm kiss to the back of her neck.
"So cheesy Natty..." She giggles, then reaches up, and interlocks her hand with mine as it drapes over her.
"Goodnight, Natty."
"Goodnight, Y/N/N."
No shade to Mickey, I’m a major Disney fan 🤪
Here’s some of my Mickey foods 😂
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@simpforflorencepugh1 @ali-lie
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Dragon age origins: Human Warrior
"I've never had this many evil choices during dialog... being human is terrible"
[Return to ostagar DLC]
"I was thinking 'why haven't I played this last time' and then I remembered this is a dlc"
"I hate that I cant log online on origins"
"Stop showing me flashbacks to the battle, I was there ish"
"I wish we could've found Duncan, and burned him too :( "
"What the fuck do you mean you 'disagree', Morrigan? Da heck is wrong with you"
"Omg the deserter prisoner is still in his cage"
[DLC done]
"Why was there just a drake wandering out here?"
"Oh my god, stopped again? Ugh"
"Yeeesss bleed out"
"Does all these spider webs remind me of the hobbit or Harry Potter? Both? Both."
"Killed the werewolves, got a random thing for a dalish woman put hunting for random werewolves... alright then"
"I want to tattoo the Grand Oak on me, with the stupid rhyming tree joke"
"I love him so much, ugh"
"I read a letter to the king from Arl Eamon, and he said that Anora was like 30 and getting too old for having kids, and that he should find a new wife to have kids with like- yooo wtf"
"Having Shale and Sten in the same party is so weird"
"dWARVEN CRAFT- buy dwARVEN CRAFT- direct from Orzammar... you wont find better"
"Meeting Alistair's sister, let's goo"
"Save first, always save first"
"Fun fact, his mom is actually an elf, was a warden, got cured, and then we meet her in Inquisition"
"Oh wow, the options are so good:
1. Oh? Thanks a lot.
2. Pull yourself together, will you?
3. That's very sweet.
4 I feel the same way
Like??? What's up with these replies??? Being human SUCKS"
"Nr 4"
"I'm such a catch- AAA HE LOVES ME SO MUCH, IM DYING"
"-but you're gonna be king :( - she says, as if that's not the end goal"
"Saving saving saving, and then talk to him again"
"I've played 34 hours, damn"
"I named my human warrior for Anna, cuz it sounds like a royal name"
"Okay, okay, I'm calming downnnnnnnnnnn... okay phew ok, so, I was like '??excuse I am just a friend' but then the fucker dropped 'and I... love you' BITCH, SIR, MY HEARRRTTT"
"Kissing him<3"
"I'm not saying I don't love Zevran, but like 🥺"
"Saving saving, in case I say something bad"
Anna: Where do u see this going between us?
Alistair: Idk, but maybe if I'm king? Maybe we have to stop :( but I dont wanna think about it
Anna: I'll never let u go, bitch
Alistair: I sure fucking hope not
"More or less what happened"
"Let's go to bed, bby"
"Sten gets all of Cailan's armour"
Anna: its either YOU or ME, and it isnt gonna be me!
*whenever we approach danger*
Anna: my warden senses are tingling
"Being human is so weird"
"Remember to pickpocket your targets before killing them, that's how you get coin"
"Omg, I stabbed him in the throat, it went through, whoa"
"I asked Sten to knock someone out and he started to evil laugh, wtff"
Anna, fighting a thug: is it just me, or do you really think you have a chance?
"Damn, who is she"
"I accept all jobs, I dont care who or what I do, give me money"
"Wait, I'm of high ups blood, I should behave..... moneiiii"
"I just threatened the dude who stole Sten's sword, basically just 'break his bones' like damn"
"Doing the mage quest last"
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aishiteruuu · 3 years
ஐ Him getting jealous over you.
Warnings — Cursing, Jealously, Slight blood warning. Yelling. Mentions of "Plebian" and degrading. Implied Naegami. Insecure Kazuichi. Leon, he basically is his own warning. Slight NSFW. Fluff. Mentions of breaking up. Using of alcohol. Female reader.
WC — 1.5k!
Song rec: Look at my boyfriend - Katrina Stuart ♪ & A-Wall - Loverboy ♪
All characters are of age. Don't nuke my state.
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ஐ Characters ; Kazuichi Souda, Leon Kawada, Rantaro Amami.
— Leon ;
Today was your 5th anniversary! You and Leon were out on a boardwalk date! It was such fun. Leon had won you your 5th Duckie plush in a row. Leon was really competitive against anyone who tried to win your heart. Even himself.
"Hey-heyyy! Babyyy! Wanna see me toss this ball all the way to.. that stadium?" He asked, snaking an arm around your waist. You noticed he kept eyeing a duo of boys behind you. "Or maybe we can fly other ways?~"
"Sure! Just.. try and be careful though, ok?" You warned him with a nervous smile, watching him sprint. "You got it, baby!"
~ Leon snickered, winking at the boys behind you. He thought that little stunt would be enough. Wrong.
"Heyyy~ Whatcha doing here alone now? Your boy leave you for dead or sum? That's bad manners. Wanna come with us?" One of the boys asked, putting his elbow on your shoulder. "No thanks. I'm waiting for someone to come back."
"C'mon little lady, We can show you how real gentlemen are.. If you come wit-"
~ You sighed. Seeing a baseball hit one of the boys square in his nose.
"Shit! What the hell?-" The boy panicked, helping his friend up. "Who the hell threw it?!"
"Hm? Whaddya gonna do about it, bitchy-boy?" Leon asked, appearing on the side of him. "I put hands on you, when you put hands on my girl." Leon added, punching the boy's cheek.
You grabbed Leon's arm, and pulled him back. "Leon! You're going to get us arrested!"
"Wow. Can you not? You just got that low leveled Maggot's blood on my Italian leathered shoes." Togami scoffed. "I ought to have all four of you arrested. Especially you, red-head. Your horrible throwing skills hit Naegi."
Naegi sighed. "It was only a graze! I told him it was fine, but he insisted on walking all the way here to-" Togami plucked Naegi's forehead, and shushed him. "Let's not say too much, Makoto."
"..Right. And why should I care? Not like you can put a price on that face anyway." Leon asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"You're one to talk. You have all those holes in your face, I don't know which one Y/n kisses."
"You don't wanna go there, Trust fund." Leon growled, clenching his ringed fist.
"Oh? I'm sure she'd be much obliged to be occupying her time with someone much more.. Presentable, you high-key plebian." Togami shot back, wiping his glasses. "Hasn't anyone told you? Say it. Thy should not spray it." Togami said, taking off his glasses.
"Togami! Let's go! This isn't even our argument. I'll.. drag you if I have too." Naegi said, pulling the boy. "Yeah! Leon, don't engage in this!" You said, holding Leon tighter.
"Fine. Whatever.. I'll sue you later, lizard-breath." Togami said, shifting to hold Naegi's hand.
"..Wow. That was." You sighed, "You're a handful, babe."
