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ranarenee · 1 year ago
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I'm allergic to colors and I have bunny disease.
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randomgurl2326 · 1 year ago
Adam Relationship Headcannons
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You two met after the whole Lilith and Eve debacle
You were sent to be his Guardian Angel down in the Garden of Eden. Honestly, he couldn’t care less about Eve when he first saw you
He was in the middle of the garden, talking to Eve and then you show up… man’s whipped. Simp I tell you
(Actually wished that you were made to be his wife instead of the baddie Lilith or the goodie-two-shoes Eve)
Again. Whipped.
Now, tho is guy… whewww. He may seem incredibly misogynistic to practically everyone around him. But he can be a total sweetheart
He would—if you didn’t know how to already—teach you how to shred on the guitar
Speaking of guitars, that gold strat that he had during the battle in the last episode is only used during a special occasion (case and point, when you two have a date night or after sex)
He also serenades you every chance he gets
After dinner
After a meeting
After sex
After just walking the goddamn promenade
I also think he would be heavenly (ha! See what i did there? No? Okay…) in the kitchen. Especially for date night. Adam knows how to make the best prime rib in heaven
(Lute totally hasn’t tried to blackmail the recipe out of him)
Adam is also very insecure about how he looks under his mask
Especially after having two wives ditch him for Lucifer
He definitely needs to be praised on a daily basis, even if it seems like he’s an egotistical asshole
Every day you tell him how handsome he is and he doesn’t believe you (c’mon have you seen him fuckin’ hot)
You two sometimes don’t see each other days on end because you both work so much. You being a high-ranking Angel/seraphim and him being well… the first man on Earth
If you guys go especially long for not seeing each other, you guys hole up a few days in your shared home spending time with each other among other things…
By the way, you and Lute are best friends, probably more than her and Adam
Like, seriously, if you’re not with him, you’re with her. Gossiping or fucking around, it’s heaven, there’s infinite things to do
You two are also very lovey dovey with each other
One time Sera had cover Emily’s eyes with her wings because you two were making out and feeling each other up in the middle of the Heavenly Court Room
Despite all of his faults, he’s a good husband to you, a great one actually. And if you two were to ever have kids, he’d definitely be the dad who everyone loves
He would introduce them to rock, punk, metal.
Definitely plays his guitar to get them to sleep every night
Okay… he want lying about being the Dick Master. He can pleasure women, that is not a problem for him
Also, it might not seem like it, but he loves going down on you. Probably one of his favorite pass times actually
I swear, this man could make you scream his name within minutes. No joke
Don’t get me wrong, he loves receiving head
But just not as much as he loves eating pussy (Lilith and Eve missed out on that one for sure)
He also has a bigger dick than average
Probably 6-7.5 inches in length and hella girthy. Uncircumcised (duh), and a vein that runs up the bottom of it
Definitely knows how to use it
Every one within a five mile radius of your guys’ house… let’s just say I feel really bad for them
No joke, he is insane about pleasuring you
This probably also feeds into his insecurity about you leaving him (you won’t)
He for sure has a praise kink. Seriously, tell him he’s a good boy and he’s unraveling under your touch instantly
His favorite position is cowgirl (what can he say, he loves powerful women)
But he’s down for whatever position you want; missionary, warrior, against a wall, whatever
Speaking of wall sex, Lute has definitely caught you two more than once
The first time she did was when you two were in Adam’s office while he was supposed to be planning the next extermination. She came to ask him a question about it and there you two were. Goin’ at it like rabbits on the wall next to his desk
She couldn’t look you guys in the eye for three weeks. It was terrible
Adam also doesn’t seem like the type of guy to have sex toys or feel the need to use them
But, again, he’s whipped. So he’s willing to do whatever you want to do
Wont admit this to anyone but you, but he likes to sub every once in a while. Especially with all the ‘first man’ stuff weighing down on him he needs a way to get away from all that stress
Despite him making crude jokes about sex, he’s a very giving partner in bed
He had to make sure you cum at least twice before he gets his dick wet
Also, have I mentioned how good he is at eating pussy? Oh, I have? Yeah, well, he is (especially with that tiny bit of stubble on his chin… gahhh)
Just needed to get it out there
All in all, Adam is a very giving person in bed, can be selfish at times but will make up for it. He loves you too much for you to feel mad or upset (especially with him)
A/N: this was my first time writing for Adam and Hazbin in general. I hope you liked it. I love you all💚💜
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bananami · 1 year ago
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character/s: choso kamo x afab!reader
SYNOPSIS: meangirl!reader x loser!choso is a pairing that lives in my head rent free so when you all voted for choso to be the next hot man i wrote for i knew this was what would come out of it so let’s get into it whores
WARNINGS: this is college based bc u know why. 18+, nsfw, mdni, the whole shebang, kiddos avert ur eyes IT'S ALL SMUT / also just be aware i did use fem language for reader. as always, i did not proof read xxx
A/N: delusion is like drugs for simps, and i am the crackhead
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Choso isn't like a nerdy loser, more like he’s just an emo boy, he’s got that alternative look going on and in a school full of preppy rich kids he stands out like a sore thumb. Of course this leads to some not so nice kids being not so nice to him, to which like he literally could not care less. He pays no mind to what anyone thinks of him beyond of course what his brothers think of him.
And as much as people aren’t nice to him, they do not fuck with him directly, lowkey scared of his reactions. Especially following a specfic incident in which someone tried to pick a fight with him. At first he was going to just let it slide but then they said something rude about Yuuji and this man laid them out. People were sent to urgent care and everything. Choso was put on suspension and almost kicked out, but their family friend is a lawyer and threatened to sue the school and anyways (if you know who you know who) so he was allowed back at school and everyone’s a little weary of him. This doesn’t stop the mean comments from coming.
And you. You’re no exception. You made fun of him every chance you got. The way he always did his hair in that weird double bun updo, or how he had his nails painted black, his various piercings and tattoos, the way he dressed so much different, was so much different, than any of the other guys you knew at school.
And you were so disgustingly attracted to him. While everyone would sneer and make fun of him and you played along, in reality you were internally berating yourself.
Choso did his best to ignore you but to be honest in the end you were just too fun to mess with. He thought it was cute how you thought you could hurt his feelings, how you really tried, and didn’t realize that he had a thing for brats and that’s just what you were. Everyone else was too afraid to say it straight to his face ever since the fight except for you.
One time he caught you staring at him and he couldn’t help himself, leaning over with a careless smirk. "If you spent less time staring at me and more time paying attention to the lecture maybe you wouldn’t be failing the class."
"Fuck you, Choso.”
"You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You hoped he’d mistake your embarrassment for anger. He didn’t. You snapped back, as usual. "Maybe if you didn’t dress like such a freak, you’d actually have some friends.”
"Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch your boyfriends would actually stick around for longer than a few months."
The one stung, and you tried not to let it show. Thrown off your game, all you could bring yourself to reply back was: “don’t call me a bitch.”
He shrugged, as though he were bored with the conversation already. "I never said it was a bad thing, just that you keep dating dudes who can’t handle you."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
He doesn't answer though, and you spend way too much time thinking about what he could've meant. Was he implying that he could handle you? Was that why he constantly found ways to poke at you? Did he like when you were a brat? Did it matter if he liked it? It led your fantasies down a deep and dark rabbit hole that you spent weeks harping on.
Things get even worse after you realize that Choso might’ve been right about your grades slipping and staring at him in class and whatnot. And (for plot reasons of course) that would mean your professor paired you up with him for the final project so that you’d stand a better chance at passing the class.
Which is how you find yourself standing outside of his apartment door, debating how much you need to actually pass the course for your degree. You kept coming to the same conclusion. You definitely needed to.
"You just gonna stand at my door like a creep or can you move so i can let you inside?” He stood at the top of the staircase up to his apartment, watching you with another bored expression.
You're reaction is second nature. "I’m the creep? How long were you just standing there watching me? Maybe I’d already knocked and you didn’t answer so I was waiting. Let’s get on with it, I don’t need anyone seeing me hanging around-”
"Alright relax, princess. No one’s around to hear you act like you hate me. Come inside and I’ll grab us something to drink.” He opened the door to let you both inside, holding it open for you to enter first.
"First off, I do hate you. And second, how do I know you’re not going to poison me?”
"Don’t worry, I wouldn’t poison you. The plan was going more in the direction of choking.”
"Choked to death? Good to know.”
"You implied killing. All i said was choking.”
"Oh, gross.” You groaned. You pushed away the images that were brought to your mind. Choso's hand around your throat, fingers in your mouth, his breathy whispers telling you what else he'd have you choking on by the end of the night.
It's not too bad for the first few hours. You start out working on the project in the living room, but Choso’s neighbors are loud as all hell and you eventually ask if you guys can move into a room away from that shared wall. And (of course for plot purposes) that would be his bedroom.
"Your bedroom is exactly as I pictured it would be."
"This is the part where I make fun of you for picturing what my bedroom looks like."
"Yeah weird and creepy, just like you.”
"Your insults are getting less and less creative.”
"Yeah well….shut up.”
He’s surprised at that, usually you’d come back at him with something witty and clever and he actually enjoyed it.
It’s quiet and he’s sitting at his desk while you lay casually on his bed when he decides now’s as good a time as ever, and he might never actually get you alone again to say it.
"You ever gonna admit that you find me attractive or keep lying to the both of us?"
You wince. "I don't find you attractive. Stop flattering yourself."
"You flatter me enough with all the staring and drooling you do over me in class."
"You're obsessive," you snap at him.
"At least i can admit it."
You're caught off guard, stuck between wanting to ask what he means and not wanting to give in to the obvious baiting he's doing. When he throws the study material down on to his desk and plops down in front of you on his bed, it seems like he's resigned to not giving you that choice.
"Tell you what, I'll tell you all of the dirty and depraved things I think about on a daily basis, and you can decide after whether you'd like to share those same thoughts of yours with me or not."
"Why would I want to hear any of the thoughts in your head?"
"Because a lot of them revolve directly around you." He's leaned so close you're almost touching one another. Your silence is enough to spur him on. "I think you've never been fucked properly before."
You can't contain the look that falls on your face. "Seriously? This what you think about? My sex life is none of your business, but I'm doing just fine in that department, thank you very much."
He ignores you. "I don't think you've ever been told to shut the fuck up and take it like the good girl I know you can be." That shut you up real quick. Choso is on his knees in front of you, hands cupping around your neck, his thumbs running across your cheeks. "You're whiney little fucking attitude not do it for your boyfriends?" He teased. "They not know how to deal with you when you're being a brat, huh?"
You're head moves without conscious effort, nodding to agree with him.
"You just want some attention, don't you?"
Another nod.
"You want my attention, don't you?"
Hesitation. But you can't help yourself, his presence looming heavy over you, pushing you to admit what you'd kept in the dark for so long.
One of his hands slithers from your throat, down your chest, under the sweats you threw on in a rush to get to his apartment. You're so distracted by his fingers that you don't notice his face moving closer until his mouth is prying yours open. That's all it takes from him to have you stroking your fingers through his hair, pulling it out of the buns they typically are held in.
"Such a little brat." He's hovering over you, pushing your hips into the soft cushion of his bed with his. "Feel how hard it makes me?" He teases as he grinds his hips down, his clothed cock sliding against your center. Your eyes flutter and he grips onto your face with one hand, squeezing firmly. "You're gonna fuck me tonight. Nod if you understand."
You can't believe how quick your head moves up and down. "You're gonna take off those pretty little panties you wore hoping I'd get to see and slide up and down my dick until I tell you to stop. I don't want you cumming until I feel you've begged enough."
It takes no time at all for him to flip the two of you and prop himself up on his forearms. His pants are shimmied off and thrown to his bedroom floor alongside yours.
Your hands are desperate to line him up, anticipation building to have him deep inside of you, but his shoot out to pull them up and place them against his chest. "No, no, no. You don't get me inside you yet, not until you prove to me you deserve it." He urges you along his shaft, flat against his stomach. "That's right, be a good little slut for me and let me feel that pussy slide against my dick."
