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zsofieia · 11 months ago
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everyone always makes ink the helicopter parent but i think it fits error more
plus it’s funnier. i mean, the destroyer being protective…….. HAH!!
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janyxbeloved · 6 days ago
I am on fire with posting about The Tales of Sakura nō Hana academy
So, I guess here's more!!!
I honestly thought of the game mechanics and since I have OCS who are siblings(or friends) with canon characters in the actual game.
I thought I'd show the mechanics about the player gossiping about someone to their siblings and loved ones.
Student council would react to gossip in this one to make it more fun and somewhat entertaining.
So — Enjoy it!
202X mode
Gossiping to Hazu about Hiroshiko
“... I don't think my sister is like that...”
Gossiping to Hiroshiko about Hazu
“That's a bold claim for you to make to me about my brother, but I don't think you've met him to actually think he'd be like that.”
Gossiping to Shoku about Geiju
“If you think that's funny, it really isn't. My brother isn't like that at all and I should know that, I'm his twin.”
Gossiping to Geiju about Shoku
“Not true.”
Gossiping to Boru about Oniyami
“Nice try bastard, I know my sister like the back of my hand and NEVER would she ever be like that!”
Gossiping to Oniyami about Boru
“Hah! You think I'd believe that? No way you think MY brother would be someone like that! You don't even know him, how can you even parade that with such a straight face?”
Gossiping to Sakyu about Inkyu
“Hey, don't make fun of her. She's doing her best and that's what matters to me.”
Gossiping to Inkyu about Sakyu
“Oi! That's very mean to say about her! I don't appreciate you talking down on her!”
Gossiping to Hiroshiko about Shoku, Geiju, Tsuruzo, Uekiya, Kuroko, Furredo
“Wow, you must be a really good liar if you're gonna talk like that.”
Gossiping to Shoku about Hiroshiko, Tsuruzo, Uekiya, Kuroko, Furredo
“That's not funny. I don't appreciate you spitting nonsense like that.”
Gossiping to Geiju about Hiroshiko, Tsuruzo, Uekiya, Kuroko, Furredo
“Flawed statement.”
Gossiping to Tsuruzo about Kuroko, Uekiya, Hiroshiko, Furredo, Shoku, Geiju
“Such a tragedy! Spitting lies and red herring like that so plainly?! Oh, the horror!”
Gossiping to Furredo about Kuroko, Uekiya, Hiroshiko, Shoku, Geiju, Tsuruzo
“What's the big idea of you spreading lies about my friends? Don't you know that that's dishonest and untruthful?”
Gossiping to Uekiya about Furredo, Kuroko, Hiroshiko, Shoku, Geiju, Tsuruzo
“Oh... Uhm... Am I supposed to take that to heart because... That doesn't sound like it's even the truth. It's very unamusing and very rude to assume, y'know...”
Gossiping to Kuroko about Furredo, Hiroshiko, Tsuruzo, Uekiya, Shoku, Geiju
“... Do you even know who you're speaking of to me?”
Gossiping to Oniyami about Mana
“... That's rude.”
Gossiping to Mana about Oniyami
“Cut it out! You're not funny!”
Gossiping to Oniyami about Eiko
“Got a bone to pick? You always gotta have a stick up your ass when you talk about her, huh?”
Gossiping to Eiko about Oniyami
“What's the big deal with you, huh?”
Gossiping to Eiko about Mana
“Do you have a problem with her.”
Gossiping to Mana about Eiko
“Tch... What's your problem? Someone messed with your coffee or something?”
Gossiping to Hazu about Otohiko, Horuda, Kokoro
“Hey... Don't say those things!”
Gossiping to Otohiko about Horuda, Hazu, Kokoro
“That's not very nice!”
Gossiping to Horuda about Hazu, Otohiko, Kokoro
“That's not very friendly — What's your deal with that?”
Gossiping to Kokoro about Hazu, Otohiko, Horuda
“Youre being very insensitive and very misinforming to anyone who's willing to listen, I say you drop it and we go our seperate ways, the world will still spin if you don't gossip!”