"Heh. Be glad you got two hands, baby. Now.. How about you use them for something even more fun?~"
— Kazuichi ;
"Babe?! How are you beating me?!"" Kazuichi asked, swerving in his virtual car. You giggled, teasing him a bit more. "I thought the ultimate mechanic was good with cars?"
"I-I am!! You're just.. Having a fluke streak!!" He smiled back, giving you a playful shove. "I'm gonna beat you!" He slightly shouted, attracting attention.
A boy walked over, putting his quarter against the screen. "Me next. Against the winner." Eventually, Kazuichi scooted to make room for the boy. After 2 minutes, Kazuichi was starting to get anxious after the boys compliments.
"Oh? I didn't know girls could be this good!"
"How about you visit my place so we can play some other games?"
"Heh.. You beat me again and I think I might fall for you~"
~ Kazuichi clenched his fist, but didn't speak up. You noticed. The poor boy can't defend himself quite good yet. So you did it for him.
You paused. "Whoops.. I died! I guess I can't play anymore." You said, walking away. "Hey. Wait. You still have lives left-"
"I said I'm done playing. How about you play with the little kid who's been waiting for a turn?" You added, holding kazuichi's hand. "Let's ditch, babe."
"W-What was that back there..? I c-could've handled it..!" Kazuichi started, holding your hand tighter. "I know. But I did it for you. Now we can play at home!"
"You didn't like the arcade date? The employee, Kenma gave us free snacks- But if it was bad, I'll do better!" Kazuichi shouted, kissing your cheek. "I-I'll show you! We'll even play some better games at home!"
"Hm..? Better games you say?"
— Rantaro ;
"Woah.. Angel, I- You're dressed nice.." Rantaro said, taking your hand. Motorcycle rides with Rantaro were always nice. Sometimes he even let you drive, but today, he was treating you. Anywhere you wanted to go, you were there. "Angel, are you comfortable?"
You hugged his back, and kissed the back of his neck. "Only when I'm with you." Rantaro blushed at the statement, and winked at you.
"We're here, lovely." Rantaro said, helping you off the motorcycle. "Do you wanna wear my skates, or should I find you a pair?" You told him whatever was fine, wrapping your arms around his neck. Rantaro wrapped his arms around his waist, and connected your lips. You both stayed liked this for a good minute or so, before someone cleared their throat, and said..
"I love seeing young love, but.. Kids, there are children around!" The person said, pushing you along. "At least do it inside!"
Rantaro smiled, and gave you another wink. God you loved eachother so much. "Ok lovely, I'll go try and find you a pair of skates. Wait around here for me?"
You nodded, telling him to take his time.
~ Stay his forever.
There was feedback, and then a voice from a speaker.
"Welcome one, welcome all! To the greatest couple's skate of them all! Please find your other half, and get to the skate floor!"
that's when a hand tapped your shoulder. "Oh! Amai-" No. It wasn't.
"Who's that sugarlips? C'mere, we're gonna miss the dance." The boy said, trying to pull you to the floor. He sipped his Styrofoam, and tried to pull you by his side.
"Sorry. I'm not who you're looking for, sir." You told him, pulling away. The boy gripped tighter, and pulled you. Then he slurred, and you fell on top of him.
"Ew.." You said, picking yourself up. When you stood up, you were met with a dough-eyed Rantaro. "Amai!! There you are!"
He was a little quiet before saying.. "I know you might have a connection with him, but, please. Don't break up with me just yet." He said, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
"Amai. I'd never break up with you. I promise I'd never leave you, My little adventurer." You said, kissing his cheek. "Now let's go skate, yeah?"
Tags: @madamevalkyriee <3
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sirenascales · 3 years
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-> Chuuya with a Black F!Reader who's a bit insecure because of her skin.
@furrypostsoul said: Hello admin, I hope you’re having a good day! So stoked to see a fellow bisexual bsd fan! I would politely like to request a chuuya Drabble with a black fem bisexual reader where she thought that chuuya wouldnt be interested in her romantically cause of y’know, her skin. If you could also add in scenarios where she was racially harassed in public (pls dont write this is ur not comfortable, I understand if you don’t! it’s something I want people to be aware about)
note: ahhh thank you so much for your request! i immediately had an idea as soon as I saw it and I believe I came up with a good one, especially after asking some of my pals for advice on how to tackle it! Hope you like it!
warnings: colorism, mentions of racial fetishization, microaggresion, and racism [not from Chuuya] insecure reader, angst to fluff i promise,
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"I still don't understand why it takes so long to do your hair... aren't you just getting braids?" The confused look on Chuuya's face was honestly super cute and hilarious and you couldn't help but laugh behind your hand.
"That's just the way it is, man. That's why I said we can go out on Saturday. I can't on Friday since I'll be strapped to the chair."
"Man, whatever," Chuuya huffed and you rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Don't whatever me. Just suck it up!"
You shook your head, the hustle and bustle of the shopping district around you fading as you looked to your companion. Red hair, blue eyes, fancy clothes and a dumb hat; Chuuya was honestly too handsome, too damn fine. The scowl on his face was cute and you resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks. You knew he would literally kill you for that, and you valued your life.
You and Chuuya were in that talking stage and finally decided to go out on your first official date on Saturday. Besides his... occupation, you found yourself very much liking the man. Not just for his looks, but his fiery personality made him interesting, the way he carried himself. He was great and you were so into him.
You hoped he felt the same way. He had to, he agreed to the date in the first place! And how could he not? You were a sight, rich brown skin and he sorta, kinda, absolutely loved the cute afro puffs you had on your head. You were beautiful, a bright spirit with a bit of an edge that Chuuya definitely liked.
After talking some more, Chuuya had to go off to do his own thing, and after sharing a very tight hug, you waved him farewell, promising to see him on Saturday for your first date.
You couldn't help the huge, happy grin on your face, giddy as you made your way over to a nearby bench, sitting next to an older woman. You paid her no mind, grabbing your phone to text your friend as you giggled to yourself.
"Was that your boyfriend?" the woman suddenly inquired and you blinked at her in surprise. Then, your face started to heat up and you laughed lightly.
"Well, not yet. We're just dating."
"Ah..." the woman trailed off and you didn't like the tone of her voice. Suddenly feeling awkward, you turned back to your phone.
"I don't mean to be rude," the woman started and you couldn't help the sense of dread you felt. Here we go again. "But you should be careful, dear. You're a beautiful woman but... Japanese men don't really like dark skin. Not unless they are with you for... ulterior motives."
Even if you were already expecting some foolishness, the woman's words still stunned you, striking you to your core as you gave her a look that exceeded shock. You were appalled, your chest tightening in anger and hurt. You took in a slow deep breath, your fists clenching tightly. Your body had gone numb, and you tried your best to keep it cool. You couldn't make a scene.
"Wow," you laughed softly, shaking your head as you stood up. You didn't pay that stupid bitch any mind, storming away, your anger just boiling.
