unknownarmageddon · 3 months
okokok ik your thing is fall out boy but here me out
the unlikely candidates
ouhh i’ve never heard of them before hang on i gotta do some research
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dymitre · 7 months
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Okay.... HEAR ME OUT!
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graciegoeskrazy · 2 months
i'll give you one more time
part 2 to she's begging you to stay stay
Matty Healy + preteen!lost!daughter!OFC!r
warnings: idek yall, language i think, dead mom, slightly shitty dad, this isn't even my usual angst this shit is just SAD, r is twelve
a/n: long awaited part 2! enjoy!
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The ride home was a heavy, suffocating silence, the kind that pressed down on your chest and made it hard to breathe. Every ounce of your willpower was spent keeping the tears from spilling over, your eyes stinging as you stared blankly out the window. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend why you’d acted the way you did. Yes, times were tough, and you were teetering on the edge mentally, but surely there were other ways—better ways—you could’ve handled things. Yet, none of that mattered now. The only thing consuming your thoughts was how Matty would react when the two of you finally walked through that door.
The day had dragged on, filled with more emotion and exhaustion than either of you could have anticipated. Matty knew that a conversation was inevitable, that you both needed to talk—really talk—but as he glanced at you, he realized now wasn’t the right time. 
You were a mess, physically and emotionally. Your hair was tangled, matted with dirt from your adventure on the London streets, and your clothes were no better, stained and disheveled from the day’s events. It was clear that you were drained, the weight of everything you’d been through etched into your weary features.
Matty sighed, feeling a pang of guilt for what you’d endured, but also a deep sense of protectiveness. He wanted to fix everything, to make it all better, but he knew that right now, the best thing he could do was to give you a chance to breathe, to decompress. The conversation could wait—tonight, what mattered was getting you cleaned up and comfortable.
The silence between you became too much to bear. Matty gently placed a hand on your shoulder, stopping you before you could head inside. “Hey,” he said softly, his voice cutting through the quiet. “I’m not mad, okay?”
You stopped in your tracks, turning to face him, your eyes clouded with guilt and confusion. “I ran away, Matty. I scared the shit out of you—”
“Yeah, well, you’re safe now. That’s all I care about, okay?” he interrupted, his tone firm but laced with concern.
You shook your head, frustration bubbling up inside you. “You should be angry.”
“I’m not—”
“You should be yelling at me, kicking me out of your house, something!” The words spilled out before you could stop them, along with the tears in your eyes, the rawness of your emotions catching both of you off guard.
Matty’s expression softened, a mix of sadness and disbelief crossing his face. “What makes you think I would do that?”
“I don’t know,” you mumbled, your voice cracking as you tried to hold back tears. “I just… I don’t know.”
Matty sighed, stepping closer and gently tilting your chin up so you’d meet his gaze. “Listen to me, Tilly. I’m not going to kick you out, and I’m not going to yell at you. I’m just glad you’re here, that you’re safe. We’ll talk about everything, but not right now. Right now, I just want you to take care of yourself, okay?”
“Go take a shower,” Matty said softly, his thumb brushing a stray tear from your cheek. “Get some rest. We’ll figure everything out later.”
You hesitated, the weight of the day pressing down on you, but finally, you nodded. The fight had drained out of you, replaced by a deep exhaustion that made it hard to argue anymore.
 You looked up at him, eyes heavy with exhaustion, and nodded without argument. There was no energy left to resist, no fight left in you for tonight. The promise of a hot shower and a bed was all you needed.
Matty watched as you trudged upstairs, each step slower than the last, and he felt a knot of worry tighten in his chest. He wanted to say something, to offer comfort or reassurance, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, he silently vowed to be there for you when you were ready to talk, whenever that might be. As you disappeared down the hallway, Matty lingered for a moment, running a hand through his hair. The house was quiet now, the kind of quiet that felt heavy, like it was waiting for something to happen. But for now, he decided, it was enough to let you find some peace, even if only for a little while. He made his way to the living room, sinking into the couch with a weary sigh. The day had taken its toll on him too, but his thoughts were with you. They always were. The sun was setting outside, casting long shadows through the windows, and Matty closed his eyes for a moment, letting the quiet of the house wash over him. Tomorrow would bring its own challenges, but tonight, all that mattered to him was that you were home and safe.