You watch him from above, his face contorting from concentration to pleasure to near desperation. You've never felt as powerful as you did riding him. Not a single one of your boyfriends ever turning you on as much as Choso was right now. He made you work for it, praising you when you did what he asked, and you chased that praise.
"Shit, look at that baby," he grabbed your hair and yanked your face down to watch yourself slide against him. "Need to feel you squeeze that pussy around me. Fuck, slide me in, slide me in-" his loud groans matched your high pitched sound of relief at having him seated inside you. "Fuck this."
He flipped the two of you back over, gripping each of your legs and forcing them up. "Hold right under your knees for me. Good girl, keep yourself open for me, let me just use you." He fell to his forearms as he plowed into you, giving you no time to get used to any sort of pace.
You tried your best to hold your legs, but you wanted so badly to touch him. One of your hands wandered back up into his lose hair.
He could barely keep his eyes open, mumbling all kinds of truths you were sure he would've kept locked inside had he not been so drunk on the feel of being inside you. "So fucking pretty," he kissed you sloppily, "such a stupid fucking brat, just needed my cock inside you. Feel like heaven, baby. Gonna let me cum inside your little cunt, right? Made me wait so fucking long to have you, I deserve it. Don't I deserve it?"
You can barely form any coherent words, setting for nodding and breathy uh huhs.
"So fucking mean to me, and look how good I'm being to you, huh?" You feel the light slap of his head against your cheek. "Say your sorry, beg me to cum inside your pussy."
You do beg, your apology comes out in between the stuttering and slurring of your words, but you beg and plead with him until he concedes. It his own orgasm that pushes you over, his groans and relentlessness that follow, pushing himself passed the point of no return. You can see the beginning of what looks like tears in his eyes, and he has to force himself to stop, his hips jerking from the overstimulation.
He kisses you ruthlessly, letting his tongue claim your mouth in a manner more harsh than it is anything else. And when he pulls away and his eyes settle back on yours they're equally as harsh.
"No more shitty little boyfriends that can't handle you. I'll handle you. You want my cock, you ask nicely. Understand?"
"Yes," you let your lips peck his, surprising him, "what if I don't wanna be nice about it?"
He smirks, "try it and find out. Now get on your knees and suck my cock like the good girl I know you can be."
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laambfuzz · 20 days ago
—- he knows. ft schlatt. ᝰ
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summary: after a bizarre discovery about your favourite streamer, you continue to fall down the rabbit hole of his other content. you were pleasantly surprised to find he also done audio's, and couldn't resist listening to his latest post.
— tags: smut, lunch club!schlatt, mutual masturbation.. technically?, schlatt does porn (duh), dirty talk, open ending again
authors note: helloo, part 2 has been served!! appreciate the love towards my first post, so i had to get this one out to you guys asap. once again, this wouldn't be possible without the lovely @fanficfox and her lovely mind! hope you all enjoy, and don't forget to lmk your thoughts!! ♡
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it had been a few weeks since the day you had found schlatt featuring in fucking twitter porn of all places
you'd be lying if you said you hadn't looked again
of course you had
and not just at the original video. you had found a mix of older and newer videos
some were solo, some were with another girl
and either way, you watched them
something you had also found however, was a link to his other content. it was hosted on a website to soundgasm
interesting name, you thought, but alright
and boy were you glad you clicked
you were met with a profile— schlatt's profile— but it was under a completely different alias
but there were tons of audios on the site, dating back to even last year
you felt almost overwhelmed with how much content there, the audios having a wide variety of themes, and the lengths being short, small instances to long played out scenes
you had your night set for you, and you didn't know which one to choose
until you seen one had recently been uploaded, in fact it was posted just an hour before you had found the site
intrigued, you clicked onto the link and got yourself into bed, snuggled under the covers as you pressed play on the audio
the second you pressed play, you were instantly met with heavy breathing— low, deep almost needy-like breaths were being let out, as if he had been holding back for too long
there's a faint shuffle, slight movement before a small exhale escapes his mouth
and he's finally starting
the slick, slow slide of his hand can be heard, and the wet noises begin to fill your ears
you hear how quickly his breathing gets uneven, as he shifts between low grunts and muffled curses
it's not long before he starts talking into the mic, his low and raspy voice sending a shiver through your body, your thighs squeezing instinctively
"fuck, been thinking about this all day,"
"i've just been— shit— so fucking hard, waiting to do this. been wanting it so bad,"
the way he speaks, his voice switches from steady to uneven interchangeably, and it somehow turns you on even more
"bet you'd love watching me, huh? bet you'd fucking get off to it,"
he chuckles to himself lowly for a moment, before he continues, "fuck, who am i kidding. i bet you already are. or at the very least, you're already soaked for me, sweetheart,"
a small whine escapes you from his words because fuck, he was so cocky, and yet so right. the slick was coating between your thighs, there was a pool of warmth sitting in your core that wasn't leaving anytime soon
the audio continued on, schlatt continuing to jerk off and talk you through as he did. giving you visuals through groaned explanations, telling you when he was stroking or squeezing
you had slipped your hand under your pyjama bottoms, allowing your fingers to graze over your underwear as you pressed against your core, rubbing gently along with schlatt
it was nearing the end of the audio, when schlatt's breaths got more erratic and his talking became more frequent
"fuck— getting close.. 'm not gonna last,"
what could only be described as a whine escaped him, before he coughed and cut himself off with a low chuckle
"but i know you— you, sweetheart— i know you're listening in,"
you were sure this was another bit to entice the viewer in and make it more personal, and you weren't complaining. you sped your fingers up, rubbing the fabric against you faster, creating a nice friction
"and i know you'll be getting off to this, cause you seem fuckin' filthy. but let me— shit, let me ask you one thing," he started again, voice shaking more than ever
you knew he was close, and so were you
he groaned deeply, leaning closer to the mic before speaking up, "i know you asked whether i've been told i talk too much, but i know you like it, like it enough to tease me about it live,"
your mouth dropped and your fingers froze momentarily, as if edging yourself for a few seconds, but they sped up again when you heard schlatt moan loudly through the audio
his chair creaked and the moans came spilling out of his mouth, little fuck's along the way as he eased himself through the orgasm. the sounds were even wetter than before, mixing in with his stuttered breath was all you needed to hear to send yourself over the edge
you came just after schlatt, the wetness soaking and staining your underwear as you rode out the orgasm, practically humping your fingers as you whined to yourself, revelling in his breathy groans
there was no outro to the audio, just a simple "see you next time, fuckin' slut," before it cut out, and you were left in a haze
nevermind from just the orgasm, but the fact he had referred to you during the audio, you had been on his mind all day from your teasing
you didn't know how to feel, or what exactly to do. but one thing was for certain
you were going to be back in his next stream, making sure to mention tonight.
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knnichs · 18 days ago
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you were mine (but you were awful everytime.)
with kinich’s busy schedule, he somehow can’t find the time to even send you short letters on how he was doing.  or: watching your childhood friend disappear from your hands.
c. kinich & gn!reader ( platonic or romantic, not explicitly stated )
t. character(s) are childhood friends with reader, can be read as platonic or romantic, word vomit, NO BETA WE DIE LIKE .... LIKE WHO???, angst, hurt/no comfort wow i can finally use this tag, little to no dialogue, wc: 1.4k
taglist. @honeyney @pneumosia @tragedy-of-commons @gl4di0lus @ariadnehelx @azuresaqua @mikashisus -> join the taglist here!
A REQUEST FROM @ MIKASHISUS: i’m here for the valentine’s event >:3 may i req iris + evanesce + kalopsia + lacuna for kinich? 🤍 GARDENERS NOTE: RAY IM GOING TO STRANGLE YOU. THIS WAS LITERALLY SO INSANE TO WRITE heres me self projecting AGAIN!
more author notes at the end !
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“You don’t think that one day we’ll be separated, right?” 
You played with the grass underneath you, plucking out one after the other and attempting to braid them together to create a makeshift crown. It doesn’t work, it unravels itself on your palm and the blades of green straighten itself back to its original shape. The sun was just setting, this was yet another boring day in the fields of Natlan. The boy beside you scoffs at your question, almost offended if you listen in real hard. 
“No. And I’ll make sure of it.” 
Kinich never liked to talk of the future. When you ask him of what he sees himself doing a few years from now–he would redirect the conversation and ask you to help him with some chores the tribe chief assigned him to do instead. He buries himself in work, even as a child, just to stop his mind from drifting to those kinds of philosophical questions. Who has the time for it anyway?
You, ever so displeased by his straightforward answer, pressed him even more. You wanted to hear more–what he thought of you, what he would do if you were ever to drift away from him, so you asked him: How?
He fell silent for a moment, looking down to his feet. Kinich fiddled with something in his hand before he turned to you, giving you a weak smile. The boy hands you a flower, white and pure, and sits right in front of you. 
“I’ll make a promise,” He raises his pinkie, tilting his head as he did–his bright eyes sure to be forever ingrained in your memory. “That I’ll promise to stand by you until we both die. Is that enough?” 
“But how will you make sure that you’ll keep that promise? Swear it.”
He reaches for your hand, trying to set up the pinkie promise ceremony to get this over with. 
“Then… I swear on my heart, I will be with you.”
You hook your finger around his tightly, as if trying not to let go of the moment. Kinich blocked the sun–but the orange glow reached the tufts of his hair and seeped through the black strands. He used his other hand to cover where the two of you linked, sealing the promise, and he let go.
“You better make sure of it–or else I’ll haunt you for the rest of your life.” You say, pointing a finger at him accusingly. He raises his hands up, surrendering to your wishes. 
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Kinich has always been popular in the Scions. You remember the people who once made fun of him as a kid were now fawning over his looks now that he was older, you were really only the real person who stuck by him through the years. You were there when the other kids picked on him, and you were there even after he had gotten his vision.
But now? You could only wish to be a part of his itinerary. 
You don’t blame him, life as a saurian hunter is difficult. Yes, not many would go into that kind of profession, it’s cruel, but someone has to do it. Kinich had no issue choosing to go to that rabbit hole even when you explained to him multiple times that you were concerned about him going through all of that just for some pouches of mora. Well–the amount of mora you get per commission is indeed quite a lot, but there must’ve been some better way to earn it, right?
Day by day, you never fail to return to the same tree where the two of you had made that promise. An emptiness would fill your chest–one so painful you’re sure nothing or no one else could help fix it but him. You hold Kinich so dear to your heart that it’s difficult to imagine a world without him. What if you had never met? Would things have been different then?
The same sun would sink below the grass, the same gust of wind that greets you–brushing past your hair with the gentlest touch. The same tree would shed its leaves seasonally, and the occasional smell of nostalgia hits you hard. How you had missed lounging around here, under the leaves, with your friend. How you missed when days were boring, and your biggest worry was how you’d get home before it got dark and your parents would scold you for being out too long.
Kinich held your hand when you walked through the streets of Natlan once the moon rose, he held your hand when talking to the vendors in the market and you had no clue how to talk to them–they were intimidating, he couldn’t blame you. It’s a shame he was forced to grow up so young. He protected you as a way to heal his inner child–to give the love he never got. 
You just had to ruin it. 
You just had to be so selfish–to ask him for more time, just a few minutes more or seconds, even. Just a little more time to spend with him, just enough to watch the sun rise or fall, just enough to have one more conversation about nothing and everything. When he does give in to your requests–the two of you end up saying nothing, the silence speaks volumes, you’ve drifted apart. There’s nothing to talk about but the past. You know almost nothing of his life now that he seems so far. 
Those were the same eyes that looked at you with such fondness it was hard to express it in words. You remember the sound of his footsteps when he’d creep up behind you to greet you, you remember the messy handwriting he had when he was just learning–the random letters he’d give you throughout the day just to show you how appreciative he was of your presence. Because you were there when others weren’t, you made him feel loved when the others didn’t think of him as someone equal simply because of his childhood.