Not only did that woman ruin your entire day, she honestly ruined your entire week. The anger had soon subsided and you were left with the insecurities you tried to push down, especially when it came to Chuuya. Your mind ran at one hundred miles per hour, overthinking as the cruel words lingered in your mind.
Was Chuuya another one? Like your last relationship, were you just a sexual conquest for someone just wanting to try having sex with a Black girl? That was what your ex-girlfriend did to you, so was this just the same? Did he even like you?
No. Chuuya wouldn't do that.
Even so, you canceled your date with him as you sat in the stylist's chair on Friday, eyes burning with tears. You didn't want to experience that again, so you figured you give it all up before you get hurt again. Or even worse.
After spending day getting your hair done, you gotten a quick bite to eat before heading home, feeling completely dejected. Your hair looked amazing, long box braids swaying as you trudged along. But Chuuya didn't answer your text at all, and that honestly made you feel even more like shit. Did he not care at all?
You sighed deeply, coming up on your apartment, stopping when you saw a very familiar red motorcycle parked along the sidewalk. Your heart skipped a beat when you spotted Chuuya leaning against his bike, and when he finally noticed you, your heart dropped when he yelled your name.
"Oi!" he hollered, stomping over to you angrily. "What the hell do you mean our date is canceled?!"
"I-" you were at a loss for words. "Why are you here?"
"I was waiting for you! I didn't know where you were getting your hair done so I just stood here."
"Th-the whole day?! Chuuya!"
"I mean, I went and got food and stuff but-"
"That's not the point!" you interrupted. "Why would you even bother?"
Chuuya scoffed. "Are you serious? You suddenly cancel our date and you expect me not to worry about you?" As he finished talking, Chuuya is shocked to find tears pooling in your eyes, your lips trembling as you hung your head. "H-hey, what the hell happened?"
"You don't just want to fuck me, right?"
Now Chuuya was at a loss for words, his jaw hanging open as he registered your ridiculous words. You spoke again, telling him about the things that woman said to you earlier that week, as well as the horrible experience you had with your ex-girlfriend.
"... I tried not to think too much about it but... I'm used to comments about my skin and race, I mean, hello! I'm Black, but... " you trailed off, lifting your hands up to wipe your tears away. Chuuya beat you to it, and you stared at him with teary eyes as he gently wiped your tears away.
"I'm not your ex-girlfriend." Chuuya was firm as he spoke. "And that old hag needs to mind her own fucking business. I fucking like you. Not because of some weird sexual thing, I actually fucking like you. The whole you. You're beautiful and smart, you keep me on my toes. And yes, your skin and hair are amazing, I love them, but those are only parts of you that I find amazing. I'm not giving you my love and attention because I want something from you, I'm giving it because you deserve it. And I want to be the one who gives it to you."
You didn't know what to say, what to do. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, your mouth going dry. Still, after a moment you just end up punching Chuuya lightly on his chest, choking out a laugh while you cried.
"Shut up... all that sappy shit..."
Chuuya scoffed, lowkey offended. "Excuse me? I basically just confessed to you."
"Yeah..." you sniffed, looking and giving the man a watery smile. "You did. I..." Lips trembling again, you took a step forward and Chuuya wasted no time in pulling you in for a hug.
"And you better accept me or else I will kick your ass," Chuuya said, pressing his face against your hair. "You smell nice..."
"And you're perfect. Worth more than an experimental fuck and the words of some old bitch." There was a bite to Chuuya's words, and that made you feel so much better.
"I'm sorry for doubting you..." you whispered and Chuuya shook his head, pulling away from the hug.
"Don't be. I understand, I promise."
You smiled widely, face getting hot as he gently cupped your cheek. "Are you sure?"
Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Fine, you can make it up to me by un-cancelling our date. Let me show you off."
You giggled softly, hugging him again. "Okay. That's fair."
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Send in your requests!
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the only (only!) time i genuinely liked brambleclaw was when he was an apprentice but even then i didn’t really like him because of the whole “save yellowfang vs bramblekit” thing
YES bramblebitch was only ever good as bramblekit and bramblepaw and for some reason he was kind of sweet in like firestar's quest and during the "then" parts of graystripe's vow, so when he was like a fresh brand new warrior
and even then the only reason why he was good is because he was just like
generic with a couple of cute/sweet scenes, like imo brambleclaw has NEVER been a good character he was either 2-dimensional or an absolute whiny bitch or a borderline (not even borderline sometimes) predatory abuser that the authors want us so desperately to see as the GOOD GUY for some reason? it's awful
the fact that in spotfur's rebellion, spotfur and stemleaf basically asked bramblestar to make it a rule to not give a cat a punishment that could potentially put them in danger and bramblestar was like "hm yeah you're probably right, maybe we shouldn't almost kill our children for some plants" is like the BEST thing he's done as leader and is the example they made to show the difference between actual bramblestar and imposter bramblestar is like, awful tbh "bramblestar would never do this, he listened to us like 3 months ago about our worries about apprentices being in danger even though we're worthless scum to him because we're young and inexperienced warriors" like wow the bar is underground
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ssamie · 3 years
eleven. “get your girl!”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide
masterlist.     suicide freak!
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"was our sleepover fun, kenma-kun?" she chirped
"no. your place had suicidal traps and schemes littered all around" kenma sighed
she laughed at him as he continued to put on his shoes. kenma was forced to stay with her last night as per her request. and, of course, true to her word, they had loads of fun.
"it wasn't that bad" she pouted playfully
"there was a toaster in your bathtub, so i couldn't take a proper bath. and the only 'food' you have is a bottle of muriatic acid and candy" kenma deadpanned
"hey, i offered to feed you a full course meal!" she defended
"y-your body does not count!" kenma argued back. a faint pink hue was sploched on his cheeks as he refused to look at her.
"well whatever, let's go meet the others before we head out" she said. as the pair made their way to the agency's office, atsushi was already there along with kunikida. kenji was sleeping while ranpo was just munching on his snacks, like usual.
"good morning!" she chirped out in a la-di-da tone
"good morning, y/n-san" atsushi greeted back with a warm smile
"goomorwing" ranpo mumbled back, though it was muffled by the snacks in his mouth
"hehe, kunikida-kun~" she cooed out "were gonna head out now, kunikida-kun! we're borrowing your wallet for some pancakes on the way~"
kunikida clicked his tounge and stood up from his chair. he stomped over to her and snatched the wallet that somehow made its way into her hands. "no way in hell, you bandage-squandering-machine!" kunikida exclaimed
kenma simply stretched his arm out for her to fall onto as she dramatically screamed and stumbled back  "agh!" she exclaimed as she recoiled into an unamused kenma's chest
"n-nice nickname there, kunikida-kun" she let out a strained laugh "that stung... just a little"
"tch, if you got so much time wandering around then you might as well write a report about your capture by the port mafia" kunikida said
she chuckled lowly and spun around, only to be found sporting a serious and aloof expression "atsushi-kun." she called out
"yes?" atsushi perked up, his dual-toned eyes sparkling with determination
"write the report for me." she commanded in a serious tone
"hah?" atsushi huffed out
"well then, kenma-kun and i will be going! bye-bye~" she cooed as she waved them goodbye. kenma waved at them as they stepped out of the agency's office.
