j-rad-hewhowrites · 3 months
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Here, I drew this in MS Paint for you when I was nine years old. Kidding. But also, why does this thing look like a disproportionate drawing of a car by a child?
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boarsinsane · 1 year
twitters gone belly up!
guess I’m a tumbler user now 🚶
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bechloyeah · 2 years
@ all the people migrating over from twitter rn: Hi there 👋
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homiro · 24 days
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la-esmerqlda · 1 year
I would like to thank Elon Musk for breaking the stereotype that “high functioning” autistic people are geniuses, because he’s genuinely so fucking dumb I can hardly even fathom it.
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kittydragondraws · 1 year
I'm not used to my posts blowing up so getting 2,200+ votes on the last one was a shock
can we go even higher?
rb and all that jazz
Quick someone post a screenshot of this to Twitter and tag Elon in it lol
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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im-- im just trying to process this "twitter rebranding to x" move like-- WHY is elon so obsessed with the letter x?
he named his cars x. he named his rockets "SpaceX". he maybe got booted out of paypal partially because he tried to name it x. he named his KID x.
and now he's trying to rebrand TWITTER, the brand so ingrained by now they got us to call tweets TWEETS, into x too????
what IS WITH this man and the letter x? why does it have him in such a chokehold???
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animentality · 2 years
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Oh no!
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hkthatgffan · 1 year
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I got inspired!
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micfool · 1 year
My god, the idiot is actually going through with his ill thought out idea of "x the everything app"
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For those that don't know, here's a little bit of context:
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minyicho · 1 year
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This is probably the dumbest twitter thing Elon has done
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rawliverandcigarettes · 3 months
Thinking about Mass Effect, as you do, and how I'm kind of sad that the way it's been engraved in pop culture has more to do with the way internet reacted to it at the time than what the actual game is about. Yes sure, it's about romance (and not that much all things considered) and it's pulpy (but not solely because of hot lady aliens), but it's also intricate worldbuilding that touches on a lot of sharp ideas, and a complicated tug-of-war between a genuine and vulnerable belief in reconciliation and community VS post 9-11 US military propaganda and steadfast belief in heroic exceptionalism, and the melancholic yet energizing mood, and the daring narrative systems, and so so much more than the 'We'll Bang OKs" and the "There's No Shepard Without Vakarian" and the whole ME3 ending situation
It's all there, but I'm sad the impact of the series is often reduced to (what I think is) the least interesting parts of its sum
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generallyjl · 1 year
this twitter blue shit is absolutely murdering me genuinely what the fuck are you little weirdos talking about
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"george washington wants you to pay $8 a month for free speech" is not the serious take you want it to be but it is sooooooo absurdly fucking funny
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This country is already a joke, do we really need the clown car to go along with the circus?
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nine-months-older · 4 months
sean ono lennon’s twitter is a cesspool why the fuckkkk is he starting beef with someone with the handle “sydbarrettyaoi”
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