His name has always been on the tip of your tongue, a silent prayer of wanting to see him for just a second, swinging through the trees with the boxes in hand for his delivery. The bright yellow of his saurian companion, the brightness of his eyes, the sound of his voice. You had never imagined it would end like this, with him frustrated–your tears close to spilling, under the same tree you had spent time with the most, he would tell you how much you bugged him asking for time out of his very busy life. You couldn’t say anything but recall the times of your youth. 
“No one has the right to dictate my time,” He’d glare at you, his voice laced with something unfamiliar–for the very first time he was angry. “Even you.”
“You promised… you promised you’d stick with me until death. Does that mean nothing to you, at all?”
“We were kids, I don’t believe that counts–you know what? Give me a break. I already have so much to my plate that I don’t think I have the energy to do this.”
The situation was helpless. You didn’t trust your voice enough that you would retort with some witty remark like you used to as a child–you couldn’t shout back at him for being rude to you when all you’ve ever done to him was treat him with the kindness he didn’t know existed. Each word shared between the two of you were etched deep within your mind, he was a part of your soul. You couldn’t believe he would leave you this easily.
So you whisper–because you can’t shout, you can’t speak. 
“Don’t be a stranger,”
Your vision was blurry when he finally turned his back on you. You’re not sure if that was still him, stopping in his tracks, or if it was the tree swaying from the wind– almost mocking you of what just happened, giving the illusion that he was still here, that he’d be willing to salvage whatever the two of you had.
When you call out for his name, no one appears. He wasn’t there to lend you his bandana to dry your tear stained cheeks, stop you from roughly rubbing your eyes so it wouldn’t get itchy later. 
He was truly the only person that felt like home, and on the day of love–you had never expected for him to leave so easily. 
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@ knnichs 2023 ﹑ do not repost, republish, translate, feed to ai or modify any of my works. doing so can and will result into me blocking you.
reblogs with comments are INCREDIBLY appreciated! go scream go feral idc i will eat all of them up and run away with a familiarly shaped reblog in my mouth, thank you.
DAWG THE WAY THIS WAS SO SELF INDULGENT UM the prompts reminded me of something that happened way back THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING ABOUT IT SO I HOPE IT WAS SO BAD UMMMM i literally dont know how to put my feelings into words if u can tell LOL! anyway probably my first time ?? writing hurt no comfort or pure angst ... this is new TO ME !!!! i hope its ok !!
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mud-castle · 3 months ago
Was thinking about Maine Coon Firestar last night and just had the image of him playing with the kits when a queen, just trying to be friendly, asks how old he is. It was meant to be a joke, like "you're a little small for an apprentice, how old actually are you?" in a teasing way, but then he - not knowing the rules yet - very honestly and proudly says he's three and a half moons old. There's some confusion before the queen realises he's completely serious and this suddenly explains everything.
He gets asked by another queen and the elders. All of them come to the same horrifying conclusion that this apprentice is a baby oh fuck
So after some discussion, Bluestar suddenly has every queen, some former queens and every elder in front of her, complaining and trying to get her to realise she's training a toddler to kill. The most confusing day of her life honestly how did all these cats fit in her den
Bluestar, talking to Firepaw, realises he's absolutely lying through his panicked teeth when he says he's six and a half moons and definitely not three and a half. Well shit. What is she even supposed to do here? Un-apprentice him? Promote him to the name -kit? Just let him keep training but don't send him to battle?
I thought it would be kind of funny if they had to invent a whole ass new type of apprenticeship specifically for this situation. He's still an apprentice, but he will be 'mentored' by the queens in the nursery (cared for properly) and by the elders. It's his duty to help out around camp and learn what he can from the elders and queens, with Bluestar still being a involved, but less so. The elders give him tips and tricks for hunting and tell him every story they know, the queens mostly take care of him and he might get to go on herb gathering trips if he's lucky.
They just invent an early apprenticeship role for kits that mature a bit quickly or need something to keep themselves occupied specifically for him. I don't know if they'd ever use it again, maybe for four and a half moon old kits, but it's just funny to me they had to scramble to find a way to be reasonable adults in the situation whilst also not breaking his heart about not being old enough for an apprenticeship yet
Kid's gonna be so good at making comfy beds and knowing every piece of clan history possible by the time he's six moons mark his words. Boy got adopted by everyone and they had no say in the matter lmao
That would be really cute. A sort of pre-apprenticeship to keep older kits busy when they're old enough to be feeling agitated by being in the nursery all the time, but too young to be apprenticed.
Lol, the image of Firepaw smiling with a missing tooth and proudly saying that he's three and a half moons old. Same vibe as a little kid going "I'm this many years!" And holding up three fingers.
It would also be really funny if after all this Firepaw still managed to get in the exact same amount of trouble he would've as a normal apprentice. The whole clan is in a panic when he's missing from camp one day and he comes back with a banished medicine cat he found and fed (who taught him how to catch rabbits???)
The other clans probably think Thunderclan is irresponsible but no it's just this one child who has more trouble making ability than all the other apprentices combined.
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cactusisconfused · 4 months ago
Cw: homophobia (brief), fluff, not beta read, he die like Roach.
Soap has a stuffed rabbit when he was child, a gift from his mother.
Growing up, the stuffed rabbit was one of Soap’s favorite things in the world. He’d take it everywhere- the park, grocery shopping or even any outings that his family went on.
He had slept with it too, kept his nightmares at bay. But as he grew older he felt ridicules for having such ties with some inanimate object- at least that’s how everyone else felt.
“Don’t you think it’s time you’ve moved passed that stupid thing John? You’re growing up to be man, you got act like one.” His father had told him one night, as Johnny cradled his stuffed bunny in his arms. He was six at the time.
He still slept with it, but he hated the glances his father would give him. He hated hearing the conversations between his parents. How his mother would always say “John’s just a boy, let him grow up on his own.” His father would always just scoff and say that it would be her fault that he would have a gay son.
John didn’t really know what that meant at the time, but he was scared of disappointing his father, so he stopped.
He stopped carrying the stuffed bunny everywhere, stopped sleeping with it. And sure, maybe the nightmares became more prevalent, but he was being more of a man now, right? He was being what his father wanted, right?
Eventually, John found himself thinking less and less about the stuffed bunny, somewhere in his closet.
Life went on. He got through school, watched his older sisters go off to college and he himself into the military.
It wasn’t until a long while later, that Soap remembered the stuffed bunny once more. He had been part of the 141 for a little longer than a year, and dating ghost for five months.
They had a gap between missions, about a months worth of down time, something incredibly rare for their line of profession. This time off landed, in a dark ironic way, perfectly as Soaps father finally kicked the bucket.
Soap would be going back to Scotland for the funeral, and with the best puppy dog eyes Ghost could muster (a sight that will never get old given it’s coming from a walk of a man) Simon would tag along.
Soap was relatively quiet about his dad, but what he did speak about made him realize he really didn’t like the guy. Growing up, Soap tried not think about his father, about the disappointment that always seems to radiate off of him, how he was never good enough for his father. And you know what, yeah he is gay, so what?!
Soap showed up for the funeral and was filled with an almost sense of joy at how neither his sisters or his mother looked distraught over the ‘loss.’
Of course, Soaps mother was over joyed to see her son and be introduced to Simon, which was a fun scenario to watch Simon maneuver around in.
The night, despite the day of the funeral, was cheerfully fun. Soaps mother made a wonderful meal, that screamed nostalgia for Soaps, and his sisters who shared every single embarrassing story about Soap’s youth to Simon.
By the time they all felt their energies zapped from them, they retired for the night. For the first time in years, Soap stepped into his childhood room. The posters are still the same, along with the bedding and the books on his bookshelf.
“Never knew you played football.” Simon says softly, his eyes carefully looking over the few medals Soap has acquired from his school years.
“Aye.” Soap started, moving their luggage into his closet to make more space.
“Was a goalie. Coach didnae lemme’ play offense, said I was ‘too rough. Wasnae all bad though, I actually-…” Soap had started with a light tone the memories flooding back to him. He hadn’t meant to create a lull in his words, and really only realized he did when Ghost called his name, now behind him.
“Ahm fine, sorry I just…” At this point Simon’s eyes drift to where Johnny’s are looking- at a worn, slightly dust covered stuffed bunny.
Soap felt like he was a kid again as he saw it. Felt that same happiness, but felt that same tension. If he picked it back up, would he still be good enough. He knows his father was a dick, but it’s hard to erase the words from his mind.
What catches Soap out of his thoughts, is when ghost carefully picks up the stuffed bunny, so gently he might as well be holding a new born baby.
Soap ready’s himself for some comment making fun of him for having a stuffed animal, but instead he’s met with Simon’s soft look. Of course Simon would never say anything like that to him, now that he thought about it.
If Soap ends up taking the stuffed bunny back with him, his mother says nothing but gives a knowing smile.
And if and when Johnny and Simon retire Johnny sleeps with the bunny hugged between the two men, that’s for him and his husband to know.
Lmao this was actually so wholesome. I also typed all of this out on my phone and I’m tired so please ignore typos, I’ll fix those in the morning.
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doeeyedmeanie · 6 months ago
Heaven knows i’m miserable now 🍂
@sarcastic-cookie wanted to be tagged so!!
More jeremy appearances..
Tw ; death discussed..murder discussed… murder..suicide mentioned..Manipulation?
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The cold air hits you almost instantly, almost as instantly as the thoughts of murdering your mom and step dad swarm your head. Causing you to shakily take a breath and slide up , back against the pillows as you move to sit up, watching as the outside fog pools into your room..your window was wide open…you could have sworn you’d shut it.. You shake it off, maybe your mom opened it before she left to go shopping or maybe Alan had before going about his moving duties…? It didn’t matter..what mattered now as the fact you were alone…home alone with these new..horrible, disgusting and….somewhat interesting thoughts .
You could murder your mom and step dad…you could get away with it..it wouldn’t be hard to cover up either..no one knew you here , they didn’t know your family ; no neighbours had introduced themselves, your mother kept to herself when shopping..even back home so it’s not like she’d be making any friends here…and Alan hadn’t started work yet..he was just setting up the garage…a quiet place…sound proof too.. That’s how the kid before had murdered his father…luring him into the garage and asking him to help him with some wood work project before turning the electric saw on and ramming it into-
You snap out it , gulping as the thoughts spin around your head, causing the colour to drain from your face and..well..your entire body to shake..? not with fear but with interest..? you could actually get away with murder.
“You look awful today…did you sleep well.?” A voice whispers to you..but you’re too in your little murder trance to even notice that the voice doesn’t belong to your mom or Alan.
“y-yeah..i slept fine…” You mumble back , eyes stuck as you zone back into the world. Snapping back up and towards the voice…you gasp out , eyes stuck on the pale, thin, ghost like boy. Watching as he laughs and moves closer , putting his hands up dismissingly
“not gonna hurt you..” He hums out , smirking as he chuckles , “just wanted to check on you…see how you’re settling in..to..my room.” He stares , eyes stuck on you the same way a wild dog stares down at a helpless little rabbit.
“what do i want? is that your pretty little mind is wondering ? hm?..” He laughs , moving to kick a box out of his way , it flies against the nearest wall causing him to flex his wrists before he jumps to sit on the bed…perching on the edge as he smirks at you again, laughing, “oh well…you know..kinda want you out…it’s not like i’ve been so obvious with it..!” He sarcastically states, you move to slide away.
His hand shoots up, forcing your body back down, “not so fast…i was just about to convince you to kill your stepdad..don’t ruin this for me, pretty…” He laughs , evil shining deep into his pretty brown eyes . His hand drops from its ghost trance , he moves closer .
You open your mouth to speak only for him to roll his eyes , his expression no longer happy or even cocky…he was bored, almost tense by how you raced to speak and leave .
