#uhm. tee hee
shiningnightstars · 2 months
act 3 optional content spoilers !!
also flash warning i think? (bad apple)
i played bad apple on the face of your god. sorry not sorry.
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serpentariusart · 1 year
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Working on a big project. Keep your eyes peeled, I'll be talking about this more soon.
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transgaysex · 1 year
this is art lalala
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ani had a talk with his pseudo-god-kinda-daughter about becoming a better person this session
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randomositycat · 1 year
Can someone make a poll about being autistic and how good you are at wearing socks
I have opinions
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icednebula · 11 months
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uhm tee hee not sonic oc show down related but i'm so motivated to draw more puyo stuff im going insane /lh /pos
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imjustalittlesilly · 8 days
Uhhhh hi again uhm uh I made a poster of my object show. (Not even sure if I’ll make a episode🦅🦅🦅)
I’m gonna take a break, cause- well I just got out of a toxic relationship, be silly yall yassss yassss rahhhhhh
@endomentendo I’m back tee hee
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howler-moon · 4 months
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Ok gang I needed to step in I can't take this anymore. The recent Warrior Cats covers and field guide art have been driving me nuts and when this cover dropped something inside me just snapped are you happy Erins I finally did proper fan art of your furry soap opera are you happy now. I used to really like the new artists covers I was his number one defender but now I,m just genuinely concerned if they're giving him any time. Here's a ramble of my thought process if yall are into that: I see a lot of the time with people redesigning covers that they take a completely formula to the actual books and illustrate an actual scene. I love these but I have absolutely no idea what goes on in this arc so I would have to keep to the floating head formula. Since there's no official design for Moonpaw yet either I kept the characters the same (i would possibly have replaced Crowfeather with Moonpaw although looking back having Crow there for "the elders quest" might fit more). I myself have no designs for Leaf, Tawny or Crow so i just slapped on whatever. I did have the thought to reference The apprentices quest cover at one point, as I feel like this arc will just be full of references (Following a "friend since arc one", recycled plot points, the book being called the elders quest.. If they call a book "Out of the wild" you all owe me one million dollars/hj) but uhm that was boring and i had a different idea anyway :3 I wanted to put a spin on the usual floating head formula (literally)(I just made it profile instead of front facing) and i would like to imagine the rest of the books in this arc would follow this formula with a different character each time. I originally wanted to keep the blue colour scheme, but it was not giving gang im sorry. I can only shade with purples and yellows forgive me. The excuse i realised i could make half way through is that a sunset fits the name "changing skies" way better that a blue gradient. THE SKY IS LITERALLY CHANGING ITS RIGHT THERE. I also added the faint stars in the sky as reference to the problems with connecting to starclan tee hee. I was originally going to draw Leafstar blind but decided against it as i dont know how she loses her vision and I dont like drawing blind characters with milky eyes when its not accurate... I compensated by obscuring her pupil with a sparkle because she deserves to feel pretty Yeah i think thats it Obligatory Polish cover appreciation moment:
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r3therat · 2 months
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Hey look. It's me.
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peach-pot · 2 years
my drafts aren’t for posts I’m still working on, it’s a second smaller dash just for me to enjoy.
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squidthechaotickid · 11 days
UHM UH UHHHHH!!! LIAN ANIMATIC IM WORKING ON!!! She's getting a villain arc tee hee :3
ALSO SORRY FOR THE LOW QUALITY!! FlipaClip kept crashing whenever I tried to export the video so I just!! Screen recorded it!!!!
ALSO ALSO. Go vote Lian in the @lmk-oc-competition!!!!!
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reashot · 2 years
Sorry it take this long, but Anon requested to see Christmas themed Lancaster and by God they're going to get one:
Under the Mistletoe 💏
To celebrate Christmas. Both team RWBY and JNPR decide to have a get-together and for the venue they decides to have it in JNPR dorm room.
Yang: Let's start this party with a Yang!
Everyone: Yang!
Pyrrha: Wow Yang! How do you get all this stuffs for the Christmas party?
Yang: Well. Let's just say it's a donation from an anonymous donor...
Cuts into Junior's club.
A gruesome scene unfolds inside of a nightclub. Bodies of suit wearing mooks littered the dance floor and their Boss, Junior can be seen sitting in the counter nursing his wounds by pouring himself a stiff one.
Goon: Boss... Why the heck do that blonde beast came here and stole our stuffs?
Junior: Shut up...
Back in JNPR dorm room.
Yang: Anyway... How about a drink? Non alcoholic of course.
Pyrrha: I'll take two. Thank you.
While bringing two drinks across the room Pyrrha passes many of the friends she made in Beacon.
Nora: Ren-ren let's dance!
Ren: Sure Nora.
Weiss: So, Blake... How is it like being a Faunus?
Blake: How is it like being me?
Weiss: Look! I'm trying to strike a conversation, okay? And it's hard when you know I said something to you that can't be taken back.
Blake: I know that Weiss. Baby step, okay.
Weiss: Baby step.