"oi! you better be back here after school, brat!" kunikida shouted. though his words were faint since they were already running off.
"well then, ready for school kenma?" she cooed
"no, i just wanna relax" kenma grumbled
"wasn't last night enough relaxation, pudding?" she mused with a sly smirk
"no, it wasn't" kenma shuddered "i told you i wasn't down to have ˢᵉˣ and yet-"
"oh, look at that! isn't that chuuya~" she cut him off with a playful grin "it seems he's not alone, akutagawa-kun is looking real tall compared to him" she hummed
by now kenma was just confused, frustrated and lowkey scared. "literally what?" he muttered "akutagawa..?" kenma muttered. "wait- isn't that the port mafia guy in the news?!" he whisper shouted
"he's still coughing up his lung like its no one's business" she chuckled as she waved her hand around "that boy really needs to invest in an inhaler or something.. or maybe some water will do.." she muttered to herself
kenma chose to ignore her as he simply tugged her arm and ran away towards the station. they scurried away all while trying not to be seen by the two men. "are you crazy?! weren't those the guys that took you?" kenma whisper shouted
"i remember you mentioning an akutagawa last night" he sighed "and not to mention that chuuya guy was there too."
"they're harmless" she reassured with a smile
"they're in the port mafia." kenma deadpanned "actually, can we please discuss the fact that you're affiliated with the mafia-"
"no." she said with a smile
"anyways, we should go.. nekomata-san said something about cleaning out the gym lockers"
kenma gaped at her as she started walking further, leaving him behind. all while sporting that goofy grin, acting as if she didn't just come across two mafiosos.
"fine, whatever.."
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"what happened to you yesterday , y/n-senpai?" lev asked with a small smile
"oh nothing, lev" she chuckled dismissively "i just had a psychic tell me that if i jumped into the river near the village, my death would be guaranteed." she hummed out with a nod “so i decided to try it out" she grinned
"woah!! so did it work?" lev asked back
"lev you fucking idiot" yaku sighed
kuroo watched them and laughed along, leaving lev to fend for himself as yaku kicked his back. kuroo nudged kenma with his elbow, smirking suggestively as he wiggles his brows
"what kuroo." kenma sighed "soo.. how'd it go with your lady? hm?" kuroo grinned teasingly
kenma flushed a bright pink and buried his face into the collars of his jacket, so only his eyes could be seen. "i-it was.. yeah-" he stammered
"oya oya~ what's this supposed to mean?" kuroo sneered
"it means kenma here is a real treat in be-" she was cut off as kenma slapped her with the mop "no!" kenma shrieked flusteredly "were going away now!" was the only thing he said before dragging the girl into the lockerooms
"WHAT THE HELLSNKAKAJA" the team laughed and hollered as kuroo burst out into his hyena cackle
"wow kenma! you could've killed me with that mop" she laughed "do it again!"
"stop teasing him guys, he'll get mad" kai sweatdropped as he tried to ease the team down
"yeah...so how's it feel to be one-upped by your best friend, mr.chemistry nerd?" yaku sneered as he held in his laughs
kuroo immediately stopped laughing as he sent yaku an unamused glare "HAH?! SHUT UP YOU GENETIC ANOMALY!" kuroo yelled at him
completely ignoring their loud voices, kenma and y/n arrived in the lockeroom and proceeded with the cleaning "i can't believe that just happened" kenma shook his head disappointingly
she chuckled and patted his back as they started cleaning out the lockers. "aww, don't be so down kenma-kun" she cooed
"i'll help you clean the lockers if that makes you feel better" she said as she hugged him from behind
"stop hugging me" kenma hissed at her "and that doesn't make me feel better because it's your job in the first place"
"anyways, look at lev's locker!" she said with an innocent whistle as she opened the locker.
"oya oya" she mumbled "lev is truly adorable.. but kind of.. strange, per say"
"what is it?" kenma asked. she snickered and pulled out an ungodly amount of cat food packed in tupperwares.
"what the hell." kenma sweat dropped "does he eat that or something?" kenma muttered while scrunching up his face
"i'd hope not, but let's leave this here" she chuckled "any ways.. how about checking out my locker?" she suggested with a smile as she skipped over to the locker in the furthest row
"aren't you curious to see what's in my locker, kenma-kun?" she cooed tauntingly
kenma sighed but followed her anyways "sure. part of me is, part of me isn't" he said
"here we go.." she paused dramatically as she pulled on the handle "tada!" she exclaimed as she slammed it open, presenting him a noose tied to a piece of wood which was stuck at the top.
"what the hell?!" kenma shrieked
"its a y/n-style suicide corner locker!" she announced excitedly
"i thought so, but that's creepy!" kenma exclaimed "not even the lockers are suicide-free"
"why?" kenma grumbled
"well you see, it's actually very convenient" she said "tip it over once you're done, and it instantly turns into a coffin!" she giggled menicingly
kenma sighed as he eyed her locker and her awfully enthusiastic grin. "please don't try to sell it to me like some time-saving product" he said
she then huffed out a breath of air and slyly smirked as she pushed the locker close "geez, im getting bored.. aren't you, kenma?" she said with an exaggerated sigh
"you show off your locker and now you're content?!" kenma scoffed in disbelief
she grinned mischievously and skipped away "why don't we ditch this place and go have some ramen?" she proposed
"we just got here like two hours ago" kenma said "and im pretty sure nekomata-san won't let us go just like that"
"aw, cmon! come with me, kenma-kun~ i wanna eat with you~" she whined out
"fine, fine" kenma groaned "just cover for me if i end up getting scolded"
"of course!" she beamed at him. she then threw away the unused cleaning supplies, confidently striding out the door, leaving the locker room as dirty as it was before
"oya oya~ did you have fun in there?" kuroo asked teasingly
"yup!" she replied "in fact, we had so much fun that we decided to expand our dopamine-inducing activities all the way into the ramen shop downtown!"
the team sweat dropped as she started shamelessly marching off to the gym's exit, dragging along kenma, who now had his nose buried in his game
"wait, y/n-san" nekomata stopped her. she froze mid step and slowly turned back around, sending the coach a nervous smile "yes?" she asked
"before you go, we need to discuss a few things for future tournaments" nekomata said "were gonna need some new tactics, so maybe you can suggest something?" he said
"hmm, i'll do some research later on" she hummed out
"but we're gonna be playing against fukurodani and nohebi then right?" shibayama chimed in "oooh~ i've never heard of this 'nohebi' you speak of" she cooed out in amusement
"i would've guessed" kuroo said "daisho's face would be enough to kill you, it's crazy!" he chuckled
y/n's eyes glimmered as she shook kenma's shoulders excitedly "seriously?!"
