faeturtle · 1 year
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Wow gj shadowheart you really got me
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nivalisica · 4 months
(oh? Was this note always here? It wasn’t there before.. hm. But regardless, if it’s picked up it reads the following.. seems like it’s been put through some cypher??? Strange. At least the writer seems to know about it-)
“Gpojmh zpv’qf bakf sp vmcfqtsbmc sgjt, pq fufm hfs js epq sgbs nbssfq- avs J gfbqc eqpn sgf hqbofujmf sgbs js’t tpnfpmf’t Acbz zfbg? Tpqqz J dbm’s dpnf bmc J gpof zpvq cpjmh bkqjhgs pufq sgfqf, bktp tpqqz epq mps sbkljmh nvdg besfq sgbs ejqts kfssfq J tfms zpv- hps dbvhgs vo jm b efx sgjmht
Je zpv’qf tsjkk xpmcfqjmh, Cbqlgfbqs jt gfkojmh pvs jm sgbs psgfq vmjufqtf- qfnfnafq xgfm b Ubkl bmc Cpn dpmsbdsfc zpv? Zfbg sgf vmjufqtf pe sgptf sxp- kbts J gfbqc zpvq Hgptsxbklfq bktp ivnofc jmsp sgf eqbz xgfm J dbnf sp sgfn cjqfdskz bapvs js.
J xgpvkc sfkk zpv sgbs J tbjc gj je zpv tff nz tjakjmht avs js njhgs mps af sgf afts sjnf sp cp sgbs. Oqpabakz xpvkcm’s fufm sgjml js xpvkc af eqpn nf gfg-
Gpof zpv bmc sgf psgfqt gbuf b hppc cbz spcbz
-Tjhmfc, Cfuj”
oh, wow, i haven't seen an encrypted message in a long while... least of all such a simple one...
oh! hello, mr devi :) wow, its so good to hear from you again actually... yes we're um... celebrating my spawndate today, as decreed by your majesty, hah. um, i'm okay, i hope you are too.
thank you for updating me on what darks and ghosts are up to, as well... maybe i should help out sometime myself...?
..? is someone else here?
[translation undercut]
“Hoping you’re able to understand this, or even get it for that matter- but I heard from the grapevine that it’s someone’s Bday yeah? Sorry I can’t come and I hope your doing alright over there, also sorry for not talking much after that first letter I sent you- got caught up in a few things If you’re still wondering, Darkheart is helping out in that other universe- remember when a Valk and Dom contacted you? Yeah the universe of those two- last I heard your Ghostwalker also jumped into the fray when I came to them directly about it. I whould tell you that I said hi if you see my siblings but it might not be the best time to do that. Probably wouldn’t even think it would be from me heh- Hope you and the others have a good day today -Signed, Devi”
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Step by Step ค่อย ๆ รัก Ep 4
we know the drill …
- team building activities? say it ain't so
- RICH PEOPLE I swear to dogs
- OH this is how I know Ying's actress, she's Annie's mother in Mama Gogo!! the sporty outfit did it
- OH and is this Bruce??? Aoey from Lovely Writer??
- man, the gossip in this office. maybe I'm too neurodivergently inattentive to social stuff to get pulled into that sort of stuff normally but like. the most we got at the office was like "I hear the new transfer yells at clients" or "coworker X is getting married, please sign this card and if you like, we're collecting money for a gift." how do these people get ANY work done.
- oh this is NOT going well, yike
- NAN'S FACE JUST NOW she know's what's up (or suspects)
- oh wow Jeng's stare just now, I would've WITHERED if I were that kid
- okay, so he DOES have a condo as well as the house, okay. confusion from last ep somewhat lifted. rich people.
- Pat, when he said "make yourself at home" I'm pretty sure he meant "don't worry about using too much hot water," NOT "snoop around all the cabinets when you're meant to be getting cleaned up so you can go to your work thing"
- OH WOW wow he's cleaned up nicely. and WHAT A GROOM SEEING THE GROOM SHOT THAT JUST WAS, complete with the stairs, I am LOSING it.
- AND THEY MATCH oh my god I'm grinning so wide, incredible. I was not expecting this show to be cute? but it is SO CUTE.
- IT IS BRUCE I love him. Please let his character in this be well-rounded.
- uuurgh executive meddling, HATE IT. and also all of this is so tense. I'm on leave, I shouldn't be getting stressed about OTHER PEOPLE'S FICTIONAL WORK ISSUES
- first oishi and now tao kae noi, I'm getting homesick for BBS here
- how brainwashed by capitalism have I been to be like "9 to 5 doesn't seem that bad" -- WHAT THE FUCK, JENG.
- oh, okay, that's how he meant it. yeah, Pat needs to learn to stand up to P'Ying and P'Prem, but … ????
- unfortunately that's not what Pat heard, huh
- WHY ARE YOU INKING WITH A BRUSH, and one that thick at that??? I mean not to judge but-- okay no, I'm judging
- uh-oh
- Bad Buddy conditioned me to expect a Nivea Micellar Acne Free Cleanser ad here, gj on defying expectations, show
- so Put IS the ex. ok ok ok.