1980's mode
Gossiping to Daiko about Komako, Daisaku
“You can't say that about him! Aniki is the best older brother ever and you're probably just making him look bad because of how he used to be!” — About Daisaku
“What's your excuse to talk about Aneki like that?! You can't berate her for it! She's the nicest girl ever!” — About Komako
Gossiping to Komako about Daisaku, Daiko
“Hmph... You're serious about that? That's very unlikely.” — About Daiko
“He's a changed person now, you can't use his old aways against him.” — About Daisaku
Gossiping to Daisaku about Komako, Daiko
“You really think she's like that? Cut the crap dude. You and I both know it's not true.” — About Daiko
“Do you have a problem with her? You better watch your damn words about her!” — About Komako
Gossiping to Reiichi about Daisaku, Arutea, Sonoko, Kenji, Joze
“What's your deal? Are you that pea-brained to think I'd believe that?”
Gossiping to Arutea about Reiichi, Daisaku, Sonoko, Kenji, Joze
“Oh wow... You're a fantastic liar.”
Gossiping to Kenji about Reiichi, Daisaku, Arutea, Sonoko, Joze
“... Are you trying to get a reaction out of me?”
Gossiping to Daisaku about Reiichi, Kenji, Sonoko, Arutea, Joze
“The newspaper club would hate you, honestly.”
Gossiping to Sonoko about Reiichi, Kenji, Daisaku, Arutea, Joze
“... Yeah, I don't buy it.”
Gossiping to Joze about Reiichi, Kenji, Daisaku, Arutea, Sonoko
“Mhm... Yeah, sure... Totally believable...”
Gossiping to Arutea about Teiko
“Hey, that's my best friend! Don't talk about her like that!”
Gossiping to Teiko about Arutea
“That's not like her at all! Stop lying!”
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newquestion · 2 months ago
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holidays are finally over! time to draw :)
i got tired waiting for fanfiction on ao3 to update so i thought why not make my own weird fanfiction but MANGA
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Behind the scenes under the cut
i was debating myself on whether or not i should do a traceover of this panel
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but the voice in my head said "nah, eyeball it"
anyways props to abby howard for going through hatching and detail hell, what a boss
in my GREAT WISDOM (sarcastic) i forgot to put side windows on the school made out of cabins here
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so i had to add them after copy-pasting every cabin
Originally, these were Prisoner (lie, she skips school) and Advy (cheat, she forces Quiet to do te homework), but i thought against it and gave them to the obvious choices (plus Narrator was introducing the school to Quiet here, so he couldn't be the one talking to Advy)
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i don't really draw the voices, but the Narrator is here!
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i think it's a pretty universal choice to give Narrator glasses.
by the way, all these Japanese doesn't mean I'm fluent 😭😭 i'm still just a learner, so if there's a mistake, don't be afraid to correct me!
thanks for reading!
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wraithdolll · 2 months ago
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peril and kinkajou straight coolin
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jtownraindancer · 11 months ago
In light of the recent Watcher debacle, a collection of some of my favourite YouTube comments, in no particular order:
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And the one that made my entire day:
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pencilofawesomeness · 7 months ago
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So, I've been reading a lot of Ghost King AUs recently and... my hand slipped.
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starburstminibot · 2 months ago
Hey I loved your explanation of breakdowns development with bumblebee! I was wondering what bumblebee was thinking at the same time though? Like while he was carrying??
I love this AU though!! It’s the only thing I’ve been thinking about! 😩😩💗
It wasn’t easy for Bee either lemme tell you…
Bumblebee has the capabilities of seeing good in everyone… and he is very aware of how vulnerable it can make him. He’s been manipulated before, he’s been taken advantage of due to his child-like optimism. He’s been… hardened to a degree because of it. He’s not a young naive scout anymore. He still likes to see the good, but he’s much more cautious of letting that blind him to the reality.
Except everything goes out the window when it comes to Breakdown.