"no, and that was supposed to be a bad thing" kuroo chuckled, a fond smile resting on his lips as he watched her deflate at his words
"oh, i've got it!" she piped up "i know what we should do!" she smirked up at the team, her eyes basically sparkling as she looked at them as if she held all the answers in the world.
"let's just give up and die" she exclaimed
nekoma looked at her with blank smiles, nodding along as her confident smile never leaves her lips "let's not do that" nekomata butted in "instead, we need to practice more"
"so kenma, y/n.. since you two are going out anyways, go ahead and buy the team some snacks when you return"
while nodding enthusiastically, she practically bolted out of the gym, dragging kenma along by his collar like a cat
"y/n, let go of me" kenma grumbled as he struggled to play his game
she simply ignored him and took one of his hands anyway. she intertwined their fingers while she swings their arms back and forth
"i lost" kenma sighed in defeat as he pocketed his phone he looked down at their hands and smiled, letting her swing their arms around like a child while she sings some strange 'suicide song'
"are you sure you're supposed to be wandering around after what happened to you?" kenma asked "i mean, i didn't believe you at first about the mafia thing, but obviously you weren't lying.."
she chuckled and shook her head "oh please" she sneered "what do you expect is gonna happen? you really think they'd approach me in broad daylight-"
she cut herself off as she saw chuuya and akutagawa walking towards their direction
"nevermind. they are indeed approaching me in broad daylight"
kenma didn't react much, but his hand squeezed hers tighter and he ducked his head down in a way of hiding himself. y/n glanced worriedly at him before meeting eyes with chuuya
"kenma, is running from mafiosos perhaps listed in your bucket list?" she asked playfully
"no.. why-"
"well then cross that shit off because we're gonna need to run"
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"i wanna go back" kenma panted out "all this running isn't good for my teenager body" he whined
"we ran like three blocks, kenma" she laughed softly
"thats too much" he pouted
they finally arrived at their initial destination, the ramen shop which they planned to eat at. "im so tired" kenma muttered as he rested his head on the table. while, across from him, y/n was sat, playing with the ends of his faux blond hair while she waits for their food to arrive
"ma'am, sir, here's your food!" the waitress announced as she stands before them, holding a tray of two ramens
"thank you, belladonna~" y/n cooed at her, making the girl giggle
"damn. didn't know girls like her were your type" kenma commented as he loudly slurps at his noodles. he narrowed his eyes at her, grumbling to himself while y/n unbotherdly eats her food
"well, i like all women kenma-kun" she said "but she, especially, looked like someone to agree on a double suicide"
"what about men." he asked
"it depends" she shrugged "for example, you would probably never say yes to a double suicide proposal.."
"but i bear with it because you're cute <3"
"oh okay."
a wave of comfortable silence washed over them as they continued eating, with y/n blurting out jokes here and then
"kenma-kun.." she suddenly piped up, her tone was guarded, almost as if she was on edge "yes..?" kenma answered back hesitantly
"it seems there's something inevitable in my agenda" she sighed
"huh? what is it?" kenma asked worriedly
she then stood up and smiled sheepishly at him "i gotta go to the bathroom!" she exclaimed. kenma deadpanned, though he sighed in relief as he watched her make her way to the comfort room
just as he was about to pull out his phone, somebody had cleared their throat. well, it was more like coughing for half a minute straight, but let's not get into that.
"so it's you." akutagawa muttered in a low tone
"um.. can i help you.." kenma muttered back nervously
he gulped as he fiddled with his twitching hands. it was no mistaking that the man dressed in all black was akutagawa himself. he's made quite a name for himself after appearing in quite a few news articles and headlines.
"i don't get what y/n-san sees in you" akutagawa scoffed
kenma furrowed his brows but didn't say anything back. his glare alone was enough to leave him shaking in displeasure and anxiety. kenma could feel akutagawa's hatred, anger, and jealousy practically eating at him.
"tch. first that wretched tiger, and now you. as far as my respect goes for her, this is just sad." akutagawa said with a scowl "her standards in subordinates and companions have gone down the drain." akutagawa sighed
kenma took in a breath of air and opened his mouth to speak. "um.. are you-"
"dont speak to me, you pest" akutagawa snarled at him "your existence is not only a disgrace to society, but your presence around me is displeasing and disgusts me to the core."
kenma didn't speak after that. why would he? this actual criminal just called him a pest and a disgrace, after all.
in all honesty, all kenma could think about was:
'what is with that vocabulary?'
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"oh my, couldn't you tell this was the ladies bathroom?" she chuckled as she made eye contact with chuuya through the mirror "or were you too short to see the sign?" she teased
chuuya scoffed and locked the bathroom doors, making sure no one was inside and that no one could enter.
"what do you want, chuuya?" she asked, her bubbly smile dropping as she leaned back against the sink
"isn't it obvious?" chuuya replied
"no not really" she shrugged, laughing under her breath as she eyes him suggestively "is it because you wanna make out? go for a quickie? or-"
"SHUT UP! as if i'd wanna do that with you!" chuuya yelled at her
"oh please, you act as if i'd want to as well" she scoffed "the only thing i actually like about you is maybe your taste in shoes" she hummed
chuuya blinked dumbfoundedly at her words, as he looked down to inspect his shoes. "you think?" he muttered quietly
"just kidding, ofcourse" she sneered
"you-!" chuuya yelled in aggravation as he went in to kick her head, but sadly missed as she ducked down
"give it up" she sighed "just tell me what you want and let's leave each other be" she said
chuuya clicked his tongue and pulled out a back envelope sealed with wax. "boss wants to give you this." he said, handing her the envelope "said something about claiming back your place as executive"
she smiled in amusement as she inspected the paper. "is that so.." she trailed off. she turned around to turn the tap on, letting the water run as she placed the envelope under it, letting it soak and slowly break away.
"well, tell mori-san that i appreciate the welcoming invitation, but i'd have to say no" she said
chuuya's eye twitched at her answer, feeling himself feel dissatisfied and angered. "tch, what the hell, asshole?" chuuya exclaimed as he grabbed her by the collar of her nekoma uniform
"oya? is something wrong, chuuya?" she asked calmly
"why won't you come back?! you're gonna waste your damn life rotting away in that agency!" he exclaimed with gritted teeth "you'll have everything back in the mafia! why won't you come back!"
"we can be partners again!"
she didn't answer, but simply stood still, letting him crumple her shirt in his balled fists as he let out ragged breaths. the sound of the still running water filled the air.
she sighed and pried his hands off of her, turning around to turn off the faucet before facing him once again. "i joined the agency in accordance to a dear friend's advice." she said "i was told i'd find a my reason to keep living, and more so the path to clear my mind of evil and good."
"being with you again would most definitely be wonderful"
chuuya looked up at her, his throat drying up as he watched her take off a small golden star pin from her school tie. he didn't stop her as she started placing it on his coat. nor did he stop her when she placed a small kiss on the back of his hand.