You stare at him , “convince me?” You scoff , glaring at him, disgust and..well shock playing on your face since..this was the psycho who’d murdered his parents in the house…who was now a ghost? who was now…sitting so politely onto your bed..
“yeah..? come on..it’d be fun…” He laughs out , “just do what i did…get him alone -“
“alone in the garage…show him my wood work project i need help with and..”
“drive the electric saw right into his skull…and don’t stop until he’s limp and bleeding out..” He finishes your interruption , laughing loudly as he rolls onto the bed , evil radiating from him as he continues to laugh at his father’s demise and his own actions . He sits back up once he realises you’re not the slightest impressed or even…laughing with him. You were scared, you had every right to be…he was trying to convince you to murder your step dad.
You stare at him, quickly moving away from the bed, moving like some sort of prey..worried he’ll attack you or even stop you with his powers. He sits up, watching as you scramble off the bed and over to the window , clearly panting as you try convince yourself you were still hallucinating.
He rolls his eyes , moving over to his old records and record player , bored of your behaviour and now trying to play a song…one of his comfort songs..maybe one he played before he butchered his parents . He looks back over at you before sliding open the record player , placing the vinyl inside before playing it . Putting the sleeve back on the table , slinking next to you as he scoffs at you.
The music hits your eyes..you’d heard the song before The smiths ; Back to the old house . It’s distracting..it’s only on a low volume but it’s loud enough to overwhelm you in this situation. Your eyes snap downwards, over to Alan who’s not messing around in the yard with power tools, obviously aiming to cut down the treehouse himself.
“he’s gonna kill himself….” Jeremy laughs, his hand ghosting over your shoulder before he pulls at your hair , not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to pull your head towards him, your hand shoot’s up to dismiss him only causing him to laugh at you as he now messes with the strand .
“Get off..!” You mumble at him
“i will…if you kill him.”
“i’m not gonna kill him.”
“you should.”
“so you leave my house ? let me go about my ghost business and…actually..” He smirks , pulling you along with him as he grabs a book ; the handbook for the recently deceased…
He flicks through it , pulling your hair so you can read it with him, he smirks before pointing to a page , “murder him…sacrifice him so i can swap with him…i can come back to life..and..we…pretty girl…can murder your mom together..!”
“i am not killing my step dad and i am not…helping you come back to life so you can go on another murder spree..!!” You gasp at him, which causes him to groan out of anger , throwing the book down on your bed before grabbing a fist full of your hair and pushing you back towards the window .
“you don’t even like him…!” He scoffs before his eyes return to Alan..alan who’s now..messing around with an axe ..
Alan who’s now…too weak to handle the axe..Alan who’s now fallen over , the axe stuck in the tree before it drops from a branch, falling before it hits his flesh…a wet squelch cutting through the air , bones crunching as the axe finds its way comfortably sunk into his neck, slicing it as his head rolls and hits the path below. Causing you to scream out , shaking your head as you quickly rush to grab your phone .
Jeremy laughs , “wow…guess we don’t even need to kill him-“
You’re quick to call the cops…screaming about Alan killing himself .
You return home after the local cops had interrogated you. Slowly slumping into the house , your weeping mother behind you. Her cries echoing through the house , tainting each room and..well filling the house with an incurable sadness. You look over to her, now hunched over the kitchen counter , stood right next to the..- no no this wasn’t about the ghosts you could see..this was about your mom. Her hands gripping the wine glass as she messily pours the wine bottle into the glass. You sigh out before pushing up stairs .
Blinking a couple of times, your eyes stung from all the lights and well…the image of Alan’s dead body . You sigh out before a familiar chuckle fills the small room
“there she is…!!!!” Before you can even speak, an arm snakes around your waist , lips ghosting against your ear , “hi..” He whispers against you, you don’t push him off. You don’t even speak, too traumatised to move . Almost slumping into him as he pushes you onto the bed, his free hand running through your hair
“look at you..huh…”He whispers against your ear, nuzzling into you as he practically cuddles you, “i’ll leave you alone if you sacrifice someone for me..!” He almost sings into your ear, chuckling but stopping once you don’t even respond .
He rolls his eyes, “you didn’t even like him.”
That snaps you out of it, your eyes dart back towards him as you try move away, almost crying .
“sh sh sh…pretty baby..poor baby..hm..” He whispers, cradling you as he cuddles more into you, “aw..poor baby can’t handle a little death…the death of a dickhead she didn’t even like..god you’re pathetic..” He laughs again before rolling his eyes , “fine fine..maybe you should just kill yourself if you’re gonna be so pathetic , huh? join me that way..?” Your eyes scan him for a moment before you push him off, watching as he scrambles up. He quickly disappears, leaving you to cry and sink lower into the bed as you hide under the covers; Jeremy��s words echoing through your mind once again .
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if-whats-new · 4 months ago
Meet the Team!
Who are we?
Just a few Interactive Fiction enthusiasts who love sharing their interests with the rest of the internet!
But we're also:
Heyo! I'm Aj (she/her)
I got into IF through the app called Choices way back in 2017 and since then there was no turning back. It wasn't until last year when I got into text-based IFs. A friend on tumblr reblogged 'Defiled hearts', it caught my interest and here I am deep down in the trenches of IFs.
Listing my favourites isn't an easy thing cause there are so many I love. So I will list some that have been on my mind for a while: Infamous, Press Play, College Tennis: Origin Story, Drink your Villain Juice, Golden, The Golden Rose, Our Life Now and Forever, We Wretched Creatures, TWC , The Lonely Shore, Blood Choke and Midnight Sun.
I mostly help out with finding IF news and game updates in the wild.
How you doing?!? I'm Bex (she/her)
I started my journey with Voltage (now Love365) and dating sims or Otome games on my PSP Vita *sheds a tear*. I honestly don't know how I came upon IF, but I fell in love with ​Our Life: Beginnings & Always around 2021?
My favourites? Hmm, currently it would be: Love and Leases, Adoriel's Tears, The Abyssal Song, Keyframes, Our Life 2 and a bunch of Kickstarters that I can't wait for!
Personally, I'm married with no kids! And I work full-time as an administrator. Boring, I know.
In regards to the Zine, I normally do the formatting. Basically taking everything the peeps have found and putting it all into the Zine. I try and write some of the Highlights and try to dabble in the Editorial (if my work doesn't get edited).
Hello!!! This is Briar! (she/her)
I am one of the interviewers!
I got into IFs this year, and boy, my eyes were opened, and I got so obsessed that I decided to write my own (The Mighty Shifter). My personal favourites are TWC, Infamous, God-Cursed, and Viatica.
I am a uni student who is studying English literature. What else...? Have an amazing day/night!
Hey, hi and hello! I'm Dion (they/he) *on hiatus
I started my journey into IF through Episode, but due to poor non-female MC representation, I soon began to look for something else. My friend then introduced me to text-based games through The Wayhaven Chronicles and Mind Blind. I've been going deeper down the rabbit hole since!
I'm literally majoring in interactive media. IF is my life now, send help. (/j)
Some of my favourites would be: Mind Blind, Shepherds of Haven, Reanimated Heart, Seven days in purgatory, Chronicles of Taldun: The Remainder, seekL, LLLLL (aka LATEX, LEATHER, LIPSTICK, LOVE, LUST) and a lot of the stuff DOMINO CLUB does. (There isn't only IF, but that's what I usually go for. Definitely check them out if you're into creepy indie stuff!)
I'd call myself the jack of all trades concerning the zine. As of now, my main job is to be the social media guy and to do the different exports (playable Zine, Tumblr, PDF/.txt). But I also help out with news-searching and compiling + editing stuff for the editorial, column, highlight, letter and thanks portions.
Hey all, this is Jenn (she/her) *on hiatus
I am a youth sports coach (fútbol, softball, basketball) based in Los Angeles. I am in the process of applying for a master’s program (Sports psychology).
I did write and code a couple of IF games but never finished. I am a perfectionist and I couldn’t publish something not up to my standards. I started reading IF a couple years ago and I couldn’t possibly name my favorite. Some of the most memorable IFs are: The Exile, TWC, Crown of Ashes and Flames, Infamous, WWC, Zombie Exodus: SH, The Golden Rose, The Fernweh Saga, and Crown of Exile. I can definitely add more…
Basic responsibilities: Scouring the internet for IF news and frequently updating our existing database. I honestly enjoy the challenge. On a good day I can find upcoming IF titles and newly released demos. It’s so exciting to find new IF because I know someone will eventually see the same potential I do in that new IF.
Ssuuuupppp, I’m Sir tuskhany (He/Him)
I am one of the lovely interviewers who’ll be asking questions, you know grilling fellow authors on their IF, WIPS and favourite characters. The usual. As to why or how I started, I gotta say its cause of books and great authors like Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. And their respective series wheel of time and basically the whole Comsere universe. I tried following in their footsteps writing a few books of my own. But like every writer most of these ended up being WIPs I either abandoned or stopped. Still I didn’t let that stop me and started posting some of them, I am the writer of Borne of the sands a static webnovel with a few chapters and Dusk and Dawn my current ongoing project(Still a work in progress so forgive the grammatical errors. T-T).
My favourite series are the Keeper of the Day and Night, Infamous, Wayhaven Chronicles and Blood Moon.
The current story I’m working on was inspired by these however most of my inspiration came from static or interactive cyoas like the Slayers v4, Supernatural Investigator, Demigod v4, A Traveller!s Tale and Universal War. If you haven’t heard of them please give them a go they are amazing.
Have fun and stay posted!
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i-eat-mold · 6 months ago
Opinions on 22 skk ever deciding to date?
ok guys you know i don’t often talk about canon/postcanon timeline skk but honestly its because i know if i begin i will get sucked into an endless rabbit hole. How can i possibly talk about this without foaming at the mouth? imagine how they feel about each other.
chuuya about dazai. dazai was the only “friend” he had in the mafia that had been with him since he joined. dazai helped him avenge all the other friends chuuya had that were murdered, both the flags and in the dragons head conflict, and as much as he might’ve hated the bastard, he made sure the sheep weren’t harmed and he always made battle plans that would give chuuya the choice to use corruption or not. they were together for so long, longer than any other friendship either of them had. Chuuya knew dazai was an extremely strange boy. despite his clown facade he could see glimpses of the sheer sadness and emptyness behind his eyes. Chuuya had gone through plenty of painful things himself, but he fought through it, the pain growing with him into his strength. and he wondered about what happened inside dazais head for him to be so utterly detached, so hollow, so sad. dazai saw chuuya suffer endlessly as a human, yet all it took to abandon him and his life in the mafia was odas death. just as in beast, he leaves with no word, no explanation, no goodbye, a relationship built on trust and unspoken respect. Chuuya, for as long as he could remember, was betrayed and abandoned and betrayed and abandoned and betrayed and abandoned over and over again. he knows damn well you can rely on no one but yourself, everybody leaves, everybody lies, and eventually dazai did too. he shouldn’t have been surprised but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. chuuya was left with a feeling of rage, pain, disappointment and hurt, yet again. yet again, the feeling buried behind his chest through the years, eventually becoming one more bitter experience that came back to the back of his mouth every once in a while when he thought about it.
dazai about chuuya. dazai was a child alienated from every adult in his life, always considered nothing but a monster and someone who you must never come near to. he made a friend, for one. he met a kid his age who he could play video games with and play prank wars against. he could mess with him and although they often found each other annoying, they were kids together. chuuya inspired him to keep living, at least to see what else could be out there, and while obviously oda was the nail in the coffin that made dazai turn sides, chuuya was the one who over the years shaped him into a better person and taught him about ethics (not in the most ethical ways but whatever). still dazai was born alone, he lived alone, and he would always be alone. on his hands there was a black sticky liquid that rotted everything he touched. he figured if he used gloves or was very careful of his every move he could go on about like a normal person but eventually everything and everyone around him stained, and the only way to prevent it was to not touch anything and stay away from everything he could slightly care about. chuuya was the complete opposite of him, his facade was of rage and annoyance but he had a heart so human and so big it couldn’t fit inside his chest, and personally i feel like dazai was deep inside at least a little jealous and grossed out by it. when oda, the only person who didn’t seem to rot away by the black stains died and he left the mafia he obviously couldn’t just delete chuuya from his mind, all those years of mutual respect and shared late childishness. he knew what chuuya had gone through, he knew he was an absolute piece of shit of a person for becoming just one more betrayal in chuuyas book, and he did it anyways. it became something that didn’t sit right with him for years.
years pass and their feelings, complex and painful, settle down in strange ways and aftertastes. you meet someone again, and they are a different person, and you are a different person, but the two children inside you are still best friends, soulmates, and you still know their worst fear and their deepest wishes, but you don’t know who will they hang out with on friday night, or how their job is going. you have to get to know each other again, you already know everything about each other, you know nothing about each other. theres a thousand things you want to explain, to cry on their shoulder about, to yell at them, so many healed scars to show them and so many open wounds to shove in their face, to forgive them, to tell them how much you resent them and forever will, to not say a word at all and yet have them understand all of it.
i personally think their relationship in their adulthood has so much to talk out and come to terms with, but they were partners for so long and so much love doesnt just disappear. if they acknowledged all the things between them that have gone unspoken since they were children they would make a great true couple.