Bumblebee doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s because they were friends before the war, maybe it’s because despite everything Breakdown’s never really done anything to hurt him (at least intentionally)
Bumblebee is more aware than anyone how vulnerable he leaves himself by trusting Breakdown so wholeheartedly.
He knows how quickly Breakdown could give him a false tip and lure him right into a trap. And yet Bee would still take his words and trust them like the gospel.
Maybe it’s because he doesn’t value his life quite as much as he should. He doesn’t want to die… but he’s been in the trenches of a war far longer than he ever experienced living at peace (if that’s what you would call the civil unrest that was slowly tipping into war by the time he came online) he’s a bit desensitized to the extinguishing of a spark.
He knows the dangers of getting too close to anyone when you could lose them at any moment. Of course, he’s always been a friendly bot. Most Autobots favor him kindly and he always enjoys other’s company. But he doesn’t stick around long enough to actually get close. He’s a scout. Traveling across Cybertron, sneaking past enemy lines. He’s alone more than not. Perhaps the only true companion he has was the bot always checking in on him at the end of the mission, the one giving him the next orders, and seeking his unlikely advice. It was easier to get close to Optimus… he was less likely to get blown up in a random firefight and never come back.
Which only made his attraction to Breakdown more confusing. Breakdown was everything that Bumblebee tried to avoid: Reckless, foolish, thrill-seeking. Breakdown threw himself into fights he wasn’t likely to win for fun. Breakdown didn’t value his life quite as much as he should either.
They both were willing to gamble everything because neither of them had anything to lose. And that just made whatever they had that much more exciting
They didn’t see each other often. Years would pass before they could catch a glimpse of the other. It didn’t matter how long it had been… how many friends the other had lost… it was like their unspoken connection was the only true consistency in their lives. Sometimes Breakdown would give Bee information. Other times they would just play cards or race. Sometimes they wouldn’t have a chance to talk at all, being in the heat of battle surrounded by other bots.
They got pretty good at pulling punches and staging fights.
And then the war “ended” and Breakdown was nowhere to be found. Bumblebee would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed. He should have known better… of course Breakdown would have run, all the Decepticons did. And Breakdown was still a decepticon.
He’s pretty confident Optimus knows about their friendship at this point… or at least has his suspicions. But Optimus had also pardoned the ex-leader of the Decepticons so Bumblebee doesn’t think he has much room to judge.
Being sent undercover for over a decade wasn’t the post-war future Bumblebee had planned for himself. He hadn’t envisioned it would take place on an alien organic planet either. He could still remember a time when he dreamed of retirement and maybe he’d take up a “normal” job like the ones Ironhide used to talk about. He always wondered if he’d be good at something more domestic… if maybe he would have an apartment of his own to return to each night instead of recharging at whatever outpost was closest after days without rest.
Now he views those as delusional fantasies. He’s not really sure who he is outside of his title of Autobot spy. He doesn’t think he can be anything besides a soldier. (A hero… according to some people)
He wasn’t sure if it was boredom that triggered his search for Breakdown or if maybe he was just looking for some kind of company (he was used to solitude but it had just been… so long) but somehow he ended up at nearly every race he caught wind of. It wasn’t desperation, certainly not… he just… had a lot of free time is all.
He got close a couple of times. Breakdown was changing his alt mode regularly, Bee was sure of it. But still every so often he’d catch a streak of blue and white. Breakdown had always been faster than him…
Bee considered himself great at adapting to any environment or situation that he would land himself in, but nothing could have prepared him for his latest assignment… Sparklingsitting…
Why Optimus had pulled him out of 15 years of hiding for something so… mundane? Bee could only begin to question. He was convinced it was a waste of time. Bee didn’t know the first thing about younglings, there hadn’t been any since… well… him. And that was a very long time ago.
But after a while he hated to admit he found them… endearing. It was almost nice… it felt like what he used to imagine a peaceful life would be like when he was still naive enough to think true peace was achievable.
And yet… something was still missing.