"but maybe in another life, we could be partners once more" she chuckled
"that pin suits you" she said "it matches with your hair. keep it on, alright?"
it was all she said before walking off, opening the door and closing it behind her, leaving him alone with the faint sounds of dripping water. chuuya looked in the mirror, fiddling with the pin with his hands.
"tch. another life, my ass" he scowled, wiping off the tears that brimmed his eyes
"why the hell do i have to wait that long?"
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as she stepped out of the comfort room, she walked back to the table she and kenma were sitting at, only to find him literally itching to run off. as kenma made eye contact with her, he immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door
"woah woah! calm your horses, pudding" she chuckled "what's wrong?"
"what's wrong is the fact that akutagawa came up to me and literally started degrading and insulting me???" he exclaimed
"what?" she asked with furrowed brows
"he was badmouthing me with really deep words and insults! like, i didn't even know what some of the words meant.." kenma grumbled "im so glad he left after like five minutes"
"also, what took you so long?" kenma asked her "i got caught up in a conversation with an old friend, that's all" she answered nonchalantly
"right.." kenma nodded, though he wasn't convinced. he took notice of her crinkled shirt and collar, as well as the lone pin that she always wears, which was now missing.
"y/n? can we just go back please?" kenma pleaded
"of course, kenma" she said with a smile "im sorry you had to deal with akutagawa-kun"
"its fine.. i just wanna go back" he said in a dismissive tone
the walk back to nekoma was quiet. they had stopped by a nearby gas station for some snacks to give to the boys, but other than that, no one really talked.
"im gonna ask kuroo something" kenma said before he walked off
she simply nodded with a raised brow as she watched the pudding head march up to his best friend
"y/n-senpai!" inouka called for her. shaking her head, she disregarded kenma and rushed over to the first years.
"kuroo, i need advice." kenma blurted out "oya oya? what kind of advice?" kuroo asked back
"the y/n kind" kenma groaned
"we went out to eat but at some point she went to the bathroom.." kenma started
"i asked her why she took so long, and she told me she talked to a friend. but im pretty sure it's that chuuya person"
kuroo crossed his arms as he looked at his friend questioningly "what makes you say that?" he asked
"we ran into him for a quick moment, then i saw the guy with him at the ramen shop" kenma answered vaguely
"well.. i dunno much about what happened but.." kuroo trailed off "i think theres really only one thing you could do" the bedhead captain said
"and that is?"
"confess your feelings, duh!" kuroo whisper shouted
"i-i don't have feelings for her!" kenma whisper shouted back
"you did not just say that, oh my fucking god" kuroo groaned out in aggravation "you're literally asking me for love advice because you got jealous over an old acquaintance of hers" kuroo deadpanned
"i never said i was jealous.." kenma muttered sheepishly "you don't need to say it, i could already tell" kuroo laughed at him "but seriously, kenma.." kuroo mused, a huge grin creeping up onto his lips as he slapped his hand on kenma's back
"go get your girl!"
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wirecree · 4 years
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[MC], What's Your Type of Guy!? - Mammon
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**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**
|| Mammon: Oi! (Y/n)! What kind of guys are you into!?
... Huh?
|| Leviathan: ROLF!!! 
|| Satan: Mammon, you seriously have no tact at all.
|| Mammon: SHUT UP! Who needs tact when I'm just asking a question!?
|| Belphegor: You need tact when it comes to everything.
|| Mammon: Hey, RUDE!
Is nobody seriously going to explain what's happening right now to me?
|| Beelzebub: Asmo started this.
Asmo, explain, please?
|| Asmodeus: It's nothing that bad, (Y/n). I was just telling Mammon that you wouldn't find someone as idiotic as him attractive since there are so many better options out there--like me~!
... Seriously?
|| Lucifer: Yes, seriously? Is this really such a matter that needs to be discussed?
|| Satan: You know how Mammon gets when anything involves (Y/n).
|| Lucifer: Sadly.
|| Mammon: You know I'm right here reading all this! Ugh--whatever! Ignore them and just answer the question, (Y/n)! You definitely find someone like The Great Mammon to be worth dating, right?!
|| Belphegor: Dating? I thought this was all about who she found attractive.
|| Mammon: Again, all of you, SHUT UP!!!
|| Satan: Hm... I can admit, I'm a bit curious as well. Is there any certain type of guys that draw out your attention?
|| Leviathan: Well, since (Y/n) is such a normie, she must be into some basic nice guys.
|| Lucifer: So, to put this simply so this whole thing can be over and done with, none of us?
|| Beelzebub: (Y/n), it's your turn for food today, right? Can we have a whole platter of pizza?
|| Asmodeus: Just like Beel to not be interested in any of this.
|| Mammon: Forget about food! There's no way you have such a boring taste in guys, right (Y/n)? 
|| Mammon: But uh, if you are, I mean, we're not the WORSE option out there, yeah?
|| Belphegor: And what he means by "we're," he means him.
|| Mammon: Shouldn't you be sleeping or something!?
I absolutely "love" how you guys can have this whole conversation without me saying much of anything. Like seriously, adore you guys. 
|| Asmodeus: Aww, I adore you too~!
Yeah, should've known sarcasm wasn't going to work there. But seriously, I have a better question to ask.
|| Satan: Really?
|| Lucifer: If it stops this idiotic topic, please, ask away.
Okay, Mammon--why are you asking me this over the phone when you're right here in my room next to me? Like, you came in here five minutes ago. You could've just asked in person? 
|| Leviathan: LMAO!
|| Asmodeus: Wow, you seriously reach a new type of pathetic everyday. How come I have to have such a huge idiot as an older brother? 
|| Satan: He probably got too embarrassed and chickened out by coming onto here. Again, you have no tact at all.
 **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**
Well, it wasn't like Satan was wrong. Glancing up from your phone you look over to the second oldest demon brother who was sitting on the floor right beside your bed. He wasn't looking at you, but you knew he was blushing since the tips of his ears turned red. You were wondering why Mammon was strangely silent when he came into your room, and thanks to the group chat you now knew exactly why.
"So, you want to know my type in guys, right?" You ask, with a little smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. You can't help it--Mammon had either the most hilarious or adorable reactions to your teasing. The moment the male heard your voice he turned his head to the side indignantly, tossing his D.D.D. to the side before crossing his arms. You were sure if you were to lean over to take a glance at his face he was probably sporting a rather adorable childish pout right about now.
"D-Don't sound so conceited or anything! I-I'm just asking because I'm curious, y'know!  Don't think that The Great Mammon wants the attractions of some human--because I don't!" Ah, there goes his ramblings again. You listen to him rant off for a few seconds, trying to deflect the idea of him liking you and if there were a possibility if you liked him back. Which, you do. You've actually liked him for as long as he probably has liked you. It's just whenever you built up the nerve to make the first move you knew he was never going to take, his brothers always ended up interrupting you with this weird uncanny ability of timing. But maybe now was your time? It was just you and him, in your room, all by yourselves. If this wasn't the perfect the opportunity you didn't know what would be.