Ruby: Jaune did you watch _syberSamurai last stream? 😁
Jaune: I did, Ruby. Man she almost lost the match 4-1 but in the last minutes she turned it around and ended up winning against impossible odd.
Ruby: Ikr. She's so awesome. 😆
Pyrrha: Hmm. What are you two talking about?
Jaune: Oh. Pyrrha. We're just talking about video games. That's all.
Pyrrha: ... I see. Oh and Jaune I brought a drink for you.
Jaune: Oh thank you Pyrrha... *Walked just few centi away to be perfectly below the mistletoe*
Yang: Ah! Both Vomit Boy and P-Money are under the mistletoe so according to the rule they must kiss.
Pyrrha: Wow. Do you want to kiss me Jaune?
Jaune: Is that even a question? Of course.
Both Jaune and Pyrrha kiss to the cheers and approval of everyone watching. Everyone except for Ruby who sees it differently.
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Yang: Woohoo! 30 second kiss. That's your longest one to date. And don't think I didn't see you slipping your tongue there Pyrrha. You horny fox. You.
Ruby: Give me a drink Yang!!! 😫
Yang: Eh, sure. *pours one out for her little sister*
Ruby: Another! 😠
Yang: K. *pours another*
Ruby: More! 😡
Yang: Ruby this is Non-Alcoholic. You can't get drunk from this.
Ruby: Maybe I just like to drink! You ever think about that? 🤬
Yang: Rubs... If you are upset about something you can tell me all about it. I'm your big sister after all.
Ruby: I don't want to talk about it... 😢
Yang: It's about Jaune kissing Pyrrha isn't it?
Ruby: Why don't he like me? I also want to kiss him using my tongue too. 😭
Yang: Oh Ruby... Tell you what go up to him right now and I'll help you out.
Ruby: How? 😞
Yang: Look just trust your sister, okay.
Ruby: He-hey Jaune... How's it hanging. 😟
Jaune: What is it Ruby. Do you want to talk more about other stuffs?
Ruby: Uh... Uhm... Eh... I mean. I want to... 😵
Unbeknownst to the two of them. A mistletoe silently glides above them and landing perfectly above the two dorks's head. The mistletoe is being guided by Yang by using a long stick. No doubt she prepares them beforehand for some sort of prank.
Yang: Oh no, a mistletoe somehow got above Jaune and Ruby. How did that happened? Tee-hee. Anyway you know the rules and so do I.
Ruby: C-can I kiss you too Jaune?
Jaune: R-Ruby I...
Pyrrha: Go for it Jaune.
Nora: Yeah! Go for it!
Blake: (Oh Brothers they're going to do it. Finally.)
Jaune: Okay here goes...
Ruby: 😚
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Jaune : There Ruby, how do you like it?
Ruby: 😶
Jaune: Ruby?
Ruby suddenly tackles Jaune to his bed. And proceeds to mount him. The suddennes took everyone by surprise.
Jaune: Ruby what's gotten into you?
Ruby: 🥵🥵🥵 Everyone! Please evacuate to a safe six miles radius. Or else will I not be responsible for what will happen next 🥵🥵🥵
Jaune: Eep!
Yang: Ah hell nah! I'm still way too hot and sexy to be an aunt.
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poiscnivyism · 3 months
Please share more about your OC that you ship with Black Mask! I have an OC that I ship with him too 🖤. I just love hearing about other peoples OCs.
Oh gosh ... I never got an ask before or let alone about my OC with Black Mask 🤣 sorry it took a bit to get back to you—!
I consider it almost an honor since I rotate around in his tag from time to time. Uhm, I share a lot about her, in a server, and hopefully ... I can share her somewhere out there one day (like on an art instagram).
↓ read more below ↓
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Her name is Noemi Valentino.
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Noemi is a heiress of the Valentino Crime Family, back in her own hometown of Italy. She came to Gotham after the passing of her father, and don of the family. Noemi lives a relatively sheltered life younger after her mother's death, and it was done so for her own protection.
Therefore, when the reins were tossed over to her ... she was burdened by a lot of responsibilities she couldn't take nor handle. Likewise, she heard about Gotham from one of her supposed friends, and thought a city infested with crime or where the criminals rule ... would be just the ideal place for her! As her organization incurred a lot of losses, due to some steadfast and unwise decisions made by her (tee-hee).
So she relegated a lot of the work to her family's consigliere ... and just packed up her bags—before she was off, with her toy poodle in tow!
Most people see Gotham as this dreary, and terrible place ... well Noemi sees it as an 'opportunity' to start anew; and maybe a bit of an ecapism too.
Most people see it as hell. While to Noemi, it's just heaven. Or close to it.
Then, when she saw the devil himself ... while partying, and getting down in one of his finest clubs—next to two new friends she made. Well, the devil might saw her as this enchanting 'pink' angel gracing his dance floor ... and perhaps leered a little too close at some of her curves too.
Noemi can't help to flush a little when they, at last, made eye contact.
That's how Noemi met Black Mask ... or Roman Sionis.