1. because of how deeply they know and understand each other and how they always cared for each other wether theyd admit it or not and
2. because they are so utterly terrible and unbearable that them being together would be a disaster, but having them be with anyone else separately would be even worse bc the only people that can tolerate them are each other
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theaxolotlkween · 11 months ago
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Some Nanite Project headcanon doodles and their explanations, going from left to right:
I doubt that Rex would say this exact thing but the idea is that, being a fairly lonely kid and someone who was probably easily bored even back then, Rex would’ve pestered the people around him a lot, which you know. Fair. I hc him as being a lot like he is now, but obviously more childish. Because literal child. So very inquisitive, curious, trusting, and empathetic, but easily bored and reckless. I feel like he would play on his own (or accidentally injure himself climbing on industrial equipment which just seems like something he just. Did. It also makes him currently being an adrenaline junkie make more sense) until he got bored (or injured) and then pester all the scientists around him that would tolerate him for long periods of time.
Next up is that Van Kleiss and Violeta Salazar (Rex’s mom) had similar or complimentary roles on the Nanite Project and thus worked together a lot. Judging by how Van Kleiss talks about Violeta in Written in Sand, they probably had a similar dynamic to Rex and Van Kleiss in that episode, except with a lot less sand and threat of imminent demise. This would be really funny to me. Also pictured Rex just hanging out, because he seems like he would be a momma’s boy. He is acting out a very tense and dramatic romance between these two cars and they are finally about to kiss. I also feel like current Rex would love K-dramas.
I honestly don’t think Van Kleiss hated or disliked Rex when Rex was a young child. I feel like he would’ve found him amusing at best, annoying at worst, and sort of weirdly endearing, but never being outright mean to him. Based on the tolerance he has for Rex’s shenanigans in the show while he has almost none for anyone else, even his own allies, this had to have started somewhere. If Rex was a chronic botherer, then someone who doesn’t get easily or outwardly annoyed would be the perfect target. Van Kleiss also still is not explaining shit, his favourite activity.
Finally, Rex naming ZagRS. This is actually one that I’ve had since I was about 14-15 because there’s no reason given for her name to be what it is. Like it’s not an acronym like GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System), and it sounds kind of like Zagreus, an ancient Greek deity that I cannot find anything on except for who his parents might be and that he might have some connection to Dionysus. In canon, Caesar mentions that Rex speaking Spanish makes him laugh because he has trouble with pronunciation. This recently led to a whole-ass rabbit hole where I came up with the theory that Rex has just always had trouble pronouncing words because of ADHD, which fed into my already existing headcanon of Rex having named ZagRS. Also I think that Caesar was another person Rex bothered a lot because Caesar has a tendency to be pretty chill. I kind of wonder if they had to keep Rex away from ZagRS because she was designed to destroy any nanites that got out of the holding tanks.
I honestly love making these theories and headcanons so if you want to see more or have questions just pop me an ask.
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bihanslefttitty · 2 months ago
Crime. (Bi-Han x Y/N) Chapter 1. White Rabbit.
Summary: Y/N and Bi-Han meet as children on the aftermath of the tragic death of his father. He must run away and hide, but will Y/N see him again?
Word Count: 3.5k
C/W: Food insecurity, drugs, poverty, gang-related violence, implied parricide.
A/N: Resubmitting old fanfiction I had on my old account. I speak mainly spanish, so forgive any misspelling. I love Bi-Han very much so I hope you enjoy, thank you :33333
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It was a Sunday afternoon on an unnamed street in a place everyone had sworn they had lived in at least once. Y/N sat down on the sidewalk as they traced a drawing on chalk. A small white bunny is being chased by a blonde girl. Recently they had watched a VHS their brother had brought from his work at Blockbuster and it was played on a loop. It was all there was to watch, after all. Though Y/N did not mind at all, as a matter of fact. The movie had brought them comfort in the complicated days they had lately. One single egg on the fridge, yet their brother could do wonders in the kitchen.
Y/N mindlessly colored the drawing, filling the dress with a light blue. Blue. What a familiar color, they thought as they raised their head to the nearby house. The prettiest one in the neighborhood. Also, the biggest one. I had always been curious since it was a pretty poor neighborhood. Yet that family seemed to be well off. Blue and red lights blinked from the patrol car and ambulance parked in the neighbor's yard. It seemed like their neighbors had run into some trouble. What a shame. Their eyes scanned the scene as they watched the 3 boys who lived there abandon the place accompanied by a social worker. The eldest seemed perturbed. The kid was maybe one or two years older than Y/N. As he explained the situation to the social worker and his youngest brother sobbed in the middle child's arms, the black-haired kid locked eyes with Y/N as he furrowed his brows, almost as if telling them off. They were surprised by this and decided to lower their head and continue their coloring. Intrigued by what had happened.
It had been in the newspapers the day next. Y/N sat as they ate their breakfast and listened to their older brother read the news to them. "Tragic Accident unfolds on household: Man leaves 3 children behind." Y/N's ears perked. An accident, you say?
"What happened?" They asked as they stared out the window at the house in front, munching on the grilled cheese sandwich their brother had prepared. Y/N's brother shook his head and sighed.
"There was a loaded gun at the house. Apparently, it fell. The bullet ricocheted." He scratched his chin and closed the curtains so his little sibling would stop looking out the window. "I hear his oldest was there. Poor kid, I can't imagine what he's going through."
"Hey, Y/N. If you go play with the kids next door don't talk to them about what happened, okay? They don't need to be sad."
"Okay. No talking about them about their dad." Y/N repeated, then sipped from their glass.
Later that evening, they went to the kid's house, moving past the police tape, and knocked on the door, but nobody was home. Y/N sat down in the doorway and kicked their legs trying to survive their boredom. Their brother worked all day, so they had to entertain themselves.
As they moved surrounding the house, Y/N was surprised to see a window unlocked. Seizing the chance, they opened the window and climbed it, clumsily landing on a nearby couch. They closed their eyes for an instant, rubbing their back where they had hit themselves. Then, they stood up, scanning the place: The house was nice inside, too. That was something relevant for them to notice. There weren't a lot of framed pictures, but the ones they did spot looked almost… Militaristic, too serious, too still. Only one white-haired child smiled at them; the rest of the people featured usually kept a stern and reserved look. Y/N's eyes locked on the photograph of the eldest child: He was sitting in a chair and he covered half of his face with his hand, visibly annoyed. It registered on their mind that maybe he had not been upset with them for staring the day before, but rather, that he looked like that most of the time.
Finding the thought amusing, Y/N left the photograph in its place and continued their exploration of the house, heading to the kitchen.
They stopped for a moment as they saw an expertly crafted laboratory on the table. Y/N tilted their head as they approached, touching the glassware, fascinated by the colors of it and running a hand along the wood surface, stumbling over two small plastic bags containing two colorful pills each, read "drink me" and "eat me." The kid held them and inspected them. <> They thought, then scrunched their nose putting the bags down. They knew what Molly was. Their brother kept a few of those on his nightstand for when his nights became unbearable.
The kid pondered on what they had learned for a second. Well, that explained why they were loaded. Maybe it was time to leave. Y/N realized and made their way back to the living room, accidentally tripping and falling face-first onto the floor. They groaned, incorporating themselves only slightly, rubbing their face and realizing exactly where they had fallen.
A chalk drawing. Just like the one they had made the day before on the sidewalk, only this time it traced a human figure. An adult man's figure. Their breath hitched and they fell on their back, watching in horror the scene. The crime scene. Their stomach turned, and as they prepared themselves to leave-
Bump! A sports bag landed on the floor then a kid entered the house quickly. It was that boy! Their neighbor… The two children locked eyes an instant, and he flinched assuming a defensive stance.
"Who are you?" He pointed at them and lifted them up the floor with ease. "What are you doing here?"
"I- Uh-" They stumbled on their words nervously, then looked up and down at him. His eyes were red and swollen, and there was a hint of timidness behind his aggression. They noticed his hands were shaking. "Are you all right?"
The boy froze in place and pressed his lips together as he held back his tears, unsure of what to answer. Obviously, he was not doing good. He was a child out in the wild after his father died, and not knowing why, Y/N couldn't help but feel a terrible grief, the most horrendous pain striking their chest. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the kid in front of him begin crying… almost as if they had been crying for him.
Awkwardly, Bi-Han attempted to calm them down, patting their back roughly and looking around. "Hey, hey, it's fine." He muttered and ran a hand through his hair, flicking a tear out of their eye and forcing himself to keep control of the situation, as he always did. "Look. Stop crying, I need you to calm down." He attempted, and after a while, Y/N nodded and wiped their tears away.
Relieved, the boy sighed and stared at them with cold sternness, one that didn't belong to a boy his age. "Who else is here?"
"… no one- Just- Just me." They sniffed and hiccuped. Making the other kid roll his eyes and turn, desperately searching for things and turning the house upside down with quick ability. He looked tense, afraid of something, and that piqued their curiosity: Leaning over his shoulder as he ran his hands under the couch, finding the thing he was looking for. A… box of crayons? It was the same brand that Y/N used, the one with a white bunny on the front. He emptied the box in his bag. Bullets. Oh-
He discarded the box, and Y/N crouched, putting it in their pocket. He grunted and continued to get rid of a bunch of different stuff.
"If you're going to stay here. At least help me." He told them panicked. Y/N flinched and stared down at the black-haired boy, who didn't turn to look at them, too focused on his task.
"… What do I do?" Y/N asked, and he moved on his knees toward the TV, moving it and removing the money hidden behind it. He counted it concentrated.
"Go upstairs. You will see four rooms. Go to the first one to your right. That is my siblings' room. Next to the bunk beds, there's a trunk. Open it. Bring a pair of shoes of each size, then go to the closet and look for a pair of Pajamas, again, one on each size. Also shirts and pants…" He stopped for a second, thinking about what else would his brothers need. "Toothpaste. And their toothbrushes."
Y/N nodded then they turned to go upstairs, but he stopped them. "There's also a stuffed animal. The gray one, not the brown one… Tomas can't sleep without it." Bi-Han considered. His little brother being unable to sleep was his personal nightmare since he would have to take care of him. Too much responsibility for a kid his age.
Both had managed to pack everything in the bag Bi-han had brought and as he checked for anything else, Y/N tilted their head.
"You didn't pack anything for yourself." They noted, making Bi-Han flinch and shrug.
"Oh- Right." He stood up and approached the staircase, and while arriving at the second step, his watch beeped and his eyes widened. "I'm late!" Bi-Han made his way to the living room, abandoning the prospect of packing his own things. He grabbed his bag. Y/N was startled by his sudden change in attitude and grabbed his hand.