- oh wow oh wow oh yikes
- youtube subtitles created using mtl? urgh. mtl that was not sufficiently cleaned up?? BURN IT.
- URGH why is Ying there
- oh NO another misunderstanding (and WHY did he right to suspecting this was Pat tho)
- once again everything would be so much easier if these folks just talked to one another, but I guess the power dynamics at play here do give a real reason NOT to be frank, huh
- A CHILD. Of course it's a child.
- subtitle game deteriorating steadily, that was "DO call him 'brother' (as opposed to 'uncle')"
- oh no, poor Pat, being subjected to a double set of puppy dog eyes
- appreciation board! translation notes for stuff not in the subs over here
- YES Chot has a bf and they're cute together, THANK.
- I'm DYING oh fuck this is why personal and work phones need to separate devices
- Jeng is WAY more patient with Pat than I would've been with ANYONE in this situation. Man's got it bad.
- oh, Ms Nadia is intrigued
- the enemy really IS seniority, yikes
- he's bad at karaoke and picks old-fashioned songs!!! I love that
- because he's WHIPPED is why (okay and also he thinks Pat genuinely has potential)
- oh RIGHT we still have the potential pregnancy plot here. right.
- oh my GOD we're talking about this now???????
- Pat, you say these things and don't think about what they sound about at all, huh
- all ominous but I bet it's just, like … Put
- annnnnnd here we are. Godddd Up looks so !!!!!!!! here
Okay but I feel ROBBED that we didn't get to see more of Pat and Jeng at the auction. Those suits!
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Fig Fashion Week - LV Blue Ice Jun
We continue our high-style event with Gong Jun looking regal at the Louis Vuitton Aranya Men's Show on September 16, 2022.
This seriously seems like yesterday! The inspiration for this fig is so good - through sheer willpower I'll keep myself from using all my 30 pic slots with photos from this event. That being said, I'll start off with the fig maker's own inspiration photo:
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His legs look a mile long, don't they?? Alright, just a few more...
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Did you notice the shimmery blue insect in his hair? It's not a fashion piece, it's just nature's jewelry.
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Ok just one more...
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No wait, we need a black and white pic to show off his immaculate face:
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Alright, I realized it would be criminal (criminal!) not to include some of Realge's pics, he takes the best pictures...
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Ok ok, that's it for pics. We now just have a video, since this is very relevant for one of the others posts coming up this week...
Oh ho ho! Gong Jun admiring this fancy green explosion of color!
Stay tuned for that later! Today is this gorgeous blue number:
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The details on this fig! His hairstyle is gorgeous (can I just say, I'm so glad they've figured out that volume is key on Junjun's hair, his hair has been nothing but fantastic recently!) - all sideswept and full of volume at the crown of his head. His supermodel stare. His Wen Kexing hand behind his back (I can't help but call it that!). The details of the print on the LV t-shirt. The fantastic detail on the jacket, and of course all the ombre blue. The angles on the wrinkles on his jeans! His shoes! These are indeed very specific, very beautiful white leather LV boots. So great.
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Gah his hair looks fantastic here in fig form! Kudos kudos kudos to this fig maker, they just absolutely nailed it. Look at all the 3-D dimension on his jacket! The little flip up there on the bottom of his jean jacket as he very elegantly tucks his hand behind his back.
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I really love it when fig makers put the ear mole on these figs. Just a wonderful little touch. I also really like all the folds the fig maker did on the fabric on this whole outfit. You really get a sense of the stiffness and structure of the material.
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Look at those boots! Let me dig them up from the LV site...
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Oh wow, that's incredible. The LV Baroque Ranger Boot. I think I'm in love. It's only pictured in black right now on their site (and is unavailable), but it's gorgeous. It's like, well, a very baroque Doc Martens. I like black! Does it...come in women's sizes?
Nope. Ah well. Moving on!
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This Wen Kexing pose takes some time to get used to, I must say. I tried strolling around the beach like this last fall, and it is not a normal position for my shoulder to be at. Normal is more hunched over my computer typing away at work. I realized I could really stand to walk around with either or both hands (or switching off!) behind my back, frankly. It's a good chest opener, as my Pilates instructor would say.
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This is a perfect angle to see the GJ initials instead of the LV logo on his jacket back.
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Those boots look really small from this angle. Small but sturdy! He actually balances very well on those very fancy feet.
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He certainly is cute a cold male god! Gosh he looks great.
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These fine, fine boots, and a great angle to see the folds on his jeans.
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More little details (I really do like these boots!). May I just say how much I like Junjun in white and blue. He's spectacularly beautiful in any color and any most prints (this is where my BFF reminds me of Junjun in the 361 red rabbit inspired pattern sweater, which we have to agree not even Junjun can save), but I have to say I particularly like him in these colors. It's just so crisp and clean.