Bee assumed it was the thrill of the missions he longed for. Considering Optimus was dead-set on sidelining him… Bee decided to resume one of his personal missions…
And thats when he finally reunited with the only bot he could ever consider his best friend. They had been apart for longer periods before… but somehow this felt different. This could be a new start. The war was over.
And then he lost Breakdown again.
To the same humans to claimed to be their allies no less.
He didn’t care how it must’ve looked when he demanded Optimus give him a status report on Breakdown’s condition when he was brought in.
Bee only got a lecture on how he was cutting it too close by getting involved with a race he knew G.H.O.S.T. was planning to bust.
So no, he didn’t really care what Optimus would think when he broke Breakdown out of prison. And he was only slightly hurt when Breakdown drove off ignoring his pleas of assistance. It wasn’t Breakdown’s fight… he had no right to be upset.
Of course Breakdown came through in the end… he always has.
And so what if they started meeting up periodically to race and talk and forget about everything else for s little while. Even if the times Bee had fallen into recharge in his arms and woken up alone hurt more than he’d like to admit.
Breakdown was quick to remind him, they were still on opposite sided. They could still betray each other in a moments notice… they both still had nothing to lose.
Except… that wasn’t quite true anymore.
Bee was carrying.
At first he didn’t do anything about it. Didn’t tell anyone. Didn’t even act like anything was different. A reaction he would later clarify was shock.
Then came the avoidance. The ticking time bomb until he had to do something about it was like a constant countdown in his head. He started seeking distractions. Lessons with the Terrans. Missions with Arcee. Drives with Breakdown. Anything to avoid thinking about the decisions he would need to make in the future. The very rapidly approaching future.
Breakdown was the first to know.
Looking back, Bee wished he had been able to break the news a little differently. He hadn’t intended to tell him that night at all… he wasn’t sure if he was ever planning on telling him period.
The reality of a sparkling was beginning to hit and for the first time in his life… Bumblebee couldn’t put himself at risk anymore.
And Breakdown was a risk.
It was supposed to be their last time… a chance to say goodbye, even if Breakdown didn’t know it. Instead in a moment of emotion, Bee accidentally let it slip.
He wasn’t expecting Breakdown to choose the path of caution too. To desperately pledge to stay by his side. To stop taking risks… to stop running… to finally face this emotion they’ve been dancing around for centuries
Bee almost felt guilty for assuming so negatively of the one bot he has ever loved, but then again Breakdown has never really done much to prove his loyalty besides never actually betraying him.
This was different though. This was their real new start. The desperation in Breakdown’s eyes, like he’d never seen before, was enough to prove it.
And he trusted Breakdown… because now they both had something to lose.
The hard part was convincing Optimus to do the same…
Bee is lucky he was always Prime’s favorite. Pretty sure any other bot could be charged with fraternizing with the enemy. And of course… the news didn’t go over very smoothly… Bee wasn’t expecting it to…
He’s grateful Breakdown survived to the end of the conversation, though there were a handful of blasters involved in the process.
But after the lectures and the disappointment and the numerous encounters of bots trying to convince Bumblebee to abandon whatever bond he had with Breakdown and allow the Autobots to assist in the Sparkling’s upbringing… Bee noticed for the first time just how hard BD was trying.
Breakdown never cared about what anyone thought of him. He never did things for the approval of others… so Bee knew it was his own decision when BD formerly defected from the Decepticons and took on the autobot mantel.
He’d never seen him more dedicated to anything before… and that’s when Bee knew. They were going to be okay.
He had only ever been a soldier before… he wasn’t sure if he was really cut out for this whole Carrier thing. Breakdown joked that the Terrans had been the trial run, and he had all the training he needed.
They both joked to avoid the spark numbing fear.
They had never experienced it before… not like this… the fear of losing.
Bee wasn’t sure when Breakdown became so… domestic. Sure, he still teased and flirted and ran his mouth. He still made bets he couldn’t win. But he also brought Bee his energon every morning, mixed exactly the way he liked it. And everytime Bee fell into recharge, he’d still be by his side when his optics opened again.