You’re asleep, lost in a dreamless world where the weight of reality has, for a moment, lifted. As your father started the trek back to his room, he noticed the light peaking through the crack beneath your door, to him, indicating you were awake. He let out a soft sigh and took a detourour to your room. He knocked, “Matilda.” You don’t stir. Your name, the one your mother gave you, is still new on his tongue even after all this time, as if he’s trying to make sense of it, to make it his own. There’s a slight pause, and then he speaks again, his voice lower, softer. “Matilda George. It’s late, you should go to bed.”
There’s no response, only the sound of your steady breathing as you lie curled under the covers, the peaceful rise and fall of your chest the only movement in the room. Matty hesitates at the door, the silence stretching out between you. Finally, with a sigh, he pushes the door open wider. “I’m coming in.”
The door creaks open, and a soft, golden light spills into your room, touching the edges of your bed. His footsteps are careful, almost hesitant, as he crosses the threshold into your room. He stands there for a moment, just watching you sleep, his expression unreadable in the dim light. You’re completely unaware, lost in the depths of slumber, oblivious to the fact that he’s here, that he’s looking at you with something akin to longing.
And then his gaze shifts, catching on something beside you—your diary, lying open on the bed. He hadn’t meant to look, but the way the pages fall open, revealing your handwriting, draws his eyes. Curiosity tugs at him, and before he can think better of it, he reaches down, picking it up.
His eyes scan the words you’ve written, the pages filled with all the things you’ve been too scared or unsure to say out loud. The confusion, the loneliness, the raw ache of trying to understand who he is to you and who you’re supposed to be now. He reads on, the lines blurring together, each word a glimpse into the parts of you that you’ve kept hidden away.
I used to keep track of how many days it had been since I last saw my mother. In the very beginning, I would count down to the exact hour—sometimes even the minute. I’m not sure why I did it. Maybe it was a way to cope with my anxiety. I think I was just measuring the time until I thought my world would blow up again.
I never stop thinking about my mom. I could be laughing and having a nice conversation, and then, all of a sudden, a dark gray cloud comes and blocks my happiness. A part of me doesn’t want it to stop, though, because I’m scared I’ll forget her. In my mind, the day I go a whole 24 hours without thinking of my mom is the day I will have moved on. And I don’t want to move on. Miss Julia asked me the other day, “If you could reverse the cancer and see your mom again, would you?” I replied, “Obviously.” Then she said, “Even though you wouldn’t have Matty?” I didn’t answer.
Overall, I think that’s a harsh question for a twelve-year-old, but whatever. I know she’s right, though. Maybe I wouldn’t reverse it.
My mom was in unspeakable pain—pain that I can’t even begin to understand, pain that I hope I will never experience. I’m not sure where she is now, but I like to think it’s somewhere nice, somewhere she’s at peace. One thing I do know for certain is that she isn’t in pain anymore. She’s free. If I were to reverse things, I would be taking that freedom away from her. I would be calling her back to her pain.
I have a lot of realizations in that small office with Miss Julia. After that session, I realized that with all my thinking about how things could be or could have been, I have yet to fantasize about how life could have been if Matty had been there from the beginning. If he knew about me. If he had been my father from the start.
I don’t understand why my mother didn’t tell me about my father, or why she never told him about my existence. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t because she wanted to ‘protect me’. He’s not that bad. He’s kind. He makes me laugh from time to time. I enjoy his music, but I would never outright admit that to him. If it wasn’t for him being my literal father, I’d say we could be twins. But still, she never said a word to him.
I know it’s not because she was ashamed and tried to keep me a secret, but that thought always crosses my mind whether I like it or not.
I know very well that I said I didn’t want to go home with him, and even after I agreed, I promised I would find somewhere else to stay. And he was fine with it. As long as he knew I was safe. The truth is, I can’t imagine growing up anywhere else. I don’t think I want to.