(And pink! I do like him in pink.)
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That glorious swoop of hair is indeed spectacular. A+ Junjun hair modeling!
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This box card and the art on the box is extremely beautiful. You can tell it's the same fig maker that does all the wonderful JZEU figs because she always has gorgeous boxes.
Come back tomorrow for the blue-and-white matching Zhehan!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 332
Scene Count: 24
Rating: He certainly is cute a cold male god!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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builder051 · 2 years
Hi! I’m the person who was asking about J tubes back in September. I actually just had a GJ placed yesterday, after a lengthy insurance battle and much health instability. I’m just letting you know that I really appreciated your answer because no one actually explained to me what was going to happen other than “you’ll wake up with this piece of plastic in you” really, so I was pretty nervous, but your information really helped :)
Oh wow, I'm so happy for you! My big kid has GJ; they're more commonly placed in young people (I'm not asking/implying age, I promise).
I had a J first, then had a G created as a separate surgery after I had the colon removed, because at that point, it became clear that I couldn't handle gastric fluids (IDK why, but they wouldn't flow downward to the anastomosis; they'd only go in reverse and cause reflux and vomiting). So, when we call the supply company or whomever, DD has to make it very clear that I have a G AND a J, separately, NOT a GJ.
But, I digress. I hope you are feeling better, now that you're able to take in some food in the way your body needs. I hope the drain is keeping you comfortable as well. A little air, a little stomach acid, a little juice you drank this morning... all of that needs a way out without bothering your small and large intestine. Drain bags are awesome. :)
If you're interested in some links to carrier bags for your feeding tube/pump and drain, I can totally send them, either on the main feed or in DM. I know having tubes dangling all over the place is the worst thing ever, and I'm always happy to share my tips.
Much loves and good luck,
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g0om · 9 months
btw i always lpve hpw 2 m tall. men will b like almost drowning trying to get ahead of ms in tbe lans next to me like wow bro congrats u got ahead the not even 155cm tall person whose swimming breaststrokes.. gj my guy
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queenburd · 1 year
At the end of your last ask you answered- I'm not sure if you meant to say "definitely not neurotypical", because you wrote "definitely not neurodivergent". I'm not sure if this intentional and I truly truly do not mean this to sound malicious! (sincerely apologize if it comes off harshly or anything of the sort, this would have just lingered in my head if I didn't say something)
kjdsflkjs;lksd THANK YOU. wow. my brain work so good. i'll fix that. tfw you cross "definitely neurodivergent" and "definitely not neurotypical". gj me.
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
local dumbass plays sshd again! i FORGOT you could carry the little electric babies and spent 5 minutes doing shield parries to get one of the big ones on top of the machine, then hurried to hit the timeshift stone with my slingshot before it moved again
me leaving the building; huh i remembered that being easier
me: stops in my tracks. goes back in
me: goes near one of the babies. sees "pick up" message. screams
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holliehere · 6 years
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Panel redraw from the manga “Jibaku Shounen Hanako Kun”. I love that he just does complete U-turns in his personality from cute to creepy
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mushroomminded · 3 years
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are we agreed that the aquarium scene is still the most iconic part of the story so far
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#just read about the take of Sally wainwright and why s2 is the  way it is#lol@ people saying we shouldn't expect or are entitled to a love story#like mate what do you think I tuned in for during s1 to watch the enticing tale of patricide and feeding them to the pigs#or wait for the 1800's riveting coal drama#ahaaaa#wow sometimes the stupidity seriously astounds me#s1 was essentially a self contained story at the heart of which was the romantic relationship between al and aw#that is the show I signed up for#so idk man#if AL and ML is the greatest  love story ever then fine they already made a film about that#I didn't care a hoot for it#and if GJ now wants to change track and tell that story when and if s3 comes along#I wouldn't care much about that either#also whatever might have been the faults of s2 and I don't even know if the intention was to show AL and ML as the perfect pair or not#ann walker  as a character had a superior arc#and personally i think  she has kind of become the co-protagonist in her own right#and not merely a LI anymore#the rest is just random noise to me#I am glad SJ and SR portrayed these roles with a genuine care and respect#should I hold out hope for it#if real life is informing the writing still then maybe?#but then again if the writer chose to pursue a different take i don't begrudge them#however I don't care for it either so I will stay in my bubble#and you do you#lol after SQ and AC and I am kinda numb and immuned to the drama of it#I will drop a show if and when it becomes unrecognizable and stops to interest me so yeah#and that's that#raee rambles about gj#i be talking to the void#blogtalk
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sunriseofeternity · 4 years
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Source: Dailymail
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synesindri · 3 years
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jenivi · 4 years
omg i just had a random strike of inspiration and i think im actually going to be proud of this drawing
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sonics-exe · 4 years
Richtofen and Dempsey being wholesome together? 🥺 Doesn’t matter if it’s Primis or Ultimis, I just need these two bois happy together 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (Sorry if I send a lot of asks, I don’t mean too!)
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