anodesu · 2 months
More Murmur Leggy Hit Reacts
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Designing animations for characters as strange as the Murmur was one thing, but the challenge of making hit-reacts and status effects for each and every one of them was another feat in itself. As a gameplay animator, you find yourself asking a lot of questions, like: "How do i make these guys look on fire and also not stupid?" "How do i make it react without making it move too much so that players can still hit them?" "Why are there so many status effects?"
Anyway, yeah, I just thought it would be nice to share some more of these animations we shared at the animation workshop at Tennocon 2024.
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priniav · 9 months
Bird 3
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Bird 3
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werelektro · 6 months
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That's all.
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luckygoblinnn · 9 months
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see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
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a few friends from the Wood and the Riverbank
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teenytinycoffeebean · 9 months
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I'm completely normal about Whispers in the Walls so, of course, when I saw a "draw your baby girl like this" pose, it had to be Loid. He's so baby girl.
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robomythos · 9 months
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'Tis some visitor tapping at my chamber door, only this and nothing more.
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notquitechrome · 3 months
Wait in the Wings needs our help
Hey y'all, it's that time of the year again. For those who don't know, Wait in the Wings is a YouTube channel that focuses on preserving theater history through extraordinary documentaries. Think Defunctland, but for theater! Some of the shows he's covered include Seussical, Hadestown, Carrie: the Musical, Starlight Express, and many many more - his most recent being the Great Gatsby on Broadway.
But in order to fund these docs, he needs our support. He is currently running a kickstarter where for each stretch goal reached, a certain documentary will be made. These include:
Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark (a revamp of his very first documentary)
Chess the Musical
Dance of the Vampires
Right now his kickstarter is sitting at just over $20.5k, with the ultimate goal being $45k. There are only 7 days left to give, and any amount helps. Plus, you may get some theater memorabilia alongside your backing! If you can't donate, please consider reblogging/sharing this with your communities, both on here and outside of tumblr. His channel isn't limited to theater nerds - it's made for anyone who is curious about learning something new. It's made a huge impact on me, and I hope it can make an even larger impact thanks to our support.
Thank you for reading, and please show some love to this amazing channel!
Edit: he's also doing a 24 hour livestream right now if you want to tune in! You can find it here!
Edit 2: 6 days left! He's now made it to $23.4k! He's in the last hour of his livestream, go support him!
Edit 3: $25.2k out of $45k! Keep it going!
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heck-star · 8 months
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some wind in the willows character designs because it has wormed its way into my brain and refuses to leaveee
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Anyone else realize how much of a contrast there is between the Void on the Zariman and in Albrecht's labs?
Like, the Zariman itself is practically infested, inside and out, with void energy and ruin. It is a mess, and yet for all of it the actual influence of the Void is minimal, is it not? Sure, theres the Thrax and the Angels but aside from that the Void is more passive there than in Albrechts labs.
Speak of the devil (get it?), tmitw and the Void take a complete 180 in the new tileset. Not only is the whole thing a lot more neat and tidy, with orderly rooms and even drones to make sure any chaos we cause is immediately repaired. The contrast between the Void infested areas and the labs themselves is also very clear, with actual cutoff and melding points, rather than the wild growth of the Zariman's Void. Now add in the fact that the Murmur is a very active force and you can see just how opposite the two locations are.
What intrigues me the most however, are the thematics of both regions. The Zariman, for all of its sleek, futuristic design, clearly has an undertone of religion. From the Organs used in the themes, to the name of the themes themselves, to the focus on song and choir and angels, it all implies a biblical view of things.
Now contrast that with Albrecht's labs, which feature a much more...grounded view of things. From the the fact that these are literal research labs, to the constant references to the human body, bodyparts in everything from enemy design, to the name of the hub, to even the Jahu (Form) gargoyle, everything speaks of science and nature through a more...scientific lens.
Duviri too, kind of falls under this view, but instead of being science or religion, its more along the lines of culture, fiction and just overall creativity, which really makes me wonder where theyre gonna take this with 1999 and beyond...
So yea, just some thoughts I had recently that I felt like sharing.
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anodesu · 2 months
Some Warframe Stuff!
Tennocon is over, and we have so much to share! And by that, I mean, have some stuff from WITW and before. A handful of us animators did a little workshop at Tennocon, which wasn't part of the main stage stream. I thought, at least, I'd love to share some of my own work from the past few years. If you have ideas of whether i should share as a big blog post or if individual posts are your jam, I dunno, I'll try to see what works?
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voidtongued · 9 months
Thinking about the voidtongue. What is being Asked.
VOULL NE XATA VOK, MARA LOHK? -> ????? ?? TRUTH ???, ???? VOID
My instinct is that the question is something like HAVE YOU SEEN THE TRUTH OF THE VOID, but that doesnt map exactly, but there are languages that drop articles and have weird word order. Who knows. I doubt DE has a full conlang for voidtongue.
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
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On 15 January 2015 Harry and Taylor attended a Kings of Leon Party and were captured waiting to go up in the lifts by TMZ. Lily Aldridge posted a photo of Taylor in a collage, tagging her, Harry's mermaid tattoo is clearly sitting opposite her. Harry can be seen talking and joking with Taylors security, Taylor is standing with Haim. Harry and Taylor were later seen and pictured by 2 different fans at 2am at Mel's Diner. Harry tweeted "Serendipity"
@tameimpala222 post with an ask with photos of them at Mels Diner together at 2am.