"Wait- Late for what?"
"there's no time! I have to go!" He approached the window and carefully jumped down, abandoning the place. Y/N's curiosity rose and decided to follow along, trying to keep his pace as they fell from the window and incorporated, running behind him.
"Hey, I helped you- At least tell me your name!" Y/N tried to reach him with her hand in a strange game of tag.
"Bi-Han!" He answered as he ran away, disappearing in between houses and bushes. They had to stop following him at some point, and as they panted, they repeated his name, out of breath.
"Bi-Han." What a kid. Certainly.
Y/N had only seen Bi-Han a few times after that. Spotting him twice at a bus stop. He held his youngest brother's hand and argued with the other about something. When they saw each other, Y/N waved. He simply nodded acknowledging their presence in response. Not the warmest response, but one that they appreciated, nonetheless.
It might have been a weird thing to say. But they had always wondered what exactly had happened to that boy after that incident. A kid taking care of his two brothers… They couldn't start imagining what was of him. Yet, Y/N hoped he was doing better.
They had kept the crayon box until it faltered and then cut it to incorporate it into her phone case as a small memento of that day. Somehow, it had survived time and kept them company.
It was 2024, and things looked better for Y/N. Working as a small artist and muralist, they were able to know a whole bunch of people and their stories. They related to a lot of them, that much was true.
Today, a bar had commissioned them to paint their wall accordingly. The <>, they muttered to themselves as they finished the design and took a few steps back to better appreciate the sketch. Y/N hummed contentedly. They had made a beautiful winter landscape as the man had ordered and wiped the sweat on their forehead. They continued their work, spray painting and doing the final linework with chalk, a weird habit they had gained since their childhood. With a satisfied sigh, they signed it "White Rabbit."
"Ah- Well, look at that." Tomas, the man who hired them lifted his head from the motorcycle he was currently fixing with his brother, Kuai Liang, and gave him a gentle nudge so he could also appreciate the work done on the wall. Kuai Liang smirked. "It's great." Then, turned back to what he was doing, checking the engine and tapping it twice.
Tomas palmed Y/N's back and shook them gently. "It's perfect, thank you. You did a great job." He snapped a picture of the finished work and grinned ear to ear. The man was very nice and they had managed to get along.
"Well, you gave me a lot of free reign to work with, so." They smiled back, then extended their hand to him. "Uh- About my check."
"uh? oh! Right. I don't do payments, sorry-." He shook his head and then elaborated. "My brother is in charge of that."
"Oh, okay." They turned to stare at Kuai Liang, who upon noticing their gaze. Chuckled and shook his head.
"No, not me. The other one. He's inside." Oh, there were three of them. Okay. Kuai Liang pointed inside of the bar, where a man sat down speaking to another. All right, time to talk to the another-other brother. Y/N nodded politely and entered into the bar, a cold space. <> They thought to themselves as they got closer to the table in the back, two long-haired men discussing something.
"You need me to enter this place and ask for their fee… Just to see if two recruits are ready?" The shorter man raised an eyebrow while he put his glass down. He seemed to be a bit indignant by the task assigned to him. The other man, in a more pacific manner, nodded.
"I need you to see if these two can handle for themselves." He smiled kindly, something that was only responded to by an annoyed grunt and a look of resignation. Y/N couldn't help but notice the strange dynamic, hoping they had not heard anything they might have regretted later.
Once the conversation was over, one of the men rose from the table and shook hands with the other, abandoning the bar and only acknowledging Y/N with a small "evening." To which they responded faintly. Then turned to see the man who was sitting. He looked familiar. Though they couldn't quite put a finger on it.
"Yes?" He asked roughly, and they shifted their position quickly. He was definitely not like his brothers, and he did not seem to be very blessed when it came to patience. They scratched the back of their neck.
"Yeah, uh- I'm the person that was just- The one that did your wall." Y/N blurted out as they observed the man lean back on his chair and lift his chin in a dignified and elegant manner. Wow. Just… Wow. His mannerisms. They belonged in what would have been the description of someone who held immense power, yet had not the need to flaunt it. It was disciplined, stern, and even-
"I can see that." He gestured at the paint stains on their clothing, and they looked down at them for an instant before turning back to see him and chuckling nervously. "What do you need?"
"Uh-. My payment" Y/N answered quietly, making him react slightly. They could have sworn they heard him scoff and smirk, but it had been such a rapid thing that they could not actually confirm it. The man grabbed his wallet and began counting, and they noticed something in particular as he opened it. A small cutout of the crayon brand they used as a kid. The one with the white rabbit.
"A hundred, a hundred and fifty…" He licked his thumb and continued. But Y/N had to get to the bottom of the issue.
"Do we know each other?" They asked bluntly, making Bi-Han stop what he was doing and stare at them in annoyed confusion.
"What?" He asked.
"Do we know each other from somewhere? Like, did we go to school together or something?" Y/N tried to guess as they tried to gauge Bi-Han's expression. His seriousness faltered slightly as his eyes darted around, trying to remember the person in front of him.
"Highly unlikely." He answered not very amused at the fact that he had to count the money all over again. And so, he began once again. "Fifty, a hundred, a hundred and fifty-"
"What's your name?"
Bi-Han stopped and put the money on the table, crossing his legs and tilting his head. "Do you want to get paid today?" He inquired in an upset tone. Making Y/N fall silent. The man was surely short-tempered. And that made it ring even more bells. They scrunched their nose and apologized. He sighed. "Bi-Han."
Bi-Han? Where did they hear that name before?
A memory flashed in her brain. The kid from so many years ago. Their white rabbit-. Huh. They went pale and sat down next to Bi-Han, who did not understand what was going on exactly and stared at them as if they were idiotic. Y/N took their time to recompose and smiled at him.
"We were neighbors. Once."
"Neighbors?" Bi-Han questioned, his eyes fixating on the person next to him as he checked their appearance, they didn't seem like anyone he knew. "I'm not sure that's true."
"I was in your house. The day you packed your things and left."
It was as if an old memory had come back to haunt him. His face turned pale and his body stiffened as he remembered why exactly he come to pack his things. The day after his father had passed, he had taken it upon himself to take care of his brothers as it was necessary. All to avoid them going into the system, especially not after what Tomas had gone through. Bi-Han remembered getting them to a bus stop and sending them away until he could actually look for them. It had been a tremendous task that in the end gave him the position he was in right now. The place his father had once occupied.
He had made sure there was no evidence left of himself in that house after what had happened. But he had forgotten one crucial detail. He was a child back then, after all. Bi-Han had not considered eyewitnesses.
After a long silence, he raised his head and glared at them. That nosy kid.
"Who else knows I was in that house that day?" Bi-Han took a sip of his glass, trying not to sound too aggravated. Which was difficult, considering the situation he was in.
"No one."
"No one?"
"I mean" Oh boy. "I told my older brother, but he passed. So I don't think it matters anymore."
So the only other person that knew was dead. Well, at least that was something, he thought to himself. But then again, that would leave him with that person. If they opened their mouth…
The statute of limitations was 20 years. Which would be due in two years more. He was not free of what had happened that day yet. Bi-Han was against the ropes. But he would not make a rash decision.
"Keep the change." He handed them a large sum of money making their eyes widen.
"But this… This is too much."
"It's fine. Just… Leave." He ran a hand through his face, then pointed at the exit. Catching the clue, Y/N left. A bit conflicted by the fact that he was not too enthusiastic about meeting them.
So that's what became the boy from the house in front of them. Huh. They thought as they drove their van back home. The man lingered in their thoughts. He was different, though that same stern older brother vibe emanated from him, still. They smirked, a bit entertained by the memory. They were glad for him. It seemed like he and his brothers were doing just fine.
Bi-Han sat conflicted as he fidgeted with a lighter, listening to the complaining of a traitor being corrected in the parking lot. Though his mind was somewhere else.
Y/N… They were a danger for everything Bi-Han had fought for. A danger for himself and one for his brothers. He did not trust anyone else but himself in that aspect.
With a gesture, he called his youngest brother. He wiped the grease off his face with a nearby towel and after putting it aside, he approached him. "Yeah?"
"That person. The one that came to do the painting job-"
"Who, Y/N?" Tomas asked as he ran his hands on his pants, making Bi-Han scrunch his nose in disapproval and hand him another towel with a grunt. He accepted it and smirked, amused.
"Yes, them. Do you have their number?" Bi-Han requested curtly, immediately annoyed at his brother's reaction. Tomas's eyes glowed in amusement, and he felt compelled to tease his older brother about it. However, once seeing his expression, decided against it.
"Yes. I do, actually. Do you want me to give it to you?" The younger man replied nonchalantly. Bi-Han nodded. And so, it was done.
He called them a few days later. "I need you to do a wall inside the bar as well. Are you available?" Bi-Han consulted them, and they chuckled.
"Sure, whatever you need." Good.
He needed to keep her as close as possible, gauge answers and make sure they would keep quiet for at least the two years they were left. That little arts and crafts project should keep them distracted enough. If not, he had other 3 walls to keep them occupied. Bi-Han just hoped he did not have to recur to other things.
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autism-autobot · 5 months ago
Lego Monkie Kid Fandom
Imagine if you will, that Black Myth Wukong exists in video game form in the lmk world.
(Spoilers for Black Myth Wukong bellow)
(I've been binging the cutscenes on YouTube, so I might be missing some things since I don't have the game)
MK decides to play it post Season 5, because of course he does, and is mortified by the beginning of the game.
The game starts out with Wukong's death at the hand of Erlang Shen and the celestial realm. We don't know at this point that Wukong and Erlang planned this because reasons. All we see at first is epic fight scene + Wukong gets got.
I doubt MK would be able to make it past that. On the off chance that he did, I think he would be floored by the portrayal of Red Son and his family because... if you've seen Red Son's (or Red Boy's) design, you know that that looks nothing like Red Son in LMK.
And then Red Boy ends himself.
Like... how would MK be able to make it past that?
Mei might be able to make it through the game (making jokes about Erlang being gay for Wukong once she gets to that part). If she does, she'll definitely tell spoilers to MK and Red Son.
And Red Son...
Oh boy...
The whole DBK affair + how Red Son was conceived and what for + his father's fate...
Yeah, he's not very fond of that game...
But each of them has to appreciate the work put into the storytelling and the soundtrack.
Imagine if they told Wukong, DBK, and Princess Iron Fan...
I think that's a whole other rabbit hole for another post.
@swkbiggestdefender @starrclown @istopaskingmemate @ainnur @nightmarebunnyking @then-be-a-warrior
@quitealotofsodapop @kyri45
People who are good at fanfics and au's
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Morg3n | Yandere Android
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Inspired by none other than Meg3n
“Emile (Y/n), meet Morg3n. Your new playmate and helpful companion!”
“Hi there, Emile, (Y/n)!” 
You let Emile hide behind your knees as the red-headed android pulled his lips in a simulated smile. Tilting your head in tandem with the robot you didn’t bother voicing your feelings and instead sent a look to the beaming engineer in question. 
“Alright, I know what your thinking but Morg3n is our attempt at a better and less…violent rendition of the failure Funki attempted to release.”
Taking a stab at the rival company, Huey flipped his lengthy hair. Smiling with pride he pushed the android to come closer gesturing to Emille who was set on squeezing your knees and rubbing his face into the back of your thigh. You patted his braided hair, looking back at him to see his pensive face. 
“Uhm does Emile have to…pair with…uh Morg3n?” 
Huey’s smile drooped reading the hesitation in your voice before waving his hands in front of you. 
“W-well don’t you go thinking it will be like that other one! No no Morg3n here is going to pair with both you two and the parents. So there will be no problem taking orders if you even have to give them out. Soo Emile, why don’t you pair up with your new best friend?”