I want to be with my father. I want to call him ‘Dad’. I want him to know that I love and care for him, but I’m too terrified to. I’m also scared that if God forbid, something terrible happens, he will never know how much I love him. Because I don’t think I said that nearly enough to my mom.
I don’t know how to tell him. I don’t know how to help him. I have six years left before I’m an adult. He would have to agree to raise me for six years. That could either go really bad or good. I don’t see an in-between.
I’ve played it out in my mind. I will either get exactly what I want or nothing at all. I’m too scared to ask, to tell him that I care, so I’ll just stay silent for now. Because truthfully, I have not a single clue how to do this.
Matty read every single word of your last entry, his eyes tracing each line as if they were the most precious secrets. What struck him the hardest was the realization that if someone could peek inside his brain, take out his thoughts, and lay them side by side with yours, they would be almost indistinguishably similar. That comment about being like twins? It wasn’t far off. And every day, he was noticing it more and more.
He knew it was wrong to be reading your diary, an invasion of privacy he had no excuse for. But he couldn’t stop. He was too caught up, too addicted to the patterns of your mind—patterns that were so familiar because they mirrored his own. The pull was irresistible, like seeing a reflection of himself in your words, understanding you in a way that felt both thrilling and terrifying.
He was so engrossed in his re-reading that he didn’t notice you stir or open your eyes. When you finally took in the sight of him with your diary in hand, you froze, then rolled your eyes. “Reading my diary, are we?” you mumbled, your drowsy state adding a touch of comedy to the tension.
Matty jumped, startled by your voice, and hurriedly closed the book, pushing it aside. “I thought you were asleep!” he stammered, his guilt obvious.
“And I thought the cardinal rule of diaries was that no one else is supposed to read them?” you continued, a sly smile tugging at your lips.
He shook his head, trying to backpedal. “I didn’t read it—I swear.”
“Yeah, you did,” you shot back, the sly smile now full-blown.
“Yes, I did,” he admitted, not missing a beat, the look of defeat settling on his features. “I’m sorry.”
You looked down wearily, adjusting yourself as the weight of the moment settled in. Matty, still feeling the need to say something, continued, “I didn’t know you were a writer.”
“I’m not,” you replied simply.
Matty scoffed, shaking his head. “I don’t see many twelve-year-olds putting out words like this.”
You rolled your eyes, brushing off the compliment. “I’m not putting them ‘out.’ I’m putting them in a three-dollar notebook I got at the grocery store.”
He shrugged, not willing to let it go. “They’re good nonetheless.”
You offered him a weary, tight-lipped smile, the kind that said you were too tired to argue but appreciated the sentiment. Matty’s tone softened, almost a whisper. “Sit up for a second.”
Your eyes changed, a flicker of panic flashing as you realized he had actually read everything you wrote—all of it. You hesitated, your heart racing. “You said it was time for bed.”
“This will only take a second.” His voice was gentle but insistent. After a weary pause, you sat up, looking at him with guarded eyes. He took your hands in his, the gesture tender as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple, then looked at you, his expression serious. “You don’t have to go anywhere, Matilda.”
For a moment, the room was silent. You’d been waiting for this conversation for months, but you never expected it to happen now, like this. “Yes, I do,” you said quietly, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Where?” he asked, his tone laced with concern.
“Somewhere where I’m not in your way.” You slowly pulled your hands from his grasp, the distance between you growing in that small action.
“You’re not in my way, my love,” he said softly, trying to reassure you.
“I could be. I will be,” you insisted, your voice trembling slightly.
“No, you won’t,” he said, a bit more firmly this time.
“You don’t know that,” you whispered, doubt creeping in.
“If you’re anything like me—and you are, whether you like it or not—we’ll have some challenges,” Matty admitted, his voice thick with emotion. “But I’ve wasted so much time…and missed out on so many things over the last twelve years, Tilly. I’ll be damned if I miss one more.”
The words hung in the air between you, heavy with the weight of everything left unsaid.
You looked at him, searching his eyes for any hint of uncertainty, but all you saw was a sincerity that made your chest tighten. It was overwhelming, the idea that someone could care about you this much, could want you around despite everything.
His expression softened even more, a sadness flickering behind his eyes. “You’re not a burden, Matilda. You never were, and you never will be. I want you here, with me. I need you here.”  It was almost as if he was reading your mind.
You bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over. “But what if I mess up? What if I make things harder?”
Matty shook his head, squeezing your hands gently. “Then we’ll figure it out together. I’m not going to let anything get in the way now. Not even your doubts.” You felt a tear slip down your cheek, but for once, it wasn’t out of fear or sadness. It was a relief. Matty reached out and wiped the tear away, his touch gentle, like he was afraid you might break. “You’re stuck with me, babe. I don’t know what to tell you.” He said, lips pulling into a smile.
At that moment, something shifted between you, an unspoken understanding that you were no longer just two people navigating this confusing, painful world. You were a team—a family, bound together by something far stronger than blood or circumstance. It was love, pure and simple, and it was enough.
You leaned into him, letting your head rest on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close. For the first time in what felt like forever, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe things could be okay, that maybe you could find a way to be happy, despite everything.
And as you sat there in the quiet, the weight of the world lifting just a little, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you wouldn’t have to face them alone. 
You had your dad, and he had you.
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venompinks · 7 months
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gio-cosmo · 6 months
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We are livin our liiiivvvveeesss abound with so much informatiooonnnn
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itagakimizuki · 1 year
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WATASHI NO OYOME-KUN (2023) — episode 2
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nerd-cat-rambles · 1 month
When your day is going well and then you remember that one sentence your mum told you that one time that has still upset and affected you to this day:
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witchykale · 5 months
i have so much complex lore for MID in my head that im straight up analyzing the parallelism in my OWN lore
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pulsedmaggot · 5 months
me when i smoke: slipknot are such an emotional travesty that no matter which two band members you put side by side to each other you could come away with such an intense backstory between the two of them from multiple points in their lives. this band loves each other like a wellness checker whose emails you forget to write back. this band cant stand each other. this band is beautiful
me when im sober: does anyone else think ross robinson and joey jordison explored each others bodies. just me? ok. what about ross robinson and corey taylor. just me again? ok
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zorphie · 11 months
hcs and drabbles on the way schools interact with their counterparts??? Yeah. eating that up . can't stop thinking about it . wizards are so
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hecravesme · 2 months
Every time I think of you i instantly start to cry, I’m not sure if it’s because I’m missing your presence or your ego and I just feel so much agony now but remember? you fulfilled that hole for me and now although I said I hate you I know you still wanna have that future we talked about all the time but I mean everything happens for a reason they always say! But we look up at the moon and sun together no matter how far apart we are we still feel each others presence and think about them one another.
I hate you for everything you’ve done to me I wish nothing but the worst for you in so many ways but at the same time you knew you were wrong and continued to do so even after you knew my option on it but it’s all okay right??.
•I’m supposed to be submissive and supportive which I was but then I had to realize I was so submissive & supportive to the wrong man after you finally reach your right mind and breed off common sense that he’s not only gaslighting but was manipulating and love bombing me at the same time which is insane honestly and which I wouldn’t make someone think that I liked them that much and just do them so wrong and shitty like wow.
Lied to me about multiple things while making me believe others wow … And that was tough to take in when I really sat down and thought about everything that’s not only happened but gone wrong like he lies about females that he thinks concerns me but I honestly don’t care about because what I know of they all friends from high school but I never asked about them nor have I ever wanted details about his personal life with them and just in general…
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suffer-for-supper · 4 months
You know, I think the way I got over my fear of fire with cooking with oil is that yes it will hurt if you get splished by a sizzle of oil. However. If you can tag yourself not to react until a small drippy drop has been on you for a second or so, it will occupy that awkward liminal feeling of (is this super hot or is it moderately cool?) and most of the time it's actually fairly hot but by the time your brain gets to that point it's stopped hurting entirely. This is why we have skin btw.
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killa-trav · 5 months
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i'm ngl my brain short wired completely when i heard this like wtf
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sawsession · 10 months
skipping work to finish school stuff i was supposed to do this weekend going insane
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mercysstray · 11 months
Eated a hot dog and threw up
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gendertimed · 1 year
i haven’t listened to take this to your grave in so long this is crazyyyy
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