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rknchan · 3 months ago
every time the 'mortimer being weird about holmes' skull' scene from the first chapter is removed from an adaptation, an angel loses its wings
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sillyfairygarden · 2 months ago
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there's magic everywhere you go
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juney-blues · 8 months ago
i noticed that somehow there were *no* good nyan cat themes for firefox!!!
this feels like a cultural void that should've been filled in 2012, so i made my own!
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firefox's theme editor thingy, color.firefox.com, is actually really easy to use turns out
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just some animated pngs, + a colour scheme
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anyway you can get it here if you want, if you're a real nyan cat head
i love themes, more programs should let you fuck around with their aesthetics as much as you want
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vinestaff · 6 months ago
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me and that fucking subspace that i hate
raw version without the pixelated jazzy filters and stuff :3
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ch1zzie · 11 months ago
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The original in the bottom
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Plus the picture I mainly drew but decided to draw the rest for funny
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#thats not my neighbor#milk man#just tried to draw something in my mind to post along with saying some updates#monday the people are gonna give my grandma the keys to the house! while i have to stay at my aunts place for wifi for school#(online school)#my moms gonna be moving things out of storage into the house! AAAA I CANT WAIT#also little welcome home update#im not sure if i said here? wait nevermind i just remembered while typing (it was that i got barnaby and the pins) AAA silly me#also im making a little julie out of clay (if i wake up and their messed up i am NOT redoing that😭)#the legs are a little messed up because julie was gonna be the size of an hatsune miku figure on accident so i chose to shorten her a bit#only because im not sure if im gonna make the others too AND because theres no way hes gonna be THAT tall😭#also! im making easter art#yes its barnaby and wally again just for fun! but a few changes like keeping their regular outfits because i cant think of anything else!!!#why not the ones in the old easter drawing? welllll a follower said that wallys outfit looked a bit familiar to another not so good thing#it wasnt on purpose just an accident because i hadn't notice BUT im glad i know now so i can be more careful!#im not sureeee if im gonna finish the easter art OR the julie clay thingy but I'd love too! and honestly HOPE to#high chance i will (well maybe the easter art could be late or not)#maaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA trying to think if theres anything else but cant! ill try posting this hoping my wifi wont hate me...#also i know i said this account was for welcome home posting but i didnt have any cool welcome homey things to put here gahhhhh#ehehehhe once i get my new room and its allllll just me#imma post like crazy (wellll that IS the plan so i hope)#even if its little dumb posts#by the way this post was gonna say on top “i know i said this account is for welcome home posting but TAKE THIS FOR LITTLE UPDATES”#just removed it because i dunnooooo just didded#hehe didded
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fia-bonkginya · 5 months ago
okay okay okay obviously this zerxus characterization (and a little bit of the story) doesn't FULLY line up with exu calamity but like. you can very much extrapolate and see how he could have gotten to this point!! he already sort of blamed laerryn for what happened to evandrin and to the city, and you can imagine that festering for a thousand years in a place like the hells.
and his line about how "there's no difference between the gods above and the ones below" perfectly mirrors his statements in the campaign- at one point he says something about how "once you bow to one you bow to them all," so that's always been something he's thought
plus, his fortress being called the brass skull- clearly some of his connection with his old friends is still there, even if he's trying to pretend it's not
i think it's a fun interpretation!!! and of course seeing the aspects of calamity depicted in stained glass like that (especially the ring of brass, evandrin, and elias) was. so so so good. what an excellent artistic choice. i cried
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creaturefeaster · 5 months ago
I want to work more on this before I'm gone pet-sitting but I don't know how much more I'll accomplish today so.,.,. I will just share this neow...
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galedekarios · 11 months ago
there is something to be said about l*rian removing the completely valid rp option for the player to retaliate against ast*rion's attack on the beach (luring you to help him under false pretenses and putting a dagger to your throat) early on in early access (iirc it was patch 2 or 3), while adding more options to kill gale when you meet him in the full release version of the game (dies by failing a roll, dies by durge gnawing off his hand, dies by leaving him in the portal, can be attacked after pulling him out of the portal).
gale, whose crime it is... to be in need of assistance and ask for help.
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shiningnightstars · 7 months ago
act 3 optional content spoilers !!
also flash warning i think? (bad apple)
i played bad apple on the face of your god. sorry not sorry.
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pinkfey · 4 months ago
remember how in dao there were always like multiple flirty options u could just spring on ur love interest and it wasn't something that was brushed past it would stop a conversation dead in its tracks to have a cute secondary flirty offshoot with small variations dependent on the flirty option u initially chose with a unique course correction to get back on topic after...... yeah.