Bumblebee couldn’t help but be angry a little…
Why was he only now receiving this treatment? They’d known how they felt about each other for how long? How long had Bee tried to convince him to stay by his side?
But Breakdown didn’t need Bee’s anger to feel guilty. He barely felt deserving of the chances he’d been given long before this one.
And Bumblebee couldn’t bring himself to act on his anger… not when Breakdown was trying so hard for him.
For them.
Perhaps Bee’s dreams of peace weren’t so far off after all.
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defiledtomb · 20 days ago
#god i hope this feeling holds when the sun rises tomorrow. at least i have a little charming prism that fractures it for me#it hangs off the vent in my living room (where i get the sun rising across treetops and below: an industrial landscape that#for some reason. has become very dear to me)#it has it's own shine in the morning#and there's a lot of gruff men that light up when i walk naniu and we both say hello#one of the companies (and this is soooooooo. you know what i can't even say it bc too revealing but. there's an inside joke here) and#i had a laugh about it with some of them a time ago and it made us ??? idk we always say hi and more but with that lilt of 'please linger'#and it has made this whole ordeal so much easier#wow i really am a spout unstoppable after the anon thing aren't i. but truly who gives a shit. here i am#you can't do worse than what i was in a few months ago lmao. (please don't try it)#precautionary 'i WILL delete this' if it feels funny a couple minutes from now#anywaythis industry is shoulder to shoulder with a forest landscape where i let nana loose each morning to stretch her bil ol toothpick legs#and we always come across the other dogowners and we all have that same weight to us. it is so comforting to say g'mornin to someone just as#bleak and newly awoken as yourself#and sometimes we talk. theres this cane corso couple that i adore more than life#we have similar interests. god ill just leave it at that i guess. what am I YAPPING SO MUCH FOR WHAT HAVE YOU DONE#yeah im deleting this. am I? who cares (oh my god I do. I DO)#AAAAAAAH (tailcoats on fire)
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scrabbleg · 3 months ago
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queen carnation of the skywings!!! she be flying tho
she is prince horizon's (lyre boy) mother and they totally have a great loving relationship /s
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perhaps i'll do a lore dump about them at some point, who knows!!
also using real pictures as backgrounds will never not be fun, i need to do it more. this is from a few months ago, and i'll be posting a bit of older art because i don't have the brain cell to keep drawing new things constantly :(
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lala-blahblah · 3 months ago
Ace attorney is the truest representation of life in your early twenties when you graduate college and enter the workforce, like if you look beyond the lawyering I think the key experiences are things everyone's gone through. Reaching out to old friends you still care about and getting ghosted. Getting your first job and feeling imposter syndrome as you try your best to figure out what you're doing. Friend with whom you have subtextual gay feelings for moves to Europe and stops talking to you.
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stevens-pastrami-sandwich · 7 months ago
screenshot redraw YIPPEE 🐁🐁
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We NEEDED to see more of the monkey sidekick having duo 💔 It's okay though, im not angry about this. *my nails dig into my fists*
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velvetcake96 · 9 months ago
The Forest Fic that changed my preteen brain chemistry being kinda cannon in Tøp/Dema lore was not something I was expecting in 2024.
What I also wasn’t expecting was Tyler Fucking Man with Three Children and a Wife Joseph to repost a meme on his instagram about it.
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purple--queen · 1 month ago
earlier manga yami & seto matching each others freak in such a weird way. yami setting people on fire. seto wants to electrify (kill) yugi & co. & both like games.
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philomaela · 5 months ago
Jaehaerys's approach to the dragons is an interesting thing because I think it's yet another case of him learning from the "mistakes" of his elders.