So, quietly moving off your bed to settle right beside him. Watching as he had his eyes shut closed during his rant, you carefully lean over with no warning at all, and softly placed a kiss upon his cheek. The moment your lips touched his skin silence ensued in the room. Wanting the moment to last you kept this position up for just a few more seconds before finally pulling away. And this time you really couldn't help the smile that laced your lips when you caught Mammon's expression. His whole face was a nice rosy shade of red, but it wasn't the blush that made you smile, it was the fact that your idiot had the goofiest yet happiest smile on his face yet that just made your heart melt.
Feeling satisfied, you put back some space between you and him. But still thinking that you should at least deem him a verbal answer, that you were sure he was going to brag to his brothers about. With a fake hum emitting from you, pretending to think, you finally say, "With someone like The Great Mammon around, how could I possibly be interested in anybody else?"
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 21
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(11 January)
A week passed by and so far you and Baekhyun have been doing great. Your relationship was blooming slowly and strongly. Baekhyun have been nothing but a best boyfriend you could ask for.
That day Daniel got to knew about you dating him and he looked more happy than you as if he was the one dating him. You could understand since he has always liked Baekhyun and you asked him to keep it to himself for now as you have just started dating so you would tell your parents at the right time.
However, you know your brother and he being himself kept teasing you somehow at the dining table one day and accidentally blurted out infront of them.
Your parents were more than shocked to hear this news since they never expected you to date when you always have been annoyed about it but could you blame them? You were also getting used to this fact.
As they asked about him, Daniel and Ria both started with the compliments about him which caused your parents to want to meet him impatiently. You asked them to give you sometime as you don't want to rush things and being the understanding parents they agreed.
If you were feeling this happy then Baekhyun was on cloud nine. He was just enjoying every single moment with you and he couldn't be more happier to have you by his side.
Everyone was having lunch at the cafeteria as usual while talking about their day and you on the other hand were stuffing your mouth.
"Y/n, Are you running late or what?" Junmyeon commented staring at you confused and you raised your head with your stuffed mouth.
Your boyfriend beside you chuckled and leaned in before brushing his thumb over the corner of your lips. "Eat slowly, no one's gonna steal from you."
This is one of the things he has noticed since you both have started dating. You always eat fast as if your food will disappear but at the same time he found you cute.
You instantly cleaned the spot where his thumb brushed before giving him a sheepish smile.
"Dating has it perks." Minseok commented after watching you two being lovey dovey and you ducked your head a little hiding your flustered state.
"It's so weird to see you blushing." Ria whispered with a smirk beside you noticing your pink cheeks and you shot a glare at her.
"Anyway, Let's meet at the court in your free period so we can start our practice."
Everyone's attention was on Chanyeol and boys nodded while you and Ria stared at them confused.
"What practice?" You asked.
"Basketball. We're having a game again next week." Jongdae told and you nodded before looking at your bestfriend frowning.
"You didn't knew? How come?"
"Hey! I was busy okay."
You chuckled at her before everyone continued their lunch and left to their classes.
Mark was back and your dating news shocked him but was happy for you and Ria found a little bit suspicious since she thought he liked you but he instantly denied it saying he has crush on someone else and after hearing this your bestfriend couldn't keep her mouth shut and kept asking him about it.
You had no classes after this one class and Baekhyun took this opportunity to take you out on a date and before you could protest he cut the call saying he's coming.
You were shoving your belongings in your bag from the locker and at that moment, your bestfriend stood beside you with a mischievous grin on her face.
You looked at him suspiciously. "What?"
"Few days ago, you kept saying it's impossible for you to date and now look, blushing and whining to your boyfriend." She sighed. "It's so new to watch this sight."
You kept mum as you yourself were wondering that how your life turned like this? But however it was, you were beyond happy with it.
"It's been a week or so to your dating, so did two..." She wriggled her eyebrows teasingly.
You flushed and instantly flicked her forehead slightly. "What's going on in your mind, you perv!"
"Oh! Look who's blushing!" She laughed enjoying teasing you and you huffed closing the locker.
"What's happening?" You heard Baekhyun's voice startling you both as he stood behind you with his one hand resting on the locker before he leaned down to peek at you.
"What did you do to my girlfriend?" He questioned Ria noticing your red cheeks.
"I just asked her-"
"Nothing!" You glared at her and she nodded doing a zip mouth gesture while Baekhyun looked at you two suspiciously but shrugged it off.
"So, can I steal my girlfriend now?" He asked and you rolled you eyes while Ria just giggled.
"But I'm not ready yet." You slightly whined before he took your bag from your hand casually hanging over his shoulder as he took your hand in his where this little gesture of his made your heart flutter.
"You don't have to, you always look beautiful." He smiled booping your nose and you looked away biting your lips blushing.
"Ugh, don't do this infront of me! I'm still single." Ria complained, done with your flirting making him chuckle and then you two walked away before waving at her.
"I really didn't imagined this sight." Park Sooyoung, your classmate and friend spoke beside Ria startling her. "But they look really good together."
"I know right?" Ria smiled before looking at her. "And I love you for saying this. So, this big heart girl is gonna treat you something good."
"No, waits and baits!" Ria slung her arm around the confused girl's shoulder as she led her outside.
Baekhyun drove a little far from your college then parked the car at the side and you two started walking on the sidewalk with your hands clasped together.
The weather was good and the sky was cloudy perfect for a little walk. You both were walking slowly in comfortable silence while giving a smile at each minute.
"I'm gonna go buy some candies, do you want some?" You asked spotting a shop at nearby and Baekhyun shook his head before you nodded going to shop.
"Don't call the shopkeeper by mom again accidentally."
You stopped on your track and turned around with a dropped jaw to see him grinning playfully while suppressing his laugh causing you walk towards him.
"You-" You threw a light punch on his stomach and he caught your wrist before giggling loudly making you instantly smile.
"Okay, sorry." He laughed kissing your knuckles and you blushed but instantly hid away as you sprinted to the shop with a smile.
Walking back to him, you began to eat your sweet candies in the small box and continued to walk until he started to eat too.
"That's mine." You complained noticing you had only two candies left.
"So what? You're mine too." He said casually shoving the candy in his mouth before walking and you stood there froze by his words.
"He did just not..." You muttered feeling your cheeks heating up and Baekhyun looked back confused.
"What happened? Why are turning into a strawberry?" He slightly smiled peeking at your cheeks and you put the back of your hand on your cheek.
"This is all your fault!" You whined walking ahead and he chuckled running to you before he wound his arm around your shoulder as you two walked ahead with you hiding your cheeks while he trying to peek at them.
Walking for an hour, you were enjoying your little date and then Baekhyun saw a arcade game section and you were pulled by him inside.
You were playing the Air Hockey game and the game was so tempting as both of you were trying hard to win and at last the puck slid in his side concluding your victory.
"Oh! Yes!" You exclaimed clasping your hands together smiling widely. "I win!"
"I have played it after a long time that's why I couldn't win." He reasoned out slightly pouting.
"Are you sulking right now?" You smiled teasingly.