TMZ link, Lily IG Link, Harry Tweet Serendipity
Special mention also for the Twitter Haylor Timeline
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luckygoblinnn · 8 months
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haha these are just all my little friends :)
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detaylor · 9 months
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wally brought backup
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captaincouture · 3 months
Wildflowers in the Wind
Chapter 1 sneak peek
As a child, Auguste had been mischievous, a fact his father had painstakingly tried to conceal from the court and the public, with only minor success at the latter. The court was too often a victim in his games to be unaware of his nature, and subsequently became wary of him in his young years. Boredom, of course, was the main cause. Everything changed one early morning during late spring in his twelfth year when tiny baby Laurent came screaming into the world.
Mother had been sickly Auguste's whole life, but more so in the months leading up to Laurent’s birth. An experienced older brother to be, Auguste hadn’t paid much mind to Hennike’s approaching ninth month, expecting this pregnancy to be like all the others, fruitless. So when he was summoned in the middle of the night by a servant to his mother’s rooms, he assumed her health had taken a turn for the worst and that he would be saying another tearful goodbye to her, just in case, like all the other times her health had failed.
But tonight his father was there too, and so something was clearly different. Mother was still as lifeless looking as she usually was this late in pregnancy, but the physicians were busying themselves checking between her legs instead of feeding her teas and soups. With weak hands Hennike beconned her baby boy to her bedside, and reached out to him as best she could. Auguste took her frail hands in his and squeezed them tight, “What is it Maman, what’s going on?”
With a steadier voice than should be possible, she responded, “The baby is coming now, Auguste, and I need you to promise me something.”
Auguste had promised his mother many things over the years. That he would stop sneaking away from his history tutors, that he wouldn’t steal councilman Herode’s fancy feather pen anymore, that he hadn’t been secretly dressing up in commoners clothing and pretending to be a cobbler selling shoe shine to the locals. Usually, Auguste’s promises weren’t worth much.
“What is it Maman?”
Hennike grits her teeth through a wave of sharp pain, and exhales in fractions. Auguste waits as patiently as a boy of just twelve can, shifting from foot to foot anxiously. One of the physicians with a funny cap places a wet cloth on her forehead.
“The baby is coming now Auguste, your baby brother, and I may not be here to help raise him-”
Aleron’s voice cuts her off sharply, “Don’t say that Hennike, you’re going to be just fine.”
Maman shoots him a look Auguste can’t decipher and continues.
“I may not be here to care for him like I cared for you, so I need you to be there for him in whatever ways he needs, do you understand?”
Auguste tries his best to keep his sniffling quiet, he can’t let Papa know he’s crying. “I guess.”
“No guessing Auguste, you have to be sure. This baby will not have his mother, so he must have his brother. You will love him, and care for him, and keep him safe, and hold him when he cries, and never let anyone hurt him.” Hennike pauses, breathes deeply as Aleron stands stiffly at her side, and Auguste crawls into the bed with her despite the physician's protests. “He’s coming early, so he will be small and sickly, and will need a lot of patience and love. You’ll do that for him, won’t you, Auguste?”
“Yes ma’am, I will.”
“Good boy, you’ve always had such a big heart, I don’t want you to hide it. Your love should be a privilege to those who receive it, but never a rarity. I love you my boy.”
Auguste chokes the words out, “I love you too Maman, it’s going to be okay.”
Hennike is silent after that, if you don’t count her cries as the physicians mess around between her bent legs where the sheets cover her down to the thighs. Auguste stays laying by his mothers side, holding her hands, and tries not to wince when she squeezes a little too tight.
After a single command from Aleron, which Auguste doesn’t quite hear over his pounding heartbeat, the physicians stop glancing worriedly at Hennike and focus on the baby coming out of her. Whether by chance or as a result, Auguste doesn’t know, but Mamans grip on his hands loosen, and eventually ceases completely as her eyes slip shut.
Auguste tries to shake her back awake, but to no avail. “Papa, something is wrong, Mamam isn’t waking up!”
Aleron’s stony face turns to his son, then his wife, away from the physicians work. He steps to the head of the bed and places a solid hand on Auguste’s shoulder, “Calm now boy, you are a prince.”
Auguste can’t see the moment little Laurent makes his way into the world, but he can surely hear him. Maman must have been wrong when she said he would be frail, since his lungs are nothing but. His screams must echo through the entire castle, waking every servant and courtier from their sleep, and Auguste has never been so afraid in his life.
The physicians pull the screaming bundle away from the bed and clean him off -Auguste hadn’t realized birth was so bloody- and the head physician holds him out to Aleron. At Aleron’s cool stare at the baby and lack of action, the physician with the funny hat gently takes him from the other man's hands and walks around the bed to place the bundle on Hennike’s chest.
The baby's cries soften at contact with his mother but do not cease. The physician with the funny hat takes Auguste’s hands and places them on his baby brother, he whispers just so Auguste can hear him, “He is your responsibility now.”
Aleron does not balk at a physician directing his son, so Auguste nods and stares at baby Laurent for the first time. He is so tiny, and so fragile, Auguste is afraid his new treasure won’t last the night.
But he does last the night, in Auguste’s arms, with Aleron standing quietly nearby. And by the time the bells ring out the morning's tenth hour, Maman opens her eyes and cries as she holds both her boys for the first time.
Auguste has never felt so full of love.
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