Rhaena loved her baby brother and sister, so she put dragon eggs in their cradles. She essentially gave Vermithor to Jaehaerys and Jaehaerys being a male dragonrider is what allows her and her daughters to be shunted aside as easily as they are. In a world where Rhaena is the only dragonrider (and not simply the eldest) she has more leverage in the argument of who gets the throne. There are no cradle eggs for Jaehaerys and Alysanne's children, because to do so would give them power and freedom as children. Incidentally that power and freedom is what allowed Jaehaerys to become what he did, but me thinks that was kind of the point for him. It's a do as I say, not as I do sort of thing.
Not sure how to segue here but, I think it's interesting how Aerea's claiming of Balerion is framed similarly to Elissa Farman and the dragon eggs, as Rhaena's failure to prevent a theft when the dragons are under her protection. Because the dragons don't belong collectively to House Targaryen, they belong to the King. That's part of why Jaehaerys does not allow Rhaena to hold Dragonstone by right imo, because control of Dragonstone falls in line with control of Dragons. Hence confining Balerion and the younger dragons to the dragon pit later as well and creating the dragon keepers to guard them. This prevents the theft of the dragons that happened under Rhaena's watch and also under Maegor's watch. Remember how Rhaena and Aegon the Uncrowned crept into Kings landing and claimed Quicksilver? Yeah, that's illegal in Jaehaerys's world, I mean Maegor probably would have thought it illegal but the point being, he's going to take active measures to make sure no one gets a dragon without his explicit consent. When the dragonkeepers directed Alyssa away from Balerion, maybe it's because Jaehaerys had explicit orders at the time that no one gets Balerion (Maegor and Aerea both deeply worried him after all).
So, when it comes to his children, fundamentally him allowing them to claim a dragon comes down to two things: adulthood and their role in House Targaryen/in relation to the crown. Claiming a dragon is explicitly linked to adulthood, Aemon and Baelon are able to claim dragons after being knighted, Alyssa gets a dragon after she is married. Specifically, after she is married to her brother, ensuring that all dragonriders are of House Targaryen.
I bounce between Jaehaerys going "all my boys gets dragons as long as they remain of House Targaryen" vs "the heir and the spare get dragons". Both options seem plausible and both explain Vaegon's lack of a dragon. Vaegon never becomes a knight, he becomes a maester instead. He is given to the citadel and by doing so gives up his position in House Targaryen. Is that why he is never offered a dragon? Or was Jaehaerys never going to offer him a dragon at all, even if he became a knight, since his place in house targaryen would be more nebulous and thus Vaegon had no drive to conform. Why bother being a knight (a role that did not interest him) if it would not offer him the freedom of a dragon. I'm not saying Vaegon had this burning desire for a dragon, but like it is some sort of incentive isn't it? Well anyway, I think both options have interesting implications and in the end, the outcome is the same. Vaegon leaves his family, he does not get a dragon.
Either way the outcome for the daughters was always going to be the same imo, they are married into other houses, they will not get dragons and neither will their children. Fire and Blood provides an easy explanation of the younger daughters as being unsuitable to ride a dragon. Daella has no desire for a dragon, she's afraid of everything! (We could perhaps think of how Aenys was a sickly baby who grew stronger or Rhaena was a shy girl who grew confident after they each claimed a dragon, but those are not possibilities under Jaehaerys, dragons do not help you grow as children they are given after you grow up). Meanwhile, Saera and Viserra are willful, Magella is destined for the church and Gael is childlike. Back up, Saera and Viserra are willful... so was Alyssa, she wanted to claim Balerion after all! IDK, I think it's interesting how, in all their airs and shows of defiance, Saera and Viserra never express a determination to claim dragons. Almost like they know it's not an option for them. Saera tries to get into the Dragonpit as a desperate, last ditch effort, but she never asks her father for a dragon before then. She whines for an elephant but not a dragon.... that's interesting isn't it? When Viserra preens after Baelon, maybe she does that knowing that Alyssa got a dragon by remaining in the family? Again, just like with Vaegon, I'm not saying that (the lack of) dragons are like, the point behind Viserra and Saera's actions, I'm just saying that maybe it factored in.