"Why would I?" He scoffed before walking to the other game and you giggled internally as he looked too cute before following him.
You looked at him confusingly as he stood in front of the Basketball game machine. He smirked before taking the ball in front of him and looked at you.
"Let's have a game."
You couldn't say anything as he started to throw balls in the basket and you huffed before doing the same but were eventually losing while he kept getting every ball in.
"That's not fair!" You whined as the game was over and he won by the double score which caused him to smile proudly.
"You're a basketball player and I don't even know the basic." You complained whining crossing your arms, even though you know you shouldn't but couldn't help it while Baekhyun giggled at you whining cutely.
"Okay, stop sulking." He wound his arm around your neck tilting his head as he smiled cutely. "How about I treat you something delicious?"
You squinted your eyes at him. "Are you bribing me?"
"Is it working?"
"Unfortunately yes." You looked away couldn't say no to food and he knew it well you wouldn't.
"Let's go then."
You both stopped by a nearby small restaurant where you had pizza which was both of your favorite and then left for Café.
7:32 pm
You both waved bye to Rose as she drove off leaving you two alone. Then something popped in your mind and you stood in front of him while he looked at you confused.
"Can I have your car keys?" You held out your hand. "I want to take you somewhere."
"Hm? Right now?"
You nodded motioning towards your hand and he let out a nervous smile. "I'll drive there, you can show me the lead."
"No, please." You pleaded before sighing. "I won't cause an accident."
He sighed fishing out his car keys before placing it in your palm. "Please don't kill us."
You made a face before looking down at your hand and a smile crept on your lips seeing the Keychain you gave him.
Looking up at him with the same smile, you noticed his ear turning red and you smiled more before he rubbed the back of his neck and walked to his car.
"Come on." He opened the door for you and you got in before pinching his cheek lightly while he stood there flustered.
He palmed his cheek with a shy smile while biting his lip and walked towards the other side and sat in before witnessing you buckling your seatbelt without a problem.
"Wow, progress." He commented buckling his seatbelt and you rolled you eyes before starting the engine.
As you were driving you felt his stare on you since the time you have been driving which was kind of distracting you as it wasn't good for your poor little heart.
You took a quick glance at him. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Nothing, I just didn't knew that you driving a car would be this attractive." He smiled still staring at you with a smile and your stomach did a flip.
"If you don't want me to cause an accident, you should look forward or i'll get distracted." You bit your lip nervously. "Oh, I haven't informed Dan yet."
"It's okay, I'll do it." He started texting him and you sighed relieved as he took his eyes off you for a minute because you can't handle his stare on you longer.
You stopped the car as you reached your destination and got out with him before taking a hold of his arm and walked ahead.
Baekhyun was awed at the sight of bright city lights, stars shining up in the sky and the light breeze touching his face made him feel calm.
"It's beautiful." Words softly left his lips and you smiled seeing his eyes twinkling.
"It is." You whispered staring at him and he looked at you smiling fondly before you both sat on the bench facing the view with his arm draped behind you on the bench giving you perfect place to rest your head on his shoulder.
"How do know this place?" He asked leaning his head over yours before poking your cheek softly which is his favorite thing to do since he does this often.
"I wasn't feeling well, so I wanted to take a walk and then discovered this place and fortunately it wasn't far from home so, I came more whenever I felt down."
He hummed. "Wait- alone?"
You slightly raised your head to look at him. "You forgot? I have pepper spray and I punch really good too."
He laughed and you joined him before you took his hand caressing the back of his hand. "It's healed now."
He hummed nodding. "My Coffee bean treated it very well."
You were about to protest on the name but couldn't as he kissed the back of your hand making you blush and you looked ahead but kept glancing at him somehow.
"What's going on in that mind of yours?" He asked noticing before planting a kiss on your temple and you closed your eyes smiling.
Just like him, your favorite things were his forehead and temple kisses.
You bit your lip. "It's just doesn't feel real."
"I mean, I have always thought that your type was kind of girls opposite of me and I never really imagined us like this."
He smiled staring at you intently. "I like you for you and about types. I don't really have a type but now I know, you are my type."
You cringed. "Wait- did you just flirt with me?"
"Oh, you finally noticed."
You frowned before chuckling awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm kinda dense in that category."
He nodded casually. "I know."
You nudged his shoulder to push away but he pulled you back laughing.
"I thought it was your first time dating so how come you are good at this?" You asked genuinely confused and he shrugged. "What can I say? I must be talented."
You shook your head before something crossed your mind. "Um, can I ask you something?"
He nodded looking at you seriously and you pressed your lips together while scratching the side of your neck. "I... have heard your family is well-off so, I mean why are you working at the Café?"
You gulped wondering if you're prying too much and seeing his serious face, you were regretting now. "You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable."
He slightly smiled. "You're the most important part of my life now, so you should know."
Your heart skip a beat hearing that but then you braced yourself for hearing him attentively.
He sighed licking his lips. "The day I joined the college, I decided not to live off my parents and started doing part-time jobs related to my major and got a decent earnings and did some savings too. But, my dad got to know about that and we had an argument. Well, he thought I can join his business even if I choose whatever major but when I strongly refused, the argument got bigger and I stormed out of the house."
"Then I saw Rose's Cafés add and decided to do it since my contract with my previous job was over and I also wanted to do something else. I didn't visited my home, until recently and that too because of you." He added as his corner of lips turned upwards in a smile staring at you.
You frowned. "Me? What did I do?"
He chuckled. "You probably don't remember but that day your words had an impact on me and I went to meet my family. Dad was on a business trip so, I... couldn't see him which I felt a little relieved because I felt guilty and couldn't face him."
Taking his hand, you stroke the back of his hand softly. "Hey, it's okay. We're all humans, so sometimes we let emotions take over us and we do things we don't mean to do."
You sighed as he looked at you listening attentively. "I know, I'm not in the place to say this but you see, parents tend to worry about their child's future. They want them to do something that would benefit them so they wouldn't suffer in the future. Take me as an example, my dad wanted me to help him on his business but I was never interested and I didn't wanted to force myself for it. I talked to my parents and made them understand and they supported me."
"So, talk to your dad for once and I'm sure just like me, he'll believe in you and support you. "
He stared at you intently surprised before a smile crept on his lips. He instantly engulfed you in a tight hug and you hugged back.
"In other way, I'm glad to be working at Café or else I wouldn't have met you." He said against your ear and you smiled before he pulled away to look at you.
Your cheeks heat up and let out a nervous chuckle. "What?"
His eyes boring into yours. "I just love the way you look at me."
You frowned. "How do I look at you?"
He smirked raising his one eyebrow. "The look where you can't look away."
You scoffed feeling cringed as you pulled away before realizing something as it felt familiar. "You watched dots too?"
"What's that?"
"Ah, nothing." You laughed and he frowned.
"Tell me!" He poked the side of your waist causing you squeal and finding your reaction amusing, he started tickling you and you kept giggling while your giggles made him smile.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa
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