#sorry i'm about to be a hater#romance in datv is like. a vaguely flirty line met by an even vaguer response that has no impact on the conversation#in the beginning at least#only once your relationship is like 6 or 7 does it get a little more receptive#and the whole time it's like okay i completed a main quest. time to talk to the love interest. okay i did another main quest. time to talk#to the love interest. BC YOU CAN'T TALK TO THEM OUTSIDE OF DESIGNATED CUTSCENES. U CAN'T HAVE RANDOM CONVERSATIONS#A LA HAVE YOU EVER LICKED A LAMPPOST IN WINTER!!! THAT IS SO LAME!!!!!!!! SO COOKIE CUT!!!!!!!!!#there's so few references to your relationship at all really. the romance cutscenes could be removed and u would never know they're in love#the romance doesn't exist outside of designated cutscenes. you can't choose to randomly flirt you must wait for The Cutscenes because#there's only one way to romance everybody. even dai was better with this imo even though the formula is similar#partly bc u can get to know everyone outside of exclusive cutscenes?? you can just approach them at anytime and get to know them?? and find#a chance to flirt?? and there's teeny tiny special romance-specific moments carved out. like the dance after halamshiral for example#and again people TALK about your romance. it's present in the narrative#bioware is so known for their romances but they dropped the ball hard here and i'm sooooooooo disappointed#and actually?? companions barely ever interject during main quests too?? or quests at all?? just as a side note#companions should be voicing their OPINIONSSSSS when i make choices????#davrin should have had so much to say during weisshaupt cutscenes. like what the fuck was that#and why wasn't there a one-on-one conversation discussing his mortality with him beforehand?? would have liked to see that??#relationship growth in this game is purely waiting for the next milestone and it feels so stale and lackluster and upsetting and ugh#the fact that giving your companions gifts strictly results in approval gain and one measly thank you is indicative of everything wrong#anyways.txt#jasmine plays datv#da4 spoilers
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daydream-draws · 6 months ago
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trouble!!!!! make it double!!!! more like mystery….. make it history or something
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thhouseofblack · 10 days ago
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newly married odysseus and penelope!
penelope has scales and pointy ears oweing to her naiad (water nymph heritage), she's technically more nymph than mortal (75% naiad) so i wanted to make that a bit obvious.
(did this on a whim because i really wanted to see blonde penelope and couldn't find art where she was blonde, also its my first time dabbling in digital art and this is a wip so,,, yeah)
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robbyykeene · 2 months ago
Potentially unpopular opinion, but I love that Miguel was an asshole again in the second part of this season! It’s a reminder that he’s a character and not just Johnny’s main support. I mean Robby didn’t deserve it at all, but it makes sense that Miguel couldn’t help taking his anger out on him. And I love that Johnny was on the receiving end of it, because it feels like the tension between them just went away for no reason.
Sorry if I’m bothering you!
You’re never bothering me, and I completely agree! They so rarely give Miguel any narrative agency these days, and like Johnny all it does is reduce him as a character. Miguel is a whole, complicated, messy teenager. He isn’t a saint. He isn’t perfect. He makes mistakes and has ugly unfair feelings sometimes, like every single teenager does. And I love when this show actually lets him be like this, lets him be wrong, lets him be a little bit of a dick to the people he cares about who don’t deserve it. Lets him be a real person with actual human feelings. And then also lets him take accountability for what he does wrong, apologize, show how much he’s grown, that he is a good person and a good friend. I love it truly, and it feels like it’s something that in a lot of ways hasn’t really been granted to Miguel since he fell off that balcony.
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rakkuntoast · 2 months ago
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im sorry but this wasnt even the reason why the qsmp had to end in the first place so why are you bringing it up in a dumb post of reminiscing early qsmp days lmao
its funny cuz the problematic creators either removed themselves or weren't relevant enough in the overall story except for one character. so this is just bringing drama just for drama sake
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pipposting · 10 months ago
In the show’s first two seasons, Pip’s mouth was noticeably smaller than normal when closed (outside of some background shots). This detail was removed in season 3 onward (also outside of some background shots, though it was entirely removed after his design was updated).
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Pip in Conjoined Fetus Lady (Season 2) vs Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub (Season 3)
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ribbononline · 1 year ago
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Small snippet of Mother Earth and Her Infinite Sky (preview) by @silverjirachi ! Admittedly very compressed down to fit into a single page. But still!
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