I get that Rhaenys claiming Meleys can seem to be in contradiction to everything I've just said. She claims a dragon and then promptly marries out of House Targaryen. Personally... I read it as having to do with Aemon and Jaehaerys. By that I mean, Aemon is the heir and a grown man at this point, his father places a level of trust and autonomy in him and allows Rhaenys access to power as Aemon's (presumed) heir. It's kind of like... I wouldn't do this for my daughter, but my son has the right to do with his family as he sees fit. Again, at this point, he's expecting Aemon to succeed him when he dies and after that Aemon will be king and can name who he wants (regardless of what Jaehaerys wants). Jaehaerys is pragmatic enough to realize this is going to be out of his hands and that if he forbids anything like this, he's potentially creating discord between him and his heir for something that's out of his control and will only create more problems later. That's the motivation I've created in my head anyway and I don't think it contradicts anything I've read in the book.
I think... weirdly, the thing that solidifies this all in my head is Viserys claiming Balerion, when Jaehaerys was (I think) against anyone claiming Balerion before. Yes yes, Balerion was old and slow so there was not as much danger in someone claiming him now. But the timing is still important. Viserys claims Balerion after Aemon dies, after Baelon is named heir. Baelon is named heir and Viserys is Baelon's heir. I think it would have made sense for Jaehaerys to want Viserys to claim Balerion as a symbol of legitimacy for Baelon's line over Rhaenys who now had a dragon despite Aemon's line being disinherited. I'm not saying that's why Viserys wanted Balerion, but I think it's why Jaehaerys allowed it, is all I'm saying.
One anomaly in all of this for me is actually Seasmoke... how tf did Laenor get Seasmoke within this interpretation of things, I admit I have no clue. I don't want to just cast it away as an authorial (by that I mean the actual author GRRM) attempt to somewhat balance the scales when it comes to the Great Council of 101, no matter how tempted I am to read it that way. Maybe this was a sign that even Jaehaerys was not sure about who should rule between Viserys and Laenor, so he thought Laenor did have some right to a dragon? Issue with that is, if that's the case he might as well wait on things and grant the dragon after the council. Or maybe it was a consolation prize because the outcome of the council was a forgone conclusion in Jaehaerys's mind. Ooooh! or most interesting of all, Baelon is the one who advocating for this as hand of the king, an apology for disinheriting his brother's line. So like, Baelon advocates for Laenor to be allowed a young dragon as a gesture (notice it's a gesture offered to Laenor heir of Driftmark and not Laena), Jaehaerys acquiesces since Baelon has Vhagar it's not really a threat, but then Baelon like immediately dies after. Whoopsie Jaehaerys, maybe you should have stuck to your original policy! (I get that this part seems like a stretch, personally I'm just attached to my interpretation at this point and I'm trying to make it fit, I acknowledge that)
This meandered a lot but anyway I think my overall point is that I think Jaehaerys had a clear strategy when it came to the dragons and it was based around the family history of Rhaena placing the egg in his cradle, Aegon the Uncrowned's claiming of Quicksilver, Elissa Farman and the dragon eggs and finally Aerea and Balerion (also misogyny, there was a lot of that too). I think the fact that he learned not to do what his sister did is the saddest thing imo. He won't make the same "mistake" as his sister did with him and just give his children a dragon out of love. Love has nothing to do with it because he is a king and these are his heirs (even though love still has everything to do with it because he is a father and these are his children).
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apicelladonna · 10 months ago
An update (I think)
Random Daily Prophet reporter : How does it feel to be voted the number one hated war criminal slash dark lord in the Global Wizarding Community after the ICW elections?
Gellert Grindelwald: In a world filled with muggles and cowards, I wear it as a fucking badge of honor.
Rosalind Skeeter: What about the rumor that you killed Albus Dumbledore and took his body—
Grindelwald, ready to throw hands: wHO THE FUCK SAID THAT—
-Prometheus had Blue Fire draft, 5 am with ice coffee
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ahalliance · 7 months ago
rotating the UHCs + serveur du lundi qetoiles precanon potentiality in my mind
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