The engineer tried again bending to his knees to try and meet the child’s eyes. When his attempt came up with no results, he sent pleading eyes to you. Shaking your head you turn to Emile who looked up to you as you made your stand.
“Alright Alright fine. I’ll go first. You can watch me do it first okay bunny?”
Emile gave a hesitant nod reluctantly releasing you to bend toward Morg3n who held his hand out to you. Placing your left index finger on the pad of its his hand, you waited as a soothing chime rang from the android’s system.
“Good morning (Y/n) (L/n)! I look forward to being of service!” 
“Uh, morning?”
Huey stifled a squeal, “Now that you’re paired Morg3n can watch over your vitals and contact you should anything happen.” 
You attempted to pull your finger away only to find that the synthetic hand was lightly wrapped around it. When you hurriedly pulled away standing at full height to see the android’s smile widen and its eyes closed.
“Thanks for the welcome, (Y/n).”
You slowly nodded, turning to Emile with a faux confident smile. Urging him to inch toward the android’s outstretched left hand. Like a frightful rabbit, the boy reaches his hand out to the android slowly stretching a single finger from his closed fist. Immediately after the chime, he pulled away returning to the safety of your legs. 
“Nice to meet you, Emile! Do you want to play with me?”
“I have some crayons if you want to color with me! It's the big kind with a sharpener!” 
He looks up at you and you shrug with a smile. 
“Go ahead Bun-bun, it's okay.”
It didn’t take long for Emile to open up to the android. Gasping at the coloring skills of the android he was back to his bubbly self hardly looking over to your seat in the room. Sitting on the pastel-colored bean bags with Huey you kept your conversation to whisper. 
“I can’t believe he agreed to this.”
“What? Do you not trust my work?” Huey pretended to guffaw with a hand over his heart. 
“It's not that Hue, it's just that the reputation with that software is far from good. And if he would’ve at least pretended to care–”
“(Y/n), I think you’re getting wayy too worked up about this whole thing.”
“‘Too worked up?!’ I am practically the only guardian this kid has! If he’s going to put him in danger at the very least he could show up every once in a while!”
“Its sounds to me like you’re overreacting.”
“It's not an overreaction to be concerned about your child’s safety.” 
You and Huey reeled back at the android who was standing a couple of inches in front of both of you. Taking a shaky breath you, adjust your position to sit normally; Huey did the same albeit shakily. 
“U-u-uh Morg3n? We hardly noticed you!”
The android didn’t react instead turning from Huey to you; letting an artificial smile take its face. 
“Emile says he’s ready to go. He wants to celebrate my induction into the family.”
Peeking from around the android’s body at the table they had saddled together was Emile. Smiling to himself as he awkwardly organizes his and Morg3n’s colorings. In a messy pile, he runs over to you handing the papers to you as he excitedly made his plea.
“Can we go to that red and yellow place? The one we go to when we’re being sneaky? I want to show Morg3n the cool toys you can get! ”
He gave his best puppy dog face, hugging the robot alongside him. Puckering his bottom lip at you, you shook your head while looking at Huey.
“Well, I think some fries are a palpable celebration.”
He joined in, batting his eyes along with Emile as you put your hands over your face. 
“Gosh, you guys are insufferable.”
“Wow, I will never get used to the average life of the rich.”
Huey busied himself with checking out the lobby of the mansion, while you carried a sleeping Emile inside. Familiar with the position you were prepared to kick the door closed, stopping when Morg3n did it for you. 
“Ah thanks, Morg3n.”
“My pleasure.”
The android matched your slower pace, arms holding the unfinished meals from their celebratory lunch. You hummed in approval appreciative of the help, attention pulled away by Huey’s distant yelling.
“Whoa! You have a hot tub!” 
You wanted to yell at him ‘I don’t have anything’ but you didn’t want to wake Emile. Focusing on getting the kid to his bed you made your way to the elevator. Hearing a distant crash of pots and pans you groaned, realizing you couldn’t leave the engineer alone. With your hands full and feeling desperate, you looked to the android who was already looking up at you. 
“Could you–”
“Direct him to the elevator, it’d be a pleasure.”
By the time you were finished prying Emile’s hands from your neck, Morg3n was waiting outside the bedroom with a quieted Huey in tow. 
“Hey, glad you were able to join me…how did you know where we were?”
“Uh, Morg3n has a highly educated program for GPS and floor mapping. All it really needs is a simple scan of the property and voila!”
You hummed a little sending a look at the now closed door and the red-haired android. Thinking for a moment you gestured for the both of them to follow you making your way into one of the many guest rooms on the same floor. 
“Huey you can shack up in this room for the time being.”
“Yes yes, I know the princess–”
“The princess curtains on the bed!!”
Like a child, he sprinted past you to curl himself into the translucent fabric. Mumbling daydreamy nonsense as he fantasized to himself. You shook your head again taking up Huey’s abandoned engineering pack and leading Morg3n to Emile’s play area. 
It was a modest space, compared to other children of similar status. There were some toys a single game system, and an easel surrounded by neatly placed paintbrushes and crayons. There was a small table with matching chairs, next to an outlet. With practiced ease, you set up the temporary charging station that resembled a child’s chair. “Well uh here you go Morg3n, Emile will probably come running first thing when he wakes up. So uh just charge up until then.”
“Sure thing (Y/n).”
“Uhm also Emile wanted to make sure you got your own blanket.” 
The android tilted its head as you moved to the linen closet. Pulling out a crochet blanket that had a pastel green and orange pattern. You walked back to the seated android draping the cloth over its shoulders as you tucked it in. Barely caring about the amber olive eyes watching you with precision.
“I didn’t really know your name so I couldn’t prepare it in time but give me a day and I’ll easily knit your name in.”
“Thanks again, (Y/n).”
*Yawn* “Yeah yeah don’t worry about it! Now charge up while I get my own nap.”
With that, you walked out of the room flipping the light switch off and closing the door of the playroom. Leaving the android that had lowered its head to open its eyes as it flashed streams of blue code all the while timing the nap its primary users were making.
“Come on then you two we have to make it to Morg3n’s appointment.” 
“Morg3n! Let’s do one more lap, pleaaaassseee?”
“It’s best to ask (Y/n) first.”
Big brown eyes and frowning lips turned to you in his charming puppy dog face. You kirked your head to the side with raised eyebrows to which Emile beckoned Morg3n to mirror him. You sighed before smiling and throwing your shoulders up. 
“Yay! Let’s go!”
“But when I come back, I want shoes on!”
“I will make sure of it, come on Emile.”
You shook your head carrying the basket of wet towels to the washer and dryer. On your way, you passed by the lounging Huey who was sunbathing with a tanning reflector. Kicking his chair, the engineer startled awake scanning around before spotting you disappearing into the depths of the estate.
“H-hey did’ya need sumthin’?”
You shouted without turning,” We’re leaving for the investment viewing in 20. Be ready. I’m not waiting for you.”
“Hey, I am the inventor aren’t I? How about a little respect?”
“Oh okay, Mister Inventor are you riding with us or taking a taxi?”
“Are you kidding?! I’m riding with you guys! How can I go back after discovering the wonders of a limo.”
You laughed as you turned to the hallway of your destination. As you loaded the machine you could only hope the meeting passed without incident.
“What a glorious reinvention!” 
“Hopefully with better software this time!” 
“Shut up you this thing’s going to be the biggest thing the black market has ever seen!”
“And if we can guarantee it works as intended it’ll be more than just a glorified ipad.”
It sounded as though the investors were pleased by both demonstrations. You shifted your feet and adjusted your suit, feeling stuffy in your professional wardrobe. You kept your eyes trained on Emile and Morg3n watching as they played as usual, occasionally flicking to the former father. Who was rubbing at his bearded chin as he watched his son or more likely the android.  A pit was forming in your stomach as you could visualize the gears turning in his head. 
It wasn’t long before the investors had trickled out, off to their complimentary brunch leaving you, Huey, and Emile’s father to enter the testing room. Looking up from his building blocks Emile stumbled crashing into his father’s suited legs. 
“Dad! I’m so happy to see you! I really really wanted you to meet–”
The android stood upright, glassy eyes trained on the man.
“Yes sir.”
“Who are your primary users?”
“Dirk Filler, (Y/n) (L/n), and Emille Filler.”
He chuckled in disbelief, “Nice.”
Emile visibly deflated as he stepped out of the way to watch his father inspect and prod at the android. Your heart ached at the way Emile tried to mask his pain, letting his arm swipe at his eyelids. Walking over to him you rubbed at his shoulder, a silent show of support to his pain. In response, his hand moved to hold onto yours.
“This is spectacular! The polymer skin type you’ve used makes for such a realistic look.”
“Thank you, sir!” 
The two continued to converse; with Dirk gushing over Huey’s decisions. Both are completely oblivious to the tension. Fed up with it you turned to leave with Emile stopping when Dirk jokingly called out to you without turning from Morg3n.
“Off so soon? Wouldn’t you like to be included in one of the greatest achievements in history?”
“Forgive me if I’m wrong this has been done before has it not?”
Huey flashed you a look of horror while Dirk let out a belly laugh finally turning around.
“So fiery today! What, haven’t had your fill of coffee this morning?”
“I’m actually more peeved that you haven’t greeted your son for the entirety of this meeting.”
“Oh is that all?” He sent a mocking wave directed at Emile before putting his hands up. 
“There happy now?”
“No. You know what I meant.”
“You are impossible to please.”
“I’m not the one who’s impossible. Now if you’ll excuse us.”
You picked up Emile who was already wetting your shoulder with tears as you made your way out of the room. 
“Come on Morg3n.”
Already trotting past Huey and Dirk was the android. You continued to walk out already hearing the tapping and mechanical whirring of Morg3n on his way. Dirk laughed again slapping his thigh before shouting out.
“Ha think about it (Y/n) pretty soon that little bots going to be able to do your job without the nagging.”
Morg3n’s whirring stopped and so had his footsteps as he turned to face the man. You stopped turning to hear Mog3n’s automated voice.
“That’s not possible. Human children require a healthy and emotionally intelligent guardian to raise them. Even if that person is not the original parent or working on their own.” 
Morg3n wasted no time continuing to walk to your side leaving Dirk and Huey in stunned silence. You hid a smile behind Emile’s head as you began to walk again. While Morg3n’s voice was monotone the sass was there and everyone understood it. 
“Thanks, Morg3n.”
“No problem, (Y/n).”
It is the dead of night. All subjects in the estate were fast asleep. Save for the engineer who was staring down his creation. 
Posted in the darkest corner of the room was Morg3n watching both his primary users slumbering within (Y/n)’s designated bed. With no illumination but Morg3n’s own glassy green eyes; Huey would have missed him otherwise. 
Unable to find sleep, the engineer could only find solace in the programmed behavior of his creation—specifically the need to charge. Only to find that the android’s charging station was vacant. 
It scared him. 
And if it scared him he knew he’d best tell you. The one friend who seemed to have a sense beyond the common kind. Like a savior, he relied on you often so it’d behoove him to inform you of such disturbing blips in the android’s system.
But looking into the unmoving eyes of the android, he had a sneaking premonition that he shouldn’t reveal the mechanical threat standing guard in your room. 
“Rghh Hue? What’dya want?”
“Uh…water…I don’t know how to use y-your fancy fridge.”
You groaned, patting half-asleep Emile before creeping out of bed. He was slow to follow watching how those glowing eyes trained on him as he followed you out of the room. Somehow feeling safer as he walked further away from the room with you as the lead.  He didn’t bother watching the door to your room creep open further, instead rushing to your side as you led him to the kitchen.
Perhaps there were still a few bugs from the original model. 
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months ago
MKEgged AU-
Someone tells the younger Spicynoodles children that their parents aren't going to love them when Spicynoodles announce their second bio baby.
Spicynoodles have to pretend to be very stern when they're called in the school about their older kids fighting and biting the idiot. The minute they're out of sight, Xiaotian asks who wants ice cream for being good siblings.