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When I said pink earlier, I mean literally pink, Noemi is a satirical take on those y2k ditzy blonde rich girl stereotypes ... except she's quite intelligent, and shrewd herself. Think of Elle Woods, she takes after Elle a lot, and hence why she has a purse dog too—his name is Giovanni or Gio by the way.
She also based on a lot on Barbie too!
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(art by sirshiba)
She's a talented polyglot with over 10+ languages under her belt, and acted as a translator, on the behalf of father, when engaged with the yakuza or any organized crime group from aboard.
Given that Sionis's previous translator just quit—or was it wound up dead? Noemi filled their previous spot quite quick after a while in their relationship.
Of course, Roman would have disingenuous, malicious intentions for the heiress, in mind ... and heard all about her family just when she stepped foot in Gotham. Though, who is to say that she isn't using him with the same goal, in mind? Figuring out more about him too ...
It was a relationship that just happened after a few private encounters in a V.I.P. booth. Typical of Sionis to see other people on the side besides Noemi too ... and who is to say she wasn't doing that as well? That was their 'situation-ship' phase, and his soon growing possessiveness or jealousy over her will only begin to ramp up along the way ...
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How they are relationship-wise? This verse Roman is largely inspired by Judd Winick's writing of him in Under the Red Hood, and alongside, his Arkham Origins portrayal too. Just taking away that voice and suit alone ... (and I also base him on the characters Robert de Niro played in Scorsese's films such as Goodfellas, and Casino too).
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(note: roman's skull face is permeant in canon, and this is for illustrative purposes)
Therefore, Roman harbor that dry humor and sense of sarcasm about him like in the comic, and he always end up in nonsensical or outrageous situations ... thanks to the principessa no less. As she may redecorate all his office with ribbons, deck out the living room with bows or pull something similar—their relationship is more of a morbid comedic couple, and a satire too.
Some of it is Noemi's nonchalance to Roman's penchant for violence, and his 'unsightly' past time ... for traitors or rivals.
At first, he thought she would be squeamish, but she surprisingly held no reaction as she just blinks at him back.
It turns out ... she seen a lot of fucked up shit as a kid she shouldn't have, and been snooping around in her family cellars.
They're quite ... match made in hell, aren't they?
How did she manage to go unscathed? We'll never know ... but what we do know for sure—her family is a pretty big deal back home! Given what they did in those cellars for example ...
Despite all that, Noemi has a gray moral compass ... and can be swayed to do the right thing. She may not like it when Roman takes it out on his henchmen or two as she attempts to placate him once they're downed—since they had enough!
While Roman harbor the '✨️ I can make her worst ✨️' mentality ... and trying to discern what kind of mask she's wearing. But she's a little hard to read for him at times—that what intrigues him further. As he tries to pick her brain apart, while she lovingly likes to have the 'I can fix him' mentality by perhaps gaslighting him every now and then ...
Going back to the point about her being so overly pink, uhm yup ... Roman doesn't get that either, and like Jesus—she's obsessed with it! It's driving him nuts at times ...
Again, offering a playful contrast between the two ... and an intriguing dynamic to play out.
(Though, that dog of hers can be a handful sometimes ...)
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jesuistrestriste · 10 months
tee hee posting priest!mike faist tonight woop woop
finally 🧍‍♀️
update: uhm i fell asleep before posting it so i’m just gonna wait till sunday morning (this morning) bc i’m sleepy. i’m v sorry 😭
update update: it’s up !:)
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zestylemonsz · 2 months
Hey king
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I couldnt commit
So i jsut made 2
Uhm... yeah
Idk if this qualifies as whining but,,,,, while doing mock ups these two made me laugh really hard ... so i finished them... uh..
tee hee tee hee
this is better actually
they're already saved in my phone
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nautiluspompilius · 5 months
so uhhh uhm uhhh
anyone wanna learn how to identify fake pokemon cards cuz I just got way too much knowledge in this field in the span of 15 minutes
tee hee (im a little bit sad)
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only-raw-and-bare · 14 days
I love the idea of fucking a cheating girl bare, no condom inhibiting the joy of all-natural penetrative sex, watching my thick, long pole sliding in and out of her pussy, my shaft hugged by her wet, moist pussy lips. But then halfway through our plowing session her boyfriend suddenly calls her (he was on a work trip) ~ Seeing the startled look in her eyes, hearing her pick up the phone because she knows she has no other choice, and hearing her lie and deceive her partner about what she is doing, unf ~ "Why do you sound so out of breath, honey?" - "Oh uhm.. Sorry, I'm just going down the stairs", while I'm still sliding in and out of her wet cunt <3 Her trying to surpress, with all her willpower, the lustful moans triggered by my big, fat uncut cock bottoming her out and stimulating all her pleasurable spots, trying to sound normal while talking to her partner, tee hee ~ I start fucking her harder to tease her, her mind is melting and she can't help but let out a moan every now and then, unf ~ Finally she hangs up, she tells me how much bigger and fatter my cock is, how her boyfriend can't please her with his below-average cock, how she wants me to not pull out and fill her womb with my hot, virile cum. I obey her wishes and breed her balls deep. A few weeks later she messages me a picture of a positive pregnancy test ;3
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