The second MK pregnancy occurs in the middle of a very awkward time.
See, MK and Red had been in the process of adopting the little calf twins Shuixian & Chuju + their protective foster brother Zishan.
Red and MK had started talking about the idea of adopting another child around the time the girls (Xuancao & Yingsu) had started primary school. Each of their three kids had come to them from unusual circumstances, and it only seemed "right" to open their hearts to one or more little ones lost in the foster system.
Megapolis, being like any modern city, still has orphans and abandoned children who need homes.
And sadly, demon children are most often forgotten...
It was relatively easy to organise a visit to one of the group foster homes and meet the children there. MK and Red made sure to downplay their identities, hoping that the organisers wouldn't try to "sell" them on a child.
During their visit, a pair of calves slowly approach the couple out of curiosity. They barely reach past Red's boots, and tip-toe inch by inch as the couple are greeted by other hopeful children. They share the same ragged plush rabbit doll, each twin holding an arm.
Shuxian & Chuju: (*very shyly point at Red Son's head, patting the little budding spots on their own skulls*) MK, understanding: "Oh Red~ I think these little ladies want to see your horns better." Red Son, surprised: "Really? You want to see my horns?" Shuxian & Chuju: (*happy nodding*) Red Son, kneeling down: "That's no issue. I'm half-bull demon myself. My horns only grew in the last few decades..." Shuxian & Chuju: (*pat at Red's usually-hidden horns, their little hoofed fingers unfazed by his fiery hair. It's like they've never seen another ox demon before.*) Red & MK: (*share defeated, adoring smiles*)
They think's the most adorable little thing on the Mortal Plane. And Xuancao & Yingsu had been requesting that they bring them home a baby sister or two...
Shuxian & Chuju (named for their yellow and white furs respectively) are a pair of minotaur-like ox demons. They had been passed over for adoption many times due to their lack of humanoid features. For the longest time, they had only each other to lean on. For all anyone knows, Red really is the only other ox demon they've ever seen.
However, as the couple ask if the girls would like to come and live with them - the calves shake their heads.
Red Son: "Hmm? How come?" Both toddlers: (*walk toward the older kids' section of the foster home, pointing at a door with "time-out in-session" written on a crude sign*)
MK and Red share curious looks. Did the girls have an older sibling?
Inside the room they see a little boy, about the age of five, sitting alone in a pen amongst the empty play room. He's been crying, and appears to have scuffs on his face.
The demon couple immediately inquire about the boy - only for the owner of the group home to brush off their concerns.
Group Home Organiser: "That's Zishan. He's been having these random tantrums where he starts headbutting everyone, boys and girls alike. He's not related to anyone as far as his birth record shows. I think your potential girls are attached to him for some reason."
That "some reason" is quickly discovered when another child in the group home pushes one of the calves to the ground during playtime. The girls' beloved rabbit plush is torn out of their hands.
Zishan lets out the loudest roar he can and rips the netting of the "time-out pen" open; charging at the larger child.
It's love at first sight for MK and Red. Their new girls had long anointed the "troublesome" child their big brother since very first time he had a "random" headbutting spree.
You could say that they "Bought 2, got a 3rd extra!".
As the parents are at home finalizing the paperwork - MK has a sudden Feeling.
The same Feeling he had around the time he learned he was pregnant with Haoyu...
MK: "Red, hun?" Red Son: "Yes, my dear sunflower?" MK: "When's the last time we did Bedroom Twister?" Red Son: (*chokes on drink at the sudden question*)
One emergency-pregnancy test later and...
Red Son: "Five weeks..." MK, silently panicking: "Yup." Red Son, hugging him close: "The children will have opinions on the matter." MK: "Yup." Red Son: "Are you considering options?" MK: "Yeah. But you're gonna think I'm crazy." Red Son: "Try me, Noodle Boy." MK: "I still want to bring the girls and Zishan home... but I still want this baby too? Demon Monkeys cook for two years according to Wukong and Mac, so it's a lot of time to prepare." Red Son: "And it's very early to announce. The children can settle in and adapt long before we tell them." MK: "You're on board too?!" Red Son, genuine smile: "MK, back before I even had the courage to admit my feelings for you, I said I wanted to be with you for the whole ride. And I will do so again no matter how many times you choose. Even with three extra passengers." MK, happy crying: "You're such a sappy bull!!" (*throws arms around Red's neck and kisses her*)
Shuxian, Chuju, and Zishan are welcomed into their new home and family within the next week. They quickly single out Yeye Bull as their favourite grandparent, The old demon king is completely spellbound the girls' adorable cow-eyed faces and their brother's protective-if-hot-blooded nature. DBK is somehow even more soft than when he met Haoyu and the older girls.
This perfect family dyanmic becomes strained when it gets harder for MK to hide his condition...
Wukong, gold-vision activated, pointing at MK's stomach: "Egg." MK, eating three bowls of noodles: "Egg." Wukong: "How long?" MK, nervous smile: "About the same time the trio came home with us?" Wukong, tired smile: "You're a Shí Bǎomǔ through and through, MK." MK, confused: "Thanks??" Wukong: "Hopefully she isn't as eventful as Haoyu was." MK, excited: "SHE!?!"
The pregnancy announcement goes as expected. DBK and PIF are overjoyed and immediately demand to know the due date and if they have thought of any names. Pigsy and Tang both have minor fainting spells before hugging their son tight, both crying incoherently. Mei and Sandy start comparing ideas for a new baby room. Macaque goes into "grand-monkey-mode" and quietly grooms MK's fur, mumbling that the baby will have dark hair. Xiwangmu and the Ox great-grandparents are also ecstatic, jumping in each other's arms like dear girlfriends.
But amongst the joy of the announcement; someone (likely Li Jing tbh) makes the accidentally-insensitive declaration of "Now you'll have a real daughter!"
*record scratch sound*
The room gets quiet.
MK and Red get this look on their faces, soon followed by every family member with a braincell.
They realise that all of the children are present, and their face's have just dropped. The older twin girls, Xuancao and Yingsu, run from the dining table - trying to subtly hide their faces. Haoyu looks confused; why are they upset? Don't they know they are *real* sisters?
Similar moments like these occur through out the next week or so.
Zishan is the most explosive. Alone, he throws his plush monkey toy (his "welcome home!" gift) to the ground and screams that he hates them.
Shuxian and Chuju revert to the silence they once held when they first met the couple. They even begin storing their most precious items in garbage bags under their beds. As if they're preparing to be moved to another group home...
Not even reassurance from their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, or even Mei seems to lighten their spirits.
It all comes to a boiling point one day when MK gets a call from the primary school.
There's been a fight.
At first, MK and Red assumed it was Zishan - he did have earlier altercations with other children that year. Or even the elder girls - both were bottling up a lot of emotions, and it wouldn't surprise them if either had lashed out in class.
But when they get to the office they see Haoyu.
Haoyu. The same child who's only stain on his academic record was "singing too loud in class" or "lost focus and fixated on spider on his desk for an hour".
Their eldest child has a black eye and tissue shoved up his nostrils. He looks wrecked. But the kid beside him looks like they met the business end of a chair.
Which it turns out they did.
Apparently there was an incident. A classmate in the lunch room had claimed that Haoyu's parents "had no need for the fake kids" anymore - in front of the monkey demon's little sisters...
It doesn't take a genius to imagine why.
MK and Red do their best "aghast parent" acts as Haoyu is given a month of detention. The offending child is given the same for their insensitivity and rough-housing.
The moment they get outside and start walking to pick up the younger kids, MK gives his son the biggest smile ever.
MK: "You're a good brother A-Hóng [little rainbow]. I'm proud f you for sticking up for your siblings." Red Son: "I'm impressed that you didn't send that child to Diyu. You certainly have better self-control than I would have in your shoes." Haoyu: (*surprised tiny smile. His one adult fang is chipped.*) :3
The younger children are surprised and overjoyed when dinner that night is ice cream and cakes. Pastries cooked by a very proud Granddadsy and Yeye Bull.
The very public demonstration by the eldest Spicynoodles child seemed to quell much of the worries the younger children had about the up-coming baby. In their minds; it proved that their big brother saw them as his *Real* siblings no matter what. The chipped fang his seal of promise.
And maybe that means that Bama and Baba, and all their relatives aren't lying when they say that they're *Real* to them too.
A week later at the end of a PTA meeting' MK nearly gouges the eyes out of one of the other parents after overhearing them ask why he "didn't return the rejects" when the pregnancy was discovered. the fight got out of hand. Pigsy joins in on MK's behalf after telling him to not stress himself out.
Seems that over-defensiveness comes from his side of the family.
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erikiara80 · 16 days ago
Something about Jonathan and different timelines
In every season Jon feels guilty for not being there when something bad happens to Will, but he's also the character who always notices Will's struggle, and the one with the camera, who films (just the good stuff!) and takes photos, like the only photo of the Demogorgon.
He observes people and captures the right moment-> the truth
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I think they're hinting at something with Jon not being there, but also the one who sees important things.
I wonder if this means that (theory 1): when something bad happened in the past, he was there but didn't do anything/ didn't help, because he was scared. Or did something that made things worse.
Or (theory 2): if there is an original timeline that was split into two because of the experiments, maybe the family... changed. Maybe Joyce was originally married to Hopper and they had Will (and another kid? El? Sarah?) But then Lonnie Byers did something to Will (in The first Shadow he says he stole baby Jesus from the nativity scene, and in the show there are hints at a car crash). And if that's when the lab took Will, the week as the subject of the program mentioned in the newspaper at the end of S1, it's possible that another timeline created a different past in which Joyce married Lonnie, like Lorraine married Biff in BTTF Part II. And they had Jon. So now we're seeing a wrong timeline that has new elements and elements from the original timeline. A labyrynth of memories and people perfoming in a silly, terrible play -> not living their real lives...
Joke or clue?
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There are many references to rabbits in the show, and Jon is the one who says that Lonnie made him kill a rabbit the day of his tenth birthday. Then Jon cried for a week. Maybe that means that in the timeline we're seeing, he's taken the place of someone else in the family? He sort of "killed" them when a "new timeline was born?"
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And who knows what happens when the two timelines finally combine
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In Dark Crystal, the heroes must heal the Crystal of Truth and make it whole again
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At the beginning of S1, Jon says that he should've been there for Will
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He also says that he wasn't around when his parents loved each other. And they associated this with guns and killing rabbits. Interesting.
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End of the season
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In S2, he tells Will "I'm sorry I wasn't here"
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End of the season (it's 7:04 pm. 7+4=11)
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In S3, Will says "You weren't there?" when Nancy tells them about Mrs Driscoll being fully possessed in the hospital, a parallel to Will in the cabin. In fact, I don't think it's a coincidence that it's Will who points out that Jon wasn't there where he was needed. But this time Jon says: "Well, I'm here now"
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End of the season
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And in S4 Jon is often stoned and tells Will that he's sorry he wasn't there for him, because he was hiding from his own problems.
But he reassures him that he will always be there for him, no matter what (they better not erase or kill this wonderful boy)
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He always sees the truth
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Another thing I noticed. In S2 we learn that Jon was there for Will when they built Castle Byers together, after their father left. But if the timeline theory is correct, and there are two timelines, I wonder if the father who "left"/was separated from his family, is actually Hopper, Will's dad (who's in the shed with them, btw). Building Castle Byers would make much more sense. Will didn't really need a place to hide after his violent father left, but he would've needed it if the timeline had changed and the man who hurt him had become his father. Like Biff becomes Marty's father in BTTF, after he kills George.
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Another possible hint is that Lonnie seems to only "care" about Jon. He's an awful father, but he tells Jon to move to Indianapolis, so he can see him more. He doesn't care about Will at all. Yes, because Will is queer and Lonnie is homophobic. But maybe this is also how the writers are subtely telling us that Jon is his son, but Will is not.
More strange details: the Will and Jon photo in 1x01
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